#or the cafe that is also an optician
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sophiamcdougall · 2 years ago
we went to Hastings yesterday! we didn’t know about pirate day until we got there, and it was so cool seeing them walking around! also how are there SO MANY antiques shops in such a tiny area it’s insane
Congratulations, you could not have had a more representative (or a more overwhelming) introduction to Hastings. I love Hastings very dearly -- there is nearly always a bunch of people in fancy dress and facepaint parading along the street banging drums, because, oh, who knows, it's Thursday or something. I Was There (Gandalf) for the very first Pirate Day, which back then was an attempt to break the world record for the most pirates in one place. To be counted you had to meet certain costume criteria -- stripes or a white shirt, hat or a bandana, etc. Some people had achieved this in a slapdash way, others were dressed up in extremely elaborate, and expensive-looking cosplay, with appropriate wigs, 18th century waistcoats and weapons. We gathered on the beach and eventually some kind of organiser pirate got up on a stage and announced, "Well, we're not going to break the record." Groans. "...WE'RE GOING TO SMASH THE RECOOOOORRRD!!!!" Cheers. Then, as it became rather obvious that no one had thought beyond gathering pirates to what they were going to do with them, he instructed us to storm the town. As many of the pirates had been drinking since 11am, this seemed reckless, but thankfully Hastings survived the subsequent onslaught. We did indeed smash the record, so comprehensively that I don't believe anyone has even tried to claim it since. And this was all accomplished on a weekday, which tells you everything you need to know about Hastings.
(Also, yes, the antique shops are amazing! When I had recovered a bit from the piratical and familial sensory overload today, I moseyed out again and bought five -- five! -- vintage brooches for £10.)
Come again, try the Backdoor Sausage Hole or the Kirk/Spock pub.
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obaewankenope · 3 months ago
American to English translation for fic
So I read and write fanfic, as do lots of others, and I've noticed that when it comes to British shows or movies, Americanisms or American terms crop up often. It's mostly because most don't know we have specific terms for things in the UK, and I've seen references here and there before, but I've decided to write one of my own. Feel free to add to it tho! I'm gonna put it up on Ao3 too and any additions, I'll reference the tumblr and link them on Ao3 too.
AO3 link is here!!
Anyway, here we go I guess.
Some Americanisms to English-isms
Gas = fuel/petrol/diesel (we tend to specify the type of fuel the vehicle uses, diesel vehicle or petrol vehicle for example)
Gas station = petrol/fuel station
Gas court = petrol/fuel court, or sometimes forecourt (not often with this one tho)
License plate = registration plate/reg
Diner = cafe
Fast-food = takeaway (this is sort of interchangeable. McDonald's is called fast food, a meal from a pizza place that delivers is takeaway)
Motel = hotel
Side-note: We tend to use specific named hotel chains like Premier Inn (or Prem-Inn for short) or Holiday Inn or Travelodge. We also have Britannia Hotels and several others. If the fic is based in a specific place, local hotels or famous ones may be better options. For example, in Liverpool, we have The Shankly or Adelphi.
Cab = taxi or black hac for a specific type of taxi.
Side-note: These are what you see in BBC Sherlock, for example, and are a UK staple. They're less popular or common-place nowadays but there are dedicated taxi companies that use them. There's on in my town that operates until 4pm each day. They are also usually more expensive than a car taxi but they have oodles of space and you can have a pram/buggy kept upright rather than folded-down in them which is brilliant.
Cop = police officer
Side note: more informal, colloquial terms include "copper", "the fuzz", "tit-head" (because of the nipple hat okay, just look up the hat, it's hilarious), "bobby", "rozzer" (pronounced r-o-z-er not Row-zer), and "the bill" (there's an actual show called this btw. It can be a good reference for anyone writing crime fic in UK). There's more but those are the most common. Older terms do include "peelers" and "old bill".
Second side-note: the police have a whole host of terms, colloquial and slang that can be a great thing to include in fic, which I'll link a glossary of here. It's not all UK centric but cross-country policing is a thing so that may just be a boon imho. Also the short-hand acroynmns used are useful so here's a link to the Metropolitan Police glossary of those too!
Patrolman = constable or police constable
Antenna = aerial or TV aerial
Fall (season) = autumn
Bill = banknote or specifically "tenner", "fiver", "twenny" (not "twenty"). We don't have single banknotes like a dollar bill. We have pound coins
Dimes, nickels, etc = pound coin, two-pound coin, fifty-pence, penny, two-pence, five-pence, ten-pence, twenty-pence (link here about the coin currency)
Drug store = chemist or pharmacy
Optometrist = optician
Primary care physician = GP (general practitioner) here's a link about UK medical terms for doctors etc
Side-note: here's a link about medical terminologies etc between American and UK
Social security number = national insurance number
Liquor store = off-license or, specifically, Bargain Booze™
Liquor = spirits (usually)
Store = shop
Target, Walmart, etc = honestly, it's probably gonna be Tesco, ASDA, Morrisons, ALDI or Lidl
Superstore = supermarket
Shopping cart = shopping trolley or just "trolley"
Yard-sale = car-boot/car-bootie/car-boot sale
Attorney = barrister or solicitor (solicitors you go to for legal help, barristers tend to be involved in actual court matters, like a the Crown Prosecution Service), here's a link that explains it better
Janitor = caretaker
French-fries = chips (although McDonald's French-fries are just that, French-fries)
Intersection = crossroad
Highway/freeway = motorway
Interstate = usually an A-road or a motorway, we don't really have interstates here)
Overpass = flyover
Turnpike = toll motorway
Windshield = windscreen
Trunk of a car = boot or car boot
Hood of a car = bonnet or car bonnet
Truck = lorry
Sedan = saloon car
Blowout = puncture or flat tyre
Pavement = road
Sidewalk = path
Subway = underground (like the London Underground)
Drapes = curtains (though we do use "drapes" we tend to say "curtains" more)
Pacifier = dummy or "dodo" or "dodi"
Diaper = nappie or a pull-up (if its like underwear for toddlers)
Baby crib = baby cot (though we do use "crib", we tend to say "cot" more)
Baby carriage/pushchair/stroller = pram or buggy (more specific type tho, here's a link about the differences)
Trash/garbage can = bin, dustbin, rubbish bin
Garbage/trash collector = binman/binmen
Mail = post
Mailman = postman
Mailbox = postbox
The movies = cinema or pictures
Movie = film (less common nowadays with influence of Americanisms but I still use "film" and a lot of people my age and older do too (25+)
First floor = ground floor okay, it's the ground floor because it's on ground level
Sneakers = unless they're Converse, it's probably just "trainers"
Baggage = luggage
Purse (as in the bag) = handbag, or "purse" but that tends to be the thing you put your money and cards in then put in your handbag
Vacuum cleaner = hoover or a specific brand like Henry Hoover™, which you'll find we tend to just call Henry (though I have a John Lewis hoover I got from George, ASDA that I've named 'George' and yes, I do say "I need to use George in a bit to hoover" regularly)
Sweater = jumper or, if it buttons up it's a cardigan or cardi
Closet = wardrobe
Elevator = lift
Call collect = reverse charges
Schools = we have primary/infants (11yrs)and secondary/high school (11-16yo) with some high schools have sixth-form college (16-18yo) or actual independent colleges for the same ages
College = university
Semester = term
Vacation = holiday
Kindergarten = nursey/reception
Flashlight = torch
Wrench = spanner
Backyard = garden
Cookie = biscuits
Chips = crisps (like Walkers™ or Lays™ in the States)
Pants = trousers
Cottoncandy = candyfloss
Dude = bloke/fella/mate
John Doe = John Smith
Exhausted (tired) = knackered
Cell phone = mobile
Cell data = mobile data/4G/5G
Bathroom/restroom = loo/toilet (informal term "bog")
Thanks = cheers
Soccer = football
Y'all = "you lot"
Fuck off/hit the road/go away = bugger off
Some slang phrases too
Bits and bobs = stuff, usually random
Take the mick/mickey = making fun of someone or over-exaggerating
Bob's your uncle = there you go, basically
Bog standard = typical, run of the mill kind of deal
Gutted = feel upset, disappointed
Dull as dishwater = basically really, really fuckin boring
Chinwag = basically "shooting the breeze" or just having a talk/chat
If you have any others that you think of or want added, reblog and add em! Tags too if you'd prefer but reblogs would be easier ☺️
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somecunttookmyurl · 1 year ago
seriously there's one guy who sells turkish delight and that's it. it's just him. he wasn't even there.
ashleigh was wandering around desperately trying (and failing) to find vaguely turkish things to take photos of for advertising like truly why are we even doing this
help i can't stop laughing
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put on a turkish market for some reason even though there are like no turkish traders nor a strong turkish population
piss off everyone there to do it
do it during comicon
tell regular traders they can't do comicon bc of the super special turkish market and get mad about it
do it at the end of september for some reason
the turkish people don't even turn up
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skeletonpunching · 2 years ago
Buddy Daddies short story
[Translator’s note: This is a short story posted on the Buddy Daddies website, which you could unlock by collecting stickers. It’s set pre-canon, and contains no spoilers.]
