#Seafood Scramble
stenoodie · 8 months
Brunch at Glass Kitchen in Thornhill
Brunch at Glass Kitchen in Thornhill. #crazywavygravy #locomoco #newbrunchspot
Glass Kitchen located at 505 Hwy 7, unit 98 and 99 in Thornhill I didn’t know about this new brunch spot called “Glass Kitchen” at the Commerce Gate plaza in Richmond Hill/Thornhill until my friends suggested it for our brunch location.  This restaurant is headed by an award-winning Canadian chef named Keith Pears and Continue reading Untitled
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askwhatsforlunch · 2 years
Two Salmons Scrambled Eggs
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Some Mondays may be difficult. Not today for me, as I have the day off and am spending it with my Mum and sister. But whether your morning is slow or hectic, a plate of soft and tasty Two Salmons Scrambled Eggs can only improve it, a start the week on a good note! Happy Monday!
Ingredients (serves 1):
1 tablespoon olive oil
90 grams/3 ounces fresh salmon, cut into small chunks
a pinch of salt and freshly cracked black pepper, to taste
2 large eggs
1 heaped tablespoon crème fraîche or sour cream
a pinch of salt and freshly cracked black pepper, to taste
15 grams/1/2 ounce Smoked Salmon
In a small frying pan, heat olive oil over a medium flame. Add salmon chunks, and cook, stirring often until cooked, about 3 minutes. Season very lightly with salt and black pepper.
In a small bowl, lightly beat the eggs with salt, black pepper and crème fraîche. Pour the eggs in the skillet, and immediately reduce heat to medium-low. With the wooden spoon, fold eggs in from the edge to the centre, until just cooked, about 3 to 4 minutes.
Spoon scrambled eggs onto serving plate and top with bits of Smoked Salmon.
Enjoy Two Salmons Scrambled Eggs immediately, with buttered Wholemeal Bread and hot tea or coffee.
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sanguine-squid · 2 months
wish i could tolerate more proteins ...
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jvicblak · 2 years
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kahvilahuhut · 3 months
food themed oc asks 🍅
food preferences tell a lot about us and the same can be said about our ocs. And so, here's a funny ask game.
🍎 What's your oc's favorite food(s)?
🍊 Your oc is brought to the fruits and veggies aisle of the grocery store. What do they pick?
🍌 If your oc would pick a yoghurt or something like it, would they rather 1) eat plain yoghurt 2) eat flavored yoghurt or 3) eat yoghurt with the fruit bits in it.
🥭 Does your oc drink juice? What's their favorite kind of juice? Do they mind the fruit pulp that can sometimes be found in these?
🥝 Does your oc have food restrictions? Is the reason related to health, culture, ethics, preferences or something else?
🫐 Would your oc eat something they found outside? (for example: berries, mushrooms, not eaten chocolate bar, stuff like that)
🍇 Does your oc prefer coffee, tea, or hot chocolate? Do they prefer them hot or cold? What would their usual order in a cafe be?
🧄 How much spices does your oc use when cooking? Do they prefer bland taste or spicy/rich in flavor meals?
🍤 What's their opinion on seafood?
🧇 Do they enjoy baking? What's their favorite thing to bake? What's their favorite pastry to eat?
🍳 Do they enjoy cooking? What's their favorite thing to cook? Do they cook alone or with someone else?
🥖 What's their favorite kind of bread?
🫕 Do they like cheese?
🍾 Does your oc drink alcohol? What's their favorite drink(s) (can be alcoholic or non-alcoholic)? Would they know how to mix a cocktail?
🍟 What is your oc's opinion on fast food? How often do they buy it?
🥐 Your oc is given a chance to order a breakfast from cafe - what do they order? Would they actually do that?
🥯 What's their usual breakfast like? Do they eat breakfast, and if so, how regularly? Do they eat alone or with someone else? What would an ideal breakfast for them be?
🥚 What is your oc's preferred way to eat eggs? If your oc doesn't eat eggs, what do they think about scrambled tofu or the equivalent in their world?
🥓 At what time does your oc eat breakfast?
🥨 Brunch picnic time with friends/partner(s)/companions/[insert your ocs' close people here]! What is your oc bringing?
🥗 Your oc is now at a salad bar (a buffet-like place where you can do your own salad). What do they put in there? Do they add some kind of protein? Some sweet fruits? Some seeds or bread?
🥪 What kind of sandwiches does your oc like/would like to eat? If they could eat it for lunch, would they only eat it or something else, too?
🍣 What's your oc's typical lunch like? Do they usually eat lunch, and if so, how regularly? Do they eat alone or with someone else? What would their ideal lunch be like?
🥟 What's something your oc would love to eat for lunch almost every time?
🥙 They are having a lunch date. Which place do they pick and what are they ordering? Do they hurry or would they rather be late from whatever happens after lunch?
🧆 Would they rather eat a stuffing lunch and light dinner or vice versa? Why?
🍚 They have been invited for a dinner by someone close to them! Where are they going, what are they ordering, what are they drinking and what do they talk about?
🍛 What's your oc's typical dinner like? Do they usually eat dinner, and if so, how regularly? Do they eat alone or with someone else? What would their ideal dinner be?
🍜 Do they love cooking dinner or would they rather eat somewhere else or order takeout?
🥘 Does your oc prefer a quick, calm dinner or would they rather have a very long one?
🍩 What is their favorite dessert? Do they get it often? What is their go-to dessert?
🥕 They are packing some snacks because they're going to be away from home for a while. What do they take with them? What's their opinion on trail mix?
🍒 How often do they eat berries and other kinds of veggies?
🥞 Your oc is ordering food from a fast food chain. They can also pick something else than the main meals. What do they buy?
🍦 Your oc wakes up at night, feeling hungry. Do they go eat? If yes, what will they eat?
🫖 Does your oc eat anything between dinner and going to sleep? How often?
☕️ Does your oc eat anything between lunch and dinner? How often?
