jgvfhl · 2 years
The Dragon Prince s4e1 snuck onto YouTube???? Yesterday???? And THEY THOUGHT I WOULDN'T NOTICE????
WELL THEY WERE RIGHT. WHAT THE FUCK. *vibrates with joy* spoilers below the cut altho it's nothing the sneak peeks didn't already hint at....
Soren my dearest, I would die for you. I would actually die for you.
Soren: *speaks*
Corvus: good gods of xadia grant me fucking patience....
Corvus: *facepalms so hard he may have a concussion*
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Damn. Claudia has um..... wow that new trauma looks great on you hon... um... yikes. Nothing like some sparkly new horrors and agonies to start a conversation with your emotionally distant, manipulative, newly resurrected father....
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TEMPORARY aliveness. My favorite kind!!! Especially for Viren :)
Soren and Corvus are really stalling Callum by getting him to infodump on the mirror so he wouldn't crash his own surprise party 😂
AND IT WORKED!!!! Bless them.
Literally hoping Viren just has a conniption and dies bc of Terry dating Claudia tho. That will be hilarious. I just want him to die racist about.
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Soren would be such a good father. he would be so protective and affectionate and loving to any kids he had. he would hug them constantly and tell them how proud he is of them. he would tuck them into bed and kiss their foreheads and say "I love you so much" every single night. he would be the best father
on the other hand, Claudia would be an awful mother
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pinkspacevampire · 3 months
This post is going to be so fricking oddly specific. It's going to be combining 3 not that popular fandoms so be prepared for the most obscure niche post ever.
Tales from the stinky dragon enjoyers, I want you all to know that the mental image I have of Slique the Symphonius is Fricking Soren from Minecraft Story Mode. Every time I picture Slique in my head I picture the minecraft block character seen in the picture below. That's it thank you
Mistborn enjoyers, I want you all to know that the mental image I have of Breeze is Fricking Soren from Minecraft Story Mode. Every time I picture Breeze in my head I picture the minecraft block character seen in the picture below. That's it thank you
Minecraft Story Mode enjoyers, If you don't know either of the characters that I mentioned above just know that there are two characters that I always picture as Soren. Soren is on my mind even when I'm not actively consuming mcsm related media and I think that's something to celebrate.
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stuck-in-jelly · 2 months
Cant stop thinking about how Viren destroyed his entire family.
How he refused to listen to Kpp'ar and attacked him, how he broke Lissa’s heart when he couldn’t see the error of his ways, how he fed into Harrow’s anger during his time of grief, how he used Soren for his own personal gain, how he stopped treating his daughter as his child and more of a assest
How he whittled down everyone he had to nothing
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reliquiaen · 1 year
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so dragon’s dogma once again took over my brain and i replayed it. also decided it’d be fun to make a lil chart of how the game world works. made a few assumptions (like where great dragons come from if an arisen kills their dragon but doesn’t fight the seneschal and the fact that i’m assuming the cycle can’t be broken by using the godsbane on yourself at the end of the game regardless of what is presented to you). i’m also assuming the dragonforged fought, lost his weapon, and fled which is why there’s an option for fighting the dragon but not killing it.
love this game a lot. can’t wait for the sequel
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totaleclipse573 · 5 months
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Day 4! (Future) Probably not my best art, but still turned out cute! Sillies ❤️❤️❤️
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elquiu · 1 year
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tysm to @ikesorenzine for making this possible 🙏 it was such a joy
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carmenpeach · 1 year
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Kitty and Blade for @macabrity <3
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quodekash · 2 years
A Way Too In-Depth Over-Analysis of Sorvus
I apologise in advance. For all of this. There’s a lot. These guys have inserted themselves into every empty renting space in my brain and uprooted all the taken spaces and moved in to everything. So to appease my brain I had to do this and then it just kept going. Also I’m Australian, so I have different spellings of some words, like “favourite” and you’re just gonna have to deal with that. Also also warning for very long paragraph rambles from me.
