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pholla-jm · 2 months ago
Feeling Good
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IMAGINE: FEELING GOOD~ SANJI X READER GENRE: FLUFF warnings: crappy writing. not proof read. sense of threat. based off the song feeling good by Michael Bublé. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Just breathe in… and breathe out.” You whisper to yourself as you fiddled with the bracelet on your wrist. The same bracelet that can end your very own life. 
The shiny sequins of the dress, catching your eye. The dress hugged your curves just right. Leaving very little to no room for imagination. 
“Don’t screw this up (y/n).” Your boss tells you as you walk by. You gulp, hearing his voice. It sent shivers down your spine. “Yes, sir.” You mutter. 
When you left home to follow your dreams to become a singer… this is not what you had in mind. If only you weren’t so naive back then, then maybe you wouldn’t be in this mess. You should’ve known that his acts of kindness came with a price. Now you are stuck, performing with the constant fear of your life on the line. 
The familiar voice booms through the auditorium, announcing your performance to begin soon. You take another deep breath as the curtains begin to rise. The familiar music started to play, the song you were most known for. 
The trumpets blasting as you walk towards the microphone and you could hear the small cheers of the men. Even though you couldn’t see any of them. 
“Birds flying high
You know how I feel” 
The first lyrics fell out of your lips, causing a few whistles to be heard. Their reactions spur you on to sing more. 
“Sun in the sky
You know how I feel
Breeze driftin' on by
You know how I feel”
You grab the microphone off the stand so that you would be able to walk down the stage. 
“It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good
I'm feeling good” 
You walk down the steps of the stage, the light not being so bright anymore. You were able to see most of the people who were here to see you perform; most of them being pirates. 
You almost detested pirates, but you knew that there were good ones out there. You just had to find them. 
“Fish in the sea
You know how I feel
River running free
You know how I feel
Blossom on a tree
You know how I feel” 
Your eyes scan the crowd, eyes landing on a familiar crew that you’ve seen in the newspaper one too many times. It was safe to say that you were beginning to have an obsession with them. Sure they were pirates, but you could tell that they did not just sit idly by while something was wrong. You were almost inspired by them. 
“It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good” 
Your eyes land on the blonde with the swirly eyebrow. He was basically drooling and making heart eyes at you. You knew, right then and there, that he would be the one to help you. 
“Dragonfly out in the sun, you know what I mean, don't you know
Butterflies all havin' fun, you know what I mean
Sleep in peace when day is done, that's what I mean
And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me
For me” 
You make your way to him, adding sway into your step. His eyes widen when he realizes that you were making his way to him. Once you were next to him, you bent down to his level, and placed your hand on his arm. 
The man freezes up, like he couldn’t believe someone this beautiful was touching him. With each note sung, you move up to be behind him. 
“Stars when you shine
You know how I feel
Scent of the pine
You know how I feel
Oh, freedom is mine
And I know how I feel”
You take a quick peek, making sure that security couldn’t see your next move. 
With a quick swipe, you pull out the small note that was nestled in your dress. 
Moving your hand around his shoulders, your hand slips down into his suit jacket. You felt for the inside of the pocket and placed the note there. 
“It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
It's a new life
For me”
The man freezes up, feeling what you just did and his heart was beating fast as you walked away from him. You held eye contact with him, shooting him a sly wink. Hoping he would get the message. 
He basically melts when you’re out of sight. “Haha! I was not expecting that.” Usopp shouts, patting Sanji on the back. 
He places his hand over his chest, feeling the note through his jacket. 
“And I'm feeling good
I'm feeling good
I feel so good
I feel so good” 
As the song came to an end, and applause filled the auditorium, Sanji took a deep breath. 
Sanji was captivated with you in every way. Not only did your voice draw him in, but so did your beauty. He simply couldn’t take his eyes off of you. However, he could tell that something wasn't right. And he simply wasn’t going to leave someone as beautiful as you in distress. It would be against his morals. 
He takes one last look at you before looking at his crew, “it looks like we’re going to stay here just a bit longer.”
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pholla-jm · 2 months ago
The Number You Have Reached
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IMAGINE: THE NUMBER YOU HAVE REACHED~ NANAMI X READER FEAT: YUUJI GENRE: ANGST warnings: major character death. not proof read. major angst... like I cried a little bit while writing. no happy ending ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The black slick heel clicks against the tile floor of your home. You stared at the clock in the kitchen. The neon numbers staring at you, mocking you of the time. 
He promised you that he would be home in time for your date. There was no reason for him to be late. He was never late. Which caused you to worry. 
With a sigh, you pull out your phone. With a single tap on the screen, it lights up showing up the home screen. A picture of you and Nanami. It was a simple picture, but it was easily one of the best days in your life. 
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The sweet and savory smell of breakfast wakes you up. The thick duvet is immediately pushed aside when you recognize the smell of your favorite. It didn’t even click in your head that Nanami wasn’t in bed. 
You walk into the kitchen, immediately blessed with a beautiful view. The table was set up, two plates and a small bouquet of your favorite flowers as the centerpiece. 
Nanami stood in front of the stove only wearing dark sweatpants and a white t-shirt. His blonde hair was a bit disheveled and pushed back. 
You swear, you could take a bite of his biceps and be content. He just looked so delicious at this moment. 
Nanami hears your steps and he turns around to give you a smile. There was a certain light in his eyes, like he was excited about something. “What’s all this?” You ask, really hoping he wasn’t going to say anniversary. You would feel terrible if you got the date wrong. 
“Nothing special, just felt like making you breakfast.” He says and you hum with a smile. You look past him, seeing the plate of your favorite foods. 
“Yeah? And it just so happened to be crepes and fresh fruit? My favorite. I think you’re buttering me up for something.” 
Nanami shakes his head, grabbing the plate and bringing it over the table. “Would that be horrible?” “I guess not,” you walk over to the refrigerator, “juice?” 
Nanami stops you before you can open the fridge. His hands firm on your shoulders and he drags you to the chair at the kitchen table. “I got it. Don’t you worry about a thing.” 
You just smile at him, wondering what was really going on. 
He grabs the drink for both of you and finally settles down to eat with you. 
“Thank you for breakfast, it’s delicious.” You say after taking the first bite. Nanami hums in acknowledgement, and you can see that he is fidgeting with something. 
You look down at his hands- well one of his hands- stuck in his pocket. You could tell that there was something in there. 
Deciding not to beat around the bush, you ask him, “what’s in your pocket?”Nanami’s eyes shoot up at you and he chuckles, “always straight to the point… that’s one of the many reasons why I love you.” 
You could feel your cheeks flush at his comments, “what’s going on?” 
Nanami let out a deep exhale before standing up and walking over to your side. 
He suddenly gets down on one knee and your eyes widen. 
No… he couldn’t be doing what you think he is… 
“(y/n), from the moment we met, my world has been brighter. Every laugh we've shared, every quiet moment we've spent together, and every challenge we've faced side by side have only made me more sure of one thing: you are the person I want to walk through life with.” 
You could feel tears well up in your eyes as he spoke. 
“I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know this: I want to face it with you. I want to build a life together, filled with memories, laughter, and love. I want to be your partner in everything.
So I ask, will you marry me?” 
You don’t hesitate to give him an answer as he pulls out the small box. Opening it to reveal the elegant diamond ring. 
“Yes!” You push yourself forward into his arms, nearly knocking him over. But his arms wrapped around you, stabilizing the both of you. 
Nanami laughs in relief. He couldn’t believe that he was finally going to get married to you.
He pulls back, just enough to slip the ring onto your left ring finger. 
You stare in awe, the ring was beautiful and it fit just right. 
“Wait,” you say, grabbing the phone off the table, “I want to capture this moment.” 
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The photo of you and Nanami stared back at you. Both happy and smiling faces. Your left hand rested on his cheek, showing off the engagement ring. 
With another sigh, you swipe up to unlock the phone. You click on Nanami’s profile, his phone ringing a few times before it goes straight to voicemail. 
“You’ve reached Nanami, I am unavailable at the moment so please leave a message after the beep.” 
You smile hearing his voice, so simple and to the point. 
The phone beeped, signaling to leave the message. 
“Hey, Kento, baby. It’s me. Well you know that. It’s-” you look at the neon numbers shining in the kitchen “it’s almost nine now. You’re never late. Just let me know if you're safe. Love you.” You click the red button, ending the message. 
Your head tilts back, looking at the ceiling. “Ken… where are you?” You whisper to yourself. 
Another thirty minutes go by and you decide to call him two more times. Again, straight to voicemail.
It was midnight now, and it now dawns on you that he was not coming home for date night. 
You head back to your shared room, and get ready for bed. He had to have a good reason as to not answering any of your calls or texts. Well he better… or he would have hell. 
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Harsh knocking pulls you from your slumber. The urgency causing you to fall out of bed, the duvets and blankets getting tangled up. 
“Oh my god… who is this loud at this hour?” You ask yourself as you compose yourself to answer the door. 
You were hoping it was Nanami, since you noticed that he still wasn’t in bed. 
However, it wasn’t him when you opened the door. 
“Yuuji?” You ask, confused to see him at your door. You could tell that he was going through it. He was littered in cuts, and underneath his eyes were red. “Come in.” You don’t wait for him to answer. 
You know Nanami’s relationship with the young boy. 
Yuuji looks at you with pity, like something was weighing him down. He doesn't say anything though. He comes inside and you motion to the couch for him to sit. 
He sits down on the plush couch. “I’ll get you something to drink and a first aid kit.” 
“No. I’m okay.” 
It was the first words to tumble out of his mouth. You could tell that his voice was heavy with pain. You give him a look and sit next to him. 
“Okay… why are you here then?” 
Yuuji tense up, his fist balling up in his lap. Just thinking about him brought him in great distress. 
Tears started to well up in his eyes again and the silence was starting to thicken the tension in the room.
You could feel something was wrong. 
“Yuuji…” his name comes out in a softless whisper and it causes him to flinch, “where’s Nanami?” 
Yuuji chokes out a sob just from hearing his name. And that was all you needed to hear. 
You didn’t want to believe it. It couldn’t be right. 
You couldn’t even bare yourself to comfort the young boy on your couch. You lifted yourself up from the couch and went to your room.
Yuuji flinches, his eyes squeezing shut at the sounds of your sobbing and wailing. Truly broken and full of sorrow. He didn’t know how to comfort you himself. He really did want to go to your room and comfort you. But how could he if he was grieving and coming to terms to reality. 
So he did the only thing he could think of. He stood up and left. Leaving you to grieve on your own.
You sat on the floor, next to Nanami’s side of the bed. Tears streamed down your face as you gripped the blanket that belonged to Nanami’s side of the bed. 
Your hands were shaking and it honestly felt like you couldn’t breathe. 
All you could feel was a sense of grief, but there was a hint of something else. Anger. Anger towards the jujutsu society. How could they allow him to do something like this? On top of that, they couldn’t even tell you of his death. 
A kid had to deliver the news. 
That night, for the first time in many many years. You cried yourself to sleep. 
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“You’ve reached Nanami, I am unavailable at the moment so please leave a message after the beep.” 
His voice echoes in your head as you stare off into space. 
It was the only way you could hear his voice. So you kept calling his number over and over again. Just to hear his deep voice. It somehow brought you comfort. Only for a while though. 
It held no real meaning afterall. He wasn’t really speaking to you. 
It was just enough to keep you down on earth. 
“Mrs. (y/n).” Yuuji says your name, a hand on your shoulder, pulling you out of your thoughts. 
You look at him, underneath your eyes still tinged red and swollen. Yuuji slightly cringes to himself. 
He wore a black suit, and you wore a black kimono. Funeral attire. It still didn’t feel real. But it had to be real now, right? 
You watched his casket be buried. You didn’t get to see him one last time though. It was a closed casket, which made you even more sick. 
Yuuji didn’t have the heart to tell you, but he knows if he didn’t then you would sit here for days on end. 
“It’s time to go home now.” He whispers. Yuuji had moved in. Hoping to help you with your grief, knowing that’s what Nanami would’ve wanted. You both needed each other, you just didn’t realize it yet. 
“Can I stay for five more minutes?” You whisper back, your voice cracking a bit. 
Yuuji nods his head, stepping a few feet back to give you your space and privacy. 
You turn back to his headstone. Reaching into the pocket of your kimono, you pull out your cell phone. 
It was like muscle memory now. Your fingers dance along the screen to click on Nanami’s profile. Just to hear his voice one more time. 
The phone rang only once this time, a different message waiting for you on the other side, 
"We're sorry; you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service.”
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pholla-jm · 2 months ago
Meet My Wife
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IMAGINE: MEET MY WIFE~ LUFFY X F!READER GENRE: FLUFF warnings: f!reader implied. not proof read. slight cursing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Luffy seemed more excited than usual. I mean, he’s always bouncing off the wall. But it was like he was expecting something and he couldn’t wait for it. 
“What do you think he’s excited about?” Chopper asks Nami.” She just sighs and waves her hand around, “knowing him. He’s probably excited about food.” 
Little did they know, they were about to be in a world of shock. 
Luffy did not waste a single second jumping off the boat as soon as it docked. He continued to run straight into town, like he knew exactly where he was going. 
The rest of the crew just watched him, some in confusion and some of them looked exhausted. Sanji sighs, taking a deep breath of his cigarette. “He’s most likely going to cause trouble.” Nami sighs, already feeling a headache form because of her idiot captain. 
However, it wasn’t food or a new adventure that got him this excited. No, it was someone who was very important to him. He remembered the instructions very clearly. He couldn’t forget it. Just follow the path, there are going to be white flowers along the path. It should lead all the way down to a small house with flowers and different plants all around the place. 
His eyes grew wide seeing the variety of plants and flowers, knowing that you had planted these yourself. The door opens and a large smile covers his face. 
“(y/n)!” He shouts, grabbing your attention. He ran at you, full force and it looked like he wasn’t going to stop. You drop the empty basket you were carrying, fully prepared for him to throw himself onto you. 
And you were right. His body crashes into you. His arms and legs wrapping around you, and he nuzzles his face into your cheek. The first thing he notices is how soft your skin feels against him. The second thing he notices is how sweet you smell. You smelled like fresh laundry, but with a hint of something sweet, like you were just baking. 
“Luffy.” You softly say with a smile on your face. “I didn’t know you were going to be here so soon… I missed you.” You whisper the last part. “I missed you too.” Lufffy pulls back, letting you go a bit. “Are you making something?” He asks. 
You nod your head, “yes. It’s actually almost done. Would you like to try some?” He immediately nods his head yes and you laugh. “I don’t know why I asked. Of course you would. Come inside.” 
He completely lets you go now, and you pick up the empty basket heading back inside. 
The sweet scent is stronger and Luffy basically salivates at the smell. You grab a cloth, pulling out the fresh strawberries and cream croissants. There were only a few, since you weren’t expecting company. 
“Careful, they’re hot.” You say but he doesn’t care. He’s already stuffing his mouth with a croissant. 
His eyes widen and there’s a smile on his face. “They're so good!” He says while grabbing another one. You laugh, “wait. Save one for me.” You grab the last one, taking a bite of it. You were glad how good they came out. 
Once he scarfs down the second croissant, he looks at you and clears his throat. “You should meet my crew!” He says like it was another Tuesday.  
Your eyes widen. “Really?” You ask and he nods his head. “Of course!” You suddenly got nervous and wondered what his crew was like. They had to be nice, right? Luffy only accepted the best of the best. So what would they think of you?
“Like right now?” 
Luffy stands up, “yeah!” He grabs onto your arm and drags you out of the small house. 
“W-wait! Wait! Let me at least clean myself up.” You try to tell him but it falls upon deaf ears. 
You were now leaving your property, and Luffy must've thought you were moving too slow because he suddenly picks you up bridal style. His arms securely wrapped underneath your legs and the other one supporting your back. 
You let out a small gasp, surprised at the action. It had you a bit flustered as he ran back to what you could assume was his ship. 
He was running for about five minutes until the both of you arrived at the port. Multiple ships lined up on the dock, but there was one that stood out to you. A ship with a sheep head. It was… cute. 
You could see people walking on the ship, minding their own business. Until they spot their captain holding some girl. 
The redhead girl gasps, gaining the attention of the other crewmates. 
“Holy shit, Luffy! Did you kidnap someone?!” Nami shouts, a bit horrified. 
Luffy just laughs as he jumps onto the ship, causing you to let out a short yelp at the unexpected height change. 
“No,” Luffy laughs while placing you down, “I want you to meet my wife.” He announces causing everyone on the ship to gasp. Your eyes widened and your cheeks warmed up at his announcement. There was no way he still thinks that the wedding was real…
“What?!” A blonde male shrieks, “you’re telling me that this idiot right here is actually married.” “Yup!” Luffy says with a proud smile on his face and his fists on his hips. “No, I don’t believe it.” Another male says while shaking his head. 
“Well believe it. We kissed and everything. It was official.” He says, causing you to cover your face in embarrassment. You had no idea that Luffy was going to introduce you like this. 
The blonde male cries out, shouting how unfair the universe was. 
“(y/n).” Luffy says while grabbing onto your wrist. He pulls you forward, “I want you to meet my crew!” 
He points at the blonde, “that’s Sanji, our cook.” He then points at the woman, “Nami, our navigator.” He then points at the curly headed man, “Usopp, aaaaand,” he points at the sleeping man with green hair, “Zoro.” 
“Everyone, this is (y/n). My wife!” He pulls you again. This time you were pressed up against him. You honestly felt like you were on fire. 
You wondered how strange this must've looked for them. And you honestly wanted to clear things up.
