#Republic of Kazakhstan
arthistoryanimalia · 11 months
#InternationalSnowLeopardDay: The mythical winged snow leopard on the mountain, now a national symbol of Kazakhstan.
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badge from The Golden Warrior burial Issyk kurgan, ca. 4th-3rd c. BCE stamped & engraved gold 7.2 × 8.5 cm National Museum of of the Republic of Kazakhstan collection
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genlosscharliie · 27 days
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a father and his favourite child
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deadpresidents · 10 months
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I've had these books sitting around for a couple of years now, but I finally picked up Erika Fatland's Sovietistan: Travels in Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO) yesterday and I am burning through it and didn't even want to put it down long enough to post this. It's a good bet that any book that starts with a chapter about endlessly fascinating Turkmenistan and its crazy post-Soviet dictators -- the late, utterly ridiculous "Turkmenbashi" and the horse-obsessed dentist now in power -- is going to immediately capture my attention. The bizarre personality cults built around the dictators of Turkmenistan might actually be the one thing to shame Donald Trump because he'd be so envious of their audacity.
While I don't want my journey with Sovietistan to end as quickly as it's going to, I'm glad I also have Erika Fatland's book The Border: A Journey Around Russia Through North Korea, China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Norway, and the Northeast Passage (BOOK | KINDLE) ready to immediately dive into afterwards. I'm also going to need to get her newest book High: A Journey Across the Himalaya Through Pakistan, India, Bhutan, Nepal, and China (BOOK | KINDLE) to follow The Border. The author, Erika Fatland, is from Norway and speaks eight languages, so she's not completely lost in these wildly different and remote former Soviet satellite republics and her writing is vivid and funny (all three books are translated into English by Kari Dickson, so cheers to her, as well). I don't read a ton of books that fall in the genre of travel writing, but I might have to if there are more like this!
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news4dzhozhar · 1 month
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atheostic · 8 months
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belorussiandino · 2 years
the people have spoken, i shall provide with my school doodles from over the last few school days !
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a shot of all three:
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shot of the bahamas 🇧🇸:
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shot of the netherlands 🇳🇱:
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shot of the CAR 🇨🇫:
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also some unfinished kinda shitty sketch of saudi arabia 🇸🇦:
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kazakhstan my beloved ❣️
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goalhofer · 2 months
2024 olympians representing non-birth nation by country part 2
Azerbaijan: Loren Alfonso, boxing (Cuba); Anna Başta, fencing (Russia); Ade Dwicahyo, badminton (Indonesia); Diana Dymchenko, rowing (Ukraine); Tiffany Hayes, basketball (U.S.A.); Hideyet Heyderov, judo (Kazakhstan); Rafiq Hüseynov, wrestling (Uzbekistan); Finlay Knox, swimming (U.K.); Uşangi Kokauri, judo (Georgia); Zelym Kotsoiev, judo (Russia); Magomedkhan Magomedov, wrestling (Russia); Gashim Megomedov, taekwondo (Russia); Giorgi Meshvildishvili, wrestling (Georgia); Osman Nurmahemmedov, wrestling (Russia); Rostyslav Pevtsov, triathlon (Ukraine); Sabah Shariati, wrestling (Iran); Maryam Sheikhalizadehkhanghah, swimming (Iran); Hanna Skydan, athletics (Ukraine); Mariya Stadnyk, wrestling (Ukraine); Zelim Tckaev, judo (Russia) & Marcedes Walker, basketball (U.S.A.) Bahrain: Kemi Adekoya, athletics (Nigeria); Birhanu Balew, athletics (Ethiopia); Rose Chelimo, athletics (Kenya); Eunice Chumba, athletics (Kenya); Tigist Gashaw-Belay, athletics (Ethiopia); Askerbii Gerbekov, judo (Russia); Gor Minasyan, weightlifting (Armenia); Salwa Naser, athletics (Nigeria); Lesman Paredes, weightlifting (Colombia); Akhmed Tazhudinov, wrestling (Russia) & Winfred Yavi, athletics (Kenya) Bangladesh: Imranur Rahman, athletics (U.K.) Belgium: Bashir Abdi, athletics (Somalia); Charlotte Englebert, field hockey (U.K.); Isaac Kimeli, athletics (Kenya); Neisser Loyola, fencing (Cuba); Nelson Onana-Alima, field hockey (Sweden) & Vasile Usturoi, boxing (Romania) Benin: Valentin Houinato, judo (France) & Alex Kpade, swimming (France) Bermuda: Dara Alizadeh, rowing (U.S.A.) Brazil: Nicolas Albiero, swimming (U.S.A.); Júlia Bergmann, volleyball (Germany); Lukas Bergmann, volleyball (Germany); (Angelina Costantino, soccer (U.S.A.); Yoandy Leal, volleyball (Cuba); Nathalie Moellhausen, fencing (Italy); Rodrigo Pessoa, equestrian (France) & Luana Silva, surfing (U.S.A.) British Virgin Islands: Adaejah Hodge, athletics (U.S.A.) Bulgaria: Javier Ibáñez, boxing (Cuba); Karlos Nasar; weightlifting (France); Aik Mnatsakarian, wrestling (Georgia); Stili Nikolova, gymnastics (Egypt); Semyon Novikov, wrestling (Ukraine); Kevin Penev, gymnastics (U.S.A.); Magomed Ramazanov, wrestling (Russia); Rachel Stoyanov, gymnastics (U.S.A.) & Kīmiyā Zonūzī, taekwondo (Iran) Cambodia: Antoine De Lapparent, swimming (France) & Apsara Sakbun, swimming (U.S.A.) Cameroon: Sarah Hanffou, table tennis (France) Canada: Eliezer Adjibi, athletics (Benin); Mohammed Ahmed, athletics (Somalia); Sophie Angus, swimming (U.S.A.); Fares Arfa; fencing (Algeria); Marco Arop, athletics (Sudan); Simi Awujo, soccer (U.S.A.); Jeremy Bagshaw, swimming (Singapore); Alex Baldoni, canoeing (France); Janine Beckie, soccer (U.S.A.); Jerome Blake, athletics (Jamaica); Blake Broszus, fencing (U.S.A.); Christina Deguchi, judo (Japan); Kelly Deguchi, judo (Japan); Adam Dong, badminton (China); Michele Esercitato, shooting (Italy); Shady Elnehas, judo (Egypt); Ana Godinez, wrestling (Mexico); Shaul Gordon, fencing (Israel); Samantha Hill, basketball (U.S.A.); Michelle Li, badminton (China); Maggie MacNeil, swimming (China); Jacqueline Madogo, athletics (Democratic Republic Of Congo); Arthur Margelidon, judo (France); Marilia Mimides, water polo (Greece); Anicka Newell, athletics (U.S.A.); Sydney Pickrem, swimming (U.S.A.); Raphaelle Plante, swimming (Austria); Ana Portuondo, judo (Cuba); Miloš Raonić, tennis (Croatia); Ava Stewart, gymnastics (U.S.A.); Syla Swords, basketball (France); Clara Vulpisi, water polo (Romania); Eugene Wang, table tennis (China); Brandie Wilkerson, volleyball (Switzerland); Ruien Xiao, fencing (China); Mo Zhang, table tennis (China) & Yunjia Zhang, fencing (China) Cape Verde: Victor Alvares, fencing (France); Jayla Pina, swimming (U.S.A.); Djamila Silva, judo (Portugal) & José Tati, swimming (South Africa) Cetral African Republic: Nadia Guimendego, judo (France) Chile: Yasmani Acosta, wrestling (Cuba); Néstor Almanza, wrestling (Cuba); Alejandro Tabilo, tennis (Canada) & Zeng Zhiying, table tennis (China)
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jubaer01 · 3 months
FOR CZECH CITIZENS - SAUDI Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Official Visa Online - Saudi Visa Online Application
Oficiální aplikační centrum SAUDské Arábie
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Address : Nerudova 214/20, 118 00 Malá Strana, Czechia
Phone : +420 233 080 111
Website : https://www.visa-saudi.org/cs/visa 
Business Hours : 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name : Roger Blinkist Jacob
Description : Saudská Arábie eVisa je nový typ schvalování elektronických víz, který je nejjednodušším způsobem, jak získat vstup do Království Saúdské Arábie. eVisa pro Saudskou Arábii je elektronické vízum, které umožňuje obyvatelům přibližně padesáti zemí dělat Umrah, obchod, dovolenou, poznávat památky, cestovat a prozkoumat Saúdskou Arábii. Je to nejrychlejší, nejjednodušší, nejjednodušší a nejpřímější způsob, jak získat povolení k návštěvě Saúdské Arábie. V podstatě vše, co musíte udělat, je vyplnit velmi krátkou žádost o vízum pro Saudskou Arábii online na webových stránkách a obdržet vaše eVisa Saudské Arábie e-mailem do 24-48 hodin. Návštěvnické nebo obchodní eVisa pro Saúdskou Arábii schválila vláda Saúdské Arábie v roce 2019, aby vyspělým zemím usnadnila návštěvu Saúdského království. Starší metody saúdskoarabských víz se nedoporučují, jako je návštěva ambasády nebo získání fyzického razítka do pasu. Saúdská Arábie online vízum je pro vaše pohodlí jiný typ víza. Stačí vyplnit online formulář a nahrát fotografii obličeje. Tento typ elektronických víz pro Saúdskou Arábii je také platný pro více vstupů po dobu až 90 dnů na návštěvu. Platnost eVisa je jeden rok. To znamená, že do Saúdské Arábie můžete vstoupit více než jednou. Toto elektronické vízum nebo eVisa pro