#i love his stank face so bad
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helgiafterdark · 6 months ago
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i90o3 · 4 months ago
hi!! i was wondering if i could request a little scenario/fic with mr crawling and just… pampering him? cuddles? maybe set after the ending where you take him home :3 i can’t explain how but he gives me major cuteness aggression…
context: post blissful love ending. You take care of him <3
Homicipher. mr crawling x reader. | Anypov. Fluff.
He also gives me cuteness aggression, like sometimes I just wanna squeeze him until he pops. HES SO CUTE!!!!!!! even if I kind of slandered him in this post..
requests r open !! (read rules)
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Few things you noticed about Mr. Crawling..he’s all bloody, dirty, and he SMELLS.
You couldn’t have him stinking up your house with his nasty odor, and you honestly smelt bad too since you haven’t showered..so, what’s better than a self care day? Take care and pamper your ..boyfriend? (I don’t think he understands labels..)
It was a little..complicated? first getting him out of his clothes. He was confused as to why you were taking off his clothes.. but I think after you running the bath and getting out of your own clothes he joins you.
He looovveesss the feeling of you washing his hair and massaging his scalp, literally in bliss. Your hands just feel so good! (pause-) Honestly even your hands scrubbing his body feels good—lathering him up with soap and giving him all the attention! Along with some head pats and kisses, of course. You even guide your hands and let him wash your hair and body, even if he’s a little clumsy.
After getting out of the bath and drying yourselves off, (he has to stay in his towel because you gotta wash his NASTY ASS clothes), you sit him in front of your vanity and start applying all sorts of face masks and stuff to his face, letting it sit while you brush (detangle..) his hair. Both him and his clothes are all clean! and he just smells and looks so much better. Although you really weren’t sure what to do about his eyes (or lack of therefore..), but he didn’t seem to want to wear a blind fold like Mr. Silvair..so you just let his hair cover it.
(now he’s allowed in your bed because he’s not STANK)
And for the best part of self care day, is spending the rest of the night cuddling in bed, your arms wrapped around him as he lays on your chest, your hands patting his head and kissing his face until you fall asleep, watching over you and admiring your sleeping features. His fingers will occasionally brush against your cheek or your collarbone, featherlight, not enough to wake you up. And he’ll even take your wrist and make your hand pat him on the head while you’re busy sleeping. He’s a little lonely while you sleep, but give him plenty of cuddles in the morning and he’ll be okay!!
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9:23 pm. 11/03/2024. @i90o3
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It's a Match! || 141 x Reader
[ Chapter 13 ] || [ Chapter 15 ]
Pairing: Gaz x Reader x Ghost || 141 x gn!Reader Words: 1.6K~ Summary: While overcoming recent heartbreak, you decide to join Tinder in search of a rebound. Your friends advise to just Swipe Right indiscriminately... What happens when 4 soldiers from the same squad match with you? a/n: this is purely self-indulgent. I wanted them to kiss.
Click here to see some fanart of this chapter by my lovely moot @xxshadowbabexx.
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Chapter 14: (B)romance?
After that conversation, things got slightly easier. You found yourselves talking about random things, Simon showed off a few bandages from fresh injuries he got just this past week on a mission…
And almost an hour after they arrived, you were all sprawled from the couch and over the coffee table, watching one of the original Scream movies, much to Ghost’s delight and your displeasure… Which soon switched and turned into your and Gaz’s pleasure and Ghost’s dread.
“Look, it’s you.” You pointed at the TV for the fifth time in the row every time Ghostface was seen.
“I hate you.” Ghost groaned playfully. “Kyle, why’d you tell ‘em I wear a skull on the job?” He scoffed.
“You’re the one wearing it and you wanna blame me?” Kyle quipped as he cocked his brows. He had his arm draped over your shoulders and he used his hand to nudge Ghost on the shoulder.
“It’s making me look bad, mate, it’s the principle of the thing!” Ghost retorted as he snaked his arm between your back and the back of the couch, nudging Gaz’s exposed side with his own finger.
It was the first time that Gaz had ever heard Ghost call him, or anyone, mate. It would’ve made him smile, if the bloke wasn’t poking him.
“Oi! Watch it!” Kyle complained as he squirmed a bit against you.
“You ticklish, Garrick?” Simon quipped with a mischievous glance.
“Will you two stop it? I’m trying to watch the movie!” You scolded them, nudging them both with your elbows, causing them both to squirm, though Ghost’s squirming was much more stiffening than wiggling. “Childish…” You added.
“Not childish.” Simon retorted. “I’m 3-fucking-4.” He replied.
“You’re what?” Kyle asked as his head turned sharply to look at Ghost. “I thought you were 40.”
“You thought I was as old as Price is?” SImon asked as he turned to look at Kyle too.
“No wonder you look young, I thought you looked good for your age because of the mask and not being in the sun all day.” Gaz explained.
“Oh. My. God. Are you two having a moment right now?” You asked them, making them both turn to look at you with wide eyes. “Your little bromance is interrupting the movie.” You quipped with an impish smirk on your lips.
“Oh, we have a ‘bromance’, is it? You wouldn’t talk like that if you had my tongue down your throat like a few weeks ago.” Simon asked with a look in his eyes that said he did not appreciate the joke. But that just made you start giggling and biting your nail.
“Wait, you’ve kissed?” Kyle asked in surprise as he bounced up a bit and turned to look at you both.
“Yeeeees…?” You replied with a sheepish reply.
“So you’ve seen what Ghost looks like?” Gaz added.
“Noooo…?” You added as you casted Simon a glance, which only made him chuckle behind his mask.
“I said I’d let ‘em in due time.” He explained for you as he gave you a little squeeze.
“So, you’ve gotten drinks, eaten dinner, played videogames, had a movie night, slept together… All with the mask on?” Kyle asked, flabbergasted.
“Well, no. I took the mask off to sleep.” Simon replied.
“YOU TOOK THE MASK OFF TO SLEEP?!” You shrieked a bit, which only caused another grin to form on Simon’s face, his brown eyes crinkling smugly.
“You were asleep. It would’ve stank up if I slept with it on, I’m a mouth breather.” Simon replied.
“Ew, a mouth breather.” Gaz quipped, making you both laugh.
“I guess we’re just… not gonna watch the movie, huh?” You remarked as you glanced over at the TV where some blonde was screaming bloody murder.
“Guess not.” Gaz replied and shrugged a bit. After a beat of silence, he glanced over at the two of you again and narrowed his eyes. “How was it?”
“Hm?” You asked with a cocked brow.
“He means the kiss.” Simon replied as he nudged you with his shoulder, his arm lightly squeezing at your waist.
You scrunched up your lips sheepishly and shrugged. “It was good…”
Gaz and Ghost shared another look over your head, silently communicating between one another while stealing glances at you.
“Just good? And here I thought you’d liked it.” Simon remarked in mock offense.
“Right? I was going to say that doesn’t sound very convincing.” Kyle quipped.
“I-” You hesitated and sighed. “Will you two stop that? I know what you’re doing! Don’t fucking bully me!” You scolded them and you immediately noticed the smirk on Kyle’s lips, which you knew Simon was mirroring.
“Maybe I owe you a repeat.” Simon quipped as he shot Kyle a look and then looked down at you.
“A repeat?” You asked in shock as you blinked lightly. 
“And I definitely owe you one for comparison.” Kyle added.
“But what? You talk that big game and act like a brat this whole time, trying to embarrass us…” Simon trailed off. “I think it’s time we get payback.” He added.
“Only if you’re okay with it.” Kyle interjected.
“Of course they’re okay with it.” Simon added and glanced down at you.
Sheepishly and with very warm cheeks, you found yourself nodding, not quite knowing the mess that you were about to get yourself into.
But, then again, when are you going to have the opportunity to have two blokes wanting to kiss you at once? Mia and Leah would kill you if you didn’t take the opportunity.
Simon’s warm, calloused and rough hand grabbed reached up to cover your eyes and after a second, the other clamped around your jaw the same way he had done weeks ago. You could hear Kyle’s breath hitch behind you, a sign that Simon had taken off his mask.
Then, Simon’s lips crashed into yours, his tongue already pushing its way inside. Once more, your tongue found the metal of his barbell piercing, the cold and hard texture drawing a whimper out of you as Simon dragged it over your own tongue.
You could feel Kyle’s warmth next to you, his arm slightly tightening his hold on you so you wouldn’t escape Simon’s kiss. Your hands gently grabbed onto Simon’s forearms, fingers digging in as the kiss left you light-headed.
After a moment, Simon pulled back, fixed his mask back into place, and uncovered your eyes. “So?” He teased when your eyes adjusted to the darkened room, illuminated only by the blue light of the TV playing the movie.
“Hm.” Was all you could reply with, a stupid little sound that didn’t at all convey how good the kiss felt. But it made Simon laugh, open mouthed, belly laughter, his head falling back over the edge of the couch.
“Cat got your tongue? Oh, wait, no, it’s me.” Simon bragged and you could swear he had a massive shit-eating grin on his stupidly kissable lips.
“Let me check.” Kyle replied and his own hand snaked to grab you around the neck. Before you had time to register it, your head was being dipped back and his lips were against yours.
Unlike Simon, Kyle’s lips were thick, warm, smooth… His tongue was a lot wetter, probably a consequence of Simon’s throat being permanentely dry from wearing the mask too much.
Now that he was so close, you could feel everything. The way his fingers gently rubbed at your pulse points on your neck, the scent of coconut oil that emanated from him, the light prickling of his goatee against your skin, when Simon’s was completely shaved clean…
Simon’s hand snaked down to your thigh and rubbed it lightly as you lost yourself in Kyle’s kiss, your hand grabbing and softly tugging onto his purple jumper.
You were the one that broke the kiss with a gasp for air, your eyes snapping open and finding Kyle looking at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes as he licked his lips. “So?” He echoed Simon’s earlier question.
Looking away, you sunk back on the couch and scoffed. “I hate you both.” You grumbled, making them both laugh.
“Damn, I didn’t think I kissed that badly.” Gaz quipped playfully.
“I sure as bloody hell don’t.” Simon replied. “I think they just have poor taste.”
Crossing your arms, you glared at them both. “Yeah? Well… If you’re both such great kissers, then why don’t you prove it?”
The two men looked over at you with raised brows and blinking away their shock at the suggestion. Then, they glanced at each other and seemed to be communicating wordlessly again.
“I’m fine with it.” Gaz quipped, humourously.
“Makes no difference to me.” Ghost replied. “C’mere, Garrick.”
Before you even had time to say you were joking, Simon tugged up his mask with one hand, enough to reveal his jawline and mouth, while the other wrapped around the back of Kyle’s neck with more aggression than necessary.
It was the first time you got to see a snippet of Simon’s face and his jawline was just like you had expected. Harsh, sharp like diamonds, free from any type of hair, and riddled with rough scars and a Glasgow smile carved from the corners of his mouth.
Their mouths collided so harshly that Kyle’s eyes doubled in size before he let go and closed them. Your eyes widened as well as you watched them locked in a kiss that was more passionate than I think any of you expected it to be.
As they pulled away, Ghost pulled down his mask again and glanced over at you, while a very shocked Gaz stood perfectly still, eyes widened and mouth left hanging open… Before he shook himself awake from his trance. “You have a piercing?!”
taglist (CLOSED! not adding anyone else, sorry!): @daisychainsinknots , @bunnysdaydreams , @iite-cool , @lahniu , @pagesfalling , @tapioca-milktea1978 , @live-love-be-unique , @thelaisydazy , @littleghosthunter , @bossva , @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago , @chamomiletealeaf , @ghosts-hoe , @kariiiel , @ltbarnes , @irregulardongyoung , @spacelia , @hayleybarnesx , @infpt-zylith , @frescoisnotinthemilitary , @leeeenistop , @lucienbarkbark , @zombie-freak
@severenswife , @enarien, @agoodmoviekiss , @l0lziez , @whos-fran , @greatstormcat , @openup-yourmind , @neoarchipelago , @sodavrr , @cutiecusp , @lilliumrorum , @c-nstantine , @kneelforloki , @comeonatmebruh , @codsunshine , @waiting-so-long , @captainquake42 , @gazspookiebear , @mynameismisty , @reap3erslov3 , @reaper-chan666 , @poohkie90 , @kitwithnokat , @stick-the-dumbass , @mothsdrabbles , @justanerd1 , @thesinsoflust , @thriving-n-jiving , @blckbrrybasket
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certifiablyinsanez · 3 months ago
Mammon is great ace representation: an essay on aphobia in the Hellaverse fandom
I’m seeing a lot of people be mad about Mammon having a thing for Leviathan. And I’m going to need the fandom to step back and examine these issues, because they are 100% rooted in aphobia. I have been out as an oriented aroace person for over 10 years if you want to doubt my credentials, rather than listen to my analysis, lived experience and reflect.
So. Tell me Hellaverse fandom; why, when it comes to Alastor, who is a character who very clearly has zero interest in others, it is always a chorus of people saying “aces can have sex”, “aces can enjoy sex”, “it’s not harmful to the ace community to use Alastor for shipping material, he isn’t real and asexuality and aromanticism is a huge spectrum”, “Aroace people can still date and have sex”?
But when it comes to Mammon, he is “bad asexual representation”, he “clearly experiences sexual attraction”, “he can’t be demisexual”, etc.
