#Remus Lupin x Niece
believinghurts · 11 months
Their Daughter Part 6
Tenison was high in the dining room of Grimmuald Place as the Black brothers stared one another down. Regulus knew that part of Sirius's anger was because he thought he had lost his child to his brother, much like when they were young, and their parents favored Regulus over him. But this was Sirius's own fault; Ali had tried even after she had been hurt that Sirius went to Harry first. Sirius could not get over the fact that Ali was close with the Malfoys and had taken to projecting his anger to the only person who would love him more than anything if he tried.
Sirius wouldn't admit it out loud, but he was jealous of Regulus. He always had been, but coming back from the hell he had been trapped in to find that his own daughter had chosen his brother over him hurt more than any torture he had ever faced. Regulus had always been the perfect child who everyone adored. He had gotten fewer beatings as a child than Sirius, had gotten better grades in school, and now was considered a dad to Ali. It was only natural for Sirius to go back to what he did during his school years and focus his attention on the people who showed him attention. Harry was his godchild, but Harry also had no one else, meaning Sirius didn't have to worry about being replaced. Sirius also felt awful for the events that transpired the night of James and Lily's deaths and was trying to make up for it.
"If you just gave her a chance, you may find she is much more like you than you think." Regulus sat at the table again, watching his older brother run his hands through his hair. "She is so headstrong and stubborn that I know it revivals yours. And I cannot express enough how she just wants to be good enough for you to love, much like how you tried for years with Mother."
Sirius sighed in defeat, regrettting the painful things he had put his daughter through. "I do love her. I just…."
"Are shit at showing it. I saw the look in your eyes when Ali called me dad; I know that hurt you. But instead of talking about it, you just lash out at her or me or Remus, making it seem like you really don't care at all. I never tried to fill that role in her life. I was and will always be Uncle Reg, and that is fine. Do I see her as my child and love her like my own? Yes, absolutely. I will do anything for her, and if that fills that role as a father, I will. But I don't want to take that from you. You had so much stolen from you in your life, Sirius: your childhood, your parents, your best friend, 12 years of your life. The last thing I want to do is take more away, but I cannot and will not put you above her. She deserves so much in this world, and you should help her get it. We both should. But the question remains: will you put aside your 'every Slytherin is a Death Eater' mindset to do so? Because people have changed and we are close to the Malfoys, Notts, Parkinson's, and the Zabini's. They are not the same people anymore. Things have changed in the war; sides have changed. But you haven't. Ali is loyal to a fault and is a great judge of character; she won't betray the Order, nor will the others. Just give people a chance, Sirius."
"I did give people a chance, and it…..it got my best friend and his wife killed. We trusted Peter. I trusted Peter enough to have James make him the secret Keeper. It got them killed, and he was our friend. How am I supposed to trust that Lucius Malfoy has the Order's best interest at heart when my own friend of 9 years didn't?" Sirius started pacing before his brother. His head is cloudy in memories, tears blurring his eyes as his best friend's dead body flashed in front of him. "I know that I'm shit at showing Ali I love her, and part of it is because I'm scared to get close only to lose her again to someone like Lucius Malfoy. I owe it to James to look after Harry, but that doesn't mean I don't love him like my own because I do. But I love Ali just as much, and I know she has you, Remus, and even Snivillious to love her. And I want to try to improve things with her; I just don't know how. How do I fix what I've done, Regulus?"
Regulus caught the double meaning to his brother's question, "You can't. Sirius, you can't fix what happened to James and Lily. You can't fix how you've treated Ali so far."
Sirius felt his heart crack at his brother's words. He had hoped to get Ali back, but it seemed he had gone too far. He started for the stairs when Regulus continued.
"But that doesn't mean you can't fix it from now on. You can't change the past and bring James back, but you can make them proud by loving and protecting Ali and Harry. I mean, yeah, they don't get along now, but I think part of that is because he has seen and heard how you and James treated outsiders. I know they used to play together as babies, not that they would remember it, but Remus told me. Tell how close they were till everything happened, and bring them back together. Stop being afraid of losing Ali to someone when all everyone wants to do is love her and keep her safe. And maybe you don't trust Lucius or the others right now, but I trust them more than Dumbledore most of the time. And you should talk to Moody about the help Lucius has given the Order even if he refuses to say he has aligned himself with us." Regulus held his brother's shoulder, "Give them a chance. Don't let the other kids make remarks about Ali and her friends. Talk to her. I wouldn't start trying to act like her father, but maybe a friend? Or a really distant uncle. You'll figure it out, Sirius; you're smarter than you give yourself credit for."
Sirius followed his brother up the stairs, going to bed with hope, lighting a flame in his heart for the first time in years.
Days following the talk between Regulus and Sirius, Ali noticed that the golden trio had become slightly nicer to her. She does not make as many comments about her or her friends. She had no idea what was happening but wasn't going to complain. Regulus had come to her that morning telling her that he thought it a better idea if Blaise came to their house instead of her going over there. He believed it would show that the Slytherins were not as bad as all the others thought.
At first, Ali was hesitant about the idea. Still, after being reassured that Remus would be home as well as Regulus, Ali agreed. The thought of Blaise being at her house surrounded by her tormentors made her sick to her stomach. She wanted nothing more than to run away for a few days, but that ship had sailed, and it was only hours before Blaise arrived when Regulus called for 'those who live in this house meeting.' By the time Ali had gotten dressed and cleaned her room, everyone was already in the kitchen since it seemed to be the usual gathering place for the group. She straightened her sweater and did a quick glance down to make sure her outfit was still okay. It was slightly chilly in the house, so she had gone with a Bulgarian Quidditch sweater that was mainly red with black details and a pair of cropped black leggings with matching fuzzy socks. She and Blaise had already decided to stay for most of the day and then go and get dinner somewhere in Diagon Ally so she could change later. Remus and Regulus walked at the same time as Sirius and Harry.
"I'm assuming everyone is confused about why this meeting was called," Remus started. "There seems to be an assumption that Slyertians and those associated with them are all Death Eaters or traitors."
Scowls had overtaken most of the younger one's faces in the room, as well as Sirius's. Ali looked at her uncle, trying to figure out where this was going. She knew the reason was to inform everyone that Blaise would be here for a few days, but there was something else going on; she could feel it.
"After speaking with Dumbledore and getting his permission, not that I technically need the permission as it is my house, but nevertheless. A few individuals will be coming to stay here for the upcoming days, and there will be a couple of visitors as well." Regulus's eye caught Ali's, and gave her a wink just as the sound of footsteps entered the foyer. Ali was too short to see over everyone's heads to see who was there, but from the looks on a couple faces, including the elder Weasley, it was someone they were not fond of.
A flash of white hair caught Ali's eye as the group entered the kitchen. Her mouth dropped in shock as she took in her uncle Severus, leading the Malfoys, Blaise, and Theo towards Regulus and Remus. Cissa shot her a wink while Draco eyed Harry and Sirius up and down; Blaise kept his eyes locked on Ali, and Theo thoroughly enjoyed the shocked looks from the Weasleys.
"Sorry, we're late. Draco took too long in the mirror this morning," Severus said. Draco glared at his Godfather before continuing on with his glare at Potter.
"Well, allow me to introduce everyone. This is Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy, which I'm sure almost all of you know. This is Blaise, Theodore, and Draco. Narcissa and Lucius will be in and out for the next bit trying to get caught up on Order business while the latter three will be staying here for a bit." Remus shook Lucius's hand before joining Dora beside Ali, who was bouncing on her toes, overly excited at the fact that it was going to be back to normal in the next couple of days.
"You can't be serious. They are staying here?" Sirius exclaimed, running his hand down his face before glaring at Lucius. "I still remember what you did, Malfoy."
"I don't often agree with Sirius, but Dumbledore said this was alright?" Arthur asked. Ali knew that the Malfoys hadn't been the kindest to the Weasleys in the past, and she felt sorry for them in that aspect, but Lucius was not the same man as he was during her first year. And Narcissa wouldn't hurt a flea.
Remus stepped forward again, "He did. Narcissa and Lucius will be helping with some scooting missions that are coming up since they know that area of town better and are considering joining the Order. The three brats are mainly for Ali, though."
"Did you miss us short stack?" Theo opened his arms for Ali, who jumped straight into them. Theo gave her a twirl before pulling on her braid. She barely had time to catch her breath before Draco had her spinning again and tickling her sides, making her squeal.
"Of course I missed you! What kind of question is that?!" Ali giggled before hugging Blaise despite her uncle Remus glaring at them. Blaise took her hand and gave it a squeeze when they parted before facing the other children in the room. Theo and Draco took the opposite sides of Ali, showing a united front against the ones who had been horrible towards her.
Ali was ecstatic that they were going to be in the house more. Maybe her summer wouldn't end so badly. Sirius was shocked that Dumbledore had cleared this and even more shocked that Lucius would help the Order. He did not trust him and would go on those missions even if he had to go as Padfoot. This was outrageous and downright stupid, allowing death eaters to snoop freely in the Order business. Looking at his daughter, he could see how happy she was to be surrounded by her friends, but he also knew that he would have to keep a closer eye on her than he already was. He had asked the trio to play nice so he had more people watching her. He did trust that she was a Death Eater, and now he was surrounded by them.
"Al, Kreatcher sat up extra beds in your room for the boys. Pansy should be joining later, but she had something come up with her grandfather. Her mother said she would owl when she was on her way." Regulus leveled each of the boys with a look. "You lot know the rules. I don't care if you have fun but clean up after yourselves, and don't be too loud when it gets late. Curfew is at 10pm and no later. If you are leaving the house, go in pairs at least and let one of the adults you know be aware of where you're going. You lot know the food is fair game, and Kretcher has already been instructed to grocery shop more often. The house is also fair game, but be respectful, please."
"Don't worry, Uncle Reg. I'll keep them in line," Draco smirked at the other three before Severus whacked him upside the head.
Ali turned and looked at the younger swarm of redheads and others in the room. She cleared her throat to get the attention on her, which made her take an unconscious step back toward Blaise and Draco. "Everyone, this is Theo, Blaise and Draco. I'm sure most of you know this, but just in case. You are welcome to join our fun, but we get if you don't want to." Ali pulled the boys out of the room after greeting her aunt and uncle. They sat on the living room floor with wizards, chess, and a few other games while a movie played in the background. Kreacher brought out snack trays for them, and the laughter was music to Regulus's ears after all the quiet he'd heard from Ali this summer.
Ali could feel the stares from those around them, most directed at Draco and her. She could see the disbelief every time Draco laughed or made a joke. This was the side of Draco that was rarely seen by others. An hour had passed before a chess match went on between Draco and Ali. Blaise sat to one side of Ali, and Theo was in the middle of her and Draco, watching the death match continue.
"What dare shall I have you do this time, Als" Draco taunted her while he moved his piece. It was an ongoing rule that when she and Draco played wizarding chess, the loser had to do a dare of the winner's choice. It was always a toss-up in who won, as both were incredibly good at the game.
"Don't think too hard; I wouldn't want to overwork that one brain cell of yours." Ali stuck her tongue out at Draco when she stole his knight.
Draco was about to reply when a shadow came over the top of the board. Looking up, there was the eldest two Weasley children and Fleur. Ali could see the hearts in Theo's eyes before she kicked him in the shin. "She's engaged, you idiot."
Bill and Charlie chuckled, "We saw you guys playing games and were curious if we could join you? I have my board and thought we could do a little tournament."
Charlie held up his chess board. The teens all nodded, and with a snap of his fingers, Charlie's board was all set up. Bill took one side of the board before looking at Theo. "You up for a challenge?"
Theo crawled to the opposite side of the small table. Bill made the first move, and the game commenced. Charlie and Fleur took seats around the rest of them and started trash-talking with them, too. Charlie was on Ali's side, whereas Fleur took Dracos. Regulus, Molly, and Narcissa looked around the corner and had smiles spread across their faces at the sight they saw. It wasn't the younger kids trying to get along with the others, but the eldest and Molly knew that her children all looked up to their brothers, so maybe there was hope in this crazy plan after all.
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slayonces · 27 days
sirius black is daffy duck and remus lupin is bugs bunny…
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sirius ties remus' shoes for him (particularly around the full) because his knees trouble him and remus braids sirius' hair for him because his ma taught him how.
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ttulipwritezz · 7 months
King Of My Heart (Body And Soul)~ R. Lupin.
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Chapter  3 - Helpless 
Ootp! Remus Lupin x Sirius's sister!Reader
Synopsis: When James and Lily died, and your brother was sent to Azkaban, Remus was the only person you had left. Until he left too. What happens when he returns after the events of Sirius's escape, only to find out you have a son? A son that's his.
WC: 2.2 k
Warnings: lots of italics, probably grammatical mistakes, kiss(es), might be ooc idk, child (?), fem reader, italics are flashbacks and thoughts ( idk), love (ew), Sirius is back, mentions of torture, abuse, walburga black, abandonment, fear of feeling helpless, screaming ig, abandonment [ look at series masterlist for all content warnings]
A/n: I am actually so, so proud of this chapter. It's slightly longer than the others and a little more angsty. LOTS of conflicting feelings. Remus is kind of an ass, but no one's perfect :) But I’ll have it be less sad in the next few chapters following ch 4. I think? Thanks for reading and please reblog and/or comment. If you like this :) likes don't do much on tumblr <3
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With a furrow of his brows, Remus glanced towards Sirius when the two of you made your way to the dining hall for the order meeting.
If Sirius noticed, he didn’t say anything. Molly ushered the children out of the hall and Kingsley started the meeting.
They began with new information and ended with assigned missions. With your absence from the order for so long, you seemed to be the least informed amongst them all. So far you knew that Kingsley worked for the ministry and was secretly helping lead the order under Dumbledore's guidance.
And that there was an incredibly intelligent woman at the end of the table. Nymphadora Tonks. Don’t call her that though.
The name Tonks was awfully familiar to you. Until it clicked. She was your niece! Your cousin’s daughter.
Oh how she’d grown up. 
Along with this, you got to know about Peter’s betrayal and how he had framed your brother. Peter… You really did treasure his friendship at one point. You grieved him just as you had the others. To know that he was a traitor and sent your brother to Azkaban and was partially responsible for your husband's leaving, left you seething, to say the least.
You wanted to crush that thick skull of his with your bare hands.
 Noticing your discomfort, Sirius put a hand over yours, so as to say…you’re okay.
“you’re okay. You’re okay” At this point you weren’t sure whether Sirius’s words were meant to convince you or convince himself. His chest rising and falling rapidly to accommodate his frantic state.
Walburga’s yelling could be heard from the other room.
“YOU DISGRACE! YOU IMBECILE! GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT!” Her yelling did little to calm your trembling and even littler to quiet your sobs.
You do not know what began another one of her scoldings, you don’t remember what you’d done to be on its receiving end yet again. All you knew is that Sirius was punished with the cruciatus curse and you were going to be next. Despite his state, all Sirius thought about was you. How his baby sister was hurt, scared and in so much pain.
That night Sirius left, with you, nothing but his wand and jacket hung about his arm as he led a trembling you out of the house and ran.
