#Skyrim Lucia
vidvana · 1 year
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I wish my for future home to be as blissful as the one I've made in Skyrim.
My beloved child Lucia and her big doggo :3
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shitty-drawer · 9 months
Merry Christmas everyone!!!! And Merry Saturalia!!!
Pretty late, BUT, with my friends we also decided to participate in our own Secret Santa!!!
It's the first time I've ever done this, so I am very glad that I got my friend @akaviri-dovah!!
It's always a pleasure to read and check everything about your OCs 💜
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I drew her Vestige (Rume the babygirl) amd her boyfriend (Vanus Galerion, the one and only ‼️‼️‼️)
BUT I felt bad for doing only one drawing, SO I MADE ANOTHER ONE-
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I'm bad with backgrounds- I decided to draw our Dragonborns!!!! Zamira (mine) and Taralka! Each one with their children <3333
And actually I wanted to make another 2 drawings...because, BESTIEEEE I LOVE YOUR CHARACTERS, I couldn't choose...
So I'll reblog this post and upload them later hehe
BUT YE, THIS WAS FUN!!!! If someone ever wants to do this kind of event again, tell me! It was very fun to join!!!!
Thanks for reading, I hope you have a nice day <3
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breath-and-focus · 2 years
Aela adored each of her children equally, both born of her body and adopted by her husband. Markus had done a remarkable job raising the orphans that had been left around Skyrim.
Lucia had grown into a beautiful young woman, and had gone on to marry a young nobleman when she had turned 17 winters. She now lived in the Imperial City, but frequently made trips to Skyrim to spend time with them.
Sofie had blossomed under the tutelage of herbalists and healers, and now in her 18th winter, was considered one of the best healers in Whiterun, having trained with Danica Pure-Spring for the last decade.
Blaise and Alesan had become fine warriors, growing in strength and brilliance, and making a name for themselves within the Companions. Now that they were full members of The Circle, and had been gifted the beast blood, they could frequently be seen traversing Skyrim and as far South as Leyawiin.
She thought fondly of their children, her eyes drifting over to Dengen and Eruki, watching them play and spar together, noting just how quickly they were growing themselves. The two of them were glued at the hip, and it took everything in Markus and Aela to separate them just long enough for their nightly baths.
Dengen was very protective of his sister, and would proudly fight anyone to keep her safe, his beast blood howling within him whenever someone so much as looked at Eruki the wrong way.
Aela couldn't be prouder of her children. And soon enough, another would join them, running through the streets of Solitude, following his or her siblings in their own training, and traveling with them to Bruma to visit Markus' family.
She absently rubbed the swell of her belly, smiling fondly as she saw Markus approach, the children running up to him before leaping into his arms, wrapping their own around his neck as he carried them up the stairs to the patio, depositing them back onto the ground before ushering them inside to get cleaned up for dinner.
He smiled, leaning over to capture Aela's lips in a tender kiss before gently nipping at her bottom lip, a hum leaving him as he pulled back.
"Enjoying the sunlight, love?" He questioned, taking the chair opposite hers as he leaned back against the back rest, his long legs stretched out to the side as he gazed at her.
"Yes... And thinking of our wonderful children. Every single one of them." Aela replied with a smile, her right hand cradling her belly as she smiled at him.
"Ahh, speaking of children, I received a letter from Lucia. She's well and is on her way from the Imperial City to spend a few days with us. She wishes to see her siblings." Markus chuckled, basking in the smile that illuminated Aela's face.
"Oh my sweet girl! We must get ready for her arrival. I'll have Jordis get the spare room ready for her. I won't have my daughter sleeping at the Inn." Aela remarked, pushing herself up from the chair she had occupied, straining slightly before rising to her full height.
Markus rose as well, gently wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her against his body, smiling down at her before pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.
"I'll get the house ready to host her. You focus on resting and conserving your strength for our pup." He hummed, pressing his palm to her abdomen. "Let me handle that much, darling. You already do so much for us, now it's my turn."
