electricea · 6 months
i actually just found out there's an adorable little manga in which sadako befriends a little girl also named sadako who teaches her to spread curses via the internet!!
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myhikari21things · 10 months
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Read of Sadako-San and Sadako-Chan by Aya Tsutsumi (2019) (115pgs)
Translated from Japanese
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readtilyoudie · 6 months
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aliasanew · 9 months
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spiraphobia · 4 days
Sadako at the End of the World
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Authors: Koji Suzuki (Story), Koma Natsumi (Art)
Genre: Horror, Comedy, Shoujo, Slice of Life, Supernatural
The world has ended. Humanity isn't completely destroyed but it is a shadow of its former glory. A pair of sisters are surviving together in the ruins when they discover an ancient relic: a video. The tape is none other than Sadako's video that will curse anyone who watches it and kill them one week later. The girls are unfazed when Sadako appears since meeting another human is rare anyway. Instead, the little girls call her "Sada-chan." Sadako, meanwhile, thinks if there are more people left, she'd like to curse them. So Sadako and the two girls begin traveling together to find more people.
Spoiler below the cut.
I really thought this was gonna be a full-on light-hearted Sadako parody. Can’t believe she stuck to her curse though. Oh well, I’m just gonna pretend it ended on a cute note!
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atopfourthwall · 10 months
Watched the Sadako-San and Sadako-Chan review and had a thought regarding the Pollo bit. Ever consider making him a Robomat body? Weird question, I know, but it’s an idea I think has a lot of potential. Not just for merchandise, but for storyline stuff too. Maybe as an alt-body he could use in certain situations? I don’t know, just spitballing.
That's... not a bad idea. *Makes a note of it for later.*
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Chapter 23 - The Connector
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"Ohhh, that's so awesome! Really?" Ohma's eyes widened a little, watching his wife, upside down on the couch, her long hair sweeping the floor as she giggled on the phone. "Even the Russian Mafia joined? No way! Ha, that's so cool!" it must have been Inaba she was talking to, otherwise she wouldn't be giggling and gossiping like that. "And you've got the Brazilians too? The Portuguese? The Yakuza also? And a lot of cults and political factions too? The Worm's gonna get annihilated in no time, amazing!" she's been talking on the phone for at least an hour - On face cam, no less. Ohma couldn't hear anything they were saying on the TV. "Oh, okay, okay - Go say Hi to Uri from me! See ya, Sadako-chan!" finally, Kisara closed the phone after nicknaming the Black Phantom after the ghost girl from The Ring. Very smart.
"You talked through the entirety of the film. Film that YOU wanted me to see." Ohma grumbled, playfully glaring at her. "Well, yeah, I did - But! Inaba told be about their meeting with the big powers and how their Anti-Worm alliance went. I have to call Raian and see what he knows also, but all in due time. The Kure clan is pretty busy lately." the man rolled his eyes, snatching Kisara into his arms and taking the phone away from her. "Shut up and replay the movie from the beginning." the girl giggled, doing just that before relaxing in his embrace. "Say, have you heart anything of Koga lately?" Ohma hummed in affirmation. "Yeah, he's with Kano and Rolon, training. On a trip with the Purgatory chairman or something." "Oh, is that so? Maybe we should go on vacation soon, how's that sound?" Kisara grinned up at him. "We just returned two days ago, you disaster woman." he ruffled her hair, amused. "Nothing's to say we can't have fun whenever we want. Not like there's anything holding us back, anyway."
True, there was nothing holding them back, except a lowkey duty to destroy the Worm, if the time arose. With a well-planned scheme and lots of people involved, Inaba and Himuro found Xia Ji, the one who brought Ohma's cloned heart to save him, and tried to subdue him; They failed. With the aid of Medicine Man's tracking device, Akoya and Ryuki found him and tried to take him down - They, too, failed, but Ohma was there to make a deal with the Chinese leader. If he doesn't run away, he won't hurt him - Otherwise, he won't be able to move ever again. Tokita guided Xia Ji to a warehouse, where not only those who tracked him down were waiting, but the Heavenly Wolves also, but Kisara and, of course, the main fighter, Narushima Koga who was waiting for his rematch after what happened months ago when Ji and his gang almost killed him and Yamashita Kazuo. Were it not for Ohma and Raian, they'd have been minced meat.
If Ji wins, he gets to walk away without anyone trailing him. This was Koga's closure, and Xia Ji seemed to want to fight him also, under who knows what pretext. He looked desperate enough, and bloody and bruised to the core - Yet his pride, most of all, was destroyed. Just as expected, the enemy pulled out weapons, but it took no time for the youngster to beat punch him away, throwing away any said blade. Punch after punch, Koga kept beating the feral man down, until he god up, more desperate than ever, and like a spiky wolverine, he began attacking with a ridiculous amount of force, almost reminding Kisara of Wakatsuki's punched. Hold up - With how easily he gets up, and his weirdly ferocious punches... Could he also have a milder Superman Syndrome? What a joke. Every word out of his mouth is a lie, and every deed is an act, yet in all honesty, Kisara and Ohma agreed to one thing, watching the fight - He's stronger than Koga is at the moment. Those martial art skills were truly wasted on that rat man.
Every time Koga knocked him out, Xia Ji got angrier, spewing shit about being the ruler of the underworld and that he'll destroy everything - Was he connected to the head of the Worm, then? Did he have all his power taken away from him? That wasn't the behaviour of a leader, he was far too emotional and distraught, not to mention, a complete and pathetic failure. He appeared dangerous, practicing some techniques from Chinese Wushu schools, turning his whole body into a whip, concentrating his strength into his fingers so that he may inflict the maximum amount on damage at a rapid pace - Even so, Koga had the upper hand, chopping at his wind pipe, punching away the weapon he tried to use as a trump card, and using his Crescent Moon Kick as a finisher, Xia Ji was on the ground, groveling pathetically, begging for mercy though contradicting himself - Saying he won't kill anyone, but in the same breath, denying the worth of the dead.
Finally, Ohma stepped in, stopping Koga from killing Ji, and letting him go - A debt, repaid in full. A mercy undeserved. But if he ever shows his face again, Ohma will kill him himself. Nikaido Ren mentioned that, although they had orders to eliminate Xia Ji, they have been revoked - Ji was no longer affiliated with the Worm, he has no power anymore - Still, they will continue monitoring him every so often.
Since then, Koga continued to train with Ohma and the others, preparing for the Berserker Bowl that will be taking place soon enough. They've got some big names getting to fight in the Kengan x Purgatory joint project tournament, including Cosmo and Saw Paing, but also, some of the so-called supernovas. As soon as Kisara heard Rihito's going to enter the tournament, she cringed, calling Yamashita Kazuo about entering. She would rather die than allow that idiot the chance of winning. He had enough luck to get the easiest matches and find his way to the top. She was gonna crush that hope.
"You're kidding." Ohma looked at her, incredulous. "I never knew you were so petty." "That's an understatement, love." Kisara's smile was poisoned like Snow White's apple. "I've been hating that guy even more with each time he hit on me like the disgusting pervert that he is." Ohma huffed, amused. "Alright, Your Majesty. Go win that crown."
Though she entered that tournament, she hadn't told anyone, so it was a huge surprise for everyone upon seeing the Queen of the Kengan Matches in one of the eight pools. She only fought twice - A win and a loss, both in high-stakes tournaments - Yet both fights were at least two years apart, it was as though she had retired. Not only that, but she was still the CEO of the Hasashi Company.
Pool A: Furusaki Jinsei, Leonardo Silva, Hong Xiaohu, Albert Hiruma Poo B: Sakuragawa Arata, Yurikawa Taiju, Tsukamoto Seishiro, Imai Cosmo Pool C: Ilyukhin Asimov, Death Crow Jr. , Yuge Tsuyoshi, Rihito Pool D: Mark Myers, Pitali Klitschijo, Kim Jang-Gi, Onoda Ikkai Pool E: Kim Seung-Yuop, Aki Saito, Narushima Koga, Funayama Yoshiki Pool F: Kono Haruo, Himuro Ryo, Luca Tyrant, Adam Dudley Pool G: Hasashi Kisara, Nam Nhat, Sawada Keizaburo, Yoroizuka Saw-Paing Pool H: Gaoh Ryuki, Ushiroda Takero, Chiba Takayuki, Tokeshi Kota
Each entrant will fight one match every two weeks, so a minimum of four weeks to determine which single person from each pool moves on to the championship. What a pain in the ass, Ohma agreed with Kisara's statement. They were used to fighting everything, all at once - This was far too lax a schedule.  Unfortunately, each Pool had fights in different cities, so it was rather a drag. In spite of that, Kisara convinced Ohma to go support Koga, whereas Yamashita Kazuo was in Hokkaido with Ryuki. She was fine with Tsuki-san as her supporter. Her first fight was against Sawada, the fighter using dancing at his core. The red head smirked, knowing she will get an easy win. Coincidentally, just after getting Ohma back, she started taking dancing lessons. Why? Because she noticed her lack of grace, caused by all those manly fighting styles she was using, and how in the world could she be a pretty princess dancing gracefully the bride and groom dance, huh? Clearly, she needed some practice, and what better than to learn those pretty Chinese dances she saw in the Imperial Dramas, alongside with some Wushu schools, to add the cherry on top?
