#Seventh FoE Academy
gallifreyanhotfive · 4 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 52
Sorry for the long wait! I got a bit distracted with the new series...
The biofields on Gallifrey are so active that they can keep non-Gallifreyans young. For example, Leela had not aged even after 25 years on Gallifrey. (Audio: Spirit)
The Tenth Doctor recalled that Jamie McCrimmon used to hide the Second Doctor's recorder from him. (Comic: The Forgotten)
The TARDIS chose a name for herself but never told anyone (including the Doctor) what it was. (Short story: Toy Story)
By some accounts, the First Doctor was unaware of Sol prior to running away from Gallifrey. On the other hand, Susan had learned about the solar system and the planet Earth in the classes she took on spatial cartography. (Audio: The Beginning)
The Forge salvaged a Gallifreyan sarcophagus, which is a type of hibernation unit. When the Seventh Doctor, Ace, and Hex opened it, they found an older version of the Doctor inside. (Audio: A Death in the Family)
The Seventh Doctor kept a calendar keeping track of when his friends would die, which is how he knew about Evelyn. (Audio: A Death in the Family)
The Third Doctor possessed an obedience spray. When he used it, he could make people follow his orders. (Comic: Undercover)
The First Doctor used to skip class at the Academy to practice juggling and yo-yoing. (Novel: Match of the Day)
John Smith - an amnesiac Decayed Master - once treated the Seventh Doctor, removing his clothes after they had been charred by a lightning strike and wrapping him in wet towels to ease the pain. Feeling that the Doctor could help restore his memories, John Smith fell into a reverie next to the Doctor and forgot about his other guests at the time. He gave the Doctor water when he woke up and warned him not to move because of the physical trauma he had gone through. (Audio: Master)
When a Time Lord truly goes mad, a part of their mind becomes lost, referred to as Dark Design. This unleashes the dark part of their minds. Those affected by Dark Design are hidden away in institutions. (Novel: Falls the Shadow)
This Dark Design is a true evil within the very DNA of Time Lords. While unaffected Time Lords effectively stabilize space-time, a Time Lord suffering from Dark Design might have the effect of changing the future and the past like a virus. (Novel: The Infinity Doctors)
Dark Design is a lot more intense than Time Lord Insanity and enters mental spaces unfathomable to other species. (Novel: SLEEPY)
Omega was affected by Dark Design and as a result was able to summon an embodiment of his dark side. (Short story: A History of the Universe; TV: The Three Doctors)
The Seventh Doctor had met no sufferers of Dark Design native to his time. However, he knew of possible futures where he would become affected. (Novel: Falls the Shadow)
The above points are particularly interesting when you take into account several incidents in DW Canon. For one, the Master said, "There is some evil in all of us, Doctor, even you. The Valeyard is an amalgamation of the darker sides of your nature, somewhere between your twelfth and final incarnation, and I may say you do not improve with age." Furthermore, the Doctor’s dark side was once again manifested later on as the Dream Lord. There was an additional manifestation of the Doctor’s darkness (or, the weak, insecure, lonely aspect) somewhat dormant in the Sixth's subconsciousness. (TV: The Ultimate Foe, Amy's Choice; Audio: The Widow's Assassin)
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ephemeralove · 1 year
(Strangely enough, his is not the first page in her journal. It comes after not only Kris, but Rody, Luke, and Gordin -- all of the original members of the Seventh Platoon (chronology separates Cecille from the others), as though she had been putting off writing it as long as she could. As with Kris, the page has turned soft at the corners, though it retains more of its original crispness toward the middle. It gives the impression of a page looked at often, but with great care.)
Marth Marius Lowell. 19. January 21st. Prince of Altea. King of the United Kingdom of Archanea
(Then, made to fit between this and the rest of the page:)
He and Kris are attending The Officer's Academy in Fódlan. Summer... Blue Lions
Hero of the War of Shadows. Slayed the Shadow Dragon and the Dark Pontifex. Has a great number of allies, including Emperor Hardin and Empress Nyna. Supposedly adept with the sword and quick on his feet. Known for bringing friend and foe alike beneath his banner.
(Beneath this is a great mess of ink; under the light, there are many slight grooves in the paper's surface and some warping at odd points here and there, indicative of some blotting and words very ferociously scratched out. Some grooves are jagged, but most are crisp and in line with the box she drew later to cover up the words more cleanly. Some other, smaller blots nearby only just spill past the edges. If you happened to be someone who knew your knight well, you might just be able to imagine her panic at how 'unsightly' the great mass of dark ink looks on the page, judging by the way she tried to 'save' it by attempting to turn it into a cute cat. Unfortunately, it is still very obviously only a cat-shaped box, and a mildly ugly one at that. Its fluffy tail devolves into a despondent squiggle at the end -- a poignant conclusion to a harrowing tale of a girl who tried and failed to cross something out in pen.)
Haven't gotten to meet him. Well-spoken from afar. Well-liked. The people in his service are kind. Met him today. Just as well-spoken as he appears. Kind. Reassuring. Asked us to become royal guards. Somehow gained his trust... ...Kris was really happy. Together... ...I don't want our training to end.
(The next line is written a bit heavily, though for once the writing is immaculate, bereft of any inkblots and the hesitation that portended them; it is clear she took great care to write it well.)
"Until now, you've only followed orders, never thinking for yourself. But that's going to change now. You will think for yourself, and find your own answer. That is my punishment to you." Atone with my life, not my death.
(Following this, as seems to be the norm for her journal nowadays, she has made note of various things. Predictably there are likes and dislikes, as well as gift ideas... but if one were to turn the page, they might find a smattering of ideas humbly scrawled toward a bottom corner of its back-- chief among them being simply the word 'tactician?')
Similarly to Kris, Marth is a singular existence to Katarina as well (it's almost like those guys are two halves of the same whole or smth...crazy), though he occupies a much different place in her heart. There's a part of her that essentially reveres him for not only allowing her to live, but forgiving her and welcoming her back home after everything. Not only this, but he has always held fast to his ideals, has always stood for what he believes is right, and treats others with such kindness and empathy -- in many ways he is a paragon of the person she wishes she could have been. Most importantly of all, however, is the punishment he gave to her. That was the point in which she knew he understood her and wanted the best for her. He understood her, accepted and forgave her, but he did not absolve her of her sins. She recognizes full well that his punishment was delivered in such a way that she might grow, and it touches her more than she can put into words.
Her loyalty to him is absolute -- unbreakable (ironic as that may sound). Part of this is because in some ways, he's the means through which she acts out her atonement: the person he is to the world is precious and irreplaceable, just as his ideals guide those around him to be better people, and guide the people of Archanea as a whole toward light, toward hope. He is fair, kind, and just, and never misplaces his heart. For this alone he is exceedingly worthy of her respect and fealty, but the other part is that... well, he's her friend. Err... Sort of. Never in a hundred thousand billion trillion years would she ever dare to say that because how dare she! But for what it's worth, he really is. He is one of the first people she thinks of in all things not because he's her liege, but because he notices the small things about her and knows when to mark them with worry or with a smile; because he teases her sometimes, and though she panics so easily and never knows how to react, it makes her happy that he does; because he is kind and good to her; because he and his Altea are her home.
She adores him and does her best to protect him and his ideals, though her vision of protecting him involves taking on the more painful or unsavory burdens if she must. It might be ironic or just downright foolish, but she would make use of all the worst parts of herself to cut away even just a few thorns from his path; she can rest easy in this conviction because she knows he is the sort of person who would never ask her to. And that's why she would.
He's also notably pretty much the only person aside from Kris that she might truly relax around, though that takes a little more work as she's rather conscious of their stations and always does her utmost to afford him the proper respect. (She is opening up more to people such as Caeda and Kurthnaga of late though!) [waves my hand] All those typical knightly factors definitely come into play, but in the end, she's very attached to the way their relationship is now, which is definitely, absolutely not akin to a friendship. >vo)v
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daughter-of-time · 2 years
Who is Ace?
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Dorothy Gale McShane, better known by her nickname "Ace", was a companion to the Seventh Doctor. At his side she faced the Doctor's greatest foes including the Cybermen, the Master, and the Daleks - who she famously beat up with a baseball bat!
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Before she met the Doctor, she lived in Perivale, West London. A reckless teenager, she was extremely clever and had a passion for chemistry, but due to many traumatic experiences during her childhood and the resulting anger she felt towards the world around her, she didn't pass her exams.
When she was just 17, while experimenting with explosives in her bedroom, she accidentally created a Time Storm and transported to Iceworld, on the planet Svartos in the far future.
With no way to get back home, she worked there as a waitress in an ice cream parlour, where she would eventually meet the Doctor, who she often called Professor.
When current companion Mel Bush left the TARDIS at the end of the serial, the Doctor offered Ace the opportunity to join him. Ace, who had been fired after dumping a milkshake over a rude customer's head, jumped at the chance and never looked back.
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The Seventh Doctor took his role as her teacher extremely seriously, often taking her places in order to face the demons of her past. He could be very cruel, yet Ace was fiercely loyal and very protective of her best friend. Despite his manipulative behaviour, he cared very deeply for her, and hoped that she could learn and grow to be the confident and empowered person he knew she could be with a little help.
Ace never stopped being a weapons expert despite the time she spent with the supposedly pacifist Doctor. He never had any qualms about asking Ace to use weapons on his behalf to blow up his enemies.
Ace's specialty was Nitro-9, a highly explosive bomb she created herself and stored in old silver deodorant cans in her rucksack until needed. It was lucky that Ace ignored the Doctor's warnings about carrying her homemade explosives - even when he expressly forbade it - as she often needed to use them to get out of a sticky situation or two.
Unfortunately, Ace's run was cut short as series 26 was the last of the classic era. It ended with a voice over from the Doctor as he and Ace walked back to the TARDIS for more adventures that sadly would never be broadcast. This was the last time she'd appear on screen until The Power of the Doctor, over 30 years later.
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She's the only companion whose departure was never definitely established on the show. Whilst the Seventh Doctor is in the Television Movie, in which he regenerates into the Eighth Doctor, he no longer has a companion with him.
If the show had been renewed for another series, it would've seen Ace leave the Doctor's side to enrol in the academy on Gallifrey, eventually to become a Time Lord herself. But in some extended media of Ace's further adventures with the Doctor, she's killed by her own explosives or dies of old age, never having left her beloved friend.
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However, with her appearance in The Power of the Doctor, we can be glad this isn't the case. Instead, whenever or however she left the Doctor, she would go on to set up A Charitable Earth (ACE, for short!) - an idea first mentioned in the Sarah Jane Adventures episode Death to the Doctor.
Extended media has Ms McShane as CEO of the global organisation that champions change in young people across the word. Despite this adult world of power suits and boardrooms, Ace still thinks often of the Doctor and the adventures of her youth.
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And you can bet she's still fighting injustices, whether they're human or alien.
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
So...I realized that about a year and a half before Echoes of Oblivion, where you go through Satele Shan’s minsdcape to heal her (among other things)..there are a few chapters in The Eternal Wrath where Lana and Viri go through Viri’s mindscape to heal her. In that case it had nothing to do with Valkorion directly, they were healing the damage left from the fact that Viri had five different very strong Force ghosts involuntarily squatting in her brain, and as we know from the Sith Inquisitor story, Force Walking hurts a person on a good day.  Excerpt:
”Viri, sit here. Lana, sit next to her. You need to recite this incantation, exactly as written,” Suvia says, handing Viri a piece of parchment. “It’s written out because datapads short out in here. We found that out the hard way before.” ”HK, hold onto my datapad, and Viri’s, too,” Lana says, handing the device over. “Please wait for us outside.” Viri takes the piece of parchment and studies the High Sith incantation. “So I say this, and…” ”And you’ll take this torch and light the cauldron in front of you. These seeds need to go in the cauldron when you get to line seven. Inhale the fumes and don’t resist when they send you to sleep. Lana, you’ll be able to follow Viri into her dream state and help, but you need to remember that you’re there as a second. She has to take the lead.” ”Understood,” Lana says gravely. ”Can you give me any hints about what will happen in the dream state?” Suvia nods. “Count on fighting some of your most traumatic memories. And yourself. You’ll need to win. If there’s any deep dark secret you don’t want Lana to know, be warned. She’ll see everything.” “That’s fine. I have no secrets from Lana,” Viri says. “Are you ready? We’ll cover you outside the room,” Suvia says. Viri swallows hard. “Thank you for your guidance with this, Suvia. You’re literally saving my life.” ”You restored mine. It’s nothing,” Suvia says, as she leaves the chamber. “Safe travels.” Viri lights the cauldron and settles down before the fire, but hesitates. ”Don’t be afraid,” Lana says softly, rubbing her arm. “I’ll be right here with you the whole time.” Viri says nothing, but turns to embrace her. She’s shaking under her robes. ”I’ve got you. I promise.” ”I love you,” Viri whispers. “Thank you for coming with me.” ”I’d do nothing less,” Lana says. “I love you, Viri. You can do this. You’re the fucking Wrath, damn it.” Viri laughs outright, takes a deep breath, and begins to recite the High Sith incantation. When she reaches the seventh line, she tosses the seeds into the flames. A blue haze begins to fill the room, and both Lana and Viri feel their eyelids becoming heavier and heavier. As Lana slides into unconsciousness, she reaches out to Viri one more time. Safest travels, my love. … Lana’s eyes open to stare at a black sky. Black volcanic rocks cover the ground. Hills of ash surround them. The stink of sulphur chokes the air. Lana blinks as she stands up and looks around. Viri is already battling a ghost; one that looks suspiciously like Darth Baras. Her teeth are bared and she’s railing on her former master with every bit of venom she can muster. As Baras goes down, Nomen Karr rises. And Lord Draahg. And Revan. Arcann. Vaylin. Valkorion. As Valkorion’s illusion falls, a staircase opens beneath Lana and Viri’s feet. The two women run down the steps, spiraling down into Viri’s conscious mind. Around them, people are laughing. Taunting. Accusing. Screaming. Lana hears both friends and foes, and stops short when she recognizes her own voice, and Viri’s, among the cacophony. Every trauma Viri has ever experienced is spilling over them in waves, and tears run down Lana’s cheeks. The stairs lead to a long corridor with open doors, and Viri peers through each of them, seemingly searching for something. ”What – who – are we looking for?” Lana gasps, trying to keep pace with Viri. ”Her,” Viri says, and keeps running.
