#Sensory Brooches
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niuttuc · 2 months ago
Hydra's Tear
Recently, I've created a magical item for one of my MtG characters, and I tend to spend a lot of time refining unnecessary details for these, so I felt like writing down what I've got on it. Feel free to include it or a variation on it in your own creations. I'll put up the story side of things with the historical model and a short description first, then go into the unnecessary details under a read more.
The Myth:
The legend associated with the Hydra's Tear harkens back to days long past, and long forgotten, on the plane of Theros. It is but one small part of the tale of the Founding of Meletis, the story of the Aesthelith. It is known to only a few yet, woven as it is into the story of Kynaios and Tiro, the Guardians of Meletis.
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After defeating the tyrant Agnomakhos at the goddess Ephara's behest, the two lovers founded a city who the goddess would be the patron of. To show their love to each other and devotion, they declared that the first ceremony to be conducted in Ephara's temple in Meletis, as soon as it would be finished, would be the kings' wedding.
Ephara was pleased by their dedication and success and delighted at this announcement. She set forth to find a wedding gift fit for two kings, and for a goddess to grant as well. After giving humans magic to fight in the war against Agnomakhos, she wanted to show the good magic could also bring in peace.
Knowing his skills with magical crafts, Ephara went first to her cousin Purphoros, god of the Forge, with her requests. Purphoros assented to help her, but only if she procured for him the centerpiece of a creation he had in mind, but escaped the grasp of even the god: a tear from a hydra. Cunning Ephara assented, with already a plan to extract it from such a beast.
In Nyx, she found the great hydra Polukranos in its lair hidden in the stars. There, she waited for it to sleep, then started telling him the story of Kynaios and Tiro, of their bravery, but more than anything, of their love. The story was so beautiful that the sleeping hydra wept a single tear. The goddess was swift to claim her prize and return to Purphoros's forge.
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In Purphoros's hands, the tear became a gem, and holding it firmly, the god split the green stone in twain. From its halves, Purphoros fashioned two gold brooches to his and Ephara's design. She thanked her cousin, and took the jewelry to the city of Meletis, where a wedding was being arranged.
When the day came, the goddess officiated the wedding herself, and gave to each of the kings one of the brooch. "Behold," she declared, "by my word, you who were two are now one. These are a symbol of your love, and of mine. While a brooch can fasten clothes, these will fasten people together. Like the hydra it hails from, for as long as you keep it against your skin, you will be as two heads of the same body. You shall see what the other sees, hear what the other hears, and feel what the other feels. Never again shall you be alone, in life or in death."
And as she spoke, so it was. Through the magic of the brooches, even when their duty sent one of the kings to a far-off country, they were never alone. Never separated from the other's voice, or touch, for the rest of their lives.
Then, as it does for any mortal, their time came. Tiro died first, and on that day, Meletis wept, and Kynaios grieved. And nowhere on his body could the brooch be found. Ephara had spoken true, and the brooches, created by the gods, were not impeded by death. By the next night, Kynaios smiled once more, hearing his husband's voice, seeing through his eyes the groves of Ilysia, and feeling his touch.
With his husband's counsel, it is said that Kynaios reigned in his last few years with wisdom beyond compare, for he had seen sacred Ilysia, and could through his husband seek advice from heroes past. When his own turn came, he passed with a smile, and once again, his brooch couldn't be found.
Legend tells that they used their magic still that day to find each other in the vast and lush groves of Ilysia. And that they still wore them in the centuries thereafter, their love as strong or stronger as the day of their wedding.
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In Practical Terms:
Hydra's tear sensory brooches, or Aestheliths, are pairs of rare magical items that allow the wearer of one to share one of the primary senses of the other, and vice-versa. The main uses are to share hearing, sight and touch, but taste and smell are also possible. Some more nebulous uses might be possible, but if they are, their use isn't as simple. All the current examples known of the items can only share one set of senses back and forth at once.
Having two sets of sensations for one sense is quite disorienting and overwhelming at first. It takes days of training with any one before one can learn to act normally with it active, and weeks or months before being able to make reflexive use of it.
It is entirely voluntary on both ends, and can be used by anyone, even if they cannot wield magic. While the item can be controlled with a hint of magic with thoughts, it can also be set and used by hand. It is done by turning parts of it to select the sense, and pushing lightly on the gem to activate it or accept the activation from the other of the pair. The effect can be interrupted from either end with a directed thought.
Despite being called brooches, these typically sit directly on the body of the user, under any clothes in the way. They don't have traditional pins or clasps, but they stick to one's body magically, and can be moved around their skin easily with a finger to slide it around.
Besides the lack of magic necessary to operate them, they are notable against other forms of magical communication devices because of their incredible reliability. They are almost impossible to disrupt or intercept, instantaneous, and can work even through planar boundaries and other magical limits. On Theros (and probably Kaldheim and other planes with similarly physical afterlives), this includes allowing direct contact between the mortal realm and the Underworld, which is otherwise particularly difficult. Of course, getting it there involves someone dying with one of a pair, and still wanting to contact the person on the other end after their deaths, so that makes exploiting it a bit harder a task.
The Unnecessary Details:
The Gem:
A Hydra's Tear is some form of magical gem. Whether or not it actually originates from hydras and their tears is unknown. It has a rough appearance due to its property to regenerate from its largest fragment when splintered or cut, a dark green lump of irregular shape. As such, extracting it from rock is fairly easy, you can just smash the rock and get the bit that regenerates from there, but further sanding or cutting it into shape is impossible, and each Hydra's Tear will have a unique natural shape.
When cut into two exactly equal pieces, the magic of the stone doesn't regenerate it, it instead acts magically as if the stone was never cut in the first place. This link transcends distance, Realms and Planes, and is almost impossible to disrupt, offering room for interesting enchantments.
However, cutting such a stone exactly in two is an incredibly difficult task, and has only been achieved by Gods or master craftsmiths with a divine favor. Even for those, it has required a lot of trial and error and sometimes days of work. As a result, the following experiment of further cutting the two halves into exact halves (quarters of the full thing) has so far never succeeded. It might not be fully impossible, but since each stone is unique, it would require succeeding in this arduous task twice in a row, and it's impossible to tell whether a failure is due to it being outright impossible or just the result of a minor mistake. The gem is pretty rare in the first place, as are those able to cut it once, so experiments such as those have been few in numbers.
Notably, once a gem is cut in this way, it doesn't lose its regenerating properties, but as far as its magic is concerned, it is still a single gem, so chipping or breaking it doesn't cause the link to fail or anything of the sorts. It simply regenerates whichever half got chipped or broken into its proper half.
The Brooches:
The most common (but still incredibly rare) item created from cut Hydra's Tears are brooches modeled and enchanted after the mythical pair, though not all those that have made them knew the myth. Those are called Aestheliths after the Theran term, or sensory brooches. As was mentioned earlier, they allow the wearer of both brooches to pick a sense they both have, and experience at the same time their end of that sense and the other wearer's. It is disorienting at first.
It does not function when the sense only exists for one of the wearers due to different species, but it does function if one of the wearers has that sense impaired but would otherwise have it, such as with blind or deaf humans, who can see or hear through the other wearer's senses. If both wearer share a sense but differ greatly in its characteristics, such as being able to perceive different wavelengths of light or a much wider sense of smell, it will still function but will be even more disorienting and difficult to parse for both people involved.
They technically can work with any sentient creatures, but are only really practical with sapient ones. Training an animal to wear, activate the brooch and then not immediately panic at the flood of sensations and interrupt the connections has proven beyond the skills of any who have tried it.