Saúdskou Arábii umožňuje pobyt 90 dní při každém vstupu do země. Saudi Visa Online platí jeden rok od data vydání. Lidé, kteří žádají o elektronické online vízum Saúdské Arábie, dostanou také smlouvu o povinném pojištění, která je také spojena s eVisa, což je nezbytný předpoklad pro cestu do Království Saúdské Arábie. Návštěvník Saúdské Arábie může využít své Saúdské eVisa ke vstupu do Saúdské Arábie přes kterýkoli z jejích námořních přístavů, leteckých terminálů a některých pozemních přístavů, jinými slovy Saúdská eVisa Online platí pro leteckou, vodní a pozemní dopravu. Traveler eVisa vám umožňuje účastnit se cvičení souvisejících s cestovním ruchem, jako je zábava, dovolená, setkání s přáteli, obchodní jednání, nábor, nákup, obchod, prodej, nákup nemovitosti, setkání s rodinou a rodinnými příslušníky a Umrah. Saúdská víza online mohou žádat následující země, Maledivy, Slovensko, Ukrajina, Řecko, Kanada, Portugalsko, Austrálie, Kazachstán, Irsko, Litva, Chorvatsko, Tádžikistán, Spojené státy americké, Korea, jih, Malta, Panama, Kypr, Island, Nový Zéland, Japonsko, Černá Hora, Seychely, Španělsko, Uzbekistán, Maďarsko, Ruská federace, Německo, Slovinsko, Norsko, Itálie, Nizozemsko, San Marino, Ázerbájdžán, Bulharsko, Albánie, Malajsie, Svatý Kryštof a Nevis, Estonsko, Švýcarsko, Monako, Spojené království, Belgie, Singapur, Česká republika, Finsko, Lucembursko, Andorra, Lotyšsko, Polsko, Brunej, Rakousko, Turecko, Francie, Gruzie, Kyrgyzstán, Švédsko, Dánsko, Rumunsko, Jižní Afrika, Lichtenštejnsko, Thajsko a Mauricius. Saudi Arabia eVisa is a new type of Electronic Visa approval that is the simplest way to gain entry into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. eVisa for Saudi Arabia is an electronic visa which permits residents of around fifty countries to do Umrah, Business, Vacation, Sightseeing,  Travel, and explore Saudi Arabia. It is the fastest, easiest, simplest and the most straightforward method for getting Visa approval to visit Saudi Arabia. Basically all you need to do is to fill out a very short Saudi Visa Application Online on the website and receive your  Saudi Arabia eVisa by email within 24-48 hours. The Visitor  or Business eVisa for Saudi Arabia was endorsed by the Saudi Arabia Government in 2019 to make it easy for the developed countries to visit the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Older methods of Saudi Visa are not recommended, such as visiting embassy or getting physical stamp on your passport. The Saudi Arabia online visa is a different type of Visa for your convenience. You have to just fill a form online and upload your face photo. Also, this type of electronic Visa for Saudi Arabia is valid for multiple entries of up to 90 days per visit.
The eVisa is valid for one year. This implies you can enter more than once into Saudi Arabia.  This electronic Visa or eVisa for Saudi Arabia permits a stay of 90 days with every entry to the country. The Saudi Visa Online is valid for one year from the date of issue. The people who apply for the Saudi Arabia electronic online visa are also given a Compulsory Insurance agreement whic is also connected to the eVisa, which is a necessary prerequisite to make a trip to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Visitor to Saudi Arabia can utilize their Saudi eVisa to enter Saudi Arabia through any of its seaports, air terminals, and some land ports, in other words the Saudi eVisa Online is valid for Air, Water and Land methods of transport. The traveler eVisa permits you to take part in the travel industry related exercises like amusement, holidays, meeting friends, business meeting, recruitment, purchase, trade, sale, buying property, meeting family and family members visits, and Umrah. The following countries are allowed to apply Saudi Visa Online , Maldives, Slovakia, Ukraine, Greece, Canada, Portugal, Australia, Kazakhstan, Ireland, Lithuania, Croatia, Tajikistan, United States, Korea, South, Malta, Panama, Cyprus, Iceland, New Zealand, Japan, Montenegro, Seychelles, Spain, Uzbekistan, Hungary, Russian Federation, Germany, Slovenia, Norway, Italy, Netherlands, San Marino, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Albania, Malaysia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Estonia, Switzerland, Monaco, United Kingdom, Belgium, Singapore, Czech Republic, Finland, Luxembourg, Andorra, Latvia, Poland, Brunei, Austria, Turkey, France, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Sweden, Denmark, Romania, South Africa, Liechtenstein, Thailand, and Mauritius.  
