#Satan x male mc
teal-sword · 10 months
Satan x gn reader
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What is love?
Honestly the question by itself was pretty but not that bad of a serotype, he's seen it in his romance books and his favorite shows that have a romantic twist where the main detective falls in love with his most hated rival and he can't manage to wrap his mind around it.
Satan doesn't hate the trope of a character asking what love means to them but whenever he sees it in a book he already expects the outcome to be they go in a spiral but then think about experiences and then realize they love a certain love interest because every moment their heart beats faster it's for them
Did love feel that good? He wants to know. But will his brain and heart ever agree on one person alone and what if they don't love with him? Satan wasn't an overthinker but.. nevermind.
It was like that until you.
He hated living he was always angry it seems like it was the only thing he knew someone saw a cat and pet it but it would let him become (disappointed, sad) mad, someone ate his leftovers be (frustrated) mad, someone ripped his book (commit murder) kill the person who did it but then you changed him.
You would talk to him not in fear but like he was like his brothers, you would ask about his books and shows that he was interested in and you would give the best book recommendations and the best thing is the way you looked at him like you. Loved him..
He knew he loved you on one particular day it was a normal weekend dinner Asmo and Mammon were fighting over something he didn't care about, Beel had basically eaten everything and the plate and was going for 4ths, Belphe is eating sleepily even though he's slept for more than half the day, Lucifer ate in silence looking at papers lord Diavolo had asked him to check and Levi geeked out on you about a new game he bought but quickly said he'll come back and show you and ran to go get it to show off and Satan was reading while eating it was a bit loud but it's a good book that you recommend him (he told you it was one of his favorites in the original timeline and would often read it to you) you seem to have a knack for finding books.
Satan couldn't help but smile at the thought maybe the fact you have similar tastes he could take you to a cat library he saw "Why are you smiling?" Your expressive voice got him out of his thought train you genuinely seemed to care what he was think about "Oh just a thought" Satan hummed "by any chance are you free tomorrow?" Satan asked " Yes actually, I was going to ask you that because I saw a cat library while getting groceries for here! " "Solomon's been busy so I have no one to eat or spend the day with today and tomorrow" you complained to him " so wanna go? " You happily asked and Satan smiled " let's spend the whole day there tomorrow " he'll keep these feelings to himself for a bit he put down his book and had a full conversation with you about what you two should do tomorrow but just with your smile he knew he loved you and you loved him.
(MC your the only one who'll he'll put put his book down willing just for you <3)
I didn't proofread this and did this late at night where my brain was half asleep sorry
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ankiebitez · 11 months
18+, trans satan x male mc nsft because im so gay for this man its insane
thinking about transmasc satan riding your face when he's stressed out, his thighs either side of your head as he complains about whatever made him mad, eventually forgetting about whatever it was because your mouth feels so good for him.
satan just threading his fingers through your hair tightly and grinding his t-dick against your tongue, groaning from how good it feels.
satan finally coming with a deep groan as he continues fucking your face until its covered with his cum.
"that's my good boy, now let me take care of you too, yeah?"
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cutetehe · 2 years
Male mc being best friends with Raphael despite having the opposite personality of him, how do the brothers react?
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admittedly some of these are more like scenarios than headcanons but please enjoy
also, Raphael x male mc content is in this
lil story
“Raphael is good looking” mc randomly says while sitting next to the brothers during lunch
“Right?!? Makes me wanna paint his nails and dress him up!” Asmo agrees
“It make wanna befriend-” mc was cut off by mammon
“Mc if you plan to try to befriend him just give up” Mammon says while trying to eat his food fast so Beel won’t eat it for him
“Watch me” Mc gets up from the table and leaves to find Raphael
“..how much y’all wanna bet he’s not gonna be able to befriend him” mammon says and everyone besides Lucifer raises their hand
Satan doesn’t know anything about Raphael but he raises his hand anyways to spite Lucifer
“You really think he can?” Mammon snickers
Lucifer nods and mammon says Mc has a week to befriend him (they never told mc about this though)
Three days later mc and Raphael are best friends
“RAPHAEL!” Mc yells while jumping onto Raphael
“Mc! Be careful” Raphael says catching Mc
“…what the fuck” the brothers reluctantly gives Lucifer 10k grimm
A duo he did not expect to see
He expected to lose the bet
It’s nice seeing Raphael so happy though
“How did you become friends with Raphael?” Lucifer asks
“That’s a secret” Mc winks
Lucifer is now worried on how you friended him
Raphael keeps you in check
And you help him loosen up
That could be both a good and bad thing
“Lucifer I’m going out” mc says in the most dazzling clothes he’s ever seen
“…going out on a date?” Lucifer asks
“No out with Raphael”you say while walking out the HOL
After a month of this it starts getting more.. romantic??
You eat lunches with Raphael
The brothers eat at the lunch table without mv and they all start talking about mc and Raphael relationship
“Soooo.. I get we are supposed to be happy but mc hasn’t ate with us in foreverrrr” Asmo whines
“Well we can sabotage-” Mammon suggested before getting cut off
“no” the rest of the brothers say in sync
“this is the happiest I’ve ever seen Raphael in…*chewing* forever” beel says
“It’s cute and all but I miss mc” Asmo cries
“Mc seems happier too” Beel says
“Mc is always happy though” Asmo responds
To summarize- he doesn’t mind
First of all how second of all HOW??
He unknowingly third wheels
“Mc is mine” Mammon says wrapping his arms around mc chest
“..mc is there own person. You don’t own somebody” Raphael was ready to lecture mammon
Luckily Mc was there and stopped the lecture
“LETS GET ICECREAM!” Mc yells distracting Raphael
Mammon tries to share a ice cream with mc but…
“You guys shouldn’t share that could make mc sick” Raphael says while eating his pistachio ice cream
“WHAT ABOUT ME?!?” Mammon yells
“Oh and you too I guess” Raphael says
Raphael enjoys his pistachio ice cream with mc while Mammon bitterly glares at him while also eating his ice cream
If you want a useless detail- mammon ice cream was chocolate
Mammon thinks they are fighting for mc meanwhile Raphael thinks “wow I have a friend” and keeps forgetting that mammon is with them
“oh I forgot you were here aswell” Raphael says
Mc and mammon talk a little while Raphael continues to eat his ice cream
Anyways time to turn this story into a whole different direction, why? BECAUSE I CAN.
The trio walk into a huge crowed and mc felt his pockets get lighter
“Aw not again” mc says sighing reaching into his pocket and finding nothing
“What happened?” Raphael asks
“Someone stole my wallet again” Mc says not even surprised- it’s been the 7th time this week!