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disneyprincemuke · 8 months
you say nothing back
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being in the hospital has never left a good taste in your mouth, even more when it’s your boyfriend that’s on the bed with an iv line connected to his elbow. it’s unsettling, saying ‘i love you’ to someone who’s in the depths of his medication.
you sigh and rest your chin in your palm, propping yourself up with your elbow by the edge of the bed. “you should wake up so i can say it to your face, you know.”
you stare longingly at his still hands when you feel something weigh your chest down.
you haven’t been with oscar considerably long. well, to both of you — and at your ripe ages of barely even turning 23 — 7 months is a very long time to be with someone. though, you find that your more experienced friends and mother disagree that it’s a significant amount of time to be head over heels for a boy.
one thing that they all agree on is the fact that you should have made your feelings clear instead of staying in the grey area together like two idiots. there should be a known status.
but you didn’t feel like you needed it. you and oscar have both agreed that you’re happy where you are, and that things should go at its own pace. take it one day (date) at a time.
these past few days, however, have felt like a fever dream. last week, you almost blurted it out to him when he had driven you home from a full-day date. luckily, you’d caught yourself at the last second and bit your tongue.
you weren’t sure, at the time, that it wasn’t just something you were saying out of habit. you’re usually very loose with the phrase: with your best friends, family, even sometimes yelling it in the bathroom of a club in the late hours. not saying it to oscar felt off to some degree.
in some way, it also felt right.
you can’t believe that it took an accident for you to realise that you are damn sure about saying it to him. now you’re here in oscar’s hospital room with a heavy heart and droopy eyes — you’ve been here for hours waiting for oscar to regain consciousness.
you sigh again, slightly louder this time, and trace shapes over the back of oscar’s hand. “it’s kind of unfair; i said it while you’re unconscious and you’ve said nothing back.”
“because i was unconscious,” you hear oscar croak out, eyebrows furrowed and his head moving slightly as his eyes slowly open.
you barely process the fact that he’s awake. all that floods your head is the fact that oscar has managed to turn his hand over to hold yours in his, giving it a soft and gentle squeeze. he smiles when your eyes widen and lips part at him being awake. “what did you say to me?”
you purse your lips together, face carving into confusion. “what?”
“i was just waking up when you were saying something about saying something to me and not getting a response,” he laughs, adjusting himself to sit up. you scramble to your feet, helping him adjust the pillows behind him to give him a structure to lean on. he thanks you softly, pushing you down gently to sit you back down in your seat. “i was, in fact, unconscious. so you should tell me again so you can get a response.”
immediately, you shake your head and push your seat away from oscar to keep your distance. you’re not risking embarrassing yourself simply because you can’t control yourself any longer. perhaps that’s actually a good thing? maybe you just need to get it over and done with.
“no, it’s really nothing. it’s not even important,” you laugh, hiding your face away to shield the blush that’s creeping onto your cheeks.
“come on,” oscar laughs. “tell me, please?” he gestures to himself with a small pout. “look at me — how can you say ‘no’ to me?”
“you can’t use that as a bargaining chip. that’s foul.”
“there are no rules in life, dear.”
“you’re in the hospital for something that could have been entirely avoided.”
“it’s just an allergy attack.”
“i know! could have been entirely avoided if you’d just told me that you were allergic to seafood, oz!”
“that’s besides the point!” he throws his head back, sniffling softly. he reaches forward for your hand and pats the back of yours. “what is it? you know you can tell me anything.”
you sigh and shake your head. “i can’t. and, it’s really not important.”
oscar drops your hand. he grabs your cheeks, lifting your head to meet your eyes. “please tell me? i promise i’ll listen.”
this is the first time you’ve ever been scared to tell someone you love them. it’s just always come so naturally to you because some small part of you always knew that you’d get a similar response. with oscar, it’s different.
it could be the constant stoic stare or the way that he isn’t typically a person with many words. he’s very reserved and careful with his words; often soft-spoken and not quick with his anger. it’s new to be associated with somebody who is so thought out with himself.
one would even wonder how someone like yourself ended up with oscar in the first place. not that it’s a bad thing, it’s just that you’re opposites. but oscar loves to argue that it’s your extroverted nature that made you fit so well together. you love talking, and he loves listening. if you asked him again, he would tell you that he loves your voice, your accent — hearing you talk.
“just say it,” oscar scoffs, a small smirk stretching his lips. he exhales softly and blinks slowly. “i have a feeling i know what you’re about to say to me. for the record, i feel the same way.”
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@cashtons-wife @darleneslane @nikfigueiredo @happy-nico @namgification
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ohmygraves · 3 months
what the 141 guys would eat in an all you can eat buffet
price is the one grilling the meat most of the time if they're in like a kbbq where you cook the meat yourself
he tells the boys to grab whatever they want cuz it should be fun rather than trying to get their money's worth
still though he will make sure that everyone finishes their plate bcz no wasting food here people it's an extra 10 pounds for like 100g of food you wasted get your head in the game-
honestly probably wouldn't be that hard, his boys eats a lot in general
keeping it simple with series of meats and booze, though might indulge in some pastries if something catches his fancy
tends to pick something he's familiar with and one that looks good, will be disappointed if the one he picked doesn't taste as good as it looks :(
oh also will definitely go ham at the crabs, kinda shows off how to crack it open and get the most meat from it hehe
i feel like the buffet he feels more comfortable with are the ones that offer him familiar sights and lots of meat. and maybe some veggies too to cut the cholesterol out of his body a little
he might enjoyed k-bbq, cuz they eat lots of veggies while going hard on the meat too
"see you just do this and this and..." *a log of crab leg meat pops out of its shell* "now it's all out"
oh he gets distracted by the fancy stuff
his plates has a few oysters and somehow lobster tails?? is that a caviar??
his palaté is more adventurous, i think he'd be willing to try out things that he hadn't seen or tried before
still he wants to maximize his stomach space to try out everything that the place has to offer
looks around the selection a few times before grabbing a plate and picking the things he wants (apparently this is the way to go?)
i feel like kyle would be into buffets that offers interesting dishes and unlike the ones that are in common buffets with their ham and mass produced scrambled eggs or something
he has standards
he's a fancy boy, he wants some good drinks while he eats through the entire place
indulges in desserts, but only at the end where he knows that he's had enough of the main dishes (the dessert ruins his appetite so he keeps it towards the end)
picky boy #1 in the squad
cannot handle a single lick of spicy and heat so his options are limited if he goes somewhere "interesting" or wherever kyle takes him
that being said he likes carbs
lots of them
grabs bread and toast and the meats from the meat section and just makes himself some sandwiches
doesn't really take the salads bcz he doesn't like the veggies in it, will end up picking most of the stuff out (he doesn't like raw onions and raw carrots :c)
loves the sweets though
will accidentally eat too much sweets that he couldn't eat anything else because his appetite gets ruined
still though if he goes to a buffet he's gonna make sure he stays until the end, kept going either way until the last seconds.
