#Sirius doesn't think he'll survive
marauderingminnie · 5 months
In the spirit of being very very bored I decided that I would make some of our favourite dead gay wizards on Picrew!!!
We have: our beloved Starchaser <333
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And: our beloved Wolfstar <333 (I accidentally gave them both the same nose bridge and it is killing me inside </3)
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I like to imagine silly little scenarios whilst I'm making these (because personally I believe that this fandom needs a little bit more HAPPINESS and a little bit less ANGST) and for James and Reg it was
Hogsmeade - where James was unashamedly admiring Reg who was sitting with his friends in The Three Broomsticks and trying his very best to focus on his potions assignment. Barty and Pandora, having noticed James' staring, told Reg that he should go and tell him to stop if he was distracting him that much. Regulus responded by saying that James Potter was most certainly not making him nervous, and that they should get back to their work.. but (as Barty would lovingly point out, alongside the blush on his cheeks) they hadn't mentioned anything about being nervous?
And for Rem and Sirius I don't know why but I very specifically decided that it was a festival that Lily has convinced the two of them to go to and, in the spur of the moment, Remus plucked a flower from the decorations; told Sirius that he must have been carved by Aphrodite Herself because he was the most captivating being he had ever laid his eyes upon; tucked his hair behind his ear with the flower and took off to join the rest of the group. Up until then, Sirius hadn't known that it was possible to love somebody as much as he had loved his boyfriend in that moment <3
These are the specific Picrews that I used:
人間(男)メーカー(仮) (Starchaser)
ElenaA's Windswept Oc Maker (Wolfstar)
They were, in my opinion, both amazing, although I do think it would've been great if there were more options for skin tone in the first
The second was by far my favourite with all of the options there were for absolutely everything, I'm thinking of making some of the others with it in the future !
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Today's @wolfstarmicrofic prompt is unrequited!
(936 words.)
"Oh, just fuck right off!" Sirius snaps, grip tightening on his butterbeer.
"God, what's gotten into you?" Marlene asks, arching an eyebrow. To be perfectly honest, Sirius doesn't want to talk about it.
James is more than happy to, though.
"Don't worry about him. He's all pissy because of his unrequited love." Sirius' head immediately snaps up, alarmed.
"Prongs," He says, warning. His eyes almost involuntarily dart to Remus for half a second, panic seeping through him. James, however, is teetering on the line between tipsy and drunk, completely missing the hint.
"Mm, completely hung up on some girl, right?" Peter chimes in, and Sirius almost wants to laugh. The urge to drop dead is much stronger, though. To crawl into a hole and say there until this conversation ends.
"Something like that," Sirius says quickly, before turning away from them both. Fingers crossed, he can just shut this down. "Hey, Lily, that potions essay..."
Unfortunately for him, Lily seems just as invested.
"How do you know it's unrequited?" She asks curiously. Remus lifts his head, then, nose out of his book. For some reason, that's what tips him over the edge. He needs everyone to stop. This is difficult enough.
"Because I asked, okay?" He says hurriedly. It causes his friends to lapse into silence, but it's like he's just burst a dam. The explanation starts before he can hold it back. "I asked, and they said no. They said it was a bad idea, we were too close for that."
"Huh," Mary hums.
"What?" Sirius asks with a frown.
"They didn't say they don't like you?" Mary asks, and it really throws Sirius. He hasn't considered that.
"No, not exactly," He muses, frowning. "But why would anyone reject someone they like?"
"Maybe they were scared of ruining the friendship you two have," Remus speaks up gently, almost inaudibly from across the common room; capturing Sirius' attention in less than a second.
"That makes no sense," Sirius says without missing a beat, eyes locking with Remus. "They should know me well enough to know that I wouldn't let that happen. I know they wouldn't. We've survived worse."
From the corner of his eye, he can see confusion flit across James' face at that comment. Yeah, it was a bit of a risky thing to say. He's practically handing James the truth. It doesn't matter, though. Not right now. His eyes are fixed on Remus.
"Depends on what you think is worse. They might be worried about a messy breakup getting in the way."
"No, that can't be it," He says, imploring. The longing to see into Remus' mind, figure out what he means is too strong. He'll have to unravel it this way instead. "If they're already thinking about a breakup, then clearly they don't like me that much. Unrequited." He wants nothing more than to drop the matter now that he's proven his point to himself. Maybe he doesn't need to see inside Remus' mind. He goes to down the rest of his drink, but Remus is shaking his head, and Sirius is losing sight of everyone else in favour of Remus.
"Or they just care too much about you." There's something in Remus' eyes, an ache that Sirius wants to heal.
"Really? Why would they reject me when I told them how I feel, then?!" Sirius asks desperately. It seems to snap Remus' resolve, burst his ambigious speech.
"Because I'm in love with you, Sirius! Okay?! Christ, this isn't just some- some joke, or some experiment to me! You looked me in the eye and told me you liked me, and that- that made me hope, okay? I don't want to hope. To think that you liking me means you'll fall in love with me. I mean," He releases a breathy laugh, seemingly unaware to the way Sirius' world is turning on it's axis, "I'm me, and you're- you're perfect."
He seems to have reached the end of his tangent, pattering out as everyone looks between the two of them, stunned. Sirius searches his brain, which may or may not be short circuiting, for some way to voice his thoughts. There are so many things he could say, so many ways to tell Remus everything, but none of them seem to be enough. Enough to encompass everything. A better solution comes to him as his yearning overwhelms him.
With that, he sets his butterbeer down and crosses the common room. Remus' eyes widen, suddenly unsure, until Sirius pulls himself into Remus' armchair, facing him. He reaches out, pressing a hand against Remus' cheek and finally, finally connecting their lips. It's everything he could have imagined and more.