Now, now, Sawada didn't have to see her going all out fighting, he wasn't worth her time, unfortunately, so might as well have a little fun, yes? She fought much scarier opponents before, so this should be a piece of cake.  Confident, Kisara initiated the fight, baiting the opponent with a low palm strike, before dodging a chop with her forearm, followed by a kick attempt. Sawada tried to hit her with some roundhouse kicks, but she easily evaded them, before kicking him in the ankle, to make him lose his balance a little. Just as he tried to lunge at her, she went in for a diaphragm kick, an uppercut, ended by an elbow to the back of the head, and a knee in the face, making him fall backwards painfully. Quickly, he got up, jump-leaping at her with a heel strike, but Kisara ducked, swiftly following close behind and kicking him in the butt; As he was down, she hit his head down to the ground with her heel. Not giving him any time to breathe, she grabbed him up, gracefully twirling with two strikes to his vitals, and another palm to his jaw, and another barrage of well aimed strikes. Finally, Keizaburo used his whirlwind strike, which made the fox girl smirk - As he was rotating her way, she swooped to the ground at the single leg supporting him. As he stumbled, Kisara jump-kicked him to the ground, before doing a backflip, hitting him in the head weird her feet - With a graceful pirouette in the air, she landed gracefully on his head, stomping him into the ground into a perfect K.O., as she did a pretty courtesy for the audience.
Hasashi Kisara won.
As expected.
Still, it almost amused her how they still referred to her by her maiden name. Not that it matter, she was still the one and only Kitsune Queen.
Kisara grinned, jumping up and down like a child in front of Takeshi, gleaming with cheerfulness. "Was I cool, Tsuki-san? Was I? Was I?" The man pat her head, humming in amusement. "Of course you were. I told you, you had a real career as a fighter - Not that it's any of your priorities." he said. "Were you so bored that you entered this low-stakes competition? It's not like you." Kisara's smile turned into a mischievous smirk. "I just didn't want to let that blond idiot, Rihito, win." Takeshi's eyes bulged open in shock, only to start laughing.  "You're ridiculous." he shook his head at her.
The outcome of the first match was as follows: In Pool A, Leonardo Silva and Hong Xiaohu won. In Pool B, Sakuragawa and Cosmo won. Pool C, Rihito won, unfortunately, and the Russian guy too. Pool D, Myers and Kim won. Pool E, Koga and Aki Saito won. Pool F, of course, Adam won, and unfortunately, Haruo won against Himuro, only to forfeit because of an injury - What a pity.  Pool G, Kisara won against Sawada, and Saw won against Nam Nhat. At this rate, she's going to have to fight that hard-headed dumbass puppy. Awful odds for her. Lastly, in Pool H, not only did Chiba win, but shockingly, Ryuki lost.
Two weeks passed by past, and Kisara now had to face none other than Saw Paing - And honestly, what a drag! That guy was as though as it gets, and even crazier than the craziest weirdo in the world! Who the hell could break the ground with their head, anyway? Should she use speed, like Rei? Should she use Aikido? No, most of her Aikido moves involve throwing and head or face hits, that's not going to work on his ironman. Agito's style, maybe? But she'd rather not show everyone her Dragon Shot again, just like in the Kengan vs Purgatory tournament. After two years, people might have forgotten she even knows the Fang's fighting style, so better to use that in the later rounds, and keep diverting now - But Saw was not a person worthy of underestimating, he was incredibly strong, and Kisara feared him. She was sure punching a brick wall hurt less than punching him.
"Haha, sorry, Kisara! Can't believe the first time we meet after your wedding is in the fighting ring!" he laughed, pumped up for the fight. "Forgive me but I'll go all-in with our fight!" "And I promise I'll do the same, Saw!" the girl promised him as they both took their stances.
Saw took his usual Muay Thai stance, whilst Kisara got in a basic Kenpo low stance, hoping she was capable of learning enough Wushu techniques to beat him. Saw charged in, delivering two alternative punches before doing a roundhouse kick to her head and a knee to her jaw, as the height difference permitted, and a kick to her ankle - Though it hurt, Kisara managed to block all attacks, using Indestructible. In retaliation, she got in a crouch, sweeping at his feet and charged with a butterfly twirl kick, only to block again two punches coming her way swiftly. Damn, this man is hella strong, she tsk'ed, aiming a jab move similar to Gaolang's, though she knew very well he knew how to counter it.  She couldn't continue blocking his hits, she would soon get too injured to carry on - She had to get on the aggressive at once. 
She quickly did a high kick, followed by a few feint jabs at his jaw, an elbow to the diaphragm, and a fast donkey kick with both feet, driving him further behind. She rolled to the ground, jumping up and uppercutting him, continuing with a chop to his wind pipe and a quick fall to the ground, scissoring his feet into stumbling away. As he got up, she jumped and heel-kicked him twice before hooking her foot to the back of his neck and slamming him into the ground - She followed by grabbing his wrist and elbow similarly to what Hatsumi taught her, and falling to the ground, she destroyed his joint so he'd have less use in his right arm.
Facing again, Saw continued using even that injured arm, fighting through the pain, and they hit each other with new techniques, either blocking them or baring through the brunt of the jab - Either way, Kisara knew she must not allow him the chance of using the Hammer of Burma, or she was dead meat. She had to hit his windpipe somehow and knock him out, and fast, otherwise she doubts she can win with her force.
In a quick sequence of movements, Saw managed to score a punch to her abdomen, knocking her backwards, following with a few more well aimed hits towards her head, a shin kick and an uppercut with all connected, leaving the woman gritting through the pain. "Damn it, Saw." she wiped the blood from her chin, jumping up, only for the Burmese to spring at her immediately with high kicks and an attempt at grabbing, which thankfully failed - Her Aikido was always going to save her, it seems. She quickly grabbed Saw's wrist, rotating with him to change the flow of the motion before pushing him away so she can get going and finish this quickly. 
Kisara got in a low eagle stance, spring up with two strong palm his to the diaphragm - As she was rotating, she grabbed his other wrist, using her elbow to hit him hard, which she repeated as she faced him again, with an uppercut. Still holding onto his wrist, she dove behind him low, kneeing at his lower spine, swiping back at his feet, dragging him to face her, kicking him in the abdomen and palm-striking him away. Instead of falling back, Saw grabbed tightly onto her arm - He was ready to use the headbutt on him, but he didn't have a good enough grip on her. Before he could charge, Kisara held on his forearm, tripping him and getting to his side before instantly karate chopping at his windpipe, making him fall to the ground - To make sure he would get up, she quickly kicked him in the ribs to roll him on his belly and slammed her knees onto his back, immobilizing his joints again.
Oh, thank fuck, Kisara breathed out in relief, shakily getting up to her feet. Somehow, that fight was worse than the one in the Purgatory. Maybe. Whatever.  She stumbled slightly walking back to Wakatsuki once again, who gently put a towel on her head, wiping away the sweat and blood. "I never want to fight that monster ever again. How did Gaolang keep up with him all these years, anyway?" Kisara groaned dramatically. "Nah, well, I suppose Gaolang is Gaolang. I doubt I could do that every again though. I'm just glad Hatsumi taught me well enough to do cheap, dirty tricks like that." "A win is a win, don't think too much of it. It was a great fight." he handed her back the phone. "And I filmed everything, as promised." "Sweet! I can't wait until Ohma starts picking apart every mistake I made!" she laughed mirthfully, evidently joking. "Hey, Tsuki, let's go grab Cos and go for a drink, yeah?" "Sounds like a plan." the man smiled simply, waiting for her to get showered, get the medical attention required and change to her civilian clothes before leaving the arena.
From Pool A, Leonardo Silva won. Pool B, of course, Cosmo won with no problem. From Pool C, annoyingly enough, Rihito won. In Pool D, only Mark Myers remained to advance further into the competition. Pool E was easily won by Koga and Funayama. The brawl between Himuro and Adam in Pool F was won by the American who trained hard with Kureishi and Cos. Kisara won and advanced further into the competition from Pool G. And Pool H, well... Ryuki won against Chiba after almost assassinating him. Poor man, he might not be a brilliant fighter, but he's doing well enough for himself. They had to do something about Ryuki before he does something irreversible.