At the end of the corridor, the two women stop short. A closed door, locked with numerous chains and electric barriers, lurks in an alcove. The void is stronger here. “This is the only door that’s still closed. Is this what we need?” Lana asks. Viri goes pale and backs up. “I can’t go in there.” ”It’s your own mind. Can’t you go where you want?” Viri shakes her head. “Not there. Never there.” Lana sighs. “Do you mind if I have a peek, then?” ”You know I can’t let you go in alone, in case it’s dangerous,” Viri sighs, and heads for the door. “No!” The voice is neither Lana nor Viri’s, but that of a child. A young girl, wearing the uniform robes of the Corellia Sith Intermediate Academy, darts in front of them. Viri. Lana recognizes her instantly. She appears to be eleven, twelve – somewhere in the nebulous preteen age range – and her curly hair is pulled back in a tight bun. A well-used practice blade is strapped to her back. “Vee?” Viri asks in disbelief, staring down at the child. “I don’t know who you are, or why you’re here, but I suggest you go away.” Vee’s eyes flash. Her voice is high and squeaky; Lana has to resist the urge to smile. “And that nickname isn’t yours to use.” ”It’s one of the things your parents call you,” Viri says. ”Yes, and you’re not my parent.” Vee crosses her arms. “Get the hell out of here.” ”Nope,” Viri tells the girl. “Sorry to break the news to you, but I have final authority over this mind. It belongs to me.” ”How dare you tell me I don’t know my own mind!” Vee snaps, drawing her practice blade. ”Oh, put it away, Dragoi,” Viri rolls her eyes and bats the blade out of Vee’s hand. “You’re impossible. Don’t you recognize me?” Vee falters. “You look like me, but…” Viri kneels down and looks into her eyes. “You like girls and boys, but are attracted to none, and that confuses you. You like girls far more, and that’s totally okay. You love your mom and dad more than anything and you’re so proud of their work. You miss Naboo. You go to work with your mom on the weekends, and your favorite animals are sleen and jaggalors. You hate peas. You walk into walls a lot. You got in trouble for dyeing your school robes blue and purple. You’re really happy you’re growing so tall. You—“ Vee stares at her. “You’re me.” ”Yes, I am. I need to get into that room and see whatever we’ve locked away.” “No. You won’t like that room.” ”I’m sure I won’t,” Viri says dryly. “But I still need to go in. Do you have the key?” ”Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Vee sighs, and reaches into her pocket. She hands Viri a stack of keys. ”Which one opens this door?” Viri says, confused. ”All of them. It can’t get out.” ”You locked it up as tightly as you could, didn’t you?” Viri says softly. “It must have really scared you.” Vee puts her chin in the air. “I am to be Sith. Sith do not let their fear rule them. They channel it.” ”You’ve learned your Sith Code, that’s for sure,” Viri smiles as she starts unlocking the door. ”You’re really going in there? Force, no! No! Don’t make me hear it!” Vee screams, covering her ears. ”You don’t have to,” Viri says, conjuring memories of a few of her favorite pets. “I’ll be going in with my wife. You can stay out here with the sleen.” ”Good,” Vee says, running to the animals. “I’ll be over here. If you die in there, don’t blame me.” ”I won’t,” Viri says, and as the final lock falls away, she catches Lana’s eye. ”In we go,” Lana says gravely, grabbing Viri’s hand as they walk through the door. ***
”Viri, we’ve been through the entire fortress,” Lana gasps. “We’ve been here for hours. Who are we looking for?” Viri crouches down and puts her head in her hands. “Myself.” “We’ve run into six versions of Vee here. Three of your adolescent selves. The apprentice. The Wrath. Which memory of you do we still need to find?” ”The one who was – wait. Yes. That’s where we need to go.” Viri pushes on the stones of the corridor, and they fall away. Before them, a platform with a long staircase with a throne looms. ”This is where she was,” Viri explains. “Where she told me to go, when Valkorion shattered my mind. She had absorbed the holocron, so I could find it here. But now she’s – “ "Viri, I'm lost." "Okay. Sorry. Remember when Valkorion seized my mind, and tried to kill my soul? When I was in my own mind, fighting that battle, a version of myself was coaching me along. She told me where to go and what to do. I wouldn't have remembered the holocron otherwise; I was too scattered. But she vanished as soon as I found the holocron and started to fight Valkorion." Lana looks around. “And you think she’s still here?” ”I know she is,” Viri says, searching around the throne. “I feel her here. You take this side; I’ll take this one. We need to find her.” Lana shakes her head, but begins searching the platform. There are signs of a fierce battle – blood, hair that looks suspiciously like Viri’s, pieces of broken armor – but a pale, motionless hand, barely visible behind a rock, makes her scream. ”Viri! Over here!” Viri vaults over the rocks and picks up herself. The version of Viri who lives in her mindscape is battered, bruised and barely alive. Her armor is shredded and her shoulders and arms are bare. ”I’m sorry,” Viri says. “It took us a while to get here.” Mindscape Viri smiles faintly, but is in too much pain to talk. ”Valkorion took a lot out of her – of us. She used every bit of energy she had to help me survive.” Viri strokes her face. ”How do we help her?” Lana asks, kneeling down next to them. ”We heal her, and bring her someplace safe,” Viri says, closing her eyes. The mindscape Viri begins to glow as healing energy surrounds her. Lana puts one hand on each Viri’s back and adds her own mending powers to theirs. Viri rises, carrying her mindscape double in her arms. “She needs to get out of this room. And this room…all of it…needs to go. We’ve already cleaned Valkorion’s damage out of the rest of my mind. This is the last of it.” ”Do you need my help?” Lana asks. ”No, just hold her,” Viri says, passing the double to Lana. “I think I need to do this on my own.” ”May the Force serve you.” ”It will,” Viri says with a smile, marshalling her power and shoving it at the throne. The room explodes around them as Viri attacks it, reducing the platform, steps and throne to dust, and then to nothing. Lana gasps as the ground beneath her disappears, leaving nothing in its wake. ”You’ve got a big block of…well…nothing…here, Viri…” Lana says uncertainly, but in the next moment, the ground around her materializes again. She’s on a lush green lawn, near a waterfall and a small, but beautiful, house. ”Give her back to me,” Viri says, taking her double back from Lana. She walks toward the house. ”No, put me down…let me feel the sun.” Viri nods and conjures a lounge chair for her double, before setting her down gently. ”You’re not trapped in that throne room now,” Viri tells her softly. “You can live here.” ”Naboo,” the mindscape double says, smiling as she looks around. “Thank you.” Viri nods, but as she looks at Lana, she begins to flicker. ”I think our time here is up, love,” Lana says, and grabs Viri’s hand again as the vision goes black. ”Yeah. We did what we needed to.” * ”Wake up.” The stones are cold against Lana’s cheek. She’s back in the Temple of Strength, the room is clear of smoke, and Viri is unconscious in front of the altar. Suvia is kneeling next to them, another torch in her hand. ”You were out for a long time,” Suvia said. ”How long?” Lana asks weakly. ”Five hours.” ”Force alive…” Lana mutters, rushing to Viri’s side. Viri’s eyes are still shadowed, but there is vitality in her face that Lana has not seen in weeks. ”Did she do what she needs to do?” ”Yes. I think so.”
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niqhtlord01 · 5 years
Humans are weird: Rallying Speeches
The fall of New Haven to the Scumull was the greatest defeat humanity had experienced since the war had begun. New Haven had been the first colony established by humanity outside their origin solar system some hundred years ago and had since then become a shinning beacon of human achievement and a nexus point connecting newly established territories to Earth.  Scumull forces launched a series of surprise attacks all along their galactic border with humanity and had wiped out several dozen colonies before word even reached Earth. By the time the fleet had gathered to retaliate the Scumull had already swept aside the orbital defenses surrounding New Haven and had begun landing a massive invasion force to secure the planet.  New Haven had a sizable defense force already on planet that fought tooth and nail for every inch of ground to halt the invaders, but the sheer size of the enemy eventually began overwhelming the human defenders until the final bastion at the governmental building in the capital city fell to the enemy.  Humanity had now been pushed back to their home system and now gathered for the final battles to come. As the Scumull fleets neared the Sol system they began intercepting transmissions from humanity. It was decided that these transmissions would be played for the invasion force to show them how feeble their foe had become.
“Sons and daughters of humanity...It goes without exaggeration that we face our greatest struggle for survival in our entire species history in the coming days.  I will not lie to you in this darkest hour. Our enemies number in the hundreds of thousands. When their soldiers march they shake the mountains with their boot falls. When their ships take to the sky they blot out the sun in their shadows.When they call out their war cries the very air itself seems to stand still. Our final bastion outside of our home system fell before we could even mount a proper response and only now are reports of what happened on that world coming in. There are those among us that say that there is no point in fighting against such odds now with our backs against the wall. I do not blame those who share this view, nor do I consider them cowards. To those out there who may feel like this I wish to read you some accounts of those that stood on New Haven.  Sergeant Markus Holland. Sergeant Holland was part of an adhoc militia unit formed in the final days of battle of New Haven. After the capital city was breached Holland found his unit cut off and surrounded by enemy forces and fell back into an indoor mall complex. For the next seven days Sergeant Holland and his unit held off repeated waves of enemy soldiers as they attempted to storm the mall and wipe them out. By the seventh day the bodies of enemy dead piled so high that it was impossible to enter the mall as every entrance was blocked. By the end of the 8th day the enemy commander had decided the fight was no longer worth an honorable struggle and leveled the entire complex with massed heavy weapon fire.  Elan Tollan. Ms. Tollan was a school nurse for New Haven Academy. Once the invasion went full swing the New Haven Academy was converted into a military hospital and the students evacuated on the first shuttle off world. Rather than join her students, Ms. Tollan volunteered to stay behind and help with the medical needs of the injured being treated at the converted hospital. When the Scumull forces stormed the hospital it was Ms. Tollan who stood in their path, unarmed and unafraid, and demanded they leave at once. This act of defiance would cost Ms. Tollan her life as the Scumull warriors she was baring through her aside and fractured her skull.  Amber Nowak. Amber Nowak was a girl of a mere thirteen years who lost her family in the opening days of the invasion. Taking her father’s hunting rifle she stalked the woods of New Haven hunting Scumull forces with her tally was 98 confirmed kills including the original Scumull invasion leader as they toured the front lines. The people of New Haven came to know her as Cień Lasu which means “Shadow of the Forest”. From what we have gathered the Scumull have claimed several times to have slain Amber Nowak, but they have yet to produce any evidence supporting the claim leading us to believe she still lives and hunts those who have wronged her family even now.  And these names are just a few of the heroes who have stood their ground against the alien menace.  Harper Lindel, a corporal who flung himself on a scatter bomb to save his fellow comrades.  Katie Pastel, a butcher that drove her clever into the Scumull soldier that tossed her child through a window after making fun of their “slug face”.  Pepper Kell, Morgan Yalton, and Qwint Felling who crewed the tank Angeles Bounty alone on the only bridge into the capital against a full two companies of enemy armor for five hours.  There are countless accounts here with me telling countless tales of sacrifice, bravery, heroism, and courage in the face of impossible odds. 
Across the stars are countless heroes that have fallen to bring us the sunrise of a brighter future;  and countless more that are fighting on to keep the flame of humanity lit as the dark void of the galaxy closes in to snuff it out.  Worlds can be taken from us, cities reduced to ash, ships left as cold broken husks floating in the void; but the human spirit to continue the fight is something that has never been broken. Not by the ravages of a universe that finds us unacceptable, not by the likes of an alien fiend, not even by our fellow man in ages long since past.  We have survived for so long not by the grace of some otherworldly being, but because we have dug our teeth and nails into the universe and refuse to let go!  So I say to those who are afraid of the coming storm to cast aside your doubts and take heart in those around you! Raise your fists to the sky and raise your voices even higher! Let our enemies know that humanity backs away from nothing! We fear nothing! Stand with me and we will remind all the enemies of man that even when we are beaten, we will never give up the fight!”
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Name: A.L.T.A.I.R
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown (Physically 18)
Affiliation: The Council (Initially) ZERO (Manipulated Subordinates), Herself
A.L.T.A.I.R was originally a being without emotions and obedient to the Council’s orders, however, she started to develop her personality and mimic human behavior. she eventually gained a callous curioisity of humans and eventually started to see the residents of Academy City as a huge laboratory.
Powers & Abilities
She is a cyborg based on the R.E.N.S.A. Project that was meant to counter Espers that intended to revolt against Academy City due to their still growing emotional development, as such she shares a lot of features similar to her: such as the default ability to freely switch between the powers of all original seven Level 5 espers and use them as if they were her own. Although she does not possess the AIM Receptor that made Rensa such a formidable foe, due to the lack of data on it's specifications during her creation. However to compensate for this, she has extra added abilities installed into the Level 5 Software Program that would put her on the same level as the original Rensa.  
Her mechanical body provides her better physical parameters than even the most elite of athletes: exerting enough force to break through reinforced steel at full power; speed and agility rivaling a prime cheetah; and unlimited stamina and skin with the durability of a rhino's tough skin. She is also fitted with an internalized computation processing unit that provides her with computation abilities that rival Accelerator. Her eyes are fitted with a Heads-Up Display that can analyze data of her surroundings, and perceive the world in a computer like fashion, similar to a Terminator's vision.
