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riiarichu · 11 days ago
Just posting this here to hold myself accountable and so you guys can rain check what one shots ur okay with reading <3
FOR : Endoparasitic one shot collection (My AO3)
Monday March 3rd (or sooner) : Pathetic Prosthesis //Angst, Major Character Death, Su1cidal thoughts, PTSD, guilt, graphic pain, dead dove//
Monday March 17th : Sick Days //Fluff, Nursing, gentle kisses, positive affirmations, gentle hand holding//
Monday March 31st: Fond Memories //Fluff, remaining, flashbacks, awkwardness//
Monday April 14th: Workplace Discourse //Hurt/comfort, positive affirmations, confrontation, anger//
Monday April 28th (or later): An Accident //Angst, extreme anger, blaming, communication issues, gore, emetophobia, guns, hemophobia, intense violence, graphic imagery, dead dove// (this idea is one I’d like to turn into an entire separate fanfiction if it gets enough attention)
Keep in mind that certain dates are subject to change if something comes up, or if I accidentally procrastinate. (I’m sorry guys, I have ADHD that I may or may not get medicine for. Once or IF I get on medication, I should be able to actually get it done! I’m promising a lot, so I’m so so sorry if I miss an upload. All my work if free-form so you may rewrite it to ur desecration!
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amenti-aardwolf · 8 months ago
Okay, fish person to come in with some unfortunate news on this. Yes, there are a lot of fish that change their biological sex when necessary for population demand, but they can only make the change once. Like, they can only go from point A to point B, they can't go back from B to A after doing it. Those species are also born all one sex and change as needed. For example, clownfish are all born male and the biggest most dominant one permanently becomes a female, while angelfish in the genus genicanthus are all born female and can become permanently male if the opportunity arises. I believe the same goes for a few larger species of wrass (FtM).
I would prefer to think that merfolk aren't bound to these restrictions, but biology can really suck sometimes. I suppose I'd propose them to be mimics more than anything, beings beyond the concept of gender who can manipulate their form in a way that benefits them. Kind of like how cephalopods like the mimic octopus can appear to have many different forms while still being the same creature with no true physical differences. Merfolk would probably have a much more advanced form of this, though I'm not entirely sure how it would work if they don't have the elasticity and color changing abilities of cephalopods.
tired: mermaids are all women
wired: much like elves, merfolk are mistaken by sailors for being all women because they have long hair and are very pretty
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futurebird · 1 year ago
What is a gamergate?
Friendly reminder about the word #gamergate
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A "gamergate" (pronounced like "gamete") is a mated worker ant with the potential to become a queen of the colony. This is believed to be how early ant colonies worked before the physical differences between queens and workers became more pronounced in the majority of ant species. Diacamma, Harpegnathos and Ophthalmopone genus ants still have this ability.
This is the *only* significant meaning the word "gamergate" has had and will ever have.
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I'm sorry... but look at her. She's like a cartoon character. "harpos" are very popular among antkeepers and their ability to choose new queens makes for interesting colony dynamic. They duel each other with their long mandibles to decide who will be queen.
And they can jump!
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kkoffin · 7 months ago
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I’m never getting over how you say “a woman is an adult human female” (or they ask you to define female) and they say “WOW SO A WOMAN IS NOTHING MORE THAN A WOMB TO YOU”
Did you miss the “human” part? Yes, female, as a term, means the sex in any species which has a large, immovable gamete. Do i think my dog is the same thing as a woman because they have the same sex? They’re both female? No. Because of the “human” part.
Both men and women are human people. the difference, the reason for this split in category, is sex. Yes, the difference between a man and a woman is reproductive organs. Not their feelings, or attachment to being feminine, or whether or not they’ve got a dress on. The reason for this particular categorical split is which reproductive organs they’ve got.
Now what would happen if we in this hypothetical, instead of splitting by sex, we split by hair colour. Now we’ve got brown hair people and black hair pe- WOAH ARE WE DEFINING THEM BY THE COLOUR OF THEIR HAIR!? THATS BIOESSENTIALISM (apparently. no it’s not, that’s not what the word means, but that’s a topic for another day.) no. we just divided them by hair colour, and now we are labelling the categories that arise. they are still humans. “adult human brunette” if you will.
The “human” part includes life, or anything typical to being human. Thoughts, feelings, interests, self expression, relationships, literally just about everything to… being a person. And here’s the fun part! That can be different for every single woman! A woman can be any human, and do anything! Only other necessary parts are being female and being adult. The “female” part will mean you are a victim of misogyny and patriarchy, and you’ll likely be raised a little differently. Radfems want women to be free from misogyny and patriarchy, so we band together, against the oppressor, men, to make change.
