Whatever You Are, Be A Good One
26K posts
Miamochi | 26 | A blog that enjoys writing | Multifandom | Currently writing Trigun | Requests: OPEN | Daycare Snacks Series Updates Weekly |
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miamochi-writes · 2 years ago
Why I Took Long
Hi everyone! It’s been weeks since I last updated. There’s many reasons as to why I was radio silent. For those who want the spark notes: My job started laying off people, my car was out of commission for months, dealing with a micromanager who kept watching my every move, and caught a horrible cold for a week.
For the detailed version:
After my deadline passed, I was ready to start posting requests and one shots again. Before I could do that, I got the news that my once stable job was now on the line after everyone got the news the CEO was doing layoffs. The company I worked for started laying off higher management positions and teams. This scared me so bad, that after the news was announced, my boss was monitoring me 24/7 and became a micromanager. He would monitor every email, message, and site I visited. If I didn’t give him an hour update on what I was doing, he would dock me for my performance review, which put my job at risk.
I couldn’t even focus on writing or editing the Vash requests from how much stress I accumulated at work. After a month of this new work adjustment, I was doing errands when all of a sudden my car stopped working. I was stranded for hours just trying to get my car to work. It wasn’t until after getting my car towed and having a mechanic look at it to see that my car had a recall for a faulty part. Turns out the part I needed would take months to arrive as it was on backorder. So I couldn’t really go out as much as I wanted to and had to ask people for rides just to keep my job. My mental health was at an all time low, and I finally made the decision to start job hunting. I couldn’t take it anymore after endless days and nights of crying and trying to cope with the stress from everything happening.
Lastly, I got horribly sick to where I had a constant fever and had to go to the doctor for awhile. I was so dehydrated and stressed that my immune system hit a new low. But after weeks of monitoring and getting much needed rest, I’m finally better.
I wanted to post sooner about how I was doing and where I was, but my mental health wasn’t the best yet until I took a much needed vacation traveling out of state. I hadn’t really taken vacations at work and I usually worked on my birthdays, so I finally used a week’s work of my PTO to travel and finally put myself in a better position to come back here.
If you read this far, thanks for reading. I know it’s been awhile, but I do plan to be back here and post things again. I only ask that if you are all okay with me not having a consistent posting schedule. I feel like I don’t have the right to ask after everything that’s happened, but I will post when I can. Hopefully I can one day get back into posting consistently, but for now I’ll try to post when I’m able to.
Again, thank you for being patient with me if you’re still sticking around and checking my blog. I missed posting and talking to everyone here ❤️
As for the picture I posted earlier, I met Vash’s VA! My local figurine store was able to invite Johnny Yong Bosch for the weekend and I was able to get a ticket to meet him! He is the most humble and down-to-Earth person I ever met who loves his characters. When I asked him about Trigun, he asked me if I liked the new one and told him of course I liked it! He said he was nervous about how people would receive it since it’s not exactly like the old one. But I told him so many people I know love the new Trigun and that it made him very happy to hear. He said he hopes everyone looks forward to the next season ❤️
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miamochi-writes · 2 years ago
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Hi! I know it’s been awhile, but I can explain. Also remember that thing I mentioned in August? Yeah this is it. Part 2 coming up of why I was away, because there’s a lot I had to deal with that was out of my control🫠
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miamochi-writes · 2 years ago
Hi everyone!
I’ve been getting to requests and will slowly post them this weekend and next week! I love the prompts and ideas you send me ☺️
I would post earlier but work has gotten crazier and it finally calmed down today. I hope everyone has a great Friday and weekend!
Also later in July I have some news to share with everyone 👀 don’t worry it’s great news!
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miamochi-writes · 2 years ago
Hi everyone!
I know it’s been awhile and I want to thank you for being patient with me. I’m in a much better head space and spent some time with my loved ones. I feel that I’m ready to come back and start posting again slowly as I’ve missed you all.
I want to thank those who reached out to check in on me, those who shared their highlights of their day, those who sent in cute pet photos, and those who offered comforting words. It has helped a lot with cheering me up. I’m glad to know that this is a caring community and space. I want to thank you all again for being patient with me 💖
I appreciate all of you. I’m excited to write again!
In the meantime, tell me more about your day! I like to hear what everyone has been up to while I was away ☺️
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miamochi-writes · 2 years ago
Hi everyone
I know I haven’t posted because of work. But I had many things happen. I lost someone very close to me last week and work has been concerning in terms of what’s happening for the future for most workers.
Please tell me the highlight of your days or weeks. If you want, tell me about your pets, (if you have any). I really need it. I will post again sometime later this week when I am ready. I truly miss everyone.
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miamochi-writes · 2 years ago
Hi everyone!
I hope you all had a great weekend! As you all know, the 13th is coming up. Which means my work is going to be more hectic the next few weeks. So I won’t post as much 🥲 I will update Daycare Snacks when I can! But I’ll more likely post frequently again on weekends or after the 13th has passed.
I received many requests that I’m excited to write! ❤️ But please know I’m getting to them as best as I can. Lucina and I appreciate your patience!
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miamochi-writes · 2 years ago
Heya, well first thing’s first I wanted to say how much I love daycare snacks story it’s absolutely amazing and probably one of my favorite au’s. However I wanted to ask and request something if it’s okey. And I thought about Eriks Vash, fluff where fem reader is playing,brushing and braiding his long hair, and when they hug, to feel his stubble against her cheek or other places and If we could apply some bit of spice?👉🏻👈🏻👀 Also if Erics Vash could be really affectionate as well
Feel free to decline though, if not for your liking.
Thank you for reading my Daycare Snacks series! It means a lot! (I will upload the next chapter sometime next week. Work has been a lot lately). Also my first Eriks Vash! This will mainly apply to Trigun Maximum Eriks. Although this can also apply to Trigun Stampede Eriks so I hope this is to your liking! As for spice...that can be arranged~
Everytime We Touch
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It was another windy day in the this small town you called home. You worked at the saloon so you knew all the locals that came by for a drink or a place to beat the heat. Sadly, there weren't too many people that occupied the place. Anytime you saw a fresh face come inside, they never stayed for long. Mainly because of the bounty hunters and bandits that showed up. So imagine your surprise when Lina introduced you to Eriks one day.
