#Sci-Fi Movie Talk
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esonetwork · 5 days ago
Forbidden Planet | Episode 452
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/forbidden-planet-episode-452/
Forbidden Planet | Episode 452
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Madeline Brumby and Shane Morton join Jim for a rousing discussion of the 1956 Sci-Fi Classic “Forbidden Planet,” starring Leslie Nielsen, Anne Francis, Walter Pidgeon, Warren Stevens, Jack Kelly and Earl Holliman. The episode also promotes the first Silver Scream Spook Show for 2025 at the Plaza Theatre in Atlanta. A group of astronauts on a mission to find out what happened to a colonizing party who they lost contact with 20 years earlier find an eccentric professor, his daughter and a dark secret. Find out more on MONSTER ATTACK!, The Podcast Dedicated To Old Monster Movies.
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s1x-foot-deep · 7 months ago
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I want to go home.
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stuckasmain · 11 months ago
Need to rescue Space odyssey from film bros*. As it’s sort of left the film with a reputation of having a bunch of guys “you have to have a high IQ to understand Rick and Morty” levels of BS around it where they 1. Are absolutely surface level analyzing 2. Got the surface level stuff wrong too
Like I cannot stress enough that yes 2001 is a bit of a artsy drag to get through sometimes but it absolutely is not what these people are trying to make it out to be. There’s so much more to the series and it takes a watch or too but once you get it - you get it.
Maybe we can shoo them away by revealing it’s always been “woke”? Idk something about having an optimistic view of the future where everyone gets a long for scientific discovery, evolution and stopping nuclear risk forever. Something about the fact the computer is explicitly not evil just mentally ill. They even spell this out there’s no excuse to keep saying this.
Something about the second book/film having a bisexual couple as main characters. Russians are good guys, Racism bad, Women smart, and that he sort of accidentally just makes a lot of character closeted gay (or bi) from trying WAY to hard to make them seem straight (between Dave’s situationship and crazzyyyy women divorcing characters for noooo reason they really wanted to stay together see it’s not their fault or anything…)
*I don’t know if film bro is the right term, or what would be the right term in this instance but it’s a good stand in
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incompleteloveletters · 10 months ago
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Flint Lockwood :D
I rewatched CWACOM recently, which ended up with disastrous effects because now, five-year-old me’s favorite guy of all time has returned to haunt me along with my old Cloudy obsession from 13 years ago. I remember drawing him pretty much all the time, so I thought I’d pick up on the tradition again.
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glitteraffe-art · 4 months ago
god its been forever since i actually watched it but hey. listen to me tf2 fans who like inflicting angst upon everybody's favorite little war criminals, i am talking directly into your ear now. i need you to do me a favor. i need you to go watch Moon (2009 film directed by Duncan Jones) right now. don't look it up beforehand so u don't spoil the twist.
unfortunately i can't tell you why it's relevant to tf2 because doing that would also kind of spoil the movie. anyways its free on Pluto TV (does have ads but i use an adblocker)
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justacuppat · 1 year ago
I hope you all appreciate this, it’s a New MH sculpt test head. I think it’s supposed to be for the Creature from the Black Lagoon. It looks like a g1 style female head sculpt. Pretty neat in my opinion. I hope to get some decent quality pictures uploaded soon too, thanks for reading all of this.
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t4k3-m3-t0-4-th3r4p1st · 6 months ago
honestly, the only man that I would date irl would be a man that looks and acts like this mf
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sweatandwoe · 7 months ago
Hey, I started following you in your Arcane thirst era. Then when I once randomly checked up on you, you were all about some demonic pope rock band characters, but where are we now? What is this blog about now? I have fallen off the wagon and need to be brought back up to speed
popped corn
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gaywriting · 1 month ago
The Brightness Between Us review
The Brightness Between Us by Eliot Schrefer (2024)
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"It arrives. The brightness between us." (p. 387)
This is the continuation of the story of The Darkness Between Us and follows humanity's last hope; spacefarers Ambrose Cusk and Kodiak Celius and them trying to rebuild on their exoplanet named Minerva. Life on this unfamiliar planet haven't been kind and many of their children have perished, all but one son, Yarrow, and one daughter, Owl. Together the small family must find a way to survive and eventually find a connection from a far distant past to help in a horrible crisis threatening their lives.