“B-but Luffy.” You whisper, gaining his attention. “We got married as kids. Kids, Lu.” You emphasize the words kid, hoping that he would get the hint. 
“Oh, yeah.” He says like he almost forgot something important, “I have these.” He pulls out two rings. The same poorly made rings that were made as kids. 
You grab one of the rings, feeling the familiar flutter in your heart. Luffy smiles, “I think they’re too small now. But that’s okay. We can make new ones.” 
A blush dusts your cheeks. It was really sweet that he still considers you his wife. “Yeah… that actually sounds really nice.” 
“Shishishi, I knew you would like that.”
Well... maybe things didn't have to be cleared up right away. Let the crew think the strange things.
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pholla-jm · 2 months ago
We're Breaking Up
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IMAGINE: WE'RE BREAKING UP~ GOJO X READER GENRE: FLUFF warnings: not proof read. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The world around you blurred as you drove behind the wheel. You were zoning out to the tranquil music that surrounded you. All was peaceful, until the loud ringing of your cell phone cut through the Bluetooth speaker. 
Your eyes glance down at the screen seeing the familiar name of your boyfriends name pop up. 
Moving your thumb to the answer button, the familiar click of picking up the phone is heard. 
“Daaaarling!” Gojo’s singing voice cuts through the speaker, causing you to flinch and lower the volume a bit. 
Always so loud when answering.  
“Hey, baby. I’m assuming you're done with your mission?” “Yup! And I have a special dinner planned.” You could hear the excitement in his voice causing your own feelings of giddiness. 
“Ooh! I’m so excited. What do you have planned?” You ask. 
“Well I… tell… that.” 
Static started to interfere with his voice, causing it to breakin in and out. You notice that you were coming up to a tunnel. 
“Ah, sorry, Toru.Our connection, I think we’re breaking up. So I’ll call you later. Bye!” You say, not waiting for his response and hanging up. 
However, it sounded a bit different from Gojo’s perspective. 
He was shopping, picking up your favorite flowers and talking to you on the phone. 
“Well I can’t tell you that.” Gojo responds, happy that you were feeling just as excited as him. He could hear a bit of static on the phone but he didn’t think anything of it. 
“Uh, sorry… Toru…. We’re b-breaking… up..” The line went dead causing his heart to drop. 
Breaking up?! What do you mean by that?! 
He frantically clicks your contact on the phone, hoping to reach you. However, the call goes straight to voicemail causing him to think of the worst. 
Oh no, he simply couldn’t have this. 
He turns back to the vendor, and pulls out his wallet. 
“I’ll buy all of these.” Causing the vendor's eyes to widen as Gojo pulls out his black card. 
With the unsuspected traffic, you ended up home a bit later than you would have liked. You see Gojo’s car in the driveway and the lights are on. You smile, excitement filling you again just from the thought of seeing him. 
You grab your bag, quickly making your way into the house. 
What you see next shocks you. The front of the formal living room was covered in flowers. You honestly couldn’t see any of the living space. 
“Wa- what in the world…” You whisper as you look at the variety of the flowers. 
“Baaabby!” Gojo shouts while throwing himself on you. “Oof.” Your arms wrap around Gojo, stabling both you and him. 
“Toru’. Baby. What’s all this?” 
Gojo leans back a little, a pout on his face and you couldn’t understand why he was upset. 
“Please, I don’t want to break up.” He says in a low voice. It was like saying the words made the situation feel real, and he didn’t like that. 
You were taken back by his words. You had no idea where this was coming from. “What? Babe, what are you talking about?” “On the phone. You said that we’re breaking up.” He responds and you raise an eyebrow at him. 
“Earlier? No. I said that our connection was bad. That we were breaking up. I was driving into a tunnel.” 
Gojo’s perks up hearing your words. 
“So, we’re not breaking up?” 
You laugh, “no, silly. You’re stuck with me.” “Good, I want to be stuck with you.” 
“Is this why you bought all these flowers?” You ask him, once again looking at the outrageous amount of flowers. 
He looks at you with a smug smile.
“Well, I had to bring my A-game.”
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pholla-jm · 2 months ago
Welcome back to 2019
word count: 3.8k
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Thunder shook the house causing the music to halt. The whole house starts to rumble, lights flickering, and objects start to slowly float.
The siblings looked around confused as to what was going on. Nowhere in the forecast did it mention a storm or floating objects. 
The siblings look out of the house seeing a glowing blue ball. 
Diego bursts out of the mansion, Pogo following shortly behind. The blue ball hovers the driveway, hissing and crackling just like a fire would. Only it caused high winds, whipping around leaves and dirt. 
The others emerge from the mansion.
Vanya. Klaus. Allison. And finally Luther.
Klaus takes one look at the fireball, then heads back inside. 
“What is it?” Vanya asks, but it wasn’t like any of them knew the real answer. “Get back! Don’t touch it.” Luther shouts. “Yeah, no shit!” Diego snaps back.
“It appears to be some sort of temporal anomaly. Or possibly a black hole.” Luther chimes in. “That’s a pretty big difference there!” Diego responds. 
Klaus exits the mansion again, this time holding a small fire extinguisher. He sprays it, only to find out that it had run out. Klaus instead opts to throw the extinguisher 
“What the hell are you going to do with that?” Allison asks him. 
Klaus was visibly freaking out, “I don't know! Do you have a better idea?!” 
The blue org is getting brighter, more powerful causing the wind to beat down more harshly. 
Everyone covers their eyes as it gets brighter. 
“Everyone get behind me!” Luther demands.
“Yeah, get behind us.” Diego says, copying Luther. 
Without warning, the disturbance seems to implode, folding in upon itself. The winds abruptly subside. The disturbance is gone. In its place is a tiny form, smoke rising from his body. The figure straightens up. 
“Holy shit…” Allison mutters. 
Everyone's eyes were wide when they saw a younger version of Five standing there. 
“Doooooes anyone else see the little number Five? Just me?” Klaus asks out loud as the rest just seemed to stare at him in shock. 
“Anyone care to tell me what year this is?” 
Someone was about to answer him, but the group was interrupted. 
There was no blue electromagnetic orb this time. No, it was a bit weirder. One where it made Klaus double check if he didn’t take too much drugs. He gives himself a little tap on the face and blinks extra hard. 
Nope, still there. 
It was like there was a clear ripple in the air. Pushing back and forth like something was trying to push through. 
“What the hell is it this time?” Diego mutters as he steps a little closer to it. 
Fingers start pushing through the air, causing Diego to stumble back. 
Five’s eyebrows furrow, confused as he has not seen something like this. 
Now a hand was through… then an arm… then a second arm. Until a whole body dropped onto the ground. The impact causes dirt to fly through the air, not allowing them to see who it was. 
“Ow…. I still can’t get the landing right.” A small voice cries out. 
The person stands up, rubbing the sore parts of their body and once the dust and dirt finally clear, the siblings were able to see who was standing there. 
“Alright, what the actual hell?” Allison says, unable to wrap her mind around that two people just appeared out of thin air. 
“A little (y/n)?” 
Two younger versions of people who should be a lot older. 
The person looks up, eyes wide, like they weren’t expecting to see them. 
However, they were just confused. She didn’t recognize a single person standing in front of her. She didn’t even see Five, who was quite literally standing next to her. 
Five didn’t know what to do or say. He wasn’t expecting to see (y/n) here. Especially looking the same as when he last saw her. 
“Who the hell are you guys?!” The person screams. She didn’t give them the time to answer as she ran past them into the mansion. 
“Vanya?! Klaus?! Five?! Are any of you here?!” She calls out into the mansion. No response from them. Just the quick shuffling of everyone running back into the mansion as well. 
“(Y/n)! (Y/n)! You need to stop!” Five calls out, suddenly blinking in front of her. However, (y/n) wasn’t expecting that. It scared her, causing her to let out a short yelp with a quick slap to the face. 
“Ow! What the hell was that for?!” He grabs onto her shoulder, successfully making her stop in her place. Her breathing was heavy as she continued to look around. 
Five could tell that she was startled. Like she was in flight or fight mode. Something he knew that she probably learned while she was gone. “It’s okay. You’re okay. Calm down.”
Once she realizes that Five is standing in front of her, someone that she hasn’t seen in such a long time, she starts to calm down. 
“Five? Five, there’s strangers in this house. And- and, I don’t know what- who they are.” 
Five’s grip tightens on her shoulders, trying to pull her back down on Earth. Her mind was moving too fast to even process correctly. 
“Look at me. Calm down.” 
The tightness of his grip causes her to flinch a little, but it brings her back down to realize where she was and what was going on. She takes a deep breath, “I’m sorry, Five… you look the same just as I last saw you.” Five frowns a little at her words, another reminder that his equation was a bit off, “so do you.” 
His words confused her. What does he mean by that. 
(y/n) looks down at herself, eyes widening when she in fact was much smaller. Skin looking much younger and her previous clothes were baggy. 
“Oh my gosh, how did this happen?” She pushes her hair back, a stress habit that she gained over the years. “I don’t understand… what year am I in?” She asks Five. “2019.” Five responded. “Then you should be in your thirties too…” (Y/n) only grew more confused as to what was going on. 
The rest of the siblings rush into the room, finally being able to find them. 
“Okay! Can someone explain what is going on?” Luther asks, bewildered. 
(y/n)’s stomach suddenly growls, “I don’t know, but I sure am hungry.” She says placing a hand on her stomach. 
Five smiles to himself, it looks like some things have not changed. 
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The both of them walk into the kitchen, (y/n) pulling the knife out of the wall to make herself a snack. 
The rest of the siblings follow behind quite hopelessly confused. 
“What are you guys doing?” Luther asks, still wondering how all of this could have happened. 
Five heads towards the fridge, getting ready to pull out some ingredients for a sandwich, while (y/n) ransacked through cabinets, looking for any snacks she could munch on. 
“Making a sandwich. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve eaten solid food?” Five says while opening the fridge. 
Luther wasn’t taking that for an answer. He slams the fridge shut, causing Five to look up at him annoyed. 
“You look ridiculous by the way.” Five says and (y/n) glances at Luther, finally taking in his new appearance. 
It’s been years since she’s last seen any of the siblings. She wasn’t expecting Five to look the same and all of the other siblings to be aged. She wasn’t sure how it happened, but at the same time she didn’t care. She knew if she thought too hard about it, it would cause her a headache.
Shaking her head, she continues to rummage through the cabinets while snacking on crackers. 
“It’s been 22 years Number Five. Where have you been?” Luther asks. “It’s been a lot longer than that.” 
“And you! (Y/n), it’s been 25 years. Where have you been?” 
“Hmm?” (y/n) hums, popping up from behind the cabinet, “what did you say?” 
Luther sighs and shakes his head. 
“What happened to you both?” Vanya asks, but (y/n) ignores her. (Y/n) smiles as she pulls out the bread she was looking for. Her happiness was short-lived though. “Hey!” She shouts as Five snatches the bread from her. “Don’t worry. I’ll make you one too.” 
Five starts to slather mayonnaise on four slices of bread. “What do you think happened? I decided to test the limits of my time jumping, see how far I could go. Turns out, pretty far.”
Klaus elbows Diego, causing him to grumble and hand him five bucks. (Y/n) raises an eyebrow at the two of them, did they make a bet?
Five finally passes (y/n) a sandwich. She takes a big bite out of it, groaning from how good it was. She missed sandwiches like this. There were other things that she missed as well, and she wouldn’t wait to re explore the modern technology of 2019. 
“Dad always warned me not to go too far into the future. On account of my jumps only working in one direction. This time, he was right,” Five takes a bite from his sandwich, “Christ, I needed that.” 
Five turns to (y/n), “what I want to know is what happened to you.” 
(y/n) swallows a piece of the sandwich, an uneasy feeling gnawing at her. 
“Oh, um… huh.. It was so long ago, but I remember being upset and I just ran as fast as I could. I guess that I ran so fast that I am going through a speed force, yeah lets call it that. When I break this speed force, I enter this treadmill type thing. When I’m in there, I can time travel.” (y/n) explains, “however, it requires a lot of power and often hurts me.” 
The siblings gave her a look of pity as she explained. They remembered that day as clearly as day. They felt bad for her, and even went as far as to look for her. But she couldn't be found. 
(y/n) could feel the looks from them, but she ignored it. She didn’t want those pity looks. 
Allison sits across from the two of them, like she was studying them. 
“Then how did you get back?” She pointedly asks Five. 
“By projecting my consciousness backwards into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists in every possible instance of time.” 
(Y/n) blinks at his words, slowly processing what he says. 
“That makes no sense.” Diego says as Five takes another bite of his sandwich. 
“It would if you were smarter.” (y/n) cracks a smile at his words, still finding his sass funny. “Granted, it did take me a little time to work out all the nuts and bolts of it…” Five trails off. 
“How much time?” Allison asks. “52 years, give or take.” 
“You’re 62 years old?” Diego asks. 
“No, my consciousness is 62. My body’s still ten. But, the point is, Dad said it couldn’t be done and I did it, so where is the old bastard, anyway? I want to rub it in his face.” FIve looks around. 
The air suddenly gets tense at his question. 
“He died three days ago.” 
Five stares at him, his face impassive. “Natural causes?” “Yes.” “We’re not sure yet.” Diego and Luther say at the same time. 
“Ooh,” (y/n) mutters out, feeling the tension get thicker.
“Hmm, that complicates things.” 
Luther looks at him confused, “what kind of things?” 
“All kinds of things, what’s today's date? The exact date?” 
“The, uh, 24th I think.” Allison answers. 
“Of what?” “March.” 
(y/n) freezes hearing her answer. The apocalypse was a lot closer than she anticipated. 
Five side eyes her, noticing her reaction.
Five frowns, sliding off the stool and grabbing (y/n)’s arm to drag her with him. 
“Hmm, doesn’t leave us with much time.” 
“Time for what?! We’re not done here!” 
Five ignores him and continues to drag (y/n) away from the kitchen. 
The last thing that both of them heard was Luther calling out his name. 
(y/n) sighs, “I was still hungry.” Five rolls his eyes, “don’t worry. We’ll go out later.” 
(y/n) purses her lips and pulls out candy from her dress pocket. 
Five gives her a look, “do you always have food on you? And what is that?” “Candy.” 
Five eyes it, never seeing anything like it. “It’s really good. Want to try some?” She asks, holding some out for him. 
“I’ll pass. What I want to know is why you look like you came from the 1700’s.” 
(y/n) frowns, looking down at her raggedy clothes. They were dirty and the edges were torn. It was quite big on her now since she was back in her pre-teen body.
“Uh, cause I was in the 1700’s.” 
The both of them were now standing in front of (y/n)’s old room. She wondered if her room still looked the same. 
With a deep breath, she grabs onto the door knob, pushing the door open. 
Her room looked exactly the same as it was when she left. 
A small smile graced her lips, everything was still the same… just a bit dusty. 
Her eyes landed on a familiar teddy bear sitting on her bed. Nostalgia fills her body as she walks over to her bed. She picks up the old teddy bear, it was still in great shape. The soft fur fitting in between her fingers, making her realize just how much she missed it. 
“I made sure that no one went or grabbed anything from here while you were gone.” Five says. 
(y/n) exhales, “thanks… now get out. I want to change.” 
She could see Five hesitate a bit, “I’ll be quick. Promise.” Five relaxed a bit, “you better. We have a lot to discuss.” 
(y/n) just hums in response. When Five leaves the room, she walks over to her closet. Opening it, she sees that the same clothes were in there. Everything was really the same. 
Grabbing her old uniform, she quickly disregards her old rags and puts on the uniform. She immediately felt ten times better. 
“See,” (y/n) says walking over to her door and swinging it open, “didn’t take long at all. Now let’s go, I want to see if your room is the same.” 
Five sighs, but he wanted to see the same thing as well. 
Shortly, the both of them were in his room. (y/n) sat on his bed as Five looked around at the books, toys and forlorn. Everything was really the same. 
“I’m confused about something.” Five says. “Hmm?” “You said that you were in the 1700’s.” “Yup.” “Then how do you know about the apocalypse?” “Who said I did?” 
Five gives her a look, “I saw how you reacted at the date earlier.” 
(y/n) frowns at his words, she should know that she couldn’t hide much from Five. 
With a sigh, she flops onto the bed, slightly bouncing. 
“I traveled more than once. One of those times was during the apocalypse. I didn’t stay there long.” 
Five was about to ask her more questions, however, Vanya walks into the room. A smile was on her face as she kneels, wrapping her arms around him. 
Five flinches, a similar reaction from earlier. 
“What are you doing?” He asks and (y/n) smiles, turning her head towards him. 
“It’s called a hug, Five.”
Five clicks his teeth at her sarcasm, shooting her a look that didn’t faze her. 
Five turns back to Vanya, “Hug. Right. I may have reacted...poorly downstairs. Side effect of 52 years without any physical contact.” 
(y/n) frowns at his words. She couldn’t imagine 52 years without any physical contact. That one year for herself was enough. 
“What do you mean?” Vanya asks. 
Five just stares at her, like he was struggling to decide if he wanted to tell her. Instead of answering Vanya, he turns away from her.
He decides to change the tops, “I read your book, you know. Found it in a public library. That’s how I knew how bad things had gotten. How Number Six died.” 
(y/n)’s heart clenches at his words. Now that she thinks about it, she hasn’t seen Ben. She sits up from the bed. Without another word, she walks out of the room before Five could stop her. She wanted to read this book as well. 
Maybe there would be an answer to how he died. Answers of what exactly happened while she was gone. 
