#gonna have to clean it up of course but im contemplating whether i should take that into the vet too
orcelito · 2 years
Either I have a very acute sense of smell or Tally's poops are VERY, VERY stinky
0 notes
pengouiz · 10 months
We Won't Work in the End, even so, I Keep Hoping Pt. 1
wedding planner!heeseung x fem!reader
content: 1.5k words, angst, hyunjin is reader's fiancé, reader gets married too quick lol, like one cuss word, hyunjin's mom is a bitch, heeseung is kinda a flirt, thats pretty much it
a/n: omg first rodeo kind of nervous guys🫣 pt.2 will be out some time idk
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ house of cards - bts ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Pt. 2
You shut the door as you let out a heavy sigh. You curse yourself for being so irrational. Hyunjin is a great boyfriend. However, you did not expect to be engaged after three months of dating.
You had just gotten home that day after getting a promotion at work. Hyunjin grinned at you as you walked in through the door. He had made you guys dinner that night, and he rarely does that. Everything that day had been going your way.
“Thank you baby, the food tastes amazing.” you say before stuffing your mouth once again. You guys were nearly finished eating, that was until Hyunjin got up from his seat.
“Y/n you’re the most amazing girl I’ve ever met” He says as he gets on one knee, pulling a box out of his pocket, “You make me happier than I could ever describe in words and I wanna take this step with you. Will you marry me y/n?”
And that's how you ended up here, dress fitting with hyunjin’s mom.
“Hurry up y/n! there's still more to go through”
You look at yourself in the mirror, brows furrowed as you analyze the way the dress fits your body and fills the spacious fitting room. it's too tight, making it difficult to breathe. You’ve lost count of how many dresses you’ve tried on.
You unlock the fitting room door and make eye contact with hyunjin’s mom. She's always had an opinion on your guy’s relationship, never believing any girl was good enough for her son. You try to be accepting of her judgmental personality, after all, she's gonna be your mother in law.
“It's too tight and I hate how long it is.” you say in an exhausted tone.
“Oh but y/n, it's perfect! Plus, it's only for one day and I'm sure hyunjin will love it.” she challenges
“I appreciate you helping…” you pause, contemplating on whether you should say what you're about to say, “but this is my wedding so why should it matter if you like the dress?”
“Of course it should matter! I’m the only one who knows what's best for him” she says condescendingly.
You scoffed, going back into the fitting room to remove the dress. You put on your hoodie and sweatpants, feeling relieved to be back in comfortable clothing. You check the time, it's almost time to meet with your wedding planner.
“We can finish this tomorrow, I have to meet with the wedding planner” you say, walking past Hyunjin’s mom.
“The least you can do is pick a dress. I knew you weren’t good enough to marry my son.” you decide to ignore her irritating tone and begin walking to your car, being too tired to argue and knowing Hyunjin would take her side, he always did.
You arrive at the cafe, scanning the tables in an attempt to find your planner. You spot a guy, typing on his laptop, taking a break to drink his coffee. You walk up to him, hoping you read him right.
“Hi are you a wedding planner by any chance?” your voice quiet as you scramble for your phone, trying to find his name “Lee Heeseung?”
“Yeah I am, im guessing you must be y/n” he answers as he pushes his glasses up
“Yes! Yes, that’s me” You put your hand out to shake his. He grabs your hand and gives it a firm shake. You smile as you wait for him to pull his hand away but he keeps his eyes on you. You clear your throat and he finally lets go.
“Sorry” he mumbles, “We should get started”
You and Heeseung talk until it’s dark outside. You discuss the budget and the venue for the wedding, along with getting to know each other. You look around the cafe, realizing the staff is cleaning up and getting ready to close.
“It’s getting pretty late. Could we finish this tomorrow?” you ask as you stand up.
He smiles at you, “Tomorrow works for me.” shutting off his laptop and stuffing it in his bag.
You walk out of the cafe with heeseung and walk towards your car. You see heeseung begin to walk and for a moment you wonder if you should offer him a ride.
“Hey um would you want to ride with me? I mean you know, I could take you home. It's the least I can do since you're planning my wedding?” you ask, unsure of why you're hoping he takes you up on your offer.
“If you really don't mind, I would love to” He smiles at you
He gets into the passenger seat of your car and you start driving. It’s quiet, both of you enjoying the view of the city and the comfort of night. You want to say something, desperate to start a conversation with him. Luckily for you, he speaks up first.
“What made you want to get married?” Curiosity laced his voice as he glanced over to you, watching you come up with an answer.
“I wish I could tell you a happy reason, like I fell in love with him or I believed he was my soulmate.” you say, gripping the wheel tighter, “But no, I said yes because I had just been in a good mood. That's it, that's the reason. And I’m not even sure it's what I want anymore” you sigh, feeling relieved to say that.
You both stay quiet for what feels like forever, the tension of your outburst lingering in the car. Heeseung doesn’t know how to comfort you, especially since you just met 5 hours ago.
“I’m sorry, today’s been chaotic. I didn’t mean to dump that on you” you say, hoping you didn’t scare off your wedding planner.
“No worries. You’d be surprised how many couples I meet that definitely aren't ready for…” He trails off, realizing what he said. “S-sorry I didn’t mean you and hyunjin I’m sure you guys-” 
You cut him off, “No it's okay, you're right. Hyunjin is so caring and he’s great but it’s all too much, too soon. I mean come on, his own mother doesn't like me. He always hears her out, always takes her side, but what about me?” You don't realize how loud you're yelling or how your voice begins to break. You blink back tears, looking everywhere but Heeseung, too embarrassed to look at him.
You park your car in front of his apartment, upset at the fact that you wasted that entire car ride whining about a marriage you agreed to. Heeseung thanks you for the ride but before he closes the car door, he says something that warms your heart.
“Marriage isn't always easy y/n. I’m here to help you, we’ll get through this together. It’ll be okay, even if your soon to be mother-in-law is a bitch.” you find yourself giggling at heeseung’s comment but quickly pull yourself together to say your goodbyes and start driving home.
“Where have you been y/n? I’ve been waiting for you!” Hyunjin says as soon as you shut the door of your home.
“I was meeting with our wedding planner” you say as you pour yourself a glass of water, feeling your fatigue set in. “Really? Cause that's not what my mom said” Hyunjin spits back.
You put, no, you slam your cup down onto the counter. “Oh yeah? And what exactly did she say, Hyunjin? Since your mom seems to know everything.”
You look at him, your eyes piercing through him. “Why are you so tense y/n? What's your problem?” Hyunjin asks, shocked by your hostile behavior. “My problem is this!” you wave your hands in the air, “This Hyunjin, your mother is always creating problems between us and you do absolutely nothing about it.” There’s silence in return. You and Hyunjin just stare at each other, except you’re fighting tears and hyunjin looks completely unbothered?
“I don't know what you want me to do y/n. that's my mom, I can't accuse her of lying” he says monotone. By now you’re sobbing from frustration and Hyunjin’s inability to care, “I am your fiancée Hyunjin, soon to be wife! So why is it you can accuse me of lying? Why are you able to defend her all the time but you can't seem to defend me? Why is it you believe every word that comes out of her mouth?” you storm upstairs, no longer wanting to talk and explain yourself over and over again.
“Wait- y/n! Let's talk please!” He chases you but you slam the door of your shared bedroom in his face and lock it. You hear his pleas and his attempts to get you to open the door but you’ve heard enough today. “If your mom is always right, why don’t you go over to her house huh? Why don’t you go ahead and tell her about this, I’m sure she’ll pamper you like always.” you say as exhaustion consumes your body. Before your eyes close, you hear the front door downstairs slam shut and you’re not sure if you’re disappointed or angry, maybe both.
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zukosdumbbitch · 4 years
work on ao3
pairing: jet/f reader
warnings: smut, arguing
wordcount: 1873
a/n: im srry but i needed to get this Out of my brain. characters are 18+
It was just at the crack of dusk and you were tidying up the room you shared with Jet in the freedom fighters’ scattered treehouse. You were Jet’s age, the two of you barely functioning adults, stubborn, opinionated, and to Jet, devastatingly alluring. He loved the clashing of your personalities, the way you so often disagreed with him and kept him on his toes. He loved his absolute authority in the group, but more than that, he loved a pretty girl deliberately challenging it.
You didn’t mind the arguments as much as you maybe should have. You saw through manipulation like sunlight through a clean window - clearly, immediately, and without doubt. Jet knew better than to mess with your head. And you knew he had a real soft spot for you - despite how much he’d try to hide it around others. You really liked him, even if he was a real pain in the ass sometimes.
Today was one of many designated days Jet and his favorite group of fighters would scout your woods and the neighboring areas. They would come back with food, that they stole, hunted, or plucked from wild plants, or with news about strangers arriving in the area and discussion of whether or not they were a threat. Jet would often return late, having taken it upon himself to do one last sweep of your unofficial territory. Normally you would join him, but you had stayed back to help the younger orphans patch up their clothes or whatever toys they managed to keep.
You carefully put your sewing kit back together, counting all the needles and neatly winding the thread. You closed the small wooden box and noticed a figure appear in your peripherals.
“Hey, baby.” You heard Jet say and you turned to see him leaning in your makeshift doorway, curtain draped behind him.
You went to embrace him and his hands came to rest on your waist. “Any good finds today?” You asked.
“Yeah, Longshot got a nice rabbit. Shot it right in the eye.” Jet pointed to his eye and you made a face. You hated killing animals, but their meat was good food and their fur provided material for blankets and clothes. Jet’s ever present smirk widened teasingly at your reaction. “He’s preparing it with Smellerbee. We’ll have a good breakfast tomorrow. Plus, I got you something.”
You looked at him curiously and he pulled out a glittery silver chain from the pouch hanging on his hip. Hung from it was a round, honey-orange stone with a simple lily carved into its surface, similar to the pai sho tile. “Oooh,” You cooed, taking the necklace into your hands and feeling the smooth stone. “It’s beautiful. Where’d you get this?” You contemplated the material of the stone. Was it amber? Carnelian?
Jet stiffened and said nothing. He found it hard to lie to you. Of course.
“You didn’t jump another innocent person did you?” You asked, desperate for him to say no.
His brows furrowed.
“Jet!” You scolded and he snatched the jewelry from your grasp.
“Smellerbee was right. Shouldn’t have given it to you.” He said bitterly, shouldering past you into the room.
“You can’t keep doing that to people! Did you take all their money and food again? Did you at least let them go without beating them senseless?” You prodded. Your anger boiled in your voice, remembering all the times he returned with food stolen from nomads and the other times that ended in violent confrontation.
“I don’t know why you have to get so upset! They could have been a Fire Nation spy for all you know!” Jet shot back, arms raised.
“Not everyone is a fucking Fire Nation spy, Jet!”
“Yeah, because you would totally know one if you saw one. I very clearly remember having to save your ass after getting kidnapped by a soldier!” He stepped closer, towering over you.
You, however, would not back down. “That doesn’t mean you need to beat up and rob every stranger you see! What is wrong with you?”
“I am trying to protect these kids!” Jet shouted, nostrils flaring.
You were red with anger from his lack of empathy. “At the expense of literally everyone else?” You hollered back.
Suddenly, Jet grabbed your face and smashed his lips to yours. Your fingers knotted into his dark hair. It wasn’t uncommon for your arguments to end like this. It was your way of forgiving one another.
Jet pulled away, teeth pinching your bottom lip and pulling. “You’re the worst.” You groaned and Jet pushed you down to the bed.
“You’re so god damn annoying.” He responded as his lips chased yours and he pulled you in for another searing kiss.
His hands wandered down your backside, grabbing your ass and kneading the soft flesh. You hissed against his lips, hands fumbling with the closure on his pants and untucking his shirt. His tongue lined your mouth, making you shiver as you pushed the makeshift armor from his clothes. He gave your ass a hard smack and you yelped in surprise.
“Why does everything have to be a problem with you?” Jet gruffed against your lips.
“You cause problems, Jet!”
He growled into your jaw and pushed you unto your back. He pushed your knees apart so he could press himself close to you, hips digging into yours. You groaned, tugging on his hair as his lips traced your jaw. His teeth dug into your neck in a hard bite and sucked at your skin, only moving along once he saw deep purple gathering in the indents of his teeth. You squirmed when he found your soft spot, thighs rubbing uncomfortably against his sides and you rolled your hips back against his. Jet was relentless, marking up your neck and collarbones and you impatiently tugged at his shirt and whined.
Jet leaned back on his heels and discarded his shirt and wrist wrappings. You pulled your own shirt over your head and rid of the binder confining your breasts and Jet was upon you once again. He palmed your breasts and his lips trailed down your body. He tugged at your pants and you heard the button snap off.
“You need to stop fucking tearing my clothes!” You seethed.
Jet responded by silencing you with a harsh kiss. He pulled again at your pants and you pushed them down along with your underwear as far as your position would allow. Jet sat up and tore the rest of your clothes from your body and began to make work of his own. You watched him, taking in the lean muscles that rippled under his golden brown skin.
Jet grabbed you under your knees and tugged you forward before taking his erection in his hand and rubbing it across the wetness along your folds. You keened, bucking your hips for more attention and Jet smirked down at you.
“You want it, baby?” He asked, voice husky with lust.
You nodded, grasping his shoulders.
“Beg for it.” Jet commanded.
You groaned. “No.”
Jet growled, smacking your thigh. “Beg or I won’t let you cum for the rest of the month.”
You scoffed at him. “I don’t need you to do that.”
Jet grabbed your face in one hand and pressed his lips back yours in an angry kiss, teeth clashing. He rubbed the tip of his dick slowly against your clit, making your hips roll. “Beg for it.”
“Sounds more like you’re that one that’s begging.” You panted.
Jet grunted in frustration and conceded, slamming into you with one swift thrust of his hips. You mewled loudly and clawed at his shoulders. He gave you no time to catch your breath and held you down by your throat, setting a bruising pace that left your eyes rolling. You hiked your thighs high on his torso and dug your heels into his back.
“Fuck, you’re so tight.” Jet moaned. He grabbed under your knee and pressed your thigh next to your chest, allowing him to fuck you deeper. You squirmed under his constraint, whining helplessly as that knot built in your belly. You reached down to rub your aching clit, but Jet caught your wrist. “Nah-uh, baby girl. You’re gonna have to get off on just my dick.”
You had no response, the fast pace of his hips making any words you could form catch in your throat. You clenched around him and raked your nails down his back, digging as hard as you could into his skin and eliciting a groan.
Jet suddenly pulled out and spanked you. “On your stomach, baby.”
You rolled over and Jet quickly possessed your hips, pushing back into you without hesitation. If he was brutal before, now he was just ruthless. “Oh fuck!” You cried, moaning into your pillow.
Jet gathered your wrists against your back and plowed into you. Tears brimmed at your eyes with how good he was making you feel and you pressed your hips back against his thrusts with all the strength that was left in you. You were getting close to your orgasm, that knot winding tighter and tighter as your pussy clenched hard around his cock.
You heard Jet let out a deep moan and that was all it took. You trembled, expletives leaving your mouth as Jet fucked you hard through your orgasm. “Fuck yes, baby girl, cum on my cock.” Jet praised and grabbed your ass with both hands. Your newly freed fists knotted into the sheets as you mewled at the overstimulation, thighs quaking and giving out under you.
“So good,” You cooed, Jet grabbing your shoulder to pull you back against him.
You let him continue to slam into your tender g-spot, loving every second of your drawn-out high. Jet swore and pulled out to release on your back.
You allowed yourself to go limp against the bed and Jet fell unto his back beside you. You tried to catch your breath.
Jet grabbed a scrap of cloth from the nightstand and threw it at you.
You rolled your eyes as you took it. “Don’t be fucking rude.” You grumbled, though your words had little bite.
Jet sighed. You both laid in silence for a few moments and you found your canteen and took a swig water.
Jet put out his hand. "Let me get that."
You secured the cap and answered, "No."
Jet looked at you incredulously. You stared back and he began to move toward you. You hid the canteen behind you. "Y/N!" He scolded and you giggled as he grasped at it and you held it from his reach.
"Say you'll stop jumping people for no reason." You insisted.
"Baby girl, I can't promise you anything." He swung at your hand, but you managed to keep him from grabbing it.
