thatlittlefangirl · 29 days
Omg... Am I getting pulled into the dark (short Snape) side?
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poitionsprince · 5 months
Canon *Book* Heights Reminder
Lily Evans; 5'6 - 1.67
Peter Pettigrew; 5'7 - 1.70
Severus Snape; 5'9 - 1.75
James Potter; 5'11 - 1.80
Sirius Black; 6'2 - 1.87
Remus Lupin; 6'2 - 1.88
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smilingformoney · 1 year
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from @swiftvaticfawn13 for the Random Character Asks
1. Canon I outright reject
Obviously I reject that he died. I wrote that Abbie saved him, but canon Snape lived too, he just had to save himself. No way does Severus "shove a bezoar down their throat" Snape not carry a bezoar for throat-shoving emergencies.
7. Age/height/weight headcanon
Can't really headcanon his age as that is canon but where I am now in Professor Snape II he's 43.
He's 6'1, obviously, because that's exactly his height in all circumstances and anyone who says otherwise is wrong.
In terms of his weight, during the period of the books he's so thin he can slide through doorframes. But after the war, he's happy and content and not running down the corridors of Hogwarts trying to save Potter from himself, so he puts on weight and starts to look like a normal human being. At this point in his life I think Alan's body shape in the films is a more accurate reflection.
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
He loves Abbie more than the rest of his family. He won't ever admit it, and maybe it's mathematically impossible because he loves them all infinitely, but Abbie is a bit more infinite than the rest. He would die for any of them in a heartbeat, and he'd probably kill for them too, but if presented with the trolley problem between saving just Abbie or saving Sephy, April and Ariadne but losing Abbie, he can't guarantee he'd make the right decision.
33. Something guaranteed to make them cry
Every time Abbie leaves for New York during her time at college. He knows she'll come back in six months, but it always breaks him to see her go, and the first few weeks after she leaves are always the worst, because he found a part of him and lost it all over again.
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slytherintragedy · 3 months
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♡ FULL NAME: Evan Atticus Rosier ♡ KNOWN AS: Envy - Regulus, Evie -Barty ♡ BIRTHDAY: June 17, 1960 ♡ GENDER & PRONOUNS: Male - He /Him ♡ ORIENTATION: Biromantic, Pansexual ♡ BLOOD STATUS: Pureblood ♡ HEIGHT: 6'1” ♡ WEIGHT: 174 lbs ♡ EYE COLOR: Green ♡ HAIR COLOR: Blonde ♡ SPECIES: Wizard (Human) ♡ PLACE OF RESIDENCE: London, England, Great Britain, Hogwarts ♡ OCCUPATION: Student, Death Eater, Hit Wizard ♡ HOUSE: Slytherin ♡ PATRONUS: White Stallion ♡ WAND: 12", Blackthorn, Dragon Heartstring ♡ FACECLAIM: Noah LaLonde|
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Evan was born to Elias and Rosemary Rosier, older brother to Felix Rosier. He was born into a well-known and respected old pure-blood line. During his time at Hogwarts his father, became friends with Tom Riddle, due to that became one of the first to become a Death Eater when the Dark Lord started rising. Which given the fact his grandmother Vinda Rosier was arguably Gellert Grindelwald's most trusted and loyal Acolyte, it's safe to say his family had a pattern of becoming loyal subjects to whomever they deemed worthy. Even his aunt, Druella Rosier, achieved power and position when she married into the ancient and most noble House of Black, a pureblood family with roots every bit as deep, and coffers even fuller, than those of the Rosiers.
Which deeply effected the way that Evan was raised, never have any other choice but to follow Voldemort. Not that he minded due to being raised to strongly believe in the importance of blood purity and what better cause to support than that of pure-blood supremacy; of purging their society of all the taint that Muggles had brought to it over the years?
Evan attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, was sorted into Slytherin House. It was there that he had meet his best friends Regulus Black and Bartemius Crouch Junior, due to them being roommates. He was made friends with his other roommates and fellow death eaters, Caius Avery and Icarus Nott. Also becoming quick friends with Gaige Mulciber, Balfour Greengrass, Enoch Wilkes, and occasionally Severus Snape.
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musecaravan-info · 1 year
Severus Snape
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"How far can you go down the wrong path before you can’t get back on the right one?" ~ Carolee Dean, Take Me There ~
Basic Information
AGE: That depends 100% on the timeline you want him in
EYES: Black
HAIR: Black
PRIMARY OUTFIT: Severus doesn't really care much about his appearance regardless of the timeline. The only caveat to this rule is his Professor robes. Those are always neat and pristine.
His personal wardrobe (especially once he could afford to buy his own clothes) is worn, but well-cared for. Basically , he doesn't believe in waste. He has exactly the amount of clothes he feels are necessary, and wears them until they wear out to the point of irreparability.
His wardrobe consist of dark colors and long sleeves (to hide old scars... and other things.) Everything he wears is simple in make and design - no patterns or frills- just solid colors. He prefers to not stand out whenever possible.
The personality you get when dealing with Severus will rely heavily on who your muse is and what point in time we're writing in. He is, after all, many different things to many different people at different points in his life. In general, Severus is a quiet individual, who's mastered the art of observing while remaining invisible. He's spent his whole life 'getting used to disappointment' and it shows in his reactions to people and to the world at large. There's a lot of anger pent up inside of him. He tries to keep it in check - to not be like his father - but he's not always successful.