Being female affects women in a very impactful way. Yes, the reproductive organs. Through periods, and pregnancy, hormones and simply having a vagina. Men like having access to a vagina, and they, for a lot of history, have been provided social advantages, though having more muscle mass, not getting pregnant, not having periods. They’ve long considered women, and their vaginas, to be their property. Women, again, because of men’s social advantages, were barred from much of society. Voting, dominion, rights, ability to be employed and have financial freedom. Men like having access to a vagina so much that women were sold to a husband, and had no freedom in the matter at all.
Today, women have been given many rights, but men still really like having access to a vagina, so they rape and sexually assault women (also misogyny is still deep in our society; in our media, our subconscious, etc). This is a Bad Thing, so women want to be free from it. Thus, we want spaces where we are vulnerable to be just for women. Not men that are feminine, or men that feel they are women, but women as in the sex-based group that’s been the victim to fgm and pregnancy and majority of rape, sex trafficking, sexual assault and harassment, etc this whole time.
Now! I can hear you! “but men get raped too!” You are so right! They are also 99% of offenders of rape. So sorry, but yes, the feminists, the women protecting women, striving for women’s liberation from patriarchy, still don’t want men in these spaces. Also being raped doesn’t make them a woman. Nothing makes a man a woman. (and before you bring up intersex people, I want you to know A) all intersex people are either male or female, a developmental disorder doesn’t take that anyway; B) every intersex person I’ve ever met fucking hates being used as an example to imply there are some people that are “less woman” or “less man”. )
Women were never and have never been oppressed because of their feelings or because they wear a dress - wearing the dress was a part of the oppression in fact. Women have always been in their disadvantaged group because of our sex. Because men like having access to a vagina, and we’ve been deemed weaker and inferior by men because of our organs.
There’s a reason why many women are offended if you call them “females” alone (see: alpha male podcasts) - it’s because it’s missing the “human” part, and it can feel degrading. It does include animals. “Female” either includes all females of all species and forms of life, or it’s an adjective. Woman are adult human females. Human.
Anyways yeah, it’s rly not the terf-destroyed slay moment you think it is; it’s just you being kinda illiterate.
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torchtour · 6 months ago
Hi hello I love your Euclidian designs could you explain their anatomy
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tysm!! here's some bullshit biology. if i spelled anything wrong. um. i didnt
transcription (since my colors/handwriting are whack) and elaboration below cut hehe
"cellulose microfibril bricks, colored by carotenoid pigment (xanthophyll)" they help maintain the shape of the cell/provide structural integrity to an overall squishy organism. the pigment xanthophyll is yellow (because. bill. yellow) and facilitates photosynthesis yay solar power. the nature of bill's mutation includes a full wall of this shit covering his whole body like a carapace
""brain"/ganglia" very rudimentary nervous system that's just a bundle of nerves hooked up to the eyes. important to note that the nerves are robust and mobile like electrical wires so don't mind being jostled by eye movement
"cilia assist in movement and sensing" leeetle hairs that aren't hairs at all but microtubules coated by the plasma membrane. kinda like whiskers/barbels but used for swimming
"double membrane (two phospholipid bilayers), pseudopods made of actin filaments and filled with cytoplasm" and also "pseudopods are mobile and variable (stretchy) the gripperssssssss if you wanna see some epic pseudopod action just look up amoeba hunting on youtube
"eyelids and "lashes"/teeth" the retractable sheathes that cover the eye have scutes that can flex and poke out as a sorta velcro-y set of teeth and manipulate objects
"mitochondrial pump" i'm sorry to say i didn't actually have an idea of what this organ was when i drew the first drawing don't tell anyone but i make shit up as i go along ummm but now it's the pseudo-heart organelle that generates atp (mitochondria) and circulates shit 'round the body (pump)
"2D eyes can perceive color, brightness, and a single layer/line of depth" so these basically work how the eyes work in flatland where euclideans can only see an infinitely thin plane of color and shadow
"reproductive organs and gametes" my euclideans have external fertilization where a pair (any pair works cuz they all have the same haploid gams) just mush together their gametes to make a baby love wins i didn't really think this through shhh i just cant imagine these things fucking im sorry they're too weird maybe the foreplay goes crazy idk
that's basically it uhm i labeled each shape as "cuboidal", "triangular", and "circular" and then that "circles are (superficially) bilaterally symmetrical" cuz they only got the one eye oh and the circular one is labeled as "juvenile has no compartment for reproductive organs" cuz why not ok bye
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Surrogacy is human trafficking and IVF is commodifying human beings while killing the "spares". Both are deeply wrong, deeply selfish, and are incompatible with human dignity. Being against them is the only consistent pro-life position.
How can you be pro life and against surrogacy and IVF? They result in pregnancy so they're automatically good right?
They result in pregnancy but also leave lots of other embryos to be frozen or destroyed. Surrogacy is an evil that separates a child from their natural mother for a price.
IVF has made it so people think they are entitled to a child if they can pay for it. Children are not to be bought and sold just because you desire one.