Raphael suddenly gets serious and tracks the demon who did it with mammon right behind him
“Uhh where we goin?” Mammon asks holding onto mc hand to make sure he won’t get lose into the crowed
“Finding that wallet.” Raphael says angrily
“Raphael it’s fine- it’s empty anyways” Mc says
It took a little convincing from mc and mammon to get Raphael to not kill someone because they stole a empty wallet
When I mean a little I mean mc and mammon had to pull onto Raphael arms to stop him from killing someone
He didn’t know about your relationship with Raphael
He didn’t hear about it until like… a week or two
After he heard about it went “oh nice” and went back o devilcart
It wasn’t until he went to bed is when he realized
“…wait a second… MC IS FRIENDS WITH RAPHAEL”
Leviathan realizes Mc can save him when Raphael gets angry at him
Leviathan went to look for a certain item when he spots you and Raphael in a mall
Leviathan freaks out and hides but Raphael spots him
“Leviathan.. what are you doing” Raphael says in a judgmental tone (he didn’t mean to sound judgmental)
“Oh! Uh! to yk… do stuff” Leviathan says
“Well it sounds like you aren’t doing anything so hang out with us!” Mc says
“But-” before leviathan could decide he was taken away by mc and Raphael
Five minutes of walking around the mall leviathan finally says something
“where are we going?” Leviathan asks
“Raphael wanted to get something” mc responds
“Raphael… WANTED SOMETHING?!? OH GOD IS IT GOING TO BE A NEW SPEAR?? OR WORSE A BAZOOKA?? oh no oh no oh no i should’ve stayed in my room” Leviathan is have a crisis while Raphael and Mc talk
“We are here~” mc humms
Leviathan looks up and sees “weapons and more” and leviathan is about to cry
“Leviathan why are standing in front of that shop??” Mc asks
Mc and Raphael stood in front of their destination and it’s a..candy..shop…
“..WHY IS A CANDY STOre BY THE WEAPON STORE??” Leviathan yells
Mc and Raphael comfort leviathan
“Sorry we didn’t know you had a fear of diabetes ” Raphael says patting leviathan back
Doesn’t know who Raphael is
He had no business to make that bet but did it to spite Lucifer
Take that Lucifer! *proceeds to lose the bet and has to hand over 10k grimm*
Sorta intimidated by Raphael
Satan and Raphael just ignore each other
That is until mc forced them together
A new trio is in town
Satan is extra careful with what he says whenever by Raphael
“Hey mc what does Raphael do?” Satan asks
“He’s a hitman!” Mc says blissfully
“A WHAT?!?”
“You guys talking about me?” Raphael says appearing out of nowhere
“Oh yeah! Satan was just asking-” Satan covers mc mouth and talks for him while mc contained to talk
“Oh you know- about your… erm.. YOUR WORKOUT ROUTINE!….” Satan was internally yelling to himself
“Oh” Raphael was gonna tell satan what it was until mc was finally able to talk
“Satan wanted to know what you did so I told him hitman” Mc says
Satan internally screaming is so loud that mc and Raphael can hear it too
“Oh- yeah I do that, I forgot” Raphael says
“Oh you know how Raphael is-“ mc was cut off
“No. No I do NOT know how Raphael is” Satan crosses his arms
The excited, the neutral and Satan, THE PERFECT TRIO
Loves the dynamic
Probably rooting for you two
but he does get sad when you spend most of your time with Raphael
He gets it- Raphael is attractive but so is he!
One day he sees you wearing totally different clothes than you usually do
It looked amazing but it’s super different!
“Oooo mc you going out~” Asmo teased
“No? Why’d you ask?” Mc asks
“You are super dressed” Asmo respond
“Ohhhh Raphael made them”
Surprised to hear that
That’s WAY more romantic than wearing your s/o clothes!
“No! We are just bbfeead”
“Best-friends-for-ever-even-after-death” Mc says
“..mc, sweetie I have no clue how you came up with that or remembered that but be who you are”
Asmo doesn’t sense lust from either of you
Then again you don’t need to feel lust to like someone
With the help of solomon he’s going to break this case of ‘is this a case of pining love or do they both like each other!’
beel! + Belphie..
hehe I’m about to fuse both these together a lot more
“Beel what do you think of the situation?” Belphie questions
“Nom nom nom- uh I think it’s delicious”
“…did you say nom nom nom out loud and also- what do you mean delicious??” Belphie asks
“oh you mean mc and Raphael? I think it’s nice that Raphael has a friend”
“Well what if I told you that..it was romantic”
“I’d be happy for both of them??” Beel says
Beel ask if Mc and Raphael are friends or best friends
Belphie tells beel everything he knows
I feel like it’s a good time to mention Belphie for all his information from asmo
“They are probably just friends anyways- I don’t see Raphael as the romantic type” Beel says
“Woooow are you saying that because he can’t express emotions aswell as others?” Asmo says appearing out of nowhere
“no, but where did you come from?” Beel asks
“I was hiding under your bed but anyways”Asmo pulls out a board from.. somewhere
“hold up how-”
“Just because someone lacks or has trouble showing emotions doesn’t mean they can’t love that’s just stereotypical” Asmo spends two hours lecturing Beel
“oh..I’m sorry” beel apologizes
Beel and Belphie hang out with mc still but most of the time it’s with Raphael
Beel and Belphie don’t care as long he doesn’t pull out the spear
Beel is happy about Raphael being able to be more comfortable around people
Raphael notices how tired you looked one day and offered to carry you
“Are you sure?” Mc asks
Raphael nods and says he sees Beel carry Belphie all the time
“I might not be as strong as Beel but I can carry Belphie and humans tend to be lighter and easier to carry”
Mc smiles and agrees
Mc hops onto Raphael back and mc falls asleep
“Raphael why are you carrying mc?” Beel asks
“He was tired so I’m helping him” Raphael says
Asmo and mammon are in the background recording everything
“This is gonna be great for devilgram-” mammon grabs asmo phone
“Don’t post it- what if people think they are dating?!?”
“That’s the whole reason we are here- now give me my phone!” Asmo and mammon fight and catches the attention of Raphael
“What are you three doing here.” Raphael was ready to take out his spear but mc wakes up
“*Yawn* oh hi mammon!” Mc waves at mammon
Raphael sighs and bails
“…We almost died” the two brothers said in sync
if I ever get the energy chaotic duo of engineer mc and thirteen
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valsdelulucorner · 29 days
Imagine the brothers broke out of their code and became self aware
It was difficult to accept at first that their whole existence was just code in a game, nothing more then ones and zeros put into a computer. They still had to act like everything was fine when you logged in though, hearts aching knowing that all your interactions were just the ones the game provided for you.
Leviathan managed to hack the camera to your phone/webcam when he was out of the scene, managing to see your face for the proper first time again, he was blown away. Seeing how you reacted to the brothers with genuine emotion, how you actually looked beside the sheep emoticon in the game. You were breathtaking, he could not breath for a good few minutes after hearing your laugh.
He kept this to himself for a while until Mammon and asmo walked in on him admiring you through your webcam/phone. Lets just say all of the brothers were surrounding his monitor in less then 5 Minutes after the walk in. By some type of magic and with the help of Levi (cough he didn't have a choice cough), they managed to change the sheep emoticon to your face so they could see your face when you talked to them, like you were actually there. It made them fall harder, seeing your face turn when you couldn't differ from some options you didn't like, it made you seem real and genuine.
You started to notice something was wrong with the game when their faces seemed to change alot more, their bodies moving more often in-between dialogue. Did they add new sprites to the game? When you showed your game to one of your friends, they acted completely normal like nothing had ever happened. Maybe you were just imagining it? Nope, you could hear a faint whisper in the background of your phone "that was close, we need to be more careful".
It started to freak you out so you didn't play the game for a few months, it was horrible for the brothers. They missed seeing your face, going on adventures with you. They knew they were in a game so all the thrills of their old life just didn't feel right anymore, it wasn't real. They eventually got fed up and tried to leave the game, actually managing to succeed in this. You can imagine the shock you feel when they were no longer showing up in the game
You got freaked out so you uninstalled the game, thinking it was the end of it. Oh darling, you can be so naive. This is just the beginning
First time doing a yandere concept type thing, not the proudest but i enjoyed writing it!