You’re literally gonna get the entire story here but with commentary at every paragraph. And sometimes four times in one paragraph. Anyway. 
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1. “For weeks” means they’ve spent heaps of time together, and using this instance as a guide, probably with no one but them. They’ve progressively learnt more and more about each other, yet later Soren is still super bright and excited to learn that Corvus’ favourite season is autumn, and that’s just so pure.
2. I would like to see this please. 
3. “[…]lost most of the time” implies that Corvus won sometimes. teLL ME EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERY SINGLE ONE PLS I NEED TO KNOW WHICH ONES CORVUS WON (and yeah I also just need more Sorvus content but what can I say, they mean everything to me) 
4. Corvus could probably just not participate, or tell Soren he’s too tired, or something along those lines. And yet he always tries his best, he still does it despite knowing he’ll probably lose. The fact that he’s not avoiding the challenges tells us that Corvus truly appreciates Soren’s friendship/companionship/company/etc and is fully willing to do tasks that he’s not great at to spend time with Soren and put a smile on his face. And you can’t tell me that’s not love, whether romantic or platonic or whatever. Honestly, if Corvus’ top love language is anything, I’d say it’s quality time. The other four just don’t quite fit, and, from the little we see of Corvus on screen, it seems like he’s most content when spending time with his favourite people. As for Soren, you could argue his love language is literally any of them. But I think his top two are words of affirmation and quality time - he was always so invalidated his whole life, mostly by his own father (I swear I’ll make a post of this at some point). His mother left, his father neglected him, his sister betrayed him. That’s gotta bring trust issues. So after all that, he’d appreciate someone telling him he’s worth it and telling him they love him. He’d appreciate spending time with those he loves, not even doing anything, just sitting and enjoying each other’s company, without his flaws being pointed out, without the stress of trying to keep his family together, just sitting there and loving and breathing and being. 
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 1. This part could be a metaphor?? Corvus wants to go further with relationships at an easy pace where Soren wants to speed it up? Corvus is more of a peaceful person and Soren is scared of losing people and missing out on particular moments of relationships so he tries to experience it all at once?? It’s entirely possible I’m reading too far into this but I’m treating this like a school assignment, where you have to read too far into everything. You decide whether this is a good interpretation or not, I can’t decide. 
2.a. If Soren has mentioned it “every time”, that implies a few things. The first is that they go up there enough for Soren to mention it a lot. Soren has a favourite place in the entire castle, and he wants to share it with Corvus (and there’s no one up there but them ;] IM KIDDING- or am I? Honestly I can’t tell, you decide.)  2.b. The second thing is that Corvus has heard Soren talk about this part of the castle  a lot. But there’s not even the slightest hint of description of Corvus’ annoyance at having to listen to Soren constantly say this is one of his favourite places, he just lets him tell him, over and over. It’s getting little personal here, but Soren totally has ADHD, which makes my job easier bc I also have ADHD.  2.b.ii. I personally forget all the time if I’ve told this particular person this particular story/fact/whatever it is or not, so I constantly tell the same story over and over. It feels exciting bc each time it feels like I’m telling them for the first time, since I don’t remember the previous times. So when the person/people I’m talking to don’t lost their patience or get annoyed or anything when I tell them something I’ve already told them, and instead they just react like it’s the first time they’ve heard it, it feels really validating. So I’m thinking Soren feels the same, and Corvus not showing a hint of annoyance despite hearing this a lot feels really good to my neurodivergent brain and probably feels good to Soren’s, too. 
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1. Corvus. Notices things. About. Soren. And not just recently, it’s “a long time ago”, meaning he’s observed Soren and committed his habits to memory for years. I love them. 
3. He ✨cares✨ 
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1. Something about the way this is worded is so beautiful. A sentence of peaceful description in the midst of casual dialogue. It makes it feel like they’re one person, staring at the beautiful view, taking it all in, together with each other but alone from anyone else to distract them from the gorgeous autumn horizon. 
