#perimedes epic the musical
awnrii · 2 months
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i heard polites and perimedes were supposed to have some sort of subplot
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ophii · 1 month
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"i dont love anybody, thats my power" yeah right
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epicthemusical · 3 months
Debt Paid
okay someone made a post about wanting someone to write Polites in Mutiny taking the stab for Odysseus so i decided why not and then wrote this masterpiece! I am so very proud of how this turned out so i hope you enjoy! (make sure to get the tissues ready)
“I won't let you get in my way!” Before he can land the final blow he feels himself being shoved to the side and he pushes himself back up prepared for another attack. He stares in horror at Polites with a sword through his stomach.
Perimedes pulls out his sword flinching as Polites coughs up blood and starts to fall. Odysseus tosses aside his sword and jumps to catch him making sure to cradle him gently.
“Polites…why?” Polites smiles even with his eyes clouded in pain.
“Of course I would save you, your my brother and friend.” Polites coughs up more blood and Odysseus quickly rips a long strip off his cape pressing it desperately to the wound praying for the bleeding to stop.
“What are you guys doing?! He needs help, someone get bandages, we need to stop the bleeding!” a few of the crew jump into action bringing back bandages and Odysseus starts to wrap the wound
“please hang on Polites i can't lose you!” Polite's eyes start fluttering and he is obviously fighting the pull of sleep. He grabs Odysseus’s hand and looks him in the eyes.
“Please don't fight anymore. I don't want anymore pain and hate.” Odysseus sobs
“You will be okay you have to be okay.” despite how he wants to avoid it even with the bandages Polites had already lost so much blood, too much. Polites gives a small smile
“Hey remember that time with the boar?” Odysseus chuckles wetly
“I remember. You couldn't move, you were so scared. If i had not pushed you out of the way it would have killed you.” Polites laughs as blood falls from his mouth
“Yeah well I finally managed to return the favor.” Odysseus sobs more
“You never had to repay me for that.” Polite's eyes are almost closed now
“I'm sorry Ody i care for you so much so make sure to get back home with the rest of the crew for me okay? Thank you…for everything…” At this Polites eyes finally close and his chest stills. Odysseus wails to the sky clutching his friends body close to his chest while the rest of the crew grieve for Polites. Things would never be the same without him.
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acpola01 · 2 months
The Floor is Painted Red
so this is my first real fic with any romance I have posted and it's Perimedes/Elpenor along with Polites. It's fluff in first part and angst in the second part anyway hope you guys enjoy!
Elpenor drags Perimedes to the side and starts to whisper his eyes full of mischief and he can't help but admire how full of life he is.He could stare at him forever watching his animated gestures and bright smile. He can get lost in his warm and light filled eyes.
“Okay so i have a- hey Peri you listening to me?” Perimedes shakes himself out of his staring, his face a faint red blush.
“Ah sorry what were you saying?” He listens best he can even if he might be a tad distracted with Elpenor's lips- no, bad Perimedes stop thinking of him like that he is just a friend-
“I found some paint hidden away and I have a way to liven things up. We can have it set up over Polite's doorway and when he leaves it will fall on him! It will be hilarious!” Perimedes tries to half-heartedly protest but when has he ever been able to say no to Elpenor? He sighs and lets himself be dragged away to set up the prank.
“There it's perfect! All we have to do is wait.” Both of them settle down nearby watching for the moment Polites leaves. It doesn't take long for Elpenor to start fidgeting, unable to stay still for long as Perimedes shakes his head fondly. Their patience soon pays off though as Polite's door opens and the paint comes splashing down and covering him in bright red paint.
He just stands there for a bit sputtering as the paint drips on the floor. He looks up and sees Elpenor and Perimedes laying on the deck laughing like crazy and his shock turns into a mischievous grin. Polites walks up to them and grabs a hold of them making sure to rub the paint all over them too.
Laughter soon fades into screams but the red still remains.
“Polites-” Perimedes stares at the paint blood covering Polites in shock. No this can’t be, it's just paint right? Polites is fine he can't be dead he can't- Perimedes stumbles his way over to Polites. He barely notices falling to the ground and the pain from the rough ground scraping his knees. He only recently figured out that he saw Polites as a father figure, he can't lose him so soon! Tears mix with the blood pooling around the still form of Polites as Perimedes sobs.
Why did he have to care so much?
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isp-annafer · 16 days
polites x perimedes where perimedes makes the most depressing jokes that challenge even the gallows humor soldiers sometimes have. things that would make even his soldier friends go. bro. bro are you okay? do you need a hug? Meanwhile, Polites, instead of going something like, 'Cheer up friend! Brighter days are ahead!', which is, admittedly, his own philosophy, he just cheerfully 'yes, and's anything Perimedes says.
Perimedes: Fuck everything, I'm gonna stay right here and eat a lotus.
Polites, gives him one immediately: Bet.
Perimedes: Uh...
Polites, smiling: What? Do you want the seeds roasted as well?
While slowly starving from rationing supplies in Full Speed Ahead
Perimedes: Polites, if I die, I give you full permision to eat me.
Polites: Why, thank you! Although, frankly, I don't think you have enough meat in your bones to be that tasty, my friend.
Perimedes: But I'm sure if you boil my bones--
Polites: I suppose it would make a good stock...
