#Fellowship of Eldritchicians
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sublimegentlemanalpaca · 5 years ago
The Five Queens of Faerie and Elphame, and the Wild Hunt.
Stuff for a Writing thing... At some earlier point, one of All That There Was took the name Albrecht V Eldritch and made himself ruler of all Faeries and Elves. After the Death of Alaric V Eldritch at the hands of his subjects Albrecht was forced to step down from his title or Erl-King. Albrecht did Abdicate but pulled a Lear. He’s no longer King and doesn’t deal with running things, but still expects respect and stuff. So that his vast Kingdom wasn’t left unruled or anything he divided it into five, divesting Rulership between his five Children. These Children being... Queen Titania (with her Consort Oberon, her son Aled, and Daughter Gloriana). Queen Gloriana (with her Consort Arthur Pendragon and Children: Britomart, Archimago (also called Alveric or Archie), Acrasia (meant in this context to have been an alternative name of Titania’s), Pellinore, Taliesin, and Morgana). Queen Mab(no Consort probably?). Queen Diana (definitely no Consort) and her wandering Court of Elves And Queen Nicnevin (Consort Christonday?)and her wandering Court of Elves and Witches and other things. The part ruled over by Titania, Gloriana, and Mab known to the FoE as Faerie, while those lands and locales ruled by Diana and Nicnevin are referred to as Elfland for Diana’s portion and Elfphame for Nicnevin’s portion. I should make another note regarding Alwin. When he abdicated he decreed he’d stay and sheltered by each of his daughters for a time. With him there’d be a Retinue of some 30 Knights Faerie and Elf alike who’d accompany him on hunting trips. Also accompanying Alwin are two others. The Green Knight Bertalik (who occasionally houses Alwin in his Chapel) and Alwin’s forever Faithful Corruptor of Words (not Fool) and Royal Retainer (in that he remembers things for Alwin) Rosemary. Rosemary being quite a colorfully dressed Faerie in a suit of Green, Purple, Blue, White, and Pink. Rosemary is like Puck, but is not Puck. Rosemary is also one of the Preternatural Intelligentsia for the Arch Overseer Alyss Violet Eldridge, and basically informs Alyss and the current political Climates of Faerie and Elfphame. Acrasia and Aled will have some future Importance...protagonisty things. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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sublimegentlemanalpaca · 5 years ago
Musical Watches for the FoE. Potential uses...
Could be a means of Attracting or Scanning(?) for Supernatural/Preternatural/Extranatural goings ons. Calming. The musical bit especially either Calming, soothing, incapaciting, disorientating... Or maybe they work like The MIB’s Neuralizers? If that were necessary. The FoE will have Watches for one reason or another(though not for Time Travel..probably. Don’t want to be ripping off and what not) and if they aren’t functional supernaturally they’ll at least be a neat perk. Along with the Coat, Glasses, and Hat. Hm...what Supernatural/Preternatural purposes could a Pocket watch (especially a musical one) used for. Hm...they could potentially be Orpheus related some how...Orphic? In how his Lyre music convinced so many to do stuff? Yeah. That could be a thing...hm. Orphic Lyrical Chronometer? Maybe relate it to Serpents or the like (Lucifer and what not) as a point of suggestion and Persuasion? I don’t know. Something. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming.
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sublimegentlemanalpaca · 5 years ago
Possibility for a seventh FoE Academy or some such....
So...I was watching The Castle in the Sky...remembering that the name Laputa comes from Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels...and thought... Hm...two of the the Academies are underwater (Dom-Daniel and Beowulf Academy) the rest on land? With the entirety of The Russian Academy moving about on legs like Baba Yaga’s house...(hm...I wonder)... One on an eternally moving Island... Why not have one moving about the Clouds? Though...I’m not certain...if I do...there will be the questions of how it floats, how people get up there, and so on...then the question of when it was founded in relation to the others (Archimago remains the first). But for now...it’s a possibility....one to consider... Then again, might not have it be an Academy for the FoE. Could just be a thing Alyss and the Eldritch Fellows made...just because. Might relate more to the Preternatural Intelligentsia within the FoE...or could just be like a personal retreat or something for Alyss...like...Vacation...a hide out...or how she gets around instead of walking...Her own Study Cottage in the Sky...or something like that? I mean...each Academy already has a room or a handful of rooms for the Arch Overseer’s use....could have one separate... Was looking up Storm spirits. Apparently there’s a mythical land called Magonia populated by Sky Pirates or something...so that might be worth looking into...Not sure... Any of this sound interesting? Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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sublimegentlemanalpaca · 5 years ago
Dealing with Faeries...‘True names’ multiple meanings in writing, and knowledge of the name giver...