No genuinely, why is this? I want you to examine this, think on it from a place of neutral examination and come to your own conclusions. Because this is a worrisome double standard. This can for starters, be an instance of fat phobia. Because out of the two of them, Alastor is thin, and therefore closer to the beauty standard, which is hysterical considering that Alastor canonically has horrible hygiene, and I don’t think I know a single person who thinks that stank ass body and breath is attractive. Mammon, as seen from the slovenly way he eats, can potentially be assumed to have poor hygiene as well, but it has a very different connotation because of his weight. [Research the connection between thin privilege and body odor/hygiene. It’s very real].
I can spend a lot of time and energy going into the shipping dynamics between the shows, as well as how Alastor is a more “shippable” character in comparison to Mammon, but I honestly don’t find this as interesting or as compelling as to what I’m about to say next.
Because aphobia in the real world is still very alive and well today. In my 10+ years of being in the ace community, I have genuinely spent a lot of emotional energy, time, knowledge, experience, and compassion, just fighting for the right to even be acknowledged as queer. I have vivid memories from when I was first out of the closet at the age of 16, telling ace people across apps and forums that they were valid, that they weren’t broken, that they were deserving of love, respect, and a place in the queer community. I was telling people, younger, my age, and older that they shouldn’t kill themselves, that they had worth beyond what they could do in the bedroom for others. I had to convince people that they didn’t owe anyone sex, and that they were in fact being sexually abused by their partners. I was on the phone with people in tears. I spent HOURS of my life in these DMs at an age where I was a suffering, mentally ill queer child that was also being victimized by aphobia. Still to this day people think the “A” stands for ally. And still to this day people have discord about our community as a whole. I have had to sit and watch as people went from loudly proclaiming with their whole chest that asexual people didn’t exist, or at the very least weren’t queer. Then years went by and it became less and less okay to say things like that, because asexual people finally had fought long enough and had supported each other enough that we discovered our voices and began to use them. So people were finally facing the consequences of saying bigoted shit.
And now that they can’t say that asexuals aren’t queer, they moved on to another group. Demisexuals. Demisexuals by far have it roughest, because while there are many micro labels in our community to explain our diverse range of experiences, demisexual is probably the most well known one. And every handful of months or so I have to use my voice once again to stand up for my people, because an attack on one of us is an attack on all of us, and people on the internet have made it clear that they have no qualms of attacking us. The asexual and aromantic community have made extremely valuable contributions to the queer community that are entirely overlooked because we are not valued in it.
And this is why I have been an outspoken proponent of my displeasure over Alastor being a character that is the most shipped with others, and my disdain for the fanbase has grown even wider after Mammons appearance in Mastermind. It is a painful reminder of all the discrimination I’ve faced over the years, that my community still goes through. Because people are contrarians. Alastor is canonically asexual, and other aspects of his character are reflective of aromanticism as well. Well, the fanbase doesn’t like this so much. If you genuinely pay attention, you’ll notice this is a trend with a lot of other aroace characters. My favorite example is Peridot from Steven Universe, a canonical aroace character. In the show, Peridot goes through a lot of unlearning and growth. The scene where she tries to fuse with Garnet has massive implications for a few reasons. Because one, she is genuine in her desire to understand Garnet, and fusion better. And two, fusion while forbidden on Homeworld, is commonplace and normal in the Crystal Gems. As a Crystal Gem, she feels this is what is now expected of her. This is a major experience in the aspec community, as living in a cis heteronormative society means that sex, marriage and children are all things expected of each individual, which is dangerous and harmful ideology to everyone, asexual/aromantic people as well. Peridot couldn’t go through with the fusion, but that didn’t stop the fandom salivating, and foaming at the mouth over a potential Lapis/Peridot fusion. People were genuinely mad at Rebecca Sugar for never making that pairing canon, when they had absolutely no right to behave the way they did. Let’s not forget how the fans also misgendered Rebecca Sugar constantly. It was absolutely bigoted.
This is happening with Alastor. Fans feel entitled to ship him with whomever, an entitlement that is not seen with other characters. When people ship Vaggie with Angel, there is backlash, and for good reason. Because people understand that despite the fact that Vivienne Medrano said people can ship whatever, shipping a gay man with a woman and a gay woman with a man is…gross. It is wrong, it is disrespectful of their identities, and is forcing heteronormativity onto characters that are strict in their sexualities. Most people are able to recognize the thinly veiled homophobia. But Alastor does not receive the same treatment, and in fact receives the opposite treatment. I don’t know what I could say to convince you that the aroace coded character in a show being the #1 most shipped is thinly veiled aphobia the same way Vaggie x Angel is thinly veiled homophobia.
Now what does that have to do with Mammon? Mammon seems to not be aroace coded like Alastor, and for some reason, that has thoroughly pissed people off. Because Mammon is not the “acceptable” caricature of an asexual person. Most allosexual (non-asexual and/or aromantic people) view being asexual as being synonymous with being aromantic, which shows a painful lack of understanding and at times respect for the diversity of our community. Alastor fits this category, so he’s an “acceptable asexual”, while also essentially being a toy for shippers. But Mammon, with his clear attraction to Leviathan, is a “bastardization” of the asexual image. When we aren’t being viewed as broken, we’re often being viewed as chaste, virginal, and innocent with attachments to infantilization. But Mammon, with his aggressive and even icky approach to flirting with Leviathan, is seen as a subversion of this, which for people who don’t understand our community, hate. And these people are blaming Vivienne for having “terrible ace rep” when in actuality, having multiple ace characters having very little in common is actually fantastic rep. Because there are many labels in our community that Mammon can fit into as an asexual. To me, he looks like a sex-positive, high libido, demisexual. He’s known Leviathan for thousands of years, of course it makes sense that he would be into her, but not into anyone else which would explain why his “posse” are just female robots. This could also be because of his classism, but I genuinely think that he’s just demisexual. And you already know how people feel about demisexuals.
If you’ve read this far and have genuinely set aside your biases and personal feelings like I requested in the beginning, I appreciate that. Because from my own lived experience, the double standard between Alastor and Mammon doesn’t annoy me; it frightens me.
Because what the fandom is actually saying when they do these things is this:
“We see you as a homogenous group. Your voices go in one ear and out the other. If you don’t conform to our values and standards, we won’t give you the respect or recognition you deserve. If you don’t conform to my view of your group, you lose my “allyship”. We do not see your identity as a sexuality in its own right, but rather a literary device we can play with. I do not care to learn more about your community, your culture, or your struggles. I barely (if at all) acknowledge you as your own sexual minority and marginalized group. I barely acknowledge (if at all) that you are queer at all. I do not care about your feelings about societal biases that I might carry, I don’t care about how you’ve lived it, because it takes away my fun and fantasies. Because I devalue your group as a whole, your voices mean little. Your narrative is mine to do with as I please.”
I really hope you can see my perspective and understand the sincere place this comes from. Thanks for reading.
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missmarveledsblog · 5 months ago
What best friends are for (Bucky Barnes x Reader ) 18+
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SUMMARY : When john walker makes off handed remarks about the newest female avenger not taking into the account she is the female best friend of bucky , well it snaps something in the former assassin , when he goes to confess his feeling he catches reader in a situation of her own .
warnings : yes this bitch is a smut so if under 18 do not read . it's a bucky barnes smut that should be warning enough, goofy fluffy smutty fun
"STANK DID YOU EAT THE LAST OF THE POPTART " YN voice called through the compound .
"Ok first of stank really .... that was good but uncalled for second of all before you go blaming me remember point break is the pop tart addict in this household baby avenger " Tony grinned thinking he got away with it little did he know the evidence was all over his black sabbath t-shirt.
" For a genius mind stark you sure are dumb thor's been in new asgard for last 3 months and you've pop tart all over your stupid face and shirt " her foot tapped the floor increasingly annoyed. After her long as mission she just wanted to burrito herself in a blanket eat pop tarts and binge a series or two . Tony praying for a miracle and looking for an exit strategy when his miracle walked in with Steve and nat .
" hey Yn what's wrong " Nat being Nat making sure one Y/N was ok and two well any reason to slap start was welcome .
"Stink ate the last of my poptart " she pouted breaking not only nats heart but Tony miracle escape plan bucky opening his mouth and saving the day .
" come on малышка ( baby girl) . I hid some for you " bucky grinned as her face lit up . Ever since y/n came to the compound he swore life gotten a million times better , this woman who was sarcastic ball of sunshine . It also helped that she's most beautiful woman he's ever seen , spent most of his time making sure he could make that smile happen .
He never believed in love and first sight til she walked into meeting two years ago asking fury " aye nicky where can a girl get some good food around here " . The room went silent Tony being the first to break out laughing the rest following suit some agent paled at the words being so chill with one of the scariest men in the world in their eyes .
As now sat in a Burrito cocooned blanket , her eyes couldn't help stealing glances at the beautiful specimen she called a bestfriend the light of life itself and the supplier of a poptart habit that could rival the god of thunder himself .
" I've to tell you something buckshot it kinda of important .... you saved dipshits ass today I could be on the raft by now " he chuckled thinking it was her sense of humour when in fact it was a confession changed because she chickened out midway through , common problem she had around the man .
" yeah I just couldn't deal with the headlines imagine iron man dies due to poptart issue , fellow avenger charged " he tried to hold his laughter .
"Well well well who do we have here " her whole body cringed at the voice behind, there stood John walker America's wish version of Steve Rogers stood his eyes draping over her body , making her want to bathe in a volcano alone .
"Ah the poster child for Chad's everywhere is gracing us with his presence what do we owe the dishonour " y/n smiled so sweetly .
"Yn be nice he only here to collect something for fury " Sam quipped as he walked into the room .
" well buckshot , birdbrain I'm off to soak my troubles away enjoy wannabe cap " they watch her flip john the bird and skipped off not wanting to be in the room any longer making bucky want to pout at the loss of her company ... or at least he thought he wasn't but .....
" you got it bad my man I'd skip a girl like that she nothing but trouble, I could take her for you I'm sure I could handle her better since i am more this time " John stupid mouth began to move while Sam was texting nat to get John size for casket .
" A dame like her doesn't need a dipshit like you and son you couldn't handle her, she would kill you quicker than you could draw you a breath out of your measly body " he snarled as his body stiffened at thought of this man even trying to get her attention .
"YN STOP HACKING F.R.I.D.A.Y BUT ALSO NICE ONE ON THE FURY'S BITCH " Tony voice echoed through the intercom .
"Fucking bitch , nevermind she's lost her chance " John snarled leaving Sam and bucky laughing til the cried .
"Language " .
" really steve " Sam laughing harder than he was before .
"It just slips out but I will admit Yn hacking F.r.i.d.a.y was hilarious I wish I was here to see John or Tony's face " steve couldn't hold the chuckle coming out . Bucky head moving in different direction, that direction was to her , for two years she was in his head non stop and if she wasn't in his head , the two were doing everything together and the countless night he thought of her under him didn't help either .
" I gotta go tell her " suddenly braved he ran to find her , his own thoughts not wanting to waste anymore time . He couldn't think straight knowing john walker or any man could try stake their claim .
As she lay in the tub overjoyed at latest achievement wishing she'd seen John stupid face falter when F.r.i.d.a.y called him furys bitch but also knowing she could get the footage later in the evening . Yet her mind kept wandering to her best friend , how he would cheer her up , make her days brighter and how he made her clenched your thighs . past the point of feeling guilty and becoming wetter as her mind thought about him fucking little pussy hard . nor she couldn't help the hand slipping down between her legs like it had a mind of it own , running it through her folds as thoughts about bucky thrusting in her pussy while a firm grasp lost in her hair , the sickening sound of skin slapping against each other .
"Oh fuck. Fuck yes just like that sarge " she whimpered circling now puffy Clit . moans drowning out the noise of the bedroom door opening as bucky made his way in .
He didn't want to stay but hearing those moans fuck it he felt like he died and went to heaven , angels singing just for him . His body betraying his mind as he opened the bathroom door the sight nearly killed him alone beautiful soaking wet body arched and sweet moans filling the room .
" yess just like that sarge fuck " those moans and sloshing water like a sweet melody to his ears . The sentence that stop her dead in your tracks a deep growl making her eyes flying open " FUCK doll you make a lot of pretty sound but I can make you scream them " . Before she could react bucky kissed as he stripped not wanting to waste a second more . It felt right, like it was normal for them ,something in it it that made sense . Moaning into the kiss she rose from the bath pulling back baring herself for her best friend .
" please bucky " she cried as her lips hit his again .
The clash of tongues and teeth the raw passion hitting both. Knowing the border between bestfriend's was so far away , would need to flight to reach it again . None of it mattered the feelings clear enough in the kiss alone knew this was real .
" please sarge I need you " sweet little kisses down his neck . There and then bucky knew he was never letting go .
" so needy my little baby doll " grinning as he took her nipple in his mouth wanting to hear those moans coming from her mouth like he was addicted to them , fuck he was addicted to her and he was finally getting his fill. Dreams becoming reality kissing down this body, one he dreamt of most nights to keep the nightmares at bay . Each touch giving him the clear sign he was one causing it. her body was his to have and he wasn't giving that up . The smell of her arousal taunting and teasing to send him almost primitively feral . It was sweetest smell that ever filled his nostrils . Jesus he knew it would be sweeter than anything he could or would ever taste , almost like the apple that tempted eve . Kissing soft plush thighs as he took in the vision of her bare pussy staring right at him . It was better than any dream or thought he could ever have .
