#Samuel Campbell
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seasononesam · 5 months ago
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Nice house.
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roachingurcoach · 9 months ago
okay I don't really know how to frame this. but like. funniest way to confirm Dean is Ben's dad is
20 year-old Ben takes a genetics test for fun or whatever, and the results he gets back are just batshit insane. it's like. oh hey. my biological father is a known serial killer who's still on the FBI's most wanted list and has been found or thought dead multiple times. and my uncle. and my grandfather. and my grandmother. and my--
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samsocialism · 1 year ago
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katherinehoughtoncastle47 · 9 months ago
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ebenelephant · 2 months ago
anyway samuel and mary's relationship is just so incest coded even before azazel possesses him and kisses her. a lot of the ways hunters are portrayed kind of mirrors incest, but these two specifically. it's her little secret with daddy that they can never talk about with anyone. she can't date a civilian, they could never understand. she also can't date other hunters, because samuel doesn't trust other hunters. it only leaves so many people. when i rewatch the scene of mary running out to meet john, falling into his arms, saying, "you promised you'd take me away," i wonder what he thinks is going on inside that house.
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take-it-on-the-run · 5 months ago
Dean Winchester x FreshlyTurned!Reader
It was supposed to be a simple hunt. Something to get the three of you back on your feet after a year of thinking Sam was dead and no contact between you and Dean.
Word Count: 2.1k
Tags: Vampirism, the reader is turned, angst, hurt/comfort, soulless Sam is slacking, blood, vivid descriptions of smell and pain, vomiting, illness comfort, Samuel Campbell (yes he is a warning he sucks), brief mention of the reader killing Dean
Characters: Dean Winchester, Soulless!Sam Winchester, FreshlyTurned!Reader, Samuel Campbell
Anonymous requested: "hi <3 wasn’t sure if I could request this or not, feel free to ignore if you don’t feel comfortable doing it, but can I request a hurt/comfort fic with dean :) like patching up an injury or smth, thank you !!!"
Read it on AO3!
A/N: Bon Iver + St. Vincent title. Okay, I'm going to preface this by saying this went a little off the rails from what the request asked for, and I hope that this is still generally within the realm of hurt/comfort. Thank you for the request anon, and if you don't think I quite hit the mark, I'm sorry. Other than the haywire writing, this was a ton of fun to write, and made me brush up on my season six lore. Every mistake is my own, heed the tags, and enjoy!
Dean Winchester Masterlist | Supernatural Masterlist | Main Page Masterlist
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Blood ran down your chest and stomach, coupled with a hot, searing pain that pulsated from the side of your neck.
The barn you were in was slipping in and out of vision as you tried to focus on a small crack that ran through a few of the ceiling boards.
The reality of your life coming to an end in a barn on the outskirts of a small Midwest town crashed down on you.
It was supposed to be a simple hunt.
Something to get the three of you back on your feet after a year of thinking Sam was dead and no contact between you and Dean.
Rush the vamp nest, take them out, and torch the place for good measure.
It was a fairly simple plan, given the things you three had gone through over the past years. Ghosts, demons, and the damn devil himself. A plan that would’ve gone through perfectly if Sam followed through on his end.
You were supposed to go through one of the top windows, Dean through the front, and Sam the back.
You found two vamps up in the loft, swiftly cutting through the head of one before the other kicked you straight through the loft’s railing, landing on your back a floor below.
Before you could get to your feet, he was on top of you, yanking the machete in your hands and throwing it across the room. He brought his grotesque mouth to your neck, all sharp needles made of bone. The metallic smell of blood caked to the back of his teeth wafted over your senses.
You could feel the muscles in your neck drawing taught as his teeth attempted to rip out the soft flesh between your neck and shoulder. You tried pushing him off, but the harder you pushed, the more his jaw would close. The only thing stopping him from ripping your throat clean open was Dean running behind him and holding the vampire’s mouth open like a wild animal.
Through your drowning ears, you could hear Dean yelling for Sam to come kill the monster on top of you, but no such relief came.
You didn’t know where Sam was, but you knew Dean had a choice to make.
Either let the vampire’s jaw go, letting him yank your throat apart as he scrambled for a weapon to kill it, or continue yelling for his brother who was yet to be found.
Your eyes met his briefly through the struggle of his vice grip on your attacker. You could see confusion, followed by regret, flash in his eyes; like you were telling him it was one way or the other.
As strong as Dean was, you knew that he wasn’t strong enough to wait for Sam and still have the energy to hold the vampire on you.
He knew it, too.
You closed your eyes when you saw his hands starting to move away from the vampire’s jaw before they slipped off and he was out of your sight.
You didn’t blame him. It was a tough call to make, and if the roles were reversed, you were sure you’d make the same choice.
That’s the life, after all.
You were barely conscious enough to recognize Dean dragging you away to prop you up against a wall with a grunt. You heard the rotting door of the barn get kicked open, and you blinked your eyes open enough to see Sam finally make an appearance with the med kit that you stashed in the Impala.