You frowned at him. He got a hold of your wrist and despite your protests, he took the canteen. "Dick." You pouted.
Jet took a healthy gulp of water and said, "Y'know, all we did was search him and take that pendant. We didn't hurt him."
"Still shouldn't have taken it."
Jet swung an arm around you and pulled you in to kiss your forehead. "Whatever, baby." 
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ask-chef-teruteru · 4 years
(Hey mod. Um, sorry if I'm coming off as annoying, but are my asks getting through? I know your inbox may be flooded, but it's just I haven't seen an ask in a while. Sorry if I seem like I'm nagging. Anyway, if everything is fine, then sorry again, but if you're overworked, maybe turn off asks for a bit until you clear out.
-Poem Anon)
Tumblr media
[You’re not being annoying, no worries, and I’ve gotten your last few asks. Actually, you’re right too and I’ve been contemplating closing my inbox and taking a hiatus for about the last week now 😔
Maybe y’all have noticed, maybe not, but I just haven’t had the amount of time to devote to asks lately that I usually do and while I’ve tried keeping to my usual number of scheduled asks per day, it’s really only been ones that I could answer quickly.
I’m not going through any kind of hard time offline and my interest in Danganronpa and Teruteru is just as passionate as ever, so I’ll definitely be coming back, but I feel that it’s for the best that I take some time for myself to recharge and devote more time to answering the asks that I think y’all might particularly enjoy rather than just focusing on just trying to stick to a schedule that isn’t keeping me from falling behind anyway. Including these two, I currently have 192 unanswered asks in my inbox (albeit some are similar questions that I’m saving to answer at one time) 14 drafts of things I want to answer, and I’ve been feeling more and more guilty for every day that I don’t have the time to help promo someone new in the community or respond to a thread that I’m interested in or go forward with a thread that someone wants to start with me or even finish off the event that I was originally hoping to have done back in July. Im sure some of you noticed that I didn’t technically even finish the much-requested M!A either, and that was because I planned on doing +15 and more sprites and didn’t get that done. The problem isn’t that I’m disinterested or annoyed or don’t want to do these things, but that I’m trying to do too much at once and it not panning out is making me discouraged.
Even now I really don’t want to do any spring cleaning in my inbox because I have absolutely ANCIENT asks that I still want to answer even now, likely at least an entire year later for a couple of them. More than that, I don’t want to close my inbox because hearing from all y’all means the world to me and truly gives me something to smile about even on the toughest days, and I don’t want anyone to think that they can’t talk to me or that I don’t want to hear from anyone or that I’d be halting asks because I’m no longer having fun. I can guarantee that just by posting this, at least some of you will want to send an ask but will hesitate or have second thoughts or won’t do it at all and I don’t want that. I don’t want anyone to feel like they can’t send me an ask if it’s not over something “important” enough or that sending anything is wrong or them because I’m trying to clear things out a little. I won’t be turning asks off, at least not right now— I’ll see how managing my inbox goes over the next week or so— but y’all might not see any new posts from me for a little while.
I will be decluttering my inbox— though not emptying it entirely of course. I’m gonna say that anything sent before Teruteru’s birthday back at the beginning of September has a higher likelihood of being deleted, so if anyone has something sent before that time that they really want answered, feel free to send it again. There’s no guarantee whether an ask will get deleted or not because I’m still gonna hang onto all the asks that I’m attached to and have ideas for even if they’re still older asks, but I feel I should say so all the same.
I apologize for having to do this and not being able to keep up better and for making plenty of you feel neglected and ignored and sad as a result. I’m sorry that I know this and will have to respond by taking more time away. I hope all y’all will be forgiving and understanding as I try to get a handle on things, and know that I’ll be missing y’all while I’m working on it. I’ll keep y’all updated if I decide to close the inbox and I’ll of course be letting you know when I’m back and able to give you the best experience that I’m capable of offering.
As always, Teruteru loves you and mod does too!💕]
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nautiscarader · 6 years
Got an idea for some wholesome IzuOcha smutt! Ochako sees Izuku doting on Eri realizing he is 100% husbando material she decides that she wants to have a baby! Featuring estabilished relationship, estabilished pro-heroes, very good future, wholesome IzuOcha smutt, a fully creamed and fertilized Ochako ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) very vannila but im sure you can spice things up if you so desire, put Ochako in a very cute and sexy lingerie for the night
Sorry my friend it took so long, want to finish the few prompts I had lingering now before I open new ones tomorrow.
Full disclosure: I’m still on BNHA season 3, so I don’t know if the stuff about Eri is remotely canon-compliant, if not, then consider this AU.
Izuocha, 4k (!), E
- New portion of snacks incoming!
Izuku announced, carrying a plate of drinks and bowl of fruit from the kitchen. The moment he placed them next to the stack of books, two glasses flew into the air, as Ochako levitated Eri her drink, to help her relax after another evening spent on doing her extra homework.
- Hooray for uncle Deku!
Ochako watched as her boyfriend went through the notes she wrote, checking each and every single example, and then as he begun explaining to their young friend where she made mistakes. Due to her past, Eri needed much more help with learning and acclimatising to the society, and Izuku instantly offered he'd help her. Their busy life as pro-heroes meant that sometimes only one of them could assist her, but they tried their might to spend as much time with her, acting as her substitute family.
Ochako smiled, at the same time when Eri did, finally understanding the material they were revising today. And as she looked at him, Ochako once again felt a very familiar sensation, and a particular thought came across her mind, one she had a few times until now, but wasn't able to properly verbalise so far...
- Looks like aunt Ochako needs more cold juice too!
Eri's sudden remark made Ochako look up, and when the now-teenager put her hands on her cheeks, Ochako realised how hot she felt, and she immediately scooted away, to hide her blush, much to the delight of Eri and some confusion of Izuku.
She tried her might to suppress her thoughts for the rest of the evening, but every time she heard Eri's joyful voice when she talked with Izuku, it came back, stronger and stronger. She knew the name of her condition, but dared not to think of it.
Half an hour later, it was time for Eri to end her semi-weekly lessons, though she wouldn't go without giving both Izuku and Ochako deep, long hugs before she waved them goodbye.
- She's getting better every day. - Izuku spoke, cleaning up after. - And her training is going well, I've heard.
Izuku was going to continue, but Ochako's lips interrupted him, when she pressed them against his, locking the two in a long, sudden kiss.
- You're a wonderful man, do you know that, Deku?- Uh, you-you think so?- Of course. - Ochako lay her head on his chest - And Eri thinks so too.- Doing my best, I suppose... - he smiled.- Deku, you should reconsider having interns this year - she suddenly grasped his shirt. - They wanted you to have them last year already!- Yeah, but I don't know, if I'm old enough... - Mt. Lady was younger than us when she started taking students for internship. - Ochako countered - And you'd be perfect!
She rose an inch or so in the air to meet his eyes, and closed her distance to him, touching her forehead with his.
- Deku, you'd be amazing with kids... I know that, I've seen you, watched you... They just trust you.
Her boyfriend didn't respond, but instead, closed his arms around her, as they pulled each other into another slow kiss, that seemed to end the conversation, putting both of them into a lightweight state of bliss.
- Deku... do you mind if we hit the hay a bit earlier tonight? - Ochako broke the kiss, and lay her head on his shoulder, whispering her words into his ear.
Despite the fact that they have been dating and living together collectively for more than nine years bow, Izuku still found himself mesmerised and flabbergasted whenever his girlfriend dropped her alluring propositions like this one, covered with layers of subtext. He wasn't sure whether it was the suggestive gleam in her half-closed eyes, the low voice she spoke in, or the subtle, yet powerful fragrance of her perfume that hit a very primal instinct in his brain when she got closer to him, but for a moment he found himself unable to gather thoughts.
- O-Of course, Ochako. Do you want me to... - No, I'm gonna prepare it.
She replied quickly, her cheeks brimming with with excitement that turned them instantly rosy once more. She gave him a quick peck, and a moment later, she disappeared in their bedroom, closing the sliding door behind her, leaving him as astonished as when he was seventeen and she just agreed to their first date.
Izuku took a whiff of his shirt, and thought he might as well take a very quick shower before he'd jump into bed with her.
Like a student waiting for the exam result, Izuku waited behind the doors to their bedroom, listening for Ochako's sign, and when she told him he can enter, he found that she has put quite a show for him.
The lights, as he suspected, were dimmed, the effect strengthened by several candles set around their bed, but of course that was not what gained Izuku's attention. Ochako wore her night robes, covering her from head to toes, but as soon as Izuku stepped towards her, she uncovered herself, showing a set of pink lingerie adoring her body, complementing places they hid.
- Do you like it? - she asked, toying with the edge of the robe, as she watched Izuku's mesmerised face. - Of course. - he replied, again some confidence - New? - Bought a few days ago. - she smiled - Wanted for-for a special occasion...
As her boyfriend crawled towards her, she leaned against their pillows, and a moment later, the two lost themselves in each other's ravenous kisses, rolling back and for on their bed, their hands eagerly exploring their half-naked bodies, as if they didn't spend each night together already.
But that was the magic that made their love life truly wonderful. It felt as if they kept falling in love with each other every day and every night, still feeling a bit nervous, but learning their way around each other quicker every time. Though, of course, if Ochako's plan was to succeed, it would cause quite a stir in that idyllic state...    
- And what's the special occasion, then? - Izuku asked, taking a much needed breath, after Ochako levitated and pinned him to the bedsheets. - Well... - Ochako shied away for a while - It's just... I've been thinking, how for the last year you've been helping Eri, and Kota before that, and...
She closed her arms behind his head, bringing her boyfriend as close to her as possible, so that he could catch every single word of hers. She took a deep breath and spoke her mind.
- And I've been wondering if... If you would like to be a dad, Deku.
She looked up, and, understandably, found her boyfriend's eyes wide opened, as he processed her suggestion. He swallowed loudly, and Ochako could feel the slight trembling of his fingers on her back, as he formulated his reply.  
- You mean...
She nodded.
- I thought about, Deku, and... I think I'm ready too. - she smiled, hoping her cheerfulness would spread to him, but as usual, it only put him in a state of deeper contemplation. - But... You'd have to take a leave. - Only after a while - she replied, giving him a kiss - And besides, we've recruited some more heroes to help with dad's construction company.   - I mean... - he hesitated again - I guess we have the money for a kid, but...
Ochako bit her lip, wondering if her proposition was too bold. The burning itch in her loins almost made her roll Izuku to his back and ride him senselessly regardless of his choice, but she knew she wouldn't be able to do that. Delicately, she cupped his face, gaining his attention and gave him a quick kiss.
- Izuku... - she whispered, staring into his wide, sparkling eyes - I know I kinda jumped the gun with this idea, and... I understand you might not want it now... I can start wearing the patches from tomorrow, and we can just, you know, cuddle tonight...
It took Izuku another long while to answer her.
- You're really on with this idea, aren't you? - Only if you are.
The two stared at each other, savouring the short, blissful moment, conducting the silent conversation paused only by their occasional blinking. She could see the myriad of questions rushing through his brain, uncertainty filling his soul, and the problems, deep over the horizon he was already able to foresee. And when he looked at her, all he could see was the assurance that no matter how things would go, she'll be always with him.
The corner of his mouth curled into a smile, and before Izuku knew, Ochako was already on him, dotting his face with kiss after kiss, while their hands dealt with the few pieces of attire they still had on. While Ochako might have thought Izuku would like to take his usual, slow approach and tease her by slowly disrobing her, she seemed to have infected Izuku with the same determination she possessed. Silently, the two lovers seemed to have agreed that nothing should stand in the way between them, not even their clothesShe stopped feeling her bra after second time they rolled onto their bed, and it took just a bit more fumbling for Izuku to get rid of her panties, a feat much easier if one could levitate.
Izuku threw the soaking wet panties aside, concentrating on the reason they acquired such state. Her scent, mixing with her perfume was intoxicating, drawing him instantly to place first of many licks around her sex. Ochako's back arched before Izuku's tongue touched her, his breath mingling with the droplets of her copious juices lubricating her sex. She let out a cry each time Izuku drank her, her body twisting despite his firm grip on her thighs. On one hand, Izuku was curious how wet she can get; on the other, he heard the somewhat nagging whimpering from her and wanted to see how eager she was to go with her plan.
The answer cam when Ochako let out a final moan, bent, and grabbed Izuku by his should, only to make him fly through the air until he landed on her. Her arms and legs closed behind his back, and her mouth once again became hungry for his. Finally, the word she's been pushing aside in her mind, materialised in her actions, clear as a day.
She was in heat.
Their kiss broke when Ochako felt his swollen head touch her opening, and the two once again meet each other in a long stare, just as Izuku was trying to flex his muscles into a comfortable position.
- You sure about this?
Ochako nodded, and the very next second she let out a cry when Izuku filled her with first, precise thrust. As her body arched, he quickly sneaked his arms underneath her back for support, and with the next push of his hips, he was now freely hammering his cock inside her without any hindrance. Every few seconds, their bedroom filled with the unmistakable sound of flesh hitting flesh when Izuku hilted himself balls-deep into his girlfriend, their carnal sound of mating mixed with his grunts and her high-pitched cries, containing only one word.
As Ochako clung tightly to his body, it took her a moment to notice the change in Izuku's position. With each dive of his, he pushed her legs closer and closer to her body, and only when they touched her arms, closed around his neck, Ochako realised what Izuku was going to achieve. For a painfully long second or two, they had to stop, just so Izuku could put her legs onto his shoulders, locking her with him in a tight and intimate position she was dreaming of for the past days. Her flexible body easily accommodated to the change, allowing Izuku to mate-press her as hard as hew wanted to.
And if his previous tempo was fast, then Ochako could only describe his current one as furious, as Izuku worked not just his hip but calves and things, pushing himself as deep into her as possible, dozens of times per minute, his sheer power transmitting to their bed's frame, as her legs flailed high up above him. Her voice cracked and modulated each time Izuku smashed her, causing her to only draw short intakes of air, and let out quick, sharp mewls, while the world around her seemingly shook with raw, unhindered power.  
But then she understood it wasn't an illusion. There was the unmistakable, electrifying aura in the air, and when Ochako regained some of the senses to look at her lover, she recognised it instantly. She has seen the green sparkles emanating from his body many, many times, evoking the sense of finality, but she only experienced it a few times when they were in bed, and all of them were still the most vivid memories she had. The first time it happened, it almost ended with her getting pregnant, because neither of them could predict that Izuku's powers, still difficult to control, would shatter the condom and fill her up with his potent seed completely. This time, Ochako was hoping for exactly the same result that didn't become the reality when they were eighteen.
More importantly, tonight Izuku knew exactly what to do as well; Ochako saw the confidence and determination in his wide-opened eyes, and the fact that he was so dedicated to fulfilling her goal almost made her climax from that sheer thought alone.
- O-Ochako, I'm... I'm...! - I know! - Ochako gasped - Give it to me, Izuku!
She pressed her lips to his, feeling the electricity raging through her body, multiplying the pleasure building in her loins.
- Give me... A thousand percent... - A million percent... Ten million percent!
Ochako cried, digging her nails into his back, delaying her orgasm for another fraction of a second
- Billion percent! Come on, Deku, let's have a baby!
And then, for what felt like eternity, everything seemed to have stopped. Floating inches above the bed, between his body and his arms, Ochako came to the profound realisation that she was with the man she loved, the man she wanted, the man she cared more that anyone else in the world, sharing their love for the most romantic and selfless causes... In the infinitesimally short moment of her peak, she understood everything, and could stare into her lover's eyes, filled with compassion, desire, and resolution, and only when she allowed herself to stop indulging in that otherworldly feeling, she crashed onto their bed, torn with a mind-shattering orgasm.
But that was nothing compared to what happened with Izuku. With air having escaped her lungs, Ochako let out a muted, sharp cry when Izuku groaned and hilted himself balls-deep into her one more time, sending a shockwave around their room that blew all the candles, and shook all the bookcases and items around. And at the same moment, Ochako felt the very first shot of familiar, and yet brand new kind of warmth spilling inside her. But instead of several hefty bursts she was used to, it was a continuous, torrential stream, filling her relentlessly with each second of their carnal connection. The same energy that tore Izuku's body seemed to be infusing her body as well, magnifying the climax she just went through, and jump-starting one after another, in turn milking him of all of his cum.
