#Really want to commission an artist to draw him so I need some sort of solid ref lol
byrusvirus · 1 year
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Tweaking the design for my demon OC a bit, and I think I might be happy with this one. Maybe. I've tried out horns from tons of different animals by this point, but the curled ram horns seem to be the best fit.
Also need to buy a new scanner oops
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rederiswrites · 7 months
One really adorable detail from our blacksmithing event this weekend:
The demonstrator, Drew, was a confident, precise, perfectionist. He talked a lot about running a business as an artist, in addition to actual blacksmithing. Over dinner, he told us the most hilarious, amazing story about a customer he's currently working on a commission for. She's got a big event site type farm somewhere in Money Land, Virginia, where three of the richest counties in the country are. The kind of place you pay to have your wedding in bucolic 'natural' settings.
He showed us the design, which is a lovely gate.
"Driveway gate?" I asked. Most of the time the only sign of these people among us is a very long driveway with a gate or some sculptural pylons.
He doesn't have a very expressive face, and it'd taken me a couple hours to get the hang of his humor. His face didn't change as he said, "No. For people to stand in front of for pictures." This, of course, set the tone for a conversation about rich people.
At first, he told us, the customer insisted that money was no object, she just needed it to look grand. He did not like this at all, but pushed her with no success. So he designed a "money is no object" gate, put a price on it, and showed her the design.
"Oh, that's far too much money."
"You said not to worry about money. I said it would be expensive."
"But I really can't pay that much."
Our friend Drew, however, had come prepared with balls of steel and some research.
"That's your car, right?"
"Do you buy a new one every year?"
"I do."
"Do you know the MSRP on that car?"
"Not off the top of my head."
"It's worth $98,000. More than this gate. So, what you have to ask yourself is, is this piece of art that will last a thousand years, made by hand, worth more or less to you than a car you're going to use for a year."
The dinner table erupted in hoots and expressions of shock, kids and adults alike.
It only sort of worked, when everything's said and done. He did still have to draw up a cheaper design. But the absolute nerve of the man!
Shortly after that, he bashfully showed us pictures of his new hobby, embroidery. He'd put flowers on the cuff of a pair of jeans. He'd wanted to wear them this weekend, he told us, but chickened out. I praised his work, quite honestly, and told him that I'd better see those jeans next time we met. When we all said goodbye Saturday evening, he grinned and said that maybe for the next event he'd get up the courage. Jacob told him that by then those jeans had better be embroidered all over.
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miamochi-writes · 1 year
hihi! can you write vash being with an artist and them needing to finish a commission since they're running low on money and ends up pulling multiple all-nighters, not really taking care of themselves and vash like forces them to take a break? (college is killing me rn :,)) thanks !!
A/n: Ooo I can sort of relate to this, just mainly the all-nighters :’) Also hope you don't mind Vash giving the reader some much needed TLC ❤️Enjoy!
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A Break from Perfectionism
“Ugh, why does the chin look weird?”
“Now the eyes aren’t leveled,”
“Hands are the worst to draw!"
"Why do they still look wonky? They shouldn't look like this!"
You kept muttering to yourself as you tried to sketch on your drawing pad. You were limited on supplies, so this drawing had to be perfect. You already used up most of your supplies at the last town with your previous commissions. You already spent most of your double dollars to restock on the set of charcoal sticks and sketch paper you used. Just like clothes, art supplies were expensive to buy in No Man's Land.
However, you managed to get one commission that would cover all your future expenses. One of the townsfolk noticed your portfolio and wanted a portrait of themselves. When they told you how much they were willing to pay, you nearly passed out from the amount of double dollars they held out in front of you. Of course, you couldn't say no to this commission and promised to work on it immediately. Usually, you would have finished this commission quickly since it was your only one. The only problem is, your perfectionism was getting in the way of making any progress. You needed this commission to be perfect. One second it would look great at a glance, but after five seconds, you would find a flaw upon closer inspection. Thus, you would fix the mistake with some erasing, sketching, or shading until you were satisfied. This process would repeat itself until you lost track of time. You were currently working on the face until you heard someone come inside your room.
“Y/n, you there?” A familiar voice asked. You didn’t need to look up. You recognized that voice from a mile away. You couldn’t afford to look away from your sketch as you were shading in the shadows of the person you drew.
“Yeah I’m here, what’s up Vash?” You asked as you started finishing up the last shade of the cheek. It wasn’t good, nor terrible, but it would do for now. After all, you were going to fix it again for the umpteenth time.
“I’m just checking in on you. How's it going with the artwork?” Vash asked as you could hear him walk closer to you. When Vash first asked about seeing your drawings, you were such a nervous wreck about him seeing your work. Now, you've grown used to him seeing your portfolio after you started dating each other. He was your muse whenever you had an art block. The way Vash expressed himself and his little mannerisms were perfect for you to draw.
"Wow, that looks amazing Y/n! This is probably your best one yet!" Vash complimented as you sighed.
"Thanks, I wish I could see this the way you do. It's not nearly finished. There are so many things wrong with this piece that I need to fix. The shading is all wrong on this part, and the face looks wonky at certain angles," you whined as you looked at the sketch again and started zoning in on all the flaws. The more you looked at the piece, the more you felt the urge to crumple up the paper and start over.
"Hey, don't be so harsh on yourself. You're a great artist, and everyone knows it. Why don't we take a break from this and work on it later?" he suggested, putting his hands on your tense shoulders.
"Vash I can't! I have to keep working on this. I need to finish this soon. I promised this person I would have it ready before we leave in a few days!" you argued.
"Y/n, you need a break. This isn't healthy for you. Besides, when was the last time you took a break? Did you even eat?" Vash persisted as you thought about how to answer those questions without worrying him.
"Uhhh...I took a mini break when Meryl checked in on me sometime ago. And I had a snack not too long ago," you answered vaguely. Before any of you could answer, your stomach growled loud enough for five seconds. Long and loud enough for Vash to hear. You immediately turned red at that moment, cursing your stomach and its terrible timing.
"Y/n, when exactly did you last eat something filling?" Vash asked. When you looked at him, you saw his glasses were glinting at you. This was not a good sign, as you knew he was dead serious if you couldn't see his pretty blue eyes anymore.
"When we all ate together?" you answered quietly. You then felt two strong hands on your waist. Next thing you knew, your feet were no longer touching the ground. Vash was carrying you over his shoulder with his prosthetic hand. It was at this moment, you knew there was no escaping your boyfriend if he had you in his prosthetic grip. You knew how strong he was with that arm in particular as he adjusted his grip on you.
"Vash please! I promise to take a break and eat later! Just please put me down!" you begged.
"Y/n, I can't believe you haven't eaten a proper meal in days! You're not leaving my sight until you eat and rest," Vash argued as you whined in defeat. Vash took you out from your room as you were covering your face in shame. You felt embarrassed being carried like this, and it didn't help people were going to see you and Vash like this.
"Wolfwood, make sure Y/n doesn't go in this room unless I say so. We'll be back later," Vash requested. You then saw Wolfwood waiting outside your room and placed his weapon in front of your room. He told Vash he'd watch over the place as you were in complete shock. Now there was no way you could sneak back into your room and continue working.
Vash brought you down to the hotel's dining room. You were a blushing mess when you saw a couple of people lounging there. It wasn't every day that Vash carried you over his shoulder, let alone in a public space where people could see. He finally set you down at a table for two where Meryl and Roberto sat. They then left once they saw Vash as the both of you took a seat. You could see two plates of freshly cooked Thomas meat in front of the two of you.
"Vash, is this for me?" you asked as he nodded.
"How? This must have cost a good chunk of our funds!" you added, feeling bad just looking at this meal.
"Y/n, you deserve to eat a warm meal. Plus, I don't mind spending money on you if it means sharing a meal with you like this. I haven't seen you in days since you started working on that piece," Vash explained. Oh how a wave of shame washed over you. You didn't realize how much time and energy you spent working on this commission. When you thought back to how Vash checked in on you earlier, you didn't even bother to look at him.
"I'm sorry Vash, I didn't mean to ignore you like that. I got so invested in working, I didn't realize how much time passed. I'll make it up to you somehow," you apologized.
"No I understand, just promise me to take breaks every now and then okay?" he replied with those sweet blue eyes that held so much love and kindness for you every day. You nodded your head and began to dig into your meal. The meat was succulent and tender with each bite you took. Your mouth was overwhelmed with flavor as your stomach was finally getting fed actual food.
"Vash this is so good! Thank you for getting this," you chimed as Vash smiled at how content you were.
"I'm glad you like it! Eat as much as you can, you need all the energy you can get for later," he replied before taking a bite of his meal. You didn't realize how hungry you were until you finished everything on your plate. Even Vash managed to wipe his plate clean as there were no scraps left behind. Once you were finished, Vash led you to his room while holding your hand with his warm cybernetic arm. Once you entered, he locked the room and led you to his bed.
"Y/n, when was the last time you slept? Be honest," Vash asked. Guilt-ridden, you averted your e/c eyes from your boyfriend. You already knew you didn't get a wink of sleep when you saw your dark circles in the reflection of your silverware earlier. Vash exhaled as he knew more or less the answer to his question. He then pulled you over to him as he held you close. Vash then caressed your cheek as his blue eyes locked on to yours. His eyebrows were furrowed with a small frown apparent on his beautiful face.
"Please take better care of yourself next time. I know I'm not great at taking care of myself, but I don't want you catching my habits too," Vash spoke. Your heart sunk as you rested your hand on his right cheek.
"I'm so sorry Vash, I will. The last thing I want to do was worry you. But you better take care of yourself too. We both can't be neglecting ourselves or each other. Promise me we'll both take better care of ourselves and each other?" you offered as Vash nodded with a smile growing on his face. His eyes gleamed as they crinkled from his smile that you loved ever so much.
You then kissed Vash gently on the lips as he pulled you closer to him. He rubbed small circles on your back as you melted into the kiss. Once you pulled away for air, Vash stared at you in such adoration as he slowly brushed his thumb on your cheek.
"I missed you so much Mayfly," he said as he laid down and pulled you with him. You loved it when he called you by your nickname. That name never failed to warm your heart as you showered Vash with butterfly kisses.
"Aw I missed you too my angel. I wished I was commissioned to draw you instead. I love to draw your beautiful face any chance I get," you cooed. Afterwards, Vash's cheeks were turning slightly pink as he wore a shy smile on his face before covering his face with both hands. He was a blubbering red mess the first time he heard you call him that. When you explained why you called him that, Vash nearly passed out from the overwhelming love and compliments you showered him with. When you first met him, you mistook him for an angel, because there was no way a human could look that pretty 24/7. When he saw your portraits of him in your sketchbook, he was in awe of how you drew him. How you perceived him in all your work was how Vash wanted to see himself in the mirror. Whether it was him smiling, laughing, or gazing, you always drew Vash in all his beauty. Plus, you always left little comments about how ethereal he was in your work that he practically melted. That nickname always turned Vash into absolute putty in your hands.
Vash then snuck a peak at you with his beautiful eyes as you chuckled at how childlike he was. He then grabbed your wrists and started massaging them slowly. All the pain building up from all the late night sketches and awkward positioning of your wrists was finally alleviated.
"How's that Mayfly?" he asked as he continued massaging you from your wrists to your hands and lastly to your fingers. Every little rub and massage he did brought so much relief to you. Your muscles and joints were slowly relaxing with each touch. You had no idea you were so tense earlier. If it wasn't for Vash, you probably would have gotten carpal tunnel syndrome much earlier. Once Vash finished, he planted kisses on both hands.
"How did you know?" you asked him.
"You were stiff when I first saw you today. Plus, your movements were rigid when we were eating earlier. Did my massage help?" he asked as you kissed him once more.
"More than you know," you replied as Vash brought you to his chest and kissed your lips and cheeks.