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The sun starts to set and one by one, the siblings emerge from the mansion. Singlefile, they start across the field. The funeral takes place beneath a towering elm tree.
Luther is carrying the urn containing Hargreeves’ ashes. The others form a loose semi-circle around him. 
(y/n) stood next to Vanya, a comforting hand on her shoulder. Vanya looks at her with a small smile on her face. 
“Did something happen?” Grace asks. “Dad died. Remember?” Allison says. “Oh, yes. Of course.” Grace replies, looking down at her feet. 
“Is mom okay?” Allison asks, to no one in particular. “Uh, yeah. She just needs to rest. Recharge.” Diego says. 
Pogo is the last to arrive, supporting himself on his cane. “Whenever you’re ready, dear boy.” 
Luther inverts the urn. (y/n) flinches at the sound of the ashes sliding out in clumps. Landing in a pile, right at his feet. It was kind of pathetic. 
“Probably would’ve been better with some wind.” 
“Does anyone wish to speak?” Pogo asks, but no one answers. So, Pogo continues. “Very well. In all regards, Reginald Hargreeves made me the creature I am today. For that alone, I shall forever be in his debt. He was my friend, and my master, and I shall miss him very much. He was a...a complicated man–” 
“He was a monster,” Diego interrupts, “He was bad as a person and worse as a father, and the world’s better off without him.” 
“Diego,” Allison warns. 
“ My name is not ‘Number Two’. Don’t you get that? He couldn’t even be bothered to give us a name. He had mom do it.” Diego starts ranting looking at all of them.  “Look, you wanna pay your respects? Go ahead. But at least be honest about the kind of man he was.”
“You should stop talking.” Luther says in a warning tone. 
Diego stops to look at Luther, ““You know, you of all people should be on my side here, Number One.”
“I’m warning you.” 
“After everything he did to you? He had to ship you a million miles away. “Diego, stop talking.” Luther bared his teeth when Diego moved closer to him. 
“That’s how much he couldn’t stand the sight of you! Diego yells, poking his fingers at Luther's chest. 
That seemed to set him off. And it did. Luther swung at him, but Diego ducked, his huge fist going right over his head. 
They kept throwing punches at each other. (y/n) backs up, uncertainty filling her chest. She starts to fidget with her fingers, hoping to calm her nerves down. 
Five glances down at her hands noticing this. But he’s pulled back into where he’s at when Klaus pushes Five back, like he was protecting him from any danger. Five frowns at this, swatting his arm away from him. 
Diego jabs at Luther, but it’s caught by the much bigger fist. He then holds Diego out like a small child. He soon breaks free, and goes for another punch. This time landing. And everyone could hear the impact of either Luther’s jaw breaking or Diego’s hand breaking. They both pant as they stand closer to Ben’s statue. 
Five gets fed up with the fighting, “I don’t have time for this.” He says going back inside the mansion. 
“Come here, big boy.” Diego antagonizes while standing in front of his brother’s statue. Luther runs up and takes a swing at him. However, Diego dodges and he falls over. His fist going straight through Ben’s statue. Making the statue crash onto the ground and his head coming right off. 
(y/n)’s eyes widen and she looks at the ground. She couldn’t believe it. Ben’s statue- one of the only things to remember him by is ruined- all because of a stupid argument. 
“Well, there goes Ben’s statue.” Allison purses her lips, stating the obvious. 
However, Diego wasn’t finished. He throws a knife, the blade just slicing through his jacket in skin. Luther was quick to cover up the wound with his hand. With one last glance at Diego, he storms back inside. His heavy footsteps being heard from everyone. 
Vanya steps away from (y/n), going right up to Diego’s face. “You just don’t know when to stop, do you?” Vanya sneers, just as upset. 
“Why did you even come back, Vanya?” Diego asks, “Oh wait. Let me guess. You’re getting more material for your sequel.” 
Tears fill Vanya’s eyes at his words, “he was my dad too.” She says before storming back into the mansion. 
(y/n)’s eyes followed her, until she was out of sight. With a deep sigh, she brings a hand up to her face. 
“You’re… you’re such an asshole now, Diego.” (y/n) says, feeling what she could best describe as disappointment. 
Diego scoffs at her words and he walks up to her. He looks down at her, literally and figuratively. “At least I’m not a coward, (y/n). I didn’t turn tail and run away.” 
(y/n)’s heart sinks a little at his words. She refused to believe his words. She already felt guilty enough for accidentally time traveling. She tried so hard to get back to them, she really did. But it was a lot harder than it looks. 
“I would never hurt my family though.” Diego lets out a mock laugh, “you don’t have a family though, do you?” (Y/n) sucks in a sharp breath at his words, and Diego almost felt proud for hitting a sensitive spot. 
“Diego, stop it.” Allison says. 
“No, no.” He shakes a finger, “she should know that it’s her fault.” “How is it my fault?” She asks. “You're at fault that Five went missing.” 
(y/n) scoffs in disbelief. “How?” “He wanted to time travel to stop you from running away. Then he got lost.” 
His words struck a nerve. Her eyebrows furrowed at his words, “no. That can’t… no-” “Can’t even take accountability.” He says in disbelief. (y/n) shakes her head. “Asshole.” She mutters, pushing by him to go back into the mansion.
tag list: @1989worshipper @Spidermansfangirl @tremendoushearttaco Click here for -> masterlist
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pholla-jm · 3 months ago
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THIS IS HOME — gojo satoru x (female) reader
summary: what happens when the strongest sorcerer in the world stumbles into the life of an ordinary kindergarten teacher? your worlds couldn’t be more different — he fights curses and saves the world, while you teach children the value of kindness and glue glitter on construction paper. yet, when gojo satoru meets you, the lines blur. your mundane becomes his extraordinary, and his chaos becomes your comfort. through stolen moments, shared laughter, and the quiet intimacy of unspoken words, you show him what it means to have a home. but with his world full of danger and yours full of hope, can he balance being the strongest and being yours? or will his infinity prove too vast for love to bridge?
content warnings: canon adjacent (gojo lives), mentions of other characters (megumi, nobara, yuuji, nanami), implied smut (no detailed description), fluff (strangers to friends to lovers), angst with comfort (happy ending).
— read on ao3
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gojo stood at a distance, the cool breeze carrying the faint smell of flowers to him. you sat there, oblivious to his piercing gaze, a bundle of wildflowers resting in your lap. your head tilted slightly as if listening to a melody only you could hear. it wasn’t fair, he thought. you weren’t special — not in the way he was. no six eyes, no inherited techniques, no impossible expectations. and yet, the peace that radiated from you gnawed at him like an itch he couldn’t scratch.
he walked closer, his footsteps deliberately loud against the gravel path. you finally looked up, your expression curious but unbothered. he hated that. no flicker of awe or fear, no spark of recognition. to you, he was just another person in the park.
“who gave you those?” he gestured to the flowers with a half-smirk, though his tone betrayed the irritation bubbling underneath.
you blinked, confused for a moment, before smiling again. “no one. i picked them myself. they’re pretty, aren’t they?”
pretty? gojo’s jaw tightened. pretty was easy. peace wasn’t. “you really just sit here… picking flowers? nothing better to do?”
“isn’t that enough?” your response was light, genuine, and it struck him like a sucker punch. “what about you? what are you doing here?”
his first instinct was to scoff, maybe deflect with a joke, but your question caught him off guard. what was he doing here? stalking a stranger because their contentment was offensive? ridiculous.
“just passing by,” he lied, sliding his hands into his pockets. his shoulders stayed stiff, though, his posture giving him away.
“hm,” you hummed, glancing back down at the flowers. “it’s nice to slow down sometimes. you should try it.”
his laugh was sharp, incredulous. “slow down? you don’t know who you’re talking to, do you?”
“nope.” you didn’t look up this time. “but does it matter?”
he opened his mouth to argue, but the words didn’t come. did it matter? your quiet, effortless peace felt heavier now, as if it was mocking the chaos that had always been his constant companion.
“you’re weird, you know that?” he muttered, more to himself than you.
“maybe.” you plucked a petal from one of the flowers, letting it drift to the ground. “or maybe you’re just wound up too tight.”
gojo stared, stunned into silence for a beat. wound up? him? but then he caught the faintest curve of a smirk on your lips, and something in him shifted.
he wanted to argue, to push back, but instead, he sat down on the bench next to you. not close enough to touch, but close enough to feel the calm you carried. he didn’t know why he stayed. maybe he just wanted to see if it was contagious.
gojo leaned back on the bench, stretching his arms out across the backrest like he was lounging, but his fingers tapped an uneven rhythm against the wood. silence stretched between you, broken only by the occasional chatter of passersby and the rustle of leaves in the wind. you didn’t seem to mind, but for someone like him — always loud, always in motion — it felt unnatural.
“sooo,” he started, the word hanging awkwardly in the air as he turned his head toward you. “what’s your name?”
you looked up from your flowers, giving him that same gentle smile that had been bothering him since he saw you. “it’s y/n. and you?”
he blinked, almost laughing at the sheer absurdity of the question. “you don’t know who i am?”
you shook your head. “should i?”
he couldn’t help the grin that tugged at his lips. “nah, it’s refreshing, actually. i’m gojo. gojo satoru.”
“nice to meet you, gojo,” you said, your voice light, unassuming. he hated how that seemed to settle something in him and irritate him at the same time.
“so, what’s your deal? sitting in parks, picking flowers. you don’t have work or something?” he asked, trying for nonchalance but ending up sounding more curious than he intended.
“i do. i’m a kindergarten teacher,” you replied simply, brushing a speck of dirt off your jeans.
he stared at you, processing the words. “kindergarten teacher? like, singing songs and finger painting?”
you chuckled softly. “that’s part of it. but it’s more than that. i teach them how to be kind, how to work together, how to think about the world.”
gojo squinted at you like you’d just spoken a foreign language. “sounds heavy for kids.”
“they’re smarter than you think,” you replied. “besides, it’s not just about the now. it’s about who they grow into. if they can grow up and make the world a little better, isn’t that worth it?”
he was quiet for a moment, uncharacteristically so. the words hung in the air, tugging at something buried deep. “so, what? you’re building a better society, one crayon drawing at a time?”
“something like that,” you said, laughing softly. “what about you? what’s your job?”
his grin faltered, just for a second, before he plastered it back on. “oh, you know. wrestling monsters, saving the world, usual stuff.”
your brow furrowed slightly. “you’re joking, right?”
he shrugged. “maybe. maybe not.”
you didn’t press, and the silence returned, stretching longer this time. his gaze flickered to the wildflowers in your lap, then back to your face. something about you felt... too good. too genuine. it wasn’t fake, he could tell. 
but it reminded him of suguru, of the way suguru used to talk about saving people. about a society worth fighting for. except your version didn’t have the edge suguru’s did. it was softer. hopeful. 
and that made it worse.
“why do you do it?” he asked suddenly, his voice quieter than usual. “teaching, i mean. it’s not exactly glamorous.”
you tilted your head, considering the question. “because someone has to. because if i don’t, who will? it’s a small thing, maybe, but small things add up.”
he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, his hair falling into his eyes. “you ever feel like it’s not enough?”
“sometimes,” you admitted. “but it’s enough for me to keep trying.”
his chest tightened, the ache sharp and unfamiliar. “you make it sound so simple.”
“it’s not. but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth it.” your voice was steady, calm, and he hated how much he wanted to believe you.
“you’re weird,” he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. “but i guess... not bad weird.”
“thanks, i think?” you teased, and for the first time, he felt the corners of his own mouth lift in something more genuine than his usual smirk.
he didn’t know why he stayed, why he kept talking. but maybe it was because, for the first time in a long time, someone wasn’t asking him to be the strongest.
"so... what’s with the hair?" you asked, breaking the rhythm of his restless tapping. the question was so unexpected it took him a second to process. he turned to you, blinking as if you’d just asked him to solve a riddle.
"the hair?" he repeated, stalling. "oh, uh, it’s —"
his fingers ghosted through the white strands, suddenly hyper-aware of how ridiculous he must look. "genetics? or maybe fashion? i dunno, it’s just cool, right?"
your laugh broke through, soft and genuine, completely devoid of malice. it hit him square in the chest. he didn’t hate it — quite the opposite, actually. it was... grounding, somehow, like the kind of laugh that could keep a person tethered.
"cool, huh?" you said, teasing but not unkind. "i think it suits you."
his lips quirked into a grin, but it didn’t feel like the usual cocky mask he wore. it felt... lighter. easier. "you think? glad to know i’ve got your approval."
"you’re weird," you said, echoing his earlier words. "but not bad weird."
he tilted his head at you, watching the way you absentmindedly twirled one of the flowers between your fingers. something about the way you sat there, so unassuming yet so unshakably present, made him feel... aware. it was a strange, unwelcome sensation. for someone who lived above the noise of the world — untouchable, unshaken — you had this way of pulling him down, grounding him in a way he wasn’t sure he liked. or maybe he liked it too much.
for the first time in a long time, he let go. 
his infinity dropped, the invisible barrier dissolving as he allowed himself to feel everything around him — the breeze, the hum of distant chatter, the warmth of your presence beside him. it was addicting in a way he couldn’t quite describe, like a drug he hadn’t known he needed.
but that was the problem, wasn’t it? feeling was dangerous. hope was dangerous. and you — you — were dangerous, because you made him feel like maybe, just maybe, there was something more to life than being the strongest.
he stood abruptly, the movement jerky and uncharacteristic. his usual swagger was replaced with something sharper, something almost panicked.
"y’know," he started, his voice forced and breezy, "this has been... fun. but i’ve got things to do. big, important, save-the-world typa things."
you blinked up at him, the confusion clear in your eyes. "oh. okay...?"
"yeah, so... catch you around, maybe," he said, already stepping away. he didn’t look back, couldn’t look back. the weight in his chest was too much, too unfamiliar, and it terrified him.
because the strongest didn’t get to have hope. not when hope was something he couldn’t protect, couldn’t control. and not when it came in the form of someone like you — someone who made him want to forget the weight of the world, even if just for a moment.
gojo hated how he left that day, hated the hollowness of his own words and the way he practically ran from something he couldn’t define. it wasn’t like him to second-guess, to let regret sink its teeth into him. but every time he thought about you, about the way your smile had disarmed him so completely, the ache in his chest deepened.
he could’ve found you easily — he was gojo satoru, after all. it wasn’t hard to find anyone when you could bend the world to your will. but he hesitated. what if you didn’t want to see him? what if he’d already messed things up beyond repair? what if he couldn’t be the person you deserved to see?
but fate — or sheer dumb luck — seemed to have its own plans, because there you were, standing at the counter of a tiny mochi shop. you didn’t notice him at first, too preoccupied with carefully picking out assorted treats. the sight stopped him in his tracks. your expression was focused, thoughtful, as if each choice carried some deep significance.
he slipped inside, keeping his distance for a moment, his usual swagger subdued. he watched as you smiled at the cashier, explaining something about “rewards for the young ones.”
rewards. he couldn’t remember the last time he’d even thought about the word, let alone experienced it. life for him had always been a cycle of expectations and victories that didn’t feel like victories. but watching you — so earnest, so genuine — made it seem... not silly, but beautiful.
before he could stop himself, he was standing beside you. “you know, kids’ll take advantage of that. you’re spoiling them,” he teased, his tone light, masking the swirl of emotions underneath.
you jumped slightly, turning to him with wide eyes before recognition dawned. “oh. gojo, right?”
he grinned, a flash of his usual bravado returning. “you remembered. i’m flattered.”
“hard to forget someone so... distinct,” you said, glancing pointedly at his hair, though your tone carried no malice.
he leaned against the counter, his sunglasses slipping down his nose just enough for you to catch a glimpse of those piercing eyes. “so, mochi for the kids, huh? what’s the occasion?”
“it’s just a little reward system,” you explained, holding up the neatly packed treats. “they get one if they’re kind, or if they help each other out. it encourages good behavior.”
he tilted his head, studying you with an intensity that made you fidget slightly. “rewards for being decent humans, huh? seems... unnecessary.”
“maybe for you,” you said, your smile soft but firm. “but for them, it’s something to look forward to. a reminder that their efforts matter.”
his chest tightened, the ache returning. he wanted to protect that — your simplicity, your hope, your belief in something as small yet monumental as a child’s smile over a piece of mochi. it felt fragile, something that could shatter if exposed to the horrors he knew too well.
“you’re too good for this world, you know that?” he said, his voice quieter, almost reverent.
you blinked at him, caught off guard. “what’s that supposed to mean?”
he straightened, his grin resurfacing, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “nothing. just an observation. anyway, need help carrying those? i’m great at heavy lifting.”
you laughed softly, and the sound eased some of the weight in his chest. he didn’t know what he was doing, didn’t know if this was a mistake. but for now, just for a moment, he let himself stay. maybe you didn’t need to know the horrors of the world. maybe, just maybe, he could carry them for you.
you couldn’t help it — your curiosity about this strange man was like an itch you couldn’t scratch. the white hair, the cocky grin, the way he carried himself like he owned every space he walked into. and those glasses — always perched on his nose, hiding whatever it was that lay beneath. it felt like he was holding onto secrets, ones you weren’t sure you had the right to know but couldn’t stop wondering about.
so you asked, your voice steady but tinged with that teacher-like firmness that came naturally to you. “why do you always wear those glasses? what are you hiding?”
he raised a brow at you, clearly amused, his grin widening as if he found your attempt at seriousness endearing. “you always this nosy, or am i just special?”
you crossed your arms, standing your ground. “it’s not nosy. it’s called being curious. you’re... intriguing, gojo satoru.”
his laugh was soft but laced with something you couldn’t quite place. “intriguing, huh? that’s a fancy way of saying i confuse you.”