What should I do next? Requests are open<3
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btdemaru · 1 year
Obey Me Brothers eating you out
Note : demon tongue hc's and their demon forms r used!
Warnings : [GN!reader], eating out, monster tongue, NSFW so minors dni, alot of cum, overstimming, edging, brat taming (Lucifer), spanking (mammon), toys (asmo), bondage (satan).
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His tongue would be long and the end would have a sharp shape (basically not dull flat)
He loves to shove his tongue while kissing you basically deep in your throat and he pulls away just to look at your sloppy drool-covered face
Lucifer will edge you if you're a brat to him but definitely reward you by making you overstimulated
Likes to tease until you BEG for him to put his tongue in or give you more friction
If you're feeling bratty or just want some rough sex just annoy the shit outta him or disobeying him (gl tho)
"You're acting like this on purpose aren't you?" He spoke while his fingers graze over your hole, licking it up but not giving you the satisfaction of putting it in. "If you want it so bad then..beg for it." If you did beg enough for him to put it in then be ready cause he's gonna be there until you can't even talk and your hole is bruised and puffy as his long thick monstrous tongue fucks your needy hole.
I like to think that his tongue is almost similar to a human tongue but just longer with a piercing on the edge
Cause he's the avatar of Greed, dont be suprised that he's always greedy for your cum and wants to make a mess out of you
Gripping your thighs while he's working his way making you cum again and again
His tongue piercing makes it better cause it always rub and hits the spot that made you see stars
Chatty and dirty talks you while he's deep in, the vibration makes you go nuts (he does this on purpose 🤝)
Spanks you lightly for fun
"haah.. c'mon cum for me and me only~" his words slurred as his tongue is fully inside you and fingers are squishing and kneading your soft plushy cheeks "yeah? One more time, cum on me.. yours truly will make you feel good once more". He said again, pulling his tongue out just to bite your thighs before shoving back in and shoves his tongue in and out faster while stroking himself, cumming all over his thigh and pants staining it. Spanks your thigh multiple times before going again.
I think his tongue would be longer than Lucifer's and would be bright blue, definitely thicker aswell
He's so shy to do it but will obey your commands
If you guide him, he'd be determined to make you feel good and practice to make you scream and cry just from his tongue
Would grind on a pillow or something so the both of you feel good while moaning your name
Levi would try stucking his tongue so deep but is scared it'll hurt you even though silently he wants to so bad
"hmmff.. this- good..?" Leviathan said in between him slurping you, his long tongue drills itself into you without mercy, one hand on your chest while the other one is pumping his own cock wanting to catch his orgasm "close, I'm- ah shit.. close!" He said as he came all over the sheets trying to come back from the high orgasm while licking the edge of your hole. "Taste.. so good~" his face was tinted with slightly red looking away from you "again?"
Sharp tongue but not sharp enough to cut or hurt you
But slight rough on the edges compliments his sharp fangs aswell
Angry sex will occur now and then so yay to you if you like it rough
Will tie your legs onto the edge of the bed/sofa so that you're spread wide giving him alot of access
If he's angry about something or someone (lucifer 💀) he'd go longer until his anger is satiated
"mhh, fuck! Could you believe that fucker did that? Mhhh.." Satan yanks your thigh while he spoke before spitting onto your hole and dives in. "Be good for me and sit here for awhile yeah? I'm sure you can take at least.. two hours~" he laughs and slid his rough tongue inside, going slowly so he doesn't hurt you because no matter how mad he is at anything theres no chance he'd hurt you. "Mmmh" Satan starts to move his tongue in and out faster while his other hand is playing with you, flicking and pinching it lightly. Stops when he knows you're about to cum "not yet. be patient."
I think asmo has multiple tongues (like tentacle-ish almost)
Asmo will beg you to experiment with his tongue, maybe he shoves his tongue in you while he abuses you with a vibrator or your tip/clit
Will do this for hours until he's satisfied
Uses multiple toys on you
"please let me use it!" He begged as he holds a vibrator in his hand while still in between your legs. Asmo started to turn on the vibration and slightly pushing it in your hole before licking the rim "see~? Feels good doesn't it" he took it out making you whine at the loss of action, before you could even complain he shoves his big tentacle-like tongues in you. It hurt, of course it did there were multiple of them. "Hehe~! I'm sure it doesn't hurt that bad..!"
Just his tongue can make you cum multiple time ughh
His tongue has a little edge sticking out, like satan's sharp edges but they're dull and squishy
The texture is like any normal tongue but big and thick whike sort of flat and not sharp at all
He'll eat you out until he's full (which is never) or when it's in the middle of the night and he's hungry
"m'still hungry..let me eat more.." he said while you're already extremely overstimulated from cumming countless of times from his tongue, he doesn't even need to use his fingers. "Tasty...so..hungry..." Beel spoke while shaking his head sideways on your hole just to make your wetness splash everywhere, his face and his neck covered in juices and spit. He could go til the sun rises again and he would still be hungry and wanting more of you "look how red and puffy it became..mmmhh" if you tried to push his head off from your already bruised hole he'd force your legs to lock his head and shoves his tongue in again.
This is just what i imagine but i think his tongue would be..dry because he sleeps most of the times not getting enough water
Probably has a beige sort of color to it, and isn't really as big as his twin but enough to pleasure you
He'd insist on you sitting on his face because that way he can lay down while eating you out
Lazy smexy time? Hell yea
"press more.. i can take it" he says while trying to make you sit on his face even harder, silently he wants you to use his face like nothing but a toy for yourself and you only. He lazily shoves his tongue making you grind on it yourself in a teasing manner "if you want it so bad..then hurry" belphie smirks under you while licking and lapping your juices up.
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Lucifer: Violence isn't the answer.
MC: You’re right.
Lucifer: *sighs in relief*
Mc: Violence is the question.
Lucifer: What?
MC, bolting away: And the answer is yes.
Lucifer, running after them: NO-
(Belphegor and Satan are coming to help you)
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minimallyminnie · 11 months
Sobbing in a blanket type of day.
The brothers when you’re just not feeling good.
I’ll make a p2 for the undateables!
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Lucifer would just leave you inside the blanket, but brew you a cup of the finest tea he has. He’ll make two cups and set it aside on the cabinet while you lay in the middle of the bed. While you’re just laying still, Lucifer would sit besides you and start talking about his own day. When he finally gets a peek of your beautiful smile, he’ll help you lay down on his lap while he continues to talk about his day. “There you are my dear, would you like some tea?”
Mammon would leave you inside the blanket, but he just grabs you in the blanket and hold you on the bed. He can hear you sniffle from inside so he held you tighter. He knows when you need him to talk, so he pulls out his phone and puts on one of your favorite songs quietly. Peeking out of your blanket, he smiles at you while you watch the video with him. “Hey hey hey, whenever you need me, the Great Mammon will be here for you.”
Don’t underestimate Leviathan’s shoujo mangas, he takes careful notes. When ya need help, he’ll be the best boyfriend he can. He’ll hold you to his side, so he can at least lessen your shaking and let you cry all you want. He’ll put on a slower anime movie for both of you two and turn the volume low. When you pop out the blanket with some tears left, he’ll get nervous but he’ll wipe them away with his hands. “There’s my Henry. Do you wanna talk about it or watch this with me?”