Powers & Weaknesses
Severus is an incredibly powerful wizard. In addition to being HIGHLY skilled at potions, he is an unsurpassed Occlumens AND Legilimens. He also excels at wandless magic, and can cast (and expertly control) a fully-formed Patronus. From a young age, he's also had the ability to create spells 'on the fly,' so to speak, using his knowledge of spellwork and Latin to summon spells only he knows how to do.
As for weaknesses... none when it comes to his magic. However, his personality leaves a lot to be desired. He allows bitterness, jealousy, and anger to rule many of his actions, and can be very self-serving when the mood strikes. I would say his biggest weakness is being unable to see the good in others. It's almost like he's afraid to. The only person he ever saw any good in was taken from him, and he never wants to get attached like that again.
It can happen. But even with people he knows it MUST build over time. The only obvious exception to this rule is Lily. He loves her. Always has, always will. With others he needs to trust... and then to care. Those aren't easy things for him, but that CAN happen, given enough time and patience (...and maybe an angsty scene where he thinks the person is dead, for example. ;D)
Where to Find Him
This will depend on the timeline you want to write in. Let me know what you're thinking, and I'm happy to give a few ideas about the best place your muse can meet him. ^_^
Just because a verse isn't listed here doesn't mean I'm not interested in writing it. I adore all kinds of AUs, and welcome the chance to get creative with my muses. If you've seen a verse that another of my muses has, and you'd like to see this muse in something similar, let me know. You can also check out my 'Plot Ideas' tag, too. ^_^
Main Verse:
Severus Snape is a canon character from the Harry Potter universe. A lot of what you’ll find here is canon to the books. This canon universe is my default when writing starters, etc. unless you ask me for something AU. The timeline I choose will likely depend on who your muse is. However, I'd much prefer we discuss it beforehand, so we're both on the same page. Thanks! :)
Current/Ongoing Threads
If your thread with Severus isn't listed here it's probably because it's been long enough since your last reply that I thought you'd dropped it. Message me to let me know you're still interested, and I'll happily add you to the list (with no pressure for a reply.) ♡
None at the Moment
Your Thread Here!
Stuff That's Good to Know Before Starting a Thread
I ask that you please keep in mind that there is only so much about Severus that’s actually canon - the rest is much more about perception. And if my perception differs from yours, telling me (while it might spark an interesting discussion) probably isn’t going to make any difference in how I choose to roleplay him.
I have watched the movies and read the books more than once (except for Deathly Hallows - that one is too hard for me to get through emotionally.) However, please know that I do not have a photographic memory, so if I make a mistake with something don’t be afraid to tell me. As long as you’re not rude about it, I promise to hear you out. ^_^
Please keep in mind, this blog is an ongoing work in progress. Not all of these links may lead somewhere, but they're here because they link to potential tags for this muse.
All Things Severus
All Threads
Ask Replies
Meme Replies
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Quotes that Fit Severus
Fandom Meta about Severus that I Like
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intristitia · 1 year
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LEGAL NAME: Severus Tobias Snape NICKNAME[S]: Sev, Snivellus, The Half-Blood Prince, Potions Master. DATE OF BIRTH: January 9th, 1960 SEX: Male PLACE OF BIRTH: Spinner's End, Cokeworth, Midlands, England, Great Britain. CURRENTLY LIVING: Verse dependent | Troyes, France. SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, French, Latin, and German. EDUCATION: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. OCCUPATION: Verse dependent. CRIMINAL RECORD: Former Death Eater. DRINK | SMOKE | DRUGS: On occasion | No | Do potions count? LIKE[S]: Solitude, The Dark Arts, Potions making. DISLIKE[S]: A lot.
HAIR COLOR: Black EYE COLOR: Black HEIGHT: 6'1'' WEIGHT: 185lbs.
SIBLING[S]: None PARENT[S]: Tobias Snape [Father] Eileen Snape [Née Prince | Mother] CHILDREN: None PET[S]: Verse dependent | A white raven named Paon.
TAGGED BY: @tnott TAGGING: Feel free to steal this and tag me !
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sunshinemarauder · 3 years
Harry Potter characters' heights
Just my headcanons for their heights! I myself am very very tiny (not even 5 foot) so I consider 5'7"+ to be tall 😳😳
james potter: 6'1"
lily evans: 5'4"
sirius black: 5'10"
remus lupin: 6'3"
peter pettigrew: 5'7"
harry potter: 5'11"
ron weasley: 6'1"
hermione granger: 5'6"
ginny weasley: 5'5"
teddy remus lupin: 5'11"
james sirius potter: 5'10"
albus severus potter: 5'8"
lily luna potter: 5'5"
rose granger-weasley: 5'8"
hugo granger-weasley: 5'9"
scorpius malfoy: 5'10"
let me know if you think I should continue it!!
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josiecarioca · 4 years
Answering questions about Soren Snape
Answering @snapescapades questions about Soren!
Is Soren taller than Sev?
Soren is already taller than Sev by age 15. As a ful grown adult, he stands a full head above him at 6'3”/1,90m.
Thing is, I headcanon Snape as being rather tall (around 5´9-ish/ 1,80m), but  Evelyn is a Black, and the Black family does have a tendency to produce very tall people, particularly men (Sirius towering over Severus in canon comes to mind) and Soren very much takes after her side of the family. Soren´s maternal grandfather and great grandfather were respectivel 6'1”/1,85m and 6'3”/1,90m and Evelyn herself is 5´8”/1,77m (average female height in Ireland being 5´5”/1,65m).
Does he street race?