might end up very sick and in a food comma, someone has to roll him out of the place later
his favorite buffets are those cheap ones where the dishes are something he knows and he just cycles through like five dishes through his one hour time limit
he gets made fun of by ghost because his plate is always full of beige
i still stand by ghost being a big boy that likes eating
so he lives for these buffets
he doesn't really like the ones where you cook yourself, he feels like its a lot of waiting for the cooking and not enough time eating
also doesn't really go for the soups, cuz he soups take a lot of space in your stomach. will probably indulge in a small bowl or two though just to try.
he likes a lot of things and doesn't really have anything he hates or turn away, keeps going somewhere where he knows where he could eat his fill in the cheap
he might put the place in the red though, he can certainly eat a lot
meat? sure. salad? put it on the plate. toast and eggs? why not. seafood? no need to ask.
his side of the table is always full of dishes and cluttered. you won't even be able to see the table underneath.
also the vacuum cleaner and the savior for price's wallet from paying the fee for leaving uneaten food
kyle always gets him to try interesting food, and ghost just doesn't really comment on it and puts it in his mouth
he likes anywhere where he could eat for the cheap, isn't very picky on the cuisine. as long as he's not the one cooking the food himself he's fine with it lol
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yridenergyridenergy · 4 months
Die's Food Diary in Europe (March 2024 tour)
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For the magazine Weekly Shinchou April 25th 2024 issue, Die wrote a blog of what he ate on Dir en grey's trip to Europe. Their flight lasted 14 hours.
March 18th – After landing in Warsaw, he went to a seafood restaurant but seeing as he doesn't like seafood or raw food, he ordered a beef steak, which he was satisfied with.
March 19th – Die ate breakfast at the hotel. The buffet typically contains ham, scrambled eggs, salad, bread and coffee. There were sausages and bacon, but they seemed oily/greasy and he was concerned about how much fat they contained. By the third day there though, he started getting bored with that menu.
The lunch is catered by the venue for the concert. It had ham, cheese, bread and minestrone. Because it was the first day and that preparations were hectic, he actually went on stage for that first show without eating dinner. After the show ended, he enjoyed a traditional Italian risotto with mushrooms.
March 20th – Before the second show, he ate pierogi for dinner. He commented that it looks like gyoza but that the taste is "modest"? He also highlighted how it was difficult to get used to the time of day because of how late the shows start in Europe.
March 21st – The band and the staff left on a double-decker bus toward Paris. Die bumped his head on the ceiling of the second floor because it's really low. The bunk beds are narrow for his height but they're decent once he got used to them. They all ate from a service area/stop along the way but Die, not wanting to succumb to the temptation of eating fast food, ate leftovers of a burrito prepared the previous night... which he then realizes can count as fast food too hah.
March 22nd – He ate from traditional French home-style meals that appeared to have been cooked in-house at the venue. Die was excited to try the food out but all the names were in French... The only meal that he could recognize visually was a quiche. I think he ended up trying a few regardless of not knowing what he was eating and he was satisfied.
Die was a bit nervous before going on stage because of the Bataclan's tragic event in 2015 (terrorist shooting). After the show, he had take-out bolognese pasta with thick noodles.
March 23rd – Apparently a fan from Japan gave them takoyaki, which was however heavier than pure takoyaki. He found the taste powdery. All the band members stuffed their faces with takoyaki. The band always receives a bunch of instant food from Japanese fans when they tour overseas, it seems. If someone on the bus starts eating something like ramen, the others are lured in by the smell and they will likely indulge as well. He doesn't usually take (instant?) ramen in Japan, but he finds it tasty on tour overseas.
For dinner, he had kebabs before the show, and pizza afterward. In the end, he did succumb to junk food.
March 24th – Breakfast was served on the ferry boat's restaurant. He took fried eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes and bread while looking out at the sea. At night, he went to a local yakiniku-style restaurant with his American friends. While the atmosphere was similar to a Japanese yakiniku, he felt sorry for his friends about the taste of the food.
......... A menu critic highlighted at the end of the diary that Die had not eaten any fruit or vegetables hahah.
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poiseandprogress · 1 year
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Poise & Progess: Formulating My Meal Plan
Firstly, I am not an expert or dietician or whatever. With the help of Chat GPT I’ve compiled a list of meals and snacks that I can incorporate into a meal plan and that will allow me to reach my fitness/body goals.
I will also mention that I mainly follow a pescatarian diet but I am not entirely strict with it. I find that cutting out meats, not including seafood, works well with my body and digestive system but I don't mind a grilled chicken salad every once in a while.
So below you'll find my balanced meal plan grouped by meals.
Certainly! Here's the balanced meal plan grouped by meals, without the days specified:
Scrambled eggs with spinach and tomatoes
Greek yogurt parfait with fruits
Oatmeal with bananas, nuts, and cinnamon
Whole-grain pancakes with yogurt
Whole-grain toast with scrambled eggs
Smoothie (spinach, banana, berries)
Overnight oats with almond milk
Avocado toast with fruits
Grilled chickpea salad with quinoa or rice
Chickpea stir-fry with noodles or rice
Lentil and vegetable soup with a roll
Spinach and feta stuffed bell peppers
Quinoa and black bean bowl
Shrimp wrap with a side salad
Tuna or chickpea salad with whole-grain bread
Greek yogurt with nuts and honey
Hummus with carrot and cucumber sticks
Cottage cheese with mixed berries
Apple slices with peanut butter
Handful of almonds and dried fruits
Celery sticks with almond butter
Baked salmon with broccoli and sweet potato
Lentil burger with mixed greens and veggies
Grilled shrimp with quinoa and veggies
Tofu stir-fry with brown rice
Grilled fish with sweet potato and asparagus
Baked fish with roasted veggies and couscous
Stuffed bell peppers with a side salad
If you'd like, you can feel free to mix and match these meal ideas to create a balanced and varied eating plan that suits your own preferences, goals, and dietary needs.
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nb-octopus-writes · 1 month
once you’re in the hive, the other bees assume you’re supposed to be there
Chapter 3: A Series of Unintended Events
Wordcount: 1.3K
The pancakes are delicious, light and fluffy. Virgil only has two, because he did already have cereal and unlike Remus his stomach is not a bottomless pit into which he can pour an unending stream of nutrients. But they're delicious, and he's glad Calico convinced him to try a bit.