" please James stop teasing me " .
"What do you want baby doll use your words " he wanted to hear those sweet lips tell him .
" I need to feel you ... touch me, fuck me please sarge " .
That was it he was gone eye so dark with lust as he licked teasingly long stripes of your folds.
" Oh fuck baby doll you taste heavenly " his tongue exploring her folds like it was his sole mission , before his mouth greedily sucked her clit. too good she was sure she drowned in the tub and this was heaven . Crying out in pleasure as the man she was undisputedly in love with devoured her like it was his last meal and first meal all at one . the feeling of his tongue alone had the coil tighten with each movement but when he began to slip a finger in it felt like heaven on earth .
" oh fuck bucky i'm going to ... .hey what the fuck" she cried at the lost of contact , brows furrowed in such confusion .
" im sorry baby but when you cum i wanna feel you on my cock " he chuckled at her desperate whines ." you ready doll i need your words " he beautiful ocean filled eyes stared into her soul and telling him with a little nod.
" please bucky i want you to you to fuck me " pussy clenching at nothing desperately hoping for for some release . the pornagraphic moan that came out of her mouth bucky could of came at that alone, she really didn't understand it , how much of a hold on the man she had from the first time he ever saw her and yet she was gonna find out .
" fuck baby your pussy was made for me so tight you're mine baby no one can fuck this pussy i'm gonna make sure shes ruined for anyone else " he groaned each thrust getting harder and deeper .
" fuck bucky i'm your only yours , i've only ever been yours " she cried in pleasure never feeling something so perfect ,the coil tightening more and more, .
" cum for me baby be my good girl ".
the dirty filth coming from his mouth was enough to push over the edge walls clenching around his cock and screams of pleasure filling the room was enough to send bucky over edge his seed hitting her cervix and painting the walls of her cunt .
the room filled with panting both in their own pleasure filled states as bucky lay beside laying her on his chest so tenderly a completely different contrast in his movement before . he couldn't love her anymore than he did and yet it felt like it was .
" i meant what i said buckshot im yours i dont think i could be with anyone else " she said nuzzling herself further into his neck.
" and i'm yours baby doll i always was that day you walked into the meeting i was a goner " kissing her head then her lips . both hearts feeling complete of love as they both dosed off clung together in perfect bliss .
bonus :
"remind me to add sound proof to her room " a scarred tony walked out out the room .
" so furys bitch i see you were wrong it seems our soldier can indeed handle our little spit fire "nat smirked walking to her room .
" as much as i love that they proved him wrong i am traumatised and steve's been a tomato i think they broke him " sam wince joking as his super soldier friend was blushing beat red .
both following the widows lead and leaving a defeated walker to collect his ego and files wanting to leave as soon as possible.
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seungfl0wer · 8 months ago
*I’ll do anything* P.2
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Part Title: Warmth
Paring: Minho x Reader (Fem)
Genre: Smut/Angst/Fluff
Warnings: Mafia!Au, Mentions of Pew Pews, Mentions of not eating, unprotected sex, Creampie, outside sex kinda. This was proof read but I re-uploaded it so it’s not anymore
Series Master List
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A few days had passed since moving to Minhos place. Things have been very quiet. Minho hasn’t been home very much only coming home late at night. When you do see a glimpse of him in the morning he honestly looks rough. He looks very drained like work has been kicking his ass. Which duh it probably quite literally has. I mean you wash his clothes you see the blood stains on his shirts.
You were doing your nightly routine of cooking dinner for the man in question before hearing a knock at the door. Your heart jumped slowly making your way to look through the peep hole. It was Minho being carried by a muscular man. He knocked again your hand shook as you went to open the door. You opened it to let him in, he walked him to the couch placing him gently down. He looked at you quickly looking you up and down “you must be y/n hmm?” He said his eyes studying you.
You nod looking down at Minho who was all bloodied up. His beautiful plump lips swollen, nose bloodied and his shirt ripped. You looked back up at the other man standing there “he’ll be alright we had the doctor check him over.” He said seeing your worried face. “I’m changbin by the way, I’ve known Minho for well over 10 years.” He said patting the back of him. “He may need help in the shower though, definitely needs one.” He said moving his hand over his nose acting like he stank. He let out a soft chuckle “just be careful with his shoulder though one of the bullets did graze him.”
Changbin made his way towards the door “take good care of him ok? He might act all big and bad but he’s a good guy.” He said with a smile. You nodded smiling back at him “if you need anything here’s my number.” He said handing you a card, you went to grab it the two of you making eye contact. He was staring what felt like straight to your soul, he let out a deep sigh before letting the card go. “Man does he know how to pick the pretty ones” he said turning around “I’m just happy he finally got someone after his last psycho honestly.” He said waving good bye walking out the door.
As much as you wanted to go after him and ask him a million questions you made your way back to the man slouched on the couch. He squinted at you trying to get up he felt embarrassed letting you see him like this, All beat up and tattered. As he tried getting up you quickly grabbed his arm helping him stand. “How about I run you a nice warm bath?” You said leading him to the bathroom. You sat him down on the toilet running him a look warm bath before turning to him.
Shit. You had to get him naked. You didn’t think this through. Would he be mad at you? You asked yourself “y/n if you’re uncomfortable you don’t-“ he slurred his words before you cut him off “no it’s fine- I just didn’t want you to be mad or anything.” You said softly. He shook his head “I don’t mind.” He said slowly trying to take his torn shirt off. You quickly helped him out of his clothes. Trying to keep your eyes on anywhere but his upper body. God was it hard though. You felt like a pervert ogling him like you were but you’ve never seen a man so perfect before.
Everything about him just looked perfect, his body, his arms, the few tattoos he had and- and how well off he was below. You felt your cheeks heat up as Minho got up his naked body inches away from you “y/n” he said in almost a whisper making you look up at him. His eyes were dark staring at you with love? Lust? You couldn’t tell. You replied with a simple hmm while you stared back at him “thank you” he said his voice barely audible now. He himself to sit in the bath as he let the water wash over him.
“Feels good” he said letting himself sink into the bath. You let him relax for a bit before grabbing the shampoo washing his hair for him. He let out almost purrs of happiness at the feeling his eyes closed. You rinsed his hair for him now grabbing a rag to wipe the dry blood from his face. He grabbed your hand looking up at you, you were so close to his face. “It takes everything in me not to just kiss you.” He said again in the most softest voice you could barely hear. You stayed like that for what felt like hours before he stood up.
“I feel a lot better now.” He said as he washed off the rest of his body. You just kinda stared at him in awe. He chucked a bit looking at you “keep staring at me like that I’ll think you want me.” He said teasingly. Your face went red turning away “If you need anymore help yell I’m gonna finish dinner.” You said walking out of the bathroom. Minho had a huge smirk on his face. Thinking of something he was gonna put into action.
He walked behind you while you were cooking leaning himself behind you like he had before “y/n” he cooed into your ear. “Remember how you said you’d do anything to help?” He said pressing his body against you and then you felt it. He hasn’t even gotten dressed he was in only his robe. Your face grew hot feeling every inch of the man against you. You could feel yourself becoming turned on your core almost aching. You didn’t realize you hadn’t answered when Minho asked “is that a yes or no.”
He had himself positioned perfectly against you. His bulge pressing so nicely on the outline of your ass. He slowly moved his hips against you, you bitting your lip all you could do is nod. “Good” he said placing his hand on your hip pulling your body closer to his “why don’t we eat and then maybe we have some fun after?” His voice was full of lust you could feel how hard he was against you it made your body hot, you felt like had caught fire.
You couldn’t even muster out a word your head spinning at everything “answer me kitten” he said voice almost a hum. You nod yes before the man was spinning you around to look at him “use your words” he said hand coming up to cup your face “ok” you stuttered out making him raise a brow. “Just ok?” He studied your face. He not use to someone being like this with him. Most women throw themselves at him and here you were being all shy and reserved. His eyes looked over your face “I’m not gonna force you. I might be a criminal to most but I’d never force myself on anyone.” He said pulling away from you.
You don’t know what had come over you your hands moved pulling him close to you “i- it’s not that I don’t want to- I mean who wouldn’t want to with you.” You rambled “it’s just- you’re still hurt and haven’t probably eaten and I- I just wanna make sure you’re ok.” Your voice growing softer after every word until it sounded almost like a whisper.
“Y/n.” He was honestly in shock at your words “why do you even care?” He asked his voice meeting yours at a whisper “you’re just doing this for money, why do you care if I’m hurt.” He choked out. His chest became almost tight feeling all types of emotion. “Because, you could have turned me away, could have killed me and not even be fazed but you’ve helped me.. more than you probably know..” your words faded off.
He wrapped his arms around you pulling you close to him you both stayed there in each other’s embrace for a few minutes before he pulled away. He smiled a bit looking at you “listen kitten I’ll never be to hurt to have a good time with you.” He joked “but let’s eat” he said as he grabbed you two a drink. You made him a plate placing it in front of him as you started to clean up the kitchen. “Sweetheart the kitchen can wait sit and eat with me.” He said looking over at you.
“I’m ok I’m not really hungry” you lied. Truth be told you haven’t really eaten anything since being here. You felt bad for eating his food so you snacked on the small bit of food you still had from your house. “When’s the last time you actually ate” his voice stern almost “and don’t you lie to me” he said in the same deep voice. You felt air catching in your throat a lump not letting you speak “I don’t know” you hiccuped out it was soft barely audible.
“Excuse me?” He said his voice sounding almost angry? No not angry more upset? “Look at me.” He demanded. You slowly turned looking at the floor head slowling looking up at him. “Why haven’t you been eating? You make the food for Christ sake!” He said his words coming out louder than he expected. Your heart was beating fast, you could almost feel tears pricking at your eyes before he said softly “you need to eat you’ll get sick and I don’t want to see you hurt.” He said eyes locking with yours “I just- didn’t wanna eat your-“ he cut you off “y/n this is your home now too, yeah the circumstances aren’t quote on quote normal but still” he said getting up.
He motioned for you to sit as he made another place for you “eat please” he said placing the food in front of you “and make sure you continue to do so.” He said waiting for you to take a bite “make a list and we’ll go shopping for stuff you like.” He said signing. He watched you pick up the food slowly eating it. “I can’t believe you” he let out a chuckle. “What am I gonna do with you.” He said the chuckle becoming louder.
You both sat there eating dinner together before you get up to take the dishes dropping them into the sink. You were about to start them before you felt Minhos hand on yours. “Come with me.” He said he guided you to a side door bringing you out to the garden he had. He brought you to a small spot he had a big pillow at. He smiled as he pulled you down with him on the pillow.
“This is one of my little safe spaces.” He says while staring up at the night sky. You turn looking over at the man his eyes sparking just like the stars painted in the sky. You curled up into his arms as you both laid there. Your hand rested on his thigh then you remembered he was still in his robe. You swore at the touch of your hand you could see a pink creep on his cheeks.
Your hand rubbed his thigh half not meaning it in anyway the other half wanting him to just take you there. He hummed at the feeling your hand inching closer and closer to his unclothed cock. Minho left out a soft groan at the feeling. “Y/n” he said his voice low “don’t start something you can’t finish” he teased. “If- if I happen to want to start something will you be ok?” You questioned.
His body warmed at the question there you go again making sure he was ok with it. He lifted your head staring into your eyes “I’ll be fine.” He said lips dancing close to yours “are you ok with it?” He asked wanting to make sure you were comfortable. You nod yes looking at him getting lost in his eyes. “Words kitten” he said this time placing a soft kiss to your lips. “Y-yes” you said eyes fluttering at the feeling of how soft his lips still were even after being hurt. His eyes squinted “yes what?” Your head tilts a bit remembering you agreed to only call him sir. “Y-yes sir” you stuttered. He got a smug smirk plastered on his face “you’ve been forgetting that haven’t you kitten?”
“I’m sorry sir” you said softly “it’s ok for now, I’ll punish you later for it.” He said biting the bottom of your lip before pulling it. “I want this to be loving more than lust” his voice faded before continuing “tell me if I’m hurting you or you want me to stop.” He said waiting for you to answer as you nodded yes that’s all he needed before kissing you passionately. The feeling he had for you was so strong almost like you both had known each other for years.
His hand quickly found the hem of your pants, his hand diving in feeling how wet you were already from him. You slipped two fingers into you curling them as he moved them sloppily. His kisses following suit, sucking your tongue. You let out the sweetest noises making him groan in return “fuck you sound so pretty” he cooed as he moved his hand fast his thumb circling your clit. You moved your own hand to grip around has throbbing cock moving is slowly. He let out almost what sounded like a whimper at the feeling of you touching him.
“Y/n” he said between kisses “I can normally last but- I really don’t think I’ll be able to right now… it’s been awhile and you just..” he admitted with a sigh “I need to feel you.” He said moving to be on top of you his eyes searched your face for a protest “kitten” he choked out “I’m all yours remember?” And that’s all he needed he tossed your pants off before pushing himself into you. The sinful noise that filled the air from the sound of skin smacking to the noises you both were making.
Minho latched himself to your neck sucking it hard you digging your nails into his back. His hand came up to play with your clit as he fucked deep into you. Everything that was happening felt like a dream. A wet dream but a dream at that. The beautiful man was moaning into your neck letting out curse words as you clenched around him “sir!” You moaned loudly Minho groaning “y/n- say- say my name please. I wanna hear you say my name while you cum on my cock.” He said his words jumbled together.