Suwa Rei, clad in a black suit, inquired quizzically from the passenger seat, "So it's here today?"
Kurusu Kazuki, in the driver's seat, turned off the car engine as he replied.
"This isn't a job."
A few months had passed since this homeless freeloader had wound up with Rei. They had also formed quite a dynamic work duo, but Rei still couldn't follow Kazuki's train of thought.
"Then what?"
"There's one thing — just one thing in this world — that I absolutely can't stand. Threadbare T-shirts!" 
"Let's go!"
Kazuki flung the door open and sprang out into the carpark. Right before him, resplendent in the flood of sunlight, stood an enormous shopping mall.
Rei, still in the car, lifted a hand.
"Knock yourself out."
"You're coming too!"
"Who do you think we're buying clothes for? Right now, you don't even have 'clothes to go clothes shopping in', do you? That's why I ended up having to drag you here in your work getup!"
"I'll buy them online."
"Hey. Do you even know your own underwear size?"
"Got you there, didn't I. Now, come on!"
Rei begrudgingly hauled himself out of the passenger seat. His hair, pulled back in a ponytail, instantly wilted under the early summer sunbeams.
General stores, flower shops, sporting goods stores, cafes, opticians, jewellery shops — all sorts of specialty stores stood proudly in long ranks. The two of them made their way along the gently curving paths. The myriad shopfronts were lined with every imaginable item; with a place like this on hand, you would never want for anything. A pair of grown men might stick out like a sore thumb in a mall like this, but the place was mostly empty on this weekday afternoon, and so there were no curious stares to pursue them. Kazuki made for a menswear store, with his reluctant roommate in tow.
A shriek suddenly echoed through the cavernous mall, and they reflexively jerked to a stop. Kazuki whirled towards the source of the voice.
"Noooooo! I want thiiiiiiis!!"
A toddler was plopped down on the ground, clutching a toy tightly. The toddler's mother scowled.
"Don't you have the same one at home?"
"It's nooooot! This — it's not the saaaaame!!"
"Give it back! Put it down!"
It was just a trivial parent-child interaction, but it made Kazuki's breath catch in his throat. A life completely alien to an assassin. A scene that could never be bestowed on him. An everyday existence that lay just out of reach. Those illusions he had long since given up on were now flitting across his mind —
But Kazuki began to walk again, setting one foot stiffly before the other.
Just because he'd given up on a normal life didn't mean he could let himself sink into a sloppy mess.
A worn-out, threadbare T-shirt shouldn't just be treated as the norm. If no one was going to care for you, you should at least look after yourself.
Just then, it abruptly dawned on Kazuki.
Rei had escaped. 
Given his profession, he was a dab hand at lockpicking. He was confident it would take him less than thirty minutes to crack all the locks in the store.
In Rei's imaginary shopping mall, a scene took shape, painted by the sound of their cries.
Dogs released from their cages, scampering in packs through the deserted sprawl of the mall. Cats smoothly scaling the clothing racks and curling up on top for an afternoon nap. Rabbits freely gnawing on lighting cables. Tortoises taking a leisurely swim in the plaza fountain. Parrots gliding through the air, adorning the halls with their vivid plumage —
"What are you up to?"
Rei's hazy fantasies were dispelled by his partner's call.
"Need something from the pet shop?"
"We're not getting one."
"...I know."
"Yeah, you sure don't look like you know. Listen, in our line of work, there's no way we can be responsible for anyone else's life. Anyway—"
Rei dimly heard Kazuki launch into his lecture. He was used to being ordered around by other people; it was a natural part of his daily life, and so he thought nothing of this sort of incessant chiding. But now Rei found himself subconsciously listening to Kazuki's speech. It even felt... not too bad.
...that's... weird, for me.
Rei muttered under his breath, and the cat before him cocked its head, as if to match.
Whoosh! The rail rang out as the fitting room curtain slid open.
"See? That's better, isn't it?"
"Is it?"
Rei's T-shirt was printed with a drawing of a cat in a bowl. It was utterly unbecoming for an assassin. Rei's face, surrounded by his loose hair, also looked somewhat awkward.
"Are you... embarrassed?"
"Not really."
"So, should we put it back?"
"I'm buying it."
Whoosh! The rail rang out as the fitting room curtain slid shut.
Just what kind of poses did that guy strike, when he looked into the mirror? Kazuki stifled a smile, and leaning back against the wall, he called out.
"A real cat's out of the question. So make do with that for now."
"Yeah. This suits me."
Rei's reply, from the other side of the curtain, sounded not entirely displeased.
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throat · 6 months ago
Collection of little in universe (possibly canon) pieces of information I learned via the Boku no Hero Academia variety cards released 8 years ago in Japan.
This will be kind of long and have boring information about a fictional universe; so please bear with me. All of this is very interesting character wise and universe wise! I also think in-universe goods like these are super duper cute.
Please click the read more for a break down of each characters card/information.
Izuku seems to frequent a restaurant specializing in katsudon called Tonya! He is on 7/10 stamps on his card.
Hero students and pro heroes with proper identification can receive 2 stamps per visit; the odd number of stamps either indicate Izuku frequented this before U.A., this card was split between middle school/high school OR he forgot his ID card.
1 stamp per visit, 10 stamps gets you a bowl of Katsudon for free.
This specific card is from the Tatooin Station branch, which we know is in Shizuoka and near Izuku's place of residence or at least on the way to/from Aldera.
That might be Izuku's canonized(?) signature. Many of these require signature from the card owner, but it looks very printed, so unsure.
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Katsuki frequents the Mt. Lady sponsored outdoor gear shop called Hero Mountain. He is a frequent visitor indicated on his 7/15 stamps.
1 Stamp per 5,000 yen spent.
5 stamps allows you to participate in a Mt. Lady handshake event.
15 stamps allows you to a 2-shot photoshoot with Mt. Lady.
It's unlikely Katsuki ever redeemed these prizes, but it's interesting that he's still a frequent visitor, or a big spender there.
That may be Katsuki's canon signature.
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Shouto frequents a restaurant making handmade soba called Barbarian, looks like hes on 8/15 visits. It's kind of hard to make out, but:
1 stamp per 500 yen.
15 stamps for 500 yen off (?)
3 full cards for a free food item (?)
Possibly Shouto's signature; it's very regal and tradtional. Matches the character lol...
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Ochako is a visitor to the planetarium known as Gravity; she has a membership card that grants her benefits; unknown as to what these benefits entail. Nothing too interesting to note here other than her signature.
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Tsuyu's classifies her a Master Scuba Diver at a business called Frog.
The card states that the owner has S rank proficiency in all skill classes.
With this card, Tsuyu is allowed to assist with rescue operations in maritime accidents
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His place of choice for glasses is Hosu Megane/Hosu Glasses. They seem to be an optician as well.
1 stamp per 3,000 yen spent
Iida may have possibly spent 21,000 yen on glasses(?) as indicated by the stamps + line but unsure.
Iida is listed as being from Tokyo, it's unsure if this would be his actual opticians in Hosu or if he visited them in a one off excursion to Hosu.
Anyone applying for hero grade prescriptions/glasses/goggles must present their permit card to purchase.
15 stamps for 500 yen off.
30 stamps for 1,000 yen off.
