#Slade House quotes
rineedagger · 6 months
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roses-r-rosie3 · 1 year
Making The Bed
Tim Drake x M!Reader
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[Spill Ur Guts Masterlist/Challenge]
Warnings: Angst, Arguing, Breakup, Comfort
Summary: The Reader is the son of death stroke, and of course being his son meant that the reader had to train really hard, but he was never perfect. And he has also found himself in a relationship with Tim. So he pushes Tim away to train harder and make his father proud of him. That ends up leading to the reader and Tim having a massive argument, and they break up. But they meet again, with Batman confronting death stroke about something. It ends up in a fight with the reader and Tim fighting each other, but the reader overworked himself so hard to the point where he passes out mid-fight and Tim immediately stops to take care of him.
Quote: “I’m done with this conversation! I’m done with you! I’m done with us! I’m done with our relationship! We’re over!”
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You were the youngest of all of Slade’s kids. Some might think that you were the most spoiled and loved because of this, but it was the opposite. You were not the best at combat, but you weren’t the worst. But your father made you see yourself as a disappointment because you weren’t as good as your other siblings were. He still made you his sidekick though, which confused you. But nonetheless you still tried your best to impress him.
One of the nights of helping your father with whatever he needed help with, Batman and red-robin showed up. You would have lied if you said that you didn’t blush a little underneath your mask. You couldn’t remember what happened that day, but you knew you caught feelings for him.
Tim would’ve been lying too if he said he didn’t catch feelings as soon as he saw you. He didn’t know what to do, so one day, when your father let you out on your own, you bumped into the vigilante and he immediately went after you. After a few minutes of him chasing you, he eventually pinned you to the wall and kissed you, and you two became a thing.
The two of you obviously couldn’t tell either of your dad’s about your relationship. Even with having to keep your relationship a secret, the both of you still remained together, you even revealed your secret identities to each other. And every time you “fought” you always pulled your punches and vice versa. Your father would quickly notice this though.
“What were you thinking y/n! You could’ve easily killed him right then and there! But you decided to let him go! You’re useless! God sometimes I even wonder why I even had you!” Slade shouted.
You had to stand there and nod, with tears swelling in your eyes. You didn’t want to disappoint him. You needed his approval. So from then on, whenever you fought with Tim, you would go all out, and Tim would notice it. So after that happened for about 7 more times, Tim texted you to meet him at a random roof top. You quickly snuck out of your house to meet him.
“Hey baby” Tim smiled as he tried to kiss you.
You didn’t let him though, which reminded Tim what he called you here for.
“Y/n, you’ve been acting different recently, is everything okay?” Tim spoke up.
“Yeah, I’m completely fine, why did you ask?” You said as you nipped at the side of your pants.
“No y/n, I’ve known you for long enough to know when you’re lying, please, just tell me the truth, I won’t be mad” Tim said softly.
“Nothing’s wrong alright, I’m fine” you said again.
“Y/n stop! I know you’re lying because you keep picking at the side of your pants each time you lie! Just tell me the truth!” Tim said, raising his voice.
“Can you stop! I’m fine! If this is seriously all you called me for why even call me here to begin with!” You lashed out.
“Just tell me y/n! You’ve been more aggressive during our ‘fights’! Is it your dad making you do this?” Tim asked.
You wanted to tell Tim so badly, but you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him.
“Can’t you just mind your business?! For the last time, I’m fine!” You shouted.
“Y/n please! If there’s anything wrong just tell me! I’m here for you” Tim said.
You couldn’t take this anymore so you just yelled at Tim with a mix of stress and fury.
“I’m done with this conversation! I’m done with you! I’m done with us! I’m done with our relationship! We’re over!” You screamed as you stormed back to your house.
Tim stood there in shock, still trying to process what you just said while you were waking further from him. Tim began to break down on the rooftop, wondering what caused you to lash out like that. Tim, after sobbing for what felt like hours, eventually went back to Wayne manor, and went straight to his room, ignoring his brothers, Bruce, and even Alfred.