Eriks was one of the tallest guys you've ever met. He dressed causally with a simple beige button up. He had beautiful long blonde hair that hid those glistening blue eyes of his. When Lina told you that he would be staying at her place, a part of you was happy. Finally, someone new to talk to! Except, you didn't talk to him for weeks. Apparently, Eriks was put to work running errands for the most part. Thus, you only caught glimpses of him whenever you worked the front counter. A part of you wondered what he was like. What was his story? Why stay in this town? Who were his friends? What did he like? Questions like those would constantly plague your mind whenever you had down time at work.
One night, a group of bounty hunters and rowdy men were having a party. Your hands were practically full from taking care of everyone's orders. Even your boss was trying to make sure no one waited too long on a drink. Once the party ended, you were left with a mess to clean up. As you were stacking the plates up, you tried your best to balance them before heading towards the kitchen. The sound of footsteps hitting the wooden floor were heard near the entrance.
"Hey there. If you can't tell from the mess here, we're closed," you called out. As you turned around, you caught a glimpse of a peculiar tall blonde standing inside.
"Hey Eriks, what brings you here?" you asked.
"I was heading home after finishing some errands. Then I saw you by yourself while I was passing by," he explained.
"Oh don't mind me. I'm just cleaning up here. We had a big party tonight. I gotta get this mess cleaned up before tomorrow morning," you replied as you lifted the stack of plates up. Halfway through, you heard the clanging and clinging of tableware from behind you. You turned around to see Eriks was cleaning up a table.
"Eriks, you don't have to worry about me. Go home and rest," you insisted.
"Let me help you. It'll be faster to clean up," Eriks offered as he carried the dirty silverware to the kitchen. As he put the items in the sink, you sighed at the man before you. Well, you were curious about him for the longest time and now he's here helping you clean up late at night. Both of you managed to clean the saloon in an hour. The dishes were spotless, tables were organized, and the chairs were set up.
"Wow! We actually finished before midnight!"
"I told you it would be faster if we cleaned up together," he replied.
Well I appreciate you stopping by and offering a helping hand. Since you went out of your way for me, I got something for you," you added. You brought out a platter of sandwiches that you made earlier for the party.
"For me? Are you sure Y/n?" he asked eyeing at the food.
"Of course! Consider it as my way of saying thanks," you explained as you gestured him to the front of the bar.
"Thanks, I shouldn't though," Eriks reasoned. Before anyone could get another word in, Eriks' stomach growled loud enough for you to hear. Eriks was taken aback as his body betrayed him.
"Eriks, sit down and eat before you pass out," you commanded as you gestured him to sit down next to you. He did what he was told as he sat down and started eating. You could tell he enjoyed the food as he smiled with every bite. Then you noticed Eriks would push away strands of his hair before taking another bite.
"Hold on a sec," you told him as you went into the kitchen and grabbed your bag. Eriks eyed at you as you held a hair tie and brush in your hands.
"Turn to your right for me," you spoke.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"Keeping your hair out of your face," you answered. You gently grabbed part of his hair to start brushing through. Slowly and gently, you combed out any tangles from his hair that might have been ravaged by the desert winds. Surprisingly, his hair was silky soft as your fingers ran through his locks. Once you brushed all of his hair, you started tying his golden hair into a smooth ponytail.
"And done! What do you think?" you asked as you pulled up a mirror near by. Eriks looked in awe at his new look as you smiled at your work. You left most of the shorter parts of his hair alone to perfectly frame his face, while the rest was tied up to where it wouldn't bother him. Finally, you got a better look of Eriks' face and his pretty blue eyes.
"Wow! I look great! Thanks Y/n! I'll give you your hair tie back when I'm done eating!" he thanked you while feeling his new hairstyle.
"Nah you can keep it. I got tons of those back at my place. Besides, you need it more than I do," you insisted. It was then Eriks flashed you a cheeky smile to show you how much he appreciated the kind gesture. As he continued eating, you couldn't help but smile at the man before you. You were slowly finding out more about the kind of person Eriks was. From that night forward, Eriks would continue to see you.
The next morning, you woke up to the hot sun. You decided to tie your hair up to help cool you off. As you walked to the saloon, you saw someone waiting at the front entrance. Stepping closer, you recognized the long blonde hair swaying with the wind.
"Y/n! Glad I could catch you this morning!" Eriks waved.
"Hey Eriks! Nice seeing you too! Did you need something?" you asked. You already knew he was always busy with errands first thing in the morning. So seeing him at the saloon was a bit out of the blue. Not that you were complaining.
"Uh, if it's not too much to ask...could you tie my hair again? I tried to do it this morning but I can't seem to get it right. Plus, it would help if my hair wasn't in the way while I work," he asked. You could tell he was fidgeting when asking you this. He was rubbing the back of his neck and you found it cute that he waited for you.
"Oh not at all! Come on in and I can do your hair real quick," you motioned him inside as you unlocked the saloon. Eriks eyes gleamed as he followed you with excitement. You offered him a seat as you grabbed your brush and mirror. You combed through his lustrous hair piece by piece. As you brushed his hair, you noticed his ears were pink. You figured the heat was getting to him and would bring him a cold drink. Gently, you tied his hair into a ponytail like last night.
"And done! Let me know if it's too tight on you. I want to make sure the ponytail could hold all day while you're comfortable," you said as you handed him a mirror. You walked away briefly to grab some water as Eriks looked at himself in the mirror.
"No this is perfect! It feels great right now. My ponytail looked nothing like yours," he complimented you as you smiled at his answer.
"I'm glad you like it! Sometimes I tie my hair a little too tight since my shifts can get hectic," you explained. Then you handed him a glass of water.