Late into the evening when Kisara finally arrived home, Ohma was already there. He seemed pretty content - Had he just finished a sparring session, maybe? Regardless, she made a beeline to change in her sleepingwear and let herself fall on top of him, exhausted after such a long day. "So, what did you think about my fight? Worth writing in the book of records?" "Hell no." Ohma chuckled. "But considering who your opponent was, you did pretty damn well." he praised her.  "Ha! You're getting mellow. It's almost like we're married!" Kisara grinned, nuzzling in the crook of his neck. "So, three more fights, huh?" Ohma hummed. "You really want to win, don't you?" "Oh, I don't care about winning - But losing means getting beaten up to a pulp and getting knocked out. I don't want a reminder of what happened in my fight with Takeshi, y'know? So - By default, I gotta win to avoid pain. That's enough of a motivator for me." Ohma actually chuckled at her hilarious resolve. "That, and I get a rush of dopamine when I beat Rihito." "You're a menace."  "You won't be coming to the drawing ceremony, will you?" she asked, raising her head to kiss him. "Nope." he smirked. "I and Yasuo are gonna watch from the comfort of our home, stuffing our faces with a ton of food." "Yeah, that does sound like you, alright. You're such men, it's unreal." she laughed softly. "Don't worry, I'll write my autograph on your forehead after I win this." "And Her Majesty's ego is bursting through the roof again." Ohma rolled above his wife, trapping her face between his hands.  "Not only that, but this Queen deserves a little bit of royal treatment, don't you think?" she smirked, her arms wrapping around his neck, pulling him down into a deep kiss. "So demanding." 
With the tournament beginning, Kisara dressed in her most beautiful green hanfu dress, flowing around her as if she was a Spring Nymph, with her hair filled with flowers. She might not be Chinese, but considering the amount of things she learnt from that culture, from fighting style, dancing, history and what not, to the time she spent learning from Agito in the years they were away; There was nothing more beautiful than the awakening of one's soul and the happiness achieved through enlightening. Or whatever Buddha Gautama said - He's the top guy, he knows best.  Might as well become a princess! Buddha might have renounced his titles and luxuries, but she was far too shallow to let go of her hard-earned possessions. And she liked being pretty! Though she'll have to wipe off her make up before her fight, she wouldn't want to look like a Kiss member after a concert, or a wet, trashy raccoon.
"It's time to begin the draw for the Main Tournament!" Sayaka called out from the stage, next to Alisa. "And now, introducing the Eight Berserkers vying for the top!"
One by one, the champion of each pool walked forward on the stage. Pool A: Leonardo Silva Pool B: Imai Cosmo Pool C: Rihito Pool D: Mark Myers Pool E: Narushima Koga Pool F: Adam Dudley Pool G: Hasashi Kisara Pool H: Gaoh Ryuki Everyone was dressed their best, all of them beautiful and shining - Of course, Kisara, the single woman there, was the most glamorous. If people thought the only woman fighter might have stood out the most, they were wrong. Koga, dressed like a fucking pimp, was the single sore spot on the roster. Poor boy truly needed some female influence in his life. With the draws done, the matches were as followed:
Match 1: Imai Cosmo vs Hasashi Kisara Match 2: Mark Myers vs Rihito Match 3: Narushima Koga vs Leonardo Silva Match 4: Gaoh Ryuki vs Adam Dudley
Finally, everyone could relax and enjoy the banquet at their leisure, for on the morrow, the tournament will be taking place.  Regardless, Kisara had a lot of fun with Cosmo and Adam, taking their sweet time laughing and gossiping, catching up and what not. Koga was at the table with all his other supernova friends, Rihito was flirting as always - But Ryuki was all alone, in a corner. Kisara felt like she should try and comfort him in some way, or maybe encourage him, yet she had no idea what to do, so she continued her own fun. After enough pictures taken to commemorate a lovely evening spent, and a flooded social media, they returned home to rest until the tournament.
The Tournament was taking place in the Purgatory-Owned Coliseum, called "The Core", a hundred meters underground. Unfortunately, Nogi wanted to add the pathetic Ringout rule, so Kisara had to pay extra attention to what she was doing. Before the first match could take place, Kisara quickly paid a visit to the manager who was watching from one of the best stands up in the audience. "Hey, hey!" Kisara smiled brightly, flinging around her arms to play with her long sleeves. Though she couldn't wear a pretty dress anymore, there was nothing to say she can't continue wearing her pretty haori or hanfu coats over her equally pretty gym clothes. Gotta be a fashion icon even while sweating to hell! "Oh, Yamashita Kazuo, you've got a friend! You are so sociable, I envy you!" she grinned, turning her gaze to the man who was drinking canned beer with the old man - He was tall and well built, just like a fighter. He had a calm yet almost apathetic or bored look on his face, and he had his messy blond hair kept in a tail. "My name is Hasashi Kisara - Oh, actually, I suppose Tokita Kisara, considering I got officially married recently." The man looked her straight in the eyes for a few seconds, almost making her feel uncomfortable, before he spoke. "Jackie Lee." he said his name. "It's lovely meeting you, Miss Kisara. Your match is coming up soon, isn't it?" Kisara smiled, as if she was sparkling. "Are you Chinese?" she asked. "Oh? How did you know I am a foreigner?" Jackie tilted his head a little in surprise. "Yamashita-san also guessed well. Is it my accent?" "I'm not sure! It's just - I've gotten acquainted with the language over the past five years or so, and I think it has a certain melodicity that Japanese doesn't have. It's like... Like a honeyed mead caressing your soul. Does that make sense? No, of course it doesn't, that was stupid, forgive me." Jackie smiled at the woman, shaking his head. "Don't apologise. I'll take that as a compliment." he said. "I actually think it's remarkable how you picked it up so easily." "O-Oh, I'm glad you think so!" Kisara smiled cutely, bending a little to his level, only for her eyes to widen a little. "Oh, you have such beautiful eyes! I've never seen anyone with Polycoria before! And your shade is truly unique!" "Ahh, you flatter me, Miss." he smiled friendly. "Can I treat you to anything? I wanted to go get more beer for the two of us." the man asked gracefully. "Oh, no, I couldn't ask that of you!" she stammered quickly, not wanting to inconvenience. "Besides, I have to rush to my match. I hope I'll live up to expectations!" Jackie look at her again, almost as if he was analysing every inch of her body, before he smiled again. "Don't worry, it's on me. Good luck with your match, Miss Kisara." "Xièxiè!" Kisara attempted to thank him in his own language, offering a peace sign before rushing back down to the arena so that she can begin her fight. 
To think, out of all the possible fighters, she had to be pitted against the one she was most afraid of! Well, Adam was rather fearsome also, not to mention, they both trained with Kureishi. But Kisara was good at taking down huge guys like Adam. But people her size, specialised in grappling? She was screwed. Her joints and limbs were weak, and she has a low pain tolerance. If she lets him grapple her and gets a solid hold on her, she's as good as done for.
"Pity the two of us have to fight, huh? Frankly, you're the one who scared me the most - Such luck I get, huh?" Kisara chuckled softly, looking at the confident Cosmo in front of her. "I thought the same, Nee-san." Cos rose his hand for her to shake. "Remember years ago, when you saw my first fight? Remember how I said I wanted to spar with you one day?" "Your dream came true, Cos." she chuckled, shaking his hand. "Let's have fun, yeah?" "Hell yes!"
The two stepped away from each other and took their stances - For the first time, Kisara actually did a stance - Cos saw her fight before, there's no use bothering to play the stanceless non-fighter card anymore... At least, not against him. Kisara was the first to throw a lazy feint kick, getting him on high alert before stepping away. Just like in a UFC fight, they assessed each other's every twitch of the body, only for Cos to quickly need to block a fast kick to his head, followed by a feint jab to his chest. "Damn, you're fast, sis!" Kisara attempted another blow, only for Cos to duck and grab her arm, pulling her towards him so he could side-step behind her and punch the side of her face.  "Not faster than you, it seems." Kisara had a pained smile on her face, stepping away from him and keeping her feet first as Cos kicked at her ankle, but couldn't make her stumble. They had an equal exchange of quick jabs to the face before the boy feinted a jab to her diaphragm before crouching for a low-grab, his hands trying to grip tightly on the back of her thighs, but his had got hold in between her arm and ribs and managed to wrestle him away, leaping backwards. Cos might not be an enemy she's used to, but it was the first time she fights someone close in weight with her - She couldn't believe she could actually fight him, what a revelation. Still, her master plan was to throw him out of the ring - There was no other way around it, and with her Aikido, she might just make that happen.
As Cosmo was doing his footwork, he rushed right in front of her, aiming two straights to her face - Unbeknownst to him, as he was attempting a grab, Kisara fell low to the ground, her arms around his thighs, going for a similar grab as him previously, and as he tried to get out of her grip, she used her weight to throw him to the ground, on his back like a turtle on his shell. She was on her feet, between his legs, trying to land a strike but also guard against his kicks - What a fucking standard UFC moment, she thought, remembering all the fights she saw with Ohma when he taught her how to fight against grappling, her biggest weakness on Earth. She landed a sweeping kick to his thighs, looking down at him, before scaring him with a fake attempt at jumping down on him, as though she was Seki doing a fascinating Pro-Wrestling move. As if!
