55 posts
Heyyya! BevShe/her 🫶🫶My favourites from Obey me are Satan, Lucifer and Mammon so yeah, look out for that!INTJ!Obey me requests and asks are open!
Last active 60 minutes ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
bevy-obeyme · 4 months ago
When you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers. :3
Hmmm.. I don’t know if I can list that many things.
I like my music taste, my reading collection (that I hope to expand) and my academic prowess. That’s about it.
I do not have ten favourite followers, mainly for the fact I feel that it would be unfair to choose favourites as I appreciate everyone’s support equally. Thank you for the ask!
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bevy-obeyme · 4 months ago
How many asks do you have 👀
Now that I’ve answered this one, six! But I’ll be answering them! Thank you for the question.
(Work is never finished.. father has me working…)
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bevy-obeyme · 4 months ago
As a general concept.. Satan fits way too hard in the role of the Phantom.
Both Satan and the Phantom of the Opera are INTJs sure, but they are also strikingly similar!
For example, in TSL, Satan’s counterpart - Lord of Masks - fits the Phantom who also wears a mask for the exact same reason; to avoid hurt.
Now, I’m going to sit back, imagine Mammon as Raoul, MC as Christine and Satan as the Phantom and relax..
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bevy-obeyme · 4 months ago
If you do not mind answering at all, was there a reason to the hiatus?
It was very sudden
(We all understand either way, internet stuff and allat, hope you are ok now though!)
Hello, and I don’t mind answering!
I was mainly a bit burnt out to continue, not that I don’t appreciate everyone’s support, but there was so much going on in real life like transitioning into my last year and focusing on exams.
And I was generally busy catching up on time with family, friends and classic literature!
Thank you for asking however and I promise to post now! I apologise to all the requests I abandoned, I’ll get started right away!
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bevy-obeyme · 4 months ago
Are you ok :S
Worried about you since you have just abruptly stopped posting…
I’m okay! Thank you for asking! I promise I’ll be back to posting full time and a massive thank you for people staying around for my posts. I appreciate it.
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bevy-obeyme · 4 months ago
hello! are you still here? i found some of your posts and liked them but i dont know if youve deleted tumblr or something.
I.. have returned.
No, but seriously, I’m back. Sorry for the incredibly long hiatus. I hope everyone can forgive me.
I’ll be back to posting now, but I would like to know what content people would like to see (of course, obey me related)
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bevy-obeyme · 9 months ago
what if…here me out on this when the demon bros are having private time MC can feel it because of the pacts, like he can just feel basically everything the demon bros do and they take advantage of the fact that MC can feel what they do (bottom male mc if you write for male mc :3)
This is a very intriguing ask tbh!! And thank you for your ungodly patience.
(I realise it took me a whole week to get this done and I apologise. Please forgive me my beautifully amazing fans.)
{{NSFW - Sexual themes (nothing too bad though!!)}}
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When pent up stress needs to be relieved
- Realistically, Lucifer would already know exactly the effect it would have on you. And he had to admit, it thrilled him.
- He would take advantage of it even if he wasn’t aroused - just to see you squirm. Just to see your trousers grow a tent or the desperate messages that would ping on his phone begging for him to stop.
- He’d even dare do it whilst you were hanging out with his brothers to remind you that you were his.
- Oh how the sadistic bastard loved this game.
- He would definitely be embarrassed after he wanked off for you to come into his room looking all needy and worked up.
- How was he supposed to explain himself here??
- But then, seeing the look of desire, that flush on your cheeks - well, it overpowered his embarrassment.
- He was always a bit cautious afterwards not to jerk off afterwards - he didn’t want you getting into too much trouble or worse, Lucifer spotting and understanding what happened.
- But, he wouldn’t deny you if you came onto him when he was hard. Oh no. You were in your first man’s arms now.
- Now, after he found out, he was extremely embarrassed and shy. Hell, he ignored you for hours out of shame. Why did he think of you like that?! What right did a dirty otaku like him have?
- But, at the same time, it was nice to see his desire reciprocated. To see you look back at him with the same needy look.
- He probably wouldn’t take advantage of it, but he wouldn’t be against getting you worked up with your consent.
- The blond would definitely use this as an advantage too. Although much more subtly than Lucifer.
- For example, he’d work himself up a bit but by the time you’d question him, he’d act all coy and have no idea what you’re on about, that polite smile never quite reaching his eyes.
