#Real MF Soon
myobsessionsspace · 3 months
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ohemgeeejay · 1 year
2k3 Shredder and why he fucking terrifies me 💀
I’m having some intense ass 2k3 tmnt brain rot rn, and I need to talk about this Shredder. This bitch is horrifying. Note that I am only about half way through s3, and this is my first time ever watching the show in full, so there is a lot I haven’t seen yet. All of my knowledge and opinions are based off of the first 3 seasons.
Onto the why!
First of all, this mf has been an intergalactic war criminal for hundreds of years. Based on all the shit we see going on across this universe, you gotta have done something pretty damn horrific to become a war criminal. Like this lil’ freak can easily be considered a terrorist. Even if we disregard that, he’s still the leader of a gang that borders on being a cult.
He has killed so many people? Using people as a broader term for any intelligent, sentient life forms- so humans, Utrom, etc. We don’t have a kill count or anything, but he’s probably directly killed over 100, and indirectly killed thousands more. Thousands may seem like an unrealistically high estimate, but when you really think about it, it’s not. Saying he’s indirectly responsible for 1000 deaths is a generous underestimation. Think about it, all the people his Foot Clan goons have killed, all the gang wars and violence he has incited, all the buildings he had destroyed, livelihoods of innocent people he completely demolished, and everyone who died for him. Not to mention how any and every person who died in the Triceraton/Federation invasion of earth only died because of a millennia long chain reaction resulting from this evil little flesh sack stranding the Utrom on Earth.
Even without all the actual deaths he caused, the things he is shown to be willing to do to others are nightmare fuel. He has no morals whatsoever, no compassion for any living thing other than himself; there is no line he is not willing to cross. He brutally killed Hamato Yoshi, he was willing to leave the turtles & co. locked in a fridge, in a burning building, with a gas leak, and a bomb ready to go off. He inflicts life altering injuries on his “employees” to punish them for not accomplishing his impossible goals. He regularly threatens death on those he views as lesser, and is perfectly content to go through with it.
A perfect example of his sadism is Baxter Stockman. Stockman was just your average corrupt, greedy tech CEO. Shreddy-boy saw the chance to exploit that, recruiting Stockman to be his robotics guy. Every time Stockman failed to do what Shredder demanded of him, he lost a part of his body. He was dismembered and tortured and taken apart like a fucking LEGO set. I mean, he got so mutilated he was literally nothing but a brain, a spinal chord, and an eyeball in a tank. Shredder destroyed every part of Stockman that wasn’t useful to him, which was everything but a genius brain. With all of his body gone, Stockman didn’t have the choice to leave the Foot, he physically couldn’t leave the Foot because he would die. If he ever dared to stop serving the Shredder, he would inevitably die, whether the Shredder ordered it or not.
Which segues into my next point, his manipulation. The way this ugly ass quishy tissue blob manipulates everyone around him is sickening. The way he treats Karai, someone who sees him as her father, is nothing other than abusive. He lies so easily. He almost convinced Leonardo to join him by pretending to be some benevolent ninjutsu master. He views every life other than his own as expendable, and he sees himself as a being above death, a god above God.
Which brings me to my final point. THIS MF JUST WILL NOT DIE. Every single time the turtles seem to have defeated him, every time it seems like he’s finally dead, THIS BITCH JUST COMES BACK. The mental anguish and paranoia that would cause anybody once it happens over and over again is enough to land you in a psych ward for eternity. And it seems like every time he returns he returns more powerful, more evil, and less human than ever before.
So yeah. 2k3 Shredder fucking petrifies me and I am not at all ashamed to admit that. It’s a pretty reasonable fear imo.