After breakfast, Virgil helps with the dishes because Remus still isn't up yet, and neither is Janus—probably still curled around him like a hot water bottle—and he has nothing better to do.
Princey meanders in after him, and despite having just demolished an entire stack of pancakes and a decent amount of scrambled eggs, starts rooting around in the fridge. He emerges with a plastic-wrapped plate of tiny pumpkin pies and leans against the counter to eat them directly off the platter, clearly pleased that the party having ended means he can have the leftovers.
“So you're the reason the chinese buffet has a twenty plate limit,” Virgil teases after Princey eats several in a row without pausing. Virgil had a few of those tiny pies last night, so he knows they're good, but Princey is absolutely chowing down on them.
“Hey, that was not my fault!” Princey protests. “Besides, a place that calls itself ‘all you can eat’ shouldn't even have a limit.”
“It shouldn’t,” Virgil agrees. “But I've never hit the limit myself, so I thought it was reasonably high. I suppose that a buffet operating in the same town as twin black holes would need to be cautious to protect their profit margins though. How much did you two pack away before they asked you to stop?”
“Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy,” Princey says. “Anyway, it really wasn't us.”
Princey sighs. “No, Count Woe-laf,” he says. He is just too much fun to tease. “If my father is to be believed, it was actually him and a couple of his college buddies.”
Virgil laughs. “Oh, so it's definitely genetic, then!”
Princey chuckles, popping the last tiny pie into his mouth and setting the plate on the counter. Virgil takes it and rinses it off so he can put it in the dishwasher with the others. “Yeah. Dad says they absolutely cleared out the seafood section, and most of the mac and cheese, and ate a sizable portion of pretty much everything else. If you get him going, he'll give you a very long and probably quite embellished retelling of the many courses they had. They never got kicked out, but the next time they went, they were told that there was now a limit to just how much they could eat.”
“Ah, alas,” Virgil says. “I bet it was a fabulous feast, though.” He finishes loading the dishwasher and checks under the sink for soap. They have pods, which is very convenient for measuring, or rather for not having to do that. He pops one in and turns the machine on.
“So, if I'm Count Olaf antagonizing you, which Baudelaire does that make you?” he asks. “Not bookish Klaus, surely. Maybe Sunny? I think she could demolish a plate as quickly as you, though her small stomach wouldn't have the same capacity.”
Princey's eyes light up and he leans forward. Instead of answering the banter, he says meaningfully, “I have the full series on dvd.”
“I'm not doing anything right now,” Virgil says. Princey beams.
“Great! I'll make popcorn!”
They have a dedicated home theater. The tv is large, the seats are comfortable, and the speakers are crisp and clear without being too loud. Princey made a bucket of popcorn for each of them, and Virgil isn't very hungry right now considering he very recently had breakfast, but he munches idly on it as they watch, and comment, and theorize. Princey is fun to watch tv with, and doesn't mind Virgil talking while they watch.
They're in the middle of an episode when Remus appears in the doorway.
“Hey Emo,” says Remus. “I gotta get home and feed my cat before she figures out how to unlock the front door and hunts me down. I was gonna take you home on the way, but it looks like you're in the middle of something.”
Virgil considers. He looks at the screen, where Lemony Snicket is explaining that if you're allergic to something, it's generally best not to put that thing in your mouth, especially if the thing you are allergic to is a cat. He looks back at Remus. “You swear you'll come back for me?”
“On my favorite dildo and Janus's two cocks,” Remus says with feeling, and Virgil can't help the chuckle that escapes him.
“I'll be okay,” he says. “Go get Diesel Fuel her lunch.”
Remus salutes him and disappears.
They finish the episode and Remus hasn't come back yet, so they go on to the next one. During the theme song though, Nerdbot appears to inform them that they too need to eat lunch.
Virgil thought Princey might protest, given how invested he's been, but he pauses the show and gets up. “C’mon, Tall Dark and Stormy,” he says to Virgil. “If we skip lunch to watch tv all day we get a lecture about why proper nutrition is important.”
“You do,” Nerdbot confirms. “Points of note include the necessity of proteins and vegetables in addition to carbohydrates.”
“Is popcorn a vegetable?” Virgil asks.
Nerdbot raises an eyebrow. “It is a carbohydrate, actually. It is also primarily air.”
It seems that all the other guests have gone home, so it's just the four of them now. The table is back to its smaller size, and Princey has Virgil sit at the corner beside him, so they can keep talking. Nerdbot sits on Virgil’s other side, and Calico sits at the head, across from Princey.
Lunch is baked chicken and a vegetable dish that Virgil doesn't really expect to like, but he takes a polite spoonful anyway because he's sure Nerdbot is capable of a very powerful ‘eat your vegetables’ lecture, and he doesn't feel like hearing it right now.
The vegetables do not taste bad. Virgil’s not sure why he's surprised anymore considering everything he's eaten in this house so far—with the possible exception of the cereal, which doesn't count—but the vegetables are the opposite of bad.
“Why are you such a good cook,” Virgil says to Calico, who brightens. “I need to come eat your food more often.”
“He has a magical tongue,” Princey says, making heart eyes across the table at him.
Calico blushes slightly (not nearly as deeply as he had last night) and clarifies, “I'm very good at tasting, and I have a lot of practice combining flavors. I'm also not afraid of fats and salt, and that helps.”
Virgil has two servings.
Remus still isn't back yet when they finish lunch, and Virgil is starting to get concerned.
Don't forget me, he texts, and goes into the room with the couches to wait.
This couch really is comfortable. And Virgil got barely any sleep last night, between staying up late and waking up so fucking early, and also probably never actually falling into a deep sleep at all since there were other people in the room. And his stomach is full and warm. And the couch is so comfortable. 
He barely has time to notice how heavy his eyelids are becoming.
Virgil wakes, briefly. The room is dark. Someone has covered him with a blanket. He finds his phone and checks it. There's a message from Remus, about half an hour after Virgil’s last text.
came to get you but you were very asleep, it says. text me when youre awake and wanna go home
Attached is a selfie, with Virgil in the background passed out on the couch.
Virgil groans. fucker, he texts back, and falls back asleep.
