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gutterclan · 1 year ago
Moon Eleven - Highdark
Sedgeclan has no deputy!
Snowstreak has a disagreement with Harebolt over kits. Pinekit goes missing for a few days, but returns.
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Cats mentioned: Snowstreak - 108 moons - Warrior Worm - 39 - Medicine Cat Pinekit - 5 - Kit Coniferstar - 31 - Leader Harebolt - 109 - Medicine Cat
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Harebolt wakes in slow degrees.
Cats talk, low, in the camp outside her den. Their voices rise and fall, half-audible under the sounds of wind, and distant waves; the nighttime calling of the owls.
Wormturn is saying, “Boss took him, I know he did–” And Harebolt comes all-the-way awake with a jolt.
She pushes her way out of the medicine den. All of the other cats of Sedgeclan- even the kittens- are already awake.
“If it was,” Coniferstar says, “then we can find him. We’re not so few, now. We’ll–”
“Find who?” Snowstreak, Coniferstar, and Wormturn all turn to face her. Harebolt resists the inexplicable urge to blanch. “Not– Boss?”
“Pinekit,” Wormturn says, distraught.
“Pine–” Harebolt’s eyes snap to the kittens.
Oh. Not– everyone in the clan is here without her. Three of Wormturn’s kits– speckled Saltkit, ginger Murekit, and pale, broad-shouldered Timberkit- are huddled, blinking, just outside the nursery.
But the darkest ginger kitten– the little tom, with bright, rich amber eyes…
Harebolt’s hackles bristle. “What would Boss want with a kitten?”
“A kit,” Snowstreak corrects, softly, and Wormturn says,
“They’re his,” her voice a low and wretched thing.
Harebolt stares at her. “You’re—”
“What’s important,” Coniferstar says, his voice cutting and clear, “is finding our missing kit. Wormturn can explain the situation after he’s home. Safe.”
Harebolt dips her head. Of course— he’s right.
“We’ll have one warrior with each group— Snowstreak, you take Wormturn. Go south.” Coniferstar looks at Harebolt. “You and I will head north. Our groups will sweep towards each other to the east. I can't imagine he’s gone up the cliffs.”
Snowstreak straightens, importantly. “Yes, Coniferstar.” She glances to Wormturn. 
Wormturn, after a moment, nods. She fixes her gaze on her kittens. “Saltkit. Timberkit, Murekit. Babies— stay in camp. Promise you'll stay here until we’re back.”
“I want to help.” Murekit’s voice is still a high, kittenish treble, though he’s starting to look like a real cat; lanky with recent growth. “Ma—”
“No.” Coniferstar shakes his head, firm. “This is one of the rules that comes with being a clan cat. You will stay in camp- safe- and let the Warriors handle their duties.” His tone brooks no argument.
Murekit ducks his head, with a quick, “yes, Coniferstar,” and herds his littermates back towards the nursery.
Coniferstar nods. “Quickly, now,” he says. 
And all the cats of Sedgeclan scatter out, into the dark, to search for their missing kit.
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Snowstreak hops lightly down the rocky slope. Her paws are tougher, these days, with daily patrolling; Wormturn minces her steps, a little, following, though doesn’t make any noise of complaint.
“We’ll find him,” Snowstreak says, encouragingly. “I know it’s all still… new, for you, but–”
“No–” Wormturn lifts her head, sniffing at the wind. “I know. I just hope we don’t find Boss with him.”
Snowstreak eyes her, as the molly picks up her feet again, trotting purposefully for the border. The wind ruffles up her ginger fur, a fiery mane bristling, for just a moment, up around her face. 
“He’s… their father?” Snowstreak ventures. “I knew him. I mean– we did. Me and Harebolt. I never…”
“You wouldn’t have seen me. I wasn't in his… group. Just— he. Ah, visited me. On the side” There is a brief, unpleasant pause. “But I knew about you two. Streak, right? He was– angry. When you left.”
That bare statement hangs, heavy, between them. He was angry.
Yes. He would have been angry. He was an angry cat; it's why she and Harebolt had left, all those moons ago.
Snowstreak looks at Wormturn. Her breath mists in the cold, drawing up a fog between them.
“I… know how he was,” she says, after a moment. “When he was angry. My leg— that was him.”