He pumped faster into you his hand racking your bud as he drove you both your highs. You almost screamed out his name as you came. You could feel his cock twitching inside you “where” he said quickly feeling himself about to release “in-“ you stuttered as he unloaded himself deep inside you. His body shaked as he tried to catch his breath. He looked down at you kissing you softly before laying his body next to you. He pulled you close to him, rubbing your back. He looked like he was in deep thought.
You looked up at him catching a smile creep across his face “do you just charm your way into everyone’s heart so easily?” He asked looking down at you. When you didn’t respond he just smiled “you know it’s honestly hard to crack my ice heart but since I’ve met you your warmth has thawed it a lot.” He said now staring at the stars. “I really wanted to just make you my slave and be how I am to others. But you just- dig those claws into me.” He rambled on.
“What I’m trying to get at is I was prepared to just be an asshole to you like I am to everyone else because it’s easier with this job however seemed like you had other plans even if you didn’t mean too.” He said looking back at you. “Just know though, I’ve been fucked over really bad before so I still might need some warming up in some aspect. But I’ll fight the world for you y/n you have my word on that.” He said kissing you softly.
The big bad mafia boss was spilling all the sweet honey from himself for you. The little bear eating it up every second. Your mind was still in shock at how things were going his kiss bringing you back to reality. “Let’s get cleaned up and head to bed yeah?” He said stretching “let’s have a date tomorrow, we can stop by the hospital to see how your bother is.” He said smiling meeting yours that crept across your face. You both walked in taking a quick shower Minho took your hand looking at you “mine or yours?” He asked.
“Whichever” you answered back just wanted to lay in bed “we’ll go to yours.” He said walking into your room greeted by your cat who stretched as he saw you come in. You both crawled into bed cuddled up to one another. Your cat finding a spot between you both, Minho let out a happy sigh. “This is the warmth I’m taking about” he said softly as he kissed you before you both drifted to sleep. A long whirlwind of a night coming to a perfect ending.
💙 If you’d like to read more of my stuff you can find it Here: Master List . Thank you for reading and if requests are open or you just wanna talk feel free to send me something🩵
Tagglist: @linoxii , @scuzmunkie
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chipified · 6 months ago
Avatar hcs
Spoilers for the reckoning of Roku, the kyoshi novels and the yangchen novels. Note I still need to finish Rokus and kyoshi's books
• Korra has broken her fingers many, many times
• Her eyes are so bright and eye-catching. People stare at them a lot.
• She could pull so easily. She's great at flirting (usually) But she doesn't because she's loyal to asami
• Sure she was showing growth when she spared kuvira but she does NOT like her. Kuvira pisses her off
• Luckily she's able to make up for her lack of experience in the real world with how social she is but she is clueless about slang and she never understands references
• Jokes fly right over her head
• All of the krew has such a shitty sense of humour they laugh at the dumbest things
• Goes through like 12 hairstyle phases. She loves mixing it up
• Stubborn as hell she stood by the spirit portal decision for he entire life and death
• A really talented bender. In her spare time she attempts to recreate the feats of her past lives
• Bias towards kuruk. She thinks he looked very cool and admired his skills
• Being vegetarian spared him from the knowledge that he is allergic to shellfish
• Sokka and toph teased him about his first flirting attempts on katara until the day he died
• His death was really unexpected. He was mostly fine leading up to it. Noone could really figure out what killed him at first, it was ultimately just him overworking himself too much
• Not a fan of the spirit world. He avoids it where he can
• Koh the face stealer scared him senseless actually no matter what he says
• He was always really busy with his duties but he did try to spend as much time with his children as he could
• Was super doting on katara while she was pregnant
• Tried a long bearded look for a while. It looked awful and toph clowned on him so hard. So did his kids
• Admired Yangchen and Roku so much. Kyoshi freaked him out as a kid
• Those first few months of travelling with the air nomads sucked ass. He was constantly covered in mud, his hair was knotted and he STANK oh my god he missed home so bad
• Actually pretty clumsy. Even when he was old he would trip over his own feet all the time. Dislocated his hip once
• A pushover. Sozin would take his snacks and drag him places as small children and he'd just take it
• Sozin had no faith in his avatarhood
• Politics were a nightmare for him in his late teens and twenties because of how awkward he was. He grew into his own though and ended up decently good at negotiating.
• Has freckles, but they only show up at the height of summer
• He doesn't tan he goes red
• Low self esteem, he thinks everything he does is embarrassing
• Collected seashells. Both because he wanted to try and get reacquainted with the ocean and because he thought they were pretty
• Shortly after Yasu died, he was so petrified of water he could barely bathe. He was very traumatised for a long while
• His own safety wasn't much of a priority. Guilt consumed him, so he didn't care what happened to him, as long as the people he was close to were safe
• Thank god for airbending because she is intensely affected by the cold
• Her Hands are always slightly shaky, so applying her makeup can be so annoying sometimes
• Politics bored her to death
• Queen of “this could've been an email”
Uses her height to her advantage as much as she can. It's just easier and leads to less violence
• Very kind to young children
• She doesn't mean to be harsh or rude, she's just very blunt and has a flat tone
• She got very sick very easily as a kid. If kelsang hadn't found her she probably wouldn't have lived much longer
• Insecure about her appearance. Rangi spent years convincing her she wasn't ugly
• She saw a lot of her younger self in Roku. It made her uncomfortable
• Hopeless romantic. Loves poetry, songwriting and those partner dances. You know damn well he took ummi on as many dates as he possibly could
• Self reliant. Asking for help with anything becomes harder and harder as he grows older (“older”). Even basic stuff like asking someone to help him carry stuff
• His parents were disappointed in him. In their eyes they raised the only avatar in recent history who just didn't do his job
• They both outlived him
• He was fantastic at bending though, he could pull of some tricks that not even his teachers could
• He should've been at the club bro!! House parties would've been his shit!! He would've eaten at karaoke
• As much as he drank he still despised the taste of vodka
• Wanted to be a father. But that didn't work out
• Trust issues
• Her hair started going grey pretty early into her life. She was crazy stressed
• Rip yangchen you would've loved weed
• She did not celebrate the day Chaisee died because that would be disrespectful. So kavik did it for her amen
• Really enjoyed sports. Would've killed it at baseball
• She doesn't like watching the lives of the future avatars until they hit like 25 they stress her out so hard when they're young
• One of the few team avatars to stick together for life and not retire at any point. All of them worked until they were forced to stop
• Infertile
• Tries to visit her sister in the spirit fog sometimes but can't bring herself to go in again. She stops doing this eventually
• Kavik cuts her hair. He's weirdly good at it. In return she brings him trinkets she finds in all the places she visits
• Yingsu and her have spa days together
• Her sanity was hanging on by a thread during Legacy. She was so close to crashing out
• The past lives “possessing” her was an issue her whole life, exacerbated in times of stress. Neither she or her past lives could control it. It just happened when it happened
• Realistically he knew that he couldn't just fix all the world's problems in his lifetime alone, but god he did not want to die the way he did. He really wanted a peaceful death
• The armour he was wearing when he died was slowly gathered up over the years from battlefields and things he just found on the ground
• His avatar state was slightly different from his incarnations. Since it wasn't something he was born with, it caused some issues. For example, his vision was very poor when he died
• Felt really bad about the impact he had on the other avatars lives.
• Super bored all the time. He's seen everything there is to see at this point
• Wan and raava are super comfortable they know literally everything about each other
• Never had a lover. It just didn't interest him at all. The following avatar just ended up looking similarly to him (Alternatively- he had a bad breakup with a guy and that is why none of the future avatars date men/j)
• Wan and Jaya (his friend that died fighting spirits) built the treehouse they lived in together. Yao (tree-sprit guy) met them a little later. They formed their own little family after being shunned by everyone else
• Yangchens life was his favourite to watch. Aang's life was his least favourite.
• Korra was the only one he went out of his way to speak to. He hasn't been summoned for at least a few thousand years and he just prefers to let them make their own decisions
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cherryeyess · 6 months ago
Sweet Comfort
Ever since you & Toji got into that argument about his lazy bum not getting a job, you start to realize he took your words too seriously & nearly killed himself working too hard. Thankfully, he came back home tired & beaten & you're going to comfort him with your love.
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just a small, fluff fic. it isn't well written, but i tried. there's probably a toji fic like this out already out there too, so let me know & i can take this down. p.s, bad spelling & my grammar sucks...
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As expected, after hearing the front door shut, you made your way out of your shared bedroom & into the living room, & there, manspreading on the couch was your worn-out husband, Toji. Drenched noir hair sticking to his clammy forehead & chest rising & falling way too fast to be possible. What the hell did he get himself into this time? You huffed, walking towards him & stood in between his sprawled-out legs. You grasped your hips & frowned, puckering your lips. 
"What in the world were you doing?" Your voice seemed to make him come alive because he responded quickly, opening his weary eyes & staring right at you. He only gave you a mischievous grin & it made you shake a little. You hoped he didn't go doing something stupid. "What's that look for?" 
"Nothing. Just wanted to make you mad." He sat up slowly with a grunt, getting comfortable on the couch, before resting his head back again. "I was at work, nothing to be concerned about." Your brow quirked at the word 'work'. 
He finally got himself a job after all these years? "Pretty laborious work, that's for sure, if you're coming home looking like you just ran a marathon." He laughed at that, shaking his head amusingly. 
"Don't I always look like this when I come home?" You shook your head, taking your hands off your hips & crossing them.
"Not looking like you're about to pass out, no." Toji hummed in approval, using the back of his hand to wipe the sweat off his forehead. You just watched him wipe away the rest of his perspiration with his shirt, feeling guilt arise in you. Now you really hoped he didn't go doing something stupid. Trying your best to not ogle at the muscular physique he was revealing by lifting his shirt, you leaned down towards his height, grasping his arm. "Hey, what did you really do today?" He gazed into your eyes, allowing you to marvel at the green hues of his orbs. They were haunting, but beautiful at the same time. 
He only smiled at your concern, pulling his shirt down, & took your chin in his grasp. "I was just at work, baby. Nothing to be concerned about, seriously." You furrowed your eyebrows & smacked him in his chest, causing him to jolt from your touch, the reaction you wanted.
"What kind of job, Toji?" Your words came out in a low growl & you were sure you saw a tiny bit of fear in his eyes when he heard it. 
"Come on, I just got back here. Can I at least just relax without all these questions being asked?" 
"Not until you tell me what you did today." He released a heavy sigh, shaking his head in disappointment. He was always irritated by your constant persistence, but at the same time, he found it hot. 
"I was just fixing & moving things around." He scoffed, looking away. "Damn, you're so stubborn." You only rolled your eyes at his words, taking a step back from him. 
"How did you get into that kind of work? I don't recall you ever studying in that field."
"Didn't have to study in that field. Someone gave me that job 'cause I asked." Toji finally stood up & walked past you & you got a good whiff of his cologne mixed with his sweat & it stank. You plugged your nose with your fingers, your face twisting up as you watched Toji head to the kitchen. You followed after him, still keeping your nose plugged & you saw him digging through the fridge for water. 
"Not-uh, get your funky ass out of here & into that shower, because you reek like burritos!" He froze at your words & you guessed it, he laughed at what you said, standing up with a water bottle in his hand. He closed the fridge & leaned against it, flipping the top off of his water with his thumb & began to guzzle it down. You watched his Adam's apple bob up & down & it gave you the butterflies. 
"What are you staring at?" You blinked, unplugging your nose after you realized your breath was catching up to you, & looked Toji in the eyes. You smiled nervously at his confused face, scratching your arm. "N-nothing. Anyways, seriously, get into the shower or you're not coming into bed tonight." Toji stared at you, examining how red your face was, & then only shrugged, finishing the rest of the bottle of water, before tossing it to the side.
"Guess I'm sleeping on the couch then." Your mouth fell open a little, as you were rendered speechless by his words. That was the first time in your entire relationship he just gave up & decided to sleep on the couch. Just because he refuses to take a freaking shower? 
"Wow...okay. Then forget all the cuddles, kisses, &—"
"You know what? Fuck it." He walked past you & upstairs he went towards what you assumed was the bathroom & you couldn't help but laugh. Sometimes, you enjoyed it when he was submissive. 
"Shit, careful babe, it freaking stings right there." You rolled your eyes & moved your hand away from the bruise on his bare back. For whatever reason that was there, you just know it was his fault. 
"Not my fault you dink around too much." A weary chuckle left his lips, making you shiver as you felt his breath brush against your neck. 
"Sorry, sweetheart. I'll try not to next time." You widened your eyes at the word 'next time'. You couldn't believe he thought he was going to go back to that job again. Never again. "Oh no, there's no 'next time'. You're officially staying a househusband from now on." 
"Alright, if that's what you want. You're going to be disappointed though when you get home." You raised a brow at his words, already knowing what he meant by that. "If it means coming home to your messes & you lazing around, then I'm just fine. As long as you don't take your behind out the door." You smiled, warmly. "I take the blame for our argument. I didn't mean to lash out at you about some petty job. I was harsh." Toji lifted his head from your chest so that he was face-to-face with you & you just stared at his eyes, a little confused. "What?"
"Do you mean that or are you just playing?" You frowned, looking away with a huff. 
"I mean it, babe. If I didn't, I wouldn't have said it. Now lay your head back down." Toji snickered, doing as you said. 
"You take things too seriously." You rolled your eyes, stroking his hair with your tender fingers.