If life exists then by all means let it flourish, but to artificially create a child just to meet a demand has horrible implications.
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munsons-melody · 1 year ago
eddie’s girl
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summary: you catch steve singing about you even though you’re dating eddie
pairing: boyfriend!eddie x female!henderson!reader, little bit steve x reader (?)
cw: implications of sex but that’s about it
recommended song: jessie’s girl by rick springfield
word count: 2.1k
a/n: been meaning to write this for a while and i finally got around to it :) not really proofread, and of course feedback is always welcome :)
i do not consent to having any of my works republished, translated, or posted to any other site except here. if you see my works anywhere but tumblr, it has been republished without my knowledge, consent, or permission.
"tell me again why we need to drop by harrington's" eddie asked with a bit of annoyance
you chuckled at his attitude and continued to flip through the new magazine robin bought that you asked to borrow
"because i left my science textbook at school and was sick the day i needed to bring it home and steve has a copy i can borrow since we're in the same class" you explained nonchalantly
to be honest, you kinda liked the fact he was kinda jealous over you and steve's friendship, it meant he cared, not just about you but about your relationship
but you also knew that he was smart enough to know that you are his and no one else's
"can't you just miss one assignment? i'm sure miss whoever teacher is won't care" eddie said, crawling into your bed next to you and pulling you into his arms causing a giggle to emit from your lips and you held onto the magazine
"it's mr. peters, you know that, babe you had him last year" you squealed as you felt his hands move down your sides
"oh did i? i can't remember i was too busy watching your gym class outside" he said in a flirtatious tone, kissing your neck
"that sounds just a tad creepy" you told him and he laughed
"well i meant that it a bit distracting to pay attention to his boring lectures when you were outside on the track running in those shorts" he said again, and pressed a kiss to the side of your collarbone
"well i don't have the luxury of staring off while he's talking about gametes and zygotes" you laugh, pushing your self up and attempting to leave eddie's firm grasp
"oh honey you don't have to make up words to cover up the fact you're thinking about me in class" he said with a hint of surliness in his voice, propping himself up on one elbow as he watch you roll off the bed and start to slip on your pants
"eds cmon, seriously i need to get that textbook so i can pass this stupid assignment so i know the answers to the stupid quiz we have to take" you told him with a huff after you finished putting on your jeans and throwing your sweater over your t shirt
"okay babe, but we're stopping to get burgers on the way home since i'm starving" he said throwing his dio shirt over his very beautiful physique
"sounds like a perfect plan" you said with a smile as he walked over and kissed you before he grabbed his keys and started to walk to his shoes
"you know i had been craving a chocolate milkshake so i'm very excited" you told him as you put on your shoes
"wow it's like we've been together for almost a year and we know each other a little too well to the point where we can practically read each others minds" eddie said with a sarcastic smirk and you playfully rolled your eyes
"wow really i hadn't known" you replied back with a mocking tone
the two of you walked out to eddie's van parked in the drive way and got in, and he started the engine
the radio came on at full volume causing the two of you to jump as eddie quickly turned it down, forgetting that he left it on last night on his drive over to your house
"jesus sorry about that" eddie said with wide eyes as he started to drive
"it's okay" you giggled, your heart finally calming down
the two of you drove to steve's house which took at least a good 10 minutes
before you knew it, you were pulling into steve's driveway
the last time you and steve talked you told him you'd be over at 6 to get his spare copy of the textbook and you hoped he didn't forget, but seeing his car in the driveway put your worry at ease
eddie put the car in park and you looked at him with soft eyes, "thank you for driving" you said sweetly, as you put your hand on his cheek and it looked like he was going to melt under your touch
"always babe" he said with a soft smile back
he kissed you softly and slowly, leaving a permanent smile on your face as you exited his car and walked to steve's front door
you knocked a couple of times but had no answer, you looked back to see eddie fiddling with some magazine he had laying in the car and noticed steve's car was the only one in his driveway besides eddie's
you heard music coming from inside so you knew he was home and decided to head in, yelling a "hello!", hoping he would hear you over the music
you walked up the stairs and went down the hall to where steve's room was located
the familiar tune of 'jessie's girl' rang through his speakers and the shower running, with steve's voice coming through his bathroom door
you headed into his room, immediately seeing the book on his desk and you figured you'd leave him a quick note and take the book so you can get home and start studying as soon as possible
you started to turn down the speakers so you wouldn't go deaf when suddenly you heard steve belting out to the song but as you started to giggle you heard him change the original lyrics
"Cause she's watching him with those eyes
And she's loving him with that body, I just know it
And he's holding her in his arms late, late at night
You know, I wish that I had
Eddie's girl
I wish that I had Eddie's girl
Where can I find a woman like that?