Remus' lips are soft, warm against his, overwhelmingly perfect, and making Sirius desperate to stay there forever, mapping out every inch of Remus' mouth, the way it fits against his like they should have been doing this forever. It's a feeling Sirius knows he's never going to forget, causing the words he has been desperately repressing for years bubbling up inside him.
"I love you," Sirius murmurs against Remus' lips after a moment. "I love you so much, Moony."
Their eyes meet again, Sirius watching as Remus' eyes go from searching to joyful, a grin splitting across his face. It took a whooping cheer from James to break the spell that Remus' eyes got him in. They both turn to their friends, a laugh escaping Sirius as he drops his head into Remus' shoulder.
"Thank fuck that's sorted, then!" Lily says brightly, a wry smile on her face.
Okay, Sirius is really grateful for his oversharing friends.
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metalomagnetic · 6 months
WIP Snip Monday
let's pretend it's Monday, and not Wednesday.
Thank you so much for the tag @mundrakan
Here is a snippet from "It runs" (This chapter is so stubborn! I promise I am working hard on it, but it's complicated and real life is Hell, so please, bear with me).
“Come back to me, yes, there you go. Breathe," his mother's voice soothes him, drags him back to reality. "Everything will be alright.”
Sirius doesn’t understand what happened to him, how seamlessly his mind slipped away, one moment in his home, the next in Azkaban, and now his mother is there, and he's confused-
“It’s alright. I’m here. I know I wasn’t always, but I am here. My Sirius, my brightest star. You’re home, you’re safe. Your brother is safe. That monster is dead. No one will ever hurt you again. I won’t allow it, yes? Breathe.”
He rests his head on her shoulder, tries to breathe normally. He shivers, cold and miserable, but one of her frail arms wraps around his back, draws him closer.
“You will heal,” she tells him. “You will have the best Healers in the world, the best potions, and you will heal. You weren’t there that long, the damage is reversible still, I asked, I asked many experts. You will heal from this.” It sounds like an order.
Sirius always disobeyed her, even if he didn't want to, didn't set out to hurt her. He always ended up disappointing her. He doesn't want to do it again, but that word- 'heal'- it sounds foreign, impossible. It sounds like she's setting him up for failure again, because how can Sirius accomplish it?
“And what potions will heal me from finding my best friend dead? From knowing I had a part in his death?” he whispers, terrified that he has to live with that, forever. That he'll have to find a way to accept it.
How can he? How? It's impossible.
“His son will heal you,” she says, determined, her fingers combing through his hair. “Little by little. You’ll see. You’ll have a piece of him with you. The best piece. Trust me when I say, our children are the best parts of us. What survived of Potter, is the purest part of him, the brightest. And you’ll raise him, do right by him, won’t you? That boy needs you stable, needs your love and care, and he’ll love you back, as only children can love.”
Harry. Yes. That’s true. Sirius will see him soon, will hold him. Tomorrow.
“He killed Voldemort,” Sirius whispers, finally voicing it. It doesn't sound real. “Harry.”
His mother snorts, but she keeps her fingers so gentle in his hair. It makes Sirius remember he once felt safe in her arms. Long ago. So very long ago.
He was sick with dragonpox, so sick, and scared, but she never moved from his bed. She stayed with him, wiped his brow with cold cloths, sang to him, held water to his lips. She hugged him when he shivered.
“Mama, will I die?” he asked, because he’d never felt as sick in his life, and he leaned people can die from feeling sick.
“My brightest star, how do you think I’d let you die? Who would dare take you from my arms? Death? I’d destroy it if it even glances your way.”
Sirius looks into her fierce eyes, and for a moment he thinks his mother is just as strong as his father, perhaps even more, because she seems capable of anything, of scaring death away.
“I may not be the most learned woman in the word, I didn’t go to any Institute, but I have lived for some dozens of years now, Sirius, and I have traveled far and wide, read many books, met many people, heard many things. A baby cannot kill a grown wizard."
Sirius knows. He does. And yet-
“He died," he says, and he shivers savagely. His mother's arm clings harder to him. "I found him there. Dead. In front of Harry’s crib.”
He sees it, all over again. Voldemort's body, his empty eyes, the wand between his fingers.
No, no, no. Stop. Sirius can't, he can't think of it. He bites his tongue, hard, he leans even more into his mother, inhales, and her perfume brings him back from the memory.
“Good riddance," she spits, venomous.
All over Britain, people celebrated Voldemort's death, Sirius knows. 'Good riddance'.
'The monster is gone'.
'Let him rot.'
It's fair, Sirius knows it's fair, that Voldemort caused so much pain, to everyone, his enemies or allies alike.
But it hurts. It hurts so much. He was always alone, that beautiful boy from the picture, the angelic child Sirius imagines, in some muggle orphanage, the fiercest dark lord in the world that cooked for Sirius, that held him in his arms at night. It hurts. It's beyond painful.
“I loved him,” Sirius confesses, and his mother goes still, stiffens all over. “I slept with him. Ate with him. Lived in our- in his home. Will you abandon me, too, now?”
She should leave him. Sirius doesn't deserve anything. He doesn't understand why he still has his family, his sanctuary, when James is dead, when Voldemort is gone, alone and terrified somewhere.
Sirius deserves to be alone, too. They should have left him to rot in Azkaban. It's what he deserves.
She takes a long time to answer. First, she resumes petting his hair, and eventually she rests her chin on his head. She sighs.
Just from that, Sirius can imagine how broken and pitiful he looks, exactly how he feels. He is in such a deplorable state, that she doesn't spit on him, doesn't call him a deviant, a disgrace, a stain on her family name.
“That takes longer to heal from,” she whispers. “Loving a hard, cold man isn’t easy. Even when they are heartless, even when they betray you, over and over again, it still hurts when they die.”
“How long?” Sirius asks. “How long does it take to heal from that?”
She hums. “I will tell you when I have an answer,” she says. “I’m still waiting. You can wait with me.”