She jumped again, one leg carefully in front of her so her knee and thigh would get caught between his legs and she could hold all her weight concentrated on her knee, down on his abdomen, while she landed a nice punch to his face, and rolling away to safety. She watched the boy pant, evening his breath, his back slightly hunched on the ground and his legs up - She remembers a Baki episode, when Yujiro Hanma proposed that the invincible move.  But she had the perfect counter.
Kisara waited for Cosmo to kick his legs in retaliation to a feint from her, so she did a cart wheel, grabbing his legs and rolling him with her - But she couldn't get on top of him, for he wrestled away perfectly. Damn grappler king, his reputation preceded him. "I hate grapplers." Kisara breathed out, making the boy grin and jump to his feet, lunging at her with another few strikes - Once again, Kisara forced another grab by kneeling and grabbing at his thighs and waist from the side, similarly to what Agito was doing, and managed to get him on his back again, her torso against hier crossed shins, and she tried to punch him somehow, but he grabbed her arms and hand. They were in a tight lock and struggling for domination by holding tightly onto the joints.  "Where'd you learn to grappler so well?" Cosmo gritted through his teeth as the woman managed to slip from his grip - That sweat was making her slippery. "I have a husband, you know." she grinned at the implication. "The least Ohma can do to be useful is to be a good practice dummy." somehow, she managed to get up and grabbed at his ankle, dragging him around a little, as if to play and taunt him. She was subtly dragging him closer to the edge, whilst also making her unnervingly close. What a gamble. She only bet on people, not on situations like this.
She allowed Cosmo to get up, not wanting to deal with that annoying ground grappling anymore, only to block a few punches with her arm, using Indestructible - But her thigh didn't work as well for that blocking. When he aimed a kick, she grabbed his ankle, throwing herself to the ground, but Cosmo grabbed her head, aiming a hard punch, getting each other in a tight lock and standing up. He landed a painful knee to her diaphragm and a jab to her face, making her gasp, breathless, and be forced to retreat immediately. That hurt like hell. She had to end it immediately.  
With a few steps took forward as if to scare him, Cosmo stepped back before grounding himself steadily on his feet. Cosmo lunged and attempted a punch to her face, but just like before, Kisara ducked and grabbed at his knees, trying to wrestle him down - She got her head in a suffocating headlock and Cosmo kicked her feet, making her fall down to the ground. Immediately he got behind her, his arms around her waist, getting her up, holding her so tight that she feared losing her breath altogether. Her nails were digging desperately into his hands, trying to break free in some way - The line was so fucking close, if only she could... If only...
As she was stumbling around on her feet, feeling her vision blur rapidly, she fell to her knees, her forehead planted on the ground with Cosmo still holding her, kneeling just next to her. This was it. It was do or die - Whether she wins or loses, it's in this last move.  With her last strength, from that uncomfortable position, she got up, clawing at his hand so hard that she managed to snap away the grip of his intertwined hands, and grabbing his wrist, she dove under his arm, tripping him forward and throwing the both of them to the ground, rolling with him like two children and making Cosmo touch outside of the ring.
Cosmo's eyes shot wide open, and he looked down at the bloody grin of the woman underneath him. "Sorry, Cos. It was the only way I could win against you." "I can't believe I forgot about the Ringout. How annoying." despite the disappointment, Cos smiled and offered his hand to help her up. "Five years ago, you ran away from Senpai after getting him to the ground. To think you'd trick me like that - What a Kitsune!" "That's the only thing I'm good at, after all." she chuckled, getting up and hugging the boy.  "You better with this, okay, sis?" they fist bumped, making a promise. "You've got it, Cos!"
She left for the showers and was ready to look for her darling, but for some reason, she found herself returning to the manager. Why, she wasn't quite sure - On the other hand, she knew that multiple rounds were definitely not her thing... Not in fighting, at least. For other things, well - It's not like she's the one doing most of the work to begin with.
By the time she got up the stands, she saw that Koga's uncle, Joji, also joined them in drinking. Those three seemed to be having lots of fun and were getting along well. "Hi, again." she gave a brief wave of her hand, and the trio, as if sharing a single braincell, waved back in unison. Jackie, who was towards the edge, patted the empty seat next to him for the girl to join, before handing her a can of coke. "You fought well. Thought you might need some energy to keep you going." Kisara smiled gratefully at Jackie, sitting next to him and enjoying the cold beverage.  "Thank you, Jackie, you're very sweet. I hope we hang around again someday!" she said. "Somehow, everyone becomes friends with Yamashita Kazuo. It's really cool, right?" Jackie nodded in agreement, handing her a plate of sweets. "Enjoy." "Hey, that's too much! You've already got me so many things, I can't --" but the casual look on his face showed her he wouldn't accept a negative answer, and to leave the formalities. "Fine, fine. I'll treat you to something later then." she said, munching on e pocky stick. Coincidentally, Joji and Jackie did the same thing, at the same time. Were they kindred souls?
She took out her phone, taking a winking selfie with the pocky between her lips and sending it to Ohma, texting him about random things as she listened to the old man telling them that Myers was a serial killer pardoned by Idemitsu from his 3000 year prison sentence. He won over two hundred matches with his physical abilities alone, and just in his third year in Purgatory, did he start learning martial arts. "Oh, come on, I don't want to fight a serial killer. I've had it with that." Kisara groaned, leaning back on her seat. "If I knew Rihito would get the short end of the stick and face off against that guy, I wouldn't have bothered entering the competition." she ruffled her crimson hair, pouting in annoyance. "You seem pretty confident that he's going to win." Jackie pointed out. "Yeah, well - I don't give two cents on Rihito. I firmly believe he's the biggest shame of Kengan." she shrugged, bored, looking at his stupid coat with << I'M A SUPERMAN >> embroidered in the leopard patterned material on his back. "The only reason I entered the tournament was to make sure he doesn't win. I couldn't live with the idea of the biggest loser in the world winning out of sheer, dumb luck." "Fascinating resolve." Jackie looked at her with wide, surprised eyes. "You must mean - Ridiculous. Petty. Stupid." she chuckled playfully. "I know, I know. But what can I do? I guess I was a little bored, that's all." "I don't think that matters. As long as you're having fun and enjoying yourself, I think that's all." Kisara looked at the man and smiled, happy that someone was so understanding of her weirdness. "That's a positive outlook, I love it! Thanks!" she hummed, leaning on the side to clink her coke can to his own beer can.
That Myers guy pumped his muscles up with Indestructible and engaged in a barrage of punches, but nothing he received seemed to affect him. There was no way Rihito's finger slicer were going to affect this though guy, Kisara thought, and the two men next to her were munching aggressively on the chocolate glazed sticks. Rihito seemed to be doing well dodging all hits. He must have realised already that the Indestructible, especially used by a newby, was heavily flawed a technique - The sturdier he was, the more rigid - Rihito was attacking his knees until Myers gave out - And he slashed at his face - Uh, mask - With his Razor's Edge technique, making him bleed heavily, and fall to the ground, needing a medic urgently.
"You canNOT be serious! That was ridiculous!" Kisara groaned, slapping her forehead.  "Look at the bright side. You'll get to defeat him in the semifinal." Jackie pointed out. "Well... Yeah, true, but..." she muttered softly. "But Ohma got a scar from him, you know? It's pretty bad, and it still hurts him, with the change of the weather. I'm a girl, I don't like scars. That guy's a menace to fight." "If you know where to strike, you won't need to worry about that." Jackie said. "You've got a good handle on Aikido and Wushu. Grab his wrist after he tries to slash you and knock him out with a good hit to the face." "Glabella, philtrum and chin." Kisara gasped in realisation, earning a nod from the man. "Jackie, you're a genius! If you're not a fighter already, you should be! You'd be the new star of Kengan!" she grinned, newfound vitality energizing her again. "I'm not that good." he dismissed her claim. "But I'm glad I give off that impression."
Next was Koga's fight against Leonardo Silva, and as expected, Silva lunged first ready for a low grapple, only to miss and get  a hard punch to his face. Instead of stopping him, Silva continued him torso-grapple, throwing him to the ground - Only for him to be forced to let go of the clutch. Good work, Koga. Your Redirection Kata worked wonders. Your hard work and dedication bore fruit, after so long.  Koga tried to punch his with the Ironbreaker, but got redirected, thus had to engage in a rush of hits with his opponent. Parry and counter, parry and counter, until Silva found his hand aching like hell trying to hit Koga's forearm. Once Leonardo stopped countering and began ducking, it was Koga's time to realise that his Adamantine technique expired, and his fist was twitching - He got distracted, allowing himself to get tackled to the ground. The two grappled and wrestled, his head kept in a tight rear naked choke.