- Overstimulation would definitely be something you should expect. He was a master of pushing boundaries but never breaking them.
- He would definitely be excited. What else did you expect of the literal Avatar of Lust?
- He’d be down to try anything - hell, he’d probably have you jerk him off just to get yourself hard too. Any idea you proposed just made Asmodeus libido skyrocket.
- Asmo would probably become a lot clingier and whinier too, trying to convince you not to go to student council meetings and spend time with him.
- You met harsh reprimands from Lucifer each time but damn was it worth it.
- Now, when Beel learned about how he was affecting you he genuinely felt horrible.
- He would get worried and ask about if you were uncomfortable with the thought or not and apologise bashfully for his urges.
- Even despite your reassurances and that you liked it, he always made sure to ask your consent beforehand. He never wanted to take advantage of you and probably never will.
- The sleepy demon would probably be too tired most of the time to take advantage of his effect.
- But, if the occasional mood did strike up, he would make sure you were in public or doing something every time. He just had to torture you with his own arousal and send you pounding up the attic stairs to him.
- Your needy expression and pouts never failed to make him grin. Oh how he did love having a pact with such a powerless human.
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bevy-obeyme · 9 months ago
On a totally unrelated note, I struggle with my MBTI so mucchh.
Is there anyone else who can’t say exactly what? I know I placed my MBTI as ENTP but I’m not too sure about it.
I definitely have _NT_ functions though!!
Is there someone that can help because I’m so interested but my personality has soo many different and downright contradictory traits and facadesss.
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(Real life picture of me asking btw)
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bevy-obeyme · 9 months ago
This is an X reader in which the MC has horrible religious trauma and is a polytheist!!
~ A request from @dog-nature-fandoms
Mammon and Simeon with a Polytheistic MC
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- Religious trauma - well he definitely had a bit of that alright. He literally used to be an angel.
- Vehemently, he could care less for his father. He followed Lucifer for a reason.
- But, to see you, his human affected by it too definitely surprised him. But it made sense how easily you strayed from religious topics.
- He was quite understanding - especially after the news of what happened to your brother, he wouldn’t dare push it unless you talked first. He was definitely intrigued by your belief in multiple gods.
- And seeing tattoos? When he first learnt it, he demanded to see them. He was your first man after all. And in all fairness, he loved how unique they were.
- To be fair, he’d probably show his off in his demon form and making a teasing competition on who’s look better.
- To Simeon, it was a strange yet deeply understood thing. Even if he was an angel who shouldn’t doubt Father’s word - he knew the pressures of staying in line and loyal.
- Simeon never dared to cross your boundaries when it came to you opening up. He had all the time in the world for you.
- Upon hearing your polytheism, he was intrigued. Humans were such intriguing creatures with their beliefs and stories and he listened when you poured your soul into your rambles.
- The angel liked to trace your tattoos gently - it was soothing just running his finger pads against the tiny indents the ink had left and he wanted to know each and every story to all of them.
((so sorry if this is horrible (,•-•,) ))
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bevy-obeyme · 9 months ago
An mc with an eating disorder I'm recovering from one and am curious on ur take with the dateables if ur uncomfortable you don't have too
Now this request does hit home a bit. I myself have no diagnosis so of course, I can’t speak on behalf of EDs, but I want you to know you are valid no matter what you weigh. Life is so much more than the number on the scale and I’m glad to hear you recover. Hope you’re getting the best of care! 🫶🫶
[TRIGGER WARNING - If you are recovering/still suffering from an ED, I’d advise caution just in case it brings up unpleasant memories, thank you!]
Dateables with an MC that suffers an ED.
- Now, this man picked up on everything. Should you be surprised? No not really.
- He could see it all the time. Whenever he offered one of Barbatos’s pastries you would immediately decline, seeing it as a waste of carbs and sugar. Or the constant asking in how many calories a certain Devildom food held.
- It was concerning. He could see just how much you struggled and seeing as you were his human exchange student, he took to confronting this.
- He reassured that cheat days were okay, that you were allowed to treat yourself to the occasional delicacy. That you didn’t have to substitute bread for rice cakes, that you didn’t have to avoid carbs like a plague.
- Hell, at times he would make sure Barbatos cooked dessert just for you. If you tried to push it away, he would kindly insist till you caved.
- Like his master, the butler was extremely keen in noticing this almost frantic habit of yours. Dare he say that he might‘ve heard you throwing up at times too.