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yanxidarlings · 10 months
been re-reading a couple of @hp-hcs yandere works which has sent me on a cormac mclaggen tangent. like what if the slytherins weren't there to save the darling? take them out of the equation and boy do you have one miserable reader.
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mclaggen has not a shred of actual love as a yandere. with yandere's like theodore, draco, enzo, ect, there's the potential for a semi-normal relationship given the darling 'tolerates' their yandere tendencies. whilst mglaggen's just a piece of shit all-around.
he'll take the breaking of boundaries to another level, and he won't do it in private like zacharias smith might have the decency to do. he'll straight up make-out with them in public, established relationship or not. there's not exactly much his darling can do, man's a quidditch player which is all you need to know about his strength. you want to try? i mean go ahead but he's pretty trigger-happy.
he will not listen if you express discomfort with his actions or presence. and is one of the few yandere's that doesn't really care to get to know his darling particularly well. he see's them as more of an object than a person, which is one of his most toxic traits as a yandere.
fully acts like you two are in a relationship after a while of forcing himself into his darling's life. i don't say committed relationship because of his very few tolerable traits as a yandere - he's not really the jealous type. now that's not to say his darling can have a whole harem on the side but does he care if they have male friends or if they're kissing other people? not particularly.
what really sets him off is being neglected and rejected (as if he pays them any attention). if for a moment he starts to feel like his darlings other relations are getting in his way, consider your freedom gone. cormac's method of keeping his darling in check is much more.. macabre then other yanderes. he's not smart enough to manipulative them, not popular enough to scare others away, not charismatic enough to convince them to ditch everyone else for him, nor is he magically talented enough to conjure up a spell or brew a potion to fix his problems, but he is strong enough to scare them into obediance.
despite all this, his protectiveness over his darling is kind of endearing, at times, on occasion. some days cormac will take their spoon and blow on their pumpkin soup, so their tongue doesn't get burned, and sometimes be'll go as far as to push them down the moving stairs just to whip out his broom and save them. but please do praise him for his chivalry afterwards, or he'll start to feel neglected again and god forbid that ever happens.
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i honestly think he'd be in top 10 worst yandere's to have. im thinking of making an official ranking once i've gone through all the characters. i also think he's one of the characters with the most yandere potential. pretty sure lavender brown tops that list.
some others characters i plan to analyse as yandere: cedric, pansy, platonic!uncle!regulus that miraculously survived and is now sirius's sons guardian after popping out from the abyss, fleur (+bill??), i want to write for gred and forge but idk how to approach them, Ernie MacMillan (but only because I like my fancast of him), rita skeeter (BUT with WoW margot robbie as the fancast), platonic!tomhughes!voldemort!, luna, krum, Oliver Wood (but his broom is his darling), random wizard #4 mentioned once in the entire series
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siriuslystarbucks · 3 months
Written for @prongsfoot-microfic prompt June 21, 2024: Board
James shows up for the meeting, knowing he's going to hate it. Normally, such a situation means he doesn't show up or makes his appearance very brief. Unfortunately, he has to stick with this like he's done for years, for Harry's sake.
He'll do anything for his and Sirius's kid, as evidenced by the fact that he voluntarily attends a meeting he knows Lucius Malfoy will be at; man's never missed one of the meetings for Hogwarts' parents, same as James.
He taps the mental link with Sirius and waits to see if he has a second to talk while the rest of the parents show up.
Sirius answers, opening himself with a kind warmth that James instantly loved about him. He sends a pulse of curiousity through their bond.
Save me, James thinks piteously, his exaggerated tone letting Sirius know it's not an emergency.
No can do, love. We agreed one of us should be there.
Why can't it ever be you?
He feels Sirius wink at him. Because I'm the one with a job. You're the house husband, I'm afraid you have to play the part.
I'm an excellent house husband, I'm not playing the part.
You know what I mean.
James does, unfortunately. He would've liked if Sirius told him he's free of this, though. He grumbles down their connection, and Sirius sends a hug in return. It succeeds in making James feel like he can survive the mess that these meetings always become, but it fails in making him optimistic. He focuses on getting a real hug from Sirius later; that'll hold him until he can see him tonight.
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pearlynia · 9 months
One last time | words: 1003 | angst, death.
the horcruxes. They've been haunting them down since Regulus Black came into the order meeting, soaking wet and told them about Voldemort's horcruxes.
This is the last battle. After this, the war would be over. All they need to do is survive it.
People were shouting and shooting spells everywhere, James send the last spell to the deatheater he was dueling when suddenly, there was a green light on his left, coming to his way. Before James could even process what was happening, a person pushed James out the way and the green light hit them square in the chest.
James sent a spell to the deatheater that cast that spell without a second thought and apparated, taking the person with him.
As soon as they landed, Regulus fell on to James. They were in a little meadow, where Regulus and him agreed to get married and build a home after this war.
James stumbled backwards as the weight of Regulus fell on him. Slowly, James set Regulus on the grass, shaking slightly. The spell was a green light. James knew what it meant. But.. but it can't be. Regulus can't be- he can't- he-
"Reg?" James choked out, his voice breaking. "Regulus, love, please- please wake up" please, don't leave me please. James tried to shake Regulus awake but the boy remain lifeless in his arms.
Regulus's heart was no longer beating, James is sure his heart stopped beating too. Regulus was dead. Oh Regulus was- no no no no no no-
James thinks this is worse than dying, James was close to dying multiple times while fighting in the war. Yet this is beyond any kind of pain.
Please, he thinks.
Please come back, call me an idiot, yell at me, hex me, curse me, hurt me, kiss me, tell me you love me. Please, anything, just one last time. Please-
"Give him back" James' voice was barely a wispier "give him back to me, please" he asked to whoever was listening, the gods above or whoever.
The sun was going down, it was almost dark. James hope the sun will never come back up again. No sun should be allowed to shine without Regulus.