He has in his early 20s, but Severus made sure to put an end to it.
What happened was that Virgil Shafiq caught Soren doing the MonteCarlo circuit while incognito (as well as wasting money in casinos and crashing muggle high society parties, but that's a whole other topic). Being Soren’s former trainning officer, Shafiq warned him that he had to stop or he would be reported to the Ministry for reckless conduct and for potential secrecy breaches. 
Instead of reporting him however, Shafiq did far worse: he told Severus.
Cue Severus Snape basically dragging his full grown son out of, not a casino, not a bar but a whole ass country, and proceeding to paint him a very vivid picture of how his behaviour would send his poor mother to an early grave if she ever found out (Severus may not be catholic, but his mother-in-law taught him how to use guilt as a parenting tactic, lol) and that if Soren didn´t want him to tell Evelyn what her precious little prince was up to he'd stop it immediately. Which he did (yes, Soren is a totall momma's boy, and Evelyn is basically the Virgin Mary in his eyes. Severus takes full advantage of it and invokes her name whenever he wants Soren to obey).
He still drives like a raving maniac, however.
What car does he drive?
That´s a tough one to answer as I don´t know which models will be available when Soren is of age, but going by current car trends: Soren is a BMW man. More specifically, I see him driving something like this https://drivemag.com/news/hate-it-or-love-it-bmw-m3-in-java-green-with-m-performance-body-kit . In fact, any car Soren owns HAS to be a flashy shade of neon/electric/radioactive green.
I also want the FULL story of his glasgow smile scar.
This may be a one shot in the future, so I'll spare you many details, but the bare facts are these. 
Soren was in Istambul to gather data. It was supposed to be a low-risk mission, as all he had to do was meet up with Turkish wizarding authorities, get some paperwork and go back to England. In and out. Soren being Soren, however, decided to stretch his stay for a few days, since Istambul does have a very bustling cultural life and party scene. His presence was detected by a rogue cell of Death Eaters (in “Post War” we see the beginning of it: since Voldmort's demise, his followers scattered all over Europe and used his image and memory as a sort of messianic martyr figure to radicalize new members and create several terrorist cells, which are hard to track because they act independently. Soren's job in intelligence is basically identifying, gathering information and keeping tabs on them).
Soren was kidnapped and held hostage for two months (and him being the only son of the man who 'betrayed' Voldemort, it's needless to describe how his captors treated him.). At that point, all communication ceased and the British ministry declared him dead. Evelyn didn't believe that (“I've put him into this world, and I will *KNOW' if he has left it, and he didn't”), so Severus went to, of all people, Harry Potter (by then head of the Auror Office) to ask him to push for the Ministry to continue searching. With Harry using his political influence to sway the Ministry into creating a special task-force, Soren was found and brought back home. He had many torture inflicted injuries (glasgow smile included: Soren was known for being a party boy and all around 'smiley' as well as having a 'day job' where his looks were important, so they gave him a “permanent smile” as a sick joke). He needed months of hospitalization as well as extensive psychological care and physiotherapy with muggle doctors (let´s just say muggle medicine can handle  some stuff that magical healing doesn't cover, like mental care.)
That was a turning point in Soren's life, as he finally learned some responsibility and self-preservation.
At some point sevelyn HAS to know about it, is that how they learn about his spying? or do they already know?
By the time of the Glasgow Smile incident they had known for a while. They found out in that infamous staging of Falstaff in which Soren sang the leading role with a couple broken ribs then collapsed on stage. 
Falstaff is an operatic role that is usually done by older, more seasoned singers, so when Soren was cast in a production it was a bit of a big deal since he was only 30 at the time (he had been an auror for a whole decade by then, but his parents fully believed he was a just singer and occasional music teacher all this time). Problem was, Soren had a run in with a Dark Wizard he had been trying to track down for months on the very same day “Falstaff” was to open.
Since this was an important milestone for his career, his parents were there to watch it, and that's part of the reason Soren went on stage instead of seeking medical attention or reporting back to the Ministry: the adrenaline rush kept him from feeling any pain and even though he knew something was off his parents were in the audience, he couldn´t bail out and let an understudy take over. Lo and behold, after a flawless opening night, Soren collapses on stage while taking his bows. The theatre admnistration immediately rushes him to the nearest hospital and Soren has no way of controlling what happens and how much information his parents get. The doctors find the fractured ribs and some internal bleeding, which are obviously a result of severe blunt force trauma. The moment they show him the exams, Severus puts two and two together and makes Soren come clean.
How does sev feel about it???
Oh, boy, oh, boy...Where do we even begin?
Severus has a ton of guilt in regards to Soren since his birth, because Severus initially didn´t want him. Severus then went on to spend the rest of his life trying to compensate for that. He dotes on Soren almost to the point of spoiling him (and does end up spoiling him often). When Soren decides to be a singer instead of an auror (of course, he was lying to his parents then) Severus feels like the weight of the world has been lifted off his shoulders: his son would  have a peaceful life, he would be safe, he would have the stability and happiness Severus never had. Severus finally feels like he's a good father and has done right by his child. When Soren collapsed on stage and he finally found out what his son was hiding, Severus saw all his  efforts to make sure Soren was safe, to protect him and ensure he'd live a happy and long life crumble before his eyes. Soren lied to him and went behind his back to chose a type of life Severus had desperately hoped to steer him away from. Severus feels like he failed as a father. Eventually he comes to terms with the fact that Soren is a full grown adult and responsible for his own decisions, but the feeling that Soren's choices in life are somehow his fault never really leaves him.
