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niham21 · 1 month ago
Arsenal's Mikel Merino 'surprised' by match-winning striker role
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missshockperformance · 7 years ago
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Ready to get yours??? Slide us a DM for SHOCK hats! Already got yours? Send us a pic! We love featuring our SHOCK followers ☺🔥🔥🔥 📩[email protected] #shockperformance #perform #performance #performancenutrition #performancemindset #performancefuel #performancefitness #wellness #sportnutrition #lifecoaching #lifepurpose #liveyourbestlife #bestday #bestway #leastresistance #dominateyourgoalsinstead
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missshockperformance · 8 years ago
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Homemade crackers ensure you know the exact ingredients going in your tummy and even better, you can spice them to your liking! Here paired with a homemade antipasto (so delish it almost didn't make it into this photo)!!! What an afternoon delight. Crackers here are almond flour mixed with farmers eggs, black pepper seasalt rosemary 😍 #shock #shockperformance #perform #performance #performancenutrition #nutrition #nutritionist #sportsnutritionist #sport #active #coach #coaching #wellnesseducation #wellnesseducator #winnipeg #winnipegnutrition #winnipegnutritionist #lifecoach #sportcoach #purpose #performfuel #fuelfit #fitnessfuel #sportfuel #educated #professional
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missshockperformance · 8 years ago
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Have you decided to "finally commit" yourself to this "online fitness plan?" What is health? How do you define it? Does it strictly mean being strict about what you eat, how and when you workout, being super focused in everything you do? Maybe. Is it the only way to do start or re-start or function on your health journey? Absolutely not!!!!+++ The mind is powerful. Setting intentions should not be underestimated because it builds the base of connecting your mind and awareness of your behaviours with food to your body. Powerful words like FUEL can often shape our minds away from " I can eat this but I can't eat that bc my xxxx*** told me so." Let's start more simply, what foods do you find help you feel nourished? Energized for a long time? Taste good? What do you enjoy eating? One tip we love to stand by as SHOCK values is there is no one way. There is no template we give, we want you to enjoy being you and reach your goals. So this morning, tell us : What are you doing today that helps you enjoy being fuelled in a healthy way, just for you???? Shoot for the stars, but enjoy the journey of the bullet - www.shockperformance.com #shock #performance #nutrition #shockperformance #performancenutrition #shockperformancenutrition #nutritioncounselling #nutritioncoaching #nutritioncoach #sportnutrition #sportnutritionist #health #healthy #healthymind #healthybody #healthcoach #healthcoaching #eatwell #eats #breakfast #food #foodprep #foodprepping #foodcoach #foodcoaching
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missshockperformance · 7 years ago
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Sport Training Movements are essential to excelling in your performance. . . We now alllll know that Nutrition for Sport is definitely up there for you to fly a better game, get better training, and have better recovery. . . The best part about owning a company that specializes in Sport Nutrition??? REAPING THE BENEFITS of science-proven knowledge in our own sports! 🏐 . Our nutrition plans are made up based on the focus at hand: PERFORMANCE. Oh....and using our deep love of all things carbohydrates...for fuel! #fueltowin #fueleating #righttime #rightplace #perform #carbohydratesareenergy #recoverfast #performanceeating #performancenutrition #shockperformance #sportnutritionfacts #sportfuel #glycogen 📸: @kpro204 👕: @kb2clothing (at Movement Fitness & Performance)
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missshockperformance · 7 years ago
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If you were watching SHOCK NutritionFacts [Tm] on our Instastories.... you know the topic of BEET JUICE & ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE! . . Current research has indicated there is a correlation, particularly in increasing performance of cardiovascular endurance athletes. . . Beet juice is high in an inorganic nitrate, increasing NO Nitric Oxide in the body and thus increasing blood flow, gas exchange and efficiency in movement. This means increased performance when training/racing distances by prolonging the feeling of fatigue and exhaustion. . . For more info on this, stay tuned for the upcoming blog posted tomorrow on the 7 supplements being studied as beneficial in Sport Nutrition 2018. . . #beetit #beetsforhealth #shockperformance #athleteeating #healthyfoodforathletes #sportnutritionfuel #sportnutritionfacts