"Ha! As if you're not the one who put this pup in my womb? I believe you've done enough, dearest." She teased, making him growl back at her, his eyes glistening with mischief.
"Shall I remind you just how I put that pup in your womb, love?" He whispered, his lips against her ear, making her shudder with the anticipation of it. "Now I won't hear another word of you saying I've done enough." He chuckled then, leading her into the house with a smile. "Rest."
"Yes, dearest. Whatever my doting husband demands of me." She replied with a laugh, making her way into the dining room to sit at the table.
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stephlynndrawings · 2 years
Prompt given to me over on the @nirnwrote discord! "Would you like a hug"
tw for minor injuries (not very described), and alluded to child abuse/neglect/extreme favoritism
Ever since she was rescued by her sister, her younger sister, Elegrin had had her whole life changed. Changed for the better for once. 
Even though the change was a good change, it didn’t mean that Elegrin didn’t struggle with deep and dark thoughts when visiting her sister and the family she had built for herself away from their biological one. She herself hadn’t known about them until Elruin brought her to one of her houses to recuperate after having been kept as a thrall for weeks. 
When she really thought about it, she couldn’t blame Elruin’s reluctance to want to send word to their parents about her marriage and children; after all, if it came from her, they’d react badly. Which, after watching how people treated Elruin in skyrim, made Elegrin’s blood boil.
She understood deep down why their family was so superstitious and weird, but that didn’t mean that how the two were raised was right. Elegrin had never thought about her sister’s treatment until she faced just a small portion of the ire of her parents. While she herself could do no wrong despite developing a cultists mindset when reading tales of the long gone Veiled Heritance, Elruin got constantly punished and pushed to the side for things that should have had praise and approval. 
So, needless to say, the elder twin didn’t visit her sister as much as either of them would have liked. They had agreed that they desperately wanted to get to know each other without being pitted against the other and wanted to grow closer to make up for the 58 years they were essentially strangers. 
Sadly, on the most recent visitation, a dragon had attacked not far from Elruin’s house outside Falkreath, and seeing as she had her friends staying with her as well, the fabled Dragonborn was off outside to save the day as she always did. The eldest sister ran after them to help, hoping that she was still powerful at non-dead related magic. 
The two sisters stood furthest away from the creature of legends and bedtime stories, each casting spells to freeze and burn the dragon while her friends attacked in their preferred ways. It was when Elegrin was admiring the skills of the youngest argonian that she had stopped paying attention to the dragon and found herself being quickly pushed aside only to watch her baby sister take an attack meant for her. 
Something colder than ice filled her veins as she watched her sister get up unsteadily, only to fall back down. The blond imperial, Lucien, noticed from his spot, his blue eyes wide before looking to Elegrin with a serious look.
“Get Ellie inside, we’ll finish this. Keep her comfortable and wait for the dragon soul to find her.” He ordered, his voice completely different from how it sounded when they were discussing dwemer ruins earlier in the day. 
With a shaky nod, the blonde bosmer scooped up her very injured sister and hoped that she would make it until the soul found her. She wasn’t stupid, it was a good plan to let the dragon soul heal her, but she also didn’t want her sister to suffer. She got to the door of the house and saw her brother-in-law waiting, his ruby eyes wide. 
No words were said as the dunmer led her to where all the guest beds were, already gathering towels and a basin of water, all while getting ready to cast some magic. Once Elegrin set her sister down, Revyn was handing her soap and a rag, instructing her to clean her hands while he began to clean up the parts of his wife that he could. 
He started casting spells with both hands, though Elegrin was under the impression of them both being healing spells until she felt her body ease and relax, her own breathing coming out less harsh and quickened than before. She must have looked at him in surprise because the man chuckled at her with a bittersweet look in his eyes.
“You react to loved ones being injured like Elruin.” He explained, the light teal glow fading from his right hand. 