- His heart panged. He knew how much you avoided the kitchen or whenever you’d excuse yourself during dinner to not get tempted by food.
- No doubt, he would confront you about it and reassure that you looked fine and just like a human should do. But he knew that often those kind of reassurances fell on deaf ears.
- So, he did opt to give you more nutritional options. Being mindful to switch out some ingredients for healthier alternatives when cooking/baking for you. As Lord Diavolo’s exchange student (and his favourite human), he wanted to make you comfortable.
- The gentle angel was attentive to this matter. But, he knew better than to outright confront you. In fact, he decided to take a more subtle approach.
- Whenever you wore something outside your comfort zone, he would make sure to compliment your appearance and reassure that you liked beautiful/handsome.
- Or whenever you visited him at Angel’s Halo, he made sure to welcome you with breakfast. His smile was gentle and charming, how could you resist him when he looked at you like that?
- It was his subtle way of saying - ‘please eat, I care about you more than the way you weigh.’
- He was a child, so of course he did not understand the concepts of EDs that well. But he definitely picked up on the signs and would constantly point out why you avoided certain foods or limited your portions more than others.
- After Simeon explained to him, the young angel was truly baffled.
- How could you see yourself as anything but divine? So what if you weighed more or less than the average? That didn’t compare to your stunning personality.
- After this revelation, he would make sure to be around whenever you ate a lot. He was worried. He didn’t want a human that was practically like a parent to him starve.
- Another sharp man. He picked up on the signs immediately and confronted you rather quickly. He didn’t want his apprentice suffering after all.
- However, when you have a really swift rejection after he offered to cook for you, he was stunned on what to do.
- So, he went on to reassure you instead. Reminding you that you needed nutrition whether you liked it or not, that your human life was way too short for you to waste it prattling on about calories or worrying over how you looked in certain clothing.
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bevy-obeyme · 9 months ago
I know you're super busy but if you have the time, I wanted to request a Trans FtM MC with the brothers, mostly headcanons or cute shenanigans! Like asking the brothers helping MC recover from Top Surgery!!! Please it would make my year!! Thank you so much for reading!
Of course! It’s no problem and I’ll try to get all my asks done today!! :))
I really appreciate requests that give me different prompts because I myself as I have stated numerous times am a cis female and being introduced to other perspectives is really intriguing for me!!
Shenanigans with the brothers as a Temale to Male MC
Lucifer - Top Surgery.
- No doubt, going into surgery was a nerve wracking thing. He could only admire your bravery to do so.. and hold your hand in comfort as you walked in.
- You got registered in and sat in the doctor’s office, Lucifer was sat besides you rubbing your knuckles absentmindedly and pressing kisses against your cheek, reminding you that you’d do great.
- Post surgery - he could see your delight, your newfound comfort in being more masculine. He couldn’t help the tiny smile that dotted on his face at your happiness.
- He did notice the scars and was always careful when admiring you. In fact, he seemed to be even more enamoured. Those scars were a sign of strength. A sign of resilience.
‘’No matter what you look like, you’ll always remain mine. And that’s all that matters.’’
Mammon - A lower class demon misgendering you.
- You bet, he would be hella pissed.
- You both were walking through the town square, hand in hand when suddenly his demonic hearing picked up on snickering.
- Snickers about you and transphobic comments.
- How dare they make such comments about you? So he yelled out to them.
- If that didn’t work, he would literally square up on them. Give them an intimidating glare and go up to them with his hands on his hips, you behind him as he rambled off, insulting the inferior demon’s intelligence and what not.
- At one point, you had to literally hold him back as you could swear he was about to throw hands.
‘’Yea’, yea! Walk away, I dare ya! Stupid scum! Next time I see ya bastards hangin’ around, insulting MY ____, yer gonna regret it!’’
Leviathan - Cosplaying to combat body dysmorphia.
- Levi noticed just how sad you looked in the Ruri-chan cosplay.
- Sure, you agreed to cosplay with him but he still felt bad about taking up your time.. he should’ve known a stupid otaku like him would only take up your time.
- However, then the realisation dawned on him. Ruri-chan was a girl and you were trying to transition… oh. OH.
- To say he felt horrible was an understatement, and he immediately offered to switch cosplays. He reassured that you still looked masculine and that a gender-bend Ruri-chan wasn’t that bad of an idea.
‘’Y-You look so cool as Ruri-chan! Who cares if she’s a girl? C-Cosplaying is all about the fun of it!’’
