#Richard Lewis Needs A Hug
thecovenwars · 2 years
The God Of Magic
Ársa was the very first sidhe, made from the root of an Elder Tree and born with a spark of creation, he was one of the few chosen creatures able to create life. He helped populate the world by creating powerful races that would one day be known as the sidhe, they lived reviered by human kind. Walking along side them, and giving their aid to those who gained their favor, Ársa believed he had done his maker proud. But even the best laid plans can go awry, Ársa didn’t know the pride and greed of human kind, and what they would do for power.
There was a faction of seven men and women who craved the power of their neighbors, to this end, they made a fatal error. Together they schemed to kill a shide and drink her blood, in hopes that from her blood her power would become theirs. Their wish was granted, but with it a curse was born, the men were given eternal life, but with it they were cursed with an insatiable thirst, as their power was born from the spilling of divine blood, to maintain their eteral life they had to spill the blood of their fellow man, and drink from their bodies. These would become the first vampires. Some of those cursed tried to resist the bloodlust only to find that ignoring the thirst ebbed away at their humanity, slowly tuning them into creatures of instinct, who only knew to kill, feed, and spread. Rabidly, the vampiric plague began to overwhelm humanity.
Horrified by what he had created, Ársa turned to the archangels for help, pleading with them and their maker to save mankind from his folly. Until the maker gave him a solution, he would sacrifice his spark of creation, distribute it across the world so that new creatures would be born with powers that could resist the curse that had been unleashed and save mankind. In exchange, Ársa would no longer have the gift of creation he had been given. Seeing no other alternative, he accepted this deal and his gift was distributed across the earth, giving rise to a race of humans with extrordenary powers, some to see the future, others could walk through fire and never burn. Together this new race could fight back the plague of vampires and restore a relative peace to the world. But once again humaity’s hubris destroyed that too.
The gift of magic caused fear and distrust among humanity, they began to call these gifted people witches, called them an affront to nature and sought to destroy them. At the same time the gifted had begun to separate into groups called covens and were fighting amongst themselves for dominion of magic, these wars decimated the world and the gifted population dwindled. Ársa was heartbroken, he considered destroying the gift entirely and all who carried it would cease to be, and yet he couldn’t, as to him they were his, his children. Instead of destroying them Ársa hid among them, in his many forms he helped to rebuild what was lost, and to give them a new name, practitioners. Today, nobody knows where Ársa is, some say he’s still among mankind, watching after his beloved creations, others say he no long exists, but to this day his gift lives on. The gift of magic.
Richard closed the old tome and looked up at the one toothed hermit, “So… it’s a curse then?  Can it be undone?”
“Who can say, little one.”
“Magic is creation… that means it should be able to do anything, right?!”
“Even creation has its limits, child, even the ancient one couldn’t cure vampirism.”
“I can’t just leave my brother like that, there’s got to be a way. Please, can I borrow this? Maybe there’s some sort of clue in here that can help me save my brother!”
“Take it, I hope you find what you’re looking for”
Richard smiled and bowed respectfully before running back into the tunnel, the one toothed man followed him to the edge of the darkness and smiled, “maybe, just maybe. He could be just what my children need.”
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whoops-im-obsessed · 1 month
Everything I remember from mischief movie night last night!!
Last night (13/8/24) was 'In-Tents Love' a rom-com set in a summer camp for troubled youths featuring a Parisian anime scene. Because.. of course.
Henry Lewis Oscar!! Bro was having so much fun with this, he was just grinning at his castmates the whole time
Cast was Shields, Josh, Niall, Bryony, Susan and Ellie!
Started with someone suggesting Hull as a location which got a round of applause and Henry Lewis to say 'we never should have written that fucking line'
Whole cast were very scared by the anime suggestion
The movie started with a song which started with Niall singing 'IM TROUBLED' and everyone sung about what they'd done to end up here and that there's gonna be troubleeee for me! And troubleeee for you!
Shout out to the late comers in the front row who got pointed at and told there would be trouble for them
Niall (Bobby) hugs things so hard they die
Bryony (Mary Sue) sets stuff on fire and lives alone in a tent
Josh (Tommy) I actually don't remember
Susan (Sue?? Was referred mostly to as mystery girl) seemed to be there for no reason
And Ellie (token Penelope) stole 1000 bees
Shields (Richard) was in charge of the camp
After the song Bobby and Tommy had a conversation and it was implied that they would be the love interests until it was revealed that Bobby killed Tommy's dog by hugging it too hard, still were potential love interests until Bobby said 'how's dad?' And Oscar had to call a pause and yell 'THEYRE BROTHERS'
The other characters are getting to know each other by the river, Mary Sue sets a fire and Mystery girl (who maybe had a name by now idk) doesn't know what it is and kept touching it (fire admirably played by Niall and the blue cloth)
Its revealed that Penelope has a crush on Tommy! The others tell her she needs to go for it. She decides she's gonna give him a dead bee.
It is revealed in this scene that mystery girl is here for a reason and its actually because she has loads of underage sex
Cue Josh joined quickly by Shields and Niall chanting 'sex~' while doing a camp little dance
Cut to a directors (Josh) interview where he was asked why he decided to have 3 grown men chanting sex in the back of this scene and he said he went to an all boys boarding school and that's just what they did there. He was promptly arrested.
The girls sing a song about the birds and the bees which turned into a sing along chorus where we all had to go 'what about beeees? What about beeees? What about bees? And Birds!'
Bobby and Tommy are about to have a breakthrough and say they love eachother when Penelope goes along and interrupts the brotherly bonding by giving Tommy a dead bee on a piece of string as a ring. He is disgusted and then into it and they go on a date.
Bobby is heartbroken bc he has a crush on Penelope and Richard gives him some advice - you miss all the shots you don't take. During this they were playing basketball and Richard was very good and didn't let anyone else have a turn. When Bobby did have a turn he missed.
It turns out Richard read Bobby's diary to learn about his crush and the Parisian anime scene is him trying to find it - cue Shields doing dramatic moves and a strong French accent trying to find 'La Diary!!!' When he found it, it granted him 'POWER'
The bee was apparently 'Einstein's bee' and when asked to explain, the director said he sneezed on the keyboard and kept it in, he was then asked where the bodies were.
The next scene started with Tommy doing an odd ballet dance which Oscar promptly paused
Tommy and Penelope were on their date on a boat, during the set up for this scene Bryony whacked Ellie in the head with a walking stick (oops)
Penelope only knows how to row in circles
The two talk and Penelope is too eager, telling Tommy she loves him, he doesn't like this and jumps off the boat and swims away. Penelope gets stuck going in circles.
Cut to Bobby and Mary Sue having a nice chat, they decide to be friends and sing a song about how amazing it is to be friends! This is interrupted by Tommy who asks Mary Sue on a date and Bobby is broken hearted a second time
Neither Josh nor Susan remembered Mary Sue's name and tried several ways to get around it, interrupted by Oscar, until they ended up saying she had 'Marie energy'
Mary Sue and Tommy go on a fishing date where Mary Sue throws rocks into the river to kill the fish. Tommy says how much he likes her and She doesn't like it and runs away.
Penelope is distraught and goes to Richard for advice, she's upset that everyone is pairing off and she doesn't have anyone. There's an interlude where Richard is met by Lord Gerald who runs all of the summer camps and wanted to check up on him. It seems there may be something there until the police arrive questioning Richard's intentions - Oscar interrupts this so it doesn't descend into madness and the scene continues with Gerald repeating Richard's name several times, as up until this point he didn't have one.
When Gerald leaves, Penelope is upset because Richard was supposed to be giving her advice! He gives her the same advice as he gave Bobby and its a sweet scene until she eats the bee and spits it back out. She takes a shot with the basketball and also misses.
The girls meet up by the river again and agree that boys are bad. The mystery girl introduces the concept of lesbianism and Mary Sue has a bit of a realisation - this looks like it might turn into another song until Bobby interrupts to say Tommy is hanging off the balcony
Tommy is upset and claims the balcony is his safe space - everyone agrees this is not a very safe space actually.
They try to calm him down and Bobby eventually tells Tommy he loves him, they get Tommy down and they have a hug, which doesn't kill anything this time.
Its revealed that Richard has actually been reading everyone's diaries and was trying to get them all to have sex the whole time. He learns about the concept of familial love and decides to turn himself in
The kids decide they aren't gonna go back to their horrible home lives and that they're just gonna stay at camp actually, they learn they can choose their own family and its very sweet
It ends with a song about the birds and the bees again, which goes 'the birds and the bees, the bees and the bees! What ever you please at summer camp!'
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the-fallen-stones · 3 months
I am bad at hiding. If you are my friend, you might recognize me. For that, I apologize.
You may call me anything you like. I enjoy and encourage nicknames. But if you need a name, Mica works.
If you would like me to write something for you, you can request it, and I will if I can. It may not be immediately. But I will try.
A warning, my descriptions can sometimes be graphic, or a little violent. It is usually metaphorical, though, don't worry.
I like both storm and calm. Chaos and comfort. I enjoy things that invoke thought, or creativity. I love hugs, snuggles, animals (especially dragons and cats), tea, fiction, and poetry.
Please do not bring up politics here. It's not that I don't care. But I've anguished myself enough over them and honestly, I need a break.
Never assume hostility! It was probably an accident. My tone comes across weird sometimes.
#storm's eye - things that strike me, and I'd like to come back to.
#mica speaks - anything original, by me.
#mica reblogs - empty reblogs.
#mica elaborates - reblogs that are not empty.
#mica rambles - I have rambled.
#mica rhymes - my poetry.
#mika doodles - my art.
#mika's music - my favorite songs.
#mica recites - my favorite poems or stories.
#mika inquires - I ask questions.
#mika responds - I answer questions.
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Credit for the image goes to @poetryforall.
My wonderful mutuals:
@kimu-dem - Keeper of comfort.
@thatrando13 - The wanderer.
@carrotsinnovember - A gentle friend.
@hersurvival - Blanket fort against thunder and snowstorms.
@caustic-splines - Writer of old love letters.
@randomshowerpoems - The wise wordsmith.
@literaryvein - The bright storm outside.
These titles can always change, as I know you better. If you'd like me to use a different one I certainly can.
Some of my favorite songs are;
One Day You Will Fly Too, by Aimee Carty,
Come Along, Does the Swallow Dream of Flying?, Egg and Soldiers, Pelicans We, Half Past Three, Run, and Linger Longer, by Cosmo Sheldrake,
Glow in the Dark by Vian Izak,
Rush of Life, My Neighbor's Car Alarm, Desire, and Rain, by Tony Ann. (Classical.)
Experience, Fly, and Eros, by Ludovico Einaudi. (Classical.)
Ilomilo by Billie Eilish,
Two, Sun, Eight, and Light by Sleeping at Last,
Big Black Car and San Luis by Gregory Alan Isakov,
Passing Through by Kaden MacKay,
The Mountain Song, Be Nobody, and Better is the End, by TopHouse,
Changing Days, Irish Eyes, I Can Never Give my Heart, and Rocket, by Rose Betts,
The Sound of Silence, by Simon and Garfunkel,
Walking in the Air, Time, Orinoco Flow, and Carol of the Bells, by Libera,
And many more.
Some of my favorite poems are;
Tug'o'War of Heartstrings, The Night Sky, Together, With a Window Between, A Heavy Wait/Weight, A Veil Not Yet There, Sharks in a Zoo, A Faustian Deal, Denial, The Voice of a Loved One, Explosions, Tribute to the Ocean, The Vast Expanse of the Ocean, Nurturing, Stalagmites in my Brain, and How Can I Put Those Boxes Away? by The Shower Poet,
Fire and Ice, and Walking by Woods on a Snowy Evening, by Robert Frost,
The Sunshine Kid, Paper People, and 59, by Harry Baker,
The Spider, by Robert P. Tristam Coffin,
Run With You, by Atlas,
A Litany, by Gregory Orr,
Landscape with a Blur of Conquerors, and Details of the Woods, by Richard Silken.