When you got back to your room, you immediately realized what you just did and you started to cry. You lost the one person who loved you for you. You cried into your bed all night, you even considered texting Tim, but you couldn’t do it.
For the next few weeks you were training yourself, almost to death, you even passed out once, but luckily, Rose noticed and helped you up. Tim on the other hand, locked himself in his room, not letting anyone talk to him. And if he did, (which was only when he was when he needed to use the restroom or to go on patrol) he didn’t talk to anyone or give them the cold shoulder.
It had been 6 months since the breakup and you were in the training room when your father walked in.
“Y/n get ready, the bats is gonna meet us at a warehouse for a… meeting..” Slade said before he left the room.
As soon as you heard this, you knew it was your opportunity to impress your father. You just had to pray Tim wouldn’t show up. You practiced harder than usual, which caused you to be out of breath, and almost caused you to pass out again, but you couldn’t disappoint your father.
Meanwhile, Bruce knocked on Tim’s door, telling Tim that he had to have a discussion with Slade, and he needed all the help he could get if things went bad (which was bound to happen). Like you, Tim could only hope that you weren’t there, but the chances of that were very low.
When you and your father got ready, you headed to the warehouse, where Batman was already there, waiting, but he was alone. It rose suspicions from both you and your father, but who were you to complain? Tim on the other hand, he was waiting on the roof of the warehouse, looking at you through the glass ceiling.
“Hey, Tim. You okay? You’ve been acting depressed for the last six months now and you’ve been staring at the window for a while now” Dick said.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m okay. Just waiting for Bruce’s signal” Tim reassured.
Soon enough Batman gave them the signal and they broke in through the window. As soon as you saw Tim, your eyes locked onto him, tears threatening to fall. Dick, Jason, and Bruce immediately went after Death stroke while Tim and Damian went after you.
You tried your best to fight them both off at once, you could tell that Tim was holding back, but Damian on the other hand, wasn’t. Soon enough you managed to beat Damian, which was a pretty impressive feat from you, considering how weak you were. Now all you had to do was beat Tim, but that was easier said than done.
You glared at Tim, and Tim glared at your mask, but before either of you could start to fight, you blacked out and collapsed to the ground, causing both Slade and Tim to look at you.
“Y/n!” Tim yelled out, getting everyone else’s attention.
Tim rushed over to check up on you, not caring that his family and your dad was watching. Tim quickly pulled your mask off to reveal your face. He missed looking at your face, he missed kissing it, he missed the feel of your face, he missed everything about you.
“Get away from my son!” Slade shouted as he pushed Tim away,
Although Slade acted like he didn’t care for you, on the inside, he cared about you a lot, that’s why he let you be his sidekick. Meanwhile, everyone was giving Tim a confused look, even Bruce.
“I can explain” Tim said.
“Yeah, that would be perfect right about now” Jason said.
“I’ve always had feelings for him, from the day that I saw him, and one day when I was chasing him down, it just happened” Tim explained.
“How long has this been going on for?” Bruce asked.
“It was going to be a year, and then he broke up with me, this is the first time I’ve seen him in months” Tim replied.
“So that’s why you’ve been acting differently” Dick said as everyone was putting the pieces together.
As everyone was talking, Slade appeared behind Tim.
“So, you’re the one my son was dating, I knew he was dating someone but I could never find out who. Why did he fall for someone like you? How do I know that you won’t break my son’s heart?” Slade said.
Slade sounded calm, something that far beyond normal for him. Tim was confused, but at least Slade wasn’t trying to cut his head off.
“Your son and I loved each other more than anything, he was always my number one priority, I can’t live without him, I love him so much” Tim responded.
“I trust you, but if you hurt my son, physically, or emotionally, I will make sure that you will beg for me to kill you” Slade threatened.
“And if your son hurts our brother, we’ll make sure to send his decapitated head back to you” Damian spoke up.
“Okay then” Slade said before picking up your unconscious body home.