Chapter 4: The Second Morning
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rw-ship-showdown · 1 year
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WINNER BRACKET: (Spearvivor/Rivusaint) | (Monkhunt/Speedrun) | (Kebab/Reversal) | (Lagspike/Seafood) | (Spearhunter/Scrambled Eggs) | (Error 404/Fishsticks) | (Cherry Bush/Monksaint) | (Full Moon/Cherry Bomb) | (Bath Bomb/Saintmand) | (Cherry Pie/Nightlight)
LOSER (second chances) BRACKET: (Supernova/Nachocheese) | (Monkficer/Blood Moon) | (Survficer/Godmode) | (Spearmonk/Candy Cane) | (Solar Eclipse/Survulet) | (Spearsaint/Paprika) | (Gourvivor/Lanternfish) | (Counterstrike/Artisaint) | (Nightspear/Monkmand) | (Survaint/Piranha)
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 4 months
Honestly if you could , how would you rate your yandere cooking for Darling (notably the yandere set 2). Like who would be at the tier having the most divine cooking , very talented to mediocre but still try hard for their darling to being banned from entering the kitchen forever cause of fire hazard from frying an egg?? (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
Also do you mind if i become 🐧 anon??
Yandere men and their cooking
I'll be answering this and my last ask, then i'll go write my last 3 yanderes, then opening inbox again! I'm still sick unfortunately, so it'll take some time.
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Liam is a good cook! He definitely prepares the meanest lunch meals out there. Househusband material, he literally has to feed himself by living through his wage and the money his parents give him, so he might as well enjoy! So rest assured he will feed you homely foods that you'll enjoy.
Fav food to cook: pepper beef on rice (quick, efficient, and tastes good!)
YAN! BULLY: 2/10
Eh.. Uno is pampered a lot. What he can probably only make is a scrambled egg, and that's on accident cuz he broke the yolk and mixed it to say "it's intentional". So, unfortunately, you have to cook, or a personal chef. Nothing in between. Unless you're okay with eggs everyday, every time to eat.
Fav food to cook: eggs. (That's the only thing he can cook)
Rose definitely cooks the best stuff out there. He's been living by himself for a long, long time so he had time to read cook books, and he definitely watches Hell's Kitchen in his free time. So, expect food for the gods when he cooks for you.
Fav food to cook: Low and slow stew and soups. Meaty, hearty, and pairs well with rice (Full of love, affection, and time.)
Aeron is basic when it comes to cooking. He basically only cooks to make sure it's edible, non poisonous, and fulfilling. If he had a choice really, he would just do eat fruits and veggies raw. And when he does cook for you, unfortunately it's not anything remarkable. JUST LIE THOUGH AND SAY IT TASTES GOOD.
Fav food to cook: none... (It's a hassle)
YAN! PLAYER: 10/10
Surprised? He's blessed by the gods. How can this man be awful at cooking? Sure, he would prefer to not cook anything at all, but Amor would be extremely good at it despite not really cooking much because of his blessings. He would be really happy to cook for you though. Anything you want will be miraculously made close to perfection if it's not perfect already.
Fav food to cook: Any of your favorite foods gourmet style (he loves to spoil you while boasting about his... Ill-gotten skills)
Acheron knew how to follow instructions, so food is above average at most. As long as the recipe was good, and reviews are nice, then you know you are in good hands. Acheron will cook you food from your favorite cookbooks, so please, don't be shy and send him a link, or gift him a book. He'll be more than happy to cook for you.
Fav food to cook: The simple recipe ones (less chance of messing up the flavor)
"No. I will not do something like cook."
Alpheus is a great cook actually, but he never really enjoyed it. He usually does the cooking when Ignatius comes to his home to hang out or teach him how to adapt socially. But, he'll be happy cooking for you.
Fav food to cook: squid ink pasta, and margarita pizza (sharing food for when you or Ignatius eat with him)
"What is... Cooking?"
Orion is one of those grill dads. Most of the time it's seafood too. But you can guarantee that it will be the most delicious grilled seafood you'll eat. Other meats? Meh... It's more or less okay. His specialty lies by the sea. He will not be opposed in cooking land or sky meat though, just say the word.
Fav food to cook: grilled oysters with cheese or caviar, and lobster with butter baste (best tasting food with low effort)
YAN! KING: 0/10
"A king doesn't cook."
YAN! GOD: 4/10
Well, Liviticus can't cook unless it's very simple like rice and eggs, or like... Ramen. Basically only 1-3 stepped cooking. Cuz essentially, with him being a god, he can just summon the food from thin air. So like, he's your automatic food dispenser. If you want to teach him though, then he would love to.
Fav food to cook: Ramen (Technically not cooking)
Yuta, of course, knows how to cook and he cooks well. Surprisingly, he's into baking. And that's his mastery. He just doesn't have time to cook or bake at all due to being a prosecutor. But if you ask him to, then he will gladly bake or cook for you.
Fav food to make: macarons (time consuming, delicate, and needs his full attention that can distract him from his job and reality)
So ranking from basically perfect to definitely not
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elinorasims · 2 days
Build | Strangerville | Ziggy's Diner
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Lot Info
Type | Restaurant Lot Size | 30x20 World | Strangerville Value | 94,857 Baths | 3 CC | No Packs | Unrestricted Ziggy's Diner is a classicly retro mashup of Googie and passenger train inspired styles situated in Strangerville Plaza.
Ziggy's is a compact restaurant and bar combo with a Strangerville twist: classic red booths and an elongated mid-century modern bar layout meets sci-fi inspired and 50's-kitsch inspired cluttered decor..
It's giving the diner from the movie 'Paul'. I hope. lol
Ziggy's has a fully customised menu featuring some Mountain States inspired comfort dishes and some American classics (full menu below the cut).