That night Sirius ran, he ran till his legs burned. His calves ached and his chest heaved. He ran and ran and ran. He ran to the only place he could think of. He ran.
“Don’t you dare come back! You disgrace to the Black Family name!” Walburg’s words were still ringing in his ears by the time he made it to potter manor, and you weren’t in a much better state yourself.
As soon as the door opened to the frantic knocking, it seemed as though all the adrenaline left Sirius's body and he collapsed right into James's arms. You stood there, eyes stinging, heavy with exhaustion. That was when you truly felt helpless.
The next morning, you awoke to voices. Not the ones in your head, ones from outside. With little energy you opened up your eyes. The brightness of the morning sun blinded you for a moment, and that suffocating feeling came back.
You sat up so fast that your head started to spin. Your eyes were wide and your breathing erratic. 
As you were ready to look around your surroundings, ready to see exactly where Walburga had put you again, a hand came into your field of vision. A bruised hand, ready to help.
Sirius gently hovered his hands over your cheek, careful as to not touch you. His eyes held the utmost kindness and compassion. He had woken up from one too many nightmares himself.
“Y/n?” His voice was unsure yet it provided you with the comfort you seeked at the moment.
Your shoulders relaxed and you Jumped forward to embrace him. You were safe, you were okay.
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Once most of the order members left, You began to count just how many people will be staying at grimmauld place for the time being.
You had a place further away from this merlin forsaken house. That felt like home. This didn't 
You and Regulus had only shown up a couple days ago to tidy up and be prepared. Technically, you owned it, and there was nothing your mother’s portrait that hung in the second floor corridor could do about it. She was dead.
The Weasleys, Harry, Hermione and Sirius were all staying, there was more than enough room for them. What you dreaded was Remus’s presence. 
Gathering up all the courage you could, you decided to talk to Remus. No time like the present! Should be a piece of cake!
Remus avoided you every chance he got. And you can’t blame him. 
Okay...perhaps you were avoiding him a teeny, tiny, itty, bitty bit as well…
Okay! you were avoiding him fully.
But you can’t blame yourself! It’s hard.
What are you supposed to say?
“Oh hey husband who left me to process severe trauma and grief on my own..you have a KID! He’s 13! You know him already! :D ”
Making faces at your inner monologue wasn’t helping though, because you jumped the moment your eyes caught a figure leaning against the doorway, right arm up against the arch as the other finds purchase on his hip.
Remus, your husband, was watching you make faces at yourself to talk to yourself for the past..you don’t know how long.
For a moment you just stared at each other, blinking and making no noise.
Then a smile broke out on his face, which subsequently led to one on yours.
He was the first to break the silence.
“So…How are you?” he pursed his lips after he spoke.
Strange, you considered. That’s how he begins a conversation?
Your eyes move across the room, he’s staring straight at you. It feels like he can see right through you. That he can see the gears turning in your head.
“I’ve met Regulus before…At Hogwarts, I mean. I was his DADA professor.” He says after noticing your silence.
Getting a noise of affirmation from you in return encourages his to speak further.
“Who is he? To you? I know the name isn’t exactly new” His head tilted to the side in the way a kicked puppy's would. 
From where you’re standing, in the little light, you can see his adam's apple bobbing up and down as he gulps, nervousness obvious throughout his being.
You don't lead with “he’s your son”. No. You begin short and simple. 
“He’s my son.”
You hope your voice doesn't reflect the fact that a lump has formed in your throat. You hoped your voice wasn't trembling like your hands.
A look washes over Remus's face. One you’d describe as recognition…or perhaps disappointment. In you or himself, that you wouldn't know.
Being from the Black family, you never hid your true thoughts. Feelings? sure, but thoughts? No.
“Disappointed are you? In me or yourself?”
There was a sass to your words you didn't expect. Once again a smile seems to tug at Remus's lips, stretching the scar, you didn't recognise yet, ever so slightly.
“Ever the witty one, my love” his words were airy. More relaxed.
Certainly too relaxed for your taste. There was no way he was so apathetic towards this. Not when it hurts you like a thousand hexes.
You don't know what gave you the sudden strength, the sudden courage, to stand your ground. What made you narrow your eyes and cross your arms.
What made you suddenly reject the light atmosphere he had created, while you so clearly longed to be in his arms. Heaving a sigh, you continued.
“You don't get to just come back and call me your love. You can't do that to me. Not again.”
Your voice was but a mere whisper towards the end of your sentance.
Not again. That's what you told yourself when you saw Remus this morning. You weren't going to throw yourself into his arms again. 
But how could you not when his arms just looked so warm and comfortable?
How could you when you’d spent fourteen years without them?
You were hoping he’d pick up the forgiving glint in your eyes and apologise.
His gaze flickered throughout the room. As if somehow that would answer you. First the lamp, in the furthest corner. Then the carpet caught his attention. Then suddenly the marble countertop seemed oh so interesting.
After what felt like hours, but really must've been a minute, he began to break the silence.
You watched as he paused, a divot appearing in between his brows, scrunching together, as a look of realisation crossed his features.
“-how old is he?”
The words escaped him with urgency, as if knowing this was extremely crucial.
It was, you just didn't know that.
“He’s fourteen- will be this year.”
Your mind was racing with thoughts, surely Remus wouldn't need to ask something so trivial.
It felt as though you could see the gears turning in his mind. He was so deep into thought.
But then his eyebrows shot up and his eyes widened.
“He’s mine.” He wasn't asking though, despite it sounding more like a question than affirmative.
That, you didn't expect.
And now you were the one who’s gaze was skittering across the room in hopes of finding an answer.
He knows. He knows. Oh Merlin he knows!
“He’s mine.”
Remus repeats, his voice comes out choked. As if he was ready to cry any moment.
Hearing a sniffle, you looked up to see Remus bringing his hand up to his face, which was rather red, and covering his eyes much like a little kid would.
You felt horrible, how could you hide this from him.
No. You did the right thing. He didn't want you. He wouldn't want Regulus either. He left! Awful. Awful! Bad!
“I have a son?”
You could definitely hear the tears in his voice, his light, choked up sobs echoed through the room. 
Hey, that's how you reacted when you found out too. 
You felt the sudden need to apologise. You shouldn't have to.
You settled on that. Yes. That's all he needed to know.
A flurry of questions bombarded his mind.
“Why didn't you tell me?” 
He looked angry. Why was he angry? He has no right to be angry.
You were furious.
“Why do you think Remus? Why do you think I hid him from you? Are you that daft!?”
 An incredulous chuckle accompanied your words. You were seething. And you weren't done, so you continued.
“You left me! James and Lily died! My brother was sent to Azkaban. And you left!”
Your volume was rising by the second. You're certain a little more and the whole house would hear it.
Maybe also hear the sound of your heart breaking along with.
You felt ridiculous. How is he angry at this? He has no right.
“If you’d told me I would have stayed! How long had you known!?”
If you told him.
He wouldn't have stayed for you. He would have stayed for the kid.
Not for you.
“Two weeks before-”
You managed to get out before he interrupted you.
“And you didn't think to tell me!?”
Why did he have to say it like that? Like he hated you?
It hurt.
“I tried.” 
Your chest felt heavy as you uttered those words. It felt like a wound had reopened.
Once again you were meek. You felt like a child being reprimanded by their parent. You've had a fair share of that already. You didn't need more.
You felt...helpless.
This was your husband. He wasn't supposed to be angry at you.
Suddenly all the feelings you’d been shoving down came right up.
“No Remus. You have no right! You cannot come back after years and pretend that we are fine! I did the right thing Remus. And I will not have you make me believe otherwise.”
You felt ridiculous. Yet again, he has made you feel small. That didn't happen before. 
Remus, your remus always made you feel loved. And seen.
This isn't your Remus.
“I don't know who you are. I know I did the right thing. I know…”
You shook your head as you spoke those words, you seemed to close in on yourself. Backing away until you couldn't. You can't do this right now.
His words seemed so collected when he replied. As much as they could, when he had been sobbing a moment ago. They still held anger in them.
“But I am his father.”
A gasp echoes through the empty corridor.
Not yours…
"He is my father?”
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Series Taglist (open):@twilightlover2007 @idli-dosa @lovesanimals0000 @deathbyramennoodle-s @deadgirlsrunning @lovelyypythoness @corvinalitbitina @joeytribbiani18 @mayusaatma @csifandom General Taglist (open): @desikudisworld @iamgayforyourmom1510
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theblack3stday · 7 months
BELONG TO ME — Remus Lupin | part two
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Pairing: Remus Lupin x fem!reader
Summary: You always felt like you didn’t belong in your universe. One day, you find yourself in 1977 and you meet there the Marauders.
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: none
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The morning unfolded with a gentle, golden glow, sunlight delicately streaming through the floral curtains. As you stirred in Lily's cozy bed, the soft warmth of the sheets clung to you. A subtle disorientation lingered, your eyes blinking against the daylight. The room whispered familiarity, its walls adorned with hues of lavender and framed memories. Memories of the accidental shift played like a vivid dream, the surreal nature of the experience sinking in. Lily's voice cut through the morning quiet, her genuine concern painted in the softness of her words, "How did you sleep?" her gentle tone filling you with a sense of comfort.
Last night after you had said that your aunt is not in town, Lily offered you to stay at her home. You couldn’t reject, i mean you know you were kinda homeless.
You open your mouth to reply, but find the words escaping your grasp. You wanted to explain to Lily the situation but cannot find the right words. But Lily seemed to notice the confusion plastered across your face, her empathetic nature allowing her to read you like a book. “Something wrong?” she sat down to the bad and placed her hand on your shoulder.
You shake your head slowly, not being entirely sure what's happening yourself. Your mind keeps drifting to the memories of last night, wondering if it was all real or not. You want to tell Lily about everything that happened, but you're not sure how to put it into words. You just stay silent, allowing her touch to bring some measure of comfort. She seems to sense your struggles, her gentle hand on your shoulder reassuring you. You really wanted to tell her, but you were scared to lose all of that magic. That feeling of comfort and happiness was sort of new for you and you didn’t want to lose it. This was the very first moment that you felt you belong somewhere.
“Lily, i have to tell you something..” you bit your lip nervously.
"What is it?" she asks, raising an eyebrow with a hint of curiosity. She seems to sense that there's something weighing heavily on your mind, that's why she asked you what's wrong. "It's kind of hard to explain.." you start slowly, your voice trembling as you search for the right words to say. You wanted to tell her everything, but something held you back. You didn't know how she would react and you were afraid to reveal the truth.
Petunia enters the room like a force of nature, her mere presence transforming it from a peaceful space into one clouded by tension and awkwardness. Her energy is overwhelming and her words pierce like knives, cutting through the serene atmosphere and puncturing all the comfort.
“Lily, your idiotic boyfriend is here,” she stopped talking after realising your existence. “Who’s that?” she took one look at you and her eyes narrowed, her expression twisting into a frown.
“Good morning to you too, Petunia. That’s
Y/N, Mrs Anderson’s niece and my new friend.” Lily said.
"Anderson doesn’t have a niece?." Petunia retorts, her sarcastic tone dripping with disdain. She rolls her eyes and glares at you, as if you're just another nuisance cluttering up her life.
"Well technically, I'm not her niece, but she's treating me like one." you reply, trying to be civil despite her annoying tone. Petunia responds with an irritated look and a huffing sigh, making it clear that she isn't satisfied with your explanation. “Whatever, like it makes such a big difference to me anyway.” she left the room, slamming the door fast.
Lily sighed with annoyance “I’m going downstairs, you can come when you’re ready, okay?”
You nod at Lily, grateful for her understanding. As the door closed a mix of emotions swirled within you, and the weight of unspoken truths lingered in the room. Taking a deep breath, you prepared yourself for the day ahead.
After you get, you gather your thoughts and decide to follow Lily downstairs. The staircase creaks slightly under your weight as you descend, the house feeling both unfamiliar and oddly welcoming.
In the kitchen, Lily is already engrossed in preparing breakfast. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and warm pancakes fills the air. James and Remus had already sitting there. You didn’t expect Remus to be there. She looks up, a reassuring smile playing on her lips. "Sit down, I'll make you a plate," she offers, her kindness easing the tension that still lingers.
“Morning,” you say with a friendly smile as you take a seat. Remus and James, both present in the kitchen, reciprocate the greeting. Remus nods with a warm but reserved acknowledgment, while James offers a more enthusiastic “Hey, Y/N!”
Lily places a plate of pancakes in front of you. "Eat up." Her understanding gaze encourages you, and for a moment, you find solace in the simple act of sharing a meal with someone who genuinely cares.
You sense the camaraderie between the trio, their familiarity evident in the way they interact. Despite the earlier encounter with Petunia, the presence of these two seems to bring a sense of normalcy to the morning. As you join the conversation, discussing trivial matters and sharing a few laughs, the weight of the unspoken secrets temporarily fades away. The dynamics in the room, a blend of friendship, hospitality, and created a unique atmosphere. You find the comfort again.
While Lily and James were chatting, your eyes were gazing at Remus. Last night when he come, you couldn’t help but amazed him. He was really smart and sexy. Every girl’s dream. You didn’t think that was a serious feeling, but now you were thinking about being in love with him, being just like Lily and James. Smiling, kissing and hugging. You found your mind wandering off, imagining a future with Remus. What it would look like if you were in his arms, kissing his lips slowly and passionately. You imagined a peaceful life together where you could feel loved and safe in his embrace. And as you were lost in these thoughts, you almost missed what Lily was saying. “Y/N, can you go with Remus, to take the cake for Marlene's birthday tomorrow? I'm sorry to ask but I have to go with James for the decorations."
"Don't worry about it, we’ll go and take the cake. I'm glad to have something to do too." you looked at Remus and he nodded. You two were going to spend the day together. You two. Were. Going to. Spend. The day. Together.
You two were walking together. The sun was shining and unlike your timeline everything felt completely right. As you walk alongside Remus, his magnetic presence draws your eyes to him. You find yourself transfixed by his graceful figure and chiseled features, unable to look away. You feel a jolt of butterflies in your stomach, as if a spark has been lit and your imagination runs wild. You begin picturing yourself in his arms, kissing slowly and passionately, his strong arms wrapped around you. For a moment, it feels as if all of the troubles in your current timeline are melted away by merely being in his presence. He suddenly turns to look at you, his striking features catching your attention. "Is something wrong? You were staring at me like you were dreaming of something." he grinned.
"Ah, um, yeah, I was just..." you tried to find a lie.
"Just what? Come on, you can tell me. I don't bite.” Remus chuckled. Remus's words snap you out of your daydream, suddenly aware that he had spotted you staring.
“Nothing, nothing. Honest.” you laughed nervously, blushing a little and looking away, not wanting him to know how much your imagination had run away with you. You felt as if you're being a silly girl with a ridiculous crush, fantasizing about a guy that you barely know. But then he smiles at you, a cheeky grin spreading across his face. It's clear that he knows you're hiding something, but he doesn't push you for details. Instead, he just continues walking alongside you in the silence of the morning, a subtle connection between the two of you.
“When is your birthday?” he placed his hands on his pockets.
“Y/B/D.” you responded quickly. You couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement as Remus asked about your birthday. The sudden realization that he had taken note of such a small detail about you felt amazing and made your heart beat just a little faster.