With the typical design, as far as manual (non magical) use, a ring of sorts surrounds the gemstone, and can be turned to select a sense, then pushing on the gem sends a "call" to the other wearer that makes them aware of the initiated link, that they can accept with a push of their own end of the gem, or dismiss with a thought. The sense shared is always the same on both ends, and there can only be one shared at a time.
The brooches adhere to skin, but can be slid around freely on there, like a magnet would behave on a large magnetic surface. They are impossible to pry off without removing the skin they're attached to when active, and require quite a bit of effort to remove by a third party even when inactive. The wearer can remove their own with much less effort if they want to. Much like other controls, they can be moved around one's body with a though and a hint of magic channeled at it, if the wearer is able to channel magic.
Here are some notes on stuff to expect with the typical senses.
Sight is perhaps the most disorienting of senses to share at first. It helps to acclimate someone to it to start with both people involved keeping their eyes as close to each other as possible, and looking in the same direction. Learning to move your body according to a point of view that is not centered on your own head takes practice, and when that point of view is itself moving, it can lead to nausea at first.
While the brooches allow one to focus on a different part of the other's vision than they are, it doesn't allow one to move the other's eyes, or head. As a result, it can be a confusing and frustrating experience to want to look at something at the edge of the other's vision, when you physically can't turn your head or pivot your eyes to see it better.
Because sight can only be shared on its own, communication is difficult with it while in different locations. Many pairs of wearers eventually develop a code, often based on blinks for humans and similar, for some common actions... Or to switch to hearing for more complex discussions.
Between species with similar sight characteristics, there can be slight differences of color in how the world is perceived, or large ones in the case of some color blindnesses.
Between species with different sight characteristics, the mind of each will eventually adapt to recognize more colors they wouldn't usually perceive, but the process can be slow and headache-inducing.
Some have reported an unusual feeling upon seeing themselves through the eyes of another, likely linked to the fact people usually only see their own face through a mirror, whereas the brooches do not mirror the images they show.
Hearing is possibly the most often shared of the senses with Aestheliths. It allows conversations at any distance or simply seamless eavesdropping.
It is not typically as disorienting to share hearing as sight, though it can be when trying to locate the source of a sound. Your mind will associate the location depending on the position of the ears of the other wearer, not your own. This is even more disorienting when standing in the vicinity of the other wearer, but looking in different directions.
One of the quirks of sharing hearing is that both wearers hear a different voices than they expect for the other (and themselves), but not any other person. Because people hear themselves through not only their hear but the resonance of their own body, the voice they hear for themselves and the voice others hear are different. As a result, when sharing hearing with someone else, one will hear the "internal" voice for the other when they speak, and the "external" voice for themselves as well if they speak anywhere the other can hear. The speech of any third person will be heard the same as normal.
Due to sound moving relatively slowly in air, there can be a slight feeling of echoing when speaking and listening while sharing hearing, particularly as the distance between the two wearers grows larger (but still within range of hearing the same sounds).
When hearing is shared between two species with different hearing ranges, similar to sight, the mind slowly expands to understand sounds beyond the normal reach. But, similarly, those sounds can only be heard through another's ears still.
Touch has a lot of unique traits as far as being shared. It goes beyond just being touch and some other characteristics are shared as well. Some elements of proprioception as well: sharing touch involves knowing the position of the other's body and how it feels in many places, though the mind will try to assign that perception of the other person's body to the wrong position in space. This can be changed with trust and training, and a learned pair sharing touch can move around each other without ever getting in one another's way or looking at each other.
While touch will share many physical sensations, be they pressure, temperature and pleasure, it also has a special handling of pain, that is... Othered, in a way other shared sensations through the brooches aren't. When sharing touch, you *know* the pain the other is in, but you don't feel it as your own. This peculiarity of the enchantment is very purposeful, and one of the reasons replicating the enchantment is an intricate and involved process.
Touching the other wearer while sharing the sense of touch with them feels like touching your own body in many ways, since you receive both the feeling of touching and being touched at the same time. A fascinating experience.
Smell and Taste:
Smell and Taste are separate, but I'll address them here together, as they're similar in being more rarely used, and less unique in their handling.
Smell can be very useful if one of the wearers has a much more developed one than the other, such as when a human and a leonin are paired. Similar to sight and hearing, one learns to decode those new signals with time and headaches. Unlike with hearing and sight however, some of those might become recognizable without needing to be sharing smell anymore eventually, as faint but present. It might even allow one to become receptive to pheromones they normally do not notice or react to.
Taste has a bit more to it being shared, like touch, in that you can also get the texture and warmth of what is being tasted through the link. Interestingly, individual preferences also are translated through the shared sense of taste. If something is found delicious by one of the wearers and disgusting by another, how it is experienced by both will depend on who actually eats it, it will feel either disgusting to both or delicious to both.
Other senses:
Beyond the five traditional senses, some might be able to be shared with the brooches, though they might require being able to magically choose the sense to share, as the selector ring doesn't typically cover anything beyond the five main ones (and an standby position to avoid accidental activations.)
Other senses that can be shared this way include magnetoreception (the perception of magnetic fields), thaumasthesia (the perception of magic), vestibular sense (perception of balance and acceleration, generally pretty useless and nausea-inducing to share with another), and more... As a reminder, both wearer need to have the sense, or the potential for it, to be able to share it this way.
There are rumors that one can also share a sense of self through the brooches, in a way that would allow two people to perceive each other's thought processes. While there has been successful activations with this idea, the process is so overwhelming, disturbing and disorienting that everyone that tried it ended the connection after a fraction of a second at most. It is possible something like that could be sustained, but it would take years if not decades of very brief and lengthening contacts to be able to maintain a usable link for any reasonable amount of time. And there are worries that doing so would permanently alter both wearer's personalities and thoughts to match the other closer in the process.
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tangledinink · 2 years ago
question for ur gemini au: do they ever get cloaking broaches/do they have cloaking broaches and if yes why do they use them?
me: im not gonna draw anything for any of these asks, just simple easy answers, that's all--
idiot-mushroom, my beloved mutual, asking this and giving me the opportunity to make yet another set of TMNT human designs:
ANYWAY! they don't OWN cloaking brooches of their own, but every now and again they'll get a pair for the evening for some topside dinner or charity event or what-have-you that Mama wants them present for. And they look a little like this!
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this is a rare occasion and has only really been something they've been asked to participate in a handful of times over the past several years. they both find it horribly stressful for a variety of different reasons.
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gamerknight7310 · 24 days ago
The Community Box 2025
Greetings y'all, this page will contain this year's kwamis, which is 11. All of these are mutuals/friends of mine, so go check them out as they're all cool people, but with that sorted here they are.
|Fox Miraculous|
Concept: Mirth
Jewelry: Charm Bracelet
Kwami: Jovv
Weapon: Hula-Hoop
Power: Yippee - When activated, the area surrounding the user will fill with an aura that lifts spirits, making everyone inside laugh and joyful. This will also defuse any tenseness or aggressiveness within targets.
Transformation Phrases: "Playtime!" "Naptime."
Hero Alias (Holder): Bella (@authorambermkestner)
|Worm Miraculous|
Concept: Persistence
Jewelry: Segment Ring
Kwami: Mullch
Weapon: Whip Sword
Power: Coat - When activated, a coat of slime surrounds the user, making them both physically and mentally immune to attacks. However, their slime can fall off, which in turn reduces their power, so the less slime they have, the weaker their immunity.