“maybe,” you admitted, tilting your head. “so? are you going to answer, or are you just going to keep deflecting?”
for a moment, he didn’t respond. instead, he reached up, sliding his glasses down just enough to let you see his eyes. the sight made your breath hitch. they weren’t just blue — they were unreal. vibrant, crystalline, like the universe had condensed itself into those irises. stars and galaxies swirled within them, a beauty so overwhelming it made your chest tighten.
“happy now?” he teased, though his voice had softened, almost like he knew the effect they’d have on you.
you tried to respond, but the words wouldn’t come. your usual quick-witted honesty faltered in the face of something so... otherworldly. instead, you found yourself simply staring, lost in the depth of those eyes.
he smirked, clearly pleased with himself, but there was something gentler in the way he pushed his glasses back up. “don’t stare too long. might fall for me.”
that snapped you out of it, and you felt heat rise to your cheeks. “i... wasn’t staring.”
“sure you weren’t,” he said, his grin downright insufferable. but there was something about the way he said it that didn’t feel mocking. it felt... playful, almost inviting.
you cleared your throat, suddenly hyper-aware of how close he was standing. “you’re... something else, you know that?”
“i get that a lot,” he said, his tone breezy, but the way he looked at you — really looked at you, even through the tinted lenses — made you feel like he was seeing more than he let on.
you wanted to say something, to put into words the way he made everything feel... bigger. deeper. like there was more to life than the simple acts of teaching or shopping for mochi. but for the first time, you found yourself at a loss. instead, you just smiled, small and genuine, and he returned it with one of his own.
“you’re something else too,” he said, almost quietly, before turning back to the counter to pay for your mochi.
gojo didn’t need to do it. really, when had he ever gone out of his way to do something this mundane? carrying a bag of mochi for someone he’d only met twice wasn’t exactly in his job description, but with you, it felt natural. unforced. like his hand had moved to grab the bag before his brain even caught up.
“you know, i’m pretty sure i can handle a bag of mochi,” you teased as the two of you strolled down the quiet streets.
“sure you can,” he said with a grin, effortlessly balancing the bag on one hand like it weighed nothing. “but why would i miss an opportunity to show off my incredible strength?”
you rolled your eyes but didn’t argue, which was a win in his book. as much as he played it cool, he couldn’t deny the weird sense of rightness he felt walking beside you. it was like everything had slowed down. the world wasn’t a blur of missions and curses and expectations — it was just this. you, him, and the sound of your footsteps on the pavement.
if he wanted to, he could’ve used his powers to zip you both to your destination in a blink. no fuss, no time wasted. but for once, he didn’t want to. instead, he found himself watching. truly observing. the way your hair caught the light, the way you tilted your head when you spoke, the way you laughed at his ridiculous quips. it was all so human. so simple.
his infinity buzzed in the back of his mind, an ever-present hum, a barrier between himself and the world. he could feel it tensing, almost instinctively growing stronger the closer he got to you. but then he looked at you, really looked, and something in him softened.
it was the smallest of decisions, the slightest shift, but it felt monumental. he let his infinity drop. just like that. no shields, no barriers. nothing between him and the world — or you.
the difference was immediate. he felt the weight of the mochi bag in his hand, the faint breeze brushing past his skin. but more than that, he felt you — your presence beside him, warm and grounding in a way he hadn’t realized he craved.
“you’re quiet,” you said, glancing up at him with a curious smile. “that’s a first.”
“just enjoying the walk,” he replied, his tone casual, but there was a softness there you weren’t used to.
you didn’t press, but your smile lingered, and he felt that strange ache in his chest again. he wasn’t sure what it meant, wasn’t sure he wanted to figure it out. all he knew was that for the second time in a long time, he let himself just be.
and as the two of you walked, side by side, he wondered if maybe — just maybe — he could get used to this.
gojo felt it before he understood it — a pull, a quiet, steady hum in his soul that only existed when you were near. it wasn’t like his usual awareness of the world, the sharp, overwhelming clarity his six eyes granted him. this was softer, almost... intimate. he could feel you. not just your presence, but you. every fiber of your being seemed to resonate with something deep inside him, something he hadn’t even realized was there.
it startled him at first, the intensity of it. but as the two of you reached your doorstep and he handed you the bag of mochi, the sensation only grew stronger. he tried to mask it, tried to act like nothing was out of the ordinary, but his fingers brushed yours as you took the bag, and for a split second, everything else blurred away.
“thanks,” you said, your voice warm and sincere. “you really didn’t have to, though.”
he shrugged, his trademark grin flickering to life, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “what can i say? i’m a gentleman. sometimes.”
you laughed softly, and he felt the bubble form around him again. your infinity, he decided, was nothing like his own. where his was cold and untouchable, yours was warm, welcoming. being here, in this little space that seemed to exist only when he was with you, made him feel okay. better than he had in a long, long time.
and that scared him.
he lingered, his hand still halfway outstretched, his gaze dropping to the ground before flickering back to you. you were looking up at him, your expression open, curious. trusting. the ache in his chest tightened, and that traitorous voice in the back of his head whispered what he already knew: run.
run before he let this feeling take root, before he let himself believe in the impossible. run before he lost you too, because that’s what always happened, wasn’t it? everyone he cared about, everyone he dared to keep close — they always slipped through his fingers, no matter how tightly he tried to hold on.
but he didn’t move. couldn’t. instead, he let the silence stretch between you, the weight of it pressing against his ribs. his infinity stayed down, and for once, he didn’t feel the need to raise it.
“gojo?” your voice was soft, grounding.
he blinked, realizing he’d been staring, his thoughts spiraling. he straightened, forcing a smirk onto his face. “don’t worry, you’re safe. i don’t bite.”
you rolled your eyes but smiled anyway, and he felt a flicker of something that might’ve been hope. “goodnight, gojo.”
“goodnight,” he replied, his voice quieter than usual, almost hesitant.
he turned to leave but paused, glancing back over his shoulder. you were still standing there, framed by the soft light spilling from your doorway. and for a moment, he let himself imagine it — what it would be like to stay, to keep this little bubble intact.
but the ache in his chest won, and with a flicker of movement, he was gone.
you’d learned so much about gojo, almost without realizing it. the way he scrunched his nose when something didn’t go his way, like a child pouting over a toy they couldn’t have. how his limbs seemed to stretch endlessly as he leaned too close, casually draping himself over you, his frame practically engulfing yours. he had a knack for making himself impossible to ignore.
he had opinions on everything, even your students’ mochi. he’d list brands like a connoisseur, casually tossing the pricier ones into your basket without a second thought. “trust me,” he’d say, winking like it was some grand secret. “they’ll love these. and if they don’t, more for you.” and no matter how much you protested about the cost, he’d already have it paid for by the time you could reach for your wallet.
then there were the smaller things, the subtle moments where his mask slipped. like how his face would light up when you told him his hair looked good — a rare compliment you didn’t realize meant so much to him. or the way his grin stretched impossibly wider when you laughed a little harder at one of his bad jokes. you could tell he reveled in those moments, the quiet victories where he knew he made you happy.
you weren’t sure when this companionship had started to feel so natural. it wasn’t something you had planned, and you doubted gojo had either. but here you were, falling into a rhythm that felt almost effortless. he didn’t tell you much about his work, and you didn’t press him. you figured he’d share when he was ready. for now, you let him narrate his "work stories," spinning them into absurd, whimsical tales that sounded eerily similar to the stories you read to your students.
“and then,” he’d say, leaning in like he was sharing a forbidden secret, “the curse — uh, giant monster — came charging at me, but of course, being the strongest, i took it down with one hand. no big deal.”
“did it sparkle too?” you teased, your lips twitching into a smile.
“obviously. what’s a fight without a little flair?” he shot back, waving his hand dramatically.
there was something comforting in these moments, even as you felt a soft ache beneath it all. a yearning you couldn’t quite name. despite the physical closeness, the warmth of his arm brushing yours, or the way his laugh made your heart skip, it still didn’t feel like enough. not entirely.
but maybe, in a way, it was enough. enough to bask in the quiet companionship of a man who made the mundane feel extraordinary. enough to learn the little things that made him who he was — the scrunch of his nose, the glint in his eyes when you laughed, the way he seemed to carry the weight of the world but still managed to make you feel like you were the only thing that mattered in his orbit.
and maybe, for now, that was more than enough.
gojo noticed more about you now, things he never thought he’d pay attention to. maybe it was because his infinity — once a constant, unyielding barrier — seemed to lower itself without hesitation when he was around you. the absence of that space, that cushion between himself and the world, made everything about you sharper. clearer.
he noticed how your fingers always seemed to find something to twiddle with — a pen, the edge of your sleeve, a stray piece of packaging — whenever you were deep in thought. how your brow furrowed just slightly when you were concentrating, like when you meticulously read the back of mochi packets to ensure they were both delicious and nutritious for your students. he teased you for it, of course, calling you "overly diligent" with a grin, but deep down, he admired the care you put into something so seemingly small.
“they’re kids,” you said once, shrugging off his teasing. “they deserve the best. even if it’s just mochi.”
your earnestness struck something in him. he had a job too, didn’t he? teaching his students, protecting them, being the strongest. but where his job was laced with chaos and danger, yours was rooted in nurture and growth. and yet, both were born of the same drive: to give others a chance at something better. it was a thought that made his chest ache in a way he couldn’t explain.
he liked the little quirks about you, the way you were always well-versed in the topics you cared about, the way your eyes lit up when you talked about your students or a book you were reading. and the flowers — he couldn’t ignore the flowers. you always seemed to have a fresh bunch in hand, casually mentioning how the ones at home had dried out.
he’d thought about buying you flowers more than once. even wandered into a shop once, lingering by the displays, trying to figure out what kind you might like. but every time, he hesitated. would it be too much? too forward? instead, he settled for something subtler, paying for your mochi without a word. if he could ease your expenses, maybe you’d buy those pricier flowers you always admired or treat yourself to more of them. it was his quiet way of showing care, a balance between his usual over-the-top nature and the unfamiliar vulnerability you seemed to draw out of him.
still, the struggle lingered. satoru gojo wasn’t just a man — he was the strongest. the one who stood above it all, untouchable, invincible. but with you, he wasn’t sure how to reconcile the two parts of himself. being the strongest meant being distant, detached, untouchable. but with you, he wanted to be close. too close.
and that terrified him.
because the strongest didn’t get to have these feelings. didn’t get to care like this. didn’t get to wonder if you noticed the way his hand lingered a second too long when he passed you the mochi or if you ever thought about him the way he thought about you.
he told himself it was fine to stay on the sidelines, to let his actions speak quietly where his words couldn’t. but deep down, he knew the truth: if you ever asked — if you ever let him — he’d do anything for you. absolutely anything.
and that, he thought, was the most dangerous thing of all.
gojo hadn’t stopped moving since he was freed. his mind buzzed, chaotic and desperate, with only one thought anchoring him: find you. he’d missed everything — halloween, thanksgiving, christmas, new years. each one marked by a hollow ache where memories with you could’ve been.
had you dressed up for halloween with your students? maybe a witch, or something playful and sweet, like the flowers you always carried. had you cooked for thanksgiving, your kitchen warm and full of light? who had been there with you? had you stood under any mistletoe in december, someone else beside you?
did you miss me? the thought burned in his chest, heavy and suffocating.
he searched, scanning streets and places he thought you might be. he didn’t need his six eyes for this — he’d memorized the contours of your presence long before. still, the days stretched on, uncertainty pressing against him until, finally, he saw you.
you were standing on the corner of a quiet street, a familiar bouquet of wildflowers cradled in your arm and a bag of mochi in hand. not just any mochi — his favorite brand. his heart stopped, the world narrowing until it was just you.
you’d changed, only slightly, but enough for him to notice. your hair was a little longer, and there was a faint new laugh line near your mouth, etched from months he hadn’t been there to see. but it wasn’t the details that struck him most — it was the way you looked at him.
like you’d been waiting for him.
you didn’t say anything at first, your eyes wide and brimming with unshed tears. the flowers trembled slightly in your grip, and his chest twisted at the sight.
“gojo?” your voice cracked, soft and unsure, like you weren’t entirely certain he was real.
he stepped closer, his hands twitching at his sides, desperate to reach out but holding back. “it’s me,” he said, his voice low, as though anything louder might shatter this fragile moment.
a tear slipped down your cheek, and you blinked it away quickly, your free hand coming up to brush it off. “where... where’d you go?”
his throat tightened, guilt crashing over him. he couldn’t tell you everything — not yet, maybe not ever. the weight of what he’d endured wasn’t something he wanted to place on your shoulders. but he owed you something.
“i was... trapped,” he admitted, his voice quieter than you’d ever heard it. “couldn’t get out. couldn’t come back to you.”
your brow furrowed, confusion and pain flickering across your face. “but we weren’t even... i mean, we’re not...”
“friends?” he interrupted, his lips curving into a bittersweet smile. “you think that matters?”
he took another step forward, and this time, he let his hand rise, brushing against the petals of the wildflowers you held. “you were there,” he said, his voice unsteady, “in my mind, the whole time. every minute. i kept thinking about you — what you’d be doing, if you were okay.”
your eyes searched his face, as though trying to piece together the truth in his words. “i thought... maybe you didn’t want to see me again,” you murmured.
he laughed, short and raw, shaking his head. “don’t you get it? i’m here because i couldn’t stay away.”
the flowers fell to your side as you stepped closer, close enough for him to feel the warmth of your presence. “then don’t leave again,” you whispered, the tear-streak on your cheek catching the light.
his heart clenched, and for once, he didn’t try to keep the emotion from showing. “i won’t,” he promised, his voice firm, resolute. “not if you’ll have me.”
and for the first time in months, the ache in his chest eased as you nodded, a soft, trembling smile spreading across your face. you reached out, your hand brushing against his arm, and he thought he might crumble at the simple, human touch he’d missed so much.
he wouldn’t leave. not again.
satoru didn’t mean to pull you into a hug so suddenly, but when he did, it was like his body moved on instinct, a quiet surrender to everything he’d been holding back. his arms wrapped around you tightly, almost desperately, infinity be damned, infinity down.
he sank into you, his tall frame curling slightly, his chin brushing the top of your head. it wasn’t graceful, it wasn’t perfect, but it was everything. he could feel the tension in your body, the hesitation in the way you stiffened for a moment before melting against him, your arms finding their way around his neck like it was something you’d done a thousand times before.
the world blurred. he wasn’t sure if it was because of the lump rising in his throat or the stinging in his eyes, but nothing else existed. no curses, no students, no responsibilities. just you.
he felt the mochi bag in your hand crumple against his side as you tightened your hold, your grip faltering slightly with the weight of emotions neither of you could name yet. the wildflowers in your other hand brushed against the side of his neck, their delicate petals tickling his skin and tangling with the undercut of his hair.
“you’re crushing my flowers,” you mumbled, your voice soft, breaking on the edges as if you were holding back tears.
he laughed, the sound shaky and raw, his chest vibrating against yours. “they’ll survive,” he murmured, his voice thick, as though the words themselves were too much to get out. “they’re tougher than they look... like you.”
your head tucked against his neck, and he could feel your breath hitch, could feel the way you pressed your face into him as if trying to stifle the emotion threatening to spill over. his own vision blurred further, his grip tightening just a little more, grounding himself in the weight and warmth of you.
“where did you go?” you whispered again, your voice trembling, the vulnerability of the question cutting through him like a blade.
he rested his chin on your head, his lips brushing against your hair as he spoke. “i never wanted to leave. i swear, if i could’ve —” his voice cracked, and he stopped, exhaling shakily.
you didn’t let go. not when his words hung in the air, not when you could feel him holding himself back, trying not to fall apart. instead, you clung to him tighter, your own tears soaking into his uniform as you whispered, “don’t leave again.”
“never,” he said, the word firm but barely audible, almost like a prayer.
and in that moment, as he buried his face in your shoulder, he realized something he hadn’t let himself admit before: this was home. not the park, not the mochi shop, not even his students or the place he called his own. you. you were home.
he let himself feel it all — the weight of your arms around him, the warmth of your presence, the quiet sob you muffled against his chest, and the tears that finally spilled down his own cheeks.
passersby might’ve found it strange, a tall man clinging to someone smaller, crumpling under an emotion he’d kept locked away for so long. but satoru didn’t care. he never did.
all that mattered was you. your concept of infinity — this impossibly warm, unshakable presence — was better than anything his power could ever give him. and he didn’t want to escape it. not now, not ever.
it happened so naturally, so quietly, that satoru almost didn’t catch it. the two of you were walking side by side, your hands brushing with every step. the space between you felt impossibly small, like the universe was trying to push you closer together.
and then you said it.
his name, soft and unguarded, slipped from your lips like it belonged there. it wasn’t “gojo,” not the title that the rest of the world threw at him with reverence or fear. no, this was something different — something yours.
his heart stopped, the syllables echoing in his chest before exploding outward in a rush of warmth he didn’t know how to contain. he’d thought a lot about your voice while he was gone, imagined what it would sound like if you’d called out for him, missed him. but this? this was better than anything he could’ve dreamed.
he dared a glance at you, his breath catching at the soft, unassuming smile on your face. you weren’t even aware of the tidal wave you’d just unleashed inside him, weren’t aware of the way his heart was racing or how his palms suddenly felt clammy.
say it again, he wanted to beg, his chest tight with longing. just once more.
but he didn’t ask. instead, he reached out, his hand brushing yours one more time before he took it, threading his fingers between yours.
you didn’t pull away.
his heart soared, and his grip tightened slightly, like he was afraid you’d change your mind. he tugged you closer, so close that your shoulders bumped, your warmth seeping into him.