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1. Like I said earlier (by earlier, I mean the literal first thing I said. There’s still a lot to go. This thing is called a way too in-depth over-analysis for a reason), Soren is so purely excited with the knowledge that Corvus’ favourite season is autumn. Autumn, the season they’re presently in. Meaning, for a few months, Corvus is always experiencing his favourite season, meaning he’s probably always feeling some amount of happiness/content, and the thought that Corvus is happy makes Soren happy. 
2. They’re both just standing on a castle, next to each other, and staring out at nature. It probably feels like they’re the only people in the world. If they’re the only people, then to each of them, the most important thing in existence is (probably) the other. It also might be a metaphor to something, but I can’t figure out what it is. It’s possible the metaphor is something I’ve already mentioned. But if anyone thinks of anything, please lemme know, it’s an itch I can’t reach so if anyone can, please scratch it for me. (I made a metaphor about not being able to figure out a metaphor. Metaphor-caption or something, idk man) 
3. Such a simple statement. Standing in such a relaxed way. He’s at peace, while alone with one of the most energetic people like ever. 
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1. That’s a date. Surely I’m not the only one seeing this, right? Soren, you’re describing a date. Idk if you realised, but that’s a date. You’ve just suggested a date. And Corvus will say yes. 
2. Soren’s horrified that Corvus would possibly be mistreated. He’s also, more importantly, scared that it wasn’t mistreatment but Corvus’ choice, because if it was a choice then Corvus might not like beds and castles and other people and Soren can’t handle the thought that Corvus might leave him, just like everyone else he’s ever loved and trusted. 
3. Help now I’m picturing little forest dates, with picnics and lying next to each other, staring at the canopy of leaves above them, and glancing at each other every time the other looks away and smiling and holding hands and Soren lying with his head on Corvus’ chest and a leaf falling right on Soren’s face and Corvus’ laugher rumbling his belly and making Soren sit up and throw the leaf at him and they laugh and smile and talk and they’re in love help 
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1. I kinda touched on this earlier, but Soren can’t fathom the idea of being without Corvus. Probably because of losing his entire family so Corvus is just about all Soren’s got left. And he’s really scared that he’ll lose him, too, and losing everyone would make Soren lost; lost and alone and scared and vulnerable and he needs a hug i volunteer as tribute and shut up that’s possible this is my post i make the rules but if i cant hug him then i volunteer Corvus as tribute 
2. (Yes we’re talking about sentence structure. This is a way too in-depth over-analysis, get over it already man.)  It’s repeated that something is bothering Soren. Repetition means emphasis, that the author wants us to know that it’s an important thing, so they say it a couple times. Something is bothering Soren, and that bothers Corvus. He wants to help Soren and get rid of this thing that’s bothering him (probably). 
3. Let me translate what Soren is trying to say here: “What about me? Do you like me?” He’s seeking validating and wanting to get Corvus to stay, because without Corvus he has nothing. 
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1. Translation again: “I like you. I trust you. And trust is really important now, with everything that’s happened. There was a war. Everyone I’ve ever trusted betrayed me or left me. So please date me join the crown guard with me so I have more opportunities to ask you to date me it’s really big that I trust you so much, because I’ve been having issues with trust.” 
2. I have asd!corvus head canons, so eye contact here is really important and rare 
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1. He’s paying attention to him. 
2. I like to imagine he did finger guns 
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1. Imagine how this went down. “I like corvus a lot” “yeah, he’s great! I want him to stay in katolis but hes more at home in the forest-“ “corvus should be crown guard… I really trust him.” “-yeah, cos you’re in love with him- I trust him too. You should ask him to date you join.” (ez totally ships it and tries to set them up a lot and you cant tell me otherwise) 
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1. He’s trying to avoid Corvus seeing the truth in his eyes; that he doesn’t want Corvus to go, that he loves Corvus, that without Corvus he doesn’t know who or even what he is, because Corvus is all he has left. 
