ragedagainst · 1 day
jyn hums quietly in response. even though she's curious about the particularities of the other woman's clients ( the fucking weird ones, anyway -- she could use a laugh ), it's best she doesn't give too much away about herself. though she's a practiced liar –– there's a fresh identichip in her pocket with a new alias on it –– she doesn't need, nor want, any extra scrutiny right now. parekh will have to settle knowing only the basics about her current identity ; this is a business transaction, not some get together with an old friend at a local cafe ( . . . not like she has any experience with that, but -- ). " ' course, " she replies. she understands all too well the importance of knowing who you're working with. she's done her research on ramya parekh, as brief as it may have been. but that doesn't mean the other woman needs to know anything about jyn in return.
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the corner of jyn's mouth quirks upward slightly at the mechanic's first impression of the beat-up shuttle. calling it a piece of shit would be putting it lightly -- but she hadn't had much choice when she'd been running for her life, blaster bolts flying overhead. the bucket of bolts in front of them had been the first ship she'd seen ; its previous owner had left it unlocked, likely assuming that no one would bother stealing it considering how un-fucking-flyable it looked on the outside. " i was, " she corrects, crossing her arms over her chest. it doesn't look like she'll be doing much cruising in said jalopy for the time being -- or maybe ever. the mechanic's first impression of the shuttle isn't a good one. her lips press firmly together in a thin line, the knowledge that she can't stay on-planet for longer than necessary. she doesn't have time to linger while her stolen ship gets gutted -- nor does she want to waste the credits on that. she huffs out an irritated breath, her bangs moving away from her face on exhale. " might just be quicker to catch a lift to the nearest hub, then ? "
❝ enough to get by. a lot of my business actually comes from off-world, but rarely without consultation. a lot of my clientele are just … particular, i suppose. ❞ it's said so matter-of-factly, ❝ frankly, i like to know who i'm workin' for, 'n all that jazz. i'm sure you understand. ❞ for the sake of herself, her client, and the livelihood of her business : what kind of black-market engineer would she be if she took jobs from mudlarks on the regular? with her line of work, she'd be in the first detention centre the empire had on hand ... arms dealing with intent? fuck, she's heard of people getting chucked into the mines of oovo four for less.
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HERE SHE IS. a smirk tugs at the corner of ramya's lips as she follows jyn's line of sight to take in the view of the shuttle : quick to take note of the outworn eyesore of a rattletrap. she can tell just by looking at it that it's seen trouble. the front of it wears its paints, skinned by space dust and sands, like a medal - other dinks and dents are a modest accessory. ❝ you've been cruisin' in this jalopy ? ❞ she's not sure why, but ramya expected to see something a little more ... refined. or at least personalised and valued yet it'd be a lie to say the gearhead didn't have an uninhibited appreciation for older models of ships. sure, the thing wasn't by any means on a collector's level of value ... but a treat to work with regardless. ❝ let's bloody hope she doesn't need anythin' replacing ... i'm not sure how much stuff i'd have layin' around that'd suit her model without having to gut her entirely. ❞
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ragedagainst · 2 days
not for the first time, jyn wonders just how much trouble she'd get in if she creatively found a way to ' take care of ' former imperial director orson krennic. with how unorganized the alliance can be, especially at the lower levels, accidents happen all the time. it would be easy for . . . something to happen to him without anyone knowing otherwise. but for the time being, he's unfortunately ' useful ' ( allegedly -- jyn's near positive she could run this operation on her own ). despite making her feelings very clear to upper command, she's stuck with her dear uncle orson for the time being, the two of them forced together to investigate rumors of the empire building a second death star.
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@debelltio : “where are you going? hey. hey!”
but just because she's supposed to work side-by-side with the man of her childhood nightmares doesn't mean she's going to make it easy for him. he's on her territory now ; newly freed from his cell, though still under considerable restraint, he doesn't know the ins and outs of the current rebel base like she does. in response to his current protests somewhere behind her, she only smirks, increasing her pace as she weaves through the crowded hangar bay, hoping that he's having a difficult time keeping up with her. she hadn't told him where they were going, just set off without a word, intent on making the next few minutes of his life as chaotic and stressful as possible. he'll find his way if he loses her . . . or not. either way, high command should just be grateful that she hasn't shot him yet.