"Your birthday is coming up.” he smiled softly.
"Yeah, it is. It's in a couple of months."
"What are your plans? Do you have a party planned or something?"
“I don't really have anything planned for my birthday, to be honest with you. I usually don’t celebrate my birthdays.” you reply with a slight nod.
“Wait, what?!” he stopped walking, looking at you with widened eyes “Birthdays are worth-celebrating. You can’t do that!”
You laughed at his childish reaction. “Well, I never had friends to celebrate with and my family just didn’t care. Celebrating alone is kinda lame.”
“Well, maybe I can help with that.” Remus replies, an amused smile playing on his face.
“Hmm?” you look up at him, intrigued by his suggestion.
“I will throw up the best party for you on your birthday.” he looks at you expectantly, raising his eyebrows as if waiting for you to respond.
You blush as he offers to throw you a party. You were not used to such generosity, and it touched your heart that he would go through so much trouble for someone he had just met.
Remus's words filled you with a flicker of hope and excitement, and a tiny smile crept onto your face as you considered his proposal. "That would be pretty amazing..." you began tentatively. This was the first time which someone wanted to do something for you. You wish you were from this place. You weren’t even sure if you would be here then.
After you take the cake, you and Remus hang out all day. You talked to Remus about some of your interests and activities, and he shared some of his own. You discovered that you have several things in common such as a love for reading, and you share the same sense of humor. You even share some of your childhood stories, and Remus laughs at your humorous memories. He also told you more about his family and his life in general, revealing his inner thoughts and feelings. The two of you grow closer as you learn more about each other.
“Wait, you never watched Casablanca? Shame on you, Rem! That’s a classic.” you laughed.
“Yeah, well, I apologize for not being cultured enough.” he chuckles in response, his gaze fixed on you. The tension builds as he stares deeply into your eyes. He seems to be looking for something, searching for a hint of what you're feeling and thinking. You feel a slight panic rising inside you, but then he breaks into a smile as the tension breaks. “I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Of course I've seen Casablanca.”
“Oh good, I was really worried for a moment there.” he chuckles softly to your respond. A wave of relief washes over you when he laughs. You two were hanging out all day and finally decided to sit somewhere and eat some food. After you had got the cake, you went to Lily’s house and put the cake in the fridge. Lily and James weren’t back home, so Remus offered you to go with him in all his favourite spots in London, since you were ‘the new girl’ here. Of course you knew every place he showed to you, but it hit different when you see them in the 70’s.
Remus liked you. From Remus's point of view, you are the most interesting person he's ever seen. Your hair shined like the sun, and your smile captured his heart. When he looked into your eyes, it's like staring into an endless abyss of beauty. You're like a delicate flower who needs to be protected, but there is also a strength and resilience in you that he admires. As he gets to know you better, he can't help but realize how kind and thoughtful you are, and how easy it is to talk to you. Talking about the things he loves with no judgment with you made him feel comfortable. Being with you wasn’t a torture, unlike being with other people. It felt mostly like belonging with you.
“We are closing.” the sound of the waitress's voice breaks Remus and yourself out of the trance-like state you've been in with each other.
You both smile, realizing that you have been lost in thought for longer than you realized.
"I guess we better get going," Remus says, and the two of you exit the restaurant.
As you walk, Remus turns to you with a playful expression on his face. "Actually, there's one thing I'd like to show you." Remus says, his gaze filled with eagerness.
"What is it?" you ask, curious to know what he wants to show you.
"I know a beautiful place where we can watch the stars lying on the grass. Would you like to go there with me?" he asks, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
You can't help but smile at Remus's enthusiasm, and his sweet request makes your heart beat a little faster. "Of course, I'd love to go with you." you reply happily, feeling the butterflies in your stomach.
Remus's eyes light up with excitement. You both arrive at a quaint park, which was your favourite place to go in your universe. The stars were glittering faintly in the night sky. After finding a quiet spot in the grass, you lay down next to each other, staring up at the sky in silence. The stars seem to sparkle even more brightly in this peaceful setting, and the evening breeze carried a fresh scent of vegetation and greenery. The silence felt peaceful and the two of you lay there quietly, enjoying the beautiful view together. The two of you continue to lay on the grass, letting the night sky wash over you. As you both lay in silence, you catch Remus's glance and lock eyes for a moment. There's a certain magic in that connection, the soft glare of the moonlight and the stars glittering in his eyes. The moment feels perfect and timeless, and you feel like you could stay here forever. Remus's breathing is steady and shallow, his gaze drifting lazily around the sky. You can't help but lean slightly closer, your chest brushing against his warm body. The air seems to still around you both, as if time itself had stopped. As you lay there, staring up at the stars together, you feel a certain closeness, an almost mystical connection that draws you together. The night seems to slow down, your hearts beating softly together. The only sound is your breathing, and you could lose the rest of the world to this moment. As the stars twinkle overhead, your bodies relaxed on the soft grass, the gentle breeze carrying away all your stress and worries. You close your eyes, feeling the warmth of Remus's presence as he sleeps beside you. The comfort of knowing that he's there is enough to make your brain drift off into a peaceful sleep.
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hauntedwitch04 · 2 years
🎃Halloween party🎃  
Remus Lupin x reader 
Words: about 0.6k words
Warning: drinking under age, making out and sarcastic Sirius, but it’s mostly fluff 
Author’s note: I’m late, but as I said I hate school and I hate physics even more. Hope you like day 12!
✒️:  “Feel lucky that I share my treats with you.” “I left all the chocolate to you.” “That’s why I love you.”  
Requests are open I  Ask  I  My masterlist   I  Join the Taglist
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Like every Friday night, you and your friends are lounging on the couches in the Common Room, glad that another busy week of school is over and the weekend has finally begun. 
Since you are during the Halloween season, the only thing you could steal from the kitchens was candy and treats, not that any of you were complaining, since in addition to those you had a good dose of incendiary whiskey, courtesy of Sirius, who had managed to bribe the Hogsmeade bar and buy a couple. 
You are all now more than tipsy, some more than less. Lily and James are making out in the corner, as if they were alone in the world and that all their friends hadn't been gagging at their sappiness. Sirius sat with Mary, Dorcas and his brother Regulus around the fire, and they are discussing the latest Quidditch matches, while still passing the bottle of alcohol around, laughing between sips. Peter is asleep in the armchair, in his mouse form, having drunk almost an entire bottle by himself, while you and your boyfriend Remus are sitting on the couch. 
Remus has his legs spread apart, on which yours rest, since you are placed sideways. On your waist lies the last bowl of candy and chocolates that you have, which you and your boyfriend are arranging to disappear, eating them all. 
You can't help but stare at it, admiring its beauty in the firelight illuminating the room with an air charged with magic. You watch his scars, his full lips, his unruly hair falling over his forehead, and his hazel eyes examining which dessert to take one after another. Your mind clouded by alcohol cannot help but think of one and only one thing: kiss him until you are out of breath. Could you die? Yes. Would that be the most beautiful way to die? Of course it would. Would you do it a billion more times? Obviously. 
He turns, feeling your gaze on him, and looks at you questioningly. 
"Am I dirty in the face?" He asks touching his mouth, wiping it clean. You can't help but roll your eyes. 
"I wouldn't be surprised if I were you, given the amount of chocolates you're eating."  You say.
"Feel lucky that I share my treats with you." He says before taking another chocolate. "I have to eat if I want to become a big bad wolf, the most I am now is the slim clumsy wolf." He says with his mouth full. You can't help but smile to see that for once he's talking about the other except in a completely negative way, even if it's all just because of the alcohol.
"I left all the chocolate to you." You respond by taking another candy. 
He smiles at you, moves closer and kisses you noisily, almost comically. 
"That's why I love you." He exclaims, pulling away from the kiss. You don't pull away though, you stay close. You don't know how, probably his intoxicating scent, sugars and alcohol help and you can't help but say whatever is on your mind. 
"You look really cute tonight." You whisper looking into his eyes. "In fact, not just cute, awfully sexy, too." You continue, smiling. 
"That's funny because I was thinking the same thing about you." He continues before kissing you again as Sirius cries out in despair. 
"Guys please don't start making out too that we already have those other two practically about to procreate our nephew and our niece in front of us." 
Needless to say, Sirius took two pillows to the face for that sentence: one from Remus and one from Lily, who, however, could not help but laugh.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 years
rules ; post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it — tagged by @fleurfairie
thistle- prince!james potter, historical 2 parter 
the murder at evergreen university - various CEvans characters, dark and slutty murder mystery  
elderflower - farmhand!remus lupin, historical 4 part series 
snowed in - steve harrington x hopper's niece!reader 
no pressure tags ; @ddejavvu @forourmoons @chvoswxtch @luveline
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the-vex-archives · 8 months
Harry Potter Masterlist (2024)
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"Surprise! It’s a Girl." ( Marvel Crossover ) ( x Potter! Reader )
Imagine finding out you're not who you've been led to believe you are. You're not Y/N Y/L/N; you're Y/N Potter. But one particular wizard was against you reuniting with your little brother when you found out just who he was. In the end, you're determined to see him even if it means fighting in a war where a Dark Lord would see your brother dead.
Charlie Weasley
"Harry's Elder Sister"
No summary provided
Regulus Black
"Their Daughter" Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 ( x Niece! Reader )
What if Sirius Black had a daughter? What if Regulus Black raised her with the help of Remus, Severus, and the Malfoys? What happens when Sirius returns into her life? This is the story of Alianova Jane Black and her friends.
Sirius Black
"Their Daughter" Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 ( x Daughter! Reader )
What if Sirius Black had a daughter? What if Regulus Black raised her with the help of Remus, Severus, and the Malfoys? What happens when Sirius returns into her life? This is the story of Alianova Jane Black and her friends.
Remus Lupin
"Their Daughter" Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 ( x Niece! Reader )
What if Sirius Black had a daughter? What if Regulus Black raised her with the help of Remus, Severus, and the Malfoys? What happens when Sirius returns into her life? This is the story of Alianova Jane Black and her friends.
"You have a son?" ( x Single Mother! Reader )
Imagine finding out you're Remus Lupin's mate.
Severus Snape
"Their Daughter" Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 ( x Niece! Reader )
What if Sirius Black had a daughter? What if Regulus Black raised her with the help of Remus, Severus, and the Malfoys? What happens when Sirius returns into her life? This is the story of Alianova Jane Black and her friends.
Tom Riddle
A father's Day with Tom riddle of how he spends time with his child.
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lilulo-12fanfiction · 3 years
Rain Song- 4
So here is the long awaited chapter 4! I hope you enjoy it. 
Thank you so much for all of your likes, re-blogs and the few comments I’ve gotten. It gives me motivation to keep going! If you would like to be tagged, please let me know!
Requests are always open! Check out my prompt here. I write for Harry Potter, The Avengers, Supernatural & TVD/The Originals.
Series Masterlist
Tag List: @marsbowiemoon @themeanestlittlewitch​ @banana-tree-freddiemercury @boba-king-iroh 
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Hope laid in her bed starting out the window as she absentmindedly stroked Crookshank’s orange fur. She had taken Cedric’s advice about not confronting her Uncle earlier in the evening. Yet Hope knew she wouldn’t sleep again without an explanation. Hope hopped out of her bed, slid her slippers on and made her way down the stairs.
Hermione was sitting with Ron and a miserable looking Harry. He had tried to apologize when she got back but Hope would not look at him. She was furious. How could he have thought she would have kept that from him. She knew the feeling that the truth was being hidden. She couldn’t do that to someone else. Even if it meant spilling the truth about her own father.
“Hope?” Hermione sounded optimistic that she was coming to sit with them. She was stomping towards the portrait hole in her sweat pants and a t-shirt. Hermione realize quickly that she was leaving. “Hope it’s after hours.”
“I don’t care Hermione. I need to speak with my uncle.” Hope paused to answer her friend.
“If you’re caught you could get detention.” Hermione tried to reason. Hope rolled her eyes.
“Hermione- there are worse things than getting detention. I don’t care.” Hope snapped. Hermione hadn’t expected that kind of reaction. Before she could say anything else, Hope was gone.
“That’s my fault.” Harry sighed miserably. “I was just so worked up...I shouldn’t have taken it out on her. I shouldn’t have assumed.” Harry felt a mixture of rage at the man that betrayed his parents, guilt for attacking his daughter...one of his best friends. He felt a deep affection for her, mostly, he thought, because she had an idea of what he felt. Harry was just happy that she had Remus and didn’t have to go through childhood like he did. 
“That’s obvious.” Ron muttered, snapping Harry out of his thoughts. “Don’t take it personally Hermione. I’m sure she’ll apologize.”
“No, it’s alright. I shouldn’t have said that.” Hermione sighed. “I was just trying to think of something that would make her stay.  Should I follow her?”
“No, definitely not.” Harry shook his head. “She needs to do whatever it is she’s doing. Drawing more attention to her won’t help. She was lied to as well. I’m assuming she’ll be having a go at her Uncle. ” Hermione let out a hefty sigh and sat back in her plush chair. Harry was right. Hope needed space. Now they just had to wait for her to come back.
Hope’s anger was palpable. Her explosive temper was bubbling to the surface. It had to be a gift from her father. Remus had always told her that her mother had been infinitely patient. She blinked back tears as she made her way down the corridor. She didn’t know what she was going to say, but she couldn’t hold this in.
“Ms. Lupin!” Hope halted and slowly turned when she heard the cold voice.
“Professor Snape.” Her voice was clipped.
“What are you doing in the corridors after hours?”  Hope took a deep breath.
“I need to see my Uncle.” She wrapped her arms around herself. Snape eyed her curiously. Her distress  was clear. Snape saw so much of Evanora Lupin in front of him, but the look in her blazing grey eyes were the eyes of Sirius Black.
“I’ve told you before that your Uncle being on staff doesn’t exempt you from the rules.”
“I understand. If you feel the need to give me detention then I supposed that is your prerogative. I’m sure something in your dungeon needs cleaning. But I’m going to see my Uncle.” Snape felt a mix of anger and respect for the girl in front of him.
“I cannot let you go unattended.” Hope turned as she felt Snape grab her arm. For a split second Hope tried to pull her arm from his grasp but then she was hit with an onslaught of visions so overwhelming she grabbed her chest as she gasped. Snape raised his brows in alarm.
“Let- let go! Let me go!” Hope screamed. The images were overwhelming. There was a ponding in her ears but she heard McGonagall’s alarmed voice and then her Uncle’s.
“Get your hands off my niece.” Snape drew his hand back quickly and Lupin caught Hope as she stumbled.
“Severus- what is going on?!” McGonagall demanded.
“I came upon her in the corridor saying she was going to Lupin. I reminded her that being his niece did not exempt her from the rules. She insisted and when she tried to leave without being accompanied I simply grabbed her arm and well you saw the rest.” Snape was trying to hide his shock. He had never seen anyone react like that before. Lupin was holding Hope and trying to calm her down.
“You have no right to put your hands on a student.” Lupin was angry. He didn’t show anger very often, Snape knew that, but his eyes were blazing. Before either of them could say anything Hope had seemingly pulled herself together and shoved Remus away. “Hope?”