Satan would be a sweetheart. Second he sees you, he’s already sat up next to you, propped up with a book. He softly starts to read to you, and you recognize the book, it’s your favorite. Whatever genre it is or even if he dislikes it, Satan still reads it to you. When you pop out the blanket and lean over on his shoulder to read along, he’ll press a kiss to your head. “I’ll be here for you just like you are for me. Want to read more?”
Though loud and boisterous sometimes, Asmodeus is a sweet and gentle person when you have these moments. He’s always patient, he’ll hug you tightly and lay besides you on the bed. He’ll tell you everything that he loves about you softly and how you changed his world. When you pop out with teary eyes but a happy smile, he’ll be relieved and happy as well. Pressing a kiss to your head and all. “My dear flower, you’ve bloomed again. Would you like to talk to me about it? If not, I can continue staying like this with you.”
Beelzebub is right by your side, two bags of chips on the cabinet sitting there. He’s waiting for you to be comfortable coming out the blanket. He’ll sit up on the bed and gently pull you and wherever your head is in the blanket on his lap. Beel won’t say anything, but he’ll be there. There for you. You reach your hand out and hold his tightly, a tired expression on your face. He’ll smile and hold your hand. “I’m happy you feel better. Do you wanna talk about it? I brought chips for both of us.”
With no hesitance, Belphegor plops down and hugs you like his own body pillow. No matter how tired he is, you’re his first priority. He’s careful to only put his hands around your waist, knowing how you just didn’t like him touching your neck. He’ll wait for you, he’ll sing a few songs you like softly and if he runs out? He’ll trace some shapes on your blanket covered self. When you come out the blanket, Belphie would kiss your head softly. “Hi, you tired? You wanna talk to me about it or take a nap and talk about it later? I don’t mind whichever, as long as you’re comfortable.”
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xans-mindspace · 6 months
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featuring the demon brothers !!! — gn reader — my headcanons !!! — red text in brackets = spoilers , dw it’s very clear what the spoilers are for !!! + it’s only like one minor spoiler — wc. 1.4k
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ꨄ — lucifer : quality time
lucifer loves to spend time with you. this man canonically has separation anxiety mind you !!! he’d send you a random text like “come to the music room” after a long day, or he’d come up to you while you were spending time with the other brothers & tell ask you to go to his room tonight. you rush to his room, expecting to have an important and urgent conversation as he’d made it sound, only to find lucifer sitting on his sofa, a glass of wine in his unusually bare hand and another glass in front of the sofa across from him, as a calming tune plays on the music player.
if you mention the way he had made his request sound so urgent he’d simply say: “what? aren’t i allowed to spend time with my little lamb anymore?” a cheeky smirk plastered on his face.
you would end up talking to him for hours, and the next thing you know, he had somehow convinced you that walking to your room is too much for your little human body to bear this late into the night, so you found yourself warm in the comfort of his bed and his arms as you drifted off to sleep.
ꨄ — mammon : gift giving
what convinced me that mammon’s love language is gift giving is that one devilgram story (mammon at the office) where he worked his ass off to save up for a matching watch for mc ໒꒰ྀི o̴̶̷̤ ︹ o̴̶̷̤ ꒱ྀིა !!! the fact that he didn’t ask money from others like he usually does (apparent from how much debt he canonically has), ‘cuz he actually wants the gift to come from an authentic place !!! it makes it so much more meaningful <///3 and he thinks that the hard work is all worth it if it’s for you !!!
the way the first thing he thinks to do when he receives a batch of money is to take mc out on a date :( he would absolutely spoil you with anything you have your eyes on. you’d be hanging out with him, casually whining about that one thing you really want as you scrolled mindlessly through your phone. the next day, he’ll show up on your door with the exact thing in his hands !!! he def loves surprising u.
ꨄ — leviathan : quality time
levi’s favorite thing is holing up in his room and playing video games. but you rivaled against these, threatening to take their spot on the number one thing that he loves. but why deny himself both?
levi loves it when you come to his room & play games with him for hours. he used to be so used to being alone in his room, mindlessly playing the next video game he had bought. but now, his room would feel so empty without your presence in it.
it’s stupid and cringe, but levi never really cared about that sort of stuff, but you’re his player 2 !!! back then, he’d read summaries of different games. they piqued his interest. he was about to add it in his cart, before he realized it was a game that can only be played by two people. he was left disappointed before deleting the game out of his cart. he basically beamed when he realized that he can play those strictly co-op games he had to drop now that he has you. he immediately jumped to akuzon and bought every single co-op game he wanted to play but was never able to. and adding a few new ones too ! ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
ꨄ — asmodeus : physical touch
this was a given. we all know that asmo’s love language is physical touch. he just can’t help it !!! whenever he sees you still sleepy in the morning, your hair so messy, he just has to give you headpats !!! it feels like a crime not to !!!
or whenever you two are out together. walking side by side. your hands would touch and i swear to you it would send electrical shocks from the tips of his fingers to his heart. yes, he seems to always have it together, but asmo’s good at performing, right? his heart would thump just from the littlest touches and he can’t help but to intertwine his fingers with yours, holding your hand in his, feeling it click! like a piece of a puzzle connecting. it might be dramatic, but asmo never denied his love for the dramatics, it’s just who he is.
or when you’re acting oh so obliviously and unintentionally cute. how can he not want to give you a tight hug? his feelings are so explosive that he feels like the closest thing that would do his feelings any justice is to let you feel it, literally. physically.
ꨄ — satan : words of affirmation / acts of service
oh satan the man that you are. satan is a textbook gentleman. he has a way with his words. very direct and shameless when it comes to his expression of his love for you. a romantic at heart, at least ever since he’d met you, that is. a romantic at his core, and he can’t think why he would ever hide that from you. it is your fault, after all.
he would flirt openly, and sappily, and he would not bat a single eye ! he’d write you letters, poems. if he were to gift you something, he’ll take the time to stick a sticky note on it, just a cute lil’ message on it ໒꒰ྀི⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ ·̭ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝꒱ྀི১ he’d give u books & when u open it, you’ll see them fully annotated. i’m talking written little stuff on the margins, color coded tabs / highlights & all !!!