So...names are important. Seems to be a standard thing across cultures (from what I can tell at least...and partly what I assume) that names are IMPORTANT. Personal names especially, along with full names, and then you’ve got like...Names which are True, Secret, Deep, and so on and so forth. You’ve got that whole thing of not giving your name to Faeries so that they don’t hold power over you, the implementation of middle names for that purpose (if I recall correctly). And in Japan (and China and others?) you’ve got the whole only being on a First name basis with family, and those that you are really close to be it platonic, romantic or what have you (do correct me if I’m wrong). Then you’ve got honorifics as another complexity to names? Then with Character based languages you’ve got the whole being able to write the same name in all manner of different ways. Here’s where I get to the point. I’ve got these three characters who are Childhood friends (often getting left with the same caretaker due to reasons). Two are Faerie Royalty, the other a Japanese Orphan raised primarily by a Kitsune with an organization that’s the focus of the story (an organization all three will be seeking to join). The Faerie Royalty cousins being Aled of Faerie and Acrasia Pendragon of Faerie. Their friend’s name is Rei Arashi (do correct me if Arashi isn’t actually a name?). Here’s my point. With the multiple writings for Rei, could they keep their name safe if they give it in saying it, but in doing so are saying it with the writing in mind that they do not use? And could they further keep their name safe by cycling through different writings so that any Faeries wouldn’t possible know they exact version of it being used at any time? And would the potential misfire of name use (not referring to someone as they customarily should) protect someone from Name Binding...or...wait...Personal accepted nicknames are probably truer than those based in Formality (going by the Indigo King at least)...hm... Or is that overthinking it with no actual basis? Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming.
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sublimegentlemanalpaca · 5 years ago
They have plenty of Fruit...but what about Spices for Faeries?
So...I’ve been reading the King of Elfland’s Daughter by Lord Dunsany and I’ve been loving it. A recent bit that stuck out to me was how (yo paraphrase) ‘ Magic is the spice of life’ and so on. That’s said by a Witch from the Fields we Know...but it got me thinking. What sort of spices do Faeries have access to? They can play with the senses so they can fake Spice in food I imagine...but do they cook with it? I know one of the Faerie Societies I have eats mainly Faerie fruit and Fantastic Game and so on...but do they legitimately cook? Or is legitimately cooking perhaps too much work? With this in mind...I’m thinking I might make Aled (son of Titania and her Consort Oberon and a protagonist for whatever I’ll call this thing based around the Fellowship of Eldritchicians) fond of cooking and Spicy foods and stuff. Also sweet things...candies and cookies and so on. Yes. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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sublimegentlemanalpaca · 5 years ago
What are names of Faerie Queens? Like how many notable ones are there?
Got an idea for a story. Due to the imposed abdication of the previous King of Faerie (an Eldritch being who was not Fae himself) dude decides to pull a King Lear (without the tantrum and most of the stuff that makes it King Lear...so not really like King Lear). Just a question of how many Queens will Fairy be split between. There’s Titania. Gloriana from Spenser’s the Faerie Queen. Queen Mab. There’s the Queen of Elphame( whose name I don’t know). Another thought is the various Kings of Otherworlds from Welsh Mythology (which I understand are kinda like Faeries? Correct me if I’m wrong)...I know I’ll probably include Gwynn Ap Nudd (apologies if I spelled that wrong) due to his connection to the Wild Hunt (and the choice of making the Wild Hunt be the 100(or 30?) knights to Alwin’s Lear).. And there’s apparently a whole thing about Diana being a name for the Queen of the Faeries? So are there any notable names I’m missing for Queens of Faerie? Or do those four seem sufficient? Make of this what you will Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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sublimegentlemanalpaca · 5 years ago
How old the FoE is...and figuring out setting...
