#companions of jorrvaskr
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nerevar-quote-and-star · 1 year ago
Farkas, to the new blood: You don't wanna mess with my brother. He'll wear down your self-esteem over a period of years.
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late-nite-scholar · 7 months ago
Aug 13 (Day 2)- Secret/Golden
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It’s a warm day in Whiterun, and especially for training at Jorrvaskr. Two of the women of the kitchen staff take the Companions out some refreshments, one of whom Farkas has a crush on. Cute fluff, a little angsty, ultimately adorable. Prompts by @tes-summer-fest
Nord/Altmer OC x Farkas 
Warnings- None
Wordcount- ~850
Farkas looked up at the sound of Torvar cheering, taking him out of the spar with his brother. A couple of the kitchen girls had come out with refreshments. Kynhild put out a tray of mugs and a couple bottles of mead while Fritha went around with a cup and bucket of water. She stopped at where Ria and Athis had paused their match, before heading to where Aela and Skjor waited. 
Finally, she made her way over. Farkas’ heart skipped. The sun shone brightly, turning her hair into a golden cloud that poked out from beneath her floral patterned kerchief. Even her skin had a golden glow, though her cheeks had reddened as she approached them. 
She went to Vilkas first and his heart sank. He and his brother had both stripped out of their shirts under the surprisingly warm sun, and Vilkas had always been the more handsome one. And why not? He was smarter, more articulate, and cut a flawlessly trim, muscular figure. And women loved how he carried himself in that aloof way. Farkas, even with his larger size, could hardly compete with that, though he didn't often begrudge his brother for it. But right now, it hurt to watch Fritha smile at Vilkas, knowing he couldn't compare. Why else would he be dead last for a water call? 
He tried to put those thoughts aside as Fritha turned toward him and all but ran over. Her face was so completely flushed it almost glowed with heat. He waited for her to exclaim something about Vilkas, as many did.  He gave her a smile, even as that arrow of thought thrust deeper into his heart.
“I'm sorry to interrupt, Sir Farkas, but Tilma didn't want anybody fainting from the heat, so we brought some water and drinks.” She smiled. “I'm sorry I didn't get over here sooner. And for interrupting your sparring.” 
“That's no problem at all. Can't complain about somethin’ to drink in this heat.” He took a deep gulp from the water she handed to him, still cold from the frost enchantment on the cup. 
“Do you and your brother always spar like this?” She asked, teeth delicately chewing at her bottom lip. 
Ah, there it was. The start of it. He shrugged. “Well, only when it's hot out.” 
“Perhaps I shall have to ask for jobs in the yard on hot days, then.” Her face immediately turned an even deeper crimson, and she shuffled her feet. “Bring water to keep you both hydrated.” 
“Well, you'll have plenty to look at while you're at it,” he waved his hand over at his brother. “I get it.” 
She raised a finely shaped eyebrow at him. “I suppose… but that wouldn’t be my first choice. I mean you’re... Maybe I shouldn't have said anything… oh, gods…” 
“Why would ya look at me when Vilkas is right there?” 
“Why wouldn't I?” 
Farkas looked at the cup in his hand and shrugged. “He's the smarter one, the handsomer one.” 
“Says who?” The indignation in her voice made him look up. Her pretty, green eyes were dark under her golden, furrowed brows. 
It caught him off guard. “Uh, everybody says that.” 
“Well, I'm glad I'm not ‘everybody’ then.” Her face softened. “I think you're much more handsome. And you've always been so kind. I…I don't think you should sell yourself short. Um, I should get this water over to the table, and get back to my duties. Again, sorry to bother you!” 
“You're never a bother.” He reached out, gently touching her shoulder. “Thank you, Fritha. I’ll watch for you, when you come round again. Maybe it'll stay warm for a little while longer.” 
She gave him a smile and fled, water bucket in hand. Vilkas came over as Farkas watched her go, the sun turning her hair into that golden halo again, barely contained by the kerchief. He found himself sighing. 
“She's beautiful.” He said it softly, reverently. 
“She likes you, too,” Vilkas nudged him with an elbow. “When she came over I've never seen someone blush that hard. She kept saying how she was going to make a fool of herself the minute she came over here.” 
“I think she got a little flustered seeing you. I told her not to worry too much. That it would be fine. She thinks you’re gorgeous, by the way. Makes sense, since you’re the better looking one.”
“What? No, I’m not. You are. Women always look at you more than me.”
“Not at all! Do you not see how they stare at you in the market?”
“No way!”
“I see it every time!”
The brothers looked at each other for a moment before they both burst out laughing. Njada walked by, slowing and giving them both a look. 
“You two okay?”
“Well, it seems each of us thought the other was the better-looking one.” Vilkas wiped at the tears streaming down his face. 