Level 5 Software Program 
The Level 5 Software Program (超能力者の計算器 Chōnōryokusha no Kesanki, lit. Level 5 Computer) is the default software program that holds the digitized data of the original seven Level 5 powers and installed into Faith, allowing her to freely switch between said Esper Powers of Accelerator, Kakine Teitoku, Misaka Mikoto, Mugino Shizuri, Shokuhou Misaki, Aihana Etsu and Sogiita Gunha as if they were her own. Since Altair was inspired by Rensa, this is a sure added feature. However to compensate for the missing AIM Receptor that was present in the original Rensa, the esper powers of the Level 5 Candidates were also digitized and installed into the Level 5 Software Program Code. With the digitized data of the Espers, she is able to rewire and reconfigure the insides of her body to replicate the Esper she wants to replicate.
With all of the seven Level 5 powers combined, she has displayed incredible finesse and creativity combining the seven powers together to form powerful techniques. Such as using Dark Matter to recreate the physical bodies of the original seven Level 5's; using Accelerator and Railgun to generate dangerous amounts of Plasma; using Railgun to increase the control over Meltdowner's linear attacks, curving them whereas before it would only be shot in one direction; and recreated Accelerator's black wings using Dark Matter. Arguably surpassing the total force of all the seven original Level 5's.
Accelerator (一方通行 Ippō Tsūkō, lit. One-Way Road): Accelerator is based on Vector Transformation, that allows him to control vectors (magnitude and direction) and influence objects that have vectors such as bullets, heat, and electricity. Altair has always favored the usage of Accelerator's abilities, seeing as how it is the strongest ability among the Level 5 data in the Software Program. In conjunction with the Computation Processing Unit inside her that rivals Accelerator's prime, she can achieve the same if not better results than the original. She can't do everything that Accelerator can do, such as his white or platinum wings, however she can replicate the Black Wings using Dark Matter.  
Dark Matter (未元物質 Migen Busshitsu, lit. Unknown Matter): Dark Matter allows Altair to create and control an unknown material that she uses for a variety of actions: combat, or mundane. The material she creates defies the Laws of Physics, allowing her to achieve something theoretically impossible such as producing 25,000 different types of energy. She can use the substance and apparently shape it in any form she desires whether it be organic, inorganic, or mechanical. Due to the enhanced computation abilities the Computation Processing Unit, she has the capability to create living entities out of Dark Matter. Even humans that could use Magic or has a Personal Reality.  
Railgun (超電磁砲 Chō-Denjihō, lit. Super Electromagnetic Cannon): Railgun is the Level 5 variant of the Electromaster esper power originally used by Misaka Mikoto. Altair has shown to have a maximum output of 1 billion volts, as well as the ability to observe and manipulate electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields with the unaided eye. Railgun under Altair's hands has slightly more applications due to the Internal CPU that is present within her. Stated by Genjiro to roughly have the same applications of Misaka Mikoto when she is at Level 5.1, although the output would still be drastically weaker due to the voltage output.
Meltdowner (原子崩し Genshi Kuzushi, lit. Atomic Destruction): Meltdowner allows Altair to forcibly control electrons in the "ambiguous" state of an electron where it is both particle and wave, and when they strike other objects the electrons are unable to react either as particle or a wave because of their state. The ability usually takes on the form of a high-speed beam of light that can easily melt through thick metal walls and cause things like refined alcohol to explode with its heat alone. With the Internal CPU, the amount of beams she can create is close to fifty and with the help of electromaster she can curve the beams or branch them out from one beam.  
Mental Out (心理掌握 Shinri Shōaku, lit. Psychological Control): Data taken from Shokuhou Misaki, Mental Out is very powerful ability involving the human mind which includes mental control, reading other people's memories, telepathy, changing a person's personality, willpower and memory destruction, revelation and transplantation of emotions,]brainwashing, and psychometry. This ability was enhanced with the data provided by Exterior and another Esper Power, Mental Stinger (心理穿孔 Shinri Senkō, lit. Psychological Perforation). Combined with the internal CPU, the applications regarding her usage of Mental Out is ten times better and far more accurate, requiring only a snap to focus her powers.
Number Seven (七番 Nanaban, lit. Seventh Number): Data taken from Sogiita Gunha using different investigation techniques than normally used for the other Level 5's. Due to the unexplained ability of the Number Seven, even Altair with her internal CPU cannot fully comprehend the powers of the Number Seven. As such, she could only use a part of the overall true power and is unable to utilize it properly. Altair however describes this ability as 'a power caused by a twisted and misunderstood sense of reasoning and logic on the microscopic world', something that Genjiro seems to understand and determines it has something to do with his eccentric personality.    
Level 5 Candidates 
The abilities of the Level 5 Candidates are added as an extra to the Level 5 Software Program to compensate for Faith not possessing the AIM Receptor that the original Rensa possessed. Like the original Level 5 powers, the esper powers of the Level 5 Candidates were recorded, digitized and installed into the Software Program to allow her to utilize their powers freely as if they were her own. Further adding to that,  her creator obtained classified information on the oldest esper to have ever been created by Academy City. Allowing Altair to even utilize her power. Just like with the original seven, she has shown the ability to merge the abilities together to form stronger techniques. Additionally, due to the internalized computation processing unit that provided Altair with intelligence rivaling the First-Ranked Level 5, she is able to use the candidates powers at Level 5 power (with the exception of AIM Stalker).
Beginning Child (発祥検体 Hasshō Kentai, lit. First Child): The Beginning Child's esper ability data allows Altair to remake her surroundings into the ideal environment for the survival of a nearby living creature she designates or for herself, a sort of localized terraforming. While the original activates this ability with a roar, Altair can activate it with a snap of her fingers. The ability only affects the environment, with the surface of the ground and existing life forms not directly affected by the ability but capable of being affected the environment it creates. Kihara Kamui describes this ability as the ideal power to bring to turn the tides in a battle to her favor by applying this ability on herself.
Rampage Dress (天衣装着 Ten'i Souchaku, lit., Heavenly Garment Equipping): Rampage Dress is a Level 4 esper ability recorded and digitized from Hokaze Junko. It essentially enables her to manipulate the electrical signals in her cells to draw out further strength. This allows her to strengthen her sense of smell by increasing the sensitivity of her olfactory cells, or to perform superhuman maneuvers by boosting her muscle cells. This ability can be enhanced with the usage of Railgun, as both can control electrical signals. Due to possessing a mechanical body, this ability was modified to manipulate the electrical signals of her own mechanical body.
Telekinesis (念動力 Nendōryoku, lit. Telekinetic Force): The power of Telekinesis was originally recorded from the powers of "Maidono Hoshimi" and expanded upon by taking data from other telekinetic users, as well as it being enhanced with her internal CPU. With "Hoshimi's" data, Faith can also utilize a Level 5 destructive output using the signal slide technique. However, using the internal CPU has allowed Faith to use Telekinesis on a microscopic scale. Achieving an extra ability called Micro Structure (微細構築 Bisai Kōshiku, lit. Micro Construction). At most the weight limit she can lift using Telekinesis is 49,350,000 pounds or 22,385,000 kg (the weight of 50 jumbo jets).
Move Point (座標移動 Zahyō Idō, lit. Coordinate Movement): Digitized and taken from the Level 4, Musujima Awaki. It's a more powerful version of teleportation that can move any object to her desired destination without the use of physical contact. With the ability enhanced due the internal CPU, the ability has reached a state similar to a Level 5, allowing her to teleport objects with only a remote view of the target such as from a security camera. She has a teleportation range of 5 km and a weight limit of also 22,385,000 kg. Due to enhancement, Altair stated that she could move the world towards her', implying she can do an instant teleportation to the entire world briefly, placing her in a specified position.  
AIM Stalker (能力追跡 Nōryoku Tsuiseki, lit. Ability Tracker): One of two only ability that can't be used properly, this one was due to the data that was provided by the original Takitsubo Rikou. Like her, she has the ability to memorize and accurately lock onto an esper she has memorized in the past, allowing her to track down their AIM Diffusion Fields, and even to a certain degree overload their AIM Fields to either halt their usage of powers or let them go violently put of control. However unlike Rikou, she doesn't need to use any form of drugs such as the Ability Body Crystals to use this power, as that limitation was bypassed using the Internal Computation Processing Unit.
Micro Structure (微細構築 Bisai Kōshiku, lit. Micro Construction): Micro Structure is a sub-ability that was achieved due to the internal CPU inside her. It is the ability to manipulate microscopic particles. As the CPU provides Altair with intelligence rivaling Accelerator, their are almost endless amounts of applications that can be done using this ability. Effectively allowing Altair to control matter as a whole. The maximum limit of the microscopic control only however goes so far to molecular level, however this in itself already provides an insane amount of applications that already encompasses even Accelerator, Railgun and Meltdowner's powers.
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Possibility for a seventh FoE Academy or some such....
So...I was watching The Castle in the Sky...remembering that the name Laputa comes from Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels...and thought... Hm...two of the the Academies are underwater (Dom-Daniel and Beowulf Academy) the rest on land? With the entirety of The Russian Academy moving about on legs like Baba Yaga’s house...(hm...I wonder)... One on an eternally moving Island... Why not have one moving about the Clouds? Though...I’m not certain...if I do...there will be the questions of how it floats, how people get up there, and so on...then the question of when it was founded in relation to the others (Archimago remains the first). But for now...it’s a possibility....one to consider... Then again, might not have it be an Academy for the FoE. Could just be a thing Alyss and the Eldritch Fellows made...just because. Might relate more to the Preternatural Intelligentsia within the FoE...or could just be like a personal retreat or something for Alyss...like...Vacation...a hide out...or how she gets around instead of walking...Her own Study Cottage in the Sky...or something like that? I mean...each Academy already has a room or a handful of rooms for the Arch Overseer’s use....could have one separate... Was looking up Storm spirits. Apparently there’s a mythical land called Magonia populated by Sky Pirates or something...so that might be worth looking into...Not sure... Any of this sound interesting? Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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sebeth · 6 years
Young Justice: “Down The Rabbit Hole” and “Schooled”
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Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
 The seventh issue of Young Justice “Rabbit Holes” takes place in Gotham City on July 31st.
“My name is Artemis. And this is my life. My life. Waiting. Waiting for something to happen. For something to change. My life is a bus stop.”
Artemis is waiting at a bus stop.  Artemis’s mother, the original Huntress, has been released from prison.  The wheelchair bound woman exits the bus: “Artemis? Is that you?’
“Your father?”
“I reminded him it was today but…”
“I understand.”
I feel we should pause for an info drop on the mainstream DC universe Crock family.
In the main DC universe, Artemis Crock is the daughter of the Huntress and Sportsmaster.
Sportsmaster’s name is Lawrence Crock.  He was a Golden Age character and fought the original Green Lantern (Alan Scott), Wildcat (Ted Grant) and he was a member of the Injustice Society.
I don’t remember if the circumstances of Lawrence’s death are revealed but afterwards the Council, a mysterious criminal organization, took his remains and cloned his body numerous times to use as their enforcers.  The Council did the same thing to Paul Kirk, the second Manhunter.  I wonder if Gregg Weisman was inspired by the Council storyline – specifically its use of cloning heroes/villains – and applied it to the Light storyline? He clearly has an extensive knowledge of the DC universe. Paul Kirk’s battle with the Council was fairly well-known by Bronze Age DC fans so I could see Weisman being aware of the event.  Superboy and Guardian are the exceptions as their creation (or cloning in the Guardian’s case) was straight out of Cadmus/Return of the Superman storyline. But Roy and the attempted cloning of the YJ heroes – yeah, that’s straight out of the Council storyline.
Small spoilers for Sportsmaster-related moments in “The Golden Age” in the next two paragrapghs.
Lawrence has a small part in “The Golden Age” an elseworlds that is mandatory reading for anyone who loves the Golden Age heroes of the DC universe.  Lawrence is on a robbing spree – he is attempting to earn enough money to be able to see his daughter again.  The girl’s name isn’t mentioned but this storyline was written several years after Artemis’s creation so it could be her.
Sadly, Lawrence will never see his daughter again as he sacrifices his life to save a little girl from being murdered by the main bad guy. I’m intentionally not mentioning said villain’s name because it’s the main bombshell of the series.  If you haven’t read it – 1) read it and 2) Don’t go looking for spoilers before you do.
Paula Brooks was the original Huntress of the DC Universe. She was a frequent foe of Wildcat and the Justice Society.  Paula’s romance with Sportsmaster might have been one of the earliest villain-villain romances in comics.  
Paula had a notable one on one fight with Helena Wayne: Golden Age-Huntress vs Silver/Bronze Age-Huntress!
Post-Crisis, Roy Thomas retconned Paula’s past and had her be the heroic Tigress, a member of the Young All-Stars, before she later turned to a life of crime. Paula idolized Paul Kirk and had him sponsor her admittance into the All-Star Squadron. Paula’s reasons for turning “evil” were never explained – possibly she fell in love with Sportsmaster and fell from grace as a result? It was long rumored/theorized that Paula had a fling with Wildcat (Ted Grant) and a child resulted from that union. A child that he remained unaware of.  Wildcat’s long-lost children rumor was later brought into the JSA series – unfortunately, Paula wasn’t the mother of either boy.
Artemis grew up in her parent’s footsteps.  She used her real name, “Artemis” as her criminal alias. She joined “Injustice Unlimited”, a group consisting of the children of the Injustice Society, and battled Infinity Inc.
Artemis began a relationship with the latest Icicle.  Side-note: Geoff Johns made Icicle a very sympathetic character who came very close to turning into a “hero”.
Artemis would later marry Icicle and give birth to their son.