And many more.
Some of my favorite books are;
The Chronicles of Narnia, by C. S. Lewis,
Breadcrumbs, by Anne Ursu,
Ella Minnow Pea, by Mark Dunn,
Holes, Wayside School, Small Steps, and There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom, by Lois Sachar.
Hoot, Scat, Flush, and Chomp, by Carl Hiaasen.
Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, Starry River of the Sky, and When the Sea Turned to Silver, by Grace Lin.
And oh, so very many more.
Poems I have written;
Teach Me, Silent Serenade, Space Can Die, Weak Resolve, Boundaries Drawn, The Candle, Vacuum, One Pace, Adventure With Me, Stagnant, Workaholic, Sirens Can Cry, Dreamt of Loss, The Chalkboard, Shush, and many more to come.
Once was a girl, who would talk to herself. Stories, tales, thoughts in passing, of the past, future, of the sky and leaves, wind and breeze, of storm and calm. She longed to speak in a cadence. One to soothe. To heal. Doesn't everyone want that, to heal? To be somebody to someone, to have a voice like an anchor, eyes like a vice, that soften, that go warm like a bird's shelter?
Storm seeks calm. Calm seeks storm. They find a balance. But never, never do they stay still. She couldn't stay still. Her mind was a hurricane. And sometimes a breeze, sometimes a song to put you at ease, and sometimes, tight, coiled like a spring.
The calm wasn't who she was. Nor was she as much of the storm as she thought she was. Dear, she was a fire. She'd dim, and grow brighter. Her voice would get high when excited, she'd smile. Her embers couldn't rest. She'd smoulder. Then big stewing pots would bubble over. She'd speak in paragraphs, eyes like beacons, stumbling over words and not always making sense...
But it was beautiful. She loved, she loved deeply. She wanted to be loved, too. And she was. But when the smoke gets high, water and frost meeting that bright smile all too many times, it blurs out the hands, hearts, the words reaching, seeking...
She was silenced. Of course, the embers still burned. But the very things she stifled were the things she was beloved for. And she couldn't hear them.
But slowly, wet wood dries, my dear. You can't always cry. Time passes by. Wounds heal, scars fade, even when clouds pass over the stars. She was stronger than that.
She learned again to love. And though she had times she couldn't muster the songs, the words, the strength to hold on so tight, she began to heal.
Please, my dear, have patience. She is still healing.
Burnout is a dangerous thing. If you are stuck it never eases, never ceases. And things that brought you peace are no less, then, but grievous. It feels like Sisyphus himself is in charge of pulling you out of that rut. My dear, he can't.
The world moves so fast... I can't help but be dizzy. The facts and the future, like stones, whizzing, past my head, I bustle, I catch them, I'm busy...
The earth turns fast but not as fast as my head. Live, die. Fireflies. On my deathbed. I crave a rest, but I get anger instead. For injustice, for fury, the memories I shed...
Give my hands to the stars, fire for every digit. They fall from the sky when in darkness I fidget. Tear through the clouds, but then cry when I can't fix it. My brain is a void and...
I just.
Bridge it.
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maddieladner1999 · 1 year
Hsmtmts s4 e5 thoughts
Ok I know from promo pic we’re getting EJ yay!
Ricky is looking for EJ omg
Richard Bowen! Elton John! I love the name usage
There already doing the musical? That was fast
Kourtneys mom is so supportive!
EJ is an RA? I guess he’s paying his dues somehow since he’s cutoff
Acapella group? Love that
Birkenstocks EJ really?
Miss jenn called EJ I should’ve known
Ginas trying to find time to be in the musical
I really hate the G-Force nickname
“No is a complete sentence” yas girl quote the olsens
Ok so there filming all the scenes in a day?
Ooh it’s duet time for caswen
Throwing in some piano too? This is perfect
There so close to each other. I need them to kiss
Kourtney might be interested in Lewis collage after all
This montage of scenes is looking good
Quinn is posting to insta? That may not be good
Big red is back!
Big red is the one who seb cheated with? What?
It’s time for a chat between EJ and Ricky finally
I knew it’d be about existential problems
“We were at a Harry styles movie” lol
Bi origin story I like that
Ashlyn is coming out to big red now how cute
They did have a great breakup
Miss jenn and Carlos watching sad movies together is something I didn’t know I needed
Harper definitely helped out Kourtney with the school thing.
Ginas mom watched them today? Fun!
Is anyone showing up for rehearsal?
Oh no now Carlos knows it was big red and he’s still upset
Ashlyn is calling Maddox but Madison answered
Ricky and EJ had dinner together cute
Tough love time go EJ
An EJ and Ricky hug yes!
He’s giving Ricky a guitar?
Gina’s mom likes Mack more than Ricky
Kourtneys praying for college and a choir group comes in?
It’s giving the break up episode of glee right now
Ricky was bringing chocolates to Gina then saw Mack there no.
And he called EJ after omg the development
She told her mom it’s ok!
Second chance instrumental in the background?
No the musicals cancelled?
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ao3feed-janefoster · 2 years
The Marvel Age
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/nxMwBH1
by Lichking101
After the fantastic and incredible reception of, "The Amazing Fantasy," Series, I would like to present five, canon short stories set before the series' events! Each explores the various corners of the Marvel Universe, showing the uncanny realities of living with superpowers. Each showing mighty battles between gods and mutants in astonishing locals. I present to you all the humble beginnings of the Marvel Age!
Words: 38677, Chapters: 3/5, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel (Comics), Iron Man (Comics), The Incredible Hulk (Comics), Ant-Man (Comics), X-Men (Comicverse), Fantastic Four (Comicverse), Thor (Comics), Iron Man (Movies), Hulk Vs. (Movies), X-Men Evolution, X-Men (Ultimateverse), Fantastic Four (Ultimateverse), Thor (Ultimateverse), Norse Mythology - Neil Gaiman, Norse Religion & Lore
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Hulk (Marvel), Hank Pym, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Reed Richards, Thor (Marvel), Pepper Potts, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Betty Ross, Rick Jones, Thaddeus Ross, Janet Van Dyne, Charles Xavier, Ben Grimm, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Johnny Storm, Alicia Masters, Victor von Doom, Jane Foster (Marvel), Darcy Lewis, Erik Selvig
Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Hulk/Betty Ross, Hank Pym/Janet Van Dyne, Jean Grey/Scott Summers, Reed Richards/Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Jane Foster/Thor, Bobby Drake/Rogue
Additional Tags: BAMF Tony Stark, Alcoholic Tony Stark, Hulk Talks (Marvel), Hulk Smash (Marvel), Hulk Feels (Marvel), BAMF Hulk (Marvel), Bruce Banner Needs a Hug, Bruce Banner Has Issues, Bipolar Hank Pym, Hank and Janet being a good couple for once, Well at least trying, BAMF Charles Xavier, Honestly Charles What Are You Thinking, Charles Xavier Wants to Help, BAMF Scott Summers, Awkward Hank McCoy, Dork Hank McCoy, BAMF Ororo Munroe, Cool Bobby Drake, Goth Rogue (Marvel), Warren Worthington III has a Trust Fund, All Mutants need a hug, Scientist Reed Richards, Ben Grimm Needs a Hug, Johnny Storm is a little shit, BAMF Susan Storm, Amnesiac Thor, Bad Parent Odin (Marvel), Accurate Norse Myth in Marvel Comics, Post-Ragnarok
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/nxMwBH1
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ourmiraclealigner · 4 years
Easy Co. Reacts to you crying.
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Gif not mine! Credit to owner.
A/N: I know this has been done a lot, but I wanted to add my own spin on it! If you want to see a part two with everyone I didn’t do, let me know!
warnings: none
taglist: @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @mavysnavy @ivy-miranda-2390 @ya-yeeteth @rayofshanshine @primusk @punkgeekchic @joesliebgott @weirdbiwitch @inglourious-imagines @wexhappyxfew @vintagelavenderskies @easy-company-tradition @meteora-fc @order-of-river-phoenix @immrsronaldspeirs @teenmagazines @contrabandhothead @hazsxos
Richard Winters:
- Unlike many of the others, Richard is not surprised when you break down.
- He’s very observant, so he’s noticed how much you’d been overworking yourself throughout the week.
- “Oh honey.” He mumbles as soon as he notices the tears running down your cheeks, his long arm wrapping around your shoulders and pulling you into his side.
- He gives you a few minutes to cry, occasionally kissing your temple as you sob into his shoulder.
- Once you’ve calmed down, he lets you wipe your face and blow your nose as he gets water, his eyes on you the whole time.
- “Talk to me, what's bothering you?” He asks as he sits down, slipping the glass into your hand.
- He listens carefully, only chiming in with small words of reassurance when it’s necessary.
Lewis Nixon:
- Surprisingly, Lewis is extremely comforting.
- He’s not a stranger to sadness, so when he sees the tears streaming down your flushed cheeks, he’s quick to react.
- “What happened?” He asks, words rushed as he pulls you into his chest, his fingers tangling themselves in your hair.
- He keeps pressing kisses to the top of your head, heart pounding as his mind wanders to all of the possibilities of what could have made you upset.
- But he’s careful to not push you, knowing how frustrating that can be.
- “I wish I could take away all of your pain.” He mumbles as he wipes his thumb over your cheek bone, leaning his head down to press a gentle and loving kiss to your lips.
- “Do you want to talk about it?” He asks gently, intertwining your fingers as he leads you somewhere where you can sit.
Ron Speirs:
- While Ron doesn’t show his own emotions very often, he’s not extremely uncomfortable when you’re emotional around him.
- He gets angry. Not with you, but with himself.
- He feels like he isn’t doing enough, in the moment and in your relationship.
- “I’m sorry you’re feeling like this sweetheart.” He mumbles, hand stroking your hair as he keeps you nuzzled into his shoulder. “What can I do to make you feel better?”
- He’s at a loss, frozen as you crumble in his arms.
- Pressing a kiss to your cheek before wrapping his arms tighter around you, he feels his chest tighten as your cries fill the room.
- “Just hold me.” You choke out, immediately following it with a sniffle.
- He does just that, not letting you out of his sight for the rest of the night.
Eugene Roe:
- Eugene grew up with sisters and a very caring grandmother, so he’s been through this before.
- He’s sensitive and in tune with your emotions, so he’s careful to not overstep any boundaries and lets you come to him.
- When you do, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you flush against his chest, his warmth surrounding you.
- “You’re doing too much love.” He says, words muffled as he presses a kiss to your head. “You’re exhausted.”
- He rubs your back, drawing small patterns on your skin as you start to calm down.
- He pulls away, large hands rubbing your arms as he looks at you.
- “Let’s get you to bed mon chéri.”
George Luz:
- George is extremely frazzled when you start crying.
- He looks at you for a few seconds, eyes wide as you move to cover your face with your hands.
- “Oh no baby, don’t do that.” He mumbles as he rushes over to you, gently tugging at your wrists.
- “You don’t have to hide from me.” He almost whines, thumbs working to catch all of your tears and wipe them away.
- He’s stressed, eyebrows furrowed with concern as his mind reels, trying to think of ways to make you crack a smile.
- “Even crying, you’re still so beautiful.” He mumbles, brushing a piece of hair away from your face.
- He smiles when you do, pulling you into a tight hug and nuzzling into your shoulder.