"Good, you deserve it after working so hard," Vash added. He then caressed the back of your head. He then slowly and gently ran his fingers through your hair. Furthermore, he rested his other arm on your back as you rested your head on top of his right chest. You loved hearing his heartbeat as it always calmed you down.
"Can we stay like this for awhile Angel?" you asked him.
"As long as you want Mayfly," he answered.
"Good, I think I'll take a quick nap on you if you don't mind," you added.
"Go ahead. I'll be right here. Sweet dreams my Mayfly," Vash wished as he planted one soft kiss on your head. Your eyes slowly got heavy as you drifted off to the sweet bliss of sleep. Once Vash made sure you were asleep, he slowly rested both his arms on top of your back and stared fondly at you. Oh how he missed having you in his arms these past few days. Vash loved and adored you every second. He knew how much this commission was stressing you out when he realized how important it was to you. Vash isn't the type to bother you while you work, but after not seeing you for days, he mustered up all the courage he had to knock on your door. The blonde was touch starved for days and missed seeing his favorite person. After all, you were his safe haven in this cruel world.
You woke up to see the sun setting. You looked to see Vash sleeping next to you as he held you by the waist. The minute you moved, Vash slowly stirred since he was such a light sleeper. Then those beautiful eyes slowly blinked at you as a smile crept on his lips.
"Sleep well?" he asked as you nodded.
"Good," he replied as he pecked your lips. Vash looked at the window and realized the time. He then walked you back to your room and allowed you to go back to work. Except, you would have to sleep with him later tonight, which you happily obliged. Wolfwood moved his weapon away as you walked inside. Once you settled in, you looked at the sketch you did and started redrawing the areas that bothered you. Once that was done, you started shading and outlining the prominent features with your charcoal sticks. Then, you started adding little touchups to the smaller details. Finally, you looked at the outcome of your work. You couldn't spot any mistakes after giving it a good look. Finally, you were done with this piece!
You immediately grabbed your things and ran to Vash's room. He was excited to see you once you knocked at his door. Once you changed clothes, showered, and brushed your teeth, the both of you got comfortable in each other's arms in bed. Despite how stressful the past few days were on you, you were grateful to have Vash intervene and take care of you. After today, you were not afraid to take a couple of much needed breaks. Especially if it meant Vash would be spending time with you during those said breaks.
@daschstuff @bunnigrimm
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chisai236 · 2 months
❗❗ PLEASE READ ❗❗ and please help if you can!
UPDATE: Duo and the partner he lived with in the infested house have broken up, and he will now be traveling cross-country to move in with me and my fiancee so him and his pets can be safe and clean. Funds go towards supporting him during the move and go towards getting the animals vetted and cleaned up after.
Original Post:
My long-distance partner Duo is still going through a very rough time right now. While he was able to get a home and a place to stay since facing eviction from his last apartment months ago, the home he got is very run-down and barely suitable for living in as it is infested with various pests like roaches, fleas and bed bugs. He and his other partner have been able to scrape by the last several months, but things are starting to slip in a bad way again and he is in desprate need of help. My fiancee and I have been helping out as much as we can for him, but there's only so much we can do.
A quick rundown of what Duo is currently dealing with:
- No functional bath, barely functional toilet.
- A house that is barely being held together, with holes in walls and floor.
- Living with roaches, bed bugs, and fleas on every surface at all times.
- Heatwaves make him and his other partner sick daily.
- Having to pay all bills and necessities himself as his other partner is disabled and cannot work.
- Currently out of 2/3 psych medications, and unable to get them as he lives in a very tiny town now and has no car or ability to afford an Uber/Lyft.
- Debts are piling up and building up overdue fees in the meantime.
- Currently dealing with a threat of electric being disconnected, and the current work he does is from home and requires both electricity and an internet connection.
- Unable to purchase necessities like soap, cleaning supplies, pet food, and toiletries.
- Unable to keep up with land rent that the trailer he's living in is on.
Currently, he needs about $1,000 to cover the most pressing needs, this would help with the overdue fees he needs to pay on debts and help cover buying necessities and at least getting back to being on some stable ground. Being able to get more would be best of course, as the $1000 wouldn't include other very important things like getting his pets the care they need and getting the house treated for the pests that it's infested with, both of which would be a much higher cost each. So the goal is set at $1,000 but more would be the most helpful.
I'm setting a goal on my Ko‑fi to help him. If you're able to commission me or send work my way, that would be incredible right now, and I'll be sending the funds to Duo to help him as I get it. If you're able to donate instead, that is also greatly appreciated, but know that I'm more than willing to work for the money you send. I'm an artist and I can draw you all sorts of illustrations, design you a character, I can also make you a crochet plush if that's something you're interested in, whatever you want, really. I'm desperate to help my partner, he's been suffering like this for so long, I want to be able to do more to help. Thank you for any help you can give if you can give it, even something as simple as sharing this post around is super helpful, thank you 💖
My Commission Information
My contact: [email protected]
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danydarkly · 2 years
Hi! I just wanted to say, thank you so much for making the Red & Wolf comic. I just found it by accident and read through the whole thing in one night, I am seriously loving it so far. I'm autistic and I've always had a strong interest in wolves, specifically Little Red Riding Hood versions of wolves, and always wanted to read a story about the wolf having a sort of redemption or it being more than just "big bad wolf is evil and wants to eat the girl". There's hardly any content for me to dive into in regards of even just the fairytale itself, most stories are very gruesome, the short films online are incredibly dark and uncomfortable since those are the adaptations of the original grimm telling, or all of the red riding hood movies are horror films instead of fairytale adaptations. Or some sort of like... idk love triangle thing where it's all modernized or something for televesion where Red is wearing jeans and the Wolf isn't even a real wolf? But yours... this is like finding gold. I was hooked immediately and I couldn't stop reading.
Your story of Scarlett and Leikos... it's just so gorgeous, your art work has such clean lines and the way you draw eyes and hands especially is so beautiful. The design for Leikos' hair is my favorite!! And the panel you made where Scarlett is lying down on the grass/tree stump and she's blushing while Leikos is talking with her, oh my gosh, that's my favorite panel out of every chapter so far. Just... the vulnerability of these two growing closer, like... augh clutching my heart when Leikos is like "no don't cross the path you're gonna get hurt :(" and she's like "but I want to dance with you :)" like!!! she trusts him and he refuses to hurt her even when instincts kick in!! HIS BACKSTORY? BRO? I'M IN SHAMBLES?? Ugh your art is so GOOD and this STORY is so GOOD and I am just so thankful to be able to dive into a Wolf/Red story that has action, romance, suspense, all the good stuff. It's so perfect.
Thank you for working so so hard to make this comic. I'm an artist as well and I could never have the patience to upload one comic page, let alone several. Laying out panels is difficult and time consuming and not to mention you're shading and coloring the entire thing. Your poses are always fluid, never stiff, you have good perspective and composition, most ppl who make comics can easily just draw one single pose and one facial expression for 20 panels, but you've always had the expressions and body language shift and change and the camera view as well... and you gotta draw all those damn trees omfg. The flower meadow in the first chapter must have taken forever to draw too! Your hard work really shows in your art and I am so happy to have stumbled upon your comic. If you make any more merch for Red & Wolf on your Etsy, whether it's prints or charms or stickers or really anything, I would be more than willing to throw some money your way. Or if you open commissions as well someday, ahh, I love your stuff so much I would totally pay you to doodle Leikos hehe. Please have a wonderful day and take care! <3
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What a lovely message! Thank you so much, Anon! I really needed to read this today <3 I'm truly at a loss for words, like you basically complimented me on everything I'm mad-insecure about?? It's really nice, like maybe I really am too hard on myself?? Whenever I look back on my old panels (which I've been doing a lot lately since reformatting Red & Wolf for print), I always feel like I put way too much effort and kind of only see what I did wrong, but if you and others recognize the effort and like what I did - then maybe it wasn't a waste of time after all. That makes me feel way better about it, thank you :' ) Also, your favorite panel is one of my favorite panels too, where I felt "dang, I kind of nailed it here" - which is SUPER rare for me, haha. I should read this lovely message whenever the impostor syndrome kicks in, it really lifted my spirits <3
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poppubaburu · 2 years
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Noelle Holiday Blog and the unusual Blue Circle Pet.
✅Posted originally on Instagram.
🚫Please ♥️, 💬clean comments/compliments, and only 🔁 REBLOG from the original artist (me). ‼️DO NOT repost/claim any of these art as your own, such as an RP avatar, your PFP, or sell as your own. ‼️ Do not edit, trace, or put in a video ad, etc.———————————
✅ On Twitter
I love the fact that prior to in-game story of DELTARUNE Chapter 2 on DELTARUNE website, Noelle must be the one and only Lightner individual who would open spam e-mails in the junk folder of her computer (and later on, laptop) and gave care and attention to them; also minding to avoid links that would send her to anything explicit, scammy, and shady. Honestly, it’s a reason for her game and devices she uses to crash very frequently.
(me: reminisces how my Toshiba laptop went haywire full of malware and it crashed in 2004…wondered if it was Spamton’s doing. RIP that laptop. I always used MS paint to draw zodiacs and made it my Desktop wallpapers when I was a lot younger. And I had really cool rainforest pics and videos I did when I was at Costa Rica. X3)
Grateful and pleased a Lightner like her checks the spam folder of e-mails, Spamton, right before his Big Shot prime time, sent a Pipis (blue circle…egg…?). He valued her so much. She was his first Lightner he actually respected and I had a feeling he still (kind of) did in-game storyline (applies to both routes of gameplay).
Why did Spamton care for a Lightner deer highly as much as Queen did is beyond me; but I will say the theme of Light with Dark helping alongside each other harmoniously stays. He’s like Noelle’s needed lost uncle while Queen is Noelle’s needed lost auntie in some sort of sense.
He does this multiple times, sending his pipis with an attached code for Noelle to interact and care for in Cat Petterz 2 game.
In a Q and A on Twitter, Spamton revealed and reminisced about Noelle. He even went further to not invade on the personal privacies of any of the Lightners’ e-mails and browser history. He respects the confidentiality and makes good business of it. He calls it [charity], but I personally think it was a step for Spamton specifically to find what could’ve possibly be his true and REAL friend, but from a world beyond his own.
Source: https://deltarune.com/bluecircle/
My artwork is also on my Twitter. and Instagram (@Pobbligood) if you’d like what I create and would like to support.
May they find each other in future chapters…maybe…depending how YOU played DELTARUNE so far.
Reblogs, replies with clean comments, and funny tags are always welcome, I DO READ THOSE.
Artist's Note:
I cannot stress this enough. Please, PLEASE reblog from the original artist (me) and DO NOT claim any of these art as your own, such as an RP avatar, your PFP, video ad, etc. I put effort on these and if you really want one; such as these arts, you can ask nicely through DMs, or commission me when it's open. Or you can go to my Patreon (will post those later).
Also, my Spamton plush came in so fast, he must be scampering on all 4s to my mailbox at 200+ mph. He arrived 4 days after its initial launch and advertisement on Fangamer during the Spamton Sweepstakes weekend event.
My very first encounter with him upon his arrival is HE WAS STUCK IN MY MAILBOX for a brief couple of minutes. His BIG head was in the way!
He has a magnetic nose. I tested the magnetic ball chain bracelet on him. He can walk his pipis with his nose and the magnetic chain now.