She sighed, rolling her eyes. “You’re twins. You look almost the same. The pair of you are both handsome, which is good because neither of you is very smart.”
She scoffed as she left, but it only made them laugh harder.   
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ronkeyroo · 2 years ago
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stymshots · 9 months ago
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Well, recruit? Do you have that dog in you?
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elderscrollsconceptart · 6 months ago
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Jorrvaskr and the Skyforge
Concept art for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Art by Ray Lederer
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chesterjesterr · 11 months ago
This was rushed but i just HAD to draw them
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skyrimlesbians · 6 months ago
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Aela the Huntress is a lesbian!
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nooklingposting · 2 years ago
I personally think Farkas has a crush on the player. Everyone just sees him as an ice-brain, not smart enough, and have done his whole life. Even some of the newer companions can be heard talking back to him. But we don't.
It seems like we're special from the start, he's nicer to us than any of other the companions right from day one. We see a softer, friendlier side to Farkas (eg: 'I hope I didn't scare ya' being his first concern after being surrounded by enemies) - we never really hear him be so friendly to the other members (think the training conversation with Torvar), and that's why we fall for him.
I think he'd be shocked if we chose to marry him. Yeah he shoots his shot, but like I said, he's used to everyone seeing him as an oaf. Then here we are, the Harbinger, showing him the same kindness and emotional investment that he gave us in the beginning. He deserves it.
I just think he's neat.
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mazurga · 11 months ago
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Athis vs Njada Stone-arm
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helgiafterdark · 6 months ago
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thelurkershideout · 6 months ago
summerfest day 7
companion or fallen
Notes: Warnings for blood, descriptions of injuries. I'm not sure this scene is exactly what I wanted it to be but I had a lot of fun with it. There's a good brother moment for Vilkas and Farkas that I really like!
The smell of blood filled Jorrvaskr as Vilkas slammed through the doors, half collapsing into a pillar as he lowered her to the floor. The last thing Gwyn heard was Skjor and Aela shouting.
When she woke she was on a table with Tilma leaning over her, carefully ministering to the claw marks across her chest. Her body was heavy, a freezing ache spread from her limbs. Eyelids barely open, the high ceiling of the main hall faded in and out of focus, just slightly too slow to sync with the pounding in her head.
“Are you sure?” Skjor’s harsh voice came from somewhere by her feet.
“I'm positive, it was Arnbjorn.” Vilkas grumbled back through what sounded like gritted teeth.
“Traitor.” Aela was nearer to her head than the others.
“Did he say anything?” Kodak was calm and soothing.
“Not much that I heard b- ow FARKAS!”
“If you held still this wouldn't hurt as much.” Farkas was trying not to sound bothered. Vilkas let out an exasperated and painted groan as Farkas returned to tending his wounds.
“He knew her name.” Vilkas’ teeth ground together.
“So he had been following you? And you didn't notice?” Aela’s voice seemed closer, was she pacing?
“He might have -” He cut off his own thoughts with a deep breath. “No, he didn't even seem to remember me, but he knew her.” 
Nausea gurgled up from Gwyn's stomach. Half focused memories flickered in her mind. The Sanctuary. Dark Hallways. Whispered threats. Arnbjorn’s pale eyes, constantly watching. 
“You think he was after her?” Skjor sounded unconvinced. 
“He lured me away, a trick for easier access to her.”
She wanted to speak. The nightmare had finally caught up to her, and she needed to explain herself.  Her head continued to pound, the pain in her chest was suffocating. Her first attempt at words came out a quiet groan.
“Shhhhh,” Tilma reached up to place a soothing hand on her forehead. Footsteps drew closer until Kodlak appeared opposite her. His face was calm, a hint of concern only noticeable in his brow. The metallic taste and smell of her own blood was nearly overwhelming. 
“D-dark,” she finally managed to barely squeak out a word. Kodlak’s hand replaced Tilma’s.
“Breathe slowly child,” Kodlak's voice was even and soothing. “Slow full breaths.”
Gwyn followed his words. Long slow breaths that strained against her bruised ribs. The nausea subsided slightly. The room was silent.
“Try again, Gwyn.”
“Dark,” the word clawed its way out of her throat. Jagged and sharp against her scream strained vocal chords. “Brotherhood.”
There was a long deafening silence. Kodlak's brow furrowed deeper, the concern seemed to shift to anger.
“The Dark Brotherhood?” Skjor finally broke the silence. “Are they hunting you?”
“Yess” she exhaled.
“Do you know why?”
“I-I…” her eyes squeezed shut as tears began to roll down her cheeks. “Left.”
More silence. No more running now. 
“You left the Dark Brotherhood?” It was Kodlak's voice directly above her. Gwyn didn't dare open her eyes.