Wormturn looks, as if by reflex, at the nasty scar just-visible through Snowstreak’s Highdark coat. “I thought so. I’d— heard he killed you. It’s why I wasn’t sure.” She looks away again, scanning the dark, empty land. “That’s when I left— when you… well, not died. But. I didn't want to raise the little ones around someone like that.”
Snowstreak nods, a warmth kindling in her chest, despite the bitter cold. “You won't have to.” She veers sideways, bumping Wormturn’s shoulder with her own. “We’ll find Pinekit. This— I think this is what being in a clan is all about.”
Wormturn swallows, but her shoulders square. “Right,” she says, and picks up the pace.
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Harebolt pauses by a desiccated, woody trunk; the spine of some old shrub, flayed bare by the season. She sniffs around the base, carefully, but detects no kitten-scent over the sterile, frigid winter air.
She looks up at Coniferstar; shakes her head.
He huffs, and leads them wordlessly further north, his easy lope eating up the distance.
In the bleak, colourless expanse of the winter tundra, his black coat shines with undertones of blues, rich-dark like raven’s wings.
Harebolt looks away, straining her eyes out into the night, instead. “Boss's cats come out this way, sometimes,” she says, recognizing the place. “But they mostly went south in— uh, Highdark. Like birds.”
“Yes,” Coniferstar says. “This is the place where they attacked Snowstreak, is it not? If they have taken Pinekit—”
“Snowstreak told you that?”
“No,” Coniferstar says, and then— hesitates, just briefly. “That is— I saw it.”
Harebolt stops, dead, turning to stare at him.
Conifer stops, too, after a pace, seeming to realise she’s not following. 
“You saw us? Fighting? And you didn't—”
And Snowstreak had so nearly died. Could have been saved so much pain. Harebolt smells, strong as if it’s there before her, the rotting stink of the infected wound. “You—”
“No!” Is Coniferstar’s tail slightly bushed? “Harebolt— of course not. Starclan showed me. That— it's how I knew to find you. I've told you this.”
Coniferstar makes to start walking again– Harebolt doesn’t.
“Coniferstar,” she says.
He looks at her– really looks. His eyes, that glacial blue, cut into hers.
“Starclan. What– when they talk to you. What’s it like.” She sees, in some hazy space between memory and life, a big, black tomcat, looking on them sadly, in the dark.
Coniferstar tilts his head. “I don’t think now is really the time.”
“Please,” Harebolt says– and hears, a voice from moons ago, Rookpaw say, he’s lying to you. 
There is a pause; the winter night is still, and dark, around them, silver-wide.
“Have you seen something?” Coniferstar’s voice is very soft. His pupils are huge and black, ringed by hair-thin iris; so bright it’s nearly white, in the light of the full moon. 
Harebolt tries to read the expression on his face. “I don’t know.”
There is another little silence. 
Coniferstar says, “Then… Starclan cats. They look just as they did in life. Sometimes with stars, caught in their pelts. But– Harebolt–”
“He was after you,” Harebolt blurts. “I did see him. I– Rookpaw. He said–”
“But,” Coniferstars voice rises, drowning hers. “Not all the cats we see are good. There– Starclan is not the only territory, after life.”
On the point of interrupting him, Harebolt’s mouth snaps shut again. “What?”
“You…” Coniferstar sighs. “Perhaps I should have told you earlier. I hadn’t realised… that the Dark Forest may be trying to reach you.” “The Dark Forest,” Harebolt echoes. “How– what? How do you know–”
“You don’t.” Coniferstar shakes his head. “You can never know, for certain.” The energy comes back into his eyes; as if he’s hit upon a good idea. The fur on his tail smooths down, again; his shoulders relax. “But if you have another vision– come to me. We can make sense of it, together. Puzzle out what’s true, and… what isn’t.”
“–of course,” Harebolt says, unease turning in her stomach.
“Good.” Coniferstar sighs, as if with relief, and bumps his head against hers. “I’m very glad you told me about this. I would hate– oh, Harebolt, above all things I would hate if the Dark Forest twisted your mind, because I failed to warn you of them.”
“Me too,” Harebolt says, glad he’s too close to read her face. “If– I was getting lied to. I wouldn't like that, either.”
Coniferstar pulls back, at last, eyes glowing. “I’m glad,” he says, again, and shakes himself. “Let’s find Pinekit. I’m sure that together, we won’t have any trouble.”
