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MMA Bjj Wrestling Striking
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bulldogclan · 4 years ago
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Grappling . . #BullDogClan #Bologna #BrazilianJiuJitsu #bjj #jiujitsu #leglocks #CrossTraining #mma #ThaiBoxe #Fitness #Wellness #team #health #corsi #palestra #fit #benessere #fightcode #grappling #teaching #class #kids #bambini #flowjiujitsu #leglock  #格闘技 #competition #junior #wrestling (presso BullDogClan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGDK7wApa_5/?igshid=12qtuuam5qvp1
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bulldogclan · 4 years ago
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Thank you @shoot_team_academy for the rolling! 💪🏻 . . #BullDogClan #Bologna #BrazilianJiuJitsu #bjj #jiujitsu #leglocks #CrossTraining #mma #ThaiBoxe #Fitness #Wellness #team #health #corsi #palestra #fit #benessere #fightcode #grappling #teaching #class #kids #bambini #flowjiujitsu #leglock  #格闘技 #competition #junior #wrestling (presso Shoot Team Academy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFm_ihliPqD/?igshid=c88ap7j9t5za
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bulldogclan · 4 years ago
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The best way out is always through: keep going Moddafokka!. . . #BullDogClan #Bologna #BrazilianJiuJitsu #bjj #jiujitsu #leglocks #CrossTraining #mma #ThaiBoxe #Fitness #Wellness #team #health #corsi #palestra #fit #benessere #fightcode #grappling #teaching #class #kids #bambini #flowjiujitsu #leglock  #格闘技 #competition #junior #wrestling (presso BullDogClan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFh0gfsicMZ/?igshid=o3pn32mbbk65
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bulldogclan · 4 years ago
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A prerequisite to success in any endeavor is "showing up". Bjj class: This evening 18.30; . . #BullDogClan #Bologna #BrazilianJiuJitsu #bjj #jiujitsu #leglocks #CrossTraining #mma #ThaiBoxe #Fitness #Wellness #team #health #corsi #palestra #fit #benessere #fightcode #grappling #teaching #class #kids #bambini #flowjiujitsu #leglock  #格闘技 #competition #junior #wrestling (presso BullDogClan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFbg212i4WB/?igshid=1x3se29jq29dw
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bulldogclan · 4 years ago
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Here we go Moddafokka! We are going to start: 15 September 2020 at 18.30 See you on the mat with @alberto__agostini . . #BullDogClan #Bologna #BrazilianJiuJitsu #bjj #jiujitsu #leglocks #CrossTraining #mma #ThaiBoxe #Fitness #Wellness #team #health #corsi #palestra #fit #benessere #fightcode #grappling #teaching #class #kids #bambini #flowjiujitsu #leglock  #格闘技 #competition #junior #wrestling (presso Stadio Renato Dall'Ara) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFJ0KELC3vg/?igshid=1abrmepaksz84
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bulldogclan · 4 years ago
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Domani ripartiremo con il #BJJ. Poche semplici regole che conosciamo già tutti ma che vogliamo ricordarvi: ⭕️ Si entra ❗️ESCLUSIVAMENTE❗️ con la mascherina che dovrà essere indossata per tutto il tempo in cui si permane nelle aree comuni; ⭕️ E' fatto obbligo di compilare il modulo di autocertificazione che troverete all'ingresso; ⭕️ Gli ingressi sono contingentati quindi è ❗️OBBLIGATORIO❗️ prenotarsi attraverso il servizio Iprenota (link nella descrizione account); . #BullDogClan #ichiban (presso Stadio Dall'ara Bologna) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFHNJjxCY26/?igshid=zezzuwbcaurz
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bulldogclan · 4 years ago
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Ci siamo! Il 15 settembre partiremo con i nostri corsi! Saremo presenti alla Palestra 20 dello Stadio dall'Ara di Bologna con una grandissima novità: il BullDogClan si evolve, lascia il passo alla nuova generazione e per questo sarà rappresentato da Alberto Agostini che curerà tutta la parte del BJJ e del Grappling e da Tommaso Rossini che seguirà tutta la preparazione fisica con il Functional Training. <Attenzione!> Causa restrizioni Covid le lezioni saranno contingentate, quindi se siete interessati non esitate a mettervi in contatto con noi! We are back Moddafokka! #BullDogClan #ichiban (presso Bologna Stadio Dall'ara) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFB2UBYijIu/?igshid=1hi04te6887km
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bulldogclan · 5 years ago
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OK... lo sappiamo... siamo spariti dalla circolazione per un pò... Ma adesso siamo tornati con una grande notizia: ci spostiamo in una location molto più vicina al centro! Dove andremo? Pazienza amici! Ve lo diremo a brevissimo! . . . #BullDogClan #Bologna #BrazilianJiuJitsu #bjj #jiujitsu #leglocks #CrossTraining #mma #ThaiBoxe #Fitness #Wellness #team #health #corsi #palestra #fit #benessere #fightcode #grappling #teaching #class #kids #bambini #flowjiujitsu #leglock  #格闘技 #competition #junior #wrestling (presso Bologna, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEER-3ni-oh/?igshid=kir0ro20680t
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bulldogclan · 5 years ago
