#<-my fave Obi-Wan
skeletons-eat · 1 day
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Unfinished WIP I won't finish;P
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chiliger · 1 year
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Cody-Wan in the “The Mummy”
Part 2
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cunty-rex · 3 months
In Defense Of Anakin Skywalker
I came across some "anti anakin" blogs today and the main thing I noticed was how they all failed to mention Palpatine's role in everything. While yes Anakin did some pretty horrible things (like killing an entire tribe of tusken raiders) all his actions as Vader are a result of him being groomed. Does that abstain him from all guilt? No, of course not, but it's quite telling that their argument centers around how Anakin is just "such an awful person" and doesn't deserve his redemption arc when in reality his redemption arc is the only one that works for him. Anakin killed Sidious, the man who'd groomed him and turned him into his puppet and coerced him into doing terrible things. It feels quite intentional how these blogs neglect Sidious while simultaneously putting all the blame onto Anakin when in reality he's merely another pawn in Sidious's grand plan.
There's also the fact that Darth Vader isn't the same man as Anakin Skywalker, a distinction made both by Sidious and Vader himself. Anakin was - and is - the young boy from Tatooine that dreamed of being a Jedi knight someday. Vader is person that Sidious groomed him to be for over ten years. The only time we truly see Anakin during the OT is when he kills Sidious and saves his son, breaking free of the control that Sidious had over him for so many years. Vader dies when Sidious dies, and Anakin goes on to live as a force ghost. There's no better ending than this for Anakin, nothing more fitting.
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ninjigma · 4 months
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West Summit Summer Camp Obi-Wan Kenobi
Distracting myself from how horrible I feel by sending my faves to summer camp, because I’ve been watching a lot of old summer slasher movies and having a grand time. Also using the chance to test out a new style/technique and adjust as I go :3
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padawansuggest · 2 years
You know what would be funnier than Obi-Wan tricking the count by showing up to Dooku’s palace like ‘hi, I’m here for the training. Yeah the Sith training.’ And using that to get close to Dooku? It would be even FUNNIER if he used that as a vacation. He shows up with Cody behind him like ‘yeah I’m here for the Sith training’ and spends a week sleeping (and eating whatever Cody shoves at him lmao) and cuddling his boyfriend before showing back up to the temple like ‘I’m back, the Count’s mansion is weird, he kept trying to give me gifts’ and then they realize he was using it as a vacation where no one could bother him finally, only for Dooku to show up a week later saying he can’t stop crying and his force ghost son yelled at him that Obi-Wan legit trusted him with his life in that moment and Dooku just wants to feel like he has a family again can he plz come home?????? Yes they let him back but also put him on house arrest and like 50 mind healers and Obi-Wan drags Cody off to tea with him every week or two and he’s yelled at and loved many but they let that idiot back in as long as he helps them.
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kenobihater · 7 months
i legit don't get the appeal of viewing a character you like as a "100% unproblematic fave". y'all realize that a character can both be staunchly good with many positive traits AND have some flaws as well, right? to me, viewing a moral yet multifaceted character as faultless is like baking a cake with no salt. yeah, it's sweet, but it's too sweet because there's no salt to elevate the flavor! where's the depth in a character that is entirely perfect? where's the compelling motivations and character work? where's the humanity in that?
thankfully, i don't see much of this complete denial of flaws in the popular fanon of characters i enjoy, but what i DO see frequently is a shift in focus from characters' overall negative behaviors - behaviors directed both at themself and towards others - to depicting their self-destructive behaviors as their sole flaws. self-destruction is viewed as an "acceptable" flaw, unlike causing harm to others, and is often exaggerated if not invented out of whole cloth!
for an example of this distortion: there's a heroic yet flawed character i like with a high stress position that he wholly dedicates himself to, who probably loses a bit of sleep and is seen asking for and drinking tea ONCE to buy some time. what's the fanon version of him seen in many fics? well, his missteps and occasional emotional insensitivity have gone entirely out the window, and he's been transformed into a workaholic, sleep-deprived, caffeine addict who is incapable of caring for himself. he WILL collapse at some point in order to justify his love interest swooping in and insisting that this character, a fully grown adult man in charge of 1/10th of the entire army, learns ✨the importance of self care✨
i'm not arguing for every character to be deeply flawed - i love a good hero - but by making a canonically flawed character either 1) entirely beyond reproach or 2) a self-neglectful and/or self-flagellating martyr who has never hurt anyone but themself, you're sucking the life RIGHT out of them, and boring me to tears in the process.
