#Shiri Bibas
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I can't believe you read this and said, "yeah, sounds right".
The replies here are just vile, and it's disgusting to see that the only time non- Israelis /self-hating jews like yourself mention the Bibas family is when you can spread blood libels and misinformation like this. Your wishes are fake and meaningless if you say this. You should know better, and shame on you for using their names and tragic deaths for this. They were kidnapped and murdered by a terrorist organisation. That's it.
For over a year, non-Israeli/ Jewish Tumblr was silent about the Bibas family. I'd rather have the silence. They're using "good jews" like you..
The fact that this has got over 3,500 notes is deeply disturbing
israel’s military and government has known for 300+ days that the bibas family was dead and used the faces of BABIES to promote and justify their genocide. how fucking morbid. i wish the family and friends of family a very safe healing journey
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sunbeamedskies · 10 days ago
I know it's hard to do so when you've dedicated so much time to leftist movements and found a community that's helped you and some others thrive, but you HAVE to criticize the left when it is failing groups of people. And it is 100000000% failing Jews.
Almost every single non-Jewish activist who usually posts about tragedies when they happen to numerous other marginalized groups has remained silent about the recent news about the Bibas family. Most have been entirely silent about October 7th. Even this post will likely be reblogged/liked by 95% Jews.
All your Jewish friends could have been born Israeli. It's entirely dependent on where their ancestors fled to. Half of the world's ENTIRE Jewish population lives in Israel. And you- no matter what group you belong to- could have been born Israeli. You might be in denial about it, but it's true. Anyone of us could have been born anywhere.
I roll my eyes when "I'd totally punch a nazi!" activists complain about Elon Musk maybe doing a nazi salute, yet never post about what Jews have been mourning for over a year now. Their words are empty. Elon is easy to criticize because he is a douchebag who is rightfully hated by the left. You risk no real social consequences for your posts about him. You are not a social justice advocate- you are a coward.
But what kind of world are we living in where anyone in any movement claiming to be about "justice" feels they are risking social consequences for posting about Jews who were murdered due to being Jews? Fearing your "comrades" scolding you for posting against antisemitism? They have some big antisemitism problems to deal with. Are you willing to confront them about it?
Fearing social consequences for speaking up about suffering Palestinians and suffering Israelis are two sides of the same coin of extremism. I always wonder if my posts really get through to anyone, or if I'm mostly screaming into the void. Will this post affect you? Or will you just go "ah that's kinda sad idk" and move on?
It's time to have some tough conversations with people you might be afraid to get into them with. Are you going to be a true ally to Jews or not? Are you going to fix your activist spaces to be ones centered around the principles of justice and equality? Or are you going to ignore it and claim you're not antisemitic? Because Jews have seen where indifference and denial leads to before. Spoiler alert: it's horrific.
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edenbatavraham · 11 days ago
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Argentina remembers Ariel and Kfir 🧡🧡🧡
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pepsidreads · 3 days ago
marvalouslynerdish @magicalgrimm
I just want to make it clear that Hamas shot and mutilated and burnt alive 38 children on October 7th including seven children under the age of six. They also kidnapped 42 more. Hamas shot and killed one of the child hostages, a 12 year old autistic girl, and her grandma, a few hours after kidnapping them, presumably because they decided that keeping them as hostages would be too much of a hassle because of the girl's disability. They burnt an entire family, including a two year old toddler and twin five year old girls, alive. They shot a different nine month year old baby than the one who is being mourned today in the head. Another 12 year old girl was burnt alive that day along with 13 other civilians who were kidnapped, and her body was so mutilated it took a month to identify her remains. What happened to the Bibas children is not an anomaly. This is the organization that people around the world have chosen to celebrate and the organization that student groups at elite universities globally are choosing to very bluntly support and champion as #resistance against imperialism or colonization or whatever the justification for child murder is today. They are antisemitic terrorists and absolutely nobody has the right to act like what they have done is a shock. They announce over and over that this, Jewish civilian death, is their goal, and they repeatedly attain it because the entire world enables them and celebrates it when they kill Jewish kids.
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kick-a-long · 12 days ago
I'm bracing myself for the pro palistine version of sandy hook truthers about the Bibas children and their mother.
I wonder how soon the pro pal mobs of english speaking westeners will be screeching for pictures of those two dead children, just like they slurped up any and every picture of a mangled child's body killed in war regardless of which war? I wonder how soon it will take them to call them all actors? How soon they will look at pictures of those boy's father looking for "clues" to what "real" grief looks like?