"give him back to me, give him back." James repeated the words over and over again. He doesn't know why he's doing it, it's no use he knows. But he wants his love back, his star, his whole world, he wants him back.
James doesn't know much of what happened, he knows someone found him and Regulus. He doesn't remember what happened after. They had funerals, lots of them. But James doesn't remember much of it. He attended some of them but he didn't cry. Not a single tear.
Regulus's funeral came around but James doesn't know what he's supposed to feel. All he felt was empty. Sirius was weeping in Remus' arms, his boyfriend was softly whispering in his ears.
James didn't sob or cry, he just stared blankly into nowhere. They had won the war, Voldemort was dead. They saved the world but James lost his. For James, he lost the war the moment his world fell into his arms
Maybe in another universe he'll still have his world in his arms, sitting on the couch in there beautiful home. They would get married, get a cat and have kids, just like they said they would.
Maybe in another universe, war wouldn't exist, maybe they would be muggles. But no matter what universe it is, James knows for sure that Regulus would always be his. In every universe and every lifetime.
James laid down on their bed, they were just here that morning before the battle. Regulus was laughing at something James said and calling him an idiot. Oh James would do anything to hear that laugh one more time.
The sun goes down and rise up again. But James never did, he went down and never came back up. James didn't have his world to shine for anymore. James doesn't think he'll shine again.
Every day James would come out to their little meadow and wait for his star to come back, he imagine one day Regulus would, he would come back to James, smiling wildly, and they would make up for the days they missed together. But of course, it never happened.
And every night James would talk to his star, telling him how much he misses him and tells him about his day. The star only shines a little brighter in response. But James smiles everytime it did.
Time passed, days to weeks, weeks to months, months to years. But James never did fell in love again, he never felt truly happy, never stopped waiting for his love, ever again.
Centuries passed and on a sunny day, a boy that smiles so bright like the sun, and a boy that is beautiful like the stars, walked hand in hand. They came across a little meadow with a house near by. It all felt familiar, they stare at it for a while, and they knew.
"This is it isn't it?" The sun boy asked, grinning.
"We don't even know if it's for sale!" the star boy replied.
"Well I can offer them as much money as they want." The taller boy replied with a shrug.
The other boy just huff a laugh and not long after, they were living in a home with a little meadow near by.
What they'll never know is that centuries ago, two lovers just like them dreamed of the life they were living. But never got it, at least not in that lifetime.
--- In every universe, every lifetime, the sun and the star found each other and falls in love. ---
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pomegranateboba · 9 months
Arcana Twilight boys (+ summoner) in Mid Eartheim
Content: If the gang went on a road trip (i saw an obey me version and i had to do it sorry if it sounds similar)
Warnings: None that you should be concerned about, some Sirius abuse perhaps
he sits at the front passenger seat on the right (steering wheel on the left)
he and Vega fought for that spot, but Spica insisted, so Vega sits directly behind him
initially, he wanted to drive, but Summoner insisted, so he was stuck with the passenger seat, not that he was going to settle for anything less
nobody can convince him otherwise
he can take over if you're feeling tired of driving
it honestly can't be just me that finds the music on the radio terrible, please get him spotify premium so that his ears will survive the trip
luckily for him, Vega isn't a nuisance
he'll be fine, he's used to sitting down for long periods of time to do work, but he would still appreciate rest stops
you can hear this old man's joints crack when he stretches
he'll survive don't worry
he sits in the middle row, extreme right, directly behind Spica and in front of Alpheratz and next to Arcturus
he tried to get the passenger seat, but he lost to Spica so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
he will try to talk to you and engage in conversation
he will also advise you to be careful when driving, he doesn't want to end up in a car accident within the first 1km
"Summoner...please slow down. You're going over speed limit"
which means other bad drivers worry him as well
would blow up other cars if it means you won't be injured
talks to Arcturus sometimes
just looks out the window most of the time
more spotify premium for this one as well
at rest stops he'd definitely try to talk to you before anyone else (read: Sirius) takes your attention away
im sure he'll be fine
sits in the middle row, in the middle, in between Vega and Pollux
initially i wanted to put him in the back, but poor boy is uncomfy around Sirius, and Alpheratz isn't really gonna talk to him
might as well put him with Poll and Veggie
i think i just saved his life there
insert Arcky appreciation here
he would be super chill though, he would definitely strike conversation with you
might bring some knitting tools along to help pass the time, maybe also more spotify premium for the orange boy
talks to Pollux a lot too, as well as Vega
we love Arcky
would chat with you during rest stops
he's our lucky charm honestly, couldn't survive without him
sits in the middle row, extreme left, directly behind Summoner, in front of Sirius and next to Arcturus
stars help this boy
Sirius would be kicking his seat like the sadistic little shit that he is
he and Sirius would be constantly arguing
more like Poll getting mad and Sirius laughing at him
he tried to stick his head out the window when Summoner was going way over speed limit and bro got absolutely annihilated
he says Sirius was the one who asked him to do it
rip pretty pink hair 😔
would always turn back to fight with Sirius, which makes them both 90% of the noise combined
cannot wait to get to rest stops, he cannot stay still
would buy a shit ton of candy and just pile it up because he's a tiny pink gremlin
he learned his lesson and only stuck his hair out the window only when Summoner is obeying traffic rules
sits in the back row, extreme right, next to Sirius and directly behind Vega
he chose the back because it was the most quiet-ish, and it was dark enough for him to nap
brings along a neck pillow and leans on the side of the car
also brings noise-cancelling headphones, because Pollux and Sirius (plus spotify premium)
if the trip is long, he'd sleep through majority of the drive
the others would have to drag him out during rest stops
is super chill
has an arm wrapped around a handle or his seatbelt in case Summoner decides that it would be a fine day to drive recklessly
wouldn't bother anyone, bro would be asleep most of the time anyways
100% chance of surviving
oh stars here we go
i have a lot to say about this one
he sits in the back row, extreme left, next to Alpheratz and directly behind Pollux
he wanted to sit close to Summoner, but by majority votes, he has been put at the very back
Vega suggested taping Sirius to the roof of the car, and Pollux was fully supportive
however neither Summoner nor Spica wanted to be pulled over by the cops so the back seat was the next best option
annoys the crap out of everyone, especially Pollux and Summoner
kicks Poll's seat because he is a menace to society
backseat driving intensifies
"Summoner, what if you turned around very abruptly and started charging in the opposite direction extremely quickly?"