"For me?" he asked as you nodded.
"Yeah, I noticed you were a bit red earlier. A little something to help cool you off," you replied as you put away your brush and mirror.
"Oh, I appreciate it Y/n. I owe you big time for today! I'll finish this before I take off," Eriks thanked you.
"Like I said, no big deal. Just know you're more than welcome to stop by the saloon anytime," you told him. Before he took a drink, you noticed his face was slightly red. Hopefully he can stay inside and avoid the brutal desert heat outside. Once he was done drinking, you took the empty glass as Eriks got up.
"Thanks again for today Y/n! I'll see you later!" Eriks waved as you waved back. Sure enough, he was true to his word.
For weeks, Eriks would wait for you by the Saloon each morning. He always asked that you do his hair. He insisted that you did a much better job compared to him and Lina. You found it hard to believe, especially since you showed Eriks how to tie his hair one day. Nonetheless, you could never say no to him. You loved his company and it was a great excuse to play with his beautiful hair. Any time you finished styling his hair, Eriks never failed to compliment your work. Hearing those compliments made your day.
Plus, he would pass by the saloon when he was doing errands. Some days he would wave at you while you were on the clock. Other times, you would catch glimpses of him talking to the locals. Whether it was the elderly or adults he always volunteered to help anyone out. When he was with children, he would entertain them to where they cheered with joy. It was these moments that you learned Eriks was a kind soul. He brought joy to those around him, and you enjoyed his company.
One night, Eriks visited you at the Saloon before closing time. Things were slow, so you were lounging next to him as he was eating. You were braiding your hair as you noticed you had a couple of stray hairs that bothered you. Once you were done, you noticed Eriks stopped eating and was staring at you. You gave him a questioning look as he lightly touched your braid.
"Can you do this to my hair too?" he asked. You were taken aback by his question. You looked at his hand holding a piece of your hair and then at him.
"Sure, can I ask why?" you asked.
"I think it's really pretty! Plus I want to match with you," he answered casually. That answer did a number on you. Your heart was pounding and a blush crept up to your cheeks. Eriks sure knew how to surprise you as you tried to compose yourself. Once you steadied your breathing, you nodded as you took out your brush and a smaller hair tie. The blonde's face was filled with pure joy as you motioned him to get closer. You grabbed small sections of his hair and started braiding away. Despite how much you were concentrating on braiding his hair, you could feel his eyes boring into yours. After a few minutes, you securely tied his braid with the hair tie on you. You handed him a mirror to see what he thought.
"Y/n, I don't know what to say," he started. Panic set in as he said those words. Did you mess up? You cursed at how shaky your hands were. Before you could say anything, he continued speaking.
"I love how this looks on me! Thank you so much Y/n! You're the best!" he cheered and pulled you into a hug. You never knew how built Eriks was until now. You could feel his biceps squeezing you as you felt his chest. Furthermore, you felt his stubble rub against your cheek. Eriks was warm to the touch as you slowly reciprocated the hug. As he let go of you, the warmth left you. Yet, the smile he gave you could give the sun a run for it's money. His smile was comforting and contagious as you smiled back at him. Afterwards, he offered to help clean up and walk you home.
Another week passed by where you practically saw Eriks every day. You always did his hair, wave at him from afar, eat at the salon, and walk you home. Not a day wen by where he wasn't on your mind. Even your boss and Lina commented about how much time you and Eriks spent together to where you both could pass as something more. You waved off their comments, as you didn't think he saw you that way. But a small part of you wished he thought the same of you.
One afternoon, you were running errands for your boss. The saloon was running low on a couple of items. On your way back, you stumbled upon a bounty hunter. You tried to avoid him, but the clanking from the beer and wine bottles gave you away.
"Hey what's a cutie like you doing out here?" the guy asked.
"Sorry, I'm running errands and I really need to head back," you answered trying to get past him.
"What's the rush? It wouldn't hurt to spend time with the toughest hunter in town," he insisted.
"I appreciate the offer, but if I don't hurry back my boss will yell at me," you explained trying to walk back.
"Hey, where do you think you're going sweetheart," he questioned. The man roughly grabbed your wrist. The man's grip was enough to send a sharp shooting pain. You could practically feel his nails digging into your skin as you tried to break free.
"Stop! You're hurting me!" you cried out.
"Maybe if you just followed what I said I wouldn't have hurt ya," he sneered as he squeezed your wrist.
"HEY LET HER GO!" someone yelled. As the man turned around, a rock hit his head. He briefly let you go, but you felt someone else pull you away.
"RUN AWAY! We'll hold him off for ya!" someone else called out. You looked to see it was Lina shouting as a few other kids were throwing rocks at the man.
"Come on! This way!" a familiar voice pleaded. You turned to the sound of the voice to see Eriks was pulling you along. You ran with him as he led you away from the bounty hunter. As you ran, you could hear yelling not too far away from you. Eventually, Eriks led you to a small building inside. He then pulled you inside a dark storage room that hardly had any space to move in. You felt Eriks pull you close as he held you protectively with one hand on your back and another on your shoulder.
"Don't make a sound until I say so," he whispered in your ear as you felt his breath tickle your neck. His stubble would rub on your cheek and close to your ear. Your face was right on his chest along with your hands. You tried to put distance, but failed miserably with the lack of space there was. Thankfully it was dark and he couldn't see how beet red your face was right now. You then heard heavy footsteps making their stride outside. Eriks held you closer as you stood frozen. Both of you strained your ears to hear what was happening outside.
"I know you ran through here somewhere!" a voice shouted. You heart raced as the footsteps grew closer. Suddenly, you heard something fall from a distance. The man yelled and then ran away as his footsteps sounded distant. One second became five seconds. Then ten seconds, until finally Eriks whispered to you.
"I think the coast is clear." He slowly opened the door and checked that no one was in the vicinity. He let out a deep breathe and led you out from the room. You could hear your heart pounding in your ears from the adrenaline and the situation you were just in. You were lost in your thoughts until Eriks put his hands on your shoulders.