This video was taken before the lockdown 🔒, it's part of a project that we couldn't finish... We decided to share those short videos 🥋 just to keep your mind trained. Keep healthy Moddafokka! 💪🏻 If you need a personal help don't esitate to contact @alberto__agostini! . . #BullDogClan #Bologna #BrazilianJiuJitsu #bjj #jiujitsu #leglocks #CrossTraining #mma #ThaiBoxe #Fitness #Wellness #team #health #corsi #palestra #fit #benessere #fightcode #grappling #teaching #class #kids #bambini #flowjiujitsu #leglock  #格闘技 #competition #junior #wrestling (presso BullDogClan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAX4P4dizXl/?igshid=7kbr5vt11c7a
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bulldogclan · 5 years ago
Things are moving, stay strong! We will be back soon! . . #BullDogClan #Bologna #BrazilianJiuJitsu #bjj #jiujitsu #leglocks #CrossTraining #mma #ThaiBoxe #Fitness #Wellness #team #health #corsi #palestra #fit #benessere #fightcode #grappling #teaching #class #kids #bambini #flowjiujitsu #leglock  #格闘技 #competition #junior #wrestling (presso BullDogClan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAU1ClFiU7X/?igshid=8hruoe6kqdn2
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bulldogclan · 5 years ago
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<<Segui sempre le 3 “R”: Rispetto per te stesso, Rispetto per gli altri, Responsabilità per le tue azioni.>> (Dalai Lama) Se mostriamo rispetto, vuol dire innanzi tutto che dedichiamo il nostro tempo e la nostra attenzione a chi ci circonda. Vuol dire insomma che non procediamo come se fossimo da soli. Non facciamo finta che non stia succedendo nulla. Lo so, siamo abitudinari... Io per primo lo sono... Sapere che la mia routine viene sconvolta mi destabilizza... E' tutta questione di #CONVIVENZA E #REGOLE. Rispettiamo le buone pratiche della convivenza, rispettiamo l’osservanza delle regole. Più lo facciamo e prima usciremo da questa situazione. Stay strong Moddafokka, bad days will pass! (presso BullDogClan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9gwycEJfKY/?igshid=wgn0uaplv9ni
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bulldogclan · 5 years ago
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Ok, no bjj this week, no grappling, no MMA. But never mind! We could learn how to be a ninja instead! Stay safe Moddafokka! . . #BullDogClan #Bologna #BrazilianJiuJitsu #bjj #jiujitsu #leglocks #CrossTraining #mma #ThaiBoxe #Fitness #Wellness #team #health #corsi #palestra #fit #benessere #fightcode #grappling #teaching #class #kids #bambini #flowjiujitsu #leglock  #格闘技 #competition #junior #wrestling (presso BullDogClan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9XCKeHCJbU/?igshid=1sztl61npbviv
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bulldogclan · 5 years ago
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Thanks @rubbo91 for the visit! Strongness and freaky 10th Planet tecnique. . . . #BullDogClan #Bologna #BrazilianJiuJitsu #bjj #jiujitsu #leglocks #CrossTraining #mma #ThaiBoxe #Fitness #Wellness #team #health #corsi #palestra #fit #benessere #fightcode #grappling #teaching #class #kids #bambini #flowjiujitsu #leglock  #格闘技 #competition #junior #wrestling (presso BullDogClan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Ppzf3IkfG/?igshid=qix01gh470al
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bulldogclan · 5 years ago
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Noi oggi saliremo di nuovo sul tatami? Voi cosa fate? #BullDogClan #Ichiban (presso BullDogClan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8_Mb8qCOa4/?igshid=rz1xka5n9pvx
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bulldogclan · 5 years ago
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Let me show you our future army! . . . #BullDogClan #Bologna #BrazilianJiuJitsu #bjj #jiujitsu #leglocks #CrossTraining #mma #ThaiBoxe #Fitness #Wellness #team #health #corsi #palestra #fit #benessere #fightcode #grappling #teaching #class #kids #bambini #flowjiujitsu #leglock  #格闘技 #competition #junior #wrestling (presso BullDogClan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8f9YPXCq-b/?igshid=1hcxplpe1nj7d
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bulldogclan · 5 years ago
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Imitation it's the sincerest form of learning . . . . #BullDogClan #Bologna #BrazilianJiuJitsu #bjj #jiujitsu #leglocks #CrossTraining #mma #ThaiBoxe #Fitness #Wellness #team #health #corsi #palestra #fit #benessere #fightcode #grappling #teaching #class #kids #bambini #flowjiujitsu #leglock  #格闘技 #competition #junior #wrestling (presso BullDogClan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8HpEhLiMp0/?igshid=1lzoqqjyvhf56
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bulldogclan · 5 years ago
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Kids training . . . . . #BullDogClan #Bologna #BrazilianJiuJitsu #bjj #jiujitsu #leglocks #CrossTraining #mma #ThaiBoxe #Fitness #Wellness #team #health #corsi #palestra #fit #benessere #fightcode #grappling #teaching #class #kids #bambini #flowjiujitsu #leglock  #格闘技 #competition #junior #wrestling (presso BullDogClan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7eSkoNi9Yw/?igshid=1vpmvu9nqehmm
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