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faggotwalkwithme · 9 months ago
ive had the young ones theme song stuck in my head all day
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newjeansaot · 3 months ago
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million-with-a-b · 1 year ago
Space themed System ask game based on common fakeclaim "criteria" because these things are valid and cool actually
🛰-Do you have a large headcount?
👾-Do any alters in your system have typing quirks?
🚀-Does your system have any Non-human alters?
☄️-Is your system neurodivergent?
🔭-Does your system use neo Pronouns?
🌠-Do any of the alters in your system have dyed hair?
🌙-Are there any nonverbal alters in your system?
🪐-Does your system have Angry or "dangerous" persecutors?
💫-Do your littles use 'little-speech?'
🌌-Does your system have little to no amnesia between switches?
🌟-Does your system have fairly clear communication?
🌘-Do you have a large or complex headspace?
🛸-Do any alters in your system have exo-memories?
👽Does your system have any tics?
☀️-is your system bad at masking?
✨️-Do any alters in your system have an accent?
🌎-Do any alters in your system speak in a different language?
☁️-Does your system use things like pluralkit and simply plural?
⭐️-are you out about being a system?
This will probably flop but!!! I had fun making it<3
Endos and their supporters dni :')
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kidcanines · 7 days ago
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"as silly as a lamb, as clumsy as a goat, in the palm of my hand, mine to never share.”
"ah ah, don’t cry lamb, don’t cry…please..”
♠︎ blows smoke rings in your face and when you scrunch up, boops your nose with a little giggle
♠︎ often grabs you by the back of you collar when you try to run off down sketchy alleyways (that he was going to go down anyways, he just doesn’t want you to run ahead) 
♠︎ primarily calls you lamb. because you are frail and weak but above all, persistent and headstrong just like one. 
♠︎ hates your street clothes. he dresses you in suits, shoes, and other expensive things that remind him of what it would be like to be him when he was young and way less poor.
♠︎ once he decides to pick you up off the streets and take you under his wing, he immediately dumps you in a vat of warm water and just starts scrubbing. you are unthinkably dirty and he cannot deal with dirty things.
♠︎ he doesn’t like it when you cry, in fact, he hates it and doesn’t know what to do with himself. he’s inquisitive though, so he lifts your hair out of your eyes with a gloved hand and puts the tip of his finger on your chin to tilt your face up so you can look him in his eyes. endless darkness meeting a watery baby face.. he begs, pleads you to not let another tear drop. He can’t take it.
♠︎ enjoys being called mama over papa and taking you to fancy places where you can “expand” your palate. it most often ends in a dine and dash but that's nothing new to you. 
♠︎ seeing as he’s known everywhere, the managers can’t really deny him for fear of violence, and so they let him in, take everyone’s orders, and pray for peace. 
♠︎ dances with you. a lot and everywhere. to some imaginary tune he makes up that he hums. he grabs you by the hands on the sidewalk and starts moving them back and forth as he crouches down, down, down, with every shift, obscure humming getting louder and louder until you’re giggling on the street and being spun around by a firm hand on your wrist and another on the small of your back 
♠︎ hates card games. too many ways to cheat. and too many ways to win. the concept should be rid of at worst and completely burnt to the ground at best 
♠︎ he teaches you his business practices. if he’s allowing your presence into his life it has to permeate its very fiber and everything in its existence. not a secret between you two exists.
♠︎ he hates smoking, but is, at the very least, addicted to it. he read somewhere that smoking is bad for a child’s lungs and while not particularly in favor of your endangerment, can’t help himself. he also is a raging pyromaniac and you are quickly taking up that mantle with how often he teaches (and allows) you to set buildings on fire and explode things. 
♠︎ won’t sacrifice you or send you out to do his bidding, contrary to popular belief: he cherishes your innocence and despite touching your face with dirt under his fingers, you remain carefully unscathed. in fact, everywhere he goes, you go, and everywhere you go, he goes. you’re the child wrapped in his stiff coat, the extra two legs not too far behind him. his shadow, waiting and tightly tethered.
♠︎ overly protective of you, believing you're his consciousness come to haunt him, so he protects you. takes care of you. 