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ragedagainst · 3 days
well first of all being covered in blood is inherently erotic AND romantic. So jot that down
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ragedagainst · 4 days
i often have these ideas that have no real origin, but i can actually tell you precisely why my brain wanted this: i was listening to "hey, soul sister" by train on a loop and i got thinking abt the fact that we really do just say "hey" for so many reasons. and i wanted to make that your thought of the evening! so happy november, bon appetit, wrap up warm, DO NOT ADD TO THIS LIST, and enjoy your writings!
[ GREETING ]: sender says "hey" as a greeting to the receiver.
[ ATTENTION ]: sender, having just noticed something strange or remarkable, calls for the receiver to get their attention.
[ REASSURE ]: in a bid to steady the unsettled receiver, the sender lightly says "hey" to help them calm down.
[ ANGER ]: the sender sharply snaps "hey" at the receiver, clearly angry about something the receiver has just done or had done in the past.
[ IDEA ]: having been presented with a predicament, the sender suddenly unravels a solution, introducing it to the receiver by saying "hey…".
[ GUILT ]: having just done something that they know the receiver won't be pleased with, the sender sheepishly greets them once they arrive to see the damage.
[ GOSSIP ]: the sender turns to face the receiver conspiratorially, clearly eager to share some new gossip with them.
[ URGENT ]: the sender rushes to the preoccupied receiver, desperately shouting "hey!" to get them to focus on a far more pressing matter.
[ SOOTHE ]: after finding the clearly distressed receiver, the sender pulls them into a careful embrace, gently murmuring "hey…" to try and soothe them.
[ SMILE ]: the sender (who hasn't been smiling up until they actually see the receiver in front of them) lights up with a smile as they greet the receiver.
[ TEARS ]: the sender greets the receiver while very clearly in tears.
[ FAKE ]: alternatively, the sender (who has just been crying in private) hastily wipes away their tears and tries to greet the receiver casually (to varying degrees of success).
[ WARNING ]: when the receiver begins to say things about subjects that are off-limits to the sender, the latter gives them a warning by saying "hey…".
[ LAUGH ]: having found the receiver to be decidedly unhappy, the sender lightly catches their attention before doing something to make them laugh, or at the very least, grin.
[ PROTEST ]: after the receiver does or says something that the sender deems to be unfair, the sender tries to exact justice by saying "hey!".
[ BREATHLESS ]: having clearly just sprinted down to the receiver, the sender tries to catch their breath while greeting them.
[ SAVE ]: after just saving the receiver's life in a very heroic fashion, the sender smoothly greets them while helping them escape.
[ FLIRT ]: the sender meets the receiver in a social setting, and attempts to flirt with them with the very traditional pick-up line: "hey.".
[ APOLOGY ]: the sender, having recently done something that hurt or upset the receiver, reunites with them and addresses the elephant in the room by greeting them with a sincerely apologetic tone.
[ AWKWARD ]: after a particularly rough first encounter, the sender meets the receiver again, and awkwardly greets them with more than a touch of embarrassment.
[ GENTLE ]: having found the receiver in an emotionally compromised position, the sender closes the door and approaches them carefully, gently saying "hey…" to try and get them to communicate what has upset them.
[ HARD ]: preparing to deliver what they both know will be bad news, the sender tries to prepare the receiver by quietly greeting them in a solemn tone.
[ WAKEN ]: walking into the receiver's bedroom, the sender gently shakes their shoulder to waken them, and whispers "hey." to encourage the process along.
[ WHISPER ]: the sender gently whispers "hey" to the receiver to discreetly get their attention without drawing the attention of others.
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ragedagainst · 5 days
be not afraid i changed my url this is libby sgterso!
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ragedagainst · 5 days
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" sure, " jyn replies slowly, nodding as if she's in agreement with what andromeda's saying. ( she doesn't think annie's seen her literally bite anyone, and nobody had witnessed her nearly tearing out a throat years ago -- ). she clicks her tongue, then holds her hands out expectantly, impatiently. " well ? give her here. "
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🌿                              “  that  you’re  lovely  !   and  i  like  seein’  you  metaphorically  bite  people  ?  ”               andromeda’s  brow  pinches  and  blonde  head  shakes,   as  if  to  say,   didn’t  you  get  that  the  first  time  ?            “  a  grump  for  a  grump  !   you’re  the  perfect  little  pair.   as  long  as  y’don’t  squish  her,   or  anythin’.  ”
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ragedagainst · 6 days
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rage, rage against the dying of the light. [ template ]
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ragedagainst · 7 days
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NO LOYALTY, NO PRIDE, NO HONOUR. ✫ an independent and original portrayal of [ ramya "rampart" parekh ] of respawn entertainment's apex legends + titanfall franchise [ ... ] canon compliant but adapted for a broader speculative sci-fi genre : includes expansive verses for franchises such as star wars, fallout, bg3, and more! 18+, PERSONALS DNI. by chantelle, est. 2020.