"I'm not gonna do that."
"You're no fun, Summoner~"
"I hate you"
(cue very intense glaring at Sirius through the rearview mirror by Veggie)
tries to snatch Summoner away from Vega at rest stops
denies it when Pollux accuses him of making him stick his head out the window the first time
"How dare you accuse me of doing such a thing. I would never engage in behavior as such. Summoner, you believe me don't you?"
(insert sighing here)
that one time Summoner was tired of driving, Sirius tried to take the driver's seat before being stopped and lectured by Spica
we would certainly have higher chances of survival without Sirius, but then again where's the fun in that :)
yes Summoner would break random traffic rules on their own, but immediately goes back to being a good driver when Sirius tried to egg them on
They all just share one spotify premium family account, so its way cheaper (because we're all broke 😔)
they discovered halfway through the trip that Castor had snuck in and was hiding in the trunk in the form of a cat
Pollux almost beat the shit out of Castor
(no Castors were harmed in the making of these headcanons)
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Hello. I saw that you wrote in the hp universe. I wonder if you could write for the yandere husbands Cygnus Black,( Druella husband) Orion Black,(Walburga husband ) Alphard Black. There are no entries for these three Blacks. Please
hi anon, thank you for this request, i'm sorry it took awhile for release i struggled to create fleshed out ideas of them as im not too versed in their characters
Cygnus Black
i think he would be the most manipulative on this list
he would poach on your fears and take advantage of your blood status, no matter whether your muggle-born, half-blood or pureblood he has something to say about it
we know from his disowning of Andromeda that he is very strict beliefs and will not let love drive him so it's probably not an immediate attraction that drew him to you and more that he enjoys playing with your feelings
he wants to control you, to consume you
but somewhere along the way that became his only purpose, don't you know you couldn't survive without him?
he will slowly distance you from your friends until you don't even remember the last time you saw them, he'll soothe you when you feel lonely and proclaim that he's all you need anyway
the obsession makes it difficult for him to let you out of his sight
would propose to you in the most elaborate way in your common room in your last year of school where everyone is watching, he knows what pressure does to people
when you're wearing his ring he gets an unexplainable throbbing in his chest that makes him want to cut it out
when you're married he stops caring so much what you want, you're his now and he's quick to babytrap you
you're pregnant within the first two months of your marriage and he's never been more attracted to you than when you're carrying his child
doesn't stop after the girls are born, claims he just wants a boy to carry on his name but he just loves seeing you pregnant
Orion Black
he's less controlling but he's more violent than his brother-in-law
however he is much more strict on who you associate yourself with and is very judgemental over the ones he begrudgingly allows.
he's standoffish when he first begins a relationship with you and will never be big on pda but his touch is also very hot and cold, either gentle or bruising he doesn't have an in-between
he proposes in private but still somewhat elaborate, he also doesn't even consider for a second that you might say no
he does genuinely think his love for you is normal, he didn't receive the most obvious shows of love and affection growing up
his possessiveness over you is the highest on this list and he doesn't let anyone think for a moment that you're anyone else's, he shows this particularly at your wedding
he wants you to always remember, he can provide for you, they can't so the Black family crest is hung almost everywhere
he would indulge you if you wanted children but it wasn't much of a priority for him
he will want a son but after you have Sirius he won't really care, leaving you to care for him most of the time
he will try and care for him but his patience is thin and as far as he's concerned he only has enough space in his heart to love one person and he's already chosen you so why should he try to change that?
isn't above snapping your wand if you disobey him
Alphard Black
overall he will seem the lesser of all three but don't be fooled, if he wants you he's taking you
he would be more overt about pushing himself into your life under the guise of a concerned observer and your relationship moves swiftly, he wants you to see the best of him and lock you down before he shows his problematic tendencies
he will hurt people in the name of your honour or people he doesn't like around you but wit your soothing words, there are few incidents
you won't meet his family ever unless you get pregnant which will make him happy but he's willing to put his whole life on hold if you ask it
a new house? already signing the mortgage. a pet? on its way, darling. another bundle of joy? okay, sweetheart.
least likely to keep you holed up inside but he has his limits
if you show any signs of leaving him he'll have a breakdown and bombard you with affection and gifts
only seeks his family out as a last resort, he knows in his heart he can't live without you, he refuses to
people are allowed to visit you but you can't visit them without him there
he will raise your children into a sphere of protection and treasure each one of them
a lot more sympathetic of you if you defy him
nothing is your fault, you just need someone to guide and love you, he's sure
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AU where Regulus was a popular actress before running away after a boating "accident"
//blink and you'll miss it mentions of ca, and accidental misgendering
It took six months for the media to properly lose hope and consider him dead. He wasn't, of course, he used the money he had been saving for years to transition. He's not at all dead, but the media just sees their favorite starlette, lost at sea. It wasn't a secret he couldn't swim, he talked about it all the time as something to make him seem a little more down to earth despite the fact that he definitely started as a nepo baby. So they thought he was dead. Article after article, story after headline spoke about how his body had never been recovered but how he was still gone and that they will forever look for him in the sky and the movies he starred in.