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thefaiao · 2 years
    About two months ago my laptop’s HDD died. I couldn’t really recover anything in the moment, and just left it unplugged inside the case until I could take it somewhere to check if it the files were truly unsalvageable. I wasn’t that annoyed by it. I had backed up most important files relating to game work, and I didn’t care too much about drawings that I already posted. I wouldn’t mind backing them up, but I wouldn’t lose sleep over it since they are posted somewhere already.     This HDD actually had been on a long journey with me. It, together with the laptop, carried me through a whole year of living alone and isolated for everyone I knew. It had been having problems since forever but it soldiered through most of it. It’s actually impressive how long it lasted, to be fair. But any times it would show hints of death then, I’d have a nervous breakdown. My anxiety and isolation were at a critical level. Drinking some Monster sent me to the hospital for pure anxiety. So all the bad stuff blended together at the time, and I couldn’t bother to fix all of it. When you are living day by day and hanging on by a thread on all sides, every loss can feel very major.     It only died after I moved back home. The worst part about losing the HDD was having to reinstall all the programs, and relearn my routine. When working on long-term projects, routine is really the only thing that can carry you further. Games are composed of so many different pieces. The amount of programs you have to use really incentivise terrible habits, like leaving the computer on eternally, or having multiple programs open at all times.     When I got my first drawing tablet, my thought process was: “If I put this in front of me, eventually I’ll draw on it, even if out of boredom.” This actually worked. I think that by leaving all the different programs open, I am hoping to finish the game out of boredom. But it doesn’t work as well when you are on your mid-twenties and the weight of life starts creeping up your back. It just feels like you are stuck in some sort of hell, and if you aren’t using those programs or drawing, you aren’t really doing anything. I wasn’t a teen trying to teach myself how to draw like those cool internet artists; rather, I was an adult, with a faulty income source, alone, in the middle of nowhere.     I think moving out of my Mom’s apartment was a form of attempted suicide. I think I just wanted to leave the world, make the game or die. Games take longer than it’d take me to die. Maybe I didn’t know this consciously, but deep down I think I understood. It’s hard not to feel like a failure.     My parents always let me follow my whims. My Dad supports me, but I feel he sees me as more of a symbol. I don’t think he could describe my interests in detail, or the person I am. I am similarly distant to him, but I know he likes Blade Runner, and records, and running, and pretending to smoke big cigars. I like Blade Runner too. I wish he saw that I’m happy he likes Blade Runner, because I got to like Blade Runner because of that.     My Mom does understand me, and is able to describe who I am. But I don’t ever feel she is happy with my choices. She doesn’t mention it actively, perhaps out of tiredness, but she wishes I had a normal job, or had chosen another subject that not games. I don’t think the drawings or the commissions I’ve done mean anything to her. I don’t think they mean anything to anyone outside of my circles... I managed to support myself with them, but I wouldn’t say it was a completely successeful endeavour. I think she sees the game as a waste of time and energy, especially if it doesn’t make any money. It might not make any money.    It’s understandable. She won’t be here forever. I need a stable source of money, not just enough to pay some bills, sometimes. I feel I almost got tricked by the world into following my dream. I felt everything was telling me I should be honest with myself, and that I should chase after the things that mattered to me. So that’s what I did, and what I’ve been doing still. I’m not sure where I’m going in life. I think I just heard what I wanted to hear, and I always wanted to chase after a dream.    Two days ago, my new SSD died. I had used it to boot the laptop back up after the HDD died. I had already gotten into the routine again. It was brand new, and gifted by my friend to me. I didn’t ask for it, she just did it because she knew I needed it. I often complain about life, but thinking back now, this is truly something not everyone gets. It was brand new.    It died suddenly. I lost a good chunk of work on the game. We are getting closer to finishing the demo, so each part is major. I may have lost a model of the boss. This time I did have a nervous breakdown because of the loss of the laptop. The truth is that this past year has been setbacks after setbacks, and I feel my time ticking down.    Money worries from both my parents. Dog getting a tracheostomy, and all the medical care surrounding it. Having to live apart from my girlfriend, which I am dedicated to being with as long as I can. Having to constantly move to other places, without any certainty for the future, for reasons internal and external. And death, death everywhere.     I’ve gotten the habit of looking at my dog knowing he is living on borrowed time, getting sad, and petting him just a bit. I think that through all of this, I do a similar thing to the game. I look at it. Wonder how much time I have left to keep working and polishing it before moving on. Be happy about how far its come. Notice how much needs work on closer inspection. Get back to work.     When I spend a few weeks away from the game I noticed how much I care for it, and how much I like what it is. I don’t think everyone will notice why this matters to me, but maybe that is fine. And similarly, I feel like this about my dog. He may pass away soon, but he came so far, lived fifteen years and had many adventures. And I got to take care of him. So it’s not so bad. And he still barks everyday, and he still takes sunbaths. He still thinks, and decides.     The people who’ve been with me despite all of this puzzle me. My girlfriend has stuck with me through these decisions, and always says I am destined to make great things. The programmer, whom co-develops the game with me, has stuck with me and this game, and is willing to keep going as far as we need to make it complete. Things like this make me wonder if my dream is actually possible and real. And that I can brave through all these setbacks.    Is the game really that good? Is my work that good? Does it even matter if it is? I often show it to people and they don’t understand what’s good about it. All I know for now is that despite everything, I want to work on it still. I want to make this weird dream come true. I won’t get to play a game like the one I’m making, but maybe someone else out there will get to play it the way I wish I could.
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herofics · 2 years
Hello! Could i request some HCs or a scenario whichever you prefer for an artsy and shy female S/O on her mid twenties with Keigo, Aizawa or Toshinori? That would be so lovely bc I really like your writing! Have a wonderful day 🌺
I decided on HCs, and I didn’t do All Might because he’s like 50 so having an s/o who’s in their twenties would just be weird. I added the whole artsy thing to this, but it’s more like just general relationship HCs and I totally forgot about the shy part. I wish you a good day and I’m so happy you like my writing :D
~Hawks/Takami Keigo~
•Hawks and you have been together for a while, but you don’t live together yet, because of his ties to the safety commission and all their shit rules
•But anyway, he visits you all the time and stays over at your place a lot
•Hawks is very attention hungry, and he can get a whiny when he doesn’t get enough attention
•Like if you’re watching TV he will just lay across your lap, because damn it if you’re not paying attention to him
•Or while you’re cooking, he will just wrap his arms around your waist and kisses your neck or nibbles your earlobe
•He loves giving and receiving affection, but he also really likes giving gifts
•Sometimes he gets you some new art supplies, he knows what brands you like and he pays attention to when you’re running low on something
•He isn’t really of the crafty sort, but he once spent a few weeks making you a bracelet and you wear it all the time now, it’s got one of his tiniest feathers hanging off of it
•Hawks is bad at expressing his more negative emotions, because he’s so used to keeping up appearances with the public and he hasn’t really had anyone to really listen to him like you do
•He’s had some flings, but you’re the only one he has ever really had real feelings for
•He’s very committed to you and he’s as loyal as they come
•He might sometimes feel like he knows what’s best for you even better than you, and he sometimes gets it wrong and ends up doing something stupid
•Which he will profusely apologize for of course
•Hawks often feels like he’s a bad person because of all the things he’s done, so he needs you to remind him that he’s not
•He doesn’t make his relationship with you public, he can’t, because of all the bullshit with the safety commission and he also doesn’t want to put you in danger because of his dealings with the League and stuff
•It’s mostly because he doesn’t want to put you in danger, he loves you so much and he would absolutely hate himself if something happened to you because of him
•If you died, it would absolutely break him
~Aizawa Shouta~
•Aizawa has had some serious relationships in the past, but you’re the one that really stuck so to say
•The two of you have lived together for almost three years now, but when he had to move to the dorms, he only comes home on weekends and holidays
•You of course visit him at the campus too and stay some nights but that’s pretty rare, since the school was put on such tight lockdown and stuff when the dorm system started
•Aaaaanyway Aizawa is kinda bad at asking for affection or attention, he loves both of course, even though not in excess
•He really likes it when you play with his hair and pepper him with kisses
•If you can braid his hair, he’d like that too, because he doesn’t know how to do it himself
•Aizawa is definitely one for the little, mundane things, he often wakes up before you and just lays in bed looking at you while you sleep
•When you wake up he just tells you “Good morning darling” and kisses you on the forehead before getting out of bed and making you breakfast
•At least that’s how it is when the both of you got the time, most mornings it’s just both of you shuffling around the kitchen in a hurry to get to work and it’s a quick kiss as you’re both out the door
•Aizawa’s always been supportive of your artistic ventures, whatever they might be and he loves watching you draw/paint
•He finds it super relaxing to just sit down and watch you do your thing
•I’d say Aizawa’s love language is acts of service, he loves doing things for you, massages, going to the store when you’re too tired and stuff like that
•He’s also big on words of affirmation, he loves praising you and he always wants you to know how important you are to him
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winchester-reload · 2 years
As sort of a follow up to the ask about artists trying to break the perfection mentality.
How do I, as a non-artistic person, most effectively encourage artists who see the flaws instead their amazing talent?
I have a fandom friend who is hella gifted. You've seen their work, know their name just by looking at it, and they create such gorgeous art. But they also are hypercritical of their work, and while I understand that (I feel the same way about stringing words together), I also just want to point at every single thing that makes their art so amazing to me and be like, "You did this thing that I can't do, and it's a such an extraordinary gift, and I can never thank you enough for sharing it. Have my non-existant first born as a sign of my devotion."
This friend has admitted they don't really want to create in this medium anymore, which I respect and won't push back on. I just wish they could *feel* how much their art touches me.
For other artists, though, how do I help? I know that positive feedback is always welcome, but sometimes I wonder if there's something else artists find useful when it comes to reactions.
(P.S. Rainbow Mohawk Cas is, and always will be, one of my favorite pieces of your artwork, and you could try to pry him from my cold, dead hands, but you'd fail.)
Okay, I’m gonna try to answer this but it’s gonna be difficult for me because, full disclosure, I’m getting through a huge art dip right now.
The reality is, this issue is as varied and complex as the artists you’re kinda asking me to group up and speak for here. So let me be clear, I can only speak for myself and my own experience with fanart, an online presence within a fandom, and how those two things impact creativity, motivation, and self-perception. But know at the same time that my experience is not going to be exactly like other peoples’.  
First, as you noted, there are always going to be the obvious things people can do to help promote their favorite artists: 
Reblog their posts
Commission them
Don’t steal
Be respectful: refrain from criticism or personal biases on their posts <—Are you allowed to have your own opinion? YES! Do you need to barf it all over their comment section? No. If you don’t agree with something they made, go make your own art. Can’t make your own art? Then go supply positive support to artists who do create the things you enjoy. *Some of you may be surprised to learn that we do read comments, tags and reblogs. No matter how *big* or *small* you perceive us to be. So if you leave some shit in your tags, we’re probably gonna see it. 
But now here comes the complicated part. 
The thing about fanart creation is, it’s very much a labor of love. The time, effort, and mental energy required to make, post, and manage the feedback may often outweigh any external benefits of making the art (income, accolades, fandom celebration, etc). So there'll always come a point when artists hit a wall and need to draw on their own self-motivation. This happens over and over again, not once or twice. It’s kind of like a wave that ebbs and flows with the mood of the fandom. And with Supernatural specifically, you can imagine that wave is a little more like a typhoon: sunny beach moment one day, drowning in inescapable toxicity the next. So it doesn’t surprise me to hear you have a fandom friend who might be done creating in this subject. Does it make me sad though? Yes, incredibly. We’ve had a myriad of talented artists throughout the years that’ve since moved on and I mourn every one of them. But I also support their decision to do so. If the current subject is no longer a source of inspiration, it becomes impossible to create for it. 
I do hope your friend is still creating though.
However, since you mentioned hyper-criticality, I’m afraid they might not be. The thing is, I don’t have a solution for ridding yourself of hyper-criticism as an artist. It may sometimes appear as though I do because I have a lot of art out, but that’s just an illusion. The reality is, I don’t like most of my art. And, like your friend, I’m often hyper-critical of it. The difference is, I post it anyway because I decided I don’t need to like it. I just have to make it. And if I make it enough, I build the skills I need to, every once-in-a while, accomplish something I do like. And everything in between those pieces are just stepping stones. Which is why I always finish a piece of art and tell myself “it is what it is, on to the next.” That kind of thinking has helped me move past what might otherwise be a immovable obstacle. 
