#aurel weaver.
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embersofhope-if · 5 months ago
aurelia weaver is alive and WELL💜
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shadowsofthegun-if · 2 years ago
Could you maybe spill the title of the hunger games IF you're planning?👀 And maybe the names of the ros or something
Im thinking on going with "Embers of Hope" as the title but im still very conflicted on it. Now that i have a title a blog should be coming soon!
Anyways! Here are the Ros that I've got planned so far<3
Aurelius/Aurelia Weaver
▪︎ Tribute Partner
▪︎ Enemies to Lovers, Doomed Love, potential unrequited love, perhaps unrequited but actually requited love😏
Creon Levesque
▪︎ Mentor (it's complicated)
▪︎ Red flag of all red flags, forbidden love, different worlds, insta love kinda (at least on Creons part)
Asher Fairchild
▪︎ Childhood best friend
▪︎ This is a past relationship, not a current or future one. They're kinda dead:/
▪︎ First love, childhood friends to lovers, soulmates
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embersofhope-if · 2 years ago
Okay i wrote this a while ago bc somebody requested it but now i can't find the ask💔
anyways heres a drabble of the fight Mc and Aurel got into when they were sixteen
tw for fighting, dissociation, strangulation, and theres a needle used at the end but its not explicitly stated
wordcount: 1.9k
The rain pours down onto me as I stand waiting. What I'm waiting for, I'm not entirely sure. All I know is that I need to stand here and wait until whatever is supposed to happen happens. I see the blurred figures of both children and teachers leaving the school to go start their afternoon shifts in the factories. Even if I can’t clearly see their faces, I can feel their glares, anger, and hatred hot on my skin. It’s the only thing I can feel at the moment. It’s honestly about the only thing I’ve been able to feel since the games ended. I can’t bring myself to think too deeply about what happened, or I might start drowning in every emotion imaginable, again.
I can’t let that happen. They’ll put me on so many pills I won’t be able to tell which way is up.
So, I continue to stand, waiting in the rain, having only the heat of glares keeping me warm. A bolt of lightning hits the building across the street, followed by a loud crack of thunder. The jolt of fear suddenly clears my mind of the fog that it’s been trapped in, and I realize why I’m here.
Every day without fail, Ash and I would meet up here after school. Whether we would just talk for a couple of minutes before their shift at the factory or I was walking them home, we always met up here.
All at once, everything that I haven’t been able to feel hits me so hard I almost fall over. Every feeling forms into a single thought.
I’ve got to get out of here now.
I run, fleeing from the courtyard and everything that’s happened there. That courtyard is nothing but a painful reminder that Ash is gone, and there is nothing I can do to bring them back. With the fog lifted from my brain, I can now fully feel the pain of what's happened. My heart aches as if the games happened just yesterday, and it has left my feet unsteady as I continue to run. I have no idea where I'm running to, probably somewhere equally as painful, but as long as I’m moving away from here, I don’t really care.
I shove past several people, barely hearing their angry shouts of protest, and force my way through a set of doors. I have no idea where I am or where to go. I recognize the room, but my mind refuses to focus enough to remember the name. All I can think about is how much my chest aches and how cold my hands are. My skin feels so cold it's like I’ve never felt the Sun.
I force myself to sit down before I collapse onto the floor, trying not to make any more of a scene than I already have. Exhaustion begins to replace whatever panic is left in my body.
I need to stand up. Make my way home before someone tells Father that I’ve had some type of breakdown. Explain to him that this is nothing like that.
But it is exactly like that, isn’t it? I’m not entirely sure what counts as a breakdown, but sprinting through school grounds shoving anyone out of my way in a blind panic probably counts at least as the start of one. The worry of what Father is going to do when he finds out isn’t enough to motivate my body to move again. I’m so exhausted that all I can bring myself to do is sit here and breathe.