“You lied.” Her voice was horse but it still dripped with coldness, her eyes were hard. The color had darkened, the way it did whenever she was angry.
“Lied about what?” Lupin was running the gamut in his brain. There was nothing he could think of that they had discussed lately that would warrant her ire.
“About him.” Then it hit him. Lupin and Hope both knew what him she was speaking of. “They’re dead because of him and you lied and kept it from me.” Hot tears poured down her cheek. The look on Lupin’s face told her she was right. She had hoped that he would have denied it. Deep in her heart she couldn’t believe it, but her Uncle did.
“I did not want you to shoulder that. It’s not your job to make up for what he did.” It took McGonagall a moment before the realization hit her. “Who told you?” Lupin asked. 
Hope scoffed and then turned to her Head of House. “You should take care, Professor, when you discuss sensitive matters in the Three Broomsticks.” Hope snapped. Never in her life would she have ever expected herself to speak to Minerva McGonagall in that tone, but she was so angry it was bubbling toward the surface. The exchange was interrupted as footsteps approached them.
“Hope, might you join me in my office?” Albus Dumbledore stood a few steps away. She nodded and stepped towards him. “Don’t worry Remus, I will get her back to Gryffindor Tower safely. You two can discuss the matter tomorrow. Hope, make your way to my office, I’ll be there shortly. The password is Jelly Slugs.”  
Hope silently made her way to The Head Master’s office. Her mind was spinning at the images that had popped into her head when Snape had touched her. She was in such a fog she didn’t notice much of anything when she entered his office and there was a lot to notice.  In fact, she didn’t realize The Headmaster had joined her until she felt Dumbledore touch her arm as he went to take a seat.
“Hope- I need to know what you saw when Professor Snape touched you.” Dumbledore watched Hope closely.
“I’m still trying to work it out. I-I don’t understand. I normally don’t have this happen with someone I’m not close with. And quite frankly, with all due respect, someone I dislike so immensely.” Hope avoided the word hate. She saw a glimmer of a smile flicker on Dumbledore’s face. “Professor-“ Hope let out a sigh of frustration. “Why does that happen to me in the first place?”
“I suspect you, like your mother, are a rare legilimens. She too could see the thoughts and memories of others upon touching them. With practice she was able to become quite gifted at legilimency.” Hope let that sink in for a moment. Dumbledore took it as a sign to continue. “Like you, at first, it happened against her will and only with those who she had a bond. I also suspect that the reason it happened with Professor Snape is due to your heightened emotional state.”
“He was a Death Eater.” Hope started picking through the images in her head. “He was close with Voldemort. But he...he switched sides? There are so many memories.” Hope shook her head. She felt nauseated. She could feel Severus Snape’s internal anguish. It was hard to picture him as someone who had those feelings.
“There is much more to it than that.” Dumbledore sighed. “Hope, I must ask you to keep this to yourself. You cannot tell any of your friends, especially Harry.” Hope looked at the headmaster quizzically.
“Lily.” She whispered. Her hand covering her mouth. A young girl with startling green eyes was staring at her from her own mind. The same eyes she had seen before she knew they belonged to Harry. “He- he knew Harry’s mother. He loved her?” Hope’s nose scrunched as shesaw Lily through Snape’s eyes. “How could he love her and be so awful to Harry?” Dumbledore watched as Hope started piecing things together. “Because he hated James. And Harry is the physical embodiment of his father. But that’s no excuse for the way he treats Harry? For the way he treat any student that isn’t in his house?! You’re protecting him! You let him verbally abuse his students! How could you allow it?” Dumbledore sighed and pinched the bridge of his crooked nose.
“Hope, when Voldemort fell, Professor Snape was working as a spy. No one ever found out. I need that secrecy to remain. If he were to behave differently, someone would notice. Any remaining Death Eaters would question his loyalty. There will come a time where Lord Voldemort will return and it is essential that Professor Snape be able to pick up where he left off.”
“I understand that. But there is a big difference between favoring Harry for being Lily’s son and behaving like a decent human being! Did you know that Neville’s boggart is Snape?” Dumbledore held back the need to correct Hope and remind her to call him Professor. She was far too angry, and rightfully so.
“I did not know that.” Dumbledore watched the range of expressions on Hope’s face.
“So I’m supposed to keep my mouth shut to protect him. I think it’s only fair that maybe you have a chat with him on how he treats his students, at least Neville.” Hope huffed. Dumbledore smiled.
“I will talk with Professor Snape about Neville. You know Hope, any one else would extort something for themselves. It’s very admirable you are thinking of your fellow students.” Hope’s face turned red.
“I didn’t mean to come across as blackmail.” Hope’s anger deflated. “I just think that if Neville was given more guidance and patience he would have more confidence. It’s his lack of confidence that holds him back.”
“I didn’t think you meant it as blackmail. I think it’s a fair request.” Dumbledore reassured Hope.  “I’m sure you will have questions as more of his memories become clear to you. You are always welcome to come to me. You have a terribly powerful gift that carries a burden. I watched your mother struggle with it, but once she got the hang of it, she managed beautifully.”
“What do you mean by burden?”
“You see things that are coming, or could be coming. Often times, you must keep them to yourself. Fate is a funny thing.”
“I don’t understand.”  Dumbledore paused for a moment. He needed to decide how to tell her. He wished Remus had been more forthcoming.
“Your mother knew she was going to die. She saw it. She also knew it was necessary so you could be saved. She had your Uncle take you away and stayed behind. She was afraid The Death Eaters would take you. They wouldn’t know for sure if you had the same gifts your mother did, but they no doubt would have tried to hold you until you were old enough to show your powers. That is why your Uncle kept you from the magical community. Voldemort’s supporters are still out there. He was afraid they would come for you.” He watched as Hope silently blinked back tears. “Hope, I know that you are angry with him. You have every right to be. I also know your empathy knows no bounds. Try to understand his fear and his need to protect you. He knew the pain you would feel growing up without your parents. He wanted to spare you the pain of the full truth.”
“My Uncle won’t like it.”
“Well, we are past that point. If you don’t learn to control it, it will be much more difficult for you. He knows, deep down, you will need help that he can’t provide. Hope I ask that you remain patient with him as he slowly unburdened himself to you. He is still your guardian and he will balance the truth and your safety. I know it’s frustrating, but you have to give him time.”
“I know. I’m just so angry right now and confused. I’m angry at Harry for accusing me of lying to him. But I know it’s because I told him I thought there was more to what happened with my father. That him being a Death Eater doesn’t make sense. But I wouldn’t lie to Harry. Not when I already told him so much of my truth. And then to find out like that and not from my uncle, it hurts.” Fawkes had perched on her knee and was nudging her hand with his head so she would pet him. He apparently didn’t like to see her upset.
“Give yourself time to be angry. You have every right to feel what you feel, but don’t stay angry too long so that you miss out on the people you care about.” Hope nodded. “Now, I know it is past curfew, but you’ll find Mr. Diggory waiting for you right outside my office. I have instructed Mr. Filch that you both have my permission to be out of your dormitories. But don’t stay out too late, you look very tired.” Hope felt her heart jump slightly. “But I feel some cheering up is most important.”
“Thank you Professor.” Dumbledore gave her a kind smile.
“We will start meeting after the Christmas Holiday. Oh and Hope- Happy early birthday.” She grinned at quickly made her way out of his office.
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As promised, there stood Cedric. His hair slightly tussled and his grey blue eyes shining. He was wearing flannel pajama pants and a hoodie. Like always, his smile took her breath away.
“Hey Lupes.” She felt a sudden wave of emotion and felt tears spring to her eyes. “Hey- hey, it’s okay.” He rushed to her and pulled her to his torso and wrapped her in his arms. Like a reflex, she wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his chest. As she inhaled deeply, the familiar scent of sandalwood drifted into her nose. The rich sweet smell was beginning to remind her  of comfort and safety. After a few moments, Cedric pulled away so he could look at her. He wiped her tears and smiled softly. “C’mon, let’s go. It’s not very often we get permission to roam the castle this late. I know exactly where to go.”
 She was beginning to realize she would follow Cedric just about anywhere. She nodded to give him the okay. He slipper his hand into hers and led her through the castle. Soon Cedric was leading Hope up a set of stone steps. She knew it wasn’t the Owlery. When they reached the top of the stairs, Cedric led her into the circular room. It was the Astronomy Tower. As it was a clear night, Hope looked around at every star that was illuminating the sky.
“This is…wow.” The chill in the night air nipped at Hope’s skin and she felt a shiver run through her body. Cedric pulled his hands from hers. He slipped his hooded Chudley Cannons sweatshirt off and handed it to Hope.
“You’re freezing.”
“What about you.”
“I have a thermal shirt on. I’ll be fine.  I can see the goosebumps on your arm. Why do I have a feeling this late night stroll wasn’t planned. Hope what happened?”
“I…I was laying in bed and I was just so angry. I wanted to speak to my uncle and then I bumped into Snape and it was a whole thing.” Hope rolled the cuffs of Cedric’s sweatshirt. He was staring down studying her face.
“You’re leaving something out.”
“Hope- you were with the headmaster after hours. He sent an owl to Professor Sprout for me to meet you.” Hope wouldn’t meet his eyes. She wished she could tell him everything, but she had made a promise to Dumbledore. She felt him hook his finger under her chin and tipped her head up to look him in the eye. “It’s okay if you’re not ready to talk about it. You don’t have to say anything. You can tell me when you’re ready.”
“Cedric…” Hope started, but was stopped by his lips lightly pressing on hers.
“Don’t say anything. I’m here to make you feel better, not worse.” He ran his thumb over her cheek. She felt like the air in her lungs was sucked out and her heart was pounding. “Is it working?” He whispered and when she nodded he kissed her again, only not as softly this time. She was breathless again when he pulled away. “Good.” He smiled down at her again. “C’mon, let’s sit.”
 He sat down on the floor and leaned against the wall. He motioned for Hope to sit in front of him with a grin. She sat down and he pulled her so her back was against hischest. They sat quietly for a while. Hope desperately wanted to tell him everything but she wasn’t sure how he would react. She felt him rub his nose against her neck and she felt a fresh batch of goosebumps erupt all over her skin.
“Thank you, Ced.”
“For what?”
“For not pushing me to talk. There are things that I can’t tell you. I made a promise that I wouldn’t. I want to tell you, but I Just can’t.
“Hope, you don’t have to explain anything I understand. Maybe you could think of something you could tell me that I don’t know.”
“My birthday is tomorrow…well in a couple of hours that is.”
“Winter Solstice baby?”
“Least amount of daylight all year.”
“I’m betting you make the day seem a bit brighter. You make every one of my days brighter.”
“That’s quite a line.”
“It’s the truth.” Hope leaned her head back and rested it on Cedric’s shoulder. She felt him kiss her cheek. “I should get you back to your common room, it’s really late.”
“True- at Midnight I might turn into a pumpkin.”
“Pumpkin? What?” Hope laughed.
“It’s a Muggle fairytale, sorry I forget you wouldn’t understand the reference.” Cedric dropped his forehead on her shoulder and laughed. Hope sat for a few more moments enjoying the heat of Cedric against her. He groaned as she stood up. She put her hand out to help him up.
“Just one quick thing before I take you back.” Before Hope could say anything Cedric was kissing her again by cupping her face. When he pulled away he gave her another boyish grin. “Early birthday kiss.” He put his arm around her shoulders and led her out of the Astronomy Tower. They walked in a comfortable silence as they made their way to Gryffindor Tower.
“Here you go M’lady, safe and sound.” Hope laughed.
“Thanks Ced.“
“For walking you back to your tower? I mean I’m quite certain you could have found it on your own.” She was pretty sure the way he was looking at her was going to make her heart explode.
“For making me feel better. For not trying forcing me to talk.”
“Hope, I’ll never force you to do anything you don’t want to do or can’t do. But can I offer some advice?”
“Don’t stay angry at Harry or your Uncle for too long. I can’t imagine how it would feel to have you angry at me.”
“Hope- you love them, both of them. They made mistakes, and you have every right to be mad. I just feel like it’s going to hurt you more if you stay mad.” Hope sighed.
“You’re right.” Cedric gave her a satisfied look. “Don’t get used to hearing that.” She pointed her finger at him.
“Wouldn’t dream of it. Speaking of dreams, only good ones Lupes.” Cedric leaned down and kissed her one last time. “Birthday Breakfast tomorrow?” Hope nodded. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
Hope watched as he walked away. Half way down the corridor he turned and gave her one last grin. When he turned back around, she gave Sir Calogen the password and climbed into the portrait hole. She hoped The Fat Lady would be back soon.  As she looked up Harry jumped up from his chair. He, Ron and Hermione were seated near the fire.
“Hope! Where have you been?! It’s almost midnight.” She gave him a scathing look. “Whose sweatshirt is that?”
“None of your business.” Harry grabbed her arm as she tried to stalk back. She yanked her arm away.
“We were worried. I- I was worried.” Hope felt the ice around her heart crack slightly, but she wasn’t ready to relent.
“I’m sorry I made you worry.” And she continued up the steps up to her dorm room and left Harry gaping at the bottom of the stairs.
Hope pulled Cedric’s sweatshirt up and took a deep breath in to smell his cologne. She didn’t ever think she would feel like this about a boy.
“Hope?” Hermione called from the doorway. “Are you okay?” Hope turned to face her.
“Yes…and no. I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you or make you worry.”
“You don’t need to apologize. You were just gone for a really long time. We were afraid that you got caught.”
Hope sighed as she sat down on her bed and patted next to her so Hermione would sit with her. Hermione listened with attention. Hope left out the details about Snape that Dumbledore asked her not to tell to herself. It wasn’t her place to share anyway.
“Wow…that’s a lot.” Hope nodded. “I can’t believe that he had Cedric waiting for you. And The Astronomy tower sounds very romantic. Oh! You’re blushing.”  Hermione grinned. “You’re falling for him.”
“Stop it.” Hermione grinned again.
“You will try and forgive Harry won’t you?”
“I will. I just need some time.”
“What about your Uncle?”
“I just, I knew there were things he wasn’t telling me, but this is huge. I need him to be honest with me.”
“Hope, he loves you so much. He just wants to protect you.”
“I know. But sometimes protecting someone is worse for them than the truth.”
“I know, but Christmas is this week. You don’t want to be fighting.”
“Hermione…I promise that I will make up with my uncle AND Harry before Christmas. I just need some time to stew in it.” Hermione nodded.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me it’s your birthday.” Hope waived her off. “I don’t want anyone making a big deal.”
“Well I suppose it’s good that your Uncle let it slip to Harry.” Hermione grinned as Hope moaned. “So you really need to make up with Harry tomorrow morning.” Hope gave Hermione a scathing look.
“After my breakfast with Cedric. He leaves tomorrow for the Christmas holiday. Now go to sleep. I’m exhausted.”
“Probably all of the kissing you did.” Hermione teased. Hope glared at her one last time before hastily shutting her bed curtains.
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Hope swallowed as she walked down the stairs to the common room. She knew the walk to the Great Hall would be awkward. She paused at the bottom step and took a calming breath and made her way into the common room. Ron grinned at her when he saw her.