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If you guys want some more, please let me know; here's some interesting ones:
Mineta's Maid Cafe Card
Mina's Dance Studio Card
Momo's U.A. Library Card
Aizawa's Cat Cafe Card
Present Mic's Radio Staff Badge
All Might's Cinema Card
The set also came with student ID's and Teacher/Hero permit cards that look uninteresting lol
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mumbaidarshanbusblog · 2 years ago
Things to Do Things to Do in Mumbai
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With an array of leisure and entertainment options on to offer, you'll be spoiled for options to explore in Mumbai. It was a wonderful trip and are eager to look into the various other places. From amazing shopping to adrenaline-filled recreational pursuits, delicious delicacies to an unforgettable nightlife experience, Mumbai Darshan Bus
Shopping is among the most popular activities to take part in for those traveling to Mumbai. The trip will not be complete without an experience in shopping. If you're unsure of where to purchase and which stores to buy, the Mumbai travel guide can provide the best answers. If you're one of people who want top brands, it is easy to wander into the most renowned shopping centers within the city. Like for instance Status Eye Care are the preferred Opticians to get your high-power eyeglass prescription lenses Progressive lenses, Multifocal lenses, or prescription sunglasses. They're experts at dispensing lenses up to 1.9 high Index Lens, which is a Glass Lens as well as 1.74 Index Plastic Lens. They also carry the new Designer Sunglasses, Eyeglasses, and all brands of contact Lenses.
Shopping at the roadside is a popular choice for both locals and tourists. Roadside markets are huge draws on exploring the city. There is no limit to the time you can spend in these shops. If you're curious about the famed roadside stores and shops, make sure you read information for tourists on Mumbai. Chor Bazaar, Colaba causeway and Phule market are among the most well-known names in the street-side stores located in Mumbai. There is a chance to buy anything and everything in these shops.
There is a possibility to relax and enjoy an enjoyable moment after an exciting day of shopping. Participating in many entertainment options is among the most enjoyable options to accomplish in Mumbai. Powai Lake is an ultimate oasis for people seeking peace and tranquility. It is one of the most sought-after hotspots for tourists and locals alike the lake offers visitors an unforgettable leisure experience. There is plenty of time to pass watching Crocodiles in the lake.
If you're longing to have a snack on an entrée of Bhel Puri You can go to any of the countless many fast food outlets that line the beaches. Bhel is an extremely popular food in the area of beaches. Anyone who visits the beachfront should eat a bowl of tasty Bhel Puri.
Artistically-inclined people can go to the famed art and museums as well as galleries in the city throughout their free period. If you are a fan of watching stunning artwork, then you should take a trip to the Prince of Wales Museum in Mumbai. You can get the most beautiful works of art and paintings that belong to Mughal, Rajput, Deccani and Pahari styles of painting.
To satisfy the night-crowd the nightlife scene is among the most popular attractions in Mumbai. Mumbai is home to a lively nightlife. DJs entertain crowd with their blend of songs all night. An original mix of tunes performed by DJs get the dance floor grooving. Firangi Paani, Hard Rock Cafe, Hawaiian Shack, Insomnia, Enigma, Vie Lounge and Bar, Polly Esther's, J49 and R are just a few of the best nightclubs in Mumbai.
Alongside nightlife, shopping eating and leisure choices, Mumbai has on offer many recreation choices as well as fun events. Go to any of Mumbai's amusement parks to learn about the most exciting experiences to explore. Some of the most well-known names among them include, Great Escape, Essel World, Nishiland Water Park, Shangrila Water Park, Tikuji Ni Wadi Fun Resort and Suraj Water Park.
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jeetwadhvana-blog · 4 years ago
20 Great Small Business Ideas in India for 2021
Are you looking for some great business ideas in India for 2021?I am going to help you out today with these 20 Great Small Business Ideas for 2021
(1) Some of the great small business ideas in India for 2021 also include small online business
(2) You can choose a business idea according to your intrest and passion.
(3) These blog are for everyone who want to start a low investment profitable business ideas in India
You decided to start a business, But you are not getting good idea that’s why you are here. If you want to become the owner or entrepreneur, it is very important to start with good business ideas in India.
If you are thinking to start your business in 2021, it is difficult to take some normal business ideas in these list. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the situation about what type of service or product people are looking to buying now a days. 
This list of business ideas include the great type of business to help you become succesful entrepreneur in 2021 and beyond.
20 Great small business ideas in India for 2021 
(1) Online Business on instagram and facebook
For example you can sell manny products online like clothes,shoes,watch,customize gift,electronic iteams,and manny more which is a great small business ideas in india for 2021 from home.
(2) Online reseller
If you don’t have investment and still you want to start a business then this will surely help you out. For example you saw a page on instagram which selling a t-shirt for 300rs you just need to take the picture of it and post on your page and sell it for 500rs so without any investment you got 200rs of profit. This is also the best business idea to follow in 2021
(3) Online teaching
If you having knowledge in any particular subject you can teach multiple students online. This is also very good online business idea for 2021
(4) Desinfection Services, Sanitization Service
In this business you need a small team which can go any place and do good cleaning service you can charge 500rs per room and 2000rs for a house which is very good profitable business idea In India for 2021.
(5) Food Truck
If you are making good food, then this business will give you great profit.
(6) Real estate agent
In this business also you dont want to have any investment, If anyone is looking to buy or rent a house or shop you can help them and take some commision from them.
(7) T-shirt printing business
In this business you need to buy some plain tshirt and a good printing machine you can print any thing on it per your idea and sell to customer For example you can print a memes on t-shirt some cartoons some quotes or you can also provide customize options to customer.
(8) Instagram Influencer
If you have good amout of follower you can start promoting anyone product and ask charge for promotions.
(9) Phone case business
Everyone need a phone case, you buy new phone or you have a old phone doesn’t matter if you have a phone then you have a phone chase you can also sell some good and unique design of phone case online or ofline 
(10) Wedding photograper
If you are good in taking photos then this business will help you to get good amout of profit.
(11) Wedding planner
In this business you just really good contact for everything that use in a wedding then it will be esay for you to be sucessfull in this business
(12) Art lessons
You can teach how to draw or paint to children at home if you are charging 1000rs fee per month and if you have 4 batch of 10 students then u are making 40,000 per month
(13) Chocolate business
If you know how to make chocolate at home then this will help you out.
(14) Tiffin service
Many people are already in this business and they making good profit from it you just need to cook at home and provide tiffin service which is also a low investment business
(15) Cosmetic business
These business is also very profitable you can open a shop or you can sell online.
(16) Mehendi or Heena business
If you know this art then this is also very profitable business with low investment
(17) Cake business
This is one of the best business because people dont order cake only in birthday they order cake in mostly every event in india 
(18) Cooking classes
You can teach how to cook and get fees from your students.This is also great small business ideas in India for 2021.
(19) Event planner
In this business you just really good contact for everything that use in a event then it will be esay for you to be sucessfull in this business
(20) Yoga studio
If you know how to do yoga then you can also open yoga classes.
New Great small business ideas in India for 2021
(1) blogging 
(2) paper bag
(3) Dance classes
(4) Driving school and cab services
(5) children play or adventure park
(6) Tea or coffee cafe
(7) Tailoring
(8) Diet food consultant
(9)  Pickle-papad making
(10)  Religious Items shop
(11)  Stationary & Book Store
(12)  Leather & Perfume Shop
(13)  Xerox Shop
(14)  Optician Shop
(15)  Tattoo Shop
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 years ago
I really love that drama CD where Munakata goes to see the elementary school kids and he accidentally uses his power and calls it "magic." Spinning off a child!Fushimi ask, what if little Fushimi is at school and Munakata happens to visit that day and Fushimi's the one who got to see his power? What would they do? Do you think from this Fushimi would want to join Scepter 4?
I could see Fushimi being entranced with that in a way similar to how he acts when they're chasing the blimp, that 'if we'd gotten on would something have changed' moment. Like imagine AU where Munakata's a bit older than in canon and awakens as King earlier so he's already Blue King by the point Fushimi's in elementary school (maybe AU where Munakata was a super young member of Habari's Scepter 4 similar to the Minato twins and then when Habari dies he awakens shortly afterward as Blue King). Fushimi is of course a sad and lonely child who probably doesn't talk to any of the other kids and basically just spends his time sitting all alone and thinking that school is stupid anyway. He doesn't have any friends and he goes home to an empty house almost every day – and the days he doesn't are the worst, because elementary school Fushimi probably couldn't get anyone to let him spend the night at an internet cafe and so he has no choice but to go home and be tormented by Niki.