“That’s not what I expected, I thought for sure he was gonna chop your head off” Jason shrugged.
When you awoke from your unconscious state, you were in your bed, and your father was sitting next to you in your bed. Something felt off though.
“So, you and the boy wonder huh?” Slade asked.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about” you stuttered.
“I’ve known for a while that you were with someone y/n, I’m your father. The problem was, I never knew with who, until now” he spoke calmly.
“I’m so sorry dad, I didn’t mean t-”
“Don’t be sorry, I can’t control who you do and don’t fall in love with” Slade said.
“So you’re not mad?” You asked.
“No. But I have a question, something about his tone, felt off, tell me why” Slade said.
“I broke up with him, because I wanted to focus on training, to impress you” you confessed.
“Now I know why you fainted. I have one last question” Slade spoke.
“Do you really love him?”
“Yes, I love him more than anything, I want to get back with him, but I doubt he wants anything to do with me anymore” you sighed.
“What?” You said confusingly
“Go tell him that you want to get back with him” Slade ordered.
“R-really?” You stuttered.
“It’s obvious that you two love each other a lot, and I am in no position to keep the two of you from each other” Slade said.
With that, you texted Tim to meet you at the same roof top you broke up with him on, and you ran.
When you got there, Tim was already there waiting for you, which caused you to slow down your walking. You both stared at each other for what felt like eternity.
“Tim… I-”
Before you could finish your sentence, Tim ran up to you and kissed you. You were shocked at first, but you closed your eyes and gave in to the kiss. The kiss was sweet and passionate. You held him closer to you, you didn’t want to let go, you didn’t want to lose him, not again. When your lips finally departed you were already craving it again.
“I’m so sorry Tim I’m so sorry I lost my temper on you. I- I was just so stressed that I just snapped at you. You didn’t deserve that. I didn’t mean to. I missed you so, so much. I missed you more than anything, please forgive me” you cried.
“I missed you too y/n, please, don’t ever leave me again” Tim sobbed as he hugged you.
“I won’t, I won’t ever leave you again” you sniffled as rested your head onto his.
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olympic-paris · 1 month
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more …
August 20
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1308 – France: Jacques de Molay (1243 – 1314), the leader of the Knights Templar, who denied sexual relations with two of his servants, finally admits to it. He was the 23rd and last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, leading the Order from 20 April 1292 until it was dissolved by order of Pope Clement V in 1307.Though little is known of his actual life and deeds except for his last years as Grand Master, he is one of the best known Templars.
King Philip IV of France, deeply in debt to the Templars, had Molay and many other French Templars arrested in 1307 and tortured into making false confessions. When Molay later retracted his confession, Philip had him burned upon a scaffold on an island in the River Seine in front of Notre-Dame de Paris in March, 1314. Both the sudden end of the centuries-old order of Templars and the dramatic execution of its last leader turned Molay into a legendary figure.
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1929 – Brian Rees (d.2016) was a star among his generation of headmasters and an inspired teacher to generations of boys; but in 1984 he was forced to resign as headmaster of Rugby school in England in mysterious circumstances.
The official explanation was "ill health", and at the time his departure warranted barely a mention in the press. The chairman of the school's governors, Sir Patrick Dean, a former ambassador to Washington, was quoted as saying: "We are very sorry he is unable to continue and we will miss his leadership."
But the real reasons for Rees’s departure were allegations to the effect that he had been leading a secret life as a homosexual, had been drinking to excess and even had a history of drug abuse. Rees’s enforced departure was precipitated by an extraordinary meeting of the school’s governors, chaired by Sir Patrick, who presented Rees with the allegations and demanded his immediate resignation.
Rees always admitted that the allegations were largely true, but insisted that he had always kept his private life to himself. He admitted he was bisexual and had had an adult male friend to stay a few nights at the headmaster’s house. But no boys had ever been involved. At the time he was dismissed he had been under severe strain due to the death of his wife a few years earlier and money problems, and had been drinking heavily, though he was not an alcoholic. As for drug taking, he had once smoked marijuana, a fact which he himself had brought to the attention of the governors.