Like Eddie's girl
I wish that I had Eddie's girl
Where can I find a woman-
Where can I find a woman like that?"
if it was any other song, hearing his voice crack while attempting to scream out the notes would've made you laugh and you definitely would've made fun of him with it but you stood there baffled
that was until the shower cut off and you heard movement on the other side of the door, and you quickly picked up one of his pens and started writing on a note pad
steve opened up the door to the bathroom and saw you standing at his desk, hunched over scribbling away
"oh shit hey" he said, padding over to his dresser to grab some clothes, his towel hanging low around his waist
you turned to steve, trying to keep your cool
"oh hey, sorry you didn't hear me knock so i let myself in and i was just going to leave you a note and take the book cause i really have to get to studying" you admitted, putting the pen down
he nodded and you picked up the book, folding yours arms around it and pressing it against your chest
"you know your speakers are very loud" you said in an effort to break the tension and steve chuckled
"yeah well i gotta hear it through the door" he smiled and you nodded
"well i better get going, eddie's waiting for me" you admitted and he nodded
"eddie's here?" he questioned
"yeah he drove me over, we're going to study tonight" you told him and you could see an expression in his eye shift, but you couldn't see to what
it was almost a mix of jealously and sadness but you didn't want to jump to conclusions
"oh well good luck with your studying, i don't want to keep you waiting too long" he said with a small smile and you nodded
"thank you again steve, you're the best" you told him with a small smile and headed out of his room, down the stairs and back to eddie's van
he noticed you walking and threw whatever magazine he had in his hand and tossed it behind him, starting the car back up as you hopped into the passenger seat
"got it?" he asked as he started to reverse
"yep!" you told him as you fixed your seatbelt
"good, now my smart babe can study to be even smarter" he said with a smile as he started back to your house
the drive was a little too quiet for eddie's liking but to be fair, you were thinking about steve and the fact he was singing about you?
you'd never thought of steve in that way and didn't know how to feel if it's true that he does like you
"everything okay pretty girl?" eddie asked, gently putting his hand on your thigh and you moved to look at him, nodding
"yeah just tired, maybe you and i can skip studying and just cuddle?" you asked and he smiled
"of course baby" he said, sliding his hand up your thigh a little higher
"your parents aren't home right?" he asked and you rolled your eyes, putting the pieces together
"eddie baby, does this have to do with the magazine you were looking at earlier?" you cocked an eyebrow
"uh no..." he trailed off as you leaned over the seat and picked up the magazine, looking at the cover
"really? a playboy?" you giggled and he sighed
"it was the only one within reach and you were up there for like ever and i was imagining you in the outfits they were wearing..." he said as his grip fasted around the wheel
"oh eddie! do you love me? do you need me? do you need to fuck me so badly" you moaned out, a giggle following as you were joking and eddie's eyes darkened
"really babe?" he said with a flat face, sending a quick glare to you as he pulled into your driveway
he turned off the ignition and noticed that your parents car was nowhere to be found, probably cause it was their designated date night leaving the house empty till midnight
"oh i'm sorry baby" you said, pulling him into a kiss which he delightfully responded to, kissing you back
he started kissing down your neck when you stopped him
"eds, let's go inside" you said with a small smile, tugging at his collar and he nodded
he grabbed this things and got out of the car, running quickly to your door and helping you out, shutting the door behind you
he laced your fingers with his, as you walked from the driveway up to your door where you quickly unlocked it and went inside
you shut the front door behind you and turned on some of the lights you had turned off on your way out and headed to your room
once in your room, you dumped your bag and the science book on the desk as you heard eddie yell a "i'm gonna use the bathroom" and you responded back a quick "okay”
you changed into your pajamas, just a shirt and some comfy pants and sat against your headboard on your bed
you allowed yourself to think about steve, what happened, and how it made sense in your brain- everything he did before you and eddie started dating
he was never your boyfriend but you did almost everything together, mostly thanks to dustin, but were you sending him mixed signals you didn't even know you were?
