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anarcho-catboyism · 2 years ago
Horrible fact of the day: Chevron just released a new boat fuel that WILL give you cancer.
Not "might", not "could", WILL. It has a cancer ratio of 1.3:1, as in, in a group of 10 people, 10 would contract CANCER.
(Edit: apparently some articles are now saying 1.4:1, and some are saying a little under that. Either way, the consensus seems to be anywhere between a 95-100+% of contracting cancer, with some expectations of this fuel not even needing a full lifetime of exposure for you to get Cancer.)
The EPA's safety limit is 1:1,000,000 as in 1 in a million people get cancer.
The EPA approved it anyways. I am not joking. The EPA approved a boat fuel that has a near 100% chance of giving someone cancer. It has such a good chance of giving someone cancer that if you DIDN'T get cancer YOU WOULD BE AN OUTLIER.
Fuck the oil industries.
Edit: If you find this (rightfully) horrifying, have you considered industrial sabotage? /hj
This isn't something we can vote away. This isn't something the rich are gonna apologize and make a 10 minute apology video for this. They don't care if you starve or wither in hospitals or get blown up in their wars.
If you don't know where to get started:
If you already know what to do, then it's time to do it. Participate in mutual aid, raise awareness in real life as well as online, participate in or train in self defense and emergency medical training classes.
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processes · 10 months ago
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yukin0q · 4 months ago
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burn more, that’s what i was born for
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dabruzzy · 3 months ago
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I was thinking about this line from Jackie and it got me thinking.
3 years earlier, when Lighter and Fuel lost their house in a fire, they stayed over at the Yado Inn. Two villagers were homeless, but they weren't left to fend for themselves. The other villagers helped them, because they were a community.
Now, 3 years later, Lighter and Fuel are at risk of homelessness again because they oppose Porky's regime and refuse to buy a Happy Box. Their house has a huge hole in the roof. But if they were to ask Jackie if they could book a room at his hotel, he'd probably tell them the same thing he told Lucas. Not necessarily because he has anything against them personally, but because their presence there is bad for business, and now that capitalism has been introduced to Tazmily, he needs money. The villagers don't help each other without expecting anything in return anymore. I think this is a subtler way that the game shows how capitalism promotes a hyper-individualistic mentality.
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ghostfacethriller · 4 months ago
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More coffee please
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docileeffects · 2 months ago
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correctproseka · 4 months ago
Vbs really grew they went from "i just want touch down" and "raise the bro" to "burn more thats what i was born for", "one's heart beat badum badum badum" and "burn it down until it falls over"
They can english😭🥺
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dipndotz · 1 year ago
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kuma and bunch of random doodles
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daily-utsu-p · 4 months ago
Utsu-P's Project Sekai song, Fuel, has been posted in full!
He also posted the Hatsune Miku version on his own channel.
Check it out!
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classycookiexo · 7 months ago
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lulublack90 · 28 days ago
Prompt 3 - Fuel
Wolfstar, February 3, word count 459
Previous part First part
One year previously 
His parents left him blessedly alone for the next few weeks while his scratched face healed. During that time, he’d nipped out and purchased a new phone and had been texting and phoning Barty ever since. 
“You absolute fucking wanker!” Barty shot down the phone. “Do you really think Reggie would have wanted you to turn into their puppet because of him?! He would kick your arse so hard if he ever found out you’d done that because of what he did.” Barty had to clear his throat as his emotions bubbled to the surface. “Seriously, Sirius, don’t be such a stupid twat, and I say that with love,” Barty was blunt, but Sirius felt the protective barrier he’d wrapped himself in since Regulus had died begin to crack. Barty was right if he kept punishing himself like he was and letting his parents dictate his every move, he was going to end up like Regulus or worse. 
“Alright, Barty, I get it, you can stop calling me names. I’ll stop, I promise.” Sirius felt a flood of relief flood over him. He’d needed someone to paint out how dumb he’d been. Walburga had used his grief against him, and he’d fallen straight back into his old patterns, letting his mother walk all over him. 
“He was so proud of you for getting out,” Barty told him, his voice quiet for the first time in their conversation. “He was going to get out, you know.” Barty went silent, only the sound of his breath crackling over the speaker let Sirius know he was still there. Sirius was shocked by this information. He’d never thought Regulus would leave. “He- he went to tell your parents and then and then when I came home to celebrate with him. That’s when I found him, Sirius,” Barty spoke in barely a whisper. Sirius dropped the phone. It was his mother’s fault. He knew it. She’d said something to Regulus, so he felt he had no other choice. It took him all of ten seconds to figure out what it had been. She’d threatened Barty and Regulus had felt helpless to stop her.
A message pinged on his phone. He picked it up from where it had fallen on the floor and saw an email from his mother had come through. 
‘Sirius, you are expected at an event tonight to announce the charity we opened in your brother's name.’
The message threw fuel on the fire inside him that was already blazing from his revelation about Regulus’s untimely death. The charity would be a front for networking between his father's associates and other simpering idiots who wished to join the businesses. 
“Barty,” He said into the phone. “I need your help.” 
Next part
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theworldatwar · 7 months ago
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US soldiers load a truck with jerrycans of petrol - date and location unknown
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ask-claus-and-ninten · 3 months ago
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Here's Fuelcas from the mod! Im old and tired but miss them terribly. Some of these have been stuffed away in a closet for YEARS now. Please enjoy them.
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