“Happy Birthday!” He yelled. She rolled her eyes and made her way over to Ron and Hermione.
“Thanks Ron.” She looked around slightly. “Where’s-“
“Harry is running late. He’ll meet us in the Great Hall.” Hope nodded at Ron. 
“C’mon- don’t want to be late for your birthday breakfast with your boyfriend” he teased. Hope gave Hermione a dirty look. Hope followed Ron and Hermione out of the portrait hole and looked towards the steps of the boys dormitory. She had a feeling Harry wasn’t running late but wanted to spare her.
Hope tuned out Ron and Hermione’s bickering about Scabbers and Crookshanks. Hope stopped in her tracks. There stood Cedric leaning against the wall in front of The Great Hall. He had two long stemmed lavender roses in his hand. He was wearing a navy blue v-neck sweater that Hope knew would make his eyes stand out. His smile beamed when he saw her walking towards him.
“We’ll uh, leave you to it.” Ron wiggled his eyebrows and then groaned when Hope elbowed him in his stomach. She heard Cedric’s laugh ring out. Cedric watched as her eyes sparkled as she approached him.
“When did you have time to get flowers? You found out about my birthday not even 10 hours ago.”
“You do know my head of house runs the Herbology department. She also happens to be very fond of you.”
“Which is surprising because I’m dreadful at Herbology. And how did you know lavender roses were my favorite?”
“Your Uncle. I sent him and owl last night. Right after I sent one to my mother. You didn’t give me much time.”
“Your mother?” Cedric grinned and placed his hand on the small of her back and led her into The Great Hall. He had clearly gotten there early to snag two seats at the end of the Gryffindor table. There was a present wrapped and placed at the end of the table between the two seats. There were balloons at the end of the table as well. Hope felt the heat rush to her face as everyone stared at them. Cedric pulled the chair out and helped her into her seat. Her plate was filled with an omelet and toast. She could tell it was filled with sausages, peppers and onions with extra cheese, her favorite.
“Also your Uncle.” Cedric pointed to her plate when he saw her look of surprise.
“Cedric, this is, wow.”
“Happy Birthday Lupes. I wish I had more time.”
“I can’t really think of what else you would need more time for Ced. This is amazing.” He beamed.
“I guess you’ll find out next year, won’t you?”
“Confident I’ll keep you around huh?” Hope could listen to Cedric laugh forever.
“I just wish I wasn’t leaving today for two weeks.”
“You could stay at Hogwarts you know.”
“And miss my family Christmas party? My father would come get me himself. You going to be okay here?” Concern flooded his face.
“Yeah I’ll be fine. My uncle is here. Hermione and Ron are staying too.”
“And Harry?”
“Yes and Harry. His Aunt and Uncle are horrible. He was the main reason the 3 of us decided to stay. Uncle Remus had suggested going to my cousin’s house, but I think I’d rather be here.”
“It’s nice that he has friends like the three of you. Did you talk to him last night when you got back?” Hope sighed.
“No. I just need a little more time. I did promise Hermione that I would forgive him before Christmas. C’mon let’s eat. That way we’ll have a little time before you leave.”
“Open this first.” Cedric handed her the wrapped gift. Hope took it from him and slowly opened it up. It was a leather bound copy of “Grimm’s Complete Fairy Tales”. Hope blinked for a few seconds and looked at Cedric.
“One of my roommates is a Muggle. He explained the pumpkin reference. I just thought that you might like it.” Hope ran her hand over the soft black leather and the gold embossed writing.
“I love it. I love fairy tales.”
“Well then I guess I just got lucky.” Hope felt the breath leave her lungs again when she looked at Cedric. He had that effect on her. He took her hand and squeezed it.
“Thank you, Cedric.”
“You are more than welcome. Maybe we can ask Hermione to bring this stuff up to your room. We can go for a walk and then I can grab my trunk and you can maybe walk me to the carriages?”
“I’d love that.” Cedric jumped up and walked over to Hermione. As Hope looked up, she saw Harry starring at her. He mouthed “Happy Birthday.” and looked away.
Hope’s face was still burning as she walked back into the castle. She and Cedric had strolled the corridors as he told her about the Diggory Christmas party. While he was an only child, he had a rather large extended family. They had ended up at their window and they sat closely together.
“So, I know we’ve only had one date.”
“Well today kind of feels like a second date.” Hope mused.
“I suppose it is.” Cedric ran his nose up her cheek and kissed her temple. Hope was certain her new skin tone was blush. “Be my girlfriend. Give me something for my mother to tell my gossip hungry aunts.”
“Well if it’s to help out your mother. She did help get me a lovely book and balloons for my birthday.”
“I mean we can break up after the Easter holidays.” Hope laughed.
“I’d love to be your girlfriend Ced.”
“I mean I’m solely in it for the gifts…” Cedric interrupted her with a kiss.
“Now I really wish I was staying here for the holiday.”
“I guess this will give you time to miss me. You have to get going Ced. You’ll miss the carriages to the train.”
“I know. Do me a favor?”
“Anything…well almost anything.”
“Make up with your Uncle and Harry. You’ll feel better.”
Cedric was right of course. So she promised she would. Which was how she found herself on her way to her Uncle’s office. She hesitated before she knocked.
“It’s open.” She hears his tired voice ring out. She slowly opened the door. She felt her anger ebb away when she saw how strained he looked. When he saw her he jumped to his feet.  “Hope! I’m so glad to see you. I’m so sorry-“ Hope held her hand up to stop him. She rushed over and wrapped her arms around his torso and hugged him. She felt his body relax as he hugged her back. “Come sit” he finally said. She took and Remus sat next to her. He sighed. “I know that you’re angry. You have every right to be. There is just so much that you don’t know. And I know you want to know everything and I know you think you’re old enough to know it. The Minister was concerned about you and Harry when your father broke out from Azkaban. He wanted the details of his arrest kept from the both of you. He was worried and quite frankly so was I that you or Harry would leave Hogwarts and go look for him.” Hope nodded. “Hope I love you very much. Your mother asked me to keep you safe. I told you before, I can’t lose you too. You’re all I have left.”
“Uncle Remus, I know. I promise you that I won’t go look for him, but you have to promise to tell me more. I need to know.”
“Darling, I promise you someday I will tell you more. Unfortunately, there isn’t much else I can tell you about what happened with your father than what you know. I wasn’t there. All I can tell you is that he grew increasingly paranoid and had pushed me away. Your mother tried to keep us close. But, she was unsuccessful. She may have known more than she let on, but she must have had her reasons for keeping it to herself.”
“Dumbledore called it a terrible gift. And that she had to stay quiet about a lot of things and something about fate.” Remus wiped a stray tear from her cheek.
“Hope, I’m begging you to let this go. Please. Nothing can change what happened. I will share more about your parents with you, when I’m feeling better.”
“Oh Uncle Remus…I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine reliving this is easy for you. I’ve been so selfish. You had to live through all of this and I’m asking you to go through it again.”
“Hope, Darling, you don’t need to apologize.” He waved her off. He studied her face. “So you’ve been spending quite a bit of time with Cedric.” He smiles as she blushed.
“He asked me to be his girlfriend.” Hope wasn’t sure how her Uncle would react. He did tend to be over protective.
“He is a very nice young man and he’s very lucky if you have agreed.” Remus laughed at her expression. “Don’t look so shocked Hope. Anyone that makes you as happy as I have seen you lately has my blessing. Now wait here, I want to get you your birthday present. Though I’m not sure I can beat that breakfast.” He winked at her and laughed as her face grew red again. “Now, I had Arthur help me with this, so I hope it works the way it is supposed to.” He handed Hope the package. Hope smiled at her Uncle’s inept at wrapping a present. She pulled out a Disc Man that seemed to have some odd attachments.
“Uncle Remus…I, I’m confused.” He smiled.
“Well I know how much your music quiets your mind, I also know that yours hasn’t worked since we’ve been at Hogwarts. Arthur is rather talented at enchanting non magical objects- oh!” Hope had flung her arms around her Uncle.
“Thank you so much. I’ve missed my music so much.” Hope cried.
“You’re welcome Darling, Happy Birthday. Now you should get back to your common room. I feel there might be some other surprises waiting for you and I need to rest.” Hope kissed her Uncle on the cheek.
“I’ll come check on you tomorrow. Do you have your potion?”
“Yes, Professor Snape brought it by earlier. You don’t have to worry.” Hope hesitated. “Hope- go, enjoy the rest of your birthday. I will be fine.” Hope beamed at him one final time and rushed out of his office and headed toward the Gryffindor common room.
Harry watched as the fire crackled. He was miserable. He couldn’t stop kicking himself for what had happened the night before. He was quick to anger and Hope was quick to hang on to anger. It was his own fault. He was tuning out Hermione and Ron bickering as they hung up decorations for Hope’s birthday. They had a few presents piled up for her. Fred and George had assisted by getting food and a cake. Harry had no idea where and how they had gotten all of it. Harry knew Hope would be pleased with the chocolate cake. He had given up on watching her on the Maurader’s Map. He had tortured himself enough by watching her and Cedric moving around the map. He assumed Cedric had left already.
“Oh you guys!” Hope cried as she clamored through the portrait hole.
“No! We weren’t done yet!” Hermione protested.
“Well, I’ll go sit over here and you can finish hanging the banner.” Hope grinned. She wandered over and sat near Harry. He could feel her gray eyes studying him, waiting for him to say something. She sighed. “Harry, please look at me.” He slowly turned to look at her. Her heart cracked at the look on his face.
“That was some birthday breakfast.” He commented. “You seem really happy.”
“Harry.” Hope took his hand. His green eyes met her gray ones.
“I’m sorry. I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have even thought you would ever lie to me. And I certainly shouldn’t have yelled at you. I’m also sorry for ruining your date. But what I’m mostly sorry for you finding out the truth like that. I found out a similar way.”
“I accept your apology. It’s okay, really. You weren’t thinking straight. I had a similar moment last night.“ Harry grinned as Hope gave him a run down of her hallway flip out.
“I kind of wish I could have seen you yell at Snape.”
“Yeah he didn’t know what to do. I have a feeling it was a first.”
“Well a first that he didn’t tear you down.”
“Well I feel my Uncle may have taken him out. His friendly demeanor tends to go away when I’m involved.”
“Oh good! You’ve made up!” Hermione exclaimed when she came over.
“I did tell you last night that we would be fine. I have a feeling that this won’t be our first spat on the account we both have horrendous tempers.” Harry bumped Hope with his shoulder.
“So…how’s your boyfriend? Pretty fancy breakfast.” Ron teased.
“He’s good. Almost home I bet.” Ron’s eyes widened.
“You didn’t say he wasn’t your boyfriend!” Hope shrugged.  Ron wiggled his eyebrows.
“Shut it.” Hope threw a pillow at Ron. Hermione noticed how quiet Harry had gotten but didn’t comment. Ron made a few more obnoxious comments before Hermione intervened with presents.
“So Fred and George’s gift is the food and the enormous cake. They also told me to make fun of you and Cedric.” Ron handed her his gift that was filled with sweets from Honeydukes. “I wasn’t sure what to get you so I figured replenishing your sugar supply would be appreciated.” Ron was pleased with Hope’s happiness. Hermione handed her a rather heavy package. Hope was not surprised by the Arithmancy book on her lap.
“I figured it would help you catch up from missing the first couple of weeks of class.” Hermione was sheepish.
“Hermione, this is perfect.”
“I still can’t believe you dropped such an easy class to take Arithmancy.” Ron scoffed.
“I could not handle Trewlawney and her hack of a class.”  Ron shook his head. Harry leaned forward and handed Hope a beautifully wrapped package. She looked up and smiled at him. Apparently it was the day for leather bound. Harry had gotten Hope a gorgeous royal blue leather bound sketch book with her initials embossed on the lower right hand corner. He had also included some new charcoal pencils and watercolor pencils.
“Harry, this is beautiful. How did you manage this?”
“Hermione helped. I knew what I wanted to get you, so she found it for me.” Hope hugged him.
“I love it. It’s perfect.”
A while later, Hope was stuffed with great food and a magnificent cake. She was putting her gifts away when she noticed a small present on the end of her bed. Confused, she sat down and slowly opened it. It was an antique looking silver ring shaped like a rose. Underneath was a small note.
Hope- this was your mother’s and I thought you might like to have it. Happy Birthday, I wish I could have been there for all of them.
 Hope felt tears spring to her eyes. Underneath the note was a picture. It was a photo of her being held by one of the most handsome men she had ever seen. Her eyes  were looking back at her in the form of her father, Sirius Black.
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The Christmas holiday wasn’t as relaxing as she had hoped. It had started with Crookshanks going after Scabbers and grew worse when McGonagall confiscated The Firebolt for testing. Harry and Ron were furious with Hermione. Hope understood where Hermione was coming from and actually agreed that it should have been looked at. That made Ron and Harry angry with her as well, just not as angry as they were with Hermione.
Hope had kept the gift from her father to herself. At first, it was to process it and then it was to obsess over it. By the time she was ready to talk about it, McGonagall had taken Harry’s Firebolt. There was no way she was going to risk anyone taking that ring or the note and photo her father had sent. She knew, even I’d be was after Harry, he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. Her Uncle had been recovering from the full moon so she didn’t want to bring it up and worry him. Her only option was Cedric, but she didn’t dare put it in writing. He had sent her a letter and some chocolate on Christmas morning stating he wanted to give her the gift he got her in person. Hope had spent her holiday with Hermione trying to find a way to save Buckbeak and working on a sketch of the Astronomy Tower. Her Uncle had helped her get a really beautiful silver frame to place it in. She was also able to order a really nice cerulean sweater. It would look perfect with his eyes.
She screeched as she felt a pair of arms around her waist and spin her around in a circle. Once her feet hit the ground she spun to see Cedric grinning like a Cheshire Cat. Cedric had managed to get his father to set up him coming back early. He had arrived by Floo. Hope had written to him about how horribly her vacation was going and so he came back early.  Hope had her hand on her chest as her heart pounded. She swatted at him and then laughed.
“Sorry Love, couldn’t help myself.”
“You didn’t have to come back early. I feel bad that I pulled you away from your parents early.”
“Are you kidding? It was my mom’s idea. She’s absolutely smitten with you.” Hope rolled her eyes.
“She doesn’t even know me.”
“She knows you like I know you. She can’t wait to meet you.”
“Well now she’s going to be disappointed when she actually meets me. I’m sure you exaggerated.”
“Well, then so did Arthur Weasley when he told my father how wonderful you are.” Hope groaned. He put his hand on her cheek and kissed her lightly. “I missed you.”
“It’s only been a week and a half.” She joked. “I missed you too. It’s been kind of awful.”
“It sounded so from your letter.”
“And I down played it.”
“What’s the matter?” He studied her face.
“What do you mean?”
“I can tell by your eyes. You have the same look that you did when you told me about your dad.” He watched Hope look around nervously. She grabbed him by the hand and dragged him over to their window. Cedric sat down and watched her pace for a few moments. “Hope, you’re making me dizzy.” She sighed and reached into the front pocket of her hoodie and handed him the ring, the note and the photo. He scrunched his brow at the ring after he examined it for a moment. He looked at the photo and then she watched as his eyes went wide and he looked up at her. She was pacing again. 
