#hss rare pairs 2024
hssrarepairs · 2 months
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🎄HP Secret Santa Rare Pairs 2024 🎄
We are excited to announce the second iteration of HSS Rare Pairs!! Run by the HP Rare Pairs and HP Saffics Discord servers, this is an anon, multi-ship, multimedia gift exchange focused on HP rare pairs. You do not need to be a member of the server to participate, although it is encouraged.
This fest is for you if...
❄️ You love rare pairs! ❄️ You're looking for a low-key winter time exchange! ❄️ You aren’t a writer or artist but would still love to give and receive gifts!
🎁 2024 Schedule 🎁
Sign-ups: Aug 13-Sep 3 Gift Submissions Due: Nov 15 Gift Giving: Dec 1-Dec 25 Creator Reveals: Dec 30
Rules, FAQ, and important links will be posted soon. Follow our Tumblr or join us on Discord for updates! We can’t wait to be back this holiday season and spread the rare pair love 💖🍐
Graphics by the amazing @venom0usbarbie!
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Not to be an Ace Attorney fan rn through my HSS craze. And in 2024, 23 years after Ace Attorneys release.
I'm rewatching Ace Attorney playthroughs for nostalgia, and dude.
But I absolutely adore Gumwright. Gumshoe x Phoenix, not to be a rare pair shipper on the main but dude c'mon.
Himbo x Himbo is real.
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hssrarepairs · 1 month
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Sign-ups for HSS Rare Pairs 2024 are open! Please read the Rules and FAQ before signing up. If you have any questions about the form, don't be afraid to ask us! Remember, the more details you include on your form, the better your matches will be :)
Happy sign-ups and happy rare pairing!!
🍐 🎁 🍐
Sign-up HERE!
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hssrarepairs · 2 months
🎄 HSS Rare Pairs 2024: FAQ 🎄
Find more info in our Rules!
🎁 What is HSS Rare Pairs? 🎁
HSS Rare Pairs, or HSS, stands for HP Secret Santa Rare Pairs. We are an anon, multi-ship, multimedia gift exchange focused on HP rare pairs run as a collaboration between the HP Rare Pairs (@hp-rarepairs) and HP Saffics (@hpsaffics) Discord servers. This fest is not self-posting. The mods will post your gifts all through December.
🎁 What is the 2024 Schedule? 🎁
Sign-ups: Aug 13-Sep 3 Gift Submissions Due: Nov 15 Gift Giving: Dec 1-Dec 25 Creator Reveals: Dec 30
🎁 What counts as a HP rare pair? 🎁
Any ships besides these common ships (LITERALLY ANY OTHER SHIP IS OKAY):
Dramione - Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
Drarry - Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Harmony - Hermione Granger/Harry Potter
Harrymort/Tomarry - Harry Potter/Voldemort (Tom Riddle)
Hinny - Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley
Jegulus - Regulus Black/James Potter
Jily - James Potter/Lily Evans Potter
Romione - Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Snamione - Hermione Granger/Severus Snape
Snarry - Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Wolfstar - Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
🎁 How is the list of common ships determined? 🎁
Any ship with less than 10K results in an unfiltered AO3 Relationship tag search AND less than 3K results in an “otp: true” filtered Relationship tag AO3 search is considered a rare pair!
🎁 What about polyamorous ships? 🎁
Polyamorous ships (triads, vees, quads, polycules, etc.) are always considered rare and are VERY welcome (ex: Hermione/Harry/Ron is allowed even if Hermione/Harry and Hermione/Ron are on the list of common ships)!
🎁 What about a common ship in the background of a work? 🎁
Yes, background common ships are totally allowed as long as the main focus is a rare pair (ex: A Pansy/Ginny story with background Draco/Harry).
🎁 What about OCs? 🎁
OCs may appear in the background of a work, but the main ship should involve only established characters from the HP universe.
🎁 Who can participate? 🎁
Anyone aged 18+ can participate with an AO3 account. We also encourage you to be part of the HP Rare Pairs Discord Server, although it is not required.
🎁 Do I need a Discord/Tumblr to participate? 🎁
No, we will be sharing gifts on our Discord and Tumblr, but you do not need to be on either platform to participate. What you do need: an active email address and an AO3 account.