"Are you okay Y/n? Did he hurt you?" he asked with worry. You looked at your wrist the bounty hunter grabbed you previously and saw how red it was. When Eriks followed your gaze, his eyes widened. He frantically looked for something to help your sore wrist. He found an ice pack and gently placed it on your wrist. The chilling feel helped reduced the pain as you let out a sigh of relief.
"I should have done something earlier. If I finished my job earlier, I could have prevented this," Eriks spoke. You could hear the regret in his voice as you furrowed your eyebrows.
"Eriks, you helped a whole lot! If you didn't intervene, he probably would have done something worse besides hurting my wrist. I can't thank you enough for helping me today and getting that bounty hunter away from me. Besides, I would rather take a sore wrist any day than getting taken by some guy like him." you emphasized as you tried to get him to look at you. You gave a reassuring smile as Eriks looked at your face with his blue eyes. You then felt his hand caress your cheek and brush his thumb slightly. He then pulled you to a hug as he held you delicately. Almost as if he was afraid you would break.
"Thanks, I'm just happy you're safe," he answered back as you smiled.
"If you really want to keep me safe, help me deal and explain this to my boss later. He's probably wondering why I'm taking too long," you added. That was enough to get Eriks to let out a hearty chuckle. You loved the sound of his laugh as he gave you a thumbs up.
"Leave it to me Y/n! You got nothing to fear when I talk to him. Whenever you're ready, I'll walk you back and make sure no one lays a finger on you," he grinned.
A/n: Hi! Thanks for reading this far! I hope you like it. I know I left this kinda out in the open, but if you want more spice I'd be happy to write a part 2 if there's enough demand :) I didn't want to write a whole lot past 3k words and make this a long read :')
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miamochi-writes · 2 years ago
Send this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!!! <3
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Ahhh thank you so much! This made my morning :') Thank you for always reading what I post! I try my best, and I'm glad people enjoy what I post 🥹❤️
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miamochi-writes · 2 years ago
Glad I'm not the only one mesmerized by that tiktok audio. There is some superb Vash art under it and I can't get enough.
Okay, when I first listened to that audio this was my reaction
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I just want to say, I’m so glad JYB was able to say that. It’s serving baby girl vibes 100% That audio lives rent free in my mind. The minute I saw Trigun art under that audio, I lost it. Below were my exact reactions.
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miamochi-writes · 2 years ago
You’re Actually Kinda Cute
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Synopsis: The reader is trying to shake off some cops who are after them. As the reader hides, they bump into a certain Humanoid Typhoon. Also I stumbled onto Trigun TikTok and found a certain *ahem* audio that gave me Vash brainrot (Comment if you know what I’m talking about). I definitely see Trimax Vash saying this, but I can also imagine Tristamp Vash doing this as well. A girl can dream! I live for this man’s smile 🤧 Enjoy!
“Stop right there! You can’t escape!” 
The cops were hot on your trail. You ran with all your might and knocked down some furniture to slow them down. This was another typical day of your life as a fugitive. Your crime? Talking back to a cop who was cheating in a game of cards. You saw how the cops were scamming people at the bar. They practically hid their cards in their sleeves to win the double dollars. The minute you pointed out how the cops were cheating, you became the most wanted in their eyes tonight. In your defense, you couldn’t stand cops to begin with. No matter what city you visited, the system was corrupt. The people struggling to survive were punished with the most minuscule crimes. Meanwhile, the cops do whatever they please if it means breaking the law. It wasn’t your fault you wanted to make things fair. But because of this mentality, that ended up with them putting your face on a couple of wanted posters in a few cities.
Now you were running away from the law again. Thankfully, the people at the bar gave you enough time to run as they held the cops off. You spotted a hotel and figured you could shake them off there. You ran up the stairs and through the empty halls. You threw some items behind you as you kept running faster. Despite your head start, you were running out of breath. If you didn’t act now, the cops would catch up to you soon. You kept going until you saw a hotel room slightly open. Without hesitation, you ran inside and closed the door. You held your breath and remained silent. Things were silent until you heard incoming heavy footsteps running past the door. The loud footsteps faded as they sounded farther away. Seconds turned into minutes. Not taking a risk, you stayed quiet until you heard yelling.
“Hey! I saw someone running down the stairs. It must be them! Don’t let ‘em escape!” one of the cops shouted. You slowly peered into the peephole to scope the area outside. Sure enough, the two cops that were after you ran past the door. Once their footsteps faded, you waited an extra few seconds until you were met with silence once more. You let out a sigh of relief. Another day of successfully evading the law once again. At least for a few seconds that is.
You heard the door knob turning from inside the hotel room. Your breath hitched as you failed to realize the consequences of your actions. Who’s hotel room did you enter in? Depending on who it was can determine how your night will end. Either going back home or getting caught by the cops. In a state of panic, you rushed inside what seemed to be the closet of the hotel room. You were going to close the door, but you were too late.
Standing before you was a tall blonde man with the most beautiful blue eyes you have ever seen. He was wearing gray sweatpants, and only sweatpants. The man was practically topless, which showed his scarred yet toned chest and abdominals. The only thing covering his chest would be the towel draped over his shoulders. Judging his attire (or lack thereof) and wet hair, he finished showering.
“Well hello there,” the man spoke.
‘Oh no he’s hot,’ you screamed internally at the mess you had gotten yourself into. 
“Uh I can explain, just please hear me out before you do anything else,” you begged. As you looked closer, you saw his prosthetic hand. Then you looked at his face once more and wondered why he looked so familiar. Finally, it dawned on you.
“You’re Vash the Stampede!” you thought out loud as your eyes widened. Vash was taken aback by your statement as he looked tense.
“So you know little ol’ me huh?” he chuckled lightly while flashing you a nervous smile.