I also wanna know about his relationships (not necessarily romantic cause I’m getting a vaguely aromantic vibe from this boy but I could be wrong)
Here's the thing about Soren: he flirts with the same ease everybody else breathes. And he flirts with anyone, particularly if there's something in it for him (the Slytherin runs deep). He´s a scorpio with Libra rising and moon in Libra after all, lol. Soren is very much “in love with the idea of love”, he´s a musician, an opera singer, an avid reader,  he's very attracted by the concept of love and the idea of all consuming passion as played on a stage or in the pages of a Gothic novel. That doesn´t necessarily translate into actual romantic relationships in life.
Soren has a lot of “romantic friendships” with friends of any gender, that is relationships which have the intensity of a romantic relationship but without the sexual aspect. He´s only been in a traditional romantic relantioship twice in his life and both were with girls he'd been friends with since childhood (Lavinia Llwynog, a fellow slytherin he met at the sorting ceremony when both were 11 and Audrey Blake, a muggle girl he's known since they were born because her mother is a neighbor of Soren's grandmother. With Audrey in particular, he feels like they were quite literally born for each other.). For Soren to bother getting into a serious relationship, there has to be a very deep, long basis of friendship. Otherwise he just flirts his way trhough life with everybody.
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montdiarts · 5 years
HPHM Character Profile
Thanks for tagging me @persephone-chen @phyl-the-gryffinclaw ❤💕
-General Information:
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Name: Uriel Nightclaw
Age: 16
Gender: Female
White dragon
Cursed child
Lady Uriel
Curse breaker
Dragon warrior
Date of birth : 11th November 1972
Astrological/ Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Ethnicity: British
Nationality: British
Species: Witch, Animagi, Obscurial,legilimens
Blood Type: AB
Blood-Status: Pureblood
Height: 6'1" (by the end of year 7 she is 6'3" tall)
Weight: 60 kg 90kg (this sounds more realistic)
Complexion (skin tone/ conditions): fair skin with many scars on her back and arms. She has two big ones on her abdomen
Hair Color/ Style: white and short with an undercut
Eye Color: Aqua blue with a shade of royal blue
Xavier Nightclaw
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He is the current head of the Nightclaw family and Max, Jacob and Uriels father. Xavier is a man of few words and very serious. But he cares for his children and wife deeply. Like every Nightclaw he, too, is very loyal and Fearless and has inhuman strength. Xavier is a honest man, who takes responsibility for his actions and decisions. But he is unable to empathize with others beside his family, which could make him come over as rude and callous.
Xavier is someone, who takes traditions and rules seriously. He is proud about their history of knighthood. He was the one, who gave Uriel dragon blood to save her from a serious illness, when she was an infant. But in the process he turned her into the next dragon warrior, without knowing it. He only found it out when her hair turned white the moment she took the blood.
He taught Uriel how to wield a sword and is always the one who believes in Uriel and supports her in everything she does. Because he knows that his daughter would do the right thing.
As a wizard, he is considered as extremely strong and powerful. Xavier has a keen eye and has great analytical skills. In term of intelligence he isn't lacking either. But his look makes him appear to others as scary and constantly angry, which isn't the case.
Side fact: He's actually very affectionate and clingy. Also he has a habit of spending money on his children. Therefore, his wife is managing the money. Xavier is a legilimens.
Job:  Auror/ department of mysteries
Age: 49 (born 1939)
Gender: Male
Height: 6'5"
Ethnicity: British
Nationality: British
Bloodstatus: Pureblood
House: Hogwarts / Gryffindor
Patronus: Dun Stallion
("The dun stallion Patronus relates to a serious, responsible, down-to-earth person. It symbolizes stability, structure, and support. The strength of this Patronus rests in the sense of belonging and is therefore more powerful when used in defense of loved ones than in personal defense.")
Wand wood: Acacia
Wand Core: Thunderbird tail Feather
Briar Nightclaw (née Moonfall)
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She is the wife of Xavier and mother of Max, Jacob and Uriel. In terms of personality she is the complete opposite of Xavier. Briar is more outgoing and sociable than her husband. She is an understanding person and doesn't shy away in showing her love to her family. This trait is seen by outsiders sometimes as intrusive but Xavier and Uriel are thankful for her bubbly personality because they both aren't very expressive. Her body is fragile and weak, but she has great magical power, so as a witch she is considered strong. The Moonfall family is known for their eternal beauty (Briar is nearly 50 but looks like she is in her late 20s) and their ability to cast non verbal spells without effort. That's why this particular family only use Alder wood for their wands. Briar is always overprotective of Uriel, eventhough she knows that her daughter is extremely strong. She puts family over everything else and she will protect them with her live.
Side fact: She is a fan of Gilderoy Lockhart and friends with Newt Scammender's son. She's also a fencing master.
Job: Housewife
Age: 49 (born 1939)
Height: 5'7"
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: British
Nationality: British
Bloodstatus: Pureblood
House: Hogwarts/ Ravenclaw
Patronus: Black swan
("Thought to have been rarer than a unicorn when first discovered, black swans represent loyalty, monogamous love, and caring for loved ones. They may have a wild youth but remain monogamous later in life. Black swans represent the healing power of love and romance. Have you ever been on the receiving end of a protective mother swan? Dementors will be chased away by a whirling dervish!")