Stuck on when to set the blasted thing (some time to include Quincey. Possibly to include Charles Williams in modern day?) There’s the thought of alternate dimensions and worlds and things....hm... Given Medusa...the FoE has probably existed in some form or fashion (though likely not as it does now whatever now is) since the Greek Heroic Age and whatnot. Yeah. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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sublimegentlemanalpaca · 5 years ago
Why can’t Faeries (Fairies? However you spell it) Lie?
So...I’ve kept hearing, or rather seeing, that thing about how Faeries can’t lie and stuff. Which is fascinating because one has to wonder about all sorts of things stemming from that. Like is an honesty thing where being dishonest just doesn’t cross their mind? How do they react to Lies and Things revealed to be lies after the fact? Can they determine what are lies or do they accept everything at face value? Then there’s the facet of Equivocation! You’ve got a Race that is likely taught to equivocate to get around having to not be able to lie! Then from there you’d have Faeries who would take their knowledge of equivocation and bring it to their interactions with Non Fae things....looking for double meanings keeping every possible interpretation in mind and being very focussed on context clues and things to gleam whatever it is that’s actually being said. All these are great...and for all these reasons and more I will likely continue in it and have the Faeries that the FoE interacts with (and the at least three Faeries who are a part of or joining the FoE) follow this no lying ‘rule’ Barring the exceptions of the two Faeries who’ll be protagonists and stuff. The one being Half human, the other being granted then gift of honest deception’ from another party. All this in mind, could anyone tell me why is it the Faeries/Fairies can’t lie? Like is it an ingrained thing? Is it based in local folklore? Mythological roots? Is it just something the Victorians thought up and has been accepted as far older and more established than it really is? I’m legitimately curious and would love to know the answer. Simple searches and things have turned up nothing in answer. Most annoying. On a related note...not yet certain if this will apply to the Elves as well...which are basically Faeries in all but name and being a tad less....for lack of a better word ‘whimsical’. More serious. Any replies or reblogs yielding answers or interpretations on the matter and question of why is it said Faeries/Fairies can’t lie will be much appreciated. Thank you kindly. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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sublimegentlemanalpaca · 5 years ago
Figuring out if Oberon should have Antlers or some such...what will that mean...
So...the thought crossed my mind to give The Oberon in the thing I’m writing Antlers or Horns or some such. The reason mainly being so another character can whack one of said Antlers/Horns clean off....and then stuff goes from there...Antler bit probably used for a knife or cane or some such... But then I remembered something. One the idea that for my purposes Oberon will be a Dark Elf (or Pale Elf?)...now for my Purposes Nicnevin’s court will be one of two courts that hunt frequently and often... But if he has Antlers...than likely so do most to all other Dark Elves (male? Or both? Heck if I know...) Then two other thoughts came to mind. The thought of Oberon’s Antler’s frequently falling off as Antlers do (to my understanding?) Might have Diana have Antlers since like female reindeer have Antlers in the Winter? Right? Probably only the Elves will have Antlers if they do? The Faeries...either nothing or just horns or some such... Kay maybe Dark Elves will have Antlers...if only for Oberon to have them and have one knocked off by Alaire’s Fire Poker. This makes sense in context I swear. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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sublimegentlemanalpaca · 5 years ago
Overseer Archimedes and the Fellows In Grey
As I’ve mentioned before, Archimedes is not only one of the Overseers of the Fellowship of Eldritchicians. He is also a (the?) Mothman (because Mothman is by far my favorite Cryptids). Is the immediate superior to to those Eldritchicians who study Cryptids...most either learning his bizarre language, or getting help from Alaire to Translate...Archimedes refusing to use or wear a Universal Translator. He is in charge of his own little Splinter group, the Fellows In Grey (the FoE’s answer to the Men in Black). Basically being the ones who deal with Cryptids and Aliens and things. They probably still follow the Three to a team as the greater FoE does? Members include. Overseer Archimedes. Miss Calista Flatwood. Mister Erland Ranswell (an accomplished Linguist, Astrocartogrspher, and researcher. Who happens to be one of those big headed grey alien guys). Dr. Mary Leeds. Twelfth child of the Leeds family. Immediate Elder sibling and self appointed Caretaker of the Jersey Devil (aka John Daniel Leeds). Medical Doctor and accomplished survivalist. Also employed by the FiG are a whole bunch of Fresno Nightcrawlers who answer to Archimedes and basically report on cool stuff they find. They’re like the Knowledge seekers to Archimedes’ Wong Shi Tong From Atla. Thought I just had! Mister Erebus Hyde, the Hidebehind Network. I’m really proud of this one. Alaire was being stalked by a Hide Behind. Hide behind was held still, and Alaire befriended it and gave it a Name. Erebus for the personification of Darkness in Greek Mythology (for the Hidebehind was something akin to true Darkness and yet not quite it...Alaire suspects the Hide behind is a thing junior only to the Eldritch Fellows...who predate Existence), and Hyde because the name. The Hid behind Network is many many Hide behinds who are in a sort of hive mind yet not quite. They all answer to Erebus Hyde...though from listening to them you can tell they’re different. They will make themselves known to those who they report to...and only a select few have managed to know without being told that Erebus is definitely behind them. These two being Alaire of course, Archimedes, and the also above mentioned Dr Leeds. So yeah...there’s the Fellows In Grey....(only two of whom actually wear grey). Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of
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sublimegentlemanalpaca · 5 years ago
Thoughts for Eldritchicians...