The woman was about to respond when they both heard a little voice over the cacophony of dragon screeches from outside. 
“Papa? Aunty? Is Mama okay?” 
Both whirled around in surprise, blinking at the two children standing in the doorway owlishly before Revyn seemed to snap out of it, a tight smile on his lips.
“She’ll be okay once the dragon is gone, but right now I’m trying to ease her pain.” He explained, grunting as the golden light in his hand flickered. He was struggling to focus and Elegrin knew what happened if you lost focus on a spell, so she was quick to head over to the kids and started ushering them out with her.
“Come on, Milles. I’ll keep you company. Your mama is strong and brave, she’ll be fine.” She said, and if Revyn noticed the way her voice sounded choked up by the end, he didn’t comment.
Both children cheered at the idea of spending time with the aunt they only just started to bond with, both eager to learn more about her. Blaise, ever the confident once, grabbed one of her hands and pulled her to the little book nook that Revyn and one of Elruin’s friends had made for the children a few months back, the area fit with a bench instead of a single chair.
It was something she could have seen Elruin loving when they were little mers.
She left the kids to pick out a book for her to read while she went to the kitchen with the promise of getting snacks. In reality, she needed a moment to herself. She got overwhelmed around people much easier than she did as a child, and it was a startling realization that she was feeling worse than she had ever felt. Part of her wanted to chalk it up to the fact she was thousands of miles from home, but she knew it wasn’t that. She actually felt liberated to be free from her parents.
No, the problem was that everywhere she went she was reminded just how much her sister was treasured now as an adult, by people who didn’t even know her. All Elruin ever did was want to be loved and it never happened back home due to a stupid “prophecy” from a senile old woman.  She felt guilty for how she mistreated the little sister she should have protected, no matter the fact that they were twins. 
She couldn’t even be mad at her little sister for leaving home the way she did, couldn’t be mad that they never heard a word from her after going to college. If she was in Elruin’s shoes, she would have left much earlier. 
She was broken out of her own dwellings when two little hands shook her arm, the little girl staring up at her in concern. 
“Aunty, Elle…Would you like a hug?” Lucia asked, her brows furrowed in concern. Blaise had finished picking out a book and was on Elegrin’s other side with a matching look. Elegrin bit her lip before nodding, her eyes burning suddenly.
“Yes, I would.” She whispered, her voice breaking as a sob tore it’s way out of her throat. 
Her beloved niblings wasted no time in throwing their arms around her and snuggling as close as physically possible as she started crying, wishing nothing more to be the one comforting them rather than the other way around.
______ Mille(s): sweet in Bosmeris.
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late-nite-scholar · 2 years
TES Shiptober Day 28-31- Wedding
And here we are, the last prompt (courtesy of @hombrediablo​) of TES Shiptober. It’s been great, and I’ve had the chance to deep dive into some characters and write some really fun pieces. So let’s end it off with a wedding, and of course, with Besharat and Farkas. This is an idea that I had for them getting married. Sure, they did in Riften, but Hammerfell is right there, and to slip down to Elinhir? Only makes sense to me. I have no idea what Redguard vows would be like, so I just made some up. The date of them getting married is the 25th of Morning Star, 4E 202 (in game it was the 25th of Frostfall).
Anyway, enjoy and thanks for coming by for all the fun!
Length- 1800 words or so
Warnings- none
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(Left/top: an approximation of how they look like in their Redguard outfits. Made with https://meiker.io/play/14045/online.html . Right/bottom: The actual dress Besharat wears)
It was all so surreal; here I was, back in Hammerfell and readying to be married. But, at the same time, it was so good to be here. The fact that Farkas wanted to do this warmed my heart. It’d been his suggestion, in fact, to make a quick trip over the border from Falkreath to Elinhir to the Temple of Morwha. It was only us and the girls and Vilkas, but just being here was more than enough.