Brian Rees was born in Sydney, Australia, on August 20 1929. From Bede Grammar School, Sunderland, he won a scholarship to Trinity College, Cambridge, winning starred Firsts in both parts of the History Tripos and carrying off a galaxy of prizes. He was also a brilliant pianist – good enough to play duets with Raymond Leppard. He composed songs for the Footlights with Julian Slade, won more prizes for music and light verse, and even considered making music his career. But before he had graduated from Cambridge, he was persuaded by the headmaster of Eton, Robert Birley, to come to the school as a history master.
He was a popular figure among the boys and in 1959 he crowned his career at Eton by marrying the headmaster’s daughter, Julia, in the college chapel. Guests included Lord and Lady Astor of Cliveden and the former Colonial Secretary Alan Lennox-Boyd. Rees had told his wife about his bisexuality before they married and she, broad-minded and familiar with public school life, had professed herself unperturbed.
By the late 1970s, however, things were looking less rosy. In 1978, after several years of treatment, Julia Rees succumbed to cancer.
To begin with his career continued successfully enough. Though he was unsuccessful in his bid to become headmaster of Eton in 1979, in 1981, when he accepted the job at Rugby, it was billed by the governors as a major coup.
But the strain was beginning to tell. He began to drink to a degree which sent alarm signals through the school, and in 1983 he had a homosexual Canadian friend to stay for a couple of nights in the headmaster’s house. Eventually he decided to pour out his woes to two people within the school and also to a visiting Anglican bishop. It seems that one of those to whom he spoke reported him to the governors.
Among the questions put to Rees at the crucial meeting was how, as a bisexual himself, he handled matters when boys who had been involved in homosexual activity were sent to him. He had managed to save a few from suicide, Rees replied, by telling them they should not have a guilt complex about something which is not as heinous as the world makes out.
After leaving Rugby, unable to return to teaching, Rees fell further into debt and, to make ends meet, worked, variously, as a dish washer in the kitchens of the Royal Garden Hotel, Kensington, a fork lift truck driver, a piano player in a club, a waiter and as a research assistant in Parliament.
All his life Rees had a horror of being 65, so on a trip to Australia and New Zealand in 1994, he left Britain on August 19 and flew via Los Angeles, crossing the international date line in order to land on August 21, the day after his birthday. When, in his 70s, his grandchildren asked him how old he was, he would say that he had not yet had his 65th birthday. He died February 16 2016.
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1948 – Perry Watkins (d.1996) was an African-American gay man and one of the first soldiers to have some success in challenging the ban against homosexuals in the United States Military.
Perry Watkins was born in Missouri in 1948. The United States Army drafted him in 1968. During his entrance examination, he stated that he was homosexual when military officials asked him, yet they still admitted him.
Watkins finished basic training, then participated in advanced training at Fort Dix, New Jersey. There he met a white, gay draftee, who was being kicked out of the military because he had told someone he was gay. Watkins demanded he too be dismissed from the army. His commanding officer denied the request.
Then, while stationed at Fort Hamilton, New York, Watkins attempted to be dismissed because he was denied a job when a commander saw his military record stated he was gay. Again, he was denied. The army claimed they could not prove he was gay.
Even after the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) investigated some of Watkins's sexual partners, the result was the same.
At another time Watkins requested CID investigate the fact he had been attacked by a soldier that wanted to rape him. They instead investigated Watkins for his sexual activities. Finding no proof of sexual activities, Watkins was reassigned to clerk training in Fort Belvoir, Virginia.
Watkins's two-year stint in the army ended in 1970.
After trying to re-adjust to civilian life, Watkins discovered he would need more education for the type of job he wanted. He knew he could get that education in the army. So Watkins went down to the recruiting station in Tacoma and signed up again. Again, he admitted to being gay, and, once more, he was accepted for duty in Germany. During his second enlistment Watkins acted no differently than in his first time in the army.