Regulus thought it was quite ridiculous. Sure, he wanted people to think he was dead, and he'll definitely miss his few actual friends, but it's for the best. They'll live without him, the world will keep on spinning and no one except those creepy fucks online who had made a countdown for him turning 18 or young girls who looked up to him would truly be sad, and even then they'd probably get over it. So he looked at the picture of the old him on the cover of a magazine one last time before walking away. Time to find a job in case all that movie money runs out, and he never really learned how to manage money anyways so it's always good to have a backup plan. It was time to start his life as Regulus. No last name, no attachments or ties, just Regulus. And he felt he couldn't wait.
Sirius doesn't think he'll ever forget the day he saw his estranged sister on the cover of every magazine he possibly came across. He kept tabs on her, of course he did, what older brother would he be if he didn't, but he hadn't in a while. He just stared at the headline. He should have checked in more.
He felt sick. She was the one made to survive, she was the one meant to be in the spotlight since he couldn't handle it. She was supposed to outlive him. He was never supposed to be alive by the time her death became news, but here he is. Only 27 and finding out his baby sister is assumed dead at sea, no body yet to be found. It hurt, it hurt so much. He remembers when they were young, before he got sent to an all boys school and she went to an all girls school a year later. He remembers how she snuck into his room instead of their parents whenever she had nightmares, how every year until the dreaded age of 12 when he thought he was too good for things like a little sister, she helped the staff in the kitchen to make him a small birthday treat because their parents obviously wouldn't.
He remembered the rage and sadness he felt the first time he saw a red mark across her cheek, intended slightly where their mothers nails dug in. He remembers doing anything to redirect anger on her onto him before it got too much. He remembers watching his sister's first movie at the Potter's house, crying throughout the whole thing despite it being a lighthearted romance simply because he wasn't there to celebrate her accomplishment with, how every time she came on screen he cried harder and whenever the main guy and her kissed he felt a surge of protectiveness that he thought had fizzled out and how that surge had popped up again whenever there where headlines of her and some famous guy possibly dating, or whenever she was involved in any other movie that had romance in it that she was apart of.
And now she's gone. And he can't help but feel like it's his fault. Even if Moony and Prongs and Wormtail say it's not. Even if others swear the world keeps on moving while his is at a standstill and he doesn't know how to get it to turn again.
Even when James starts talking about a pretty mean boy who he's been flirting with. Even when Peter finally lands that promotion and they go to a bar and celebrate and Peter finally lands some guys who think he's endearing. Even when Remus kisses him and he finally gets a taste of the thing he's wanted for what felt like forever. His sister is still dead and he has no idea how he'll ever cope.
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daydreamingqueen1 · 11 months
Anger - Sirius Black
tw: THE prank, angst, sh.
word count: 0.4k
Sirius has new best friends. Not a good ones, just new.
His best friends’ last names are all the same: Anger. Their firsts, curiously enough, they share with his old best friends.
James' Anger, Peter’s Anger, Remus’ Anger.
Oh, almost forgot, Sirius’ Anger too.
His four new best friends have something else in common than just their last names, and that is Sirius.
They all hate Sirius.
They manifest it in different ways.
James’ Anger is similar to James’ Love. It's overbearing in an intensity that can leave you spinning from either a hug or a punch. Their origin is the same, a big golden heart that cares too much.
Peter’s Anger is stealthy. You could miss it if you didn't pay enough attention. Once you notice it's impossible to unsee. It's cold shoulders and turned backs. It's looking through you like you were glass.
Remus' Anger is quiet too, just not quite in the same sense. If Sirius had to compare it to something he’d say it's like getting burnt. It starts like nothing, granting deceiving seconds of bliss, and suddenly there is a sharp ache. It makes you gasp for air as heat drives through your veins, letting nerves and tender flesh be exposed. Then it simmers, turns into nothing again, the burning dims until you almost forget. It's not gone though, that's why it takes your breath away when a sudden movement pulls the too tight skin, sparkling a thousand needle stings that'll choke you, not only in the moment but from then on forward too, leaving you vulnerable to the threat of pain.
Last but not least, Sirius's Anger is a massive explosion. It's a supernova gone wrong, leaving a black hole that will suck the will to live from anything close by for as long as it survives. It's all your insecurities yell at you with a mic.
There's a quality that divides his Anger friends into two groups: Forgiveness. The former two are relatives, the latter are not.
It's been months since that night in the Shack, half a dozen full moons have gone by. He's got only two old friends back.
Sirius doesn't think he'll get more than that.
Because even if Remus’ Anger is a burning stove where Sirius's Anger is a blaze, both brand Sirius with their smothering hugs.
They'll both hate Sirius until he turns to ash.
Sirius puts out his cigarette by smushing it against the skin of his thigh.
I was feeling angsty today I guess
♡, reblogs and comments are appreciated <3
hope ya liked it, byebye
My masterlist
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Hello 👋🏻
I was wondering, how do you think canon would go if someone had destroyed all the horcruxes prior to 31.10.1981 (meaning Voldemort would have actually died that day)?
Canon Goes Shockingly Similar (Sort Of)
Harry Potter is still renowned as the Boy Who Lived and sent to the Dursleys by Dumbledore. The Dursleys act the same, Harry gets the same introduction to the Wizarding World, the only difference perhaps is that Hagrid doesn't pick up the philosopher's stone at Gringotts because it potentially wasn't almost stolen by Quirrell that year in which case it's not hidden at the school and Flamel survives another winter.
Quirrell is still, presumably, Muggle Studies professor and we get the usual deluge of incompetent Defense Against the Arts professors that Dumbledore scrounges up from somewhere.
Without the troll, Harry and Ron likely do not befriend Hermione, as there's no catalyst to bring them together. Hermione has a miserable time at school and spends all her time in the library.
Harry and Ron do even worse on exams than usual, but as their grades were never that stellar, this isn't actually that large of a change.
Chamber of Secrets also doesn't happen as someone destroyed the Diary before Lucius ever got it.
Prisoner of Azkaban still happens as Sirius presumably still escapes prison for revenge. As Tom had nothing to do with any of that, all the same outcomes occur.