"That didn't sound like a joke. Your humor sucks ass." You yelped when he smacked your hip & you couldn't stop the growl that left your throat. "Don't make me pull your hair out." 
"Sorry, babe. Couldn't help myself." You scoffed, pressing a kiss to his forehead. 
"Yeah, okay." You smiled, covering him with some of the blankets, as you watched his eyes falter a little. "You can go to sleep, I'll be right here," Toji smirked, wrapping his arms around your waist & burying his face in the crook of your neck. 
"I love you, sweetheart." He pressed a kiss to your neck, before closing his eyes & dozing off.
"I love you too, old man." You reached over & turned off the lamp, the whole room beginning to drown in darkness.
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Thank you for reading! Have a Blessed Day & much love!!!! 🙏💕
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tender-rosiey · 2 years ago
panic — gojo satoru x gn!reader
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a bright and sunny day it is, one of a kind and so is gojo’s state which is hilarious to geto.
gojo, all-time limitless sorcerer, one of the strongest to exist, and the most confident person on earth, is currently panicking and it has been going on for quite the while.
“suguru, I am serious! I think I have a problem or something!”
geto chuckles while eating his soba, “do tell me more.”
“so when y/n passes by I feel like my stomach is just twirling around itself or like there is stuff moving inside! I feel my breath hitch and I can’t help staring—”
geto, humored, nods for his best friend to continue, “—and I feel my heart beating so fast, it’s worrying. I talked about it to shoko, but she just gave me the stank eye and left!”
geto smiles. that does sound like something she would do, unlike him, she has no patience for satoru’s oblivious ass, “is there anything else?”
satoru frowns at his best friend, deeply troubled, “you’re not taking this seriously, are you?”
“I mean semi-seriously, honestly. It’s dumb that you can’t tell what you’re feeling,” geto notes and satoru huffs, annoyed.
geto flutters his eyelashes and talks in a higher voice, “is little mister gojo that foreign to love?”
satoru’s cheeks are a soft pink as he protests, “I know love very much, thanks! In fact, I have received it a lot!”
“what now?”
“if I told you that I get butterflies in my stomach whenever I am around someone and that they make my heart beat so fast and that I can’t help but get lost in their beauty, what would you say?”
“you’re in love, obviously.”
geto merely smirks.
it takes a few moments before satoru’s eyes widen slightly in realization, but he doesn’t get to react further to the revelation as he hears your voice, “satoru, hey!”
he sees you waving from afar and waves back at you with a (not so) relaxed smile. he hurriedly turns to suguru and whisper-yells, “does my breath stink?”
geto smiles and nods eagerly.
satoru’s face turns pale as he looks around for anything to solve his terrible dilemma.
he finds none.
you tap his shoulder.
oh no.
“how are you today?” you ask.
satoru covers his mouth with both hands and replies with a muffled, “more than perfect!”
you giggle at his silly antics, already used to them, “why are you covering your mouth then?”
geto pops up from behind him, “the thing is—“ he smirks at satoru, “he got hit with a curse and now his mouth looks absolutely disgusting. you wouldn’t want to see it.”
satoru glares at geto and before he curses him out, you speak up.
“I don’t think it would be that bad. plus I don’t think satoru ever looks bad,” you smile at satoru and he feels like the sun has blessed him with pure rays of sunshine.
you feel someone wrap their arm around your shoulder; it’s shoko, “let me tell you more about the curse satoru was hit with.”
the devil is here, satoru laments; he is done for.
she whispers in your ears all the symptoms of little mister gojo then pulls back with a smirk, “all of that because our cute little kouhai named y/n.”
you take a moment to organize your thoughts and you, seemingly heartbroken, look at satoru—who’s fighting with suguru—, “you think I am a curse?”
he throws the laughing suguru away and looks at you, “what?! no! you are the most beautiful i have ever seen! are you dumb?!”
geto whistles encouragingly and shoko claps.
satoru pouts then he looks at you, taking a deep breath. “well, the cat’s out of the bag!” he beams and walks just a little closer.
he is back to being confident, no longer flustered and unable to form proper words, but there is no denying the way his cheeks are rosier than usual.
“I like you, y/n.”
you laugh and he splutters, shocked, “I just confessed to you and you’re laughing?!”
“I already knew that, though.”
all three of them turn to you, “HUH?!”
shoko speaks up, “and you let me suffer THROUGH HIS CLUELESS RANTS?!”
“why didn’t you say anything?” geto asks, ignoring the shoko who’s pitying herself for all the times she had to listen to gojo indirectly ranting about how beautiful you look, every. SINGLE. DAY.
satoru is sat on the ground, surprisingly silent, and trying to figure out just what to do with himself.
you sit on the ground in front of him, “first of all, you were pretty obvious like ‘omg she is here; I gotta act cool’ type of obvious.”
satoru rolls his eyes at you, but you continue while pinching his cheek, “and you mumbled it in your sleep more than once.”
“wow, when your unconscious mind knows about your feelings more than your conscious one,” geto muses, “shoko, you should write about this experiment, you will earn a ton.”
“already ahead of you, “ shoko mumbles as she scribbles in her notebook.
a frown finds its place on satoru’s lips as he half-heartedly glares at you, gently swatting your hand away, “I don’t like you anymore.”
you press a soft kiss to his cheek and it catches him by surprise, “too bad I guess and I had so much affection to give too!”
satoru looks at you for a moment before clutching his chest dramatically, “AH! I’ve been defeated by your love!” he says as he comically falls on your lap.
he awaits a reaction and he does get plenty, just not what he wants.
geto smirks, “oh finally, he’s dead.”
“oh my god, let’s take a photo!”, shoko smiles.
“y/n, they’re bullying me!”
you frown, “aw man, you’re alive again.”
“babe?!” satoru screams betrayed.
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @scul-pted @dazaisdeathwish @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @shinys-bsd-world-1 @sonder-paradise @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @dazaisbloodybandages @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies @pianopuppygirl @fiona782 @kisakitwister @imjustasimpxd @psychopotatomeme @dreamcastgirl99 @watyousayin @doobiebochana @laylasbunbunny @hojicha-expresso
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or i will hit you with my heel
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hellfiresky · 23 days ago
Did you buy the jogan fruit?
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Summary: Wolffe insists he hates your favourite show, but he knows all the characters (and has strong opinions). You insist his jogan tarts are the best, and you’re not above using affection to get one.
Pairing: Wolffe x F!Reader
Warnings: Sex. Smut. 18+. Minors DNI.
This smut probably isn’t the hottest thing out there, but that’s kind of the point. I like playing with the idea that sex doesn’t always have to be some romantic or hyper-intense performance - it can just be another part of a relationship. Sometimes, it’s just comfortable, something you do whilst catching up on your day, cracking jokes, or bickering over jogan fruit. It’s intimacy in the mundane, and gosh if you know me, you know how much I adore the mundane and the banal.
Smut ahead. Do not keep reading if you’re under 18!
Taglist: @orangez3st
The sink was full with dishes you should’ve cleaned an hour ago, but you’d gotten distracted scrolling through something unimportant, and now the caf in your mug had gone cold. You rinsed it out, set it down. The chrono on the wall said late - but not too late. Late enough that Wolffe should be home soon. The apartment was quiet. Outside, the traffic droned on like white noise, Coruscant’s city lights slowly came alive over the window blinds. You rubbed at your neck, stretching a little, the warmth of the day still clinging to your skin. It had been a long one. Not bad, just… long.
You heard the familiar hiss of the front door sliding open. A heavy sigh. The unmistakable sound of armour moving. The clunk of heavy boots hitting the floor one by one. Then—
“Shinies need to get their shit together.”
You smiled to yourself, drying your hands on a towel as Wolffe stepped into the kitchen, rolling his shoulders like the weight of command hadn’t quite settled yet. His blacks hugged him, sweat around the collar, hair slightly mussed. He looked tired. More than tired.
“You sound like an old man.” You leaned against the counter, watching him.
“I am an old man,” he pressed his palms on his lower back with a slight wince. “Physically, at least.”
You snorted, reaching for the cupboard. “You want caf?”
“Nah.” He stepped behind you, pressing a quick, absentminded kiss to your temple before resting his chin on your shoulder, exhaling deeply. “Kriff. Today was long.”
“Yeah?” You rested your hands over his where they settled at your waist.
“Yeah. Shinies kept missing their marks in drills. Had to run ‘em through it five times before they stopped embarrassing themselves.”
“You sound so proud.”
“I would be! If they weren’t so damn slow.”
You chuckled, squeezing his fingers before slipping out of his hold. “Go shower, old man. I can smell the armour stank.”
He made a face. “You love it.”
He grumbled something under his breath but listened, taking off the armour pieces, and tugged his shirt over his head as he headed for the ‘fresher. The moment the door shut, you sighed, stretching again. The tiny kitchen droid blinked at you. The dishes still sat in the sink. The microwave probably needed fixing. None of it was urgent, none of it was important, but all of it was there. You rolled your shoulders, letting the familiar mundanity of it settle in.
“You want anything to eat? I made cream soup and bought that nerf burger on the way home from The Hub.” You called out from the bedroom, picking up his discarded blacks and tossing them into the shared laundry bin. The laundry droid from your go-to laundry by kilo place would swing by in the morning, same as always, before you headed back to the Hub. You’d set it up ages ago - automated pickups and drop-offs. It was a necessity, really. The last thing you wanted was to get flagged for laundering blood-stained blacks in the middle of CoCo Town. The GAR had its own facilities, sure, but with a commander practically living in your apartment whenever he wasn’t on the frontlines, his clothes had inevitably started blending in with yours.
No answer. He always took his time in the ‘fresher, you’ve always loved how steamy and warm your fresher would be after his shower, though. Your apartment sat on the surface level of Coruscant, tucked into a quieter corner of CoCo Town - close enough to the underworld portal for easy access, far enough from the worst of it to avoid unnecessary danger. A good spot. One you’d spent years curating. The Hub, though - that was deeper. Lower levels. A small co-working space with communal terminals, and workstations where slicers came and went, sharing access codes and decryption scripts over cups of stale caf. It wasn’t glamorous, but it was home - or as close as a place like that could get.
You grabbed a dirty shirt from the chair and tossed it to the bin alongside Wolffe’s blacks. The sheets on the bed were still messy from where you’d been lying earlier. You debated fixing them, but - nah. You’d just end up messing them up again soon enough.
The water shut off. Then Wolffe’s voice, rough from the steam filled the space.
“You ate yet?”
“Not really.”
A grumble. “Then I’ll take the soup. You can eat the burger.”
“Figured. I’ll heat it up.”
Dinner was nice. Well, as nice as homemade soup and a fast-food nerf burger could be. You both ate quietly at the small dinner table, the one that folded up into a workspace when needed, your favourite piece of modular furniture in the apartment. Easily the best thing you’d ever spent your adult credits on. Wolffe, freshly showered, dug into the soup. Between bites, he started grumbling about his most recent mission to Aleen - the same one he’d just returned from last week. Apparently, it had been hell. Not because of the planet itself, or even the mission, but because of some golden droid who wouldn’t shut up.
“He talked the entire time,” Wolffe shook his head. “I thought protocol droids were supposed to be helpful.”
“Maybe he was helpful. Just not in the way you wanted.”
Wolffe rolled his eyes before continuing. “You don’t understand. The relief mission itself? Fine. No problems. But that droid - he wouldn’t shut up. Narrated everything like some kind of sports commentator.” He scoffed. “Kept trailing behind me, throwing out ‘fun facts,’ trying to translate every little detail to the Aleenas.” He straightened slightly before straining his voice to a posh Coruscanti accent ‘We have been quite on an adventure, Commander Wolffe!’
That almost made you choke on your drink. “The fuck was that?!”
“Every. Damn. Minute.”
You let out a full belly laugh. It was kind of surreal, watching this man - Commander Wolffe, the guy who had lost an eye in the battle of Khorm to a Sith acolyte, who had once been stranded in the vacuum of space with only a handful of his men and still made it out alive - obsessing over what was, by all accounts, a fever dream of a relief aid mission.
“The Sith acolyte didn’t break you, getting spaced didn’t break you, but this droid did?”
Wolffe groaned, running a hand down his face. “I swear, I’d take another orbital skirmish over that mission any day.”
After dinner, Wolffe took over dish duty, cleaning plates in the sink whilst you made your escape to the bedroom. A fair trade - you cooked, he cleaned. It was an unspoken rule by now, one of the small, automatic rhythms of living together. You laid out on the bed, pulling up the latest episode of Sex and the Ecumenopolis - the old holoseries you were only watching because your friend had roped you into it. Wolffe hated it. Or at least, that’s what he claimed.
The bedroom door slid shut, followed by the sound of a dramatic sigh. “Naw, not this again.”
The mattress dipped as he threw himself down beside you. He barely spared the screen a glance before grabbing his datapad, thumbing through the reports his men had submitted.
You smirked, nudging his shoulder. “You know you don’t have to stay.”
“I was here first,” he muttered, eyes still on his datapad.
“You were not.”
Wolffe just grunted, scrolling through casualty assessments like he wasn’t very aware of the episode’s plot - because you knew he was. He’d sat through enough of this show to absorb its nonsense, no matter how much he insisted otherwise. And this episode? Oh, this one had gotten to him. Because the thing was, he had been outraged - outraged - about the tragic arc of Mireena and her doomed situationship with a man in a promotional sandwich costume. A sandwich, of all things.