Then one day Munakata ends up coming to the school to spend time with the kids, maybe something similar happened like in the Optician drama CD where one of the classes was held hostage by a Strain and the kids took a liking to Munakata so he promised to come back. It wasn't Fushimi's class that was held hostage but Fushimi happens to be hiding in the bathroom that day to try and skip PE class and he ends up running into Munakata while on his way back. Munakata's entertaining some kids and he accidentally uses his power before assuring the child that he's only doing magic. The kids are all impressed by Munakata's 'magic' and they're all cheering for him when Munakata hears the tiniest 'tch' behind him. He turns to see tiny bored-looking Fushimi, who says that magic isn't real and Munakata probably just used a regular trick.
Munakata is intrigued by this little kid, wondering if he does not believe in magic. Fushimi says that magic is just another lie adults tell and Munakata gets a thoughtful look as he wonders if that's so, creating like a map in the air as Fushimi watches him. Munakata makes these points of light in the glowing map as he says there are also things that one must simply believe in sometimes in order to seek the truth behind lies. Fushimi's eyes widen and he steps forward, touching the blue map and trying to figure out where the trick is. Munakata wonders if Fushimi can see it himself, hand glowing slightly blue and maybe Munakata even lets out a little more King power just to see what Fushimi will do. Fushimi's eyes widen and the glow is reflected there, suddenly fascinated as he follows the points of light Munakata made. He wonders how Munakata's doing that, it isn't magic after all it's something else, something inside Munakata. Munakata tells him 'very good,' impressed by Fushimi's insight. He makes the map disappear and then hands Fushimi a card, saying that when he's older perhaps Fushimi might have an interest in speaking again, at Munakata's Scepter 4.
Munakata leaves and Fushimi keeps the card hidden away, always keeping it close to himself where even Niki can't find it. He isn't entirely sure what just happened or what kind of person Munakata is but somehow Fushimi feels drawn to that power he saw, like he knows that he just brushed against something that might have been able to change his world and with all his might he wants to reach that place, to find that 'truth' Munakata talked about.
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mrscrowley8 · 5 years ago
London Trip: 18/09/19 - 24/09/19
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Hello everyone! It's finally time to present you the diary of my journey in London, that occurred last September. I tried to watch/visit as many locations linked to the Sherlock Holmes Universe as I could during this time. You will find a lot of pictures of London. I will also share some tips with you.
Day 01:
Day 01: On the outward journey
Day 01: My first steps in London
The Regent's canal Towpath (1/2)
The Regent's canal Towpath (2/2)
St Pancras Old Church (1/2)
St Pancras Old Church (2/2)
St Pancras International - The British Library
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes: Speedy's Sandwich Bar & Cafe Exterior
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes: Speedy's Sandwich Bar & Cafe Interior (1/2)
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes: Speedy's Sandwich Bar & Cafe Interior (2/2)
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes: Stephenson way
Gordon Square Gardens
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes: Sherlock’s “Anyone” Street
Location: Good Omens: Tavistock Square and Celestial Sushi
The Harry Potter Shop, at King’s Cross Station
The Hotel (1/2)
The Hotel (2/2)
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes: Mulberry Street New York Pizzeria
Doyle's Opticians 
The Mind Palace Bar (1/8)
The Mind Palace Bar (2/8)
The Mind Palace Bar (3/8)
The Mind Palace Bar (4/8)
The Mind Palace Bar (5/8)
The Mind Palace Bar (6/8)
The Mind Palace Bar (7/8)
The Mind Palace Bar (8/8)
Inside the toilet of the Mind Palace Bar. 
Day 01: Other pictures (1/2)
Day 01: Other pictures (2/2) 
Day 02:
What time is it?   
Location: Harry Potter: Leadenhall Market 01
Location: Harry Potter: Leadenhall Market 02
The Sky Garden: Exterior - The Monument
Location: Good Omens: The Sky Garden interior 01
Location: Good Omens: The Sky Garden interior 02
Location: Good Omens: The Sky Garden interior 03
Location: Good Omens: The Sky Garden Views 01
Location: Good Omens: The Sky Garden Views 02
Views of The Shard and Tower Bridge from the Thames - Southwark cathedral
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes/Harry Potter: Borough Market 01
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes/Harry Potter: Borough Market 02
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes/Harry Potter: Borough Market 03 
Still walking
The Queen’s Walk 01 
The Queen’s Walk 02 Location Sherlock Holmes (Tower of London) and Harry Potter (City Hall and HMS Belfast)
London Bridge 01
London Bridge 02
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes: Tower of London (exterior)
Tower of London: Shop 
London again
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes: Oxo Tower Wharf 
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes: Barge House (Hickman gallery exterior) + other pictures
Location: Sherlock Holmes: The Criterion
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes: Piccadilly Circus 1/2
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes: Piccadilly Circus 1/2
Lunchtime at a wonderful Turkish coffee
Regent Street and Savile Row
Fortnum & Mason
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes: Shaftesbury Avenue
Theatre Royal Haymarket and Athenaeum Club 
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes:  Diogenes Club exterior + Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes / Good Omens: Duke of York column 
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes:  Admiralty Arch
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes: Trafalgar Square
Location: Harry Potter: Charing Cross Station
Baker Street (the shop and the museum were closed at that time) 1/2
Baker Street (the shop and the museum were closed at that time) 2/2
Other pictures
Day 03:
Hi, morning!
Westminster Cathedral
The Sanctuary -  Dean's Yard
Westminster Scholars War Memorial
Westminster Abbey The Collegiate Church of St Peter 1/2
Westminster Abbey The Collegiate Church of St Peter 2/2
The Supreme Court and Parliament Square
Palace of Westminster 1/2
Palace of Westminster 2/2
Jewel Tower -  Abingdon Street Gardens -  British Group Inter-Parliamentary Union - George V statue
Victoria Tower Gardens -  Buxton Memorial Fountain -  Horseferry Playground
The banks of the Thames (1)
The banks of the Thames (2) from the Lambeth Bridge.
The banks of the Thames (3) from the Lambeth Bridge.
The banks of the Thames (4)
The banks of the Thames (5)
The banks of the Thames (6)
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes: The Eye / London Sea Life Aquarium
The banks of the Thames (7)
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes: South Bank Bench (almost)
Still on the Queen’s Walk
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes: Southbank Skatepark (1/2)
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes: Southbank Skatepark (2/2)
Breakfast time
On the road to Waterloo Station - Waterloo Station
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes: Hungerford Bridge
Views from the Hungerford Bridge
Whitehall Gardens
Royal Air Force Memorial and Ministry of Defence
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes: Scotland Yard
Next to Scotland Yard
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes: Big Ben and Westminster Station
Underground / Baker Street Station
Let’s find a restaurant - Piccadilly Circus - Trafalgar Square
Trafalgar Square - Traffic lights 
The Sherlock Holmes Pub (1)
The Sherlock Holmes Pub (2)
The Sherlock Holmes Pub (3)
The Sherlock Holmes Pub (4)
In the streets
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes: St Barts
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes: The Old Bailey / Central Criminal Court  
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes: Fleetway House (New Scotland Yard interiors)
Location: BBC Sherlock Holmes: Stonecutter Court aka the “IOU” building
Next to Fleetway House and Stonecutter Court
St Paul's Cathedral
At the top of the shopping centre, called “One New Change” (1)
At the top of the shopping centre, called “One New Change” (2)
The end of the day
Other pictures
1 note · View note
helshades · 6 years ago
By Adam Nossiter
Dec. 2, 2018
GUÉRET, France — At the bare bottom of Florian Dou’s shopping cart at the discount supermarket, there was a packet of $6 sausages and not much else. It was the end of last week, and the end of last month. At that point, “my salary and my wife’s have been gone for 10 days,” he lamented.
How to survive those days between when the money runs out and when his paycheck arrives for his work as a warehouse handler has become a monthly challenge. The same is true for so many others in Guéret, a grim provincial town in south-central France. And it has made Mr. Dou angry.
So he used what money he had left and drove 250 miles to join the fiery protests on Saturday in Paris, where the police moved in with tear gas, water cannon and rubber bullets.
“We knew they were sent in to get rid of us,” he said the day after, “and believe me, they were not into Mr. Nice Guy.” But he vows the protesters are not going anywhere.