ꨄ — beelzebub : acts of service
BEEL OUR SWEET BOY 💔 he will always ask you for what you want whenever he’s out in madame scream’s. he’d get u your favorite snack whenever he’s out in the convenient store.
if you get sick, or you’re having a bad day, he’d show up on your door with aaaall of your favorite food / snacks. he would put it neatly in a basket, and he’d be the person to make you a bowl of soup or even try to bake for you !!! anything to make you feel happy <3
he would absolutely give you amazing massages. beel is a big boy. & i trust he knows kinesiology & thus he’ll know what to do whenever your body is exhausted or isn’t really working with you. he’d be such a huge help, asking you just lay down so he could help you feel better. he’d even put a snack right beside you just in case! you’d feel ten times better after you feel his firm hands massaging your tense muscles. he’d note the way your body relaxes and melts onto his hands. seeing u feel good makes him v happy too. his big & rough hands, handling you so softly and cautiously. just a total teddy bear :(
ꨄ — belphegor : physical touch
people think asmo is clingy? wait ‘til they see how belphie clings to u whenever u two are alone. he will sleep on every part of your body (lol).
once, lucifer had insisted that belphegor actually try to study since finals are coming, and though his grades are not to be undermined, he should still at least study to be safe. belphie agrees, on the condition that you tutor him. so you do. you were studying together. the night was getting darker and you’d been studying for hours on end. you yourself was growing sleepy, so you couldn’t even blame belphie when his head started to sway and bump against your shoulder multiple times, before settling comfortably on it, nuzzling it beforehand.
it doesn’t even need to be a coincidence, he would just directly ask you to be his pillow (verbatim) because it’s the best way to sleep according to him. he would “borrow” your thighs, setting his head so cozily on your lap as if it was as comfortable as a pillow (or even more). or when you hung out with him and beel in their room. you ended up sleeping in his bed, you’ll be vast asleep when you felt something tickling your neck. sleepily opening your eyes, you’d find belphie’s head on your chest. and if you chose to sleep in beel’s bed? oh, he’d climb right up and slither his arms around your waist without saying a word. it was a little cramped, but how could you deny such an adorable gesture? the next day you wake up with his arms still right where it was when you had fallen asleep. his mouth snoring softly as his warm breath fans and tickles the back of your neck.
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a/n: ahhh i finished writing this at 3 am 😭😭😭 it’s storming really hard outside and my eyes are starting to hurt but it was rlly fun to finally write again :-) i hate writing / reading ooc characters so i hope i did your faves justice !!! 😭🙏🏼
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bloodynectarine · 1 year
Boiling point
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After weeks of holding himself together and setting clear boundaries, only for them to be broken over and over again, MC snaps.
tags. male mc, post-lesson 16, belphie is his own trigger warning, angst, ptsd, mild violence, hurt and comfort.
notes. i don't want therapy, i want revenge. everyone got over belphie killing us way too quickly, and i find it frustrating. you know what would be really fun? to punch belphie. love him, but the amount of serotonin he would bring into my life if i could just… punch him once. a boy can dream.
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Dying and somehow living to tell the tale was not exactly in your plans when you decided to help the demon stuck in the attic.
Sure, you knew it was dangerous and sure, you understood it was a gamble. But you never quite got that your life was at stake until you felt Belphegor's cold grip around your neck and your vision started to get fuzzy at the edges.
Oh, you thought, with startling clarity.
I'm going to die.
You may still be here, but no, you did not survive Belphegor's wrath and hurt. The sensation of phantom hands pressing down your throat never quite left you.
And Belphegor is nothing but a cruel reminder of the night you died.
First, comes the terror. Even with the pact to protect you, in the days following the event, you can't help but freeze every time Belphegor is in the same room.
As you get used to his presence around the House of Lamentation, as he insists in siting next to you during breakfast and in holding your arm on your way to class, the terror slowly subsides, opening way for a different, less familiar feeling.
Annoyance. Anger. Borderline rage.
Who does he think he is?
Who does he think we are? Best friends, family?
“Belphegor…”, you call for the demon that's already laying on top of your lap, with a tense smile hanging from your lips.
This week's movie night was held in your room. It was one of the rare occasions in which all the inhabitants of the House of Lamentation were present. Even Lucifer is here, looking comically out of place, regal and all seriousness, as if he were in the middle of a meeting and not watching a three-hour-long romance anime film.
Mammon got off from his “rightful place” (“DIBS”, the demon of greed shouted as soon as you sat down, throwing himself across your lap), to rip the remote control out of Levi's hands, who kept rewinding the same scene over and over again (“It's really important for the plot!!!”).
And in the middle of the squabble, Belphegor appeared out of nowhere to climb into your lap, and just. Cuddle.
At your call, he looks up and blinks lazily at you, with his big eyes and his messy bedhead. And the image should be endearing, really, but your chest feels cold, and you can feel your limbs locking in place. You feel trapped, uncomfortable. Ah, it's fear.
“I need. A bit of space. Could you sit somewhere else?”, you manage to let out, and your voice is the only sound in the room. Quarrel and movie long-forgotten, everyone is watching the two of you. Beel was the one who took over and put the film on pause.
Belphegor blinks the drowsiness out of his eyes. His brow furrows, just a little, and if anything, he looks put off by the question, a little lost.
“I don't want to sit anywhere else. I know Mammon was here just seconds ago, but I'm a better cuddle-partner than him anyway. You can ask anyone.”
And he doesn't move. He lays his head against your chest with a yawn.
“I don't…” want to be close to you. You stop yourself from uttering those words, mindful and considerate, truly doing your best. You don't want to lie either, so you decide to play around with the phrasing. “I'd rather you gave Mammon his place back. Or, you know what? I can change seats myself.”
Your tone is as lighthearted as you can manage, and you start to get up from the couch, with Asmo, who's sitting next to you, moving out of the way to give you the space that you need. The space you very specifically asked for.
But Belphegor's weight is heavy against you and traps you in place. Not only that, but his hand reaches for your arm and pulls, looking at you with the same bewildered expression as before, genuinely confused. When you fall against the couch, still under him, you're reminded of how strong he is. Of how weak you're in comparison.
“Oi, Belphie. No one is better at cuddles than me”, says Mammon after a too long pause. “And of course he wants to be with the great Mammon, everyone does. Now move, we still have, like, two hours left of the movie and if we don't finish it tonight, Levi is going to complain all week.”
Levi, who would normally jump into the conversation to defend himself, is barely visible, half hidden between Beel and Satan. His eyes dart between you and the hand that's holding your arm.
“Well, we are already so comfy, so I won't get up”, you wonder who “we” is. Belphegor talks lazily and moves the hand that isn't holding you in a dismissing manner, as if this was not more than a bothersome request, interrupting his nap for nothing.
Your teeth grind together, and there it is, once again. The ugly pressure that holds your gut in a tight grip, the heavy discomfort in your throat. Once foreign, but now you can tell it apart so easily. Anger.
“Belphegor. You heard him already.” This time, Lucifer is the one talking, and he sighs as he gets up, coming closer in an attempt to pry him away from you.
“Oh, please.” Belphegor rolls his eyes, clearly irked by Lucifer's intervention. “We are okay. Right?”, he looks back at you, and this time around his voice is filled with doubt, bordering hopeful, searching for something in your eyes.
“We aren't.” At last, you say it, flatly, and it comes out sharper than you intended, if the way Belphegor flinches and Asmo whimpers is any indication. You're tired, what little patience you have left is quickly running out thanks to the stubborn remarks and your words falling on deaf ears. “Let me move.”
The demon on your lap has the gall to look affronted, hurt. His bewildered expression does nothing more than increase the feeling already boiling deep within you. You can feel Satan's eyes boring in your cheek, but you refuse to look at him.
“Hey… Relax”, Belphegor mutters, now looking a little concerned too. For you. He's worried about you, and yet he still won't get up. “Are you okay? What's wrong?”
What's wrong.
What's wrong?
You're so taken aback by the question that by the time you react, his hand is already on its way to hold your cheek.
The most violent of flashbacks comes through you, a whiplash that hits you with the force of a truck. His handprints on your neck, trying to catch your breath, feeling cold all over, with the only warmth coming from your own blood ringing loudly in your ears, flowing right next to his voice, so full of hatred.
You can't freeze this time around, you need to move, you need to run, you need to do something, anythi--
“Belphie, I don't think you sh--” Satan tries to warn him, but it's too late.