“She was a lawyer,” Wolffe muttered under his breath, still flipping through reports. “And he was a sandwich. That was a real quote from the show. Maker help me.”
You bit down a laugh, already knowing where this was going. He kept going. “She had a whole career. A life. And he—” his left hand gestured vaguely at the holo, not even looking up from his datapad, “—was walking around dressed as a goddamn Ronto Wrap.”
You grinned. “So you were invested.”
“I’m saying it was stupid.”
Wolffe finally looked up with an unimpressed stare. “You’re telling me you didn’t think it was ridiculous?”
“Oh, no, it was completely ridiculous,” you admitted. “But it’s a pre-Clone Wars holoseries, Commander, ridiculous is the point.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose. “They made me care about a man in a sandwich costume.”
“They really did.”
“They never even showed his face,” he muttered, almost to himself.
Because here’s the thing - he could complain all he wanted, but you knew the truth. Not only did he know all the characters, he had opinions. Strong ones. And, most damning of all - he had a favourite.
Sahm’ara Joans. The self-made entrepreneur, the no-nonsense, I’ll burn this city down before I let a man waste my time woman. Wolffe swore up and down that she was the only tolerable character, but you knew better. He liked her. No, he respected her. Every time she delivered a one-liner or completely dismantled some poor bastard in the dating scene, you’d catch the slightest smirk on his face, like he was privately rooting for her.
On the other hand, there was Kaari Breesaw, who Wolffe detested. “She has the emotional intelligence of a gundark,” he grumbled once, after Kaari had, for the fifth time, thrown herself back into the orbit of ‘Big O’, a wealthy shipping tycoon with all the charm of a typical finance bro in the Financial District. “She knows he’s an asshole. She knows he’s gonna screw her over. And she still—” He’d jab his finger at the holoseries as if that would explain something.
“She’s in love,” you teased.
“She’s stupid.”
The best part? This was a recurring argument. Every time Sex and the Ecumenopolis cycled back to Kaari making yet another terrible decision, Wolffe’s patience wore thinner and thinner, until one day, he’d just flat-out refused to acknowledge her storyline at all.
“She’s dead to me,” he’d declared. “Tell me when they’re back to Sahm’ara.”
And now, predictably, after the sandwich episode ended - he peeked over the edge of his datapad again. “Where’s Sahm’ara? Why does Kaari dominate this episode?” You barely looked away from the holo. “You know she’s literally the one narrating the story, right?”
“Mm. Don’t care.” His voice was flat, unimpressed. “They should give Sahm’ara the narration. At least she has a point.” You chuckled but didn’t argue. He had a habit of deciding exactly how a show should be structured and then getting personally offended when it didn’t conform to his vision.
You felt the shift in the mattress before you felt him - the warmth of his breath ghosting over your skin as he leaned in, pressing his face against the curve of your neck. His datapad landed on the bedside table with a quiet thud, forgotten in favour of something else entirely. “How was your day?” he dropped his voice to a raspy murmur. His arm slung lazily around your waist, fingers tracing absent patterns over your hip like muscle memory.
“Good.” You tilted your head slightly to give him better access as his lips brushed along your neck. “My team and I managed to slice into that CIS propaganda holonet site - took most of the data down.”
Wolffe hummed against your skin, half-listening, half-distracted as he worked his way lower, his hand slipping under the hem of your shirt, and grazed up to cup your breast. “We rerouted their entire login system,” you continued, running your fingers through his cropped hair. It was still slightly damp from his shower, warm against your palm. “Every time they try to access their own files, it just redirects them to a looping video of a Toydarian singing Never Gonna Give You Down in Huttese.”
That actually got a huff of amusement from him. “Efficient.”
“Oh, and we stole some of their encrypted comms, rerouted a few of their shadow accounts into charity funds, the usual.” It was a routine for you, as if you were just recounting errands, rather than digital sabotage against the Separatists. “Big win for the cause.”
“Big win,” he murmured against your collarbone, nipping lightly before pressing a softer kiss in the same spot. His voice was growing raspier. You giggled, squirming as his two-days-old stubble scraped against your skin. “You’re not even listening, are you?”
“I am.” He kissed the underside of your jaw, exhaling warm against your skin. “Toydarian. Huttese. You’re very disruptive.”
“Oh, I’m disruptive?”
His lips curled against your throat before he shifted on top of you, his weight pressing more firmly against you, his hand sliding lower. “Mhm.”
“What about you?” You pressed a lingering kiss to the top of his head. “Anything else aside from the shiny training?”
Wolffe exhaled, his breath sent a heat straight to your core, he was clearly reluctant to re-engage with the topic now that he had his mouth on your skin. His hand moved down to the band of your trousers, slipping it halfway there before he finally muttered, “Briefing. Patrols. More briefings. Argued with a senator’s aide about the next relief mission logistics - again.”
You hummed, still dragging your nails lightly over the back of his scalp. “Win?”
“Does anyone ever win against bureaucracy?”
“Fair point.”
He sighed, resting his forehead against your shoulder for a moment. “Came this close to telling them to shove their ‘budget constraints’ straight up their senatorial asses.”
You snorted. “And yet, you restrained yourself. Personal growth.”
“Barely,” he muttered. His hand finally snaked down under your trousers in a slow and lazy rhythm, like his body was already more interested in other things. “Kinda wish Fox and I were still in the same unit. I would’ve let him handle it. He actually likes dealing with politicians.”
You sighed, his hand moving down your leg making your breath hitch. "Don't I know it," you said, voice raspy. "But someone's gotta help keep those senators in check. Maybe one day, you'll find a way to enjoy it." You ran your fingers through his hair again, closing your eyes. He hummed in response, nuzzling deeper into your neck. "Maybe. For now, though..." He trailed off, his fingers finally found their way into your clit, circling gently. You arched into the touch without thinking about it, moaning softly as he dipped one finger straight into your sensitive spot and began to tease it. Your head fell back on the pillow as a wave of pleasure coursed through you, overwhelming any lingering thoughts of work or stress. The sounds of the holoseries and the city outside faded away, replaced by the sounds of your breath and the soft rustling of sheets against skin.
"Maker, Wolffe," you panted, hooking an arm around his neck to pull him closer. "You're so good at this." His only response was a low grunt against your skin that sent a shiver down your spine. “You wanna fuck?” He looked up.
You blinked at him. “Duh. Why are you stopping?”
Wolffe rolled his eyes as he reached down to undo the tie on your trousers. “Because this thing is kriffing tight - almost cut off the circulation in my hand.” He gave you an unimpressed glare, fingers tugging at the waistband in irritation.
You giggled, still breathless. “Sorry, didn’t realise my loungewear was a hazard.”
“It is. I’m filing a report.”
You let out a huff of laughter, lifting your hips to help him along. This was just how it was with him. After so long together, this - the teasing, the grumbling, the way he always found something to complain about even whilst he was actively seducing you - felt as much a part of the moment as anything else. Sex with Wolffe wasn’t always some kinky planet-shattering affair. Sometimes, it was just another way to be close. A quiet affection between two people who had already seen each other at their worst and still wanted to crawl into bed together at the end of the day.
"There you go," he muttered, tugging your trousers down and tossing them to the floor without a second thought. You squinted at him. "Boo, you missed the laundry bin."
Wolffe didn’t even look at where they’d landed, just gave you a noncommittal shrug. “Not my problem.”
"Oh, it will be," you warned playfully, wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him closer. "I'll make you pick them up later."
Wolffe raised an eyebrow, his hands sliding up your thighs. "Is that a threat or a promise?"
"Both," you breathed, arching into his touch. "Now, are you going to keep complaining about my clothes or are you going to do something about the fact that I'm not wearing any?"
A wolfish grin spread across his face. "I think I can fix the laundry later."
He leaned down, capturing your lips in a searing kiss that made you forget all about the discarded joggers before taking his own trousers off. His hands roamed your body, leaving trails of heat in their wake. You gasped into his mouth as he grind against you.
"Wolffe," you whined, breaking the kiss. "Please..."
"Impatient, aren't we?"
You huffed, about to retort, when he suddenly moved to align himself with your entrance. The words died in your throat as he slowly pushed in, stretching you in the most exquisite way.
"Maker," you breathed, clutching at his shoulders. Wolffe grunted in agreement, his forehead resting against yours as he bottomed out. For a moment, you both stayed still, savouring the connection. Then, Wolffe began to move. His thrusts were slow at first, drawing out soft gasps and moans from you both. You clung to him, one hand tangled in his hair while the other traced the scars on his back - a map of his history that you'd long since memorised.
"Faster," you urged, nipping at his earlobe. "Please, Wolffe."
He obliged, picking up the pace. The room filled with the sound of skin against skin and breathless moans. You pushed your hip back, meeting him thrust for thrust, chasing that building pleasure. "That's it," Wolffe’s voice was rough with desire. "Just like that, cyar'ika."
The Mando'a endearment sent a thrill through you, as it always did. You loved when he slipped into his native tongue during intimate moments. "Kriff, you feel good," Wolffe growled, his cybernetic eye reflecting the city lights from outside of your window as he gazed down at you.
"Anyway, what's going on with your neighbour?" he asked, maintaining his relentless rhythm. "Mmh, which one?" you managed to respond, trying to focus despite the overwhelming sensations that made coherent thought nearly impossible. The way he moved inside you was intoxicating, but there was something thrilling about the contrasting normalcy of your relationship - how you could be lost in each other yet still discuss the mundane details of life.
"The new one," he panted, letting your fingers dig into his shoulders. "The one who moved in last week."
"Oh, that guy." You whined as he pulled out. "Tall, dark, and handsome. Like you, but with a stupid amount of abs, cause, you know, Zabrak–oh, fuck! And a really nice ass." You gasped as he plunged back in, his hips meeting yours in rhythm again. "Shit, Wolffe," you moaned, your eyes rolling back in your head. “And he has the sexiest Dathomirian accent.”
Wolffe snorted, clearly amused. "He does, doesn’t he? Well, maybe we should invite him over for some drinks." You laughed despite yourself. "Yeah right. As if he could handle the two of us." Your body tensed and then exploded in a rush of pleasure around him. For a moment, there was silence between you both - just the sounds of your heavy breathing and his steady thrusts - before you spoke again. "I just came."
"As you should," Wolffe growled, his pace increasing as he chased his own release. "You're so fucking beautiful when you come."
You moaned, oversensitive but still loving every moment. Your hands roamed his back, feeling the muscles flex with each thrust. "Come on, Wolffe," you encouraged, nipping at his jaw. "Let go for me."
His rhythm faltered, becoming erratic as he neared the edge. You clenched around him, drawing a strangled groan from his throat. "Cyar'ika," he panted, burying his face in your neck. With a final, deep thrust, Wolffe stilled, groaning your name as he came. You held him close, enjoying the warmth he spilled inside you whilst rubbing your hand on his back as he shuddered through his release.
“Did you buy the jogan fruit?” You suddenly asked, still out of breath, and completely blissed out.
Wolffe let out a muffled groan against your neck. "Really? That's what you're thinking about right now?" You chuckled, still caressing his back. "Well, you did promise to make that jogan fruit tart I like. That recipe you learnt from Gregor?"
He lifted his head to look at you, his face was a cocktail of exasperation and fondness. "I'm still inside you, and you're worried about dessert?"
"I work up an appetite after good sex," you teased, pressing a quick kiss to his nose. Wolffe rolled his eyes but couldn't hide his smirk. "Fine. Yes, I bought your precious jogan fruit. It's in the kitchen."
You grinned, pecking him on the lips. "Good boy."
He slowly pulled out, both of you hissing at the sensation, before collapsing beside you on the bed. You turned to face him, tracing lazy patterns on his chest. "So, about that tart..." you began.
Wolffe groaned, throwing an arm over his face. "Maker, you're insatiable. And I don't mean just for sex."
You laughed, snuggling closer to him. "You love it."
"Force help me, I do," he pulled you snugly against his side. You nestled your head on his chest, where the rhythm of his heartbeat gradually slowed to normal, giving a comforting lullaby. "We should shower," you murmured softly after a moment, though you remained comfortably wrapped in his embrace, making no attempt to move. Wolffe's voice was a gentle rumble as he responded, "I have showered."
“Again?” you teased, fluttering your eyelashes at him. His laughter was a warm vibration under your cheek as he reached up to playfully tousle your hair. "Since when did that work?"
"Since never," you admitted with a grin, pressing a kiss to his chest. "But it was worth a shot."
Wolffe hummed noncommittally, kissing the top of your head. "In a minute. I'm comfortable." You couldn't argue with that. The warmth of his body and his musky scent were lulling you into a peaceful state. You let out a contented sigh, snuggling closer.
"So," Wolffe broke the silence after a few moments, "Tell me more about this neighbour of yours. The one with the 'stupid amount of abs' and 'really nice ass'."
You playfully swat his chest. "Jealous, Commander?"
"Hardly," he scoffed, but his arm tightened around you. "Just curious about the competition.”
“He has a boyfriend,” you giggled. "Oh?" Wolffe's eyebrow shot up. "And how do you know that?"
You shrugged. "Saw them together in the turbolift. Very handsy. His boyfriend is a Twi'lek."
A raspy chuckle reverberating through his chest. "Well, cyar’ika, there goes your fantasy threesome."
"Who said anything about a threesome fantasy?" you propped yourself up on an elbow to look at him. "Maybe I was thinking about a foursome."