“Where the hell were you,” Dean spit at his brother with venom. You heard Sam’s voice, but the words were garbled and you couldn’t put together what he was saying.
Your voice rattled a moan without your control, like a ghastly breath escaping your lungs in an attempt to cling to life. Their voices came to a hush as Dean returned to kneeling at your side.
“Hey, hey sweetheart,” his hand cupped the side of your face while the other remained pressed harshly on the gaping wound in your neck, “I need you to focus on me. Just keep your eyes on me, everything’s gonna be alright.”
You knew you were at the end of your blood tank; in reality, it was a miracle you were still awake at all.
You moved your jaw, Dean’s hand riding on the side of your neck in an attempt to keep the wound covered.
In no human realm should you be awake or alive in this moment.
But, as Sam shoved thick pads of gauze into Dean’s hands, you felt the world stop as a new smell cut through the one of your blood.
A deep, unsatiated hunger, as if you hadn’t eaten since the moment you were born, dawned on your tongue. It didn’t pile in your stomach like normal hunger; it coursed through your body, wracking you with the urge to find the source of the smell.
The smell was coming from Dean.
You forced yourself away from him, kicking against the rickety floor of the barn as he looked at you in shock.
“What are you doing? You’re going to bleed out, please, I know it hurts, but…” his words died in his mouth as you slowly stood to your feet, feeling around the site of the wound. Your hand moved on your skin, slipping in your blood but not dipping against the gaping holes you knew should’ve been there.
“I need you two to back up away from me, please.” You stated as calmly as you could. Something was clicking in your jaw, and you guessed it was the new teeth forcing their way through your gums.
The two of the brothers stepped away, Sam a little faster than Dean, as you dug your nails into a wooden beam to stop your feet from moving.
You watched them from a distance, whispering to each other with occasional glances your way.
Dean took a step towards you, his hands in front of him cautiously as you firmly planted your feet to the ground.
“Sam says he and Samuel may know how to deal with this, he thinks they might have a cure. I’m going to grab the guy that turned you,” he turned to the body slowly, keeping eye contact with you, “and we’ll need you to come with us. Can you do that for me, sweetheart?”
You craned your neck to look around before your eyes were burned with the light creaking through the walls. It burned like the sun had come down to Earth and set it on fire, swirling up to your brain and distorting your thoughts.
“Dean,” you heaved out, planting your hands firmly over your eyes, “I don’t think-” your brain felt too light to form more words. Everything was too bright, too fast, too much.
Your body buckled at your hips as you heard one of the pair approach you. Hands lightly pressed at the backs of your legs, and you were swept off your feet.
When you woke up, you were sat upright in a chair, alone in one of the many rooms of the Campbell’s compound. You recognized it as one of the rooms dedicated to the many monsters the Campbell family took in; the barred door locked from the outside.
You gasped, holding back a gag as you tasted your rancid breath.
“Y/N?” You heard someone call out your name from down the hall, and you scrambled to the bars, wrapping your hands around them.
“Dean?” You called out with a weak voice. The owner of the voice turned down the hallway, revealing Dean’s broad figure walking swiftly to you.
He knelt in front of the bars, gaze sweeping over you, taking in your ragged appearance.
“Hey,” he said, voice low and steady. “How are you feeling?”
You laughed bitterly. “Like something chewed me up and spit me out.” The words felt strange coming out of your mouth, as if each syllable scraped against your throat, raw and foreign. You tightened your grip on the bars, the metal cold against your clammy skin.
Dean nodded slowly, glancing down the hallway where Sam and Samuel’s muffled voices were discussing… something. Something about a cure. A way out of this. But you could tell by Dean’s face that the chances weren’t great.
“Listen, they’re working on it,” he said. “Sam and Samuel think they might be able to stop this, to reverse it somehow. You just have to hang in there.”
You met his gaze, searching his eyes for any sign of certainty, anything that might give you hope. “And if they can’t?” Your voice was softer than you’d meant, but you had to ask. The hunger clawing at your insides was getting stronger, more insistent, and it terrified you more than anything else.
He exhaled sharply, pressing his forehead against the bars. “Then we deal with it.”
You felt a shudder run through you, half from fear and half from the hunger that twisted your insides at the scent of his blood. “Dean… you don’t get it.” You tried to explain the gnawing feeling, how you could practically taste his blood just by being this close. “I’m not safe, not like this.”
Dean’s jaw tightened. “Then I’ll find a way to make you safe. Whatever it takes.”
Just then, Sam and Samuel came down the hall, carrying an ancient-looking book and a glass filled with a thick red liquid. You guessed it had blood in it, by the smell, but various other scents in the drink made you want to double over. Dean turned, his face hardening as he looked at them.
Sam cleared his throat, glancing at you behind the bars. “We… we think this might work. The cure’s based on a blood transfusion from the vampire that turned you, mixed with some ingredients Samuel and the family found.” He met your eyes, his expression somber, with a blankness in his eyes. “It’s gonna hurt. A lot. But if you can make it through… there’s a good chance we can turn you back.”
