#Same with Circe
tamaruaart · 1 month
The thought of Odysseus telling Menelaus how he saw Agamemnon in the underworld augh no one talk to me
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ghostmaggie · 7 months
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aq2003 · 5 months
has anyone gotten the idea that odysseus' storyline in hades 2 is a depiction/exploration of trauma over his SA and how he's blaming himself for things that were out of his control? because that's the impression i'm getting from what i've seen. he talks about "goddesses" as his "greatest weakness" and that "he's not one to say no to them"...
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when mel invites him to the bath, he brings up mortals having different standards for intimacy than gods and how it usually has a more romantic/sexual connotation. she then asks if he's uncomfortable and he has a startled reaction and brings up circe and calypso again (but never actually by name)
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(this isn't ship/romance bait btw. odysseus knew mel as a kid and they're stated in-game to have a sibling/uncle-niece relationship)
also he grew apart from penelope after his return, but the game makes a point of showing that his love for penelope and telemachus is what drove him on at all so that element of his character isn't brought into question
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microscotch · 6 months
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recreation of the first ever image i shared on simblr 💛
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ophii · 1 month
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"i dont love anybody, thats my power" yeah right
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bougiebutchbinch · 1 month
Do u ever just think about. Eury sitting on the beach. Waiting for Odysseus after warning him not to go after Circe. Wondering if he'll ever see him again
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dootznbootz · 9 months
"Girlbosses" 🙃
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Understand that I like all these "girlbosses". these are silly
Template down below for friends who wish to add to the collection 。.゚+ ⟵(。・ω・)
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itsakarp · 4 months
I love the beginning of The Underworld cause Odysseus is like “this is what Circe told me to do. Now YOU tell me what we’re going to do.” He is Tired. They definitely had this conversation at least 5 times on the way there. He said we are NOT going to have another bag of winds situation today
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f1shart · 1 year
a dozen more shitposts + 1 (pt 2)
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yes i made a bonus shitpost ⬇️⬇️
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i realized that i had only ever drawn aldric whenever his brother was also present, so i gave him his own shitpost. YET I STILL MANAGE TO MENTION ALMERIC. I'M SO SORRY ALDRIC.
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smolandweirdwriter · 16 days
"you're a good kid" he's a kid telemachus is a kid 
yes odysseus was a "boy", but the implication was always that he was going to be a warrior of the mind, a general, a child king, a leader
telemachus is not a tactician-- he does not fight because it is the only logical outcome, he does not fight because he knows he'll win, he does not fight because he needs to or because antinuous overtly threatens him, not at first. he fights to defend his mother. more than anything else, he fights for someone he cares about.
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cowboys-tshot · 2 months
I keep seeing people call Eurylochus a hypocrite, and while I kinda agree, I also kinda disagree. Hear me out.
So, people's main thing with Eury is that he gets mad at Odysseus for sacrificing six men to Scylla, but he doomed all of the crew by opening the wind bag, and wanted to abandon 22 men-turned-pigs on Circe's island. (For anyone wondering where I'm getting that number, it's from The Odyssey).
But these events aren't really the same, or comparable. Let's take them one by one. (This is gonna be a long one, so I'll cut the post here for the sake of your timelines)
The wind bag. I fully understand why people are pissed at Eurylochus for doing this, and I am too. But you have to remember that he did not do this out of malicious intent. He did not know this would end in the eventual deaths of the entire crew. Even though Eurylochus was warned about the storm being inside the bag, none of them knew it would take them right to the Laestrygonians. He had no idea Poseidon was pissed off at Odysseus for blinding Polyphemus. It was a stupid decision, certainly, but the following events were not intentional on his part.
Circe's island. Eurylochus had no reason to believe there was any way of rescuing those 22 men. Circe's a goddess/witch. What the fuck are two human dudes gonna do about that? Odysseus didn't even know what he was going to do. He would not have had any solution if not for Hermes, which is not something Eurylochus could've predicted. It's pretty reasonable for him to think that those men were a lost cause.
Scylla. So far, all of the deaths have been "accidental:" 14 from Polyphemus, 543 from Poseidon/Laestrygonians, and 1 from Circe (RIP Elpenor). I am not attributing the 543 deaths to Eurylochus for the reasons detailed above. No one knew these deaths would happen. They were all sudden/unexpected. Let's take these next sixth deaths moment-by-moment:
Odysseus redirects the ship, using directions that no one else knew (Odysseus was reading the siren's lips, but everyone else was too busy catching the other sirens, and all of them had beeswax in their ears). Odysseus tells Eurylochus to light six torches.