Elpenor: Why the fuck are you two like this
Perimedes: If I jump off the ship, how long do you think before anyone will notice?
Polites: Oh, immediately if I push you off right now. Do you want to try? :)
I just think it'd be fun if, despite their clashing personalities, their sense of humor would mesh well. Polites's smile has teeth, and Perimedes thinks its attractive as fuck
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autonmousfluixqueer · 2 months
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When your power of not loving anybody includes yourself
Perimedes doodle!!!
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opheliaveu · 1 month
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do you guys think that perimedes only found out about elpenor dying after they were on the ship out of circe’s island and he wanted to go back and bury him but they couldn’t because they were too far away already. i mean. whaaaaaaaaaa
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elianzis · 2 months
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It's the first real one in weeks
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gigizetz · 2 months
the bros
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systemerrorbonnie · 2 months
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has this been done already
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bugbear55 · 21 days
their reunion on the underworld. Part two,
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aka these open arms have hands in them and theyre rated E for Everyone
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awnrii · 2 months
Perimedes and Elpenor designs?
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yes sir right away sir
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Odysseus: Penelope whyyy, you know I to- Ayo why does that siren look like Elpenor?
Sirenlope: what
Perimedes: 😀😀😀
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epicthemusical · 2 months
Thoughts/HC for Perimedes and Elpenor
a lot of this was inspired from this fic series and this Tumblr user so check both of them out!
Now as the two youngest crew members they are definitely effected a lot more by the war. They have just barely considered men when they leave. One thing they both have in common is they don't know what it is like to actually have a father(will explain later)
Past/home life:
Okay so for Perimedes he is an only child with abusive parents. His parents used to show how much they loved each other but the marriage went downhill and now all the do is argue. The parents often yell and hit him in their anger. Perimedes had to learn to take care of himself and not depend on anyone else. He also learned that love is something toxic and should be avoided. Caring for someone leads to getting hurt.
Now for Elpenor. Elpenor is the oldest of 3 the other two being twin sisters and toddlers when he leaves. He grew up without a father for majority of his life since his dad died early in his life. As the only guy left in the family he teaches himself to hide any of his pain from others because he felt he had to take care of the family in his father's place.
Interactions with the crew
Perimedes keeps his distance emotionally from everyone on the crew. Nobody manages to get through his high walls he has built. The first person to find their way inside his walls is Elpenor. He doesn't know how they did it maybe it was the feeling of being needed,to be relied on. Maybe it was the fact they are the youngest on the crew and similar ages. Maybe it's his smiles and laughter that made Perimedes feel happier and lighter. Whatever it was it terrified him. Eventually another person manages to make it through his walls, Polites. He doesn't know how he feels about Polites. It's different than he feels with Elpenor. He learns to look up to Polites and is the person he goes to with his issues and looks to him for guidance. Polites helps teach him about life and how to do things ranging from how to sail a ship to the aftermath of his first kill. It isn't till after Polites dies that he realizes that he had seen Polites as a father figure or at least what a father SHOULD have been. The pain from his death enforces the idea he has that caring about someone leads to being hurt and he pushes away Elpenor scared of how much Polites death hurt him. When Elpenor dies at Circe island he doesn't notice still determined to avoid him so when he sees Elpenor in the Underworld Perimedes feels so guilty over not being there for him.He decides then and there to never love anyone or anything other than himself ever again.
Elpenor had two masks he puts on for the crew at first. The first mask tries to show how mature and dependable he is because that's all he knows from home. Eventually he realizes that as the youngest he doesn't have to be dependable, that nobody needs to rely on him and it feels freeing. However after he gets rid of the first mask he has a second one that hides any of his pain behind pranks, smiles, and laughter. He still can't bring himself to show his issues to the crew. He sees Perimedes and how detached he is and is determined to become his friend. It takes a lot of time but he is so happy that his efforts finally pay off and they become close friends. Just like Perimedes he looks up to Polites as his father figure. The only two of the crew he lets his second mask drop around is Perimedes and Polites. He never really understood why some of the crew turns to alcohol as he never liked it himself preferring to talk out his issues with the two people he trusts. But then Polites dies and it hurts to lose his father figure. After that Perimedes turns colder and pushes him away leaving him alone. The two people he trusted and kept close are no longer there for him. After watching all the men die to Poseidon he has a lot of nightmares and by the time they arrive at Circe island the nightmares along with the fact Perimedes is still keeping his distance he decides to turn to alcohol for the first time. He sits up on the roof looking up at the sky. He drinks and drinks hoping it will make him forget, that it will dull the pain. Before long he can't think just like he wanted. Everything seems so far away when he accidentally walks off the roof. He sees the crew from the banks of the river in the underworld as he calls out to Perimedes all he can say is his last thoughts.
I died and nobody noticed...
I died and nobody cared...
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acpola01 · 1 day
Different Beast animatic idea
I really want an animatic for Different Beast where during the siren asking for mercy they all transform into different people as a last ditch effort to persuade them. I'm talking one of penelope (for ody ofc), ctimene (for eurylochus), and elpenor (for perimedes). To make it worse it shows them being not okay while they cut off the tails of their respective sirens imitations. They are devastated and uneasy about it and that could be why they switch to HE is a different beast now instead of WE are a different beast now.
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rainy-xp · 1 month
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Im gonna pst this here separately just because I can-
But this is the original post!
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