Damn the pro palistinians for all they have already done. Damn them twice for all that they will do. Damn them for all time for doing it all for sadistic pleasure.
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unsolicited-opinions · 12 days ago
Thousands of Gazans line the streets to CHEER and CELEBRATE as the bodies of 4 murdered Israelis are paraded through the streets.
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I have no other words of my own I'd trust to be appropriate.
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angryjewishcockroach · 12 days ago
The military informs the Bibas family that the bodies of Ariel and Kfir Bibas have been identified after their remains were given to Israel by Hamas on Thursday. However, the third body at the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute was not that of their mother, Shiri Bibas, says the Israel Defense Forces. Specialists at Abu Kabir were not able to identify the body. The authorities, using forensic evidence and intelligence, assess that the two young boys were ‘”brutally murdered” by terrorists in November 2023, says the IDF. Ariel was 4-years-old and Kfir was 10-months-old when they were murdered. “This is a very serious violation by the Hamas terrorist organization, which is required by the agreement to return four dead hostages,” says the IDF. “We demand that Hamas return Shiri home along with all of our hostages.” “We share the deep sorrow of the Bibas family at this difficult time and will continue to make every effort to return Shiri and all the hostages home as soon as possible,” says the IDF.
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last-tarrasque · 18 hours ago
Zionists have made the Bibas family a center point in a dehumanizing campaign to present Israel as an innocent victim, and Palestinians are savage baby killing monsters (despite the fact that Israel killed the Bibas family), since the hostages didn’t produce the horror stories they were looking for. So no we can’t ignore the obviously political propaganda campaign around the Bibas family, sorry.
hate how jewish people literally can't talk about the bibas family (or any israeli hostage death) without people saying "what about the palestinians!!!" yes, what's happening to them is bad, this isn't a competition of who has it worse. just let us grieve.
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elliebelliegirl · 6 months ago
im shaken for a lot of reasons with the discovery of the six hostages, but i think one of them is that when noa argamani was rescued, some part of me assumed the other faces of the hostages would be too. noa, hersh, and the bibas children are the most well-known hostages. i just thought hersh would come home, like noa did. yes, thinking that way is juvenile.. but still. im now doubly scared for kfir and ariel than i was before
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adhdnojutsu · 12 days ago
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Shiri Bibas and her babies Kfir and Ariel have returned in coffins today. May their memory be a blessing and a wake-up call. The "stop killing babies" crowd has spared them a generous moment of silence lasting 16 months and counting. Rest assured we hear you loud and clear.
PS this is not resistance and also, whether they were killed in an Israeli airstrike is irrelevant because Hamas put them in the line of fire just as deliberately and knowingly as they put their own children in the line of fire.
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wolrith · 22 days ago
and now hamas has announced they are delaying the hostages release until further notice, a blatant cancellation of the signed ceasefire treaty. Make no mistake, this is not a valid means of negotiations, nor is it a retaliation to whatever the fuck they made up.
this is about three factors; psychological terrorism, as hamas repeatedly tried to do, as they pummel the israeli public with shocking announcements and disheartening rituals, like the barbarism displayed at the hostage exchanges.
two, now that they've seized the netzarim corridor, they essentially got what they wanted in their smuggling of ammunition to the north, and the, essentially, blitzkrieg of civilians being sent back to the ruins in the north to make the IDF's job impossible and costly in casualties as they try to avoid the human shield.
three, the bibas family. we've seen the conditions our hostages came back, grown men who've lost half their weight and came back skeletons reminiscent of holocaust survivors. they dont want to admit they killed two infants and their mother in captivity, or they cant find their bodies, or they don't want to give them back if they are alive. the first ceasefire broke down over Hamas violations, when they refused at the last minute to release the bibas family and instead broke down negotiations and started firing rockets.
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of the four pictured, only the father returned. kfir, ariel and shiri are all still in captivity, dead or alive, held by hamas like playing cards. and once again they refuse to let them go.
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gingerswagfreckles · 11 days ago
Will literally anybody at all see those murdered kids' faces and start speaking up. Everyone in my life tries to tell me the whole world doesn't hate us, that the "silent majority" is with us. But what fucking use is a silent majority? If literally nothing at all whatsoever can get them to stop being silent?
