#personal library
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haleyslibrary · 2 months ago
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New (temporary) bookshelf setup... the books are in a some what random order because I ran out of time to put them back as I would've liked, so I will be switching the arrangement up sometime this weekend.
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archivist-dragonfly · 1 year ago
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Book 472
Worlds Beyond Time: Sci-Fi Art of the 1970s
Adam Rowe
Abrams 2023
Another new book from Abrams. We’ve gotten to the point in publishing where, if you’re like me and like large-format art books, you need to get used to the idea of buying them when they are released. Fewer and fewer publishers are taking the risk of releasing art books, and they are staying in print for shorter and shorter periods of time. So, when I heard about this book, I made a point of getting myself a copy, and I’m glad I did. While my preference in vintage book cover art leans more toward the pulp era, it is the 70s covers that I find myself the most familiar and nostalgic. Featuring some all-time greats—Frazetta, Vallejo, Elson, Emshwiller, Mead, the Dillons, et al—and divided into subject categories such as spaceships, cities and landscapes, plants, animals, aliens, fantasy realms, and cryptozoology, this is a beautiful and very welcome look at an incredibly creative, experimental, and occasionally ridiculous sci-fi decade.
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the-home · 5 months ago
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bookaddict24-7 · 4 months ago
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I love a good Xmas tree and bookshelves 😌
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pagan-stitches · 6 months ago
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First 2 photos my embroidery.
Last 2 from: Goddess Embroideries of Eastern Europe by Mary B. Kelly, 1996
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nyxshadowhawk · 9 months ago
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My occult library! I’m pretty proud of this. I’ve got a nice mix of classic occult books, fluffy witch books, serious scholarship, and editions of grimoires. And on a broad range of subjects! I’ve got some ceremonial magic, some folk magic, some chaos magic, some ancient paganism, some neopaganism, some alchemy… I’ve basically covered all the bases!
Please don’t tell me how many of those I’ve actually read. 😬
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thergbvision · 13 days ago
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In therapy we started EMDR and I created my safe space. I decided to draw my safe space.
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sleepandblog · 4 months ago
BIG library fan but god owning books is awesome too
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bubu0h · 7 months ago
How I Manage my personal AO3 e-library Archive
Download everything I want/hope to read in EPUB format. I try to anyways... if I notice I got too many tabs open on my browser, time to download If multi-chapter remember first to press 'Entire Work' and then 'Download'
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2. I use Book Story (Android App) to manage the mess that is my downloads folder - this app is a great book database manager AND scroll reader with Big letters as well - The app has this fantastic feature that allows me put the books into 'Reading' 'Already Read' 'Planing' 'Dropped' categories; I move the books around and it helps me keep a visual tab on them - , plus if you like scroll reading this one is fantastic at that as well.
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Periodically I update the BACKUP of the folder(s) were the copies of books live. KEEP A BACKUP OF YOUR BACKUP , if you mess around and don't got no backup is really painful and irreversible.
On my computer I then make a copy of my messy ass downloads folder from my phone into my computer. While looking at the visual information the app provides me I delete books that I 'Dropped' and I move 'Already Read' books into my computer E-Library Data Base (I use Calibre) that's my main book hub where I will quickly notice what books need covers and I take my time working to finding an image I like for the book , so I can recognize them books by just looking at the covers I am terrible at remembering book titles
If you are curious this is what Calibre looks like - this is just AO3
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3. To read EPUB books I use Libera FD Is frankly the best reader I have tried because I prefer page turning. If you like scroll reading Book Story is much better option for scroll reading.
Libera FD can customize pretty much EVERYTHING and is very very feature rich ( it can be overwhelming) HUMONGOUS FONT SIZE , you can download any font you want to use, replace words if I want to , it has OLED dark mode for reading at 3 am, you can configure it so it reads to you (using TTS) , several reading modes including auto scroll and speed reading mode, and so much more; the dev(s) are still updating and adding functions to it is kind of amazing I am probably not using it to its full potential You can sort books by 'Genre' which is how the app recognize the tags from the website.
Here some visuals of Libera FD (I wrote in the ALT of pics, click on it)
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Book Story is a neat app , less overwhelming and the UI is a lot more intuitive. It looks like this for me , you can configure the essentials to your preference. Is a fairly new app be patient with it (sometimes just give two minutes to cook) , it is still being updated. The dev is very active if you got suggestion or present bugs.