- “Tell me what’s got you down baby.”
Joe Liebgott:
- Joe is easily the most frazzled out of everyone.
- He has no idea what to do as you break in front of him, chest tight as his feet stay glued to the floor.
- “I-“ He starts, but quickly cuts himself off as you take a step closer to him.
- He expects you to yell and push him away, like he does to you.
- But when you softly say ‘I need you’. He’s in front of you in seconds, arms wrapped around your waist as his lips press against your temple.
- “I’m here.” He mumbles, eyes closing as he leans his head against yours. “I’m here sweetheart.”
- He’s by your side for the rest of the night, wanting to make sure you don’t feel alone.
Don Malarkey:
- Don is easily the most empathic.
- He feels what you feel. You cry? He’s going to tear up as he holds you.
- “Oh honey.” He mumbles, tears pricking his eyes as you sob into his chest. “You’re breaking my heart.”
- He doesn’t say it to make you feel guilty, he wants you to know he feels your pain.
- “I’m always here for you, you know that right?” He asks, sniffling as he pulls away to look down at you.
- When you nod, he presses his lips against yours, leaning his head against your forehead when you pull away.
- “I’m sorry you had a bad day. I wish I could make it better.”
Chuck Grant:
- Chuck is the worst at hiding his surprise.
- He shows every emotion he's feeling on his face, so you can tell exactly how lost he is.
- “Oh no, don’t cry angel, don’t cry.” He coos, arms open as he walks over to you.
- Once you’re in his arms, he feels a lot calmer, relaxing into the fact that you’re with him.
- He pulls away for a brief second, peppering kisses onto your face until your laugh cuts him off.
- “There it is.” He mumbles proudly, arms locked around your waist as you stand there.
- “Let’s get you to bed.” He presses a chaste kiss to your lips before gently taking your hand in his.
Floyd Talbert:
- Floyd tries to act calm on the outside, but on the inside, he’s a mess.
- He’s scrambling, trying to say anything and everything to make you feel better.
- “Don’t cry baby, it’s going to work itself out.” He practically begs, hands running up and down your sides as he keeps his eyes on yours.
- “I promise, everything is going to be okay. I don’t want you to feel like this.”
- But after a few minutes he calms down, realizing it’s best to just let you cry it out.
- When you’re done, he pulls away, cheeks flushed as he presses a light kiss to the tip of your nose.
- “Do you need anything? Water? A tissue?”
Shifty Powers:
- Shifty has a hard time seeing you upset.
- You’re both usually so happy, so he knows something must be really wrong for you to be this upset.
- Without a second thought he’s pulling you against him, pressing light kisses against your shoulder as you shake beneath him.
- “I’ve got you love. Let it out.” He softly coaxes, trying his best to make you comfortable.
- He doesn’t pry, wanting you to be comfortable enough to open up about what’s bothering you.
- When you do, he listens without judgement, carefully thinking about every word you say.
- He doesn’t speak, wanting you to get all of your thoughts out, knowing how good it feels to get something off your chest.
- “I’m real sorry you felt that way today, that’s the worst feeling..”
Bill Guarnere:
- Like Eugene, Bill grew up with lots of women around him, so he’s no stranger to crying.
- He doesn’t hesitate, his buff arm around your shoulder in seconds, lips pressed against your forehead.
- He doesn’t force you to speak, and when you try, he cuts you off.
- “Hey, it’s alright. You don’t have to say anything right now. Just try to calm down.” He reassurances, pulling you tighter into his side.
- When you’ve calmed down, he gently takes your hands in his, forcing you to look at him.
- “Tell me what got you so worked up doll.”
- He listens for as long as it takes, nodding every once and in a while to show you he’s still listening.
Joe Toye:
- Like Ron, Joe is angry, but in a different way.
- As he holds you against his chest, he’s silently seething in anger, already plotting his revenge against the person that upset his baby this much.
- Of course, he’ll never end up doing anything but, in the moment, it makes him feel better.
- He holds you, hands running up and down your spine as he stays quiet.
- He only holds you, knowing that that is more helpful than anything he could say.
- And Joe knows he’s not the best with words.
- He’s afraid to say the wrong thing, worried he would make you feel worse.
- “Let’s go lay down for awhile, okay?”
Babe Heffron
- Babe looks like a lost puppy when you first start to cry.
- He’s frazzled, but treats you like how you treat him when he’s upset.
- “Oh sweetheart.” He clicks his tongue, hands immediately tugging at the fabric of whatever you’re wearing to pull you into him.
- “Lay down with me.” He says softly, brushing a piece of hair away from your face. “That always makes you feel better.”
- He slips into bed behind you, nuzzling into your neck as he holds you tightly against his chest.
- “I don’t like seeing you that upset darling.” He mumbles, words muffled by your skin.
- He forces himself awake, not allowing himself to sleep until he knows you’re peacefully sleeping in his arms.
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contrabandhothead · 4 years
Hi! I have a request for Band of Brothers. How Easy company would treat the reader when this person is sick. I hope this works! I love everything you have written, thank you!
in sickness and health - band of brothers
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this man smothers you with attention
he’s waiting on you hand and foot every single second of the day, and he does not care if he gets sick
he’s literally so sweet, even though he still tries to kiss you
like Buck, no, it’s probably contagious
holds your hand while you wait for the medic
tells the medic all of your symptoms for you while you sleep on his shoulder
he actually learned how to cook just so he could make you some food when you got the flu once
he tells you he needs you to get better so he can take you out on dates and spoil you Buck, we’re in the middle of a war
he acts like he doesn’t spoil you already
will beat your ass if you’re not in bed
don’t even try to resist him taking care of you, he will not be having it
actually super soft as long as you don’t fight him about taking some time off the line
chews people out for being too loud while you’re trying to sleep
brings all of your meals to your room and eats with you, making sure you finish every part of your meal
he’s quite careful not to get sick though
don’t ever try and deny that you’re sick, seriously
“fine? FINE? baby, i just saw you throw up.”
constantly checks your forehead to make sure you’re not burning up
he has a lot of siblings, he knows what he’s doing
i feel like he’s less aggressive about it than some of the other men, but he’s gonna tell you you’re dumb for getting sick at least 2 times
he genuinely tries to be super sweet when you’re not feeling well, so give him a break
cooks you lots of his mom’s family recipes (how’d he find the ingredients?? we don’t know how, but he did)
you’re gonna eat every meal he makes you or you’re gonna get force-fed
carries you everywhere, even if you don’t ask him to
he loves to pet your head until you fall asleep
expect lots of sleepy cuddles
definitely contracts whatever you had, so expect to get a whiny Bill that wants you to take care of him
constantly has Roe checking on you, making sure that you’re getting better
will indeed rub your back while you throw up, and even hold your hair back if necessary
he’s constantly moping because he wants cuddles and kisses, but he knows he can’t have any until you’re not sick anymore
he’s surprisingly calm on the outside, but on the inside he’s panicking because he’s so worried
brings you tonssss of extra blankets that he collected from the other replacements
this man brings in the whole battalion to help you get better, he’s out here begging everyone for supplies
even though you’re sick, he’s still gonna hold your hand
sorry, but he needs at least a little affection
get ready to be absolutely smothered when you’re no longer sick
he’s not as aggressive about it as he would be if you got hurt, but expect lots of teasing
he’s gonna call you a dumbass at least once, okay?
will NOT leave you alone for a single SECOND
he’s worried that you’re gonna start throwing up when he leaves the room and then choke to death on your own vomit
gives you all of his food, even if you don’t want it
don’t try and act like you’re not sick, he will yell at you (he’s not playing around)
gets so frustrated with you when you won’t take your medicine, so he has to have Roe give it to you
he doesn’t like being super soft in front of the guys, but if you have the chills, he will not hesitate to cuddle you
he’ll literally let you get away with ANYTHING if you’re sick
like i’m not even joking, he’d literally let you use his shirt as a tissue if you needed to
yells at the guys to be quiet so that you can get more sleep
if a trooper isn’t whispering while you’re trying to sleep, no one will ever find that man’s body
LOTSSS of forehead kisses
will not let you do anything
not even if you bring up the time that he got a pneumonia (he just glares at you until you yield)
he makes sure that everyone treats you with extra caution, especially if it’s hard for you to walk
he gets soooo worried if you have a coughing fit
he just panics whenever it happens while rubbing your back and offering you water
lets you burrow into his chest while you rest
tries to make jokes so that he can help you feel better
i feel like George has absolutely no idea what the hell he’s doing
asks Roe a million questions about what he should do to help you
if this isn’t your first time being sick around him, then he’s already gonna have a set plan on how to help you get better
steals a lot of extra food for you, especially hershey bars
whines that he doesn’t get any kisses now that you’re sick
he thinks it’s his job to take care of you, so he feels really bad that there’s not much he can do
he does get supplies from replacements, but unlike Babe, he steals them
will kiss you regardless of if you’re contagious or not
now you have to take care of him while he whines and complains about how stuffy his nose is
he takes over your duties as well as his own just so that you get enough time to recover
brings lots of blankets, the softest ones he could find in the whole entire town
holds your hand a lotttt
he spoons you (which is rare because Don Malarkey = little spoon) when your sleep schedules match up, and he buries his head between your shoulders
omg if you have something bad like a pneumonia he’s literally so scared that you might die
like you wake up to him sobbing into your back, and when you turn around he just tells you to go back to sleep
but you just pull his face close, and tell him you aren’t going anywhere and that you’ll never leave him
he feels a lot better after that, and he does his best when taking care of you
he’s literally so happy once you’ve fully recovered that he picks you up and twirls you around
acts like he’s annoyed that you got sick, but he’s secretly very concerned
he makes some very passive aggressive comments at first, but once he realizes how awful you look, he feels really bad
starts treating you like a princess after that
he keeps you slightly isolated from the rest of the men, as he doesn’t want you to accidentally give them whatever you have
brings you anything you could ever need, you’ll never have to take a step out of bed
checking to make sure your fever is gone
he restrains himself from PDA during this time, so expect absolutely no kisses until you get better
he tells you that it’s your “punishment” for getting sick
if you tell him you’re sore or something aches, expect a massage
give him a kiss for all his efforts afterwards, you’ll see a rare smile cross his face
like George, he tells you jokes to help you get better
unlike George, however, he tells you shitty ones so that you’ll get better faster because absolutely no one wants to listen to them
not gonna lie to you, this little bastard is not very helpful
Malarkey and Penkala tell Roe about it once Skip finally realizes how bad your illness is getting
he feels really awful later on because he realizes if he told Eugene sooner then you wouldn’t be lying in bed, coughing your lungs out
spoils you after that because of how bad he feels
he won’t give you his own food, but he will steal extra meals for you
honestly he’s more mad that you’re sick than you are, he wants you to get better IMMEDIATELY
tells you about his day immediately after you’ve woken up from your nap
expect cuddles, kisses, hugs, and other physical affection he should not be giving you while you’re ill
literally offers you alcohol at the beginning of your sickness
the man can’t even take care of himself, how the hell is he gonna take care of you
asks Winters a lot of questions, to the point where it’s basically Richard taking care of you
it’s fine, they come as a pair
lets you sleep in his office while he does whatever he has to do
gives you his most expensive blanket to keep warm
is actually very worried even though he puts on quite the humorous facade
he just wants you to be okay
he eventually calms down though, he knows a virus wont take you away from him
not even a war or an entire ocean could, so what’s the flu gonna do?