I’m not entirely sure how long I’ve been here, but it’s long enough for me to finally realize where I’m at, the community cafeteria. I’m just thankful I didn’t barge my way into some teacher’s classroom, which means the chances of someone noticing me are significantly lower. I still haven’t been able to bring myself to stand, but I have noticed other people moving about and taking seats. These must be late-day shift workers. That means it's almost seven o’clock, and I’m supposed to be at dinner in thirty minutes. This realization finally manages to get my limbs moving again.
I’ve got to get across the city in the middle of a shift change in less than thirty minutes and then pretend that I’ve spent the last three hours in my room instead of out here trying not to lose my mind. This is going to be near impossible
I quickly stand, trying to come up with something to say to my family whenever I get back home.
Maybe I can say I went on a walk or Hope went missing and I went looking for him. Who am I kidding? Mother wouldn’t believe that for a second, and if she did, Calliope wouldn’t, and she’d have no problem with immediately calling me out on the lie.
No matter what I come up with, every excuse is worse than the last. Ultimately, I decided to just get back as fast as I could and wing it from there.
Once again, I begin shoving my way through groups of people not really caring for the looks they throw my way. I’m stopped whenever a hand grabs my collar and pulls, hard. The motion forces me to turn around, and I come face to face with Aurel Weaver. The anger in their eyes does nothing but confuse me.
I hardly know Aurel. I can’t even remember the last time I spoke to them. What could I have possibly done to make them so angry?
For a minute, we both just stare at each other, waiting for the other to speak. I take the moment to properly look at them. After the games ended, shifts at the factories began to ramp up, and Aurel ended up dropping out of school to keep up with the work they were assigned. I haven’t really seen them since then, but I can tell the work is taking a toll on them, changing them. They look about as exhausted as I feel. Their skin pale, and the bags under their eyes are worse than I've ever seen them before. But the biggest change I can see is in their eyes; beautiful hazel eyes drowning in nothing but fury and hatred, and it's all directed at me. A sharp pang runs through my chest. I may not have been best friends with Aurel, but I still considered them at the very least a friendly acquaintance. I force myself to ignore the hurt and very suddenly realize that I’ve been staring for too long and I can't afford to waste what little time I have to get home. “Sorry Aurel, I didn’t mean to run into you,” I say quickly, going to turn to leave.
I take a step away until I, once again, feel a hand grab me. Only this time, the hand is wrapped around both my collar and the chain hanging around my neck. They’re saying something to me, but all I can focus on is the chain in their hand and the fact that if they pull it’ll snap. I take a breath slightly, turning my head, forcing myself to listen to what they’re saying.
“It’s rude to not answer my questions, you know?” Aurel growls, and I can feel them getting ready to yank me back. Instead of responding, I try to move out of their grip. At the same time, they decide to pull, and I feel the chain snap.
The pendant slides down my shirt, and I watch it fall to the ground. The last precious gift that I will ever get from Ash now lays on the ground broken like it was nothing. I barely feel Aurel's presence anymore. All I can stare at is the pieces.
They grab my shoulder, tired of me apparently ignoring them, and force me to look at them. Suddenly, the nothingness I felt while looking at the broken pendant is replaced with an all-consuming rage at the sight of them standing, acting like I owe them any type of response. I glance around and notice a glass cup sitting on the table next to us.
Without a second of delay, I grab it and smash it against the side of their head. Before they manage to recover any semblance of balance, I lunge at them and knock them to the ground. One. Two. Three. I get three punches in before they get me off them. They pin me down with one hand around my throat and use the other to try and hold my hands down. I can feel their right hand around my throat, squeezing hard while I kick and scratch at them. As my vision starts to fill with black spots, I freeze and begin to realize that Aurel might just be trying to kill me.
I’m going to die on the dirty floor of the community cafeteria, and it’s nobody’s fault but mine. Broken and nothing on the ground, just like the necklace lying next to me.
I feel Aurel's grip on me loosens, and I know this is my chance to get them off me. I kick them in the side and manage to get out from under them. I throw a punch to the side of their head that knocks them into a leg of the table, hard. Disoriented and off balance, Aurel doesn’t even notice that I’m in front of them until I pin them down and begin to hit them over and over. I lose track of how many times I hit them; all I know is that they’re not fighting back anymore. I don’t stop. I can’t stop. Every emotion I’ve been trying not to feel comes out in every swing. I know I’m crying, but I can’t bring myself to care. I should be ashamed for doing this for letting my anger take control, but I’m not.