"Hmm, I'm not sure how I feel about sharing you."
“What about making me a jogan tart?”
"You're not going to let that go, are you?"
"Nope," you grinned, popping the 'p'. "I've been craving it all week."
He sighed in exasperation, but you could see the affection in his eyes. "Fine. Let me clean up and I'll start on it."
You beamed, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before rolling off him. "You're the best."
"I know," he said, but before you could get too far, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you right back in, kissing you slow, indulgent, giving you all the time he had in the galaxy.
Then, with that military efficiency, he got off the bed and headed straight for the kitchen, already on his next mission. You flopped onto your back, grinning at the ceiling, the warmth of the moment still cocooning you. The episode of Sex and the Ecumenopolis that had been playing in the background was long over, replaced by the holoseries app’s main menu, idly looping trailers for other shows you had no intention of watching. You grabbed the remote and switched off the holovision. No need to waste credits on unnecessary power - especially not when Wolffe was already rolling his eyes at the last utility bill.
Jogan tart secured. Mission accomplished.
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deesseshesca · 2 months ago
PAC : How will your pregnancy go ? (18+)
Just reminder ... that ... I AINT THE ONE !
FUTURE LOVE + SEX DOUALA = 40$ (2for1)
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SONG : THAT GUY - Tyler the Creator
Chariot, 3 pentacles (reverse)
First thing, first Pile 1,you don’t understand the impact that your pile had on me. When you are going to be pregnant you are still going to achieve everything you set for yourself with great happiness. You are going to be so lucky pregnant, you have no idea. Everyone that will rub your stomach, if you allow it, will whisk a bit of luck their way. All this because you understood a very important soul lesson from the very beginning of the journey. Your breast is going to be so full, y’all may jump 2 cups bigger but Lord are they going to be extremely sensitive. Your nipples are always going to be hard. Y’all we suffer from extreme hunger (that’s what I call it) like if you don’t eat, you will actually lose your mind. The uber better not be late because you will blow up their phone with no shame. The craving are so weird and are not just in the privacy of your house, you will have the audacity to ask restaurants to fix their dishes to your weird liking. If a restaurant refuses to change, then you are leaving and throwing a fit in your car until the next food stop. You guys may develop asthma in your pregnancy or have frequent asthma attacks. When I make a list of everything that’s going to happen to you, you may look at your screen with a stank face. The reality is you are not going against your body. You know it is useless. You know there's a price to pay for everything and you are ready to pay the price necessary for your ultimate miracle. You don’t hate your body nor do you get mad at yourself for reacting. There's no such a thing as over-sensitivity or over-reacting, there's no such thing as too intense or moody or even too horny. Everything is good to create the greatest gift given to you. You don’t waste your time comparing, hating or sad, you prefer finding innovative ways to deal with your sensitive tits, your food cravings and bad breathing habits. Breaking any obstacles in our way, achieving so much and radiating love every step of the way. 
L I F E S T Y L E 
Devil (reverse), knight of wands 
You have an extremely cut-throat energy with people around you. You won’t mind blocking anyone that does not understand your boundaries. No warning, they fuck up, bye bye. People that didn't support you during pregnancy but are trying to find their way in when the baby is born … are going to hit a closed door. You don’t play this game. From day one, any older person trying to come in and tell you what's up better be ready to be disrespected because you don’t need people's opinion to weigh you down in the most vulnerable moment of your life. The midwife wants to get smart, not only is her access revoked but if you have time you may press charges ( as you should because there are too many mean nurses in this world). Your man is even scared of you as he should. He eats too loud, looks at you the wrong way or even eats something that makes you sick … the lethal tone is coming out. Your tone is so soft but your words actually annihilate. I heard : You: ‘’ Can you please chew even louder maybe then I will found my 14 reasons since you are my 13 one ?’’ all in a calm tone and a killer gaze. 
2) Wanna know the love story the universe has for you? 💫 In 8 parts, I spill all: first meet, first kiss, confession, sexy time, and more. Don’t miss out! 👀💖 (LINK)
3) For ALL DECEMBER get 2 readings for the price of 1 : LINK
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SONG : Tranquility - Jack Harlow
A completely reading was necessary for you guys. Don't worry, Chérie d'Amour is nothing bad.
Full of love reading
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SONG: Hello,Hi - Little Smiz
8 swords, page of swords (reverse)  
You're going to find out you're pregnant with a sneaky link. You know damn well, they ain't ready for the commitment and so is you. So you are not mad. You are not even stressed when you are going to find out because you know you have options and it’s not really a baby until you choose it to be. You are going to announce it to them and they are going to have a panic attack and still be extremely polite and kind with you while telling you they can’t be a father.  Which you know … you just wanted to tell them. I have a vision of someone sitting in the dark and actually analysing what your life has become. Then suddenly a change of perspective which is weird because you never been nothing but pessimistic in you life. I hear the script of Alice in Wonderland: ‘’ They can always paint them red
What an odd thing to say’’. 
You are going to keep the baby. Is important to note that your finances are excellent, you have your degree, you have your own car, like you are set. The reality is you have been set. The only thing stopping you is yourself and you are going to realize that once again when you are starting to live your dream life. The only reason you are stuck in the same place is because you don’t want to leave. You are like a chain animal. Is not because you cut the chain that they will actually leave. I see you moving, changing jobs, everythings happening quickly and nothing is chaotic. Which makes sense since you have had the plan. You know what to do but you refuse to take the leap for yourself but you did for your child. You will meet somebody new that’s going to be your dream partner. The fact that you are pregnant is a blessing and not a burden. They are going to jump quickly in the father role. Y’all may not live together at first because you will have signed the lease before meeting them but I see an organized agenda regarding the baby. They will stay over for weeks to take care of the baby. The baby will forever know them as their dad. Y’all are going to have an amazing and active sex life. He’s going to put you to sleep. You guys will often fuck twice a day. 
L I F E S T Y L E 
8 pentacles, Hierophant
The reason for why you're having your dream life after a baby or while pregnant is because you are the one late. Life has been waiting for you to make a move. The perfect friend group, the perfect job, the perfect partner, they all came because you made the final decision and followed through with it. So all your blessings are going to fall upon your life at once. You have unlocked a door that’s been waiting for you. That’s why everything goes extremely smoothly. Also there's no self doubt coming from you since you are so focused on creating the perfect cocoon for your bundle of joy. Self doubt breaks the flow of blessings. All’s well that ends well ( tout est bien qui finit bien). 
2) Wanna know the love story the universe has for you? 💫 In 8 parts, I spill all: first meet, first kiss, confession, sexy time, and more. Don’t miss out! 👀💖 (LINK)
3) For ALL DECEMBER get 2 readings for the price of 1 : LINK
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gremlin-girly · 12 days ago
And one more request so you have options 🤭
Curtis Everett + "How much have you had to drink?" + Second chance
SIRIIII 😩 I'm on a bit of a Curtis kick rn so this was just perfect 🥰 angsty fic incoming but hey, good dollop of fluff too
Sober Thoughts
Pairing: Curtis Everett x f!reader (exes)
Tags/warnings: ANGST, FLUFF, (because i have to have a happy ending lol), alcohol mentions, being drunk, sweet smut implied, emotionally stunted Curtis (he's a warning)
Not beta'd and I do not give permission for my work to be reposted, copied, translated or put through an AI Machine.
Summary: Late one evening, a week after your break up, you find your drunk ex-boyfriend at your door.
Word count: 1.4k
This is part of the 20s Challenge
Navigation | 20s Masterlist | Curtis Everett Collection
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Breaking up with Curtis was probably one of the hardest things you had ever done. The man was perfect in all ways but one; communication. He would bottle and bottle and bottle emotions before blowing up over something small and the floodgates opened. It frustrated you to no end, at first you were understanding, but told him repeatedly to speak with you about his feelings before he made you both upset.
He didn’t.
Getting Curtis’ feelings – true feelings – out of him was like drawing blood from a stone. Emotionally stunted didn’t even begin to cover the canvas that was Curtis’ stoic psyche and you were tired of helping paint it for him. Whilst everyone had their flaws, you didn’t want or need to expect a blow up every month in order for him to get his feelings off his chest. He was a grown man. Speaking to his partner should be second nature.
You loved Curtis, you really did, and you kept swithering on whether you’d made the right decision. Maybe you should have waited longer. Maybe you should have left sooner so it didnt hurt as bad. You were thinking of the future, what if you had kids? Would they have to be yelled at to? Would you have to console them and try to explain that’s just what he’s like?
Other than that, Curtis had been a perfect boyfriend. He was attentive and caring, funny when he wanted to be and made you feel like you were the only woman in the world. So that’s why, despite your best efforts, you were spending your Saturday curled up in a blanket, sobbing into your ice cream watching some God awful rom-com to try and cheer you up.
You sniff loudly as more tears fall into your ice cream. No. You’d made the right choice. Even if your heart ached terribly and you felt like throwing up.... Maybe that was the ice cream.
The knock at the door startled you. The pizza guy was early but wiping your face free of tears you went to the door and flung it open.
Before you wasn’t a steaming pizza it was a steaming Curtis. He stank of beer, cigarettes and a hint of whiskey; a cocktail of self pity if you ever smelt it. His cheeks were flushed but his blue eyes mimicked yours, puffy and red with tears. You were so taken aback by the sight you were immediately concerned about him rather than trying to close the door in his face.
“Curtis,” you whisper softly, your hand reaching out and brushing one of his hands on instinct, lingering for mere seconds before you pull it away again. The electric current between your bodies was still palpable and your fingertips that had touched his skin thrummed with energy. “How much have you had to drink?”
Curtis doesn’t answer, his lips quivering as fresh tears brim, but he rubs his face with his hands. You want to comfort him but you're apprehensive; trying to protect your heart from more pain is the least you could do tonight.
“Sorry I-“ He sniffs and feigns a smile, your heart breaking all over again. “I just couldn’t stop thinking about you. I don’t even know why I came here.”
“Yes you do.” Your heart speaks for you and you fold your arms across your chest, making a feeble attempt at being firm as you nod at him. “Tell me.”
For once in all the time that you’ve known him, Curtis unleashes a tidal wave of babbling.
“I miss you. So much. At first I was angry – more at myself than anything – I didn’t want to see you o-or speak to you.” He takes a shaky breath. “But at night I missed having you next to me, missed hearing you laugh and seeing your smile and I had to see you. Even if it was for one last time.”
You nod again, urging him to continue.
He was wrecked.
“God I-,” he hiccups. “I fucked it up didn’t I?”
You don’t quite know how to answer but offer a gentle smile. “Curtis-“
“No – no. I didn’t tell you I loved you enough. I... should have told you how happy you made me too. I’m sorry.” He says again. “For everything. I love you so much. And –“
You could feel your own tears forming. He shifts uncomfortably, his large frame looming on your doorway should be a little frightening, but with those big puppy dog blues you feel nothing but love fill the cracks of your broken heart.
“I know I don’t deserve to ask this,” He says quietly, sniffing again in an attempt to control his breathing. “But could I... could we...?”
He trails but you don’t need him to spell out the request. Curtis’ eyes are so sad, so pleading, that you consider the unspoken question. You’d never seen him in such a state before, and although it was the alcohol that spurred him to your doorstep, he seemed genuinely remorseful for his actions.
“On one condition,” You say firmly, heart beating excitedly when you see Curtis’ eyes widen in surprise. Clearly he hadn’t expected you to actually give him a second chance.
“Whatever emotions you feel, especially negative ones, instead of bottling it up in here,” you poke at his chest, directly over his heart. “You speak to me. We’re meant to be a team, Curtis. I need to to be able to speak to me.”
Curtis nods, eyes sparkling with joy. “I can definitely promise to try.”
“That’s all I’m asking for.” You murmur, watching Curtis’ eyes flicker to your lips.
“As a trial, can I tell you what I’m feeling now?”
A giggle passes your lips as Curtis closes the gap between you both, taking your face in his large hands, a big stupid grin plastered across hisd face.
“I’m so fucking happy you gave me a second chance.” His head dips to give you a searing kiss that makes your toes curl, before pulling back and kissing you again and again like it was going out of fashion.
“I won’t disappoint you.” Curtis promises between kisses. “Never again.”
“Erm,” A voice coughs to get your attention and both you and Curtis look over to see a teenager in a pizza chain uniform standing awkwardly in the hall carrying your extra large pepperoni pizza. “Are you apartment seventeen?”
“Yeahhh,” You cringe slightly, your face still held in Curtis’ hands. “Curtis can you bring it inside for me please?”
“Yeah – uh – of course.” Curtis releases your face and takes the pizza, offering the teen a sheepish smile as you retreat into your apartment to laugh.
The next two hours of your night is spent eating pizza, begrudingly sharing the rest of your ice cream, swapping some of your favourite memories together and tactfully avoiding talking about your last week apart. It takes an hour before your touching shoulders as you laugh and chat away, after the second you’re both cuddled under a fluffy throw and discussing movie options. It’s second nature, utterly natural, and you know this is the right choice.
Who kissed who first fifteen minutes into the movie was irrelevant. You both mould together effortlessly; your legs intertwining with his thick ones when he pulls you onto his chest, his hands in your hair to hold you in place.
Curtis is making double the effort to be slow with you, gentle, and your heart pounds as you settle into the sofa. Your bodies move in tandem, perfectly in synch. At some point Curtis lifts his head, murmuring out apologies and how he couldn’t resist kissing you, that he should leave for the night and come back tomorrow, sober, with roses.