he probably thinks you’re sick because you forgot to brush your teeth ONE TIME after you were drunk
germaphobe to the MAX
sorry, but you’re not gonna see this man until you are in 100% healthy condition
he feels bad about it, but he doesn’t want whatever you have
he doesn’t believe Doc when he says it’s not contagious, which is stupid because Roe is literally a MEDIC-
i’m not even joking, this man will literally have Luz deliver you the hershey bars he wanted to give you
he’s basically quarantined you and there’s nothing you can do about it
everyone’s like: .... bruh... isn’t this a little too far???
but he’s just like: i have no idea what you’re talking about
it’s fine, he makes it up to you by literally smothering you once you’re all better
practically waits on you hand and foot for an entire week
blows on your soup to cool it down before feeding it to you
he’s scared you’re gonna burn your tongue, then you’ll be sick AND have a burnt tongue
lets you clutch on to his hand when your chills get worse
probably thinks you’re dying, which just makes him FREAK OUT
brushes your hair off your face when your fever is running high
always has a wet washcloth to place on your forehead
lets you burrow into his coat after your fever goes away
he rests his head on top of yours when you’re bundled up in his coat
constantly taking your temperature, giving you more blankets, feeding you, making sure you stay hydrated, etc.
throws a hissy fit that you got sick because he needs you to take better care of yourself
not extremely touchy because he doesn’t want to catch whatever you have, which is like actually painful for him
constantly giving you tea & other hot beverages to drink
spoon feeds you because he doesn’t want you to lift a single finger
will tie you to the bed to make sure that you rest
don’t test him, he’s serious about your speedy recovery
“mon amour, you need to rest or else i won’t be able to give you kisses”
gentle giant
makes sure you’re eating lots of healthy food (or the healthiest you can get) & staying hydrated
does tasks like cleaning your bayonet and your gun so you can go to bed earlier
lots of forehead kisses when you wake up from sick naps
instructs all of the replacements on how to take care of you while he’s away
they’re actually very helpful and you treat them all like your kids
when Bull comes back and sees this, he thinks it’s adorable
but then he realizes that you’re sick and they might catch the same thing you have if they get to close
spends a lot of time shooing people out of your room
rubs your knuckles to lull you to sleep
oh god, he tries to act like it’s all good but he’s falling apart because you just look so fucking tired
SUPER SOFT with you
carries you to bed, even though you try to tell him you’re fine
steals a tonnnn of supplies for you, especially the finest quality cough drops he could find
whispers to you how much he cares about you when he thinks you’re asleep
spoiler alert: you’re not, but the stuff he says makes you feel so warm and fuzzy inside that you don’t want him to stop
thinks he has a superior immune system and that he won’t get sick, so it doesn’t matter if he kisses you or not
oh and he DEMANDS kisses even though you’re sick, he just can’t live without ‘em
he didn’t get sick, and you’re still bitter about it
he’s so doting, it’s the only time you’ll ever see him this soft
he’s so smug that you’re sick and he’s not
it’s genuinely annoying, but you get back at him by revoking his kisses because you’re sick
he is super bitter and will not talk to you for the first few days
around the third day, he’ll start to cave in, and he’ll be spending every waking moment at your side
it’s mostly him whining that you won’t give him any smooches, but he’s actually quite helpful when you ask him to get you things
finds only the BEST materials for his baby to get better
he will settle for nothing less
he has Trigger stay with you when he’s gone, just so that he knows you’re safe
when you’re finally better, he will not stop kissing you on the lips
the other men keep telling you two to get a room, but he genuinely does not care... he just tells them they’re all jealous
- [ JOE TOYE ]
the most surprisingly doting out of all the men
constantly asking you “are you okay? can i get you anything?”
will beat up anyone that tries to take your extra food or blankets
very wholesome, spoons you when you sleep
lots of neck and shoulder kisses because he cannot kiss you on the lips
constantly making sure you’re comfortable
not at all opposed to giving you piggyback rides so that you can get to places faster
plus, it’s a good opportunity for him to show off his muscles and strength to you
gives you all of his chocolate
kisses your nose because it’s red
tucks your blanket around you so that you are all cozy when you sleep
tries to dote on you as much as possible, but it’s very hard with his busy schedule sometimes
also lets you sleep in his office, you just have a big pile of blankets and pillows
no one else comes in there anyways so like... who cares?
does basic things that you don’t feel like doing (ex: brushing your hair) for you
assigns a paratrooper to look over you when he’s gone
it’s usually Tab, but sometimes it’s someone else
the only person he doesn’t assign is Nix, and that’s because Nix is a human train wreck
anyways, he wants lots of snuggles in your pile of blankets
i hate the way this turned out, but i’m not gonna beat myself up over it because i tried. i hope you liked this at least, sorry i’m a little slow with my requests right now. there’s a lot going on, but i’m trying my best. i should be posting a lot more in the next couple days! thank you for your patience and for your request 💕
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The Moment That Mattered (Donald Malarkey)
Requested by: @love-studying58
Summary: You, a soldier in Easy Company, are madly in love with Malarkey. The thing is, he knows how you feel about him but he's having a really hard time.
Prompts: 4 - I'm here. You can talk to me or not talk to me but I'm here. & 22 - I look at you and I just love you and it terrifies me. It terrifies me what I would do for you. & 61 - It's 2 in the morning. Why are you still up?
Author's Note: Thank you a lot for requesting this! I really enjoyed writing that. Feel free to send more.
Taglist: @alienoresimagines @floydtab @eugenesmorphine @real-fans @meteora-fc @not-john-watsons-blog @band-of-brothers-cz @tealaquinn @ok-roemanov @mrseasycompany @punkgeekchic @wexhappyxfew @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant
"They say that war is hell, but, darling, true hell begins when the battle ends and you're the only one whose hands still drip red." - j.s.
Hagaenau, 1945
It was a cold chilly evening and Richard Winters, the best leader Easy Company had ever had, just left the basement concerned about his men, and one woman actually, because Colonel Sink wanted another patrol and risking the lives of his soldiers again for some German prisoners just seemed unnecessary and stupid.
So here they were, each of them drowning in their own thoughts feeling nothing but relief when Lewis Nixon announced that there won't be another patrol, unofficially of course. Officially the patrol took place but they were unable to capture any more Germans and returned without anybody.
This guaranteed them after the long inhuman fighting in the Ardennes a full night sleep. Not in a freezing cold foxhole with bullets and death flying over their heads, but in beds, proper beds, and with a roof above them. It almost seemed surreal to have such a luxury.
But despite all these circumstances, Y/N wasn't able to force herself to sleep and rest her exhausted body. Every time she closed her eyes, she was on the front line again witnessing the horror and agony.
She sat at the edge of her bed looking around - Bill was snoring on the other side of the room, Liebgott kept on fidgeting with himself and Eugene's nose was still red from the cold even though he was curled in blankets from head to toe.
Y/N stood up with her blanket in her hands and carefully placed it over the tired medic. She stared at the calm face for some time and wondered how much life and death it'd seen so far. Y/N fought the urge to caress his cheek gently to wake Eugene up and tell him how grateful she, and every Easy Company soldier, is to have him here.
Y/N crept out of the quiet room, walked up the stairs and sat on the roof of the house. The weather was cold but she couldn't care less. The Moon was shining like the previous night and she had this strange feeling that Winters probably saved some lives thanks to his sensible decision.
"It's 2 in the morning. Why are you still up?" a shaky voice spoke up behind her.
"Probably the same reason why you are, Malarkey." Y/N chuckled as Donald made himself comfortable next to her. He had his now typical green beanie on along with the army jacket, a cigarette hanging from his lips.
Y/N could tell what's going on in his head by just a brief look at his facial expression. He endured a heavy loss during the Ardennes offensive and both of them knew that neither of them will ever be the same again.
"I know it's hard, Don. I just want you to know I'm here. You can talk to me or not talk to me but I'm here." Y/N whispered looking directly at the broken man in front of her with so much care and love. 
Malarkey sighed taking a long drag from his cigarette, "That means a lot. Thanks."
She noticed how his hands were shaking, his eyes began to water and the way he was looking somewhere in the distance had so much sadness and anxiety in it that it hurt her.
"I-i just miss t-them." Malarkey sobbed, his voice broke at the end of the sad sentence.
Y/N moved closer to his torn apart body and pulled him for a tight hug. She knew he needed to be held so he wouldn't absolutely break.
"We all do, Don. It's gonna be okay." she tried to reassure him while stroking his back but somewhere in the back of their minds they knew it's not true. Not even time can heal the loss of two best friends who's best years were yet to happen.
Donald rested his head on her shoulder snuggling into her side. Y/N didn't have an idea how long they stayed like this - could have been minutes, hours as well as years.
"I'm never gonna leave you," she whispered placing a gentle kiss on the top of his head, "we have each other, Don and that's enough. We can make it out together."
Malarkey straightened himself as he looked deeply into her eyes. He didn't said anything for some time, he just stared at her in pure admiration. This was it. And this was her.
"I-i love you, Y/N," Malarkey blurted out suddenly, probably not even aware of the fact that he said it out loud, "I look at you and I just love you. And it terrifies me. It terrifies me what I would do for you."
Y/N wasn't quite sure if she's hearing right for a moment. She fell in love with this guy the second she laid her eyes on him in Toccoa in 1942. They'd spent the most significant years of their lives side by side. They learnt how to trust the other one completely, relying on each other without a question became their everyday routine. Y/N glanced at the soldier in front of her and she knew that this was it. This was him.
"I love you too, Don," she smiled as her cheeks heated up, "but I'm pretty sure you already know that."
And Malarkey laughed, genuiely laughed for the first time in a decade. This woman here saved his life.
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gyll-yee-haw · 4 years
Lost on you
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Reader x Sebastian Stan / Reader x Jake Gyllenhaal smut/angst
Hey, guess who’s back! (Hope y’all won’t hate me for this...) Buuut I had this idea and I really liked how it turned out, so I decided to share!