So, if I have any advice for your friend, it’s that. You don’t have to like your art. You just have to make it, and keep moving forward. 
This is where audience interaction becomes so incredibly important. Artists always get caught up in their own head about what they’re making, but the positive feedback can help us see it through your eyes. And it isn’t everything, because tbh we’re always getting our feet caught on mental hurdles and faceplanting in our own puddles of self-loathing, but audience support can get us up again, refill our wells of motivation, and help reaffirm our goals.
I mean, I can honestly say I would not be here without the support I get. But it’s even difficult for me at times, and I’m fully aware that I benefit from much more support than many other skilled artists do.  
So, @eyesofatragedy67, all of this is to say I do believe your friend knows how much their art means to you, just as I know how much my art means to other people--even the pieces I don’t like. It’s just that sometimes it’s hard to get out of our heads about it. Ultimately, it’s something we have to overcome ourselves, but that impossible task is made infinitely easier with a kind, supportive audience base. So, you keep doing what you’re doing, and I’m gonna send a little nod to your artist friend: I miss you already, but I can’t wait to see where you find your new source of inspiration. 
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godoflobsters · 3 years
The Brothers and Dateables With a Tattoo Artist MC
My own MC was a tattoo artist before she came to the Devildom, so I thought I’d write up some head cannons with a tattoo artist MC.
MC is gender neutral!
Nobody can convince me that the “Brothers Under a Pact” squad wouldn't be the first ones to get tattoos from MC, and Mammon would definitely be the first
Definitely likes to brag about it too
Don't remind him that there are countless people in the human realm that you tattooed before him or he will pout
People tend to think that Mammon is cheap and would try to talk you into giving him free or cheap tattoos, but he couldn't stand to be like that towards you especially regarding something that you’re so good at
Our first man works his butt off every time he wants to get some new ink from you
Likes to give you a big ole tip every time
Gets fidgety when he has to sit still for too long so you two have to take breaks often
Prefers small/medium sized tattoos rather than really big ones
One time after he started getting tattoos from you, he was at a modeling gig and they tried to make him cover them up with makeup, he quit and that magazine went bankrupt not too long after...dont fuck with the avatar of greed
Once your shop starts taking off in the Devildom, he and Asmo try to convince you to do a shoot for Majolish(They definitely didn't pull some strings to get Majolish to do a whole segment about you and your business)
The second brother to get a tattoo from MC
Refuses to get any food related tattoos: he doesn't want to accidentally take a chunk out of himself when he gets blinded by his hunger
This man has a very high pain tolerance and sits like a rock while you're tattooing him and you love him for it
He definitely needs snack breaks during longer sessions though
Has a memorial tattoo for Lillith over his heart that matches with one on Belphie
While making this list I was randomly blessed with the mental image of Beel with abuncha old school American traditional tattoos and you can pry that headcannon from my cold, dead hands
Mammon likes to brag that he has the most tattoos from you, but Beel might give him a run for his money, he doesn't mind Mammon’s bragging most of the time though, so he just lets him believe whatever he wants this time
But Simeon has never been all that great at following the rules that they set for him
The first of the dateables to get a tattoo
He wasn't actually planning on getting a tattoo at first, but one day he overheard Luke trying to scold you for all of your tattoos(definitely before the incident with Beel and Lucifer in the underground tomb) and that was the only push he needed to jump on the “tattoos from MC” train
There is a lot of rhetoric in the Celestial Realm about how “Your body is a temple and you should not mark it”
He’s still not willing to stray too far from his roots though, so he’d probably get something with vaguely religious undertones
Absolutely delights in the shocked look on your face and the sheepish questions on whether angels are allowed to do this
Once he’s finally convinced you that you're not damning him to fall by tattooing him, the process goes by very easily
He is very easygoing and open regarding designs and he handles the pain very well
He absolutely loves to show his tattoo off, even when he goes home to the Celestial Realm and receives his reprimands from Michael
The third brother to get a tattoo from MC
Didn't want to get a tattoo at first, all of that physical contact and pain on top of it? No way
But then Mammon, Beel, and even Simeon all got one and he got jealous
You're HIS Henry, why are THEY the ones who get to wear your art? He might’ve been able to deal with his dumb brothers, but SIMEON TOO?
You gotta sit down with him and have a nice long chat about it, making sure this is something that he would actually want to do and not just his envy talking
Spoiler alert: It was definitely just his envy talking
He realises that he is actually oddly attached to the idea of getting a tattoo from you now though, so he comes up with designs and draws them on himself until he is certain that he won't regret it
Would get something tiny and probably gaming related
Definitely very squeamish about the pain aspect but the design that the two of you came up with is very simple and small, so he is able to make it through without fainting
He absolutely loves his new tattoo...but he is never doing that again
Fourth brother to get a tattoo
Has wanted to get one ever since Beel showed him the tattoo he got in memory of Lillith, but things were very...not good...between the two of you at that point
Finally worked up the courage to at least ask if you would be okay with it after the two of you made a pact
Beel, forgetting his super high pain tolerance, told him that it getting a tattoo doesn't hurt at all, so he was in for a big surprise when he went under the needle for the first time
Whiny at first, but he manages to stay very still for you
Has a memorial tattoo for Lilith over his heart that matches with one on Beel
Will definitely start to doze off during long sessions
Convinced Satan to get a matching Anti Lucifer League tattoo with him(definitely doesn't try to convince you to get one too)
Make sure that he does not, under any circumstances, actually fall asleep while you're tattooing him. He did once and he rolled over in his sleep, almost ruining an entire tattoo
Ever since that time, Beel has come with him to his sessions so you could focus on your work and he can focus on keeping Belphie awake
Gets his tattoo not long after Belphie
One of those people that think every tattoo needs to mean something so he takes forever trying to pick out something that he wants
Would probably get some sort of quote or design inspired by his favorite book, something that really resonated with who he is as a person
Was somehow convinced by Belphie to get an Anti Lucifer League tattoo
Does he regret it whenever he realizes that he now has a portion of his skin dedicated to Lucifer of all people? Possibly, but he definitely won't say anything about it to you
Loves to look at you and just admire your tattoos, asking the stories behind each and every one of them that he can see
He might be a bigger fan of literature than the fine arts, but that doesn't mean that he has any less of an appreciation for your work
Definitely pulls some strings and gets one of his friends who owns an art gallery to display some of your work there
Can set you up with all the connections that you need to make your mark on the Devildom art world
The last of the brothers to get a tattoo
In the beginning he has no intentions of getting a tattoo, he does have alot of respect for your talents and how hard you work for them though
As an art lover and artist himself, he will most certainly commission you from time to time and hang your work in his study
He won't admit it, but seeing your art and thinking of you when he's stressed with work is very soothing
He eventually decides to let you tattoo him only if it’s in a place that is easily covered by his clothes, considering how he dresses that leaves you with pretty much his entire body to work with
Sometimes when he has some time off he will grab a sketchbook and join you if he finds you in the common room working on a design, you share a comfortable silence, with the only sounds be the crackling of the fireplace and the scratching of pencils on paper
The kind of person that wants a tattoo but has no idea what he actually wants, but hes picky as fuck so he will turn down every single idea that you give him for weeks
He is lucky that you love him
Whenever you two talk about placements, if you mention anything on his back to cover up the scars from his wings he will almost back out entirely
Afew months later he’ll put his pride aside come back, admitting that your ideas would be perfect and that he wants to go through with it
During the session he has way too much pride to admit that he was feeling any pain
That is until you have to start going over the scars
As soon as the needles hit scar tissue he starts to fall apart; tears, shaking, the whole nine yards
It takes you quite a few sessions to finish since he cant handle such long sessions on that portion of his back
The summer after his new back piece is finished, he goes with you and his brothers back to Diavolo’s beach, this time he takes his shirt off in front of everyone for the first time since the fall
He wears your art with such pride that he lets everyone keep the memory, he even lets Asmo keep the pictures he took of all of them up on Devilgram
Wanted to be the first to get a tattoo but Barbatos said no
If you want to continue your career in the Devildom for the duration of your stay, he will buy you a building to work from and any supplies to get started since you had to leave your stuff in the human realm
Diavolo has rooms in the castle filled with the art that he's collected over the years, so when he sees that you're an artist he gets so excited
Before he finally gets tattooed by you, he buys a lot of your artwork and hangs it up around the castle
It takes a few years to propose the idea again to Barbatos in a way that wont make the butler’s hair fall out from stress, but he finally relented under one condition: it has to be in an area that is still hidden while he’s in his demon form
He decides that his legs would be the perfect place to indulge in your artistic talents while also keeping Barbatos’s controlling side at bay
Hes another one that knows he wants a tattoo but no clue what he wants to get
Unlike Lucifer though, he is a true open canvas
He truly adores your art so he wholeheartedly trusts you with his body and knows that he will love anything that you do for him
He knows that this is most likely very nerve wracking for you considering his position so he tries to reassure you and make the process very easy for you
You still put everything into designing him something fit for a king
He’s the type to prefer large pieces that span over entire sections of his body rather than abuncha small/medium sized ones
Another fidgetter, he’s really not all that accustomed to pain so he doesn't have a high tolerance for it
Likes to treat you to dinner at Ristorante Six after each of his sessions
Tips like the absolute king he is, you could probably pay a couple months of rent back at your apartment in the Human Realm just from his tip
Once his tattoo is finally finished and healed, he will find every excuse that he can think of to invite you and the brothers on outings to places where he is free from scrutiny to wear shorts and show off your artwork
The last of all of the boys to get a tattoo
It was a complete shock to everyone when he came to you and asked if he could make an appointment to get tattooed by you
“Everyone” being you, Diavolo, and Lucifer because nobody else knows that it happened and he would like to keep it that way
Another member of the “I’ll get one as long as it’s somewhere nobody will see” club...so basically not his face
Before the two of you get to talking about designs, you expect him to go with something small and simple, maybe an elegant little teapot or something along those lines
Then this man comes to his consultation and throws you for a loop talking about a sleeve
Very picky, he has high standards for himself and what's on his body
Knows exactly what he wants but does his best not to stifle your creativity during the design process
You learn ALOT about just who lurks behind Barbatos’s mild-mannered butler facade during his sessions, he’s surprisingly upfront and honest whenever you have him under the needle
Can't get a tattoo
This man has pact marks for 72 demons all over his body, there is simply no more room
Any open space he has is being saved just in case any other demons *cough* Lucifer *cough* ever decide to come around to making a pact
Collects your flash and hangs it up around his room
If you take Diavolo up on his offer to set up a shop in the Devildom, he will make sure to tell all of his pact-mates about you, hype up your work, and get you a lot of business in the door
Sometimes he will commission art from you and use magic to make your art temporarily appear on his skin over the pact marks
Once you become a sorcerer and have a better grasp on your magic, he helps you experiment in creating magical inks and enchanting tattoos
The only one that actually doesn't want to get a tattoo
He doesnt think that tattoos would fit in very well to the image that he has for himself
And not being able to show off every inch of his beautiful skin while its healing is a no from him
Since he likes to test out his new makeup and skincare products on you, sometimes after he has had his way with your face he will let you draw on him with skin safe markers
would definitely be a wimp about the pain
Will spam pictures to his Devilgram of his fancy new temporary tattoos and you drawing on him
Will definitely try to bring you some of his flings to get his name tattooed on them, you will have to reprimand him every single time and eventually he will stop
If you're not the type to keep up with social media, he’ll offer to keep up a Devilgram account for your shop
If you're ever attempting to draw and you have a very specific pose in your head that you can't find a reference for, he will not hesitate to get up and start posing for you
He is baby and cant have any tattoos until he's older
His mind frequently bounces back and forth between the whole “your body is a temple” rhetoric that he was taught growing up and “wow that's so cool!”