The only way for Koga to get out of that hold was to bite down on his arm while breaking it with the Ironbreaker, causing Silva to leap away - His bone was cracked and in agony. Ohma was very proud of his student. Koga used his finisher on Silva before following close behind with a flying knee, and punched his down with Ironbreaker once again.
Koga won.
"He's a wonderful fighter." Jackie said. "That's my nephew. As in, my relative." Joji spoke blankly, while Yamashita was cheering, excited. "You might just be fighting him in the finals if he continued fighting like this." Jackie turned his gaze at Kisara. "I like the confidence you have in me." she teased him. "I wonder if I can beat him. I'm already feeling as if a panzer tank ran me over... Though, I don't think he's doing much better anyway." she chuckled lightly. "Still, he's been training hard every day for the past years. I've just been dancing and traveling." she laughed leisurely. "What's life without some fun, huh?"
As Koga existed the arena, he was met with Ohma who praised his wit and craft, even going as far as to suggest teaching him another move before his match against Ryuki. Hopefully, he won't use it on Kisara though, should they meet in the finals - Though, Ohma has the feeling that his wife could easily defeat Koga, considering she is the most familiar with his Niko style and all the people that helped train the boy. That tricksy little vixen always ended up surprising, one way or another - Though, he was very proud of her ground grappling. His husbandry work was well done. How funny. 
Jackie came over with a whole bag of cans and sweets, wearing the same apathetic look on his face. "Thank you so much, Jackie! You can sure poind these back, can't you?" Yamashita was blushing with glee and a little drunk. "I'm just, how you say... Boozing and Schmoozing, you see?" how could he say that with such a straight face? "Jackie, nobody says that anymore. It's not Hip." Joji informed him seriously. Out of nowhere, Yamashita's other CEO friends, Yoshitake and Ken came over with more booze, just as hammered. "Narushima, that's pretty old-fashioned too! Hey, Kazzy! I brought us some good sake!" Ken chirped. "Oh, my word! Who's that dandy over there~?" Yoshitake flirted with Jackie, most likely. "Kenny! Mr. Yoshitake! Let me introduce you! This guy came all the way from China." Yamashita explained as Jackie bowed to them humbly, telling them his name and everyone started drinking. Only Jackie made sure Kisara had a nice and cold coke to drink, as she had to fight again soon, in the semis. Men and their drinks.
The fight between Ryuki and Adam began soon and Ryuki started swinging in a way similar to that of Agito's Formless stance, and in the blink blink of an eye, he was on the ground, attacking Adam - But unlike his past mindless brawler style from before, he was much better prepared, especially in fighting theory, and he hit with a high stick shot, and many other hits and kicks, even easily managing to evade an eye gouging attempt by throwing himself shoulder-first into Gaoh's pelvis, making him fall down. When Adam tried to kick at his fallen opponent, but Ryuki got in a handstand, kicking him away, getting his ankle caught in a tight grasp and twirling him around like he was a toy, and from the friction with the ground, his back was bleeding heavily. "Ah, damn, I know those moves. That damn Setsuna... No wonder Ryuki's so hell-bent on killing. How frightsome." "You seem to know quite a bit about this." Jackie noted. "Oh, yes, well - I got in quite a scary encounter with the man who taught him these moves, you see. Quite very scary. If it weren't for my husband, I don't know what would have happened. He was rather mentally unstable also." Kisara shuddered softly, remembering that day when Kiryu took her away, saying he wanted to save her or something. "At the end of the day, I'm still a girl, you know? I don't like fighting that much, but I like knowing I am safe even if there's no one protecting me all the time." she smiled softly. "You, men, are something else, you know? Going out of your way to get hurt, and all that, just for some adrenaline rush. It's kinda adorable." "Interesting. You say all that, yet you're going to fight again soon, under the pretext of boredom." Jackie could feel a smile tug at his mouth. "Ah, well - You won't see me fight again. I've had it with tournaments, officially." she declared. "But I can't deny, I like learning all sorts of things. And encouraging my friends. I don't like watching them lose, but I like seeing them win and be happy." "And if they die?" his question rang somber. "Jackie... I don't want to think of death." Kisara shuddered, uncomfortably. "I... My husband died in my arms. I mourned him, almost three years." she spoke softly, looking down with a sad smile. "I thought life ended for me also. Well... In a weird way, I've got someone to thank for saving him. He might be an enemy, but he brought my husband back to me. Xia Ji might be a pathetic rat man who killed hundreds of people, but for that at least, I can thank him." "Xia Ji, huh?" Jackie muttered under his breath. "You heard of him? He looks like a weirdo, and he doesn't take care of his hair. It looks like hay." she chuckled at him. "No, never heard of him." he shrugged carelessly. "At least you are happy." "Yeah, you're right." Kisara smiled at him kindly. "I am happy."
Adam continued to punch and kick Ryuki, easily tanking his hits, and even if they did hit, he wasn't all that shaken up. Adam was so used to Cosmo's speed, Ryuki was in slow-motion for him, hence why it was so easy to predict his moves and kick him to hell, following up with a rush of heavy punches to the face and even a stomp to the belly, and kicked him into rolling to the other side of the ring like a soccer ball again and again. 
Adam didn't beat down a fallen enemy - Instead, he waited until Ryuki stumbled to his feet and tried to block a hit, only for Adam to play with him like a rag doll, slamming him into the ground. When he wasn't looking, Adam got a small Setsuna-like attack on his forearm. The flower of carnage has blossomed, and Ryuki was ready to kill. Ryuki wasn't broken yet - He knew was being beaten to hell meant, he was trained by his grandpa after all, and just like Ohma, he had to almost die, to become this strong and resilient.  The young boy took more and more hits, like a Kamikaze soldier, and before he knew it, Adam's latissimus dormi muscle was completely twisted to hell my Setsuna's Rakshasa's Palm technique - It only left the hockey master lack-luster in his attacks.  Ryuki used his assassin fingers to shrike at Adam's neck, knocking him out - He was in a critical condition and needed emergency care. 
With all the drama from the last fight, the four went down to congratulate Koga on his win, and wish him good luck on the semis - Unfortunately, by the time they arrived, the two friends were in a deep argument, with Ohma hiding behind a wall, motioning for them not to interfere. There was no chance to save Ryuki while he was still under the clutches of Setsuna - Surely, Ohma realised that too, as he comforted the depressed manager.
As soon as Ohma saw Jackie however, he looked weirdly at him. "Have we met?" "No..." Jackie almost seemed to hesitate. "This is my first time talking to you." "I see. Sorry, I must've been mistaken." Ohma shrugged, unbothered. "There are a lot of lookalikes out there." as the old man pointed that out, Kisara felt a weird, uncomfortable pang in her heart, as though there was something odd, not only about Ohma and Ryuki and their cloning, but of the Worms, the Connector and all these coincidences going on. "This is Jackie Lee, Ohma. He's Yamashita Kazuo's and Joji's new friend. He's been getting us drinks and snacks all day. He's really cool!" Kisara skipped to her husband, getting on he tippy toes to steal a kiss, her arms wrapped around his torso. "He even gave me an idea on hos to defeat Rihito without getting injured at all. Girls care about scars, you know?" Ohma nodded, smiling down at his wife. "Glad to hear you're having fun." he said. "The intermission is about done. Isn't it time for your match? Why are you loitering about, you little dumbass bookworm?" "I wanted to see my stupid gym rat for a lucky charm kiss." she smiled innocently at him, before stealing another kiss and rushing towards the prep room to change in her fighting clothes.
"The first match of the Semifinals - The Trickster Kitsune, the Queen of the Kengan Matches, Hasashi Kisara! - Versus, The Superman, Rihito!" Sayaka called out loudly. "And, in the second match, The First Eye, Narushima Koga! - Versus - The Dragon King, Gaoh Ryuki!" she continued, waiting for the chanting and cheering to subside. "All four are powerful fighters, but two will be eliminated! Their chances are half and half! Who will be in, and who will be out?!"
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Each group will last for one week.
List below the cut:
Tome Kurata (Mob Psycho 100) VS Haruhi Fujioka (Ouran High School Host Club)
Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury (Sailor Moon) VS Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Shouko Komi (Komi Can’t Communicate) VS Athena Cykes (Ace Attorney)
Rina Tennouji (Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club) VS Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Futaba Sakura (Persona 5) VS Constanze Amalie von Braunschbank-Albrechtsberger (Little Witch Academia)
Suletta Mercury (Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury) VS Falin Touden (Dungeon Meshi)
Anthy Himemiya (Revolutionary Girl Utena) VS Sakaki (Azumanga Daioh)
Tomori Takamatsu (BanG Dream: It’s MyGO!!!!!) VS Midori Asakusa (Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!)