Disproving ideas that openly gay soldiers would be threatened by homophobic peers, Watkins stated that everyone on the base knew that he was gay.
He even dressed in drag, and the Army publicized it rather than castigating him for it. One day Watkins was approached by a commanding officer who was planning entertainment for a big celebration on the military base. Watkins volunteered that he had sometimes been a female impersonator in civilian life. The coordinator of the show signed him up. Playing the costumed role of a woman named `Simone,' Watkins entertained the troops and families of the army. Watkins's act was so well received that he had to get an agent to handle the many requests for his performances. He played at army clubs all over Germany and other bases in Europe.
Times changed, and the military became increasingly less tolerant of gays and lesbians. Watkins was finally discharged because of his homosexuality. When he challenged the military's anti-gay ban, the 9th Circuit court decided in his favor, in Watkins v. United State Army, 875 F.2d 699 (1989). The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the army had treated Watkins unfairly in discharging him when they had "plainly acted affirmatively in admitting, re-enlisting, retaining, and promoting" him throughout his career.
In the early 1990s, the Don't ask, don't tell policy for gays in the military was enacted during the presidency of Bill Clinton. According to Keith Boykin in One More River to Cross, Watkins felt betrayed by gay rights leaders of all races for not seeking his assistance.
Watkins died on March 17, 1996 at his home in Tacoma, Washington of complications relating to AIDS.
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1969 – "Staircase," a film in which Rex Harrison and Richard Burton play lovers, has its world premiere. The film, like the play, is about an aging gay couple who own a barber shop in the East End of London. One of them is a part-time actor about to go on trial for propositioning a police officer. The action takes place over the course of one night as they discuss their loving but often volatile past together and possible future without each other. It was panned by most critics, including Roger Ebert, who gave it one star in his review and called it ˆ. Rarely seen on television, the film was broadcast by Turner Classic Movies during its June 2007 tribute to gay cinema.
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1974 – Santino Rice is an American fashion designer and television personality. He is best known for his appearances on the reality television programs Project Runway, RuPaul's Drag Race, and On the Road with Austin and Santino.
Rice became well known for the charismatic and sometimes abrasive persona that he presented on Project Runway, and he was often cited as the "villain" of the show. He was also known for his humor, including his impersonations of mentor Tim Gunn.
After Project Runway, Rice was selected to be one of the judges of the Miss Universe 2006 pageant. He was also asked by MTV VJ SuChin Pak to design her dress for the 2006 MTV Movie Awards. The following year, Rice made a guest appearance in the sixth episode of America's Most Smartest Model, in which he taught the contestants about fashion design. As of 2008, he was creating a new cigarette pack design for Camel, dressing a handful of elite private clients, and working on building his own clothing company.
More recently, Rice has been cast in two main roles in reality television. Since 2009, he has been a member of the judging panel on the Logo reality program RuPaul's Drag Race, a talent competition for drag queens that has enjoyed a five-season run and an All Stars season. Rice also starred in the Lifetime show On the Road with Austin and Santino, alongside fellow Project Runway alumnus Austin Scarlett. The show, which premiered in 2010, followed Rice and Scarlett as they visited various American small towns, designing clothing for women who have upcoming special occasions.
Rice also played a minor role as a homeless man in the independent queer cinema thriller L.A. Zombie, which premiered in 2010.
Rice currently lives and works in Hollywood. He has been referred to in the press as bisexual but has said the following of his own sexual orientation: "You can just call me gay but I like men and I am attracted to beautiful women. I didn't like the negativity that was attached to being gay growing up so that is why I have problems with the label."
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1992 – More than 90 gay men were arrested at a private party in Iran. Under Iranian law, homosexuals can be sentenced to death with the testimony of four men.