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tozmik · 5 months
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xtruss · 1 year
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BRICS Summit in Xiamen, Southeastern China's Fujian Province on September 5, 2017. © Mark Schiefelbein/POOL/AFP
Dmitry Trenin: The Founder Members of BRICS Face a Historic Decision as They Attempt to Reshape the World Order
Expanding the membership and working towards financial independence from the West are two important challenges to be discussed at the Johannesburg summit
— Monday August 21th, 2023
Never has the BRICS group attracted so much interest around the world as in the run-up to the 15th leaders’ summit this week in Johannesburg.
This in itself shows the growth of the bloc's importance since its first gathering – at the level of economics ministers – on the margins of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum in 2006, and the initial proper summit in Ekaterinburg in 2009.
About 20 countries are reportedly seeking admission to the five-member organization and the list of countries that will be represented at the meeting in South Africa is three times as long. This is a sign of the times and points to two things: the yearning of many non-Western nations to become more consequential to how the world is run, and the growing pushback against self-serving Western dominance in global politics, economics, finance, and the media.
This does not mean, however, that BRICS (an acronym made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) will have an easy run in reshaping the world order. Ahead of the Johannesburg summit, two issues emerged as the main challenges to the group’s further evolution. One is expanding membership. A number of countries from all over the globe have lined up at BRICS' door, ready to walk in. These include Algeria, Argentina, Bangladesh, Belarus, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cuba, Egypt, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Going for a big-bang enlargement would be a loud statement, to the effect that an alternative to the US-led system of alliances and partnerships is being built. However, the question is would such an expansion make a much more diversified BRICS immediately stronger or not?
Within BRICS itself, views on enlargement differ. Yet, there is a model that can prove useful. Another non-Western group, with some of the same participant states, did manage the enlargement issue without diluting effectiveness. This was the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which started with Russia, China, and three Central Asian states. Over time, the SCO has found a formula for categories of participating countries and criteria-cum-processes for admitting new full members. The organization was able to extend its full membership to India and Pakistan, Uzbekistan and Iran, with a number of others in line for admission. If the SCO approach is adopted by BRICS, this could be a solution.
The other challenge for the bloc is coming up with new financial instruments to reduce the non-Western economies’ dependence on the dollar. Washington’s weaponization of its currency in its Hybrid War against Russia and its concurrent manipulation of trade and technology against China have made the issue urgent. Western restrictions have hampered the activities of the BRICS’ New Development Bank. Calls have been made for the group to create a common currency, to break the dollar's monopoly in world finance. Yet, it is self-evident that creating a reserve currency for five very different economies, of which China accounts for two-thirds of the combined nominal GDP of the group, will run up against the jealously guarded principle of national sovereignty. The original goal of achieving financial independence will not be met.
A more practical way would be to improve the currently growing practice of using national currencies in trade between BRICS countries. The yuan and ruble account for more than half of Sino-Russian commercial turnover; Russia accepts the rupee for the oil it ships to India; Brazil trades in yuan with China; and so on. While these transactions have the merit of being free from third-country interference, they can and do incur costs, due to the problems with convertibility of some currencies, their limited use outside the issuing country, and the instability of the exchange rate. These are the issues that need to be addressed. While a BRICS currency is still a long way off, it would make more sense to work on improving the system of international payments and settlements within the group.
BRICS is often compared to the G7. Yet, although is some ways the comparison can be justified, the two groups are fundamentally different in their ambition, structure, and evolution. The G7 is politically, economically and ideologically homogenous, while BRICS is rich in diversity on all counts; the G7 is essentially led by the United States, with the others, the ex-great powers, unquestionably accepting that leadership, whereas in BRICS, China’s economic weight does not translate into a Beijing hegemony. The G7 is globalist in the sense of seeking to project its models and morals on the rest of the world, and BRICS countries are wholly focused on their national sovereignty. At the same time, the G7 is clearly exclusive, with the West sitting clearly above the rest, while BRICS is just the opposite: it embraces the diversity of different civilizations and cultures.
The G7’s role is to preserve the old order in which the West is dominant; the BRICS members’ ambition is to build elements of a new, more diversified and better-balanced world order – first of all among themselves and then to further impact the evolution of the world system. BRICS is not an attempt to create a zero-sum alliance. It is the core of what one can call the World Majority that aims at development rather than dominance. The going will be hard and not unopposed but, with more pieces to the puzzle affixed, the foundation of a more open and inclusive world order will eventually emerge.
— Dmitry Trenin is a research professor at the Higher School of Economics and a lead research fellow at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations. He is also a member of the Russian International Affairs Council.