“you said my name,” he murmured, his voice low and unsteady, as if the weight of the moment was too much for even him to carry.
you glanced up at him, your brow furrowing slightly in confusion. “is that... bad?”
he let out a breathy laugh, one hand coming up to rub the back of his neck as he looked down at you. “no,” he said softly, his voice breaking on the word. “it’s perfect.”
your lips parted, but no words came out. instead, you let your gaze fall to where his hand held yours, and a faint blush crept up your cheeks.
“you don’t let just anyone call you that, do you?” you teased gently, your voice light, but there was a hint of something deeper — curiosity, hope — lingering beneath it.
“no,” he admitted, his thumb brushing over the back of your hand. “i don’t. but...” he hesitated, his throat tightening. “i think... i want you to.”
the silence that followed wasn’t uncomfortable; it was heavy with unspoken truths, with the electricity crackling between the two of you.
and then you smiled, that soft, heart-stopping smile that he’d missed so desperately. “okay, satoru.”
he exhaled, a shaky laugh escaping him as he pulled you even closer, his side pressing against yours. the tension in his chest melted away, replaced with something impossibly warm.
in that moment, he knew he’d won. not in the way he usually won — with power or strength — but in a way that felt so much more important. and from the way you looked up at him, your eyes bright and full of something he couldn’t name, he knew you felt it too.
your hesitation lasted only a moment before you unlocked the door and gestured for him to come inside. “it’s not much,” you murmured as you stepped in, your voice tinged with a shyness satoru wasn’t used to hearing from you. “but it’s home.”
he followed you inside, his sharp blue eyes scanning the space with a quiet curiosity. it was lived-in and warm, filled with small touches that screamed you. worksheets were strewn about the table, scissors and craft supplies scattered on the couch, and a faint scent of flowers lingered in the air.
“cozy,” he commented, a small smile tugging at his lips as his gaze landed on a roll of wrapping paper. “you’ve got quite the setup here.”
“don’t judge,” you teased, laughing softly as you bent down to kick off your shoes and hang your jacket on the nearby rack. “it’s been a busy week.”
but satoru wasn’t paying attention to your excuses. he was too focused on how easily you moved around the space, how natural it felt to see you here.
when you moved to connect your speaker, soft music began playing — some quiet, soothing tune that matched the warmth of the space. you glanced back at him with an almost sheepish grin. “sorry, habit. i always put music on when i get home.”
“don’t apologize,” he said, stepping closer to you. “i like it. it suits you.”
your laughter was light, but it faded quickly when his arms wrapped around your waist from behind, pulling you into his chest.
“satoru —”
“just let me,” he murmured, resting his chin on your shoulder. his voice was softer than you’d ever heard it, almost pleading.
you didn’t fight him. instead, you leaned into his embrace, your hands instinctively covering his as you closed your eyes.
“you smell like flowers,” he said, nuzzling into the crook of your neck. “same as the ones you had when i first met you.”
“and you smell like trouble,” you quipped, earning a breathy laugh from him.
“oh, i am,” he said, his tone playful. “but you don’t seem to mind.”
you were about to reply when he suddenly lifted you off the ground, spinning you around with an ease that had you laughing uncontrollably. “satoru!”
he grinned, his laughter mixing with yours as he carried you over to the couch and gently laid you down, his frame hovering above yours.
“you’re ridiculous,” you managed between giggles, but your voice softened when his blindfold slipped slightly, revealing a glimpse of his eyes.
his expression changed then — more vulnerable, less playful — as he leaned closer, his gaze locked on yours. “do you want to take it off?” he asked quietly, almost like he was afraid of the answer.
your fingers trembled as they reached up, grazing the edge of the fabric. “are you sure?”
“i wouldn’t ask if i wasn’t,” he replied, his voice steady despite the rapid beat of his heart.
slowly, you pulled the blindfold down, and there they were — his eyes, impossibly blue and filled with a depth you couldn’t put into words.
you felt your breath hitch as you stared into them, your hand unconsciously brushing against his cheek. “satoru...”
he leaned into your touch, his eyes fluttering shut for a brief moment. “i missed this,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “missed you.”
your hand slid down to rest against his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. “i’m here now,” you said softly, your voice laced with emotion. “and so are you.”
he smiled then, that boyish grin that made your chest tighten. “yea,” he murmured, leaning down until his forehead pressed against yours. “this... this feels like home.”
you nodded, your voice too caught in your throat to reply. and as his lips brushed against your temple, you couldn’t help but think the same thing.
this was home.
your hands cradled his face like he was something fragile, something precious. and maybe he was, in this moment. as your thumbs traced the high planes of his cheekbones, satoru couldn’t stop looking at you — your face, your eyes, your lips, everything that made him feel so uncharacteristically human.
“don’t look away,” you murmured, your voice soft but commanding. “keep your eyes on me.”
his lips quirked into a crooked grin, but the intensity in his gaze didn’t waver. “wasn’t planning to.”
you laughed lightly, a sound he swore he’d never get tired of, and leaned in closer, your breaths mingling as you closed the distance. when your lips finally met his, it felt like everything in the world stopped.
you smiled into the kiss, a small, involuntary curve of your lips that made his chest ache in ways he couldn’t explain. but that smile quickly turned into a soft squeal when his hands gripped your hips, fingers pressing into the fabric of your clothes as he pulled you impossibly closer.
“satoru!” you gasped, breaking the kiss for a brief moment.
“what?” he asked innocently, his grin widening. “didn’t think you’d be this ticklish.”
“i’m not!” you shot back, laughing despite yourself.
“mm, sure,” he teased, but the playfulness in his voice was underscored by something deeper, something more tender.
before you could respond, he shifted effortlessly, his hands sliding to the backs of your thighs as he lifted you with an ease that still managed to surprise you.
“you can’t just —”
“yes, i can,” he interrupted, already seating himself on the sofa with you perched on his lap.
you instinctively wrapped your legs around his torso, settling against him like it was the most natural thing in the world. his arms wrapped around your waist, holding you securely as if he was afraid you might disappear.
“comfortable?” he asked, his tone light but his eyes searching yours.
“surprisingly, yes,” you replied, your voice tinged with amusement.
his grin softened into something more genuine as your fingers found their way into his hair. when your nails grazed the undercut at the nape of his neck, he let out a low, almost involuntary hum, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment.
“you’re dangerous,” he muttered, his voice thick with affection.
“me?” you said, laughing as you tugged gently on his locks, making his eyes snap open.
“yes, you,” he said, his voice quieter now, his hands tightening slightly around your waist. “you’ve got me completely wrapped around your finger, you know that?”
you leaned in, your forehead resting against his as your fingers continued to play with his hair. “good,” you murmured.
he chuckled, low and warm, before tilting his head to kiss you again. this time, it was slower, deeper, filled with all the emotions he couldn’t put into words.
and as your nails scratched against his scalp and your bodies fit together like puzzle pieces, satoru realized something.
he loved this. he loved you. he loved everything about this moment, about you, about the way you made him feel.
yea, he was pretty sure he loved you.
you sat across from him, legs tucked under you on the sofa, your eyes filled with something between determination and hesitation. you weren’t sure how to start — how to demand the truth from the man who had so easily slipped into your life, disappeared, and then returned as if nothing had changed. but something had changed. you wanted answers. you needed them.
“satoru,” you said softly, his name still feeling new and strange on your tongue, yet so natural. “where were you?”
his body stiffened, and you saw his grin falter for the briefest moment. he leaned back, arms draped lazily over the top of the couch, as if he could brush off the weight of your question. but you didn’t let up.
“seriously,” you pressed, your tone firmer now. “what happened? why did you leave?”
he exhaled sharply, running a hand through his hair, his blindfold hanging loosely around his neck. “it’s... complicated,” he said, his voice quieter than you’d ever heard it.
“then uncomplicate it,” you shot back, surprising even yourself with the force of your words. “i think i deserve to know, don’t you?”
he froze, his hand still tangled in his hair, before slowly lowering his gaze. for a moment, he seemed like he might joke, deflect with one of his usual quips, but then he sighed and leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees.
“alright,” he muttered, his voice heavy. “you’re right. you deserve to know.”
you watched as he hesitated, his fingers interlocking tightly, knuckles whitening. then, without looking at you, he began.
“i’m not just some guy who happens to like mochi and has a thing for blindfolds,” he started, a faint attempt at humor that quickly fell flat. “i’m... a sorcerer. a jujutsu sorcerer, to be specific.”
you blinked. “a... sorcerer?”
“yeah,” he said, his tone turning serious again. “i fight curses — creatures born out of people’s negative emotions. they’re dangerous, destructive, and it’s my job to stop them.”
you stared at him, your mind racing to connect his words to something tangible, something real. “you’re saying curses — like the ones in those fantasy stories — are real?”
“realer than you’d like them to be,” he replied, his gaze finally meeting yours. and for the first time, you saw how exhausted he truly was, how much he carried.
“so, all this time, you’ve been... what? fighting monsters?”
“basically,” he said with a shrug, though his tone was anything but casual. “and teaching the next generation of sorcerers while I’m at it.”
your brows furrowed as you tried to process everything. “but why leave? why disappear without saying anything?”
his jaw tightened, and he looked away again, his shoulders tense. “i didn’t want to leave. i was... taken. sealed away, actually.”
“sealed?” you echoed, incredulous.
“yeah. it’s a long story,” he admitted, his voice tinged with bitterness. “one of the strongest curses managed to trap me. i couldn’t do anything but wait. wait and hope someone would free me.”
your chest tightened at the thought of him being trapped, alone and powerless. “how long were you...?”
“months,” he said simply. “long enough to miss... everything. halloween. thanksgiving. christmas. new year’s. and you.”
the last two words were barely a whisper, but they hit you like a punch to the gut.
“satoru,” you murmured, reaching out to touch his hand.
he flinched slightly but didn’t pull away. instead, he let your fingers intertwine with his, grounding him. “i didn’t want to leave you,” he said, his voice breaking ever so slightly. “but it’s my job. it’s who i am. i protect people. even if it means losing them.”
you were silent for a long moment, your mind reeling from everything he’d told you. but as you looked at him, his head bowed and his hands trembling slightly in yours, you knew one thing for certain.
“you should’ve told me,” you said softly, your voice steady despite the storm of emotions inside you.
he finally looked up, his eyes glassy. “would you have believed me?”
you gave a small, sad smile. “probably not. but i would’ve wanted to try.”
his lips quirked into a faint, almost wistful smile. “you’re something else, you know that?”
“and you’re impossible,” you countered, squeezing his hand. “but i’m glad you’re here. no more disappearing acts, okay?”
“i’ll try,” he said, his tone lighter but still weighed down by something deeper.
“good,” you said, leaning closer until your forehead rested against his. “because no matter how strong you are, satoru, you don’t have to carry it all alone.”
and for the first time in a long while, he let himself believe that.
satoru chuckled softly as you teased him, your playful words breaking through the quiet tension of the room. his grin was unshakable, that signature cockiness shining through even now. “me? hurt you? you’re joking, right? i’d sooner let a curse take me out than even think about it,” he replied, his voice low, warm, and undeniably sincere.
as his lips found yours again, the humor melted away into something deeper. he kissed you like he was memorizing you, his hands tracing over your skin with reverence and urgency. the way he whispered your name between kisses, almost as if it were a sacred mantra, made your heart clench.
“you’re impossible,” you murmured against his lips, laughter bubbling up despite yourself.
“and yet, you’re still here,” he shot back, his grin widening before he leaned down to kiss along your collarbone, each press of his lips searing into your skin.
he was careful as he undressed you, his touch reverent and slow, almost like he was afraid this moment might shatter. but when he finally rid himself of his own clothes, his usual confidence returned, tempered by the weight of everything unspoken between you.
as he pressed himself against you, his forehead resting against yours, he whispered, “tell me if it’s too much, okay?”
“you’re such a sap,” you teased, brushing his damp hair away from his face.
his laugh rumbled low in his chest, but the way his hands gripped your hips, grounding both of you, betrayed how serious he was. when he entered you, the world seemed to fall away, leaving only the two of you.
“is this okay?” he asked softly, his tone uncharacteristically vulnerable.
“it’s perfect,” you whispered, your hands tracing the broad lines of his shoulders.
he moved with purpose, his breaths shallow and uneven as he buried his face in the crook of your neck, his lips brushing your skin in between quiet murmurs of your name. you couldn’t help the small giggle that escaped as he pressed a kiss just below your ear.
“what’s so funny?” he asked, his voice tinged with mock indignation.
“you’re just so... serious,” you said, a grin tugging at your lips.
his answering smile was boyish, his expression softening as he looked down at you. “i have to be. this is you we’re talking about.”
his words silenced your teasing, replaced by the sheer weight of his emotions pressing down on you. this wasn’t just about physical closeness — it was about the unspoken promises woven into each touch, each whispered breath.
when it was over, he didn’t rush to pull away. instead, he stayed close, his arms wrapped around you as if letting go wasn’t an option.
“you okay?” he asked, his voice low and soft.
“more than okay,” you replied, your fingers gently combing through his damp hair.
he leaned into your touch, his eyes fluttering shut. “good,” he murmured.
as you lay there, tangled together, he pressed a lingering kiss to your forehead. “you know,” he began, his voice still laced with exhaustion, “i think i’ll get a ring tomorrow.”
you laughed, your chest vibrating against his. “what, so you can keep me forever?”
“exactly,” he said, his grin audible in his voice. “but for now, this will do.”
and as he held you impossibly close, the two of you drifting into a peaceful silence, it was more than enough.
and yea, it was a silly change, wasn’t it? from quietly working through your worksheets at night to hosting the chaos of two entire worlds colliding. you’d grown used to your life as a kindergarten teacher, filled with small joys: glitter glue smudged on your hands, paper flowers drying on the windowsill, and the laughter of children echoing through the day. but now, somehow, it also included a man who walked into classrooms like he owned the place, a blindfolded "superhero" who had become not just yours but theirs too.
it was impossible not to laugh the first time your students gasped and shouted, “a superhero!” when they saw your husband, towering and otherworldly in the doorway, juggling an actual crate full of mochi like it weighed nothing. and he played into it, of course. because he was gojo satoru, and if there was one thing he thrived on, it was attention. “superhero? no, no, i’m a legend,” he’d say, grinning behind his blindfold, crouching dramatically to offer high-fives to every little hand that reached up for him.
the mundane moments of your life had become spectacles. the once-ordinary afternoons spent in your classroom now included his students trailing behind him like ducklings, megumi rolling his eyes at the whole charade while nobara and yuuji fought over who got the last piece of your homemade onigiri.
and nanami. oh, nanami. he didn’t say much, but you knew. you saw the relief in his eyes when you’d place a steaming cup of tea in his hands or gently prod gojo into calming down when he pushed too far. “thank you,” he’d mutter quietly, and you knew he didn’t just mean the tea.
megumi, though. he was different. quieter. but you’d caught on to how his eyes softened when you handed him origami you’d made — a small crane here, a tiny fox there. he never said much, just nodded and tucked them away, but gojo told you once, with a rare seriousness in his voice, “he keeps them all, you know. every single one.”
and gojo? he was... everything. everything loud and extraordinary in your world, everything ridiculous and gentle. he’d swoop into your life with his blinding confidence and then stay, quietly grounding you in ways you didn’t think he was capable of. he made even the mundane extraordinary — like how he’d spin you in the kitchen just to steal a taste of the soup you were making, or how he’d insist on bringing home fresh flowers every week because he knew they made you smile.
but the truth was, you made him see the extraordinary in the mundane. in the way you folded laundry, humming softly to yourself. in the way you bandaged nobara’s scraped knee with the same care you gave your students. in the way you tucked your head against his shoulder at the end of the day, sighing like he was your safe place.
and yea, it was chaotic. messy, loud, and absolutely ridiculous at times. but it was home.
home was megumi pretending he wasn’t affected by the way you fussed over his health. home was yuuji and nobara sitting cross-legged on your living room floor, arguing over which of your dishes was better. home was nanami’s rare, faint smile as he watched you bring balance to the chaos that was gojo.
and home, most of all, was gojo satoru.
home was the way he leaned down to whisper, “i’m never letting you go,” when he thought no one was listening. it was the way he’d press a kiss to your forehead as if he needed the reassurance more than you did. it was how he’d keep your origami tucked away in his pockets, the small tokens of your love grounding him in a way he never thought possible.
and yea, it was silly, the way your lives had intertwined so seamlessly. but it was also perfect. your students, his students, your worlds.
this was home. it really was.
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taglist > @fairiesthrum @slutuition @curtins @purplemint @wlwkorrasami
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pholla-jm · 3 months ago
The One That Got Away
word count: 4.3k
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February 1995 
Becoming friends with Five was the best choice I made. Turns out that Five had siblings, so that means more friends. 
The only thing that sucks is that they don’t go to the same school as I do. The first couple of months were boring and I couldn’t pay much attention in school. 
So I ditched school. They didn’t go to public school, they were homeschooled. So I just waited on the rooftop, watching people walk by and their interactions. It was nice. Nice to slow down and just take everything in. 
But sometimes it did get boring. So, they brought me things to keep me entertained. Books, games, a blanket to keep me warm, snacks… which I finished already. My stomach was growling which I was getting used to at this point, but I sure did feel drained and tired. 