Wand wood: Alder
Wand Core: White river monster spine
Max Nightclaw
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He is the oldest son and the brother of Jacob and Uriel. Max attended Hogwarts at the same time with James Potter and his best friend Severus Snape. Like every Nightclaw, he has the ability to cast powerful spells without effort and has inhuman strength. He also inherited his mother's ability to cast non verbal spells without practicing. He is the only one of the three siblings, that inherited the chartreuse green eyes of their father and the bubbly personality of their mother. That makes him the most expressive one out of the trio. Like it's common for fist borns he is good at leading others and takes responsibility, especially for his siblings. Like his mother he's very emotional and wants to help everyone. He cries easily and eventhough he looks like he knows everything about love, max never had a relationship before, because he always put his whole attention towards his family. Especially after Uriel became an obscurial and Jacob vanished. Even now he travels a lot in hope of finding some information about Jacob and to find a cure for Uriel. As cool headed as Max can be in a difficult situation, if someone insults his siblings or his friend, he will see red in front of his eyes and go ravage without blinking twice. No matter how good of a person he is, Max can't deny that he's also manipulative and has a slight inferior complex, always trying becoming first at everything.
Side fact: He was the chaser of the slytherin team and led a strong rivalry with the fellow chaser of the opposite team, James Potter. Like his mother his wearing his claw like an earring. Max is bisexual.
Job:  Professional Photographer
Age: 28 (born 1960)
Height: 6'4"
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: British
Nationality: British
Bloodstatus: Pureblood
House: Hogwarts / Slytherin
Patronus: Dolphin
("Intelligence and sociability are among the main attributes of the dolphin. Also known for their playfulness and loyalty, dolphins live and work together in groups to aid the sick and injured and to defend each other from predators. Its incredible intelligence is put to good use in the form of solving complex problems and other such challenges. The dolphin does not enjoy dull, routine activities, so keeping busy with interesting tasks is a must!")
Wand wood: Rowan
Wand Core: Thunderbird tail Feather
(For @persephone-chen 🌼
What he smells like to others:
-Sea breeze, Lemon, Pepper mint)
Jacob Nightclaw
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He's the 2nd child of the family and the one that disappeared at the end of his last year at Hogwarts. He's your typical tsundere boy. Cold to everyone at first, but as soon as he warms up to you he'll become all lovely and affectionate. When someone compliments him, he starts to blush and his confidence would shoot up. Jacob has a huge interest in fashion and flowers. He would always style up his clothes and add something self made. Compared to his siblings he didn't inherit the strength of a Nightclaw but instead he got his mother's great magical power. He's also a legilimens like his father. Out of the three he's the most intelligent one and the smallest. Well, with his 5'11" he isn't exactly small but if you look at Max, who is 6'4" tall and Uriel, who is 6'1" and is still growing, Jacob would be considered as small. He is kind and caring to animals and plants. Jacob was one of professors flitwick's most gifted students, which shows how clever and talented he is. Jacob was a quiet person, who would hide in the library to read the whole day. But he was considered as a troublemaker because he was researching the cursed vaults.
He's very caring towards Uriel. Jacob is always dotting on her because she is his only sister. In comparison to their relationship, he would always bicker with Max. But it's not like he hates him. Actually he looks up to him like a little brother would do. But with Jacob's personality he would rather die than admit it. In general Jacob has a good relationship with his whole family but he hates the relatives who wants to use Uriel to gain power and those who are out to kill her because they see her as a future danger.
Like his whole family he is also a strong wizard with massive amounts of magical power.
Side fact: He has a tendency to click his tongue when he's irritated. Jacob is gay and he's favourite book is 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them'.
Job:  Florist (after Uriel has found him)
Age: 24 (born 1964)
Height: 5'11"
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: British
Nationality: British
Bloodstatus: Pureblood
House: Hogwarts / Ravenclaw
Patronus: Thestral
("Thestrals get a bad reputation as unlucky omens, probably due to their spooky appearance and association with death. The reality is that these intriguing creatures, which are only visible to people who have witnessed death and accepted its significance, are gentle and kind. Thestrals can fly at incredibly fast speeds and have a keen sense of direction. If the herd that lives in the Forbidden Forest is any indication, Thestrals can be extremely loyal to their human friends and will fiercely attack their enemies. This makes the Thestral an intimidating and powerful Patronus.")
Wand wood: Chestnut
Wand core: Phoenix Feather
-Nightclaw Family History  :
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The Nightclaw family, formerly Whiteclaw, is a prestigious and powerful family with an outstanding history record, which dates back to the 9th century. They are a noble family and one of the largest, oldest and wealthiest pure blooded wizarding families in Britain. Every Nightclaw served the wizardry world as knights and later as Aurors. Many wizarding families in Britain are distantly related to the Nightclaw family.
They are best known for their inhuman strength and their powerful spells. The Nightclaws were commonly described as having "the look of a warrior and the fierce eyes of an animal" and a strong, fearful presence that made everyone tremble in fear.
The traditional look for the majority of the Nightclaw family is dark hair and brightly colored eyes, though there were some exceptions: Taranis Nightclaw and his two sons, Gareth and Cáel, had blond hair. Also Ulric Xalvador Whiteclaw had white hair, because of the dragon blood he took. Which is also the reason why Uriel Nightclaw has white hair. Despite these differences, each and every member of the Nightclaw family were still noted to be a beauty in their own right, being of tall and muscular stature, with attractive features. It's common for a Nightclaw to be taller than 6'0" and have one or more piercings. Every member wears a claw on their body, be it as an earring or a necklace, to show their affiliation towards the family. The Nightclaw family, as with many other pure blood wizarding families like the Malfoys, the Blacks and the Potter family, is considered to be very wealthy. Despite this, they never acted highly or arrogant. They were and are still very modest about their status and don't like to brag or show off. Such behavior was considered to be impolite and indecent.