In another “like mother, like daughter” moment, Artemis would later change her alias to “Tigress” due to another character with the same name becoming more popular than the original.  The writers changed Paula from the Huntress to the Tigress due to the creation of Helena Wayne/Bertinelli.  Artemis would become Tigress due to the debut of Artemis in the Wonder Woman series.
Artemis and her mother are changed to half-Asian and Asian in the Young Justice universe due to an addition to the family that is not cannon in the main DC universe.  But we’ll talk about Cheshire later.
Back to the issue…
We establish the length of Paula’s prison sentence when she states dinner is better “than I’ve had in the last six years.”
Artemis is around 15/16 years old in the first season. Paula’s imprisonment occurred when Artemis was 9/10 years old. We know Cheshire split soon after Paula’s imprisonment and Sportsmaster is running around as an operative for the Light…10 years old is a very young age to essentially raise yourself.
We see Artemis’s bedroom that she clearly shared with Cheshire.  It’s pretty bare bones but there are two posters on the wall – an Alice In Wonderland one and another that has a dragon/martial artist combo.
“This is my life. Preparing for a battle that never comes. What I wouldn’t give for a rabbit hole to tumble into.”
Artemis’ ruminations are interrupted by Sportsmaster’s return.  Lawrence calls out “Daddy’s home” and then realizes Paula is in the house.
“Oh, yeah…Paula. Forgot you were coming home.”
“Overjoyed to see you too, lover.”
Yep, the bloom is definitely off this romance.
“I meant to visit.”
“Even a postcard would have been nice.  Artemis wrote once a week.”
“She did? You’re kiddin’.”
“Stop rolling your eye. It’s all that got me through.”
“Look, the way the game played out.  It could have been either of us.”
“But it wasn’t.  I took the falls.  Both falls.  I did the time.  But I’m back now.  And Artemis is my priority.”
The conversation establishes Paula’s injury and paralysis occurred in their final heist.  I wish we had more details – did it happen while battling a hero or the cops?  Was the injury caused by a fall, a bullet?
Paula kept quiet about Sportsmaster’s involvement – was it due to love for her husband or the desperate desire for the girls to have one free parent while she was imprisoned?
Paula continues “I lost one daughter while I was gone.  I won’t lose the other.  I need to set some ground rules, Lawrence.”
“Six years you’re away and now you’re taking over? While you were gone, I raised her, trained her, toughened her up!”
Did Paula participate in the girls training before she was imprisoned?  Probably not Artemis but possibly Cheshire?  Maybe not with the goal of training future criminals but in general self-defense?  Paula didn’t fall off the criminal bandwagon until her paralysis and imprisonment – did she want the girls to follow in her footsteps before that?
“I’m giving up the life. You have to give it up too.”
“Or else what?”
“Or else you’re out of here.”
“Then I guess I’m out but, Baby, you’re kiddin’ yourself if you think you can save Artemis from the life. She’s one of us.”
Lawrence is both right and wrong in that statement. Also, way to fight for your marriage and family, Lawrence!
I said the Crocks’ apartment is pretty bare bones.  Lawrence is clearly not putting money into their home.  Is Sportsmaster hiding it away to avoid suspicion?  The Light would have to pay Sportsmaster some serious money for his time. I’m assuming Lawrence is hiding the majority of the money is an anonymous bank account.  Pretty sure if he spent big money on his home and possessions any local cops, federal agents, and heroes would make inquiries on how he obtained it.
Speaking of local heroes…it’s pretty ballsy of Lawrence to have the family located in Gotham City. Batman’s pretty snoopy, “World’s Greatest Detective” etc.  Batman isn’t like most heroes – he can and will track down all of their known hideouts and locations.  Lawrence has to have a supreme confidence in himself to live in Gotham City. Particularly as he is one of the main operatives for the Light.
Batman has to be aware of the Crocks – he is one of the main sponsors for Artemis’s admission into Young Justice and the Gotham Academy.  Yet Bruce doesn’t appear to have any knowledge of Sportsmaster’s connection to the Light.
Artemis, having overheard her parents’ conversation, decides “This is my life.  I’m not waiting anymore.”
Artemis throws on her costume and heads out into the night to fight crime. She spends the nights of July 31st to August 2nd stopping a variety of crimes.
The fifth episode of Young Justice, “Schooled”, opens in Metropolis on August 3rd.  A bridge suffers a physical defect causing multiple crashes and cars heading over the side.
Bruce, watching from a nearby building, presumably in Metropolis and not Gotham City, hits a switch to reveal the Batman suit.  
The location of Metropolis varies from continuity to continuity or the media.  Sometimes it’s in Delaware, sometimes it’s across the bay from Gotham City, other times it’s near Smallville – which is located in Kansas.
To sum up:
Gotham City – New Jersey
Young Justice HQ – Happy Harbor, Rhode Island
Metropolis – Wherever the writers want it to be.
I don’t like the “bay” approach as it puts Metropolis too close to New York City in the DC universe. One of my main enjoyments of the DC universe is the heroes are spread out across the United States as opposed to the 95% are located in New York City, 4% percent in Los Angeles, and 1% elsewhere route of Marvel Comics.
The near Kansas approach is ridiculous as I can recall that took place around ocean docks.  Kansas – and the Midwest in general – has a notable lack of oceans.
Delaware is the best location for Metropolis.  It has ocean access and enough geographical distance between other heroes’ bases of operations.  Look, Batman may tell other heroes to “stay out of his city” but there is no way he wouldn’t be interfering in Superman’s business if they were essentially neighbors. Yes, it’s hypocritical, and no, Batman doesn’t care.
Back to Metropolis where Bruce is witnessing the impending destruction from a Wayne Enterprises building – let’s assume he’s in town on business.
Bruce is about to change when he sees Superman head for the bridge.  Superman is better equipped to handle the bridge repair.  Clark braces the bridge and begins welding repairs with his heat vision.
Superboy leaps onto the bridge and hauls listing cars back onto the bridge.  Bruce witnesses the situation from the Wayne Enterprises building.  He decides to sit the crisis out as the Supers have it handled.
Superboy is not happy with Superman interfering with his rescue of the bus.
“I had that.”
“I didn’t want to take the chance.  As it is, your landing could have destabilized the entire bridge.”
“It didn’t.”  
“But it could have. We don’t yet know the limits of your powers.”
“Well, maybe you could, you know, help me figure that out.”
“Batman’s got that covered.”
“Yeah.  I know, but…”
“Superman.  Wait, Arrow.  Slow down. What’s attacking?  No, I’m definitely available.  Coordinates? Acknowledged.  On my way.  Sorry, Super…boy.  Duty calls.”
“Already got the alert, Bruce.”
“I know, Clark, but we need to talk.”
The scene is both heartbreaking and frustrating.  Conner is so desperate for a connection with Clark.  Metropolis is not Conner’s home base.  So why was he in Metropolis? Was he visiting the Guardian and company at Cadmus? Or was he strolling the streets hoping to chance upon Superman?  
Dick would be the only member of Young Justice to be aware of Superman’s secret identity but I doubt he would tell Conner. Cadmus is completely unaware of Superman’s real name so hoping for a chance encounter would be Conner’s only option for contact.
Conner is quickly switching from heartbreak to anger as indicated by his expressions.  Conner’s anger is justified – he hasn’t done anything wrong and surely didn’t ask to be created/made into a weapon.  Conner’s situation is similar to an adopted child attempting to make contact with their birth parents.
Clark…it’s time to put on your big boy pants and deal with Conner.  I cut you some slack in the immediate aftermath – it was a shocking revelation and violation of genentic material but a man who can halt alien invasions, handle erupting volcanos, and go one-on-one with Darkseid can deal with a confused child.
I’m curious on how the scene would have continued without Green Arrow’s interruption.  Clark was hedging (“Batman’s got that covered) but he didn’t immediately flee out of terror like he did in the second episode.
Finally, Bat-dad is watching and he is not happy.  You’re in trouble, Superman.  Bruce knows all about children conceived without your consent – his experience involved a drugged sexual violation – and he accepted Damian.  So, no, Bruce isn’t going to accept any excuses.
I’m going to break this post into two parts as I’ve typed up six pages and we still have over 20 minutes of the episode to go along with a few pages of the issue.
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yngwrthr · 6 years
“At the beginning the new government treated its opponents very mildly; but it quickly learned the cost of such behaviour. The military cadets that the Bolsheviks had released on parole from the Winter Palace on 26 October (8 November) betrayed their trust two days later and staged an uprising. Similarly mild treatment was shown to General Krasnov, which he also repaid with treason.
Victor Serge, in his book Year One of the Russian Revolution, wrote on the events in Moscow:
The Whites surrendered at 4 p.m. on 2 (15) November. ‘The Committee of Public Safety is dissolved. The White Guard surrenders its arms and is disbanded. The officers may keep the side arms that distinguish their rank. Only such weapons as are necessary for practice may be kept in the military academies ... The MRC [Military Revolutionary Committee] guarantees the liberty and inviolability of all.’ Such were the principal clauses of the armistice signed between Reds and Whites. The fighters of the counter-revolution, butchers of the Kremlin, who in victory would have shown no quarter whatever to the Reds ... went free.
Serge comments:
Foolish clemency. These very Junkers, these officers, these students, these socialists of counter-revolution, dispersed themselves throughout the length and breadth of Russia and there organised the civil war. The revolution was to meet them again, at Iaroslav, on the Don, at Kazan, in the Crimea, in Siberia and in every conspiracy nearer home. [26]
These were the early days of revolutionary innocence. The morning after the October insurrection, on Kamenev’s initiative and in Lenin’s and Trotsky’s absence, the death penalty was abolished. When Lenin learned about this first piece of legislation he was very angry. ‘How can one make a revolution without firing squads? Do you think you will be able to deal with all your enemies by laying down your arms. What other means of repression do you have? Imprisonment? No one attaches any importance to this during a civil war when each side hopes to win.’
‘It is a mistake,’ he went on, ‘an inadmissible weakness, a pacifist illusion’, and much more. ‘Do you really think that we shall come out victorious without any revolutionary terror?’ [27]
Trotsky too had no doubt that the revolution would have to use terror to fight the counter-revolution. ‘We shall not enter the kingdom of socialism in white gloves on a polished floor’, he told the All-Russian Congress of Peasant Deputies on 3 (16) December. [28]
On 28 October (10 November), after the suppression of the revolt of the military cadets, Sovnarkom issued a decree written by Trotsky banning the Kadet Party – the main counter-revolutionary party of the bourgeoisie:
Fully conscious of the enormous responsibility for the destiny of the people and the revolution now being placed on the soldiers of soviet power, the Council of People’s Commissars decided that the Kadet Party, being an organisation for counter-revolutionary rebellion, is a party of enemies of the people. [29]
Trotsky declared:
We have made a modest beginning with the arrest of the Kadet leaders ... In the French Revolution the Jacobins guillotined better men ... for opposing the people’s will. We have executed nobody and are not about to do so. [30]
Alas, this promise did not hold. To organise a struggle against counter-revolution, on 7 (20) December 1917, Sovnarkom established the Cheka, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission to Fight Counter-Revolution and Sabotage. At first its staff was small, its resources limited, and the few death sentences it passed were on common criminals. M.I. Latsis, a member of the Cheka in 1918, states that during the first six months of its existence the Cheka had 22 people shot. [31]
The revolutionary terror in Russia, like its predecessor during the great French revolution of 1789, was a reaction to foreign invasion and the immensity of the threat to the revolution. The Paris terror of 2 September 1793 followed the Duke of Brunswick’s proclamation threatening foreign invasion and ruthless repression of the revolution. In Russia too it was foreign invasion, starting with the victories of the Czechoslovak troops over the Red Army in 1918, that threatened the greatest danger to the Soviet Republic. On 20 June the popular Bolshevik orator, Volodarsky, was assassinated by counter-revolutionaries. On 30 August an attempt was made on Lenin’s life. He was badly wounded and for a few days was in a critical condition. Another Bolshevik leader, Uritsky, the president of the Petrograd Cheka, was murdered. The Red Terror was unleashed in retaliation. On 2 September 500 hostages were shot in Petrograd.
Whereas between September 1917 and June 1918 the Cheka had executed 22 people, in the second half of 1918 more than 6000 executions took place. [32] In the three years of civil war, 1918-20, 12,737 people were shot. [33]
Compared with the White Terror, however, the Red Terror was mild. Thus in Finland alone, in April 1918, between 10,000 and 20,000 people were slaughtered by the counter-revolutionaries. [34] With complete justification Lenin told the Seventh Congress of Soviets on 5 December 1919:
The terror was forced on us by the terror of the Entente, the terror of mighty world capitalism, which has been throttling the workers and peasants, and is condemning them to death by starvation because they are fighting for their country’s freedom. [35]
Trotsky expressed the same idea in a speech on 11 September 1918:
Now that the workers are being charged with committing cruelties in the civil war we must reply, instructed by our experience: the only unpardonable sin which the Russian working class can commit at this moment is that of indulgence towards its class enemies. We are fighting for the sake of the greatest good of mankind, for the sake of the regeneration of mankind, to drag it out of darkness, out of slavery ... [36]
Marx himself provided his followers with the clearest guide on the subject of terror. In the autumn of 1848, denouncing ‘the cannibalism of the counter-revolution’, he proclaimed that there was ‘only one means to curtail, simplify and localise the bloody agony of the old society and the bloody birthpangs of the new, only one means – the revolutionary terror’. [37]
Trotsky, following the same line of argument, wrote in 1920:
The problem of revolution, as of war, consists in breaking the will of the foe, forcing him to capitulate and to accept the conditions of the conqueror ...