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tomato-sus · 6 months
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shojou looking ass mf
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April fools! This is my april fools oc [POOPMAN CHAN] and his girlfriend [PUTA CHAN] I have posted him in the past before on twitter during april fools. Enjoy
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Lil Alan and his Momma (humanoid form)
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Frown's mother is a young single mother who naively thought that she would find "the one man" with whom she could create a happy family, but her ex-husband used her and she began to raise the future lord without a man together with her mother (Frown's grandmother). All her life she was practically a loser and didn't have a small social circle, but despite the "betrayal" of her ex-husband, she didn't give up her son, but on the contrary began to give him more love, happiness and allowed a lot (for example, to dye her hair dark).
But later, when Alan was not even 10 years old, he was left without his mother, who is considered "missing", and he was now forced to be brought up by his grandmother, although sometimes Mama Brock also took part in his upbringing.
His mom worked as an accountant and she knows mathematics well, with which she helped her son.
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blk-xniverse · 11 months
This year's just... yearing.
#So tired of folks thinking they can play in my face + continue to be disrespectful with little to no consequences in return#I am NOT the same girl I used to be#I'm not just gon sit on my hands + take it AND that infuriates them SO bad#cause it's like... 'who do you think you are??? you think you allowed to take up for yourself??? defend yourself?? set BOUNDARIES???'#and that shit blows bc then they feel like they can challenge me to see if I'll fold or not which is even more disrespectful on top of the -#- shit that was already going on in the first place#like if I gotta go through AAAALLL that for a weak ass connection then I gladly let it go but don't let me say that -#- bc then it's an even BIGGER showdown bc I be letting em know that if they gon keep disrespecting me + my folks then they need to get tf on#very simple terms imo but mfs want to fight + be passive-aggressive all day like.... ain't nobody got the time nor the energy for allat fr#and as soon as me and my sisters stand our ground we magically become the villains and the bad guys#and this shit is spread to whoever is willing to listen and this shit irks so bad sometimes ngl bc idfw ppl lying on our characters#this year has completely SUCKED in terms of my connections with ppl and that makes me real life not want to talk to anybody ever again bc#ppl always pretending to be something they not to get what they want out of us#+ as soon as we fall short/make a mistake/unable to do a thing then the mask falls off + they become the most disgusting person ever!!!!!#and it's like... who tf is this person???? this aint who i befriended???? hello?????#and the lamest part about all of that is that we are always 1000% ourselves so we automatically expect folks to do the same with us#and maybe that's our fault for thinking like that idk but at the end of the day the shit is wack#and I just plan on being in hermit mode for as long as time permits + until i get a sign/message to do something else#if anybody read all of this: thanks for reading + sending you so so so much love + kindness into your life! We for sure all need it 🫶🏾✨️✨️#abtme#4:26 pm
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sleppy-duck · 1 year
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disturbnot · 1 year
——— cue indistinct sound of ancient machinery yawning back into motion.
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Voros Twins
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pastelpousay · 2 months
Y’all I’m so goddamn nervous the day for the first day back at school is inching closer and closer and so is the day for my birthday 😿 I DONT WANNA BE 16 (it’s in 24 days bro I have time💀but still 😭)
But on the bright side my friend said she would give me a Hades cardboard cutout so 😽… YIPPEE
(IK IN HER INFO SHEET RINA’S BIRTHDAY IS THE 27th but like let’s be fr…she wouldn’t be here without me yall 🙄😼 SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HER TOO)
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rubistella · 5 months
He's never gone even close to the camp, he always let Astarion come to him, the arrangement has been satisfactory to the god it seemed. Well, at least until now...
A low noise of groaning metal announces his presence within the night before he is seen. Are the others of Astarion's company there? He doesn't believe so though he does not really care either. He has come to find the vampire, any that get in his way will be dealt with.
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@judgcmcnt || unprompted
"Red?" Astarion blinked, startled. No recollection of summoning the god came to mind as of late- not that it mattered. They had an arrangement and so long as the vampire managed to keep that deity entertained, he was off the hook.
Heading over to the creature, the vampire nostrils were assaulted by that telltale scent of rust and sweat. Nothing he'd turn up his nose on- vampiric dens were far more organic than this.