“Of course I do! I’m just surprised you booked a hotel room with little to no trouble,” you answered. You knew how much he was worth, and he stood out like a sore thumb from the people with his looks and attire.
“I have my ways, but I could say the same to you. I don’t understand how you got in here my vicious little friend. It’s a mystery to me,” he said. 
“Hey, I’m not vicious!” you countered.
“I mean you barged into my room,” he reasoned. Okay, he had a point. You did walk into that one, literally.
“Okay, fair enough. But in my defense, you left your door open. I casually walked in,” you argued. 
“Really? I’m pretty sure I locked it,” he reasoned.
“No, it was pretty wide open. Or else, you would have seen some wear and tear of me getting in if it was closed,” you replied. He looked around his room and then at the door. Sure enough nothing looked broken. 
“Okay, well why did you come in then?” he questioned.
“I was trying to get away from the cops,” you answered. 
“Sounds like something a vicious person would do,” he added with a smile. You panicked at his response as you tried to explain yourself.
“Okay hear me out! I didn’t do anything wrong! In my defense, they were in the wrong for cheating people out of their money. Not my fault they were mad at me for pointing out how rigged things were,” you reasoned. You started explaining your situation to him from beginning to end. Plus, you mentioned to him how the people at the bar were trying to help you escape.
“See, the local townsfolk were on my side. I at least stopped them from getting their money stolen! If I was vicious, I would have turned you in to the cops by now. To be honest, I have no reason to,” you insisted.
“Wait, you aren’t going to turn me in? You’re not scared of me?” he asked as you shook your head.
“Can I ask why?” he added. You gave it some thought as you crossed your arms. You managed to talk to the blonde for this long without anything bad happening. It was a long shot, but it was better to try than not try at all.
“Because I know you’re not really an outlaw or vicious person like most people say. If you were, you would have either turned me in or hurt me by now. Am I wrong?” you asked that last part. You watched Vash’s facial expressions closely. Your answer must have taken him by surprise as he was still quiet. But his body was more relaxed compared to earlier. He then gestured for you to continue.
“I know you are on countless wanted posters, have a huge bounty on your head, and have many rumors about your crimes. But they’re just rumors, not testimonials. When I traveled to different cities, I bumped into people who mentioned good things about you. Some say you helped escort them, protect them, buy them a meal, reunite them with family, and so much more. I think that speaks volumes compared to what the law says about you,” you continued with a small smile. As you spoke, you noticed Vash’s gaze towards you softened. His blue eyes almost looked as if they were gleaming from the way the hotel lights hit him. You could see a smile make its way through his lips. Maybe he was thinking about the people he helped in the past and who exactly you bumped into.
“I see, so tell me something...uh-” Vash added.
“It’s Y/n,” you introduced yourself. After talking with Vash for this long, you felt comfortable enough to give him your name. Call it a gut feeling, but you bet that you gained his trust at this point.
“Y/n, last thing I wanted to ask you before I make my final decision. I’m sure you noticed I’m covered in scars. In fact, I’m pretty sure I have more than the average person. Tell me this, you’re still not afraid of me? Even after seeing these scars? Usually, most people run once they see this side of me,” he asked.
“Well, I guess I’m not most people. I won’t lie. It’s concerning to see that many. Yet, everyone gets scars. It’s a part of life. I talked to some folks who told me you fought many tough battles. When they say you’re willing to protect people, you must mean it. Those scars tell me that you care deeply for people. Much more than the law. So I admire that,” you acknowledge. While talking, you never broke eye contact with him. Everything you said was true and came from the heart. You never thought you would meet Vash in person, let alone in a hotel room where he’s topless. But anytime people spoke highly of him, the more you believed that he was a good person. You figured he was a kind, but misunderstood soul. The way he spoke, his demeanor, and body language said as much.
“So after everything you heard, do you still think I’m vicious enough to where the cops should take me?” you asked.
“Oh, I already knew you weren’t a vicious person to begin with. I could tell by the way you talked to me early on,” he said with a cheeky smile.
“WHAT?!” you asked as he chuckled.
“Sorry about that. It’s rare for me to bump into people like this. Since you were honest with me, I’ll tell you this. You’re actually kinda cute Y/n. Especially when you tried explaining yourself,” he complimented with a genuine smile as his eyes crinkled with joy.
It should be illegal for him to make that kind of face and compliment you so easily. Oh sure, people told you how kind and funny he was. Yet, no one warned you about his charms at all. Your cheeks were flushed, your heart quickened, and your head was spinning. Your looked away as your tried to cover your cheeks with your hands. If only the ground could swallow you whole so he didn’t have to see you like this.
“You made me go through all that. Then you come at me with a compliment with no warning. I think I’ll take my leave,” you said quite flustered. You couldn’t even bring yourself to make eye contact with him.
“Y/n wait! You sure you don’t want to stay here for a little longer? You know, just in case the cops are still looking for you? I really did like talking to you. I promise, no more funny business on my end,” Vash offered. You pondered at the thought. It was too tempting to pass up.
“Sure, just until the coast is clear. So enough about me. Tell me something I don’t know about the real Vash,” you replied. Sure enough, the blonde’s smile grew wider as he patted a seat on the bed.
“Where do I even begin!” he chimed in.
@daschstuff @sharkalina666 @keigoswifeyysblog @anoukli @blankpapersblog @bunnigrimm @usuallynana @ryuukami4
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miamochi-writes · 2 years ago
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Hi Miamochi!
You somehow always make my day like 10 times better- like- When I got the notification I fr got way too excited over it. I don't normally comment or talk to people on social media I guess- but all of your little messages make me so happy!!!
I'm so glad to hear that you had a good weekend with your partner, and may I mention your cat? She is so cuteeeeeeeeeeeee. It makes me wish I had a cat right now. But I'm content with the animals I have.