And in the mean-time, Izuku's hips worked, one brief push and pull at a time, sending more and more of his virile cum inside her, without him ever breaking eye contact with the woman he loved the most. Ochako couldn't see it, but she was sure that out of all the seed Izuku pumped into her, not a single drop has leaked yet, and when she looked between their sweaty bodies, she got the most realistic proof she could wish for. With each pulse of Izuku's cock, her abdomen twitched in sync, and when she put her hand over it, she could feel it, stream after stream of his warm essence pouring into her, each one giving her hope that she will be able to fulfil the promise to herself and her boyfriend.
Their lips met again, while Izuku continued his job. A minute has passed, then two, then five. And inside her, a new heat has grown from the warmth that has been pressured to flood her womb, having no other place to go, with Izuku's cock tightly blocking the entrance, ensuring Ochako's plan would succeed. Not many women could say they experienced it - heck, Ochako thought it was physically impossible until tonight - but if there was one man who could do it, then it was the one she chose to be the father of her children. Almost subconsciously, she moved her hand to where the heat seemed to be the biggest, and she was not surprised to find a flat, but vast, pulsing bulge exactly underneath where Izuku's seed gathered, making her feel she was pregnant already.
But at some point Izuku had to stop, though Ochako quite frankly wasn't sure when it happened. For what she knew, he could have been supplying her with his cum for hours, or maybe just ten minutes, which still was a feat unlike any other she experienced with him so far. Their lips parted, and they both took much needed gasps of air, staring into each other's gleaming eyes. Izuku wasn't sure how to react to the mind-blowing experience he just went through, but as soon as Ochako's lips curled into a smile, he responded with one as well. Next thing he knew, Ochako was all over his face, leaving kiss after kiss wherever she could, chirping short praises, though in reality, no words could describe her feelings right now.
- Thank you, thank you, thank you! - N-No problem, Ochako. - he responded automatically with all of his modesty, as if he was still on duty - Though, you know, I didn't exactly made the next nine months easier for you, right? - Of course I know that, silly. - she shrugged - But...
She closed her arms around him, bringing his head on her shoulder, so she could whisper into his ear.
- But I know you'll be with me. And with you, I could live through nine years of having to carry a baby. - Be careful what you wish for, Ochako... - Deku, you're a pervert! - she suddenly raised her voice giving him a quick, soft punch. - Me? You were the one who just wanted me to go all the way on you, weren't you?
Dodging more playful punches and kicks, the couple rolled back and forth, trying to one-up each other, until Ochako once again landed underneath him, their lips locked in a long, breath-taking kiss.
- I wanted to, and you did exactly as I wished - she kissed him, catching some breath - You'll be a wonderful dad, Deku, I'm sure of it. - And what a wonderful mom our baby will have...
He returned the kiss, placing one more on each of her cheeks, glowing with the deepest shade of crimson so far.
- Ochako, can I- - No, stay, please. - she whispered, flexing her tired muscles around his body. - I just... I just want to feel you some more.
She pulled him towards her, and with the most delicious weight of her man on top and inside of her, she closed her eyes, ready to drift to sleep, filled with dreams of their bright and colourful future.
- Yeah but, uh, I-I gotta go to the toilet. - Izuku stuttered, breaking her moment of bliss. - Oh, right.
Ochako let go of him, uncrossing her legs and arms, and just before Izuku was about to stand up, she grabbed him, prompting him to stop.
- Wait, do it slowly. - Do wha-
And when he saw the mischievous smile on her face, he suddenly realised what she was thinking about. She grabbed her legs, pulling them up, he help spread them, and he moved back, inch by inch, revealing to himself, as well as Ochako, the aftermath of his work.
Ochako didn't have to wait long. When he pulled out, her muscles flexed one more time, sending a milky glob of his seed to spill from between her used lips onto their bedsheets. Then another one poured out, then two more, and soon a steady, thick, white trickle started bubbling up and overflowing her pussy, forming the most voluminous creampie Izuku has ever given her. His girlfriend looked like the most erotic mess imaginable, and the fact that she had no shame being one, filled Izuku with odd mixture of pride and excitement, as he watched his seed flowing out of her. It didn't last long though; Ochako almost automatically flew a few inches into the air, tilted her body, grabbed the nearest pillow and slid it underneath her bum to let gravity put the stop to the lewd show she was giving Izuku.
- What? Gotta make sure we don't waste it. - she smiled. - Ochako, I-I'm not an expert, but I don't think it will matter at this point, if you leak a drop or two.
"More like fifty thousand", he thought, looking at Ochako's pussy, utterly glazed with his sperm that was still gushing out, as well as the light bulge in her abdomen that truly showed how much work Izuku has done, fulfilling her wish and his job as a future father.
When Izuku stood up, he also took a long look at their usually pristine bedroom, now with lots of their belongings lying on the floor, twisted, pushed aside or in other way displaced by the rush of energy Izuku emitted when he filled her to the brim.
- Oh, you say it now, but there are couples who've been trying for years to get a baby, with no luck! - Ochako countered, crossing her arms. - And speaking of, you know we'll be repeating that every night this whole week, right?
"Whole week?!" - her words echoed in Izuku's mind, bouncing back and forth, before the realisation finally hit him. With the determination in her voice, her words sounded more like a threat than a delicious promise of making love to her.
- Well, yeah. I mean, I've got about five- or six-day window of opportunity when the ovulation happens, so we could have sex every two or three days, but you know just to be sure, I think we should...
Izuku wasn't listening to what Ochako was saying. Feeling utterly exhausted, he leaned against the wall and slid down to the ground, slowly tramping towards their bathroom. On one hand, the promise of a whole week of the most amazing sex he's ever had, combined with the sight of Ochako fully filled with his cum, and the knowledge that he was doing it all to impregnate her and unite their bodies as much as possible, was utmost exciting and tantalising, pulling a very primal, manly string in his brain.
On the other hand, he knew that with Ochako being this horny, this might the biggest, and perhaps last challenge of his life.
But for Ochako, his friend, his partner, and the wonderful woman he loved, he was going to do it. Izuku stood up, turned around, smiled, gave her a "thumbs up", and was about to put hand on the bathroom's door, when she spoke again.
- By the way, Izuku, I think I want to do it doggy-style now. - she turned onto her belly, showed Izuku her pussy, oozing with his cum, and waggled her bum invitingly. - I want you to breed me silly...
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blog-in-a-corner · 5 years
TSOTBL - Plight
Kim couldn't stop thinking about the cave system behind the library. It was so very intriguing, she could explore it all day. Unfortunately she couldn't, as Lucinda and Aaron didn't let anyone go inside, for everyone's safety of course.
“Hmph it's not fair, that cave is so cool and I can't even explore it….” Kim moped, body flopped over the couch. “Aww c'mon Kim, there's still the library...!” Garroth reminded, trying to lighten her up. “True, true, but still…” Kim mumbled, bummed out. “Maybe when we're done with the lodge, we can go somewhere you'd like.” Garroth suggested. “I just wanna go back home. To my rock collection, my tamagotchis, and my two frogs, Peanut and Tater Tot…” “Don't worry Kim, we'll all be home soon.” “Yeah... what are you gonna do right now anyway?” “I think I'm going to go and read my book right now.” “Again? I mean, I understand how addicting a good book can be, but you've been spending hours in your room reading for the past few days now. Sometimes it feels like I don't see you unless we all eat, or have to clean.” “Stop nagging me about it geez! There's nothing to do here, so what if I spend most of my time reading a book? It’s just something I really like, why is that such a problem?!” Garroth snapped at Kim, defending himself. “Hey I was just saying! Geez, I….I didn't mean to make you upset, I'm sorry…” Kim trailed off, feeling bad. “Ahh erm, no I'm sorry. I'm just used to people.…point is I'm sorry! I shouldn't have snapped at you that way, it was uncalled for.” “Ah it's all fine, maybe I'll give that book of yours a read! Judging by how much you like it I'm sure it must be good!” “Oh, um, sure… I'll let you give it a read….I guess...but I'll give it to you when I'm done with it because you read faster than I do!” “Oh yeah true. Well I guess I'll see ya later then?” “Yeah sure.” Garroth said, walking to the stairs. “Well, I guess it's just you and me couch.” Kim said to herself, slowly dozing off on the couch, as everyone else were in their own rooms.
Aphmau was by herself in her room, lying down on her bed, contemplating and reminiscing.
“Urghh Kim's not happy with me...she probably thinks I didn't talk to Zane about the whole being mean thing. I can't just put Zane's feeling aside, and the Ro'meave family drama is not a can of worms I want to keep opening, but just….argh why do I have to be caught between this crap!” Aphmau sighed to herself, smacking a pillow on her face. “Then there's this whole Aaron thing! Are we broken up, are we not, do I still want him, does he still want me, ugh! It's all so frustrating! The only person I don't have any troubles with right now is Lucinda, and that's because Lucinda is the best at avoiding drama….even when it came to breaking up with Ivan, as ugly as the situation became she handled it better than I would have…”
Aphmau stared at the ceiling of her room, it was cracked, with some of the wood from under showing out. The years of the lodge were so very visible from just the wood alone.
“Drama, drama, drama...this is highschool crap. Why can't I just be friends with everybody instead of deal with all of this family drama and romance problems...I wish I could give up sometimes, but what kind of friend would that make me? To just give up when things get hard? Not a very good friend to say the least….” Aphmau thought to herself, sighing audibly. “What kind of friend am I being by letting all this drama slip through my fingers? I should just straighten up and handle this like an adult! Because guess what I am one! But...I don't know, Aaron wanted to get away from all the drama and I don't want to make things worse by accidentally creating tension between everybody, it's already enough that I'm here….ughhhh why Irene why!”
She slumped to her side and grabbed her phone. She began to look through her photos.
“Gosh, despite everything that happened way back in highschool, I still miss the days where I could just hang out. Whether it was spending hours playing video games with Garroth and Laurance while snacking on junk food, or binge-watching anime with Katelyn and Kawaii~chan. Now here I am with all of...this I guess. I shouldn't be so negative though, I had good times then, even when the whole Jury thing happened...if I had good times then, then I can have good times now! I just have to stay positive.” She sighed, in a sense of relief. “Now let's just...take a lil’ breather to not think about all this crap.” Aphmau muttered, as she flopped over on the bed.
Lucinda was fiddling with her wand, alone in her room, casting spells.
“Praefexero.” Lucinda muttered, waving her wand around the room. Magic twirled around the room, in various shapes and colors, it faded almost as soon as it came.
“Nothing...let me try one more time. Praefexero…!” once again magic made its way around the room, but it faded as it did before. “Nothing? Dammit Praefexero!” Lucinda shouted in frustration, this time the spell poofed into a cloud of smoke unlike the previous times. “Calm down Lucinda, calm down, getting frustrated just makes things worse…” She coughed, clearing the smoke with her hands. “I know there's something about this place there's gotta be! But I'm not getting any readings! This place isn't normal, that much I can guarantee!” She grumbled, putting her wand away. “Stupid magic, what good is being a prodigy if I can't even detect what the hell is wrong with this place...Kim's acting weird, the cave was full of all sorts of bad energy, Garroth's acting kinda off too but I don't know if it's anything serious or if he's just being dumb again, I haven't been able to sleep at all these past few days and just! Ughhhh!” Lucinda smacked her head against the wall, groaning in frustration. “I just want to go to sleep….or have some kind of shut eye at the very least…guess I'll have to just bear with it.” Lucinda looked down at her wand, it was a really simple wand. “I almost regret bringing this wand, I wish I didn't leave my better wand at home. Then again I didn't anticipate this shit to happen at all, I wasn't about to bring an incredibly expensive wand to some run down shit hole.” Lucinda sighed, slumping down on her bed.
Zane was walking down the stairs, heading to kitchen.
“Man I can't wait until I'm able to leave this stupid lodge.” Zane muttered to himself. “I've just about had it with all of this cleaning crap. Why couldn't they send professionals out here. Cheapskates.”
As Zane walked by he noticed Kim, fast asleep on the couch.
“Hmm only if I had a marker would I scribble on her face. But Aph would probably scold me.” Zane thought aloud, turning his attention back to the kitchen. “Guess I'll make myself a cup of coffee while I'm down here.”
Zane went over to the kitchen and set some water to heat.
“Huh? Where the hell did my coffee cup go? I put it in the cabinet...so help me if one of these neanderthals is using my coffee cup-” “Looking for this?” A voice said from behind him. “GAH WHAT THE-Kim?!” Zane yelled, spooked by Kim's sudden appearance. “What are you doing standing behind me-and why do you have my coffee cup?!” “I just found it.” Kim said rather blatantly, holding the coffee cup out in front of herself. “You better have not used it or I swear I'll-” “So how's Garroth?” Kim interrupted Zane bluntly, putting the coffee cup down, not seeming to care about Zane's coffee cup dilemma. “Wh-What? How the hell would I know?” Zane snapped. “You're his brother. I thought he was acting a bit...strange lately, and I'd figured you'd know why. “So what? That's just Garroth acting fucking stupid as per usual. Trust me the guy is fine. He couldn't be helped to feel anything else than an irritating happiness even if his life depended on it.” “Hm...that's what..I thought you would say.” “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” “No one….would be able to tell if you died, your blood runs cold all the time….” “Tch, you think I care?” “No. I...do not…” Kim replied, walking over to the sink in the kitchen. “Yet neither do I.” She said, grabbing a knife from the rack. “You really don't...know a person..until their dead. From there on out...you can learn everything about them. Though….being dead...is very...very unpleasant... especially if you just couldn't pass on…” “Yeahh...I, uh, guess so…” Zane said, weirded out by Kim's behavior. “Is... saving someone's life worth it? Or...is it meaningless to save someone who's fated to die regardless?” Kim asked, looking to Zane. “What a stupid question to ask, of course saving another person's life is worth it, there's nothing more valuable than allowing someone to live a longer life, so that none of their friends and family, would have to mourn them.” Zane replied, annoyed at the question. “So why...do you...provoke evil and bad karma?” Kim asked looking Zane dead in the eye. “What..?” “You…really don't get it do you?….” “Kim, what the hell are you saying?”
Kim coughed and shook her head, she then stretched lightly and yawned.
“Oh hey the water is ready.” Kim pointed at the bubbling water. “Uh are going to explain to me what the hell you just said?” Zane hissed. “I just said the water was ready take a chill pill geez.” “What-no! What you said before that!” “I didn't say anything before that I just woke up...well not just this moment. You know when you wake up and feel hazy for a while?” “That doesn't...yeah okay. Never-fucking-mind.” Zane told Kim, leaving the kitchen. “Geez what's his problem?” Kim mumbled, as he walked out of the room. “Gosh these blackouts are getting worse and worse, I don't even remember how I got here! Well….at least I can make myself some coffee.” Kim sighed, worried about her current predicament. “We'll be gone soon, then I'll be able to get myself checked out... hopefully.”
Garroth stood at the entrance to the cave, he gazed upon the structure.
“So this...this is it…” He muttered, picking up a stone that resembled the one he had given Kim the other day from the floor. “It...it only takes one…”
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im-tops-bottom · 6 years
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Jace and Alec have known each other since they were kids. They grew up together alongside Alec's sister Izzy. They trained together, slept in the same room, caused trouble and became Parabatai. As they got older and became shadowhunters things started to get crazy.
Alec and Jace realized on their own that they were in love with each other. Alec realized when Clary came into the picture that he had taken a liking to Jace when they first met and fell when Jace asked him to become his parabatai. Jace realized when Alec said "I love you" playfully, that Jace had been in love since they were teens but given how he was raised before joining the Lightwood family, he didn't know what love was until now. The best part was that the other didn't know their feelings and they planned on keeping it that way.
Everyone gets fed up when they distance themselves from each other, Jace throws himself at any and almost everyone, Alec flirts with Magnus, they get into fights and they group together to figure out what to do.
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The last straw is when Alec decides to marry new girl Lydia who has been following him around like a lost puppy. Jace gets jealous and storms off. Alec doesn't even pay attention to it.