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"Is something the matter?" He took the liberty to reach out and hold on to the creature's biceps, thumbing over a recently-formed wound Astarion was certain hadn't been there the last he'd laid eyes on the creature. "I see you've been busy... Allow me."
From his pouch, the vampire pulled needle and thread, studying the mauled skin before pressing it together with the help of an index and a thumb and piercing needle through flesh carefully to stitch it up again. Astarion wore the skill of a seasoned tailor and the creature didn't seem to so much as flinch under his ministrations, which made the job far easier.
"Well, I'd say this is going to leave a mark but your body's a battleground of them already- oh, and I do mean that complimentary." A reality. He might have even sounded somewhat appreciative- but the vampire was known for his friskier tendencies. "What can I say? There's this apocalyptic-chic sense of doom to all the scars mapping out your," a sharp intake through gritted teeth, his next set of words came out in a drawled exhale. More intent than breath. "Perfect body..."
Snapping the thread after pulling all flesh together with it, Astarion took to licking the deity's blood off his fingertips when he drew back. A little bit stale, but delicious nonetheless. Divine, even.
"What can I do you for, darling?"
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homoerectusindeed · 7 months
Essentially; remember what happened to tumblr a few years ago? It became useless and not user-friendly whatsoever just to earn a few bucks. that's whats happening to Instagram, and it is affecting small businesses and creators who are just trying to make a living by promoting and sharing their work. It has been going on for a while now, and one of the most recent developments is the lack of organic reach. We can no longer see the most recent posts when looking at a hashtag, which is negatively affecting smaller accounts and creators who get 0 traction despite posting high-quality content daily.
its infuriating, and the ceo of instagram, adam mossari, don't care. He's just a rich dude trying to get richer while screwing over the working class.
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froggibus · 2 months
Short! S/O - Logan Howlett & Wade Wilson
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Pairing: Logan Howlett x short! gn! reader x Wade Wilson
Genre: fluff
CW: poly relationship, teasing, short jokes, Logan picks us up, protective boys, size diff
| Ryan Reynolds & Hugh Jackman are both 6’2 so I am gonna go off of that (i know Logan is short in the comics but just let me dream pls :,) |
YES YES OF COURSE!!! there’s almost nothing I love more than writing a short/small reader cause I myself am not short :,) but it’s nice to pretend. god both of them are so tall I just wanna stand between them & feel safe ^^ thank you so much for the req!!
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they’re such bullies i’m so sorry
expect a TON of short jokes (mostly Wade) 
and expect them to parry anything you say with “you’re short” (mostly Logan)
you will always be their arm rest, you have no say in it
standing in line? Logan’s leaning his arm on your shoulder. 
at a party? Wade’s propping himself up on the top of your head 
Logan LOVES how short you are too and manhandles you at any opportunity 
if you’re being a brat, he won’t hesitate to remind you that he is bigger than you
whether that’s him throwing you over his shoulder or just standing real close to you so you can see the height difference up close & personal 
as soon as Wade sees Logan in, he can’t help himself—he’ll slide up on your other side and smush you between the two of them 
they’re such teases they’ll talk about you like you’re not completely stuck between them
“nice weather we’re having, hey?”
“oh yeah, real nice bub”
they’ll keep chatting until you’re whining and pushing against them to just get out 
Wade LOVES putting things on shelves too high for you to reach just so he can watch you struggle 
and Logan the absolute menace will lean against the wall with his arms crossed and watch you hop to reach your phone charger 
they’ll sit there and watch you struggle until you turn on them with sad eyes and suddenly they’re racing to get it down for you 
these mfs are so protective they will not leave your side whenever you go to parties/the bar
one of them is glued to you 24/7 (even when they’re not physically with you, they’re watching you too) 
and anyone in the general area (07) knows not to fuck with you
on especially hard days, your size is just what they need 
coming home from fighting crazy strong villains & mutants to their cute short s/o? nothing better in the whole world
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if you enjoy content like this, interactions go a long way!! likes, comments & rbs are always appreciated ^^
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beloved-daydreams · 1 year
Jurdan gets funnier and funnier the more you think about them and realize how much of a big loser both of them are when it comes to love.