Anywho- about your request, I love it so much and I'll definitely work on it! I hope you have a great day! :)
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I’m so glad I could brighten your day! When I saw your latest fic I was like “oh I’m feeling something in my heart. It’s so cute! I live for the fluff!” 🤧💖
Also you are way too kind! It was a great weekend! And Lucina sends her love to you as well! She’s sleeping in her favorite spot right now. The gamer chair ��� also looking forward to what you post next on your blog ☺️💖 hope you have a great day as well! 💖
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miamochi-writes · 2 years ago
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Good morning! I want you to meet my pet Lucina ☺️ I adopted her about 2 years ago, and she’s named after the Fire Emblem character, Lucina. She’s half Siamese and half Tabby so she’s a very vocal cat with her chirps and meows. She helps me relax and reminds me to take breaks when I write. Sometimes she’ll take a peak at what I’m typing. Her favorite hobby is making biscuits on blankets like the one you see in the picture. She loves Snoopy.
Also I’m pretty sure she’s a fan of Trigun, Pokemon, and Sailor Moon. Whenever I have any of those shows on she’ll watch the screen attentively and her eyes follow the characters. She says hi and says you are in for a treat this weekend with new posts ☺️🐱
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miamochi-writes · 2 years ago
Hi everyone! I hope you are all having a great weekend! It’s a holiday for me tomorrow so I might be slow. But I still have a few posts coming up! Specifically a Modern AU Knives x reader and a ✨spicy✨ Vash x reader. And of course the next chapter for Daycare Snacks. I hope you continue to have an amazing weekend like I did!
I celebrated a little milestone with my partner and traveled to a vineyard! Got to pick out some strawberries, peaches, and oranges! Today I came back from an arcade and won a few prizes! Plus, I got some inspiration to write!
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P.S. this is the plushie I imagined Vash won for the reader. Cinnamoroll is my absolute favorite 👀❤️
Let me know how your weekend is! Also let me know if you want to be tagged for the Knives x reader post! ☺️
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miamochi-writes · 2 years ago
Hello ! Im in love with you writing things about wolfwood (my sexy boi ✨✨)"i chose you wolfwood" this really amazing idea you make. Can i request vash & wolfwood (separated), reader make a charm mini of them (of u don't mind reaction them found out they charm been steal and found out the culpit )
I Made a fanart for this have a look 👀
My Twitter : Ryuukami4
Thank you for reading this 👋🥺
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PS: this pick i havent post in my Twitter due my *ahem so i like share to you 🤫
A/N: Hi! Oh my gosh I am so happy you asked me to do this! I can't get over how cute this request is! Hope you like it!
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Vash absolutely loves the little mini charm/plush you made for him. They are practically inseparable as Vash loves having it by his side. So imagine what happens when Vash realizes his little charm/plush is gone.
When Vash realizes his little pal is not in bed with him, he is in full panic mode. He is thoroughly checking the bed and sheets to make sure he's not smothered or lost within the bed. When Vash realizes his precious item isn't there, the anxiety and panic is in full swing. He is frantically searching his room, the bar, the van, and the city. Vash will search every nook and cranny until he gets it back. More likely, he is retracing his steps from the past day. He checks his pockets, coat pocket, bag, bed, sleeping bag, and any item the little buddy could be hiding.
While searching, Vash will ask everyone if they've seen the little mini him. Everyone except for Y/n. He would hate for you to find out that he lost the one thing you gave him. You practically put your heart, sweat, tears, and love (let's face it, it's the truth) into making the charm/plush. So anytime Vash is asking people if they've seen a smaller version of him, he's also asking this:
"Please don't tell Y/n about this. They worked so hard to give me this, and I would hate for them to know I lost it."
Vash is probably putting on the puppy tears when he says that to someone. He's so hard on himself, and believes that he doesn't deserve any gifts of kindness or sentimental value. As he is searching for hours, he finally gets a tip on someone who spotted the little mini him. Apparently, someone stole the charm/plush from his room the other night to make some money. Vash did not want to believe someone stole his precious item. But after following the person in question, his suspicions are confirmed once he spots a tiny tuft of blonde hair and orange specs.
Vash tracks down the culprit and demands answers. At first, Vash will try to hear the person out on why they stole it. After all, I could have been an accident. It'll probably go something like this:
"Hi there! That item you got there is mine! I've been looking for it all day and so glad you found it! It's a gift from someone special. It'd be great if you can give me that back!" Vash says with a smile. If the culprit tries to make a run for it, Vash will follow. After all, he's the best at running after how many years? Vash is relentless and will easily catch up to the person. He'll grab them by the clothing and will say this:
"I said you have something of mine. Give it back." This time, Vash's smile is slightly menacing. He's not playing games anymore and will resort to combat. Besides, Vash is grabbing the culprit with his prosthetic arm. The arm that can withstand any bullets and crush any solid object effortlessly.The culprit finally realizes he messed with the wrong person. They eventually give Vash the charm/plush back and makes a run for it. Vash is happy and relieved to be reunited with his mini charm/plush. Even the little fella is ecstatic to be by Vash's side once more. “Come on little buddy, let's go eat some donuts!" Vash suggests as he puts it on his shoulder. The little Vash is cheering with joy as it cutely chants donuts!
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Wolfwood was not expecting your little gift to him. At first, he's wondering why you got him something that isn't cigarettes or a drink. Once he sees the little mini version of him, he's speechless. He's admiring your craftmanship and the details you added. Maybe it’s the inner child in him, but he is in awe of the charm/plush. The poor guy was robbed of many things including his childhood. So gifting this handmade item to him is the equivalent of him reliving something he’s lost. He won't admit it, but he treasures it dearly.
Wolfwood loves to take his mini him with him everywhere he goes. When he attaches it to The Punisher, he feels proud showing it off. Plus, the little fella gets to be part of the action when Nicholas needs to scare off enemies. In private, Wolfwood likes to keep his gift in between his pecs. (He will never admit this, and that is why he will only do this in private). His charm/plush "accidentally" fell onto his chest. The little one loves to reside there and feels safe. Wolfwood found it cute, but like I said he is never going to admit that.
