ptarmic · 1 month
dare i say i just had an incredibly lovely time with a boy
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ragnarokhound · 1 year
aHaha she can't even regulate her own BODY tempery what a loser,,
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ecstasydemon · 11 months
my nose has decided that it's gonna sneeze nonstop today. yeah sorry it's gonna be an all day thing and maybe even tomorrow. yeah it really sucks i cant get up to do anything
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fight4me · 1 year
you ever sneeze so hard your soul leaves your body
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naughtybunnies · 2 years
gonna start callin snot nose cum
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orcelito · 2 years
Either I have a very acute sense of smell or Tally's poops are VERY, VERY stinky
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jojolimons · 1 year
blah i hate having sinuses i hate having sinuses i HA—
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bioswear · 1 year
Literally just heard someone leave their house and then SNEEZE one of those “I definitely sprayed spit” sneezes in the hallway 🤢
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cherrychapati · 2 years
currently sick please send in asks so i don't just rewatch every single one of my comfort shows for hours on end <3
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jimmyhoffathecat · 9 months
thank you all for the well wishes!!! Jimmy has been a little congested and sneezey lately so we brought him to the vet today. he has an upper respiratory infection and is on some antibiotics and has been prescribed an immune boosting supplement and a high calorie diet. little man is on the road to recovery and will be rambunctious in no time :)
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horsesarecreatures · 3 months
Little Toby does big sneezey. 😊
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Too powerful for the camera to capture!
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farthertothemoon · 2 months
I would like to know more about sneezey dragon man if it isn’t to much to ask!
(Plz info dump I’m begging 🙏)
Also, I’d let him tap.
Hehe howdy anon, thank you so much for this ask!!
So so so his name is Rarriem (he goes by Rari) and he's a half dragon hybrid who as you know, has blue flames. He's from a Dungeons and Dragons like world (not actually a DND character, just a fantasy character I made up)
Because he's only half dragon, certain parts, such as his nose function a little oddly- as in because he has the nose of a dragon, it's way more sensitive than normal with nostrils that can flare quite wide, taking more irritants in.
He's got moderate spring allergies, a severe allergy to dust, and a severe allergy to feathers (which has made for some very interesting experiences in taverns with hotel rooms that have feather pillows- he's banned from feather pillow taverns nowadays :3)
He always sneezes in fits, it's very very rare for him to sneeze just once or twice in one go. His fits generally last between 6 to 7 sneezes, each one fiery and messy- however when he's sick, his flames don't work and he's a complete wet cat of a man, pathetic, clingy, and oh so sniffly. His sneezes while sick are just messy and wet with pitiful puffs of blueish smoke, adding even further to that pathetic wet cat look he gets. If he coughs too many times while sick, the vibrations irritate his sensitive nose and make him launch into a heavy fit, and if he sneezes too many times, it makes him cough- you see the vicious cycle right? (Or as a friend of mine @veersnz said: a viscous cycle :3
He himself has the kink, but was not born with it. He discovered it upon finding out that someone in his party had it, noticing the way they watched him sneeze and would sometimes comment on how much he rubs his nose. This led to him finally cornering said party member and making himself sneeze until they admitted their kink, causing him to tease them with his sneezes from then on whenever either of them wanted it. Over time, he realized just how hot it was after hearing his party member describe what they liked it about it and developed the kink himself, enjoying others sneezes and his own :33
He's also 10 ft 2 in or 3.01 meters thereabouts and he actually has wings, but living in a world of magic, he can make them appear and disappear at will (aka I did NOT want to draw them lmao)
Anyway, hope you liked all this!! If ever you or anyone else has other questions about Rari or any of my characters feel free to ask!! Thank you again!! <33
Also I have an art piece I'll be posting later of him >:3 it's related to the whole teasing his party member thing
And same anon, same.
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circifox · 3 months
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Drawtober 2023: Solar Sneeze
I recall the prompt for this at the event I was working on alongside Drawtober was a solar flare or solar storm I think. I don't have personifications of the solar system yet, so I thought Solaris would be the closest thing. Different gods may appear different depending on sickness. With Solaris, since he has a big ball of fire-like hair, I imagine his hair gets smokier-looking to indicate that he's not feeling great. Also tends to sneeze fire. The sneezing fire part is pretty difficult to deal with. Especially as he'll burn tissues. Solaris, Penelope Browne- Me (@circifox)
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natjennie · 6 months
I wish I could be a spring lover like you guys I really do. I love her in theory. but she hurts me so bad in practice I simply can't do it. I am so sweaty and sneezey and itchy and hot. I'm sorry I can't love you the way I should spring.