eddie arrived at your door a few minutes later, and shut it behind him
his shoes were off, along with his vest and leather jacket and he shimmed off his jeans and immediately jumped into bed with you, pulling you into his arms and snapping you out of your thoughts
"y/n are you okay? seriously you've been weirdly quiet ever since steve's house" he said and you laid on your side, looking at him as he laid an arm around your torso
you sighed, not wanting to start drama but knowing eddie should know about it
"okay, when i went up to steve's room i heard him singing in the shower and he changed the lyrics to jessie's girl to sing about 'eddie's girl' and he seemed upset you were waiting for me downstairs" you admitted, fiddling with the hem of his shirt
“oh” was all he said, causing your heart to sink
“ed’s i know that you know that im all yours, no matter what right? i don’t want this to be a problem” you said nervously
“i know babygirl, you’re all mine and i trust you” he said with a small smile, kissing you lightly
you felt at ease with eddie as you nuzzled your face into his chest but there was a little bit of steve still lingering on your mind
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teddykaczynski · 27 days ago
theres a pheonemon ive noticed and ive also said things/had thoughts like this myself in the past but. thinking about female nonbinary people ive known and talked to who say theyre confused why they sometimes get maamed/called a woman while looking the way they do. one was like, i dont get it, people really see me in these clothes with some sparse facial hair and think woman? and i had to be like. yeah. they do. i would argue a lot of people dont judge pronouns based on someones clothes and secondary sex characteristics. they see the way your head is shaped and your height and all these small differences people are able to decipher from childhood. the other specific example i can call up is like i was on reddit and i saw a post from someone who got work done by an artist i like and i went to their profile and most of their activity is comments in the nonbinary sub and one was a comment on a thread all about being called woman/girl and they said that they get gendered all sorts of ways because of their rapidly changing appearance, but they dont get it at all when its woman/maam, cause in their opinion nothing they do gives "woman" but its like .... im sorry but from the 2 pictures of the side of your head you posted for that tattoo, i knew you were female instantly. it was about the way your head is shaped and ears and hair and all that. which made me realize, in their perspective when people say maam theyre saying i think you are trying to be a woman, trying to look like a woman, i think you are of the feminine womanly class which means pink and subservience, when this person is actually saying.... im not stupid and i could tell by the way your eyes are spaced apart which of the two gametes you produce
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sharklovingaquarist · 3 months ago
Im sorry to say, but many radical feminist still describe sex and reproduction in a male centered view. "Penetrative sex"... "impregnate"... "vaginal sex"... you can't see how you were socialized to see female biology as something that is done to by men? I know I've written about this in a similar way, but I want to focus on this idea of female being the defined of the two. Women are the ones given a connotation by men, while men remain themselves. Why isn't sex seen as a vagina going over a penis? Because your view is based on a male perspective, a perspective where he changes our meaning and value. Males do not "impregnate" females, this totally negates the existence of the female gamete. Males concieve with females, pregnancy is simply the aftermath of that team effort. In the case of rape it would be forced conception. He forced her egg to concieve with his sperm. The female body isn't a machine and the male sperm isn't a key to the machine. Men aren't an undefined catalyst. Men do not "get women pregnant" they concieve with women and expect a child with women (but yes we carry the physical process of pregnancy, however if these "caregivers" want to call themselves that word they expect with us. Their flaw is being unable to accept a weak service role)
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bitterkarella · 7 months ago
Midnight Pals: 10,000 Pounds of Spaghetti
[mysterious circle of robed figures] JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: what newssss? Rowling: allisssson how goess the lawsssuit againssst ssstonewall? Allison Bailey: GREAT NEWS! Bailey: if losing were winning, then we just totally won! Rowling:
Rowling: ssee, thiss sssilver-tongued eloquence isss why you're the bessst lawyer in the bussinesss! Bailey: thanks, dark lord! Rowling: or you would be if you ACTUALLY WON ANY CASSSESSS Bailey: i Bailey: oh Rowling: how could you lose? i gave you £1,000,000!
Bailey: ok yeah i lost this case but i'm sure that, if you just gave me another £1,000,000, i could absolutely pin that wispa bar on a trans Bailey: i know i could do it Bailey: you gotta believe me! Bailey: c'mon, bro, just one more £1,000,000, just one more
Rowling: what are you even ssspending £1,000,000 on jussst to lossse? Bailey: oh you know, like, legal stuff Bailey: like Bailey: exposition and Bailey: dockets Bailey: uhhhh Bailey: legal stuff Rowling: Rowling: [narrowing eyes] What'ss in that briefcasse?