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4. How to provide enrichment to glorious magnificent authors , that share their passion with us for free. When you open any ao3 .epub on either of these apps the links are underlined. I tap on the link it leads back to the original posted website page at the beginning of every book you get from A03.
Tap the link, keep it open in your browser and star reading.
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Open a note taking app.
I usually take notes about my silly musings as I read, copy quotes and whatever else I want to leave in the comment section of the chapter I am on. Cut and paste and that's it. I load the next chapter in the website and then continue reading the next chapter on the reading app (I comment on all the chapters if I have something to comment, sometime I don't have anything to say so I don't . Figure it makes authors happy and i find it very fun. Sometimes they answer back it feels nice) remember to leave kudos and comments specially if you are rereading.
I use Quillpad (android app) the most important feature of any note taking app you choose, in this case in particular, is that it saves your notes automatically (I used some apps that didn't it was devastating losing all my notes like that. I though that as long as I didn't close the app it was fine turns out not - some you have to manually save - and sometimes it would timeout and gone , all my notes gone. With Quillpad I haven't lost notes)
I haven't taken the time to figure out if Librera has a feature for annotation that could be useful for commentary note taking
I think that's all I can think of sharing on this topic. I am open to questions and adding things to this post with visual aid and whatever I can do to help , do let me know.
Keeping a copy of books safe and easy to find KEEP BACKUPS OF YOUR BACKUPS
-Updated Nov. 11 , 2024.
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bunnybonesstudio · 4 months ago
Hello book tumblr!
I’m making a call for recommendations in LGBT and Queer Social Science books. I’m amassing a collection of Feminist and Queer lit for my personal library. Finding feminist literature is proving to be much easier than the ladder.
I’m not looking for fiction; I’m looking for scientific, social science, and true story books only.
For example, I have with me today the following:
“ACE: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex” by Angela Chen
“Stonewall: The Definitive Story of the LGBTQ Rights that Changed America” by Martin Duberman
“The Deviant’s War: The Homosexual vs. The United States of America” by Eric Cervini
Any books adjacent to this will be acceptable and desired. Whether it’s queer, lesbian, bisexual, ace, pan, trans lit. I want to have a full spectrum of studies, real stories, and analysis on my shelf.
Please and thank you ❤️
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haleyslibrary · 2 months ago
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may the odds be ever in your favor
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archivist-dragonfly · 5 months ago
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Book 538
John Abbot: Birds, Butterflies and Other Wonders (Art of Nature)
Pamela Gilbert
Merrell Holberton / The Natural History Museum, London 1998
In July 1773, John Abbot (1751—c. 1840), a twenty-year-old amateur naturalist, left England to spend the rest of his life in Virginia and Georgia to collect and paint specimens for clients in England and Europe. For nearly sixty years, until his death around 1840, he worked meticulously to catalog, paint, and supply specimens for collectors and other naturalists. Though his work was prolific and in demand throughout his life, he never sought greater recognition and virtually never published, as opposed to his contemporary John James Audubon, despite having painted and catalogued many bird specimens well before Audubon began work. Besides being a talented artist, particularly of insects, Abbot was also a gifted scientist and naturalist. Many of the specimens he painted were extinct within forty years of his death, a consequence he predicted following the increase in human population and changes in farming practices.
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the-home · 5 months ago
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bookaddict24-7 · 10 days ago
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New reading chair is here and my library aesthetic is almost complete 🥲
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pagan-stitches · 6 months ago
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The Dancing Goddesses: Folklore, Archaeology, and the Origins of European Dance by Elizabeth Wayland Barber, 2013
Women’s Work the First 20,O00 Years: Women, Cloth, and Society in Early Times by Elizabeth Wayland Barber, 1994
(Personal library)
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seeingisbelief · 4 months ago
Hi! I I'm not new to Tumblr, but I haven't been active here since the 2012 Super/Who/Lock era lol.
I'm back in an attempt to join the spiritual Tumblr community. Looking for moots with the following interests:
Tarot & Oracle cards (as well as Kipper, Lenormand, etc.)
Books (extra points for book collecing/personal libraries)
Hoodoo (Black people only on this one, no exceptions)
Mysticism (Christian or Jewish)
Catholicism in terms of the inherent occultism
Divination in general
The Golden Dawn
The Wheel of the Year
Witchcraft of all kinds, except no Wiccans (not sorry)
I think that's plenty to make a few new friends! Comment if you're into the same things, and we can be moots. Otherwise, I'd appreciate a reblog so I have a better chance of finding potential friends!
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