Transformation Phrases: "Press On!" "Withdraw."
Hero Alias (Holder): Bottom Feeder (@redtriangle)
|Bunny Miraculous|
Concept: Curiosity
Jewelry: Carrot Pin
Kwami: Currio
Weapon: Pickaxe
Power: Seek - When activated, the user can find anything or anyone no matter where they are. After activating their powers, they must say the name of the person or object, and they will know the exact location. The only things that cannot be precisely pinpointed are magical beings and objects and will give only a rough estimate of where they are.
Transformation Phrases: "Hop To It!" "Take A Nap."
Hero Alias (Holder): Lady Hops (@kittysuicoffee)
|Bat Miraculous|
Concept: Perception
Jewelry: Brooch
Kwami: Ecco
Weapon: Baton
Power: Aware - When activated, the user goes into a state of hyperawareness. This allows them to notice everything around them in detail that a normal person wouldn't. The only downside is that they may experience sensory overload if activated too long.
Transformation Phrases: "Stay Vigilant!" "Roost."
Hero Alias (Holder): Dhampir (@naturegreenr-2)
|Draught Horse Miraculous|
Concept: Strength
Jewelry: Belt Buckle
Kwami: Drayy
Weapon: Barbell
Power: Bulk - When activated, the user's whole body begins to grow in size. They become larger and stronger than all other holders in this stage. However, they do begin to deflate over time and shrink back to their original form.
Transformation Phrases: "Haul Ass!" "Breaktime."
Hero Alias (Holder): Dobbin (@bakawitch)
|Cat Miraculous|
Concept: Solitude
Jewelry: Choker Necklace
Kwami: Purr
Weapon: Teaser Wand
Power: Purr-Vacy - When activated, the user essentially becomes a ghost. They're invisible, intangible, and immune to all forms of detection and physical harm. They can't, however, interact with anything on the physical plane unless they turn off their power. They can only toggle this power up to five times before the user detransforms.
Transformation Phrases: "Stray Off!" "Pspspsps."
Hero Alias (Holder): Stray (@kari-go)
|Hamster Miraculous|
Concept: Possession
Jewelry: Fanny Pack
Kwami: Nibbs
Weapon: Chakram
Power: Pouch - When activated, the user can access the pocket dimension inside of their fanny pack. They can store items for safekeeping or even beings to trap inside. Even if they detransform, the items/beings will still be in there until the holder reactivates the power to take them out.
Transformation Phrases: "Nom Nom!" "Spit Out."
Hero Alias (Holder): Rodent Tooth (@fabseg-creator)
|Hedgehog Miraculous|
Concept: Adaptability
Jewelry: Spiked Cuff
Kwami: Quill
Weapon: Javelin
Power: Alter - When activated, the user can transform the environment around them. The user must have a clear idea of how they want the terrain to look, and it only affects a five-mile radius. They also know how to traverse the terrain with ease, knowing every detail about it.
Transformation Phrases: "Curl Up!" "Unfold."
Hero Alias (Holder): Spindash (@adventuremaker21)
|Cricket Miraculous|
Concept: Harmony
Jewelry: C-Clef Necklace
Kwami: Chiirp
Weapon: Viola w/ Bow
Power: Melody - When activated, the user plays their instrument and fills those who hear their melody with emotions. This power can be used to either aid your allies or hinder your opponents. However, if the user is interrupted by their performance, then the power disappears in an instant.
Transformation Phrases: "Let's Start the Show!" "Let's Take a Bow."
Hero Alias (Holder): Minstrel (@itskarmalonekar)
|Chinese Dragon Miraculous|
Concept: Authority
Jewelry: Laurel Crown
Kwami: Legiss
Weapon: Guqin
Power: Decree - When activated, the user can create a rule that affects a single target or an area for multiple targets to follow. The user plays their Guqin while reciting what rule they want in order to activate it. However, if the user wants to create a new rule, then the old one will no longer be in effect, as only one rule can be active.
Transformation Phrases: "To the Heavens!" "Down to Earth."
Hero Alias (Holder): Yuheng (Akay)
|Penguin Miraculous|
Concept: Community
Jewelry: Anklet
Kwami: Noot
Weapon: Paddle
Power: Link - When activated, the user can telepathically communicate with others. They can use this power up to five times with different targets; however, every time they use it, they subtract another minute from their timer.
Transformation Phrases: "Huddle!" "Disperse."
Hero Alias (Holder): Snowdrop (@dennistherabbitfan7)
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rainbowdelicsunshine · 3 months ago
A question for your polymercs—if they are the type that would want to be married to each other, how would they display their commitment? Ex: some married people like to wear rings, while others may prefer to wear necklaces, earrings, or other kinds of jewelry. Some may not like to wear anything at all due to sensory issues or other factors. Do you have any specific headcanons for any of them?
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This actually took me a minute to come up with a proper since they sadly still couldn't all be legally married to each other since it's considered bigomy (which is still sadly illegal in my AU)!
The Mercs all compromised with having a Commitment Ceremony/Elopement that was treated as a big party/get together celebrating their love and the time they all spent together (especially celebrating the fact they had their kiddos since at the time Lulu would've been 8 and Leon would've been 6)
And since I have a feeling that only half of the Mercs would be into having a ring, Spy came up with the idea of having a jewel-encrusted Red Aster Brooch to wear on their respective uniforms instead (Solly even sees it as his "Metal of Love and Honor" hehe)
The Brooches would look similar to this image, except it would obvs be encrusted in a shitton of jewels (Spy couldn't help himself, he really wanted something dazzling and beautiful for them all to show off lolol)
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And if you were wondering, Lulu, Leon and Scout had a wonderful time at the Commitment Ceremony since Scout got to be an unorthodox version of a ""Best Man"" for everyone, Lulu got to be the Flower Girl and Leon the Ring Bearer!
The 8 respective Brooches were all carried in a Black Forest Wood Carved Jewelry Box that the Mercs still keep to this day to store the brooches in for when they need safe keeping
This was such a frickin fun ask to answer, I LOVED writing all of this out I wish I had the opportunity to do it more often!
Thank you soso very much for sending this in my amazing and lovely friend, it was very much needed for the longest time since I love talking about this AU so much! I hope to see you here again soon and have a fantastic day!!
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zukkacore · 8 months ago
I want the director’s cut of. Honestly the entirety of if you want divinity. I’ll take whatever you’re willing to talk about. I need to just stare out a window for awhile. I feel like crying. Wow. Amazing story stunning stunning stunning.
HELLO FRIEND SCREAMS thank you so much you know how meaningful it is that people like. Like my writing and engage with it and you've been so sosososo incredibly sweet. Sorry yours took the longest, I was trying to think of something to say bc apparently there's a word limit on these things. Boo. I would totally do a total annotated doc otherwise bc im cringe but i went over like a LOT of the references stuff in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 which honestly. Might be a lot of the process.
Imma see if I have any other notes off the top of my head:
THE POSTER: ok, so. The WEAKNESS IS PAIN LEAVING THE BODY poster. Obviously that's a bit of an ironic joke. That wasn't even really supposed to be there. I'm realizing i kept in the draft the fact that Jace makes the picture frames on Porter's desk rattle. And actually, during the implied Cassandra Divine Intervention scene where the poster falls, was originally supposed to be one of the pictures on the desk. I... couldn't justify it. I was like. idk whats weird n whats not to have as a framed picture on your desk if you're a teacher.
