#Rhonda Kazembe
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kaleb-is-definitely-sane · 6 months ago
Trenton Lee Stewart was like: Neurodivegence is a superpower. Fuck capitalism. Killing people is wrong when there are alternatives. Immigrants are heroes. Women are awesome. Black people are freaking gorgeous. People are good at heart.
And then turned that into a book series. And succeeded.
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nobodysdaydreams · 11 months ago
I know it's late for this, but here's how I think characters in the Mysterious Benedict Society would have reacted to the solar eclipse.
Nicholas- obviously he'd be so excited for this. The world goes dark, he passes out with joy.
Rhonda- buys everyone eclipse glasses and makes sure they understand the dangers of looking at the sun
Number Two- complains about the traffic because tons of tourists are coming for the eclipse and her mom has a ton of weird conspiracies about what the eclipse means, but once the eclipse is happening, she very much enjoys it.
Milligan- happy that he's able to experience such a unique and special moment with his daughter that he will treasure forever
Miss. Perumal- educates the children on how solar eclipses happen and bakes cookies for the watch party
Kate- climbs a tree so she can be closer to the sun and get a better view
Martina- was planning on forcing the tetherball team to practice through the eclipse, but begrudgingly cancels practice to join Kate in the tree
Reynie- is excited about the eclipse in a very average, but endearing way.
Sticky- is fascinated by and excited for the eclipse, but then he saw a video about what happened to that one person that stared at the sun and even though he knows that won't happen to him because he has the right glasses, he still can't get the thought out of his head. His friends help him calm down, and he ends up enjoying the eclipse.
Constance- pretends she doesn't care about it that much, but she actually does and writes an incredibly beautiful poem about it afterwards which she shows to no one.
Nathaniel/Curtain- cancels classes at the Institute to view the eclipse and somehow turns it into a metaphor about himself. I don't know exactly how he would do this, something about the moon being the darkness of Nicholas that blocks out the brilliance of the sun (himself), but the sun is all powerful and shall surely rise again, I don't know, something like that. However, if this happened during season 2, he would 100% incorporate it into his cult's doctrine just because he can. He'd make that the day and hour of his evil plans just for the symbolism.
Jackson and Jillson- they also saw the video about the people who stared at the sun and they have made it their personal mission to warn everyone about proper eye protection
SQ- he's happy to be able to spend the day with his dad watching the sky. He later draws a really beautiful picture of the eclipse.
Jeffers- stares directly at the sun and suffers permanent eye damage despite being warned multiple times
Dr. Garrison- fascinated by the eclipse for scientific reasons, but takes advantage of the distraction to escape and begin hatching an evil plot
Marlon- does not care at all that the eclipse is happening but goes along with whatever Curtain wants
Captain Noland- views the eclipse as a sign of coming doom
Cannonball- is 100% on board with whatever conspiracy Noland believes
Number Two's mom- views the eclipse as a sign of coming doom
Number Two's brother- is 100% on board with whatever conspiracy his mom believes
Number Two's sister- doesn't care at all that the eclipse is happening, but goes along with whatever her mom wants
And I know I've been doing mostly show characters, but...
Crawlings- stares directly at the sun and suffers permanent eye damage. But he only stared at it with one eye because he kept the other one closed thinking that would somehow save him from being burned, so now he wears an eyepatch over his bad eye, but that's not the same one as the one where he lost his eyebrow, so it doesn't cover that damage either, he just looks like a mess.
The Rest of the Ten Men- think Crawlings is an idiot for looking at the sun and claim they don't care at all that the eclipse is happening (Sharpe lowkey does, would never admit it).
Seymour, the orphanage cat- continues being a cat. Is very confused when it is suddenly nighttime. Then when its daytime again, he shrugs it off and goes about his business.