I shook out my clothes and began to dress. I’d bought this outfit in Solitude, but never had a chance to wear it. It had just reminded me so much of home, of festivals and parties in Bergama. The underdress was a soft cream, thickly embroidered with gold in swirling patterns. Belted over this was a light robe bearing matching embroidery; soft and silky in rich fuschia. Long, filigreed earrings nearly brushed my shoulders, and I hoped they wouldn’t get caught in my hair.      
Now dressed, I began to fix up said hair. I shook out the curls and pulled back the front half, securing it with long, golden pins. I lined my eyes with black, making them even brighter, and colored my lips a dark plum. 
Just as I finished, I heard a knock at the room's door. I opened it to Vilkas, who gasped. "Ysmir's beard! I hardly recognize you, Sister! I can't wait to see Farkas' face when we arrive!" 
"Is everyone else ready?" 
"They are. I was asked to come collect you, as it were. And I am honored to be your escort. Farkas and the girls will meet us at the temple." 
I stepped forward, and crushed him into a hug. "Thank you. For being here." 
"Of course, Besharat. To me, you are already family. And now we will declare it so. I know we had a rough start, you and I, and I’m glad that’s over. But come on, we shouldn't be late!" 
It was a nice day, warmer than it had been in Skyrim when we'd left, but not nearly as hot as if we'd gone all the way to Bergama. Which was fine, given I was the only one who could deal with that kind of heat. Vilkas offered me his arm, and we made our way through the streets together. People watched, gossipping, but I paid them no mind. I was too focused on our destination. 
The statue of Morwha towered over the market square, smiling down at all who passed under her gaze. She held one of her four hands out, inviting us into the temple behind her. My heart sang. It had been too long since I’d been in a temple to one of my own gods.   
As promised, Farkas and the girls were waiting by the door. As I got closer, I gasped. The girls were dressed in the finery they'd brought from home, the same as Vilkas. But Farkas wore a Yokudan long, sleeveless tunic of dark grey that split up the sides to show matching loose pants beneath. The keyhole neckline and down the front was embroidered with rich blue, matching the color of the loose robe he wore over top. That was embroidered in silver and green and belted like mine. I stood speechless for a moment, until the girls noticed us. Lucia grinned, and Sissel clapped, jumping up and down.  
"Mama, you're here!" They cried. This made Farkas turn, and he stopped to stare just like I was. Or at least, until I got closer. 
"I didn't expect this…" I stammered. My hand reached out to rest on his chest, noticing the fineness of the fabric beneath my hand; a soft light linen with a silk robe over top just like mine. 
"The girls and I were in the market, and they thought maybe I should get something to wear that would match you. If we're having a Yokudan wedding, I should dress for it, right?" 
"You look perfect. Thank you, my heart." 
The door opened behind us, and we all turned. A priestess poked her head out, and smiled. "Ah, I thought I heard our lovely couple outside. We are ready to begin whenever you are." 
Vilkas and the girls headed inside to take their seats. The girls were chattering, talking a mile a minute about how we’d looked upon seeing each other. They were even trying to pull Vilkas into their conversation, who, for his part, played along gamely. The door shut behind them, leaving Farkas and I alone.   
I looked up at him. "Are you ready?" 
"I am. Never thought I'd be here, gettin’ married. Never really had anyone interested. Guess I was just waiting for you." He reached out and brushed my cheek.  
"That makes two of us. But I was the one who wasn't interested. Guess I was waiting for you, too." 
"Well, let's not leave it any longer." 
Holding hands, we walked into the temple. I didn't notice the empty benches we passed; the only important one was at the front where Vilkas and the girls sat. All three watched with rapt attention as we made our way to the front together, their smiles bright enough to illuminate the whole place. But we didn't slow down until we reached the beehive-shaped altar at the front where the priestess waited. 