I'm like. Genuinely I think one of my biggest flaws as a writer is sensory detail, description, like maintaining characters geography w/in a space. King of white wall syndrome. At the bare minimum, I do think there's this kinda funny old vs. new feeling regarding Jace's belongings, his home, etc. Or like. I guess not kitsch but like something mass market vs. very old and traditional. Like the couch in my head like something small, ugly and modern, like very minimalist and kinda uncomfortable, and something a lot of people would own. But there's also the grandfather clock in the corner—to me that's also something that was passed down like the brooch. The brooch, moon n stars, obviously n heirloom—he's has like old roots in fallinel, his family is of Galicaean faith. But also The brooch is described in the same scene as the mug Porter keeps, and it's the most generic millenial like mass market slogan thing you've ever seen. There's this like. Presence of his family's influence even if he doesn't speak to them. But also a life that's. Kinda on autopilot.
I.... i always feel like I'm patting myself on the back abt this. I do really like the Detect magic + Teleport meld. I think it was clever. I'm telling myself that's ok to say. Mainly b/c it was a good solution to two problems. And a little bit b/c I think it's romantic to rip through space and time for someone. Again, I keep joking that he loved Porter to the point of invention (something i only feel self congratulatory about bc he did it in canon first).
Anyway. I was struggling SO HARD on what to do about these flashback scenes and i've said this before but like they were so close to being on the cutting room floor. I just felt like i couldn't justify them in something that was meant to be kinda... fun? Haha. "fun" IYWD. As if. The Detect thoughts i think helped with what to do about inserting those flashbacks, which i think helped resolve my problem of them feeling pointless b/c its like. It's not for our benefit, it's literally the memories weighing on Porter at like all times. They hang over everything.
The Teleport part was bc i was like. Ok. This is the biting maiming killing dropping during sex couple. If there's a question of "you can do anything you want to me", there HAS to be an escalation of stakes. But also this doesn't feel like a story that necessitates like. A lot of violence in their kinkplay I guess? When there's so much else going on, there's so much like about mourning and the violence already inflicted on Jace twofold that's actually a source of guilt for his horrible evil loser boyfriend porter. I already went through a LOT of contrivance just to get them into Porter's office (i think the fucking in porter's office jokes are fun, sue me), but I also was like. Ok. I think I need to go bigger by going smaller. If he changes the spell to rip through time, there's this like—doubling that makes it so on some level they're basically recreating their first time. Which i think makes the kinda silly vanilla (with little bit of mind reading lol) mundanity of that last part hopefully work
Fun Fact: the "I actually kinda miss you, aint that peculiar" "I'm right here" scene is the first one I wrote. It was basically the basis for everything. As it existed then, it was wayyyyy different tho. The tone was actually a lot more hostile. The patching up injuries thing actually came in way later and i was super embarrassed bc i was like that's so cliche but now i like it b/c i think there's such a Ratgrinders haunt the narrative thing about it. A Jace Cares and that's the thesis of Porter's grief thing about it.
The "there it is, the line" "you're so weird" into he never wants porter to stop saying mystifying things to him. Like. Completely changed the trajectory of what was going on almost by accident. Like. It literally wasn't until that moment that i was like. Oh. Oh. He wants porter to stay. B/c like
I see so much of the 1st half of the story as Jace like. Using Porter's want for him as a way to satisfy his own wants and needs. He wants pleasure after denying himself. But he also needs to live. I keep saying he's using sex as a tool b/c i really think he is—he wants to be so good porter can never live without him. And on level one, that's about making sure he's indispensible. Making sure he stays alive. But the second thing thats buried under there is more of a want—for Porter to stay with him. And that changed it from Jace actually fighting to have the upper hand and in some ways even getting Porter on the back foot to it being like. Actual desperation.
How many Jaces are in this story? Good question. Pre and post shatterstar for sure, but also we only see Pre in flashbacks so they're more like Porter's perception of pre. The clones are implied but do not make an appearance. And obviously after the first 5, the other jaces w/in 8 Jace thesis are more concepts in people's heads (and also one of them is 25). The Jace of Porter's memory is definitely there. The Jace Porter thought he would get after the shatterstar also haunts the scene. too. It's jaces all the way down.
Idk if it makes sense my logic behind this but. There's Porter complimenting Jace when he's really raw and vulnerable and messy and its like. Jace's response is that it's unfair. And b/c there's so much talk abt justice and unfair in FHJY i was like. Can. there be an instance in which something is unfair in a good way? Like. In that you're the one being treated unfairly at the expense of everyone else. Like. almost like. Sometimes you can be unfair in that you're easier on your friend than you might be on someone else. That's not fair, but like. That's human. Like if something is unfair you might be getting an advantage on something you didn't earn. But you don't have to earn love, but the fact that Jace didn't have to work for it, he feels like he's getting something too easily. It's unfair. In a good way.
I've said this before but I do think Porter is able to come to some sort of synthesis about Jace. And that he was maybe able to even conceive of the totality of him b/c of how the flashbacks are laid out. Like. in the first one he's unpalatable and angry and a disappointment to the memory of Jace that Porter imagined. In the second one he's sort of perfect, the scene too short and precious and romanticized to be muddied by real flaws in his mundanity and simplicity. And in the last one, Jace is mundane, flawed, overworked, overly familiar with his students, willing to play favorites, but also empathetic, good at making connections, ultimately well meaning and trying his best. Someone real, that's Porter's favorite. It's up to interpretation i think. esp bc like.
Counterpoint: I think you could also read that. Porter seems to love this Jace more the way a god loves their creation than the way a man loves another man. Like. yeah they're suckin n fuckin but also Porter being in to the fact that jace is "so trusting" is very. Helio always has a plan and i let him take the wheel, no? He's moved by Jace's devotion. Jace will take that tho. He'll take it all.
Final point: if brennan says that anything his PCs do can become fair game for him, then same for me. If Adaine n Aelwyn can use dimension door to go to her parents house / aelwyn's apartment despite the distance, that's fair game for me to misuse it < 3. (i just think if i'd allowed for the teleport it would've made way more sense to go to someone's house. And llike. that's no fun at all
I might rb with more thoughts later to be a menace. Thank you!
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acrossthewavesoftime · 8 months ago
Uhhh. For the game. What's the one item of clothing that you own which you dislike the most? ... if the question makes sense.
That absolutely does make sense, my friend!
See, I was in my late teens and bought a tube dress. Lace, knee-length, very tight, bright red. I bought it because it was on sale and I thought that while it doesn't fit well now, one day it might.
Fast forward to the present day, it does fit me. Objectively, it even looks great going by its fit. The colour suits me very well.
But, this is just no more who I am. It is a relic of what I wanted to be at a certain age, but nothing I would wear now.
I don't think I really dislike it in a way that I absolutely detest a specific aspect of it, or the sensory dimension of wearing it, I just... don't think I will ever wear it. It is, however, a piece of my history and others have told me it looks great, so for the moment, it is allowed to stay in my wardrobe.
I don't believe my teenage self ever saw me owning several different evening gowns, frilly 80s blouses, brooches and pearl necklaces coming. xD
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littlemoriflower · 11 months ago
:3 because I like asking questions (and you can answer when you aren't busy!!) What are you "go to" accessories for mori kei outfits? (like scarfs, necklaces, bracelets, brooches, etc.)
Hellooo! How are you, dear? It's always good to see you around my blog hehehe (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
To answer your question, I actually have a few, even though I am not one to over-accessorize!