2. I know this is like an emotional flicker or whatever, but what if it’s literally pain and wounds that are hidden behind his protective armour? Soren broke like all his bones. There’s almost no way he doesn’t still get flashes/twinges of pain (I feel like there’s some kind of medical term for that but I’ve forgotten what it is). He definitely doesn’t tell anyone about it, but probably gets flashes of pain every so often, and Corvus has somehow managed to pick up on that. Maybe. 
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1. People with ADHD are often over-thinkers (at least I think so? I don’t have any sources for it but I’m an over-thinker and so is everyone I know with ADHD. So probably.), so Corvus said it “as plainly as he could” to stop Soren from over-thinking it and spiralling. He gets it out, doesn’t stall, doesn’t mislead, doesn’t confuse. Just says it, and there it is, and Soren is so happy
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1. I’ll admit it, I’m still thoroughly confused by this part but it’s fine cos they’re both happy and that makes me happy. 
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and that’s all the shenanigans i have for you today. if you made it this far, flipping wow, because there is quite literally more analysis here than there is story. 
but that’s not all from me. 
no, i have eight notes on my phone ready for things to be added to them, and theyll be here… at some point. if you wanna be notified when i post them you can follow me i guess. or go to the tag at the bottom of each of these posts, ‘tdp rambles with bj’ (hopefully it’s worked) and you can follow that or something? idk. sorry, im bad at self-promos. uhh. yeah. anyway this was fun, im so tired but so thrilled to finally have all my thoughts out in once place. stay calm and ship sorvus, everyone. 
Have a gay day!  -BJ
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embersofhope-if · 1 year
If you could describe every character including MC with one song and one song only what would the songs be?
...okay, i know you said one song, but uh, i picked two for the main (living) group because of how much they all change as the story goes on. dont shoot me, im begging 🙏
Early Game Mc: mirrorball by Taylor Swift
"I'm a mirror ball
I can change everything about me to fit in
You are not like the regulars
The masquerade revelers
Drunk as they watch my shattered edges glisten"
Late Game Mc: The Archer by Taylor Swift
"And I cut off my nose just to spite my face
Then hate my reflection, for years and years
I wake in the night, I pace like a ghost
The room is on fire, invisible smoke
And all my heroes die all alone"
Early Game Creon: Mastermind by Taylor Swift
"You and I ended up in the same room at the same time
And the touch of a hand lit the fuse
Of a chain reaction of countermoves
To assess the equation of you
Checkmate, I couldn't lose"
Late Game Creon: Edmund Temper by Amigo the Devil
"So I pray to God
How could you give me them the gift of life
Then curse me with the hands to take it away
I never asked you to move the mountain
I just want to find the strength to climb it and find a different way"
Early Game Aurel: Eight by Sleeping At Last
"When I see fragile things, helpless things, broken things
I see the familiar
I was little, I was weak, I was perfect, too
Now I'm a broken mirror"
Late Game Aurel: Take Care of Yourself by Le Siren
"Let go of that anger
Clean off that shelf
Make the vow to grow old
And take care of yourself"
Ash: the lakes by Taylor Swift
"Take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die
I don't belong, and my beloved, neither do you
Those Windermere peaks look like a perfect place to cry
I'm setting off, but not without my muse"
Soren Vesper: Natalie by Milk & Bone
"Please never go away
I did it all for you, don't say I never tried
I wanna protect you, so that you never die"
Ione Vesper: Anti-Hero by Taylor Swift
"I should not be left to my own devices
They come with prices and vices
I end up in crisis
Tale as old as time"
Calliope Vesper: Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift
"Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound"
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cauterisen · 2 months
(finishes s6 of the dragon prince) have i mentioned how much i love kimiko/claudia and kimiko/soren
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I just rewatched tdp season 2 and. I'm kind of losing it over how Viren and Claudia both killed innocent people to keep Soren safe
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soft-serve-soymilk · 10 months
Wow I love asshole gay people (things have ALIGNED in the ASTRAL PLANE and Pav is WATCHING SOMETHING?? 🤯)