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txttletale · 1 year
driving around the usa iwth 144 'not my president' bumper stickers entirely covering my car bearing images of the current presidents of albania, algeria, angola, argentina, armenia, austria, azerbaijan, bangladesh, barbados, belarus, benin, bolivia, bosnia and herzegovina, botswana, brazil, bulgaria, burkina faso, burundi, cameroon, cape verde, central african republic, chad, chile, colombia, comoros, costa rica, croatia, cuba, cyprus, czechia, djibouti, dominica, dominican republic, democratic republic of the congo, ecuador, egypt, el salvador, equatorial guinea, eritrea, estonia, ethiopia, fiji, finland, france, gabon, gambia, georgia, germany, ghana, greece, guatemala, guinea, guinea bissau, guyana, haiti, honduras, hungary, iceland, india, indonesia, iran, iraq, ireland, israel, italy, ivory coast, kazakhstan, kenya, kiribati, kosovo, kyrgyzstan, laos, latvia, lebanon, liberia, lithuania, malawai, maldives, mali, malta, marshall islands, mauritania, mauritius, mexico, micronesia, moldova, mongolia, montenegro, mozambique, myanmar, namibia, nauru, nepal, nicaragua, niger, nigeria, north macedonia, pakistan, palau, palestine, panama, paraguay, peru, philippines, poland, portugal, republic of china, republic of the congo, republic of korea, romania, russia, rwanda, sao tome and principe, senegal, serbia, seychelles, sierra leone, singapore, slovakia, slovenia, somalia, south africa, south sudan, sri lanka, suriname, syria, tajikistan, tanzania, timor leste, togo, trinidad and tobago, tunisia, turkey, turkmenistan, uganda, ukraine, united arab emirates, uruguay, uzbekistan, vanuatu, venezuela, vietnam, zambia, and zimbabwe and i have to update them every time theres a presidnetlai election anywhere
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psychicreadsgirl · 2 months
Pick a Novel: Keywords/prominent themes in your life
Pick the novel that draws your attention the most. If you can't decide between two, then look at the 2 readings. This is a general reading, so not everything will apply. Please take what resonates and leave what doesn't behind!
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Keywords: love, lust, passion, fun, temperament, cafe, sweet, bicycle, pen, books, music, loyalty, winter, sofa, furniture, thoughts, light, intuition, soulmate, art, obsidian, cake, carbonated water, skincare, socks, cooking
Celebrities/Public Figures: Audrey Hepburn, Min Yoongi, IU, Claude Monet, Angela Merkel, Andrew Carnegie, John Johnson, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, Howard Schultz, Sam Walton, Amancio Ortega, Queen Elizabeth I, Jane Austen, Jennie Kim
Countries: Italy, Canada, South Africa, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Greece, Madagascar, Qatar, Sweden, Zambia, Taiwan, Solomon Islands
Numbers: 11, 1, 5, 9, 80, 888, 6
Brands: Hermes, Tiffany, Apple, Instagram, Taobao, Lamborghini, Deloitte, Microsoft, Chopard, Givenchy, Patek Phillipe, Chloe, Alaia, Kraft,
Kpop songs: Young Forever by BTS, Shine by PENTAGON, Me Gustas Tu by GFRIEND, Run to You by DJ DOC, Love Lee by AKMU, Deja vu by TXT, Back Down by P1Harmony, Love shot by EXO
Keywords: economy, job loss, new opportunities, play, drama, anger, frustration, lost, compass, computers, battery, feet, head, brain, summer, pearl, avocado, junk food, fried chicken, challenge, frugal
Celebrities/Public Figures: Grace Kelly, Billie Eilish, Keanu Reeves, Rosé, Jung Hoseok, Salma Hayek, Pablo Picasso, Princess Diana, Thomas Edison, Sergey Brin, Mary I, William Shakespeare, Lee Nayeon
Countries: New Zealand, USA, Maldives, Indonesia, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Lithuania, Nepal, Portugal, Poland, Lebanon, Mali, Netherlands
Numbers: 4, 99, 101, 33, 13, 14, 0
Brands: Masion Margiela, Amazon, facebook, Shein, PWC, Missoni, Moschino Couture, Toyota, citi bank, Chaumet, Polene, Pizza Hut,
Kpop songs: Love Dive by IVE, Shangri-la by VIXX, Sweety by Clazziquai, I NEED U by BTS, The Chaser by Infinite, Magnetic by ILLIT, My House by 2PM, ICY by ITZY
Keywords: tales, gossip, lies, funny, movies, theatre, cell phone, cool, kpop, magenta, ancient, history, claws, cats, tiger, fall, jealousy, games, aquamarine, lemons, makeup, pencil, groceries
Celebrities/Public Figures: Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Morgan Freeman, Kim Seokjin, Jang Wonyoung, Matt Damon, Napoleon Bonaparte, Shinzo Abe, Steve Jobs, Voltaire, Kim Jisoo,