The five to nine(I don’t know how many? I just know I want it to be odd...or maybe even so including Alvis makes it odd?) Apprentices/Assistants whose actions led to the founding of the actual Fellowship to begin with. Medusa. Yes, that Medusa. In this case the Priestess turned monster rather than the one who was always a monster. Recruited after a Fellow made the case that Medusa was done wrong, and being a devotee to a Goddess of Wisdom she may be inclined to learn what the Fellowship has to offer, and bring a lot of her own skill and wisdom to the table. Alvis is convinced by this and is happy to share wisdom with someone who’d appreciate it.?Algimantus is convinced to help since by getting Medusa elsewhere so as to avoid Perseus, Medusa will owe a life debt...and Algimantus knows the amazing properties of Gorgon Blood and Gorgon Hair...Medusa is taken under Alvis’ wing somewhat and becomes one of the best archivists and lore keepers in the whole Fellowship (other stuff to be added). Gets an Iron Book pendant for working with Alvis. Is given special glasses ala Cyclops so that she doesn’t turn everyone into Stone (The Fellowship have their own special glasses which protect them from Medusa’s Stare anyway). I know she either dislikes or outright hates Algimantus. Has a Adamant Harpe...but hardly uses it or sees the need to use it. Snake hair is golden...with a chalk or marble white complexion? Quincey Johnathan Jack Harker. As the first and last name show, this is the Son (eldest of Three Harker children) of Mina and Johnathan Harker. Quincey is the one who eventually took up the study of Vampires and other spooky goings ons. In his early thirties Found himself in Alvis’ book shop one day and ended up joining the Fellowship. Ended up training with Albus in combat and learning about Ghosts and unknown horrors of the deep and elsewhere. For this he has a Orichalcum Lighthouse Pendant. His time with Albus (mainly the setting of a Lighthouse, and the apparent sexiness of sword fighting) brought Quincey to several conclusions about himself (mainly how he’s Bi)...tried and failed in courting Albus. Often has two Bowie knives on his person. The one belonging to his namesake and what helped in killing Dracula. The other made of Adamant and provided by the FoE. Runs what’s basically a Victorian Romantic era ghostbusters with his brother Lucius. I’m not sure...but I think he’ll be a red head (Mina having had red hair)...have Mustache of some sort (nothing too silly)...and his clothes will probably be in the pallet (is that the right word) of the Bisexual flag....though he likely doesn’t fully know of the significance of his outfits colors. Lucius Abraham Harker: Quincey’s younger brother...and also a ghost. He’s technically not a apart of the Fellowship, just an honorary member. Can only be seen by Quincey, some other Eldritchicians, other ghosts...and come to think of it quite a number of people. He didn’t die tragically or anything (aside from dying relatively young). His only unfinished business is making sure Quincey doesn’t get himself killed. Also regularly sets up hauntings with other ghosts in the hopes of setting his brother up with suitable bachelorettes and bachelors. Resemblance between him and his brother are clear..with Lucius being younger..and clean shaven. Possibly dark haired? (A dark haired Johnathan could still have a recessive gene for red hair right? I forget genetics) Isemene: Like Medusa a priestess of Athena. The first, or one of the first, to fall under Medusa’s Gaze (not intended). Was saved from being a statue by Algimantus trying out anti venom from the hair of a different Medusa (other universes and so on). Was the one who put forth the idea of recruiting Medusa and was there when Alvis, Algimantus, and the leadership (?) of the Fellowship did so. Was the one to sway Medusa to joining. I’m not sure how yet...but I imagine she has something of a leftover from her previously stone state. Either she is flesh and blood, but her face and joints are cracked like stone. Or she’s mostly flesh and blood with here and there remaining stone...I’m not sure. She trained under Algimantus in the use , finding, retrieving and making of Magical items (like Gorgon Anti Venom among other things), and has a Silver Dragon surrounding a Golden Apple pendant to show for it. Lastly (for now) there’s Charles Williams. Or at least A Charles Williams. Specifically a Charles Williams who learned about the Fellowship and really wanted to join it. Succeeding when he helped Quincey and a few other Eldritchicians with a very disagreeable and dangerous spirit. Is possibly (?) one of the few Eldritchicians to have the Lighthouse, the Book, and the Dragon and Apple as pendants (or maybe they’re badges). Studying first under Alvis(who taught him about Angels and Angel related things), then Albus (to become better with Ghosts, and how to fight if necessary), and Algimantus ( dealing with Relics and other mystical Artifacts like those which show up in Williams’ novels...though not just Christian things). Has a simple Rapier for the aesthetic of it...and still his trademark blue suit. Other ideas to follow. