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strugglingyetvibing · 2 months ago
i swear to FUCKING god, if they show the halftime performance when it's a musical artist (i think i saw it was going to be travis scott??) and not the bands, i'm gonna LOSE IT
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andromeddog · 4 months ago
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my piece for the History is Full of Wars zine!
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wtrpxrks · 8 months ago
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i can fall asleep to heavy artillery and cries for a medic like it’s nothing 😴
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saintmalosunsets · 9 months ago
When Stephen Ambrose’s Band of Brothers came out, Chris’s mom told him that his grandfather was in the book. But when he read it, he was disappointed to see that Doc Roe was only mentioned in it three times.
“And I closed that book thinking, ‘Pop-pop didn’t do anything in the war.’”
Years later, after checking into a hotel for the premiere of the show, he and his family were in shock to hear that episode six was all about his grandfather.
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pleasedontcareaboutme · 5 months ago
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It's missing my father hours rn so imma just dump a bunch of pictures here and cry
( sorry i don't know the source of anything I just had them on my phone)
(also dont read the tags i just need to let it out lol)
#I just realized I can call him dad easier than my real dad and now I understand why am I so damn attached to him#I always knew he was a parental figure for me#but now I connected the dots#How when u have an absent dad and a d34d mom a guy shows up in ur life#that tells u life advice that both of ur parents failed to do so#and makes u feel safe the first time in ur life#ofc ud become attached#i know for sure its unhealthy how much i love and miss him#he occupies most of my thoughts honestly#But how could i not cling to him so much when he was the only one who gave me hope in life#i try to keep going and even tho he is not here i keep telling myself whatever he taught me. i keep reminding myself he wants us to live an#bloom and be free#and that's what ill try to do#but you know somedays i wish i could just disappear and be wrapped in eternal happiness#its so fucking hard to pull yourself out of the slump man im so fucking tired im so so tired#somedays i wish id have the courage to off myself but i know that deep down i want to live and ive always wanted to live but i have no idea#how to live. i feel like i finally found a purpose and someone i love. but at the same time im always doubting myself and im scared of losi#g this little hope again and i know i should cherish and use it instead but each day i have this anxiety because rn i have nothing else if#lose this i seriously will lose everything atp. but ill still try bc rn its this or death so i should try im just damn tired yes anyways#sorry for being depressing some days just dont work out but thats okay#yes at the same time i want to get out of my head and try to find some friends but i cant deny that im highkey fucked up and i just cant le#go of my past and i still feel like that helpless unloved kid and idk how to form relationships this way. i dont trust myself at all so idk#how to trust others. and i feel like in order to find ppl that would love me i have to overshare abt my whole lifestory bc it still dictate#my life heavily. and since i met this band its better cuz im learning to deal w it and i want to heal from everything but yes at the same t#me who would wqnt to be friends w. someone that has like a year of life experience and 18 years of depression lol#so yes its complicated. bc i have friends but im like the funny friend. the one that is as shallow as puddle and has no problems but honest#y im genuinely sufferint qnd have been sufferinz all my life so i want to come out of my funny friend role. but that wojld mean i have to t#ll the shit i went through to all my friends but tbh it would be so random so ye. i do have a plan though. how it could work. But yes im ti#ed have been tired for 7 years now. But this time around i hope i can successfully get out of this torture cycle lol.#ok sorry this is what happens after puberty guys i could beva research case for a damn mental institute atp xdd
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pastlivesandpurplepuppets · 6 months ago
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Every morning Dad got up early and made breakfast for her. If it was the dead of winter he pulled Mom’s car up to the front of the house, cleared off the snow, and turned on the heater for her. Every night after work Dad had a cocktail with Mom and they chatted about the events of the day. We went to family gatherings, where Dad was always well liked and lively. He was a great dad—very loving and attentive. He doted on my mother and was very much in love with her. I never heard him use profanity or witnessed him losing his temper. He never raised a hand to us kids when we didn’t deserve it—and there were plenty of times we did deserve it and didn’t get it.