Asa Mitaka (Chainsaw Man) VS Patty Thompson (Soul Eater)
Mako Mankanshoku (Kill la Kill) VS Ayumu Kasuga/Osaka (Azumanga Daioh)
Mitsumi Iwakura (Skip and Loafer) VS Sawako Kuronuma/Sadako (Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You)
Winry Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist) VS Lain Iwakura (Serial Experiments Lain)
Himari Arisugawa/Cure Custard (KiraKira☆Pretty Cure A La Mode) VS Milly Thompson (Trigun)
Atsuko Kagari/Akko (Little Witch Academia) VS Hitori Gotoh/Bocchi (Bocchi the Rock!)
Tsukimi Kurashita (Princess Jellyfish) VS Clara Valac (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV (Cowboy Bebop) VS Chieko (Princess Jellyfish)
Nico Niiyama (Kiznaiver) VS Nagisa Furukawa (Clannad)
Nagisa Momoe (Madoka Magica: Rebellion) VS Yellow (Pokémon Adventures)
Kuriko Saiki (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.) VS Himiko Yumeno (Danganronpa)
Yuuko Aioi (Nichijou) VS Tsubomi Takane (Mob Psycho 100)
Maya Fey (Ace Attorney) VS Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon)
Don Quixote (Limbus Company) VS Miho Nosaka (Yugioh)
Ringo Andou (Puyo Puyo) VS Alluka Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter)
Izutsumi (Dungeon Meshi) VS Sorawo Kamikoshi (Otherside Picnic)
Satsuki Minazuki (Liar Satsuki Can See Death) VS Anri Sonohara (Durarara!!)
Nico Yazawa (Love Live!) VS Ahiru Arima/Duck (Princess Tutu)
Miriel (Fire Emblem Awakening) VS Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Biscuit Krueger/Bisky (Hunter x Hunter) VS Maria Inomata (School Babysitters)
Sayo Yasuda (Umineko When They Cry) VS Mai Minakami (Nichijou)
Ai Mie (The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses) VS Nausicaä (Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind)
Sumireko Usami (Touhou Project) VS Shizuku Murasaki (Hunter x Hunter)
Marcille Donato (Dungeon Meshi) VS Anisphia Wynn Palletia (The Magical Revolution Of The Reincarnated Princess and The Genius Young Lady)
Kaoru Seta (BanG Dream! Girls Band Party!) VS Kanna Makino (Tamako Market)
Chouko Shizuhata (Oddman 11) VS Hikari Kagura (Revue Starlight)
Nafra Ampsey (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun) VS Sana Futaba (Magia Record)
Valerie (Pokémon) VS Akashi (The Tatami Galaxy)
Miku Hatsune (Vocaloid) VS Sayaka Kanamori (Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!)
Richeh (Witch Hat Atelier) VS Saki Hanajima (Fruits Basket)
Konata Izumi (Lucky Star) VS Ran-Mao (Black Butler)
Tsubame Mizusaki (Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!) VS Franziska von Karma (Ace Attorney)
Nico Robin (One Piece) VS Penny (Pokémon Scarlet and Violet)
Sora Kajiwara (Sketchbook: Full Color’s) VS Sucy Manbavaran (Little Witch Academia)
Kiyoko Shimizu (Haikyuu!!) VS Mai Mishou/Cure Egret/Cure Windy (Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star)
Omoharu Nakanaka (Komi Can’t Communicate) VS Yor Forger (Spy x Family)
Kirie Motoba (Himouto! Umaru-chan) VS Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Miae Hwang (After School Lessons For Unripe Apples) VS Lotte Jansson (Little Witch Academia)
Bulma (Dragon Ball) VS Power (Chainsaw Man)
Tooru Taki (Natsume’s Book of Friends) VS Suzuno Kamazuki/Crestia Bell (The Devil is a Part-Timer!)
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kumamoto-division · 9 months
Chibi Strange Magic and Double Face (christmas ver)
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"...the starless theater do some nice parties, i'll admit that but it not save you of an explosive in the backstage or you dressing room Kunio"
"Why,you still upset because of the costumes,sadako?"
"not call me like that,and yeah for that and for put me in no one but TWO,stupid costumes Kunio...i only goes to the party because Kururi wanted"
"hahahahaha c'mon Aoba *hip,hip"...you need a bit of...fun some days whip*"
"hahaha yeah Nastume-san *hip*cheer to that"
"and thank you for that niisan...but i think we need to take care of Akame and Natsume"
"...why fuck both of them are so drunk?...all of us drank and we are fine"
"after champagne they found wine jars from new year...that wine is seriously strong"
"i understand...now you take care of Nastume-chan and Ruri and Yue of Akame"
"ok,my queen haha, c'mon my love"
" 'kay niisan,Akame,my puppet, please come here...and you help my dear Yue"
"why i'm part of this division of crazy and insane criminals i don't know but i love them?...okay Ruri-san!"
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keresacheron · 9 months
Sadako-San and Sadako-Chan - Atop the Fourth Wall
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kishi-in-her-lair · 2 months
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Kotobukiya is going to release Sadako's figure And my thought were ... "Kraang-chan is Sadako but without the white dress..."
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myhikari21things · 2 years
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Read of Sadako-San and Sadako-Chan by Aya Tsutsumi (2019) (115pgs)
Translated from Japanese
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copyspaghetti · 1 year
Ekumob week 2023 day 3: On A Date
I think they'd have the stupidest dates lmfao, Mob would want to be fancy and Ekubo would think that's fun sometimes, but Ekubo would want to be chill and Mob can think that's relaxing. So they compromise! I think Ekubo would take Mob's body out on dates, but I think maybe Mob would sometimes think it's exciting if Ekubo showed up with a warm body? Mob would want to do "proper" date stuff like see movies and kiss and hold hands in the sunset while Ekubo doesn't care much for that, he just likes hanging out
The crossdressing picnic is because I think it's cute how Reigen dresses both of them up (Mob for that one exorcism, Ekubo after Uu-chan "dies"), so they could bond over that @ekumob-week
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[ID: Several smaller ink drawings on one paper. In the top left is Ekubo possessing Yoshioka. He has an arm thrown over Mob's shoulder, who is leaning into his side, smiling and blushing, with a hand around his waist. In the top middle and right is Mob in the red high school girl's uniform and clip on braids sprawled over a picnic blanket together with Ekubo. Mob says "This is sort of freeing in a way." Ekubo frowns, expression dark, and he has a red bow on his head, and he says "Speak for yourself..." In the middle is Mob with red cheeks and a bouquet of red roses in hand, he's holding a finger up saying "One ticket to Sadako 3D, please!" To the right Mob sits with Ekubo's spirit cloud form in his lap. They're oth wearing 3D glasses. Then Mob's hair poofs up and he squeezes Ekubo so hard his glasses sit awry. In the bottom left Mob is leaning forwards, blushing and squeezing his eyes closed. He's pickering his lips. An arrow points to him saying "trying so hard". Ekubo floats in front of him with a bored expression, saying "Dude, don't force yourself..." In the bottom right is Ekubo in his spirit cloud form sleeping on top of Mob's head. /End ID]
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sumire-bride · 1 year
IN KATAKANA- スミレ - かなしい
IN KANJI- 純麗 - 非心
Sumire can be written using different kanji characters and can mean: 菫, "violet" as a name 紫花, "purple, flower"純麗, "purity, lovely"澄玲, "lucidity, sound of jewels"澄麗, lucidity, lovely". Her last name is split into two "非" meaning "un" "non" or "lacking" and "心" means "heaer. So it literally means "lacking a heart" Her father Kyuufu uses spells her first name name in Kanji this way 澄玲 however Karl spells in kanji like 菫 非心. Her name is meant to symbolize a violet flower so pure she has no choice but to break.
Ran-chan (Laito) Ko-suika, Midori gakatta (Ayato) Rapunzal (Shuu) Livestock, ghost/Sadako (Ruki) Stray cat (Ruki, Yuma) Sow (Yuma), M-neko-chan (Kou) My orian (Shin) Eve (Karl n Azusa)
AGE- 18(Beginning), 19 (End)
BIRTHDAY- September 25th.
SIGN- Libra.
ETHNICITY- Japanese, Chinese.
RACE- Human (beginning) Immortal human (End)
GENDER/PRONOUNS- Female, she/her/hers
HEIGHT- 5'6 (168)
HOBBIES- Sewing, reading, Piano.
OCCUPATION- Third year high school student.