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teamhangaround · 2 years
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And then he blew up some planets
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jadespiral · 3 months
Quinlan Vos 🤝 Cal Kestis, Psychometric Jedi with issues surrounding the dark side of the force who are in love with nightsisters and also survived order 66, later helping the hidden path.
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go-see-a-starwar · 2 years
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liatorii · 1 year
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I’m fairly new to this whole, Star Wars thing (I say as I’ve watched episode 1 to 6 + half of clones wars in the past 2 weeks like a totally sane person) but with enough brain rot and enabling I’ve started giving the blorbos dragon forms bc that’s a natural step of mine after obsessing over something.
So yeah, have this pathetic man as a “laser” breathing lizard.
More to come obviously
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thedunesea · 1 year
I need to write a fic in which Anakin has to dress up as a Sith for some silly Jedi play and Obi-Wan is horrified to find out that unhinged pretty boy with murder stroll and golden eyes gets him all hot and bothered
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antianakin · 1 year
"If I didn't like the Jedi, then why do I still like Mace and Obi-Wan?"
For the same reason people might say "I'm not homophobic, my best friend is gay." Same sentiment, just applied to fictional characters.
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reluctant-mandalore · 2 years
I can't include everyone, so if there is a character you would like to mention in the notes feel free too!
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padawansuggest · 2 years
Bail: If he’s your girl why was he squirming in my and my wife’s bed last night?
Obi-Wan: For the last fucking time. Bail. I had a fever.
Cody: Babe, it’s okay to think they’re hot. You’d have to be blind not to.
Obi-Wan: *muffled in the blankets where he’s been struggling through a mild food poisoning for the past day, lottsa cramps* then YOU sleep with them!
Breha: *rubbing Obi-Wan’s back for him* How about you both sleep with us????
Obi-Wan: I hate everyone here. I’m asexual till these cramps stop. Everyone shut up.
Cody: *finally giving into the need to coddle him, climbing into bed with them so he can cuddle the aches away*
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
Do you think Yoda saw all of his past students in Luke?
He saw that rage and unquenchable desire for a system corrupted to be changed, just like Dooku? He saw that peace and patience and desire to learn that Qui-Gon had? The same sass and empathy that Obi-Wan held? The same desire to live up to the people who came before him, just like Ahsoka?
And, of course, he saw Anakin there. In blue eyes and lopsided grin. In the affectionate touch to a droid. In the raw power, the untapped potential that could sway to the light or the dark so easily.
Do you think he saw the best and worst of them all? Do you think he looked at Luke and remembered training Dooku? Do you think he saw Luke heading in the direction of a maverick and missed Qui-Gon? Do you think he watched Luke grow and learn and all he could think about was that pure, uncorrupted kid from Tatooine? The kid who wanted to free slaves, the kid who fell in love hard and fast, the kid whose trust was hardwon, the kid who grew up into the antithesis of everything he once was?
Do you ever wonder what was going through Yoda’s mind on long nights? When Luke would get impatient and storm off, only to return a few moments later, calm and ready to try again. Do you think he held onto that fear, the fear that stuck with him for so long, that yet another member of his lineage would die before their time or turn to the Dark Side or just leave entirely?
Do you ever think of Yoda trying to hide things from Luke, only to get tired of it? He told Luke about his sister. The one secret that would have died with him. Artoo can’t tell anybody. Everyone else who knows - Padme, Bail, Obi-Wan - is dead. They could have just left him in the dark. They could have taken that secret and not let it potentially sway Luke’s emotions one way or the other.
That was the plan, wasn’t it? Obi-Wan is surprised when he finds out that Yoda told Luke. The plan had to have been to not tell him, to never tell him, to never risk Luke forming an unhealthy attachment to his sister that would lead him down the path of the Dark Side. That would never start Leia on the path of becoming a Jedi, meaning she would never even be at risk.
But, Yoda was dying. He was dying and he had so long to think of all the things he should have done differently. He was dying and he looked up at Luke, who they were putting the weight of the world on. They were telling Luke that the future of the galaxy was entirely on his shoulders. The sale of absolutely everyone was on him and him alone. They told him he was the last Jedi.
So Yoda must have looked up and seen that pressure. That loneliness. The Jedi of old had large communities. They lived and breathed and grew with each other. They never felt alone, because they always had someone to turn to, someone to talk to, someone they trusted to keep their head above water.
And here they were, leaving Luke alone. Telling him to rebuild the Jedi Order. Telling him to kill his own father. Telling him to kill the Emperor, but not out of anger or hatred or guilt.