“Have you shown this to anyone else?” She shook her head no and continued pacing. On her way back in front of him he grabbed her arm and pulled her to him and sat her on his lap. “I take that as a no.”
“I needed some time to process and then by the time I was ready the whole thing with Harry’s new broom happened. And then I was afraid they would take the ring, and it was my mother’s.” Cedric rested his chin on her shoulder.
“I understand. Not even your Uncle?”
“He would go mental. I can’t. I can’t do that to him. Plus I don’t want to fight with him.”
“I understand.”
“There’s more…”
“Hope you’re killing me.” She reached back into her and pulled out another card. Cedric read it out loud.
“Merry Christmas Sweetheart” Cedric read aloud. “Well if it wasn’t in the same handwriting I would be jealous. Did it come with a gift?”
“A really beautiful cashmere sweater. It’s this bluish-purple. It fits perfectly. I lied and said it was from you by the way.”
“I know, I know. I don’t know how he was able to buy anything or get his hands on the ring or get it into my dorm. I just..”
“It’s all you have from your father. I understand. You’ve been holding this in for almost two weeks so you’ve had plenty of time to over think and brew.” She leaned her head against his and took all of the items and shoved them back into the front pocket of her hoodie.
“Like a strong cup of coffee.”
“Your favorite.” Hope smiled.
“My favorite. I’m really glad you’re here. I can’t take any more time in the library with Hermione.” He chucked.
“She’s pretty intense.”
“She is. And with how upset she is, it’s even worse. I can’t take the fighting between them. And I refuse to share my opinion. It’s been awful. Kiss me?” He laughed and pressed his lips against hers. They jumped apart when they heard a throat clear. Her Uncle was smiling at the two of them.
“I was hoping you would be together.”
“Hi Uncle Remus. What’s going on?” Hope felt her cheeks blazing and Cedric looked like he was going to throw up.
“Well I heard that Cedric came back a little early. I was hoping the two of you would join me for dinner tomorrow. I figured it might be nice to get together before everyone else comes back from break.”
“That, that would be great, sir.” Cedric stuttered over his words.
“Oh Cedric I don’t think we need to be so formal.” Remus mused. Hope held in a laugh. “Tomorrow at 6pm in my office?”
“That sounds great Uncle Remus.” He nodded.
“Well…carry on.” He gave Hope an amused look before he turned to leave.
Hope sat down on the windowsill and started laughing. Cedric crossed his arms in front of himself. “Sir?!” Hope continued to laugh.
“I was trying to be respectful.”
“I’m pretty sure that Professor would have been just as respectful.” Cedric’s face turned crimson. “I’m just teasing. It’s just, it’s my Uncle. He would be perfectly happy with you calling him Remus. It’s how he is.”
“Yeah…well…” Cedric huffed.
“Don’t be mad…I really needed that laugh. I mean I suppose it’s only fair for the way you scared me when you got here.”
“Okay truce. So…feel like breaking some rules?” Hope raised her eyebrows. 
“Well…no one from Hufflepuff stayed behind for the holidays. I was thinking I could sneak you in so we could exchange gifts and be alone?”
“Why Mr. Diggory I am SHOCKED.” Hope made a mock gasp. “I’ll go get your gift and meet you outside of your common room?”
“Sounds like a plan.” He grinned.
Hope rushed down the steps of her dormitory, Cedric’s gifts in hand. She was happy to see Harry and Ron playing chess.
“Harry!” Hope exclaimed. Both he and Ron jumped.
“Surprised you’re not in the Library with Hermione.” Ron snarked. Hope rolled her eyes.
“Don’t start Ronald. I’m not picking sides in this stupid fight.” Ron scoffed.
“Could have fooled me. You’ve been avoiding us and spending all of your time with Hermione. And it’s not stupid.” He argued. Hope felt the anger in her bubbling beneath the surface.
“So I should what? Leave her by herself all break. You know, I expect this from you Ron. But not from you.” She gave Harry a pointed look. Ron started to protest, but Hope continued her tirade over him. “She stayed here for you, Harry. She could have been on Holiday with her family. And while I don’t agree with how she handled it, she’s not wrong. There could be something wrong with that broom. We watched you almost fall to your death in your last match. The two of you are so blinded by Quidditch and winning you don’t care what you risk. You’re being childish. The pair of you. Though I’m sure you’ll be over it by the time you need her help with lessons.” 
Hope turned on her heel. She had planned to ask Harry to borrow the Marauders Map, but she didn’t want anything from him. She was satisfied with how ashamed Harry looked.
“Wait where are you going?” Ron called. Hope stopped and turned back.
“Cedric came back early when he heard how miserable this break has been. I’m going to spend the evening with him.” And with that, she stalked out of the portrait hole. She wasn’t paying attention and walked right into Cedric. His strong hands gripped her so she didn’t fall.
“Easy Hope.” Cedric slowly removed his hands from her.
“I thought I was meeting you outside of the common room?” She felt out of breath.
"I got worried when you didn't turn up." She gave him a sheepish look.
"My temper got the best of me again." He quirked an eyebrow. "Harry and Ron...Ron made some stupid comment about Hermione and I kind of yelled at both of them. Like I get it, I really do. But we watched Harry almost die...if there's something wrong with that broom-" Cedric cut her off.
"Hope, you're a very good friend." He smiled. He put his arm around her. 
"C'mon...let's sneak you in." Hope looked back towards her Common Room. 
She really had to get a grip on her temper. She and Cedric walked through the corridors and past the Hogwarts Kitchen. For most of the students being gone, there was still wonderful smells coming from the House Elves inside. She knew that Fred and George had a way in there, she needed to ask them how, she wanted to visit the elves and thank them for their kindness before the start of term. Hope was barely paying attention as Cedric tapped on one of the barrels a handful of times. Her attention was grabbed when the barrels opened up to the Hufflepuff Common Room. As much as Hope loved her own Common Room, this one was also beautiful.
The bright yellow and black were a wonderful contrast and the highly polished, honey colored wood shone. True to Professor Sprout, there were colorful plants and flowers all over the common room. There were a handful of Cacti on wooden curved shelves. Plant holders dangled as ferns and ivies brushed as you passed underneath them. Over the Mantelpiece that was decorated with carved badgers was a portrait of Helga Hufflepuff.
"Cedric...this is incredible." Hope was awestruck as she looked around. He seemed pleased at how much she loved the common room.
“Come sit.” He led her over to one of the couches. She looked uneasy. “What’s wrong?”
“Just- what if Professor Sprout comes in here? Students from other houses aren’t supposed to be in common rooms that aren’t there’s!” Hope’s hand flew over her my. “I’ve been spending too much time with Hermione. She just came out of my mouth.” Cedric laughed.
“Relax. Professor Sprout doesn’t come in here unless there is an emergency.” “I think the only time I’ve seen Professor McGonagall in ours was when I was here before term.”
“Okay, open your present.” He handed her a small square box. She pulled the ribbon off and opened the box. Inside was a silver bracelet with stars. “I thought it would remind you of the Astronomy Tower. Why are you laughing?” Hope handed him his gifts. Cedric gave her a quizzical look and opened the drawing of the Astronomy Tower.
“Great minds and all.” Cedric grinned.
“Hope, this is gorgeous. I can’t wait to hang it up.”
“Yes, really.”
“I thought you might think it was lame. So I got you this too.” She handed him the sweater. He set the wrapped gift down.
“Hope- this is all I need. This is perfect. I could never think a piece of art you made was lame.” Hope rolled her eyes.
“You’re trying a little too hard.”
“Do you want to come with me while I hang it on my wall?” Hope grabbed his face and kissed him. “I thought we were arguing?” He laughed.
“I’m going to have you watch Ron and Hermione and see what arguing is really is. C’mon, open the other present. I picked it out specifically for you.” She waved at his other gift. He opened the sweater and she held it up to him. It had just the affect on his eyes as she suspected. “Perfect.” He put his arm around her and pulled her into his side.
“You’re very good at pretending to be okay, you know.”
“I am okay.”
“Okay…I’m freaking out. I just…I just want…” She pulled away and put her face in her hands.
“You just what Lupes?”
“I just want to see him. And talk to him, just once. I have so many questions. And is it so bad that I just want my father to hug me, once, so that I can remember? And that makes me so traitorous. My Uncle has given up his entire life for me. And here I am longing for someone else when he was the best father anyone could ever ask for.”
“Oh Hope…” He wiped the tears from her face. “You are NOT a traitor for wanting to know your father. That doesn’t take anything away from how much you love your Uncle or appreciate him. Hope, he loves Hope. He didn’t sacrifice his life for you. He made room in his life for you. You made his life more full.”
“You couldn’t possibly know that.”
“Yes I could because he told me.”
“Well, after I found out about your birthday I went to see him. I asked him about the pumpkin thing. He told me. And we got talking…and he wanted to know more about me since we were getting closer. And so we spoke for a while after I sent the owl to my mother to send me everything for your birthday. You act like he did this huge favor by taking care of you…but he needed you as much as you needed him. You were all be had left. You saved him as much as he saved you.” Hope started crying harder. “What? What did I say.”
“I’m horrible. I promised him I wouldn’t.”
“Hope…what are you talking about?” Cedric had no idea what she was talking about.
“Well…no ones been around because of the holidays so I figured no one would notice. And I knew he had to be close…the gifts and all…”
“Hope…I need you to say more words that make sense.” Cedric watched as Hope unraveled before his eyes.
“I wrote a letter to my father.”
Tumblr media
Sirius was surprised as a black tiny owl bounced around in front of him. The letter attached was addressed to him. He didn’t know who in their right mind would send him an owl. He could wish that Remus would realize that Sirius would never had betrayed James. He needed to get his hands on that rat. He tried to push down the bitterness, but it was too hard. He pulled the letter off and saw his name written in impeccable handwriting. If he didn’t know any better, he would think it was from Evanora. His Nora. He would never get over losing her and God help the Death Eater that snuffed out that bright light. Sirius took a deep breath and opened it.
Dad…Sirius…I don’t know what to call you. All I know, is that for as long as I can remember, I just wanted a Daddy. Uncle Remus has taken amazing care of me. He…he’s been everything, so please don’t worry. As much as I have missed your presence and my mother’s presence, I’ve been so incredibly loved. I want you to know that. I’m like mom. I know she told you I would be. I, am not as successful as she was, I’m hoping Professor Dumbledore will able to help me. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that since you escaped that I’ve seen nothing but darkness. After everything I’ve heard…I just have this feeling in my gut that you’re not what the say. That you didn’t betray us. I have felt your frustration, your anger and your sadness. I know that this is you. Thank you for your gift, it means more to me than anything and I will cherish the  pictures of us always. Dumbledore gave me one of Mom and Remus and then a group shot of the three of us with Lily, James and Harry. Harry and I have become great friends. I guess the only thing I can ask is that you don’t hurt Harry. I’m begging you not to. If I can help you clear your name, just say the word. I know that it’s been over a decade and I don’t remember you, but deep down I know how much you loved me and I love you. I will always love you. Please take care of yourself. I’m worried that you’re on your own. 
All of my love-Hope
Sirius felt tears in his eyes. Some of happiness and some sadness that he had missed out on Hope growing up. It didn’t matter what he had to do, he would prove his innocence so he, Harry and Remus could be their oven version of a family. He held the letter to his chest. All he wanted was to know his daughter and for her, Remus and Harry to know he was innocent. That was all that mattered. He knew he had to find a way to get to Hope.
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bigsarc · 4 years
"Now is the end," he pulled over, got off the bike, sat on toes, looked long and hard at the engine, "sorry love, it's ok, this is new beginning too"
He stood up, taking in the barren beauty of the desert. The shrubs, the cacti, the cloudless beautiful blue sky, and no one in visible earth's curvature and a big giant furious ball of fire. "The next person I see, I'm going to bet that hell is tad bit cooler than Arizona" to his bike.
He does that, taking to his bike. A psychiatrist would say he is lonely and should converse with real humans. He does that too, he thinks his bike is a person.
Picked up his mobile, dialed the most recent number "I'm stuck in the middle of the desert" after the other end takes the call.
"Do you call only when you are in trouble?" enquired James, his best friend, brother from another mother and, father.
"In my defense, I'm always in trouble?" Replied Sirius.
"Ok. Cookie point. What's up?"
" The big beautiful blue sky." Looking up and squinting his eyes.
"We could have you murdered for that!" yelled James.
" The clutch wire is cut... Need to call a highway emergency pick up. Though I wonder how long that would take, if I die... Say that I dried my best? "
"Urgh! Disgusting! Your possible death is very comforting right now. Saves us trauma. Where are you now? "
"Believe it or not, there is this place called Why, I'm south of it now." Said Sirius smiling.
"Yes, why did I assume you would be in reachable place? Wait.... Is it near Tuscan" Looking up the location from his laptop.
“Yeah… you could say that. About an hour or two" confirmed Sirius.
" Okay Sirius, we know a guy. He must be near Tuscan. I will just call him see whether he can pick you up. Call you back" said James and cut the call.
Yes. I can play destiny. A fairy godfather. James talking to his laptop. When two people are as close as James and Sirius, insanity, stupidity are often contagious.
James called the guy he knows, " Hey what's up? Don't say blue sky!" Rushed out the words even before the other person answered.
"Nothing much what's up?" Came the voice from other side. There was a chuckle too.
"So...there is this guy we know... He is kinda stuck in middle of nowhere. He can get highway support and all, but you could be faster. Please?" , James begged and hoped he sounded desperate enough.
"Oh...", after a brief moment "Hmm.. Fine I will see if I can do that. Send me the location and What's the trouble?"
"He quote I repeat clutch wire is cut. Texted the location" said James now a little more hopeful
"Okay. Hold on, let me check where I'm." After a few seconds, " I can pick him up in half an hour or so. Tell him to stay where he is, and to be hydrated. I only repair bikes not humans."
"Oh great! I didn't think you would be that close. If he is dead, leave him to coyotes. I owe you one." Said James.
"You owe me 364 James" said the on call mechanic and cut the call.
" Yeah, yeah.... Who's counting?" Replied James to no one.
James: Stay there. Help will be there in half an hour. Keep hydrated. He will not be responsible for your funeral.
Sirius: Don't judge him if he happens to be a necrophiliac. I’m simply beautiful is all.
James prayed to universe and sent a second text, Behave!
Sirius took the advice, drank lukewarm water- on the warmer side, poured some over his neck. "I don't think anyone is going to bet against me." He thought he was being adventurous driving out in the heat. He was slowly realizing how much of a mount stupid he really was. He felt sun was slurpee straw sucking his energy. The heat was tremendous, his bike _broken as it may be_ was conducting and dissipating heat, adding to the already illegally hot space.
There were couple of cars that sped past him. He was tempted to hitchhike, he would have if it wasn’t that his bike would be left in middle of no where. He could see mirages. He thought he would die, and be dried to bone before the on call mechanic saves him.
True to the word, Sirius saw a pick up truck slowing down. It was too bright to fully open eyes. He squinted his eyes to a narrow slit and starting waving his hand to confirm that he was the one who needs saving.