Interior Tour
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Staff Areas
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Floor Plan
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| hi my loves
hopefully you like this one- it was super fun to build and I'm finding my feet a bit more building for this save, i think!
it's been playtested (briefly lol) and should be fully functional and a smooth enough restaurant experience for your sims to enjoy.
i love Paul so much aha we watched it this past weekend and i was immediately like 'yup. gotta go do a strangerville build now.'
| dag dag fn. <3
Ziggy's Diner Menu
Drinks water ; lemonade ; milk ; orange juice ; coffee ; cream cola ; fizzy fruity drink ; pitch black ; root beer float ; soda ; tang and zing ; boiler room ; eapa ; juice on the rocks ; wrench ; galactic vita-water ; silent film ; sour punch ; sunset valley ; alien juice ; cupid juice ; space energy drink ; jet juice
Appetisers chips and salsa ; mac and cheese ; bowl of olives ; bread roll ; french fries ; whole wheat bread ; popcorn shrimp ; garden salad ; cheesy bread ; grilled plantains ; seafood chowder ; soft shell crab cake ; empanadas ; watermelon salad
Mains mac and cheese ; chicken nuggets ; popcorn shrimp ; baked potato ; hot dog ; lobster roll ; veggie burger ; chicken and waffles ; fried chicken sliders ; mushroom waffles ; sausage and peppers ; scrambled eggs with bacon ; seafood chowder ; tofu dog ; fish tacos ; hamburger ; fried fish ; pancakes ; aubergine Parmesan ; sweet corn pizza ; mushroom steak ; french toast ; vegetable chilli ; egg white omelette ; mushroom soup ; bbq ribs plate ; blackened bass ; gumbo ; steak
Dessert neapolitan ice cream ; rainbow sorbet ; vanilla ice cream ; alien fruit tart ; cream filled donut ; cream snack cake ; honey cake ; plain waffles ; rainbow brownies ; hamburger cake ; chocolate chip cookie ; apple pie ; banana cream pie ; pumpkin pie ; simcity cheesecake ; fruit cobbler
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leggerefiore · 11 months
We’ve seen how Pokémon characters react to being sick but how would Maxie + various other Pokémon characters of ur choosing react to you being sick?
cw: reader sick with a cold
characters: Maxie, Archie, Lysandre, N, Guzma
🪨 The minute you begin to show signs of being ill, Maxie is banishing you to bed. Unlike with himself, he does not want to risk your pathogen spreading throughout his team and worries about your health. Unfortunately, he becomes a bit nervous to be around you due to a small bit of germaphobia. The redhead does get over it when you keep asking for him, however. This leads to him quarantining himself away with you to prevent further spreading it around. He also finds himself fretting over it being something worse than it actually is.
🪨 He sends out grunts to buy whatever you may possibly need to get over your bout of illness. Medicines, tissues, a humidifier, a dehumidifier, a heating pad – anything. Maxie is certain to make sure you have everything that could possibly aid you in getting over your sickness. He will help away any sweat from fevers and make sure that everything is clean around you both, too. Disinfectant is used gratuitously. Of course, excluding excessive physical contact. He loves you, yes, but he does not feel like joining you in bed-rest.
🪨 You watch him scramble out of your shared quarters at some lucid point of going in and out of consciousness and wonder what he is doing before passing back out. Yet, the slumber is short as the smell of something hot singes your nose. Maxie has returned with a soup, made by him. He may not be the best cook, but he carefully made a favourite quick meal of it to help boost you up. Its spice is nothing to scoff at, and somehow clears your sinuses from its sheer heat. You can only stare at him in wonder while downing water. Maxie seems very smug about this all.
🪨 Once again, cuddling is not happening. He cannot stand the idea of getting sick and being unable to focus on his work. Not to mention how certain he felt that Courtney sneaked into his quarters the last time he was sick and snapped a picture of him. Though, towards the end of the illness when he knows it's nowhere near as contagious as it was during the earlier stages, he may give in. He crawls under the covers at your side and wraps an arm around your shoulders. Your head ends up pressed to his chest as he tries to figure out how much longer you should be like this. At some point, you fall asleep, and he does not have the heart to push you away in the end.
💧 He honestly probably doesn't catch the earliest signs that you are getting sick. Archie just does not get sick often enough to understand what is happening. Though, after it becomes complete apparent you are ill, he makes sure you can be comfortable in bed. It most likely was something going around in Lilycove that his grunts accidentally brought in with him. The Aqua Leader ends up stuck at your bedside, too. Poor guy cannot handle his Luvdisc being in such a situation. (Shelly sprays him down with disinfectant when he leaves his quarters, knowing full well be didn't clean himself nor use any germ killer. She alone prevents the spread of the illness.)
💧 If you just vaguely mention wanting something while sick, he rushes out himself to get it. Local pirate man spied at a pharmacy buying up an inordinate amount of cold medicine. Probably got questioned by someone, but somehow got off. He also grabs whatever else you may have requested. Endless tissues, air humidifier (though it is probably unneeded in the seaside cave you live in), snacks, gifts – He runs into the Lilycove Department Store and nearly loses his mind. Archie just wants to help you get better as soon as possible.
💧 Somewhere in the madness of it all, grunts spy him in the hideout's kitchen. They can only wonder what he is making, but the smell of seafood clearly wafts through the air. You get pulled from a light slumber to a bowl of some kind of fish stew. Archie holds it out with big eyes. Needless to say, it was eaten by you. Even if Archie had to spoon it to you in a few moments of weakness. Truthfully, his cooking was not that bad. Just a tad heavy to consume while sick. You did somehow feel better after eating it, too.
💧 Honestly, when it comes to affection, he is all over his partner no matter what. Even if you are sick, he wants to be stuck to your side. You do not even have to ask for him to cuddle because his arms already tight around you and have you pulled into his chest. Your comfort is more than met. Archie even barely goes for kisses, despite the obvious risks. Your emotional needs are just as met as your physical needs. It made you wonder if that was why you became better so quickly. And, somehow, Archie managed not to get sick, either. His immune system appears to be something to be feared.
☕️ The tall man feels stricken when you begin to develop the tell-tale signs of a cold. Especially as you try to continue going throughout life as you usually do. Lysandre quickly works to change that. Right before your cold gets worse, you find yourself forced into bed by your very distressed boyfriend. He scolds you for neglecting your own health. His heart aches at the thought of you suffering for no reason. Needless to say, when a near seven-foot man tells you to rest, you probably end up resting. Your shared home is kept clean by his efforts and that of a housekeeper, thankfully.
☕️ He already buys you everything you could possibly want, adoring to shower his darling in gifts. But, now, he is doing it in a frenzy. Special orders for medicines he believes will truly aid in shortening your illness and help alleviate your more painful symptoms. Tissues are always in supply near you and anything from a humidifier to some weird home remedy he does not quite understand but nonetheless gets for you. He only wishes to bring you comfort and happiness in your unfortunate state.