🎁 Is there a limit to the number of participants? 🎁
The 2022 round had 66 sign-ups which was quite impressive. We are tentatively setting a limit of 75 sign-ups for the 2024 round.
🎁 What is on the sign-up form? 🎁
The Sign-up Form is long and thorough. Please make sure to fill out all required sections in order for the mods to make the best possible matches and for you to receive the best possible gifts. This year the sign-up form has 5 sections:
Participant Information (required - for mod use only)
Character and Ship Preferences (required - shared with gifters)
Receiving Preferences (required - shared with gifters)
Giving Preferences (required - for mod use only)
Bonus Questions (optional - for mod use only)
🎁 I don’t like the username I signed up with. Can I change my AO3/Discord/Tumblr username in the middle of the exchange? 🎁
Please don’t. This is confusing for your gifters and makes more work for the mods.
🎁 I messed up on my sign-up form. Can I go back and make changes? 🎁
Yes, you will be able to edit your sign-up form until Sep 3 when sign-ups close. A link to edit should be sent to your email. If you do not see it, please check your spam folder.
🎁 When will I find out my matches? 🎁
We aim to have all participants matched within a week of sign-ups closing. However, it will depend on the mods’ schedules and number of sign-ups.
🎁 What kind of gifts can I create? 🎁
Any type of HP rare pair fanwork that can be uploaded to AO3 are accepted! Here are some examples:
Creative writing (fic, drabble, poetry, epistolary, screenplay, etc.)
Other writing (meta analysis, ship manifesto, recipe, tutorial, stats, etc.)
Art (traditional mediums, digital art, comic, photography, calligraphy, etc.)
Remix art (moodboard, story banner, podfic coverart, gif set, meme fic, etc.)
Craft (origami, bookbinding, embroidery, knitting, papercutting, ice sculpture, etc.)
Audio (podfic, podcast, filk, playlist, etc.)
Multimedia (fanvid, videogame, animation, stop motion, music video, etc.)
🎁 Is there a word limit for written gifts or gifts based on written works? 🎁
Yes, the minimum is 200 words. There is no maximum. What this means is:
All written works (drabbles, fics, meta analysis, ship manifesto, etc.) must be at least 200 words. If the gift is less than 200 words (a poem, recipe, etc.), the remaining words may be filled by commentary (character analysis, explanation of imagery/themes/word choice, extra description, etc.).
All podfics must be based on a fic that is at least 200 words.
All translations must be at least 200 words when complete.
🎁 What kind of content can my gifts include? 🎁
We accept all content! This includes graphic violence, MCD, rape/noncon, underage, incest, abuse, and dark or triggering themes as long as they are tagged appropriately. The mods will be tag-checking all works. The only restriction is we will not accept NSFW art containing underage characters (which is illegal by US law). If you need help with tagging, you may reference this Comprehensive List of Triggers, Tags & Squicks or ask a mod. 
🎁 Can I recycle fannish works as gifts? 🎁
No, gifts must be new and created exclusively for the exchange and specifically for your giftee.
🎁 Can I submit an AI-generated work? 🎁
No, AI-generated works are not allowed. If we find you have submitted an AI-generated work, you will be kicked from the exchange.
🎁 Does my gift need to be X-mas/winter themed? 🎁
No, it can be any theme as long as it includes a rare pair.
🎁 How many gifts will I get? 🎁
Every participant will receive at least 2 gifts. They may be small gifts and they may not be exactly what you wished for but they will be made with love and enthusiasm <3
🎁 How many gifts do I need to create to be able to participate? 🎁
You must submit at least 1 gift in order for Santa (aka the mods) to deliver your gifts. Participants are implored encouraged to submit more than one gift. If we have enough gifts, we may be able to give everyone 3 gifts instead of 2!
🎁 Can I submit my gifts anonymously? 🎁
Yes, you may choose to submit your gifts anonymously. In this case you will not be named as a giftmaker in the Creator Reveals on Dec 30. Please tell the mods your preference when submitting your gift. We will contact you about any additional steps.
🎁 How do I submit/deliver my gifts? 🎁
Gifts should be uploaded to the AO3 Collection. Then, please complete the Submission Form, one for each gift submitted. The mods will deliver gifts on AO3, Discord, and Tumblr Dec 1-25.