Countries: Ethiopia, France, Russia, Ireland, Argentina, Afghanistan, Libya, Rwanda, Nigeria, Pakistan, Morocco, Malta, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Iraq,
Numbers: 2, 7, 69, 25, 55, 79, 1182
Brands: Saint Laurent, miumiu, Starbucks, Mercedez-Benz, Nestle, Oracle, Tod's, Bulgari, Rolex, KFC, SUBWAY, Carrefour, Kellog's
Kpop songs: Supernova by aespa, Maestro by seventeen, Not by the moon by GOT7, Alone by Sistar, Hip by MAMAMOO, Good Day by IU, Bite Me by ENHYPEN, Work by ATEEZ, The Feels by TWICE
Keywords: foreign, spicy, peppery, rice, no, objection, resistance, control, storms, thunderstorms, shower, tension, crush, pop, paper, mango, legs, fragrance, emerald, clothing rack, tomatoes, defeat,
Celebrities/Public Figures: Judy Garland, Margot Robbie, G-Dragon, Jeon Jungkook, Pharrell Williams, Emmanuel Macron, Bill Clinton, King Charles, Warren Buffet, Cleopatra, Kim Mingyu
Countries: South Korea, Philippines, Scotland, Spain, Albania, Guatemala, Malaysia, Iran, Romania, Honduras, Georgia, Croatia, Belgium, Czech Republic, Gambia, Guinea
Numbers: 31, 75, 412, 43, 486, 640
Brands: Chanel, Prada, Bentley, Gucci, Samsung, Disney, BMW, Hyundai, cisco, Van Cleefs & Arpels, Dior, Loro Piana, Shake Shack
Kpop songs: Gee by SNSD, If you by BIGBANG, Antifragile by LE SSERAFIM, Up and Down by EXID, OMG by NewJeans, Lion by (G)I-DLE, Hello by TREASURE,
Keywords: death, mystery, mirror, reflection, shadow, black, grey, white, funeral, video, sprint, pool, gym, streets, metro, subway, chocolate, broken, knees, moon, ruby, surgery, teeth, race
Celebrities/Public Figures: Marilyn Monroe, Barack Obama, Kate Winslet, Kim Taehyung, Aamir Khan, Marie Antoinette, Elon Musk, Robert F Kennedy, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, Edward VIII, Charles Dickens, Abraham Lincoln, Park Bogum,
Countries: North Korea, China, Vietnam, Brazil, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Germany, India, Israel, Laos, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Congo, Cuba, Egypt, Mongolia
Numbers: 3, 97, 17, 19, 52, 98
Brands: Ralph Lauren, Celine, Ferrari, Huawei, Uber, intel, UPS, Calvin Klein, Piaget, Guerlain, Berluti, Pepsi, Cadbury
Kpop songs: Shut down by Blackpink, Seven by Jeon Jungkook, God's Menu by Stray Kids, Love Love Love by Epik High, Very Nice by SEVENTEEN, Birthday by Jeon Somi, Psycho by Red Velvet,
Keywords: travel, toxic, break away, departure, memory, dreams, truth, unveil, diary, journal, coffee, jacket, shoes, hands, social media, news, competition, autumn, diamonds, electricity, TV, cheat, fashion
Celebrities/Public Figures: Jane Birkin, Kim Jiwon, Gigi Hadid, Charlize Theron, Park Jimin, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Maximilien Robespierre, Bill Gates, Queen Elizabeth II, Vladimir Putin, Henry Ford, James Joyce, Lalisa Manobal
Countries: Japan, Australia, Mexico, Iceland, Finland, Eritrea, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Bolivia, Botswana, Bahamas,
Numbers: 8, 646, 152, 37, 49, 22
Brands: Louis Vuitton, Lexus, Tesla, Fendi, Walmart, Nike, Siemens, Google, Cartier, Burberry, Ferragamo, Burger King, Unilever
Kpop songs: ROCKSTAR by LISA, Cherry bomb by NCT 127, Move by Taemin, Dramarama by MONSTA X, Love Scenario by iKON, Get a Guitar by RIIZE, Replay by SHINee, Candy Sugar Pop by ASTRO, Mr. Simple by Super Junior
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 month
Israeli tanks, jets and bulldozers bombarding Gaza and razing homes in the occupied West Bank are being fueled by a growing number of countries signed up to the genocide and Geneva conventions, new research suggests, which legal experts warn could make them complicit in serious crimes against the Palestinian people.
Four tankers of American jet fuel primarily used for military aircraft have been shipped to Israel since the start of its aerial bombardment of Gaza in October.
Three shipments departed from Texas after the landmark international court of justice (ICJ) ruling on 26 January ordered Israel to prevent genocidal acts in Gaza. The ruling reminded states that under the genocide convention they have a “common interest to ensure the prevention, suppression and punishment of genocide”.
Overall, almost 80% of the jet fuel, diesel and other refined petroleum products supplied to Israel by the US over the past nine months was shipped after the January ruling, according to the new research commissioned by the non-profit Oil Change International and shared exclusively with the Guardian.