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lotsofsq · 9 months ago
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in honor of pride month i am posting these queer headcanon charts i made a while back!! happy gay everyone
[ID copied in alt text: two circles of pictures of the book and show characters respectively, accompanied by flags.
first chart is of my book characters queer headcanons. reynie: demiromantic andbisexual. sticky: nonbinary and bisexual. kate: bisexual. constance: aroace. SQ: demisexual and pan. the ten men: achillean and polyamorous. milligan: bisexual. Ms perumal: lesbian. rhonda: pansexual. Number Two: aroace, lesbian and transgender. Mr benedict. Transgender and Gay. Mr curtain: transgender, achillean and aromatic.
second chart is of my show characters queer headcanons. reynie: bisexual. sticky: transgender and bisexual. kate: sapphic. constance: aroace and agender. SQ: nonbinary and achillean. Martina: transgender and lesbian. milligan: bisexual. rhonda: pansexual. number two: aroace. transgender and nonbinary. Ms perumal: lesbian. Mr benedict: transgender and achillean. Dr curtain: transgender and aromantic.]
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deeskip · 1 year ago
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i love the idea of number two and rhonda being extra protective of mr. benedict, so he has to take his tea on the floor rather than at his desk
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mvshortcut · 1 year ago
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The Mysterious Benedict Society + dear-ao3 - Part 1
+ Bonus
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Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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tenmillionthfirefly · 9 days ago
TMBS characters if they had Scratch:
Rhonda would tell Mr. Benedict about Scratch, and he'd like the idea and help the kids make accounts.
Reynie would be a community helper. He'd probably be in the Scratch Welcoming Committee and Scratch Design Studio. He'd create and curate a bunch of random studios and make lots of friends! He'd also have a very ✨️aesthetic✨️ profile. Anything he would code would be pretty simple but well-made, maybe point-and-click type stuff.
Sticky would definitely be an ATer (active on the advanced topics forum). I think he would be physically incapable of coding a project without using any of the trigonometry blocks. Most of his posted projects would be WIPs of engines, simulations, and 100% pen stuff. He'd try his hand at a bunch of games, which all have perfect code but dirt simple graphics because he can't art. Maybe he could try doing a collab sometime.
Kate would post mostly animations and probably a few remixes. I think she'd be great with vector art! She'd probably make zany and cartoony stuff, not generic stickman projects. Maybe she'd also post some silly spoof games, probably for the Scratch Design Studio. She would also love and favorite almost every project she sees so her profile would be a mess.
Aside from the simple default-sprite games Mr. Benedict would help her make, Constance would post only remixes. Not exact-copy remixes, but remixes intent on ruining the original project. She'd use them to parody the original, break the code, add terrible sound effects, all that jazz. She would be the type to start flame wars on other people's profiles. Once she finds the forums, she'd start trolling people, and get herself banned. And instead of telling Mr. Benedict what happened she'd keep creating new accounts but eventually get banned on those too.
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genderfluid-and-confuzled · 2 months ago
the thing is that Rhonda is definitely under the drinking age and has conversations where she's like "I need a drink" and Mr. Benedict and Number Two are like "No." and she goes "We are literally breaking Every Law" and gets told that the one law she has to follow is not underage drinking
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bi-demon-ium · 1 year ago
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sophieswundergarten · 1 year ago
I really like the idea that Rhonda's husband shows up to meet the rest of her family and the kids greet him as "Mr. Kazembe" so he just rolls with it and that's his name now
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nobodysdaydreams · 2 months ago
Starting to run low, but I hope this satisfies you for a while, anon.
“Curtain’s here?” she asked.
“He goes by Nathaniel now, and claims he’s reformed,” Rhonda reminded her.
“I know. But still. Good luck.”