The “Yellow Vest” protests he is a part of present an extraordinary venting of rage and resentment by ordinary working people, aimed at the mounting inequalities that have eroded their lives. The unrest began in response to rising gas taxes and has been building in intensity over the past three weeks, peaking on Saturday.
With little organization and relying mostly on social media, they have moved spontaneously from France’s poor rural regions over the last month to the banks of the Seine, where they have now become impossible to ignore.
On Sunday, President Emmanuel Macron toured the graffiti-scrawled monuments of the capital and the damage along some of the richest shopping streets in Europe. All around France, the protests left three dead and more than 260 wounded, with more than 400 arrested. Mr. Macron convened a crisis cabinet meeting, weighing whether to impose a state of emergency.
Mr. Macron has previously insisted that, unlike past French governments, he will not back down in the face of popular resistance to reforms like a loosening of labor laws. It’s a harder line than many other western European countries have taken.
The protesters ridicule him as a president of the rich and say he is trying to balance his budgets on their backs as he remains deaf to their concerns.
But if it was the shattered glass and burned cars along Rue de Rivoli or Boulevard Haussmann in Paris that finally got Mr. Macron’s attention, the movement — named for the roadside safety vests worn by demonstrators — has in fact welled up from silent towns like Guéret, an administrative center of 13,000 people, lost in the small valleys of central France.
Far from any big city, it sits in one of the poorest departments of France, where the public hospital is the biggest employer. The cafe in the main square is empty by midafternoon. The hulks of burned-out cars dot the moribund train station’s tiny parking lot, abandoned by citizens too poor to maintain them.
In places like these, a quiet fear gnaws at households: What happens when the money runs out around the 20th? What do I put in the refrigerator with nothing left in the account and the electricity bill to pay? Which meal should I skip today? How do I tell my wife again there is no going out this weekend?
The stories of Mr. Dou’s neighbors who also joined the protests were much like his own. Inside Laetitia Depourtoux’s freezer were hunks of frozen meat, a twice-a-year gift from her farmer-father, and the six-member family’s meat ration.
On these cold nights, Joel Decoux’s oven burned the wood he chopped himself because he can’t afford gas for heating.
It is not deep poverty, but ever-present unease in the small cities, towns and villages over what is becoming known as “the other France,” away from the glitzy Parisian boulevards that were the scene of rioting this weekend.
“We live with stress,” said Fabrice Girardin, 46, a former carpet-layer who now looks after other people’s pets to get by. “Every month, at the end of the month, we say, ‘Will there be enough to eat?’ ”
Since the acidic portrait of Guéret in novels by a famous native son, the anti-Semitic 20th-century writer Marcel Jouhandeau, the town is used to being mocked as the epitome of provincial backwardness.
The Yellow Vest protesters, the descendants of those who inspired Jouhandeau’s characters, can now be found waiting at the road blocks as you come into town — truck and school-bus drivers, nurses, out-of-work electricians, housewives, warehouse handlers, part-time civil servants and construction workers on disability aid.
On cold nights the oven of Joel Decoux, left, and his wife Roselyne, center, burned the wood he chopped himself because he can’t afford gas for heating.
Mr. Dou — who says his 9-year-old son has never been on vacation and his gross salary of 1,300 euros a month, about $1,475, “disappears immediately in the bills” — was among them. There is little left after high taxes and costly utilities such as electricity.
To protest, he and the other protesters wait at night in the middle of the roundabouts, in the rain and cold and mud under makeshift tarpaulin shelters and tents in the darkness of early morning. “The People’s Élysée” is scrawled on one, mocking Mr. Macron’s Élysée Palace, seat of the presidency. “Macron, he’s with the bosses, Macron, he’s against the people,” a singer intoned in a reggaelike jingle from the radio.
Mr. Dou said he had joined the movement from the beginning, and he was an assiduous presence over several days last week on the traffic circles at Guéret. He was there at 11 p.m. on a rainy Thursday, after putting in several hours that morning, and he was there the next day as well.
“We don’t even need the social networks anymore,” he said.
His motivation, he said, was to “recover the country’s priorities. The values of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.” The gas tax “was what set it all off.”
Now, he felt that the Yellow Vest protesters really have the government on the run.
“They don’t know what to do. They’re really in a panic.”
Virtually every car that passes honks in sympathy. But the protesters know that their shouts grow faint over the long distance to real power in Paris, and that is what has propelled them to move their demonstrations there.
By Friday, Mr. Dou was preparing to make the drive in a shared car up to Paris: checking in with his comrades at the traffic circle and buying last-minute supplies — including solution to protect his eyes from tear gas.
Yoann Decoux, an out-of-work electrical lineman in his 30s who was presented by Guéret’s Yellow Vest protesters as their spokesman, had been arrested in Paris the week before.
“I’ve never been in political demonstrations before,” he said. “But we said, enough’s enough.”
“They don’t even know how we get by with our tiny little salaries,” he said. “But we are humans too, for God’s sake!” He was getting by with vegetables and help from his part-time farmer-father.
None of the Guéret protesters expressed allegiance to any politician: Most said politics disgusted them.
“They are all the same,” Mr. Dou said.
When Guéret’s mayor, Michel Vergnier, a veteran Socialist with decades of connections in Paris, went to see the protesters, they were not welcoming.
“There’s a rejection of politicians,” Mr. Vergnier said. “They are outside all political and union organizations.”
Inside Laetitia Depourtoux’s freezer were hunks of frozen meat, a twice-a-year gift from her farmer-father, and the six-member family’s meat ration.
It was the end of the month. To a man and woman the Yellow Vest protesters of Guéret said their accounts were tapped out.
“Right now, I’m at zero,” Mr. Girardin said. His wife had done the shopping with 40 euros the day before, a Wednesday. Now there was nothing left to get them through the weekend.
“You get to the end of the month, there’s nothing,” he said.
That is why Mr. Macron’s plans to raise the gasoline tax, modest an increment as it may seem, was the final straw for so many, the spark that finally set off a seething rage that has been building for years.
There was no gas in his car, said Mr. Girardin, a carpet-layer who quit a job with a stagnant 1,200-euro a month salary to strike out on his own. But he was no better off now.
“Once we’ve finished paying all of our bills, there’s no money left.”
Tonight’s meal: noodles, with maybe a little ground beef. “I’d like to be able to take my wife to the restaurant from time to time, but I can’t,” Mr. Girardin said. Weighed down by financial stress, she had gone into a depression. “She’s totally closed in on herself,” he said.
Up the road the next morning, Ms. Depourtoux, a night-shift nurse at the hospital, was up at 6:30 a.m. with her husband, Olivier, an optician, to see their three daughters off to school in the darkness. Their modest house at a country intersection at the edge of town was pleasant but not spacious.
Guéret is located in the Creuse, the second poorest department in France.
She gently mocked him because “there is never any gas in your car.” With four children and many bills, their money — 1,800 euros a month for her, 1,500 for him — was “very quickly gone,” Mr. Depourtoux said.
The bank refused to lend them any more money. Both had joined the Yellow Vests, and both had gone to Paris the preceding weekend to demonstrate. “As long as it continues, we are with it,” he said.
“We live, but we’ve got to be careful. We can’t go to the restaurant. All the little pleasures of life are gone,” Mr. Depourtoux said. His parents, after a lifetime of work, were reduced to penury: his father in a nursing home and his mother forced to accept meals from charity.
She fills the freezer with deep-discount frozen food from the hard discounter Lidl. They wait to get paid to fill up the car and to do the shopping.
“We just don’t make it to the end of the month,” said Elodie Marton, a mother of four who had joined the protesters at the demonstration outside town. “I’ve got 10 euros left,” she said, as a dozen others tried to get themselves warm around an iron-barrel fire.
“Luckily we’ve got some animals at the house” — chickens, ducks — “and we keep them for the end of the month,” she said. “It sounds brutal, but my priority is the children,” she said. “We’re fed up and we’re angry!’ shouted her husband, Thomas Schwint, a cement hauler on a temporary 1,200-euro contract.
To a man and woman the Guéret protesters expressed fury at the government, and determination to keep going.
“Their response has poisoned the situation even more,” Mr. Depourtoux said. “The citizens have asked for lower taxes, and they’re saying, ‘Ecology,’” he said in a reference to Mr. Macron’s speech of last week where he outlined France’s plans to transition from fossil-based fuels to renewable energy.