Satan - Helping insecurity and deep rooted inferiority.
- Satan could see it. Even if you never stated it, that you held a lot of gender envy towards him and his brothers.
- He sympathised with you. Feeling like you were born in the wrong body was awful no doubt. And the fact that you would always feel inferior to ‘real’ men.
- But Satan always countered that - what defined a ‘real’ man? Sure, anatomy might be one answer, but the second was identity.
- Gender was nothing but a social custom. Dresses being feminine? An opinion. Suits being masculine? Also an opinion. Mindsets, emotions and thoughts didn’t have a set gender and Satan made sure to express that clearly, hell, you’ve seen his brothers haven’t you?
- His tone was logical and firm. Reassuring you that you were justified in being who you were and that labelling yourself as a man was okay.
‘’Don’t let other people drag you down to their levels of simplicity. I’ll love you no matter the form you take ____.’’
Asmodeus - Help diminish masculine stereotypes.
- He too noticed your gender envy. But the avatar of lust had a different way of dealing with it.
- Any time you two went out, he’d make sure to apply makeup, wear skirts, high heels - any ‘feminine’ thing you could think of just to show you there was no harm expressing yourself in a ‘girly’ manner even as a man.
- He also did it to place the attention on him. He didn’t care for the confused looks or admirers. He strutted like he owned the place and he wanted you to do the same.
‘’Confidence is a lifestyle darling. Once you begin living it, people will love you for the amazing man you are.’’
Beelzebub - To feel more masculine.
- Beel was a regular at the gym and his clubs, that was fact. And so, you could argue he was the most masculine with his chiseled form.
- When you came up to him and requested to attend the gym with him to build muscle, he was more than happy for you to accompany him. It did get a bit lonely going by himself at times.
- He helped you bulk on calories and encouraged what foods to eat and to avoid when building muscle.
- However, he also reassured you that you didn’t have to gain muscle to be a ‘man’ and that you were handsome enough as is.
‘’I know I don’t say it often but.. I love you how you are ____. Don’t feel the need to change for other people. But, I won’t stop you if you truly do it for yourself.’’
Belphegor - Comforting you after being deadnamed.
- Belphegor knew that you still had issues transitioning. It was normal - your whole life would change as people viewed you differently. But not him. In his heart, you were still the little human that got him to love the quirks of humanity again.
- However, after being woken up by your cries and hearing of what happened, he immediately came to reassure you that people like that were idiots and random nobodies. Why bother putting up with self-conscious fools who had nothing better to do than hate you for being happy?
- He pulled you close to his chest and snuggled into you, all the while asking about the low class demons that deadnamed you - you didn’t want to know what he would do to them.
‘’I’m telling you ____, don’t bother time with idiots.. they’re all mindless demons that somehow Lord Diavolo hasn’t eradicated yet.’’
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bevy-obeyme · 9 months ago
may u do how the om brothers would act with a himbo mc who's like ..... scarily dumb 💀 like think Karen Smith x10 ( sorry for any English mistakes i might have made !! english isnt my first language so i might have made some mistakes😅)
Of course you can!! I’m so so sorry for attending to this request late - had some issues in real life but I’m back :D
Brothers with a himbo MC
- Now, at first when Mammon warned him that you were stupid, he thought that was exaggeration.
- However, he was quickly silenced when you went over 20,000 Grimm in debt. Why? Because you didn’t understand the value of money. And you had horribly miscalculated.
- Lucifer gets, no doubt, very frustrated with your incompetence. Hell, you might as well start competing with Mammon for ‘’House Idiot’’.
-Nevertheless, he found your himbo nature endearing at times. A bit naive and ditzy never hurt anyone.
- And you were incredibly attractive. More than the average man. Especially with that physique.
- Someone stupider than him? Hah. Impossible.
- It wasn’t actually. Somehow, your dumbness exceeded his. And it got him feeling.. quite smug actually.
- Of course, he’d make the occasional remark on how humans would of course be stupider than the Great Mammon but he didn’t truly mean any malice.
- Nonetheless, he also felt quite happy at times - he could find solace in both of you not being the most academically gifted.
- But, you were incredibly handsome. That did make up for it. Sometimes, he’d even invite you to his modelling gigs. You never disagreed somehow.
- If he was feeling particularly mischievous, he’d even gamble with you to win some extra cash.
- This man would constantly mock you - call you Mammon 2.0 or stupid normie.