Prompt: You’re Jake’s girl, but you’re slowly falling in love with your co-star Sebastian. ALSO: this was inspired by “Lost on you” by Lewis Capaldi! Warnings: Little mention of age gap, smut in the end, but mentions of it in other parts too... and maybe a little sadness? Maybe a lot... Like 5k words... hope from the bottom of my heart that you like it, I’m kinda anxious lol
Everyday I'm a slave to the heartache And you're wasting away every night I don't wanna leave you lonely But I've run out of love this time You know that I adore you Though I couldn't give enough Hope you'll be safe in the arms of another 'Cause I can't take the weight of your love
We said goodbye with a cold kiss. He said "good luck", but he didn't say "I love you". His mistake was assuming that I knew he did. Now I was in a taxi in L.A. and Jake was in our apartment in New York. The taxi stopped in front of the studio and I took a deep breath. I always got so nervous before starting a new project. Now I was about to meet the cast for the new movie I'm starring. It was a romcom, shouldn't take too long to finish, and soon I'd be able to go back to New York and start working on another project... but not professional this time. Jake and I have been together for four years. Three wonderful ones. But the last one was based on fights and the two of us getting more and more distant. But God only knows how hard I fought to be with that man, and I'm not going to give up on him like that. That's why the plan is to be away for a while, shooting this movie until we miss each other so much and realise we're acting stupid... and the moment I step in New York again, we're going to make this work. We have to make this work. "Y/N!" I heard the director walking in my direction. "I'm happy you're here. How was your flight?" "Hi, nice to see you gain, Susan." I greeted the woman I had worked with a few times with a hug. "The flight was okay, I even had time to leave my bags at the hotel before coming." We had a nice conversation, but nothing really important was said. After a few minutes, she took me to meet the set and the part of the crew that was already there. Then she left me there talking to them and excused herself to go meet the ones who were still arriving. I was still a bit tired because of the travel, so I wasn't paying much attention to what was happening around me. Suddenly, I feel someone touch my arm and I turn around, imagining it was Susan. But no, it was another familiar face. "Hey." The man smiled at me and offered a polite, but kinda awkward hug, since he caught me off guard. "Susan told me you were already here. I believe we were on the same plane from New York, but I got stuck on the traffic..." "Oh... Yeah, L.A..." I rolled my eyes and smiled back at him. "Sorry, I didn't see you on the plane, we could have met before. I'm Y/N, by the way..." "Yes, I know your work, it's a pleasure to be able to work with you now." He said. "I'm Sebastian." "I know that too." I left out a little laugh. "I'm a huge Marvel nerd. I also loved your performance in I, Tonya, the Oscars really slept on you..." He got all flushed and left out a word you couldn't really understand. "What?" I mocked him. "You gotta learn how to take a compliment." He raised his eyebrows at me, but before he could say anything, Susan interrupted everyone's conversations by asking if we were ready to start. In the movie, Sebastian and I were best friends slowly falling in love. The classic: my character had a finacé, played by Richard Madden in this movie, and Sebatian's was running out of time to make mine change her mind about the wedding... that same movie we've seen a million times, but always makes us cry, even though we all know how it ends. The last scene we had to shoot today included a big kiss scene between Richard and I. I definitely wasn't mentally prepared for this on the very first day, but it was my job. "Alright, this is the last one, before we all can go home." Susan sat back on her chair and announced as Richard and I were trying to concentrate. "Ready, guys?" I gave her a quick nod. I looked beside her and saw Sebastian paying close attention to the scene as well. "Okay, then, action!" I turned to face Richard and we started to say our lines. It was all flowing perfectly, we were absolutely focused on what we were doing. When the time came, he looked me deep in the eyes and wrapped his arms around my waist, bringing me close, and brought his hand to my face, caressing my cheek a few times before we both closed our eyes and started to kiss each other hungrily. I'm not sure how long it lasted. But only when I heard Susan scream "cut" for the second time I realised I lost control a little bit... I mean... when was the last time Jake had kissed me like that? I was so needy, and all I got these days were cold, emotionless kisses. "Sorry, was that a bit too much?" I whispered to Richard, a little embarassed. "No, don't worry." He laughed. "It has to look real, right?" I nodded and gave him a smile before walked towards Susan, in desperate need to be excused. "I'm so excited." She announced before I could say anything. "Everyone did a great job today, I feel like this movie will be so beautiful..." She didn't even look at me and walked away to check the cameras after that last scenes. I was left alone with Sebastian. "That was really convincing." He said, noticing there was something bothering me. "Thanks..." I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "But I... I don't think so, it was just... you know?" "Are you okay?" He asked. "I'm telling you, you did a great job, don't worry about it." I looked him in the eyes and saw that he was being honest. He was really worried about me. But he had no idea of the kind of problem I was dealing with, and it had nothing to do with my acting. "Thank you." I looked at the floor. I needed love and reassurance so bad that the fact that Sebastian was that nice to me almost made me cry. --- Back to my hotel, I kept walking in circles with my phone in my hands. I should call Jake and let him know I got here safely. But, at the same time, part of me was telling myself "You left several hours ago and didn't get a single text from him asking if you were okay". But you know what? I would feel a lot worse if I got a lovely text from my boyfriend after kissing my co-star like he was the love of my life. I just need to hear his voice... A little wave of courage hit me and I called him before it could disapper. "Y/N?" He replied quickly. Maybe he was waiting for me to call? That thought brought a smile to my face. "Hey." I said, trying to control myself to not sound like a fan meeting their idol, even though that's how it felt. "Just wanted to let you know I'm fine. I'm in my hotel... we already shot a few stuff..." "It's great to hear from you." He said in a sweet voice and I melted. "How is the cast like?" We spent half an hour talking about my day and it filled my heart with hope. He also told me about his play, that would debut in Brodway in a few months. I was excited for him as well. "Alright..." I said, a bit sad. "Listen, I gotta go now... it's getting late and we'll shoot really early tomorrow." "Okay. Call me again when you can." He told me. "Goodnight!" "Goodnight!" I replied. "I love y-" Before I could finish the phrase, he wasn't there anymore. I tried to convince myself that I shouldn't let that last minute ruin the good conversation we had... but would it hurt to tell me he loves me?
I was waiting for my taxi in front of the hotel, when I heard someone talking to me. "Come here often?" The man said. I was ready to turn around and kick him in the balls, when I realised it was Sebastian. We both laughed. "Be careful how you approach me. I'm warning you." I tried to sound serious. "You gave me one look and my life flashed before my eyes." He told me. "Trust me, I won't do it again." "Good." I smiled triumphantly. "But, answering your question... Yeah, I'm staying here." "In this hotel?" He looked at me confused. "Me too. How were we on the same plane and now at the same hotel and we never see each other? Are you some kind of spy?" "You just suck at following me." I shrugged. "But, luckily, always end up at the same place, right?" "Luckily?" "You gotta learn how to take a compliment." He repeated my phrase from the day before. "I-" I felt my cheeks burning. Alright, that looked like a fun game to play. "Well, you gotta learn how to compliment me first. That hardly counted as one." "Why are you blushing then?" He smirked. "I hope you know that I have a boyfriend." I decided to cut him before things went too far. "Of course, you're always on the news." He replied with the same smile on his face he had before. He wasn't being serious at all, and that relaxed me. "He's one of the greatests actors I've ever seen, by the way." It was true, Jake and I were always on the news. But not usually for good reasons. We met about 10 years ago and I fell in love straight away. The problem is that we have a (kinda big) age gap... and he obviously didn't take me serious 10 years ago, when I was barely 18. But I've been obsessed with that man all those years. Until 4 years ago, when we were cast on the same movie, I finally showed him I am a big girl and I know what I want. The problem is that the media just doesn't understand that and they just keep making up the most disgusting theories about our relationship. They know nothing about us. Sebastian and I shared the taxi to the studio, and decided it would be a nice thing to do everyday, since we were going to the same place, anyway. And so we did. Day after day we started to grow very close as friends. And we continued that stupid joke, flirting with each other every chance we got. But one day, I noticed Seb was a little different during our ride to the studio. A bit quiet, didn't really reply to my flirts. I thought he was just not in the mood that day, and I should respect that. I wasn't given the script for that day's scene until I got to the studio. Then I sat there to read and Richard sat beside me. "Are you ready?" He smirked. "For..?" I asked, still focused on the pages in my hands. "You'll record a sex scene with Sebastian today." He replied calmly, but it felt like a punch in the stomach. So is that why he was so weird? Was he nervous? "No big deal, we're professionals." I didn't know if I was trying to fool him or myself. Sebastian was such a good friend during these hard times... some nights I tried to call Jake and he didn't reply or was too cold on the phone, and I knew I could simply knock on Seb's door, or somedays it felt like he could read my mind, and he would knock on mine first, so we both went to the hotel's bar or just sat in each other's bedroom and talked for hours. Laughed for hours. He told me everything about his childhood, moving from country to country, and I, after drinking a little too much, told him all about my situation with Jake. God, he was so good for me. And I didn't want things to get weird like they got when I kissed Richard... without Seb, I would have gone crazy alone in this city. I felt like my heart was going to explode as I watched the crew prepare the scene. Seb was standing beside the couch of the fake living room as Susan explained to him how things would work. He looked as nervous as me and I hated it. "Y/N?" Susan called. "Can we start now?" I stood up like I was going to a funeral. I just hoped it wasn't our friendship's funeral. After hearing a few instructions as well, I sat down beside Seb and gave him a little smile, and he gave me a even weaker one in return. Sebastian's hand landed on my thigh and he added preassure very slow and gently. My eyes were on his fingers until he moved his body a little closer to mine on the couch. Then my eyes met his blue ones, deeper than I've ever seen them before. "You should be with someone who never makes you feel alone." He whispered as his lips got closer to mine. "Not even when he's not around." Maybe my head was really fucked up, but he didn't seem to be talking about our characters. I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, so I felt Seb's lips on mine for the first time... and I swear, it tasted like heaven when his tongue rolled agaisnt mine. His hands went to my skirt, bringing it up a bit, then worked on unzipping his pants. For a moment, I forgot his underwear wasn't coming off too. But that was only when I felt him grinding against me, and he was so deliciously hard that we both moaned at the same time. That would look as realistic as if he had actually entered me on the movie... cause that's why we are doing this for, anyway... When the director said "cut", Sebastian lips were on my neck and I heard him mutter the most frustrated "fuck" ever. I was so wet that I was terrified that I would leave a mark on the couch for everyone to see how extremely much I needed Seb. The whole studio was dead silent. I wanted to vanish in the air. Took Sebastian a moment to get away from me. The atmosphere was terrible, everyone was uncomfortable. But maybe it was just the way I was feeling and, in my imagination, everyone felt the same. --- I didn't even look Seb in the eyes until the next morning, in the taxi. I thanked God he was such a good actor... we both simply pretended none of that happened, no word about that was spoken. Maybe I was overreacting and nothing really happened to our friendship. --- The weeks seemed to fly and we finished shooting. Next step was doing a bunch of interviews to promote the movie. I don't remember having all that fun in a while... all Seb and I did was joke around and run away from the questions during the interviews. The critics loved the movie and there were entire essays about our sex scene online. People just couldn't believe two actors had all that chemistry. Well... we were a great team, me and him. That's all. We just had to ignore the fans shipping us and ignoring the fact that I had a boyfriend. When it was finally time to go back to New York, I thought I would be a lot happier than I actually was. I had a great time and didn't want it to end so soon... everything was so tense back at home... "At least Seb and I live in the same city." As soon as that idea crossed my mind, I felt absolutely terrible. I was actually sad about going back to my man, and what made me feel better was that I'd have Seb to come back to when I needed? It wasn't fair. Not for me. Not for Jake. Not for Sebastian. That's why I had to solve this situation as soon as I got home. --- But I only knew how fucked up I was on the moment I opened the door at our house. Jake was there and he smiled at me.   