The Nightclaws were a rather open minded family, who valued equality and fought against discrimination. One of the reasons why they never forcefully employ house elves. They let them decide if they want to stay with them or not and that as a free house elf. This is why many creatures and servants are really devoted and loyal towards this family, because they repay them with kindness and respect.
(Of course there were some exceptions *cough* Uriel's grandparents *cough*)
There were times when they went against the king's order because of their good natured beliefs, but they were strong allies of the land so they were forgiven. One of the most known facts about the Nightclaw family is that they only mate once. The reason is unknown but every Nightclaw, be it male or female, only falls in love once. If they found a partner they will stay with them until death part them away, but even after their partner died they won't search for another lover. This also applies to the spouse of every Nightclaw. They say that there's no better lover than a Nightclaw and therefore they don't want to marry again. Thus they stay with the family. Nightclaws are known for their loyalty towards people, who earned their trust but also about their nonchalant killing of enemies. They're respected by many people but also feared and are called something like 'those born to kill' or 'the death reapers '. There was a time, when some Nightclaw members turned over to the dark side and followed Grindelwald. Eventhough it was only a small amount of people, their reputation nevertheless fell.
Some tried afterwards to restore their reputation by using Uriel Nightclaw, who is the descendant of Sir Ulric Xalvador Whiteclaw and the next Dragon warrior. Like Ulric she can control and understand the dragons and she can emit fire from her body. Because of this she was chosen as the next heiress, eventhough her brother Max should have become the next heir, if it went according birth order.
The female line had become extinct compared to the male line. For unknown reasons, it happens really rarely that a girl is born in this family. Even Uriel is the first born female member after 10 decades.
Affiliation(s)/ Organization(s):
Hogwarts school
Frog choir
Nightclaw family
Ravenclaw house
Chen family
Ministry of magic
Occupation(s): Cafe shop owner/ Auror (special member of the ministry of magic. She would help them from time to time, if they need her help. Also as the heiress of the Nightclaw family she has to attend meetings and discussions or go to trials as a representative. )
-Magical Characteristics:
Form of Boggart: 
Voldemort (until 3rd year)
Her grandparents (until 4th year)
Dead tonks and fred blaming her for arriving late to the battle and for their death
Form of Riddikulus: 
Voldemort--- clown ver. of him
Her grandparents--- she couldn't perform a successful Riddikulus on them, because she feared them too much
Tonks and Fred--- the two laughing and behaving like their usual mischievous self
Form of Patronus: dragon
("One of the most powerful and formidable creatures of the magical world, dragons are ambitious and dominant. With the ability to breathe fire, they quickly assert themselves, garnering both fear and respect from those around them. They are unafraid to take risks and prefer to live by their own set of rules. They are quick to lead and do not back down from a challenge. Dragons are strong in their convictions and will stand for what they believe is right. Those with a dragon for a Patronus are sure to be fierce fighters, and the Dementors better be ready for a challenge!")
What do they see in the mirror of Erised?: 
Herself with her natural red hair and her family being happy. Deep down she thinks her life would have been better if she had not been the dragon warrior. But in year 5 she accepts herself and she moves on. After her coronation Ulric's soul vanished completely from Uriel's body and she wasn't able to see him anymore. When she looked at the mirror of erised for a last time before leaving Hogwarts, she saw Ulric standing in front of her and she understood that she longs to see him. Which isn't possible anymore.
Animagus: white tigress
1st wand
-Wood: Blackthorn
-Core: Unicorn tail hair
-Length: 11"
-Flexibility: unbending and stiff
2nd wand
-Wood: Laurel
-Core: Phoenix Feather
-Length: 12"
-Flexibility: hard and solid
3rd Wand
Tumblr media
-Wood: Elder
-Core: Phoenix Feather
-Length: 16"
-Flexibility: pliant and unbending
•What She smells like to others: 
- Vetiver
- Coffee
•What She smell: 
- Penny Haywood
- fresh Herbs
- Rose oil
-Hogwarts Information:
Worst class(es): Potion, History of magic
Best class(es): Charms, DADA, Flying
Least favorite teacher(s): Rakepick
Most favorite teacher(s): Flitwick, Snape, Mcgonagall
Quidditch: Seeker (in year 4 as a substitute and since year 5 she is the official Seeker of the Ravenclaw team)
Favorite spell(s): Avis, Expecto Patronum
Trivia (random facts about them, future job, face claim, theme song, etc.):
Uriel is the first recorded heiress and female knight in the whole history of Nightclaws
Due to her vast amount of magical power she can cast spells without her wand, which is said to be quite difficult
Uriel can also cast non verbal spells, like her mother and Max
She is a legilimens like her father but she is not so good like Jacob
Uriel was weak and sickly as an infant. Her father gave her the dragon blood to save her otherwise she would have died
Her natural hair color is red but due to the dragon's blood it turned white. The same thing happened to Ulric. His hair is actually black. This explains why Dwyn has black hair and not white.
Uriel was abused by her grandparents, when she refused to use her magic and listen to them
She turned into an Obscurial when she was 7. Thanks to Ulric, who suppressed the obscurus in her, she didn't die at the age of 12. Uriel was officially healed, when she turned 18 years old.
