#mobu saiko 100
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yurera · 4 months ago
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jascurka · 8 months ago
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2 mirmir
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images self explanatory I need my 2am snack now :]
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skiesforest · 10 months ago
Also here’s my frustrating sketching. I finished watching Mob Physco on Netflix not too long ago and I definitely won’t stop hyperfixate about this for a while.
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ara-arachan · 3 months ago
Honestly, I really don't like when people call Reigen "just a regular guy". Because he isn't that regular at all. Well, to me, at least.
He's extremely social, he has a lot of skills, he's smart, he's creative, he's kind. He always knows how to solve problems. He listens to people, and, most importantly, he helps them. He's wise, he's realistic, he's funny, he's open-minded, and he's scared but he often takes the risks. For himself, for Mob, and for everyone else. Also, yes, he loves his student and is ready to put himself in danger just to save him (friendly reminder that he was ready to die during the Confession arc, and even took his shoes off, which is very common for Japanese people to do before committing suicide). I really don't think your typical regular guy would do that.
Maybe he seems like he isn't special because of his lack of psychic powers, but isn't it quite unusual that he doesn't even want any to begin with? Reigen was never jealous of Mob or any other ESPer, even though, logically, he should be since it's very useful for his business. Yet he isn't. When Mob shared powers with him, Reigen didn't really care. He acknowledged these were Mob's instead of thinking that he suddenly got awakened, then kicked villains' asses, and that's it. Never even mentioned any of that after (if we exclude the book situation).
It's very fascinating how Mob, the most powerful (modern) psychic, lives a regular life, while Reigen, someone who doesn't possess any type of powers at all, is seen as someone eccentric. And, well, of course Reigen does have common adult problems, but it's the way he deals with them what makes him different. Or so I think.
No matter what your opinion on Reigen is, it's out of the question that his relationships with Mob are absolutely beautiful. Both of them complement each other perfectly, two lonely souls finding solace in one another, rejected — though temporarily — by society just to have peace in the inner worlds: Mob in Reigen's, and Reigen in Mob's.
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copyspaghetti · 2 months ago
I made another age swap edit because this meme wouldn't leave my head
This is what Arataka gets up to when he isn't at the office
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[ID: a four-panel comic made out of edited anime frames. The first one is of adult Kageyama Ritsu, in a grey suit and tie, making a grim face and saying "I sued an 11 year old kid, and won." The second one is of adult Teruki in a green patterned suit, pink dresshirt, turquoise tie, and winking as he says "I challenged an 11 year old child to a basketball game, and won." The third is adult Musashi in exercise clothes and a beard, confidently saying "I challenged an 11 year old kid to a benchpress competition, and won." The last panel is 11 year old Reigen opening the door to Spirits and Such where Mob waits for him, teary-eyed and snotty, exclaiming "Shishou, I've had the worst day of my life!" /End ID]
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zig663 · 2 months ago
separation arc... or as i like to call it: mobrei breakup arc
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buki-1 · 11 months ago
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Lil Mobs
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mobreimob · 1 year ago
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first post
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natsukashiiart · 1 year ago
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i actually kinda did this a while back but it's still one of my favs
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micoforfunsies · 4 months ago
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Is it normal that I cried a tiny bit at this point
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yurera · 4 days ago
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(๑˃̵ ᴗ ˂̵)و
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schediaphiliac · 2 years ago
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wereweallyolddontbullyus · 8 months ago
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Hello ritmob nation
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ara-arachan · 3 months ago
What, as I think, tells about Reigen's personality a lot (besides anything else others point out quite often) is the underrated fact that he could dump all of his traumas on Sakurai just like Sakurai did to him, but Reigen chose to respond him with a silly childhood story instead. We all know that he has bad relationships with his parents, that he has a strong sense of guilt over the way he lives his life, feeling like a burden to everyone around him, and that he wasn't really popular in school (maybe he even got bullied, which — in my opinion — is heavily implied in canon). So, Reigen is a loser as much, if not more, as Sakurai is. And yet he never tried to use that as some kind of "I've had it worse" type of motivation (or rather discouragement).
He never did that to Mob, either. Maybe that's because Reigen is a sympathetic person overall, or maybe it's caused by him downplaying his own experience (pretty sure he doesn't even acknowledge the existence of his own trauma because during the Separation Arc he never did that as well).
It's quite interesting how we don't know anything about Reigen's past, too. There was a bunch of opportunities for him to flesh himself out and bare his wounded heart to Mob (and/or anyone else), and yet... This never happened. At all.
In omake, during their conversation with Mob & Serizawa about bullying, Reigen simply lied as if he used to be popular and volunteer a lot, and he never said anything else. He is prideful and vain (but also extremely low on self-esteem), he'd never fully open up — even telling the truth about being a fraud was hard to him, despite everyone knowing it already; during the Separation he projected his fears onto Mob, during the New Year episode he pretended to be disgruntled with Mob's request even though he was happy because he thought he'd spend this holiday alone again. Reigen never shares, but somehow we still know he's hurt — to him, the pain is physically dull, but to us it's visually vivid. Clear. Sharp. And I think this is the best example of «Show, don't tell» rule.
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copyspaghetti · 3 months ago
Mobstocking for @mappapapa
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[ID: Three coloured comic panels of Reigen and Mob. The background is the same, pale new years sunrise with leafless trees. In the first panel, young Mob is reaching for Reigen who is turned away. In the second, Mob has grown almost as tall as Reigen, hand on his shoulder but keeping a respectful distance. Reigen's face is slightly turned towards him. In the third panel, they're both holding each other, no space between them. The characters' backs are turned to the reader. They're in winter clothes. The comic is titled "new nears wait, a mob pursuing reigen to requited mobrei comic from copyspaghetti to mappapapa." /End ID]
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zig663 · 1 month ago
maid ritsu... maid ritsu save me...
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