Through that narrow slit he saw a familiar face, a familiar gait, of a familiar person. Despite the brightness and heat Sirius shot his eyes open, with a whisper of ‘Remus’ on his lips.
Sirius simply froze, he felt adrenaline creep up to his head. It was Remus, whole six foot of him, when he was not slagging. He looked healthier than last time.
“Hey Sirius…”, wished Remus.
Sirius had million things to say, ask, confront and confess, despite everything he hugged Remus. Sirius dug his nose into the crock of Remus neck and hugged tighter. “Im sorry. Remus… I… sorry.” Sirius held Remus until he gave in and hugged back.
When they finally pulled away from each other, still holding each other by shoulders. “I thought I was dead, seeing you. You look great.”, Sirius stated his observation.
“Yes, yes… thank you. Been taking care of myself. “ said Remus stepping back from the embrace, “you look great, stubble and man bun going well on you.”
“I always thought you hated it” scratching his beard.
“I have nev”
“Professor.” A female voice was heard from the pick up truck. Sirius was confused enough to see why there was someone else. Then what confused him more was, “Tonks?”
“Hey Sirius! How is it going?” muttered Tonks, neice of Sirius. Sirius moved around Remus and gave her a look, “Wonderful to see you here. Quite a surprise. Wasn’t expecting you.” Baffled Sirius.
“Did you guess it’s gonna be Professor?” chirped Tonks not so much minding the situation.
“No… what? No? James?” Sirius asked Remus in a most comically surprised way.
“Whom are you kidding? You weren't expecting Remus either.” Pointed out Tonks.
“Yes, I wasn’t. Got played in to James's pronouns. Again. ” smiled Sirius looking at Remus' back.
“Let’s get
Sometime later#
“remus, Please… fuck me. You would know what I feel. Please don’t make a decision before that.”
Sirius leaned in and kissed on Remus’ Cupid bow.
- I only know they would fuck. Says a lot. Any way. Meh.
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believinghurts · 11 months
So I know it’s been a hot minute since I’ve posted anything on here, butttttt I will be attempting to write another chapter of ‘Their Daughter’!! I am so excited and am hoping to have it up soon!!!
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b1t5andpi3c3s · 3 years
B1t5andPi3c3s Master Post
The Chronicles of Narnia
Joining the Fight Against the White Witch Becoming the next King/Queen Sheltering small animals in your home  Being the White Witch’s half-sister Professor Kirke’s niece
Maleficent and Descendants Crossover
Alternate + 2 Maleficent and co. end up in Auradon
Harry Potter
Being Lily’s sister and dating Sirius Black Being Sorted into Slytherin, but you’re a Muggleborn Being a Muggleborn witch and neighbouring Harry and the Dursleys
Being Draco's older sister
To Watch You Go Remus Lupin x Reader, Angst Paper Rings James Potter, fluff
Hydra being after you, a Werewolf Having the power of all the Infinity stones Being made to watch Hydra experiment on People Being Nick Fury’s niece and growing up hearing stories about Carol Danvers Being a normal civilian and dating Steve when Thanos attacks Helping Bucky Hydra taking you, Howard’s sister and Bucky’s girlfriend Going undercover at Peter’s school, because Tony wants more information about Spider-man Peter Parker tutoring you Bonding with Dr. Strange while practising magic
Locked like a Fortress, but I Love You Anyway Steven Grant x Reader, Angst + (Smidge of) Fluff This Morning Steven Grant x Reader, Fluff Black as Pitch Steven Grant x Reader + Marc Spector x Reader, Fluff + Angst (a little) + otherwise pretty neutral
The Maze Runner
Newt looking at you like Falling in love with Thomas but he doesn't notice The Creator's not properly wiping your memory
Nothing Yet :(
Peaky Blinders
Congratulations Thomas Shelby x Reader, Angst
Being a Blossom sibling Charles having a twin Being a Riverdale parent Being attacked by Ghoulies and the Serpents save you Helping Jughead with his novel Being Hiram Lodge's estranged sister
Star Wars
Nothing Yet :(
Being Crowley's Child Having the ability of everything you say coming true Being an old uni friend of Sam's Being Bobby's daughter and being engaged to Sam Being a normal human, but being able to read the tablets
Teen Wolf
Being a Vampire in Beacon Hills Being Theo sister and he gets the Dread Doctors to change you Being the only one Stiles trusts with his Jeep
The Umbrella Academy
Working for the Handler
The Vampire Diaries / Originals / Legacies
Dying in Stefan's arms Being a Werewolf from Beacon Hills Being in a love square with Klaus, Elijah, Stefan and Damon Being a Donovan sibling Having blackmail material over your friends
Ragnar having a wife before Lagertha + Part 2 Ragnar remembering you Through Innocent Eyes Hvitserk x Reader, Fluff
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lilahisntsadanymore · 3 years
The Marauders meet an intriguing girl and make a bet about her, which can be easily solved by Remus asking her on a date.
I really wanted to make it spicy at the end, but I'm afraid I'd mess it up :( I got a little carried away with the kissing scene though lol
Pairing: Remus Lupin x vampire!reader
Reader pronouns: she/her
Words count: 3.1k
Tw: "explicit" kissing at the end
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
My crush is a vampire
Y/n had no idea where to go. She was lonely. It was late March, the spring had started, but it was very cold this year. One of the coldest springs Y/n had ever seen. Although she didn’t have to worry about freezing to death, she did worry about freezing into a statue.
The girl’s all belongings could fit in a backpack. All the things that surprisingly didn’t burn down with her house were some clothes, few galleons and some sickles. Y/n didn’t even have her wand, there was no time to search for it.
The woods and caves could be good places to hide, but not for a long time. Y/n had to find some normal place, even for only few days. She remembered words she heard from professor Dumbledore back when she attended Hogwarts.
Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it.
It was the time to test if he was being honest. Y/n needed to find a way to contact him, she heard that now he was the headmaster. Unfortunately, the girl didn't have an owl to send him a letter, so she decided to visit him.
"Name and reason." Filch asked in his usual harsh, demanding tone.
"Private business, the Minister of Magic himself sent me here." Y/n lied. Filch didn't seem to recognize her, which was good for her.
"Ursula Minchum, the Minister's niece. Let me in, or I'll make sure you'll get a holiday 52 weeks per year long."
"I'm sorry, but I cannot let you in. I don't know, what kind of business would the Ministry have at 8pm."
Without a goodbye, Y/n walked away. It was the time for another plan. She turned into a bat and flew inside the castle. Should have done it earlier, she thought.
Hogwarts might have been wizard-proof, but it surely wasn't vampire-proof. Y/n could easily fly into the headmaster's office in her bat form.
"I expected you here, Y/n." The old man said. He said, not even looking at the girl. His sight was buried into some papers on his desk. "Haven't seen you in a while."
"How did you know it's me, professor?" Y/n asked. It wasn't a surprise, Dumbledore had always been... like that. But it was a good conversation starter.
"Everyone knows what happened a week ago in your village-"
"They're so cruel." Y/n interrupted him. "Tom never liked me, firstly he was the reason I became... this," Y/n sighed, Dumbledore knew the story and he knew how much Y/n hated the vampire she became, "and now his people tried to burn me. This backpack is all I have, I don't know what to do. Please, help me."
It was a tough situation, but Dumbledore found a solution almost immediately. He instructed Y/n to go to Hogsmeade, where a woman named Rosmerta was supposed to wait for her. He sent her an owl right before Y/n walked away.
Unfortunately, Y/n had to walk all the way to the village, because she was losing much energy in the bat form. To make the walk shorter, she took a quicker way, the "less official one".
Y/n looked at the willow tree as she walked by it. She was warned to not get too close, because it was a whomping willow, which would whomp her off of her feet in seconds.
Ironically enough, the girl was whomped off of her feet, although not by any kind of a tree. When she looked up, she saw a bunch of teenage boys.
"We're so sorry," said one of them, adjusting his glasses.
"No, that's okay. I mean, my fault." Y/n replied, a bit in shock. She got up from the ground and scratched her neck nervously. "I'm the one who should be sorry, I stood in your way."
She looked at the boys, her eyes stopped for a longer moment on the tallest of them. He had dirty blonde hair, but that wasn't the thing that caught the most attention. Y/n noticed a few scars on the boy's face.
Suddenly, some weird smell reached Y/n's nose. It was familiar, an image of a dog popped up in her mind. The girl looked around. Since when did Hogwarts allow dogs as pets?
"Do you guys have a dog around here?" A question escaped her mouth.
"What?" The other boy with longer hair said, a hint of nervousness in his voice. "Why would we-? What makes you think that?"
Y/n haven't been spending much time with normal people during the past few years. She forgot they don't have that sensitive senses.
"Hey, I gotta go." She changed subject. "Sorry again for making you bump into me."
"Wait," the boy with the glasses stopped her just as she was about to get walking, "I'm James, this is Sirius, Remus and Peter."
As he introduced his friends, he gestured at each one of them. The boy with longer her was Sirius, the one with scars was Remus and the last one, the shortest one, was Peter.
"Nice to meet you." Y/n said. It wasn't nice to meet them, it was, well, neutral, but that's what you're supposed to say. Isn't it?
"What's your name?"
"And what are you doing?" Sirius chimed in. "It's late. And I don't think we've seen you before."
"I'm Y/n. I was just visiting a friend. I really need to get going before it gets too dark." Y/n put an emphasis on the word really.
After this short conversation, she rushed to the village, making sure the boys aren't following her. They seemed nice though, Y/n hoped to meet them again.
Remus seemed shy, but Y/n thought that's cute. When their eyes locked, she felt a feeling she never felt before. She wished that she could try to get to know him better, but it wouldn't be a good idea. She couldn't hide from him the fact that she's a vampire and why would anyone want to date someone like that?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"...and here you can sleep. It's not a 5 star hotel, but it's cosy."
"Thank you. Although I must assure you I have money for only one, maybe two nights."
"Oh, don't worry about that. I want to hire you, so you could stay here. Albus wrote me everything about your situation in the letter."
"Really? You're willing to trust someone like me?"
"Why not? What matters is what's in your heart, not in... your mouth."
"My heart's dead. Literally."
"That's okay, we'll find you something to do around here."
That was the conversation Y/n had with Rosmerta the first time Y/n stepped her foot in the Three Broomsticks. She didn't expect the woman to be this kind, Rosmerta didn't have to be this kind. It made Y/n so happy. Someone finally trusted her enough to hire her.
Honestly, it would be enough for Y/n to just have a bed to sleep in and food to eat, she didn't need more. The fact that she was actually getting paid made everything so much better.
Y/n's job was to clean around the pub and buy necessary ingredients for foods and drinks. That was the best option for someone with fangs. Rosmerta was risking enough just by having Y/n there, people would stop coming to the Three Broomsticks if they knew that a blood drinking monster works there.
"Hello there, love."
Y/n heard a familiar voice when she was cleaning one of the tables. It was Saturday, so the place was much more crowded, since the students were allowed to go to Hogsmeade during weekends.
The girl looked up and saw the same four boys she bumped into a few days before.
"Hi." She replied shortly, looking away. She panicked internally, what was she supposed to do now?
"How's it going?"
"Welcome, boys," Rosmerta rescued Y/n, joining the conversation, "please take a seat."
The boys sat at the table Y/n had just cleaned. She was nervous, she didn't even know why. Her hands were shaking, causing a fork to fall off of a plate she was carrying.
Y/n bent down to pick it, but quickly cursed under her breath. The fork was silver. The girl put a hand in her pocket, searching for a tissue, but Rosmerta was quicker. The woman helped Y/n pick up the fork, giving the girl an assuring smile.
"Ready to order?" Rosmerta asked the boys after Y/n walked to the kitchen. "The same as always?"
"Yes, please. You know us so well, Rose." Sirius said with a flirty smile.
When the woman walked away, the boys engaged in a conversation. Sirius put his hands with intertwined fingers on the table.
"So," he said, "what are the bets?"
"Bets on what?" James asked curiously. If there were any bets to make, he was very eager to do it.
"On what's wrong with that Y/n girl."
"Why would something be wrong with her?" Peter joined in.
"She was acting so weird when we first met. Visiting a friend? Late in the evening? And now she barely talks and can't pick up a fork."
"Sirius, she might be just shy and awkward." Remus chimed in.
"Oh yeah, and you're the one to know the most about it."
Remus looked down and started fiddling with his fingers in his lap.
"I say she works for You-know-who." James announced, giving Sirius a challanging stare.
"Is that the best you can come up with?" The long haired boy laughed friendly. "My theory is that she is a muggle criminal, hiding in the wizarding world."
"Muggle my arse! How does that explain her weird behavior?"
"Well, she's just awkward." Sirius gave Remus a nudge to the arm.
"Yeah, maybe let's just say she's a vampire." Peter chuckled.
"That's a very good theory, Wormtail!" Sirius lightly slapped the surface of the table with his hand excitedly. "It would be very unlucky for Moony though."
"What do you mean?" Remus looked at Sirius, blushing.
"Don't act like you don't know. We seen the way you looked at her. It would be tough for you to date her, considering your furry little problem."
"Oh, shut up."
"I'm just kidding! It's more possible that she's a deatheater than a vampire. Both aren't good news for you though."
"I said I'm kidding."
Their little argue was interrupted by madam Rosmerta bringing their usual order - butterbeer. After James paid, they kept chattering. Sirius kept teasing Remus about his crush on Y/n.
"Do you know what'd be the best way to find out what's wrong with her?" Sirius asked, but his friends knew it isn't a question. "Remus asking her out."
The table went silent. Sirius, James and Peter were all looking at Remus, waiting for his response. He didn't look annoyed at all, but internally he was screaming.
"You know I won't do it." Remus furrowed his eyebrows. He put his hands on the table and leaned his head on them.
"Then how are we going to find out who wins the bet?"
"You can ask her out if you're so eager." He snickered. His friends could say he's clearly bothered.
"I don't-" Sirius was going to decline, but then thought about it, "fine, I'll do it."
A mischievous smile was visible on Sirius' face when Y/n walked up to their table to pick up the pint glasses.
"Hey, Y/n, can I ask you a question?" The boy spoke, looking into Y/n's eyes.
"Mhm." Y/n replied, still remembering not to talk much in this lighting.
It was no problem in the dark. But currently, her fangs would catch much attention.
"Do you have a boyfriend? Or a girlfriend? Or anyone else?"
The girl shook her head.
"Great! When do you finish work?"
Y/n's eyes wandered to the clock on one of the walls. It was currently 3pm.
"In four hours." It was the longest sentence she spoke to the boys since they'd entered the pub.
"Brilliant. Remus will pick you up around 8pm to give you some time to get ready."
Remus' eyes widened, this surely wasn't what he meant when he told Sirius to ask Y/n out.
"I told you to ask her out for yourself!" He panicked when the boys were on their way back to the castle.
"I am not the one who fancies her!" Sirius shouted, mimicking Remus.
"You fancy everyone, mate." James chuckled.
"I don't fancy everyone! I don't like you like that, for example."