Uriel is Demisexual
She has skillful hands
She's seen by others as a monster and is called like that
"The inhuman strength of the Nightclaws and the sheer magical power of the Moonfalls. It's like they created a monster in form of a girl." - Patricia Rakepick to Dumbledore
She's a fighting prodigy
Uriel once participated in a fencing lesson and won against everyone there. Even the teachers, who earned many gold medals, lost to her. Her mother was told that she learned all forms and moves just from watching her peers once.
Something similar happened when Xavier taught Uriel how to handle a sword and some family movements passed down from each generation. During a sword fight Uriel used some moves, that Xavier had still not taught her. It was like she had already fought before. Which wasn't the case. For some reasons, her body remembered these movements and her body naturally followed them.
" It's as if the skills of all her predecessors and their knowledge are flowing through her veins and integrated into her body. " - Xavier Nightclaw
There were many foiled assassination attempts on Uriel
As of 1991 Uriel is officially the Dragon warrior and heiress of the Nightclaw family. She's also declared as one of the strongest beings alive
It is only half true that Uriel is human. After taking the dragon's blood, she got some dragon traits that appeared over time, such as her slitted pupils, fang teeth or her highly resistant skin.
Uriel has PTSD
She has Hypersomnia
Uriel had Hallucinations of her grandparents until the end of year 4
Uriel can see Thestrals. She saw how an old man, she was friends with, got killed by death eaters
Uriel made a blood pact with Chen Jing
Her dragon is the same as Ulric's, Dragoon
Nightclaw family
The wand of every Nightclaw is so altered that it can transform into their swords, to make battles easier for them
The Nightclaw family was founded by putting the surnames of Ulric and Eleanor together.
There's a high possibility that the Moonfall family is related to the Nightmoon family
Every dead Nightclaw either died of a natural death, a curse or while they protected their family
915: Arciel Xavier Whiteclaw was beheaded by the enemy because he refused to reveal to them the whereabouts of his brother Ulric
930: Ulric Xalvador Whiteclaw died of a curse he got instead of his son
946: there was an assassination attempt on the 2 year old Emrys Nightclaw, which was foiled by Esmé Nightclaw, who protected his nephew with his body
1819: Bellona Nightclaw (one badass queen) chose death over betrayal and died by the hand of the White Order. She also refused to reveal to them where the family tower lies, that holds secrets and treasures
She was also the last born female Nightclaw before Uriel
Jacob is the smallest male Nightclaw with his 5'11"
Every Nightclaw mansion have some kind of creatures or animals. Uriel's family has two gigantic lions, that can speak
The house elves of the Nightclaws serve the family out of their free will
The official flower of the Nightclaw family is a blue Rose (It was the favorite flower of Arciel)
And their official color is dark blue. This could be due to their excessive use of this color in their clothes.
Dragoon should have died when Ulric was dead but because his soul was bound to this world due to the curse, Dragoon stayed alive. He fell into a deep slumber until Uriel was born.
He is more than 1000 years old
Finally done🌼 there are actually more facts but this is enough for now
I will tag @kas-voton @zuulosdovah @jadeowl19 and everyone who wants to do it 💁🏼‍♀️
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duality-deactivated · 5 years
Angel Nava
ame: "Angel Nava, just refer to me as Angel please"
Nickname: He doesn't have one.
Age: "19"
Gender: "Male"
Species: "Hybrid of a Swedish Short-Snout/Antipodean Opaleye. My mother, and a human, my father."
Appearance: His skin is a pinkish-pale because of the lack of sunlight he receives. His skin looks to be made of scales rather than flesh and blue freckles line the bridge of his nose and his shoulders. He has two large dragon wings that start off blue before fading to a white color. He has a matching tail and has an orb-looking item at the tip that changes color based on his emotions. He's actually pretty tall, about 6'1. He had dark brown hair and bright hazel eyes that commonly come off as dark brown.
Voice claim: Caleb Hyles
House: "Ravenclaw" 
Wand: Laurel wood wand with a Phoenix feather core, 12 ¾ inches and a Unyielding flexibility.
Era: Maurders (Ends up with Severus/Lupin)
Golden Trio (Ends up with Fred and George due to his Polygamist sexuality/Draco just because Draco means Dragon and Irony)
Cursed Child (Ends up with Scorpius)
Pet: Snowy Owl named Snowdown.
Strongest Subject: Potions/Charms.
Weakest Subject: Runes/Muggle Studies.
Patronus: Dragon.
Crush/Relationship: Depends on the Era
Sexuality: "Why?" Gay and Polygamist.
Other: He is commonly found at the Black Lake after classes, he hides his wings wifh his uniform, and can speak to other dragons.
Other 2: Angel keeps his fathers Potions/Alchemy book with him at all times.
Backstory: (Not required but I wanna add it in here): His father, Ethen, was a kind Hufflepuff who had been framed for a crime and kicked out of Hogwarts during his fourth year. After being banished by his family to Romania, he found himself high in the mountains, in the den of a hybrid dragon. (Aurora is her name, he's learned how to talk with her. In a language similar yet different frok Parseltounge). They fell in love and soon had a son named Angel. He was sent to Hogwarts with all the knowledge Ethen could teach him, knowing two languages and his fathers potions book and heirloom of a Red Orb.
Other 3: This red orb would go on to be known as the Resurrection Stone.
Other 4: In the Maurders era, he is another one of the ones who helps Remus through his transformation. He gains the nickname 'Gradient' from the gradient of blue to white that his body shows when in his full dragon form.