At the roundabout, Laurent Aufrere, a truck driver, was deciding which of that day’s meals to skip.
“If I stop rolling, I die. This is not nothing,” Mr. Aufrere said. “What’s happening right now is a citizen uprising.”
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celeseah · 2 years ago
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Amazing! A lovely optician I came across today in #fuseta fixed my glasses 👓 it’s not perfect he said but at least they will do their job till I get home. They only charged me €6 unbelievable, such a lovely person and he’s done an amazing job of soldering them together! Universe is looking after me 😊 Then I bumped into some people I met in 2020 with a couple of their friends who invited me to join them for an afternoon of great chat and so much laughter! I may be a hermit but I’m also a #social#butterfly #generator so we need to get out and about even if we don’t see people just going into places like parks, cafes, shopping centres etc magnitises things to us. #livinginflow #humandesign #humandesigngenerator #universehasmyback https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj_HyQKLblf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
holycowbrowniekitty · 7 years ago
23.5 Let’s walk through the representatives town p. 213-222
Probably the longest translation I posted, these are 9 pages worth of information on the town itself! Please enjoy this extra (useless) information!
My translations can all be found here.
p. 213
U17 Wcup Let's walk through the representatives town
The representatives live here! Let's meet the representatives!
What is the representatives town? It is a division where the participants from the Wcup live. Of course there are lodging facilities, but it's also enriched by shops and various facilities.
Byoudoin: The representatives town is really spacious. Volk: You can see a lot of potential. (TL note: Filled with future = Potential)
A "Let's walk through the representatives town" special project only! Model course: Let's patrol the popular spots! Can we meet the representatives!? The facilities inside the town: Let's fully support the players daily life! Representatives town Full MAP: Get an entire view of the town in one glance! And lastly, a guide to souvenirs and spots in the area~
p. 214-215
Representatives town Full MAP:  Get an entire view of the town in one glance! To understand this map completely, let's check it for places you want to go to!
Abundant with international players, it's a lively town In the representatives town, a lot of players from all over the world have gathered. For that sake, the plot of land is in any case extensive, and seems like one big town.  It's only natural that the players can prepare for a match, and it's possible for each nation's players to do cultural exchanges.
(Pointing at France's castle and the house next to it) Each nation's boarding house The representatives and the staff stay at an exclusive use boarding house , prepared to feel as their country. The sitepoints and buildings capitalises each nation's characteristic, where they can rest both their mind and body. Amadeus: The extravagance is awkward, but the atmosphere is serene and comfortable. It's pleasing. Camus: Tres bièn! It's a beautiful hotel that is suited to foster both tennis and love.
(Pointing at the Japanese building in the bottom right) The Japanese representatives' boarding house The hotel of the Japanese is relatively close to the entrance. The representatives, supervisors, coaches and the cheering party of course all stay there. Both the exterior and interior were refined to make for a stylish appearance, and it seems to be comfortable and have a feel at home atmosphere. Ikuto: It seems they gathered the latest equipment inside the hotel. It's very pleasant. (Pic: JP MSERS lounging in the rooms) The interior is large, and it's possible to hold a strategic meeting in each private room. The soft beds provide outstanding sleep comfort.
(Pointing at a park in the north) Park It's a park for the players to relax and refresh, and to open the mind. The fountain is in the middle and the trees overflow with flowers in this season, and you can refresh your mind and body from the exhaustion of the fierce battles. It's a quiet place where you can slowly pass time. Yukimura: The flower beds bloom with unusual Australian flowers, it's an interesting place.
(Pointing to the tall building in the middle) Shared facilities There are restaurants, shops, gyms and recreational facitlities, which all countries share in this huge facility. It's placed in the midst of the town and visible to each countries hotel. It's the main spot that's always bustling and fun. Fitzgerald: There's a shop with Australian goods, I definitely want to go once.
(Pointing to a gate) Entrance gate Because buses have to pass through, the gate is enormous. To enter the town, one must undergo a strict check. Futhermore, the security of the bulky fence serves to protect the representatives and their livelihood from anything. Mukahi: It's a really strong wall…! As expected, it's so tall I can't jump over it!
p. 216
The facilities that enrichen the town: Let's fully support the players daily life! Let's go over all the facilities one can use in detail.
At a time like this… When you want to rest comfortably => Go to the boarding house When you want to eat something => Go to the main dining hall When you want to buy something => Go to the shopping mall When you want to train your body => Go to the training center
It is a pleasure to offer all the necessities of life, every day! Various facilities are present on the huge site, like hotels and shops, as they are vital to a comfortable livelihood. Those who stay in the town can use anything, and definitely do.
Each countries facilities: Boarding house The boarding house is the center of living one's life, and can be considered like a home. One can properly rest their body, so they can show of their power as much as they want during a match.
A concealed guide The room distribution of the players was decided by the coaches and supervisors. We decided to ask about the situation for every room from the coaches.
(Pic: Layout for the rooms) This is the floor plan of the guest rooms. Each room can hold about 1-3 people, and room 1 seems to be specialized. Room 10-13 have the same construction. EV=Elevator, Stairs
1201: Kurobe 1202: Saitou 1203: Tsuge 1301: Mifune
1101: Byoudoin He gets a lot of visitors. It's only natural that a strong man gets a spacious room! (Mifune) 1102: Duke, Oni Having compatibility between power players is good. They can do indoor training together. (Tsuge) 1103: Irie, Tokugawa Their bonds are deep. Because they can talk a lot, they can deepen their solidarity (Kurobe) 1104: Tanegashima, Tohno Since Tanegashima can control Tohno well, there are no problems. (Saito) 1105: Mouri, Ochi Mouri, you're the only 1st year hser. You should have better roomed with someone who understands your spirit. (Kurobe) 1106: Ohmagari, Nakagauchi The yakuza and the chivalrous spirit? If they come together as companions, they can raise eachother up even higher! Forward! (Mifune) 1107: Kimijima The manager said "we want to protect the trainers privacy" (Tsuge) 1108: Hakamada, Date They're overflowing with manliness huh? If you enter the room, the hot air seems to be a difficult point… (Saito) 1109: Mitsuya, Kaji Kaji, your information seemed to surprise even Mitsuya. You guys might become a good pair. (Saito) - 1003: Sanada, Tooyama Cap, you look like a good babysitter of the monkey! If there are any problems, it's joint responsibility! (Mifune) 1005: Marui, Kirihara, Sengoku Since we substituted Akutsu with Sengoku it's always a bustling room. (Saito) 1007: Fuji, Ishida (Gin), Oshitari (Yuushi) Fuji is suited to talking with power players (they can talk well). It seems fun when Oshitari joins in as well. (Tsuge) 1001: Atobe, Yukimura Since their room is large and has seperate bedrooms, each person  can spend their time freely. (Kurobe) 1002: Oishi, Echizen The egg being alone in a room was just right. I'm leaving the babysitting of the brat to you! (Mifune) 1004: Shiraishi, Inui Sometimes you can hear deep and serious talks coming from this room, about dangerous topics like poisonous plants and juice… (Tsuge) 1006: Kite, Niou, Yanagi There are signs of sinister conspiracies…but since Yanagi is there it's fine…is not what I would say. (Kurobe)
p. 217
Shared facilities: Main dining hall For the sake of eating, there's a huge restaurant. Because there are a lot of players from all over the world, the cuisine from the various countries is lined up there.
There are plenty of seats, so during mealtime everyone can sit spaciously. It's styled after the vikings. Since it's open for 24-hours, you can eat at any time.
Menu examples: Aussie beef steak Pastichio Beijing duck Paella Hamburger Foie gras saute Schnitzel Pirozhki
Peter: I'm happy there are even things like chèvre cheese. The real thing is really good.
At various places, there are cafes and speciality stores side by side! There's not only the main dining hall, but throughout the town you can find shops selling food and drinks . One can enjoy meals like fastfood, coffee shops, italian and udon shops depending on the mood. Don't overlook the sweets shop with limited items you can't buy anywhere else.
Let's walk through the representatives town special coupon! Joint establishment with the park cafe (Kangaroo) Get one free coffee!