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missshockperformance · 7 years ago
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You CAN enjoy a variety of foods when eating more consciously! What Do You Like? As a Nutritionist who loves to create food magic in the kitchen, it's crucial to know who I'm cooking and designing health plans for. The Ins and Outs of their likes and dislikes is what custom is all about. When seeking a health plan whether it's on your own or with a professional, consider your likes! There is always a healthy way to achieve what you love. It helps create that long-term enjoyment of food that is fuel. Texture: Crunch, soft, chewy. Think of a Sandwich, Granola Bar, Cracker Consistency: Thin, Thick, Runny, Creamy, Mashed Think of Oatmeal, Soup, Dressings & Sauces Flavour: Sweet or Savoury. Think of Crepes, Salad Toppings, Meat Spreads Colour: Does it look appetizing? Size/Amount: Does filling a bowl full of lettuce make you feel like you are eating more, or does a Small bowl of lettuce with tons of visible toppings sound more appealing? Things to consider in shaping your healthy eats path! #shockperformance #texture #tastyfoods #consistency #enjoylife #enjoyeating #eatwell #healthierishappier #sportsnutrition #sportnutritionist #wellnesseducation #foodrecipes #nutritiousfood (at St. Vital, Winnipeg)
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missshockperformance · 7 years ago
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Pick Your Pasta FUEL and perform at your TOP. . To be ON during your training sessions, practices, games & competitions... YOUR BRAIN AND MUSCLES ARE EVERYTHING. . Setting yourself away and above from the competitor means fuelling with the best, at the best times with the best kinds of eats. . With several pasta alternatives out in the world nowadays, you can enjoy Brown Rice pasta, Pumpkin pasta, Gluten free pasta, Quinoa pasta, Black bean etc...Fuelling can be made easy. . Quick to make, Easy to pair with vegetables and healthy sauces....the choice is yours. . Dominate with correct timing and fuel to win with [email protected] . It's about time you show everyone what you got. . #shock #shockperformance #performancecoach #nutrition #sportsnutrition #nutritionexpert #sportfuel #fuelfit #pasta #pastalover #complexcarbs #forthewin
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missshockperformance · 7 years ago
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Fuelling for Sport Performance encourages eating with intention to provide just above the requirment to reach the podium. Performance isn't about ABS. To have a strong physical core, it takes work. To have a strong mental core, it takes work. To have a strong physical and mental core, it takes practicing work consistently with physical and mental fuelling techniques until you get where you want to go. Perform your everyday to the fullest. Never give up. #shock #shockperformance #performancecoaching #eattoperform #performancenutrition #lifeperformance #lifecoach
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missshockperformance · 7 years ago
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Blackbeanssss! These nutrient dense, tummy loving ninjas are not only easy to cook quickly but last well for 5 days food prep. Protein, Complex carbohydrate, Fiber, and can even be blended into a Blackbean cookie recipe 😉 Bottom left: mixed with bruschetta and green onion. Tossed and heated. 🍅Build off this-- homemade lettuce wrap or top and heat with a bit of cheese! Top Right: coconut broiled sweet potato and avo slices for a quick lunch or dinner! FUEL your Performance with SHOCK #shockperformance
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missshockperformance · 7 years ago
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Do you eat the same Breakfast everyday? Or switch it up? Bowl of Cereal fan or All about those eggs?🍳 Changing up meals can actually help your G.I.T. (gastrointestinal tract) to digest even better when a variety of foods are present. This has to do with our micorflora, or the way our prebiotics and probiotics interact in our intestines. Consuming different versions of nutritive breakfast fuel sources may benefit us by the balancing of our daily needs, as switching it up decreases nutritive deficiencies. This encouraging meeting our daily needs. Enjoy an egg and veggie breakfast one day, then cereal and smoothie the next day. Enrich your life and food for the greatest success in you: your health! #shock #foodfacts #shockfacts #shockperformance #perform #performancefuel #health #nutrition #healthybreakfasts #breaky
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missshockperformance · 7 years ago
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When you feel wronged it can make you feel sad. Let yourself feel what you need to, but let it have and end point. To be happy, means to practice knowing your path and what to be grateful for. Eyes on your own path, be happy. It drives them crazy 😊 Lead by example❤ #shocklifecoach #shockperformance #coachingpositive #makethebestofit #bestday #happinessishealthiest #itstartswithyou #starttoday #lifecoach #healthcoach #performancecoach #healthierishappier