After Simeon got his tattoo Luke became a lot more enthusiastic and curious about your job though
Will occasionally ask if he can have one of your flash sheets so he can color your pictures
These very often end up on the fridge in Purgatory Hall
Sometimes they even make their way to the fridge in the House of Lamentation too
Will this make the brothers jealous? Yes. Do you care? No.
Luke loves you and looks up to you so much that he goes through a little phase of wanting to copy you, yourself and the entirety of Purgatory Hall can expect loads of temporary marker tattoos
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demonologistfucker · 3 years
In Love with an Artist💛✨
Obey me! Boys x gn! Mc who is a professional artist. I try to be vague about what sort of art you make so that anyone can fit in. As well as what your goals are as a professional artist. This could be someone who just posts art online, does commissions, whatever. I put in some gallery shows cuz those are fun to think about.
this is SFW Fluff💛 rest of the brothers under the cut
- he saw on your file that you did art, but wasn’t really thinking too much about it. Though when you arrived to your dorm you were greeted with a set of art supplies. A nice sketchbook, a couple pencils and pens. As well as rather high end paint set and brushes. He will never bring it up.
- if you do art out where others can see he’ll try to get a look as what you do, but if you’re private about it he would be respectful. Lucifer doesn’t enjoy when people step over his boundaries, and wouldn’t want to do that he you. He knows enough about artists to understand that ones work is personal.
- when he does get to see what you make he will be internally blown away, but outwardly just ask questions about your process. Trying to figure out if there is symbolism you are drawn to, or what you were trying to capture. There is always a little more to art than just the subject.
- if you want to continue being a professional artist in the Devildom he would be a great support. Would give you advice on who to contact and what venues would be best for your work. He seems to have had the information all prepared. He wouldn’t flex his power too much because he wants this to be your own effort, but is happy to help if you want it. 
- At shows he’s a an easy presence besides you. Though he likes to be admired. he knows when to step back at let you shine. If nerves catch your tongue or the social work becomes to much. Lucifer will step in with smooth answers. He knows your work backwards and forwards. So can easily answer any question a patron might have. 
- “oh you should draw me!” It’s up to you if you actually do, but that’s one of the first things out of his mouth when he learns you do art. He does have a pretty face, and would make a good life model....
- Doesn’t verbalize that he thinks your art is cool, but he does want to see every little thing you make. Finds even your doodles to be mesmerizing. So if you’re do art while he’s around be prepared for him leaning over your shoulder to get a good look.
- If you’re trying to make money off of your art Mammon is extremely helpful. his sway over people’s spending could magically get people to be interested in you, but he’s also just good at setting prices. He will not stand for you setting your prices too low, and will come after people who try to skip out on paying.
- Will try to get your art hung up in every establishment he has a connection too. Not every place will be your vibe though so you get to choose where your art actually ends up.
- Though his room style is more modern minimalism. He has several of your pieces framed around his room. A couple you were sure had been sold...
- as a proud otaku he knows how to treat artists right 👏🏻👏🏻 if he wants you to draw something for him he’s gunna tip out of his ass. Leviathan has definitely worked with artists before. Commissioning cosplay, or fanart, and each time he tips outrageously. So be prepared for what he might do to try and impress you.
- Initially gets a little over eager with the commissions, but is able to figure out that.. you might want to do some art just for fun. Or enjoy other things too. Talk to him and he’ll relax. He just wants to support your beautiful art!
- really loves it when you show him what your working on. Especially when you show sketches or work in progresses. It makes him feel really special to see the unfinished product. Being trusted with your genuine ideas and imperfect thoughts means a lot to him. 
- if your art is story based at all. He will want to hear All about it. Might say it reminds him of anime’s he’s watched but he means that as the highest compliment. Your idea are just as good as his beloved shows. Your ideas might even be better because he gets to love the person who made them.
- If you have an art show... He will leave his room for you. He will look so dashing, but so uncomfortable. There with you as long as you need him, but if you are fine on your own he might hang out in a corner. Or go home early. 
-When you get home he will make it up to you✨
- He isn’t going to push you to show off your art if you don’t want too. Even if you are drawing in the same room as him. He just can’t see himself being able to interrupt you. Your focused expression is delightful. Though curiosity will eventually get the better of him if you don’t show him yourself.
- Once you do he is captivated. His face is still calm and collected. Expect for his eyes which are wide and sparkling. If you let him he’ll spend a full hour looking at just one of your pieces. Satan will try to spot every little detail, and see how it all comes together. Both as a reflection of what your are trying to capture but also you. What he see’s only makes him more captivated. 
- Asks good questions about what you’re working on, as well as complimenting by comparing to other artists in the realms. You had no idea what he meant when he said your worked reminded him of the great Venia the Dark Slayer. So he showed you his books on Devildom artists. You were surprised that Venia the Dark Slayer really did have something in common with your work. Weirdly enough. He also has sections for earth and the celestial realm artists. You are more then welcome to look through them whenever you like.  
- When you’re not around he talks about your art a lot. Always so proud of the latest piece he saw you working on. Satan conveniently forgets that some of his friends are gallery owners. He won’t sign you up for any shows without your informed consent, but he definitely help you get shows much easier.
- Whether he helps you get the show or not. He wants to help set up. His eye for detail makes hanging all the frames easier, as well as making good labels for the work. Whenever you can’t come up with a name for a piece. he’s pretty good at coming up with something clever. 
- Also going to lean over your shoulder to see what you’re making. Then is absolutely captivated by what you’re able to make.
- ART DAY! Asmo wants to be creative with you as much as you’re willing for. So you’ll both take up a table and have your art supplies shared in the middle. Asmo is planning his never dress design, or possibly a make up look he’d want to try. Stops to talks to you a lot. Wanders the room and ends up against you to peak at what you’re working on again. 
- He’ll ask for your opinion on his outfits and make up, as well as any other creative project they’ve gotten involved with. See’s you as a creative equal. 
- Thinks everything you made is brilliant, but also gives good constructive criticism when you want it. 
- When you get your first Devildom Galley. It’s going to be the biggest event that whole week. Asmo will not stand for anyone not going to this wonderful event. Takes over most of the party planning. Which makes you worried it’s going to be a big flirty party with Asmo at the center of attention. When you get there it is beautiful. Asmo has decorated the place to fit the theme or your art. There is catering and drinks. All of which again are themed to your art or just your favorite foods. 
- He’s so proud of you of course he had to make this event special. 
- :OOOO 
- Really blown away by what you’re capable off. Asks you to send him photos as you work on pieces. Very quietly supportive. When you do art with him around he feels so happy. There will be a small smile on his face the whole time. Which breaks out into a beam whenever you show him what you’re working on.
- If you need a life model👀👀👀 Beel wouldn’t mind posing for you. 
- Very used to you coming up and asking him to hold something, or do something with his hands. So that you can reference it. Either holds the pose or asks you to take a picture if busy. 
- Commissions you to do art for his brother’s birthdays. Not only does he get to support your work, but he knows his brothers will be thrilled to have one of your pieces. 
- If you give him any art it will be treasured till the end of time. Neatly framed and kept somewhere he can see everyday. 
- Makes sure you stretch before and after doing arts. Making art requires a lot of fine motor skills that can put serious strain on your body. It’s important to take breaks and stretch. 
- His face makes a good desk when he falls asleep on your lap
- Might want to do art with you from time to time. He’s got a lot of thoughts in that brain and getting them out on paper feels really nice. If he can’t come up with something to make. he still gets to watch you make art which is always nice. 
- Wants to know the meaning behind your artwork. Even if he doesn’t particularly like an art piece. He wants to know what it meant to you, and its importance. Or lack there of. Some art is just shits and giggles. Belphegor just wants to know the intent of what you’re doing. 
- Has never gone to a gallery before, but for you?? He will be there on time. Hair brushed, face washed, and freshly shaved. Maybe even wearing a suit.
- “How many commissions have you been doing? no get your ass to bed.”
- Very good at reminding you to take breaks. Or getting in your way so much you can’t work and Have to rest.
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Domesticated headcrab adopts!
More info, rules + availability below the cut + okay to rb!
Hello! If you’re here, you’re most likely interested in owning a pet headcrab of your own! While you can always find a specific one of your liking, it’s always a good idea to turn to adoption to help out headcrabs in need (and your local artist)!
If you’re serious about adoption, I recommend you glance over Your Beginner’s Guide to Headcrab Domestication first!
So what is this, really?
If you’re really not sure how adopts work, it’s simple. I have little premade, pre-designed characters that you can purchase, and then they become your characters! You can then use them however you’d like; they’re now your OCs!
Obviously, I don’t own the rights to headcrabs in general- they still belong to Valve- but I sort of have the rights to my domesticated headcrab headcanons, so these specific designs will belong to you!
Okay, I’ll bite. What’re the deets?
Each character is $15 USD as a base! For that, you’ll get all rights to the design. You can rename, redesign, gift, or alter the characters to your liking after you buy them. I’ll give you the large, transparent image of your crab as well! They’re all yours!
For $25 USD, I’ll make a nice, fancy little ref sheet with at least a few cleaned, colored sketches to go along with it! Not only that, but any designs that you’ve bought from me are always 10% off if you ever commission me to draw them again!
Are there any rules?
Yep! Here’s the rules: - Prices are listed in USD! I use paypal, and paypal only for the most part. - First come, first serve, unfortunately. - You MUST pay before you receive any of the rights/images included! - Once purchased, you are free to tweak the design as you please! This includes the name and lore- they’re just fun little suggestions, laid out in the format of an adoption center. You don’t have to follow them at all! - Trades and resells are allowed as long as you sell it for as much as you bought it or less - Please credit me for the design if asked!
Alright! Give me the crabs!
“PRIMROSE” || SOLD Fawned ash standard Primrose is a spoiled little crab who was owned by a sweet little old lady who has since passed away. With nobody in her family wanting to take her, she's now looking for a new home. She's used to being dressed and wearing fang caps! She's a bit spoiled and picky with her food, so looking for someone who doesn't mind giving this little lady a lot of love and attention!
“MILLIE” || SOLD Grey capped Volkov Millie is a shy, albeit feisty Volkov who was rescued from a house that was hosting illegal fighting rings in their backyard. Her left talon and leftmost mandible were infected and had to be amputated, which causes her a bit of difficulty moving around- but she's still fit and spry! Looking for a home who doesn't mind a somewhat skittish crab, after everything she's gone through- who can help bring her out of her shell!
“MEATLOAF” || SOLD Chocolate ticked standard Meatloaf is a large, chunky crab with an interesting orange spotted tint coloration. They're a bit... food motivated, to say the least. A lot of care has to be put into watching them, as they're surprisingly smart when they put their mind into getting into things- and will eat anything they can fit into their mouth. Looking for someone with childproofed cabinets who wants a very friendly and intelligent crab!
“MILK” || SOLD Black and white Saddlehorn Milk is a standard Saddlehorn who was brought in because the former owner was unable to keep up with vet costs. Milk has a lot of internal problems, and had to undergo some intense treatment, and to be kept on a very specific diet. Looking for someone to help Milk maintain this diet and strict regimen and checkups until they feel better!
“CHOCOLATE CHIP” || SOLD Chocolate Siamese nubbed Chocolate Chip is a sneaky little crab, surprisingly small for their age. They were found wandering the streets, and it's presumed they got out of their previous home- which is most likely true, considering their track record of weaseling out of their enclosure! Looking for someone who doesn't mind a very intelligent, active crab, and has lots of time and attention to give!
“PEACHY” || SOLD Snowshoe flaxen standard Peachy came from a well-off home who once again bought a young, fancy breed- and ended up de-beaking him and then neglecting to give him proper attention and care. They were passed on to a few homes because of their rather shy behavior from lack of attention, and are looking to finally get a forever home with someone who wants to bring out the sweet, caring side we know is in this crab! He's de-beaked, with no apparent health concerns visible.