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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sublimegentlemanalpaca · 5 years ago
Ideas for New Eldritchicians (and more thoughts on an older one)
Archimedes: Archimedes is a Mothman. Or possibly an Owlman? Probably a Mothman. I know he is definitely the best friend of Alair Vendel Eldritch and normally accompanies him wherever he goes, sticking to the shadows around Alair’s Campfires. Or possibly hiding in Alair’s shadow some how? Not sure if he speaks any human languages, elvish ones, or his own Mothman Language that others find a way to understand. Alair just understands him. Archimedes is an amazing researcher for the FoE and is usually the one sent out to deal with the especially spooky stuff that aren’t ghosts. Gets along really well with Alyss, Medusa, and Aderyn. Comyna: A Witch who was originally hanging out with Alpheas Eldritch before joining the FoE. Due to various circumstances....she’s stuck in the form of a Black Cat. Has learned from Algimantus, Alvis, and Albus aside from learning shape shifting stuff from Alphaes. Not sure on the name. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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sublimegentlemanalpaca · 5 years ago
Weapons, Metals, and Items used by the FoE.
Grey Adamant blades. Standard weapon for defensive and offensive purposes. Chosen for its durability, sharpness, and also just because it’s grey and it fits the Arch Overseer’s Aesthetic. Every Eldritchician (barring some exceptions like Medusa, Overseer Archimedes, Intelligencers Rosemary and Charles Williams) usually has their Adamant arms on their person. Eldritch Spectacles/Spectracles: Special Eyeglasses every Eldritchician is given. Meant to protect their sight from things that might harm themselves or their minds. Also allows them to see things that aren’t normally able to be seen. Have been known to give ESPers and those who can already just see Ghosts awful Headaches. These eyeglasses are usually the Rounded colored lens sort but not always. Also come as Goggles if that’s more your style. Damascus Steel blades: Overseer Sinbad knows the secrets of Damascus Steel, his own Weapon (rarely used) being made of it, as is the Symbol for his study of Eldritch Cartography, The Damascene Compass Rose. On occasion or request he will make Damascene blades (or have others do so) as an Alternative to the Standard Grey Adamant. Cold Iron: To ward of Faeries and protect them. Rosemary is odd in that he keep a Cold Iron Dagger on his person while being a Faerie of some sort. Also good against ghosts, keeping them at bay(stings them). Cold Iron is usually the basis for making Cthonic Iron. Vampire/Werewolf Spear: Offensive weapon the original being made for Overseer Morgan Maddox by the Eldritch Fellow Albus Viggo Eldritch. Made up of all the things that can harm Vampires and Werewolves. Like a Boar Spear in that it is meant to keep the Werewolf or Vampire from charging down the Spear to get at the wielder. There are many Vampire spears made...but most are kept in storage and not openly displayed (especially since several Eldritchicians are Vampires and Werewolves respectively). Overseer Morgan though always the original Vampire Spear with in reach or in hand. Bespoken Bodkins/ Shaded Daggers: A specialty weapon only made for a select few who learn from Alaire V Eldritch. Also known as a Carnwennanian Dagger, these are modeled after Arthur’s Dagger Carnwennan and like Carmwennan is very powerful and meant to let the user hide and blend in with Shadows. The Shading comes from the layers (shading) of the user’s own Shadow. Among those who hold These Bespoked Bodkins are Arch Overseer Alyss, Overseer Morgan, ‘Dr. Faustus’, and some others who I forget at present (Huld I think?) Cthonic Metal: Used to do harm to ghosts (usually as a last resort). It is metal that is ‘Killed’ and the spirit of which is used to make the Cthonic Metal. Used in