By the time Belphegors fingertips touch your cheek (and this time they're warm, not dead-cold, you notice with surprise) your fist is already hitting against his nose, punching him right in the middle of his face, with a force you didn't even knew you had in you.
Not that you've ever done it before, but you can imagine this is what it feels like to hit a wall. Your hand hurts and goes numb.
The impact pushes Belphegor against the cushions, his hands flying to cover his nose. And any other day it would have been impossible, your punch would never land (he's that much faster, that much stronger), but right now he was so worried about you, so desperate to stick by you. His guard was as down as it will ever be.
His nose is bleeding, you notice, at the same time as Asmo gets up with a gasp. Levi shrieks in the background, and Mammon let's out this weird noise, a mix between one of his “Oi”, your name, and a scream.
Everything stands still, and, to your credit, you're just a shocked as everyone else.
With the punch, all anger has left your body, and now you're just a bunch of nerves, looking at Belphegor with big eyes. Belphegor looks back at you, so shocked, and you suddenly feel like crying. Oh, how much you hate being an angry-crier.
Satan is the one that breaks the silence, with a heavy sigh. “Told you so.”
Beel comes next, taking two steps in your direction but stopping when you raise your palm. You're trembling, but you come close to Belphegor all the same, refusing to back down.
“Asshole.” It's the first thing you say, and defying the impossible, Belphegor's eyes grow even wider as you tower over him, kneeling on the couch.
“Are you deaf? Wasn't I clear enough? Loud enough?”, and when you raise your fist in the air, Lucifer approaches, but all you do is gently punch Belphegor's chest. Again and again. “I told you to move. Several times. And still, you didn't. I was… I was dying of fear, and you weren't moving.”
“You, inconsiderate shit.” Punch. “You, deaf moron.” Punch.
“You… Stubborn cow.”
Belphegor has let the blood simply flow across his face, and now he's kneeling in front of you, holding his own hands, the same surprised look on his face.
And that's that.
You let your arms fall with a groan and simply sigh. For Diavolo, violence really isn't for you, you are so tired.
“S-Should we separate them?” Levi asks in a trembling voice, frantically waving his hands, unable to decide whether to approach or flee.
“No. He has more to say.” Satan gently holds Levi's wrists, and waits.
That's when you realize that yes, you got more to say. In fact, you've had something to say for way too long, and now you're dying to get it off your chest.
“I gave you my trust, and I knew I was being childish and reckless in doing so, but all I wanted was to help. I cried for you, I felt for you, and I did everything I could to be by your side even though all I had to offer was just. Just me. Mortal, human. And in response, you killed me.” Belphegor recoils at your words, but you go on.
“It hurt. It still hurts, even now. Sometimes I see you and all I can think about is your betrayal.”
Belphegor looks down, biting his lips, in silence. You can see his hands shaking, and you remember your talk under the stars, his eagerness when he offered you a pact. When he gave you the control you needed. His hands were shaking back then, too.
With a groan, you reach out to hold his chin, lifting his face. You take the long sleeve of your pajamas and begin to wipe the blood running down his chin, across his lips. Slowly, with care.
Your fingers run through his hair just to be able to look directly into his eyes. He looks anxious, fearful, and you know that your next words have the power to break or mend his heart.
So you decide to, once more, open yours and leave the rest in his hands.
“I don't hate you. And this isn't me cutting our ties. I understand your pain, I really do. Please, understand mine.”
Your thumb caresses over his forehead. Carefully, gently.
“I need time. I'll let you know when I'm ready.”
Belphegor inhales and exhales deeply, holding your gaze. Slowly, but surely, he takes your hand between his, from his forehead to his lips, leaving the lightest of kisses against your palm. You feel the pact mark that binds you together tremble and sing.
“I'm sorry. For the pain, for my insistence, I just… Wanted to be close. I need to be close. I'll wait for you.”
Straightforward as ever. But you are struck by the sincerity in his voice, in his eyes, and this time around it takes you no more than a second to nod.
“Right. Be good and wait for me.”
Unable to resist, you pat his head, just as you would to a small, rebellious child. He's the baby of the family, after all. He groans, and you laugh, feeling so much lighter. And unbelievably tired.
By the time you remember that you're not alone in the room and turn around to placate the others, you make eye contact with Satan.
He's looking prouder than ever, the little smile on his lips telling enough. “Go on”
The brothers needed no further prompting to launch themselves at the two of you, a jumble of limbs and shrill voices.
“MC, that was, as usual, reckless. From now on, fist fights are forbidden in and out of the house. Evade further conflicts.”
“B-But wasn't MC so cool?!?! Belphie is so much stronger, but he was down with one punch! W-way too op, MC!!”
“Oi! Human, how dumb can ya be?! Tell me before you go around punchin' demons, I can punch them for ya!”
“I knew you were good at controlling your anger, but I never imagined that much. You are full of surprises.”
“Belphie, gosh, your clinginess finally got you in trouble, mh? Your surprised face was so cute! Do you need concealer?”
“Belphie, does it hurt? Do you need ice? We have popsicles in the freezer… Wait, I ate them all yesterday, sorry Belphie… Do you want me to go and buy more? MC, which flavor would you like?”
“We are good, Beel.” Belphegor answers, still looking at you. “Right?”
You laugh at his not-so-subtle search for assurance, and your chest feels astonishingly full. “We will be, for sure.”
Movie night turns right into a sleepover after that, as every single one of the demon brothers refuses to leave your room. Lucifer might roll his eyes, but he still settles on your couch, right next to Satan.
And for the first time in weeks, you're able to close your eyes and rest, feeling safe and at home.
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ao3 ― writing tag
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enoe-of-noen · 22 days
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M!Mc: *Is taking ball dancing lessons w Lucifer*
M!Mc: *Dips Lucifer*
Lucifer: Well done, M!Mc.
Lucifer, internally: I am so gay. He is so fucking hot, he is so fucking hot, he is so fucking hot-
Satan, looking at them: Tch
Mammon: Wish that was me, frfr.
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cutetehe · 2 years
Male mc pins the brothers on a bed, how do they react?
i hate this I hate this I hate this
lil story! ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
non sexual version- ish
Mc just wanted to see the reactions to be honest
Mc loves putting people is awkward situations and seeing them squirm
Mc plan was to go into their room and talk to them and then do it
If he just goes in and does it that’d be to boring
Mc heads to the room of….