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ragedagainst · 8 days
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Marie Howe, from What the Living Do; “Watching Television”
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ragedagainst · 10 days
solo can boast about his toughness all he'd like but the wound on his chest says otherwise. it's a nasty one, worst jyn's seen on him in a while -- though, she muses to herself grimly, it's not like she sees much of him these days, with the war tugging them both in different directions ; it's hard not to wonder about the type of trouble he's managed to get himself into without her. at least he's alive -- they both are, for now.
she rummages through the first aid kit she'd brought back from the 'fresher and pulls out a few bacta pads. it's not the last of her supply on this op but she'll have to be careful moving forward. " you really gonna turn it down ? " she scoffs, tossing them on the couch next to him. she hadn't been lying when she'd said she wasn't in the mood to play nursemaid. if he's talking and coherent, he can do the difficult work himself. instead, she perches on the arm of a nearby chair and examines him thoughtfully.
" lucky for you i was planetside, " she says, raising a brow. " pretty coincidental for us to run into each other here, yeah ? " unless this is truly one of those one-in-a-million occurrences, the chances of solo just happening to stumble into her flat while the two of them are on completely separate missions is just too difficult for her to believe. whether he'd sought her out himself and spliced through alliance records to do so or had been told to come here, she doesn't know ; however, a strange feeling of relief settles over her knowing that he had shown up –– for whatever reason –– and that now she can keep an eye on him while he's clearly on the run from something from his past.
jyn doesn't know much about his background, hasn't ever asked for details. people like the two of them are better off not interrogating each other what they've had to do to survive. she'd kept her questions to herself and so had he -- an unspoken agreement between the two of them about things they'd rather not remember. she'd figured out the broad strokes of it -- serving in the imperial academy before getting kicked out, finding chewbacca, then smuggling all across the galaxy. but this is the first time she's heard anything about corsec. it's not too far of a stretch to think that he had joined up, maybe right after he'd been discharged.
she's had a few run-ins with corsec as a teenager, only one of them positive. but the one time that an officer had bought her a hot meal when she'd been starving and on the streets doesn't negate the half a dozen other times they'd targeted her, even going so far to arrest her after attempting to steal a warmer jacket. she'd been cold, homeless, starving -- and they'd chased her down like an animal and booked her anyway. ( she'd escaped, of course ; it hadn't been to difficult to slip through the cracks with all of saw's training. but that doesn't mean it hadn't pissed her off. and if she holds a grudge ? sue her. ) even though there are those sympathetic to the rebellion in their ranks, they're irritatingly neutral in the galactic civil war, despite the alliance's best efforts to sway them otherwise.
his question brings her back out of her head ; she blinks, then refocuses on him. she has no desire to delve back into that part of her past, preferring to keep those years firmly locked up in the cave in her mind. she shrugs a shoulder, says non-committedly in an attempt to change the subject, " corsec ? yeah. " solo likes honesty just as much as she dislikes it -- this is a compromise on her part. " the assholes who jumped you ? doubt it. "
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when she sees the wound on his thigh, she hisses in sympathy. " don't make me force you to use the bacta, " she warns. if it comes to it, she will -- there's no point in him suffering just because he wants to play the martyr or preserve her supplies. " i swear, if you die on this damn couch because you're being stubborn -- " she huffs out an irritated breath, shaking her head ( though she can't really be that annoyed, can she ? knowing that she'd do the exact same damn thing in his place ). her fingers twitch but she remains where she's perched on the nearby chair. if he asks, she'll help -- but she won't overstep, especially not when he seems enough in the right mind to do it himself.