“What if I don’t want you to leave?” You murmur back, chasing his lips as he looks down at you with anxious joy.
“I said, what if I don’t want you to leave?” And then a little more firmly you add, “I don’t want you to leave.”
Your hand finds his and you squeeze it hard. Curtis looks to you, then your hand on his, slowly turning it so his fingers can knit into yours.
“I don’t want to leave either.” He confesses quietly. “I want to be selfish and wake up to your face next to mine.”
You scrunch your facewith a smile. “Even with my morning breath?”
Curtis puffs a chuckle and sighs. “Yeah. Even with your morning breath.”
“Then it’s settled. You stay.”
Settling back down across your body again, Curtis resumes his kisses and whispered compliments while you giggle and attempt to kiss him back. The kissing and compliments don’t stop until you fall asleep in eachother’s arms, cuddled together naked under your sheets, enjoying the warmth and joy the other brings.
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auxxrat · 3 months ago
Something that isn’t analyzed about Boba Fett’s character enough is the fact he started out as a very sweet boy.
Let me explain.
I first want to start out with his ignorance on his father. Me and a friend were talking about the scene in AOTC when Boba is yelling “get him dad! get him!” And Jango, ever so confident, “deals” with Obi-Wan.
I truly believe this comes from the idea that, and stay with me now, he believes his father is invincible. Not only does he grow up with his teachings, and his childhood stories—but he also sees that every person he comes across cannot kill his father. It becomes common knowledge that his dad is the strongest person alive and he BELIEVES in that.
When Jango eventually dies and Boba witnesses, its not the initial shock of “my dad is dead”, the first shock is “somebody killed my father.”
That’s not something Boba believed could happen. He had genuine faith that his father would always come back. No matter how long he was gone. They never planned for an “if” Jango never comes back until the job started heating up. Boba had his chores to do, and then his father would be back.
The second point I wanna bring up is the fact that he panics over returning a book. Because he doesn’t want to break that rule of having overdue books, but also because he doesn’t want to disappoint the little robot librarian.
Boba still had his problems with loneliness, identity and what his life was—but its important to mention that even with the violence that was his father (jango ily). Boba was still a good kid, a sweet kid. Quiet, a realllyyy bad stank face but overall a good kid.
It’s sad to think that he was panicking over breaking a rule he promised to follow, to growing into the person he is now all because of what he went thru.
Like im mourning over the little boy who loved to read, and his best friend was a librarian robot. And then he just… yeah. Then everything happens to him.
I miss my son
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patchiko · 1 year ago
PLEASE make a headcanon of how Jason acts like when he's jealous
GOT YOU SO BAD ANON, AND THANK YOU SM!! Its always so nice to hear if my writing’s accurate caus i try so hard to make it accurate #I WANT HIM !!
Jealous Ak!Jason Todd HC’s SFW
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i wish his eyes were green so i could make an,
I think Jason could have a really hard time with even a friend he deems too close
A lot of it is his fear and insecurity of being replaced, subconsciously i think it reminds him of how Bruce replaced him with Tim.
When his jealousy is really bad, the connection/relation is very conscious to him.
Around the person hes jealous of he’s super quiet, unnaturally quiet— he wouldn’t let you two out of his sight.
literally at your hip, not directly touching you, but making sure the other person cant get too close.
arms crossed stank face and everything. he looks like he’s part of the mean girls.
If its really bad around this person, he’ll just straight up leave without saying anything.
If he does talk he’s snappy and or responds as shortly and quickly as possible
This guy is giving the nastiest looks/side eyes known to man
If it gets really bad and you dont notice he’ll snap at you on accident. It happens in a spit second and its truly just bc of how pissed he is.
“Why dont you ask [name]” or etc, its kinda childish but he really doesn’t know how to hold it together. these kind of emotions stem from when he was still a teen, so expressing it is messy and frustrating
RESPOND ANYTHING ALONG THE LINES OF, “Maybe I will.” and hes done, truly that’d break his trust so bad. He ghosts you completely. I really don’t think he’d even get back into a relationship with you.
After the person leaves he’s still being quiet, when you ask after taking notice he doesn’t tell the truth
He knows its not right that he feels this way over something so mundane but he can’t help it, he couldn’t handle being replaced again by someone he loves dearly.
You gotta be patient with him, I think if you gently pry and explain how you’ve noticed his behaviors he’ll crack open for you.
Not a gush of emotions just a quick confession.
“I just don’t get having them around when you have me.”
I think its good to take into consideration how much time he was alone
so its easy for him to be confused why you’d want other people in your life as well compared to him who’s content with just you.
he’s not dumb! so its pretty easy for him to understand this after you explain
but he still has that replacement insecurity that starts the jealously.
even with a conversation, truly only time can help him overcome it. You could show him a million things to prove your loyalty but only till you’ve spent like a decade with him, then he will trust you.
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i love him so bad. ur safe with me bbg i SWEAR.
inbox 2 rq or ramble 💟
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br4tphobia · 2 years ago
2:06 in the morning. + armin a
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ details + Toxic! Armin Arlert x Black!Fem reader, you and armin are agruing bc he came home late and he apologizes by fucking u good 💖 another toxic relationship, makeup sex, small argument, fluff, smut, missionary, p in v, praise, mutual orgasms, dirty talk, unprotected sex (wear condoms kidz!), pussy drunk armin🤭, profanity, and toxic armin💕
✧˖*° vals note!! + had to show my babygirl some love💗
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you sigh, the sound of your acrylics tapping on your phone twice, checking the time, it was 2:06 in the morning. getting more irritated by the hour “where the fuck is this lil boy..” you question yourself, starting to think the worst. your train of thoughts are broken by the sound if the locks unlocking, knowing it was armin. hearing the door open and close back, footsteps getting closer. he opened the door to see you, looking you up and down. he walks towards you, going in for a kiss.
you swerve out of his way, pissed off at how late he came home. “you wanna come home at 2 in the damn mornin and try to kiss me??” giving him a stank face “u done lost yo damn mind..”
“dont start this right now y/n..” rolling his eyes as he backs up. giving u space.
“the fuck you mean ‘dont start this’?? u expect me to be all over you after being out all night!?” raising your voice at him, using your hands to speak.
“i didnt say that, did i?” staring at him like he was crazy, returning your stare, staring at you with his low eyes over your attitude. your yelling being toned out as he examines your body, feeling his pants getting tighter. “fuck..” he mumbled. zoning back into reality after seeing you storm off and slamming the door. he sighed, sitting on the bed giving u a few minutes before going after you.
opening the door, walking up behind you. gripping your waist pushing your ass on his boner, kissing and sucking on your neck. “cmon ma..u cant be mad at me forever. i love you and you know that..” folding at his choices of words, not trying to show it tho. “min..” you silently whined, failing to act tough. giving into him, moving your neck at a certain angle so he can get better access to your neck. pushing back into him, grinding onto him from behind, earning a grunt from armin.
“im sorry, babe..” he apologized, responding with a quick “mhm” focusing on your pleasure. being swept off your feet unexpectedly, being carried to the bedroom. opening the door and kicking it closed with his foot. walking over to the bed and laying you down, holding the back of your head just for empathy. “strip f’me” he demanded, watching you intensely. doing as he says holding eye contact with him, about to take off your panties and stops you.
climbing ontop of you, gripping your jaw and connecting his lips with yours, his needy hands roaming around every curve of your body snd your tongues fight for dominance, he easily won, groaning into his mouth, his face heating up. he pulled away from the heated kiss, trying to catch his breath. your inner thights getting slick with the friction he was causing by grinding his knee on your clit.
sliding his hand inside your underwear, gasping at the sudden intrusion. two fingers pumping in and out of you, “mm.. armin..!” bucking your hips on his fingers. begging for something more than that. “please.. baby" you whined as he curls his fingers inside of your throbbing pussy. "please what? tell me what u want babe." catching a glimpe of his lips turning up, he knew what you wanted, he just wanted to hear it.
covering your eyes with your forearm, “fuck me..” covering your eyes with your forearm in embarrassment. grinding your heat onto his fingers.
“what was that? i didnt hear you.” he said, his tone laced in seduction and tease.
“fuck me..! i want you so bad…” hearing a small laugh from him, uncovering your eyes as he unfastens his pants and moving your soaked panties to the side. lining his tip at the entrance, without hesitation he slid in with ease. gasping at his size, no matter how many times u guys fucked u never got used to it.
wincing at the stretch, holding hands with armins "i know..im sorry." he whispered sweetly, sinking deep into you his tip kissing your cervix.
he started moving, his thick cock thrusting into you slow and sensually. "you fuckin me so g-good baby.." you wrap your arms around his neck as both of your lips intertwine, tongues dancing together. he pulls away kissing and sucking on your neck, leaving all kinds of love marks all over you, knowing your gonna have trouble covering it for work. “fuckk..this pussy so good..” he groaned as he buries his head in your neck, still thrusting hard but painfully slow. “faster..please” you beg, wanting more.
he quickens his pace, more noises slipping through both of your mouths. no one could ever make you feel this good, no one ever will. "ouu shit baby..." playing with the hairs on his nape, rolling his hips into you. stroking you deep, hitting that one spot inside of you. “a-armin..right there..!” your pretty lips moaning out, sounds that wouldnt leave his head.
he angled his hips higher, hitting that spot deeper and better, moving his hand down to your clit, rubbing it in unknown shapes. you arch your back into him from the overwhelming pleasure. “oh fuck..! arminn...” he grabbed one leg, raising it on his shoulder. ramming into you. small moans passing through his tongue, rolling his head back in pure euphoria.
“fuck baby..inside.. i wanna feel a-all of you..” panting, trying to calm down from your recent orgasm. the sound of squelching and skin slapping soon came to a stop. "oh f-fuck.." feeling his warm nut inside of you.
releasing over his stomach unexpectedly, moaning out and tears threaten to spill. feeling his cock twitch inside of you. “ ‘m gonna cum.. hah.. where here do you w-want it..” speeding up his pace even more. eager to cum.
humming as he pulls out, watching his seed leak from you. his arms clinging to you, kissing your cheek. “im sorry baby..” he whispered, desperate for forgiveness. “its ok.. dont pull that shit again..”
"i wont..i swear."
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theemrsjaeger 2023 © do not plagiarize, copy, or repost anything I post. reblog if you enjoyed 🩷
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its-nap-time-baby · 2 months ago
Naughty words
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Pairing: Daddy!SamBucky x little!reader
Warnings: It needs to be edited. Curse words. Bad writing.
You heard your papa and daddy arguing one day (something you weren't supposed to hear), and you had heard your papa use a no-no word. He used many that day one even rhymed with your daddies name. You had come up with a new nickname for your daddy. Now you just needed one for your papa. Daddy's nickname was Fuck Buck and papa's was penis face.
Papa was away on a run while Daddy was taking care of you.  You had just woken from a nap calling out for Bucky using his new nickname, "Fuck Buck I wake," yelled out. Bucky hadn't heard the first part of the nickname, so he came walking towards your bedroom.
"HI Bubba, was your nap good?" Bucky questioned.
"Yes, Daddy! Do you like ya new nickname I make fa you?"
Bucky, not knowing what you meant agreed just to be nice. "Yes, bub, I do! Has a nice ring to it."  It sure does
"Come on, Bubba gotta get you ready for the day now. Later, we're going to the park."
Bucky had thrown you into the bath, watching you play with you, duckies and bubbles.
"Fuck Buck an you wash my hair now pwease?"
Bucky looked at you like you were joking he couldn't take you seriously. He couldn't believe what you had just said.
"Bubba, what the hell did you just say."
"Ooo hell!"
"Bubba! Those are naughty words you are using! You are not allowed to use them. You're only allowed to use them when you're big, baby!"
"Do not use them anymore. Do you hear me!?"
You nod your head. "Baby, I need a verbal response to know you understand me. You say them again, and there will be consequences."
"Yes, Daddy."
Bucky hadn't heard it, but you had sniffled a little. "You wied to me."
After your bath, Bucky had gotten you in a green sweater and black overalls paired with a white pair of shoes, so you could go to go to the park soon.
Papa had just gotten home from his run when you ran to him he was sweaty and kind of stank. "Ew, papa, you stink. Needa baf."
"I need to change out of my clothes, and then we can go to the park, ok," papa questioned
"Ok, penis face."
"What the hell did you just say little love?"
"Hell!" You screeched and giggled.
"This is not funny bubba you know what I told you about those words, we're not going to the park anymore, and you get time out. The rest of the punishment will be talked out between me and Papa. Go to your time-out chair in your play room now!" Daddy yelled.
After your time-out, your daddies came back to talk to you. They were going to talk to you about what you did wrong.
"Baby? Are you ready to talk?" Papa asked.
You didn't answer. Your daddy picked you up and sat you on your bed, your daddies sitting on either side of you.
"You wied ta me daddy. You said you wiked my nickname, and den I got in twouble for it. An you yelled at me."
"God baby, I'm so sorry I didn't hear you, and I just wanted to agree to make you happy. Daddy is sorry for that and yelling at you."
"Sokay, Daddy."
"But your daddy did warn you still said the bad words, and you'll have no screen time and going to bed early." Papa said
"OK, Papa, an daddy, I understand, an m sorry fa bein bad."
"You're our good girl," they say at the same time.
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