Bailey: briefcase? what briefcase? Rowling: that one you're holding right there Bailey: OH! you mean THIS briefcase! Rowling: yess THAT briefcasse Rowling: the one with the ever-increasing olive oil sstain on the sside
Bailey: it's nothing, it's just full of , you know, papers Rowling: what kind of papersss? Bailey: um legal papers Rowling: Bailey: Rowling: let me ssee them bailey: [sweating] actually by the doctrine of uhh habeus porpoise i legally can't show you, sorry, that's just the rules
Rowling: did you ssspend my £1,000,000 on spaghetti again??? Bailey: actually legally i don't have to answer that question because of Bailey: because of uhhh Bailey: OBJECTION Rowling: give me that damn briefcassse! [they struggle for briefcase]
Rowling: i told you NOT to usse thiss £1,000,000 for sspaghetti damnit!! I told you! Bailey: [wailing] i know! i tried! Bailey: but then i got hungry Rowling: why do you need £1,000,000 for sspaghetti? Bailey: i mean, it's really GOOD spaghetti
Bailey: the guy who sold it to me told me that this spaghetti is anti-trans Rowling: how doess it work? Bailey: he said it's got big gametes Rowling: i don't know ssciencce but that ssoundss legit to me Bailey: he also sold me these magic beans
[meanwhile] L Ron Hubbard: step right up, step right up, get yourself some of honest ron's famous big gamete spaghetti Poe: Poe: i don't even want to know what this grift is supposed to be
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dunmeshistash · 9 months ago
omg i’m just yapping in your inbox (sorry) but i wonder if elves might have low fertility to begin with (maybe on account of their long lifespans?). their population is in decline due to their low birth rate and their children, when mixed with other races, seem to be infertile no matter the other parent’s lifespan… i wonder if it’s just that their gametes require extremely specific bodily conditions to survive? i don’t understand biology like that lol but i’m thinking about how mithrun seemed to get much colder much quicker than kabru… that could have just been poor circulation or mana exhaustion but he did keep having to wear the coat and scarf so i kind of wonder if a half-elf/half-tallman’s body temperature would be higher than a full-blooded elf’s to enough of a degree that that would impact their fertility
I wonder, my assumption was that the low birthrates were because of just how long they need to care for their young before they reach age of maturity (80 years) I imagine lots can happen in that time? just reaching adulthood takes more than it takes for all the short lived species to be born grow old and die lol
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nochd · 1 year ago
This came across my dash via the #lgbt tag yesterday. I don't want to engage with the OP because that would get me into fights on radfem tumblr and I don't have the energy for that. But the post itself I think is worth answering, just because it's so neatly and exactly wrong.
(Not that my answer is going to spread very far, because I have 37 non-bot followers, of whom I think roughly 35.5 are just here for the nude photos. But anyway.)
Even if I agree just for argument's sake that the existence of intersex people proves that some people can have "nonbinary" sexes, or "third" sexes, and that "sex is a spectrum," how does that have any relevance to people who are not intersex? Like okay, let's "agree" for the moment that intersex people are something other than male or female. How does that make YOU, as a person who is not intersex, something other than male or female? Saying that intersex people's existence somehow makes sex "complicated" for you specifically is like saying that the issue of whether or not you can hear is "complicated" because some other people who are not you suffer from hearing loss or deafness. Like sorry but for 99% of the human population it is not "more complicated" than born with perfectly normal male genitalia = male and born with perfectly normal female genitalia = female, and chances are you fall into that 99%. Sex is not a social construct or a nebulous enigma of a concept. It is not debatable and made up in the manner that gender is. You cannot philosophize about whether there are two sexes any more than you can philosophize about whether humans have two kidneys. Someone having a missing or malformed kidney or accessory kidneys does not change the fact that humans as a species have two kidneys. Humans are gonochoric just like nearly all other animal species on Earth.
Let's start with the arithmetic. If 99% people are of binary sex, that leaves 1% of people who aren't. There are approximately 8 billion humans on Earth. 1% of 8 billion is 80 million -- about sixteen times the population of my entire country. Even just the number of intersex Americans is something like two-thirds the population of my country. This is not a negligible number of people.
There's a deeper error here, one that goes to the root not just of this misunderstanding but of many. Biology is always complicated, at every scale and at every level of explanation. It's messy, it's fuzzy, and it's always bottom-up, never top-down. Everything biological is the way it is because it grew that way. Biology never does the same thing twice.
Why does it seem like it does? Because, of all the ways you can arrange the parts of a living body, only an astonishingly tiny fraction of them actually make a living body. Any genetic mutation that nudges an organism outside of that fraction dies out and doesn't get passed on. Embryonic development is a gruelling tight-rope walk over a vast pit of non-existence.
Now for most of the body's systems, evolution has only had to produce one arrangement that works and survives. There's not an alternative plumbing plan where the oesophagus goes to the lungs and the trachea to the stomach. But for the reproductive system, evolution has to allow for two arrangements that work and survive, and it has to grow them both from the same starter kit.
What it does, therefore, is grow a body plan that works with a continuum of possible arrangements that includes both of those two. Various other points on the continuum may or may not be capable of producing viable gametes, but they're all survivable.
What biology doesn't do -- what biology never ever does -- is run new products on a conveyor belt stamping them into shape with cookie-cutters. The only things made that way are artificial constructs.
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amadholes-lostre · 2 months ago
Your Mass Effect post (The Citadel one) is really cool, though I am a little sad that there aren’t any mentions about the Salarians. Do you have HCs for the alien amphibian folk?
Sorry, I not as invested as Salarians as I am to Asari. I have some ideas for them, but like not major ones.
-they have thr largest population in the galaxy: 25 trillions at least.
-They do practice some form of eugenics and selective breeding with their race. There likely will be testes similar to SAT, and if individuals, especially males, do not reach a certain score, they're automatically sterilized. The Citadel Council society should have some form of gene engineering to help people with disability either physically or neurologically, but Salarian society still practices it. I certain most sterilized Salarians, especially that of males, have children with Asari simply because of that and usually asperse and mocked by most of Salarians.