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Snowstreak swivels, at Wormturn’s voice— loud, in the still dawn.
Their search has stretched on very long, the sky shading into hazy, muddy greys; a fog rising as the earth begins to warm.
It’s hard to make out much, in the mist; the uncertain light.
Except the trees, beyond their southern border; dark outlines, looming.
And a small, flame-bright shape, growing larger as it weaves between the trunks.
“Mama!” The shape calls, voice high.
“Pinekit!” Wormturn takes a step towards him— Snowstreak stops her, bodily.
“We don't go south,” she says. Where they touch, she can feel Wormturn trembling. “It’s— forbidden, Wormturn. It’s not allowed.”
And anyway, Pinekit is still moving towards them, faster the closer he gets, as if the sight of his mother is lending him new strength.
Wormturn doesn’t try to move, again, but strains towards him, leaning forward on her paws. Her eyes are hungry, watching him.
His shape resolves out of the mist just moments before he barrels into Wormturn’s chest, gangly with adolescence— but his pelt, fluffed up in alarm, looking soft as a kit’s.
“Mama,” he says, again.
Snowstreak steps back, giving the two space.
Wormturn licks the top of her kit’s head, her eyes squeezing shut with joy. A purr rumbles in her chest. “Pinekit,” she says, achingly soft. “Are you okay, baby? Is your papa around? He didn’t hurt you?”
Pinekit shakes his head; his amber eyes shine huge; confused. “Why would papa be here?”
Wormturn looks down at him. “Pinekit– why else would you leave camp? He didn’t come to get you?”
“No, mama. I just…” he looks back, towards the dark woods, looming through the fog. “I couldn't sleep, was all, and the others are always sleeping, all the time, and I thought—”
“Kits aren't allowed to leave the camp,” Snowstreak says. She follows Pinekit’s gaze, back south towards the forest.
Trees make black cutouts in the fog; the startling line where they begin, like fur bristling up beside a nasty scar. Forbidden territory. 
The others say something; Snowstreak doesn’t quite hear them, somehow.
She shuts her eyes. In the dark space inside her head, she sees a young, black tom; hardly older than Pinekit, now. He’s splayed out, in her memory, beside the thunderpath. A snowflake, drifting, melts on his glassy, open eye; he does not blink to clear it.
Young, and dead, when she and Coniferstar find him, on his aborted crossing from the south. Frost glitters on his pooling blood. His body lies mangled– twisted, like a piece of prey toyed with by a kittypet. His mouth is open, red– his teeth are bared. He–
“Snowstreak?” Wormturn says.
Snowstreak shakes herself, the memory falling away; an unease lingering, prickly, in her pawpads. “Yes. I’m sorry. We’ll–” She looks up, at the trees again. “Coniferstar will want to know, though. Where he was.”
And so he does.
When they return to camp, the story spilling out from Pinepaw’s mouth, unwary, Coniferstar ducks his head.
“The southern territories,” he says, softly.
His small clan is gathered all around him; the kits are drooping, with exhaustion, but perk up to listen to him speak.
Coniferstar hesitates, and then leaps up onto a tumbled, flat-topped boulder in the centre of their camp. As he jumps, the wind catches him, ruffling his fur where it howls above the stone walls all around them.
“Cats of Sedgeclan.” His voice is grave. “Gather near. Today, we have faced a trial, and through the perseverance of our clanmates- and the will of Starclan- we have come through unscathed. Snowstreak, Wormturn– I commend you, for returning Pinekit to our camp.”
Snowstreak straightens, a warmth kindling in her chest; like she’s swallowed down a hot, fresh piece of prey. 
“But,” her leader carries on, “Our good news, this morning, comes with ill. Pinekit– is it true you ventured past the southern boundary?”
Pinekit steps forward; a red and shining little scrap, in the bleak grey morning. He looks up at their leader. Nods, mutely.
Coniferstar sighs. “And you know-” he lifts his head, to survey his gathered clan. “You all know- that the southern territory is forbidden.”
“Coniferstar–” Wormturn steps forward, brushing Snowstreak’s shoulder as she passes. “He’s young. And new to this. He didn’t–”
Coniferstar raises his tail; Wormturn falls silent. 
There is a pause; the whole camp seems to hold its breath.