However, my normal "go to" are:
Necklaces, usually made out of gold, wool or crochet, with quirky designs and forest/animal motifs
Scarves, for when it gets cold in the autumn or winter months
Socks (do these count? lmao), since I loooove socks with quirky motifs, and I love to put them on top of leggings and scrunch them up ^ ^
Brooches of any kind, normally with forest and animal motifs as well
Hair accessories, like crocheted hairclips or hairbands
Accessories like bracelets and rings are very rare for me because I have sensory issues, so I usually end up taking them off just after a hours of using them! YoY
Also, since I like to crochet, I often try to make my own accessories, whenever I have the time to do so! Otherwise, I buy accessories that could work with mori and "morify" them even further! ~⁠(⁠つ⁠ˆOˆ⁠)⁠つ⁠。⁠☆
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aemiron-main · 2 years ago
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ST Costuming Posts
Will’s Unbuttoned Flannel (x)
Initial Post About The BTS Picture Of Young Henry’s Sensory Tank Suit Costume (x)
Will Wearing The Same Shirt In The Science Fair Photo From S1 vs At The Arcade in S2 (x)
Jonathan Being Dressed Like Lonnie When Ranting About The Cycle Of Abuse (x)
Owens’ S4 NINA Outfit Is The Inverse of Will’s S2 Outfit (x)
He Likes It Cold vs The Snowflakes On The Hawkins Lab Gowns (x)
Mike’s Hair and Costume Being Inspired By Pete Townshend From The Who (x)
El’s NINA Flannel Being Similar To Will’s S2 Flannel (x)
Chrissy and Karen and Virginia Parallels and Chrissy’s Hair Originally Being Styled Just Like Karen’s (x)
Jason and 001 Costuming and Shot Parallels (x)
Karen and Virginia Costuming Parallels: Theyre The Same Person, Different Timelines (x)
Karen’s Blue S1 Coat Dress vs Virginia’s Blue Moving-In Dress (x)
Yet Another Karen-Virginia Parallel: Wheeler Kitchen Curtains vs Virginia’s Shirt and Virginia and Karen’s Hair (x)
Connie’s Hair vs 001’s Hair (x)
What The Hell Is On Connie’s Brooch? (x)
Victor Creel and “Why Women Kill” Costuming Parallels (x)
Henry’s Slicked Down Hair and Control (x)
Why Did Young Henry Need A Stunt Double In His Dinner Clothes? (x)
Henry’s Invisible Belt (x)
Young Henry’s Wardrobe/Converse (x)
Young Henry’s Wardrobe/Converse and Formal Shoes vs Casual Shoes (x)
Virginia’s Dinner Shirt vs Henry’s Rabbit Scene Shirt (x)
Pearl Buttons:An Analysis Of Barb Possibly Having Powers (x)
Will and Henry’s Shirts Being Inverted Versions Of Eachother (x)
Mike’s Quarry Shirt Is The Same As His Hospital Scene Shirt (x)
Mike’s Shoes During The Crazy Together Scene Are The Same As His Shoes During The Quarry Scene (x)
Mike With His Backpack Half On (x)
Ted and Mike Sweater Parallels (x)
Mike’s S4 Underwear Scene vs Ripley’s Underwear Scene In Alien (x)
Mike Costuming Parallels When El Gets Taken By The Police Van vs At The Quarry (x)
Mike Is The Only One Without A Covering On His Hellfire Shirt In The Cafeteria Scene (x)
Ted Wheeler and Philip Cunningham Costuming Parallels (x)
S2 Mike and S4 Ted Costuming Parallels (x)
Ted’s Glasses, Fred’s Glasses, and Barb’s Glasses (x)
Scott’s Plaid Funeral Scarf Has the Same Colours as Henry’s Plaid Moving-In Shirt (x)
Even If You Don’t See A Detail, It’s There: When Will We Finally Beat The Production Error Allegations? Not Everything Is A Production Error, The Details Matter. (x)
The Yellow And Black Plaid Shirt And Yet Another “Blonde Haired Kid And Black Haired Kid” Pairing (x)
Scott Clarke Is Everywhere (Featuring The Beige Coat) (x)
Why Are NINA Suit and Sensory Tank Suits Different? (x)
Kevin L Johnson’s Sideburns (x)
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yanteetle · 2 years ago
So I made a yandere turtle oc using this picrew https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1933451
Made by @lucifernos (I think-?)
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Meet: Idk help me choose name- T_T
Turtle specie: Leatherback sea turtle
A soft yandere. Is not the type to punish if you escape, maximum will make you listen to Dora the explorer theme over and over again, while slowly with each time once you get used to the melody change one note again and again. But it's a rare occurrence.
Despite being sort-tempered never would physically hurt you. If angry will just lock you in a room with your favorite items and leave you for a day. Food and water are with you btw, wouldn't want you to die.
Is willing to let you out, using cloacking brooch. Is not against you having friends. As long as you don't forget to pay attention and give affection to the said turtle. Is okay with sharing a darling.
Is a clingy mf, tho sometimes prefer not touching at all.
It's a 50/50, whether you'll have to physically hold each other or not even tapping each other
Let's you do anything as long as you show love and affection. If not? A bit grumpy and takes some of the previous privileges from you (friends or one of your favorite items)
Babies you. Likes psychology, so will try to communicate their way into your heart.
Has ADHD and ofc sensory issues. Just like me fr-
Would probably roll eyes at you running away. Unless angry-
"Oh, you tried running away again? *huffs* Why are keep doing it..? You can go outside in the morning, right now is not the place to wander around trying to get away from me. You can get hurt y'know?"
Also has teeth because used to be human. He's a HUMANOID turtle after all, so he have some advantages that normal turtle don't. Like sharp teeth- yeah the spikes are still there but front became teeth. (You can Google their spikes in the mouth, since they don't have teeth)
(Useless fact, I have sharp teeth btw-)
Also has something similar to fingers? Since this turtles don't have fingers I decided to add something similar T_T
Google said:
"While Leatherback Sea Turtles are not aggressive, if they feel threatened, they can and will bite a human with their powerful beak mouth, often leading to severe bruises or potentially breaking bones."
That's what will happen to those who try to hurt you/steal you away lol. WITH THOSE TEETH AND SPIKES COMBINED IT'S DEF GRUESOME SCENE—
Being a humanoid turtle, can survive on the land. Sadly human nor the turtle itself can breathe underwater so no underwater op thingy :>
I am making this as a joke 'cuz I am in pain rn-
They can dive deeper, travel farther and tolerate colder waters than other sea turtle species. They eat soft-bodied animals such as jellyfish. Their throat cavity and scissor-like jaws are lined with stiff spines that help them swallow this soft, slippery prey.
they are particularly sensitive to ambient temperature and seek to occupy warmer waters, typically in the tropical and temperate zones and ideally over 20ºC
I also Google how big this turtles are and uh-
six feet
The leatherback is the largest living sea turtle.
Weighing in at between 550 and 2,000 pounds with lengths of up to six feet, the leatherback is a big turtle!
I made shell spiky for no reason at all lol- let's pretend it's cracked
Also a small drawing
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My hands got better now, they stopped bleeding as much (only a little) so I'M BACK YAY
I can write and draw again >:D
How r u? How's your day ^^?