And I had no idea what I wanted anymore. Half of me was so happy because he was there. Half of me wished he wasn't and I had an excuse to walk away. His hug wasn't as cold as I expected, but it was far from being as warm as I needed. We went to the bedroom kissing each other and bumping into everything that was on the way. But when he laid on top of me, I didn't see the same fire in his eyes. Neither did I feel it between my legs. And it didn't matter at all how big he was, when he entered me I felt so empty. At heart. We were completely out of love and both of us knew that. He fucked me so hard, like he was trying to feel something that wasn't there anymore. --- Seb tried to contact me several times, but I kept ignoring him. And God only knows it hurted me more than him. But I didn't want to give up on Jake. Even though the situation was getting worse everyday. Now I was sitting in our bedroom, doing my make up to go watch the first night of Jake's play on Broadway. Preparing myself to act like we were in love in front of the cameras. --- When we finally got rid of all the empty questions and the flashes, Jake took me backstage, where he received a few special guests. Tom Hiddleston was there. Maggie too. I spotted a few other familiar faces, until a special one made you freeze. "What are you doing here?" I walked til where Sebastian were. "Hi. It's nice to see you again too." He said seriously. "Well, Jake invited me. Didn't he tell you he's producing a movie I'll be in?" "He doesn't tell me much." I shrugged. The play had started. All the guests went somewhere else to watch it, but I stood there in the backstage with Seb. "Why did you disappear like that?" He asked as soon as we were alone. "Because I wanted this to work. Me and him." I admitted. "And what does it have to do with me?" He said angrily. "I never did absolutely anything to tear you two apart. I accepted your choice from the start." "There's no choice, Sebastian." I defended myself. "Of course there is." He rolled his eyes. "You chose to keep things the way they are because you're scared of changes. You think it's comfortable to stay in a place that doesn't make you happy, because it once did, and if you move on, you may break your heart again." "Why do you think you know me so well?" I was shocked at how he just threw all the truth I was hiding right on my face. "Because we spent months opening up to each other. Every single night. I don't know about you, but I told you things nobody else ever knew about me." He admitted. "And I have no idea why I trusted you so easily, but I surely wasn't ready for you to just walk out of my life like that." "Seb..." I felt tears starting to come. "I'm so in love with you,Y/N." As soon as those words left his lips, a bunch of people started to appear out of nowhere and fill the backstage. I realised the play was over. I spotted Jake coming in my direction and quickly dried my eyes. --- It was a big night. I tried my best to be proud of Jake, but I couldn't focus on that. That made me feel so selfish... I just couldn't be here to support him anymore, so what am I even doing here? Jake was laying in bed, but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. I sat beside him and told him: "We need to talk." "We do." He agreed. "We probably should have done this before, right?" "Since you stopped telling me you love me." I felt the tears coming back. "Hey." He sat back and used his finger to wipe my tears away. "You know I'll always love you. Just... not like this anymore. I thought we should give it another try, but..." "I'll always love you too." I gave him a little sad smile. "I'm so happy for the times we had." He added. "But we don't wanna ruin it waiting for someone to cheat or be unhappy forever." "Jake... I think I'm in love with someone else." I admitted. Both for him and for myself for the first time. "It's not that hard to tell." He chuckled. "I saw the interviews. I've met someone too. I'm not sure if it's love. But I know that you and Sebastian..." "I swear we never, ever, had anything before this conversation." I interrupted him. "And I don't think I will now. He's really hurt." "Go after him." He encouraged me, making my heart stop for a moment. "What?" --- It was cold in New York. Nearly 1am and I absolutely couldn't believe I was sitting in my car, parked in an empty street. I grabbed my phone and didn't think twice. "Hello?" Sebastian answered and I knew there was no turning back now. "Seb?" I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" "No, it's fine, I couldn't sleep..." He sighed. "Listen, Y/N, I'm so sorry about the way I spoke to you earlier, you owe me absolutely nothing and I..." "I was stupid and ended up making the three of us suffer." I cut him. "But now I'm in front of your house, and if you don't forgive me, I have nowhere to spend the night." "Wait..." He said, confused. "You're in front of my house?" None of us said another word. When I saw the front door open, I got out of my car and we looked at each other for a moment. Suddently, I wasn't thinking anymore. I ran to his arms and he pulled me inside the house, closing the door behind us. His lips were pressed against mine and his hands were absolutely all over me. And, God, it was better than before, because now it was us. Just us. And we didn't have to stop anymore. He guided me towards the living room and sat down on the couch, pulling me with him, so I fell on his lap. Without breaking the kiss for a second, I adjusted, keeping one leg on each side of him. His hands went straight to my ass, squeezing it hard. My hands went to his abdomen and he helped me remove his shirt. I didn't even wait for him to do the same with mine. His eyes landed on my breasts as my bra fell on his lap. He grabbed my waist and broght me closer to him, burying his face and my chest and spreading open mouthed kisses on my breasts. I began to moan and grind my hips against his lap, feeling him getting hard under me. I remembered the last time I felt this and how frustrating it was... "Y/N..." He called. "Please, don't stop." I begged. "I just have to be sure you really want this." He smirked. "But I don't think I have to ask, do I?" I shook my head and helped him remove my pants, quickly sitting on his lap again. His fingers slowly trailed my underwear, until he decided to slide them inside it, caressing my folds very gently. "But what if I want to hear it?" He teased. "Do you think it's that easy? You ignore me for weeks, but then you just knock on my door and I give you what you want?" He slid one finger inside me and I left another moan escape. "Look at how wet you are." He slid another finger in, but didn't move. "If you were my girl, I'd do something about it... but you know very well I don't play with what is not mine." "Seb... please..." I tried to move my hips, but he hold my waist with the other hand so strongly, I would see a mark there tomorrow. "Fuck... if you were my girl, I'd treat you right." He removed his fingers from me and used them to pull down his pants and palm his hard cock over his underwear. "I'll be your girl. I came here to be your girl. Your good girl." I promised, feeling my mouth water just from seeing how big he looked. "I've been yours, and only yours, since the day we kissed for the first time, I know you felt that too..." "You have no idea how long I waited to hear that." He told me, returning his hands to my underwear, to take it off and throw it somewhere else in the room. "And you have no idea how long I waited to tell you that." I bit my lip as I watched him pull his underwear down, and seeing his hard cock already leaking. The look on his eyes gave me the permission I needed before his lips could. I raised my hips and he pulled me close and entered me, guiding my hips up and down with no time to adjust, cause we needed each other that much. I always imagined Seb as a gentle lover, but right now we just needed to fuck. Hard. Fast. Loud. We just had to let all our frustrations out. I came first, falling on his chest, seeing stars. He slowed down his pace a little, but didn't stop until he came inside me. And none of us really cared about that at the moment. I was there, laying on his chest while he ran his fingers through my spine in silence. And that was the first time in months I felt completety in peace. "Do you mean what you said?" He asked calmly. "Every single word." I smiled and snuggled closer to him.
Lately I'm getting lost on you You got me doing things I never thought I'd do Never spent so long on a losing battle But lately giving up don't seem to matter
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mercurygray · 3 years
The Darkening Sky - Chapter 23!
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Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Original Female Character(s), Lewis Nixon, Richard Winters, Robert F. Sink, Herbert Sobel, Ensemble Cast
Additional Tags: Alternate History, Women Being Awesome, Women in the Military, World War II, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
“Some will say that it is a sad state of affairs when a country asks its women to go to war. But there is nothing sad about patriotism, and from coast to coast, America’s women have answered the call in record-breaking numbers, happy and willing to serve in all branches of the service - including, if the posters are to be believed, an entirely new co-ed parachute infantry unit.”
Dick really wasn't one for pubs.
Apart from the fact that he didn't drink, and didn't always feel comfortable taking a seat from someone who did, they were usually loud, and full of people getting up to mischief that Dick always felt he'd need to get them out of later.
But the Blue Boar in Aldbourne was warm, and something to do on a Friday evening, and while he was glad he wasn't picking up Lew's bar tab, there was something to be said for being out with the rest of the guys, listening to their jokes, their laughter.
It was easy to get lonely, especially with Christmas peeking around the corner. There would be no going home this year, no midnight train rides or desperate hugs in stations, cheering crowds of family packing in the front room to ask you how they were feeding you and what you thought the army's chances in Italy looked like. In a sense, the men around him in the pub were his family now, this whole motley band of brothers who'd steal your beer or ruffle your hair or give you nicknames you'd never be able to shake.
[catch up on the story and read more here on AO3!]
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𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲 ♡
in his eyes, you are the best 
really, and you are the coolest woman girl uwu he ever met.
make you travel into various countries to sneak information or work together with the local resistance, giving and receiving advices about the occasion of the war.
japanese, german, italian –you speak so many languages, especially of the axis powers, but god, you are so brilliant and outstanding.
once before he got to talk with you, he caught you speak italian, perhaps getting the most capital reports and instructions from the original italian army itself, while they just ate your jazz speech, you gagged them so easily.
when the two of you spoke first, you helped to spiers with leading his company (they searched for another captain in the whole usa, but with your rank, you were able to do this).
of course between you and sobel was a little tension, but this was the first thing you and winters canned talk about –ranting about him, the company, the whole fucking war.
he realized that you can almost read his mind, but for you, his calmy, collected mind was so spectacular and admirable –needless to say, you often had anxiety about the too much stress with your work, but there, in toccoa was everything so good, especially talking at night, before the last stack of papers or in the early morning, before the whole tiring day.
he was so frightened to call you for a date, because you were a bright, gifted goddess, while he was just a simple man who fought for his homeland –but there was the judicial incident, where only you were able to help. and this good, perfect man could never be out of the battalion, unlike sobel.
so you help him, since you always appreciated his (richard’s of course) loyalty and perseverance about the company, so damn you sobel
after your help, he hesitantly stumbles into your room, while you read again the papers you had written. “thank you so much for all the help, y/n. really, what you do is… so amazing, and i’m just… i thought that I would thank you with a nice dinner, or something, yeah. i bet you haven’t eaten a nice meal or pie.” you look up, smiling a little bit, lighting a cigarette. “that sounds very nice, mr. winters.” “richard, uhm... just call me richard.” and with that, he leaves you, but each of you screams inside of his heart from the bliss.
after the date, you and him have a hasty kiss on the before-night of his jump and your trip to russia, your bags already on the train –”take care of yourself, rich, i love you so much, please...” you grab his collar, burying your head in his chest. “i love you too, darling. either way, we’ll meet on the other side. wait for me, okay?” okay.
the two of you always keep up the contact using letters. sometimes novel-long ones, sometimes just a couple lines, but never leaving the other alone with his insecurities about the worries. he can get shot or killed on the battlefield anytime, and you... well, you can get arrested and cut out anytime. 
the other guys in the company hear about you, and start making gossips about that you’re one of the best spies, and on the matriculation, you need to swim across the hudson-river, or you needed to escape from the woods with only a spud and a potato –but lewis knew only that the two of you were a thing. 
sometimes he teased winters about it with almost-saying your biggest secret, making winters super-annoyed –”write to y/n that i wish her some survive too, okay? don’t miss this!” “’course, sure...” 
the two of you meet again in paris, on his 48-hour pass, you got a week off too, rushing to the station –the next 48 hour is the best time you two had in a while, and he never gonna admit it in front of anybody but you, but he needs to touch you in this so little time. hugging you while sleep to protect you from everything, holding your hand, holding the back of your head while kissing, making love softly while brushing your soft skin with his tender hands jsdhshdj
your relationship only got stronger and tighter, you work so much harder to help ending the war, always reading the newspaper or the military reports, even the classified ones, just to know that he’s alive. 
the third time you met in berchtesgaden, you never need to leave him again –you and the whole society of the secret service turn off the gestapo, that’s why all the 600 thousand soldier and officer capitulate. he heard it in the morning during his breakfast, like “did you hear that the secret society snatched all the gestapo and ss? so fucking awsome, like the war ends here, isn’t it?” it is, winter thinks, hoping that nobody died in the process, especially you, but knowing you, never giving up, he’s a little bit eased by the words. 
in the moment when he goes back to the office, speirs standing next to nixon, who’s holding the phone, smirking a little bit when he sees his good old friend –”somebody’s searching after you, dick. go and get he- it.” 
you jabber that you’re just a couple streets away from him, your cars arrive now to sign some agreement, but it’s mostly your boss, but you are almost there and you can’t wait to reunion with him, again and forever now
you jump into his arms behind the truck, sobbing from the too much emotion you got immediately –all the worries suck up, your anxiety disappears, happiness, his handsome scent and love fills up your lungs. you missed him so much, you never gonna be able to tell to him. but now, it’s isn’t so neccessary. 
at midnight, you dare to beetle into his room, snuggling up to him under the blanket. the two of you stare at each other’s face for a ciuple of monents, then he bring up his hand to palm your angelic face, pressing a devoted, warm-hearted and i-missed-you-so-much-my-love kiss.
“you are so brave, richie. you are my hero, the company’s hero, and the best man i’ve ever met.” you whisper, laying your head on his chest. 
“and you are the most powerful, gentle woman i’ve ever known. you’re the nation’s pride. you’re my pride. and i, i promise i’ll never leave you again.”