“I understand.” He dips his head; sadness in his bright, winter eyes. “But the south… the dangers there. They are of greater weight than any one cat. Even a brave, young kit of Sedgeclan.”
He blinks at Pinekit, warm. The young cat straightens, chin lifting.
Coniferstar goes on; “I have learned, today, of something very grave. Harebolt told me of a vision. Harebolt?”
Snowstreak turns, surprised. She didn’t mention it to me. But of course– of course she would go to Coniferstar first. Of course; that’s right, and good. 
But Harebolt looks stricken; her pelt, that dappled grey and gold, lifts, slowly, as if blown by some private wind. “–Yes,” she says, “But…”
“It’s alright.” Coniferstar looks at her, steadily; straight on. Snowstreak’s pelt prickles– a tight, sour sort of feeling in her stomach, like she’s watching her mother fuss over another kit. Strange. “Tell us, Harebolt. You aren’t in any trouble.”
Harebolt looks around; meets Snowstreak’s eyes, for a moment, through the crowd of other cats, all staring at her. Snowstreak nods, encouraging.
Harebolt holds her gaze, as she speaks; as if talking only to Snowstreak. “Yeah,” she says. “Alright. It was just. A cat. He said he was looking for Coniferstar.” A beat; Harebolt’s lovely, familiar blue eyes bore into Snowstreak’s. “He– said he was lying. Coniferstar, I think. The kits weren’t here yet, so. I don’t know what other he it could have been.”
“Well, of course he isn’t lying!” Snowstreak looks up to Coniferstar. “Of course you aren’t.”
He nods to her, blinking gratitude. “No. But there are forces which would like you to believe I am.” His eyes lift from Snowstreak’s- a cold loss, which she tries not to feel- to rake the entire clan. “Forces from the south. If I’m right– the cat we found, on the southern border, is the same who visited Harebolt. Dark forces– from the Dark Forest.”
Snowstreak, uncertain, looks around– the other cats look as lost as she does. 
Except for Harebolt. She seems to shrink, inside her pelt, watching Coniferstar speak.
Coniferstar shuts his eyes, as if saying something difficult. “I am sorry. Wormturn– Pinekit. You are brave clanmates– good cats. But the safety of the clan must come before any one cat. If there’s any chance young Pinekit has been… touched, by the Dark Forest…”
“Coniferstar!” Harebolt’s pelt is bristling, now; on all four paws, she glares up at their leader. “He’s a kit! What are you going to do? For this? He wasn’t–”
Coniferstar doesn’t reply right away. He looks–
He looks at Snowstreak. There is a light of expectation, in his eye.
She swallows, understanding. Turns, to meet Harebolt’s eyes. She has to handle this. “I think– Coniferstar is right. Our– the clan has to come first.”
Harebolt’s eyes widen; a flash of hurt, in them, that Snowstreak thinks only she could notice. But it clears, swiftly. Her tail lashes. “Wouldn’t Boss say that? The gang comes first. We could’ve been safe with them, but–”
“Coniferstar is not like Boss!” Snowstreak shoots to her paws, outraged. “How could you say that? He would never– Wormturn! You know!”
The ginger molly startles, being called on. She looks at Snowstreak, and then up at Coniferstar. Swallows, once or twice. “I– Boss wouldn’t have taken the kits in. Or Snowstreak. When you were hurt.” She nods at Snowstreak, blinking. “But–”
“But he’s your kit,” Harebolt interjects. “And he didn’t know. What– what’s even the risk, here, that he’s… possessed? And then what are you gonna do? Coniferstar?” She turns her blazing eyes up at him. “Kill him? Exile him? A kit? In winter like this?”
“Highdark,” Snowstreak corrects, automatically.
Harebolt turns to look at her; hurt and shock and disgust all twisting up her face. “Right now?” Her voice is a whisper– but in the dead, icy silence of the camp, it falls, like a stone from a very great height, and seems almost to echo.
There is a long, long pause.
Snowstreak and Harebolt look at one another, across the camp. Harebolt’s pelt settles flat, by slow degrees. Her eyes are wide, and almost glow, as the sun at last breaks over the horizon. Snowstreak hears herself breathing, in the quiet. The distance, across their small camp clearing, feels suddenly very great.
Finally- finally- Coniferstar speaks. “Possession is precisely what I’m concerned about. Corruption. Infiltration. The dark influences that dwell in the south- and the Dark Forest- can creep into any cat. And it only takes one, to bring the whole clan down around our ears.”