🎁 Can I make treats? 🎁
No, we are not accepting treats (extra gifts made outside of your matched assignment) for this exchange.
🎁 What if I need an extension or need to drop? 🎁
We get it. Life happens. If you need an extension or need to drop, please email us ASAP. It’s okay, we understand. Just, please don’t ghost us!
🎁 How will I get my gifts? 🎁
If you are on Discord or Tumblr, we will tag you when your gifts are delivered. Otherwise, your gifts will be delivered directly through AO3. Please make sure you have "Allow anyone to gift me works" checked in your Preferences. When you receive your gifts, don't forget to leave a comment to thank your gifters. We want to make sure they feel appreciated!
🎁 Can I send/receive physical gifts in the mail? 🎁
We are not doing physical gifts as part of the exchange, but you are welcome to coordinate with your gifter/recipient after the fest ends and send physical gifts granted you are both comfortable sharing your IRL addresses.
🎁 Who are the mods? 🎁
@lumosatnight, @nanneramma, @schmem14, @mischiefmandied, @venom0usbarbie and other wonderful helpers from Discord and Tumblr!
🎁 I still have questions/want to find out more. What should I do? 🎁
Message us through email, Tumblr, or Discord! We are always open to chat, answer questions, or flail about rare pairs 🍐
Tumblr: @hssrarepairs
Discord: HP Rare Pairs
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hssrarepairs · 1 month
Hello to all of our prickly pear friends 🍐
We have been absolutely astounded by the number of sign-ups for the HSS exchange. We originally wanted to cap sign-ups at 75 but given that we've reached our cap in such a short time (only 3 days!!), we are opening up a few extra spots.
Our new cap is 90 sign-ups! Which means we only have 13 spots left! We will be closing sign-ups and starting matching as soon as spots run out.
Sign-up HERE!
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hssrarepairs · 2 months
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🎄HSS Rare Pairs 2024 🎄
We are an anon, multi-ship, multimedia gift exchange focused on HP rare pairs posting Dec 2024.
🎁 2024 Schedule 🎁
Sign-ups: Aug 13-Sep 3 Gift Submissions Due: Nov 15 Gift Giving: Dec 1-Dec 25 Creator Reveals: Dec 30
🎁 Quick Links 🎁
Rules FAQ AO3 Sign-up Form Submission Form
🎁 Contact 🎁
Email: [email protected] Tumblr: @hssrarepairs Discord: HP Rare Pairs
See below for the list of Excluded Common Ships and gift examples.
❄️ ❄️ ☃️ ❄️ ❄️
🎁 Excluded Common Ships 🎁 
Dramione - Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
Drarry - Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Harmony - Hermione Granger/Harry Potter
Harrymort/Tomarry - Harry Potter/Voldemort (Tom Riddle)
Hinny - Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley
Jegulus - Regulus Black/James Potter
Jily - James Potter/Lily Evans Potter
Romione - Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Snamione - Hermione Granger/Severus Snape
Snarry - Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Wolfstar - Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
🎁 Gift Examples 🎁 
Creative writing (fic, drabble, poetry, epistolary, screenplay, etc.)
Other writing (meta analysis, ship manifesto, recipe, tutorial, stats, etc.)
Art (traditional mediums, digital art, comic, photography, calligraphy, etc.)
Remix art (moodboard, story banner, podfic coverart, gif set, meme fic, etc.)
Craft (origami, bookbinding, embroidery, knitting, papercutting, ice sculpture, etc.)
Audio (podfic, podcast, filk, playlist, etc.)
Multimedia (fanvid, videogame, animation, stop motion, music video, etc.)
Any gift that can be given through AO3!
❄️ ❄️ ☃️ ❄️ ❄️
Graphics made by the super talented @venom0usbarbie!!
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hssrarepairs · 10 days
💝 Matches are here!! 💝
Santa's helpers have arrived with your HSS Rare Pairs matches!! Please check your emails (it might go to spam so beware). If you don't see an email from us, let us know ASAP!
TO CONFIRM YOUR MATCHES, PLEASE REPLY TO OUR EMAIL BY SEP 17! If we do not hear back from you by this date, we will assume you no longer wish to participate and you will be dropped from the exchange.