"What about that one kiss-"
"We don't talk about what happens in Quidditch locker rooms!"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A knocking filled Y/n's room when she was trying on diffirent clothes. The weather warmed up a bit, so she could wear her favorite sweater and jeans.
"Come in." She said.
Rosmerta didn't even walk in. She just opened the door and peeked her head inside the room.
"The Remus boy is asking about you, saying he is waiting for you."
"Tell him I'll be there in a minute."
"Going on a date?"
"I guess you could call it a date. It's kind of weird though. I'll explain later."
Even if Y/n was happy, she didn't know if it's a good idea. Remus didn't even seem like he wanted to go on a date.
Before walking downstairs, Y/n looked in the mirror. Not being able to see herself reminded her about her condition, casing the happiness to disappear.
What am I doing?, the girl asked herself.
What was she going to do if it worked? What if they got along? There was no way to hide the fact that she's a vampire and there was no way he could accept her like this.
"Hello." Remus greeted Y/n when she finally appeared by the door. He weaved at her awkwardly.
"Hi." The girl answered with a light smile.
They walked outside. The sun had already set, although people were still outside, doing their usual things.
"The sky looks pretty." Y/n said, looking at the stars appearing on the sky. "So, where are we going to go?"
"I thought about having a walk around."
"Yes, let's do that!"
It wasn't just a walk. With every step they were feeling more and more as if they were meant for each other. It was like two souls finally finding one another after centuries of wandering.
After an hour, they sat on a small hill on the grass. They were so close, it would make other people uncomfortable. But not them. They felt as if they knew each other much longer than a few hours. Y/n felt very comfortable with Remus holding her hand and Remus felt very comfortable with Y/n leaning her head on his shoulder.
They sat in a soft, enjoyable silence. Hearing each other breathe was like honey to their ears as the noise of the village began to fade. They were quietly observing how the streets got more empty with each minute.
Y/n squeezed Remus' hand. She felt guilty, she needed to tell him the truth about herself. He was the first man to make her feel so special in just a few hours, he didn't deserve to be lied to.
"I need to tell you something." The girl stuttered shyly.
"What is it?" The boy asked. His good mood immediately disappeared and was replaced by the feeling of anxiety. Did he do something wrong?
"It might change your... opinion about me. You might want to cut me off. But no matter what, please, don't tell anyone else. Not even your friends."
"I promise I won't tell anyone."
Remus Lupin was good at many things and keeping secrets was one of them. People trusted him, because they knew their secrets would never escape his mouth.
"I- I am a monster." The girl confessed, her face full of worry. As much as she didn't want to say it, she knew she had to. Better now than later, when she gets more attached to Remus.
"What? What do you mean? You're lovely, you're so nice and kind and beautiful. We spent just a few hours together, but I enjoy being around you."
The boy didn't understand. So far, Y/n was the opposite of a monster. If anyone here is a monster, it's me, Remus thought. His heart started beating faster. What would she say if he told her he's a werewolf?
"Remus, I'm a vampire."
Remus' jaw dropped. How ironic. It explained everything. Y/n smelling a dog when Sirius was around even though he turned back to human a few minutes before. Y/n not being able to touch the silver spoon. Y/n not wanting to talk much in the light. It all added up. Peter was right even if he was joking.
Y/n got nervous when Remus started laughing. If she wasn't dead, her heart would be racing. She had no idea why was he laughing. It wasn't funny, it wasn't a joke.
"Why are you laughing?" She asked.
"Because it's so ironic." Remus said, not feeling anxious anymore. "Y/n, I am a werewolf."
He knew she would understand. There was no reason to hide it, since she shared her secret with him.
Now it was Y/n whose jaw dropped. So many people to fall in love with and somehow it happened between a vampire and a werewolf.
"It could be a plot of a muggle romance book." The boy joked, putting an arm around Y/n.
"Romance?" Y/n questioned.
"Y-yes, I thought you're okay with it. I mean, that's what people go on dates for and-"
"Remus." She interrupted him, taking his chin in her hand and tilting his face so that they were looking at each other. "I am okay with it. More than okay."
Their faces were just inches apart as they looked straight into one another's eyes. They've found someone who understands them.
It was the moment. The right moment for a kiss, just like in a muggle romance book. Y/n put her soft lips on Remus' a bit chapped ones, but it didn't matter.
Remus leaned on the grass, pulling Y/n in so that she was on top of him, not breaking the kiss. Their tongues danced together, expressing how badly the both of them needed that closeness, that intimacy.
The heat rose in Remus' cheeks, he could feel the girl's fangs brushing his lips occasionally. Y/n swore she could hear his rapid heartbeat, thanks to her over-sensitive hearing.
"That was... something." The girl giggled with a smile on her face when she pulled away.
"Definitely something." Remus beamed, breathing heavily. Thousands emotions were flowing through his body, the good ones.
The rest of the date they spent on talking about their stories with occasional breaks for kisses. Y/n told Remus the whole story about how she was turned into a vampire and he shared with her his story about becoming a werewolf.
Even if both of the stories were traumatic, they felt safe enough around each other. When they were looking at the stars in the sky, embraced by one another's arms, the time stopped. Time didn't exist, what was important was the current moment that Y/n and Remus hoped would last forever.
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padawan-jiejie · 2 years
Padawan JieJie, formerly known as "l-l-c-m-w-b" or "nota-woman-ima-god", REPOSTED THIS FROM HERE bcs the links didn't work anymore
Author's fav: 💜
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Attachment - Y/N and Anakin, young padawans, are supposed to be looking after Senator Amidala on Naboo but they seem to be interested more in other things…
Long Time No See - Requested, Vader x reader
Tonight - You are Anakin’s wife and you and your husband are enjoying a moment of peace but Obi-Wan ruins it and it goes on with Padmé the other day…
Lovely - You and Anakin have been dating for a while and you two have a conversation about how Ahsoka sort of became your adoptive daughter…
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💜 My Choice Series COMPLETED - You are Anakin’s twin sister and Mace Windu’s apprentice with a forbidden kind of interest in Master Kenobi that does not go well…
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3
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💜 Almost -  Let’s just pretend that Reylo isn’t happening and here you are getting lectures from Kylo only to fall in love with him and the ending takes place after The Rise of Skywalker where the bad shit magically handled itself and our fav depressed boy is coming back home…
Just Yours -  Set between TLJ and TRoS where Supreme leader Kylo Ren decided to take you as his apprentice and you always seem to somehow injure yourself on missions and Kylo is not found of it…
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Let It Go series (unfinished and it shall stay that way):
1. Just let it be | 2. So come on | 3. Why don’t you be you?
Relationships Are Difficult (2 parter COMPLETED)- Requested: young Sirius Black x reader
Runaway -  Y/N is James’ twin sister and she was the first one who saw Sirius after he left home…
Lover - Loosely based on a song by Taylor Swift
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Chocolate -  You’re nervous about the OWL’s and Remus gave you some of his chocolate…
How long will this last? - Requested: Remus Lupin x plus!size!reader
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Y/N Strange -  Loki have met you while he was attacking the NY and weren’t able to kill you, so he basically kidnapped you and the two of you fell in love, but then he was stopped and now he’s found you again, but what he doesn’t know is that you are actually a niece of Dr. Strange…
What happened? - You thought Loki died, but he didn’t...
From Now 'Til Forever -  Requested: Loki x Enchantress!Reader
You saved me -  Steve’s gone to save the other Avengers and you stayed in Wakanda with Bucky so he wouldn’t be there alone…
Sunset - Just a fluffy little thingy with warm Bucky…
V’s Affection -  You and Nero have to kick some demon ass while V’s doing what he’s doing…
Morning -  Waking up in the arms of your beloved one…
Different -Billy has never loved a girl the way he has fallen for the reader. But he has made a lot of chaos and he doesn’t want her to get hurt…
i got lazy towards the end and so you don't get the "fancy font names" but i mean... the ones that didn't i don't really care for anyway so eh 🤷‍♀️
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sirisuorionblack · 3 years
Moony 2.O
Remus Lupin x reader
Summary - Marauders a famous rock band composed of two fathers and the Black brothers. When Sirius proposed that Remus’ daughter shall sing a song, who is Remus to deny, but well, his wife can be a little apprehensive,
Warnings - None, just Remus with his little princess.
Regulus’ name given by @with-love-anu
"You sure about this, Remus?" (Y/N) asked, adjusting the leather jacket that he, Sirius, James and Regulus had brought for uniformity, in their Greenroom.
When Remus had told her about the band they wanted to start she was totally supportive and with the way it spread through people like wildfire she was more than just happy. Now, when Remus had brought up the idea that they get their 4-year-old daughter to sing a song in front of millions, (Y/N) was perturbed would be an understatement.
"I will be there on the stage and so will the rest of the boys," Remus consoled her, rubbing her arms and dropping a kiss to her forehead and pressed his lips to hers
"Moon-ugh, sorry," Sirius barged into the room and closed his eyes immediately.
Remus chuckled, "What's it, Sirius?"
"I just came to ask if you were ready?" Sirius said, his eyes still closed tightly.
"Black," (Y/N) warned, "Open your eyes,"
"He is snogging your face off," Sirius said.
"Black, I swear yo-"
"Mummy!" Little Sophia's voice broke through her weak threat.
"Darling," (Y/N) crouched allowing the little girl to jump into her arms, "You ready?"
"Yes!" She exclaimed, her eyes were painted with colours, her hair let free and loosely waving behind her.
"You look so beautiful, little one," Remus cooed, grinning.
"You can admire your daughter later, Remus," Regulus said, "But we are really getting late,"
"Yep, just give me a minute I will join you," Remus said. The three of them left with a nod.
"Mama will be there with you here, alright?" Remus said to his daughter, taking her in his arms and wrapping another arm around his wife's waist, "And when papa calls you from the stage your gonna come there and sing the song we rehearsed like a brave girl, OK?"
"Yes, papa!" Sophia replied with such enthusiasm and a wide grin on her face.
"That's my girl!" Remus beamed and pressed his lips to her forehead and gently allowed her to wiggle back to her mother, "Don't worry love,"
(Y/N) passed him an anxious smile and nodded. Remus pecked her cheek and rushed to the stage. The moment he stepped onto it, the roar of applause was absolutely loud.
Remus smiled widely as he took the microphone in his hand; the crowd roared even louder, losing their collective cool. It fueled Remus' passion to sing even more energetic.
"Alright," Remus said, after a song or two, placing the microphone back on its stand, beaming at the crowd, "I have a little someone for all of you to see,"
The crowd fell silent with murmurs of anticipation, and so did the rest of the member on stage. Wide grins on their faces as they recalled the memory of their little niece singing at the rehearsal.
"Well, you see, we had requested this someone to sing a song for us and they agreed so, Angel," Remus beckoned his daughter to come onto the stage, shooting his wife a wink.
When Sophia stepped onto the stage she was bewildered by the sheer amount of people before her, all yelling and hollering even louder than for her father, evidently frightening her.
She couldn't turn around and run back into her mother's comforting embrace and so, she looked at the stage and ran to her father, her arms wide open, immediately after she spotted him.
Remus crouched and picked up his daughter who came running to him as though desperately seeking protection and the only person she would see was her father.
Remus grinned proudly at his daughter, "This is my daughter, Sophia Hope Lu-"
The crowd hollered so loudly, Remus and the rest of them were afraid that every single one of the audiences in that mass ground before them would have a sore throat.
Remus chuckled, "Do you wanna speak something, darling? Say hello?"
Sophia looked at her dad, a silent conversation sparking with their eyes. She leaned into the warmth of her father and muttered a low, "Hello," into the microphone and this time the crowd cooed loudly. Remus barked a peal of laughter.
When it was time for Sophia to sing, Remus crouched next to her, and rested a hand on the small of her back comfortingly, and smiled, helping her with forgotten lyrics.
The crowd looked as though the shock they received was more than that lightning could give. Sure, Sophia had received her singing talent from Remus perhaps from (Y/N) too.
"Oh, my gods," (Y/N) said, an extremely wide grin taking over her feature as Sophia leaned forward from her place in her father's arms just to be caught by her mother, "You did amazing out there, sweetheart! I am so proud of you,"
(Y/N) peppered the little girl's face with kisses as Remus, Sirius, James and Regulus watched them, bright smiles on their faces.
"Alright then, ladies," Sirius said, wrapping an arm around (Y/N) and looking at Sophia, "What do you say, we go back home and watch a movie with pizza, for my dear darling's singing out there,"
"Yes, Uncle Pads!" Sophia yelled, jumping into Sirius' arms and kissing his cheek.
(Y/N) chuckled as she watched Regulus, Sirius, Sophia and James walking to the car, the back of the leather jackets printed with, 'Silverpaw', 'Padfoot', 'Moony 2.O' and 'Prongs'.
"She sang wonderfully, didn't she?" Remus asked, wrapping his arms from behind (Y/N) and swaying slightly.
"Absolutely. She is gonna grow up to be like her father." (Y/N) said, smiling fondly.
Remus spun her around and dipped her, smashing his lips onto hers.
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silverose365 · 3 years
Silverose365's master list
Requests are open for both NSFW and SFW please don't request NSFW if you are under 18 years of age
I will make a wedding board for any character if asked to
I will write for Harry Potter, Sons of Anarchy, and Supernatural (I may be open to for others just ask)
I haven't moved them on here yet but my Wattpad has all of my Sons of Anarchy stuff feel free to request there as well. Silverose365
I have two rules! 1. Don't like my work don't read it very simple! 2. Be respectful all are welcome here!
Once A Murader Always A Murader:
Remus’s goddaughter y/n Black gets in trouble with the Weasley twins after Umbrage takes her torment too far.
More Than A Friend:
When y/n is requested not to come home for Christmas by her pureblood family during her last year at Hogwarts her best friend Sirius Black comes to fetch her so she isn't spending it alone.
Oh How The Tables Turn:
Sirius Black and y/n y/l/n have learned to hate each other as there parents tried to force them to fall in love. Over time they face trials that only the two can relate to.
Finally Home:
Y/n Lestrange finally has the family she knew she could have but never let herself hope for.
Let's Go Home:
After his death Sirius Black finds himself waking up in a tent with some expected faces and some non as expected what happens when he reunites with his overtired wife?
Takes One To Know One:
When Molly plans to surprise Charlie in Romania a couple of weeks before the holidays she overhears a conversation that didn't involve her. Charlie meets a woman who couldn't care about anything but dragons even when her own health is a steak.
Unknown Ocupent:
When Sirius Black takes shelter in his family home of 12 Grimwald place he's unaware of two thing 1. His brother Regulas Black had a daughter with a muggle born witch and 2. That his niece has been living there for years.
The Things We Do For Love:
Professor Sharp takes a starts out with taking advice from a friend and finds himself with more then he originally bargained for.
Love & Loneliness: Sirius Black x y/n:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Y/n was a loyal loving person who would drop what she was doing in the blink of an eye to help anyone, however always struggled to let others return the favor Lily was quick to befriend her. Y/n also liked to do things that she knew were bratty especially towards the one and only Sirius Black. At first, Sirius would point out how kind y/n was but as they grow he learns how to understand his feelings better.
Wedding boards:
Sirius Black
George Weasley
Fred Weasley
Remus Lupin
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