Wormturn makes a small and wounded noise. Presses close to Pinekit- wide-eyed and silent, in the midst of all this tumult.
“But,” Coniferstar nods to Harebolt. “I am not so monstrous as that. And after all– your kits, Wormturn, were born in Highsun, were they not? Who can be surprised, that the corruption of the warmth, and sun, touches more easily their minds? We cannot blame any cat, for the circumstances of their birth.”
There is a little pause; and then Wormturn starts, seeming to realise Coniferstar is waiting on an answer. “Yes,” she says. “In the longest days. I wouldn’t have run, if– it not. But I thought we could survive. It was warm. And there was prey.”
“Prudent of you.” Coniferstar nods. “I am glad, to have a cat so thoughtful in our clan. And not unsensible– it would be hard indeed, for a kit to survive with the days as dark as this. We are closest to Starclan, in this time of long nights– but that doesn’t put prey in young mouths.”
Wormturn nods. Relaxes, a little, where she sits still pressed into her kit’s shoulder. “He won’t leave again, Coniferstar– you won’t, Pinekit.”
He shakes his head, mutely.
Coniferstar sighs. “He might. No matter what he says. I am sorry to say it– the risk of corruption still threatens Sedgeclan. I propose– an exile deferred. Let Pinekit train with us, until he earns his warrior name. Until he knows to hunt, and fight, as well as any clan cat might. Only then will he be asked to leave.”
Wormturn takes a sharp breath in; Snowstreak looks at her.
The rest of the clan does, too. After a beat– she dips her head, her eyes screwed tight with pain. “Thank you, Coniferstar.”
And maybe only Snowstreak hears it; a low noise. A note of disbelief. 
Harebolt, sitting all alone across the clearing. Saying, softly, “Thank you?”
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pheyphem · 1 month ago
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ignoring the obvious. is anyone else really fucking intrigued/confused by this room
it is so STARKLY different from the rest of the phouse like it has fuzzy padded brown walls?? like they have a reason for every design choice in the phouse so why did they go with fuzzy brown walls in here and here only (it seems)??/?
drop your ideas below
#only semi-explanations i can think of are:#1. it isn't their house and it just so happens that they took multiple photos that they then posted in the same non-phouse location#(likely family's house if this is the case cause when else would they be this relaxed at someone else's house/whatever other place lol)#2. this is one of the “secret safe rooms” dan alluded to in.. A Video i honestly don't remember where lol pls if someone knows tell me#(i do know that phil also showed a secret door in i think one of his “answering questions i'd normally avoid” vids? or a tiktok i forgor)#and for those curious: first pic is from 9:46 dan's bday livestream and the second one is 10:45 wdapteo 4#and in case it matters (dk why it would but just a fact i learned while retrieving these images):#for the first image afaik we don't know the day it was taken but we can safely assume it was taken before nov 27 2023#cause that's when the catboy photos were posted & this image came up right before that one when phil was showing off the yearly dan pics#so sometime between june 12 & nov 27 2023 (since phil would've started collecting new pics of dan after his birthday had passed)#and then the second image would've been sometime between feb 21 and 27 2024#because the last text that has a date that we see before this one is from the 21st#and then the texts we see immediately after that are from when dan was doing wad in frankfurt which according to phandom wiki was feb 27th#which gives me the idea that it's proooobably not my first theory?#since why would they be at family's house at such random times of the year#ANYWAY that's all from me please drop your thoughts i'm curious to hear#forgive me if we've already had a moment like this and figured it out and i'm just late to the party. but theorizing fun so idc#dnp#phan#amazingphil#daniel howell#phandom#me post#photo
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art-from-the-juice-box · 8 months ago
gen loss dump part 2 :]
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i have a gen loss playlist so the last two was me hitting randomize and drawing a pic based on the song before it finished. the second one technically isn’t that cause charlie’s inferno isn’t on apple music cause they hate me so it’s way more of the song out of spite because they wouldn’t give it to me.