I'm glad your hand is getting better!! And thank you sm for sharing them with me! He's so pretty and I love him already!! AND THE SHADE OF BLUE IN CONTRAST TO THE BLACK MASK?? CHEFS KISS <33
I'm terrible at names but he kind of gives me Erza vibes I think? I also think the name Juno for him sounds kind of nice, but I think it's best if you named him! Oh and I'm utterly in love with his plastron stickers ITS SO NICE!! And the fact that Lucifernos made it?? AMAZING. Honestly sometimes I think they're lowkey an unsung hero in the rottmnt yandere community because they keep feeding us the ai bots AND the picrew stuff and I appreciate them so much fr AAA- On a side note, your drawing for him is amazing and I love it!! He'd totally be my type of yandere, and It's safe to say I have a vERY soft spot for him now <33 :DD
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quincyhorst · 2 years ago
Lance 💝
Shane 👗
Gareth 🖕
...First of all, thank you for sending this ask! 💖 REALLY improved an already stressful day for me ;v;
So, let's start! I'll reply to each emoji as best as I can. ~ Though be careful, it's been quite a long time since I've written in detail about Lance and Gareth's personalities, so there could be something I missed.
Lance: 💝 - A headcanon about their love language
If I had to describe Lance's LL, I think the best type that'd describe him for me (At least from what I have seen) would be Words of Affirmation. I think that if he were to have a crush/be attracted to someone, most of the time he'd have no issue approaching and flirting with them. Plus, he is very open with his thoughts as a whole: If he finds his crush beautiful or with any other quality he's fond of, he WILL say it out at any chance. He also likes doing physical gestures too, although only when things seem to go steady. But nonetheless, if you're dating him expect being hand-kissed at any chance.
A close second for his most common LL would be receiving gifts. Don't mind him, Lance has all the money in the world and wants to spend it on you (Be it flowers or jewelry). In fact, now onto an actual headcanon, it was during the FFI where he bought his first gift with romantic intentions; taking advantage he could finally talk with his crush without any intimidating adults (or little butler) around. He bought her a little KOQ emblem brooch... 🥺
...Ok, I'll confess that when I first read the ask, I got confused with "Shane", given I had never written such a name before on this blog. But I soon realized it was Shine, so... Here you have. And if it wasn't him, then... Sorry! You can ask for another character in exchange. ;____;
Shine: 👗- A headcanon about their clothes
I'll be brief: Because his parents were constantly always working outside, Shine had barely any time to do clothes-shopping with them at all. So for the most part, his wardrobe is full of loosely picked clothes, leftover ones from his father's younger ages, OR, even some bought without even prior consultation. But being fair, not even he cares much about styles and all. What he values in clothing is actually texture and comfort, SPECIALLY considering his sensory issues.
Even as an adult, when he moved with grandma Sun he only brought with him a very limited number of clothes. Typically you'll see him on his most common look: puffy red jacket and grey baggy trousers. However in this life stage more choices of his do appear, such as him prefering to wear platform sneakers (Who knows why). If he has to buy new clothes, he'd rather go to a thrift store. Not only he likes what they sell, but he's also aware of the darker side of fast fashion and the ecological damage it causes. He is not supporting that industry at all!
...I'm aware that the ask game only said one (1) headcanon, but I'll add something extra here because I actually have a special HC for Shine when it comes to this specific topic:
On Sun's house there's many things she preserves from her past, and that includes clothes. Many decades might have passed, but her sundresses still look beautiful as ever, even to Shine himself. Keep this a secret between us, but when nobody is around he likes to try them out on himself. There isn't much to this at all; it's just simply something he enjoys doing. However, while he doesn't care about imposed genders on clothes, he's aware society still thinks otherwise. So for now, him wearing dresses is only something he'll keep to himself. And he isn't ready to share this with anyone else either :(
Gareth:🖕 - A headcanon relating to anger
And finally... Remember when I wrote about how Gareth was pretty much forced to repress himself a lot? Yes, that includes many of his own emotions too, including anger; with the excuse that it looks "Impolite" on a butler. So yeah, he could hold the most intense wrath within him, and yet he'd still be forced to keep a numb face. Extremely damaging to his own mental health, unfortunately...
At school things are a bit more relaxed, so Gareth HAS some ways to express his anger if something or somebody is bothering him there. Best example is obviously aganist Lance, specially if he gets annoying with his "Lancelot kills Gareth" all over again. However, it is to clarify that when releasing it all, he'll mostly leash out, never going with any violence. Sucks, because there's many people that Gareth would like to fight, yet is aware of the family's reputation and how any action can ruin it all forever.
At least if you want something sligthly better, Gareth eventually manages to free his anger aganist the man that has forced to repress it. I won't be spoiling it much (?), BUT this is after the FFI, a time period when things around him started to get worse and worse; to a point where he just couldn't bottle it all up anymore.
...Regardless of how that specific scenario ended, it gradually led to a positive impact on his life; specially on his transition to adulthood. Around GO, I think the (former) butler would finally come on terms on his anger. He doesn't repress himself anymore and will express it when needed, but he still prefers to avoid extreme violence… Unless you threaten him or his spy partner, that's for sure.
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sophiamcdougall · 2 years ago
we went to Hastings yesterday! we didn’t know about pirate day until we got there, and it was so cool seeing them walking around! also how are there SO MANY antiques shops in such a tiny area it’s insane
Congratulations, you could not have had a more representative (or a more overwhelming) introduction to Hastings. I love Hastings very dearly -- there is nearly always a bunch of people in fancy dress and facepaint parading along the street banging drums, because, oh, who knows, it's Thursday or something. I Was There (Gandalf) for the very first Pirate Day, which back then was an attempt to break the world record for the most pirates in one place. To be counted you had to meet certain costume criteria -- stripes or a white shirt, hat or a bandana, etc. Some people had achieved this in a slapdash way, others were dressed up in extremely elaborate, and expensive-looking cosplay, with appropriate wigs, 18th century waistcoats and weapons. We gathered on the beach and eventually some kind of organiser pirate got up on a stage and announced, "Well, we're not going to break the record." Groans. "...WE'RE GOING TO SMASH THE RECOOOOORRRD!!!!" Cheers. Then, as it became rather obvious that no one had thought beyond gathering pirates to what they were going to do with them, he instructed us to storm the town. As many of the pirates had been drinking since 11am, this seemed reckless, but thankfully Hastings survived the subsequent onslaught. We did indeed smash the record, so comprehensively that I don't believe anyone has even tried to claim it since. And this was all accomplished on a weekday, which tells you everything you need to know about Hastings.
(Also, yes, the antique shops are amazing! When I had recovered a bit from the piratical and familial sensory overload today, I moseyed out again and bought five -- five! -- vintage brooches for £10.)
Come again, try the Backdoor Sausage Hole or the Kirk/Spock pub.
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binenbaumaj · 2 years ago
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Diamond Morganite 14k Cluster Ring 15057-8492
Make a statement with this exquisite cluster ring. Meticulously crafted in rose 14k gold, this luxurious piece showcases an oval-shaped morganite of approximately 0.65ct, brilliantly complemented by a halo of approximately 0.20ct (H SI1) brilliant-cut diamonds. The sensory appeal of the gems is unmatched, making it the perfect accessory for any occasion.
Details: ±0.65ct Morganite, ±0.20ct (H SI1) Brilliant-cut diamond, 14k Ring.
Design Era: Contemporary.
Size: 17.73 NL / 55.7 FR / 7½ US / O½ UK, sizeable (Within reason. Contact seller for information).
Weight in grams: 2.1.
Condition: New.
This stunning piece ships from our store in the center of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
We offer both registered shipping and local pickup at our store, with any applicable shipping costs refunded in the case of local pickup.
