#Says a lot
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disaster-bay-leaf · 10 months ago
i hope that everyone remembers that house said multiple multiple times that he considers wilson more crazy than himself. that oncologist had mental issues science hasn’t discovered yet and i want to study him under a microscope
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loveerran · 17 days ago
Maryam Khatoon Molkara was an Iranian transgender woman, born in 1950. Largely due to her efforts, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini issued a fatwa in 1987 that gender affirmation surgeries were not against Islamic law. Today, the Iranian government officially recognizes trans women as women, allowing them to: live as women until they can afford surgery (and helps pay for surgery), undergo gender-affirming surgeries, receive all birth certificates and other documents issued in a manner that reflects their gender identity, and even marry men (in a country where homosexuality can still be punished by death).
Interestingly, it was on a trip to London in 1975 that Maryam “learned about transsexuality and realized I was not a passive homosexual”. And that fascinates me because I had almost the exact same experience in the early 2000’s when I attended one of the bigger gender-cons and met gay drag queens for the first time. It took all of about 15 minutes of chatting with those gorgeous, effeminate gay men to realize we were not the same after all. That experience rewrote my impression of my self and my situation.
I’m not writing this entry in praise of LGBT rights in Iran. Far, far from it. But I find it interesting that one of the most hard-line, conservative regimes in the world has managed to find a set of policies with more acknowledgement, grace and individual liberty in this regard than those that appear to be espoused by the current US federal government.
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getvalentined · 4 months ago
An autogenerated YT playlist threw The Final Fall from Tears of the Kingdom at me and I straight up started crying so I'm gonna ramble here a bit because it's my blog and I can post if I want to.
I feel like I got a lot more out of the ending of ToTK than a lot of people I saw talking about it, because I've been with the Zelda series from the start and I've been elbows-deep in the lore basically since I could read and was capable of detailed abstract thought, but I really wish I knew how to put into words how it felt to beat that game without rambling for a hundred years.
There's a sort of intense, personal investment in the series from decades of engagement that I never expected to feel had "paid off," but that's really what it was. We've gone through this story again and again, trying over and over and over to set things right—and we've learned a lot along the way.
Ocarina showed us that this was kind of Zelda's fault from the start, since she set off the chain of events that gave a piece of the Triforce to Ganondorf in the first place, thereby awarding him immortality and effectively locking her and Link into the reincarnation cycle until they could finally strike him down. Skyward Sword showed us that it was actually even deeper than that, implying that Ganondorf is the mortal vessel of an ageless horror that the goddesses themselves chased to ground ages ago, and that Zelda and Link are the result of Hylia and the warrior she chose never really being able to kill it once and for all—the reincarnation cycle in which they're bound started well before Ganondorf took his place as Din's champion. Hyrule Warriors showed us that no matter how many times he's sealed away, no matter how long he's sealed away, he'll always come back. The Legend of Zelda showed us that he doesn't need to be entirely sapient to continue causing terror. WindWaker showed us that even the goddesses themselves can't strike him down, and Twilight Princess showed us that no power can defeat him save for his own—not so long as he has a goddess at his back.
We've been through this story again and again, and never really won. It's never really final, even if he "dies" there's still openings for a return, there are too many gaps through which Demise—not necessarily Ganondorf, as they are separate entities, just the same as Zelda and Hylia are separate entities after SS—can squeeze back through.
The Calamity continuity is very clearly on a different timeline from the rest of the series. I understand the devs have said that it's "so far in the future it doesn't matter," but in-game that doesn't actually appear to be the case; the Imprisoning War is very clearly a different take on the events of OoT, on a timeline where Link never existed, where Hylia never manifested in mortal form, where she never started that cycle of reincarnation in the first place.
Beating ToTK felt like we finally did it. After almost forty years in the real world and thousands of years in-series, we finally did it. It's over. Everything we learned through all these different attempts came together to give us this one chance to set things right, to fix what we accidentally helped to break, to finally end it once and for all. A culmination of decades of effort and attempts and failure after failure after failure—because we did fail, every single time. Even when we won, we failed.
We didn't fail this time. We did it.
And to have the last stage of the game require the most high-stakes iteration of the repeated tests of courage given throughout the game, throughout the series—the fact that Link can't save the princess who spent ten thousand years saving him if he's not brave enough, if you are not brave enough to fall as fast and as far as you can? The final stage of the entire game reiterating the simple statement of the Stewards who taught you how to fall, "you have to be brave"—I choke up every time. Every single time. I can't put into words the rush that whole final fight gave me, from jumping into the pit at the bottom of the depths to diving to catch Zelda's hand. I can't describe how perfect it felt, how complete it felt, how finished the story feels to me now.
It took a lot of pain to get here. Decades. Centuries. But this time, those who are left really do get their happily ever after.
Because we finally saw what it meant to be wise, we finally learned how power can be reclaimed, we finally learned what it meant to be brave.
No goodbye has ever made me so happy. We did it. It's over.
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tehrogueva · 1 year ago
Happy Birthday, Cross and Jakei
Cross belongs @jakei95/ @xtaleunderverse
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 4 months ago
What do you mean Zak Brown is complaining on Twitter lmfao
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unbelievably-sane · 2 years ago
Ambrosius being jealous of Nimona for being Ballister's current best friend is so funny
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goldenpinof · 1 year ago
on a scale from 0 to infinity, this was the worst experience of my life
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mimikoolover · 7 months ago
They will have episodes together, it's okay to still call it "ours" to present, I believe it was just a formality, since he calls himself a guest in the scene. Nobody relaxes in this shit anymore 😟
tae didn't say our show though, the English translator took the liberty to do that. like you said he called himself a guest. the trailer video called him a special guest and didn't even name him. you are right it feels like everyone did done lose their damn minds lol
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northbndtrain · 1 year ago
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I just decided that I didn't really have time for it right now.
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dyouknowwhatimean-archive · 11 months ago
obsessed with noel comparing spongebob to liam and liam comparing squidward to noel and saying that they're mates. they're not mates they're coworkers
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overheardinsouthpark · 10 months ago
Butters: Hey, Ken? How do I lose all sense of shame? Kenny: Hey- why are you asking me this? Why me?
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citrisz · 1 year ago
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ace-and-the-rpg-horrors · 5 months ago
"i really really want to follow a blog but they reblog donation posts 😔😔😔" oh i'm so sorry. you poor thing. truly suffering aren't you
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tehrogueva · 2 years ago
Just going to leave this here
Replies and Reblogs quotes will be counted along with YouTube Comments.
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scarletardor · 5 months ago
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teenbiology · 2 years ago
butterfly - crazy town (1999)
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