#spotify is prolly better (definitely is for finding playlists i use spotify to find playlists still and then add those songs to my own lmao#but dad pays for a family apple music subscription and free music streaming is infinitely better then paying for my own spotify#also my wound reference i feel like i let him off easy from the seven foot tall wire security monster#but idk this was drawn a year ago idk what i was doing#like i agree w the vest just being REALLLL bad bruising and internal stuff but i feel like he had wayyyy more open area besides that to get#fucked up besides just his arms#but i guess since the wire monster also got turned off by the button since it didn’t immediately go at ranboo next then maybe that’s still#reasonable idk#generation loss#generation loss fanart#ranboo fanart#continuing my not spamming tags trend so even though i bc puls have tagged all three of them im not gonna#still posting this primarily for me and for everyone else second#OH THE OUTFITS ARE FROM MY PIN BOARDS#I MAKE OUTFIT BOARDS FOR EVERYTHING ITS SO FUN#LIKE EVERY FANDOM IVE POSTED HERE HAS ONE#ITS BAD#and then irl i wear sweats and t shirt lmao#i found mouse trap game board earrings#i spend too much time on those finding highly specific bullshit#the jrwi one is especially cringe cause i have a different section for all of the what ifs#and that shit lasted one (1) episode#also the full color drawing i’m so >:| about it#i need to practice coloring sooooo badly but i always get frustrated w it#i need to slow tf down idk#but thats also from nearly a year ago so
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creative-hanyou-girl · 1 year ago
Kagome: InuYasha.
InuYasha: Hm?
Kagome: I don't like that you don't have a last name.
InuYasha: Excuse me?
Kagome: You have no last name. It sucks!
InuYasha: Well what's wrong with that?
Kagome: It doesn't suit you. You deserve a last name.
Kagome: You should get a last name.
InuYasha: Get one??? And to what???
Kagome: Higurashi. *walks away*
InuYasha *flustered*: D-did you just-!
InuYasha: ARE YOU GIGGLING!!!???
And that's how InuYasha became InuYasha Higurashi (and married Kagome)
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azaracyy · 6 months ago
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haikaveh week 2024 day 1: student days
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roscoehamiltons · 1 year ago
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LHFW 2024 graphics: Bahrain Grand Prix
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beepbeepdespair · 10 months ago
*laying my agnes and alice cosplays out on the bed* mamma mia, here we go again
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milimeters-morales · 3 months ago
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beginning of my spider-man horde :] this is all still so unreal to me
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shittywriterbrain · 1 year ago
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starryluminary · 6 months ago
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Ooohhhhh my god. Oohh mmmyyyyggoododdsdddooodddd
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libertykinney · 2 months ago
my constant battle when writing fic is trying to overcome the urge to send every single word I write in real time to anyone who will listen.... bestie leave some things to be revealed
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camellcat · 2 years ago
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dunno if it really fits them but the thought won't leave my brain so here's a doodle
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keeps-ache · 3 months ago
guess who's computer is going back to the shop again! 👉 this guy 👈
#just me hi#it may not have been my fault this time but nobody is sure lmaoo#the last time was an accident but yea on me. the first time wasn't even me that was my brother (accident)#it just shut down on me and she won't turn back on so. 4 more months of warranty coming through for me lolll#mostly unhappy abt my wips likely going to on pause for 1+ months and/or the ones i didn't have backed up getting wiped :(#and i was really happy with this thing i was writing recently.. bloooo#oh well. things happen lmfshf#/ouhrrrr my wipssssssssss [<- laying on the ground face down]#tryna just focus on my minecraft worlds that are abt to get nuked for the Second ✌️ time#cuz the level of devastation that's gonna cause is not even close to equal. dude it's gonna explode forever lmfshf#My Stufffffffffffff [<- started thinking about it]#not my stuff mannnnnnnnn#i don't collect stuff or enjoy trinkets very much but ik i'm particular abt keeping my files intact for the unpredictable future and Brothe#at least last time the damn thing turned on so i could back stuff up. Not this time! big screw you to keeps this time. which is fair tbqh#//anyway yea phone era is back guys lmaooo#might post some traditional doodles from the past year i never got around to doing anything with. who knows !!#ik there's for sure stuff i like i just don't rember where it is. or what it is. Kfshdhs#anyway phone autocorrect is killing me. what if i Like typing in lowercase huh! huh !!#//lol but yeah i'm gonna scoot :)#gotta have breakfast n i might be calling a guy for a job later so 👍#big things! breakfast Is such a chore hfbshf#okay toodles!!! toodles !!! [waving my hankie]
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mqonlighting · 1 year ago
real talk in the tags for a second because i have a crush on a girl and i. a hehe. ahehehe.