“SHOOMI” || SOLD Fawned flaxen pancake Shoomi is easily one of the most well behaved crabs in our care! They’re extremely docile and good with kids as well! They don’t mind being dressed up or having stickers and such, hence the googly eyes. They’re the only one who didn't particularly hate things being stickied to them. Perfect for a home with kids!
“STACY Q” ||  SOLD False poison Stacy Q is a false poison, who is superbly friendly, albeit... extremely lazy, and more than a little bit hefty. She's perfectly healthy, however! She came from a home that thought they would be 'cool' and 'scary', and was dissapointed when she just sat around all day. She would be a wonderful match for someone who doesn’t mind a somewhat sedentary crab who doesn’t need a lot of attention!
“GUMPY” || SOLD Olive marbled hunchback Gumpy is a hunchback with a bit of an attitude problem. He was part of a nice lineage, but he didn't get along with other headcrabs at all and was given up on. With a little bit of time he might warm up to people, but is probably best left without any other crabs or pets in the house.
“MISS SASHA” || ON HOLD Golden Bata Miss Sasha is a very old Bata, who was a winning showcrab in several runs- but as she got older her beautiful golden color began to fade, and so they took her out of competitions, and want to rehome her. She’s still very playful for her age, and loves to give and receive lots of attention. Good for someone who doesn't mind a sweet old crab who isn't very active anymore, but still has lots of love to give- and preferably can give lots of attention in return, as she gets sad when left alone.
“NGUNI“ || SOLD Fancy Saddlehorn Nguni is a very very unique Saddlehorn with a beautiful, very rare pattern- most likely a showbreed of some sort. However, she was found hit by a car, which mangled her right claw and left her with some scarring. Even more interestingly, despite her unique coloration, her previous owner can't be found, and isn't coming forward to any messaging. Enough time has passed that she's looking to be rehomed to someone who doesn't mind giving her her daily meds and making sure she doesn’t overexert her injured side!
“MAPLE” || SOLD Sorrel smoke pancake Maple is a feisty young crab, who was bought as a present for someone's child, since pancakes are known for their docility- only to find out that Maple was surprisingly aggressive for a pancake. They ended up having to rehome him, out of their children's newfound fear for headcrabs. Looking for someone who doesn't mind a bit of a feistyness in their crab and is willing to work with it to help curb their temper!
If you’re interested, DM me here on tumblr! If you’d like, you can ask for my discord and we can discuss details there as well.
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luna-writes-stuff · 3 years
Jespers s/o being an artist/painter?? 👀💅
Painter s/o, Jesper Fahey
thank you for granting me the opportunity to self project onto a request😌🤌
Headcanons, gender neutral pronouns
Tw: shameless self projecting onto a request, sorry not sorry❤️ (also a bit of language)
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- Honestly, very impressed???? He won’t stop asking you questions about it, like “How did you do that so quickly?” or “Where did you learn to paint that?” or “Are you painting from the top of your head or from a view?”
- He wants to know so much, but it’s adorable.
- He has very steady hands (obviously), so if he wanted to, he could very easily learn how to paint. You tried to teach him once, but he has no patience when it comes to the drying process. He tried painting over the canvas too quickly after one layer and everything got mixed up in the colors and it was no longer clear what it was. Poor boy got so frustrated he would never paint again.
- But that’s fine. He’s content just watching you (if you let him, because painting under a pair of eyes is very intimidating.)
- And besides, when you have to wait for paint to dry, Jesper sees it as a perfect moment to wrap you in a giant hug, not letting go of you for a while.
- Another thing he loves when you’re waiting for the paint to dry, is when you paint his hands. You have a tiny brush specifically for that. Whatever color you have left on your palet is used to draw little lines and marks on his hands. It’s very soothing for the both of you.
- Jesper loves the tickling of the brush and the cold paint, while you’re happy painting whatever you want on his hand. It’s therapeutic, really.
- Bouncing back on my earlier hickey request; this man will definitely walk up behind you while you’re painting and just place hickeys along your neck. It’s very distracting.
- Will also surprise you with small gifts for your paintings once in a while. He knows how expensive everything is, but he keeps a close eye on all the products you have and what you’re running out of. So before you can even think of getting new paint or brushes etc. he had already gotten them for you.
- You insisted that he doesn’t have to do that (because paint is fucking expensive, and fOR WHAT???) (DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE PRICES FOR GOOD BRUSHES)
- You appreciate it, though. You never mention to him what you need, he just knows it. It’s really cute that he keeps track of these things.
- Sometimes buys paintings from you or pays for a commission. He has three of your paintings in his room already. He even convinced Kaz to hang one of your biggest works in the bar, so it’s pretty special to him.
- Speaking about Kaz: The crows also love your work! Nina and Wylan have no issue praising you for whatever. Matthias often drops in a “This is so beautiful!”, while Inej drops compliments like “You must’ve worked so hard for this! Great job.”
- Kaz is Kaz. He doesn’t really express much for it, but he sometimes sneaks in a small “I like it.”. He also has a great eye for art, although hidden. Sometimes, when you’re busy, he’ll try to advice you thing such as “I think Bordeaux Red would look better on that than Blue.” You can’t tell anyone though, or Kaz’ll cut your hands off.
- Plus, he agreed on hanging your painting in the bar, so that must count for something.
- Jesper often buys cute postcards with a pretty background, dropping them off at your place. You have a box filled with postcards he gave you over the years. It’s really helpful, because many of these postcards give you get some sort of reality in how to paint complicated things (mountains, rivers, clouds etc.)
- Overall really supportive and proud of you. Can’t stop bragging about your art in front of others. He had no shame. Not even when you took him to a museum. Will walk up to random people and say “That’s cool and all, but they can do it even better.”
- Has insulted a lot of art fanatics with remarks like this, so please, pay close attention to him or don’t take him to musea at all.
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awkwardkindatries · 2 years
Hello dear! Could I please get a Matchup for Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit? I LOVE your blog theme btw, your icon and header are so pretty! Here's my description:
🪴 Autistic girl with an excitable but soft personality. I use She/Her pronouns and am legally an adult
🪴 I'm often in some sort of caretaker or comforter role, so I've developed a habit of calling people "honey". I've called my own parents that by accident lol
🪴 I give really good advice, but can be pretty stubborn myself. I've been called wise beyond my years a lot, haha. But, I can forget to care for myself too
🪴 My love language is very much physical touch, but not in a grand pda way. Rubbing someone's back, holding hands and hugs are much more comfortable for me
🪴 I love taking care of people but I can have a bit of a temper. I never even yell, but I do get very huffy and sassy 
🪴 Really short, only like 4' 11", with long brown hair and glasses. I usually put my hair up in a bun. To give you an idea of my fashion sense, I'm currently wearing a lavender flannel and overalls. I usually wear like 4 different layers of clothes every day lmao 
🪴 I work at a greenhouse and can't stand being away from nature for too long. I need outside time every day
🪴 I have a lot of knowledge about almost everything, to the point where even I don't know how I know so much
🪴 I know a fair amount of German, it's one of my favorite languages. I'm a big linguistics nerd
🪴 I prefer small gestures of love, since big actions and personalities embarrass me 
🪴 I'm very easily moved by things I find beautiful. I've almost cried watching a whole crowd sing the Pokemon theme song somehow 
🪴 I mainly write and draw, but I'm also really into carving things from wood to shells to stones
🪴 The purpose of my writing and life is to provide comfort. I just want to make people feel good. The world is cruel, so I won't be. 
🪴 I'm also a witch, I work with both Apollo and Cernunnos. Fun fact, the first spell I ever did was a healing spell for a hospitalized friend! 
🪴 I LOVE food!! I'm a firm believer that I truly good meal is all you need sometimes. I love baking
Sorry if that's way too long, as you can probably tell I also like talking, haha! Thanks so much hun, I hope you're doing well! Best wishes! ♥️
Hey there, of course you can! Also, thankyou! my Icon was a commission that I paid an artist to do of my LOTR OC (If you're interested in the artist ill definitely link her), as for my theme i wanted to put out a warmer vibe so i'm glad it's working.
Now onto your Match-up!
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I just have this overwhelming feeling that you'd be perfect for Meludir. You're so soft and kind and motherly that he naturally gravitates to your energy and what a coincidence, his love language is also physical touch! He's a very touchy feely ellon and loves to be touching you in some way whether it's his finger holding onto your overall strap while you walk, braiding your hair, giving you hugs, ect. He'd love to take you on long walks to all of the special places that he's explored near his home, in part to give you inspiration but also just to hold your hand a smidge longer.
He would love that you draw and write but i think his biggest amount of appreciation would come from your wood carvings. There is so much wood around him in his home lands that he would love to spend time doing that practicing together. Bonus points if you exchange carvings from your homes, he'd treasure it always.
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potassium-pilot · 3 years
Prompt 24: Illustrious
“Is it done, Alphinaud?” Dia pestered excitedly.
“No, it is not.”
She waited for approximately five seconds before asking again, “How about now?”
“Do you really want me to rush through this?”
“You’re the Artist Alphinaud, I am your assistant; what else can I do if not make sure you finish?”
“Will you ever let go of that?”
Alphinaud sighed defeatedly and continued his drawing. He was commissioned to create a current portrait of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn to hang in the Solar. To their relief, he had everyone’s figures wrote to memory and therefore, did not require them to pose. That in mind, Dia couldn’t help but be a shadow to the boy, watching his artistry at work. The Warrior of Light was many things; an artist, she was not. It seemed the act of using a paintbrush did not come with the same ease as using a sewing needle, or a cooking utensil.
In the middle stood what he believed looked like himself holding a carbuncle while Alisaie stood on his right side at roughly the same height with her rapier held out in front of her. Dia towered behind him carrying Tataru on her shoulders (at her behest) with Thancred on her left with his arms crossed, Y’shtola on her right with a cane being wielded, Urianger on Thancred’s left with a book in hand, G’raha between Alphinaud and Alisaie with a big grin on his face, and Krile in front of Y’shtola to the left of Alphinaud leaning up against him.
“All right, I’m not done, but what do you think so far, Dia?” She scrambled from the Solar door to the desk to look it over with enthusiasm. “Ahh, I love it so far! Why’d you make yourself so short though?”
“What do you mean?”
“Alphinaud, you’re not that small. You almost made yourself into a lalafell compared to me.”
“It feels accurate to me…after all, ‘tis no secret I’m of a smaller stature in comparison to many of you.”
“Smaller stature, sure, but you’re not miniature. Give yourself more credit.” He shook his head before she inquired, “And where’s Estinien?”
“He…told me not to draw him…”
If her eyes could turn red in fury like Nidhogg, they would have in that very moment. “Give me but a moment, Alphinaud…” she told him quietly. She turned away from the smaller elezen and exited out the door in a seemingly calm manner, concealing her fury.
Estinien, Thancred, and Urianger enjoyed a cup of coffee in the lobby.
“So you sort of just…wait for an assignment?” Estinien confirmed. The other two nodded. “Frankly, it’s been a bit more trouble to have the patience recently, particularly since our last assignment wasn’t exactly taken by choice”, Thancred stated.
“Indeed. Though we only aged some few moons in the Source, our souls hath lived on for years in the First, and kept us all plenty occupied, particularly when our friend finally arrived”, Urianger affirmed. Estinien made a hum. “What did you do while waiting before?”
“Oh”, Thancred began nervously, “Nothing too unusual. We just took our rest, did something leisurely, enjoyed ourselves whilst we waited.”
“Is that what thou calleth courting several maidens at once?”
Thancred scowled at Urianger while Estinien made a slight smile at the remark. Suddenly, Thancred and Urianger made horrified faces and scattered from their positions, abandoning Estinien to his fate: a furious Warrior of Light, wearing a look she wore when she killed gods.