It was like Five read my mind because I soon heard the familiar ‘swoosh’ and a flash of blue. I turned to the sound, a smile immediately lighting up on my face. The smell of fresh baked cookies in one hand and a couple of sandwiches in the other hand. 
“Five.” I greet him. 
“I know that you’re hungry.” He says while sitting down next to me. 
He hands me the plate of cookies and my mouth immediately waters at the thought of eating the fresh made cookies. I grab the warm cookie and stuff it in my mouth.
“Your mom makes the best cookies.” I say, a mouthful full of cookies. 
“How lady-like.” Five mutters to himself while rolling his eyes. “Wat?” I say. “Ugh, nevermind.” 
I laugh at him before going back to the cookies. 
Suddenly, the door swings open and multiple footsteps come running towards us. 
“Not fair! You can’t use your powers to get to her first!” Klaus says with a pout on his face. 
“Not my fault you’re slow.” Five responded. 
“Ooh, cookies. Mom’s cookies are so good.” Diego states reaching over and grabbing a cookie. 
I pout slightly at the missing cookie. One less cookie for me. 
“I made this too.” Five says handing me a sandwich. 
“Ooh, Five made you his favorite snack.” Allison says with a smirk on her face. “Peanut butter and marshmallow.” Vanya states. 
“Awweee someone has a crush.” Klaus sings songs. 
“Shut up!” Five says while I take a bite from the sandwich, “ I do not!” My eyes widen at the fluffy texture and soft flavor. “Oh my gosh, this is so good.” I groan at how good it is, “you should make more for me.” 
Five looks away from me while grumbling incoherent words. 
The other boys continue to tease Five while the girls sit next to the other side of me.
“You know,” Allison bumps into my shoulder, “Five never makes any of us snacks.” 
I look at her confused, not really sure what she means by this. “He should, it’s really good.” 
Vanya laughs, “yeah.” 
I finish the snacks that were given to me, and look at the sun setting.
I hum, placing down the plate and standing up. “I should get going, see you tomorrow?” 
They all nod, some of them getting up to give me a hug. 
“Bye Five! Thanks for the snacks!” I wave at him and he turns his head, muttering something I once again couldn’t understand. 
His brothers start snickering. 
I turn around, leaving the Hargreeves place, and flash back home. 
“Oh, crud.” I mutter patting out a flame on the sleeve. I groan looking at the black soot now staining my clothes. “I got to be more careful.” I mutter while shaking my head. Knowing that my mom was going to fuss at me. 
A black car in the driveway catches my attention, as I have never seen it before. 
Maybe it’s one of mom’s friends. 
Walking up to the front door, I swing it open to immediately see mom sitting in the living room with a man standing in the middle of the room. 
He was tall, wearing all black with a monocle.. He was an older man, with white hair covering the top of his head, and one of those swirly mustaches and beard. A black briefcase laid by his polished shoes. 
I smile as I enter the room, greeting the both of them. Something that my mother told me to always do since it is considered rude not to. 
“Good evening, young lady.” The man says and mom just sighs. 
“Did you think I would not notice?” Mom says to me. “Did you think I wouldn’t notice that you were skipping school?” 
My stomach drops at her words, wondering how long she has known. 
My lips form into a pout, “I’m sorry Mother.” 
My mom just waves her hand, “whatever, it’s not my problem anymore.” She mutters, but I was still able to hear her. 
I wonder what she means by that. 
I tilt my head at her words. “This is Sir Reginald Hargreeves. Think of it as a sleepover at his estate. The one where you’ve been sneaking off to.” 
I didn’t know how to feel at this moment. I felt excited to see my friends again, but at the same time a guilty feeling seeped into my bones. I knew what I was doing was wrong… but for some reason, mom wasn’t as upset as I thought she was going to be. 
“Oh okay… for how long?” 
“Just pack as much as you can.” Hargreeves says. I nod my head and go to my room to start packing. 
I could hear mom and Hargreeves speaking but I couldn’t hear exactly what they were saying. 
I grab most of my clothes that I think I’m going to need. I didn’t really have much since most of them keep burning nowadays. I’m about to leave my room, but I suddenly stop, running back in to grab the teddy bear off my bed. 
A content smile is on my face as I leave my room. 
Hargreeves was standing by the front door now. His hands crossed in front of him. I noticed that he wasn’t carrying the black briefcase from earlier. I looked over to my mom, seeing that it was right next to her. 
“Bye mom… I love you.” I say while waving my hand. 
She freezes, her lips forming into a pout. 
Her fingers start fidgeting with the fabric of the couch. “Yeah… love you too.” 
I turn back to Hargreeves, “okay. I’m ready.” I told him. 
The both of us walk through the door, leaving the place that I call home behind. 
If only I knew what I was getting myself into when I walked out that door with Reginald Hargreeves. 
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“This will be your room.” Pogo says while opening the door for me. 
I look straight at him, a talking chimpanzee, standing right infront of me. 
I was already amazed because I have never seen a chimpanzee before. But to see a talking one almost blew my mind away. 
“Thank you,” I whispered as I walked into the small room. It was a lot nicer than the one back home. 
Well, is it my home? 
Pogo, earlier had explained to me that this will be my new home. That Reginald Hargreeves has adopted me. Whatever that means. 
The walls were a plain beige and the bed was pushed into the corner. The bedsheets were (f/c) with white pillows. The dressers were also white, pushed against the wall next to a window. 
I walk to the dresser, placing my bag next to it and I look out the window. The view was facing the front of the building. I could see the sidewalk, the same one I used to walk on. The same one where I would stop and look at this building. Who would've thought that I would be looking out the very same window. 
“Dinner will be served shortly.” Pogo says, breaking me out of my trance. 
I turn my head to face him, giving him a polite smile, “thank you.” “Of course.” He nods his head before closing the door, leaving me to my own accord. 
I take one last glance out the window before opening the drawers to put my clothes in. 
I grab my teddy bear, putting it right in front of my pillow. Like it was resting there. Another door catches my eye. I walk towards it, wondering what it leads to. 
 Walking to the dark door, I place my hand on the cool doorknob, opening it to only see a uniform. I tilt my head, noticing that it was similar to the uniforms that my friends wear. 
There was a long skirt, navy blue and red plaid. A long sleeved white shirt, a similar pattern sweater vest with a black tie. 
“Ooh,” I marvel in the shiny black shoes. 
“It’s not all that great.” 
I let out a scream hearing the sudden voice in my room. 
I spin around to see Five sitting on my bed with a smug look on his face. I take a couple of deep breaths, trying to calm my heart rate down. 
“Ever heard of knocking?” 
“I did. You just didn’t hear me.” 
I scoff, closing the closet door. 
“Didn’t know you scared easily.” I could hear the teasing tone in his voice. And even though I’ve known him for a year, I can tell that this was not going to be a good thing. 
“Don’t even think about it.” 
He holds his hands up in the air, like he was surrendering. “I wasn’t thinking of anything.” “Yeah, sure.” I say, totally convinced. Note the sarcasm. 
“I came to tell you that dinner is ready.” 
My eyes widened at his words, stomach grumbling right on time. “Why didn’t you say that first?!” He shrugs, “just slipped my mind.” “Liar.” I glare at him, walking towards the door to exit the room. 
The both of us are now walking down the hallways, towards the ‘dining room’. 
He grins at me, “You’re calling me a liar?” “Well I’m not calling you a truther.” “That’s not even a real word.” 
“Children, you’re late for dinner.” I hear the authoritative voice interrupt us. 
I look over to see Reginald Hargreeves frowning down at the both of us. Five mutters something before walking over to his seat and sitting down. 
“Sorry Mr. Hargreeves.” 
He hums before walking over to the dining table. 
My eyes gaze over the table, noticing that the plates were already placed and ready. I make my way over to the table, sitting in between Klaus and Vanya. Five was sitting right across from me, and I shot him a smile. 
“You know, you don’t have to call him Mr. Hargreeves.” Klaus whispers to me. I gave him a questioning look, “then what would I call him?” “You’re one of us now. So you can call him dad.” 
I laugh a little, “why would I do that? He’s not my dad.” 
Klaus snickers before sitting up straight again and eating his food. 
I look down at my plate, stomach grumbling a little. The food looked nicely prepared and I honestly never thought I would eat something that looked this nice. 
However, I was still a bit confused by Klaus’s words. What did he mean by ‘you’re one of us now.’? 
I shrug, pick up the fork and start eating the delicious food. I noticed that it was very quiet, the air almost tense. I bruised it off as everyone was probably enjoying their food. 
I finished the food, before everyone else, I noticed. I could still feel the hunger in my stomach though. Would it be rude to ask for seconds? 
“Are you still hungry, child?” 
I looked at Hargreeves, noticing that he was staring at me. Like he was curious about something, it felt unnerving, but I was still hungry. “Uh.. yes. I am.” 
Hargreeves nods his head, “interesting. Grace.” 
A woman walks into the room. She looks very well put together. Not a single hair out of place. Yet, she gave off a comforting vibe. 
“Get number Zero seconds please.” 
Shock and confusion filled my body hearing his words. Number Zero? Like how the siblings were named?
Another plate was placed in front of me, a full helping of every food group. “Thank you,” I whisper to Grace. “You’re welcome, dear.” She smiles warmly at me. 
I turned to Vanya, who’s barely eaten anything. “Why did he call me Zero?” I whisper to her. 
She looks at me a bit shocked. “You don’t know?” 
“I tried to tell her.” Klaus whispers, butting in.
I click my tongue, shooing him away. Klaus just laughs and goes back to eating. 
“Uh…” Vanya fidgets a bit, “you’re one of us. Meaning you’re going to be training… with them.” 
I noticed her choice of words, “what about you?” 
“Oh… I’m not special like you guys.” She seemed a bit sad and it made me sad as well. 
“I don’t believe that.” She cracks a smile, “you’re here, right?” “No. I don’t mean that. I mean you. You’re here. I believe you’re special too.” 
Her cheeks turn a slight pink and she looks away, muttering a “thanks”, before returning to her food. 
I sigh, wondering what the future has in store for me at the Hargreeves estate. 
February 2000
Standing in front of the mirror, I fix my clothes to fit me better. The material feels different than usual. 
Over the years, Hargreeves did multiple testing of my powers. He kept pushing and pushing how fast I could go. The main thing stopping me is that my clothes and shoes would always get ruined from how fast I would go. 
So Hargreeves somehow got material from NASA. Whatever he called it, is supposed to withstand air friction and extreme temperature. 
Whatever it is, I have ruined less clothes and shoes. So my uniform and some of the clothes I train in are made in that material. 
My room has gained more decorations over the years, “more girly” as Five calls it. I roll my eyes just at the thought of him calling my room girly. 
Speaking of the devil… the familiar flash of blue light enters my room and Five is standing in front of my door. 
“Still haven’t learned how to knock, huh?” I purse my lips at him. He lifts a fist, quickly knocking on the door. “Happy?” 
I stare flatly at him, “yeah, sure.” Five grins at me, before looking me up and down. 
“New training clothes?” “Yup.” 
The clothes were skin tight, made out of the same material that keeps it intact. The tops were black long sleeves with a hood, and the pants were black as well. I grabbed matching black shoes that were meant for running as well. 
“What does dad have planned for you?” He asks. “Hargreeves says that I shouldn’t rely on my speed. So I’m sparring with Diego today.” 
“You know it pisses him off when you call him Hargreeves.” 
“And you know that I don’t give a shit about that old man.” 
Five laughs caused me to glare at him. “What’s funny?” 
“I remember when you first came here, you were the ‘oh so sweet darling child’. Manners and everything. Now look at you.” I roll my eyes, “that was before I realized what kind of person he is.” 
Five just smirks at me. 
“What are you doing here anyway?” 
“I can’t visit my best friend?”
I eye him, knowing that he has something up his sleeve. 
“I gotta go. I don’t want to keep Diego waiting.” 
I walk past Five, not giving him a chance to say something smart. 
However, that doesn’t stop him from following me. 
“I want to watch Diego beat your ass.” 
I gasp at his words, “oh how little faith you have in me.” “Oh yes. I have faith that Diego, the one who excels in hand to hand combat, is going to lose to you.” 
“Wel, when you put it that way…. Psh! Still! Have a little faith.” I swat his shoulder. Five chuckles, “good luck, (y/n).” 
The both of us step into the training room. Five immediately went to stand by one of the pillars. I noticed that he wasn’t the only one watching Diego and I train. The rest of the siblings were here to watch as well. 
I mentally roll my eyes, I’m glad this will be entertaining for them. Diego stood in the middle of the room, fidgeting with his weapons. His weapons only consist of blades of course. 
I was a bit worried, since I’ve never seen him miss his target. 
Hargreeves finally walks into the room. “Children.” He greets and I just nod at him. 
Hargreeves starts to go on about how this will be a combat fight, how I once again should not only focus on my speed. But I only tune him out. If I have these powers, I should use them right? 
I see Diego get ready in a fighting stance, meaning that he was probably going to make the first move. 
“Good luck.” Diego says with a smug tone in his voice. My eyes narrow at him. “I won’t need it.” 
Diego throws the first blade at me and I easily dodge it. However, I didn’t notice the blade curve back around and nick my shoulder. I let out a sharp hiss at the stinging pain in my shoulder. 
I notice Five stand straighter and lean forward slightly from the corner of my eye. His eyes carefully watched me. I could feel the nervousness from the rest of the siblings. 
Diego smirks at me, getting cocky that he got the first hit. 
He throws another blade at me. This time I was ready. 
The blade slows down enough for me to see it. I grab the handle of the blade, stopping its trajectory at me. I quickly throw the blade back at him, missing him on purpose so it can lodge itself in the wall behind him. 
Diego’s eyes widen looking at the blade then at me. “No fair!” “No, I’m adapting.” I say, my turn to be cocky. 
Diego huffs, grabbing another blade at me. I repeat the same things, grabbing the handle of the blade, lodging them into the wall. Each time one was thrown at me, I would get closer to him. I was a bit proud of myself for not using my powers to just speed up to him. 
Now that I was standing in front of him, he pulled his arm back to swing a knife at me. As the blade swept towards me, I stepped in close to his body, so when I turned my right shoulder- it brushed against his chest. Using the edges of my opened hands, I struck his upper and lower arm causing the knife to clatter against the ground. 
With his other other hand, he throws a punch towards me, successfully hitting me in the shoulder, causing me to stumble back. He throws another punch, but I block him this time with the side of my arm. Since I couldn’t reach him with my arms, I decided to throw a kick at him. 
Right at his kneecap since he wasn’t really protecting himself. He gasps, stumbling a bit. I spun to the other side of him, throwing a kick to his ribs. 
Diego grunts, getting low on the ground, swiping my feet from underneath me. I land on the ground with a loud thump, successfully knocking the air out from me. 
Diego is straddling me now, knife in hand as he tries to aim the weapon at my throat. My hands fly up to his wrist, stopping him. Both of our arms shook at the tension from each other. 
I was struggling to hold him off. He was stronger than me, but I was determined to beat him. His blade was getting closer. 
“Don’t you think that’s enough?” I can hear Luther ask Hargreeves. “There is no mercy in the real world.” 
I was starting to get desperate and I did the only thing I could think of. I quickly brought my knee up, hitting him right where it doesn’t shine. 
Diego freezes up and groans at the pain that spreads through him. He falls to the side, legs immediately curling up. 
“You.. bitch..” He spits out. 
I grab the knife that had previously fallen out of his hand. I straddle him this time, Without wasting another second, I slam the blade down. 
It was dead quiet in the room, the only sounds that could be heard was Diego’s and I breathing. 
His eyes flicker over to the blade that was next to his face. So close that he could almost feel the cool silver grazing his skin. 
“Get off of me.” He suddenly spits out. 
“Sorry.” I mutter getting off him.
I stand, facing Hargreeves. Waiting to hear what he has to say this time. I barely used my powers, so there shouldn’t be much to say. 
“Nice job, Number Zero.” He says and something snaps inside of me. Five years of hearing him say Zero, knowing full damn well that he knows my name. 
My eyebrows twitched, a tell sign that I was about to snap. 
He turns around about to leave and the next words flow out of my mouth before I could stop them.
“It’s (y/n).” 
Hargreeves stops in his tracks and turns back to face me. His face stone hard as he stares at me. Almost like he was trying to stare into my soul. 
“I do not care what name your mother has given you. You are part of this academy, so you will be known as Zero.” “I’m not a part of your little academy.” 
His nostrils began to flare at my words. 
“You belonged to me as soon as your mother gave you up.” 
My eyebrows furrowed. “No, she loved me. She would never give me up willingly.”
Hargreeves lets out a boisterous laugh, “what a preposterous thought! I gave your mother a hefty amount of money and she easily gave you over to me.” 
I shook my head, not really believing him. 
“You really think your mother loved you? Think about it, child. She didn't care that you would run off late at night. She didn’t care that you were skipping school. As a matter of fact, she told me that she despised you. You were the reason for her partner leaving her.” 
His words were like a punch to my gut. Tears welled in my eyes and I couldn’t really control my emotions. 
I couldn’t stand being in the room anymore, with the prying eyes boring into me. Looks of shock and pity from the siblings. It was too much. 
“(y/n)!” Five’s voice was the last thing I heard before I flashed out of the room. 
I was now in the old park I would go to as a child. My breathing heavy as I started to realize things. Maybe Hargreeves was right. My own mother didn’t care for me. I never asked about my father. I only cared for my mother. Is it true, my own existence caused my father to leave? Why? 
Is that what was in the black briefcase? Money? Did she really give me up for money? 