Mfs get married to supposedly "form a trustworthy alliance" -> Cardan exiles Jude the next day to impress her, because apparently his rizz disappears when it truly matters 💀 -> Jude takes it seriously, stays in the human world for months and is salty af -> Cardan cries himself to sleep and writes pathetic little letters to her. Like wow you did that to yourself you dumb bitch 😭
And don't get me STARTED on their dumbass confessions. Cardan's was, I'm pretty sure, 80% on a whim. Like, maybe he had prepared the words in his mind but he didn't plan to confess to her right then and there at such a bad time. Says "well you probably already guessed as much" at the end then RUNS AWAY probably because he's overwhelmed and Jude is left standing there like???? No I fucking didn't guess you liked me lmao??? I'm dumb af bro, should've been this direct from the start :')
And Jude's is also hilarious because she says it kind of hurriedly as soon as they're alone, since she had promised herself to tell him the first moment they get together. Girlie confesses and CARDAN DOESN'T BELIEVE HER 😭 so homegirl has to EXPLAIN in DETAILS when she thinks she started to fall for him, why she started to like him, why she believed he didn't like her and why she felt the need to hide it. And ONLY after that whole ass explanation Cardan's finally like "omg!!! You liked me because I'm clever and funny?!?? Omgggg..."
Those fuckers were really married for months before fumbling their way through awkward confessions because they can't indulge in the thought that the other likes them. Like they were legit EMBARRASSED to admit that they like eachother while being MARRIED. Please this is so unserious, get real.
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Every culture & household has its Christmas customs & whatnot & I respect that
Idc what time it is or how old I am, it is not Christmas until I wake my mom up at 6am so I can have present and she watch me open it & have warm drink & she go back to bed & I play w/ my new game or laptop or toy or book or w/e tf it is
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nsfw knb part 1: (Akashi, Midorima, Murasakibara, Aomine)
Thank you for the request, the other half kuroko, kagami, kise (the kkk?!?) will be up in a few days. knb was my first sports anime that I fell in love with. Takao supremacy.
He is very dominant in bed and gets off on a sense of control.  It does matter to him if you are feeling good though, and Akashi checks in regularly to make sure you’re still on board. 
Both personalities like bondage. Seeing you all helpless and needy is a major turn on for him.  Akashi usually keeps a tight lid on his alter ego, but it does slip out in the bedroom sometimes. 
Heterochromic Akashi greedily claims you as his prize, methodically stripping you of your dignity. 
Akashi secretly likes exhibition, but will never let anyone actually see either of you vulnerable.  
He insisted on binding you for a generation of miracles reunion.  The rope harness under your clothes dug into you, as you tried to look as normal as possible.  Suddenly you were aware of everyone’s gazes and praying they wouldn’t hear the soft vibration coming from under your clothes.  “Be a good girl.” he whispers, turning the vibrations a degree higher.  It’s likely no one suspects a thing, but it still feels like everyone can see right through you.  Akashi carries on as usual, but the hungry looks he gives you feel like he’s lighting a beacon for everyone to see.
Midorima is repressed as all hell and tries to control himself and be proper, but as soon as he slides in you he can’t stop himself from pounding into you relentlessly.  
Is not one to curse in his day to day life, but has a dirty mouth and spews profanity in the bedroom.
He holds a strong conviction that you are meant to be his, and will never let you go.
Eye contact is a thing for him, he likes to stare at you and the expressions you make.
While daydreaming, the idea of pictures popped in his head, but he was too embarrassed to bring it up and he hasn't worked up the courage yet.
“You’re tight,” he hisses, as he slides all the way in.  His fingers are leaving indents in your thighs as he pulls you up instinctively, forgetting everything except the urge to go deeper, to be inside of you. 