Add some sparkle to your style with Binenbaum.com. We offer a stunning selection of antique and vintage jewelry that you won't find anywhere else. Whether you're looking for a timeless ring, a dazzling necklace, or a unique brooch, we have something for every taste and occasion. Visit our website today and treat yourself to a piece of history.
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duxiaomin-blog · 2 months ago
Flexible Aesthetics and Cross-Cultural Imagination: A Feminist Perspective on Chinoiserie
Chinoiserie is an art and design style originating in 18th-century Europe, embodying a fantastical re-creation of Eastern cultures. Known for its distinctive decorative qualities and exotic tranquility, it became highly favored by the aristocracy. Feminist aesthetics offer a fresh lens for reanalyzing Chinoiserie, as this style not only reflects cross-cultural imagination and power structures but also deeply intertwines with the gendered culture of its time. This article explores how Chinoiserie intersected with 18th-century gender discourse and how its decorative and flexible traits were shaped and interpreted.
The Association Between Chinoiserie and Femininity
In 18th-century Europe, the realms of interior design and decorative arts were often considered feminine spaces. Chinoiserie’s graceful curves, intricate patterns, and vivid colors were seen as symbols of “lightness” and “elegance,” aligning with traditional notions of femininity at the time. For instance, Chinoiserie-style porcelain and furniture often adorned the private quarters of aristocratic women, such as boudoirs and salons. These designs highlighted women’s gentleness and elegance while reinforcing their subordinate domestic roles.
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The Davenport porcelain covered bowl, England, 1860
A case in point is the Davenport covered bowl from England, crafted in 1860. This Chinoiserie piece exemplifies a visual language that intertwines “Eastern” elements with “feminine” characteristics, creating a complex aesthetic expression. Oriental elements were “softened” to align with European tastes, a process that simultaneously reconstructed notions of Eastern culture and feminine identity. Both women and the Orient became subjects for observation and consumption within this style.
Feminist aesthetics reevaluate “softness,” which, in traditional aesthetics, is often contrasted with strength and devalued as decorative or feminine. From a feminist perspective, softness represents an alternative form of strength — one that challenges the rigidity of conventional aesthetics through emotional and sensory expression.
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The “Primped Magnolia” brooch by ChuCui Palace
For example, the Primped Magnolia brooch by ChuCui Palace exemplifies Chinoiserie’s soft curves and intricate patterns, redefining aesthetic norms. It breaks away from the clarity and simplicity of classical aesthetics to create a heterogeneous visual experience. By emphasizing ornamentation and complexity, Chinoiserie redefined aesthetic values and provided female artists and consumers a way to engage in cultural production. The brooch’s intricate craftsmanship integrates traditional Chinese fine-brush painting, characterized by precise techniques and rich coloration, into jewelry design. Its opulent colors and meticulous gemstone arrangement yield a natural and layered aesthetic, subtly resisting conventional notions of power and order. By merging “othered” Eastern elements with feminine qualities, Chinoiserie created an art form that both conformed to mainstream aesthetics and challenged their underlying power structures. The layered cultural and gendered meanings of such ornamental art suggest that it serves as a complex form of social expression, far beyond mere decoration.
Chinoiserie and Gendered Aesthetic Roles
Chinoiserie’s ornamental qualities closely tied it to the gendered perception of decorative arts in the 18th century. At the time, “high art” (such as historical painting) was deemed a male-dominated domain, while decorative arts were more closely associated with women. This cultural division of artistic value and gender bias aligned Chinoiserie aesthetics with women’s secondary social status.
However, feminist perspectives reveal Chinoiserie’s subversive potential. Despite its undervalued ornamental nature, its intricacy and complexity showcase artistic creativity and expressiveness. To some extent, women’s choices and displays of Chinoiserie items allowed them to influence the spread and popularity of this style. Such acts of consumption and display can be interpreted as an indirect assertion of women’s agency in art and aesthetics.
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The Chinoiserie dressing table created by John Linnell around 1754
For instance, John Linnell, an 18th-century British furniture designer, created Chinoiserie-inspired dressing tables, mirror frames, and other furnishings. These pieces were often placed in women’s bedrooms or dressing rooms and featured typical Chinoiserie elements, such as gilded curved decorations, floral relief patterns, and hand-painted landscapes. These furnishings not only emphasized the elegance of women’s lifestyles but also provided private and personalized spaces for them.
As an 18th-century European art and design style, Chinoiserie represents more than a reimagining of Eastern culture. It visualizes cross-cultural exchange, gendered culture, and societal power structures. Its decorative and flexible characteristics aligned with contemporary notions of femininity and the gendered division of artistic labor, reflecting women’s subordinate roles in family and society. Yet, through the lens of feminist aesthetics, Chinoiserie reveals a duality: on the one hand, it reinforced the association between femininity and decorative arts; on the other, through its intricate visual language and multilayered cultural meanings, it provided female consumers, artists, and designers opportunities to engage in artistic production. This subtle yet profound resistance not only redefined the value of decorative arts but also highlighted the role of flexible aesthetics in social expression and cultural production, showcasing the far-reaching impact of art in dialogues of power and aesthetics.
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always-angelic-aspie-alice · 8 months ago
The ocean's own unicorn 🦄 🌊
I am really picky when it comes to picking and using sensory resources. But, the other day I went with some of my family and I was gifted a narwhal. I have not used sensory toys in a really long time. This is because I am 1/very picky
2/I lost things constantly, so I wonder if I should own something new?
3/it has to suit my aesthetic/style/personality
But, I have kept Miss Narwhal in my pocket (I usually am wearing pants). I find this item to be a really good and sensory friendly stress toy. I am stressed about my chronic health conditions, my Degree and also my current work situation. But I find having something to squeeze and control is super helpful.
Technically, the narwhal is a toy, but I do not treat it like one. I am not a child anymore, as I do not know how to play. But, I also pretend the narwhal is a unicorn because has a unicorn type horn, and also I thought it was a unicorn due to its shape. A blue unicorn. Technically, narwhales are unicorns of the sea so I am not wrong!
It is squishy when I hold it; silicone or rubber? But it feels like soft velvet. Like Fran-Fran when he had his fur shaved. I hope I do not break the narwhal as it was about $7.00 on sale. For me, $7.00 is a lot for a sensory toy. This is as I see many sensory toys on sale from as little as $3.00, such as fidget spinners, and plastic peas that you can pop.
The narwhal even makes an upcoming appearance in my YouTube video which will be published this Friday, the 19th of July. I will not spoil the video, so I will not give away other hints in this post. Although, I am so, so tempted!
But, if you are looking for a new sensory toy, then I recommend the narwhal. The same company that made the narwhal also made other animals in other colours too. If I remember the name of the sensory toy company then I will make a note in the comments.
But, I have used the narwhal heaps, and the colouring of its eyes, mouth and nose seem intact still. The toy was from Kids Stuff, Castle Towers in Castle Hill. I really recommend this toy, if you are widening your collection...and if you are like a unicorn lover like me, then the narwhal might be something to consider?
In butterflies, rabbits, and unicorns we trust 🦋🐇🦄
Susannah from Always Angelic Aspie Alice
P.S: Did you notice my Disney accessories?
I am wearing Queen of Hearts earrings; red love heart studs in enamel by Disney's Coulture jewellery collection. As well, I am wearing a Marie the Arisocat brooch by Amaranta.
Side tracking: is there a unicorn from the Disney world? Does anyone know!?
It seems there is not... but I vaguely remember a unicorn toy from Fix-It-Raph, if I am not mistaken...