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swallowedabug · 1 year
Maxim - Carmen Queasy (feat. Skin)
I was delighted when Maxim contacted me and said he was doing a solo album and asked if I wanted to record a track with him. I went over to his place in the countryside near Peterborough, and we spent a day working on 'Carmen Queasy'. It was a magical house with a huge playroom attached to his studio, so ideal for creative work. Maxim had sent me the music beforehand, and that inspired me to rap/sing a melody. I had a story in my head that involved a tumble of words like old-school 1970s rap, or loping '90s jazz rappers like the Pharcyde. I thought about how, during my career, people have given me advice about what I need to do in order to sell records, and I created this sardonic character, Carmen Queasy, who sings: "So now you're telling me it's so damn easy/Try to see yourself as Carmen Queasy/'Cos money-making is a wonderful thing." I wrote dozens of words and phrases, and Maxim took them, restructuring them and creating a chorus that had a dark vibe and swing to it. I'm a singer, he's a rapper, so we found a happy medium and it fel very collaborative, with him focusing on how we could get the story across. We shot a video for the song, which was directed by David Slade, who soon afterwards made a name for himself making off-kilter videos for space-rock superstars Muse. Maxim and I were both dressed in black, looking like sinister, futuristic vampires. I wore a slinky Alexander McQueen suit with cutouts that showed a lot of flesh, and my make-up artist Gina Kane stuck long white feathers to my lower eyelids. During filming I fluttered my eyes and didn't feel them, because they were literally as light as a feather. The song had a hook line that really stuck in your head, and it's still the one collaboration I get asked about wherever I go.
Quote from Skin's memoir It Takes Blood and Guts.
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randomestroleplays · 2 years
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𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔢 𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔭𝔢𝔯 ⊱⋆⊰ 𝔡𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔥’𝔰 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔡𝔦𝔤𝔶
FANDOM: titans (can be played as multifandom / crossover or in other batman timelines)
OPEN TO: platonic and romantic relationships with original or canon characters
CONTENT WARNINGS: canon typical violence, drinking, past torture
Elle Harper could almost remember what it had been like to be happy.  She remembered her big brother, and her dad, and feeling like nothing bad could ever happen.  But then her dad died.  Elle never knew what happened to Roy, but she hoped that his life had been better than hers.  At only five years old, Elle found herself taken off the streets by Deathstroke himself.  Turned into a weapon, a gun with no name, never getting to talk to anyone but Slade, Elle spent the next seven years knowing nothing but her next target, her next shot, her next pain.  And then something happened, something changed.  It was supposed to be a normal mission, until the Justice League showed up.  Slade escaped, but Elle got left behind, got taken to safety by the League.  With no idea what to do with her, it was J'onn J'onzz, the Martian Manhunter, who offered to take her in.
But Elle wasn’t an easy child to raise.  She was angry, distrustful, a loaded gun with no aim.  Her temper was volatile, unpredictable, and dangerous.  She needed a purpose, she needed to make sense of everything that she’d been through, and there was only one place where she could do that.  J’onn knew that Robin was starting a group for teen vigilantes and heroes, for kids who needed a family just as much as they needed to train.  So Elle Harper moved to California, to Titans Tower, with no idea what to expect.
But no matter what she might have imagined, nothing could have prepared her for meeting Oliver Queen’s sidekick, Speedy.  Roy Harper.  Her brother.
FACECLAIM: florence pugh
AGE: 26
SHIPS: dick grayson
FRIENDS: roy harper, donna troy, dawn granger, hank hall, garth, wally west
AFFILIATIONS / ALLIES: the titans, the justice league
ENEMIES: deathstroke
ALIGNMENT: chaotic neutral
ENNEAGRAM TYPE: type 8 — the challenger
SOUL TYPE: the warrior
MBTI: intj-t — the advocate 
HOGWARTS HOUSE: gryffindor
TROPE: action survivor
THEME SONG: smells like teen spirit, malia j
QUOTE: but hell is not where we’re going; hell is where we’ve been
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bienmoreau · 2 years
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hope is incurable haemophilia // “how do you know he died for sure?”