Swords, Daggers, but also Bullets (for only up to Flintlock sorts or earlier). Usually made with already Cold Iron, Meteoritic Iron, and Silver. Silver itself already good for Vampires and Werewolves, but the Cthonic Iron is so that it sticks with the ghost and not merely pass through them. Those who have Cthonic Metal with them include ‘Dr. Faustus’ Quincey Harker, Yorick Johnson, and a few others whose names escape me and others who aren’t named or anything. One last Metal to mention is Orichalcum. Orichalcum is usually a ‘do whatever you want’ sort of thing from what I can gather. Known for being with Atlantis and Aphrodite apparently had Orichalcum Jewelry? Orichalcum is occasionally made into actual weapons on its own...but more often than not it is added to things or used as Jewelry to hold very powerful items. Orichalcum for my purposes will be a booster of sorts, meant to enhance already present magical or mystical properties in a Thing or Person. May also grant a Person abilities and qualities associated with said things. Two examples include the Zodiac Rings made by Algimantas Varrius Eldritch. And another is A Ring made of Orichalcum for Arch Overseer Alyss Violet Eldridge. Hesperidian/ Idunic/ Edenen Cider: Cider made by Algimantas Varius Eldritch and used sparingly with each Eldritchician having a Vial of Hesperidian Cider on Hand (more if they’re Medically focused). Meant to save the life of a dying person...but only if they’re on death’s door! No other time. If they die...well better hope someone is on the way with Gorgonian Blood. Gorgonian Blood: Blood from a Gorgon. Depending on the side it is either a lethal poison (Left side) or something that cures all wounds illness and cure death. Only the Preternatural Intelligentsia have anything with Gorgonian blood from the left side. Phoenix Quills and Fire Kits: Usually just for messages between The Arch Overseer, the other Overseers and the Preternatural Intelligentsia. Phoenix Quills are Writing Quills whose messages can only be read when set on fire. Any fire won’t always work. Regular fire only works for Red Fire, written with a Red Phoenix Quill. From Experimenting by Algimantas, Alyss has a collection of Quills of all the colors of the rainbow and the color of the seal used generally indicates the nature of the message. There are also messages to be read through Rainbow Fire and Grey Fire (from Alyss’ Phoenixes Iris and Faythe respectively)...but those are rare and for certain things. Zodiac Rings: Not sure if I’ll include these with the FoE, but I’l mention them anyway. Made from certain Metals and Gems that with some added Orichalcum allow the user to control the element associated with their Zodiac thing. For example a person who is a Leo would have a Ring made from Gold, Orichalcum and set with Peridot. This would give them control over Fire and stuff. Likely not in wide spread use. Might be determined on if a person holds with Astrology and what not to start with? We’ll see. Edit! Forgot something! The FoE has...some kind of Communication device. But I Haven’t figured out a name yet. Just calling it a Communicator is boring... A Device that works as a Compass/ locator of Eldritch presences (Ghosts/Demons/etc) have also yet to think of a name. Some Translation Aid: to get over Language barriers they FoE has various methods to learning many new languages. Some involve taking the time to learn a bunch of languages, others take quicker routes like blood of mythical beings and things (with said beings permission mind you). Also have a Technological device developed by Extraterrestrial Eldritchician Mr. Ranswell (I’ve forgotten his first name just now). Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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sublimegentlemanalpaca · 5 years ago
Albus’ cool sword of a cool metal (possibly for Eldritchicians as well?) and messing with newbies