Harry does not participate in the Triwizard Tournament as no one sticks his name in the cup. Cedric Diggory does not die.
So, How is it the Same?
Dumbledore's convinced Voldemort's out there.
He's going to rise from the dead any minute now and only Harry can deal with him. There's no sign of him? He'll be back.
Dumbledore's prepared.
Otherwise, all of Harry's school adventures that had nothing to do with You-Know-Who are pretty much the same.
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in-flvx · 1 year
We all love a possessive Sirius, but, going from Canon, I think Sirius is also the first person to stand back given the vibes.
Like, sure, he'll hunt down Peter to safe Harry, and he'll live in a cave for his benefit. Bur he's also first ask if Harry is even interested in a relationship with Sirius, and then gives Harry the reins to coordinate it.
He'll be obnoxious towards snape, bc Harry doesn't like snape, and Sirius has no reason so trust him at that point either (like, literally. The guy straight up set him up for the dementors kiss just about a year and a half ago. Excuse Sirius to be a bit short and antagonistic toward snape!? As if it's Sirius' fault Remus didn't take his potion and then went on to hunt down children. But noooo Sirius, who had a million other things to consider is the bad guy in this situation, of course! Not the man who insisted on both his, and Remus receiving the dementors kiss) and Sirius, at that point, had spent over a decade in prison. But azkaban isn't just prison. It's emotional torture and solitary confinement. Aka more emotional torture. The fact that sirius is downright sensible, if a little cruel, is a goddamn miracle. And he is, by a landslide, the only grownup Harry actually regards as a guardian and safe haven.
But nooo, he sometimes has a few emotional outburst (let me reiterate: after over a decade of emotional torture and solitary confinement), so he must be the only bad grownup around!!!! [this is still sarcastic obv. Even with that, Sirius was one of the most responsible adults hp has to offer by a landslide])
Stepping away from the rant: Sirius is the one to tell James that he's being a pushy asshole with lily, and that she has no interest in a relationship with him. And this comment alone is, if you ask me, the reason why James gets his shit together over the following years. Like, yea, it's Sirius being bored who brought the entire mess of snapes worst memory into motion, but in the end it's James who is the most cruel, snape who lashes out against lily rather than James, and Sirius who tells James to calm the fuck down regarding lily, who obviously can't give a shit about james.
You have to be super freaking special for Sirius to care about you, and for Sirius to call you out!
His fight with Molly is so interesting in that regard. From the way they talk to each other before, and after their confrontation, and even in the time of it, it's obvious that they have a positive rapport with each other. He only gets volatile when she tries to baby Harry, when Sirius knows intimately (going from Harry's letters) how crazy it drives Harry to be out of the loop. Which is also why he give harry the two way mirror only after Christmas of Harry's fifth year. He could have given it to him much earlier, except it was a sacred part of his and James' relationship. So Sirius only gave it to harry when he knew both of them needed it as a tool of survival.
Sirius isn't easy with the trust he puts into the world. And he never expects anything back (if anyone ever looked for a martyr character, this is it. Sirius is the martyr among false martyrs. He's the only one ever getting to the ground of it. Remus can only ever get the aesthetic of the martyr, and with him not mastering 'reparo', he really sells that aesthetic. Sirius has much more real and dramatic shit going on than that though.
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torensrus · 2 years
Harry Potter (slight AU. Harry doesn't know Voldemort's real name and never saw him as a young man)
Time Travel.
Grabbing the portkey in the graveyard, Harry has no idea that the power released from his wand and Voldemort's wand has affected the portkey. The journey is long and grueling, with Harry and Cedric's body split in places. They end up somewhere among the people, causing panic and the only thing Harry manages to say before losing consciousness is "The Dark Lord."
Upon regaining consciousness, Harry says his name, and is very confused when the healers say they will inform his relatives about him. Even more confused is the fact that everyone around him thinks he has run into Grindewald. It is only after meeting Flimont that Harry realizes that he has found himself in the past.
He doesn't quite know what to do about it. Should he tell Flimonte? But he's only just met him and doesn't know him at all. Who knows how he'll react to "Flimont, I'm your grandson." Contact Dumbledore? But Harry is no longer sure he can trust him completely. Dumbledore insisted on his participation in the tournament. He didn't help Sirius, even though he could have used the time flywheel himself. He hadn't been near Rattlesnake Willow when Pettigrew escaped. No one would have been surprised if he was suddenly there. On the contrary, people would have thought of him even more as a hero. He sent Harry a phoenix and a hat to help him, though he could just as easily have told McGonagall what was going on. And he sends Harry to the Dursleys every year.
Anyway, Harry is full of doubts and doesn't know who to trust, and in the meantime, the Potters take him in. They surround him with kindness and care. And for the first time, Harry feels like he belongs.
He enters Hogwarts as a fifth-year student and is still tense at first, waiting for the second shoe to drop. But nothing happens. There are no conspiracies, no deadly situations, and no nemeses. Everything is so normal and peaceful and Harry realizes he wants it forever because he's so tired. He's a teenager, he's fifteen, he shouldn't have to put his life in danger every year, he shouldn't have to fight basilisks or dragons, he shouldn't have to engage in a deadly duel. He must not be the Boy Who Survived, the Chosen One, the Savior. He has to decide for himself what he wants to be, but for now he has to worry about lessons and dates like a normal teenager. That's what he wants.
So, Harry decides to stay in the past and not tell anyone that he is from the future. Making this decision makes him feel lighter, freer. He becomes more cheerful, starts actively communicating with everyone around him, makes friends with people from different faculties, and gets into his studies (the Potters and professors sigh with relief, thinking that Harry has finally recovered from his confrontation with Grindewald and the death of his friend).