David Mitchell - Slade House / Emily Brontë - Wuthering Heights / Hanif Abdurraqib - Rumours and the Currency of Heartbreak / Mathias Salina - Dream / Katie Maria - I wanted to ask / Andrew Kozma - Song of the Insensible / Rebecca Solnit - A Field Guide to Getting Lost / [??? Not sure can’t find it now] / Richard Siken - Portrait of Fryderyk in Shifting Light / Amy Engel - The Revolution of Ivy / Michael Dickman - Killing Flies / Sue Zhao / Ada Limon - Bright Dead Things / Amy Tan - The Joy Luck Club / Translation from MDZS Extra ~ Villainous Friends / Richard Jackson - Nothing But Trouble / Louise Glück - Persephone the Wanderer
[ID: A web weaving featuring Jiang Cheng from The Untamed and quotes.
"Grief is an amputation, / but hope is incurable haemophilia:"
Jiang Cheng looking argumentative and saying, "How do you know he died for sure?" and then looking upset when Lan Jingyi says, "People say you killed him yourself."
"You said I killed you - haunt me, then."
Jiang Cheng angrily asking "Mo Xuanyu" "Who are you?"
"If I have the destruction of something that I once loved to carry with me at all times, isn't it like I still have a companion?"
"You wander around town, looking in dumpsters, checking pawnshops, asking strangers, hoping to find the thing you love."
A civilian saying, "However, for the past 16 years the young clan leader, Jiang Cheng, still hasn't found his body."
"I don't / want you to be sorry / I want you to / come home."
"If my brother's dead, I am not alive. / If I'm alive, my brother can't be dead.""
Jiang Cheng looking at "Mo Xuanyu". He looks almost hurt and confused
(A continuation of the first quote) "you bleed"
'those who do not love each other are not separated.'
Wei Wuxian asking Jin Ling, "Do you know why your uncle wanted to catch me?"
"You hate someone as deeply as you love them"
Jin Ling replying, "He suspects you're Wei Wuxian."
"I made a shape of the shape he made, subtracted what he shared with anyone else. There wasn't much left but it felt like him, wild and scared."
Jiang Cheng after Wei Wuxian reveals himself through Fairy.
"I don't understand how the pain of losing him can be a pale shadow in comparison to the pain of finding him again."
(A continuation of the first quote) "and bleed"
"I sit down for dinner / with my dead brother / again / This is the last dream I ever want to have"
Jiang Cheng angrily saying to Wei Wuxian, "You didn't go to Lotus Pier when you were revived."
"One day - I will tell you about the dream I had, where you and I were together and you did not leave, where I was not terrified and you were not numb, where things were the way we wished they could be and not the way they are."
"You're the muscle / I cut from the bone and still the bone / remembers, still it wants (so much, it wants) / the flesh back, the real thing, / if only to rail against it, if only / to argue and fight, if only to miss / a solve-able absence."
Jin Ling: "My uncle is always catching those who could probably be him."
"Isn't hate merely the result of wounded love?"
Jiang Cheng watching Wei Wuxian play Chenqing in Guanyin Temple.
"He still thinks Wei WuXian hasn't died. If Wei WuXian returned, he might not search for his sword, but he'd definitely come for Chenqing And so, he would definitely not give up Chenqing."
Jiang Cheng crying in Guanyin Temple as he and Wei Wuxian look at each other.
"Our promises leave without closing the door."
"As is well known, the return of the beloved does not correct the loss of the beloved".
Jiang Cheng with a bittersweet expression, watching Wei Wuxian leave after Guanyin Temple.
(A continuation of the first quote) "and bleed." End ID]
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loveinquotesposts · 4 years
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True, I only properly started talking with Todd half an hour ago, but every instance of undying love was only half an hour young, once upon a time. ― David Mitchell, Slade House
#DavidMitchell, #DavidMitchellDavidMitchellLoveQuotes, #DavidMitchellLoveQuotes, #DavidMitchellQuotes, #SladeHouse, #SladeHouseQuotes
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bluejay-the-geek · 3 years
when your greatest enemies are a bunch of kids
Deathstroke: ...Yeah, they tried to fight back and they nearly got me.
