#Reva Obi Wan Kenobi
Impact of A Black Mermaid On Black Children
The movie Black Panther proved that there is something about seeing Black people dominate the big screen that excites our community. “Before Halle Bailey became The Little Mermaid, Shameik Alti Moore (Miles Morales) became Spiderman in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, said Dr. Corey Emmanuel of Omnimedia.” In both instances, the original characters were depicted as white. These pivotal moments…
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twinterrors29 · 7 months
Jedi Padawans have the classic sitcom bag-of-flour baby assignment to ensure they're prepared to look after young ones in emergency situations
this assessment is not one of the many canceled or postponed during the war
which means that when Ahsoka is abruptly deployed dirtside along with her Master, Grandmaster, and the 501st, she had to scramble to find an appropriate babysitter for her sack of flour
desperate, she tossed it to Commander Cody, who was staying aboard the Negotiator to oversee the campaign, with only a frantic list of the required steps to take care of it while she was gone
when she returns several days later, Cody has painted the sack 212th gold and constructed a sling to carry it around on his front while he keeps his hands free for work
judging by the rank pins attached to the front, the sack of flour is now a lieutenant
once Obi-Wan's heart eyes abate enough, though, it becomes clear to him that Cody and the 212th troopers have not understood that the sack of flour is not, in fact, a literal Jedi tubie
and none of the Jedi or their siblings in the 501st have the heart to correct them, so they let them keep the thing, stomping on the feet of anyone who tries to ask too many questions about their new mascot
once the war ends, Obi-Wan discreetly replaces the sack with a Jedi chrecheling in the middle of the night, having resigned himself to raising another too-young-Padawan
Reva, for her part, is all to happy to gleefully coat herself in flour for the occasion
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skeletons-eat · 18 days
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Here I go again....
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ventresses · 8 months
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Star Wars + Text Posts & Headlines
Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022)
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fellthemarvelous · 4 months
It pisses me off to see the way some Star Wars fans are so dismissive of Reva, Third Sister.
She's complex. She's interesting. She's clever. She's intelligent. She's strategic. She's conflicted. She's traumatized. She's scared. She's angry. She's a survivor.
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The Obi-Wan Kenobi series literally opens with her and her friends watching one of her Jedi mentors get gunned down by clone troopers during Order 66.
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She was a FUCKING CHILD!!! They were in the middle of a lesson when the clones walked in and started shooting everyone!! These were Anakin Skywalker's troopers and they were executing every single Jedi around them.
These children had NO idea what was going on. They were scared and they tried to run to safety.
We remember this scene from Revenge of the Sith and we all immediately knew what it meant.
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These are the same bodies that Obi-Wan Kenobi found when he and Yoda returned to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant after having to kill so many of Anakin's clone troopers just to survive.
These are children that the Jedi Council wasn't there to save.
Palpatine snuffed out the light of the Jedi in one swift act of terrorism and then blamed the Jedi for their own genocide after taking over the entire galaxy.
And in times of war, the weakest among everyone always suffer the most.
This is what Reva, Jedi youngling, remembers most about the end of the Clone Wars.
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Anakin Skywalker, hero of the Clone Wars and former padawan of the great Obi-Wan Kenobi, murdered all of her friends and injured her.
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She had to play dead amongst the dead bodies of her friends, and that's how she survived. She witnessed Anakin Skywalker murder all the Jedi in the temple with no one there to stop him because the other Jedi Masters were being executed in a war they had never wanted to enter into in the first place.
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She blames herself for not being able to save her friends because she wasn't strong enough to fight back. No youngling was ever going to be strong enough to stand against Anakin Skywalker. She wanted revenge against Anakin Skywalker, and she was just as desperate to get to Obi-Wan Kenobi as he was. She wanted to kill Anakin Skywalker just as badly as Darth Vader wanted to kill Obi-Wan.
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She was alone in a galaxy that tortured and executed surviving Jedi. She spent ten years plotting her revenge against Anakin. She was angry at Obi-Wan for not being there to stop Anakin, and rightfully so.
The Republic fell. Reva and her friends were left unprotected. She was the only person she relied on because everyone else failed her. She was only a child when she lost everyone.
And it's clear she was conflicted by her role as an Inquisitor. She doesn't have the training the other Inquisitors do because she volunteered to be an Inquisitor while all the others were tortured and terrorized into falling to the dark side. She only wanted access to Anakin so she could get justice for what he did to her and her family.
Unlike Anakin, Reva couldn't find it in herself to harm a child. She was seeking revenge solely against Anakin Skywalker. Luke and Leia are the same age she was when she watched her friends and family die in front of her.