Researchers analyzed shipping logs, satellite images and other open-source industry data to track 65 oil and fuel shipments to Israel between 21 October last year and 12 July.
It suggests a handful of countries – Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Gabon, Nigeria, Brazil and most recently the Republic of the Congo and Italy – have supplied 4.1m tons of crude oil to Israel, with almost half shipped since the ICJ ruling. An estimated two-thirds of crude came from investor-owned and private oil companies, according to the research, which is refined by Israel for domestic, industrial and military use.
Israel relies heavily on crude oil and refined petroleum imports to run its large fleet of fighter jets, tanks and other military vehicles and operations, as well as the bulldozers implicated in clearing Palestinian homes and olive groves to make way for unlawful Israeli settlements.
In response to the new findings, UN and other international law experts called for an energy embargo to prevent further human rights violations against the Palestinian people – and an investigation into any oil and fuels shipped to Israel that have been used to aid acts of alleged genocide and other serious international crimes.
“After the 26 January ICJ ruling, states cannot claim they did not know what they were risking to partake in,” said Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territory, adding that under international law, states have obligations to prevent genocide and respect and ensure respect for the Geneva conventions.[...]
“In the case of the US jet-fuel shipments, there are serious grounds to believe that there is a breach of the genocide convention for failure to prevent and disavowal of the ICJ January ruling and provisional measures,” said Albanese. “Other countries supplying oil and other fuels absolutely also warrant further investigation.”
In early August, a tanker delivered an estimated 300,000 barrels of US jet fuel to Israel after being unable to dock in Spain or Gibraltar amid mounting protests and warnings from international legal experts. Days later, more than 50 groups wrote to the Greek government calling for a war-crimes investigation after satellite images showed the vessel in Greek waters.
Last week, the US released $3.5bn to Israel to spend on US-made weapons and military equipment, despite reports from UN human rights experts and other independent investigations that Israeli forces are violating international law in Gaza and the occupied West Bank. A day later, the US approved a further $20bn in weapons sales, including 50 fighter jets, tank ammunition and tactical vehicles.
The sale and transfer of jet fuel – and arms – “increase the ability of Israel, the occupying power, to commit serious violations”, according to the UN human rights council resolution in March.
The US is the biggest supplier of fuel and weapons to Israel. Its policy was unchanged by the ICJ ruling, according to the White House.
“The case for the US’s complicity in genocide is very strong,” aid Dr Shahd Hammouri, lecturer in international law at the University of Kent and the author of Shipments of Death. “It’s providing material support, without which the genocide and other illegalities are not possible. The question of complicity for the other countries will rely on assessment of how substantial their material support has been.”[...]
A spokesperson for the Brazilian president’s office said oil and fuel trades were carried out directly by the private sector according to market rules: “Although the government’s stance on Israel’s current military action in Gaza is well known, Brazil’s traditional position on sanctions is to not apply or support them unilaterally.
Azerbaijan, the largest supplier of crude to Israel since October, will host the 29th UN climate summit in November, followed by Brazil in 2025.[...]
The Biden administration did not respond to requests for comment, nor did Vice-President Kamala Harris’s presidential election campaign team.
Israel is a small country with a relatively large army and air force. It has no operational cross-border fossil fuel pipelines, and relies heavily on maritime imports.[...]
The new data suggests:
•Half the crude oil in this period came from Azerbaijan (28%) and Kazakhstan (22%). Azeri crude is delivered via the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline, majority-owned and operated by BP. The crude oil is loaded on to tankers at the Turkish port of Ceyhan for delivery to Israel. Turkey recently submitted a formal bid to join South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at the ICJ.
•African countries supplied 37% of the total crude, with 22% coming from Gabon, 9% from Nigeria and 6% from the Republic of the Congo.
•In Europe, companies in Italy, Greece and Albania appear to have supplied refined petroleum products to Israel since the ICJ ruling. Last month, Israel also received crude from Italy – a major oil importer. A spokesperson said the Italian government had “no information” about the recent shipments.
•Cyprus provided transshipment services to tankers supplying crude oil from Gabon, Nigeria, and Kazakhstan.[...]
Just six major international fossil-fuel companies – BP, Chevron, Eni, ExxonMobil, Shell and TotalEnergies – could be linked to 35% of the crude oil supplied to Israel since October, the OCI analysis suggests. This is based on direct stakes in oilfields supplying Israeli and/or the companies’ shares in production nationally.[...]
Last week, Colombia suspended coal exports to Israel “to prevent and stop acts of genocide against the Palestinian people”, according to the decree signed by President Gustavo Petro. Petro wrote on X: “With Colombian coal they make bombs to kill the children of Palestine.”
20 Aug 24
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koyunsoncizeri · 1 year
Fingolfin crossing the Ice.
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Clothing inspo -Sakha Turks. Also a clarification nobody asked for but felt the need to share anyway cuz ive seen it couple of times now.