If you have any issues/questions/concerns about your matches, please let us know. The mods are here to help! Gifts are due Nov 15. All gifts should be uploaded to our AO3 collection and have a completed Submission Form, one for each gift.
For more info about creating and submitting gifts, see our Rules or FAQ on Tumblr!
Happy creating!
-The HSS Mods 🍐
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hssrarepairs · 28 days
Matching is currently underway! In the meantime, here is the HSS Rare Pairs 2024 playlist, made by this year's participants! Thank you @whoreofthecottage for helping track down all the songs 🧡 🧡
Playlist link
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hssrarepairs · 2 months
🎄 HSS Rare Pairs 2024: Rules 🎄
Find more info in our FAQ!
🎁 Schedule 🎁
Sign-ups: Aug 13-Sep 3 Gift Submissions Due: Nov 15 Gift Giving: Dec 1-Dec 25 Creator Reveals: Dec 30
🎁 General 🎁
This exchange is open to anyone aged 18+ (by the time sign-ups open) with an AO3 account! 
We recommend following us on Tumblr (@hssrarepairs) or joining our Discord, although it is not required.
As this is a gift exchange, you will make a gift for someone and receive at least 2 gifts in return (possibly more!).
This exchange is focused on HP rare pairs. That means any HP ship that is not a common ship. The excluded common ships: Dramione, Drarry, Harmony, Harrymort/Tomarry, Hinny, Jegulus, Jily, Romione, Snamione, Snarry, and Wolfstar. 
Polyships of any kind are welcome! Trans, non-binary, and GNC characters are welcome! As are non-human characters and other character variations. 
The main ship should be a HP rare pair involving established characters from canon. Common ships or OCs may appear in the background of works as long as they are not the main focus.
We highly encourage being open to trying new ships for this exchange. It will make matching easier, and you never know what amazing ships you may discover!
This exchange is anonymous! Please do not share details about your works outside a limited number of alpha/beta/cheer/sensitivity readers until after Creator Reveals on Dec 30.
We follow the Three Laws of Fandom: SALS, DLDR, and YKINMKATO. No ship-bashing, hate speech, or kink shaming will be tolerated. We are open to all types of ships, genres, and content (including dark and/or triggering content) as long as it is tagged accordingly.
🎁 Sign-Ups & Matching 🎁
Sign-ups are open Aug 13-Sep 3 through our Sign-up Form.
This form is long and thorough. Please make sure you fill out the entire form according to the instructions. There will be sections for Participant Information, Character and Ship Preferences, Receiving Preferences, Gifting Preferences, and Bonus Questions (optional).
The mods will match you with other participants based on your sign-up form. The more details you include in your form, the better your matches will be!
You will be able to edit your form until the end of sign-ups. Check your email for the editing link.
Matches will be sent out via email within 1 week of sign-ups closing. You will need to confirm your matches within 1 week of receiving our email. Please check your emails regularly!
If you have any questions/concerns about your match(es), please contact the mods ASAP.
🎁 Gift Submissions 🎁
Gifts are due Nov 15! Upload gifts to the AO3 Collection then complete the Submission Form, one for each gift submitted.
You will have approximately 2 months to work on gifts starting when matches are sent out.
Gifts must be new, complete, standalone creations made for the sole purpose of gifting to your recipient as part of HSS Rare Pairs. It cannot be part of a series or a sequel/prequel to an existing work.
AI-generated works are not allowed.
All creations must be in English, include an English translation, or link to an English translation.
All HP rare pair-themed gifts are accepted! That includes: fics, ficlets, drabbles, craft gifts, art works, gif sets, story banners, moodboards, fanvids, podfics, podfic cover art, meta, poems, recipes, playlists, translations, etc. — basically, any type of fanwork that can be uploaded to AO3! See the FAQ for more gift examples.
Although only one gift is required, if at all possible, please create more than one gift (please we are begging you 🙏).
When creating your gift(s), please make sure to follow your recipient’s squicks/DNWs. If the mods find that your gift does not follow your recipient’s DNWs, you will be asked to edit/resubmit your gift.
All gifts will be proofread and tag-checked by the mods before being accepted into the AO3 collection. We will contact you via email about any revisions or additional requirements. Please check your emails regularly!