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restlesscrybaby · 2 years
I really love your writing style ✨I was wondering if you could do something with the reader taking care of a sick jack?
Yes yes I can!!
You knew that well enough.
You guys sat in his office, but you had been taking care of dusting and sweeping the shelves and everything. Your head turned towards him.
You already told him he didn't look good.
Did he listen?
Of course not.
Now, he was pale, no color to his cheeks, some snot easily running down from his hooked nose, his eyes tiredly blinking as he reached and pinched a tissue from the box, easily pulling towards him and pulling one out. He brought it to his face, covering his nose with it and soon you heard the sound of snot practically shooting into the poor napkin.
You sighed, as you quietly approached, as you used a hand to set it upon his shoulder. You said he should go home, it's obvious he's sick.
Did he want too? Of course not!
He needed to be here. He couldn't miss work for anything!
But, soon, you bribed him.
Of course, by pleading, probably even by tearing up.
You chose to go with him, as he waved a hand towards a simple assistant, who wrote down tasks for the day. She had the ground for the day. He must've believed he'd only need a single day. Ha.
He took small steps, not the big strides he usually did. His chest wasn't propped out, even hunched just a tad. His hands were shakey, it was obvious he didn't feel good, yet he never listened to you.
Of course, he got taken home with you, as he leaned against the cushioned seat of the carriage. His eyelids draping over his eyes, but they shot open every now and again. He was tired. You were so worried.
"Jack?" You mumbled out, as one of your hands slid towards his, easily snaking it to his hands. Your fingers intertwining the best they could with his.
His eyes peered over, soon focusing on your being. He sat up, seeming to struggle. Everything must've hurt. Duh. Because he was sick! What a fool! You used your other hand, putting it on his upper arm.
"No, no," Panic struck your tone, like some earthquake, "Just lean back, okay?"
He was confused, obviously. He questioned you, you could tell he was sick. That snotty voice that bubbled out of his throat when he spoke was even a bigger hint.
You told him you were going to take care of him.
He shook his head. No. No. He didn't need help to be taken care of. He knew he could handle some little sneezey-coughy.
Of course, your face fell into a face of aggravation, your expression reading 'Are you serious?'
Soon, you both got home. You watched as he stumbled just a bit, as he entered the front door. The water wheels on the side of the home did their favorite routine, as you followed inside after him. You closed that large mahogany door with your hip, as you slid off your shoes right beside the door. Of course, he was already in bed, relaxing under a blanket you had bought for yourself. You didn't mind, really.
You stepped in, as the sheer canopy curtains showed his silhouette, just laying there.
He knew he could get up and get himself food, drinks, medicine, he can take care of himself. Maids will just cook, make the drinks, buy the medicine, that's all.
But, you knew better.
You gave him time.
Soon, you made a delicious chicken noodle soup. The noodles curled only slightly, the carrots were bought from Peter Rabbit's Carrot Craze, perfectly cut and seasoned into the soup. Bits of chicken that you made sure to cook just right were cut and put in it, making sure it was just good enough. You poured it into a large China bowl, hearing the splash and the sizzling as it settled into its new home. The rest was sat back upon the turned off stove. You carried it, carefully to rhe room as you silently approached the bed..
You opened the curtain, as his eyelids raised up, slow like a theater curtain. His eyes read tired, as you held out the soup.
He easily tried to lift up, but you told him lay back. He fell back, the beds wood practically creaking in agony from the pressure.
You held out the hot bowl of soup, but you thought for a moment. You picked up the spoon, scooping some of the soup into the spoon and holding it up to his mouth.
He was confused, so confused. Don't treat him like a child.
But you pryed. And you kept prying.
Of course, eventually he opened his mouth, as you pushed in the soup into his mouth. He closed and he ate the soup.
And you returned the routine.
Until he was done, as you set it upon the desk. You prepared to press your wrist against his forehead for his temperature, but he suddenly grabbed you.
He wrapped your arms around your waist, picking you up and holding you close, as though you were a teddy bear. He curled up his legs, his face burying deep into your hair as you gasped.
You tried to reason to get out.
But he didn't budge. He squeezed you, as you heard him mumble something that you could tell was him asking you to stay right by him.
Oh, how pitiful he got when he got sick. His eyes closing as he started to fall asleep, now you were truly stuck.
Now, most of the time, you had to slip out and make sure to get his food ready for his sickness to be able to go away. You gave him medicine. Got him drinks. You had to plead for him to let you go.
Luckily, he soon started feeling better.
Bad news.
Now you're sick.
Me when tests make me rush;
Enjoy tho!!
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