Yes, she was prepared to torture Leia, but she consistently hesitated, and when Tala walked in, Reva turned away. She stopped. Yeah she was mad, but she didn't have to go through with it. She'd already planted a tracker on Lola. She was already planning on allowing them to escape so she could locate their secret base. She just needed to bait Obi-Wan. Her plan worked perfectly, and she didn't even have to hurt this child who was annoying the shit out of her (not realizing she was dealing with Anakin Skywalker's offspring).
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She went to Tatooine to kill Luke, but she couldn't. She hunted him down without bothering to kill Owen or Beru. She only cared about one thing. Getting justice for what happened to everyone she had been unable to save at the end of the war. She was only a child, and when she realized she was about to kill a defenseless child just to get revenge, she couldn't do it. She saw her face when she looked down at Luke and cried when she realized she couldn't do it.
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She was so horrified by what she had been prepared to do and returned him to Owen and Beru alive. She fell to her knees and sobbed because she thought she failed her family in the end.
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Obi-Wan was there for her this time. He reminded her that by showing mercy, she was giving her friends and family peace. She was not going to become the monster that Anakin Skywalker was.
Obi-Wan helped her and reminded her that she gets to decide who she wants to be from this point forward. She refused to become Anakin Skywalker, and a weight was finally starting to be lifted from her shoulders. A weight she had been carrying for ten long years.
She did what she thought she had to just to survive. She had only been a child with no guidance because everyone she loved died. She survived by joining the ranks of the enemy so she could plot her revenge. Obi-Wan showed her mercy at the moment she needed it most. He wasn't angry with her. He was compassionate. She survived Order 66 just like he did, but she had been defenseless when they were thrust into a galaxy that tortured and killed Force sensitive individuals and those who helped them. He had failed Reva during Order 66, and he wasn't going to fail her this time.
She is getting a second chance at finding her path in life despite the bad things she did. Everyone deserves a second chance. She was robbed of her childhood and had to grow up overnight. She had to learn how to survive. And that's exactly what she did. Just not in the way she expected.
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The key to surviving being stabbed with a lightsaber is to be too pissed off to die.
That's why Qui-Gon Jinn croaked. Dude was too damn chill.
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stealingpotatoes · 11 months
Where do you stand on "in AUs where O66 doesn't happen, IDK Palpatine choked on a bagel or something, Reva becomes Obi-Wan’s second padawan" as a concept?
(Well, number 2.5. Ahsoka was half his.)
i've never heard of this but I love it already. in the circumstances of MY fix-it/no o66 au I think Obi-Wan needs that W
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padawansuggest · 5 months
Cody: *poking Obi-Wan in the cheek till he wakes up* Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan: *sleepy and confused* What?
Cody: Why is your child in bed with us?
Obi-Wan: *peeks over Cody’s back to see Anakin spooning Cody, and even further back, Reva starfished with one leg thrown over Anakin’s side* Children. They’re both here.
Cody: *growly because being the little spoon gives him cooties* why are they here?
Obi-Wan: Anakin gets cold. Reva is a pack creature.
Cody: I hate this.
Obi-Wan: *cuddles back into Cody’s neck and starting to fall asleep again* It’s okay, it means they trust you.
Cody: …how dare you make me feel this emotion. I’ll kill everyone for this.
Obi-Wan: Okay. Love you.
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fangeek-girl · 1 year
I will defend Reva until I die. She was such a brilliant antagonist to bring to the Kenobi series.
The Inquisitors have always been known as Force-sensitive beings turned to the dark side. Some of them have been hinted as Jedi before they turned. But to have a youngling who survived Order 66 become an Inquisitor for the sole reason to take revenge on Vader? It’s so much more personal. She deserves a whole series about how she got there.
I’ve seen a lot of people laugh at her for daring to fight Vader, and it baffles me how the parallel from the flashback scene in that very episode went right over their heads. She fights because she’s angry. Because she cannot see past her pain. She wants revenge. That’s exactly who Anakin was back then. That’s who he was when he first fought Dooku and lost an arm.
Reva is a shadow of Anakin’s past following him around. That’s why he took the time to fight her properly. He could’ve discarded her, but he needed to teach her a lesson. And he needed to cut that link to his past.
There are so many parallels, but she got discarded by the fandom because she’s a powerful Black woman who took too much place in a show the fanboys wanted to be only about Kenobi and Vader. And it pisses me off to no end because Moses Ingram did an incredible job and Reva is one of my favourite antagonists in this entire universe.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 month
Anakin does ballet, and Aayla is the prima, they end up as leads most of the time.
Obi-Wan is a teacher, obviously, but still dresses like a close to a philosophy professor as possible.
Padme is primarily ballroom, both competitive and teaching, but she's at the same studio as the rest of them. It's a shared space they trade off in schedules, so she runs into Anakin sometimes and they hit it off.