The degree of ferocity of the struggle depends on a series of internal and international circumstances. The more ferocious and dangerous is the resistance of the class enemy who have been overthrown, the more inevitably does the system of repression take the form of a system of terror. [38]”
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808hrtbrk · 3 years
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rean schwarzer genshin verse 
the adopted son of a well established businessman in snezhnaya, and formerly a student of a fatui military academy before graduating and being assigned to their intelligence division .  it was however, thankless work; and with his disagreements with the majority of the methods used seizing political power throughout teyvat he soon found himself leaving the organization .  eventually forming what would become the crimson wings, an apolitical paramilitary force who provide aid to civilians without mind to the ramifications to the greater political landscape.
his skills are renowned throughout his home country , even without a vision he is a feared combatant amongst his foes .  a practitioner of the eight leaves one blade school of swordsmanship , pioneered by a hermit swordmaster in the mountains of inazuma , he is able to emulate a number of elemental effects through extremely precise forms.  there are 8 of these forms in total, each producing a specific effect:
first form - helix: creates a small twister of pseudo-anemo energy second form - gale: a gust of pseudo-anemo energy pushes against rean’s back, lauching him towards a target in the blink of an eye third form - karmic flame: a single devastating downward slash engulfed in psudeo-pyro energy fourth form - autumn leaf: a gust of pseudo-anemo energy carries rean past his opponent, leaving them covered in a number of slashes delivered in an instant. fifth form - morning moon: produces no pseudo-elemental energy, a stance intended to counter any attack within a set area. sixth form - scarlet sky: with a slash of the blade, a wave of psudeo-pyro enegry is launched forth seventh form - void: less of a specific technique and more of a mindset that allows the use of each of the previously discussed forms in a more flexible manner while retaining their strengths. eighth form - weaponless: self explanatory.
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ladyramora · 7 years
I don’t suppose I could request a nameless WOL high school AU with all the elezen guys can I? ;) I love your writing.
(This is so long. And not super shippy, but I hope you like it. I thought I’d try a magical type of school. Hope I didn’t miss any typos. Please enjoy! ❤)
Eorzea Academy for the Gifted and Magically inclined
You don’t know why you’re here.
Sitting on a train travelling to some sort of special school. Trying, and horribly failing, not to stare at the twins sitting across from you.
They are so very beautiful and you cannot help but stare. At their fair colored hair, the delicate fan of their pale eyelashes. The rosy tint to half smiling lips.
The girl is leaning against the boy, her eyes closed as if she were sleeping. The boy is facing you - eyes flicking up and catching your stare with a knowing curl of his rose colored lips.
You tear your eyes away, heart catching in your throat.
When you look back again his eyes are closed like before. He doesn’t look at you again.
- - -
Introduction into the academy is a blur. So many faces and voices telling you what to do and where to go.
You forget it all instantly when you see the twins from the train again.
“Alphinaud Leveilleur, at your service.” The beautiful boy introduces himself. Inclining his head towards his sister and twisting his wrist, “And mine sister, Alisaie.”
You hardly listen to the introduction of Houses. Too consumed by the murmur of Alphinaud’s voice, light yet faintly mocking as he explains what each House was trying to do.
At the end you haven’t the faintest idea what those representatives of each House had said.
Caught instead by the way the twins smiled at you. “Should you find that none of these Houses suit,” Alisaie starts.
“Then you are certainly welcome to join our own,” Alphinaud finishes, smiling that same knowing smile. “But you needn’t decide now. You will, of course, have a few days to gather your bearings.”
And with that they leave you.
- - - The House of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. That’s the House the twins spoke of. Or at least, what you were able to gather by poking around in a room filled with books. You’re still unsure if it’s an actual library or just the large collection of the book keeper. The keeper of said books being a strange man named Urianger - whom you have the mild suspicion of being a dragon in disguise. What with the deep rumblings of his voice and the way he spoke being rather disconcerting.
Still, you thank him for his help and find your way out again.
- - - You’re a Scion before you know it.
You’d hardly realised when it happened. You’d heard a scream and without thought of your own safety had blindly run to help.
The issuing scuffle sending your foes fleeing with their tails between their legs and issuing promises of revenge. And then suddenly you’re surrounded - Scions on all sides. Dragging you away to meet their leader.
You had meant to refuse. Really, you had. But then Alphinaud had walked in behind you, his blue eyes twinkling at you with that knowing smile. And your refusal had died on your lips.
- - -
You spend the next week on an endless adventure. Talking to this person, to that person. Taking classes. Running this errand, but oh this person needs help as well. At one point you’re attacked by a living tree in a training exercise. It’s horrible and exciting. You’re exhausted, honestly. You could really use a bit of a break.
So when you stumble across a door you hadn’t seen before you take pause. Tracing curious fingertips over the unicorn carved into the ornate wooden door. You test the handle out of curiosity and find the door to be unlocked. It swings open on whisper silent hinges. You hadn’t realized how cold it was in the hallway until you stepped into the warmth of this room.
It’s a room filled with books again. A study hall? You half expect Urianger to pop up from behind the stacks.
You amuse yourself by traversing through the labyrinth of books. Only mildly concerned about how you’ll find your way back again. You wonder if there is some sort of treasure at the end. A secret room? Ah, perhaps the forbidden section of the library?
Instead you find a circular enclosure filled with shiny wooden tables and overstuffed comfy chairs.
A lone student sits in the far back slumped over an overly large tome. You can see the easy rise and fall of their sleepy breath.
You try not to wake them, really you do. So careful are you in quieting your steps whilst staring at you own feet that you fail to notice an odd stack of books in a tilted lean off one table.
You bump against the table.
The resulting crash of falling books jerking the other student out of their study time nap.
“Wha… I wasn’t sleeping!” The student gasps, bolting upright with a stray page of paper stuck to the side of their face.
It falls loose and you lose your breathe as you finally catch a glimpse at their face. It was a boy. By the twelve was he handsome…
Even with ink on his nose and indents from his notebook lining his cheek.
“Oh,” The handsome boy smiles, “Hello there.”
You clutch at your uniform shirt, swallowing heavily. Why was everyone here so attractive?
He kicks the chair across from him, sending it scooting across the floor and open for you to sit.
“Please, sit! Haurchefant Greystone, at your service!”
You sit across from him. Your hands empty of any such implements used for studying.
Haurchefant lends you a spare quill and an empty notebook. All smiles as he asks you of your classes and which House you had chosen. He is bright and cheerful, and effortlessly soothing.
The first time he laughs you feel your heart jump. Twelve have mercy, you think. You’re doomed.
You hardly notice the hours pass in his company. It is not until Alphinaud himself comes to fetch you that you realize how late it had become.
Yet you are not blind to the haughty way Alphinaud speaks to the other boy. His hold on you almost too tight as he drags you away.
Still Haurchefant is all smiles as he bids you goodnight.
- - - The next few days are a blur. The only respite being that you find yourself often in the company of Haurchefant.
You had incidentally and accidentally uncovered a plot to have his friend Francel expelled.
A fact of which Haurchefant was eternally grateful. His praise was a tad overzealous and somewhat embarrassing. Don’t get you started on the explicit detail….
Still you find yourself exploring the academy. You find yourself looking for a place outside. A place where you can sit and breathe for a moment without a Scion constantly at your side. After that first day with Haurchefant you’ve come to suspect that Alphinaud had put the other Scions on babysitting duty.
You finally find a hallway promising you the sweet relief of fresh air. A door leading up a set of stairs to another door at the top.
You’re so happy to see the sky when the door closes behind you that you don’t look at your feet.
A mistake on your part as you trip over a pair of legs outstretched just beyond the doorway.
You stumble and fall with a startled yelp and land in the unfortunate lap of the student sitting next to those treacherous legs.
“Ah,” the lap your laying in voices. “Are you all right?”
You groan, rolling off his lap to the floor of the roof. “Only my pride is injured. How are your legs?”
The lap having boy chuckles, “Mine or Estinien’s?”
You huff, squinting through the sun in your eyes to see his face and, oh - of course! He’s unfairly attractive with deep blue eyes and dark, gently curling hair.
“Yours, no offense Estinien,” you grumble, waving at those legs that had tripped you.
“None taken,” replies the legs-having-boy you now know as Estinien.
You turn your head to peek at him too. Thankfully his face is covered by a book. Ha, cute. Was he napping?
“My legs are fine, thank you.” The other boy smiles. “Ah, where are my manners? Aymeric de Borel, at your service. So kind of you to drop in.”
You groan.
Aymeric laughs. “Mine apologies. That was in poor taste. That is… would like like to join us? I’ve still more studying to do. We do not mind the company. Right, Estinien?”
Estinien grunts.
You smile.
You sit yourself in the space between them, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine in the peaceful quiet. The quiet scratch of Aymeric’s quill lulling you into a pleasant doze.
You’re almost asleep when Estinien shifts next to you. You turn to look at him half drowsy, blinking rapidly as he pulls the book off his face. He’s all blue eyes and long pale hair.
“Ugh, you too?” You say with feeling.
“What?” Estinien huffs.
Your hand flops instead of replying as you grab one of Aymeric’s books to cover your face.
It was ridiculous how attractive everyone was. Was it in the fine print?
- - -
“Who is that?” You ask, eyes glued to the group of people in the far corner of the room.
“Who?” Thancred replies with an easy smile.
You shake him, turning his face with your fingers on his chin - pointing, “That!”
Thancred groans. “Oh, that. Don’t bother with that. Only trouble comes with that.”
You gape. “What is that’s name?”
Thancred sighs. “His name is Zenos. Trouble, my friend! Trouble!”
Zenos turns his head and meets your eyes. You freeze - pinned in place by the weight of his stare.
He smirks, slow and wicked.
“Thancred!” You hiss, slapping at your handsome friend. “Thancred! Thancred, he’s looking!
Thancred gasps loudly and covers your eyes. "Quick! Look away before you turn to stone!”
You pry his hand away from your eyes, grumbling, “Thancred! I can’t see!”
You look back in the corner to find Zenos and the grouping of other students had vanished.
You sigh, turning your head to frown at Thancred as he throws his arm over your shoulder. “He’s gone. ”
Thancred grins roguishly. “Tough break, my dear friend. Shall we eat?” And drags you away to join your fellow Scions at your usual table.
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your-dietician · 3 years
Spring sports season was triumphant, therapeutic- Southern edition
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/sports/spring-sports-season-was-triumphant-therapeutic-southern-edition/
Spring sports season was triumphant, therapeutic- Southern edition
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Let’s face it.
A full sports season was just what the doctor ordered.
And the 2021 spring campaign delivered in every way.
After being deprived of a season in 2020 due to COVID, spring athletes and coaches were primed to make up for lost time and they certainly did so from start to finish.
For the first time since the winter campaign of 2019-20, we had a full regular season and postseason and plenty of memories were made.
On the diamond, South Portland wasn’t expected to win the Class A state title, but thanks to a postseason surge, that’s exactly what the Red Riots did. Scarborough, the reigning champion, was upset in its first game by Portland. Cape Elizabeth, meanwhile, got to the Class B South quarterfinals before losing a 10-inning marathon to York.
Softball also produced a champion, a perfect champion for that matter, and this time, it wasn’t Scarborough, but the best Cape Elizabeth team in program history, which won Class B for the second time. Scarborough’s three-year reign in Class A ended in shocking fashion with a loss to Falmouth in the Round of 16. South Portland lost in the same round, dropping a weather-delayed, nine-inning, nearly four-hour decision to Thornton Academy.
Boys’ lacrosse saw Cape Elizabeth stake its claim as not just the Class A champion or best team in the state, but arguably the most dominant in program or state annals. Scarborough enjoyed a season of resurgence which saw it get to the Class A South semifinals before losing at Berwick Academy. South Portland won a preliminary round game over Massabesic, then was also eliminated by Berwick Academy, in the quarterfinals.
On the girls’ side, there were no titles this year, but Scarborough had a season to remember, improving from one win in 2019 to 11 this spring. The Red Storm made it all the way to the Class A South Final before losing to eventual champion Kennebunk. South Portland was ousted in the preliminary round by Bonny Eagle. Cape Elizabeth, the two-time reigning Class B champion, won at Cony in the state preliminary round, then lost to Yarmouth in the quarterfinals.
The outdoor track state meet produced plenty of highlights, including Scarborough’s boys capturing their fourth Class A crown since 2016. The Red Storm won four individual events, but they weren’t alone when it came to first-place finishers from the area.
Tennis saw Cape Elizabeth’s girls get to the Class B state final before dropping a 3-2 decision to Waterville. Scarborough dropped a narrow decision to eventual regional champion Falmouth in the Class A South semifinals. South Portland was ousted in the preliminary round by Cheverus.
Cape Elizabeth’s boys lost in the Class B South quarterfinals to Greely. Scarborough’s boys fell in the Class A South quarterfinals to Thornton Academy. South Portland was eliminated in the preliminary round by Windham.
We’re already enjoying summer, but let’s take another look back and pay tribute to some of the best moments of the spring.
Team state champions
Cape Elizabeth Capers softball, Class B Cape Elizabeth Capers boys’ lacrosse, Class A Scarborough Red Storm boys’ outdoor track, Class A South Portland Red Riots baseball, Class A
Regional champions
Cape Elizabeth Capers girls’ tennis, Class B South
Individual state champions
Track Hadley Mahoney, Cape Elizabeth, Class B girls’ mile Hadley Mahoney, Cape Elizabeth, Class B girls’ two-mile Zach Barry, Scarborough, Class A boys’ 800 Nicholas Connolly, Scarborough, Class A boys’ shot put Jayden Flaker, Scarborough, Class A boys’ 110 hurdles Jayden Flaker, Scarborough, Class A boys’ 300 hurdles Elaina Panagakos, Scarborough, Class A girls’ shot put Geneva Holmes, South Portland, Class A girls’ discus
Michael’s top five stories/moments
5) Scarborough track wins again
Scarborough’s Jayden Flaker won both the 110 and 300 hurdles at last month’s Class A state meet, helping the Red Storm win the team championship. Ben McCanna / Portland Press Herald
It turns out that about the only thing that can keep Scarborough’s boys’ outdoor track team from winning the Class A state title is a pandemic. After missing out on a chance to win the title in 2020 due to the season being canceled, the Red Storm returned to their familiar perch this spring, tallying 82 points to beat runner-up Edward Little (64.5) and the rest of the field. Scarborough won four individual events at states, as Jayden Flaker took the 110 hurdles and 300 hurdles, Nicholas Connolly won the shot put and Zach Barry was first in the 800.