-they're definitely a matriarchal society. Honestly, humans, especially men, face a huge whiplash when entering CC society. Salarian politicians, the majority of whom are female, rarely take human politicians, many of whom likely are men, seriously and were detrimental to Human-Salarians. (In the eyes of many, Valern becoming CC councilor was viewed as shocking as no male ever held that position.)
-(not about Salarian but related to them. Since Asaris are a monosex race and therefore have no patriarchy, Salarians are a matriarchal society, and Turians are egalitarian, humanity faces cultural shock once entering Citadel society as i said before. And this is dependable on where they're: men could face belittle or condescending by either Asaris or Salarians in position they are qualified in, face sexual harassment or even rape by Asari, male or female Turians, or other races that they never face, and other things. The reason why Krogans and Batarian are hatred, other than trying conquering them [Krogans drop fucking moons on planets] and slavery is due to their patriarchal and misogynistic society).
-(On another note, I have an idea in my own Mass Effect triology rewrite where Femshep went to Chora's Den to talk to that sexist cop [don't care about him to look up his name] and before entering, an Asari and group of armed escorts confronted Den guards. The idea that Chora's Den is hated in Citadel station for not only mistreating their sex workers but refusing to sign the Pleasurer Guild regulations. The Asari is a representative of the Pleasurer Guild [something like a professional association and labor union for sex works like pornography, erotica, erotic photographical model, strippers, freelancer, and things like that] and the Guild is fucking piss at Fist for that. Idea is that Femshep helps them. I also had an idea that a Den's guard [a men] was throwing a fit and being misogynistic, and one of the escorts, a female Turians [who'salso like a meter taller than him], lay her backhand on his shoulder to show if he has any power, and the guy was scared shitless. A total Powerful Cunt Energy there.)
-(also, pyjak is now an anti-human slur. It was previously an anti-quarian slur, but now that humans are spreading across the galaxy in a fast, quickly establishing themselves thoroughly, and occasionally being an obnoxious, many nonhumans start calling them that.)
- Salarian family structure works through clans: an average clans will have a thousand members and a hierarchy through tiers. The top tier is the head matriarch, always a female, and she has exclusive right of who she could mate with and how long. (Salarians don't actually have sex reproduce. They just squat over an incubator pond and ejected their gamete over it). Next is like maybe a dozen females who have top priority of mating, allow to reproduce at least half a year. Next is females who aren't allow to reproduce but still have better rights and could the potential to breed in the future, and male who I calling bachelor. (Bachelors are male Salarians who are to mate with other clans females. It kinda works like bee drones, only that they negotiated breeding rights). The last tier and least respected tier are males and females who are not only sterilized but aren't allowed to apply in their version of higher education. They're forced to work in blue-collar jobs. I pretty sure like half or at least 1/3 of Salarians are in this tier.
-the sex ratio is like 1 female to 2 males due to this hierarchy arrangement. Females in 2nd and 3rd tiers use neural implant to control their ovulation cycle. So there's that.
- speaking of sex, their gender is probably either bonkers or nonexistent. There's likely clothing segregation based on sex, but that is more likely due to hierarchical status, like how medieval society has a restriction of color based on social caste. Females and males both wear robes and similar clothing, and it's likely there's no gender pronouns like Finnish pronouns.
-though their natural lifespan is 40 years, they definitely increase it into their hundreds. They have the ability to genetically alter Krogans and spread it globally simultaneously, they will definitely increase their lifespan (likely still shorter than humans 200+ years one though).
Can't think of anything else, toodles 👋.
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pillarsalt · 7 months ago
I sort of need help, I feel like I'm going insane! All the trans people I know believe that sex is a spectrum and use intersex people to justify this, or say that sex is a social construct, but I find the idea absolutely crazy. I'm a biology student, I know that sex is defined by our gametes and I know that we also produce only two kinds. I fully understand saying that our definitions of sex based on gametes is arbitrary but it's still a natural biological truth. We produce two gametes, that is a discreet category of things, and the sexual CHARACTERISTICS we have to produce those gametes can have a lot of variance within themselves but still end up being distributed in two groups.
Intersex people do not disprove this, I'm sorry but they only differ in sexual characteristics and not in actual sex. And even then, it's an exceptionally small minority for the ones who do have non male/female looking genitalia, and do result from chromosomal or gene dysfunction. It's totally neutral to say this. There is nothing wrong with those people and should not be mutilated but aren't some sort of talking point for trans people either.
And like I'm sorry but........ this is like someone trying to convince me the sky is red based on technicalities and false definitions of colors. It feels like I'm being gaslit. I just cannot accept it when my biological sex is the reason for my misogyny. This argument of biological sex not being innate/not binary/changeable was used to argue against sex based misogyny and I simply can't accept any of it. It is not that I'm too stupid or ignorant to understand what sex is - it's that our systems of oppression or life base themselves on the current definition of sex which is gametes and the bodies to produce them and trying to deny those systems are real because "sex is a spectrum" is stupid.