" don't think it was that, " she says finally, mulling over his situation in her head. it's difficult to parse out the true reason knowing so few of the details but there are a few ideas at the forefront of her mind. " might be personal. it's not like you haven't made a fuck ton of enemies. " she leans back until her spine hits the cushion of the chair, one leg dangling over the side. she mirrors his position, meeting his gaze with her head turned to the side. " could be that you're alliance. you haven't exactly been low profile. but. . . " she trails off. " i don't think so. they jumped you for a reason. "
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              ❝𝙶𝚄𝙴𝚂𝚂  𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙽𝙴𝚁’𝚂  𝙾𝙽  𝙼𝙴  𝙵𝙾𝚁  𝚃𝙷𝙴  𝙽𝙴𝚇𝚃  𝚆𝙴𝙴𝙺,  𝙷𝚄𝙷?❞  𝚂𝙾𝙻𝙾  𝙾𝙵𝙵𝙴𝚁𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙷  𝙰𝙽  𝙸𝙽𝚂𝙾𝙻𝙴𝙽𝚃  𝙶𝚁𝙸𝙽 ,   though he knew even as he said it that a week’s worth of hot meals wouldn’t come close to covering the cost, not with the current price of bacta on the black markets skyrocketing to the point of absurdity.  ❝an’ who says i need bacta?❞   wishful thinking for sure, but a man could always dream.
the truth was han didn’t want the bacta, albeit not because he wouldn’t make good use of it.  stars knew he could use a dab if only to staunch the blood still trickling down his right side.  but bacta had long since become a luxury item, thanks to the empire’s ever-tightening grip on the galaxy’s supply—a situation he, in a twisted bit of irony, helped to worsen by aiding the rebels at yavin.  with the rebellion’s status now upgraded from a minor nuisance to a serious thorn in the empire’s side, bacta was rarer than ever, flat-out unobtainable in some sectors.
han couldn’t—wouldn’t take more than what jyn had freely given him.  the idea of accepting more, knowing the potential stakes—after directly involving her—made his gut clench in a way that had very little to do with his injuries.
besides, growing up under shrike, this was hardly new. there were plenty of times he should’ve ended up in the medical bay, but since the bastard had never bothered, too tightfisted to even consider first aid, han learned early on to endure affliction like an unwelcome but familiar guest.  this was fine; he could handle it.   what gnawed at him wasn’t really the pain itself anyway, but the way it always dragged him back to a past he’d been trying for years to bury.
          ❝can’t say for sure what set ’em off. didn’t do much except ask the right questions.❞ or the wrong ones, given the mess they were in now.   the men who jumped him could’ve been thugs unrelated to his recon, or maybe they’d originally planned to cash in on his active bounty, but something clicked at the last second and they realized killing or kidnapping him wasn’t worth the inevitable headache—unless, of course, they wanted the rebel princess, the last jedi, and an enraged wookiee crawling up their asses within the week.
❝i’d say they didn’t take kindly to people pokin’ around, especially not some corellian with a military background.❞  his military career wasn’t anything to brag about; short-lived, full of as many commendations as reprimands, dishonorable discharge — but that didn’t negate its legitimacy.   ❝might be a shot in the dark, but there’s a decent chance they think i’m corsec.❞
although his official discharge was more than a few years ago, it wasn’t uncommon for corellians who’d washed out of the empire’s forces to end up in the ranks of corellia’s law enforcement agency, corsec.  they were always on the lookout for fresh blood, for men and women who didn’t quite fit the empire’s mold but had the grit and street sense that corsec thrived on. corellians, after all, weren’t exactly known best for toeing the line.  they had a reputation for living fast and loose, guided more by personal codes than by any official rulebook.  but when it came to corsec, there was an undeniable harmony han had observed firsthand, a strange but compelling mix of corellian pride and shared understanding that seemed to keep his people in check.   maybe it was a deep-seated sense of identity across history, or maybe it was because corsec only recruited the best of the best, the ones trusted to uphold a reputation that was more legend than law.
either way, any crime organization with a modicum of self-preservation would be wary of attracting the attention of an outfit recognized as one of the most effective police forces in the galaxy, especially for those operating anywhere near the corellian system.