She smiled at us both, pulling us around gently so we were facing each other. Farkas immediately claimed both of my hands, squeezing them. I almost couldn't meet his eyes, his expression too beautiful. I didn’t want to start crying before we’d even begun and I was already teetering on the edge.
But the priestess didn't let the moment linger long. "Ah, but what a joyous occasion we have come to celebrate today! Two souls have found one another, and have come to declare that love and proclaim their commitment before Mother Morwha. It gives me the greatest joy to have you both here, and to stand as intermediary between you and the gods as you make your vows. Do you come both of your own free will, and enter into this marriage without coercion?" 
"We do." We said together. 
"Ah, good. We are required to ask. Now that we have settled that, let us continue. The love you share is a gift, a reflection of the love between Ruptga and his favorite wife, Mother Morwha. It is this love that you will carry between you, through this life and onward to the Far Shores. It is this love that will see you through the greatest of joys and the deepest of sorrows. And it is this love that we celebrate here today. Let me ask you in turn, to speak your vow to uphold and honor this great gift." 
She turned to Farkas first. "Farkas of Jorrvaskr, of the most esteemed Companions, will you stand honorably with this woman? Will you love her without condition? Will you lend your sword to hers in whatever battle stands before you? And will you honor the gifts that result from this union?" 
"I will," he declared. He looked down at me with the softest smile, eyes filled with tears.
I couldn't pull my gaze away from him as she addressed me. "Besharat Earth-Breaker do Bergama, will you stand honorably with this man? Will you love him without condition? Will you lend your sword to his in whatever battle stands before you? And will you honor the gifts that result from this union?" 
"I will." 
"Then let it be known that this couple has declared themselves before Mother Morwha as married. May she bless your union now and forever, and may you both prosper together. Here are the rings that you have chosen as symbols of your bond. Take them now, and seal your vows." 
She handed us our rings, and we slipped them back onto each other's fingers. I'd missed the feeling of it on my hand, even for those few short hours. The priestess smiled again. 
"Congratulations, my dears. Go forth now, as husband and wife." 
A cheer erupted from the bench. The girls were on their feet, and Vilkas grinned. 
"You'd better kiss her, brother!" 
Farkas turned red, and the heat in my face told me I was no better. That didn't stop Farkas from taking mine in gentle hands and leaning down to meet my lips. For a long moment, everything else faded into the background. When he finally pulled away, we were both breathless. 
This earned us a chuckle from the priestess. "Morwha certainly smiles on the two of you." 
That made Farkas'  face turn even redder, but we both laughed. Then the girls launched themselves at us, and we were all hugging. They even managed to pull Vilkas into the fray, despite his protests. 
Eventually, Vilkas was the one to be the voice of reason. “All right then, we’d better get going. We don’t want to miss the feast waiting for us. Come on, girls, let’s get back to the inn and make sure everything is on schedule.” 
He herded them out, leaving Farkas and I alone again. We followed them out the door, but lingered again beneath the statue.  
"Married…" Farkas marvelled at the word,  "It doesn't feel like I thought it would, but I'm happy." 
"How did you think it would feel?" 
"I dunno. You always hear that 'everything changes when you get married'. But it hasn't. I don't feel any different." 
"I've heard that too. And you're right, I don't feel any different either." I laughed. “I mean, what more could there be? I already loved you with all my heart.” 
“And I love you, too.” He grinned. "Well, there is one thing that's changed.” 
He pulled me close, brushing his lips against mine. "Now I get to call you my wife." 
The thrill that went through me was enough to pull a small gasp from my throat, which melted into a giggle. "That means I get to call you my husband." 
"That's the best thing I've ever been called." His silver eyes shone with tears. "Right up there with gettin' called papa by the girls. Speaking of which, we should go catch up with them.” 
“Before they talk poor Vilkas’ ears off.” I agreed. 
He offered me his arm, and I laughed as I took it. “I walked here like this with Vilkas. I’m sure people thought he and I were the couple.” 
Farkas laughed too. “Yeah, but we match!”