Tom Riddle thinks about the new guy for only five seconds and then forgets about him for two whole months. Two months later, this newcomer - Potter - who hasn't been seen or heard from, suddenly, is everywhere. Everywhere Tom goes, there is Potter in the company of his buddies, talking loudly. He begins to catch up in his studies. He's becoming the best at DADA. He is so bright and friendly and everyone around him loves him. Tom hates him. He'll kill him as soon as he figures out the best way to pull it off. In the meantime, he has to figure out how to get away from Potter, who has decided that Tom should be his friend, too
(Harry: We have to fight the troll.
Tom: ...Your train of thought is very mysterious and not clear to me. What exactly is the reason we have to fight the troll?
Harry: Well... There was this girl. My friend and I didn't like her very much, and then the three of us fought the troll and became friends after that. Because you know... There are some things you can’t share without ending up liking each other, and knocking out a twelve-foot mountain troll is one of them.
Tom: I'm not going to fight a troll.
Harry: Okay... I'll think of something else.
Tom: Please don't.)
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bookfoxie · 2 years
Some thoughts about Crimson rivers:
"Six.He was wrong before. Not five. Six. He has killed six people, and he's staring at the last in the reflection of the water." (Chapter 46)
"When Regulus' gaze crawls back to Bellatrix, she's grinning at him, and she reaches out to grip his shoulder, eyes gleaming as she says, "Now, let's go make it six."" (Chapter 47)
ok maybe i'm wrong but maybe that's a reference to it. I mean sure they're on their way to kill the 6th person now. But for Regulus it is so much more.
1. If I'm really correct in my theory that Regulus is doing everything he can to let Sirius win and has no intention of getting out of the arena alive then the thought Regulus has in the bathroom can mean SO MUCH more. Because he thinks he's going to die. He thinks he's dug his grave with his plan. He's the 6th person he killed. because he killed himself at the moment he decided to devise a plan to save Sirius. He knows how risky it is to betray the deatheaters. And when the Deatheaters go off to look for Sirius to kill him, they go off to kill the 6 person. The 6 person in the arena.
and the 6 person Regulus killed. himself. because he doesn't think he'll survive
2.if my theory is wrong and reg really is on the side of the deatheaters and there is no plan behind it other than betraying his brother. then Regulus is still on his way to kill the 6th person. because by betraying his brother he is killing something in himself and he knows it.
In both cases, however, Regulus already knew what he was planning to do and when he saw his reflection in the water, he knew that he had killed himself with his decision.
I'm probably reading too much into it. I'm sorry
Just my thoughts about all of that
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writingamarie · 2 years
Right? I mean, Reg expected he wouldn't survive so he must not have further plans or back up plan if he'll live because he was dead set on thinking that he'll die and then there's Evan who's making everything won't go sidetrack..or like keeping them all alive and he does not even expect to achieve on that aspect, on not dying. So he doesn't know what to do after. What comes next. How to move forward. They don't know because they didn't make plans because they all thought theyll eventually die. And that hurts right. Liks, even though Evan plans on them not dying yet on the back of his head, he's not entirely sure thry'll make it out alive. And him offering to contact Sirius or James to change Reg's mind is like a desperate plea to stop Reg from doing something like sacrificing himself for the family he wanted to build. I have more things to say tbh. I just forget about them when I type bevause everything's running through my mind. Wanting to be put first or to be say out loud. And I dunno anymore Marie. And I haven't even rambled about Lily dying and Mulciber dying and James coping mechanism. And oh Lovey, that's so nice to spend your thanksgiving with fam. Like, I can't even think about how comical your parents were. I mean, they both just decided they each want to cook turkey and they did but now you have 2 turkeys. And not just that but among other things too. It must've been a fun thanksgiving.
exactly. the idea that they would survive and need a plan for the future never really occurred to them. evan doesn't understand reg's reasoning. he doesn't understand that reg feels guilty for the things he's done, he doesn't see how it eats at him because regulus is good at hiding his emotions. so for evan, reg going to azkaban is ridiculous -it's a waste. he'd rather have his friend with him. he'd rather reg just agree to the limelight of being the savior. but that was never going to be who regulus was. like evan knows that reg wouldn't want to go to sirius or james -he knows he wouldn't want them to see him at his "worst" but he was desperate. they had won, he thought they could all be okay.
and lily. and mulciber. it's so rough because lily really was so all over the place because we mostly saw her from james' perspective so it was rough there were some people that were just glad she was gone. other people were upset she never got to find mary. but really lily was always going to die young, like in every universe she would die to protect the people she cares about. and mulciber was just a horrible human. i wasn't sure how people would react to his death though, if it would be too much.
yes, my family is crazy but it is always fun
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electricpurrs · 3 years
you know I'm the big noelclaire guy I have 1+ hour long playlist of noelclaire music but also it's so fucked when you think about the story. Noel and Claire were friends as children and claire was the first person in the whole world to offer noel kindness, and ever since he has been in love with her. He cares infinitely for her and the whole structure of the story only happens cause, fundamentally, noel loved claire so much he was unable of letting her die. It's undeniable the power of noel's love and how much he cares for her, but also, for his own doing, claire doesn't even know who he is. Claire forgot about him and she can not understand, and not reciprocate the feeling noel has for her the same way. He's a friendly guy she met in this mansion, and she can feel deep inside her mind that he means something, that there is something she must remember, but she can't, and everytime she gets close to remembering or to feeling something for him, she dies, and the loop restarts, with her knowing as little as she did before. And in this system, with the loop going for thousands and thousands of times over again, ultimately, noelclaire is unreciprocated. Noel loves so much he dies and suffers and spends what's like a hundred years resetting time over and over all for claire, all so she can live, but in the end she doesn't love him back, and she keeps dying again and again. He does not care for this, he's not doing this so that she will love him he's not trying to get in a relationship with her literally all that he wants to do is have her survive, his sacrifice is ultimately selfless, and it shows as sirius' conclusion's ends, she survives, and leaves, and he stays. he loves her so much he'll let her go
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