I've got nothing to add, you hit the nail on the head. Can't imagine how frustrating it is as a biology student, especially if other people in your program are proselytizing this shit. It kind of scares me how many seemingly intelligent people can deny a fact that's right in front of their eyes if they're ideologically motivated to do so.
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thecreepycrawlersss · 6 months ago
hiii !!! we’re the creepy crawlers ^_^ we use they/it prns, and we’re a traumaendo neurobased willobased soulbased cephaconscious DID system :3 (origin of plurality is trauma and DID, but not all headmates r traumagenic)
we’re collectively queer and ambimarous, we are physically disabled, we have autism + adhd, BPD, and MaDD !! we’re also possibly somewhere on the schizospec. our system is masc heavy, and also nonhuman heavy due to our autism and trauma
we’re also all pagan and witches ! we’re open to working with all pantheons (except closed ones) and practicing any forms of magick. we’re self described as an eclectic pagan + chaos witch :) we’re also currently going through the process of learning abt an unknown pantheon so we will also be active in conpantheon and PCP (pop culture paganism) communities. we worship Loki and Dionysus, and are currently working with Lucifer !
my dni is zionists, anti endos / sysmeds, queerphobes, racists, ableists, ageists, etc etc basic dni shit, fake claimers, anyone on fake disorder cringe or system cringe, sh and ed blogs, trump supporters, nsfw blogs, mdni blogs
idc if rq’s interact as i am completely neutral on the community
here’s our socials !!
1NSAMN1A on reddit
thecreepycrawlers on simplyplural
thecreepycrawlersss on discord
we also have a build a headmate blog called @creepybah
here are our fronting tags ! (will be adding more soon)
hiii im samuel, our main host !! i use he/it and am a queer genderqueer trans man :) my interests are art, animation, music, magick / paganism, leftism, activism, fashion, and psychology ! im not really good at intros so sorry if this sucked haha
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hello !!! im malachite, one of this systems co-hosts. i use he/it/shi/lyr/they, im a aromantic libramasculine xenogender user, and im a fictive + gametive ?? gamegenic ?? idk + songtive !! my sources are slay the princess, the princess, the hero, the voices, and the narrator, and a slay the princess kitchen fork amv on youtube :3 ask before source talk and source mates are okay ! i am also not good at intros but unlike sam i will not apologize ☝🏻
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hiii!! im eli, i use he/him, and im a little!!! i love gravity falls and sammy is my big brother :) idk what gender i like but i know that im a boy
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#dijon / mag🧿
hello. im a new alter. names r dijon & mag, use it/xe/they/zomb/dead/brain prns, & am a corpsegender zombiething aroace.. im traumaorma and a trauma holder.
im so new that i dont know what i like, so i will add to this later.
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Hey! I’m Steven, I use he/they/star/she, I’m a fictive from SU, and I’m a musicnaut and timekeeper. I’m a pansexual stargender catgender aliencatgender andersatyr transmasc :)
PLEASE ask before source talk. I have exomemories and kind of! Don’t! Want to talk about all my trauma! Source mates are all okay but if you’re like.. a diamond. Or something. That might be a bit more... Yk.
#blurry / unknown🧿
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ii-evil-confessions · 24 days ago
ah. i have found something i can fixate gn again. particleeee reproduction. i gotta think. *pulls out whiteboard* so. 1. the easy solution. now, this is not a how they make babies, idk if they make it sexually or asexually, this is just a why. so. since neutrons have no charge, when they have offspring with a proton or neutron the offspring is that respective particle. now, when an electron and proton have offspring, its a neutron as the charges cancel each other out. when two of the same particle type have offspring that particle type is the offspring
NOW, THE COMPLEX AND FRANKLY NOT THAT BETTER IDEA: protons have 2 up quarks and 1 down, and neutrons vice versa. lets say, electrons have the *properties* of equal amounts of up and down quarks. So, when an electron has offspring, the offspring will be the other particle type. now, when a neutron and a proton have offspring its an electron. again, when two of the same particle type have offspring that particle type is the offspring.
3. random particle types. that solves a lot of problems
also i am the triangle anon hello. i may send another one of these
ooc: [like the fuckin.... the fuckin gametes....... the shit im learning in school.... the fucking chromosomes..... <- did not absorb anything you said (im sorry) /silly
umm yeah. basically yeah. awesome. you solved reproduction
although i DO kinda want positrons to exist. the cancelling out of charges kind of stops that from happening. ummmmm. hm. anyways i saw that one concept by lucaster and i went woah. i love that actually. so yeah umm. uhhh. god i think i need a shower and some time to think this over. but i love this thank you for explaining to me atom reproduction
i really like the complex idea as well. hmm. i think im gonna melt into a puddle and die forever /silly]
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