One by one, Eurylochus watches every man that he handed a torch get brutally eaten. He himself is almost eaten, but he passes his torch off to someone else before he notices the correlation. He only realizes what's happening as the sixth man is about to die, and Eurylochus is too late to save him.
Odysseus won't even gaze at the blood left behind. But it's all Eurylochus can look at.
These deaths were planned. Odysseus knew what he was bringing his men into, and not only did he keep it from them, he sacrificed his men that didn't even know what was happening. And Eurylochus likely feels part of the blame, having been the one to light the torches, even if he didn't know the consequences of it.
Eurylochus has a right to be upset, to be angry. These are the first deaths that could have been prevented, because Odysseus could've simply not taken his men through Scylla's territory. But that's the only way to get home. Odysseus sees it as a necessary sacrifice, but Eurylochus sees it as needless. Because at this point, Eurylochus has given up hope that they'll ever get home. What is the point of sacrificing these men for a goal we will never achieve?
This is not a situation where one person is at fault. Odysseus and Eurylochus are both to blame. Like Scylla says, "There is no price we won't pay." Odysseus himself says, "You know you'd have done the same." People do stupid, dangerous, bad shit to survive. Odysseus sacrifices his men. Eurylochus still wants to live, he just doesn't see the point in trying to return to Ithaca. That's why he kills Helios's cattle. He is starving and he wants to live, even though he knows the consequences.
The whole point of all this is that people will do awful and/or stupid things to survive. Not just Odysseus.
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Y'all... did we just decide that this series just kept getting better?
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epicthemusicalstuff · 7 months
It’s not letting me reblog a post with this video, but I went and I put the openings of Done For and The Horse and the Infant together!
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cynthiav06 · 5 months
I know, I know, I am so late to the ever-growing brainrot due to Epic now with the Underworld Saga out but I honestly needed to just sit with that thing for a while.
Polites was obviously expected, but the open arms reprise still hurt, especially with Ody deciding to abandon Polites's ideals, which are something he has considered to be a crucial part of him for a long time.
What made this more tragic is the fact that we as an audience know for a fact that the monster ideology is what will get Odysseus back home and would have also not gotten Polites killed and yet it's so much better that he doesn't have to witness his best friend become that sort of monster and he could instead die with some semblance of peace knowing for all the pain it got him Odysseus still believed in his ideals till his dying breath and only in death has Odysseus made peace with the monster he has to become and that he will never have to see it or know it happen especially because he was one of the catalysts that incited it. (It would destroy Polites to know that, but he doesn't. Therefore, he died in peace with his ideals held intact, and so did his best friend because Odysseus is no longer himself when he gets back!!!!!!)
Don't even get me started on Anticlea. Tell me it doesn't haunt Odysseus for the rest of his days. The hollow voice waiting and waiting unwavering in love as it fades for something that will never be a reality, not for Anticlea, not in her lifetime and him forever unable to soothe her even after he brings his mother's once futile hopes to fruition. And the tragedy that no matter how enduring a will and unwavering her beliefs, she is and has always been betting against Gods and for all their supposed benevolence they will not grant her only wish; that she dies with no semblance of an idea of what happened to her beloved son.
And Odysseus is the most tragic of them all for he knows all of this and more, has to feel and survive past it and watch his own descent into monstrosity as he falters at last in the face of a wretched Prophecy that seeks to upend all hopes of the haven he thought he would be returning to from the hell he has sailed through.
God the songs are so good and so just and so repulsively heartwrenching when you think on it for even a little while, I swear Jay and the whole Epic cast has written arguably the greatest masterpiece of a musical!
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naarlar · 3 months
okie so I’ve noticed a lot of discourse in regards to the thunder saga and Odysseus. It’s interesting to see how everyone is seemingly split on him. Some say his crew were fools and Eury is a hypocrite while some say Odysseus is a snake and that it is harder to sympathize with him.
Personally I’m slightly more leaning towards the former, but I genuinely want to hear y’all’s thoughts!
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vixcupid · 8 months
I need someone to use Helios and Perse/Perseis/Persea as a Percy and Apollo trope nowwww
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