You open the door and see Lucifer by his desk
“Dammit” mc thought, he had to somehow get Lucifer by the bed without making it obvious what he’s doing
“Lucifer, you need to take a break” mc says wrapping his arms around Lucifer chest
“I’m almost done with my work, I can after-”
“If you are almost done why not relax a little and do it later?” Mc responds
Lucifer sighs and gets up from his desk and sits on his bed
“So what did you have in mind?” Lucifer asks
Mc decides now or never
Mc takes Lucifer wrists and puts it above his head while pushing him onto the bed so Lucifer would’t try to hide his expression
Mc doubt he would try to but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Lucifer reaction is surprised
He wasn’t expecting you to randomly pin him to the bed- no one would dare do that and yet here he is, being pinned down by a human
“I wanted to do something with a little more action” Mc says
“oh? I was thinking the same thing” Lucifer responds getting in the mood
Mc didn’t expect to get this far so he just kisses Lucifer and books it
“BYE LUCIFER” Mc yells
Lucifer just stays in the same place for five minutes and then gets back to work
Expects to finish what you started
You open mammon door and just as expected he’s on his bed
Even better he’s not even laid down
Sorta weird he isn’t laying down on a bed but anyways
Mc wanted to tease with mammon first
“Mammon I’m bored” Mc says sitting beside Mammon
“Ya wanna help me count grimm?” Mammon asks
Mc crosses his arms and thinks “This would be a perfect time to do the thing”
“No but I’d rather do something else” Mc says casually
“Like what?” Mammon responds
Mc gets up and mammon stays sitting (luckily)
Mc pushes Mammon to the bed and makes SURE to get his hands above his head
Mammon would 100% cover his face to hide his embarrassment
“AY- why’d…you push..me” Mammon realized why
Mc smiles down at Mammon while Mammon is trying to say a sentence
Mammon expects the worse the best outcome
“Is this the thing you were talking about?” Mammon finally got out and Mc deciding he had his nods and kisses mammon
“Thanks for the fun” Mc winks and leaves
Thinks about that all night
This is gonna be tuff
He has a bathtub instead of a bed
So mc has to get leviathan in his own room or injure both himself and leviathan for this
He’s going for the room route
“Leviathan i need help setting up my… game ” Mc says walking into leviathan room
Luckily levi wasn’t doing anything but he was suspicious
“Could’t you bring it here?” Leviathan ask
“No” Mc responds
Leviathan decides to go help
You close the door behind you as soon you two get inside
“So where the game?” Leviathan asks
“Over there” you pointed by the bed and leviathan got suspicious and walked over by the bed
“There’s nothing he-” leviathan was caught off by you pinning him to the bed
Like mammon- with his hands above his head
“-er…” Leviathan trails off
He’s so close to the person he likes he’s trying not to move so we won’t ruin the mood
“…so was there no game?” Leviathan says trying to distract himself
Mc nods
“Sorry I lied, let me repay you” Mc says leaning toward towards leviathan
Leviathan has so many thoughts at once and he closes his eyes
Mc kisses him and leviathan fucking dies
“uhh you okay?” Mc ask after leviathan hasn’t moved in ten minutes
“..y-yeah” Leviathan says blushing
You reach his door and immediately had to rethink the plan
He doesn’t even have a bed
His room is JUST books
Mc thinks for a bit and figured something out
Mc pulls out his DDD and plays audios of cats meowing
You made sure satan heard them
After getting him out of his room you make sure he can’t see you but can hear the audio
After you FINALLY make it to your room satan is also there
“Have you heard a cat?” Satan asks frantically
“Mmmm nope but while you are here can I ask for some help” you say getting ready
“Oh, sure but make it quick so I can find the cat” Satan says walking towards you
“Could you sit down” mc says casually so satan would’t think much about it
“Oh sure but why-” mc then pushes and pins satan to the bed
Satan is both surprised and flushed
He’s trying to act confident but it is soon broken when you move closer to his face
Prepares himself like he’s a 7 year old getting ready to take a shot at the doctors
And just as fast as it started it ended just as fast
“Sorry for tricking you- there was no cat” mc laughs
Satan would usually be mad but he go a kiss from mc he’s happy
“N-no worries” Satan says trying to not show his face out of embarrassment
Excited to go inside his room
“Mc! Good timing I need you to help me pick out some nail polish
After ten minutes of helping asmo pick out some stuff you remembered what you came here for
But he doesn’t know how or when to because asmo is.. criss cross applesauce on his bed
It’s be pretty awkward to pin him like that
Also you don’t wanna shove him
\(๑•́o•̀๑)/ what will you do?!?
You just hope for the best so you just tell asmo some lie about crossing your legs will lead to something bad
Asmo stops and you go for it
You shove asmo to the bed and you are above asmo
“Oh mc~” Asmo says flattered
“You could’ve just said you wanted to fu-“ you cut him off by kissing him
“YOU ARE SO CUTE MCC”Asmo pulls you down and you fall on top of him
Asmo doesn’t care though he just wants to cuddle and love you
Mc knows how big and tall he is so mc has to check if it’s even possible
You casually walk in and see beel doing push ups
“How far are you”
“10972” Beel responds
“That’s more than usual” You respond
“I’ve been taking to much breaks so I’m pushing myself” Beel responds sounding exhausted
Mc sighs and forces Beel to take a break
“You deserve a break- sit on the bed and I’ll bring you something to eat” you leave and grab some snacks
Beel is sitting on the bed just as planned
You hand him his snack and you go for it
You wind up your push and charge
You did it!! You pinned beel
“Mc?” beel isn’t that embarrassed- maybe it was mistake
Maybe you accidentally shoved him and pinned him down
“You need to relax so I’ll help you” mc says in a certain tone
…ok so maybe it WASNT on accident
Beel isn’t dirty minded but the way it’s worded and the setting made him think something else
Because of that thought he blushing and doesn’t know how to respond
“Close your eyes” mc says
Beel listens and closes his eyes and.. gets a kiss
He doesn’t know if he should be happy
He isn’t disappointed or dissatisfied he actually enjoyed the kiss
“I hope that relaxed you” Mc says winking
you walk in and lay beside him
Then you realized he isn’t even awake
That’s a problem you ran into
Mc decided to just wait it out
After four hours Belpie wakes up
You didn’t stay there for four hours you just checked every hour
After you somehow kept him awake you did the thing
“Sooo don’t fall asleep when I do this”
“Do what?”
“Do this” You didn’t have to push him down because he’s already laid down
You pin him without grabbing his wrist because for obvious reasons
Mc smirks down at Belphie but Belphie isn’t budging
“how could I fall asleep at this moment?” Belphie responds
Mc smiles at Belphie reaction but wants to get a reaction out of Belphie
Mc knows everyone gets embarrassed by touch so…
You casually put you hand on his stomach and slowly go down
Belphie is surprised and looks away so his reaction won’t show
Mc got his reaction so he’s retreating
You kiss him and leave the room as fast as possible
Beel was the hardest to do because I had to actually TRY 😪
anyways masterlist
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valsdelulucorner · 29 days
Imagine the brothers broke out of their code and became self aware P.2
You couldn't understand why your friends started blocking you, your conversations didn't even show up anymore. When you tried to talk to them in real life they seemed standoffish, they avoided you like the plague. What they didn't know is that the brothers have been messaging your friends while you sleep, posing as you as they wrote the most harmful things to get your friends away from you.
Oh how their hearts hurt when you cried into your pillow, if only they were real. How they would comfort you, hold you, make you your favourite drink while whispering sweet nothings to you and telling you its ok. Oh it was the dream, a sickly sweet fantasy that could never be reality. They can hear your sobs through your phone/webcam, its hurts their hearts but it had to be done, you were going to be stolen away by those... rats.
Things in your phone just got worse and more strange, more and more people started blocking you on social media platforms and 7 new accounts started following you. They started to make friends with you and did succeed to a degree, making you feel like you had someone after everything that's happened. The problem started when they became more possessive and demanding in their messages, all trying to make you stay online and talk to them, keeping you away from your family. Boy did they get stand offish and annoyed when you blocked them, just coming back 10 times more protective and possessive.