This was it. Everything she had worked for, the years spent rebuilding herself, gone in an instant. Nausea crept back in. She was a liability. She would return to wandering, this time with a werewolf haunting her every move.
Hello little lamb. Arnbjorn's taunts echoed in her pounding head.
“You were an assassin?” Skjor nearly laughed. “She's lost too much blood to make any sense.”
“We should get her to a bed,” Tilma's voice was quiet.
“Put her in mine,” Vilkas volunteered quickly. “She'll need it more. I'll sleep with the welps.”
“You're all going to ignore this?” Aela's voice was angry.
“She's not exactly capable of coherent conversation, Aela.” Vilkas snapped back.
“We could be inviting the Dark Brotherhood into our home.”
“It does not matter.” Kodlak's voice cut off Vilkas before he could get a word out. “She took her oath, she has proved her honor. She is a Companion, and we take care of our own.”
Arms slid underneath her to lift her from the table. The warm light of the main hall was replaced with the cool dark of the downstairs. Her fellow recruits whispered amongst themselves as she was carried past.
“It looks worse than it is. She will recover.” Tilma said as she was lowered onto a bed. “She needs rest more than anything.”
A large hand rested on her shoulder.
“We will talk about this in the morning.” Kodlak's voice was firm.
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nerevar-quote-and-star · 8 months ago
Vilkas: If you break a bone, it typically will heal stronger.
Farkas: So, what you're saying is I should break every bone in my body until I become superhumanly powerful?
Vilkas: Please don't.
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late-nite-scholar · 2 years ago
Aug 8th (Day 4): Prompt- Mortal / Sanctuary 
Day 4: Sanctuary- Nythauriel is beginning her journey to see the world outside her people’s hiding places, and meets the last person she ever expects to. But thankfully not everything is as it was when her people went into hiding. Post-Dawnguard. Prompts by @tes-summer-fest
Redguard LDB x Farkas (mention only)
Warnings- None 
Wordcount- ~1400
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Description in alt text. Made in HeroForge
The world was so much bigger than the hidden valley and the cave network implied. Even the trade network tunnels to the other enclaves didn't truly convey how much world there was out there beyond their sanctuary. 
It's a good thing I've got time to explore it. Nythauriel thought to herself, suddenly thankful for her people's long lifespans. Perhaps she could explore a lot of this world. There were even rumors some of her people had escaped to the old Atmoran homeland. Maybe it would be worth taking a trip. Not that she'd ever been on a boat, but the idea was rather exciting. 
Unfortunately, the world wasn't exactly friendly to someone like her. 
A group of men with pitchforks and improvised weapons blocked her path. The big man in the middle stabbed toward her with the rake he held.
"We don't want no Thalmor in our village!" he snarled. 
She held up her hands, nearly as white as the snow that still held out against the warm sun in shaded corners. "I'm not Thalmor. I'm not even Altmer. I'm just passing through. I won't even stop, I promise." 
"Don't come any closer!" The man shouted again.
"There's no need for that. I'll escort the lady, if she'd like." A soft, gruff voice spoke up behind her. 
She turned, and found herself facing an enormously large Nord as tall as herself but much more broad. He was no doubt a warrior, dressed in well-made (and equally well-used) armor and carrying a large, black battleaxe on his back. But his silver eyes were kind and his smile gentle and she found herself suddenly at ease. She didn't trust humans as a rule, but this one? Somehow she just knew that this one was alright. 
He led her past the mob, offering her a large, muscular arm. She took it, her face warming. Villagers were looking askance at them; this big Nord escorting probably the palest mer any of them had ever seen. He chuckled. 
"This is gonna start rumors. I hope it won't get you in trouble." 
She giggled in return. "I'll be fine. What about you?" 
"My wife'll forgive me when I explain the situation." 
They made their way out of the village and back onto the road. As they walked, she slipped her hand out of the man's arm. "Thank you so much for doing that." 
"You probably get a lot of that, don't you? Hostility, I mean?" 
"Yeah. I haven't been traveling that much yet, but yeah." She held out her hand, "I'm Nythauriel, by the way." 
"Well met. I'm Farkas." They shook hands. 
"Well met, indeed. I'm glad you came by. Not many will stand up for a mer out here in the arse end of nowhere." 
"I'm here to help. I'm a Companion, it's what we do." 
"A Companion? Who are you a companion of?" 
He brightened. "Oh, you haven't heard of us? It comes from our founders, the Five Hundred Companions of Ysgramor." 
She froze, and everything got really far away. Like looking through a small tube. Then blackness overtook her without warning. 
Her eyes opened slightly to the feeling of being shaken. She saw the man's face and immediately fainted again.