Yoda figured out that this would just make it all happen again. Dooku turned because he didn’t trust the Jedi Order and he felt alone. Anakin turned because he didn’t trust the Jedi Order and he felt alone. If Luke was sent to face off against two of the most powerful Force-users, both of whom are Sith, then he would only lose faith in Yoda and Obi-Wan, and he would feel all alone, and he would turn to the Dark Side.
I think Yoda told Luke about Leia out of a desire to give Luke that support system. The Jedi all had bonds with each other, with their teachers and students, but even without bonds, they were still functionally telepaths. They were empaths. They needed a strong support system to be there when the weight got too much to bear. When the darkness of the galaxy weighed on them, when the failures of the past haunted them, when they felt so lost and confused and empty, they had each other. And that’s what Yoda was giving Luke.
He was trying to say, “Even without your father, you won’t be alone. Even without me or Obi-Wan, you won’t be alone. You’ll always have another person, a person who can and has built you up and kept your head above water. A person who you’ve done the same for. You support each other, you’ve supported each other for years now, and you will always continue to support each other.”
Luke and Leia aren’t “attached” to each other. They’re each others’ safety net. They need each other, but not out of attachment. They need each other as everyone needs someone or something to remind them of all the good things in the world when things get rough. They remind each other that they need to fight, to live on. They remind each other that the galaxy is good at its core, filled with good people who just need some help.
They remind each other that they aren’t alone. They trust each other. They don’t need the power of the Dark Side.
And that’s why it’s so important to remember that Yoda told Luke there was another Skywalker. Yoda, who has been against attachment since the beginning, is the one who risks Luke getting attached. It’s important because this is a major character moment for Yoda!
He sees them. All of them. Dooku felt alone and left them behind to try and feel power to feel safe. Qui-Gon died alone, with only Obi-Wan there to help him, far away from the Jedi. Obi-Wan died alone. Anakin felt alone and abandoned and wanted power to feel safe. Ahsoka felt alone and abandoned and left the Order, because she no longer trusted them. They all lost it, that safety net, those people who were always around them to keep them above water, that support system that reminded them that they weren’t alone and they would never be abandoned and —
Don’t you think Yoda blames himself?
His own Padawan felt like he had no choice but to leave. Obi-Wan feared attachment out of fear of being cast aside, of being abandoned. Anakin fought that desire for attachment, that desire for someone to be there when he fell, and he when he finally got even a hint of it, he hid it out of fear of it being taken away and him being abandoned for having needed it in the first place.
Of course Yoda blames himself. He outlived all of them. He’s far older than them. And his own fear of his loss overpowering him, the fear that watching everyone he loves die over and over again beause of how much longer he’ll live than any of them, is what kept his Lineage from having those safety nets in place. Those support beams.
He looks at Luke and he sees that rage that Dooku had, that eagerness to learn that Qui-Gon had, that empathy that Obi-Wan had, that innocent desire to help that Ahsoka had—
And he sees that little boy from Tatooine. The one who grew up into a monster. The one who grew distorted and disfigured and who hated them all and tore them all down. That possibility lives within Luke to. The overwhelming weight of responsibility put on one person’s shoulders, the same weight that Palpatine used to manipulate Anakin into believing that none of the Jedi could ever help or understand him.
Yoda tells Luke about Leia. He isn’t specific, he doesn’t name a name, but he knows he doesn’t have to. He doesn’t want Luke to feel lost and abandoned and alone. He wants Luke to feel strong. He gives Luke that support beam. That attachment that could so quickly overwhelm him or become unhealthy. He gives Luke this because Luke trusts him, and he doesn’t want Luke to feel like he can’t trust him.
He doesn’t want any Jedi to feel alone. He doesn’t want to see them fall to the same things the Jedi in the past did.
But most importantly, Yoda cared for the Jedi. All of them, and especially his own students. He feels their loss, even lightyears away. He wouldn’t have felt the loss of life if he didn’t care for them, not from such a far distance. And he wouldn’t have been as affected by it if he didn’t care about them. He cared about the Jedi, about his students and his Lineage and even about the little runt that Qui-Gon brought back from Tatooine.
He cares about Luke. He has so much faith in Luke. He doesn’t want Luke to die like the others. He doesn’t want Luke to die alone and feeling abandoned.
Yoda gave Luke that attachment. Because he didn’t want Luke to drown under the weight of everything they were expecting of him.
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applecoreart · 5 months
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+WIP: I was hoping to finish this by May 4th, but the last few weeks have been kind of a rollercoaster. So here's a WIP of Obi-Wan-- a screencap redraw from SW:IV 💙 Hopefully I can finish this up tonight and post it tomorrow :)
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