Every step was light as air as we made our way back. We would celebrate tonight with Vilkas and the girls, and tomorrow head back to Skyrim. It would only be a quick stop at home in Whiterun, before we and a much larger group would head down to Riften so we could do this all again at the Temple of Mara. And then, unbeknownst to Farkas, I had one last surprise planned when we returned to Jorrvaskr. I looked over, heart swelling at the joy in my husband’s smile. I couldn’t wait for that surprise, to finally say to him those words that would mean more to us than either temple vow we would make. That I’d wanted to say for so long, because they were what I felt with every fiber of my being.
I would stand at his back, that the world might never overtake us.      
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madamefluffnstuff · 6 months
WIP Wednesday!!
Haven't done one of these in a hot minute hehe.
Deviating slightly from ESO to indulge myself in Skyrim Family Fluff (TM), as a treat.
Plot: Lucia is scared of thunderstorms and goes to her mama, my LDB Silverstream, for cuddles.
"Mama?" Lucia whispered, not wanting to startle her mother. Another rumbling of thunder in the distance caused her to flinch. Skyrim was known for its tumultuous and varied weather; white-out blizzards to the North, pleasantly warm summers to the South, and raging thunderstorms right smack in the center. Which happened to be where Whiterun was. It also happened to be in the middle of one of those storms. Ever since Lucia was tiny, she hated thunderstorms. The loud crashing and booming never failed to make her jump out of her skin. It was made worse when she was on the streets, sleeping behind the Bannered Mare. Though her adoptive mother Silverstream did everything in her power to help Lucia feel safe in her new home, the little girl simply couldn't shake that fear. "Mama?" she tried again, a little louder. Silver's chest slowly rose and fell with her quiet, even breathing. Farkas, on the other hand, was snoring like a saber cat. Had she not been so on edge, Lucia might have laughed at the comical difference. She cautiously reached forward and gently shook Silverstream's arm. "Mama, wake up..." Silver woke with a slight start and groaned, rubbing her eyes, muttering something under her breath as she adjusted. Lucia recognized it as an expression in her Khajiiti mother tongue. Bleary blue eyes looked up at Lucia's anxious brown orbs. The Khajiit blinked as she finally realized who was standing at her bedside. "What is it, little cub?" she yawned. "I can't sleep, Mama. The storm is scary..." Lucia admitted quietly. Silverstream groaned again as she sat up, though more from still waking up than irritance. She pulled back the bedcovers so Lucia didn't have to crawl over her. "Come on in, sweetie." Lucia didn't have to be told twice- she scampered into the bed just as another clap of thunder rumbled in the distance. She burrowed herself under the furs and pillows.
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armisteadrevellion · 6 months
Young Lucia learns a harsh lesson about the world in Windhelm
Based off my alternate telling of the main storyline of Skyrim, where the Dragonborn is none other than the little orphan girl from Whiterun. I’ve had this story stewing in my mind for several years now and I think I might be close to actually writing it. The main premise is that Lucia is unable to adventure on her own (considering her age and lack of survival experience), so a small group forms with the goal of protecting her and saving the world. It’s entirely just because I want to write about my favorite followers and have them interact lol, and I thought that the idea of a Dragonborn that wasn’t fully capable of handling their destiny alone was neat (not to mention my love for found family tropes). I found this audio on TikTok and I found it to be rather fitting of one of the scenes in my mind.
Would you be interested in reading it?
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peony-plum · 1 year
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When you let your adopted daughters play with husband hair
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thana-topsy · 1 year
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Fic cover for @expended-sleeper's amazing fic “Far From Ourselves” - I started this piece many months ago when this fic still had me by the THROAT. I can’t recommend it enough if you like NPC-driven Skyrim fic. The world feels so vast and full. But be mindful: it’s a heavy fic that doesn't flinch away from tackling brutal themes, but so worth it.