“Fuck! S-stop clenching like that…  feels too good” 
motherfucker can't keep his hands to himself.  I think that as he grows older and matures his love of big boobs dies down to just a love of all boobs.  He still likes them big of course, but he learns to appreciate all sizes of boobs. 
Will lay his head on your chest to nap, making you unable to do much besides scroll on your phone.  Withholding sex is a great way to motivate him, but when he finally has you after being pent up he’s 10x more aggressive.  
Oddly though Aomine is more on the vanilla side of things. He likes rough sex but has no notable kinks. It would be more accurate to say that the only real sexual need he has is a soft and squeezable body.
"Baby... please lemme fuck you I can't take it anymore my cock is about to bust out of my pants!" He's already got one hand down his pants, the other undoing his belt.
"For the last time, no! We both need to finish our work! We can have sex afterwards." Unfinished emails and documents sit in front of you, as you literally push your horny boyfriend off of you.
lazy mf doesnt want to do shit but he’s fucking enormous.  His favorite pastime is eating you out over and over until you’re properly ready to take his cock.  It's not a problem for him because he loves to eat you out if he’s in the mood. 
The oral fixation is real.
He is easy to rile up and prone to childish jealousy, feeling the need to stake his claim on you at the slightest hint of competition.  Of course nobody in their right mind would pick a fight with him, but he still perceives anyone you talk to as a threat.  He doesn't want to share your attention with anyone.
If you want sex, you gotta get him in the mood. If he wants sex he's picking you up and hauling you to the nearest room with a lock on the door. You've been unceremoniously kidnapped several times already.
It's always a little scary when your boyfriend is in a foul mood. The inkling of fear turns both of you on though.
"I told you, he wasn’t flirting with me!  He wasn’t even talking to me!"
"He was looking at you. I could tell he wanted to fuck you." His voice is lower than usual, eyes narrowing to a glare. He inches closer, tying up his hair as he goes.
"Atsushi, I can take care of myself." A nervous wobble creeps into your voice though, and he backs you into a wall. His frame fills your line of sight, as he looms over you.
"No. My job is to take care of you."
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hotchshands · 8 months
A Pleasant Surprise
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Summary: Hotch starts noticing things about you; You've been eating more, gaining a little weight, craving more attention, and sleeping more. He just assumes it's nothing to worry about until he realizes the real reason why you've been changing.
Pairings: Aaron Hotchner x pregnant!reader
Word Count: 1.1k
Contains: fluff, mentions of pregnancy symptoms, established relationship, mentions of body insecurity, no use of y/n, hotch's pov
A/N: Hotch's toothy smile gets me every mf time!
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There was something off about you. Hotch had known it for weeks but couldn't put his finger on it. You seemed to be eating more than you typically would; in fact, you gained weight at your last doctor's appointment. Hotch would remember cause you came back from the doctor's office pouting and asking him if you "looked fat." Hotch immediately ran to your side to comfort you, telling you how beautiful you are. Five pounds heavier or not, you will always be beautiful to him. After that, Hotch made sure to keep a closer eye on you. He noticed you changing more and more every day.
Typically, you'd only get around seven hours of sleep if you were lucky, but now you sleep around nine hours a day. You were also more mushy than normal. You never really liked physical touch, and Hotch understood why, as he, too, was not a big fan of touch either, but lately, you have been craving his touch. During the day, you would sit close to him at the round table and on the plane, reach for his hand whenever it was empty, and play with his fingers. At night, you would crawl into bed as soon as possible and rush to his side to cuddle. Hotch loved this new side of you. He loved the attention and love you gave him every day, but he couldn't help but wonder why.
One day after work, it finally hit him.
You both had finally gotten home from work. Jack was already asleep in his room, and it was almost time for you and Hotch to sleep. After exiting Jack's room, Hotch could see you in the kitchen. The lights were dim, but he saw you grabbing a tub of ice cream from the freezer. You grabbed a bowl and scooped three decent-sized scoops of vanilla ice cream before putting the tub in the freezer. You then grabbed some cookies from the pantry, breaking pieces off into your bowl of ice cream. Hotch continued to watch you from afar, analyzing your every move, trying to pinpoint the cause of this new behavior. He came up blank.