Tears fell down my face like a steady stream. I couldn’t stand it. I couldn’t stand the piercing pain in my heart. The wrenching twist in my gut. 
I had to run. It was the only way to escape the feeling of being trapped. I had to run. That was the only thing in my mind. Run, run, run. Just run. Run as fast as you can. 
The world blurred around me as I ran as fast as I could. Pushing myself faster as I ever have. 
I couldn’t even make out the world around me. My surroundings soon began to bend and look funny. Before I could stop myself, I’m suddenly somewhere else. Somewhere I have never seen. 
I gasp, looking around my surroundings. Everything was black, the ground was shiny and smooth. I tried to step forward, and my surroundings changed colors. I stop, not knowing what any of this meant. I try walking backwards, colors warping different colors. 
“Hello?” I called out, but the only thing that answered was my own echo. 
Fear started to creep into my chest. The realization that I was probably stuck. 
My breathing began to pick up again. 
“Wait, wait. I want out.” I mutter, turning around and trying to run out. However, it was like I was stuck in this place. 
Different colors warping around me and I reach my hand. Trying to grasp a hold of something, anything.
My fingers push through something and I gasp, my whole body falling forward. 
I land on the ground with a loud thud. My eyes squeeze shut at the sudden pain pushing through my arms. 
I groan, getting myself together. 
Opening my eyes, I see that my hands are clutching green grass. I let out a relieved laugh. “Oh, thank god.” I mutter, letting go of the grass. 
I happily laugh, sitting up and looking around to see where I am at. 
However, my happiness is cut short when I notice things do not look right. 
Cars that I have never seen before drove down the street. Old cars. 
The people were dressed weird too, and I definitely stuck out like a sore thumb. People were giving me strange looks as they passed me. 
I ignored them, standing up. Trying to find anything that would help me tell me where I’m at. 
I walk around a bit, stopping when I find a newspaper stand. Maybe this would tell me where I’m at. 
However, I stop short of seeing the date at the top. February 10, 1945. Dread fills my chest as I double check the date and look around. 
This has to be a joke right? I grabbed more newspapers, seeing that it all had the same date. 
The newspaper drops to the ground as I just stare ahead in shock. 
“What the hell..”
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pholla-jm · 3 months ago
A New Friend
word count: 1.8 K
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On the 12th hour of the first day of October of 1989, forty-three women around the world gave birth. This was unusual in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began. 
Sir Reginald Hargeeves, eccentric billionaire and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible. He got seven of them, yes seven. 
February 1994
The air was still chilly and the ground was still slightly wet from previous rains. One of my hands held a lollipop and my other hand was being held by my mothers. 
I look at my bare hand, pale from the cold, and compare it to my mothers own gloved hand. The material felt soft against my own hand and I could only wish I had a pair of my own. I follow her hand up to look at her face. 
She had a small frown while smoking a cigarette. She blew out a puff of air, the wind pushing the smoke in my direction. My nose crinkles at the bitter acrid smell causing me to turn my head in the opposite direction. 
My eyes landed on a large building. Large gates stood in front of it, like it was protecting something. The building stood tall with large windows. Through those windows I could see movement… movement from kids that looked my age. 
Excitement filled by body from the thought of kids my own age and that we could possibly be friends. 
“Mom! Mom! Can we go over to their house?” I ask, pointing at the building. 
My mother stops in her steps, looking over to the building. “Why?” “I want to be friends with them.” 
My mother sighs and shakes her head before taking another drag of her cigarette. “Trust me kid. They wouldn’t want to be friends with someone like you.” 
My stomach drops at her words. “What do you mean?” “You know what I mean. Now come on. I need to make dinner.” 
I solemnly nod my head and listen to her. 
Dinner was the usual. She made chicken tenders and mac n’ cheese. For me, of course. The whole bag of chicken nuggets and the box of Kraft mac n’ cheese to fulfill my fast appetite. My mother just popped one of those microwavable meals in the microwave and ate dinner in the living room watching TV. 
I sat alone in the kitchen, thinking about those kids I saw through the window. Something was drawing me towards them. It would be nice to have friends. 
Shortly I finished my food, still feeling a bit hungry and craving something sweet this time. 
“Mommy! I’m still hungry.” I shouted out and I heard her sigh. There was some movement and she soon entered the kitchen. Reaching into the small freezer she pulls out a tub of ice cream and plunks it right in front of me, along with a spoon. 
“There ya’ go. Don’t forget to brush your teeth tonight.” She says before heading to her own room. 
I nod my head and quickly finish the whole tub of ice cream. 
After I finished eating, I cleaned up my mess and headed to get ready for the night. 
As I laid in bed, all I kept thinking about was making new friends. Especially with those kids in the big building. 
An idea suddenly popped in my brain. I quickly sat up and hopped out of my bed. I grab my shoes from the closet and slip them on. 
My brilliant idea was to run over there in a flash and introduce myself to them. We can play games and be friends. Then I would show my mom that someone can be friends with someone like me. 
I suddenly freeze, would mom even like me leaving this late at night without knowing? 
My fingers tap against my leg as I weigh out my options. I really wanted to make new friends, but I also don’t want to make mom upset. 
I sigh, sitting on the floor. Decisions were so hard to make. Ugh, I wish they weren’t this hard. The longer I sat on the floor, the more I wanted to leave home. It’s not like she will notice right? I know she’s asleep. 
I once again, stand up - deciding that I want to meet these kids. It’ll be worth it, I know it will. 
Walking over to the window in my room and pushing it open, the cool night air immediately hitting my face. I pushed myself up and through the window. Once my feet hit the hard ground, I flash over to the building that I keep thinking about. 
Laughter escaped my lips as I stood in front of the gate. 
Running always made me feel free. Moving at the speed of light is always so exhilarating. 
Something hot pulls me out of my trance as I look down to see my shoes and pants slightly on fire. A small yelp leaves my mouth as I pat out the flames. The small flames left behind scorch marks, ruining my pants and shoes. 
I groan, mom is going to be so mad. 
Well I’m here now, so I have to finish my mission. 
With a determined huff, I walk over to the bricked part of the fence. It was shorter than the gate, I could easily climb it and make my way in.
I jump up, fingers grazing the cool brick. Huh, maybe it’s taller than it looks. I backed up, maybe if I got a running start I could jump higher. 
I ran normally, pushing my feet against the ground at the right time. My fingers grab a hold of the top part of the brick. I felt secure enough… but there was another problem. I couldn’t pull myself up. No upper body strength. 
I tried, and tried until my arms physically couldn’t hold me up anymore. I fell with a loud thud, pain spreading through my bottom. I let out a groan, lying down on my back and starting at the night sky. 
What a bummer. I really thought I could make new friends. 
I turn my head, eyes catching onto something. With a gasp, I quickly sit up. 
Of course! A trash can. It can act as a stepping stool. 
I grab onto the metal trash can, dragging it to the fence. The loud screech grating against my ears, but I didn’t care. 
Once the trash can was in place I climbed on top of it and I was soon on the other side of the fence. 
“Yes!” I silently cheer to myself and quickly flash onto the roof. 
I look down at myself, happy that nothing else caught on fire. I’m on a lucky streak. 
“That was quite the show.” I heard a voice causing me to jump. 
My head snaps towards the voice, seeing a boy around my age. 
So many thoughts and emotions flowed through me, starting to make me feel overwhelmed. 
I didn’t think this far. Was this a bad idea? 
I want to make friends, but what if he thinks I’m a freak? What if mom was right? People like them can’t be friends with me? But if I’m the only one, then who’s going to be friends with me? 
Tears started to well in my eyes, overwhelmed with all these thoughts and emotions. 
“You’re just like us.” 
Those four words cause all the thoughts to stop and I look at him in confusion. 
“What do you mean?” I ask. 
The boy scoffs, “are you deaf?” I purse my lips, “no.” 
“You’re just like me and my siblings. You have powers.” 
My eyes widened, “really?” 
“Yes, really,” the boy nods his head, “mine are cooler though.” I hear his voice behind me causing me to jump a little. 
I turned around, seeing that he was behind me now. 
I laugh, “how did you do that?” 
“Same way that you use your powers.” 
A large smile erupts on my face. 
“Wanna race?” “Ha! I’ll easily win.” 
“We’ll see about that. If I win, we have to be friends.” 
The boy gives me a crazy look, “what kind of deal is that?” “A good deal! That’s what it is.” “Whatever.” “So, deal?” 
The boy shakes my hand and I walk to the other end of the building. 
“It’ll be easy, from here to the end of the building.” 
He stands next to me, “ready… set… go!” 
In a flash, I’m at the other end of the building, just as a blue light flashes and he appears. 
“Ha! I wi….” The boy trails off when he sees that I’m already there. 
I smile at him, “what were you saying?” 
He looks me up and down, “you’re on fire.” He says and I look down to see that my clothes were on fire.
I gasp, patting the clothes once again with the help of the boy. 
“I still think my powers are cooler,” he says once the flames are out, “mine don’t catch me on fire.” 
“But I’m still faster than you.” 
“I’m Five.” He suddenly says and I tilt my head in confusion. “I’m five too.” I say and he rolls his eyes. “No, my name is Five idiot.” “Like the number?” “Yes, like the number.” I purse my lips at his answer, “that’s a weird name.” 
“Normal people usually respond with their name as well.” 
“Oh yeah, my name is (y/n).” 
Suddenly, I started to feel the cold air nip at my exposed skin causing me to shiver. 
Five notices this and looks towards a door. He looks back at me, like he’s hesitant about something. I wish I knew what it was about though. 
“Stay here. I’ll be right back.” “Where-” 
I haven't finished my sentence since he disappeared. 
I sighed crossing my arms, hoping that it would block some of the cold out. 
It wasn’t long before a flash of blue light and Five was back. This time he was holding a pile of clothes. “Here, wear these.” He says, handing me the clothes. 
I grabbed a hold of the clothes, noticing that they were pajamas. 
I smile at him, a certain warmth flooding me at his kindness. 
None of the other kids at school treated me this nice. It felt nice. 
“Thank you.” I quietly say. Five did not respond. “I should probably get going… before mom gets worried.” 
I hear Five mutter something to himself with his eyebrows furrowed, but I didn’t know what. “Yeah… just make sure you don’t burn those too.” He says and I giggle. “I’ll try.” “I’m being serious. Don’t burn them.” 
I nod my head while putting them over my ruined pajamas. “I’ll see you again?” I ask, hoping that he will agree. 
“You better, I’m going to want those back.” 
A large grin takes over my face. A confirmation that I will see him again. 
A confirmation that I made a new friend.
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pholla-jm · 3 months ago
On the 12th hour of the first day of October of 1989, forty-three women around the world gave birth. This was unusual in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began.  Sir Reginald Hargeeves, eccentric billionaire and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible. He got seven of them, yes seven.
This is the story of (y/n) (l/n), a gifted child, blessed with the power of speed. Things don't go exactly to plan, leaving uneasiness throughout the journey, a mix of excitement and anxiety for the unknow roads that lie ahead.
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This starts at season 1.
Mature themes such as smoking, violence, drugs, alcohol, gore, etc.
This is a Five x reader story
using she/her pronouns
If there is 0.000 then it is in first p.o.v 1.00 and up is going to usually be in second or third p.o.v
Down below are the links to the chapters!
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pholla-jm · 3 months ago
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IMAGINE: SUPERHERO~ SATORU X READER FEAT: MEGUMI genre: fluff warnings: none. maybe spelling errors. not proofread. gn!reader ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
‘Who is your favorite superhero?’ 
The question on the paper taunted Megumi as he stared at it. 
Megumi barely watches shows or reads superhero comics. He tried to think of anyone or anything in his life that he considers a superhero. 
With an annoyed sigh, he stuffs the paper into his bag. Pushing the question to the back of his mind, and deeming it a future problem. 
His teacher announces that it’s time to go home and that the parents were here to pick them up. 
Megumi knew exactly who would be outside, and he could already feel the annoyance creeping in. 
When he walked outside, he could already see the tall white haired man. He stuck out like a sore thumb in the crowd of parents. What he didn’t expect was to see a smaller companion standing next to him. Both of the adults were smiling at him; Gojo giving him a mischievous smile, and his companion giving him a warm and welcoming smile. 
He was almost reluctant to walk to his now guardians, but he was really happy to see you. One of the only ones he can stand nowadays. “(y/n)!” He says, legs moving faster so he can welcome you with open arms. 
“Megumi!” You respond, returning his welcome ten folds. 
“Awe, why don’t I get a welcome?” Gojo pouts with his arms crossed. 
He was looking down at the younger boy, but Megumi didn’t care. 
“You don’t get one, old man.” 
Gojo gasps at his words. “But (y/n) get’s one? And they’re the same age as me!” 
Megumi lets go of you, and turns to Gojo. 
“(y/n) isn’t annoying like you.” He says and grabs onto your hand. He drags you to the side of the car he usually sits at. Right behind the driver seat. Right behind Gojo, but he can see the person right in the passenger seat- you. 
“I’m not annoying.” Gojo mutters while walking to the car as well. “I’m not annoying, right (y/n)?” He asks you. You purse your lips and give him a side eye. 
After helping Megumi into his seat and making sure he’s comfortable, you close the door, shooting Gojo a look. 
‘What?’ He mouths. “You know.” You respond before going over to the passenger side of the car. Gojo sighs, muttering words of how unfair things were. He steps into the car, eyes immediately fluttering over to Megumi, then back at you. 
He knew exactly what you were talking about, but was that going to stop him? No. Absolutely not. 
The three of you arrive at the estate shortly. Megumi immediately unbuckles, and hops out of the car already dreading about doing his homework. He knew that he would be sitting in the chair for hours. 
“Go ahead and get started on your homework while I cook dinner.” You say while patting the tap of his head. 
Megumi nods his head while you start to chat with Gojo. His eyes straying longer on you rather than Gojo. 
The light bickering and laughter causes him to roll his eyes and walk past the both of you. 
When inside, he places his bag down and fishes out the paper that needs to be finished. 
‘Who is your favorite superhero?’ 
It seemed so simple. He could honestly lie and say Ironman or something like that. But he would have to write a couple sentences about why that is his favorite superhero.
“Gojo Satoru! I swear if you throw one more thing at me, you will get no sweets tonight.” 
Megumi’s ears perked up hearing your raised voice at Gojo. He hears a small thud, soon followed by a dramatic gasp. 
“Hey, turn off your infinity! It’s not fair.” 
Gojo only laughs which in turn annoys Megumi. 
But as he hears your laughter joining him, Megumi finally realizes something. 
His favorite superhero… is you. (L/n)(y/n). 
You were one of his favorite people. He didn’t know why, but he sure does now. 
Megumi starts furiously writing on the paper. He wanted to get all of his thoughts out before they were lost. 
“Hmm, let me see what you’re doing.” Megumi hears Gojo's voice and he jumps a little bit. He was so engrossed doing his homework, he didn’t even hear Gojo’s footsteps. 
He is quiet for a few seconds while reading his work. A smile graces his face. “I don’t know if I should be offended or not.” Gojo says. 
“It’s not about you, so I don’t care how you feel.” 
“But my name is written down here.” 
“Cause I’m explaining how (y/n) is the only one that can handle you. Anyone that can handle you is a superhero in my books.” 
You walked in while Megumi explained this. And you laughed. 
“Oh, Megumi,” you say while walking over to the boys. “It’s very sweet of you to think of me as a superhero, but I’m not handling him.” 
Megumi tilts his head, a bit confused. 
“I’m with him because I love him for who he is. Even if he does have a big personality… it’s what I love about him.” Gojo grins as wide as he could at your words. “Awe, I love you too, sugarplum.” Gojo says while leaning down to capture your lips for a split second. 
You giggle, “even if his nicknames are next level horrendous.” 
Gojo pouts at your words, while Megumi’s stomach churns in disgust. 
It wasn’t disgusting like he'd just seen something gory. It was a disgust, like two parents showing affection to each other.
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pholla-jm · 7 months ago
Taste Like Strawberries
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IMAGINE: TASTE LIKE STRAWBERRIES ~ TSUKISHIMA X READER GENRE: FLUFF cw: not proof read. use of 'girlfriend'. tsukishima being a simp. slight pda. established relationship. **************
Lip Glosses is your favorite makeup accessory. Bonus points if they are flavored lip glosses. You had a collection of different flavors. Cherry, guava, mango, pineapple, mint, anything that really smelled good. 
You had about every flavor… except for one. 
As you looked at the pink bottle with the red top, you realized that you did not have a strawberry flavor lip gloss. You were a bit bewildered at yourself after realizing this. So what was just supposed to be a simple convenience store run to grab a few snacks turned out to be a bit more. 
Grabbing a couple of lip gloss tubes, you walked up to the counter to purchase all your items. 
It wasn’t until a couple of days later that you would actually use it. If only you knew what effect it would have on your boyfriend.
Getting ready for school, you spotted the pink tube on the corner of your desk. Your face lit up, finally having the opportunity to try it on. Opening the fresh tube, you revel in the sweet smell of strawberries. After applying a thin layer of gloss over your lips, you create a ‘pop’ sound. You were happy that you chose this tube, because not only did it smell good, but you really loved the texture. 
Throwing the tube into your school bag, you start to finish getting ready for the rest of your day. 
You were pleased to see the tall blonde man as soon as you stepped out of your house. He was standing a couple feet away from your front door. Hand in his phone, scrolling mindlessly while waiting for you. 
His head snapped up when he heard the front door open. “Took you long enough.” He says, shoving his phone back into his pocket. 