🎁 Gift Guidelines by Type 🎁
For written gifts or gifts based on written works, the minimum is 200 words. There is no maximum. See the FAQ for more info.
For artwork and crafts, you may include a watermark/signature, although gifts will still be “Anonymous” when revealed.
For podfics and audioworks, you may state your name in the recording, although gifts will still be marked “Anonymous” when revealed.
For derivative works (podfic, translation, remix, etc.), you must have permission from the original creator to make a transformative work, either a blanket statement, personalized note, or permission from the sign-up form. Please link back to the original work via the “Inspired By” function on AO3.
🎁 Anon, Extensions, & Dropping 🎁
If you wish to keep your gift anonymous after the end of the exchange, please let us know on the submission form. The mods will be in touch with further details.
If you need an extension, shoot us an email and we will give you a 2 week extension, no questions asked.
If you need to drop from the exchange, email us ASAP so we can contact a pinch-hitter.
🎁 Gift Delivery & Creator Reveals 🎁
Gifts will be delivered Dec 1-Dec 25 by Santa and his helpers (aka the very excited mods 🎅)! We will deliver gifts on AO3, Tumblr, and Discord.
Creator Reveals will be on Dec 30. Until then, please refrain from discussing giftees, sharing snippets, or giving away details about your creation. We want gifts to remain a secret, hence the Secret Santa part.
After reveals, you are free to share, post, and squeal about your creation as much as you want.
Please remember to comment on your gifts! They may be small and they may not be exactly what you want, but they were made with love and made especially for YOU. We want all gifters to feel appreciated for their hard work!
🎁 Contact 🎁
If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to chat, don’t be afraid to reach out to us! We can’t wait to see all your wonderful rare pair creations 🍐!!
Tumblr: @hssrarepairs
Discord: HP Rare Pairs
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hssrarepairs · 4 months
Coming soon!
HP Secret Santa Rare Pairs is a biyearly wintertime gift exchange focused on HP rare pairs. We are based off of @hdowlpost and alternate years with @hprarepairfest. We are returning in August 2024! Stay tuned for more info coming soon.
Affiliates: @hp-rarepairs (Discord) and @hpsaffics (Discord)
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hssrarepairs · 24 days
Hi I'm new to your blog and so sad I missed the sign up. If you ever need a pinch hitter let me know and hopefully I'll be able to help.
I love rare pairs and can't wait to see the fanfics. :3
Hi! We've added you to our pinch-hitter list. Thanks for letting us know!
-The HSS Mods 🍐
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hssrarepairs · 4 days
Hey! I just found this today, but I'm super interested in submitting a late form? I'm aware that it's officially closed, but I have a tiny bit of hope because the deadline for participant confirmation is still open for a few days. Is there any way I can squeeze in a submission form? If not, I completely understand and will be happy to see the amazing creations everyone else makes. ^^
Unfortunately signups have closed. However, if you are interested in becoming a pinch-hitter, we'd be happy to add your name to our list of potential pinch-hitters. Pinch-hitters are not guaranteed a gift but are still a vital highly loved and appreciated part of the exchange.
-The HSS Mods 🍐
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hssrarepairs · 23 days
Looks like the sign up form is closed, but the signs ups have until September 3rd, right? Is the link incorrect?
Because we had so many sign-ups this year (over 90 sign-ups!) in such a short amount of time (only 3 days!!!) we decided to close sign-ups early. We're sorry you missed it. If you would like to be a pinch-hitter though, we still have spots open for that! Just let us know.
-The HSS Mods 🍐
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hssrarepairs · 27 days
The playlist is so cool, love listening to different music, and it’s getting me excited to know who I’m paired with
Yes, we are so excited!!
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hssrarepairs · 1 month
I’m legit checking my email everyday! Can’t wait
Hi Anon!
Glad you are excited, we are too!! We're working on matching right now, but it's still going to take at least a week (possibly 2 weeks) to get them sent out. Please be patient with us 🙏 💗. We will make an announcement here when matches are done.
-The HSS Mods 🍐
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hssrarepairs · 1 month
Did we reach the limit?
So excited to begin!
Yes we did! Matches will be out soon 🥳💝👯‍♂️
-The HSS Mods 🍐
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