empirearchives · 4 months
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Portrait of Maria Mirska, Barbara Szumska and Adam Napoleon Mirski
Jan Rustem (Armenian, 1762-1835), c. 1808, Napoleonic era
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songs-of-the-east · 1 year
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Crimean Tatars Turkic Muslims of Crimea and the Ukrainian Steppes - Rustem Eminov 
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magnificentlyreused · 14 days
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This pyjama was first worn by Şehzade Mehmed in the twelth episode of the third season of Magnificent Century. It appeared again in the thirty-sixth episode of the same season, this time on Rüstem Pasha. The pyjama was worn again by Şehzade Bayezid in the twenty-fourth episode of the fourth season.
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 8 months
lol did anyone see the magnificent century most stable couple youtube poll from a few hours ago? nurbanu and selim having only 8% is a joke especially when the other couples on the list are ibrahim and hatice, suleiman and hürrem, and rustem and mihrimah.......
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Jan Rustem (Armenian, 1762 - 1835) Active in territories of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Portret Marii Mirskiej, Barbary Szumskiej i Adama Napoleona Mirskiego, ca. 1808
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It really proves what a privileged life Ibrahim had. He was given this education, treated like more than a slave, and then allowed to marry into the royal family, as well as become Grand Vizier.
Rather than sympathize with other people brought as slaves, he views himself as above them because nothing told him otherwise.
There are two scenes that stick out to me.
1. Hurrem buying the area around the slave market to help others taken like herself.
2. Rustem helping the young girl and taking her into his household before his marriage to Mihrimah.
They felt compelled to use their position to help others while Ibrahim did not.
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awkward-sultana · 9 months
Every time I see Rustem reach out to touch Mihrimah
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alicentsultana · 4 months
Were Rustem and Hürrem the predecessor of Criston and Alicent? 🤔
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julyzaa · 7 months
why is everything blamed on the evil adviser/ambitious wife/concubine these characters have not considered the person may be fucking dumb
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unhonestlymirror · 11 months
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Biografy of Jonas Rustemas really resembles the biography of his famous student, Taras Shevchenko.
Jonas Rustemas (in Turkish - Jan Rustem) lost his parents from early childhood and, being an orphan, fell into slavery in Konstantinopol. His mother was French, and his father was Armenian. At the age of ten, Rustemas was bought out of slavery by the famous general Adam Kazimierz Czartoryski, who was impressed by the boy's good command of the French language and drawing skills. In 1774, Czartoryski left Constantinople for Lviv (in some sources, Pulau) and took little Jonas there. In this city, J.Rustemas started his education.
Most of his life Jonas spent in Lithuania. In 1820, Jonas Rustemas organized the first art exhibition in Lithuania, where the works of art of his students were shown.
Jonas Rustemas was the founder of the Lithuanian National Art School and the professor of Vilnius University. He retired in 1826 but continued to lecture until his death (1835), which occurred near the city of Dūkštas (Lithuania).
He painted mythological and religious compositions, domestic scenes and landscapes. However, he became popular mostly for painting nobility. Almost all of his works have disappeared.
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redxluna · 1 year
The comment section has swung away from it's typical odd ball attacks against Hürrem to levy them against Mahidevran instead. It's already bad enough to have to cringe past all the comments of "Mahidevil" or "Mahisnake", but now there's someone trying to claim that Mahidevran writing a letter to Ibrahim for aid is "proof that she can't do anything by herself".
Which...uh...we're really just going to ignore that every harem based woman gathered a power base to aid them in their plans, huh?
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nesiacha · 7 months
Rustem is so creepy against Mihrimah. He threatens to poison himself if she doesn't give in to him on the wedding day, never took her feelings into account when he wanted to marry her and then in the end is surprised that she doesn't love him and he blame her in the end. Rustem never loved her . There is no love without respecting the feelings of the other person. Otherwise it's only an obsession just like Atike did with Silahtar when she forced the marriage on him (even if it was Murad who ordered it to take place and who is just as much to blame as Atike).
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magnificentlyreused · 6 months
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This matching pyjama and dressing gown set was first worn by Şehzade Mustafa in the twenty-second episode of the second season of Magnificent Century. The pyjama is worn again by Şehzade Mehmed in the final episode of the third season.
The set appeared again three times in the fourth season, first on Şehzade Cihangir in the fifteenth episode, then on Şehzade Selim (later Sultan Selim II) in the twenty-third episode and lastly on Rüstem Paşa in the twenty-seventh episode.
The set can also be briefly seen on Sultan Osman II in the twenty-eighth episode of the first season of Magnificent Century: Kösem.
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channeledhistory · 1 month
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liberte-news · 2 months
Ukrajina má další korvetu. Její spuštění viděla i první dáma
Jedná se o druhou válečnou loď této třídy sestavenou v tureckých loděnicích pro Ukrajinu ...
UKRAJINA – Ukrajinská první dáma Olena Zelenská a ministr obrany Rustem Umerov se zúčastnili slavnostního spuštění korvety třídy Hetman Ivan Vyhovskyi Ada, která se staví v loděnici STM pro ukrajinské námořnictvo. Informuje o tom Ukrinform s odkazem na prohlášení Oleny Zelenské na X. “Zvláštní den pro celou Ukrajinu – start výkonné korvety Hetman Ivan Vygovsky, druhého typu Ada, vyráběné v…
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Nope! Not into this. Right out of the gate, they want Rustem as evil, and if Rustem is evil, what is Hurrem for trusting him? Clearly Hurrem's men would all be schemes.
Why can't Rustem just be good at his job?
We're in s3 now. All character complexity is just gone.
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