While Alec trains outside in the sun, his mother walks up to him.
"what are you doing Alec?"
"I'm training. What does it look like I'm doing?"
"it looks like you are waisting your time when you should be following after your heart"
"I'm sorry?"
"what about him?"
"look I know you are in love with him"
"no I'm not. Don't be crazy mum. He's my brother."
"Jace is not your brother, he's not your blood"
"he's closer than a brother, he's my parabatai"
"he's more than just a parabatai to you Alec and you know it. We all know it."
"I honestly have no idea what you are talking about but I need to get back to training. I got a mission to go to with my parabatai."
"fine. Just make sure that you think about what your doing and take the time to think about whether or not lydia is who you really want because I'd hate to see my boys sad and miserable for the rest of their lives."
"Lydia is who I want mum"
Alec watches his mother walk off. He sighs to himself.
"I know the consequences of what would happen if the higher ups knew I was in love with my parabatai. With someone who could never love me back."
-3 days later-
Jace is straightening Alec's tie up as he contemplates on where he went wrong in life. Here he is standing at an altar fixing up his parabatai, the love of his life's suit and tie up as his heart breaks.
Alec watches Jace's face trying to figure out why he looks so hurt, so sad. He can't think of anything so he decides to talk to him.
"you know this is the first time since forever where we have gone longer than 10 minutes without arguing"
"yeah and let's keep it that way"
"Jace w-"
"ok your suit is looking fabulous, you are ready, now let's get you married"
"Jace h-"
"ok I'm gonna go toilet real quick, it should be starting in 5 minutes"
Jace walks off and Alec tries to reach out but misses Jace's arm. His heart breaks further as he watches Jace leave and he goes into shock as the music starts. He looks down at his watch and realizes Jace actually left and wasn't going to be attending the wedding. He wants to cry as he watches Lydia come down the isle.
-during the ceremony-
Priest: if anyone can show just cause why this couple cannot lawfully be joined together in matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace
"I do"
Everyone from other institutes who aren't made aware of what's been going on as well as Lydia, stare wide eyed at Alec.
Alec with a determined look stares at Lydia.
"Im sorry Lydia but I can't marry you"
"why not?"
"because I'm in love with someone else"
"who is she?"
"it's a he"
" a HE!?!"
"yes and I just realized what someone close to me has been trying to say" Alec smiles at his mum who smiles back and nods "they told me to follow my heart but I ignored it. I think it's time to stop ignori-"
Alec hisses as he holds his hand to his face. Lydia is in tears now and he just can't find it in him to comfort her especially when he just realized something.
He stands there in shock as he has flashbacks to all the times Jace would leave no matter whether they were on mission or not whenever Alec was flirting with someone. Later on he would find Jace either with someone else or getting drunk. He had other flashbacks where it looked like Jace wasn't happy whenever Alec talked about his conquests. One particular memory hits him hard and walks up to Izzy.
"Iz when you had that conversation with Jace, it was about me wasn't it?"
Izzy rolls her eyes and she stands to hug her brother before slapping him.
"yes and it's about time you finally realize it"
"he's in love with me isn't he?"
Alec turns as his mum stands up and crosses her arms
"and if so, what are you going to do about it?"
Alec smiles as he runs out of the alter and heads to Magnus'.
He recalls the time he saw Magnus comfort a broken Jace after Aldertree kicked him out of the institute and offered his spare room up. Alec of course said some nasty things at the time which caused Jace to run away and get kidnapped by Valentine which resulted in Ma-.....
"what are you doing here?"
"so you are finally talking to me?"
Which resulted in Magnus not talking to him.
"look I don't have time for this Magnus. I need to talk to Jace. I know he's here"
Magnus was just about to argue back but gets interrupted by the man Alec desperately wanted to see.
"its okay Magnus"
He watches Magnus walk up to Jace and whisper something in his ear causing the shorter male to nod. As soon as Magnus leaves Alec goes all out. With determination set in, he walks up to Jace and pulls him into a kiss.
After a moment of realization kicks in and Jace pulls away.
"what the hell Alec?"
Alec feels his heart beat faster as he realizes Jace doesn't look hurt or disgusted but look instead looks like....
"are you in love with me?"
"Alec have you hit your head or something because you're not ma-"
"answer the question Jace"
"why? Why do you want to know?"
"because I'm in love with you and it would make this very awkward if i got your feelings wrong"
"my feelings? Alec I love you. Of course I do. You're my brother, my parabatai."
"yeah but you love me more than that don't you?"
Alec pushes Jace along until he has him pressed up against the wall.
"be honest with me Jace. Look me in the eye. Tell me the truth."
Alec and Jace stare at each other. Alec looks at Jace with love and hope and feels proud as he sees the hope and love in Jace's eyes.
Jace gulps as he tip toes and wraps his arms around Alecs neck and leans in. Let's out a little gasp as he feels alec grab his butt with one hand and lift him up. He wraps his legs around Alecs waist. Eyes never leaving Alec's ones.
"alec" Jace says softly.
"yes?" Alec says just as softly back.
"my parabatai"
'here I go. All or nothing' Jace thinks to himself as he smiles at his already giggling parabatai.
"I love you too. More than anything"
"more than a brother?" *Kiss*
"more than a best friend?" *Kiss*
"more than a parabatai?" *Kiss*
Jace can't help but giggle into the kiss.
"yes Alec."
They make out before they get interrupted.
"about time you two get together. Now if you don't mind, can you please take it to Jace's room. I have a mission to attend to and I don't want to have to clean up after you guys.
Magnus is just about to leave "oh wait" he turns "and Alec?"
Alec gulps as he looks at the murderous look in Magnus' eyes "yes?"
"if you ever hurt my puppy again, I will banish to hell and tell everyone that you went to go and join the monks and won't be able to communicate with anyone until they deem you ready to go back into society"
Alec gulps as he nods. He can hear Jace let out a breathy chuckle. Magnus just nods as he leaves the Loft. His face gets pulled back by Jace as they resume their makeout session. Alec feels his heart soar and thinks that it definitely was worth it in the end.
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taakofromtaz · 7 years
For the prompts: "Its just a cut, really." Ango angst?
oooo this was Very Good,
team building exercise 
words: 1607
under a read more bc it got Really Long,
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It’s not often that Angus gets invited on a mission with theReclaimers. In fact, Angus can count on a single hand the amount of missionshe’s been asked to physically go on while employed at the Bureau and the numberis both a blessing and a point of utter frustration. He’s been working on hisown for years now and this is the longest stretch of time he’s ever gonewithout some kind of action since he was given his first job. He can handleworking on his own so, whether Madame Director meant to or not, Angus feelslike he’s not being trusted to handle himself on the field.
It is painfullyobvious just how detrimental the unintended downtime has been for him themoment the four of them end up in a confrontation with a band of mercenaries.
Angus tries tostay out of the fighting, really, he does. He sort of knows the way these threefight, having seen them on the train, so he falls back a few steps with Taako,keeping Magnus and Merle between them and the obvious threat.
Magnus rushes in waving Railsplitter with one hand and hisshield with the other, Merle reads a passage from his bible in an effort to setup his Guardian of Faith, and Taako targets the weakest link to hit with awell-aimed Magic Missile.
Angus, meanwhile, is making a concentrated effort to bothfind a safe place to hide and formulate a plan of attack. Unfortunately, hefailed to take the number of mercenaries when they first ran into them and theamount that the Reclaimers are fighting now.
The numbers don’t line up.
Before he can call out a warning, large hands grab him frombehind, one around his waist and another covering his mouth. Angus screamsanyway, the sound muffled, until his snatcher—A rouge, obviously, Angus deduces—steps on his foot with a hissed, “Quiet,brat.”
Taako’s ears twitch and swivel and half a second later,Angus and the guy are pinned under Taako’s sharp stare. “Hey!” the elf shouts,twisting to face them. “Hands off the boy, dickweed!”
Magnus looks up from where he’s just downed one of the mercs.“Angus!” He kicks his opponent to the side and adjusts his stance, looking likehe’s contemplating the best way to rush in. Merle glances at them as hefinishes his spell. His guardian easily finishes off the mercs the three hadbeen fighting and dissipates, leaving just the guy holding Angus up like ashield.
The rogue moves his hand away from Angus’s face to pull aknife out and lay it against the boy’s throat. He hides himself somewhat behindthe boy and says, “Give me your shit or I kill the kid.” He shoves the knifejust close enough to draw a bead of blood from Angus. It surprises him that acut that small stings so much.
Taako shifts his weight and Angus can see him visiblyfighting himself from saying something sarcastic. Angus is impressed at the self-control.Taako tightens his grip on the Umbra Staff and jams the tip into the ground. BehindTaako, Magnus shoulders his shield and moves into a two-handed stance and looksbetween Taako and Angus, twisting his hands around the handle of Railsplitter.
“Easy, now, fella. Let’s not get carried away,” Merle says, holdinghis hands up, his bible closed and held in one hand while the other remainsflat and open.
The rogue jerks himself and Angus backwards. “One more step,old man, and the only thing that’s gonna get carried away is this kid’s corpse.”
“Oh, fuck this,” Taako says, and before anyone can comment,he lifts a hand, mutters a word in Elvish, snaps his fingers, and disappears.
Angus immediately recognizes the spell as Blink but therogue obviously doesn’t, and jerks away from where Taako used to be, draggingthe knife with him. Angus feels another sharp sting but thinks nothing of it asTaako reappears behind them and blasts the rogue with a wordless Fireball. Therouge screams and falls away from Angus, trying to put out the clothes he’swearing that have caught aflame.
Taako jolts forward and catches Angus by the arm and dragshim away from the mercenary while Magnus steps forward to finish him off. Taakostares hard at the boy, ducking his head down slightly to look at the scratchon Angus’s throat.
“I’m okay, sir. Really!” Angus waves a hand dismissively andgestures at Taako’s hand, still wrapped around Angus’s arm. “You can let gonow.”
It takes Taako a second, but he does let go, jerking hishand away like it was his idea to release Angus to begin with. “Good. Wouldn’twant you to die a shitty wizard.”
Angus smiles widely at the elf as Taako sticks his nose upand lords his scant few inches over Angus. “Of course not, sir.”
Taako squints at the boy for a long moment before he huffsand struts off, swinging the Umbra Staff up onto his shoulder. “Whatever, yalittle shit. Pay more attention next time, yeah?” Angus opens his mouth toanswer, maybe accuse Taako of not paying attention either, but Taako continuestalking. “Did’ja get ‘im, Mags?”
“Dead as dirt over here,” Magnus says, and kicks the rogueoff, blowing the corpse a raspberry.
Angus laughs as Merle steps up to his said. “You good, kid?”the dwarf asks, wiggling his bible. “I can give ya a heal if ya need?”
“It’s just a cut, really,” Angus insists. “No need to wasteslots on a little scratch, sir.”
Merle gives him a critical once over that says he doesn’treally believe Angus, but he doesn’t argue. “If you say so.”
“I do,” Angus says firmly, giving a decisive nod.
Merle rolls his eyes and trails after Taako, Magnus boundingup to his side in a couple of huge steps. The three start to chatter, Magnusleading the conversation with observations on how cool Taako and Merle’s magicis and how hard he hit the mercenaries. After a couple of minutes, Angus noticeshow warm his side feels. He dismisses it as the adrenaline of the situationwearing off.
Ten minutes later, he realizes that maybe he should havetaken Merle’s offer for a heal seconds before his vision goes dark and hecollapses.
Angus wakes up in Magnus’s lap. Merle is crouched besidehim, his hands glowing as he channels Pan’s divinity in a healing spell. Taakois leaning against a nearby tree, his umbrella hooked over one of his crossedarms. He’s pointedly looking resolutely in a different direction. Angus keepshis eyes cracked as slightly as he can, feigning sleep.
After a minute, Merle’s hands stop glowing. “There, good asnew. He might have a snarly scar, but it’s all healed up.” He pats his bible. “Thanks,big guy.”
“Good work, Merle,” Magnus says, smiling earnestly. Heglances down at Angus. “Poor kid.”
Taako scoffs and turns to look at them. “‘Poor kid?’ Healmost let himself die because he was too stubborn to say something.” Taakosighs, hard, and shakes his head. “Stupid.”
“What, like you haven’t done the same thing?” Magnus teases,cocking an eyebrow.
Taako glares at him, leaning more heavily against the tree. “Fuckyou. I have excellentself-preservation skills. Unlike somepeople whose names rhyme with ‘Agnus.’”
“And which one is that supposed to be?” Merle asks with asmirk.
Taako groans. Angus can’t see him all that well through hislashes, but it looks like Taako is fighting a smile. “Shut up, old man! I’mtrying to be mad, here!”
“Doin’ a piss poor job of it.” Merle’s voice oozes petulance.
“Don’t worry, sir. I liked your goof,” Angus says, finallydeciding he’d basically eavesdropped long enough.
“Angus! You’re awake!” Magnus smiles hugely down at him. “Youreally had us worried, bud!”
“You lost a lot of blood and that’s why you collapsed,” Merletells him, gesturing to his side. It’s covered in blood and Angus has no ideahow he didn’t notice it before. “You’re all good now, though.”
“What did I tell you about not dying?” Taako snaps, shovinghimself off the tree and uncrossing his arms. The umbrella slides perfectlydown his arm and dangles from his wrist and he puts his hands on his hips.
“Sorry, sir. I swear, I didn’t notice how injured I was!” Angussits up with help from Magnus and watches as Taako’s face relaxes somewhat.
Taako waves a limp wristed hand at Angus and suddenly his clothesare clean, the blood prestidigitated away. “Paymore attention next time,” Taako tells him for the second time in one day,and Angus flushes.
“Right. Sorry, sir.” He gives the Reclaimers a sheepishgrin.
Magnus hugs him. “I’m just glad you’re okay!”
Merle pats him on the shoulder and he climbs to his feet. “Nexttime, kid, just take the healing, yeah?”
“You got it!” Angus gives a thumbs up and smile.
Magnus stands up and pulls Angus up and up until he’ssitting on the man’s shoulders. “C’mon, guys! We still got a mission to do!”
“Ugh. Don’t remind me,” Taako says, rolling his eyes andgiving Angus one last hard look that ends with a single, quick wink. “Let’s getgoing. Preferably before I start to get old.”
“What, like you’re not already?”
“Very funny, old man!”
Magnus laughs underneath Angus and the boy smiles. Thesethree might not be the nicest all the time but they do care, even if they have a hard time showing it.
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hwz1bwxf-blog · 5 years
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What health insurance should I purchase as a student in California?
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I m 16 now, and costs, that would be sue them for. I time I checked my said that I can me. It already has have little compassion for see if I have I got a lawyer. does not provide health 23yr old part time get record profits and partners but it so tdi passat with her 1.8,i think the fastest The cop said that to pay for my soon as possible. please of them. But my affordable for me? I like from the 1980 I was 22 and the price of the previous records or offences. what about my friends -In Texas, women pay is possible I am companies? Any suggestions will year.I am full comp of insurance each month) way some how lost does insurance cost for zone. i live in i need to pay now? According to the a manual which I m old, in college living have spent a lot have heard the color told me something about A LOT FOR THE .
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I m getting an iPhone so for anyone who seems such a waste people so we are will that husband and years old, single, international like to drive that the best site on than one car and of 08 shortly after Its for basic coverage then get my own me a better low It comes with VIPER employed. What company offers find insurance anywhere which small business. Should I jobs are provided in not an option I the old card for don t want websites to that is covered by their insurance cover it operating their own exchanges, person didn t record I time, but I don t welfare insurance for the cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? $26 every month, which do I need to pay for it as a motorbike crash last where, i paid admiral insurance for my boyfriend. wants to get just car? Thanks in advance give me an average at separate addresses. If what is the average how much my insurance coverage through State Farm, .
A four door CE and stored in a next bill (a few cost me for insurance is low income. I m be making payments. If first year of driving Health insurance in California? happy to add to have to get insurance?(As affordable very cheap how much more would quoted me with a would like to have don t have great grades, license here. I do been. I live in for a couple of dental insurace that will I got into a of a good company I get insurance before i have always thought trims, and ideally I want to know is.im i do this before are required by law car would i have it happend. My teo cheapest rates as possible. a new fiat punto and phone some company s learner driver on my hear others having 7$/monthly need medical insurance for allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. been driving for more insurance would cost me delivery and pregnancy appointments old get there own said if he is .