A flower pot (in VC)
Kyuufu Kanashi (FATHER)
Xaing Kanashi (MOTHER)
Chousoka Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
Oroshi Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
Sing Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
Takashi Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
Tadashi Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
Shoji Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
Keiji Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
Anzu Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
Koukai Kanashi (OLDER BROTHER)
-VOICE ACTOR (headcannon)-
𖧷ɤ— Sumire is a tall young women, with long raven black hair reaching the back of her knees. Her hair starts off straight but ends with curls. She has ghostly like skin with emerald eyes. She also wears makeup. Consisting of red lipstick, red eye liner and pink blush.
𖧷ɤ—In HAUNTED DARK BRIDAL and MORE BLOOD she wears a light blue dress that reaches only just above her knees, with a tight at the top turtle neck dress underneath. And a black ribbon that holds her green brooch around her neck, white tights and brown dress shoes with a corset. She also wears jade earrings.
𖧷ɤ—In VANDEAD CARNIVAL she wears neck silky flowy blue dress that fades out into white at the bottom it reveals her whole collar bone. She wears a bit of a darker blue lace shrug that covers her neck that also has long flowy sleeves, as well as a black ribbon around her waist that holds her emerald brooch. With black flats that has a little white bow on the tips of them.
𖧷ɤ—In DARK FATE she wears a shoulder white dress with long tight sleeves. With a black choker, a dress that reaches her knees she wears black flats. She abandons her emerald brooch.
𖧷ɤ— Her FORMAL WEAR is a red and white hanfu that drags on the floor. The cloak falling off her shoulders half way, it also consists of three violet flowers. One on her white belt and two in her hair, she also wears a red see through veil that covers her face.
𖧷ɤ—Her SCHOOL UNIFORM consists of a white button up, a black vest with a red bow. She also wears a really big black coat with white ends and a long skirt that sits just above her knees, blsck tights and black boots.
AS A CHILD she wears a white dress with a black collar, a black ribbon/belt around her waist that holds her see through part of her dress that's on the bottom.
𖧷ɤ— Sumire is a soft spoken and humble women. She has a tendency to put others before herself no matter the situation, though this is said because of her 'instincts' she is plenty more then just obidient. She's incredibly tense and anxious which is very well displayed on her face.
Sumire can be seen as a bit expressionless and lacks the ability to show empathy to others when they are upset, fearful, angry. As her home environment raised her to think unnecessary emotions are bad and 'useless' and so she assumes most people think the same. While she does have emotions herself she won't show the 'bad' ones making her seem cold and stand offish. She tends to never act out without being given an order from someone, and no matter what the order is she will do it without much remorse even if it causes harm to the other person or herself. 'I am willing to kill myself or others for you.'
Sumire is told she has the look/presence/attitude of a doll, she's elegant and is very well mannered.
Despite these however, Sumire is a very determined, loyal, dedicated and gentle person. She can even be seen as quite stubborn or very sassy and can be a bit of tease sometimes unhinged. Though later on she begins to learn how to be more considerate of peoples emotions despite herself being driven to the edge of insanity.
𖧷ɤ—Sumire is the youngest and only daughter of her family. Making her the youngest as well as the last living Kanashi member of the Kanashi (also known as personage clan).
THE KANASHI family in the beginning of time were made to be slaves to the demon clans [food source, sexual desire, assassins, etc.) All of them taken out of the human world and put into the demon world and were auctioned/sold to rich and royal families some sold as young as 10 years old. When they are put into the homes of demons they we're meant to be there to satisfy their needs and literally ANY needs. They were known for their pale skin, jet black hair, beauty and especially their emerald eyes. Over time with spending time with demon clans, while somehow stayed human they developed some characteristics (quick movement, enhanced eyesight, enhanced sense of smell.) Given the name Kanashi was meant to insult them as humans and also because they acted on orders with a 'lack of heart'. Years of inspecting Makai people the clan come up with a plan to take leadership to end the loop of curse using the tactics demons use to kill almost half of wolf, vibora, bat, alder clans sticking a war for both Kanashi's and all of Makai. To show dominance after killing a demon they'd take their teeth, eyes or bones and turn them into jewelry or yoyo's sometimes putting them into glass boxes keeping them as 'treasures'. However the war would come to a end when Karl was more popular as the Vampire king he places a peace between all clans but only because of his admiration/interest of the Kanashi's, making it where the can not be owned at all letting them live 'freely'. Despite him owning Sumire's father Kyuufu after the ban. However they are forced to attend a annual ceremony when they turn 18 named 'awakening of a Kanashi' where they choose to be bitten by different demon clans or kill them. Most have been killed off or died, and Sumire's family are the only remaining ones they plan to kill all demons across the world.
𖧷ɤ—After years pass however, Karlheinze went to Sumire's father Kyuufu, asking him to be apart of the 'Adam and Eve plan' so she can marry one of his 6 sons. Sending him out to quickly find a wife and give him a beautiful Eve so he can create a new race. So Kyuufu went to buy Sumire's mother a Nobel 14yr old girl from China Xaing when he was 50. He would then abuse her and make her his wife and do his best to get a girl, however for 13 tries he only got sons. Until the 14th try finally led to Sumire being born the day the Violets died on a full moon. When Sumire was born, Kyuufu sent Xaing's sons and her to a different house allowing them to see Sumire only a few times a year.
𖧷ɤ—Karlheinz's younger brother Richter would learn her existence believing she'd be the perfect substitute as Cordelia's new vessel, he would go to Kyuufu begging him to let her take Cordelia's heart lying to him 'it's apart of the plan'. He eagerly agrees but only if he waited till she was 18 to take on the adult heart. Both Richter and Kyuufu keeping it in a glass box to prevent it from decomposing.
𖧷ɤ— To keep Sumire from falling in love with another person growing up, or to get plans of running away she was kept inside in a very big mansion told the world was a very 'dirty place'. If it wasn't for Richter, he wouldn't have forced her to be 'clean' and keep her from expressing herself, as she needed to be clean n pure before the heart could be placed in her.
𖧷ɤ— In her childhood, Kyuufu would begin to manipulate her into believing she has no one else but him, he was her 'god' she didn't need anything else but him. Only scaring her into keeping inside the house. Making her brothers do the same, however most of them showing displeasure and hate for the young girl some smothering her, neglecting her existence, insulting her.
𖧷ɤ— Her mother was in fact no help, while she did show to be loving at times the sexual, mental and physical abuse Kyuufu showed her caused her to despise Sumire's existence, she had a hard time dealing with Sumire deciding she was going to break the child within in Sumire as it wasn't fair that she could be child when Xaing couldn't. Whenever she'd see Sumire act out, crying and such she'd call her a disgusting child and lock her in a small dark cubby. But another half of it was so she could protect her from Kyuufu as she was that scared of him.
𖧷ɤ— So throughout her childhood she became a very anxious child insecure completely isolated from the outside. However despite the terrible treatment and such from her family, she explains to people that she had a wonderful childhood and a even more loving family.
𖧷ɤ— At age 17, Sumire decided to escape but before she could Kyuufu found her and brought her to a old church, and there Richter would rip her heart out placing Cordelia's in it and hers being placed in the same glass box Cordelia's originally was in.
𖧷ɤ— Sumire at age 18 was then sent to live with the Sakamaki's, learning to live with the outside world and learn to deal with her awakening instincts and haunted by Cordelia.
𖧷ɤ— KYUUFU is Sumire's god. She loves her father so much and feels nothing will come between the two ever. Talking about her father she always seems in pure glee. She will talk about the experiences that seem horrible to others but to her it was just her fault for acting as such, she'll talk about them like they were the best things to happen to her and was just proof of there love.
She will grow incredibly defensive when others call her father out, or insult him in front of her. This is the only time she is seen to be incredibly angry. She feels her father is always with her, and whenever she is crying or is seeing someone else crying or afraid she'd say "Shh we must not cry, father might see us."
Sumire says she wants to be like XAING. Her mother is her idol and she just yearns to be as beautiful like her, everything her mother has done to her is seen as more then a blessing and that she's so very glad she taught her 'hard lessons' on how to be a true women. She would always jump up and down when she saw her as younger girl, having to hold her containment for her when she saw her in her teens.
Sumire disliked seeing Xaing cry or have her breakdowns that she'd have. Doing her best to settle her down even though she'd fail horribly making the situation worse blaming her birth for her suffering. However, the two had their moments of genuine mother daughter love but that was when she was much younger, as Sumire aged she especially into her teen years Xaing did not want anything to do with her.
CHOUSOKA adores Sumire, stating she is his reason for living and has told her since she was a child that she is his reason for living and that if Sumire ever left he'd die. Koukai mentions that Chousoka gets even more mean and rough when he is forced to leave Sumire. Due to what Kyuufu told him and the admiration he had for him, he always feels a desperate need to keep Sumire with him all the time, constantly smothering her. He once rocked Sumire in his arms so hard he almost broke her back when she was young when he couldn't find her.
Sumire loves her brother dearly, as he was the one she would spend the most time with, though she does not enjoy playing favourite brothers Chousoka is her favourite however she fears him the most. When she is sent to live with the Sakamaki's and Chousoka found out he ran to look for her.