There’s a crowd around us now. I can’t hear them, but I can see them; with the show me and Aurel have been putting on, it was bound to catch some attention. If there’s a crowd, then that means there must be peacekeepers on the way. I don’t care. They can drag me away and lock me up forever, and I won’t care. I feel hands trying to pull me off Aurel, but I don’t let them.
They hurt me. Why shouldn’t I hurt them? I want to hurt them. I want to hurt all of them. Everyone in the districts and Capitol. I want to hurt them all.
Out of the corner of my eye, I notice white uniforms surrounding me, and they begin grabbing me. They’re a lot better at getting me off Aurel than whoever was trying before. As I’m being pulled away, I notice the pendant still lying on the ground, a forget-me-not shattered into pieces.
Ash would hate me right now.
That thought takes any fight I had left, and I sag in the peacekeeper's arms. The last thing I see is my Father walking towards me as I feel a sharp prick on the back of my neck and fade into darkness.
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embersofhope-if · 1 year ago
Hiiii!! Okay so I'm sorry if this is just a dumb question really. So sorry but so there are only 2 ROs for this IF?
Like sure Ash could've been in a relationship with MC before but they died right? Because they aren't marked as an RO.
So Creon who is gender selectable and Aurel whose gonna be a girl if my gay ass makes a male MC.. are gonna be the only love interests?
Am I getting that right or am I just dumb? Like ash is deadddd...riiiiigggghhhht???????? 👀
dont worry anon youre not dumb! Yes, there are only two ros, and yes, aurels gender is always the opposite of mcs. I didn't give very many options with the romance options, mostly because i didn't want that to end up being too big of a focus in this story. Mcs primary object is to survive the falling in love part is just something that MAY happen, but it's not essential to the plot
im sorry if this is upsetting. i know a lot of people play ifs bc of the romances. It's just what works best for this story☹️
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embersofhope-if · 1 year ago
How flirtatious are the RO's?
i feel like ive answered this before but i cant find it...so if i did and the answers are different ignore that. this is the real answer🤭
Ash: Ash was flirtatious but in a very playful way. Anytime they'd flirt, it wasn't always easy to tell whether or not they were joking or actually being serious
Creon: Creon is pretty flirtatious, but they're not bold about it. They want to be, but they can't, so they settle for subtlety and the occasional touch that makes you really pay attention to them and focus on their advances
Aurel: There is not a flirtatious bone in Aurels body. They prefer to just admire someone they're interested in from a distance. They wouldn't ever try to flirt with anyone unless they are absolutely sure the interest is mutual
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embersofhope-if · 2 years ago
i remember a while ago seeing someone share what paintings they felt fit their character and i kinda want to do it too
so enjoy😋
Ash Fairchild:
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"This work shows the death of Ophelia, a scene from Shakespeare's play Hamlet. Traumatised when Hamlet breaks off their betrothal and accidentally kills her father, she allows herself to fall into a stream and drown."
Aurel Weaver:
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Orpheus Leading Eurydice from the Underworld
"In this painting, the fabled musician Orpheus--who beguiled the Greek gods to allow him to retrieve his beloved wife, who had been fatally bitten by a snake--leads her tenderly from the underworld."
Creon Levesque:
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The Fallen Angel
"...the artist tweaked the earlier study in order to allow the fallen angel to stare out from behind his arm, rather than looking directly downwards. He even adds a tear, symbolising beautifully the pain of being cast out. The folded arms with hands clenched continues this mood, and also shows him shielding himself in despair, but also shame at what has happened."