“Do you want to explain your thought process here?” Dia confronted him.
“You’re under the assumption that I care to explain anything.”
“Look, I get you that you like to work alone; frankly, it’s understandable in a way. Twelve knows half the work I do needs to be done alone, lest anyone without the Echo be tempered, but I have news for you: you are not alone anymore!”
He growled, “I still don’t know what you’re talking about.” She placed her face in her palm, then explained annoyedly, “The portrait, Estinien.”
“By the Fury, you’re angry with me about that?”
“Yes, yes I am.”
“It’s a bleeding portrait. What does it matter?”
“It matters, Estinien! It matters a lot to me, to Alphinaud, to quite a few of us.”
His face betrayed his befuddlement. Not having been a Scion for very long, her irritation seemed misplaced.
“That portrait’s not my place”, he attempted to explain, “And quite frankly, I don’t understand why you all so desperately want this portrait in the first place.”
“We want to commemorate our little family.”
“This isn’t my family. It never was.”
“Never?” she repeated incredulously.
He raised an eyebrow at her tone.
“Estinien, Alphinaud fought for you after your possession by Nidhogg. I fought for you. When everyone seemed intent on killing you, even yourself, we did everything we could to keep you alive. We even entreated Hraesvelgr to help us save you when Aymeric seemed content with just stopping Nidhogg at any cost. Then you go and follow us through Gyr Abania, to the point where you even pushed back an Ascian in the body of Zenos yae Galvus, and pulled my comatose body out of a battlefield and back to the front. And on top of that, you helped take out Black Rose facilities for us while the rest of us were off in another world. You mean to tell me that meant nothing?!”
Estinien blinked.
“Guess what, dragon boy? You were a Scion before you even offered your lance!”
He looked away to the floor, pondering her words, irritated by the nickname.
“Don’t call me ‘dragon boy’…” he snapped.
“That’s what you’re taking from this?”
He remained silent, still thinking through. What in hells had he done? What did he get himself into? He let out a frustrated breath and walked away. She watched him get away from her in disbelief, and followed him as he aimed for the Solar.
Estinien opened the door and called, “Alphinaud?”
The young elezen looked up and away from his efforts. “Yes, Estinien?” The dragoon hesitated, then begrudgingly ordered, “…put me in your damn portrait.”
Dia flashed a huge grin, and Alphinaud’s eyes lit up in excitement. “I’ll do just that! Thankfully, I was still sketching, so I can find a way to add you.”
“Hm…good, I guess.” He closed the door behind him and glared at Dia, still chipper from his agreement. “You’re a pain in my side, Dia Sito.”
“You have to be to do what I do. Thank you, Estinien. He’s a great artist; he’ll do you justice.” He shook his head and stomped off while Dia hurried back inside the Solar.
A bell had passed since Estinien agreed to be in the portrait. Making sure he wasn’t followed, he quietly slipped into the Solar where Alphinaud continued his work unabated. He sat down in front of the young artist and bade him, “How goes the portrait?”
“Quite well, all things considered. I did have to remake the idea a bit, but overall, I’m quite pleased with how it turned out.”
“I see.” The dragoon shuffled in his chair for a moment, unsure how to phrase his next question. “Alphinaud…you are doing this of your own free will, correct?” He brought his attention from his work to the question brought before him. “Of course I am”, he answered incredulously.
“You’re sure, Alphinaud?”
“I am. Why do you ask?”
“I want to make sure this is something that you truly wish to do. Dia has a tendency to be a bit dramatic as I’ve recently learned.”
“Fear not, Estinien. I’m under no influence but mine own.”
Estinien let out a long breath and asked, “I know her reasons, but what of yours? What does obsessing over a painting get you?”
Alphinaud smiled at him. “I get a chance to relax.”
“I do. The past few times I’ve drawn, ‘twas out of necessity in order to locate our missing comrades or to gain entry into forbidden cities. This isn’t like that at all. Despite our friend’s being a bit more enthusiastic than I’m used to, I feel no pressure.”
“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself at the very least, Alphinaud. But is that the only reason why?”
Alphinaud brought his gaze back to the portrait. In particular, he focused on the outlines of two people; Dia and Estinien.
“When I lost command of the Crystal Braves…when I heard that everyone I knew had been lost to that bloody banquet, all I felt was hopelessness. I felt stuck in a dark abyss, where nothing could see me nor pull me from it’s shackles. That’s what I earned for dehumanizing those who would help me, for seeing them all as pawns in my game to unite Eorzea.
Then Dia pulled me out of it. So did Tataru and Haurchefant.
Despite everything I ever thought of her, despite the way I would send her out as though she were my trusty god-slayer from my toolbelt, she stood with me, and helped me find a new home. Had she not saved Haurchefant’s friend from the Inquisition, and slayed Shiva, and the dragon that threatened the gates of Ishgard, we would not have found refuge within it’s walls.
After everything that came of our tenure in Ishgard, the Scions became something different. Especially now that my blood family has forsaken me, the bonds I’ve formed with my comrades became a great source of comfort to me. Everyone has their reasons for why the Scions are their home. If we wish to commemorate that with a painting, I see no reason not to oblige.”
Estinien didn’t usually pry into this sort of business; that was Aymeric’s domain. Yet, he did find himself in a better understanding of Alphinaud after that. He met the boy when he was still so immature, inexperienced in many things that were obvious to him growing up with Ser Alberic. It was interesting to hear how he changed, and what he missed.
“So this truly is more than just Dia’s will being imposed on others, then.”
“Dia’s not wont to impose her will onto others. She merely expressed a wish that the rest of the Scions shared, myself included.” Alphinaud raised an eyebrow. “Now that I think of it…I’m not entirely sure what her will is on a normal day. What does she want?”
“I have no idea. Perhaps it’s best for that to remain her business, hm?”
“When this is all over, and the Final Days are halted, I mean to express my sincere gratitude to her in any way I can.”
“Heh. Good luck with that”, Estinien commented as he rose from his chair. “Well, I won’t pry from your work any longer. Keep at it, Alphinaud.”
“I will, Estinien, thank you.”
The dragoon turned away and left through the door to the Solar. Alphinaud returned his full focus to the portrait.
The days passed while Alphinaud took his time to focus on the painting. The Solar was nearly forbidden territory, with the exception of Dia, who nobody would dare try to stop. After nearly a week’s worth of effort, Dia finally opened the door, and approached her fellow Scions.
“If any of you would like to view the portrait and help us decide where to place it, that would be most welcome”, Dia announced to the group as they sat in the lobby. All but Estinien rose from their chairs and walked towards the Solar.
“That means you too, Estinien.”
“Your suggestion is noted.”
“Get in here, or I’m telling Alphinaud to put it on your bed.”
He stood up reluctantly and followed her into the Solar, where they beheld the group fawning over the portrait. Estinien and Dia looked to each other, Dia wearing a smile on her face, Estinien his usual stoic look. He slowly walked towards the portrait to join the group.
For the most part, the positions of everyone stayed the same with one notable exception; Estinien stood between Dia and Thancred with a smirk and with his hand placed on Alphinaud’s head.
“I’m glad he took my suggestion and made himself taller”, Dia mused. Estinien tore his eyes away from the painting and looked to Dia. “Didn’t he do a good job with you, Estinien?” He nodded, “Aye, he did.” He brought his attention back to his portrait self.
Is that how he sees me, he thought.
“All right, now the question remains: where do we place it?” Alphinaud asked the group.
Everyone took a moment to think. “What about up there?” Estinien suggested, pointing to a spot above the desk…the spot that once held Tupsimati. Most of the group shifted uncomfortably with the exception of G’raha and Dia.
“Well…” Alphinaud started.
“I think it’s a good idea,” Dia defended. The group made faces of disbelief towards her. “Look, I will never forget Louisoix, nor will I forget Moenbryda’s sacrifice. But that spot is perfect. Anytime we walk in, we’ll see us hanging there proudly. After all, Tupsimati’s not hung there in how many moons now. Why don’t we use that spot to honor a new legacy?”
The Scions considered her words. “Did I touch upon something sensitive?” Estinien whispered to Dia. “‘Tis a long story. You did nothing wrong”, she whispered back to him.
“All right. Perhaps it would be better for us all to let our own story be told. After all, we saved not just one world, but two. That should be worth a nice spot, don’t you think?” Thancred reasoned. The group nodded.
“Allow me”, offered G’raha. He took out his staff and levitated the portrait from it’s spot. Y’shtola took out her cane and prepared a nail for the painting to hang upon. The two combined their efforts, and in a matter of minutes, the portrait hanged proudly in the very same spot Louisoix’s legacy once stood, the legacy that Dia had unfortunately sacrificed along with Moenbryda in her attempt to destroy Nabriales.
“There. I like it there quite a bit”, Dia complimented. “Thank you, G’raha, Y’shtola.”
“Of course. Now would you care to explain to me why that spot seemed to cause discomfort?” G’raha questioned.
Dia smiled. “I owe you two an explanation, it would seem.”
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cassiabaggins · 3 years
A/N: Part/day six! Thank you all so much for your support! Please leave a comment/reblog if you enjoy this!
Wordcount: 2k
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Tags: @anjhope1 @deathlikessodaandpizza @guardianofrivendell @myrin1234 @wettomatodude @lothloriien @annkdarar @artsywaterlily @hmmm-what-am-i-doing @drowingintheempty @estethell @claraofthepen @kilielweek
Warnings: mention of miscarriage
Summary: Kili and Tauriel are finally wed
Kili has been quiet all day. That's unusual. Tauriel carefully combs her fingers through his hair and rests her chin on his shoulder. He's staring into the fire. 
"You seem distressed," she says gently.
He grunts wordlessly, so she gives him a kiss on the cheek and strokes his hair. "Kili. Talk to me. What ails you?"
Kili is quiet for a little bit longer, putting his hand over hers, before letting out a long sigh. “They want me to get married,” He says.
“Who is ‘they’?” She asks gently. 
“The Council.”
“All of them?"
“No, not all of them, but those that do are quite loud.” He draws his knees up to his chest and rests his chin on them. “They want me to produce an heir.”
“What about your brother? He’s already married!”
“They think his child won’t be ‘pure’ enough.” He puts quotations with his fingers around the word ‘pure’. “First they tried to get him to annul his marriage, then they tried to get him to take a mistress, but he’d rather die than disrespect his wife like that, so they gave up and focused on me.” He clenches his fist. “It makes me so angry! Arranged marriages go against everything I’ve ever been taught about how dwarrow love. All of this does! It goes against our nature!”
Tauriel moves so she’s no longer sitting behind him, but beside him, taking his hand. 
“What do you mean by that, meleth nin?”
“I mean dwarrow don’t arrange marriages! We only love once, and only one person. Mahal, most of us don’t even experience sexual desires until we meet our One!”
“What if you don’t find the One? Or what if they don’t feel the same?”
“Then we don’t marry. We dedicate our lives to our crafts!”
“Is that what you would have done if I hadn’t come back?”
“Yes. Of course I would have.” He notices the sadness on her face and squeezes her hand. “Don’t look like that, amrâlimê, it’s not so bad. You don’t need love to be happy.”
She leans forward and kisses him. “There’s something awful romantic about that, loving only one person your entire life.”
“Aye, it is.” Kili frowns. “But now they want me to go against that and marry some lass from Rhun. She’s nice enough, I suppose, her name is Mhaite, but—”
“But you don’t love her.”
“But she’s not you.”
Tauriel smiles gently at him. 
“I don’t want to marry anyone but you,” Kili says, flopping down into her lap. She strokes her hand through his hair. 
“And I don’t want you to marry anybody but me.”
He sighs melancholically, taking her hand and kissing her wrist. She continues stroking his hair with her free hand when suddenly she is struck by an idea. 