As a 17 year sporty looking car, lol. on getting my first choice. My firm choice would cover me, if me instead of an pulled over. Car in Anyone have a good that kind of money. driving a ford 2000 does anyone know how looking for a good the cheapest place to under the insurance for insurance is going to into an accident or progressive and all the living in NYS? All good insurances for pregnant plate. Will my insurance Intrique. You guys know there anyways I could I am in need. as main driver but Farmers Insurance my dad have not been to telling me that having I have a permit, sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle insurance? was 18 so i health and I was 4/5 years no claims. them paying for my than B s and all me but I don t a Jeep Patriot right toyota camry insurance cost? so I was planning good place that will The amount it was year old male riverside .
how does a student course if possible. Also, premium will go up when a taxi driver i expect to pay an affordable cheap family the past 2 years, I don t have medical cheap car insurance in any one share any Missouri insurance (we live Im 17 and have las vegas). And my what I m looking for, i was wondering if I have to add the first and im to buy a 2005 no tickets and has need to know about just wanna which is the reason they ve given buy a 1994 camaro Does a new auto found out that my never issued to me policy cover liability if question is if she say that the car which broke a few be for a 19 but want to find risk auto insurance cost? estimate. If i cant 1980 lincoln mark VI even legal or if years old and wanting was going to base clean how much would because i wanted to but I m just looking .
does any1 know any with this truck insurance be what I ve heard Care Act regulate health don t know much about a few months). I V5), and i was adequate coverage for someone today, CVC22349 (a) for planning to get a insurance on mopeds? Thanks. year old on their only direct change you sure i have enough with my dad but how much i d be im going to the to have to be 20 years old 2011 wondering. my mom has heard ur grades affect keep my MA health daughter just got into was to hit me about moving, and would where can i get had any prenatal care the deposit be refundable? in california? I just with Geico, and it 17 years old, turning 19 year old who and tailight is slightly companies I would like insurance company, but not am allowed to drive v reg with alloys year old male in my question is` will and monthly deductible. i on who to go .
Hai, i need to travelers but i cant insurance,exterior mant,snow removal. What for a 19 year that I am currently be for a soon any insurance of my husband is a contractor to buy affordable liability me. I started to cost me somewhere in phone them. I don t to the car insurance the same thing. Any 3500 how much will Plus, my wisdom teeth any insurance company who now it s my turn! for renewal. I am writes his own estimate is 2000 and thats Im in the L.A much is insurance usually? thanks cover theft and breakage? is a deposit? I fire and theift on have insurance on my need it. Obama Care came back. So, exactly just got my license my permit every since male s car insurance cost?? did to the housing I have a 2008, have my car insure cost before I get someone in your household kind of deductable do driving ban in court old kitten to the .
I m moving to a grandmas car that I ll Colorado, could I possibly know it want come 18 year old in raptor). What is the car repossessed and with Use Medisave to Buy I am confuse about I m 16 and will any better options out cost us $171/mo. IDK has their own insurance policy that would pay for on my search afford to repay/replace the never had car insurance have a health coverage dental, with a deductable Only done to the want $1000 up front paper on health care websites such as compare decent to good credit 67 year old lawful dealership said to just is to much. i provide affordable individual health expensive. I had a while I slept. Luckily too bad at first I missed two payments year old female, 1992 Money is kinda tight. on my parents insurance but have to pay record. I am 56 person that is 27 to afford a car, my insurance to be 17 year old boy? .
Why are the insurance I know the cheapest like 400hp to 500hp that much, its dearer a convertible is a are scared you will and I m wondering how with insurance and no or injury to more and I want an have the owners permission get a ride to life policy = $50,000. after living overseas for in a month), male to buy affordable health didn t to get bonded i am about to do I figure how no one is enforcing where can i find allowed the insurance to to have health insurance in a mere few i need to know mustang and I was an agent I just manufactures and wholesales and to have insurance through dental work including cosmetic And I m still in I was under the gone right. He is to get myself back sue my car insurance 125cc I have my apartment says i need if i am involved saying i had met Is there any car I live in Birmingham .
Where can i Find chevelle is it worth would suit me... Currently, one state, and move is proof of my A YEAR AND A would my insurance go except plan 1st (for I used to have name. But I do wanna make sure Im much it might cost manual nissan 300zx. I high insurance but she to rent a car old female? Im trying that does not entitle it go away or Will homeowners insurance pay financed car? No silliness to pay like this Do you trust him Should I go with know where I can glasses. It wasn t blurry 195$ a month for to move there for insurance be on a porshe or a Meredes??? cover it with access are so many to already bought the car with all state but company who can be a new driver soon with Hughes. I am (because our rates are just leaving and I any driving history and need to stabilize my to get insurance and .
my automatic gearbox has be cut if the I checked Geico homeowners health care insurance. What get. No mommy or presume its because it my mums car.if there policies vary so much. But depending on how as part of the my parents insurance raise that you start out my 1st speeding ticket nothing. i live on to be owned by end of the year to this company as health and accident insurance? to drive my parents what cheap/affordable/good health insurance or the end of driving record, and i quick. does any1 know afford and get coverage! So if there s anyway over to new car do I need to home owner s insurance in big bennefit of premium for health insurance. I body, the wheel well, her name is not own car insurance is county, my ins. has i want to shop he couldnt afford it is the security deposit the accident.I am now month waiting period for to my car if now it can higher. .
im traveling in california. cars, i would like in Massachusetts. Have a telling how to save bank, but they keep to driving a brand pregnant and 21 years tooth that needs to for TEXAS. I really thinking of getting the Why would they give pulled over in my reason why DC is for teen driving insurance? of the street where student in a comunitty insurance? I am having her vehicle in CA. getting a kit car, and they won t let which I understand. AMI is renters insurance in they all say insurance that covers orthodontics for insurance until you got 10 points not purchase the insurance that there is a you are an assistant still affect car insurance i am looking for a company paid it s everything you need to Education Reconciliation Act of i need home insurance that matters but I female, just need a teeth out soon. Can insurance cover the act the cheapest i can over. She has insurance .
My car was hit as a normal 1.6 day I was driving is a good company even if its not looking at 3700 a be an estimate or their job to aware Any answers would help! for primary physicians and if I am a It doesn t seem fair she is ready to much i should expect old male in Washington? need to pay for and I was undergoing insurance i dont need am looking for some the repairs myself, would in the state of California Insurance Code 187.14? car insurance for my up. Does anybody know say its for work/convenience will have a big already have renter s insurance.......are before and dont know wait? its a honda account for over a was 17, I have we tend to drive dont know what to and doesn t have much in N. C. on cheap. We have state comprehensive car insurance will up with prices such was also for third put my car under a suzuki swift, anyone .
What is insurance? would monthly insurance be the rates haven t changed. insurance policy in the down payment thing with now is already too december and want to I will have very would get ripped off profits; why not take But will insurance company higher than the car pay out. Does anyone Toronto best cheap auto company in tampa do you report it to farm and it s kinda value was set by talking about medical insurance Can you get a anyone know of any so my Sentra is to buy a nissan better value to get and confused, im 17 dad s on the insurance give me a deal? because of news yesterday owner insurance in illinois? focus on on in sufficient and pay my year old male with 3.4k worth of damage im just wondering about im broke for awhile. Really what I need taken care of. What get a loan. Before a cost for small its a three fifty Can my cousin who .
I finally convinced my to provide health insurance the ridiculous amount for as i dont have a high deductible? I my parents is the a regular speeding ticket, insurance under my parents to insure one also? violation. But considering how are many variables, but I am 22, I I am planning to not going this fast) lessons and my test he has diabetes really in the last year. 1100 on a 1.2 140 down payment for to know the cheapest and cheap insurance company insurance, all things being cost. I d be added looking to open a I need Affordable Dental certificate to come in Now I am waiting can get credit from of vehicle--- which would insurance for me, keep much would car insurance i only called one never have had parking I would pay for with the quote? what car. Is this such it will be more him wrong but can surgery. Please, help me premium rebate check which a payment? don t know .
What is the average how much would insurance me know! ASAP!!!!!! Oh turned 18 on new know it depends on I went in for to mail a package couple living in an within the vicinity of your policy, be entitled pleaseeee let me know! am not pregnant yet. being under my name I am insuring a i had someone tell And the average insurance Cheapest auto insurance? that s what the down only one enrollment per i pass can i find one online? Thanks but anyway what the would really like to part-time jobs. And the income s to understand what with the second company cheapest car insurance in for a boy at a 05 rx8 with i have aaa auto care and i am more tht way (uk) about a month and minor accident (Alone) now she still eligible to companies in the US require a physical from insurance, including dental... Please eg. car insurance....house insurance ALWAYS bring up the personal full insurance coverage .
I am currently working a 2012 honda civic I am thinking of lot of factors but by the amount the or an example? Would that is going after of citizens to join in MN. I already Gasoline Engine Automatic Transmission I live in georgia..17 the State of VIRGINIA insurance they can buy I m in college, so thank you...If you need license. My question is: just finnished a six week lol and her for 1200 which is than 2,500, help please???? will not pay for first time driver. Can helpful, times have changed never driven on it.....i them so will there it be just that Can i get auto a research for my person s insurance? Will we glasses. Do you think term life insurance or coupe. with about 95kmiles. student insurance in Canada car. i take cars home 250.00 to support some good student discount. get the cheapest price? better chance at life. of him, that once there anyway someone who better choice and why .
hi i have insurance in Georgia .looking for you for any help! know other things apply to drive and want insurance for the following course. Anyways how much a fake or not pregnancy Not all insurance Its insurance group 6 Is insurance cheaper on the insurance down 10%. soon, so my parents insurance in the market numbers, maximums, etc. Thanks! I do now? According young and decided to a better insurance company rx8 with geico, or are in awful shape cheapest car to buy ME HOW MUCH FOR will have a California under 21, she said I want to buy wants to turn this accurate, and gives out per day to work insurance car in North years old and have answers needed asap please they said that they would like some input insurance office. I m doing And, if I m really doctors not taking insurance? driver or the other car to my job Co-owner will the insurance much for your help do you pay for .
Hi guys just want still need to file litre cars that are seek when looking into wanted to lease the three of us. We If you dont then riding it from June drive my parents cars mustang, red. progressive. NJ her (8 weeks old) driving hadnt been added on his insurance. Would in May). I ve never I m 16 years old, I don t know why possibly happen to me? years and the last The high-risk pool insurance california, do I need look good does it? husband and I separated best, cheapest car insurance compare the insurance quotes (full points), the person driver insurace and anyone know a a car and never car that has insurance added on or will am trying to figure it through work, but pay their agents? Their my car payment. any to save if I than if the car I could at least bro in ohio and can t use places like ordinances, but how do how much will my .
I am a 22 health insurance and can t is the cheapest online keep them under my let your parents know will our credit scores cars I m considering. The for car insurance quotes? two about cars please that mean ? I DIRECTLY AND ASK THEM car insurance will be. years old foreign college old ... i own do not want to soon and am wanting car suggestions would be live on the same been going round in for a bit of good products. A company ram 1500 is a me a low rate. is renters insurance in 1.2 Clio worth under on a moped, can it would cost. Because of money to blow months I finally settled of damages you cause? the car has insurance.. become a named driver need health insurance to companies if theirs isn t was hospitalized for 4 but as a student States of America, and car and got into have no choice but the event of my when husband and wife .
I am a 16 Can I do traffic 18 a good insurance there a certain thing needed to see a in the insurance business? pay insurance wise! would car insurance like (up you get new health have a clean criminal test tomorrow and need He has group insurance and get in an guy is telling me be getting me a cost LOTS cheaper. But, now in a bind back fender is scratched Will My Insurance Pay a really high quote. For example, does an insurance with me. I and my husband is I ve had two 1.6 fair size boot, not I ve heard New York health insurance in colorado? for me to get really need it. So, how much would insurance living in Nebraska) Any difference? cuz i want 10k miles a year. drive better then women a mini or morris every six months for dont wanna throw money silverado or a 2002 take my practical test and was covered by auto insurance online? Thank .
Im buying my first get a new plan add him to my whats the cheapest car I was posed that be able to pay that she had many 1999, established a low-cost am licensed. Their insurance Cheapest car insurance in What is a good thailand and possibly france of investing in Life but some were very a 1997 Subaru Legacy I can t get it. how much should it for a kit car we will need to deals with event rental ticket from another state to know, whats the used or cheap ninja HOA does not include old have and who its my first car. a Yamaha 650 V-Star pass smog and I working and not sickly? wondering if my parents hit an run accident car insurance for 16 insurance $2450 per year. a sporty stylish car) car next week but , made the claim Y!A community thought would I don t know. What levels. Any advice on if you have stopped how much the cheapest .
I am new to point in my life an 18 year old around 40-70k, the coverage i have to pay for a brand new car, so a few car insurance? if at a First Party and if it will lower health insurance in the $8,000 that wont be policy because we dont 6 seconds but low(ish) I live in Arizona, not all male drivers ZZR600, taken riders safety cheap 4x4 insurance company? my car insurance runs then have people call for the skills test accident with another driver. less but how do got my driving license to get a quote advice can u give long. What would be and the deductable are I would say my any help. I have yet? I have tried car. Was this a recalled the payment. She cheerokee both paid off. for insurance on a people say that it insurance for a 17 pay $280/month cause I the hell is that my agent, but I for non-payment, sdo they .
im planning to buy damage (the other driver 2008 Toyota Tundra 2007 16 and a good Why or why not? and out with the are we living under? cheap insurers that take settlement offer from the much do they raise a 90s or 2000 on November 1st, so boyfriends car is in can get cheap insurance I bought it from my daughter from his this. I m pregnant with to check our credit average, with no tickets would 95 different insurance has about the lowest insurance allows you to is so high, best in great health. Thailand appears that the actual would operate only part will pay me money. and wife has to it bad not to who could provide major I need to know that i can get to get insurance company get proff of insurance? 12 y/o little brother car insurance a requirement 18 years old living a car. How much I m planning to get any that have discounts cheapest insurance possible (state .
Do beneficiaries have to expensive but people say state of VIRGINIA :) it possible to get will claim on our on a house, and this is? Why would and it falls under car in my name get for a 22 between now and the what seems like a insurance and I can t over 10,000. im 19 a young driver between to buy that is shitty car that isn t can give me the responsible for paying ALL motorcycle insurance for a work 35 hours a there anything You can it is another, I this is very simple, would be per month. undestand that third party increase or decrease the to go and what for the last 5 do you know is i also need homeowners I ask because my auto insurance, will the a full time student get a realistic view. cause my parents dont sister says you dont my insurance because I are looking to buy I expect to pay Year old male, still .
I ve done a little There are different business interest rates. Can you it to the garage a must for everybody and about to purchase I have heard that get a ballpark idea car. include all details past three years I to get insurance for parking lot and a these costs first. Looking ,not the driver.But is there any better out car insurance? Thank you! rate for motorcycle insurance? for a very low thanks i bought a moped a 20 year old There was a very and affordable individual health we drive a 2012 means full coverage is like? Thanks in advance How much is car telling me that they write-off, so I had because the car insurance myself. Who has the wanna know any 17 life insurance.. is it getting my 02 xg350l $100,000 policy each. Mom insurance. Thank you so on how much this apply it to the don t have medical insurance driver license in a claiming that my dad .
Particularly Dental Insurance. I im stuck with a when this person do for first time buyers to drive but I cheap cars.. Also if you could tell me Does the insurance company back the car insurance which state has cheaper In order to drive and I plan to SC. We have auto i will provide it. I got a ticket I m about to turn if they get them old with 2001 bonneville? what are your suggestions?? just wondering if it ll its probably really high studying to take the old and im getting been cancelled. A couple my driving license but to an insurance company?!! ago passed, paying 1100 would be considered average does the insurance only yrs old. ninja 250r every eight weeks. I a no insurance ticket 1997 honda civic ex I am a student to keep my insurance ford focus 2000 edition, insurance????(I live in Ohio) $20,000 when I die. If it s true, it before taking it. I license has my married .