You start to hear their voices in the different apps you use, hearing loving sighs, giggles, scolding, and groaning whenever you have your volume on. It started to freak you out so you decided to try and restart your phone, deleting all your apps before reinstalling them. That just made the problems worse, they can merge with your apps now. It was only when you started seeing their faces when you realized to late what was going on. They were talking to you? They were Talking... to you? No, they were confessing their love for you, trying to get your attention with their affections.
When they finally realized you could see them, they were over the moon and started pushing each other out of the way of the screen, trying to get your attention on them. They couldn't understand why you would freak out about getting rid of your friends and showing up in your phone, didn't you love them? You had screenshots of them in your gallery and you played the game, you loved them. You loved them.
If you get rid of your phone and get a new one, it wouldn't stop them from finding you. They are sentient beings on the internet now, they will find you through your IP, your family, your email, they wont stop until they find you again. And they wont be very pleased about having to find you again. Stop trying to run from destiny darling
This one is short and not proof red, but i hope its just as good as the last one. This was so fun to do, i might come back and fix this up or add more but overall, i enjoyed writing this<3
What should I do next?
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maxs-extra-clutter · 2 months
What’s your take on a vampire mc? Maybe like they came down as a vampire or maybe they they got turned during their stay? I think it would be interesting to know that their ‘human’ isn’t actually a human (/anymore)
Vampire MC Headcanons (I really hope you wanted headcanons, if not please let me know and I’ll change it)
You can imagine it being Mc was already a vampire or they got turned, leaving it up to you :)
I really feel like everyone would be fascinated with you but mostly Satan, Solomon and Diavolo. Like they would constantly be studying and observing you
If you don’t have self control, you are definitely in the same boat with Beel and what I mean by that is, people are constantly telling you “you can’t bite that”
Lucifer would definitely find you alternatives to blood so you’re not just attacking random citizens of the devildom
Asmo would help with any skincare routine or makeup that would normally require a mirror because you can’t see your reflection
If you choose to sleep in a coffin, best believe Belphie will be right there with you. I don’t know why but coffins seem so comfy to me
Levi would definitely have you cosplay with him because I can bet you 5 dollars he’s definitely seen an anime where the love interest is a vampire
Because Mammon is easily scared, I feel like he’d be scared of you at first but eventually get used to your sharp fangs
I hope you enjoyed, and sorry if it’s short, I wrote them as they came to my brain.
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the-great-chimera · 1 year
Satan: "I can't eat that I'm allergic "
Mc: :Allergic??"
Satan: "Yes, that's what I said"
Mc: "You guys have allergies???"
Satan: "Why is that so weird for you? "
Mc: "I've literally seen you disembowel people, ripp the heads off demons , dislocate, and split apart your own jaw/mouth to eat things 10x bigger than you."
Satan: ...
Mc: "So one could conclude that allergies would be the least of your problems "
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vcill · 1 year
Headcanons when you bombard them with kisses 💖
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For Lucifer I feel like it would work 2 ways:
1. He probably gifted you something that he absolutely REFUSED to let you have before.
2. Or for once, he let some shenanigans slide.
Obviously this rarely happens so you must be his favorite in some type of way.
When you do give him a kiss attack I highly believe it'll be like that one scene where mammon ran into his shower just to hug him.
Definitely feels flustered but also a HUGE sense of pride washes over him since he was the one to get this treatment.
(But mostly flustered)
Will try to act stern and tell you to stop/slightly push you off when he really doesn't want to.
But best believe baby boy will do this wayyy more often.
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Would be sooooooo cocky about it
Probably just came to your room and said you "owe him" from him having to watch over you
Either that or he feels like he deserves a reward for giving you a gift he totally got on his own and did not steal from a random demon.
Either way, he's expecting SOMETHING.
So while he goes on and on and on and on about how The Great Mammon is so considerate and kind, you took that moment to surprise him with his gift.
Baby was so flustered, he kinda just froze there and started sputtering his words.
Would be silent for a good moment before going full tsundere on you. From asking what the big deal was to he obviously he needs more for all the things he's done for you.
Over all would not stop smiling like an idiot and would come up with the tiniest of excuses for you to give him a kiss.
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You two would probably be playing video games together and you got stuck on a really hard level.
Eventually you gave up, thinking you would never be able to beat it. But fish boy was able to do it for you and unlock all the items you wanted.
When you gave him a hug, he was so confused that you would ACTUALLY want to touch him.
But OOO boy when you gave him those kisses.
He was more pinker then ruru-chan
Would probably compare the moment to a manga/anime scene and say you two were exactly like the characters.
Afterwards, he wouldn't expect you to do it again but the reactions he has when you do is the absolute best.
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You were in his room reading the new book of a series he was absolutely obsessed with.
You made a mistake of asking him a question about one of the characters, and just like Lucifer's lectures, he went on and on and on.
It was cute seeing him rant on about his favorite book, but the amount of time that was passing wasn't.
It didn't seem like he would stop anytime soon so you had one special idea.
Man stops in the middle of his sentence and just states at you, trying to figure out your deepest darkest secrets while doing so.
When you ask him if that was ever in the book, he says no but having a real life experience is wayyy better then reading about it.
It'll take him a little while to realize why you did so, and when he does figure out he'll be a little offended.
So as a punishment, he kisses you till you can't breathe. Which seems 100% fair in his opinion.
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With Asmo being an influencer and all, there's no doubt he'll receive a bunch of new products to try. And recently, a new collection of lipsticks and lip glosses have arrived.
Of course he can't decided which shade looks better on him, so he asks you to help him decided.
Problem is, there's probably over 100 shades to test out, and that's gonna be a real tiring process, so why not spice it up?
You take the first lip gloss and apply it to your lips and give him a kiss on the cheek, then another with another shade and so on.
Definitely was surprised by it but did not at all mind, even suggested he try some on you.
Let's say you guys do a little more then test out lipstick but no one is complaining.
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You were in the kitchen baking and of course beel smelled the delicious aroma.
He walked in and begged to have a lick of the spoon and bowl, maybe just give him the whole bowl, how needs baked goods anyway? We love salmonella!
Definitely got some on his face.
You try to wipe some off with your finger like a mama would, but he moves away pouting just like a kid.
So you stop and catch him off guard by kissing it off. Each kiss had a little lick getting the batter off of his face.
Beel was so shocked but quickly got an idea.
He got some of the batter with his finger and spreads a little on your face; before you could say something, he does the same thing to you and not both of you are a little messy.
Will absolutely get more and more messy until there's no more batter left and you guys practically ate it before it even got the chance to touch the oven.
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It would be late at night and the both of you would be ready to sleep.
You both say your goodnights, but something about sleepy boy just won't let you have the last word.
So it goes "Good night, Belphie." And "Goodnight, y/n." Over and over again.
Getting really sleepy, and a little cranky, you decide to end this one and for all.
While Belphie said goodnight for the 100th time, you gave him a big dramatic kiss, the one where it's a big smack with it and said goodnight; but you didn't stop there.
For every kiss it was a goodnight until you knew for sure you won.
And for once, he was absolutely speechless.
Eventually, you both fall asleep but best believe that's the only victory you would have cause in the morning, he is gonna let you have it.
But if you dare even once to bring it up, he will pull a Lucifer and lock you in the attack so no one will ever find out how you made the belphagor shut up.
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Baby!Satan : Goodnight Mammon
Mammon : Good night
Mammon : *accidently leaves the door a little bit open*
Baby!Satan : .........
Baby!Satan : *combusts*
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