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missshockperformance · 7 years ago
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Why is Eating a Variety of Nutrients Important? . -it covers yout nutrient bases. We have a daily requirement for what we need. A variety is a more sure investment you are getting enough of what you need. Some fruits and veggies are higher in certain vitamins and minerals than others. This helps decrease chance of deficiencies. . - it helps decrease inflammation, and promotes gut health. Breaking down/ digestion of foods--> Absorption of foods--> Stronger Nutrient Uptake! Different healthy bacteria in your gut eats different things. . - it keeps us eating well as a lifestyle and potentially helps with obesity. Eating the same thing can get boring and cause us to boycott eating well . - it can sometimes prevent, prolong or keep at bay an intolerance. Some foods have an amount limit for some peoples bodies, like eggs or nuts. Eating a variety of different foods each day may skip any stomach discomfort from "too much at one time," feels. Facts facts facts! #eats #facts #variety #eatwell #healthyfood #shock #shockperformance #performancenutrition #perform #healthierme #healthierlife #fuelfit #healthperformance #fuelmyperformance #nutritionist #sportnutritionist #wellnesseducator
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missshockperformance · 7 years ago
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Getting THERE. Sometimes just getting where you want to go is a huge challenge. The Holidays, Work Stress, Family Stress, The Cold/Flu you just caught.. ...can all be great reasons to stay home for awhile catch up on reat and skip the gym. Did you know that your pre and post workout nutrition skills can apply and actually help you recover around other stress times too? Treating activity and stress demands somewhat similar to training tactics can help you heal up faster and get back to Training BACK like Karson , Affiliate SHOCK Trainer @kpro204. Sport Nutrition also means knowing what foods naturally boost and maintain immunity. Healthy bodies recover and build faster and efficiently. Get there and be efficient. #fuelwithshock #fuelfit #shockperformancenutrition #shockperformance #perform #performancenutrition #sportnutrition #sportnutritionist #winnipegnutritionist #sportsnutrition #sportsnutritionist #fuel #fit #sports #nutrition #smarthealth #healthieryou #yourhealth #yourperformance #strengthcondition #athletes #athletesprepare #getback #2018goals #workhard (at Goodlife Kenaston)
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missshockperformance · 7 years ago
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Post Holiday VITAMIN C needs a PUMP UP? RIGHT? Noppppe! Vitamin C is a needed daily nutrient for us. Sometimes we have higher requirements based on our lifestyles but not proven to help against the common cold! Myth BUST. High doses of VIT C can causes stomach reactions ranging from upset to toilet surprises. Vitamin C DOES help with🍊: -bone maintenance -blood vessels maitnenance -collagen formation -aids in iron absorption MYTH Bust#2: Carrots are high in Vitamin C. Carrots are actually high in Vitamin A! They do have Vitamin C but not a high source Having dishes throughout the day with Vitamin C will add up so lots of bright orange fruits and vegetables will help you get there! Foodfacts for the day! #shockperformance #shockperformancenutrition #shocked #vitaminc #coldfacts #coldstart #nutritionist #rainbow #carrots #wellnesseducation #foodfacts #foodcoach #food #healthcoaches #healthyandwell #yumyum #cough #nutrients #nutritionprofessional #science
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missshockperformance · 7 years ago
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Ready to get Started? Believe in Yourself. Keep believing, driving and pushing yourself out of certainity. Push out of comfort and start doing what you can to get what you want. What you want can be blocked my insecurity. Whether we know it or not. If we don't know it, but keep noticing we aren't doing what we set out to, we need to remember to trust it's probably us, holding us, back. To coach in #shockperformance; clear goals must be set before any plan begins. WHY? Without a goal, You can easily get complacent and compromise your own wants in times of fear and hardship. Clarity in what you want. Your brain will follow. #shock #performance #coach #lifecoaching #performancecoaching #lovelife #clarity #fear #insecurity #trust #goalsetting #healthyishappier #perform #performancefuel #fuelfit #mindfuel #pastyourlimits #happylife #healthierme #healthieryou #healthierus #healthierlife #believe #believeinyourself #happythoughts #winnipegcoach
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