“i promise you, too.” you answer, smiling as he laces your fingers together, now truly, totally together. 
“i’ll never leave.” you whimper on the edge of the most beautiful dreams with him by your side.
i’ll never leave, love. never ever in a million times.
𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚜𝚘𝚘 𝚞𝚠𝚞 𝚝𝚘 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) 𝚒 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚝!! 
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himbowelsh · 4 years
Drunk BOB guys??? Who are the softie hug-loving cuddlers and who are the loud and obnoxious ones? The ones who break out of their shell when intoxicated? The unusually quiet ones? The ones who throw it tf back when Usher comes on? I'd love to hear some thots
oooooh my god okay okay, here are the biggest thots
Richard Winters:  Umm, alcohol whom? Has never been drunk in his life and doesn’t intend to start now. He gets all the buzz he needs off the exhilaration of a brisk jog, or a cool glass of water.
Lewis Nixon: The Literal Alcoholic. Thinks he’s more fun when he’s drunk than when he’s sober; is actually not a very fun drunk. Is even worse when he’s sobering up! At this point, he has to have some liquor in his system 99% of the time, otherwise his body feels like it’s out to destroy itself. (Alcoholism is a disease, boys and girls.) Nix buzzed is Nix at peak performance; he’s friendly, efficient, and capable. Nix drunk is a slowly spiralling plane crash. He usually passes out before he hits the ground, but god forbid he gets there, because...  it’s messy. He can occasionally be a messy, emotional, overdramatic drunk, but only when he’s really overdone it.
Carwood Lipton: The Respectable Drunk. A very calm, kind of sleepy drunk. Doesn’t get drunk often, even though he holds his liquor well, because he doesn’t prefer it  ---   when he’s had a few, he prefers to just watch the people around him, smiling and only half paying attention. His mind tends to wander when he’s drunk. Drunk Lip does have one fatal weakness:  if he’s out with his partner, and his partner shows even the slightest bit of encouragement, Lip will get riled up very quickly. He goes from calm drunk to horny drunk in a very short time; will eagerly press his partner up against the wall if given the chance. (Drunk Lip is way more inclined to PDA.)
Ron Speirs: The Soft Drunk. Literally, he’s such a tender drunk; he has absolutely no balance, and is a little confused, but he’s sweet, okay? Ron is far more expressive when he’s drunk; he gets touchier, ramblier, kinder. Drunk Ron has faith in humanity where Sober Ron gave up long ago. He’s a really relaxed drunk, unlikely to go off and do anything wild, but he wants to be around other people  ---  around his friends. Ron never has a good time when he drinks alone. (Plus, he’s got a reputation to uphold, and only certain people are allowed to see him with his guards down.)
Harry Welsh: The Bionic Drunk. Nothing can injure him; nothing can kill him. Many things have tried. Harry has done so much dumb shit when intoxicated, things that would have wounded him in a heartbeat if he was sober, and has never gotten a scratch to show for it. He’s a very fun drunk  ---  he laughs a lot, is very affectionate, and super pleasant to be around  ---  but common sense and self-preservation goes out the window. Look out, because he might too, if someone dared him.
Eugene Roe: The Changeling Drunk. Who is this man and what did he do with Doc Roe? Drunk Gene is...  an experience, alright? His inhibitions are gone. Suddenly, his personality has been turned up to eleven; he’s extroverted, he’s exciting, he laughs loudly and jokes around...  he’s dancing on top of the bar, holy shit. Is a very fun time, but you have to keep an eye on him, because he sometimes goes off and does something insane, a-la-Sober-Speirs. Drunk Gene fears nothing, including himself.
Joe Toye: The Depressed Drunk. Zoinks, Scoob. Drunk Joe is actually willing to talk about his emotions  ---  and maybe he shouldn’t, because he’s got some sad stuff going on there, man. Drinking is supposed to numb your worries, but Joe often finds the opposite is the case; his burdens somehow get heavier, harder to ignore, and if he’s allowed to slip into them he’ll end up dwelling in them for the rest of the night. So long as he’s around buddies who are actively keeping his spirits up, he’s a decent drunk guy to have around. If neglected, however, Drunk Joe may shed a few tears into his Guinness.
George Luz: The Showman Drunk. His jokes and impressions get way sloppier, but somehow he’s twice as hilarious, so he can get away with it. Drunk George is way more animated, with a seemingly endless supply of energy; he teases everybody, he laughs the loudest in the room, and he really seems like he’s just come out to have a good time. The kind of buddy you want to get drunk with.  (Be warned: comes with a rarely activated Depressed Drunk mode, when he shuts off and wants to be left the hell alone. Maybe his battery runs out after a while or something. During this time, George is feeling a lot of things very strongly; this condition is best treated with a cozy blanket and glass of water. Very rare, but once you’ve seen him in this state, you can never unsee it.)
Bill Guarnere: The Loud Drunk. Is there a difference between sober Bill and drunk Bill? Debateable. Drunk Bill is just Bill turned up to eleven. He doesn’t actually get drunk a lot  ---  somehow he ends up the designated driver, and minds less than he should  ---  but social drinking usually leads to Bill shouting over a crowded bar. He’s usually up for a good time, he just has no volume control. (Also, the accent. It thickens. Can someone translate, please? Is he speaking English? What the hell is he saying?)
Babe Heffron: The Weird Drunk. Drunk Babe will break it down on the dance floor (should he? maybe not) and do his president rooster impression in public, but he’s equally likely to just...  confuse everybody else. He’s got a lot of thoughts. A lot of feelings. Some of them are about the meaning of life, some of them are about the best kind of sandwich bread, some of them are about whether the Loch Ness Monster has a favorite type of bird.  He talks so much when he’s drunk, and will ramble anyone’s ear off about any of these topics. Escape while you can.
Joseph Liebgott: The Volatile Drunk. Really a mixed bag; you never know what you’re going to get from him. Sometimes, Joe can be a very fun drunk, the life of the party, willing to do anything anybody dares him to. That’s if he’s drinking in a good mood. If he starts drinking in a sour mood, it’ll only get worse from there. Honestly, he can be a mean drunk. He lashes out at people, gets angry, sometimes starts crying...  it’s not great. You have to keep tabs on him while he’s drinking, because if his mood looks like it’s dipping, he should not be allowed any more alcohol.
David Kenyon Webster: The Emotional Drunk. He’s just...  got a lot of feelings! And he really wants to talk about them! Becomes extremely talkative while drunk; this is not always a good thing, because he’s pronouncedly less eloquent. Drunk Web is very passionate about politics...  and the environment... and marine biology...  and the commercialization of public holidays. He has something to say about most things. Sometimes he’s just muttering to himself, and no one can keep up with what he’s saying. Makes so many notes, either in his phone or scribbling them down on napkins, because he’s “going to need to remember this”, but they’re all illegible come morning. Feels things very strongly. Might cry.
Johnny Martin: The Feral Drunk. Wrangling Johnny when he’s had a few too many is an experience. Holy shit, this man knows no fear. Drunk Johnny has 5x less patience for everyone’s bullshit, and wants them to know it. The amount of bar fights this man has gotten into... the best part is, he’s never lost. (Yeah, because he has Bull right there to make sure his drunk friend doesn’t get himself killed.)
Frank Perconte: The Confused Drunk. Only kind of knows where he is. Complains a lot; puts things down, misplaces them, and blames someone else for taking them. Drunk Perco has a ‘Real Housewives at Brunch’ mode, only activated when someone gives him tequila; he will scream and throw drinks. Otherwise he’s just kind of tiresome and needs someone to make sure he makes it home okay.
Floyd Talbert: The Mom Drunk. Yes, he did just do four shots of gin, but he’s still going to make sure everyone else is drinking water and not wandering off with anyone creepy. Drunk Floyd’s got an eye on everyone; he’s kind of the mama hen wrangling all her chicks, making sure they don’t stray far. He parties like a frat boy, but will wrangle everyone like a girl scout mother. 
Shifty Powers: The Missing Drunk. What the hell? What happened, where did he go? He was sitting right there a second ago  ---   when he’s drunk, Shifty tends to wander. He just likes the quiet. His friends will always find him in bizarre places, after a few minutes of panicked searching. Once, he was laying on top of a car; once he was on the club’s roof. He’s fine, he knows where he is, he’s just thinking about stuff.
Donald Malarkey: The Absurdly Lucky Drunk. He’s got some Irish faeries looking out for him or something, because Drunk Don is literally living his best life. If he gambles, he’s going to win. If he misplaces his wallet, he’s going to find it with an extra $30 inside. If he trips, he’s going to land in an attractive person’s lap. Everyone wants to be in proximity to Drunk Don, not only because he’s a pretty good  (if emotional)  time, but because some of his luck might rub off.
Skip Muck: The Giggly Drunk. What’s so funny? No one knows. Skip might not even know, but he’s going to laugh anyways, because everything is hilarious. He somehow tells even better jokes when drunk, but he laughs at them himself, so that measures it out. He effortlessly makes himself the life of the party; Skip will get up and karaoke with the band, cheer all his friends on in their dumb shit, drink way more than he reasonably should...  going out drinking with Skip is always a great time.
Herbert Sobel: The Alarmingly Fun Drunk. No, I’m not going to elaborate. Fill in the mental images yourself.
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wexhappyxfew · 3 years
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Landslide | Chapter 64 | Never Any Rest for the Weary
"And more than that, she just looked... tired. Like she'd battled the world and the world had won."
― Sara Shepard
The ringing in her ears she felt would never disappear, nor the echo of the words that fell from George's mouth filled with such pain and grief, wrapped and laced up, bound so tightly and roughly. Natia attempted to register what George had just said, tried to understand his words, along with the look in his eye and the pain that swarmed inside. She tried to understand. She tried to put the pieces together. She tried to believe it.
Natia's bottom lip trembled as she watched George, letting out a shaky breath as she stood there, shaking her head, unable to get words to leave her lips fully. It was merely puffs of air and tiny breaths at that point, not even coherent words - it wasn't hitting.
The woods near Foy remained eerily silent as Natia stood there, the snow falling around the duo collecting at their feet, the sounds of distant shouting fading away as she looked up to George. She shook her head.
It couldn't be - it can't have been - they were fine.
[read the rest on AO3 and Wattpad!]
。↷ ✧*̥₊˚‧☆ミ
HELLO! welcome to another landslide day this lovely friday! we deal with some heavier topics this chapter as i’m sure many could’ve guessed, but i feel it’s an important chapter and message to highlight on throughout. thank you all for the love and support that i’ve been given throughout the process of writing this — a year ago, i never would’ve thought the story would’ve been at the point it’s at, so truly it means the world! happy reading my friends and have a great day! :)
tags: @sunnyshifty @alienoresimagines @vintagelavenderskies @julianneday1701 @huenoclue @liebegott @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @sunflowerchuck @tvserie-s-world @wecomrades @thoughpoppiesblow @pxpeyewynn @rogue-sunday @embersjanuary @jalapeno-peaches-andhersheybars @lovingunderratedcharacters @legally-devorak @sgtxliptons86 @alejodi0nysus @mrsalwayswrite @heffrcns @curraheewestandalone @supervalcsi @xthefourthx @whoahersheybars @kryzes @papersergeant-pencilsoldier @whovian45810 @how-are-those-nuts-sarge @geniedocroe @holdingforgeneralhugs @martinsrestingbitchface @pipster4107 @mads-weasley @brichard-bwinters @ocfairygodmother
-> if you would like to be added/removed from the taglist, just shoot me a message or ask! :D
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That's my support Nixon
Richard winters x medic!Male reader x Lewis Nixon
(Y/n) was talking to a few soldiers, about the normal stuff, life, wifes, kids, and other things. When he heard the ting of the bullet hitting Nixon's helmet and ran over hopping over something and almost catching a bullet in the ankle but it hit the dirt. "Don't be dead..." (Y/n) mumbles sliding across the jeep. "Stop looking at me like that...." Nixon mumbles getting his knees but taken to the ground right again by (Y/n) hugging him tightly starting to sob loudly. "I thought you died, I thought we lost you" (Y/n) says as Nixon wraps his arms around his waist "shhhh, it's ok I'm ok, Dick is ok too" he rubs (Y/n)'s back gently, (Y/n) wormed his way out of Nixon's arms and stood up facing where the bullet came from "THAT'S MY EMOTIONAL SUPPORT NIX! YOU CAN'T SHOOT AT HIM!" (Y/n) screeches and dodged a bullet that wissed past Winters who ducked down.