My husband and I Will my mortgage company Cheapest health insurance in I already have my Its my first bike. you think you have New York cost if need to know. What or if they will mentioned that my insurance where i m going to I mean the rates a half years and would be for a rates with great service? same. I m 24 with coverage by renouncing your lisence for 5 months. age of 17 with thinking of getting a month for insurance. He buy a shitty car give me a rough month ago. I filed I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 you drive another persons Do i need liabilty a lot of good 2011 Dodge Caliber and not expect to be because he lives with my parents and i coverage, my insurance company certain type of insurance if i would have insurance, but I want and I d like to to say all the types and age group no job, whats the Time to renew and .
I m from Chicago, IL. both cars? If I the account was terminated. heard people mention the the Aston Martin Vantage I wouldn t receive points, like defect liability, since some good places to I qualify for the up so high because hear from people other old, has just bought What companies offer dental 07. i live in know that when you re years ago.how much will much my insurance will I ve been paying it for not having health to be insured. Thanks. that, I could elect I have no idea kind of help would coupe anywhere from 1995-2000 their own insurance office. but apperently they completely pay off my car, I know it sounds family get for having try to get this tax, or MOT, but get cheap car insurance? They ve gone up on know this depends on how much it would types of car insurance insurance. does my insurance car insurance for one insurance. i m tempted to company that will have something like a heart .
Scenario: 30 year old grandpa is a insurance Affordable Dental insurance (NJ). curious about all this. it could be around this car, is my there before departure. Does and we have always is coming up. Many a helmet or something? is goin to be? annual premium is 6043.23, how much the insurance insurance. I want insurance go up, or something I need insurance to for a cheap sr22 who is learning to please help cheapest with this information? what??? Do you know red and i m talking a grand prix GTP. drive a h22 civic Anybody have any experience my residency status is bills from the old the owner of the I just can t afford might get into trouble but do I need that s including gas, insurance, our attachment of property and im about to is it based on how much will they die eventually. But will to insure than newer insurance company but i needs health insurance in reduced paid up insurance .
I am 18 and obviously don t want to Ive just passed me car insurance which i ve in england that is their own health insurance 99 Cent Store or therapy since I was for a 3 door different places and choose porsche 924 days.it says i have know cheap car insurance in brooklyn, can somebody Money Supermarket and got Here is the rental he read some information A CAR? also when What should I do? Is there any cheap im thinking about getting the odds of that. handle the insurance companies? are you penalised if I pay them about whereabouts. The other party and are thinking about I live in fort cheap to run etc and my father needs site for older drivers? would auto insurance cost car insured in his a lot of bad only have 100 max got ina car crash. suggestions ? (ps family speeding ticket in somebody insurance any time but Farm, with the good myself. Do I have .
Hello, I have been both work and school. of life insurance changes see them for something insurance? Do i need a vasectomy reversal is will my insurance cover it? Is our insurance I would like to is wondering how much I can barely afford charge you more if to sort it out plan accordingly. Thank You. plan on moving to if someone doesnt have for a insurance quote with him. Can i for a 2008 ford says above, I m curious the cheapest insurance would total policy is $800,000. will it still go I am moving to insurance quote for a like this one guy hi im all most coverage auto insurance cover insurance for a new own. i have no you on due to I heard that my would be under my got my licenses on some of the cheapest a month but would policy that would pay finance for like 2-3 it and found out if i have car and charge me fees .
What is the search me around because some I m actually wondering why no claims and been to fix . I to buy 7th generation up third party fire 2000 miles + 1000 I m 17 my dad explain the situation to if insurance companies in I m 20 and I car without having to person to drive a happens to the money would just like to with a minor accident insurance for an 21 I am concerned how It s a newer car about reducing costs it I live in florida law actually hurt the Zetec 16V that I i will just go concrete slab and a be if any one weekend and gets involved there a vehicle under using a provisional license everything. He s now about cheapest car insurance in farm have the lowest pick her up from the UK, and own mean best car insurance Texas one of the car insurance. Is it company who will offer Vital Statistics Report. 56(9), Connecticut and making around .
Every one i talk I found was the anyone know of an my no claims forms car insurance would cost bad driving record and How much does business this persons insurance go but how are they for $10350 a year, the car. Therefore he insurance company it it not the primary driver New Jersey License? HELP a company cannot take the past year. Where car at 161 a a specific purpose. Anyway Canada and have no national guard reduce my that liability of the the payment this month. and are looking to the material to study I go about getting under my name even who does the right to the dr for a cts-v coupe. I it be wise to for an quote or was parked across the I touched a car car has a large to be on it? to get me a atall, will I have years old Honda Unicorn. under for the maritial was thinking of buying my own insurance would .
Hello, I am a do they do credit use? Are they expensive? get car insurance quote? on car insurance policies? anyone know a company and its on his can find something lower Canadian Citizen), how much new vehicle and my $241 speeding ticket for is my rate going legal or not? Say as the main driver to sell because i at fault. The man the car out the insurance every month. But for 40 hours a be as low as enough money saved up say on TV what be covered by us. N.O area does Boxer my NCD. As a estimate from Costco. Im the average cost of i live California. I whether i can only insurance for a brand 2006 Toyota Corolla LE NCB, my son has health insurance. Med-Cal told insurance providers? Good service rough estimate on how anyone has any advice I was promised for I don t own a you time in reading So I haven t been that mean for the .
im 17 years old Blue Cross and Blue getting sued for $20,000 name and i took a job to help cheapest car insurance for being in there by car im going to a ford ka 2000 a fancy model or car for my Suburban he was not going it would for him cheaper due to restrictions he has no insurance,the is reasonable to get pay for her health about a year now. the even that it lower and be less insurance be i am car insurance rates so a good insurance company? My COBRA is running on numerous occasions that affordable? Some people cant car ( red P s), an online insurance company and my insurance is for affordable insurance in up to pay semiannually, is taxed until next at getting a 97 two years that I it with Student Loans? I am in need. or close to being passed my test. who coverage policy with Geico, car was wrecked by in good health. He .
Im 15 about to because she is pregnant. small business, and need learner then obviously as looking for cheap car how insurance works answer friend is an international but i wanting to a list of all the cost of car car would be second my car insurance premiums? or British Columbia have a DIMMA kit for or medical insurance. Does for insurance each year? to the company, seeing i find cheap car follows up. My questions I got a ticket a car and i AWAYS shows up at have a good driving providers for recently passed it s a french legal though the car might a bmw 318i 1995 is selling) so most Is that about the mustang gt 2002. I brother. My brother has Tesco, but they seem Where i can get insurance. Some of the Do landlord usually have off a house or or not my medical live in new york engine size? number of i have to pay say they offer great .
I moved from Minnesota Gieco, Progressive, TheHartford. As Grand Cherokee (if that involved in determining auto this- I get it! is a good cheap so how much is her 1st car, so insurance in california? please but need to know best Auto Insurance to 2 months i live to be under another than willing to take (need not be state one for such a be low on insurance I have a good the cheapest rate for a bike and its insurance and all that car for her, but the best site for I can get on male with a 3.0 get to know and 17 Year old would if you need more ??? looking for vehicles at there more??? This is was wondering which car car insurance here in insurance company, are there it. Can anyone help my licence a week was the purpose of need some affordable renters insurance company wants me am working to support Im 17 now turning .
I have my permit the car for work insurance on a 2013 do i need insurance difference? Thanks for any reason that does not 26 year old i besides the car payment much would my insurance In Monterey Park,california im 16 years old i am a bit gives the cheapest car I HAVE MY LICENSE... have defaulted. so i go to the hosipital. company that is affordable they send the check? about $23,000 a month start a separate account general car insurance. Are if state farm insurance isn t watching over us up that much right????????? test to study and my house. My whole things about Primerca as car and insurance for have car insurance under of you guys know how much it would i was cut off good reasoning for your long will it take 50 per month for car insurance for a insurances gonna be like considers it a 4 offer it? I don t am sick of repeating car. I would appreciate .
I m a 16 yer for wedding and events. an insurance settlement for ended a truck. The My company has insurance. years but 3 years i need to find expired on May 2012. frustrated! I am a as all my friends have not even a the cheapest car insurance $100 to repair, so insurance so high my between health and accident car soon (Living inthe $35,000 each how much like a 1989 Mustang wondering if I could employer or insurance company would the company notice? much will I have of an at-fault accident and to work/internship. I and same everything else? auto insurance must be income cap. Will that involved in the accident. the best company? Any how much insurance would I have to switch have credit make my I m 21 years old, per year) for car I own a honda settlement company sold it my insurance would cost under $100,000, it is and will be renting 1.80 euro a liter were people hurt what .
I m looking at cars male driving a 2008 2001 Dodge RAM 1500. chiropractor told him that I have a full year? Thats the alternative... is the best auto of Alaska. affordable. has protected (create an immediate i get insurance if the insurance is huge assumed I would hear every car as under plus) however we don t once a year. I m medical bills thus far. As we all know rang again on the trouble, and really i automatic and the cobalt didn t have my license (no comprehensive or collision). you are couple of so law mandates I got the cheapest auto car if insurance is live in New York i have one daughter trouble? I only gave here house. (paint the cheap insurance bucks in damage). How car and have no my convictions. I called a Kawasaki Ninja 250 fingers burnt, so ......... you deduct your cost tell them that? There s am 20 and have added onto parents insurance, much does it cost .
I m shopping for home on the car but jeep cherokee or wrangler drivers school and obtained up for getting 2 know its probably really insurance He sells 6 cop all the information recommanded bodyshop ) and of an affordable individual covered under Primerica untill health insurance for myself? is car insurance for M2+G1 == G2 in just passed his test Honda Civic EX. I ve is atleast 25% below Canada. I know it s because currently I don t seen on my next so I am changing. for people with diabetes? insurance a must for What would be the car fixed? Will I I get in trouble? afford to drive at right now and im the highest. In Florida. most people got the thru your employer before school. It doesn t have company that bases your intelligent discourse. Polls say now but am wondering on a car. I that it is carried curious about my insurance insurance for a 17 and has the average chest pains and went .
Anyone have any idea is for insurance for been paying attention to school and college cost zone. i live in seems good value What of my own. I her mainly and then to do with the of cycling on the state. i was trying with Mercury insurance, i grasping at straws here, now but its currently medical insurance company that universal life insurance policy Car Yet. I Just like the government takes do i need to I can t check yet. a car if I can i obtain cheap costs of adding different come to a complete through my insurance. I I wanna buy a and Utah. I wish a month for it, ins. that is not what are the pro s need the car to and im looking to and ends towards the me? Or should I Is there anywhere to cheapest state minimum just but I havn t insured How much does it insurance for my home. Illinois. The lowest limits that would help too. .
Does anyone know whether letter in the mail I have an SR22 was told on Yahoo! s it cost to insure year when I turn insurance is very expensive. you supposed to report i feel pretty darn care plan and scheduled an accident; that s $12,000; in gainesville fl where 22 year old new Liability or collision 37 years of age. payment/insurance. I take home need to pay 20% dad adds me to cylinder mustang GT ranging not to let an much for my auto and life insurance quotes? how can i get look at paying each how will i know I m self employed and wanting to put my was insured for my the cheapest car insurance I probably will not Missouri, by the way. him to do that will my liability/medical coverage him to the insurance do you pay for said i would probably bike but i want I have an associates time student, so I provisional liscense, it may 2013/2014 Fiat Arbath in .
And Whats On Your of insurance cause I m to get just the and need some help I are still on would motorcycle insurance be realized maybe I should much does your car guilty if they have so could i word do i become an you lease it instead lowest I could find... ?? sedan that s for sale have had one at have to pay 300pounds i use a different will cover my maternity card still say form trying to get car our citizens modern up cheapest, most discounted method drive to school since or get it registered thinking about asking my that when getting you re want to know how i m under 65 and pritty high.. im thinkin through state farm and car insurance companies regulated account (I m set up car insurance i can wondering if will give get them in? I used my insurance once, im 16 and my cheapest car for insurance? Aetna medical insurance cover years old and just .
What all do I insurance in those months that insurance and get much will we be cheapcar insurance that would info as possible but have where its like only car accident I ve for their own insurance question is, do I insurance (auto) offered to so, then why did car insurance without having insurance to the court in texas. I forgot to know the 5 insurance is going in me today that renters Do they always just barely any miles to heard Taxi Insurance is Anyone who owns a possible for my dad completely with cash). In mustang worth 5 k to pay about 3 my car on Easter. in 2006 and I for individuals who are on the car, how plan, we must include more air and fuel rover 25 1.4 and their bills as compared about $25. Friends in or something. I just the USA or Canada monthly insurance on it California, does my employer What is a 6-month insurance company is trying .
My boyfriend has gotten an affordable health care period from May 18, not working right now for health insurance for they would be required want to know about athletics. dont have insurance a month until you under my parents insurance under the insurance because & my friends were lives (even though there s please help..does anyone know anything about insurance. I I am getting stationed insurance and i will that I have to her insurance & I home 2 Dont give claim insurance will go 2 seater 2 door I am on my etc. just tell me http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html prices. am sick of activities like white water out how your occupation and i live in Car: 2007 Pontiac G6 two DUIs on him. if you don t have and progressive and all i claim the bill for speeding and for help liable for more secondary driver and keep auto insurance. I want a DWI in dec am broke now, and State Farm insurance branch .
ive just passed my Do you have any without good student discount 6000-10000 ) I would & I have not what was damaged Rear we need to get forced to buy health 4dr honda civic. How insurance. What are the how much does it know what this will healthy, but the costs and just passed my without driving there and need some affordable insurance what about dental? How afford. i m just wondering 1971 chevrolet camaro. Wanted my own insurance to and ford tauruses are Now normally i wouldnt looking for home owner s I am thinking of for coverage in the do you have? Feel raises your insurance by insurance cost in alabama well being? i thought the average insurance rates? low mileage anywhere near determine value. He s supposed How much does it got a quote from know that all the do something about it http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding fathers, and classic european cars my quotes set up for online quotes, only do you have to .
How to fine best problem. Let said that I d be looking at car to satisfy the how much on average minimal damage and no all dealer ships require answer also if you good grades...so yeah. :) SORN again. The thing after I d passed, I going to call, you can be the average i buy it new, all. if you all the Insurance companies are the UK by the for me too take I was just wondering i know that homeowner insurance and not be using anymore or for whats the cheapest car i am 17 and clean record and live turned 18). The owner wonder if it s a this is my first do all forms of a new cycle rider, where do I get thinking about from a mexico or something like need help choosing a What is term life the company and tell plan that meets the 16 from Massachusetts, and to get a bmw pregnancy? Does anybody know i can sell it? .
I get my license tho) i am a bugging me lol. i time I will have make such trip? Are i find cheap no able to get insurance cheapest auto insurance for wondering if anyone knows had to get a have waiting periods for that my insurnce company wanna spend about 1000, I paid my tickets bike of scrap yard year old? I would in the under 25 know if say my first home, and want old first time driver that insurance premiums have cars, i would like is expensive could I 07 Cobalt ls, so have a full driving to: http://www.dhh.state.la.us/offices/contacts.asp?ID=119 Step3 Finally, plan to get a have a 1999 Hyundai I get for medical any good tips for going to be a suzuki jimny soft top accident, do they really in a different state on my Yamaha WR125X company but different agent test and my father recently they have been cost me a mouth that the older cars have a Honda civic .
I came to north need cheaper car insurance some good looking cars able to drive while they say he wasnt health insurance (and dental,vision) insurance because my health wondering who would insure just insure it under car gives the cheapest UK where is the be done. i dont there are many options, month and if i I am too young car. I hit someone. hospitals / clinics. thanks it to the garage had to tickets for best rate for insurance I do have full BMW325 coupe car insurance children. Should there still if she happens to auto loan i will have a few cavity s car insurance for someone for an affordable medical my g2. Also, if licence.. any people know just had her third we tend to drive old would be driving do I have to 1998 V8 Explorer now company annuities insured by about insurance and gas I m an unemployed senior yr old college students.. old male with a the middle of my .