☕️ It comes as no surprise that he makes sure all the food you eat (in general) is extremely healthy and filling. He only has the best made for you by a restaurant he finds to by one of the best in Kalos. Of course, there is a time you find yourself eating an unfamiliar soup after waking up quite late from a near all-day slumber. Its flavour is pleasant and there is clearly a lot of skill put into making the dish, but it was obviously not made by the usual person who apparently had been making your food. You only learn it was a personal recipe that Lysandre had made after getting over your sickness. Supposedly, it was something that Sycamore had made for him at some point during their long friendship.
☕️ Lysandre is a rare hesitant about affection while you are ill. The last thing he needs in his busy schedule is to be forced to rest. Team Flare would almost certainly fall about without his leadership, and his duties as the president of his labs would stack up to a distracting degree. Yet, still, when you look at him with pleading eyes in such a condition, he feels weak to his own love for you. He gives in, allows you cling to him. Perhaps a bit of physical comfort would give your immune system the boost it needed to get through all this. You both end up drowsing off, cuddled up together.
🟢 He is not sure how to react when your cold becomes too obvious to ignore. Panic consumes as he thinks about statistics of deaths related to illness, before he recalls what his sisters used to do for him when he was younger. Suddenly, your green boyfriend is dragging you back to bed and demanding you rest. N is so very worried. He has never had to handle another person being sick, so having his lover be the first one is making him fret too much. Hilda finds herself in a hard place when N calls to ask what to do and has to give him a run-down. He was a very quick learner, thankfully.
🟢 He finds himself unsure what to get for your symptoms, so he probably nearly grabs one of everything for cold medicine in the hopes it makes you get better fast. This, too, means he ends up buying some strange homeopathic things, but honestly, it is the thought that counts. And, he did actually manage to grab a few helpful things in his whirlwind shopping trip. N was also careful to stock up on tissues and the like. He just wants to help you get better so desperately and seems to be trying literally everything to help you.
🟢 This includes cooking. While he is not too familiar with the skill, he quickly finds aid in both his pokemon and human friends. Hilda makes sure he follows the recipe as best as he can, while the pokemon bring him the best ingredients out from the wild (besides what he had to buy). The dish is carefully made before being brought to you as you wake up from an extended nap. The soul is very herbal and probably skews a bit too bitter, but the love N put into making it is obvious. (You did feel strangely more energetic after finishing it, too.) He is happy that you enjoyed his desperate attempt to cook for you.
🟢 Poor green boy is stuck to you like glue while you are in such a state. The fear of getting sick does not even occur to him, all he simply wants to do is make you feel better. His affection is always so gently and warm with a hint of desperation. You probably feel completely at ease with the near always present touch of your adoring boyfriend. Thankfully, his immune system is hardened from his youth spent partially in the forest, so he does not get sick too easily. Though, he trusts if he falls ill that you would care for him all the same as, he did for you.
□ The minute you begin to show signs of sickness, Guzma honestly begins to worry. He does not express it aloud, of course. His reputation must be upheld, but you do notice him pushing you to rest. Whenever he gets up, he is extra careful to keep quiet and scolds any grunts making noise outside his room. Big bad Guzma just wants his partner to rest and get over whatever was coming over them quickly. Eventually, though, he does actually demand you rest. Your steps were a bit too wobbly for him to want you wandering around in the endless rain of the dilapidated Po town.
□ Poor guy rushes into a pharmacy in a near frenzy trying to find things he swore worked the last time he came down with something. The clerk can only watch this delinquent scrutinises an antihistamine like he actually understood how the active ingredients worked. Eventually, he settles on two he trusts before buying them, heading back to you. He also grabbed a few boxes of tissues, but they go so fast he finds himself out buying more a day later. Guzma also grabs anything else he thinks might help. Like tea. His mom always told him to drink tea when he was sick, so it has to work. (He has no idea what he is doing, but he is trying his best.)
□ At some point, he realises there is no food in Po town that is good for someone who is sick, so he has to grab ingredients while he is out buying more tissues. It feels like a never-ending cycle of madness. Then, when it came down to actual cooking, he tried his best to make something edible. That failed, however, and he instead returned to the tried and true canned soup. Hopefully, chicken noodles would cure your ailments. You happily eat the soup, and thank him for going out of his way for you. He can only give a laugh.
□ He does hesitate a bit when you first get sick with affection. Guzma actually despises feeling ill due to the weakness associated with it. But, when you tug on his jacket when he is about to leave, he finds himself relenting a bit. Fine, yeah, he will cuddle his sick partner. If he gets sick, then thankfully he already has medicine to take and a stash of canned soup. It also feels nice to comfort you as you nuzzle into his chest. You probably hate being in your condition in a place like this. He just combs his fingers through your hair and gives you a light scalp massage. At some point, you both fall asleep.
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pholla-jm · 1 year
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Anxiety could be a fickle thing. You never wanted to offend anyone, even if it meant it was a huge inconvenience to you. Especially if someone was being nice to you. And as someone as nice as Sanji only made things worse.
When you first joined the crew, everyone was so nice to you. But not as nice as Sanji was. He made you feel different and over time you developed a little crush on him. Of course, you wanted to make yourself perfect for him.
So you started worrying about all the ‘what ifs’. What if my hair isn’t perfect today? Or what if he thinks my laugh is weird? What if something I said upset him? All these what ifs just made your anxiety worse.
So when Sanji placed a plate of fish in front of you, you felt conflicted. You didn’t want to offend Sanji by not eating it. But you were allergic to fish or any seafood for that matter. When your eyes glaze over the table, you notice that the table had an array of seafoods. The only thing that you would be able to eat is the rice.
“Is everything alright mon amour?” You hear Sanji ask causing you to jump a little. “Oh, yes. Everything just looks so good. Deciding what to eat first.” You pick up your chopsticks and picked up a piece of fish.
You nervously looked at the fish. Yes, it did look good. But you haven’t eaten fish in so long that you don’t know how your body was going to react to it.
The last time you ate fish was when you were a child. You were placed in the hospital for the rest of the day because of it. You looked over at Sanji who was happily putting together more plates. Seeing his happy face was all that you needed to build up the courage to put the fish into your mouth. You liked the flavor of it. It was good. As always. Sanji’s cooking is always the best.
There was no reaction when the fish slid down your throat. You took that as a good sign and continued to eat the fish in small portions.
Hopefully, you were able to eat fast so you can get out of there before any reactions set in. However, that was wishful thinking.