((Y/n) was pulled down by Nixon "Hey thanks for standing up for me but don't get killed in the process" he gave (Y/n) a quick peck on the lips "Can I get a kiss too" Luz smiles and teases the others. "I will get up and beat your ass Luz" (Y/n) growls "Hey it was a joke, not a dick don't take it so hard" by the time the words left Luz's mouth Nixon's arms were around (Y/n)'s waist holding him back, Winters kisses Nixon gently and then kisses (Y/n)'s forehead "breathe, baby...he's Just getting under your skin"
(Y/n) relaxed and sighs softly leaning against his boyfriends "I need a nap..." He mumbles hiding his face against Winters shoulder "...We'll be able to rest tonight..." Nixon says softly running his fingers through (Y/n)'s hair. (Y/n) is the shortest of the three, maybe that's why he's so quick to anger his fuse is short. "Ok...i can wait..." (Y/n) sighs softly
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delemenko · 4 years
Warriors Backstory OCs That I've Created (So Far)
See, as much as I would love to consider that everybody in the gang knew each from birth, I figured that was probably unlikely, so I've created these five because I was bored. These characters aren't really set in stone and might only exist in my "All Good" AU. All except one are Cowboy Backstory OCs lmao.
• Julianne "Juka" Kavanaugh is one of Cowboy's friend since childhood. She's known him longer than their other friends and treats him like a younger sibling. Has slight mom vibes at times. Caramel skinned, African American. Light brown hair that she almost always wears in an afro. She has brown eyes. She really likes flowers and has a lot of floral stuff and eventually starts getting temporary flower tattoos on her wrist. (This character is actually where I got the idea for Female Rembrandt wearing flowers in her hair). She came up with Juka somewhat on the fly and decided that she would go by that if she were famous. Not sure if I want to set this in the canon universe or not, but she is the friend that buys Cowboy his hat. She is the only one of Cowboy's backstory friends that consistently keeps in touch with him and the others.
• Alyssa J "A.J." Harper-Banks was Cowboy's significant other for a period of time before she moved away lost touch with everyone to focus on school a little ways after Cowboy joined the Destroyers. She insists that everyone call her A.J. (Can't tell if I want the J to stand for Jane or Jude just yet, but I'll figure it out eventually) Small in stature, light blue eyes, and black hair, usually worn curly. Caucasian. Wears glasses. Introverted, optimistic, and loves performing; she's a dreamer and wants to go into theatre, though she has a backup plan in case that doesn't work out. She has a lot of different hats of all types (like, you name a hat and she might already have two of that kind, please stop her.), because she doesn't like to show her head for whatever reason. Pretty reserved and tends to try to run away from her feelings/problems. Only wears pants with dress shirts and suspenders, maybe she'll wear a tie. Though, she'll wear dresses to a formal events. She doesn't keep in touch with Cowboy or the others (except Juka) and it really upsets her, though she would never admit it. (Juka probably already knows though.)
• Noah Lewis is another one of Cowboy's friends. Light brown hair that's always pushed back and hazel eyes. An absolute clown that is probably almost always responsible for practical jokes within the quintet. Naturally charismatic and has the most contagious laughter. He will hug someone if he thinks they need one he gives dope hugs. Probably the type of person that would kiss the homies goodnight ngl. He's that person that will buy a bunch of things he doesn't need because the deal is so good. He ALWAYS has food. Like, people will always catch him eating some chocolate or something. He's like the kids in the back of the classroom/at the movie theatre that can sneak food in with no problem. He doesn't keep in touch with the others consistently and doesn't know anything about what happened to A.J. after she left. He keeps in touch with Juka though.
• Adelay "Elle" Jones (Last Cowboy friend in this post, I swear!) is Cowboy's last friend. She's fairly tall (I think I'm going with 5'9 for now, though I might change it), has red hair (though she dyes it every so often) and green eyes. She doesn't speak (I kinda want to make her mute due to laryngeal trauma, I've kinda looked into it a little, but it's still iffy.) and prefers to use ASL (her family knows it and the rest of the quintet know somewhat) or write down what she's trying to say. She likes to play sports year round, and is the most athletic of the five. She loves affection and is rather flirty (She would probably be a member of the Floozy crew ngl). Is the right hand man type, for almost anything. Need a hand with a prank? Right here. Need somebody to help you make that bitch that cheated on you jealous? She's gotcha. Need an alibi for when you want to do stupid shit but need your parents to thing you aren't doing stupid shit? Come on down, bro! She's the one that set Cowboy up with A.J. in the first place. She sees Cowboy around more than the others, but it's often in passing, so the two rarely hang out. She keeps in touch with Juka though.
• Catherine Richards (I'll be honest, I haven't come up with a lot for this character) was Fox's girlfriend in high school. The two dated up until she left for school but they kept in touch until he died. She typically contacts him first, but she hasn't been able to and assumes that he's busy with his gang life. She often called him "France". Would probably be considered pretty, had brown hair and brown eyes. Extroverted, intelligent, fairly popular among other students, and generally high energy. Sweet, yet assertive, she's often the de facto leader when she's in a group, and people often suggested that she run for student council president (not sure if I want to make it so that she actually got on the student council or not, though there's something funny about the idea of Fox having dated the student council president.) She likes makeup, if only because of all of the colours, but she prefers to do others' makeup. She's not a big fan of gossip and generally refuses to talk badly about someone behind their back. She has a soft spot for stuffed animals but she only has five. (I think I could call that only five? Idfk, bruv).
And that's all I got for now. If I come up with more, I'll make another post or reblog and add it to this one. I hope that I've managed to pique your interest in a good way.
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geniedocroe · 4 years
(richard winters X reader)
wc: 1130
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You had never felt more joy in your whole life. You spent the past four years with the Airborne. The friends you had made were the greatest people in the world. You had fallen in love with an amazing man and you were lucky enough to have him fall in love with you. He was the definition of perfect. Richard Winters took your breath away. Your world revolved around him. Without him the sun didn’t shine and without him . . . you couldn’t breathe. Sometimes you couldn’t believe that he was real. He was so real. And he had just told you the best news you had ever heard.
“The war is over.”
Every single ounce of air had been extracted from your lungs. You could barely breathe. Tears stung your eyes. They cascaded down your cheeks, leaving behind glistening traces of happiness and pain. Every painful moment you had experienced the past four years had meant something. It all happened for a reason. You lived in pain for a reason.
Your mind raced. You thought of the men who wouldn’t be returning to their families. Warren Muck, Alex Penkala, Donald Hoobler, Eugene Jackson, William Dukeman, John Janovec. You thought of the men who had been injured. William Guarnere, Joesph Toye, Albert Blithe, Walter Gordon, Charles Grant. You thought of the men who wouldn’t return home as the same person they were when the war had begun. Lynn Compton, Donald Malarkey, Lewis Nixon, Edward Heffron, David Webster, Darrell Powers, George Luz, John Martin, Denver Randleman, Eugene Roe, Harry Welsh, Carwood Lipton, Joseph Liebgott, Floyd Talbert. Wether they were Toccoa men or not, they had served. They had given up their lives so others could live in a better world.
You swayed on the edge of a deep, depressing black hole. Before you could fall into something you wouldn’t be able to crawl back out of you threw your arms around Dick’s neck. He pulled you close as tears pricked the corners of his eyes. He had always been just what you needed to hold onto. He was your anchor. You had latched onto him. He let you sob into his neck and just held you tight.
Air invaded your lungs after taking a deep breath. You pulled away from the lover of your life, taking deep breaths. The hyperventilation you had just experienced took a lot out of you. As you looked at him another wave of sobs wracked your body. Once again you pulled away.
“The war is over.” The both of laughed. Dick had the most beautiful smile lines. He looked so peaceful. “We can go home.”
He gazed at you, admiring the way your excitement built up. He longed to ask you to move in with him. Lewis Nixon had just asked Dick to come with him to New Jersey. Maybe you’d like New Jersey. Dick told Lewis that he’d have think about it. No one knew about your relationship. That was the easiest way to coexist during a war.
“Where is home exactly?” You smiled at his question. The thought of living a life with Richard Winters on some little farm sounded perfect in your mind.
“Wherever you are, my love.”
“I like that sound of that.” He leaned down to kiss you. It was sweet. All of the kisses you shared were sweet. They held so much love. They were safe. It lasted a moment before someone cleared their throat.
You pulled away to see Harry Welsh and Lewis Nixon silently judging the two of you. They were your greatest friends. The duo grinned before embracing you and your boyfriend. It was like this was the most amazing thing to come out of the war. Get ready for the mom and dad jokes. You mentally prepared yourself for the endless teasing.
What you didn’t was that Lewis and Harry had a bet going on. Lewis bet that the two of you would get together after the war and Harry bet that the two of you had been together since Aldbourne. He had a huge smile on his face and was fist pumping the air as Lewis handed over some money. You rolled your eyes at them.
“What do you think of New Jersey?” Dick asked you, his voice quiet.
Lewis had started to argue with Harry. Harry insisted that he was gonna spend the money on his wedding. He was to marry a stunning girl named Kitty Grogan. You had grown to love Kitty. She seemed to be amazing. Harry was constantly talking about how much he loved her and how he couldn’t wait to go home to her. You had been invited to the wedding since the moment you had met Harry. He was always telling you that Kitty would absolutely love you.
“I think that sounds lovely. I’d follow you to the end of the world if you asked me.” You kept your voice low as well. The sound of bickering nearly drowned you out. You pressed your lips against the ginger’s. Lewis let out a sound of disgust. Harry elbowed him. The arguing struck up once again.
“I can’t wait to marry you. I can’t wait to get out of here. My mother is gonna love you.” Dick scrunched up his nose as he began to think. Freckles littered his face. You had always loved those. His hair shone a beautiful red color as the sun bounced off of it.
“Is that a proposal?” You raised a brow, smirking. Your heart leapt in your chest. It wasn’t the ideal proposal but it came from the man you loved so it was perfect.
“Only if you want it to be.” His face flushed, glancing at his two friends who seemed uninterested in the conversation the two of you were having. His chest tightened.
“Ask me the right way and maybe i’ll answer.”
Dick glanced at his friends once more before making a decision. To your surprise he pulled a ring out of his breast pocket. He got down on one knee and it fell silent on the balcony. Lewis and Harry had never looked more shocked in all the time you had known them.
“Will you marry me?”
You knew it was coming and it still shocked you. Once again, all air had left your lungs. You couldn’t help the sobs that wracked your body. This was real. The war was over. You were going to New Jersey. You were going to get married.
“Of course.” You choked out. The ring slid onto your finger and Dick hugged you tightly.
The war is over.
Those were words you’d never stop hearing. They played repeatedly through your head. You could go home.
The war is over.
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