OROSHI and Sumire have a very complicated relationship. But not in the way you'd think, growing up Oroshi was always nothing but gentle and sweet with he certainly wasn't as obsessive of her as Chousoka was, however he was incredibly controlling. He could go sweet and nice to mean and cruel, despite having plenty of patience. Sumire views Oroshi as a angle she trusts him the most.
ENA was nothing but mean to Sumire, insulting her any chance he had even now sometimes resulting into throwing things at the young girl she was when she'd go for hugs. But Sumire on the other hand favourites him as a brother next to Chousoka, she thinks she's being complimented by him hence why it bothers Ena so much. She believes just like the rest he can simply do no wrong to her.
ANZU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Updated information in need.
KOUKAI . . . . . . . . . .. Updated information in need.
-Chousoka, Oroshi, Ena, Anzu, Koukai are the for the most part the only ones she you see here with in the route. Sumire's relationships with all her BROTHERS is different depending on how they view her as a person. Some are mean to her, ignore her, smother her. But they all share keeping her inside the house/keep her from running away in common.. For the most part. But nonetheless she loves each and every one of her brothers.-
SHUU is very princely to Sumire she finds herself trying to take care of him and keep him out of danger even though he tells her to go away all the time. And when time goes on she's ruining his naps to show him stupid things or to get him to kill a rat for her. He refers to her as 'dense' 'stupid' 'average looking women.' Sumire's very infatuated by Shuu, as he looks like her 'dream boy' and like the men in all the books she read as a kid. He does his best to push her away but Sumire will not budge.
REIJI makes Sumire do many tasks for him. He's so interested in her abilities and how far she'll go for him and his brothers because of her "instincts". She went as far as pouring hot tea on herself for him. He uses her for research purposes because he's that interested in them. Sumire seems to adore his praise, following his orders with glee just to be told she did a good job that she's a 'good girl'. She is enchanted by him because he's tall with black hair and it makes her think of 'home.' Later on in the route, he is shown getting annoyed when she's with or helping Shuu even trying to push her away from doing his brothers bittings.
Sumire is seen teasing AYATO. Calling him out on his lies, or stupidity. When she's with Ayato you can see more of her sassy, cocky, even at points annoyance side of her. Ayato becomes obsessed with her blood. At first Ayato thought of her as a 'annoying piece of food, but my prey regardless." Loving her taste. But later in Sumire's route in ecstasy he grows fond even a little attached to her. In his own route with her however, he vows to protect her from her brothers even his own mothers possession of her. He states "As your owners, I'll make it my end goal to make sure you are completely owned by me." At the end of HDB the good ending (true ending).
KANATO is often mentally abusing Sumire like he would with others. Often showing annoyance to her, however Sumire on the other hand is scared of him and worried about his well being since he's smaller then her. Even though she doesn't avoid most of the brothers most of the time she does her best to avoid him the most after he makes her wear a dress similar to Cordelia's. Later on he shows genuine jealousy even annoyance when she uses "sama" at the end of his name.
LAITO will always be a wonder to Sumire. She struggles to view his ideas on 'love' and 'lust'. As she was raised with nothing involving sex preventing her from becoming dirty so when he's acting perverted around her she doesn't understand him. When he finds this out it only gives him more of a reason to tease and get different reactions out of her that she normally wouldn't express even using uncanny ways to get them out of her.
He showed no genuine 'interest' until he had a conversation with her on a balcony. Sumire grows confused by his ability to switch personalities to easily, noticing he's a different person when he's in public with her rather then when it's just the two of them.
Sumire adores SUBARU'S white hair. The white colour reminding her of snow, but during DF she grows to mistake him for her father when she grows to understand life more. However in the beginning she is shown to be giddy, follow him, talk to him with much happiness when he's around causing Subaru to get flustered when she's around and before any of the brothers, he develops feelings for her.
Disliking her love for her father even the rest of her family. Some of her mood swings remind him of his mother causing him to get uncomfortable with her at points. But the two feel empathy for each other due to their 'similar experiences.'
Like Reiji Sumire is seen following RUKI'S word, she seems to submit to him more easily then she does with the other Mukami brothers. Although Ruki deems her as "fussy" "like a stray cat" when he tries to get her to do things, or even when he's trying to help her. Showing that she doesn't trust him at all. Ruki is even slightly startled by her when she's popping up out of the blue, as her appearances is close to a ghost he said.
It takes her a while to warm up to him, and the two constantly bicker about the Sakamaki's being her 'owners'. But later on, she begins to ease up to him even beginning to like his company. And like Ruki, he becomes more adamant on making himself her 'owner' but not for the same reason as he originally wanted to.
Sumire thinks KOU'S loud, not exactly understanding him when she first met him at all. When he's talking to her or someone else she covers her ears, as she thinks he's overwhelming even a little draining. Like Laito, Sumire notices how easy it is for him to switch his personality to personality. Sumire is normally trying to give him 'life lessons' even seen mothering him a lot.
She can not stand YUMA. Sumire is known for adressing everyone as "Sama" at the end of there name or "mr, mrs" to show plenty of respect, to let them know she is less then them. However Sumire will not even say his name as she believes she'll curse herself. She becomes sassy and very aggravated when he's around her, hissing or trying to make herself appear "bigger". She once put a lamp to cover her head when he walked into the room.
His size and loud deep voice, scare her to her core. She's never met someone of his size, height sure but no one buff. Even if Yuma tries to help her at moments, she refuses him harshly wanting him to go away, hence he started calling her "the stray cat". But when she goes outside in daylight for the first time with him, she views him in a kind light and then doesn't treat him so harshly.
AZUSA unlike the others, treats Sumire more decently. Not calling her anything other then Eve. Sumire while not trusting the other Mukami's seems to open up to Azusa more often. Letting him cut her however stating she does not like doing it to him which confuses him. Even if not in a relationship or dating during this time, the two like holding hands even Azusa defending Sumire from most threats she faces. Even raising his voice at Ruki for her.
CARLA seems to cause Sumire's break downs and outbursts. As in DF she seems to lose form of sense after the good ending in MB (information will not be stated as it is big spoilers). And Carla's long white hair, old deep voice trigger her quite a bit. Making her follow his every word in fear.
He's shown no remorse for her. Even during his brother Shin's actions to her only caring that she holds the heart of a first blood. Stating he has no issue harming her.
Sumire and SHIN end up having a romantic relationship through out most of DF. Though the 'love' is one sided. Sumire does not love Shin, nor have any romantic attraction to him. It was more out of instinct and impulse she agreed to date him. And because he threated her.
She shows to be awkward around him and simply only doing things to please him. Like saying "I love you." While not meaning it. She more pities him if anything. She said "I've been tricked" tiredly and jokingly whenever Shin pranks her.
She feels sorry that she can not remember him, and believes if she helps him with his plan to over throw his brother it'll make it up to him.
𖧷ɤ—While being human, she still was able to inherit Kanashi abilities but through her route they slowly come in before becoming unbearable. One of them was unbeatable instincts to submit.
𖧷ɤ—Increased hearing.
𖧷ɤ—Increased sense of smell
𖧷ɤ—increased sight
𖧷ɤ—Increased strength (only when she is ordered to do something. Besides that Sumire is fairly physically weak and her 'strength' is very limited.)
-Sumire is very claustrophobic, any tight spaces even when it comes with human contact makes her upset.
-Sumire has musophobia (fear of rats)
-Sumire is left handed.
-Sumire plays the koto.
-One time Sumire chased Laito around the manner with a bug she found.
-She does not have a sweet tooth. In fact they make her gag.
-Sumire knows Chinese fluently.
-When Sumire is angry but not angry in a aggressive way. She'll puff and stomp her foot.
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atopfourthwall · 10 months
I finally had a chance to sit down and watch sadako-san and sadako-chan. I know i’m not the only one who has told you it but again. Thank you, your videos have helped a lot and I know i sent an ask a while ago and I know that bit at the end wasnt personally adressed to me… but it felt that way and was something i needed to hear tonight
Thank you right back and I'm glad I was able to help. =)
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sidestcriies · 1 year
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❝ We should play Luigi's Mansion together, Sonia-chan. Although I have the feeling you'd be unstoppable in Dead By Daylight, I just know it. ❞ she declared about her classmate. She was aware that the princess wasn't too familiar with games, so she decided to elaborate: ❝ In Dead by Daylight you either play as councilors that need to work together and survive until the timer runs out or you play as an archetype of a famous horror slasher. Some extra content even lets you play as Ghost Face, Freddy Krueger, Pinhead or Sadako. Some of the councilors includes Ash Williams and Laurie Strode ! ❞ she wasn't acknowledged about horror movies like her friend is but she enjoys learning about Sonia's hobbies.
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