A concealed guide For the supervisors and the coaches, there's also a bar! The top floor of the building can only be accessed by adults.  Viewing the nightscape, there's a chic bar where one can enjoy various alcoholic drinks from all over the world. There are also wines difficult to get in Japan. Kaji: By the way… I saw coach Kurobe returning to his room drunk.
The dining hall quickly empties n the afternoon! If you want to sit in your favorite seat, we recommend you come after lunchtime has finished, around 14-15. Around that time, a lot of players go practice, and because it's relatively vacant, it's easy to pick a seat. Evangelos: Because I hate crowds, it's hard to find a time to have lunch.
p. 218
Shared facilities: Shopping Mall There are various shops and recreational facilities in this giant mall. You can get most items if you go there.
Tennis supplies, livingware, general goods and brand goods are all present. There is also a lounge for all the representatives to gather, so they can enjoy cultural exchanges with the foreign players.
Shopping center examples: Apparel shop Accessory shop Sports goods Hairsalon Bookstore Movie theatre Bowling alley Lounge Event plaza
Mitsuya: I took a look at the optician. This is an opportunity to change frames.
Relax at the playhouse and movie theatre! There aren't only shops to buy goods, it's also enhanced by facilities to have fun. Especially at the playhouse you can go to the theatre with opera, kabuki and things like that as the programme changes each day.
A concealed guide A hit on SNS is the fountain in the plaza! In the center of the mall is a fountain, with specialized lights that change color at certain times. By taking wonderful and beautiful pictures, you can boast to everyone. Zaizen: It got a lot of likes on my blog…the senpais are a nuisance though. (TL note: I'm assuming the senpais are in the picture as well)
The game center is a popular spot! The latest arcade has the maniac models lined up in a row in the game center of course. Regardless of nationality, it's crowded with players who love games. With fighting games, you can see the players being ecstatic. Tanegashima: The gun shooting is really fun! I got the new record~
p. 219
Shared facilities: Training center It's a facility meant for training the body. It's crucial to coordinate the condition during the tournament.
Other than tennis courts that can be used at any time, one can also use the latest machines and pools for a synthetic practice. It's also equipped with spaces for kendo and judo.
Facility examples: Inside tennis court Outside tennis court Various fitness machines Pool Martial arts dojo Information center Self training room Massage room Baths
QP: It seems you can rent the latest released tablet.
The information center's latest system can be used! For the sake of the intelligent players, personal computers are present. The pros use them as well because of their high performance system and it is possible to carry out information gathering and data analysis.
A concealed guide Wash the sweat away in the spa after training! In the large public bath of the natural spa, there's a sauna and a stone sauna. After you have washed the sweat away with all your strength we recommend you scrub off all the grime in the scrubbing corner. Randy: Okay, let's show my biceps! Don't you think nudity suits me?
You can also attend an aerobics class! In the center, there's a studio, where you can attend yoga, aerobics and various others classes when needed.  It's okay if you're a beginner, and it's good to challenge actions you've never done before…? Hirakoba: I thought I always wanted to try something out of genre.
p. 220
Model course: If you want to tour a town, how about a plan which shows the highlights?
Start! Entry gate Oliver: Welcome
Who dominates the Australian beach!? Let's first go to the beach. Atobe appeared at the coast after the exhibition match, which is surrounded by a beautiful beach, where the players who love the sea gather. The swimming matches are a must-see. Kite: Fufu… You might meet these players here: Kurobane, Leon, Kiko
The park is the universe healing spot for all the players! It's recommended to take a break in the verdant park. You can see nature-loving players stroll at ease, and you might also see them having a friendly chat. At the joint cafe, you can see many sweet lovers. Shiraishi: There are no poisonous plants huh. You might meet these players here: Mouri, Noah, Henri
The secrets to walking in the representatives town
Travel easily with the circulation bus! Because the town is spacious, touring it by foot is harsh. Because the bus finishes a round on the premises in 10 minutes, the players can definitely use it and carpool.
If you're in trouble, contact the staff! Ralph: I found a lost child, so I called the broadcast. Tooyama: I'm not a lost child!
p. 221
Let's patrol the popular spots! Can we meet the representatives!?
The foreigners are really interested in this!? The Japanese restaurant If you're hungry, you can go to the cafes or speciality shops everywhere. The Japanese restaurant that serves sushi, tempura and sukiyaki is not only popular under the Japanese but also with the foreign players. Chloe: Is there also onigiri? You might meet these players here: Echizen, Osval, Volk
Jumping is okay! The live stage The shopping mall has a stage outfitted with acoustic and illumination devices. Those who like music and live for singing, you might be able to see a performance of them? J.J: That's not bad You might meet these players here: Ryoga, Ohmagari, Hallhatter
Goal: Japanese boarding house Oni: Did you have fun?
Event information
In the main dining hall, each nation holds a cultural exchange meeting. The players from around the world and their cheering parties gather here, and they deepen the understanding of their cultures by conversations. While eating various nation's specialities, let's pass a fun time! Zeus: Oh, isn't this social gathering nice. I will also offer to participate.
Let's go to the mini zoo in the event plaza! Inside the mall, there will be a mobile zoo for a limited time. You can meet lions, elephants and giraffes! The animal-lovers gather there! Ochi: I'm not really interested…It was arranged for me to be at that place at that time.
p. 222
The representatives' souvenirs: Get original goods! Let's introduce a careful selection of popular goods that you can get at the shop!
A venue restricted plush It's a limited product to celebrate the opening of the U17Wcup. The koala hugging a racket is an Australian masterpiece. It's also very big. Echizen: I'm not really interested, but it was bought by that big guy.
Original Keyholder The logo decorating the ball carries a simple design. It seems to be a standard and popular souvenir, as many have already bought it. Duke: It's kind of cute huh? I'll buy one for Chloe.
Australian confectionery: Chocolate biscuit It's an australian sweet where two biscuits sandwich chocolate with a chocolate coating. The package is tournament limited. Milky: The crispy feel makes for a pretty good flavor! I reccomend it! If you come over, I definitely want you to eat it!
Let's stretch our feet for a bit: Recommended spots in the town's vicinity There are plenty of fun spots scattered outside the town. Will you also take a look at the Australia's famous tourism?
Melborn zoo It is Australia's oldest zoo in history. You can meet endemic species like koalas, kangaroos and platypi. Kabaji: Seeing…the kangaroos…close by…was really nice. I…want…to….see them…again.
Queen Victoria Market Crowded with people, it's a lively, historic and gigantic market. You can find things like fresh ingredients, clothes, general goods and souvenirs. Niou: Huh…I can use a lot of these things…puri.
Royal exhibition building Together with the Carlton gardens, these buildings are registered as world heritage sites. Multiple styles blend to make a beautiful and tasteful building. Prince Ludovic: It's a building befitting of a prince! I want to go there accompanied by that girl!
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kapmarvin · 4 years ago
The Loving Cup
When government announced they were stopping free school meals before the October half term holidays, Harrow’s Red Cup Cafe teamed up with nearby New Vision Opticians to provide local families with free meals, and their work continues with London’s Community Kitchen.
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(Reena and Henal Chotai in their beloved Red Cup Cafe; photo by Kap Marvin)
The Chotai’s are no fledglings in the world of charity. From St Luke’s Hospice to Hospitality Action and many betwixt, their patronage knows few bounds. When North Harrow Library across the road from the cafe came under threat from government closures, Reena and Henal were there. Their generosity extends even as far as Sri Lanka, where Henal volunteered for six months, teaching English to orphans. The owners of the Red Cup Cafe are good people who pride themselves on the intimacy they bring to their work. Indeed, after a long, hard day serving the public and providing free school meals for local families, they still welcome me into their establishment, mops and sprays in hand, give me free coffee, and sit down for over two hours to talk to me.
Reena and Henal opened The Red Cup Cafe five years ago, and have always strived to make it a home away from home for their customers, as it is for them. “When you eat somewhere, you leave with only a full stomach and memories; it’s the experience that counts,” says Henal. “People have chosen to spend their time and money with us,” adds Reena. “It’s important to us they get more than just their money’s worth.”
Now it is the town of Harrow that is getting more than just its money’s worth, as Reena and Henal venture to help those left in the lurch by government’s policy to rescind free school meals. “I think people were so outraged,” says Reena. “The cost was minimal compared to what had already been spent,” adds Henal. “It was a drop in the ocean. Just totally unnecessary.”