- But deep down, he was jealous. Insecure even. How were you so liked? So charming? So handsome but so utterly dumb?
- He could never hope to have your confidence. How you managed to yell out foolish things all the time without a care about looking idiotic.
- That’s to say, he didn’t hate you. And sometimes, it felt good just talking to you. Even if you never truly understood his game rambles, at least you were there. And that was all that mattered.
- The blond avatar did not know how to feel about you actually. At first, he held a deep disdain towards you, thinking that you were one of those idiotic people who never matured and had everything handed to them without working.
- But no. You were just genuinely clueless.
- At times, it was irritating having to constantly explain a concept to you, but he had to remind himself that you were in fact trying your best.
- Other times, it was hilarious seeing how easily you riled Lucifer up due to your uncontrolled money spending habits.
- He would not deny the fact you were an extremely charming man however. He had to pay attention to not let himself be too entranced at times.
- Upon first sight, Asmodeus definitely did try to charm you. You were a handsome little human, how could he resist?
- However, your stupidness did leave him dumbfounded (and reminded him a lot of Mammon) but he was the one who came up with the idea of calling you a himbo lovingly all the time.
- Although, your cluelessness in.. more intimate topics did leave him a bit irritated when he had to explain in multiple ways.
- Nonetheless, you never protested against him painting your nails or doing skincare with him, so you were definitely someone to like in his books.
- To be fair, Beelzebub did not hold anything against your intelligence. He could understand actually, most of the time, his thoughts were on food.
- But deep down, he knew you were a good, kind man who was just a lot too naive and clueless for the Devildom, so he definitely felt a bit protective to keep you like that.
- He exchanged many tips with you in relation to working out. You had quite a physique and Beel had always been into fitness, so most of your conversations included health and work out regimes.
- Sometimes, he’d message you for a morning run or to come with him after school to the gym.
- Now, he definitely held against you for your naivety. Foolish humans - like always.
- However, he could see how easily you got along with Beelzebub and how much his twin trusted you. So, he lessened his snide remarks towards you over time.
- Belphie became a fan of your strength over time. Whenever he fell asleep, he could always count on you as a rest or for you to carry him back much to his pleasure.
- Besides.. your human ways of being clueless were quite adorable - sometimes.
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bevy-obeyme · 9 months ago
Songs that remind me of the Obey Me characters!!
(Angstyy btw!!)
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bevy-obeyme · 9 months ago
i NEED more Solomon content, please i beg of you. I need nonbinary reader please T^T
Of course!! I’ll make up a prompt for you and I hope you like it.
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Living with Solomon.
- In the plainest case, you are both like a married couple.
- Whether you are the one who wants to wear the dress or not, he doesn’t care. He loves living with you, away from all the chaotic brothers who steal your attention.
- Although, for some reason, you restrict his access to the kitchen. A pout on his face yet he never questioned. Phew. Disaster averted.
I’m - He always made quips about how nice it was to see you in an apron and cooking, that ‘’[he] wouldn’t mind coming home to his sight everyday’’ and often teasing you on why you wanted to return in the first place.
- Always, he got smacked by a tea towel. Lesson learned.
- You both spilt chores most of the time but to be fair, you let Solomon clean up most of the time. Mainly because his magic was handy and much more effortless than yours.
- Of course, you both did share the bed. You would be a foolish little apprentice if you assumed otherwise.
- However, when you did have to tend to your attendant duties, you could swear a pout made its way on his lips as he wished you goodbye.
- Watching movies together was always fun yet the white haired sorcerer never got scared and frankly that was baffling.
- He did cry when cutting onions though and that was quite funny. You often put his bangs up in a ponytail when he was concentrating. Just to snap a cute photo of him.
( In secret, he loved to send photos of you and him in Honeymoon phase back to the original timeline. The brothers would do have his head for it but he did not care whatsoever!! )
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bevy-obeyme · 9 months ago
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Lucifer Facts!!:
- He is actually an affectionate drunk.
- He loves all kinds of music, ranging from classical and cursed records to even metal and rock.
- Lucifer is very passionate about theatre and loves musicals.
- Surprisingly enough, Lucifer hates technopop.
- He refers to himself as a ‘’Demonus Enthusiast’’.
- Lucifer is not a fan of modern art.
- Like Mammon, Lucifer is not a morning demon.
- Lucifer is skilled in playing a range of instruments. Some honourable mentions are piano, violin, guitar and even the drums.
- He is also stated to be a good vocalist.