Deathstroke, flexing muscles: But you know, I handled it
Lex Luthor:
Lex Luthor:
Lex Luthor: They were children, Slade.
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herawell · 3 years
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something about how hope isn't always a good thing
scarlet, scarlet by summerslightning // slade house by david mitchell // wiki entry on pandora’s box
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godzilla-reads · 4 years
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“There is some good in this world, and it’s worth fighting for.”
—J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers
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a-ramblinrose · 3 years
Grief is an amputation, but hope is incurable hemophilia: you bleed and bleed and bleed.
― David Mitchell, Slade House
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wedarkacademia · 4 years
“Grief is an amputation, but hope is incurable haemophilia: you bleed and bleed and bleed.” ― David Mitchell, Slade House
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annecoulmanross · 4 years
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I have many friends on those ships, as you know…
“Do not allow any person to dishearten you on the length of our absence, but look forward with hope.” – Thomas Blanky, in a letter to his wife Esther, written July 12, 1845.
Thinking about how James Clark Ross counted not only Francis Crozier but also Thomas Blanky as a friend, and, while Francis was all alone mourning Blanky, James never knew what had happened to either of his friends.
Earlier voyages on which (some combination of) Thomas Blanky, Francis Crozier, and James Clark Ross sailed together:
1821 – Fury w/ Parry – Crozier & Ross 1824 – Hecla w/Parry – Blanky & Crozier (Ross on Fury) 1827 – Hecla w/ Parry, Blanky & Crozier & Ross 1829 – Victory w/ John Ross, Blanky & James Clark Ross 1835 – Cove w/ James Clark Ross, Francis Crozier as second 1839 – Erebus w/ James Clark Ross & Terror w/ Francis Crozier
Additional sad facts: JCR donated to Esther Blanky’s subscription when she declared bankruptcy after her husband’s disappearance.
Note: I fucked up on an earlier version of this post, and failed to credit the sources for my research – most of these Blanky details come from @thomasblanky who also did the research on Esther Blanky’s subscription, and who, along with @frauncis and @laissezferre pointed out some inconsistencies on my timeline, which has now been corrected. I’m really sorry that I did not give appropriate credit. There’s no excuse for that, and I expect better of myself. 
I hate how hard it is to make up for these kinds of errors on tumblr, but PLEASE reblog this version rather than the uncredited version. I’m also deleting the original uncredited post, and I ask that you do too. 
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sinligh · 3 years
“Grief is an amputation, but hope is incurable haemophilia: you bleed and bleed and bleed.”
—David Mitchell, Slade House
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boxofmaniacs · 4 years
People are masks, with masks under those masks, and masks under those, and down you go.
The Slade House - David Mitchell
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ragedagainst · 2 years
red hot lights - m.oon taxi
bigger than us - white lies
heat stroke - blac.k math (i have nat to thank for this one)
spirits - the strum.bellas
past life - col.d war kids
my mother gave me her knife, / she has taught me that hope is vicious.” (moira j., from “stillborn godhead,” published in third point press)
“still, there is this terrible desire to be loved. still, there is this horror to being left behind.” (michael cunningham, the hours)
“i live in longing, in fire, in rebellion.” (adonis, tr. by khaled mattawa, selected poems)
“grief is an amputation, but hope is incurable hemophilia: you bleed and bleed and bleed.” (david mitchell, slade house)
“jyn was changing. it was evident in her fluid movements and her lucid stare. she no longer hunched her shoulders, no longer maintained the compact posture of a woman ready to absorb a hit before she hit back. she’d shed none of her intensity, but it came with what cassian could only interpret as a confidence bordering on invincibility. she’d always struck him as a person unafraid to die. now she seemed like someone who couldn’t.” (alexander freed, r1 novelization)
tagged by: @guttersniper thank you ily!! tagging: @shireburn (for james!!) , @wrrnth , @pistolslinger , @debelltio , @faryant , @proditeur , @beastslays , @gunbash , @dinopunching , @pizzatheif , and you !
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