Clio Levesque:
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Magdalene with Two Flames
"The painting depicts Mary Magdalene, a companion of Christ, who exchanged her previous worldly lifestyle for a life of penance and contemplation. She is shown, illuminated by a candle, sitting in a meditative pose in front of a mirror. The light from the candle and its reflection create a strong chiaroscuro effect, with the subject's brightly lit face and breast contrasting with the darkness of the rest of the composition. Both the candle and the human skull she is holding are metaphors for the fragility of life and her discarded jewellery for the meaningless value of worldly possessions and for her atonement."
Mc Vesper:
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Christina's World
"...a masterful exploration and depiction of Christina's own inner world, just like the title suggests. In the painting, as in life, Christina moves toward her ancestral property despite her difficulties, thus depicting her hard-working character."
Soren Vesper:
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Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan
"It depicts the grief-stricken Russian tsar Ivan the Terrible cradling his dying son, the Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich, shortly after the elder Ivan had dealt a fatal blow to his son's head in a fit of anger. The painting portrays the anguish and remorse on the face of the elder Ivan and the gentleness of the dying Tsarevich, forgiving his father with his tears."
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embersofhope-if · 2 years ago
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i made more<3
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embersofhope-if · 2 years ago
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these are so fun to make dude
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embersofhope-if · 2 years ago
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i come bearing more twitter memes😋
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embersofhope-if · 2 years ago
Is this not already the creon dating sim????
its actually the creon AND aurel dating sim☝️
ignore the child murder and fighting for your life part thats just flavor
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embersofhope-if · 2 years ago
A worried note / Aurel ?
a worried note that mc will never see😋
this is set a little after Ash died, but before the fight they had
I'm sorry if Im bothering you. This is weird, I know. I just wanted to check up on you. I'd have to be blind not to notice how close you and Ash were. I haven’t really seen you around too much and wanted to make sure you're alright. That's so dumb to say, of course, you're not alright. If you need anything, please let me know. We already lost one star in District 8. I don't know what I'd do if we lost another. Please take care of yourself.
- Aurel Weaver
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embersofhope-if · 2 years ago
…So Creon is the red flag? The one trying to keep us alive is the red flag and not the person who is actively trying to kill us…your imagination is amazing.
hey, aurel is at least willing to tell you upfront what they plan to do. Meanwhile, Creon won't even tell mc why or how they became their mentor. Who knows what else they aren't telling you (its me i know)
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embersofhope-if · 2 years ago
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Playlist ♧ Aurels Board ♧ Mc & Aurel Board
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embersofhope-if · 2 years ago
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticable? what changes when they're in love?
Ash: It would only be noticeable to Mc, and thats just because they know each other so well. There's only small differences that nobody would really catch because they think its just Ash being Ash, but Mc is always able to see whats going on. Nothing really changes for Ash when they're in love. They're just a little bit more relaxed, but overall, they're pretty much the same.
Aurel: Aurel has a bit of a problem with staring and just not saying anything whenever they've got a crush. They're so in their head about what they're feeling and how they dont want to embarrass themselves that they just end up frozen in place. But they also are just like that whenever they're not speaking, so to an outsider its pretty hard to notice a difference from their usual behavior. When they're in love, they're a lot more open with their affection. They're more of a show someone how much you love them instead of saying it type of person.
Creon: Creon is very good at not letting what they're feeling show, but you can catch them just watching Mc. Not in the kinda scary way that Aurel watches Mc but with a softness that's only reserved for Mc. You can just tell that theres something more going on in their head. Now, is it super obvious to others? No, not really, but Creons friends and Mother do notice a difference whenever they talk about Mc. None of them are exactly sure whats going on, but they can tell there's something. Now, when they're in love, they are the most romantic person you'll meet. They've have spent so many nights unable to fall asleep because all they can think about is what it would be like to fall in love, and now that they have they're going to enjoy it as much as they can.
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embersofhope-if · 2 years ago
Aurelias Instagram<3
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Aurelius Instagram<3
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Template by @sebwynric
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embersofhope-if · 1 year ago
on a scale of the most cinnamon roll ever peeta mellark to snow trying to shoot at lucy grey how jealous are the RO's?
i can hear the gasp at aurels placement already
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