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duallush-designs · 10 months ago
The Luxurious Allure of Silk Folio Wedding Invitations
Wedding invitations are more than just a way to inform guests about the details of the event; they are a reflection of the couple's style and the elegance of the upcoming celebration. Among the various styles available, silk folio wedding invitations stand out for their opulence and sophistication. These invitations not only serve a practical purpose but also make a statement about the grandeur and uniqueness of the wedding.
What Are Silk Folio Wedding Invitations?
Silk folio wedding invitations are a luxurious type of invitation that features a folio, or booklet, made from high-quality silk fabric. The folio typically opens to reveal the invitation card along with additional inserts like RSVP cards, maps, and accommodation details. The silk folio serves as both a protective cover and a beautiful presentation piece, elevating the entire invitation suite to a work of art.
The Aesthetic Appeal
The primary allure of silk folio wedding invitations lies in their aesthetic appeal. The texture and sheen of silk exude luxury and elegance, making the invitations feel special and unique. The fabric can be chosen in various colors to match the wedding theme, ranging from classic white and ivory to vibrant hues like emerald green or royal blue. The soft, tactile quality of silk adds a layer of sensory experience that paper alone cannot provide, making these invitations a delight to receive.
Customization and Personalization
Silk folio wedding invitations offer extensive customization options, allowing couples to create a truly bespoke invitation suite. The folio can be adorned with various embellishments such as monograms, rhinestones, or embroidered details that reflect the couple's personal style. Inside, the invitation card and inserts can be printed on premium paper with various printing techniques, including letterpress, foil stamping, or digital printing, to enhance the luxurious feel.
Couples can also choose to include pockets within the folio to neatly organize the inserts. These pockets can be designed to match or contrast with the silk fabric, adding another layer of customization. Ribbon ties, brooches, or wax seals can be used to close the folio, providing an extra touch of elegance and ensuring that each piece arrives in pristine condition.
Practical Benefits
Beyond their beauty, silk folio wedding invitations offer practical benefits. The folio design protects the invitation and inserts, ensuring they arrive undamaged, no matter how far they travel. This durability is particularly important for destination weddings or when guests are spread across different regions. Additionally, the organized layout helps guests easily access all the information they need, making the invitation both beautiful and functional.
Making a Lasting Impression
Silk folio wedding invitations are not just invitations; they are keepsakes. Their luxurious design and high-quality materials make them a cherished memento that guests are likely to keep long after the wedding day. This lasting impression reflects the significance of the event and the thoughtfulness of the couple in choosing such an exquisite invitation.
Eco-Friendly Considerations
For environmentally conscious couples, there are eco-friendly options available for silk folio invitations. Some suppliers offer silk made from sustainable sources or recycled materials. Additionally, choosing high-quality, timeless invitations can reduce waste, as guests are more likely to keep them as keepsakes rather than discarding them.
Silk folio wedding invitations represent the pinnacle of luxury and sophistication in wedding stationery. Their combination of aesthetic beauty, customization options, and practical benefits make them an excellent choice for couples looking to make a grand statement with their wedding invitations. By choosing silk folio invitations, couples can ensure their guests receive a memorable, tactile, and visually stunning invitation that sets the tone for an elegant and unforgettable wedding celebration.
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50 Words/ Item description
Incense board 
I bought this wooden incense board five years ago. This object is very significant to me, as it was the very first object I obtained after discovering my passion for spirituality. The smell of incense gets me into the creative flow, and with the set mood I am able to create.
Candle Holder with Candle
This is a candle holder in the shape of a lotus. I thrifted this a while ago. Just as the incense smell, this object has a rather sensory impact on me. When a candle is lit, I enjoy the mystical atmosphere it creates, which enhances my creativity.
These crystals are my favourite among my huge collection. I believe crystals store energy within themselves, and amplify it when the owner interacts with them. My creative practice highly depends on my mood and state of mind, and crystals are a necessity for me to be in my art flow.
Rose Quartz Angel
This angel is made from rose quartz, and was given to me by my friend, who shared an interest towards crystals with me. I like to keep this angel on my table in front of me when I work, and my connection with the metaphysical world inspires me to create.
The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card
I consider my Tarot Cards as one of the most significant practices I have obtained on my spiritual journey. The first card that fell out from my pack was The Wheel of Fortune. The meaning of this card, symbolising fortune and the turn of events, is a theme I like to explore through art.
Singing Bowl
Spirituality is the underlying theme of most of my creations. My singing bowl, a gift from my mother, is an important tool that I use in my practices, connecting me to the spiritual world. The sound of singing bowls helps me relax and brings me joy, allowing ideas to come.
My favourite ring, that I wear all the time, connects me to my childhood. The emotions and connections that I have experienced as a child play a major role in my art, as I like to explore the subconscious mind and the way events from the past trigger the human psyche.
Passion towards art has been passed down through my family for a few generations. My great grandmother gravitated towards design throughout her whole life. After telling me about a few of her experiences, she gave me her brooch. This brooch is symbolic of art being part of my heritage.
Pink Shell
Found in Thailand when I was three, I have kept my tiny pink shell ever since. This was my first trip overseas, and looking at this shell evokes an explorer within myself, and represents the adventurous and risk-taking mindset I have when it comes to my creative practice.
Blue Shell
Another tiny object I appreciate, my blue shell is very unique due to its size and colour. Having a unique feel is something I strive to achieve with what I create for my audience. In addition, this shell acts as a reminder for me that even the smallest things can be significant.
White Pearl
I associate white pearls with innocence, and my white pearl, that I found when I was five, connects me to the innocence I had when I was a child. The playfulness and readiness to learn is something that I would like to always have as a designer.
Pink Pearl
I link the colour pink as a symbol of my love. As a young designer who believes in the powerful energy love has, iit is important to portray this into my art. I create from my heart, and the pearl, being found, is  metaphorical of me finding my love for art.
As part of my spiritual practices, I often meditate on the beach. A gift I received one day was a seashell, which I added to my collection. I love to explore the shapes and patterns nature can create, and strive to achieve the same harmony in my works.
Pine Cone
My pine cone, which I found in my favourite park, is an object I value for its connection to nature. One of the most significant themes in my art is sacred geometry. The fractal that this pine cone features is a pattern I like to use in my own art.
My compass is one of my most used tools, and is one of my precious possessions. It originally belonged to my great grandmother, and was passed down to me through a few generations. In addition, the circle is my favourite geometric shape, which is what I create using this tool.
Paint Brush
This is one of my many paint brushes. I like to lose myself while painting, and add more and more layers into my artworks. I also love to decorate my room with paintings that I create, and use them as a way to manifest my dreams, by placing a note behind the canvas with my intentions. 
Brush tip pens
Brush tip pens are a new medium for me that I am exploring right now. I love how they blend together and that the colours mix so easily. Lately, I have been learning how to design using different softwares, and it is nice to learn a new medium that is not digital.
Colouring pencil
I am passionate about colour theory and colours in general. This colouring pencil is part of my dream set, a 120 pack from Faber Castell. Looking over the huge amount of coloured pencils inspires and reminds me to draw in my free time, which is something I often struggle with due to many commitments.
Mechanic pencil
I tend to generate my ideas by quickly sketching them out without overthinking them. My mechanical pencil is a tool that allows me to jot down all my thoughts that I can later develop. I really like this particular pencil, as it is very comfortable to hold and draws thin lines well.
My art is not limited to drawing. Other than drawing outlines with my pen, I also use it to write. Taking notes helps me generate ideas, and writing in journals sets my mind free. I love how the ink runs from this pen, without soaking through the back of the paper.
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