I’ve had a really cool idea...I think? So I’ve thought it be neat if each Eldritchician from Quincey to Medusa to C. Williams and so on had some kind of blade or blades weapon made from Adamant. No matter if they use it a lot (like Quincey) or hardly ever (like Medusa and C. Williams). Thought about them being uniform..but then realized it made more sense for them to have whatever suited them best. Quincey has a Bowie knife of the stuff, while Medusa has a Harpe (possibly the one that would have been used against? But maybe not?). The Eldritchicians usually train in house (older ones training newer ones), but more often then not Eldritchicians get sent to Train with Albus V Eldritch (either Vigo or Valdrin)(the sexy Eldritch one...who dressed either like a Pirate captain (in black to contrast the rest of him of course) or the sort of Mariner you’d expect to manage a Lighthouse) The thought struck me...on the one hand, Albus could train people in just using Rapiers (his favorite tied with Cutlasses because pirates)...but what if, to train anyone with there preferred weapon of choice in stead of just cluttering his Places with weapons (which he still does anyway) he has one weapon that turns into any weapon...swords mainly...but also Spears, Axes, etc. No fire arms though....except maybe Flintlock stuff (wood and metal). Any thing made of Wood and metal. Now the wood is probably just enchanted or whatever...but I’m quite proud of the metal idea. First, I should note Albus’ weapon has a name. Originally I thought to name it Alpheas because it apparently means changing...but it seemed best not to get mixed up...and I think I already used Alpheas for another Al (I think he’s an Actor or something). So instead I just looked up a bunch of Shape shifters to see which sounded coolest for a sword. And I think I found one that is a perfect fit! The name being Proteus. Proteus apparently being the name of a sea God in Greek Mythology also known as ‘the Old Man of the Sea’ and I thought...that’s perfect! Not only is it a shape shifter but Old Man of the Sea fits Albus perfectly (even though the only indicator of him being old his certain looks he has and his white hair). So yeah...Weapon is called Proteus...and..is made of a mix of Adamant and Orichalcum (Atlantis Copper stuff that can do whatever you want). I’m just stuck on what to call it and the color. For the name I’m thinking Eldritch Proteuium(if that’s how you make things metals) or Protean something or other. Leaning toward Eldritch Proteuium because it sounds cooler and notes it is made by Albus. As for the color...I’m thinking a deep blue that is just shy of being black which if observed for long will call to mind to terror and mystery of the unknown depths of the sea which is an open book to Albus. When catching the light just right one can glimpse the shine of the Adamant and Orichalcum. As for messing with Newbies...I imagine when new Eldritchicians get sent to Albus they’re not told to train with Albus but to fight against Proteus. A sword fight up to the top of the light house later (littered with weapons for the Eldritchician to choose from), with the ghostly residents cheering Albus on...and proper introductions are made. Or something like that. I might write a thing...but I can’t write action to save my life...and there are still other bits to get to. One question remaining is if the Eldritchicians weapons should also be Eldritch Proteanium or just awesome Adamant. Oh and one more thing...there’s a secret ingredient to make the Eldritch Proteuium But yeah Albus has a kick ass sword weapon thing named Proteus. Proteus might also become a Cane...because of course. Topped with either a Lighthouse or the merman like figure of Proteus. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming (even if I’m having difficulty with a made up metal).
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sublimegentlemanalpaca · 4 years ago
A hopefully concise description of the Fellowship of Eldritchicians.
I've realized I've been badgering two friends constantly over the past three-fourish months and haven't done much else. So will provide something of an explanation regarding the thing I'd been badgering the two about.
The Fellowship of Eldritchicians. Yes I know Eldritchicians looks like it sounds silly, and indeed it does...but thought and still think it sounded cool so I'm sticking with it. The icians bit meant to be like Electrician, Magician what have you( probably self explanatory but I digress).
The FoE is your standard global secret society (with six Academies across the world, and one in Faerie/Elfphame) dealing with all things Supernatural and Preternatural. Having the goals of studying and understanding the Supernatural, Preternatural, and Eldritch, and in turn assisting it/ protecting against it as the case may be. Was first founded around the fourth or fifth century AD/CE
The FoE primari deals with Nineish major fields
1. Ghosts and various other Undead.
2. Magical objects/items (retrieval/confiscation/rarely destruction)
3. Uncanny Fauna aka Cryptids (Note will be doing my damndest to be careful here In what is an isnt a Cryptid). Has an advanced field (due to its expert) in Primordial Darkness.
