#Secret Occult
miyajisims4 · 10 months
Secret d'occulte de JaneSimsten
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Secret Occulte
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amtalchemy · 1 year
Manifestation Words
“I will” - directs the intention
“I am” - sets the manifestation
“I have” - directs the manifestation energy towards you
“I want” - creates desire / motivation, sends out manifestation into the universe for it to be guided into creation
“I am going to” - sets the intention
“I just manifested” - clears third eye / crown chakra blockages towards manifestation
“I need to” - creates a sense of urgency towards action for manifestation
“I create” - sets a flow of energy out into the universe
“I created” - sets a flow of energy that is directed back to you
“I manifested” - clears blockages towards beliefs in order to direct manifestation frequency back to you
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weirdlookindog · 3 months
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Reon Argondian (1962-) - Carodej tajnych symbolu (Magician of secret symbols)
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occultesotericart · 1 month
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The Wishing Well | engraving print from an old arcane book
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weirdyearbook · 8 months
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Here are all the vintage images I've so far encountered that, for one esoteric reason or other, are categorized as "occult."
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childrenofcain-if · 1 month
Why billionaire? You do know that nobody can become one ethically right?
girl, this is a fictional story. reality can become whatever i want it to be, and here? even billionaires can get rich ethically. if i want to turn them all into cows the next chapter? moo moo, bitch. i’ll be the first one to scream “eat the rich” irl, but y’all need to start separating reality and fiction at some point.
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Texe Marrs - Dark Secrets of the New Age - Crossway - 1987 (cover design by Britt Taylor Collins)
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creature-wizard · 2 years
New Age is a poisoned chalice.
MASSIVE CW for racism and genocide up ahead. So, New Age ultimately goes back to Theosophy, which was primarily founded by Helena Blavatsky. Here's a paragraph Blavatsky wrote herself in her own book The Secret Doctrine: Mankind is obviously divided into God-informed men and lower human creatures. The intellectual difference between the Âryan and other civilized nations and such savages as the South Sea Islanders, is inexplicable on any other grounds. No amount of culture, no generations of training amid civilization, could raise such human specimens as the Bushmen, the Veddhas of Ceylon, and some African tribes, to the same intellectual level as the Âryans, the Semites, and the Turanians so-called. The “Sacred Spark” is missing in them, and it is they who are the only inferior races on the Globe, now happily— owing to the wise adjustment of Nature which ever works in that direction—fast dying out. Verily mankind is “of one blood,” but not of the same essence . We are the hot-house, artificially quickened plants in Nature, having in us a spark, which in them is latent. This is the kind of sentiment the New Age movement came out of, and it's not any better today - New Agers are still simping for genocide, whether they're looking forward to people dying from climate change or eagerly awaiting the day Trump and his loyalists enact a second Holocaust. You don't have to dig very far at all to find videos and blogs expressing these very sentiments. New Agers, by the way, are the people pushing things like: -Soulmates and twin flames -The Law of Attraction/Law of Assumption/Manifestation -"Low vibrational frequency" vs. "high vibrational frequency" -Karmic debt -DNA upgrades/DNA activation/light code activation -Ascension to 5D -The existence of Atlantis, Lemuria, and Mu -Ancient aliens -Starseeds So yeah, watch out for this stuff (it's unfortunately all too common on witchblr and WitchTok), and be aware that though it might look harmless on the surface, it's all rotten underneath.
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touhoutunes · 18 days
Title: Private Occultism
Arrangement: neno &  キノ爺
Album: Secret Jazz Club
Circle: Accord on Codes
Original: Last Occultism ~ Esotericist of the Present World
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victusinveritas · 4 days
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yeullove · 1 month
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I don't know about you, but the sketch from Romanov's diary reminds me of "Occult Anatomy of Man" diagram (and there's a book with the same name).
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*Please zoom in or download the image for better viewing.*
This got me thinking, what if the Compassion (Mercy) path vs No Compassion (Cruelty) path were inspired by Boaz and Jachin pillars? If you look at the picture, you can see that the Boaz one is written as "Collumn of Severity" while Jachin is called "Collumn of Mercy". This also plays with the idea of Light (Jachin) and Dark (Boaz) which is referenced a lot in HS:R (you know, something like yin and yang?).
And I found an old article about "Occult Anatomy of Man" (I haven't read all of it so I'm not sure if it's the same thing).
The illustration used is pretty similar with the one about angelic ranks (S1 E8) or something like that.
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The symbols drawn in Romanov's sketch are different with the ones in the picture. I could only identify 2 symbols out of 3.
The first symbol reminds me of Uranus symbol (S1 E3)
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The second symbol is pretty much the Jupiter symbol (S1 E6)
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But, I have no idea what the symbols mean in HS:R universe.
Personally, I would like to see more Cain and Abel related stuff because it's mentioned in the occult diagram.
Additional reference:
The closest thing I could find for the third symbol (S1 E9) is the old Saturn symbol.