I finished this book in january 2025. Apparently one of my favorite books had gotten a sequel and no one thought to tell me. the first book was also the first book i posted a review of (Link!) and the reason i wrote that post was to put focus on a LGBT+ book that i loved and that is out of the ordinary from the usual mlm stories that get attention in the online book community.
this is the story of a family trying to survive in a harsh environment and the loneliness that is with only having each other. Akin to the first book, it deals with hoplessness in a situation you can't control and the insanity of loneliness. It is, though, a very different book, as the first book mostly took place during Ambrose and Kodiaks travel through space and this sequel is 18 years after they landed and is mostly revolving around them and their children. In the first book the only pov character is Ambrose and we never hear Kodiaks inner thoughts at all, but this book had multiple povs. We mostly follow Owl's thoughts, their headstrong, adventure-hungry daughter, who longs to explore their homeplanet. But we also get a look into Kodiak's mind, as well as Yarrow, the older son with a gentle heart, but dark mind 🎆 it is a story of space survival and a family that loves each other, but how a tough situation puts that love to the test. in this sequel, Schrefer managed to answer the questions the first book left us with, build on the world further and round off the story where you're left emotional and in need of 30 chapters more to know "but what happens then??" 😱
If you read the first book, The Darkness Outside Us, then i can definitely recommend the sequel! Sci-fi is not my genre at all (i'm def more into dragons and magic) so the fact that i vouch for this should speak for itself. But if it interests you, who also likes LGBT+ literature, then this is a must read! 💫
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g3othermal3scapism · 2 years ago
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this is what happened at the end of movie trust
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pennyserenade · 1 month ago
i’m sick thinking about how he’s not real because he’s my dream man. he could pay for the criterion channel and i could pay for max and we could have the biggest media collection and also lots of sex. i actually would care a lot about his old ass movies and not even in a pick me girl way. it’s because i care about those old ass movies too
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princehendir · 10 months ago
Possibly the last time I will ever say this, but the interview with the director that played before the movie last night actually improved my experience a lot.
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jesncin · 11 months ago
Hey would love to hear your opinions on dead man and or any other Justice League dark members
I only know Deadman from the one Justice League Unlimited episode he's in and the DC Nation collection of animated shorts about him (which I love and am obsessed with, he's so small WRAGH!! I love all of the DC Nation shorts honestly). I think he's neat, but I don't know much!
I'm on a Johnstantine kick right now, and so far (as I learn his lore) my opinion is that I generally disagree with the superhero-ification of him? Like giving him powers and being heavily involved in superhero stuff. What makes him so appealing is being the lone guy who's scraping to get by. His greatest power is being a conman. Giving him superpowers robs him of his sardonic smarts. I feel he can do cameo team ups at most, but being part of a League doesn't feel right.
Zatanna is in JL Dark! If she was a pop star I would stream her to the top charts. I loved you in DCSHG, Rarity-coded magician star with her father?? AMAZING stay famous, girly pop. Don't date Constantine, you are way too good for him.
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liebelesbe · 2 months ago
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digitalkaijustudios · 3 months ago
Gorilla Whale Bonus Episode!
New Gorilla Whale Bonus Episode for Titan level Ko-Fi Supporters! Join Kevin and Kayla as they discuss Attack of the 50 Foot Woman (1958). Visit the Ko-Fi to check out the full episode!
KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/digitalkaijustudios
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piratesexmachine420 · 3 months ago
Truly, nowhere are the dregs of society more on display than the YouTube comments sections of unauthorized re-uploads of clips from mediocre science fiction movies.
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