The cafe had already suffered heavily from government policies towards the hospitality sector. Functioning as a takeaway-only establishment at the start of lockdown, they made a tenth of their normal revenue, running at a loss simply by opening at all, and all with a stockroom full of fresh produce. But in true Red Cup style, Reena and Henal began distributing food to the locals, care homes and hospital.  
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(The Red Cup Cafe logo; courtesy of Reena and Henal Chotai, used with permission)
One day, local Labour MP, Gareth Thomas, a friend of the cafe, walked in and told them his office had identified 4,000 children who would be in need, due to government’s cuts. “We knew we couldn’t help 4,000,” says Reena. “’But what could we do?’ we asked ourselves. So we put out a Facebook appeal, and it was shared 200 times!”
The cafe partnered up with New Vision Opticians, up the road in Rayners Lane, who acted as a drop-off and pick-up point. “After seeing that government were not going to help struggling families with food for the children, we knew we had to do something to help,” says Aarti Sawhney of New Vision. Her husband, Aman, who made the pick-ups from the Red Cup, adds that “Lockdown and COVID have not been easy for small businesses like New Vision Opticians, and everyone is struggling. With our practice being very quiet during this time, we decided to focus our efforts into helping families that may be struggling the most.” Aarti concludes, “It is a beautiful gesture to help support this campaign and we are truly honoured.”
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(Aarti and Aman Sawhney of New Vision Opticians; photo courtesy of the Sawhney’s and used with permission)
Reena and Henal sought no means-testing of any kind when approached by those in need. “Of course you’re going to get people who take the Michael,” says Henal, “but you can’t let the few affect the many. We did it for the people who need it. Why should the children suffer?”
The Red Cup gang have since teamed up with London’s Community Kitchen, a collaboration that continues to this day and beyond. Watch Reena explain their work here: https://youtu.be/AuSzQsBWmh4
Henal and Reena very humbly attribute their actions to simply being in the right place at the right time: “Because we’re in hospitality we have everything at our fingertips”, says Reena. “We in the hospitality industry are experts at disaster management,” adds Henal. “Being ready for any eventuality is just the air we breathe. If you look at the pandemic, all the food that was going to nurses, doctors, hospitals, all came from hospitality, because we’re specialists in feeding the nation, we know how to, and we can do it safely, with five-star hygiene, and on a mass scale.”
“We wouldn’t have been able to do this without donations and people helping,” Reena continues, “because we’ve been hit so hard, we wouldn’t have been able to do as much. We would have done our own little thing, but it would have been very low key by comparison. New Vision have been incredible, and The Case Is Altered in Old Redding also. We’ll all continue working together in the future.”
After feeding a town, anyone would be forgiven for imagining that Reena, Henal and their friends are now looking forward to a well-earned break. But they would be very much mistaken: “We need to get back to planning how we get more revenue, how we can grow the business, because that’s the only way we can continue to do this kind of work,” Reena tells me. “We paused it because this needed our immediate focus and energy. We didn’t have a few weeks to plan this, it was an immediate need.”
“People have been massively generous,” says Henal. “And all that money is being carried forward for Christmas, because Christmas is going to be really hard for a lot of families. So we’ll team up with London’s Community Kitchen to do Christmas food hampers to tide people over for the Christmas period – it’s the least we can do!”
“We just feel we’re on the right path now,” says Reena. “This is just our little way of saying, ‘Thank you!’”
“You do what is good and right in this world, and you follow that path,” she continues in closing. “As long as you’re living a decent, good, righteous life, within your own means, that to me is happiness.”
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(The Chotai family; courtesy of the Chotai’s, used with permission)
And now for a word from our CEO...
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gokul2181 · 4 years ago
Highlights from Dutch Design Week
New Post has been published on https://jordarnews.in/highlights-from-dutch-design-week/
Highlights from Dutch Design Week
Last year, over 3,55,000 people had converged at Eindhoven in the Netherlands for Dutch Design Week (DDW). That’s exactly why this year, the 19th edition of the annual event has gone virtual, with 3D viewing rooms, live streams and over 360 videos.
The pandemic has also dictated the main theme of the festival. The New Intimacy explores “a new equilibrium in a time when, due to Covid-19, the creative world has been accelerating the exploration of different ways of relating to each other and the world around us”.
On the fair’s website, tune into talks by its ambassadors — trend forecaster Lidewij Edelkoort, designer Sabine Marcelis, and Philips’ Chief Design Officer Sean Carney — on design trends, tactility in the digital age, and the future of healthcare. Dezeen, the architecture and design magazine, has also collaborated with DDW for a series of live discussions, including Stories of a Product (discussing how good design can improve people’s relationship with products).
Here are a few highlights from the festival.
Virtual Tactility   | Photo Credit: ddw.nl
Sabine Marcelis’ Virtual Tactility
The Dutch designer explores how one can translate physical objects — a series of polished resin and onyx marble stacked tables and totem lights — into a remote experience. With her ‘digital interaction’, created in collaboration with tech partners 5GHUB and Dimenco Displays, virtual visitors can control cameras placed in a remote gallery and experience Marcelis’ work.
Ananya Patel’s Topi-Cology
Inspired by birds that gather materials from their immediate environment to build nests, the Vadodara-based artist has used things from nature to create a series of hats. Seen here is the Neem Halo, one of the exhibits at Duth Invertuals’ True Matter show. The wide-brimmed hat is made with bamboo, banana stem and the bark of a neem tree that fell during the monsoon. It “offers shelter from the heat and insects”, explains the designer on an Instagram post and shares, tongue-in-cheek, that the neem’s distinct smell may also “keep people away”, an advantage in our times of social distancing.
Object Density’s Lens Luminaire AP
With this site-specific installation, designers Nicola Charlesworth and Kim Stanek redefine an element of waste — dead-stock lenses from ophthalmic optics company Essilor — while paying tribute to one of Eindhoven’s most iconic buildings, De Bruin Heer. The duo examined the optician’s process and production (the building houses Mr Brown Specs & Beans, a luxury optician and coffee cafe) to create the installation that “seeks to reinstate each lens’ inherent beauty and value, [while] the distortion of the light source highlights the unique optical properties of each lens”.
Living Coffin   | Photo Credit: ddw.nl
Studio Hendrikx’s Living Coffin
This isn’t meant to be macabre, but rather a way to become one with nature. Using mycelium — the root network of mushrooms that inventor-biodesigner Bob Hendrikx says continuously transform “dead organic matter into fresh plant food” — the coffin brings humans into the cycle of life, helping humans enrich the soil instead of polluting it.
The Dutch Design Week is on till October 25.Details: ddw.nl
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tourunseen · 5 years ago
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Classy and posh, Khan Market is a favourite of the expat and diplomatic community. It was originally allocated as seed land to immigrants from the North-West Frontier Province after the partition of India. Today, it is a popular shopping destination in Delhi. It is a large U-shaped market with two parallel ‘U’s and some extensions. You will find excellent book shops, up-market boutiques, opticians, grocers, tailors, brand showrooms, lifestyle stores, etc here & There are also a couple of boutiques selling up-market household furnishings. Across the road are shops that specialize mainly in lighting. You will also find many eating joints: cafes, restaurants, bakeries and street-food corners.❤ . For more details log on our website www.unseenindiatour.com (link in bio). . #unseenindiatour #thejourneymatters #travel #travelphotography #rawatdhirender #photography #nature #travelgram #love #photooftheday #instatravel #instagood #wanderlust #trip #travelblogger #adventure #traveling #vacation #picoftheday #travelling #explore #instagram #landscape #beautiful #ig #summer #naturephotography — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/31DnySI
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whoro-akechi · 5 years ago
Yuuto cleared his throat before speaking up. He wanted to clear this up quickly for them.
"Um, Yusuke can't see very well... We were on our way to the opticians"Yuuto told the woman.
"He also can't... Can't remember..."
Naoto sighed as he saw the little puddle, he couldn't care about the floor, he just felt that it wasn't fair on poor Muffin. Poor boy was here for so long alone.
"Come to papa" he cooed as he leant down to pick the dog up. "Let's go see mama"
He walked out with the dog in his arms, safe and cozy with him. Muffin deserved to be carried like a little prince.
"Toddles sir, see you in hell" Naoto said before leaving the cafe.
Tea Party
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