“Oh hush, I did not take that long.” “School starts in twenty minutes.” “And we’re only ten minutes away. We’ll be fine.” 
Tsukishima slightly scoffs, “what if I wanted to stop and get something?” 
The both of you started walking towards the direction of school. “I already got that covered.” You say reaching blindly around in your bag. 
Tsukishima looks at you in amusement as you struggle to grab the object you were looking for. Tired of waiting, he grabs onto the back of your bag and opens it himself. 
“Hey, I could do it!” You say trying to pull away from him, but his strength was preventing you from doing so. 
“You were taking too long.” “Ugh, you’re so impatient.” You start dragging your feet dramatically and he only rolls his eyes. “And you’re so dramatic.” 
“Mean. Anyway, it’s the only drink there.” You tell him. He immediately finds the plastic container and he pulls it out. “Strawberry milk.” He states, a tiny flicker pulling at the corner of his lips. 
He reaches around his bag and pulls out a drink as well. “I actually got you this.” He says handing you your favorite drink. 
Your face lights up and your heart melts at his kindness. 
“Awe, thank you Kei! You’re so sweet.” You bounce up, and place a short kiss on his cheek. 
The fragrance of strawberries immediately hits his nose, causing his eyebrows to scrunch together. He was wondering where that smell came from. Obviously it had to come from you. So that’s why he bent down to get closer to your face. 
Once Tsukishima is at eye level with you, he starts to examine your face. Your eyes widen at the sudden intrusion. It really wasn’t like him to do something like this out of the blue. And you start to wonder if you did something wrong… or maybe he was about to tease you. 
His eyes scan over your face, wondering what was different. It wasn’t a bad difference. No, he enjoyed this difference… and he was starting to crave just a little bit more. 
Finally, his lips landed on your glossy lips. They were tinted pink, most likely from the gloss, and if he focused on them, he could smell that strawberry. 
“Did you get a new lip gloss?” He asks and your heart leaps at his question. 
You didn’t think he would notice the small change, but everytime he did your heart would skip a beat and you would fall harder for him. 
Your cheeks warm up, and you nod. “Yeah. Do you like it?” “You should wear it more often.” He answers and can only take that as a yes. 
He stands up straight again, allowing you to finally calm down your racing heart. 
“Oh, look! We’re here. See, it didn't take long at all.” 
You didn’t even realize that you were standing in front of the school.
“I’ll see you before practice?” You ask, starting to walk ahead of him. 
You didn’t even realize that he was zoned out. 
It was only until you asked him about practice was able to snap out of it. “Oh? Hmm. Yeah. I’ll see you later.” He says, now walking past you. His hand lands on top of your head, ruffling your neat hair as he walks by. 
“Hey!” You shout with a pout, your own hands landing on top of your hair to fix it. Tsukishima smiles at your reaction, but of course, he wouldn’t let you see that. 
As the school day droned on, Tsukishima found himself unable to focus in class. He kept zoning out, thinking about random things that he liked. He liked a lot of things. Volleyball for starters, strawberry shortcake, anything strawberry really, dinosaurs, teasing you, how your hair looks really pretty, or how you always think of him. His thoughts always tend to land on you. Oh, and your new strawberry lip gloss. 
He really couldn’t get it out of his mind. It just smelled so good. And he honestly started to wonder if it tasted just as good as it smelled.
He’s snapped out his daydreams when his teacher calls out his name. “Are you paying attention?” 
Tsukishima nods his head and apologizes. The teacher thinks nothing of it and continues with the lesson. 
It felt like eternity until the last bell rang. At this point Tsukishima was feeling rather aggravated and annoyed. He was blaming you that he couldn't focus at all today. You and that ‘stupid’ strawberry lip gloss. 
Tsukishima continues to stomp his way towards the volleyball gym. He immediately spots you, standing right in front of the vending machine. 
Your back was turned to him, as you were slightly leaned over to get a closer look at your reflection. He squints his eyes, seeing what you were doing. You were once again, applying a layer of lip gloss. 
“Oi, idiot.” He calls out, causing you to stand up straight. You close the tube, immediately putting it away. 
“I didn’t even do anything this time.” You say while turning around to face your tall boyfriend. Your hands were now placed on your hips as you glared at him with a small pout on your lips. 
His eyes flicker down to your lips. He didn’t even have it in him to scold you anymore. All he wanted to do was get the answer he was craving since the beginning of class. 
He doesn’t respond to you. All he does is grab onto your wrist and drag you into a more secluded place. “Where are we going?” You ask him once he stops. “Just shut up.” He says before leaning down and grabbing the sides of your face with his hands. 
You were forced to stand on your tiptoes, as his lips molded with yours. Your own hands holding onto his biceps for more balance. 
You let out a startled gasp when you feel his tongue run against your own lips. Successfully tasting the lipgloss he was thinking about all day. 
He was happy to report that it did indeed taste as good as it smelled. 
He didn’t want to pull away. Instead, he pulls you in closer- deepening the kiss as your chest was now pressed against his. 
Unfortunately, you needed air. So you forcefully pull away from him. Both of your lips were a bit swollen. 
“What was that for?” You ask. You weren’t complaining, but you knew that Tsukishima wasn’t one for PDA. 
“Do I need a reason to kiss my girlfriend?” He asks back.
You only stare at him, pressing for an actual answer. 
With a defeated sigh he crosses his arms, “I wanted to taste your lipgloss.” He mutters and a smile forms on your face. “Well, did you like it?” You start to tease him. “Were my actions before not enough?” 
A blush forms on your cheeks just thinking about the kiss you just shared with him. Maybe you should wear this lip gloss more often if it got this reaction out of him. 
“Okay, okay.” You state before standing up on your tiptoes again. Only to place a small kiss on his lips- giving him the satisfaction of strawberry flavor again. “You should get ready for practice now.” 
He didn’t want to, but he knew that he needed to start getting ready for practice. If he didn’t, he would be scolded not only by the coach, but by you as well. 
“Fine, just one more kiss though.” 
“Okay, just one more.” You say and he doesn’t even hesitate to pull you closer again to place his lips on yours again. 
Right before he can deepen the kiss, you pull back. “There’s your kiss. Now go to practice.” 
Tsukishima sighs at your words, but straightens up. “Fine, but I better see you after practice.” 
You laugh at his words, “when do you not?” His eyes narrow at you, but it doesn’t phase you. Instead, you just wave at him before leaving for your own activities. 
Tanaka couldn’t really place it, but something looked different about Tsukishima. 
He kept eyeing him up and down- and it wasn’t discreet. 
Tsukishima could feel his eyebrow twitch as he felt the stare. 
He finally had enough and turned to him. “Do you need something?” 
Tanaka’s eyes widen, and it finally clicks. 
“ARE YOU WEARING LIP GLOSS?” He shouts, gaining everyone's attention. 
“Oh my gosh, you totally are!” Nishinoya shouts as well when he gets a closer look at him. 
Tsukishima angrily wipes away the gloss from his lips on the back of his hand. And his only thought was that he could blame you. Why didn’t you let him know before you left? You obviously saw it. 
“I’m not wearing lip gloss. It’s not mine.” He says, only confusing the boys in the gym. 
“Then whose is it?” 
Tsukishima froze. He hasn’t exactly told the team of you. 
“Probably (y/n)’s.” Yamaguchi speaks up, causing Tsukishima to glare at him. Of course, he knew. 
“Huh? (y/n). From class two?” 
Tsukishima doesn’t answer. He didn’t really want to discuss the topic any further. 
“Wait… you have a girlfriend?!” Tanaka shouts, a bit shocked that he is able to get one. 
The boys started giggling and started to tease the tall blonde. 
“Awe, someone’s in love.” “Maybe you should ask for their lipstick next.” 
Little remarks and quips kept coming his way. 
“At least I’m able to get a girlfriend.” He says before walking away from the rowdy boys. 
The mood began to sour as the group of boys realized that he was right. Tsukishima had a girlfriend, and they didn’t. 
The seniors chuckle while watching their underclassmen. 
“Let’s focus on practice please!” Diachi finally yells, snapping them back into reality.
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pholla-jm · 7 months ago
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IMAGINE: MOVIE? ~ GOJO X READER GENRE: FLUFF cw: not proof read. italics means they are speaking in English. **************
Months went by with Gojo in your class. It was weird having an adult in your classroom, but you were happy to say that he was making progress. 
Every now and then Gojo will come up to you and have an English conversation. At first, it was a bit shaky. But overtime you were able to have conversations with him about things that both of you liked 
Which brings you to now. 
“Hey (l/n).” Gojo pops up behind you causing you to jump a little. Gojo laughs at your reaction before pulling out the chair and sitting in it. 
“Don’t scare me like that!” You playfully slap his shoulder. “Also remember you can use my first name.” 
“Well you can use my first name too then.” You give him a look, “you know I wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable. It’s customary to use your last name, but not for me, you know?” 
Gojo nods his head. He admires how much you researched his culture and language. But all he really wanted was for the both of you to get closer. 
“I was thinking.” He states causing you perk up. “Oh, no. You were thinking.” Gojo pouts, “mean.” 
You laugh, “sorry. Sorry. Continue.” 
“We should watch a movie.” “Like in class?” You ask him and he shakes his head. “Not exactly. More like my place?”
A large grin takes over your face and you took this moment to tease him. “Ooh, Mr. Gojo. Are you asking me out on a date?” You lean forward, chin resting on the palm of your hand. 
You could see the slight pink raise on his cheeks before he leaned in himself. So close that his nose was almost bumping into yours. His breath fanning against your face. Now it was your turn to get flustered. 
“So what if I am? What are you going to say?” 
“I’m thinking-” “Oh, you’re thinking now?” 
You laugh at him, “I think I would be stupid to decline. I would love to watch a movie with you.” You sit up straight again, giving you and Gojo an appropriate amount of space.
Gojo lights up at your words. Honestly, he didn’t think that you would agree to watch a movie with him. Especially the two of you. 
At this moment he was glad that he bothered Nanami for advice. Sure, Nanami was reluctant to help the white haired sorcerer, but if it meant that he would leave him alone for a few minutes, then so be it. 
You giggle at the excitement in his face. You knew this was going to happen at some point. I mean, it was hard not to deduce it when Gojo was spouting out how cute and beautiful you are. 
“So, what movie are we going to watch?” “Umm, Legally Blonde?” 
“Why does that sound like a question?” “I’ve never seen it… so I don’t know if it’s good.” 
You looked at him shocked, “what? You haven’t seen it? It’s like one of the most iconic movies ever.” 
Gojo laughs at your bewildered face and your reaction to him not seeing this movie. “I’m sorry. I’ve just never seen it.” “That’s just unacceptable. We’re watching it asap, tonight.” 
“Asap?” “Oh, it means as soon as possible.”
Gojo nods his head in understandment.
You stand up, getting ready for class.
Then it finally clicked in his head, “wait? Tonight?!” “Yup, see you at my place.” You tell him, leaving the teacher lounge. 
All Gojo could do was watch you leave, his heart beating faster than it should. 
He definitely didn’t think he was going to fall this hard for the new English teacher.
Tag list for people who wanted to be in it! @yumii-34 @jotarohat @kuroosluthoe @sakuichan @chilichopsticks @nijinohoshi @cloudjoyous @tobysmokes @satoruontopofme @storacy @phantomvlood @svnkenlily if you don't feel comfortable being tagged, just let me know and I'll happily remove it!
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pholla-jm · 7 months ago
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Lover: Gojo Bestfriend: Shoko Teacher: Utahime Rival: Kenjaku Grade: 1 Sibling: Nanami Occupation: sorcerer Cursed technique: solo forbidden zone childhood friend: naoya
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hi! try this :)
I absolutely love this! I will most likely use this in the future.
I wonder if there’s a one piece one 🤔
Anyway, thank you!!
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pholla-jm · 7 months ago
hi! sorry there’s no one piece one🙈 but there is a demon slayer one too :)
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lol I love this!
Lover: Rengoku Human Mentor: shinobu Breathing: insect breathing Rival: Akaza Silbing: Mitsuri Bestfriends: Kuina and Kanata Ubuyashiki Childhood friend: Kanae Kocho Weapon: poison
I definitely thought that bottle of poison was alcohol at first
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pholla-jm · 7 months ago
Blanket Stealer
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IMAGINE: BLANKET STEALER GENRE: FLUFF cw: established relationship. not proof read. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You were quite comfortable in the warm bed, when suddenly a cold gush of air hit you. The cool breeze causes goosebumps to rise on your skin. You tried to fight it off, but it was just too cold. Your sleepy gaze narrows into a small glare at the culprit of your situation. 
Well, of course you knew. It was the third time happening tonight, and quite frankly, you were tired of this little routine. 
You look at your lover with a bit of anger and resentment. His lips were formed into a pout as he snuggled up into the thick blankets. Of course, he looked cute like this. But he was taking all the blankets, and you couldn't sleep like that. How can someone this cute be such a blanket stealer? It was just unfair. 
You tried to grab the blanket from him, but his grip on it was too tight. No matter how hard you tugged on the blanket, it wouldn’t budge. The only thing to do was to wake him up.
You did think about grabbing another blanket, but you didn’t want to get up. So instead, you shook him awake. 
Soon, his golden eyes slowly opened. Staring right back into your own (e/c) eyes.  
"What?" He groggily says, annoyed that you woke him up. But did you care? No. Just imagine how tired you were.
"You keep stealing the blankets, and it's cold. I can't sleep like that." 
Kenma sighs before lifting the blanket. Thinking that he was just gonna hand some of the blanket over to you, you laid down to get comfortable. However, you were pulled into Kenma. Your eyes widened in shock as Kenma moved around to get more comfortable. 
Soon, you were safely tucked into his arms. Legs intertwined and one of his hands pushing your head into the crook of his neck. His chin rested on top of your head before he grabbed the edge of the blanket with his other hand to pull the thick blanket over the both of you. 
Heat immediately enveloped the both of you causing Kenma to let out a sigh of content. 
Kenma never showed this much affection before, which is why it shocked you so much. The most that he usually does is hold your hand, and give you a peck on your cheek. And that was private. Never shown a single sign of PDA. 
It was different, but you liked it. 
"You better not complain that it's too hot." Kenma suddenly mumbles, causing you to let out a small smile. 
You shook your head. You didn't care if you got too hot. All you cared about was being in his arms. You weren't going to pass up an opportunity like that. 
"I won't," You whisper before closing your eyes with a small smile. 
"Good night." 
"Good night, baby."
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pholla-jm · 7 months ago
Where Angels Fear to Tread
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IMAGINE: WHERE ANGELS FEAR TO TREAD GENRE: HURT/FLUFF cw: this is just a prologue, so more will come. not proof read. ooc luffy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Every sunday without fail, Luffy grabbed a book and went someplace private. It was very out of character for him. 
It was the only time where Luffy was calm and focused on something that wasn’t food or an adventure. 
“I didn’t even know he knew how to read…” Nami mutters as she sees Luffy with the same book. Zoro just rolls his eyes in response, not commenting. Sure, he’s seen the book too but he never really cared to actually comprehend what was going on. “Maybe you should see what it is.” He suggests the red head. 
It’s not a different book every week. No, it’s the same book. The same navy blue hardcover book. There were some markings on the cover, probably the title, but no one ever got to see what it said. 
“Yeah, that’s actually a good idea. Good job.” Nami pats the green haired swordsman on the shoulder and walks off towards the captain. 
“Hey Captain.” Nami calls out to him. 
The book laid in his lap, and he was staring intently at the worn out cover. It seemed he was in a deep trance, but the voice of his crew broke him out of it. 
“Oh, hey Nami!” He says, the blank look disappearing from his face and the usual bright smile. 
“What do you got there?” She asks while pointing to the book in his lap. 
His smile falters as he looks down at the book again. “It’s just a book… not my book.” Nami sits next to him, “who’s is it?” “An old friend. It’s… it was their favorite book.” 
Nami didn’t miss the way he said ‘was’. She could feel the tension in the air around them start to feel a bit depressing. Something that was rare and something that Nami didn’t want Luffy to feel. 
“Where Angels Fear to Tread.. By E.M Foster.” Nami reads the book title. 
Luffy nods and nervously chuckles, “I like to read it, because they used to read it to me on this day. But some of the words I don’t understand.” 
Nami softly smiles at Luffy. Hearing a part of his life makes him seem more human. “Do you mind?” She asks while pointing to the book. He nods his head and hands her the book. 
The worn out cover scratches against the palm of her skin. But she didn’t mind- the book was old. How old? She didn't know, but it clearly held great value and meaning. 
Opening the cover, the first thing that she sees is neat cursive writing. 
“To my dear granddaughter (y/n), may this book guide you through troubles… love grandma.”
The writing was shaky and faded. Honestly, it was a bit unreadable but Nami was able to figure it out. 
The pages were a faded beige color- a tell from how old it was. 
“Would you like me to read some of it to you?” Nami asks and Luffy’s bright smile returns on his face. “Yeah!” 
Luffy’s smile was contagious, causing Nami to smile right back at him. “Just one chapter though.” She says and Luffy just nods. 
He was happy that he was going to hear someone reading this story to him. Just like his friend did as they were kids. He found the story soothing, and a bit familiar in some way, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. 
Before he could ask (y/n) about the story, and the meaning behind it. They had disappeared, leaving the book behind. It was the only thing he had left of them. Hoping that if he was able to read the story and understand it, maybe- just maybe they would return back to him.
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pholla-jm · 7 months ago
hi! try this :)
I absolutely love this! I will most likely use this in the future.
I wonder if there’s a one piece one 🤔
Anyway, thank you!!
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