Other 5: (I'm sorry I have too much information!) He suffers from a condition called Draco-Dysphoria. It's caused by his hybrid DNA, since most hybrid dragons are purebreeds. This condition causes him to transform into a full dragon figure from sunsets of a half moon night and lasts until sunrise of the next day. (Half moons occur about once every two weeks.) In order for him to remain in a human-like state, he has to drink a potion named Drago Trixit (Or just Trixit if you don't have a lot of time). It acts similarly to Remus's Wolfsbane in the way that it doesn't completely undo all of the effects of that night but at least keeps him in a human form.
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llilyrevans · 8 years
A Couples Thing.
who hogs the duvet Lily hogs the Duvet because she likes to snuggle under them like a nest. This also results in her sometimes using Severus as a bed as he pulls her and the blankets close to him. She is hopelessly tangled up in them at times like this.  She NEVER minds.
•who texts/rings to check how their day is going Both do, They send each other small texts all through the day just to keep in touch, just to let the other know they are thinking of each other. They also write notes and slip them into each others pockets. Its a nice thing when your having a bad day to find a little boost of love and affection from your husband or wife.
•who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts Both, Lily likes each of her gifts to be personalized and Severus is amazing at themed gifts, like their jars. Which he decorated for her in a woodland theme. Lily doodles things on books she gives to him as a way of personalization. Severus has done the same.
•who gets up first in the morning This varies between them, they often are up together at 3am for tea if one or the other can not sleep.  Early riser anyways due to school. It is really a toss up.
•who suggests new things in bed It's discussed or pretty much spontaneous they both trust one another.  So it is all about adaption and rolling with it. Which makes it all the more fun.
•who cries at movies Lily, especially recently since she's pregnant, her hormones get the better of her. She isn't allowed to watch Animal Plant because it made her bawl like a baby, and worried Severus who came home to her sobbing in a cushion about mercats.
•who gives unprompted massages Lily particularly when Severus has had a very trying day, she will have him rest in her lap and than give his temples a massage and rub his scalp and the back of his head to his neck. This usually results in a sleepy potion master and the two nap on the couch. Severus, has also been known to do this for Lily. Catching up her feet to rub when she's had a long day on them, or more recently when her ankles swell.
•who fusses over the other when they’re sick Both, Severus more so because he is a worrier, Lily will just do things for him. Severus will make her rest, bring her food, get her potions to help with the sick and fret over her until she's better. Lily is little better, but she has a nervous energy and just wants to hold him through the worst of it.
•who gets jealous easiest What are we Five ?   Severus has never given Lily a reason to be jealous and there both a little possessive, so no not really either of them.
•who has the most embarrassing taste in music Lily, she loves muggle 80's bands XD
•who collects something unusual Lily collects shiny things, children and animals... Severus collects potion bottles,  rare books on potion making and dark arts. So is any of that unusual ?
•who takes the longest to get ready Lily, since she sometimes drags or more recently needs a little help getting herself completely dressed. Severus can in a quick and tidy fashion be ready in like eight to ten minutes. He is a marvel to Lily.
•who is the most tidy and organized Both are neat and tidy, they do not like a messy house.
•who gets most excited about the holidays LILY she is a bundle of energy and she loves to decorate for the holidays. She puts something up for ever holiday, even Valentines day though she has no love for pink.
•who is the big spoon/little spoon Severus is always the big spoon he's 6'1 and Lily is 5'4 so she is almost always the little spoon. She tries but its likely hilarious to see.
•who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports Severus, Lily stands back and watchs the compition over Quidditch when it gets heated she is most certainly not as competitive. She is happy if she wins, happy if she looses for the time she got to spend playing.
•who starts the most arguments Err...there arguments are never those things that are started on purpose, they just happen if a joke goes wrong. Or something is taken the wrong way. Lily sometimes sticks her foot in her mouth and Severus has his times when he's negative.  So really its just a case of circumstances.
•who suggests that they buy a pet Buy, what is this buy ? -lol- Lily loves animals and they love her she'd have a zoo if allowed.  To hear Severus talk. All of her pets Severus has actually gotten for her since her return. She has a tea dragon (Lipton), and a porcupine- stab rabbit (Athos) they are all Lily really needs right now. Though she has a whole clutch of rabbits on the property that was rescued from a petting zoo.
•what couple traditions they have When it comes to traditions they like to be around each other, both have been alone and prefer one anothers company. They read together on the couch, they shower or bathe together 0r one bathes while the other reads to them. They cuddle on the couch and watch movies to sleep too. The first one up in the morning makes the other breakfast. Kisses are always given in the morning and before bed. Never go to bed angry. The hold hands when they are out shopping, its not really tradition it just happens.  They decorate together for Christmas, they dance in the kitchen or living room you know little things.
•what tv shows they watch together usually something old movies like arsenic and lace,  classic horror, current horror, House MD really what ever the other wants to see.
•what other couple they hang out with Do Draco & Harry count ?
•how they spend time together as a couple reading potion making love making watching movies baking/cooking dates out to window shop, shop or just see what's new. experimenting with magic Share food. Dance cuddles... lots of things. •who made the first move It was a joint thing it just happened.
•who brings flowers home Severus brings Lily flowers, or candy or just little things because he is thinking of her, there doesn't need to be a special reason. Lily does the same for him at school.
•who is the best cook Lily, though she has been teaching Severus how to cook and he makes the most amazing espresso cup cakes ever.
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