Just like Vash, he is attached to the item. So if Wolfwood can’t find his mini him, he is losing his mind. Wolfwood will check his clothes and Punisher to see if it is hiding in there. If he can’t find him, Wolfwood is dead set on searching for the little guy. This man will tear up the place from the ground up so he can find the little Wolfwood. Whoever is in his way needs to steer clear of him. He will rip any room apart so he can be sure he didn't miss anything. If people saw Wolfwood searching right now, they will immediately run or are frozen with fear.
Wolfwood will just bust down doors and demand answers. He doesn’t care if he’s causing property damage. He lost an irreplaceable item and he’s not resting until he finds it. While Wolfwood is searching, he’s making sure to steer clear of Y/n. If word got around that he lost your gift, he would not be able to look you in the eyes. So when he sees Meryl, Roberto, or any other person he bumps into he'll tell them.
"Not a word gets out to Y/n. Got that?! Unless you want to face my Punisher up close, zip it!"
Wolfwood won't stop until he passes by some stranger. He was going to ignore them until he heard a "Nico! Nico!" This man has never turned his head so fast before. Once his eyes landed on the stranger, he noticed a certain bag is swaying. The stranger shushes it and that's enough to raise Wolfwood's suspicions. He will corner the stranger to a building and ask him. "What do we have here? That's a pretty bag you got there. It's almost as if I can hear it talking," he growls.
Before the stranger could answer, the bag called out "Nico!" once more. Wolfwood flashed a death glare to this person. If looks could kill, Wolfwood would have KO’d the entire city. The stranger gulped as he knew he messed up big time.
“So you decide to sneak into my room. Steal my stuff, and think you can get away with it? You better give me a good reason as to why I should let you live and not send you to hell,” Wolfwood demanded. He then unraveled his weapon and pointed it at the stranger. Wolfwood wasn’t about to play games any longer. He set up his Punisher and had his finger on the trigger. The stranger was trembling like a leaf and threw the bag away. The stranger ran for their life as Wolfwood deactivated his weapon.
Wolfwood opened the bag to see his little buddy pop up. The little one was happy to see Wolfwood and called his name. He grabbed the charm/plush and hung him by The Punisher where he belonged.“Good to have you back too. Let’s get back to our room. Also don’t tell any of this to Y/n, m’kay?” Wolfwood spoke as the little one nodded.
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miamochi-writes · 2 years ago
Always on My Mind
A/N: Hi! Been awhile since I posted Wolfwood x reader. I was inspired by a Wolfwood art piece made by @usuallynana​ ❤️ Please check out her beautiful work! Hope you enjoy!
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You hated that cockiness. You hated that smirk. You hated how smug he was. You hated how he looked at you. You hated how he teased you. You hated him, yet he made you feel things you had never felt before one night. That person was Nicholas D. Wolfwood, who lived rent-free in your mind.
Meeting Wolfwood was a happy accident. The gang was driving past the desert dunes into the next city. All of you were lost in your thoughts until something hit the van. One minute, everyone was panicking about nearly killing a passerby. The next minute, he was fine and walking on his own two feet.
Your first impression of him? A mysterious person that knew how to smooth talk his way out of any situation. He was the kind of person that was nowhere near your type. He lied about being a priest, wore a shit-eating grin, and held many secrets. Plus, he carried this high-tech cross weapon that could annihilate a gigantic sand worm or human life at any moment. Any time you tried to dig any information out of him, he would either reply with vague anecdotes or tease the living daylights out of you. 
Whenever you found yourself in sticky situations or fought with pesky enemies, Wolfwood was always there to alleviate or take care of things. Some people can say he was helping you, but the thing was you never asked for his help. You were competent enough to diffuse any fights and beat up some baddies. Despite your efforts, Wolfwood always had to come at you with the nickname he gave you no matter the situation.
“You looked like you needed some help, Your Highness.”
“Careful there, wouldn’t want to see yourself get hurt, Your Highness.”
“On your left, Your Highness!”
Oh how that name irked you. Every. Single. Time. You don’t know where he came up with that nickname for you, but you were far from a spoiled brat. You can fight just like him and Vash with your gun and fists. You made sure everyone was taken care of before even taking care of yourself. So who was he to go around and call you that nickname so matter-of-factly?
Anytime you fought bandits, police, military, sandworms, or anything getting in your way, you made it a point that you were capable of fighting on your own. Sometimes, you would knock out one of the enemies for Wolfwood if he wasn’t careful enough.
“Just thought you needed a hand, Nico~” you told him one day. Oh did that strike a nerve for him. You could see he was red with rage as you laughed at his reaction.
“That’s Wolfwood to you, Your Highness!” he yelled. Sometimes, the teasing between you two would start silly competitions such as “Who could finish the fight faster? How many enemies can you knock out?” Meryl and Vash never heard the end of it with the constant teasing and bickering from you two. It didn’t matter where you two where or who was there with you, but one of you had to had the last word. Eventually, Meryl and Vash would get used to it or they would:
a. Break up the incessant arguing (Vash always resorts to this).
b. Someone will threaten to stop or swerve the van (that someone is always Meryl).
Option B only happened when Wolfwood was fighting recklessly to where he got injured multiple times. When you saw how bad he looked, you ran to his aid immediately once you took care of the men shooting at you. Before you could apply first aid, Wolfwood refused your help. He kept turning you down and said he didn’t need treatment. You two practically yelled at each other until Meryl halted the van. She couldn’t take the fighting anymore, and locked the two of you inside until someone gave in. Eventually, Wolfwood explained why he refused your help when you saw his wounds disappear. He showed you the ampule he took and disclosed a bit of his past to you. You saw his more vulnerable side, and appreciated that there were less secrets between the two of you. From that day on, you held a bit more respect for Wolfwood and the teasing toned down...a little.