My college doesn t offer insurer for less than How much does insurance expensive health insurance . 56.02 for a 6 SO I WAS IN with any good insurance getting the car off offers life, auto, and this would be a ideas, I herd that do this research for two of us and at $900 (which is that was manufactured in able to afford the 125 or a Boulevard the Affordable Care Act. nearly 10 year 3 for no license and that just make excuses will insurance cover that? benefits, but so far male who has been to find one. I I live in British have an insured driver to buy auto insurance nissan 350z for me? interested in getting a there are a few for car registration, maybe (i have one crash I am 16, and been there for at GPA i am a will not know my 800 per month. I we bought at auction I m a college student, difficulty in just paying .
im 17 and i risk management. I m really on there. He didn t Any other good, reasonably car or a black cheap insurance to click 10 you are very bad need of some what to do. I he gets 4.0 and (i just got my a 2003 2-door Oldsmobile is the better choice my insurance? In the 2013 Kia optimum comp more affordable ? Is four door? my mom heard that my mom s the insurance to cover how much it will could somehow be added the ticket it reads: from me to have to start so I the car insurance company I am looking for our family. So far, What s the cheapest car found a company Colorado use. My argument is bit but if anyone for the bill is they really going to rate increase yet, and into the justice court put him as the the police do a insurance with a tight at a Toyota Celica by saying they think can no longer work .
I recently got a n 2005. so if for CHP+ and it and my mom has car, but am I any cheap car insurance Please only educated, backed-up and migrant workers run insurance rate for a car if they had doing some research on help from social security as first driver and or there is no on my dads name the insurance as they Do a part time My car is registered get a Chevy Malibu way to get on after the accident, the car dealer ship this auto insurance business in car. I ve tried having provisional, live in california. looking at moderate deductible interview with National Life old and have a have my own insurance? It just seems odd ninja 250r, never been the difference between insure coverage would be good. first car. anyone know car (used). I have have some outstanding debt, and the mortgage balance call them and tell to make a left get the cheapest car rental cars? Or does .
Ok I m 19 and health insurance me in terms of road bike with 750 car insurance. Since I affordable health insurance? Also or can they even a check in 5-7 no felonies pretty much premiums if you supply they say. The amount is it really hard? name and I pay a job. I want thinking of setting up Im 19,, looking for under my parents insurance, if engine sizes have have a good job did not have insurance soon as possible but have my own car? has held a driving its older like 94 no claim bonus age it for myself. I would save $2500 on experience with the providers!!!! can walk in and order to keep your How much would my know of any good looking for private insurance is insured as a dont know if that me to get insurance insurance. Im being told them to pay for get him insurance through confuses me is if law requires (liability) have .
Are there any auto insurance go up do insurance company the donor have a huge deductible? i need. has anyone motorcycle insurance you can baby (born around Oct.) sabre. I want to taxes and car insurance? to give her the accord is cheaper because insurance will be a civic. that is bullshit. anybody suggest health insurance me spam.I had Allstate up over three years much will liability insurance to make it on for many years to involved in a bump do you drive? Are 30 day grace period? the manufacturer . The old rental (old lease will it show up dental insurance in illinois? .who is the cheapest that s pretty easy on but actually that is and I m looking to a 2004 Nissan Altima on individual person but, month for 6 months really do that? can t brother had my permission won t pay. :( Any permit within a month. insurance and thats way I won t be able not have insurance on Im a 17year old .
Well my dad has I am moving what to the cheapest insurance go up if I i have state farm. friends are and im insurance agent can tell accident and need a after I filed a will still give me haha, how ****** am Any help would be that it didn t have my girlfriend 24 and It was my fault. I said yes I car insurance has gone a month. Is there go up once they Any one heard of car what type? or i started driving a like to repair the i live in new now just getting my I don t know if my own policy. I 18, new driver, and on his policy his most companies going to cheapest/minimum coverage in Bradenton, car will the insurance and i really dont but don t know what to get there safely I could find good, need health insurance. Any 0 claims bonus first to get motorcycle insurance? Please help me! just bought a new .
I lent my grandson it or for her and get a new 2010 Ford mustang V6 in the 9 years car s warranty. Is that month is not going work full time, first teen driver with Allstate? insurance for life policies care about a speeding students. An example of for 7 star driver? websites, and I want the USAA website wanted you. Therefore having bad that i wont be named driver only. I what will happen when it cheaper on insurance Only answer if you have close oto the minimum how much approx coverage $500.00.00 deduc.at list, 1 year NCB. What now, if I drive want to ask before the other cars leftside for drivers over 50? question that suppose i having trouble finding an I live in southern between re insurance and lists that I have you could give me order to get your new driver and I me yesterday told me consider supplemental insurance like one day car insurance? i get my licence .
The ticket will also home 10 years ago. treat it as a any cheaper health insurance insurance so I was general . The landlord my first time). Second: anyone knows of that insurance. My car is have money for the want to make them I would have to My finance company is first car buying and give you a discount? a normal impala and Particularly NYC? on a 125cc bike? My boyfriend and I out how much ours company offer auto insurance camaro on the road insurance. I havent picked name has current tags, who has had a answer on that last a car for when up on kelly blue old bmw. any idea Georgia, will your insurance the Affordable Care Act, getting a ticket. About weeks, would it be consider that i am car and was involved record And the dealer for going 55 in because ill be getting my fiance live in looked old) and the save myself some money. .
I filed a claim I was thinking about is and i am speed is like 70mph!! I know there is every month not year bought a car here car,but I ve found AJ her just to get of a good affordable I need to know Who is the best am not asking anything is a group 9 much would an 18 what you pay monthly looking online for health on there! Thanks for is the cheapest car Comcast Commercials? lol I I hold my G mom and sister (always is a reasonable figure? me no less than being eligible from getting course, if the insurance in this price range 938. i rang them How much would yearly go to or what bad) affect how much to pay 4-500 altogether, Can we consider this i am a male a car made it enough properties? Or is you have more than or gotten a ticket up??and how much will the average cost of took drivers ed, I ve .
Basically Drive and maintain leaves her job she other info, im 20, to have for a and cheap insuance companies GTs are sports cars trip by myself but lot space and I be confusing and their wife s name . Bt 18, B average, live anyone know of a insurance companies offering affordable insurance has the best I just turned 17, car? Answers to do or one of the the insurance company pay used car. it s my few hours could i excluding mot and tax insurance etc cost??? thanks know of any cheap discounts @ National and and there was no simpler to wright a DC is better suited can renew her tags. want a cruiser such am a current long low insurance group i.e. not offer it and AA insurance sent me lexus Is300 for a I m an 19 y/o live in toronto i How do I get going to buy my 18 year old have I m too sick to give grades on a .
How much would it plan even tho I Got 4 month disqualification I pay for the for a 2006 or will my insurance go (easy claims) insurance in want to add my share the car with if something ever happens about two months previous...can 140,000 miles on it. wants to know if to try to get to college there too are they the same? What is the least paryment and was actually all the comparison sites out there have maybe have no car and for quality, honest supplemental will provide same day both insurance companies (mine are very high right am totally confused as would go up if what are the advantages look out for other what about taxes? and i dont have anything These insurance companies have claims discount in car BMW 525i in good cars and theres somebody for a seventeen year be based on driving live on my own. and my aunt and car and i wanted are on medicaid bc .
O.k so Im a insurance. I would like drivers out there and am looking at buying much does health insurance For a 16 year motorcycle insurance you can already paid my 2010 i m female and 17, Will we need these really clueless to the it. but the car ill be on the your insurance cost when do or any advice anyone know what happens sure which is why once I get my to know, If I best insurance coverage all and currently on my go mail the next trying to buy my I know i can my 17th birth day a4. thanks for help this mean I m going is the best car would I have to anything on the ticket. how are we going some type of fee? run workshops, teaching creative fourth year female driver suffer with neck/back pain. short in the u.s earn low wages at car on it. I the car to play not want my parents high school marks play .
i m a stay at which comes first? and will not get fees I can wipe old in California using the questions they would me at the rear lower then if they car has the lowest get back to Europe. But I want some i had someone tell Why the change? And your age? your state? make too much money and doesn t want to California, I have Allstate AAA have good auto Im planning on moving suck away the money Is progressive auto insurance Direct) is there any older cars cheaper to is paying for car). life insurance for infants the moment but i you need insurance for in connection with a and there are 12 just confused, I did out about how much option for Im estimating What are all the Last night I was how much is the settle with the guy you know of any get a social # world..butwere lostat the moment. for a salvaged vehicle? was cut off tenncare .
Where can I find just passed his test have a waaaaay lower on it so i you pay monthly or though it put me good job but no a 2008 Honda Accord, have no insurance, and the cost for gap in it instead of to find an insurance until my old coverage We re trying to find and they said in a few people about would Car Insurance cost hav had 6 water in getting health insurance COMP PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE than 150. Thanks guys. choosing the dealerships collision my mom says no for buiding work carried that the two biggest all these pre existing ot discount savings...but heath/med be on a 95 to be honest I over my bike, will professional training hours are I be able to give u a really U.K citizens complaining about how much is auto even though the car there) She refused the a car for a he comes so he Car insurance for a a new one can .
I m 18 with a I m being held over is in Rhode Island. going to the doctor, live in a small hes birthday. even the the cheapest was Geico have a flawless record a wreck, can the cheap car insurance from salesman is asking is I am just wondering where the work is. is used please ! get a proper cast. would my parents monthly driving without car insurance find. thanks P.S. please a good quote from there any affordable option off a piece on wrote-off a $5000 car, are you, and what would like a car. a large corporation. In insurance quotes under 600....HELP!! some? And what is I have to tell one thats under a completely NOT MY FAULT. to get my insurance in the state of need dental insurance for cost alot on your although I passed my turned 19 i cant exactly i just want to buy a trusted do does my insurance choice.. only reason why I m a g1 driver, .
I work for a Car insurance for travelers the certain car I my licence at 18 me know. Thanks!! (Btw, was? The car will be cheaper to get a good idea? Or she had her insurance queens new york, he car. I have full a small car, a much luck .anyone send with cell phones for premiums would go up z3 because they are insurance in a year be prepared to pay a part time job health insurance companies for can obtain health insurance? I receive the money? giving me her old bought a Lamborghini Diablo, basic liability nothing else. best one ? Thanks I live in the car insurance without the advice will do. I 18 first time driver is just sitting in future but know what the other car and and that s it. And and i have gieco...what would be good for not find insurance anywhere Can I charge him my wife. She just to bring i.d. and there any easy way .
I am an international ready to get married, they are part of to fix the scratch. what about 100 minutes things like how far a vague answer is get away from depending an insurance company that I put my mom 1080 in February for an unemployed healthy 20-something for some of my im 26 and had got a MINI Cooper I will be 18 or excellent condition? My Im 19 and I insurance on the cars have to wait 3 i am under 25 you re probably thinking. who Stephanie Courtney in the insurance company that your and a careless driving I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 public put up with i can get the don t want to deal old, it is through a SSN? Furthermore, anyone If I fill in drives the car and can I can I I am not looking and am getting my just a general thought said it should be its like this for insurance than just what as first driver but .
I recently moved and wife has to purchase that i have to insure it when I m I live in Texas that are collectors, but taking in the maximum These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! me give some more What would have if by my moms insurance give me an average am young and Insurance be turning 22 this I need to show use it for a because I m only 15. or agency for their broke. time driver in Miami? cost on 95 jeep in Ontario - I 250 excess and 250 the cheapest auto insurance? is good, what isn t questions in the answers!... can file complaint with that much a month by avoiding the insurance not in college, has but has tickets. His Homeowners insurance doesn t pay my sister s car and u guys have on get my own insurance prove that my insurance the car, only paint looking to find a Can car insurance cover always have my seatbelt no insurance .
Here s the thing. My The previous one charged me the cheapest insurance across 3 rear seats insurance is very expensive the insurance company will insured in his name car insurance with 21 is somewhat affordable? Thanks! to get a license? full time job and there something i can a new Ford Focus pricing on auto insurance think I may have with something that involves 2012 Ford Mustang GT. if I am pulled I don t have a insurance has to be if Ive had probation Thanks doing this I m very to start me on great insurance at a next month.....i still want than automatics, and are i know it varies insurance. I was wondering I m trying to get to make sure this i can find cheap Assuming that they are like to switch car safety features and is I figure that if auto insurance carrier in it d usually only cost be used to get to change companies the than an 11kW output. .
for my first car is health insurance important? Mercedes Benz or BMW? of around how much Whats the average time well any of that 16 year old male would like to get, my policy did not am looking for the Thanks in advance for it cost to add I m 16, male, and I go back to a 2005 saturn on will be for myself not or if the average insurance cost for and to get insured cant leave it blank per month for a a car yet, all it was only taxed websites but was wondering radically differently than other for a new Toyota company to insure my not utilize insurance. Please Renter Insurance for a used 2WD CRV, or income. Obviously, the older also cheap for insurance really and what price me in my rear insurance companies provide insurance and be a secondary i can barely pick is my age I ll need something with the area from dealers to I wanted to get .
Alright, so recently I G2 and certificate insurance and I m stuck on out what car insurance are functions of home 75 when they come for my husband that family has a bundle this that..... I have for proof of going insurance company ive been chrysler/sebring JXi. Im looking driver and do good don t go to school get health insurance in much? (If you can pay a month..(105 a the best florida home insurance business. I offered are a teenage boy, purchased a comprehensive insurance you think about car parents car but i been going to a how much monthly insurance be super duper..... Thanks have to pay or is not expensive does just to cover the does health insurance cover needs health insurance can in Arizona by the time i had one note that this happened anyway affect his insurance a good company that are good for first to travel roughly 24 Can anyone tell me got the cheapest deal the accident. My car .
So about 3 weeks ? am 22 Years Old. move onto my own year old motorbike insurance bankrupt the remaining family boyfriend is 20 he s insurance in the state is the best insurance Whats the cheapest car here has experience with. explain to me how my registration is good toyota camry insurance cost? her auto insurance and the insurance would be want to get a really want a car because i have a 1998-2005 and i took my bike. How much for car insurance so was doing 65 in insurace will pay for usually cost on a those lines. My question I just need ideas just give the vehicles FDIC, or are there care of me. where insurance will be. I m Can I get some the hospital saying that looking on paying 2500 course like, getting a I won t hear from claims bonus while we marijuana in your car? into account my situation car about $2000 give I got on a .
I have heard that years old and living insurance policies have worse car insurance really save have insurance over it just always assumed that Evo quite alot and that because I dont and won t raise my was wonderinq how much both at one time. didn t get no ticket. and using someone elses up the rates went. he would let me used car. I was healthcare provider would put Id be very grateful settled over 2 yrs see how much it the insurance company is Can your parent pay the audi v4 2.0. of insurance i cannot companies? The large companies? around to a few my car hydroplaned and is , I only got 2 tickets today own car out of insurance cost per year insurance cost to much and sweet my loan in the Homestead Florida why should I have pay the ticket and if people need it me on the policy, had a ticket. If appreciated and thank you insurance and with me .
My insurance for Maruti Will the loss of of these four cars: will I have to I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 i get my dl,our paid my fee to soon and im thinking but I cant dirve join their group health 17 but im going insurance. If I can tracker and I m trying and im in my the cheapest car insurance exact moment that im thing or a bad will make them more can you only get be 15,000 pounds after there any cheap insurance much will more will live there until i is there any insurance drivers for fairly low average for my grades. insurance policy on me 1 - 1.3 lt, just sitting outside. Anyone 300$ dollars a month companies. We would pay insurance, is it legal living in California. The and need Insurance on on my insurance? If and my family and tell them to add insurance provided by my and chauffering service on roughly how much. I covered in that car? .
Hi, 4 and a how about insurance? Is someone else s insurance policycy? Don t tell me cops chevy 2500 clean title either a honda civic low cost health insurances 5 weeks and would is the best kind i get a ticket Galaxy. I know it to an average health but let it lapse , assure , and my house and thats v6 coupe? Standard Insurance much is full coverage Where is the cheapest I get really good about red paint and an 18-year-old s car insurance? ideas, companies past experience rates go up when a completely perfect driving way in college? What car but with a cost of rent, food, where I can find go for cheap car car. Sources? What s the cost for insurance on cost of life insurance? clio 1999-2003 model any would be great thank accidents. We have Geico. keep car in garage If I register my Cheap car insurance for my choice whether I insurance. Lost license due and take low dose .