Babies were murdered and your peers excuse it and celebrate the organization that killed them and held a party as they handed over their corpses. And this "silent majority" won't even reblog a post about it, on the off chance that they get blocked by their violently antisemitic tumblr mutuals on a completely anonymous microblogging website. If that is the extent of the moral backbone of the "silent majority," what fucking use is it? People can bring up every excuse in the world for not taking this or that action or not talking about this or that particular thing, but the fact of the matter is that if you literally never push back against bigotry in any situation at all no matter how low the stakes are, you are completely indistinguishable from a bigot and what's "in your heart" is less than worthless.
What's inside only matters because of what it makes you do. Anything else is a fantasy we tell ourselves to hide from the reality of who we really are.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 10 days ago
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wanderrnest · 11 days ago
People actually be seeing the sick ceremony of this death eaters cult returning the remains of two infant, their mother and a 85 year old peace activist in coffins, parading them and putting them of a stage decorated with morbid AI images to the sound of music and people cheering and be like "yes, this is the people i stand with" and then pat their own back for being so moral. it's not to late to wake up to the fucking reality
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loki-god-of-mischief-13 · 12 days ago
I never knew the Bibas family but,
When I look at the pictures of Kfir and Ariel I see my little brother when he was their ages.
I see a baby I know who’s only a little younger than Kfir.
I see the kids I teach in Ariel, he looks like he could have very well fit in that class.
I see the faces my mom and moms I know on Shiri.
The Jewish population isn’t large, but we are so connected. It’s something gentiles may not understand. I feel connected to Jews who I haven’t even met. When I look at the faces of the people taken or killed by Hamas I see my cousins in them grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, I see my brothers in them, I see my Jewish friends and I see myself in them.
I am filled with so much anger, but mostly grief and sadness.
On October 7th the Nova festival, a sight I went to, it was one of the biggest attacks that day, it was a musical festival for peace. Some people there were working to try to bring peace to Israel and Palestine, they were part of charities and groups. It was Simchat Torah a happy festival, but it ended in tragedy, with many of those advocating for peace killed or kidnapped.
I do not hate Palestinians, I do not wish death on civilians, I want peace. I want this war to end, for the people to come home, peace and safety for both Israel and Palestine. Even though this is a sad day, I have hope, I have hope for the two state solution and for peace
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aestariiwilderness · 5 days ago
For Shiri, Ariel, and Kfir:
To anyone who says they are "pro-Palestinian": First off, your premise is flawed from the beginning, as there's never been a real Palestine (and the region referred to as Palestine -- the name itself a remnant of forcible Roman colonization of ancient Israel -- and the people referred to as Palestinian were, up to less than 70 years ago, the Israelis themselves, prior to Israel's refounding as a nation). Saying the Jews colonized "Palestine" and in so doing "killed Palestinians" (didn't happen, and Palestine has still never been an actual nation) and so somehow they deserve all this horror 70 years later is roughly as stupid as saying the Native Americans colonized America and killed a bunch of mermaids to do so. So there's that. Secondly: To those who say they are pro-Palestinian: To those who say "think of innocent Gazan civilians" and don't mention the innocent Israeli civilians kidnapped and murdered and raped and burned alive by those same "innocent" Gazan civilians: To those who accept anything Hamas or the mainstream media says as fact: To those who have the safety and the distance and the cushioned apathy to think they see a lovely high ground to preach their own superiority from -- stepping daintily over two terribly small corpses as they climb up there -- and to say "there's wrongs on both sides": To anyone who still thinks the "two-state solution" is any kind of a moral option, let alone a practical one: To anyone who says anything less today than "I support Israel in her fight against terrorism, genocidal hatred, and barbarity": All I have to say is this: Curl around your young children. Put your hand over their heart. Feel the beat underneath their ribs. Feel their little breaths in their little lungs. They are warm. They snuffle and snort at you. They sneeze all over your device screen. They babble incomprehensible things at you. They put their little elbows in all the worst places. You love them. Without them, life is worse than empty.
Curl around them. Feel them breathe. Listen to their hearts. See how whole and perfect they are.
Now. If you can. Close your eyes. See your precious little one in that little black coffin. Put Hamas propaganda pamphlets all over what's left of them. And imagine someone keeping your baby, your heart, in darkness for 500 days and sending it back broken, crushed, and in a casket, to music and singing and dancing in the streets. Think of your child's corpse being paraded through a jeering crowd that congratulates itself on killing a Jew who never could have fought back. Think of knowing that they were taken from you and murdered; think of knowing that they died alone, in pain, in fear, in the dark, away from you, and there was nothing you could have done about it. Now. Open your eyes. Curl around your young children. Thank God that they're alive. And have the decency to be quiet.
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