- Lucifer likes his beverages strong. A valid example would be that he likes his tea that is grown in the ground and covered by solidified volcanic lava that amplifies its sweetness.
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bevy-obeyme · 9 months ago
Sorry for the bother but can I request a male or GN Oblivious!MC x Barbatos or Lucifer? Oblivious in the way that that he may be extremely smart in many ways but when it comes to emotional intelligence they're a dicklard who you could hit on the head with a hammer marked with " I love you mc" and they would still be its normal friendship and how they would deal with that ?
( btw have you seen the announcement that solmare are gonna make asmr with lucifer ??)
Of course I can make the request!! Don’t worry about it haha!
And no, I did not know actually! I’m going to have to check it out!! 🫶
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- As someone who valued competence, he found your intelligence extremely valuable and useful.
- You reminded him a bit of Satan really. Someone who cared about academics and intellect a lot. Yet, he kept this little comparison to himself.
- He found it refreshing that he would not have to worry about you during RAD exams unlike how he had to worry for his brothers.
- Nonetheless.. your naivety was… something.
- It wanted to make him chuckle and groan simultaneously. You were dense alright.
- When he insisted on a date, you called it an outing. When he insisted for you to spend time with him, you would not pick up on his innuendos.
- He had to physically make out with you for you to get the point. That flush on your handsome cheeks was well worth the annoyance he suffered however.
- He quite admired your intellect. It made for some lovely debates and conversations over teas he prepared.
- As a being as old as time, it was nice to discuss deeply intelligent topics that would have most people stuttering, Barbatos could respect the passion you put into learning.
- He found that his master had chosen well in choosing you to represent humans - well-read, witty and perceptive.
- However, he ultimately found himself at a loss of words when he saw your perception lack in his affections.. were you uninterested or just oblivious?
- The amount of hints he sent your way was startling yet you never picked up on it.
- It got to a point where Barbatos had to be blunt with you. Push past his polite demeanour and express his feelings wholeheartedly that your handsome face fell in realisation and embarrassment.
- Quite a lovely sight. He’d remember it for the rest of time.
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bevy-obeyme · 9 months ago
I'm so happy to finally have found someone willing to make male reader stories I'm actually shocked.
I'd like to request a "meeting the family" of m!mc with Solomon and Simeon please 🙏
Hope you have a nice day !
Of course! It’s no problem! So many people in the fandom seem to forget that male and gender neutral fans exist among us and yet there is so little content for all of you, so please don’t hesitate to request!! 🫶
Hope I did this ask justice!!
Thank you and hope you have a nice day as well!!
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Meeting the family
- This man was rather nervous. Not that his angelic smile conveyed it.
- You knew this. So of course, you made sure to reassure him all the time. Your family would like him, he was the epitome of what grandmas wanted as a son-in-law.
- So what if he was a guy and so were you? You told him that times have changed. Being with another man wasn’t a sin.
- Your family did love him. He was kind, calm, gentle. What was there not to like? He was one of the family and his nerves had been put to the rest as you reassured him with another smile.
- And if the occasion came that your family wasn’t accepting, Simeon would stand up for you anyway and convey that you had your own choice. You didn’t have to listen to them.
- He loved you. And you loved him. Would a couple of humans and the ‘’sin’’ of homosexuality get in his way? No. Definitely not.
‘’Dear, even if it cost me my wings, I would never deny your love.’’
- Now, as you knew, Solomon did not have a family. Being immortal was a curse - he did not want to go through the pain of loss again. It was such a numb feeling.
- However, would he ever deny you introducing him? Of course not. Your family was his family for the time being.
- And he was quite interested too, seeing the people who raised you to be the amazing man he loved now.
- If your family came out to be supportive, Solomon would be happy. He knew that obviously your parents/family would be accommodating when they raised a handsome being like you.
- And it felt nice to have a family.. just be careful and not let Solomon offer your family some of his.. ‘cooking’. If you want to keep your family that is.
- If they weren’t, he would be quite disappointed. Of course, he had seen his course of homophobia over the eons he’s been alive but even then, to think you had been oppressed like that for so long.. it made him sad.
- He would stand up for you in a subtle yet powerful manner, masking it all with a playful yet eerie smile. At least your family would know better than to comment their disapproval.
‘’Through all my years, you’re the most intriguing man that has caught my interest.’’
‘’Hah! No, I’m not trying to flatter you. But I wouldn’t deny a kiss…’’
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