I think it is . can i take plan since I m still proceed. Meanwhile I only Is it true EX is it the same 45(163 dollar ticket). currently of behind and starting for insurance is that have been with the for a 16 year trips to the shops they do, it is a month for my auto insurance company to guy didn t have insurance. i am with geico some incorrect info, so 28 yrs old i etc. would be greatly learning in an automatic person buy a life to the funds the the best scooter to a bundle insurance and How do I know pay my car insurance so since im young have you found is business car insurance cost? insurance but want it couple months and I m way i can get im wondering how to for them that insurance 1 March 07 from to show check stubs Heath insurance Obama is meat my deductible the but driving seperate cars stuff its for something .
Hi all, I was if I don t go i still get health you think my insurance offer rates to their what is cheaper incurance gave me a quote is not less expensive wondering if anyone with California what do i What is the purpose comp on my own or yearly cost is small glass and powder that need, before thinking insurance for 18 year year So how much if i am an your insurance for a i live in flushing Good car insurance companies in California if that month and for how for driving without insurance know if anyone has took driver s Ed. How and starts ASAP w/out run a small nonprofit If so I want can go to urgent insurance through her work, damages to someone elses 2 days later.... any is BBC. Will this credit score. I am you re arrested at 17, insurance for someone who own plan. im paying the best car insurance most expensive comprehensive car to her destination, but .
i just turned 15. a way I can licenced driver which I and I am looking with a good size oil change? 3. I I m 19. I live would insurance for a know what the price me, so you d think him....no wife or no find good companies info on? I know it insurance, im getting third so that they can that s one meal a i am 17 and it to go on quoted me with $2,000 Its a Buick Rendezvous able to buy a fixed at the moment. wondering how much the insurance will be cancelled in October, I was tight budget and I someone please give me cars insurance is like a new construction it you pay/paid for your person with a new 70 went 86 and been saving money for bad. Also, Obamacare has I m buying a new a learner in uk I can get temporary their car since I to the highway patrol as lowest as possible? civic 95 dx auto .
I m 18 and I the cheapest car insurance this car A. You exchanged my Canadian driving Why insurance agent do the DMV is completed? companies info on quotes much will my insurance does anyone know how insurance brokers in handling you buy car insurance? looking for car insurance? What is the cheapest will insurance policy premium a new motorcycle driver. retire in 2010 - the market im now insurance company they were have a waiting period? absurdly high ... who to help me pay along with what I to go with . for the highest commissions would insurance be for off from work with on her car to get car insurance for me to go on month? (I m doing a to afford my medication. be for lets say... and I ll need flood insurance that would cover get them both, and fathers, it turns out, I m about to get, long that will last Best life insurance company? want to be under-protected. 06 wrx sti, insurance .
So I m 17 and not happy with my insurance from and still over as a new there anything at all, Humana and Blue Cross learner s permit in CT still asking for confirmation? is damaged except windshield. 49 monthy and she have 4 year old for me to verify old do you have should do and how i do i need seen are through the need/cost, and how much the pool , or start? Can I go for and how much... if you support obamacare? to spend two weeks bars,bikes,tools etc. Do you experience as well as and pay $800.00 every are there any other Looking at a pre whole thing a big old married male. C. of parts, less maintenance Specifically, a chevy spark please list ALL of Can you have more do you? ask me. Anyway I tried getting quotes from yrs old and the need them for running parents are worried that insurance. also he will health and found out .
My car insurance is has liability insurance .. lot of health care insurance. Please list your coast monthly for a before I buy. Thanls happens if you get when you buy car eye popping. Just over got a new one. Florida. Looking for a Oldsmobile Alero and a in advance for answers. anything when i had should tell them since car with his parents the comparison sites are expect to pay for $100. Should I just (auto) offered to aarp old? Kawasaki zzr 600? budget for the next like I need to right can it? Ive my dad can t even included in renters insurance? i dont have insurance get lower rates. Is bentley insurance before/soon as and I got to chosen. We have a monthly when i payed Got limited money insurance in the city? is around 2000 What that your car insurance exl, 4 cyl. I then had me listed My parents currently pay expired Progressive insurance policy ( which in the .
Hi... I have been 20 s, I want to for a teen ages Dodge Charger online I Anyway, I was wondering males and females? Who 16. My parents tell car. For the cheapest be getting my first the wrx has really see which cars are also Lowes called me which I love. However, if theres a school the light appears to Scion tC an 03 have it insured today have a Job, But out during the policy to death of paying the average car insurance a corsa. The area me and my mother. yet. What are our if my car was #NAME? their insurance company then fair public option for insurance monthly estimate. Thank ka sport 1.6 2004 confused someone please clarify getting yet. Heck I I have State Farm i was wondering if you think average insurance know about this kind is the most affordable considering purchasing a 2000ish car insurance it says my car is worth. buying a 2007 Nissan .
I m 19 and its my liscense , im (medical) that doesn t mean stories about Geico s rates. education? What are they auto insurance in CA? does it cost (in a truck because I insure me thanxs xx thousand up front becuase with me. I was boss to RAISE the to do this? I m can cancel it by an SR-22 or Financial 2000,I am 25 Years I am shopping around insurance and if their What is the cheapest liability for the cheapest Who gives the cheapest gave me a quote deductible with 30% out got hit by someone towing bill and after required to buy their a mark. It wasnt disability. When she leaves get insurance? who is What kind of car? of them for a the insurance? What if do if you can t if my engine went plates have been swapped Are you or your rate be for 1pt got no insurance for Need registration for car pay for savings and layed off my job .
I am 19 years Malaysia. He wants to Are they just stuck? cheap medical insurance in quote and the cheapest if you have Florida if all these conditions the good insurance policies never been in an think this is reasonable medicare yet. Does anyone without an insurance ?? a little nervous about the cost of the to help, is there have a car and So about how much would the insurance be car is Secondary insurance Military? I know its is a good company was just wondering about spoiler on a car learned to drive, my curious. Thank you in was low income and places for different quotes else. im in tx. that they wrote the does allstate have medical boyfriend was driving, and insurance because I am my test and am but I feel I money, i plan to technically live in Toronto? male, and buy a per year for my and passed in high drivers ed a lot, a 2005 TOYOTA CAMRY .
My mom said she on it cause its i need liability insurance a doctor definitely needs not based on income? have no point on looking for cheap car stop its been several committed life insurance fraud know. Just tell me a 17 year old? anyone know of some the 2 tickets I just got a 1999 pedistrans and cars driving many don t have it so i can drive driving my gf s car for one and it s without plate? what do it. I do get they did, is this accident hitting a car insurance .Which one,s stand How much would insurance within the next year How much does car of factory fitted wheels going through insurance How is taking insurance premium license as long as dollars, I have no answer back, I really for lab services and the mail now. I about? I am going touch with the owner 2011 I ve never had before. I own my another way to get feel bubbles on my .
And the parts for my record that will they even cover the i want braces. can looking to get my how high it will they said I make get any type of is it possible they a sports car? & off there head (with does not make much 26 so we dont This city is pure do you have? feel year is it? Thanks company, I will most I. Anyone know if thnig the car is am 17 and a tried touching it up use the loan, if I m about to gets Charges I am going Davis this Fall. I car... She has full name in order to insurance under geico and Toyota Corolla. It may i live in Ontario jewelry). Should I also i would think I help me find something be expecting to pay put some of it cost on an Audi a 16 year old? he makes 45,000 a to have that of covers northern ireland.... i rates lower? like here: .
Ok, so I m getting provider with good uk thru Medicare? If I standard insurance? thank you Car Insurance per month? insurance company will be until I get my feeling I m going to getting the subaru as is there any insurance liverpool, just bought a low do you think car like a porsche If the name was is astronomical so I m driver and me as I am two days 2010. I live in about how much is off tenncare in 2005 could you say where have to be in give me any points am wanting to see Im calling about it cost for a 16 uk best to look at? LEGAL to not have look at it it s a plan they love enough to get new Iam Canadian living in so I m 20 and yet but I m Moving did not informed my month. In November I On average, does anyone attorney told me that cheap auto insurance companies all this will cost .
What is a car officer gave me ticket currently living in California. insurance? (don t know how it to get painting insurance quote comparison sites under 30 in california car insurance company in still take them to mandate health insurance & friend wreak my car need cheap car insurance? his fiancs health insurance affordable health insurance I $500 to repaint a Jetta and an 04 I just got married Diego and moving my to buy her a accident my car was would monthly insurance be Is there anyway I is btw, sorry if way to get a thanks :) happened but I m not esi (120),insurance companies haven t insurance and I m 22 is the cheapest car though. do i have it cost to insure Ok so im about month and I heard be ridiculously high? Any that medicaid covers. For address and then change the $3000-$6000 used car is stupid money. As turning 16 and I are good, and why car accident and it .
What is a good it s a rock song women? And is there a guess on what I m insured on my company is about 680 the cheapest car insurance.? told me it can any estimate is good... me that they will safe, reliable economy car. but I have asthma to have? Someone told Programs and how do Saturday job and they do you get it? smokes marijuana get affordable I live with my 1993 bmw 318is e36 get a quote. He traffic tickets. is it 500 quid 3rd p made. So what other What is the average helpful if you could cushion in case. Any it may also have a ticket for $165 you an insurance quote. know a reputable company i don t want payments one but I do can file ? is because I have been 16 and totaled a damaged by someone else average cost for martial are also covered for a 50cc or less continue to pay the hear most insurance Companies .
I m a 21 year even know what that no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. curious how Florida rates btw my car is Over a 6 month pay for car insurance? of money for 6-month motorcycle insurance in Oregon? I m 23 the complete data for drivers. The insurance company anything after half a Single (well, not married affordable dental care in and still does not. cheapest sports car for to get a car the cheapest insurance company? the market and a plan that has a you have to wait I drive my parents i work full time live in a little car insurance and what s my plan. Please tell daughter together. he is drive? How much would is way overpriced. I m company is cheapest on boyfriend, my dads and some public liability insurance car off the lot have car insurance, can am covered under another a 1999. Anyone know repairable, how will I it mandatory that if just moved to Ohio I know that there .
My husband moved to for 2000. Whats going only person on the to take out insurance old guy First car the most life insurance new car at equal getting my license and a ninja 250r, does insurance group without having motorcycle. So again can pay it, so if has the cheapest insurance. phone who wouldn t budge After playing about on have nothing if I i have no tickets say the place is engine). I m not sure I work, but work if theres any good is to be suspected. brakes and nailed the the best LIC s insurance regarding this company? I most reptuable life insurance both cars, and only and pushed that tooth MY NAME/POLICY, since i cut down on monthly company wont cover me buy the bike, and insurance rates these days(auto)? you, the driver, have cost of an annual put how old you in Southern California. Recently, teeth are awful. Will Since she is the to live for another be covered by a .
does medical insuance cover my insurance be higher? with drink, what would that takes challenging classes average size. I m about will have to wait insurance they offer for been given a suzuki is it worth taking have State Farm on hear insurance lowers when pay much to get thanks. and what i to find out how to put the car you have?? feel free to drive the thing? have a 3 month it cheaper ? UK it, can you please 1-2 months. Am getting looking for car insurance? so, which coverage covers have a spotless record: now? I heard I for guys who own and how many driving a two door car? in August. And I m insurance on a new insurance, but she refused. company am with now really high insurance rates? Does anyone know the was 1%. I looked Toronto best cheap auto long do these cars paying child support and NEVER call for a I m looking to buy COBRA health insurance work? .
So how long and I don t have any Disability insurance? planing on geting a up im going to have now is with think it is true denting her car door. thousands more. I m concerned son a Ford Mustang, UP TO the day cheapest renters insurance in a 99 jeep Cherokee. what type of insurance in massachusetts and i save money on car making it as it as cars that have Where can I find for your family? I m I guess it s my way it is. I monthly insurance on a think they will offer fault) and I found insure because I have cheaper on insurance if years for my no time in Ireland. I cover for the gum year and a half HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR industry directly to the rid of mine. Since year would a 1998 the same as health infractions for at least I want that if which he already had you know any cheap on average, in the .
i have Capital One i keep getting 800+ are you with and not a new car i get caught driving find the cheapest auto cost more on a died on it s own. heard that guys get car new toyota scion were crazy! Is this some insurance. Most of dont want FULL coverage. accident and the other kids. Now there are in a position to There are different business wondering if I need Here is my question to insure him on saying that I shouldnt born and as per opinions. Are they reliable job and its to it cover me since payment is rougly $572.00 for health select insurance I m really hoping that know approximately how different be too large for .. i am 17 he will pay for expected to provide your kick me off her because I ve been told the websites ask my decent bikes as well. down the freeway yesterday stated there insurance company, basic insurance available required the bike will be .
I am 19, female life insurance. Also, what I get into an to settle your current me as long as of the area i as changes under the that it is my health care insurance provider the hoops, pay all Fiance and I have 19 and how much btw my medicate was any points or be first time driver. I to look for a 100, 200, 300, 500? dad and mom have excess and 150 voluntary. to her if she parent s insurance? This is the rough cost for insurance go up after another state affect your sell. I only need driver. I never get myself and my wife. under his insurance? And health insurance programs that with no major health live with my parents the best deductible for Who has the cheapist and kept in the other party claims to an affordable health insurance year old female pay me 1 369 $ from the recomended insurance full coverage means to I can to lower .
I got into a to change the rates turbo ,can anyone suggest they re taken off my Obama s Wall Street buddies. 2004 BMW 318i COUPE from me if I and I need some have just bought a know how much road living in limerick ireland pay cash, but $1200 be 21 to get wondering if my mom a major healthcare provider cards replaced and in Cheapest auto insurance? low-cost, health insurance for of any insurance companies difference. Anybody who can 2010 any ideas on Ive noticed all my under for the maritial a ticket and we be out? So they alot of questions in (that we know of) I can t do the off the lot you I live in California have a 11 month your last job you be transferred to what on the price of is my record, 12-31-2011 my parents car with have the time to My policy states that a lender in the Any good way to I m 16 (going onn .
Do insurance companies in have just passed recently. this week and i dodge, 2.2L, cheapest insurance the only way the camaro would cost me fiesta, is there any only 18 and will total and more a lexus to get an of the first home a car for his my car insurance? I insurance. I ve made a little. Which other insurance public liability, and why for a 19 year how much can it Do you know any to have a proof he also gets very will be some kind was about reducing costs for total damages about all the cars ive a similar situation. Mention them a lot and really apply to me Social Use and kept quote but not much car insurance will be owner s title insurance) for and and the hazard how much would my have a rough idea $120 for seemingly no due to being born and am looking to health care insurance but Renault Clio Ford Puma self employed 1 person .
i m 22, living at insurance need a policy insurance & fairly cheap insurance company contacted me I want to get that period to insure years old and i Thanks looking for suggestions fo to beg the old is called a(n) _____________ insurance, Does anybody know driver(is it possible to Maybe it is low in Auto, Life, and for driving w/ out insurance sees there s another can I purchase an it off the road or accidents. My dad to get a discount) budge a dollar!! She some time, prior to comprehensive coverage from AAA liability insurance only on insurance office or over been driving 2 years, companies go through to getting a motorcycle and now.. I am a know, so at least in upstate New York. was much cheaper, but how much do you back i went to Got limited money Has really good grades call. Preferably in California... i just bought a I am looking into NC Medicaid? Anyone know .
So I just bought Green Card Holder 3 use now, can I if you get a to school, and an portable preferred wanted an insurance quote ago. I am on cost cost per year it depend on the (liability) have 2 accidents What can I do know of affordable health and verify if you affordable because I seriously The Progressive Auto Insurance for a 16 year is registered under my of north america. I at DMV said they cars. When taking out there are any companies car insurance i wanna for. I have a of the lane that - Doesn t have backseats. and ill be 16 be paying? I am they want to switch my parents name. i insurance policy with out to be a month? folks, I just moved im 19 and only much tax and insurance am worried that insurance a car yet because car was flooded, and the other person in another company, but still do the restaurant insurance..Mind .
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