“Woah (y/n)! Your face is swollen like a blowfish.” You hear Luffy shout and then laugh.
You brought your hand up to your face and immediately noticed that it was in fact swollen. You were now starting to realize that you were losing feeling in your throat and your face.
“You idiot! Are you allergic to seafood?!” You hear Nami shout at you. “Ahh! I’ll be right back with some medicine!” You hear Chopper scream and scramble out the room.
“N-no. No… I’m fine” Your voice was quiet and hoarse as you tried to stand up from the table. You honestly weren’t sure if anyone heard you.
This situation was becoming more of a disaster. Something that you didn’t want to happen was everyone worrying about you.
You started to stumble towards the door. Hoping that you were able to make it to Chopper’s infirmary before you passed out. You only took two steps before someone picked you up bridal style. You squirmed a bit, trying to get out of this person’s hold, but it proved futile.
“Shh, just stay still (y/n). I’ll bring you to Chopper’s infirmary.” It was Sanji’s voice.
If you were completely conscious, you would be blushing. However, you were slowly starting to lose consciousness. Or maybe it was the fact that your eyes were slowly starting to swell shut. The sudden thought of Sanji seeing you like this filled you up with dread.
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It felt like hours until you were able to properly breathe and see again. Your whole body felt stiff, and you didn’t really want to move. But you knew that you had to. You take a deep breath, trying to find the strength to at least sit up.
“Ma douce” You hear Sanji speak causing your eyes to widen. Just how long has he been there. “… Sanji?” You whisper, your voice a bit hoarse.
“Oh thank goodness.” He whispers grabbing onto your hand. You squeeze his hand back in response.
“Why didn’t you tell me that you were allergic to seafood?” Sanji asks and you look over to him. Your eyes widen seeing that his eyes were a bit red. A tell sign that he was crying.
You reach over, your other hand grabbing the same hand. “What’s wrong Sanji?” You whisper.
Sanji sighs and puts his head down, “I can’t believe that I hurt you.” Your eyebrows furrow at his words. “What do you mean? You could never hurt me. Why would you think that?” “I served you something that almost killed you.”
Your lips turned into a frown. You never meant for him to feel this way. “I’m so sorry Sanji.” “There’s nothing for you to be sorry about mon amour. It’s me who should be sorry. I hurt you.”
You shake your head, “no. I didn’t want to offend you in any way. You put so much work into your meals it would be rude for me not to try it.” Sanji let out a chuckle at your words, “you’re too nice for your own good (y/n). You know that?”
“You could never offend me. And you’re not a burden- never. Now are there any other food allergies I should know of?” He asks and you shake your head. “Perfect. I’ll go make you another plate. One that won’t kill you.”
You smile at his words as he stands up. Both of your hands falling from his own. You were already starting to miss the warmth that emitted from him.
You were a bit confused to why he started to lean down closer to your face. You couldn’t’ really move, afraid that you would do something wrong. Finally, his lips landed on your forehead.
There was a small smile on your face when he stood back up. This was something you didn’t expect, but it was a nice surprise. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He says. “Thank you, Sanji. You’re the best.” You say as he starts to walk out the room.
The door closed, the both of you trying your best to calm down your racing hearts.
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welcome-leon · 1 month
should be sleeping but I’ve got too many HCs for these characters so pls have some food related ones~
has a broad palette and will try anything once - has definitely eaten all manner of insects, arachnids, and offal, and been alright with most of them
always tries the local cuisine if he has time on missions, considers it one of the perks of the job
kinda lactose intolerant but he ignores it (don’t we all)
like he'll eat an ice cream and be fine but he should stay away from milkshakes
loves oreos (thanks Nick) and chocolate covered liquorice
comfort food: lasagna (something his mother used to cook. he could never get the recipe right)
also sweet breakfast foods. loves pancakes and waffles and french toast and croissants and—
certified tea hater. doesn’t see the point, it tastes weak and weird to him (Sherry probably tries to find a tea he likes, he always takes a sip to try it but nothing more)
his diet directly correlates to his mental health - his appetite just vanishes
he also generally forgets to eat a lot
at his worst, he’s ingesting nothing but power bars and espresso and maybe a banana
starts to cook properly again after Vendetta, and it becomes a hobby
had many mishaps in this time period (ruined more than one pot by accident) but he enjoys it
buy him cultural/ethnic cookbooks, he’d be thrilled
diet is consistent and generally well rounded. doesn’t really snack.
probably eats too much meat though, he needs some soup or a salad or smth
loves a good BBQ but is actually kinda bad at grilling (refuses to acknowledge this)
sweet flavoured popcorn (particularly caramel) is his guilty pleasure, he’ll devour a whole packet in 2 seconds flat
can cook pretty well and finds a sense of peace in doing so
HATES grocery shopping though
tends to eat the same meals over and over bc they’re easy/habitual, especially when he’s stressed
has a huge breakfast - scrambled eggs, avocado toast, cooked mushrooms, a small bowl of oatmeal and yoghurt, a large coffee or glass of orange juice (lucky the BSAA has a mess hall that cooks for him lmao)
will absolutely fall asleep if he gets too full. total food coma
keeps a bag of gummies on him during missions for his team, if their blood sugar gets low (usually Piers)
(alpha team defs try to fake it so they can have a snack)
eats bananas like they’re going extinct, just grabs one when he goes out the door. they’re perfect snacks to him
he’ll also just walk around eating a whole carrot. probably not in public but like, I wouldn’t put it past him
is as responsible in his diet as he is in everything, but he’s not overly restrictive
he loves a good routine and he eats in the same way, having the same meals every day for a month or two before he switches it up
goes out to eat often enough that he gets his variety that way
he loves cereal. he'll eat it any time of day and in any weather
really likes seafood, the fresher the better - not as much as steaks tho, obviously
WILL criticise how you cook steak until you do it the “right” way
eats fruit salads and veggie sticks for snacks (and genuinely enjoys them, the freak (affectionate))
really likes ice cream though. total comfort food
also hot chocolate
he’s a sucker for a mocha
at complete odds to his usual diet, he’s a complete garbage monster in the adrenaline drop after a mission
get this man some carbs NOW
will devour whatever is in front of him so long as its hot and there’s lots of it
takes hangry to a new level, good lord
it’s something of an inside joke (and a genuine warning) to never raise problems to Piers until after he’s eaten a meal
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