Awareness came back slowly. She was lying on her bedroll, her pack set beside her. A small fire burned to her right, the man sitting and poking it with a stick. His axe sat propped up beside him, and her blood turned cold as she recognized it. 
He turned at the sound of her gasp, relief washing over his face. "Thank the Nine! I was startin’ to get worried. Here, I made this. You should drink it." He took out a cup and filled it from a kettle sitting by the fire.
"What is that?" she demanded. 
"It's a healing draught. Should make you feel better. Tastes half decent, too. Are you ill, or injured? You just kinda fainted there." 
"Where are we?" She backed up. They weren't on the road. She couldn't even see the road! "Where have you taken me?" 
"It's a wayside camp. Lots of people use it cause it's a little quieter. I didn't want you lyin’ in the road where you could get trampled." He frowned. "Is everything okay?" 
Nythauriel pulled a knife from her belt. Farkas held up his hands as she snarled. "Nice try, Companion of Ysgramor. But your kind has already killed enough of mine. You won't have me, too!" 
His brows knit together, but he made no move towards her. "I don't wanna kill anybody. Are you sure you're okay? I'm getting kinda worried…" 
"Don't play dumb with me! You belong to a group founded on the genocide of my people! You carry Wuuthrad, the axe that yearns to taste my blood! As if you haven't done enough to us! Killed us by the thousands, drove us into hiding, others into the depravity of the Dwemer until they were twisted, wretched husks of themselves! How dare you pretend you don't know!" she shouted. 
She watched realization dawn on his face. "You mean the Falmer… the Betrayed… you're a Snow Elf?" 
"How do you know to call them that?" She hissed. 
"My wife had a quest. We went to an ancient temple of your people. There was a priest of sorts there, a Snow Elf like you. That's what he called them." Farkas shook his head. "But he thought he was the last of your kind besides the Betrayed." 
"What temple? What priest?" 
"We call him Akatosh, but the priest said your people call him Auri-El. It was a huge place, bigger than any human temple I've ever seen. The priest was named Gelebor. He's still there, as far as I know." 
"Knight Paladin Gelebor is alive?" She couldn't believe what she was hearing! "I learned about him in our history studies! He's… and the temple is still there…" 
"Yeah. He's the only one there now." 
"How did you get through the wayshrines then? Didn't you need to go through them to get in?" 
"There were spirits guarding each one. They'd tell us their message and we'd go through." 
"How did your wife end up going there, or even know where it was? We don’t even know where it is anymore!" 
"It's a long story but basically we were dealing with vampires and needed Auri-El's bow." 
"Auri-El's bow?" She shook her head. "Bullshit! Next you're going to tell me you read it in an Elder Scroll!" 
Farkas shrugged. "We kinda did." 
"What is your wife? That is way too much stuff for one person. Is she a goddess?"
"I think she is." He smiled softly. "She's Yokudan, from Hammerfell.”
“I’m not familiar with those people, I’m afraid.”
“You probably wouldn't be. They showed up a lot later. She's also Dragonborn, and that seems to be what attracts all the strange stuff.” 
"Dovahkiin…" She frowned and waved her hand, a flash of blue light sparking from her fingers. "You're not lying…" 
"What was that?" 
"A spell we call 'Liar's Bane'. It's like clairvoyance, but so I can see if you're lying. And… you aren't." 
"I'm not. Drink? You seem better but it couldn't hurt." 
She took the tea and sipped it. It was rather nice, herbaceous and gentle. She looked over at Farkas again. "I'm sorry for freaking out." 
"It's okay. I don't blame you. That must've been quite the shock. I, uh, didn't expect to meet another Snow Elf, either." 
"Yeah, we tend to keep to our hidden places, our sanctuaries. It's the only way to stay safe." 
"I understand. Where will you go now?" 
"I'm traveling, seeing the world. I have heard stories of the Skyforge, and other places." 
"Well I'm heading home to Whiterun, and our hall is right below the Skyforge. I mean, I understand if you don't want to be anywhere near Jorrvaskr…" 
"Do you still have Auri-El's bow?" 
"We do." 
"I'd like to see it." She smiled. "I mean, if the rest of the Companions are like you, I think it'll be okay." 
"Well, my wife is our Harbinger, our leader, and she won't let anything happen to a guest. I can promise you that." 
"And if we travel together, it should be safer, right?" 
"Should be, yeah." 
A giggle burst from her lips. "A Companion and a Snow Elf walk into Whiterun…" 
"Sounds like the start of a joke. Or a good story." 
"Well, I hope it's the latter."
He gave her that gentle smile again. "I hope so, too." 
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stymshots · 3 months ago
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If I join you, can Jorrvaskr be Ourvaskr?
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elderscrollsconceptart · 6 months ago
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Concept art for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Art by Ray Lederer
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thenitookanarrowintheknee · 6 months ago
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