Turk means all Turkic people, Turkmenistan, Sakha Republic, Kazakhstan, Türkiye etc.
Turks are also not people of color as ive seen mentioned quite a lot by now. Nor we are asian, even the ones who live in central asia, or up north
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irithnova · 1 year
The Russian state using ethnic minorities as cannon fodder - with a focus on Buryats
Article written in 2022, update on the Free Buryatia Foundation in September 2023 given at the end of the post.
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Putin announced on October 14th 2022 that by the end of October, his partial mobilisation process would be complete
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The recruitment target was 300,000. 222,000 were recruited, and it was claimed that there'd be no more plans for future recruitment
The mobilisation process soaked nation wide outrage which lead to mass protests.
It drew in criticism from some of the Russian political elite
The mobilisation process disproportionately affected ethnic minorities/impoverished regions (many impoverished regions have a high ethnic minority population)
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Tuva Republic
Regions that held high populations of ethnic minorities bared the brunt of war-related deaths.
Both Ukrainian media and authorities have levelled accusations at Russian ethnic minorities - that they committed war crimes in Bucha, Ukraine
This accusations was made in May 2022 by Lydmyla Denisova, Ukrainian ombudsman for human rights
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Buryats and Chechens were being accused of this
This was a form of scapegoating (not to say they 0 ethnic minorities have committed war crimes in Ukraine of course)
The Free Buryat Foundation investigated this and produced a report that challenged the notion that Buryats were ever sent to Bucha, let alone being responsible for the war crimes committed
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Victoria Maladaeva is the vice president of the Free Buryatia Foundation.
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She said:
Dagestan, Tuva Republic and Buryatia Republic have the highest death tolls
Moscow, with 17 million, had >50 deaths.
Buryatia with only 980,000 had 364
A Buryat is 7.8 x more likely to die in the war compared to an ethnic Russian.
A Tuvan is 10.4x more likely
The biggest losses were at the beginning of the war and numbers gradually decreased.
Mobilisation was first and foremost carried out in ethnic republics
The day Putin announced this, authorities came to Buryatia at night, went into people's homes and took them from their beds.
No one was given draft notices
They even took men with multiple children, men from the same family
Endangered ethnic groups reside in Dagestan
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There are very small communities of those people with populations of around 13,000
Despite this, those minorities were still drafted
There are also very small communities in the Sakha Republic.
They are so remote, helicopters are needed to be called for medical treatment
They almost never come because of how remote these communities are
Funnily enough, helicopters came immediately to draft those people upon Putin's announcement
Putin is a Russian imperialist through and through
None Russians are treated like second class citizens
Russian cultural chauvinism is seen even in small things - such as names
Putin would frequently mispronounce Kazakhstan's president's name. If you have an ethnic Buryat name for example, Russians are reluctant to use it, instead assigning you an "easier" Russian name
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Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
Unfortunately, many of the people of Buryatia believe in the Russian narrative about Nazi ideology in Ukraine
It is one of the missions of the free Buryatia Foundation to help Buryats understand that this is Russian propaganda
The focus on Buryat/ethnic minority war crimes has a racial element
When an ethnic minority commits a war crime, their ethnicity is singled out
It should not matter the ethnicity of a war criminal
78 Buryat soldiers from the 11th air assault brigade were barred from terminating their contract
They were imprisoned in Luhansk.
Only Ilya Kaminskiy returned. The fate of the other men is unknown
The Free Buryatia Foundation knows they cannot help everyone but they do their best. They help people in terminating their contracts for example and have been quite successful in this.
The Free Buryatia Foundation was established to counter Russian propaganda and to protest the war.
People worldwide took an interest to this, so they founded the free Buryatia Foundation.
The Free Buryatia Foundation is the first ethnic anti war organisation in Russia
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They aided in founding anti war organisations in other ethnic regions such as Tuva, Kalmykia, Udmurtia, Sakha
Many Buryats fled to Mongolia and Kazakhstan
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Some men were able to come back after being drafted, some were not
The economic situation for Buryatia is dire. It ranked 81st out of 85 of Russia's regions when it came to living standards
Buryats had to spend money on a list of supplies for war that Russia did not provide them
Very recently, on September 1st, Russia banned the Free Buryatia Foundation, labelling them as undesirable and anti Russian.
Here is the website for the Free Buryatia Foundation:
And here is where you can donate:
Please spread around or give what you can.
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belorussiandino · 2 years
art time!!!!!!
i have been doodling a lot in class and am finally getting around to showing y'all it!!
austria, hungary, kazakhstan, and sudan
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nepal (i'm sorry i gave him a sad wet rag for a scarf)
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might've posted this one actually but stfu
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some (vertical) eyepatch practice with bosnia, belarus, and turkmenistan
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and now silly guy time !!!!!
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