♠︎ not actually very touchy, but when you’re in his vicinity his fingers twitch and ghost over your shoulders. almost as if he wants too, but is afraid he’ll corrupt you. Like rain to metal, ready to rust. Water to paper, ready to devour. 
♠︎ despite his adult activities, you're his favorite company to keep. whether it be coloring or watching silly cartoons, there's just something about you that draws him in. of all the lackey’s that he shoots out of boredom, you never make that list. 
♠︎ as said before, he finds you in an alley. rainy day in Gotham and all that jazz. and he passes you up multiple times. over and over again do your eyes meet his for no particular reason other than your staring. until one day he passes up the same alley and you're still there in that position–curled up to shield from the rain and still staring with that leveling gaze– probably got beat up for it if the bruises are telling. from that point on he knows you’re trouble, maybe more than you’re worth, and makes the split decision to grab you anyways. 
♠︎ he doesn’t usually endorse kidnapping, especially not of little brats. maybe it’s because you're overly scruffy and an obviously struggling street kid, or because he’d just decided that it was a good day to take you. or maybe it was because of the way you came. accepting a fate you thought would lead to death one way or another. and in a way you weren’t wrong.
♠︎ from the get-go he was attached to you at the hip. leaning over you to whisper things in your ears. fluttering his hands over your arms. poking you… none of the ways he touches you are very firm (except for when he’s wrapping up an injury you sustained for being stupid.) he’s not touchy, as said before, but he is very helicopter-y.
♠︎ he teaches you how to wield multiple weapons and you find his overly performative fighting style annoying, but captivating- and you say as much. to which he replies with an indignant squawk during one of your spars, only to continue to do more of his schtick. dancing in and out of the way of your hands so you can never get a solid hit.   “Are you sure it’s my fighting style or the fact that you keep missing, Lamb?” 
♠︎hHe takes you to casinos, basements, bars, clubs, alleyways, fire escapes, dumpsters, beaches, subways, food spots, the bottom (and top) of rich and elite buildings, the elaborate underground of seemingly innocent mom n pop shops on the corner of busy streets in the narrows, bridges, rooftops, and anywhere else. all of it, just to find out your limits and what he can and can’t do around you. it’s revealed in a grandiose way, a metaphorical ripping away of the blindfold. the inner workings that keep Gotham’s cogs turning and probably most important of all, what keeps him afloat. 
♠︎ turns out, you’re pretty good at handling the filth of the world! having grown up in it, having come from it. you know more about the navigation system than he’d originally expected, not that he expected you to know at all. it’s difficult weaving through alleyways and sewers and jumping into dumpsters but you make it look like art. an elaborate dance that he watches with barely a mind for anything else despite following you. it was as if, instead of you molding to the filthy city streets, they molded for you.
♠︎ his posture is bad, but he doesn’t like your posture to be like his, so he’s constantly telling you to sit up straight despite being the human equivalent of if a car crashed into a light post. “Do as I say, not as I do..” 
♠︎ hates corporal punishment. would never put his hands on you and hates the idea of someone even insinuating that he has hit you or abused you in any way, shape, or form. It’s what gets one of his “volunteer’s” in trouble and dangling over a vat of corrosive acid.
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caelites · 9 days ago
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2015 - 2024 Ten years of birthday illustrations for my favourite character ever, Superbi Squalo 🦈💙
Posting this while we wait for his birthday and for this year's illustration !
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bpdstevenuniverse · 5 months ago
i've so often heard in my life, "don't listen to the bullies. don't let them get to you, and don't let them see that they got to you."
and i always felt bad, because... they do get to me. hell, they get to me to this day, even if they're not even in my life anymore.
i feel like that's not what you should tell someone who's being bullied. because bullies do get to us sometimes. it gets even the strongest of people. because bullying is abuse. it messes with our self-esteem! and not everyone can mask their suffering - i have such a hard time hiding how affected i am. so does that mean i'm too weak, then?
i don't like this moral high ground where you have to prove you're better than your bullies or abusers in general. why do i have to prove that? why can't i just feel hurt that people are in fact hurting me?
god, the fact adults tell this to literal KIDS is beyond me. kids are still young and they're going to internalize the trauma! stop telling them not to feel hurt or angry or sad at the bullying! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. ACTUALLY COMFORT THEM! OFFER THEM EMOTIONAL SUPPORT!!!!