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fruitytulip · 8 months ago
Imagine this Constance walks downstairs and just hugs Kate they all think it’s a joke and look confused but then Constance starts to sniffle and starts to cry quietly and they all look worried since Constance 1 dosent cry in front of people and 2 hates touch and hugs
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lotsofsq · 2 months ago
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an alien au i came up with! i had just been really wanting to draw aliens! there isn’t really a story exept that reynie is constance’s companion
[ID copied in alt text: three drawings with different groups of characters as aliens.
a drawing of reynie, constance, kate, and sticky. kate and sticky are aliens while reynie and constance are human. they are all wearing similar suits with slightly different tags, constance having the most elaborate. kate is a cat like alien, with a mane, fluffy ears and a wide nose bridge. sticky is a squid like alien, he has wide black eyes, an cross shaped mouth and fins of the side of his head. he also has tentacles. both sticky and reynie are 18. Constance is nine and Kate is 19.
A drawing of number two, Milligan, Rhonda, and mr benedict. everybody except for Mr. Benedict are aliens. number two is mantis themed, milligan is cat-like, just like kate, and rhonda is scaly like a lizard. they have slightly more complex uniforms than the kids but still the same style.
a drawing of SQ and mr curtain. mr curtain is a human and SQ is a fish like alien. they have a different looking space uniform than the good guys.]
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deeskip · 1 year ago
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a little sketchdump of mr. benedict and his companions!
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mvshortcut · 1 year ago
Now I'm thinking about Rhonda's husband. Imagine you, a budding physicist, go to meet your girlfriend/fiancee's father and it's Mr. Benedict. THE Mr. Benedict. The 'pioneered 30% of the most recent and significant advancements in too many fields to count, up to and including physics' Mr. Benedict. And he smiles and offers you your favorite piece of candy.
Imagine you go to meet your girlfriend/fiancee's older sister and you don't have to read minds to know she wishes she could crack her gigantic jar of pickles over your head. It goes on like this for weeks. You get it. You're "taking" HER baby sister. (but, of course, you're not. you could never.) Then one time you go camping and you pack extra snacks for her without thinking twice of it. She opens the cooler and blinks. You've got her schedule - her alphabetical order food item schedule - accounted for perfectly without ever discussing it with her. Next time you go to visit she's hand-sewn you an entire wardrobe of clothes out of burlap.
Imagine you go to meet your girlfriend/fiancee's younger sister. She greets you with a poem about your line of work as a physicist. Something about how you're confounded by conundrums of a manner most tedious. You brush away the tension in the room with a polite laugh, even as you think pint-sized poet with a smile most devious. She sits on your lap for the rest of the evening.
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heyitsthatonesmolgay · 1 year ago
Mr. Benedict has a habit of picking up potential villains-in-the-making and turning them to the "light side."
Number Two? He funded her work but when he discovered she was applying her inventions towards harm he helped her persue healthier outlets for her anger (and helped her eat food regularly to avoid that anger more regularly).
Rhonda? A grifter, able to swindle anyone out of their money with her "poor orphan" shtick, until she tried to swindle Number Two and she sent the girl to Nicholas.
Milligan had every right to be angry and bitter and jaded with his memory lost, and indeed he was that way for quite some time, until Nicholas got through to him and slowly, carefully, allowed him the space to feel the grief of the loss and help him figure out what he was missing all this time.
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tmbsincorrectquotes · 7 months ago
Reynie: Kate kissed me! Sticky: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Reynie: It was unbelievable! Sticky: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Milligan: Okay, we wanna hear everything. Sticky, get the wine and unplug the phone. Reynie, does this end well or do we need tissues? Reynie: Oh, it ended very well. Sticky: Do not start without me! Do not start without me! Milligan: Okay, alright, let’s hear about the kiss. Was it a soft brush against your lips or was it like a, you know, “I gotta have you now” kind of thing? Reynie: Well, at first it was really intense, you know? And then, oh God, and then we just sort of sunk into it. Milligan: Ohh… So, okay, were they holding you? Or were their hands on your back? Reynie: First they started out on my waist and then they slid up and then they were in my hair. Sticky and Milligan: Ohhh.
Kate, eating pizza: And, uh, and then I kissed him. Constance: Tongue? Kate: Yeah. Rhonda: Cool.
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