~*~ Fast forward to many weeks of fighting and visiting new cities ~*~ 
Vash and Meryl were resting at the bar after a long day of fighting off bandits and police in the city. Overwhelmed by the loud cheers of drunken men and how stuffy the bar was, you decided to get some fresh air. Welcomed by the cool crisp air, you smiled at the fresh breeze. Plus, the moon looked beautiful tonight. You wanted to take advantage of the scenery, and how peaceful outside was. That was until you picked up the faint smell of smoke. The universe really said you’re not getting 5 minutes of peace. You were about to tell the person to quit smoking until your eyes landed on him.
Despite how dark it was, you could tell it was Wolfwood as he was lighting up his cigarette. The light from his cigarette highlighted Wolfwood’s calloused hands that carried the heaviest weight. Yet, those same hands were delicate enough to protect the fading embers from the night’s cool breeze. Furthermore, that light highlighted and accentuated his facial features. You never knew how well-sculpted Wolfwood’s face and jawline wer until now. The way his dark brown eyes met your e/c eyes gave you goosebumps. Finally, once he realized it was you, he gave you a small smirk that you knew all too well. Anytime you were with him put you in an irritable mood. Yet, the way he looked at you tonight felt different. His gaze made your heart race, and his smirk made your stomach do cartwheels.
“Fancy seeing you here, Your Highness,” he spoke. When did his voice start to sound so sultry and make your cheeks flush? Was this the same Wolfwood you traveled with that Meryl and Vash were familiar with? 
“Hey, Earth to Y/n? Are you going to answer me? Or let me guess. Cat got your tongue?” Wolfwood asked as he cocked his eyebrow at you. His smirk grew slightly as he asked you those questions. Your head was spiraling, and you needed to act fast.
“As if! You know how I feel about smoking, and you calling me that nickname. It’s so appalling, I can’t think properly,” you argued and pouted at him.
“There’s that feisty spirit of yours. So what brings you here to join me?” he answered with a hearty chuckle. He then blew the smoke away from you as the cold breeze carried it away.
“First off, it was too stuffy inside the bar. Second, I didn’t know you would be out here. So don’t flatter yourself,” you explained. He chuckled again at your response. He then closed the top of his lighter and put it away in his breast pocket. Since when did he have such defined pe-
‘SNAP OUT OF IT Y/N! WHY ARE YOU LOOKING THERE?!’ you screamed internally.
The more you looked at him, the more disoriented you were with your thoughts. You managed to look away and stare at the moon to gather your thoughts. What in the world was happening to you?
“Hey, Y/n,”
“Look at me.”
You don’t know why, but you reluctantly looked at him again to see his hand approaching your face. You panicked at what he was planning to do, but you froze at his touch. His fingertips gently brushed your cheek as you held your breath. You couldn’t look away from his eyes as he was focused looking at you. Finally, he pulled his hand away from you as you exhaled away the tension.
“What was that for?” you asked.
“You had a stray eyelash. Make a wish,” Wolfwood answered with a grin as he held it before you. The way the moonlight shined on Wolfwood left you speechless. You were nervous all because he was trying to remove a stray eyelash on you. What has gotten into you? You shook away your thoughts and blew away the eyelash. At least you managed to do that.
“What did you wish for?” he asked.
“I’m not telling you, or else my wish isn’t coming true,” you replied. Then another cold breeze hit you. You regretted not taking a swig of beer to warm you up before leaving.
“Bet you wish you had something warm,” Wolfwood teased as you scoffed. Then you felt something on your shoulders. You turned around to see Wolfwood smoking but with his button-up only.
“You need it more than I do. Hate to see you catch a cold anyway,” he continued talking as you looked at him. He then started walking past you as he put his arms behind his head.
“I’ll be inside taking a shot before calling it a night. You can keep that for tonight. Just make sure to give it back in the morning ‘kay?” Wolfwood added as he winked at you. You didn’t say anything, but nod your head at him. You could feel your cheeks turn a tinge of red as he continued walking.
“Don’t do something I wouldn’t do Y/n,” he waved off without looking at you. You slowly slid down to the ground once he was gone from your peripheral vision. Your knees were close to your chest as you held onto his clothing. It smelled just like him and cigarettes. Your heart raced at the thought of him. 
The way he looked at you. The way his hands carried the Punisher. The way he was always next to you in battle. The way he grinned at you. The way his fingertips touched your cheek. The way he winked at you. The way he spoke to you just now was overwhelming. After being alone in your thoughts, it hit you. Your eyes widened at the realization as your face flushed. Despite no one being around you, you covered your red face with both hands.
“I think I like him,” you said out loud.
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miamochi-writes · 2 years ago
Just wanted to say that you're an absolute sweetheart and I get so excited when I see you in notifications 🥰 Thank you for always stopping by my writing blog and saying hi. You deserve all the love and appreciation. You're the best!!! 💖💖💖
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ASDFGHJKL STOP! MY HEART! I can’t handle all this love and appreciation 🤧💖
If anything, I get excited when you post! You are absolutely my favorite Fire Emblem and Genshin writer! 🥹❤️ I hope you have a great weekend and that you receive the recognition you deserve ❤️ Your writing skills are beautiful ❤️
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miamochi-writes · 2 years ago
I'm going to be 100% honest, I appreciate you! <3
I absolutely love your writing style and your Day Care Snack series! I found it about a month or two ago, and I have been obsessed with it! It's fantastic, and you're an amazing writer. I also wanted to say thank you for supporting me as well! :) I hope you have a FANTASTIC day and an EVEN BETTER weekend!
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HELLO AND I APPRECIATE YOU TOO!!! This made my morning❤️🥹💖
Honestly I was very close to not writing anything for the longest time! I was extremely shy and had the worst imposter syndrome. But looking at you and other writers on this app gave me the confidence to write for fun 🥹 Like I see your work, and I think “Wow, I wish I could have written stuff like that years ago.”
I honestly can’t wait to see more of your written work! It makes me happy when you and my other favorite writers post again! Everyone is so creative and comes up with amazing ideas to write❤️
I hope you have an amazing day and a great weekend too ❤️
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