You moved the ice cream into your room, sat on the bed under the covers, and began to feast on your late-night treat. Hotch followed you in curiosity before asking, "Ice cream and cookies? I'm surprised you have the energy." You shrugged in response, ignoring Hotch's comment. Maybe he shouldn't have said anything, he thought to himself as he walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth. Mid brush, he could hear the sound of the TV on. The noise made him drift off into thought. He listed out everything that has changed in you and began compiling a list of possible causes. Stress? Nope, it can't be that since your lives are always stressful, and they haven't been more or less stressful in the past few weeks. Could it be your depression? Hotch doubted it. You have been taking your medication regularly, never missing a dose, and you wouldn't crave attention in a depressive state. Maybe it's biological, not mental. Were you sick? You weren't coughing, wheezing, or sneezing. Then it slowly started to hit him.
Hotch spits out the toothpaste when he begins to get flashbacks to when Haley was pregnant with Jack. He remembers the morning sickness, the increase in appetite, the need for him to be around 24/7, and the pain. He wiped his mouth on a towel nearby, not really much attention to what he was doing. Could you be? Nope. You were taking birth control, and you guys haven't really been sexually active lately. The last time you had sex was before all this change.
Hotch looked over at you from inside the bathroom. You were in the same position as before, eating your ice cream while watching what appeared to be some crime show. Funny how you go from working on crime cases to watching crime cases unfold on the big screen. He returned to his nighttime routine, moving into the bedroom to grab pajamas. He could tell that you were watching his every move out of the corner of his eye. He chucked to himself before going back into the bathroom to change. While changing, his mind returned back to your predicament. He couldn't help but return to the pregnancy theory as he secretly hoped it was true. You weren't in any type of pain, though, and no morning sickness. That is when he remembered overhearing you talk about your mom's love for being pregnant.
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"I swear if my mom didn't have her tubes tied, she would love nothing more than to be pregnant again. All she did was walk around naked eating chocolate," you said while sitting at your desk.
Derek and Emily looked a bit terrified, but Spencer didn't. In fact, Spencer went on a rant about how DNA can affect a pregnancy and how everyone can have an array of symptoms. "It's quite common for people to experience pregnancy differently. In fact, research has shown that genetics can factor into nausea experienced during pregnancy. So, based on that, you'll probably have a smooth pregnancy like your mom," Spencer informed the group.
"Ok, pretty boy, you need to stop reading those pregnancy books JJ has," Derek says as the group returns to their respective work.
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Oh my God. You were pregnant. That had to be why you acted differently these last few weeks. Hotch quickly finished getting dressed before running into the bedroom. "You're pregnant," he says quite loudly before jumping on the bed and putting your ice cream on the nightstand beside you so he can hug you.
"I'm what now?" You asked, looking at Hotch confused.
Hotch released you from his embrace, placing his hands on your face. "You, my love, are pregnant. We're pregnant," he spoke softly, only to return to hugging you tightly. You sat in silence, too stunned to speak. You tried to wrap your head around the idea of a baby growing inside of you, but you just couldn't understand why Hotch thought you were pregnant. "I'm pregnant?" you asked Hotch as if trying to convince yourself of it. Hotch pulled away from your body to look down at you. He could see the worry and confusion on your face, and he began to wonder, "Do you not want a baby?"
You looked away for a moment to think about it. It's not that you never wanted a baby, but you just couldn't imagine having one. You guys already have Jack, which was enough for you, but the more you thought about it, the more you smiled at the idea. Hotch is already an amazing father, and you weren't the worst with Jack. The two of you could definitely make a second child work, and the team would be thrilled at the idea of yet another little member of the BAU.
You looked back at Hotch, staring into each other's eyes. You moved in and gave him a little kiss on the lips before whispering, "We're gonna have a baby."
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