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nerevar-quote-and-star · 10 months
Cicero: "They’ll never find the body" is such a boring threat. Cicero thinks a better threat would be, "they’ll never stop finding the body."
Artanis, bored: Or just say, "they’ll be finding parts of you for at least four months, and you’ll still be alive for three of them."
Cicero: Now that’s a threat!
Lucia, covering Farkas’ ears: *horrified silence*
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clockworkbanana · 4 months
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I forgot to post something today, here's a little pencil comic I drew about my khajiit in Skyrim and his adopted daughter. I think it's really funny how enthusiastic she gets whenever Sol gives her weapons.
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vidvana · 2 years
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"Stolen Sweetroll"
Your dad may have most of the money in Skyrim... but stealing that sweetroll was still worth it. Just for the thrill of it!
He definitely overuses his privilige of being recognized as the hero of Skyrim because of you.
No I'm not two different people - but yes, I'm learning envrionments and I've changed my style a bit.
My first artwork with so much perspective :)
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mukuuji · 1 year
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Living in Solitude #14 ... a secret ground floor
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somemaycallthisjunk · 5 months
Heljarchen HELL
i just wanted to build this damn house and the game decided to make it the worst possible experience
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stephlynndrawings · 2 years
“It's okay, you can trust me.”
Prompt given by @blossom-adventures on the Nirnwrote discord
The streets of Whiterun were ominously empty when the Dragonborn came trudging back through the wooden gates, the dreary weather having efficiently chased every citizen into homes and taverns alike.
 Or at least it seemed that every citizen had gone inside for refuge. As she neared her home, she spotted a little shape leaning against the stone and wood walls- a child. A closer look had her recognizing the wet and dirty child as none other than Lucia, the sweet little girl who sometimes gave her flowers with smiles that rivaled the lights of Aetherius. 
Elruin felt something buried deep in her chest break as she knelt down by the dozing child, holding a hand out to help her stand. When the little Imperial gave no reaction, she carefully brushed soaked blonde locks out of her face, both fliching at the vastly different temperatures of their skin. 
Hazy and feverish eyes peered up at the Bosmer woman, distrust and fear etched in every feature not coated in a fine dusting of dirt and grime. Elruin’s heart broke even more as she carefully showed the girl she had no ill intentions. 
“It’s okay, you can trust me.” She crooned softly, well aware of the fact that being exposed to the elements has most likely given the girl a fever. The magicka in her veins was at the ready in case she needed to calm her down manually, but all of it faded when she saw the way Lucia looked at her.
Lucia’s eyes, although feverish, held hope and wonder as she finally seemed to realize who was in front of her. The dragonborn watched with bated breath as the girl weakly lifted her arms out in the silent question of being picked up and her chest warmed despite being soaked to the bone.
Never one to let someone down, Elruin readily scooped the orphan girl into her arms, using magic to unlock her front door so they could both warm up by the fire. Once she carefully set the blonde down she was quick to light the fire pit, checking that it wouldn’t get out of control before she bustled through the house to get towels and clothes.
By the time she came back, her face nearly covered from the stacks of things she brought in her worry-filled frenzy, Lucia was more alert. Her eyes still held the gleam of fever, but that was nothing the mage couldn’t handle. 
The two dried off and when Lucia emerged from the alchemy room she found that Elruin had already pulled some potions out of her pack and was also in the middle of making a stew for them to eat. 
By that night, Lucia was healed of her fever and was left with minor fatigue that would be remedied with her being bundled up in the guest bedroom, wearing one of Elruin’s tunics until her clothes could be cleaned and dried.
But before Elruin could blow out the candle on the nightstand, a quiet and sleepy voice whispered, “Thank you, Mama…”
Elruin’s whole body felt as if it was floating as she went to bed, a smile never once leaving her face. She had always wanted to help children in need and it seemed the storm had been a gentle nudge from the Gods.
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qingyii · 6 months
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Leaf Rest
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