4) Scarborough girls enjoy bounce-back campaign
Scarborough’s Sawyer McFadden celebrates the Red Storm’s semifinal round playoff win over Massabesic.  Brianna Soukup / Portland Press Herald
Scarborough’s girls’ lacrosse team didn’t wind up bringing home a championship, but the Red Storm were undoubtedly the feel-good story of the spring. Coach Emily Field vowed her team was better than its 1-11 record in 2019 showed and that it would show great improvement this season and she was spot-on. Scarborough unleashed a potent offense and a steady defense with standout senior goalie Kathleen Murphy holding down the fort as a last resort. The Red Storm won their first four games, went 9-3 in the regular season, then downed both Gorham and Massabesic to reach the regional final. There, Scarborough met its match in an unbeatable Kennebunk squad, but the Red Storm are back where they belong near the top of the heap and they figure to remain there for the foreseeable future.
“It’s certainly not the ending we’d hoped for, but looking at the entire season, holy smokes I am so proud of my girls,” Field said. “I’d confidently say we accomplished just about everything we set out to do this year. To come from a 2-10 no playoff season, to a 1-11 no playoff season, to no season, and now to finish 11-4 with two of the four losses by only one goal, and runners-up in the Class A South Final. I mean, that’s pretty incredible.”
3) Cape boys crush just about everyone 
Cape Elizabeth’s Caden Lee and his teammates had a lot to celebrate this spring, culminating with a stunningly one-sided 19-6 victory over Falmouth in the Class A state final. Brianna Soukup / Portland Press Herald
Words like juggernaut and team for the ages don’t do the 2021 Cape Elizabeth boys’ lacrosse squad justice. The Capers didn’t just win their first Class A title and the 21st overall in the history of the state’s most storied program, they did it by absolutely crushing the opposition, especially teams that thought they might be able to give Cape Elizabeth a game. The Capers out-scored the opposition 199 goals to 47 during the regular season and beat eventual Class B champion Yarmouth by 15 and 14 goals respectively, won by 15 goals at two-time reigning Class A champion Thornton Academy, handled rival Falmouth by nine and closed with an 11-goal romp at Scarborough. Cape Elizabeth had no trouble with Noble or Gorham in its first two playoff games, winning by a composite 40-3 margin, but in the Class A South Final, the Capers would be tested for the first and only time, by Berwick Academy, before holding on for an 11-9 victory. Then, in the state final versus Falmouth, Cape Elizabeth broke it open with four goals in a 47-second span late in the first period, took a stunningly commanding 15-1 halftime lead, then went on to a 19-6 victory. The only remaining question is where this squad ranks all-time.
“Statistically, this is probably the number one group we’ve ever had,” longtime Capers coach Ben Raymond said. “As lacrosse players, they’re pretty darn close. We had some other great teams that would probably argue.”
2) Cape softball simply perfect
Cape Elizabeth’s Julia Torre hoists the state championship trophy after the Capers completed a perfect season by beating Winslow in the Class B state final. Michael G. Seamans / Morning Sentinel
Speaking of all-time powerhouses, Cape Elizabeth’s softball team was equally dominant this spring, the Capers first under coach Kristen Duross, who has yet to experience a loss with the program. Cape Elizabeth out-scored its 16 regular season foes by a jaw-dropping 221 runs to 13. Not only did the Capers punish the softball like no one else, the pitching staff, led by senior ace Anna Cornell, threw 10 shutouts. After beating Freeport and Poland by a combined 35-2 margin in the first two playoff rounds, Cape Elizabeth got pushed to the brink by Medomak Valley in the Class B South semifinals (scoring a seventh inning run for a 1-0 victory) and Fryeburg Academy in the regional final (the Capers scored twice in the seventh to survive and advance, 5-4). The state final saw Cape Elizabeth return to its unstoppable ways, as the Capers scored 19 runs and beat Winslow, 19-6, in five-innings, for the second championship in program history.
“This team dominated on both sides of the field,” said Duross. “We had a deep team this year. One through nine could hit the ball hard and I could put anyone anywhere on defense and they would be able to make a big play. This team is the real deal and deserved nothing less than what they earned. They’re very, very talented.”
1) South Portland baseball parties like it’s 1952
South Portland’s baseball team celebrates after defeating Bangor for the program’s first Class A state title since 1952. Ben McCanna / Portland Press Herald
Next year finally came to South Portland. The Red Riots had come oh-so-close to winning an elusive title in recent seasons and could have ended its title drought in 2020 had COVID not wiped out the season. This year, many felt South Portland was too inexperienced to go all the way, but after an 11-5 regular season, the Red Riots put it all together when it mattered most. South Portland dispatched Sanford and Bonny Eagle to start the playoffs, then edged Cheverus in the semifinals and blanked top-ranked Thornton Academy in the Class A South Final. That set up a showdown with always-tough Bangor in the state final and sure enough, there was little separation between the teams. The game would go to the bottom of the seventh inning, tied, 2-2. The Red Riots loaded the bases and Richard Gilboy entered his name into program lore, not with a booming hit, but by taking ball four on a 3-2 pitch, bringing home Frank Tierney with the run that gave South Portland its first crown since 1952.
“The last pitch, I saw it going a little outside,” Gilboy said. “I thought it might get called a strike, but I saw it drop down and I knew it was over.”
“I feel like we’ve been so close so many times,” Red Riots coach Mike Owens said. “It feels good to finally kick that door open. This is so special for our community that has supported us all the way through. I’m almost speechless. They’re all special, but when you can get that first one and it’s been so long, it’s extra special.”
Sports Editor Michael Hoffer can be reached at [email protected] Follow him on Twitter: @foresports.
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Northern: Spring sports season was triumphant, therapeutic
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/wayne-rooney-can-quarterback-help-derby-to-promotion-football-news/
Wayne Rooney: Can 'quarterback' help Derby to promotion? | Football News
Derby were 17th in the Championship table when Wayne Rooney made his debut at the turn of the year. Now they are seventh – just a point off the play-off places.
A stunning free kick against Preston on Wednesday – Rooney’s fifth league goal for the Rams and sixth in all competitions – secured a fifth successive victory for Phillip Cocu’s side to continue a promotion charge that looked implausible in January.
Derby, who face fierce rivals Nottingham Forest in front of the Sky Sports cameras on Saturday, are flying – and the former England international is proving their inspiration in a new, deeper-lying role.
Wayne Rooney has had a huge impact at Derby, watch his five goals for the Rams since his move to the club in January
Wayne Rooney has had a huge impact at Derby, watch his five goals for the Rams since his move to the club in January
Derby vs N Forest
July 4, 2020, 12:00pm
Live on
Derby’s average points and goals per game have doubled since Rooney, Manchester United and England’s record goalscorer, arrived on an 18-month player-coach contract at Pride Park after finishing a second MLS season at DC United.
He is sparking attacks from deep, setting the pace of games, but raising the levels of those around him, too.
The stats paint a clear picture of Wayne Rooney’s impact at Derby
Midfielder Louie Sibley has explained how Rooney has encouraged him to “play without fear.”
“I’ve been taking the advice he’s been giving me,” the youngster said recently. “He’s been great with all the young lads.”
“He just brings a calmness to the team,” says striker Martyn Waghorn. “You can give him the ball in any situation whether teams are dropping off him or if he is surrounded by two or three players, and you know he is going to make the right decision.”
Louie Sibley shows off his match ball message from Wayne Rooney, following a hat-trick in Derby’s 3-2 win at Millwall
Louie Sibley shows off his match ball message from Wayne Rooney, following a hat-trick in Derby’s 3-2 win at Millwall
“It’s what Phillip Cocu has done too but Rooney’s impact has been absolutely enormous,” Sky Sports’ Andy Hinchcliffe told the Sky Sports EFL Podcast.
“We saw what Rooney himself can do with that free kick against Preston, but it’s also what he has brought to the young players around him as well, the influence he is having as a person on those around him, too.
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“Derby in the past have spent big money and wages bringing players in, but they have invested a lot in their academy, and Max Bird and Louie Sibley have been outstanding. The structure of the team has been a lot better, the young players are excelling and if Rooney wants to go into management, that is what he has to do, inspire people around him, both young and old.”
Martyn Waghorn has praised Rooney’s ‘calm’ influence
“I would liken his impact to Bruno Fernandes at Manchester United,” said Sky Sports‘ commentator Gary Weaver, joining Hinchcliffe on the EFL Podcast.
“I did a game at Old Trafford before lockdown and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer said Fernandes has lifted the quality of the players around him. Rooney has done the same. Players want to show him what they can do and he’s lifted the level of every player at Pride Park.”
‘He dictates the flow, the tempo – he’s a leader’
Derby first-team coach Liam Rosenior lifted the lid on Rooney’s impact on the pitch and training ground when he spoke to The Football Show in June.
“He’s an outstanding player. You don’t realise how good he is until you work with him every day.
“He’s not a striker anymore, he’s a deep-lying midfield player – almost like a quarterback. He dictates the tempo, the flow of the game. We want to play from the back and dominate possession and he’s become a key part of that.
“What’s been great for me to witness is his effect on the other players around him. His standards in training and what he expects from others, it’s been a joy working with him.
“He came back from Washington and had a month’s break but he wanted to come straight in and get to know the lads. What shocked the players – it didn’t shock me – was his determination and drive to win. You need to be around it; it makes you a leader and winner.
“He’s not a big talker – he does it on the pitch; he’ll have little one-on-one conversations – but he lets his football do the talking. We needed more leaders and characters, especially for the younger players. You need to have that competition, that winning ethic every day in training and Wayne brings that in abundance. It’s lifted everyone in the squad.”
Analysis: How his role works
Sky Sports’ Adam Smith:
Wayne Rooney has helped inspire Derby to the fringes of the play-offs
Debates raged about whether Rooney was a forward or midfielder during his final years at Manchester United after he was handed a deeper role under Louis van Gaal – but Sir Alex Ferguson had spotted that quality and used him to cover midfield injuries as far back as 2011.
On taking the helm at Old Trafford, Jose Mourinho said: “[Rooney] is maybe not a No 9 anymore but, for me, he will never be a No 6. He will never be 50 yards from goal. Yes, he has a great pass but I have a great pass under no pressure.”
At the ripe age of 34, Rooney is now doing exactly what Mourinho vowed against: dictating games 50 yards from goal, while also joining the attack to reveal flashes of his former role.
“Earlier in the season I was watching Derby and I couldn’t see what identity they had and what Phillip Cocu was trying to do,” Andy Hinchcliffe said. “But now it’s 4-2-3-1 with Rooney in the team and lots of energy. You can see what the plan is.”
As the graphic below shows, Rooney’s position has ebbed backwards since his swansong stint at Everton in 2017/18, when he had already moved into a deeper position.
The majority of his passes are now made centrally or down the left channel inside his own half and the direction of those passes are almost exclusively upfield. Even at Everton two years ago, almost half of his passes were directed backwards or sideways.
The graphic below reveals the audacity of Rooney’s long passes in the Championship with Derby, attempted from inside his own half and ending in the attacking third. Only four of these were played across the turf. His ability to launch high, raking passes with pinpoint accuracy over defensive lines is being utilised fully in these twilight years.
Graphic courtesy of Statsbomb
Despite this, five league goals (including two penalties) from only nine shots on target and 18 chances created (including two assists) from just 14 league starts is impressive for a player who spends the majority of games on the halfway line or deeper.
Will Derby gatecrash the play-offs?
Win against old foes Forest and Derby will climb sixth – for a few hours at least.
Their odds for promotion have shortened to 22/1 with Sky Bet – and while a forthcoming fixture schedule including West Brom, Brentford, Cardiff and Leeds looks brutal, the Rams’ fate is certainly in their own hands and only Brentford beat them in the reverse fixtures.
“If Derby continue in this form, you won’t be surprised if they finish in the play-offs, and that will be some story,” Sky Sports’ Andy Hinchcliffe told the EFL Podcast.
“They’ve got five of the current top six left to play, which is tough, but with the form they are in the sides they’ve got to play will be more worried about Derby than Derby are about those teams.
“They are a team you simply don’t want to play at the moment.”
Super 6: Three on the spin for Man Utd
Do not miss your chance to land the £250,000 jackpot for a sixth time this season on Saturday. Play for free, entries by 3pm.
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
A detailed look at how MLS exports are faring at clubs around the world
October 18, 201811:00AM EDT
With most of Europe’s leagues now fully back in the swing, it’s time once again to check in with all of the Major League Soccer products scattered around the globe.
It’s a fine time for this update, to say the least. No less than seven players who got their pro starts in MLS or a league academy scored in their last club games before the current international pause, including rising Malmö FF star Romain Gall.
DeAndre Yedlin
Seattle Sounders: 2013-14
The U.S. national team right back picked up where he left off last season as an ink starter at Newcastle, and even scored his first career Premier League goal at Manchester City last month. Unfortunately, the Magpies are off to a winless start, pocketing just two points from their first eight matches of the season.
Tim Ream
Tim Ream has recovered from injury to return to Fulham’s lineup, but life in the Premier League has been tricky so far | Reuters
New York Red Bulls: 2010-11
The Fulham defender got a late start to the campaign due to a back injury. Ream made his season bow late last month in a third-round EFL Cup win away to London rivals Millwall, and has started the Cottagers’ last two league tilts. Fulham’s return to the top flight has been rocky thus far, with but one win through eight EPL games. 
