I'm... grounded.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
kaleb-is-definitely-sane · 1 month ago
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I hate all of yall
I am fucking dead
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kaleb-is-definitely-sane · 1 month ago
I am fucking dead
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kaleb-is-definitely-sane · 1 month ago
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drawn to the blood- sufjan stevens, war pieta- max ginsberg
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kaleb-is-definitely-sane · 1 month ago
When I say "king behavior" I usually mean something Jesus would do
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kaleb-is-definitely-sane · 1 month ago
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My gif-making skills are rusty, but I MADE A THING 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
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kaleb-is-definitely-sane · 1 month ago
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tumblr are you okay??
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kaleb-is-definitely-sane · 1 month ago
but the good news is:
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kaleb-is-definitely-sane · 1 month ago
St Valentine is also the patron saint of the mentally ill and the Island of Lesbos so Happy Valentine's Day to all mentally ill lesbians
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kaleb-is-definitely-sane · 1 month ago
a fondness for a familiar surrogate—the prophets start to feel like each other. in the north, they sound the same—אֱלִישָׁע ,אֵלִיָּהוּ ,אֲחִיָּה. in the south, a suffixed -yahu (the -ah in isaiah, jeremiah, micah, etc.) they share mantles, they smell the same. they repeat sign-acts, vulgar in variation. heaven feels for the form of moses. misses it more often than not. heaven feels for the form of samuel. remembers that he's in sheol, that nathan has to suffice. there is a hole hashem is attempting to fill here, prophets serving as mirrors of it, nearing, approximating and softening
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kaleb-is-definitely-sane · 1 month ago
I'm not doing it
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kaleb-is-definitely-sane · 1 month ago
Been here for an hour and have gotten jack shit done
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kaleb-is-definitely-sane · 1 month ago
In case anyone is having a bad night:
Here is the fudgiest brownie in a mug recipe I’ve found
Here are some fun sites
Here is a master post of Adventure Time episodes and comics
Here is a master post of movies including Disney and Studio Ghibli
Here is a master post of other master posts to TV shows and movies
*tucks you in with fuzzy blanket* *pats your head*
You’ll be okay, friend <3
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kaleb-is-definitely-sane · 1 month ago
"The book is thought to promote an anti-police message" whattttt??? The book about systematic racism and police brutality contains and promotes a message that does not look favorably on the police??? No way what's next the sky is blue and water is wet!?
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kaleb-is-definitely-sane · 1 month ago
hey, just a friendly note: i sometimes see your posts and that you refer to g-d as hashem, the hebrew scriptures as the tankh etc. the tankh in judaism and the hebrew bible in christianity are not the same: they are ordered differently and have different canon. hashem, which means "the name," is also ontologically disconnected from the christian trinity for a variety of reasons that the tumblr ask box is too long to get into. i also see that you are christian. i would highly encourage you to research why jews use the terminology that they do in reference to their faith practices and try to avoid expropriation of judaism for christian dialogue. interfaith exploration is fine, and it is very important to understand the jewish roots of christianity. but please do so with self-criticism and respect.
Hey, Anonie!
I'm assuming you're here from eesirachs blog because that's the only reason you would've come to this blog.
So, when I say "Tanakh" as opposed to "the Hebrew Bible" (a term that I don't use to begin with alongside "Old Testament" for several reasons) I do in fact mean the TNK, and in that order. That is the order I read them in, the order I tell people to read them it, and etc. As I'm sure you're already aware, one misses out on a lot when one doesn't read it as designed. As of a few weeks ago I've started saying "the prophets" (in comparison to "the apostles") as a way of referring to the writings of Moses and the prophets (which is how the text describes it's own authorship and composition). As to the canon, please correct me if I'm wrong but
The Instruction, 5 Books traditionally ascribed to Moses
The Prophets (4 Former + 3 Latter + the 12)
The Writings (3 Poetic + 5 Megillot + 3 Historical).
Is there an extra book(s) that Protestant Christians have? Or that is in the Tanakh canon that I haven't listed? (tagging @entanglingbriars in case Anon doesn't see this because this is an important question) I understand that (some) Judaism(s) have a different conception of canonicity that Christians, even more of a difference than an Orthodox Christian would have from a Protestant one, but the issue of extra books is a much bigger deal.
Edit: everywhere I look it says "In Protestant Bibles, the Old Testament is the same as the Hebrew Bible, but the books are arranged differently." So yes, very confused as to where the idea of a different canon comes from.
As to the issue of deity: the issue of whether or not Jews and Christians (or literally any other religions) worships the same deity is a matter of hot contention and a statement like "hashem is ontologically disconnected from the christian trinity" is a statement loaded with tons of historical, philosophical, and theological assumptions and can't just be said as is. The fact that I do not agree with this statement (at least, not in it's entirety) is evidence enough for differing sophistical, philosophical, and theological assumptions and emphasises. As I try to tell many Christians, no theological position just comes "sola scriptura" so to speak: there are tons of unstated assumptions that come with that position and without understanding those underlying assumptions it's very hard to have a conversation about it. Also, I am aware of what "ha-shem" means.
I was going to go into it but uh I'm tired and my head hurts lol. And have lots of school work to get done. If you would like me to you can send me another ask but for now I'm going to leave it at what I've already said. As far as I am concerned, and as far as is relevant for this discussion i believe, I worship HaShem.
I am quite aware of *why* Jews refer to G-d as "Hashem": i do so for the exact same reason. I never use the epithet personally, only ever in "academic" or public spiritual writings, and only ever use it in public as to not offend or possibly harm any Jews or Christians with similar feelings on orthopraxy and divine name usage.
All this said however, I can promise you that I have and will always try to do everything with awareness and respect.
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kaleb-is-definitely-sane · 1 month ago
With the way my day is going, I am going to probably need my emergency burger.
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kaleb-is-definitely-sane · 1 month ago
Divine Name Anon, you're going to have to wait because I'm too tired and only like halfway done
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kaleb-is-definitely-sane · 1 month ago
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