“What if we eloped?”
Kili sits right up and stares at her. “What?”
“What if,” she repeats, “we eloped. If we got married, they couldn’t make you marry her, right?”
“They could try to get me to divorce you.”
“But you can refuse them, correct?”
“Well, yes. They cannot force an annulment if both parties refuse. Especially if Fili doesn’t approve, since only a king or queen can annul marriages.”
"So your brother is behind us, who else?"
"I'm sure I could get Dwalin to represent you," Kili says, excitement leaking into his voice and gestures, "he likes you, though he won't admit it. Ori can draft up marriage documents, Dori can make us wedding clothes, and Bombur and Cassia can cook and—"
She stops him with a finger over his lips, laughing softly. "This is becoming less of a secret elopement and more of a wedding the longer you talk," she teases. 
Kili shrugs and kisses her fingers. "I can't help that I want to get my friends involved."
"Too many people and the secret will leak," she cautions. "The Council will put a stop to it before it can even begin."
He sighs. "Yes, I suppose you're right."
In the end, they limit it to just Kili's family, Balin, and Dwalin. The sons of Fundin agree to represent Tauriel's family surprisingly easily, and Kili's mother and younger sister will represent him. Fili will officiate and his wife will be a witness. The wedding will take place in the council chamber of Erebor in two months time, long enough that the wedding beads can be made, but soon enough that the council members who are against the union do not have the time to put a stop to it. 
King Fili is looking over a trade agreement in King Bard’s office, the end of his quill in his mouth and his face all scrunched up with concentration in a way that makes him look unnervingly like his younger brother. Tauriel sidles up to him and taps him on the shoulder. She really shouldn't be distracting him, but she needs his advice. Fili scratches out some letters and looks up at her, dipping his quill back in ink. "Hullo, Tauriel," he says with a smile. "What can I do for you?"
"I need help," she declares and the smile vanishes for a worried frown. 
"Is something wrong?" 
"Not in the way you think," she says. Fili gives her a baffled look and Tauriel twiddles her thumbs awkwardly. "Dwalin mentioned I was meant to make beads for when I marry Kili," she explains, "only… I've not the slightest idea how!"
"Is that all?" Fili asks with relief.
The king slides the paper he's been looking at out of his way. "Well, you came to the right dwarf. Do you have a material you're planning on using?" 
She shakes her head.
"Do you have a design?"
Another shake of the head. Fili sighs. "Oh dear."
"I don't even know where to begin! I've no idea how to craft jewelry!"
"Well, don't panic, there's no rule saying you have to make them. You just have to design them. It's common enough for a dwarf to commission a close friend to help create their wedding beads." 
Tauriel lets out a relieved sigh. "Oh, good." Then she frowns. “Kili will be making mine, though, won’t he?”
“Aye, most likely. His craft is jeweling after all.”
“Then I want to make his,” She declares.
“It won’t be easy,” Fili cautions.
“I don’t care. I want to try.”
"If you do, then far be it from me to try and stop you. Now, let's talk about materials. The most common are stone or metal, but wood or some sort of gemstone isn't unheard of. Any of those catch your attention?" 
Tauriel shakes her head. "I feel as if I need to hold the materials to see what I think."
Fili nods. "Next time I visit Dale, I'll bring you some examples."
She grins. "Oh, good! Oh, thank you!"
"Think nothing of it."
The next day, Fili arrives at her home as promised with the materials. He's brought some silver and gold and jewels, but what really catches Taurile’s eye is a beautiful piece of wood. She picks it up and turns it over in her hands. Fili sees her interest.
“That’s walnut wood,” he says. 
“It’s lovely.”
“Is that what you want to use?”
Tauriel turns the wood over in her hands. “Yes.”
“Good choice.”
“Only…” she frowns. “I can see why a material like metal or stone would be used, that can last for centuries, but wood? How do you keep the beads from wearing out?”
“We have charms for that,” Fili says, “to make them last. Don’t worry about that.”
“Oh, good.”
He begins to tie his hair back, pulling out tools from his bag, along with a sketchbook. “All right, let’s get to work.” He flips through his sketchbook to a fresh page and picks up a charcoal stick to draw with. “Any design ideas?”
Tauriel frowns, tapping thoughtfully on the wood. “Well… no.”
“Well, what makes you think about him? When I was designing beads for my wife, I thought of all the things that made me think of her and used those for my design. So, what makes you think of Kili?”
Tauriel thinks. “Uh, stars, and the moon, and mountains, mostly.”
“That’s a good start!” Fili says, passing the sketchbook and drawing stick to Tauriel. “Just… start drawing.”
She frowns and takes them gingerly. “I’m not much of an artist.”
“We can clean up the sketch later, just put down some ideas,” he says reassuringly.
In the end, she decides on an image of the Mountain with the moon rising behind it and a star above the moon. It’s simple and pretty, and Fili gives his stamp of approval. Then, the carving lessons begin. Woodworking is not something Tauriel has ever done and it’s not Fili’s craft, but he's a patient teacher and she’s a quick learner. She doesn’t expect to become such close friends with her future brother in law, but she and Fili end up having much more in common than they initially think, including but not limited to their affections for knives and Kili.
It takes time, and lots of practice, but by the day of the wedding, the final beads are done. They’re wide and flat beads with the pattern she came up with carved on one side and their names on the other. 
“Just promise me something?” Fili asks as he looks over the beads one final time. 
“What is it?” She queries. He looks up at her. 
“Please don’t leave him again. I don’t think he could bear it.”
Tauriel wants to tell him she hasn’t the slightest intention of doing that, that she came back for Kili and only for Kili, that not even wild horses could keep her away from him… but she doesn’t. “I won’t. I promise.”
There’s no fancy decorations or clothes for the wedding, no festive lights or stars or firemoons, just the dim torches illuminating the council chamber, and Kili’s smile illuminating her heart as they walk to stand together before Fili to be wed.
Tauriel takes Kili’s hand and he smiles up at her. “You look like a dream, amrâlimê,” he murmurs. 
“A good dream?”
“Yes. A fantastic dream.” He turns her hand over and kisses the inside of her wrist. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Together, they turn towards Fili and the wedding begins.
Their vows are in Khuzdul, the traditional words, so no dwarf can say the wedding is invalid. The words are foreign on her tongue, but she knows them and their meaning even in her sleep. 
Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh, we are two bodies but one soul and my heart is tied to yours. I vow to walk with you and treasure you like the finest of jewels, through this life and the next. 
With those words, they weave the braids and beads into each other’s hair, Tauriel bites her lip as she does so, worried her wooden beads look shabby and silly next to the fine diamond-flecked beads he’s made her. But then, he smiles up at her, and looks at the beads like they’re pure mithril, and she knows he thinks they’re beyond precious. Fili says a few more words in Khuzdul, declaring the marriage complete and valid and handing them each a quill to sign the marriage document. As soon as that is over, Kili swings Tauriel into his arms and kisses her like she's water in the desert and she kisses back just as passionately. She can hear the family, no, her family now, laughing around them. She cups his face in her hands and nuzzles her nose to his. “I love you,” she whispers. 
“I love you, too,” he responds, wrapping his arms around her waist. “My wife.”
“My hus—"
Before she can fully respond, the door to the council chamber slams open. Lord Khar is standing in the doorway. "What is the meaning of this?!" He shouts, "why is that elf in the mountain?!"
"This," Fili says, picking up his quill and signing the marriage document, sealing the wedding as complete, "is a wedding."
"A wedding?! What?! Between who?!"
"Between my brother, Prince Kili, and Captain Tauriel of Dale, formerly of Mirkwood."
"No! Never! I will not accept it!"
"You don't have to accept it, you simply have to be quiet," Fili says. "I wear the crown, not you. And I have signed this document and officiated this marriage. It is done."
Khar looks positively apoplectic, his face turning an impressive shade of red. Kili squeezes Tauriel's hand reassuringly and looks up at her. She knows he won't let anything tear them apart, and she feels the same, responding to his look with a soft smile. 
Lord Khar lets out a wordless, angry noise at the sight of their joined hands and storms toward them, arms outstretched as if he will try to force them apart with pure physical strength alone. Tauriel acts on instinct, swinging Kili behind her (as if a warrior prince of the Line of Durin would need protection) and halting Khar with a harsh blow to the shoulder. "Do not lay your hands on us," she spits. 
The dwarf lord goes purple, holding his shoulder. "You cannot—"
"I suggest you listen to her, Khar," Kili says smugly, "my wife is rather deadly when she is angry." He says the words ‘my wife’ with utter relish, rubbing it in the older dwarf’s face, who snarls angrily and steps away from the two of them. "My Lord King," he turns to Fili, attempting a different tactic, "surely you cannot condone this! This elf has bewitched you, can you not see it?"
"I have bewitched no one!" Tauriel cries indignantly. "I'm no wizard, I wouldn't even know where to begin!"
Cassia, peeking around Fili, lets out a little titter of laughter. Kili laughs as well, but the dwarf is well warned away from him. He turns his blazing eyes on the Hobbit Queen. "Don't think you are any better, halfling! You who would put weak, sickly halfbreeds on the Throne of Erebor, if you could only manage to carry one long enough for it to live."
The uproar is instantaneous. Cassia makes a soft, pained little whimper, placing her hand over her abdomen, Dwalin reaches for a weapon, Balin exclaims condemningly, Dis and the princess cry out in indignation, Kili and Tauriel both step forward, either to protect their friend or hurt the dwarf lord, they don't know. They don't make it far enough to find out. 
Fili punches Khar in the nose, knocking him to the ground. Khar howls with pain, holding his face.
"You've said enough," Fili spits, his eyes blazing with something feral and unhinged. It's an expression Tauriel has never seen on any face, especially not kind, gentle Fili. "Shut your mouth before I shut it permanently."
Cassia gently takes his arm and he takes a deep, steadying breath. “Khar, son of Zodar, as King of Erebor, I am relieving you of your position on the council of Erebor!"
"On what grounds?!"
"Disrespect of your queen, constant undermining of your king, and," Fili crouches down and reaches into the dwarf's pocket, pulling out a golden seal, "unlawful possession and use of the council seal." 
“You cannot just---!”
“I can, actually.” Fili turns to Kili, "I believe you two have a wedding night to get to. I can handle this here."
“Are you sure?” Kili asks. His brother nods. “All right.” He takes Tauriel’s hand and draws her toward the door. “Yasith, let’s go.”
She looks down at him. “Will they be---”
“Fili can handle it.”
They leave the mountain together, returning to Dale, to Tauriel’s home on the outskirts of the city. No one stops them in Erebor at Kili’s command, and no one stops them in Dale at hers. “I have something to show you,” she says, shutting the door behind them. Kili takes her waist and draws her near him. 
“Is it you?” he asks cheekily, standing up on his toes to kiss her. She kisses back, laughing a little. 
“No,” she says, and then hums, “well, yes, but not yet, just… come with me.” She gives him one last kiss and draws away, taking his hand. He weaves his fingers through hers and lets her lead him through the house to the very top floor, and from there, up another flight of stairs and through a door into the open air. 
“You lead me around all secretly to show me the roof?” Kili asks, “Amrâlimê, I’ve been here before.”
She laughs and pulls him forward. Set up in the center of the open space is a mattress and a huge pile of pillows and blankets, surrounded by many candles and lanterns (as yet unlit), a basket of food, and several bottles of wine. “It’s tradition for the marriage to be consummated under the stars,” she says softly, looking down at him. “We don’t have to, but---”
Kili swings her into his arms for a kiss. “This wedding has been all about my traditions,” he murmurs when they come up for air, “I would be honored to partake in some of yours.” And, hand in hand, he leads her toward the bed.
The next morning as Tauriel awakens to birdsong, wrapped in Kili’s arms beneath the open sky, she knows this is where she is supposed to be, and she will fight for it with everything she has.
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