With a nod, you stepped away from the door, allowing Samuel to unlock it with a key he pulled from his pocket. Dean stared at you intensely as Sam crossed the threshold into the cell. He handed you the cup and quickly stepped back out of the room.
Before either Sam had a chance to close the door again, Dean stepped in.
“What are you doing?” Samuel asked, creaking open the door so Dean would have the chance to leave.
“If this has the chance to kill her, I think we owe her enough to not let her die alone in a cell like some damn dog,” Dean said harshly.
Sam looked as if he was going to say something, but Samuel silently closed the door and locked it.
“Dean,” you groaned out, the ache of your new sharp teeth erupting past your gums making it hard to speak, “you shouldn’t have done that.”
“I know you, and I know that out of all of us, you’d be the one with the most control to not eat me alive.” He said wryly, sitting against the wall opposite of you as you leaned against it.
You smiled despite the pain radiating throughout your body. The drink in your hand smelled like blood mixed with something bitter that sat in the back of your throat. You looked a Dean for a moment, before raising the cup a little in a ‘cheers’ motion and starting to slam the liquid down.
It burned like the first time you drank booze, but there was no warm and fuzzy feeling when you finished. You coughed roughly, dropping the cup and leaning over to sputter your inside up. Dean moved to you within a second, hand holding your hair out of the way as you finally opened your eyes to see what was escaping you.
Blood shot from your lips over and over, the only relief found in the form of Dean’s hand gently rubbing your back as your body purged the vampirism straight from you.
You didn’t know how long you spent ridding the disease from your body, but it was long enough to create a puddle of blood that soaked into the jeans you were wearing. You brought your nose away from the smell, not realizing that the hunger in you had finally stilled. Every inch of your body was stretched and burning, but the smell that Dean carried with him was finally gone.
He leaned back against the wall again, bringing you against his chest as he whispered near-silent words of encouragement and comfort. The two of you sat in that cell for what seemed like an eternity, not bothering to call out for anyone to let the two of you out.
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spnstillstudies · 11 months ago
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63/327 (KO-FI♡)
S4E03, “In The Beginning”
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captainchilly · 1 year ago
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"All right, all right, quit bragging." ↳ 6.07 - FAMILY MATTERS
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spnwingifs · 2 years ago
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The Winchesters - Bloopers
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embraceyourdestiny · 19 days ago
It’s really ironic that all of the Winchester / Campbell men “try to do right” by Mary and yet none of them ACTUALLY know Mary because they’re only chasing her ghost. Samuel doesn’t know who his adult daughter is, the brothers don’t know their mother period, and John didn’t know her at all because they were under a love spell. It’s just so ironic. I can’t wait until she’s actually back so I can see who she is for myself. I don’t believe she’ll be anything other than obstinate. It runs in the family.
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seasononesam · 3 months ago
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Okay, all right. You know what? I get it. You've got faith. That's — hey, good for you. I'm sure it makes things easier. I'll tell you who else had faith like that — Mom. 
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theboykingsmichaelsword · 4 months ago
it had to be dean who finally killed azazel not john not sam because dean is the family's core mary's ghost may haunt the narrative may have been what propelled this family quest but by virtue of her being dead she can't be home or hearth when john disappears on a hunt and sam's too young to feed himself in this month's crappy motel. when the moment comes john can help because he's the one who made mary's boy into his perfect soldier but john can't do the deed himself can't pull the trigger mary cocked the day her eldest son watched her kiss the demon wearing the father who made her a hunter no not john who wasn't born with killing monsters in his blood john who wasn't bred for it like mary campbell and dean winchester and it can't be sam either. sam can witness but sam has to be immobile relegated to mere voyeur as the demon who polluted his blood dies on the other end of his brother's gun because he's john's son and mary's son and dean's son and this is about him this is about parents righting a wrong against their child this is about a child killing the thing that wore his father before murdering him this is a wife killing what snapped her husband's neck this is a husband killing the demon who burned his wife this is a brother killing the monster whose schemes stabbed his brother in the back. life dragged them broken and bleeding to an eleventh hour where dean is father-son-and-holy spirit(mary) in a way sam is not of course it was dean it could only have ever been dean
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lunastar92 · 11 months ago
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Yes, Tom it will!!!
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ebenelephant · 5 months ago
really don't think we talk enough about the fact mary winchester had to full on makeout with a demon while it was wearing her dad's body. what the fuck was that.
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ananke-xiii · 2 months ago
both samuel and henry wanted to bring/go back (to) their child. very important to me.
very different from john and mary who wanted to bring back/avenge their spouse. also very important to me.
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lovealwayssay · 8 months ago
Getting through season 6 was such a struggle for me. Season 5 is my absolute favorite of any television season ever, so following that up is already a challenge, but something about Sam being so out of character because he's soulless combined with the Campbell family and Dean's whole thing with Lisa and Ben just makes the show drag. I don't dislike the Soulless Sam plot, I just could do without either the Campbell plot or the dragging out of the Lisa and Ben storyline, and the combination of the three is what makes it so hard for me. French Mistake and onwards I really enjoy the season, but getting to that point is so hard.
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