4. Demons (still figuring out the exact details here. Primarily dealing with Christian Demonology, though Christian demons will likely not be the only demons of course. Again, being careful).
5. Fantastic Fauna (creatures of Classical Mythology Not overly common).
6. Fairies (Dealing with the aftermath of Fairy actions, or acting as neutral third parties in disputes between the Five Kingdoms of Faerie and Elfphame)
7. Angels.
8. Magical People like Wizards and just Spells in general.
9. Lovecraftian Extra Dimensional Horrors.
Not all Eldritchicians are human (of its seven founders only three were human, and one of them being completely non magical) or entirely human...just a passing mention.
Only involves itself in matters relating to the Supernatural/Preternatural.
New Eldritchicians brought on (which is what this story will likely be focusing on) by senior Eldritchicians picking them and providing a letter of Reccomendation to one of the Seven FoE Academies (Archimago, Dom Daniel, Beowulf, Dobryna (probably spelled that wrong), Tomoko, Suleyman, and Leeds &Kidd Academy). Where they will learn/train for five years. First two years being something of General Study/Shadowing (following trained Eldritchicians on the job). The following three years being to learn in depth three of the nine major fields, a field per year, from senior Eldritchicians proficient in it but also from one of Nine Individuals who are something of Benefactors (?) to the FoE. The Eldritch Fellows/The Archimages/Arch Mages, 9 individua...beings...who are recognized as the experts in their respective field and are important deals in the FoE, though they do not lead it. The FoE being lead by six Overseers and One Arch Overseer who is the first Eldritchicia and founder of the whole organization. (A note that four of the Founders have such leadership positions and all seven of the original Fellowship are still around).
Will share more later. Though I think I posted about the planned protagonists and stuff already? If any of this sounds interesting, feel free to ask questions or what have you.
Make of this what you will.
Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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sublimegentlemanalpaca · 5 years ago
Some Al-verse (FoE Verse?) OCs and their Hobbies and whatnot.
Perdita Alunni: Cryptid Nerd, Shakespeare Nerd, enjoys Whittling and wood carving. Chess and Checkers. Long talks about the stuff...
Rei Arashi: Playing the Shamisen (learned from their mother), self defense, various abstract Strategy Games. Reading. Loves Cats.
Aled of Faerie: Adores playing Hide and seek with friends. Playing Pranks with Acrasia, Rei, and his Shadow Dela Fencing and Sword fighting. Magic Word games and word games in general. Playing Questions (see Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead) Cooking and subsequently eating. Playing Dice (loves Liar's Dice) or Nine Men's Morris. Dancing, very fond of parties though he lacks any skill with instruments. Flying when space allows (I should note he is a Faerie with Large Moth like Wings). Fond of sleeping when not doing any of the above.
Acrasia Pen Dragon: Practicing magic(mainly by turning her cousin Aled into whatever animals he can think up). Sword fighting and Marksmanship. Fishing. Horse riding. Doesn't enjoy flying but will join Aled from time to time. Regularly beats Aled at most Strategy games...though is terrible at games of chance. Poetry?
Cassandra-Sibyl Read: Total Astronomy Nerd. Plays either the Guitar or Violin. A Devil (ha) at Dice (favorites are Liar's Dice and Greed) and Card Games. Chess, particularly Four player Chess. Dungeons and Dragons (will introduc the rest of her cohort to the fun of DnD) DMs, or Cleric. Enjoys practicing various forms of Fortune Telling. All manner of mancies. Quite fond of Tarot though no one else holds with it (Mr. Mancy especially not holding with it even though he'll hold with just about any other form of Divination).
Rubedo Kleinmann: Chemistry (especially when it involves explosions) and Math. Gardening (finds pulling weeds to be relaxing), jewelry maybe? Not the most sociable person...but does enjoy playing games with people (or at least he'll be invited and learn to enjoy playing games with people) though not especially good at any parti ones probably. Gets the hang of playing Greed really quick. Can not hold any liquor (aside from it tasting terrible almost always).
Omer Adams: Gets along with Animals. Practicing what magic he knows (still figuring this out. Has Norse Giant Ancestry) Tinkering with mechanical stuff. Arm wrestling and wrestling. Knife throwing. His true passion is Baking (especially sweets!).
There's that. Ask questions if you like.
Make of this what you will.
Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming
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