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❝got one problem with that: no sclavoj would risk taking out a corsec officer,❞ han continued after a measured beat, mostly to distract himself as he blindly reached for the scalpel again, overshooting it once, twice, the throbbing pain in his leg making his head spin as though someone had set fire to the remaining fabric still squeezing his lower half.   he glanced down, hands trembling, then sliced through the fabric drawn taut across his hips, letting out a near-audible sigh of relief as the material snapped apart to reveal a mottled expanse of bruises, ugly mauve splotches fanning from below his waistline down the length of his swollen upper thigh.
            to hell with modesty, han thought, collapsing back onto the ruined couch, now half-naked and fairly delirious from blood loss.   nothing sexy about looking like an old piece of beaten-up fruit.   he turned his head slowly, welcoming the rough grind of thick hair against the couch as it anchored him to the present moment, to reality.   ❝you—uh, ever run into ’em?❞
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ragedagainst · 13 days
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ragedagainst · 13 days
barnes -- if that's even his real name -- is a ghost. the file that the alliance has on him ( if she can even call it a file ) is just snippets of possibly unrelated intel of someone who fits his general description. a handful of agents have been sent out to try and recruit him ; even with whispers surrounding possible involvement with the empire, his skills and high success rate in bounty hunting is too good to let pass by without even attempting to sway him to the cause. if you ask jyn, she'd scoff at the idea. even though stranger things have happened ( like both her and han solo joining the rebellion ), this isn't the type of place for someone like him. . .if he's even real.
it comes at a surprise to be met with the scene inside the cantina. the veritable massacre of bounty hunters at his feet aside, the man's face looks familiar enough to tug at something in her brain. though she's not one to make snap judgements based on blurry security camera footage, it could be barnes -- or just some sentient who happens to look a bit like the man they suspect he may be. either way, his identity has nothing to do with her op ; she's not here on a recruit anyone to the cause. for the time being, she disregards his presence beyond the facts that he's likely the only other living soul in the cantina and that he's undoubtedly the one who'd killed everyone else.
jyn keeps her face impassive as she observes the scene, though one of her eyebrows tick upwards at his comment. instead of saying anything in response to that ( because no unremarkable person would be able to take down this many people in such a clean and practiced manner and stay standing ), she instead crouches down next to the body closest to her and begins the unpleasant task of looking through their pockets for some form of verification. without looking up, she asks mildly, " you have any idea if one of these sentients is darro anen ? "
@readapt : ‘ i’m entirely unremarkable. ’
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ragedagainst · 14 days
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ragedagainst · 18 days
despite being heavily scarred, jyn's not someone who likes her scars because "they reminders of the battles she's survived" (she thinks that's goofy because she's survived a helluva lot of battles that didn't physically scar her). she feels very neutrally about most of them -- they're just a part of her body and that's that.
when showing them off, however, she will point at one and be like "haha this loser thought he could kill me with a gut wound. fucking dumbass i survived obviously and then i killed his ass" -- perhaps to shock, horror(?), and immense perplexion of whoever she's talking to
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ragedagainst · 18 days
as a rule, jyn doesn't date -- she never has. when she'd gotten old enough to be interested in that sort of thing –- romance and the like -- she'd still been under saw's wing. a glare from him ( with the promises of mortal injury in his eyes ) had been enough to scare off any interested suitors. and in the years following, she hadn't had the time or energy to pursue romantic relationships ; rather, it'd been a daily fight for survival with the occasional fuck in between. none of this first date bullshit.
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" say ' first date ' again and it's no longer happening, " jyn replies sullenly, wondering just how quickly she'll come to regret this decision. ( to her surprise, she doesn't -- yet, a voice in the back of her mind hisses -- but she's not going to write off the possibility. ) " and if you don't agree to splitting the bill, then i'm blocking your number. " as tight as money may be right now, she's not willing to budge on that issue, regardless of how well-off vasily is. her eyebrows narrow, feeling as if she's losing control of the situation. " can't we just -- i don't know, grab something from a food truck ? "
vasily doesn't stop the grin that overcomes his face. he was hoping for the best, even was ready to accept that, more than likely, she'd say no. he would be a little sad, but he wouldn't push. despite what people think, he can accept a no. even if he doesn't like hearing it. and he's not so much of an asshole to force someone to go out with him if they truly don't want to. but he knows jyn is stubborn. or else she would have walked away and wouldn't have hurt him out.
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finishing his drink, he throws it in the trash before walking up to her. he doesn't force his way into her personal space but he does look at her, grin still on his face. " i hate to use this card, but obviously i would be paying. it's our first date, after all. " okay, maybe he was willing to push a little bit. " i'll text you the details later. " plus, first date means somewhere in vasily's definition of nice! if he really only has the first date, he wants to make sure jyn to feels special.
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ragedagainst · 19 days
feeling like i need a blog makeover...........
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ragedagainst · 20 days
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Jyn Erso on Jedha | Rogue One (2016)
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