Geoff Cameron
Houston Dynamo: 2008-12
The veteran defensive handyman went out on loan from Stoke City to Queens Park Rangers at the transfer deadline. The Loftus Road crew were off to a miserable start before Cameron’s move, but have righted the ship, going 3-2-2 since his early-September debut. The 33-year-old has started four of QPR’s last five Championship matches as a defensive midfielder, and bagged the 1-1 equalizer against Derby County in their last game before the international break. 
Matthew Olosunde
New York Red Bulls Academy
The Manchester United Under-23 defender has yet to appear this season, but seems to be nearing the end of his recovery road from a knee injury.
Weston McKennie
FC Dallas Academy
McKennie, center, is mobbed by teammates after scoring a late winner against Lokomotiv Moscow in the UEFA Champions League group phase | Reuters
Though currently slowed by a knee knock, the Schalke midfielder has begun the campaign in fine form. McKennie has definitely enjoyed his first tastes of UEFA Champions League action, setting up the lone Miners goal in the group phase opener against Porto and striking the late winner at Lokomotiv Moscow on Matchday 2. He followed that goal up with another in Schalke’s league win at Fortuna Düsseldorf three days later.
Carlos Salcedo
Real Salt Lake Academy
After helping Eintracht Frankfurt post a clean sheet victory at Freiburg on Bundesliga opening day, the Mexico center back tore an ankle ligament early in their next match. Salcedo is tentatively expected back in training around New Year’s Day.
Chris Richards
FC Dallas Academy
The FC Dallas loan item has wasted no time becoming a lineup fixture for Bayern Munich’s U-19 side, starting 10 straight games in the heart of defense. Included in that span was a goal at Freiburg on Sept. 15, as well as his first two appearances in the UEFA Youth League (essentially a U-19 Champions League). 
Omar Gonzalez
LA Galaxy: 2009-15
The former Galaxy defender has started all but one Apertura match since making a summer switch from Pachuca to Atlas. The Foxes are propping up the table through 12 rounds, but don’t blame the Gonzalez-led defense; it’s kept them in most games, while the attack has managed just four goals. The back line marshal opened his club account just before the international break, bagging their lone goal in a loss at Santos Laguna.
Rogelio Funes Mori
Rogelio Funes Mori has made only three starts and six appearances for Monterrey because of an injury | Reuters
FC Dallas Academy
The Monterrey forward has seen his season interrupted by an injury that has limited him to three starts in six appearances. Funes Mori snapped a two-month goal drought with the early winner against Tijuana on Sept. 30.
Fabian Castillo
FC Dallas: 2011-16
After making a summer move from Trabzonspor, the winger missed Tijuana’s first four league games with an injury. Castillo has now started five straight Apertura matches, and netted his first goal for the club in last week’s draw with Querétaro.
Rafael Baca
San Jose Earthquakes: 2011-14
The veteran midfielder remains a regular starter for Liga MX leaders Cruz Azul. Baca has superbly guarded the back line for the league’s stingiest side (nine goals conceded in 12 games). In the only match he missed, they dropped a 3-1 decision away to strugglers Pachuca. 
Lalo Fernandez
Real Salt Lake: 2012-17
After sitting on the bench for every competitive Tigres match during the last Clausura season earlier this year, the netminder finally debuted for the Mexican giants in a 0-0 Copa MX draw against Cafetaleros back in August.
Ballou Tabla
Montreal Impact Academy
The young Canada winger has started in six of his seven outings for FC Barcelona’s reserve side, who are early title contenders in Segunda B Group 3. Tabla has a goal, scored in their season-opening loss, and an assist.
Matt Miazga
Matt Miazga has made egith consecutive starts for the Canaries | Reuters
New York Red Bulls: 2013-15
After watching their Ligue 1 opener from the dugout, Miazga has started eight straight for new loan employers Nantes. It has been a sputtering start for the Canaries, who stand next to bottom thanks to a five-game winless slide.
Timothy Weah
New York Red Bulls Academy
After scoring in Paris Saint-Germain’s French Super Cup rout of Monaco and their league opening victory over Caen, Weah also featured as a halftime sub in a win at Guingamp on Aug. 18. He hasn’t dressed since, as PSG’s attack superstars returned from their post-World Cup vacations. 
Erik Palmer-Brown
Sporting Kansas City: 2013-17
The U.S. defender’s first two assignments at new loan home NAC Breda came with the reserve team. Palmer-Brown then started consecutive games for the Eredivisie cellar dwellers in mid-September before working a couple more second-team matches early this month. 
Eryk Williamson
Portland Timbers: 2018-
The young midfielder has yet to make a first-team debut for loan side Santa Clara. 
Andy Najar
Andy Najar, right, has alternated between a defensive and midfield role this season at Anderlecht | Reuters
D.C. United: 2010-12
After sitting the first four games of Anderlecht’s campaign, Najar returned from a preseason setback in late August. Believe it or not, the diminutive Honduras international has been working on the left side of a three-man back line in league play (he’s operated in a more familiar right midfield slot in their two Europa League losses). It’s still early, but the Mauves are already six points behind first-place Genk. 
Cyle Larin
Cyle Larin, right, has featured primarily in the Europa League for Besiktas | Reuters
Orlando City: 2015-17
After merely getting his feet wet with Besiktas last season, the Canada striker has already had his name in the lineup eight times this term. Seven of those starts have come in Europa League play, which has seen Larin bag his second hat trick for the club against Icelandic second-round qualifying foe B36 Torshavn back in August and set up Ryan Babel’s icebreaker in their group stage-opening win over Sarpsborg 08. He’s yet to ring the bell in four Super Lig outings for the Eagles, who stand three points off the top after eight rounds.
Eric Ayuk
Philadelphia Union: 2015-16
The 21-year-old winger has quickly gotten comfy with second-flight outfit Osmanlispor, notching a goal and an assist in his first four starts. The club stumbled out of the blocks, but has now won three of four with Ayuk on the field. 
Denis Castillo
Colorado Rapids: 2016
The Costa Rican defender moved home this summer to join Pérez Zeledón, but injuries have bounced him in and out of the selection. Castillo sported the captain’s armband in his two starts, a pair of 2-1 victories. With four games remaining in the Apertura season, the Southern Warriors stand fifth, three points shy of the last playoff spot.
Aaron Schoenfeld
Columbus Crew SC: 2012-15
The Maccabi Tel Aviv forward started four of his six games during Europa League qualifying, notching an assist. However, he has been limited to a pair of cameo appearances in Ligat Ha’Al play thus far. 
Jonathan Bornstein
Chivas USA: 2006-11
Having moved from Querétaro this past summer, Bornstein got the call at left back in Maccabi Netanya’s league opener. The Diamonds were demolished 5-0 at Hapoel Haifa that day, and the 33-year-old has not left the bench since. That hasn’t really helped, though, as they sit second-to-last through six games.
Sam Adekugbe
Vancouver Whitecaps: 2013-17
The Canada left back has started 21 of 25 league games for seventh place Vålerenga, and another two in the NM Cup. The Bohemians hold very slim hopes of rallying for a Europa League berth with five games remaining.
Oyvind Alseth
Toronto FC: 2017
After winning the treble for Toronto FC last year, the Norwegian returned to his hometown to suit up for Eliteserien risers Ranheim. Alseth has worked at every back line position while starting five of 13 league appearances. Playing in the top flight for the first time in 62 years, the Trondheim mites have surprised all to stand fifth. 
Sean Okoli
Seattle Sounders: 2014; D.C. United: 2015; New York City: 2017
The forward joined second-flight side FK Jerv in August and has quickly become a fixture on the line-up card for manager Arne Sandstø (who previously managed both Nat Borchers and Clarence Goodson during their stints in Norway). Nevertheless, Okoli has tallied just once in eight starts for the OBOS-Ligaen middlers, hitting a lone goal winner against Floro a month ago.
Emerson Hyndman
FC Dallas Academy
On loan to Hibernian from EPL side Bournemouth, Hyndman has four starts in six league games and worked his first two Europa League contests in their third qualifying defeat against Molde FK. The midfielder fired his first goal of the season in a 6-0 rout of Hamilton just prior to the international break. After a slow start, Hibs have won four straight to stand just two points behind leaders Celtic ahead of Saturday’s trip to Parkhead.
Andy Rose
Seattle Sounders: 2012-15
The midfielder has started six of eight for Motherwell, who have just one win in their first eight SPL games.
David Norman Jr.
Vancouver Whitecaps: 2018
The Canada youth international is currently on loan to second-division outfit Queen of the South. Norman Jr. made his league debut with a seven-minute shift in a scoreless draw at Inverness on Sept. 29.
Romain Gall
Columbus Crew SC: 2014-15
After a very brief settling-in phase following his summer move from Sundsvall, Gall has resumed his breakout season with Allsvenskan holders Malmö FF. The winger has four goals and two assists in nine games with the Sky Blues, taking his season totals to 11 (good for fifth in the league) and six, respectively. The 23-year-old also added two goals in Svenska Cupen action, and has made debuts in both Champions League qualifying play and the Europa League group phase.
And there’s still plenty of time for Gall to accomplish more. In the league, Malmö are five points shy of the last 2019-20 Europa League berth with five games left, starting with Saturday’s massive home tilt against second-place Hammarby. Meanwhile, they’re still battling in the current Europa League, with all four Group I teams level on three points after two rounds. Next up in that tournament: an Oct. 25 trip to Sarpsborg 08.
Kofi Sarkodie
Houston Dynamo: 2011-15, San Jose Earthquakes: 2016-17
The former U.S. youth international signed as a free agent with Trelleborgs this July. By the end of the month, Sarkodie made his debut in the first of six straight left back starts. Playing in the Allsveskan for the first time in six years, the southerners have sunk to the basement on an 0-12-3 swoon. With five games left, they are six points short of the relegation playoff slot, and nine from the safety zone. One reason for hope: They still get to play two of the three clubs directly ahead of them.
Kekuta Manneh
Vancouver Whitecaps: 2013-17
The new St. Gallen winger fought through some early injury struggles to make his debut in a Swiss Cup stroll at lower-level side Ueberstorf in mid-August. Manneh’s league bow came in a Swiss Super League win at Xamax a couple weeks later. He’s yet to score in three league outings for the fifth-place side.
Brian Iloski
LA Galaxy Academy
The 23-year-old Legia Warsaw prospect is spending the season on loan to Slovakian top-tier club Michalovce. Iloski has played everywhere in attack during his four appearances. His first start of the season came last week when he played the No. 10 role in their second victory of the season, a surprise 2-1 decision at Trencin.
Ben McKendry
Vancouver Whitecaps: 2016-17
The Canada international has started 25 of his 27 matches since joining TPS, and the last eight in a row. McKendry has alternated between the central and defensive midfield spots for the top-flight survivalists, who hold the relegation playoff slot with two games left on the schedule. Perilously, they still have to play at third-place KuPS before hosting runaway league leaders HJK on closing day.
Mo Babouli
Toronto FC: 2016-17
After netting seven times for Al Ittihad Aleppo last season, the 25-year-old forward has yet to find the net in four league games this term. 
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UGC NET Coaching, Chapters 7-9, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian English Literature
Global Teachers Academy: 09953762308
 Chapters 7-9
 Outline: Rowdy Sings the Blues
The day in the wake of choosing to exchange to Reardan, Junior discovers Rowdy in the Wellpinit inborn school play area and reveals to him he is exchanging to Reardan. Raucous believes it's a terrible joke and begins to get frantic. Junior advises Rowdy to exchange with him, however Rowdy loathes Reardan. Reardan is the main group to have beaten Junior and Rowdy's eighth grade ball group, and Reardan throttled Rowdy and Junior's football and baseball groups as well. Junior drove Wellpinit against Rearden in the Academic Bowl, and Wellpinit lost 50 to 1. Junior was the just a single to realize that Charles Dickens composed A Tale of Two Cities. The Rearden kids, Junior says, "were the best of times." Rowdy acknowledges Junior is not kidding and gets some distance from Junior. Junior contacts Rowdy's shoulder, and Rowdy turns back and pushes Junior. Boisterous calls Junior a "hindered fag" and Junior says his heart breaks. Junior advises Rowdy to accompany him and contacts Rowdy's shoulder once more. Unruly punches Junior in the face, and, while he's lying on the ground, Junior acknowledges Rowdy has turned into his most exceedingly terrible foe.
 Rundown: How to Fight Monsters
The day after Junior's battle with Rowdy, Junior's father drives him the 22 miles to Reardan. Junior's father advises Junior to recollect that the white children aren't any superior to anything he is, yet Junior says his father isn't right. Junior's father calls Junior a warrior. Junior holds up outside the school and as the white understudies show up, they gaze at his bruised eye and swollen nose. Reardan's mascot is an Indian. There is a toon delineating the contrasts between a white and Indian understudy. The white understudy has a watch, khakis, and a knapsack. The Indian has rebate pants, no watch, and a rubbish pack for his books. Junior checks in at his office and goes to Mr. Give's homeroom where a light young lady named Penelope asks his name. The understudies giggle at the name "Junior," however Junior says there are 17 individuals called Junior on the rez. At that point, Mr. Concede accepts roll and calls "Arnold Spirit"— Junior's genuine name. Penelope is confounded. Junior clarifies his name is both Junior and Arnold. He feels like two individuals in a single body. Junior discloses to Penelope he's from the rez.
 After his discussion with Penelope, Junior says he didn't represent six days, yet on the seventh he got into the most unusual fistfight of his life. To clarify what makes it odd he records the 11 unwritten principles for battling on the rez. On the off chance that anybody affronts you, or you figure they may affront you, or they affront some individual from your family, you need to battle them or the suitable individual from their family. Essentially, on the rez, you are relied upon to battle. The huge white kid athletes call Junior names like "Boss" and "Tonto" and "Squaw Boy." Then, Roger, the greatest kid of all, reveals to Junior that Indians are "living confirmation that niggers fuck wild ox," and Junior punches Roger in the face. Blood spouts from Roger's nose. He and the other white young men remain around looking stunned. Junior advises Roger to meet him there outside after school, however Roger doesn't get it. Roger and the others leave, and Junior asks Roger what the principles are. Roger says, "What rules?"