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Prophets, Mounts, and Open Secrets/Initiation
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This is a continuation of my post here , a more personal and more "in touch" post. I think even if people point out the secret in a tradition then the tradition itself will prevent the person who wants to abuse the secret from abusing it. So no matter how much I speak about this then the secret will always be hidden from those aiming to abuse it.
Sometime my blogs get a bit impersonal and I want to say that how close it is when I talk to you, the reader. That I am trying my best to tell you that all the prophets, all the scripture, all the stories, all the events within the scriptures were, are, and going to be happening. That's the secret within the scripture, even my friend @poimandresnous in his blog in this post . The Corpus Hermeticum talks about it in Chapter 11/XI: And, thus, think from thyself, and bid thy soul go unto any land, and there more quickly than thy bidding will it be. And bid it journey oceanwards; and there, again, immediately 'twill be, not as if passing on from place to place, but as if being there.
And bid it also mount to heaven; and it will need no wings, not will aught hinder it, nor fire of sun, nor auther, nor vortex-swirl, nor bodies of the other stars; but, cutting through them all, it will soar up to the last Body [of them all]. And shouldst thou will to break through this as well, and contemplate what is beyond - if there be aught beyond the Cosmos; it is permitted thee. [...] But if thou lockest up thy soul within thy body, and dost debase it, saying: I nothing know; I nothing can; I fear the sea; I cannot scale the sky; I know not who I was, who I shall be - what is there [then] between [thy] God and thee?
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If anything I hope the preceding is the key for reading scripture and even prayers, you can't read them and just look at it as a newspaper or a Television show, you HAVE to be there. That's why even in buddhist sutra you have the same idea, It is like a concert. If you read about it in the newspaper, or see it on television, this is nowhere near as real as when you personally go to the concert hall and experience the concert in person. From a collection by someone called "The Ordinary Man" on November 27, 2003, what did he say?
“To read the sūtras” means you are just a student reading stories from history. Then it is hard to enter into the teaching assembly, and hard to awaken to the realm which the Buddha is speaking of! [...] This experience [of a concert] is almost impossible to communicate in words – and all the more so when it comes to experiencing the realm the Buddha speaks of: this is even more impossible. I know syncrectism but I am trying to drive the point here. The message here is that when the transfiguration of Jesus happen in the Bible, it is happening. When the "Man-Shepherd"/Divine Mind tell Hermes to go to Ocean, to heaven, and depth of depth he's TELLING YOU. All of the stories in all literature are INSTRUCTIONS for YOU, for you to SEE them, to HEAR them, to FEEL them, to TOUCH them, to SNIFF them. They're THERE...literally but if you read them right then they will become here. Why did the transfiguration happen in the mount of Tabor, why did God tell Moses to look at the Mountain then he made it crumble, why do we have the story of Seven Sleepers in Quran and De situ terrae sanctae. A lot of people wonder where they will find the teacher or a suitable teacher, but they don't take refuge in the prophets and saints for some reasons. That's the key that open the whole virtues and make them a thousand fold more effective, meet Khidr, meet Mohammed, meet Elijah, meet Jesus, meet Moses, they're HERE and they didn't go anywhere else. Do I have ijaza to make this work, or do I have the skills to make this magic work? Yeah you can initially do it, but once you have this deep and powerful connection to the prophets, to the saints, to the bodhisattvas, to the HEROES then you would be immersed and transformed by the experience of meeting them. It's not merely the meeting of them, the whole scripture is transformed because now you already know that the whole thing for what it is. Okay enough repeating the same points I mentioned before lol now time for personal experience...
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and this is where we reach the end of this post from the general to the particular of mine, and I hope that this is more of something to motivate people, to push people, and to open up the boundaries assumed or pushed onto them by themselves or other. The mount tabor prayer was an extremely strong one, and the visions of the prophets were always related to nature, related to meet them in Mosques, in Churches, in wilderness and they would always have this glow to their face that's very distinct and powerful that made look away immediately, looking at the prophets, all of them exude a sense of peacefulness, caring and a sense of comfort. They aim no harm but their presence is truly strong. Once you meet the prophets then your experience with reading Bible or Quran is transformed completely, like meeting a teacher he pokes you or guides you in the right direction and the whole thing just make you tear up in awe of greatness of these luminous beings. Sometime people take working with angels or archangels for granted, when it's not. Even prophets, saints, bodhisattvas and so on, it's so rare and ethereal that...I can't even bring myself to put it into words. Instructions and inspiration in practice come easily and guidance arrive when it was lacking. Prayer is inflamed and the door of charity opens up. In the end? Where the lack of teacher is, the door of wisdom opens up and guidance is presented. As Matthew said:  “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. In the end, I end this with tears in my eyes not of sadness but because of the loneliness of the path that hermits, and guides walk being used a spiritual tools not as human, my heart goes to them and I hope to carry the lamp of light as they carried it for me.
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satanasvincit · 6 months
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Leilani Bustamante
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occultesotericart · 3 months
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1600’s celestial engraving by Athanasius Kircher
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weirdyearbook · 11 months
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Here are all the vintage images I've so far encountered that, for one esoteric reason or other, are categorized as "occult."
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