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Where tf have Jude and Vini been this whole game!?!?
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snailpaste · 3 months ago
why do you hate the gingerbread man :(
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fakeusernamelol · 3 months ago
Okay but good ending teen pregnancy when Ford comes back out of the portal, Stan is so excited to introduce their kids back into his life and have him meet his (great?) grandchildren
So you see, In the teen dads au Ford's is still a mediocre father but not because he was violent or something but because he was absent in most of the life of his kids (even if it's not fully his fault) and his years separated with stan also make his relationship kinda hostile like in canon but less worst because he doesn't have so much resentment unlike the original ford had towards stanley. But even if Ford isn't so mad with Stanley because he also helped fucking up his own future Stanley IS madder than in canon with ford because now it's not only a thing of if he thanked him or not but for the bad father he was leaving him and his daughter for ten years without trying to contact them and also leaving the other kid he keep with his broken family while he was at that fancy college he dreamed about and then became crazy when he saw him again (of course,stan didn't know the full story and the fact ford was also kicked out and all the thing with bill lol), he wanted him back sure because he's still important to him but he's the one who was more defensive towards him and that protectiveness same in canon go for the kids, who he told him where his great-nephews because nor dipper and mabel know that stanley was actually his great-grandfather, he didn't let ford finish to ask of who if they were the only brothers they had or if ma had another baby but he will explain him that later when no one's around.
Stanley always wanted to get ford back and try to make things right again and raise their kids together as a family but things have changed a lot now and now he's not sure, seems its to late now and his family grew without the knowledge of Ford's existence. Shermie and Mariana can't remember him really because they're already grown ups and had their own life with only one father figure, Shermie decided to keep the lie he grow up with to his new family because he honestly didn't want his kid and grandchildren knew he was a product of an incest relationship of Stan with a twin he didn't even know existed (he loves stan and he knows he's his Pa, but he's also too normal to not be kinda ashamed of that and thinks it would be too confused to his kids anyway 🤷) and nor any of them could feel anything to ford because even if he was his other dad they'd really didn't meet him more than 2 years when they were babies.
About dipper and Mabel he's still protective, he's not sure if he wants that crazy guy that's always with dangerous creatures around him be near his great grandkids. He's happy with knowing that Ford was fine but honestly he wasn't so much to introduce him again to the family, he was, but that was 30 years ago. His kids are adults now, his grandson was also an adult and his great grandkids didn't know the truth, Ford seems to be more interested in continuing with those stupid journals anyway that spent time with his family. Stan was kinda sad ford didn't become the father or grandfather he dreamed once and wasn't sure if he would be a good great grandfather now even if it was a secret, his priority was to let the kids be safe, and Ford wasn't a safe place for them. He used to.
He may love ford, but he had to think of the sake of his family and be careful with a man he hasn't see in more than three decades.
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doctor-octiddius · 1 year ago
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filenames from yesterday's "i need to watch everything that Sid has been in" adventure
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favesgrave · 2 years ago
blurr deserves a vacation but honestly i think he'd be the guy who can't fucking relax and would keep finding problems to solve
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lpsgirl109 · 5 months ago
I know very little about the murder drones panic au but I do think you guys are slowly turning it into the underlust of the murder drones fandom the way yall don't know how to go "gross! Anyway not my business"
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arataka-reigen · 10 months ago
Do you think Marcille's parents ever gave her the talk about the birds and the bees?
Because if she got pregnant and Fallin had to be the one giving her the talk it would be extremely funny
Lmao oh no
I see how most of the fandom agrees marcille is less experienced than Falin, but idk... that's not the vibe i get?? I feel like Marcille knows a lot about many things in theory from reading books and all that stuff, idk if she has practical knowledge, but i definitely see her as someone who isn't as shy and naive as the fandom sees her.
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2-kamikou-1 · 2 months ago
we as a society need to relearn humility because there is so much we get ashamed about that is literally not that big a deal but so much that we do that we should be ashamed about that we are not
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cagneyblooms · 5 months ago
okay now I just feel like even worse of a person
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whatevertheywant · 3 days ago
I wanted to fight Elphaba's daddy from the beginning but what REALLY made me wanna tear that man apart was the entirety of The Wizard and I
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