#Yeah it’s the scott pilgrim anime adaptation~#I actually did see the film originally when I was like nine? I enjoyed the nerd vibes and completely missed ALL the subtext lmao#It was also one of my first experiences of Canada as a concept other than South Park (especially the SP Bigger Longer and Uncut film#which I ALSO was certainly too young for)#It’s kind of funny now having a friend who is actually from the mythical land of Canada 😂 Hi V#BUT ANYWAYS THIS ADAPTATION IS GREAT#Yeah it went bonkers off the rails but I’ve told you guys I LOVE it when the plot feels like it’s just snorted 30 grams of cocaine#Episode 5 is going to live in my head forever. I was howling. Mock documentaries are already a fav trope but that was on another level#I love Wallace too. Homosexual icon. I really do have a soft spot for asses with a charming veneer to them#It’s what I love so much abt soren fe too#I have yet to see how Inigo will spell himself out on the page but I think he’s mellowed out compared to his roots#His game needs some more spice. character. nuance. You don’t quite get it in wafty daydreams 🤔#But from one tangent to another: I swear the next batch of head children whenever they come NEED to have just the silliest of times#YHNN was kind of locked in from the start— the inspiration was THE tragic musically-inclined anime of all time#And younger me just had some strange fascination with suffering and dystopia. So Sad LadsTM it was#But crack-fic is my thing and boy do I want it in my house. carnally#just pav things#Sry for disappearing for 4 days I forgot I actually have to reblog stuff on here 😅😂 I’m alive.
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stuck-in-jelly · 3 months
Liking a character is so funny like you’re the light of my life i hope in the next chapter you have a breakdown and sob with the fattest tears of your life as the weight of everything finally crashes down on you
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wellhalesbells · 11 months
13 and 37 for the book asks!
13. How many books have you read this year?
*coughs* Um. Ahem. 342. But that includes poetry and novellas! (And excludes any graphic novels or manga.)
37. Is there a book that you think everyone should read?
It's hard to think of anything that I could push into anyone's hands and think it might be universally beloved but I think if you love reading (and I have to assume you do if you're looking to do it for recreation) then The Starless Sea, by Erin Morgenstern is the one I would offer. It's a book that loves books and its readers and that's there in every line.
Also, everyone should read the Infernal War Saga by Hailey Turner because it is absolutely magnificent and I have zero people to squeal over it with and it is SO FUCKING GOOD.
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imissthefire · 1 year
the forging bonds supports omfg 🥺
#soren#my dear boy#seeing him interacting with himself when he was at his lowest after he's had time to heal and recover from all he went through... my heart#child!soren#really just needs support and someone who can listen even tho he can't say a word... soren and ike taking care of him... uncle ranulf#everything about it#i'm weak over this you don't even know#brave!soren#has grows SO incredibly much and the fact others have remarked on it (ranulf) and that he's being more patient and more tolerant#like yeah he's still got his acerbic and not-quite-approachable personality but he's not just running from everything or pushing it all down#i know i already mentioned ike but omfg seeing his ''feed soren'' instinct pop back out and how reliving that must be so emotionally intense#he's seeing the man he's watched grow and heal so much at his weakest again? knowing he won't forget it this time? FUCK!#i've seen tonnes of people saying how he and soren are basically coparenting him and i love that sm because yeah.gif the little guy needs it#like their b support in por when soren mentions how he never had a parent to help shape who he was or how he never was shown that affection#they know that even if this soren goes back to his world one day that he will go back knowing what it feels like to be loved and cared for#and b!soren basically telling c!soren that he's going to be okay eventually? CRYING IN THE CLUB#sure he didn't say that verbatim but yk. it's gotta hurt a lot to see himself in this position again i don't blame him for being cold to him#fuck!#i could go on#but i will call it here bc i will write an essay nobody asked for#maybe i will anyway in another post#or mayb consider actually posting my writing and put together a lil fic if i'm feeling bold 👀#either way#gabe rambles#fe#feh#fe heroes#cyl 7#fe9/10#nqp
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