 Synopsis: Grandmother Gives Me Some Advice
Junior goes home confounded. He tells his grandma what happened, and asks her what it implies that Roger left. She says it must imply that Roger regards him. The following day, Junior needs to stroll to class in light of the fact that the auto doesn't have enough gas to get to Reardan. Junior's father's closest companion, Eugene, sees Junior strolling and offers him a ride on his bike. When they get to Reardan, Eugene, who has "meshes down to his butt," is amazed at what number of white individuals there are. Eugene reveals to Junior it's cool that he will school there. Eugene says he would never do it, since he's a wuss. Roger sees Junior draw up with Eugene and says hello there to Junior. Roger compliments Eugene's bicycle and leaves. At that point, Junior says howdy to Penelope and she imagines not to know his identity. Junior reminds her his name is Junior or Arnold. At that point Penelope recollects. She says he is the kid who can't make sense of his own name. Junior says he may have inspired the lord, yet not the ruler.
The early sections of The Absolutely True Diary of Part-Time Indian set up the standards of reservation life. Neediness is standard. Liquor addiction and physical savagery are ordinary. It isn't incredible for developed men to spook 14-year-old young men. In the meantime, instruction has fallen by the wayside. With Junior's choice to learn at Reardan the standards of reservation life are tossed into sharp help against the standards of white life in the locale. In challenges between the Indian and the white world, Spokane kids quite often confront discouraging misfortunes. What they regularly don't understand is that, in Reardan, kids have better openings and more assets. This makes Reardan kids more prone to prevail at athletic challenges, where preferential or languid masterminds can without much of a stretch misinterpret Reardan triumphs as a sign that Reardan kids are some way or another superior to anything Spokane kids, or, with regards to scholastic challenges, that Reardan kids are by one means or another more intelligent. The other side of this state of mind is that Spokane kids are always made to feel, and told that they are, mediocre. In The Absolutely True Diary of Part-Time Indian, Junior recognizes and exposes the fantasy that there is something generally extraordinary about Indian children. The main distinction, Junior says, is that they have less opportunity.
 The numerous burdens looked by Indians on the reservation run as an inseparable unit with a sentiment of unfairness. Rambunctious, from one viewpoint, perceives that he has been wronged. His outrage is so awesome he experiences issues exploring it, and he completes a poor occupation imparting. Junior, then again, lowers himself to go to Reardan. For him, Reardan speaks to white benefit and the white world, a world that has done only mistreat his kin. Junior additionally remembers he'll show signs of improvement instruction there. Unruly endeavors to vent his feelings with scornful dialect and brutality, however Junior sees through the bogus show of Rowdy's strength and appears to perceive, that, more than anything, Rowdy is confounded. Junior sees Rowdy's fellowship and endorsement as a basic piece of his way of life as an individual from his clan, as an Indian. The greater part of the clan individuals, including Rowdy, make Junior feel like a backstabber, and this undermines Junior's feeling of his identity. However, on his first day at Reardan, Junior's father encourages him to re-conceptualize his choice to go to Reardan in a way that fortifies Junior's feeling of his Indian personality. Junior isn't a double crosser, however a warrior.
 In spite of this adjustment in context, Junior battles with a sentiment of inward logical inconsistency. Like the toon representing the contrasts between a white and Indian understudy, Junior feels he has a line drawn down the focal point of his body. On the reservation, he is double crosser and a white-sweetheart. At Reardan, notwithstanding, Junior is made to feel more like an Indian and an outcast than he has ever felt previously. Here and there Junior feels half-Indian and half-white, in any case, similarly as frequently, he believes he is neither Indian nor white—a pariah from the two universes. Junior's sentiment of interior logical inconsistency is fortified by his two names. For whatever is left of the novel, Junior's white companions will call him by his official name, Arnold, however his Indian loved ones will call him by his epithet, Junior. As Junior endeavors to determine his own inward logical inconsistencies, he likewise needs to find the standards of a weird new world. He experiences bigotry to a degree he hasn't yet experienced on the reservation, yet he finds that his new white world is administered by an alternate arrangement of desires.
 On the reservation, physical brutality is acknowledged, even empowered, as a standard piece of everyday life. In Reardan, physical brutality is considerably more uncommon. Individuals don't hit each other. That is the unwritten run the show. In any case, Junior damages this unwritten lead of the white world. This influences Junior to appear to be fearless to white understudies despite the fact that Junior goes too far to a great extent since he doesn't realize that it exists. Junior starts to see that being an outcast, however difficult, has its focal points. From his pariah point of view, Junior can discover better approaches for recognizing both the negative and positive components of his way of life. From one viewpoint, the Spokane Indians can be viewed as tribalistic. The gathering states its character contrary to different gatherings around it and by dismissing and sabotaging individuals, similar to Junior, who don't fit in with the gathering's strict desires. However, then again, in "Grandma Gives Me Some Advice," Junior is helped to remember the numerous manners by which the Spokane culture is public, implying that gathering individuals administer to and bolster each other in the midst of hardship. Both Junior's grandma and Eugene give Junior this positive, common help.
 Global Teachers Academy (GTA)
D-2, Arjun Nagar Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi 29
Contact No.: 09953762308, 09999318556
Best Ugc Net English Literature Study Material For Net Preparation http://www.ugcnetd.com/study-mat.php
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UGC NET Coaching, Chapters 7-9, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian English Literature
Global Teachers Academy: 09953762308
 Chapters 7-9
 Outline: Rowdy Sings the Blues
The day in the wake of choosing to exchange to Reardan, Junior discovers Rowdy in the Wellpinit inborn school play area and reveals to him he is exchanging to Reardan. Raucous believes it's a terrible joke and begins to get frantic. Junior advises Rowdy to exchange with him, however Rowdy loathes Reardan. Reardan is the main group to have beaten Junior and Rowdy's eighth grade ball group, and Reardan throttled Rowdy and Junior's football and baseball groups as well. Junior drove Wellpinit against Rearden in the Academic Bowl, and Wellpinit lost 50 to 1. Junior was the just a single to realize that Charles Dickens composed A Tale of Two Cities. The Rearden kids, Junior says, "were the best of times." Rowdy acknowledges Junior is not kidding and gets some distance from Junior. Junior contacts Rowdy's shoulder, and Rowdy turns back and pushes Junior. Boisterous calls Junior a "hindered fag" and Junior says his heart breaks. Junior advises Rowdy to accompany him and contacts Rowdy's shoulder once more. Unruly punches Junior in the face, and, while he's lying on the ground, Junior acknowledges Rowdy has turned into his most exceedingly terrible foe.
 Rundown: How to Fight Monsters
The day after Junior's battle with Rowdy, Junior's father drives him the 22 miles to Reardan. Junior's father advises Junior to recollect that the white children aren't any superior to anything he is, yet Junior says his father isn't right. Junior's father calls Junior a warrior. Junior holds up outside the school and as the white understudies show up, they gaze at his bruised eye and swollen nose. Reardan's mascot is an Indian. There is a toon delineating the contrasts between a white and Indian understudy. The white understudy has a watch, khakis, and a knapsack. The Indian has rebate pants, no watch, and a rubbish pack for his books. Junior checks in at his office and goes to Mr. Give's homeroom where a light young lady named Penelope asks his name. The understudies giggle at the name "Junior," however Junior says there are 17 individuals called Junior on the rez. At that point, Mr. Concede accepts roll and calls "Arnold Spirit"— Junior's genuine name. Penelope is confounded. Junior clarifies his name is both Junior and Arnold. He feels like two individuals in a single body. Junior discloses to Penelope he's from the rez.
 After his discussion with Penelope, Junior says he didn't represent six days, yet on the seventh he got into the most unusual fistfight of his life. To clarify what makes it odd he records the 11 unwritten principles for battling on the rez. On the off chance that anybody affronts you, or you figure they may affront you, or they affront some individual from your family, you need to battle them or the suitable individual from their family. Essentially, on the rez, you are relied upon to battle. The huge white kid athletes call Junior names like "Boss" and "Tonto" and "Squaw Boy." Then, Roger, the greatest kid of all, reveals to Junior that Indians are "living confirmation that niggers fuck wild ox," and Junior punches Roger in the face. Blood spouts from Roger's nose. He and the other white young men remain around looking stunned. Junior advises Roger to meet him there outside after school, however Roger doesn't get it. Roger and the others leave, and Junior asks Roger what the principles are. Roger says, "What rules?"
 Synopsis: Grandmother Gives Me Some Advice
Junior goes home confounded. He tells his grandma what happened, and asks her what it implies that Roger left. She says it must imply that Roger regards him. The following day, Junior needs to stroll to class in light of the fact that the auto doesn't have enough gas to get to Reardan. Junior's father's closest companion, Eugene, sees Junior strolling and offers him a ride on his bike. When they get to Reardan, Eugene, who has "meshes down to his butt," is amazed at what number of white individuals there are. Eugene reveals to Junior it's cool that he will school there. Eugene says he would never do it, since he's a wuss. Roger sees Junior draw up with Eugene and says hello there to Junior. Roger compliments Eugene's bicycle and leaves. At that point, Junior says howdy to Penelope and she imagines not to know his identity. Junior reminds her his name is Junior or Arnold. At that point Penelope recollects. She says he is the kid who can't make sense of his own name. Junior says he may have inspired the lord, yet not the ruler.
The early sections of The Absolutely True Diary of Part-Time Indian set up the standards of reservation life. Neediness is standard. Liquor addiction and physical savagery are ordinary. It isn't incredible for developed men to spook 14-year-old young men. In the meantime, instruction has fallen by the wayside. With Junior's choice to learn at Reardan the standards of reservation life are tossed into sharp help against the standards of white life in the locale. In challenges between the Indian and the white world, Spokane kids quite often confront discouraging misfortunes. What they regularly don't understand is that, in Reardan, kids have better openings and more assets. This makes Reardan kids more prone to prevail at athletic challenges, where preferential or languid masterminds can without much of a stretch misinterpret Reardan triumphs as a sign that Reardan kids are some way or another superior to anything Spokane kids, or, with regards to scholastic challenges, that Reardan kids are by one means or another more intelligent. The other side of this state of mind is that Spokane kids are always made to feel, and told that they are, mediocre. In The Absolutely True Diary of Part-Time Indian, Junior recognizes and exposes the fantasy that there is something generally extraordinary about Indian children. The main distinction, Junior says, is that they have less opportunity.
 The numerous burdens looked by Indians on the reservation run as an inseparable unit with a sentiment of unfairness. Rambunctious, from one viewpoint, perceives that he has been wronged. His outrage is so awesome he experiences issues exploring it, and he completes a poor occupation imparting. Junior, then again, lowers himself to go to Reardan. For him, Reardan speaks to white benefit and the white world, a world that has done only mistreat his kin. Junior additionally remembers he'll show signs of improvement instruction there. Unruly endeavors to vent his feelings with scornful dialect and brutality, however Junior sees through the bogus show of Rowdy's strength and appears to perceive, that, more than anything, Rowdy is confounded. Junior sees Rowdy's fellowship and endorsement as a basic piece of his way of life as an individual from his clan, as an Indian. The greater part of the clan individuals, including Rowdy, make Junior feel like a backstabber, and this undermines Junior's feeling of his identity. However, on his first day at Reardan, Junior's father encourages him to re-conceptualize his choice to go to Reardan in a way that fortifies Junior's feeling of his Indian personality. Junior isn't a double crosser, however a warrior.
 In spite of this adjustment in context, Junior battles with a sentiment of inward logical inconsistency. Like the toon representing the contrasts between a white and Indian understudy, Junior feels he has a line drawn down the focal point of his body. On the reservation, he is double crosser and a white-sweetheart. At Reardan, notwithstanding, Junior is made to feel more like an Indian and an outcast than he has ever felt previously. Here and there Junior feels half-Indian and half-white, in any case, similarly as frequently, he believes he is neither Indian nor white—a pariah from the two universes. Junior's sentiment of interior logical inconsistency is fortified by his two names. For whatever is left of the novel, Junior's white companions will call him by his official name, Arnold, however his Indian loved ones will call him by his epithet, Junior. As Junior endeavors to determine his own inward logical inconsistencies, he likewise needs to find the standards of a weird new world. He experiences bigotry to a degree he hasn't yet experienced on the reservation, yet he finds that his new white world is administered by an alternate arrangement of desires.
 On the reservation, physical brutality is acknowledged, even empowered, as a standard piece of everyday life. In Reardan, physical brutality is considerably more uncommon. Individuals don't hit each other. That is the unwritten run the show. In any case, Junior damages this unwritten lead of the white world. This influences Junior to appear to be fearless to white understudies despite the fact that Junior goes too far to a great extent since he doesn't realize that it exists. Junior starts to see that being an outcast, however difficult, has its focal points. From his pariah point of view, Junior can discover better approaches for recognizing both the negative and positive components of his way of life. From one viewpoint, the Spokane Indians can be viewed as tribalistic. The gathering states its character contrary to different gatherings around it and by dismissing and sabotaging individuals, similar to Junior, who don't fit in with the gathering's strict desires. However, then again, in "Grandma Gives Me Some Advice," Junior is helped to remember the numerous manners by which the Spokane culture is public, implying that gathering individuals administer to and bolster each other in the midst of hardship. Both Junior's grandma and Eugene give Junior this positive, common help.
 Global Teachers Academy (GTA)
D-2, Arjun Nagar Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi 29
Contact No.: 09953762308, 09999318556
Best Ugc Net English Literature Study Material For Net Preparation http://www.ugcnetd.com/study-mat.php
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