Ahsoka does swing. She and Rex are on a competition circuit, but they also take hip-hop and breaking classes with Aayla, who recently went from senior student under Quinlan to an actual teacher herself.
Mostly though, I'm imagining Anakin and Aayla at barre, gossiping as they stretch and wait for their classmates. Ridiculous Dancer Warm-Up Fashion included.
Alas, it's very much an AU that's suited to art rather than fic.
Obi-Wan teaching a youth class with 11yo Reva and 13yo Kanan and Cal...
(Also I keep imagining 37yo Obi-Wan having a cane here. Lots of injuries a dancer could have, I'm thinking ACL.)
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short-wooloo · 10 months
The Dawn of the Rebellion visual guide has confirmed Reva's official age
She is 22 years old at the time of the Kenobi miniseries (set in 9 bby), therefore she was 12 at the time of Revenge of the Sith (19 bby), so she was born in 31 bby, just a year after Phantom Menace
When Reva chose to let go of her grief and hate, when she rejected the dark side, she was the same age as Anakin when he became Vader
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starwarsblr · 1 year
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Obi Wan Kenobi Part III
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hayden-christensen · 1 year
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What have you become? I am what you made me.
OBI-WAN KENOBI: PART III dir. Deborah Chow | released June 1, 2022
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skeletons-eat · 1 month
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ventresses · 8 months
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Star Wars + Text Posts & Headlines
Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022), pt. 2
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antianakin · 1 year
It's probably been around a while and I just haven't encountered it before now, but the "yes everyone would have murdered a village down to the last child in that situation" take is a new one for me! Like would I have been justifiably upset in that situation? Yes. But what would I have done in that moment myself? Probably run. Granted I am not a person with a ton of unfathomable powers and a weapon I have spent a decade training to use that can cut through literally everything, but still. The argument that "well yeah EVERYONE would've done exactly what Anakin did" kinda falls apart when you think about it for two seconds because wow is that not what I would do when faced with being alone in the middle of an entire community of people who just captured and tortured my innocent mother for several weeks.
But it's also VERY hard to argue that this is even how everyone would react to this situation in Star Wars.
They literally have an entire arc where they explicitly have Obi-Wan's old nemesis who killed Obi-Wan's Master come to attack the home planet of someone he loves, captures her, and then murders her right in front of Obi-Wan with Obi-Wan helpless to save her. He then goads Obi-Wan into reacting in anger and Obi-Wan's reaction is to refuse to engage. He very explicitly refuses to even attack Maul because he knows he'd be reacting in anger and he's literally seen exactly where that leads before and overcome it. So when Obi-Wan IS put in an extremely similar situation, he chooses not to just go out and attack everybody as a result. He doesn't give in to his anger and fly to Dathomir to go kill every single Nightbrother on the planet as a form of justice for Satine, which is what this person is arguing is how literally anybody would react when placed in that situation.
Reva Sevander has every reason to despise Anakin, more reason than Anakin had to despise the Tuskens. And yet when she goes after Luke to try to kill him after she fails to kill Anakin, that becomes a line she can't cross. More accurately, it's a line Reva CHOOSES not to cross. So when put in that situation with all the same anger and grief as Anakin had with the opportunity to get her vengeance by killing an innocent child, Reva makes the active choice not to do what Anakin did. So while the impulse obviously was still there with Reva, she was fully capable of choosing not to go through with it. And Reva's been soaking in Darkness since she was about 8-10 years old, getting tortured and broken as an Inquisitor, surrounded by the corpses of her people, with zero support of any kind that she can turn to for comfort or guidance. Anakin had spent the last 10 years in a warm loving environment with people who cared for him and still had most of those people available to him to support him in this time of grief. And yet when faced with the same choice, Reva chose to pull back and let Luke live, but Anakin just kept going and massacred an entire village. It's a CHOICE, not an uncontrollable urge.
You know the only other person I can think up off the top of my head who DOES canonically have a similar reaction to Anakin's?
Aleksander Kallus.
Kallus explicitly states that he leads a genocide against the Lasat as vengeance for ONE Lasat killing a unit of Imperial soldiers in self defense. An entire species is nearly wiped out of existence because Kallus decided to let his anger control him.
But there are NUMEROUS other characters in Star Wars who we see lose people they love and proceed to not go on a murder spree against innocent people and children as a result. And the ones that do are pretty explicitly villains whose actions when in those situations are used to showcase just how villainous they are. Which indicates that it's NOT a normal reaction because otherwise it wouldn't really mean anything as a villain identifier. If it's something just about anyone would've done, it's probably not that villainous. The point of it NEEDS to be that most people WOULDN'T do that, even in justified anger.
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