will be burying this in reblogs and never touching on it again
#so random disclaimer this girl is like a year older than me and in high school it’s like a nono for older and younger batch to like be#a thing so i know i generally have no chance but i like to live in my own insanity and the progression of my crush on her has been absolute#ly cuckoo bananas. so like it started out as ‘i wanna be your friend’ and progressed into ‘shit they’re really pretty’ to ‘wow ur so??’ to#‘fuck i like them’ and then it died down and then by all golly it came back but more of a hallway crush now which is bearable bc i’m#not really a part of their life?? like we know each other but we don’t wave and shit and we don’t like ever interact that much so i was lik#ok this is fine bc they literally never think of me so i’m just admiring from afar. and the FIRST inciting incident was i request them onig#and i expect to not get accepted because according to their friends they onyl accept close friends and i’m like k this is a bad idea probs#but the worst that could happen is i get left in their follow requests right?? RIGHT?? but then within like two hours of reqing. lord.#i got. ACCEPTED. and they requested back. and suddenly it’s +1 tangibility like ok?? maybe we’re not as strangers as i thought we were#i later discovered i was not that special for this but also?? cool?? anyways for a while it kind of laid dead and we never spoke at all eve#tho i was in their acc now (at this time they barely posted but whenever they did it was so?? funny like they would slap the randomest shit#on that acc) and it was still a hallway crush altho my friends r awful (/pos) people who would always make me pass their hallway and i#would run into them so often but at this point we only ever like exchanged glances and they would walk right past me like i wasnt even ther#but THEN the second incident happened which was basically we had to play instruments for this christmas event thing and bc they’re literall#y amazing they played for it and i was roped into it and. i was so gay the whole time. bc who wears a leather jacket to school and gets the#prettiest haircut ever right on the last day before a long break?? and the worst part is whenevr something confusing happened they would#turn to me and this one other person and we’d b laughing together. like we r friends. and they’re so fucking nice they were checking up on#us the whole time i was literally dying i kept dropping my pick and stealing looks AURURUGH and they’re so gen funny and interesting i just#and the first few days of holiday break i just couldn’t stop thinking abt them it was so bad? like that was the moment where i was genuinel#like is this more than a hallway crush… eventually it died back down until the next event we had to play together where they were being SO#SO much more comf w me? like exchanging knowing looks when smt funny happens and that stuff.. at this point i didnt even know what to like#think of my crush on them so i just let it be yk. atp they’re not even waving at me in the hallways at all still so maybe they’re just bein#nice! BUT NO. THAT IS UNTIL I AUDITIONED FOR A BAND (theyr in charge of accepting) AND THEY ACCEPTED ME WHICH COOL BUT LIKE A DAY LATER I#HEARD FROM OUR MUTUAL FRIEND THAT THEY SAID ‘yeaa im so happy i got (my name)’ AS IN IN THE BAND. LIKE. HELLO?? HI U THIUGHT ABT ME?? and#during the first band mtg where everyone’s all awk they kept making eye contact w me and asking if i was good and making sure i got to say#smt before anyone made a decision and it. murdered. me. i’m sorry maybe it’s the fanfic writer in me or this shit is literally nothing and#think they’re just nice to everyone but who cares bc it means they’re nice to ME too. and then last week happened. which was like the nail#in the coffin. INTERACTION ACTIVITY. I IMPULSIVELY ASK IF THEY WANNA B GROUPMATES AND THEY SAY YES. THEY ONLY TALK TO ME AND THEIR FRIENDS.#I ACT STUPID. THEY ALUGH AND TOUCH MY SHOULDER. I ASK ABT THEIR CAMERA AND THEY GO ON A LONG-ISH (cute) RANT ABT SMTH. THEY ASK WHY I HAVE#BIG ASS STACK OF POST ITS. WE TALK. THEY LAUGH AT MY JOKES. SUDDENLY. THEY SAY A FULL HELLO IN THE HALLS. THEY WAVE AT ME A DAY LATER. FUCK
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dailykillermoth · 2 years ago
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BATMAN #63 (1951)
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hirookouji · 2 years ago
i cant believe miragen playing basketball on an olympic team together isnt canon im actually gonna be sick
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