~ Michael Sobel (Sobel's son)
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loving-jack-kelly · 1 year ago
also hi hello modern newsies time. modern spot has absolutely perfected the separation between his work and personal life. he has one real friend at work who knows both sides of him but when the random guy who from the office who barely knows him runs into him at the grocery store he's like whoah. you have a septum piercing and dress like you belong at a punk rock show and are apparently funny enough to make the twink next to you laugh out loud every other sentence. and spot is like yes :| and what about it :| and never mentions it at work again
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alaskan-wallflower · 3 days ago
for a show about accepting class divides, i find it painfully ironic that ticket prices are as high as they are.
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fancassticfiction · 14 days ago
Hey, Tobias? Why the fuck am I watching a fucking billboard? At 2:56 am Eastern?
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camgoloud · 1 month ago
does anyone want to start a really horrible band with me
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sofarsogoodsowhat · 11 months ago
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spookyghouly · 2 years ago
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ps there is a photo up on the artist’s insta of the new stained glass.
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the side windows look to be adam and eve. adam’s getting his junk yanked on by a demon, which reminds me of the priest michelangelo had beef with who gets his dick bitten by a snake in the sistine chapel’s last judgment fresco (which I included to the left here lol)
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big dragon satan in the middle looks like he has a bat winged pope atop his head. unclear exactly which one because of the resolution, but I would have to assume it’s popia since he’s not really featured on the other stained glass, and because of the dracopia costume. the old stained glass was a memorial for papas past. this stained glass is a monument to popia’s greatness. look at what he can do with the power of a fuck off huge satanic dragon by his side!!!
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pastlivesandpurplepuppets · 3 months ago
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Harry was a cool cat!
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freakcliff · 6 months ago
praying and hoping that iwtv season 3 will be the season of yuri and the season of finally more than one important female character in the show
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eggfriedsketches · 10 months ago
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Some assorted Tomo drip. I have a feeling this will be a GBC fan art blog for a hot minute.
Her outfit in the Hurtful&Painful MV is interesting, she’s usually (read:always) flashier? Cuter? I know the style has a name, but I’m drawing a blank and don’t want to guess. I wonder if it’s like that to fit the vibe of the video, or if it’s story relevant and she only started dressing up more recently. Her hair color is different in the video, I realized a bit too late it’s probably a stylistic choice since Nina also has a different color there, but I like the idea that she maybe dyed her hair so I kept it brown.
While looking for references I also realized the show reuses the same models but with different colors from time to time. Tomo’s black dress in ep6 is the same model as the blue dress earlier in the episode. Momoka also has two different colors of the same sweater/ripped tshirt/booty shorts combo, and a looot of different shirts under the same jacket. Was a fun catch, never noticed.
Still a few outfits left, I really wanna draw her work uniform at some point.
It’s been fun drawing fan art for once, I feel like I’m getting a touch better at getting the likenesses down (though I’m not particularly satisfied yet), I’m getting a lot of practice drawing interesting clothes, realizing I need to practice drawing shoes, and that I should get in the habit of drawing bigger cause I can barely do small details on the canvas size I’m used to.
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unholy-cvlt · 9 months ago
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Keep holding on
When my brain's ticking like a bomb
Guess the black thoughts
Have come again to get me
Sweet bitter words
Unlike nothing I've heard
Sing along, mockingbird
You don't affect me
That's right
Deliverance of my heart
Please strike
Be deliberate
Wait, I'm coming undone
Irate, I'm coming undone
Too late, I'm coming undone
What looks so strong, so delicate
Wait, I'm starting to suffocate
And soon I anticipate
I'm coming undone
What looks so strong, so delicate
Choke, choke again
I thought my demons were my friends
Pity me in the end
They're out to get me
Since I was young
I tasted sorrow on my tongue
And the sweet sugar gun
Does not protect me
That's right
Trigger between my eyes
Please strike
Make it quick now
Wait, I'm coming undone
Irate, I'm coming undone
Too late, I'm coming undone
What looks so strong, so delicate
Wait, I'm starting to suffocate
And soon I anticipate
I'm coming undone
What looks so strong, so delicate
I'm trying to hold it together
Head is lighter than a feather
Looks like I'm not getting better
Not getting better
Wait, I'm coming undone
Irate, I'm coming undone
Too late, I'm coming undone
What looks so strong, so delicate
Wait, I'm starting to suffocate
And soon I anticipate
I'm coming undone
What looks so strong, so delicate
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