#Reading Skills
dearweirdme · 4 days
" Like damn, okay, this is his favorite traveling experience of all time. Accepted. I guess it's like he also said in his own words: it was better because Taehyung was there."
I knew this was coming. You all are no better than jikookers. You just have to make everything about your ship. Do you all not have irl friends outside of your partners? Is it only possible to have a good time if your partner is present?
Mmm, yeah I think you missed the point of that ask…
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wronggalaxy · 1 year
Just because I'm usually verbal and know some big words doesn't mean I always understand language. Even 'basic stuff' and it changes from day to day.
Sometimes The Illiad And The Odyssey is easy, other days Junie B. Jones is hard. Sometimes I say 'economical' and 'medical trauma' and 'expository', but other days I can only manage 'money' and 'bad doctors' and 'talk-y', sometimes not even that.
And no I don't have any control over if I use 'baby words'. Maybe it makes you uncomfortable to hear a teen say 'tummy' or 'potty', but that's not really my problem. Sometimes my brain can't form words like 'stomach' and 'bathroom', or even if it can my mouth can't make the sounds. And I deserve to communicate my needs and wants even when it can't.
Reading can be hard, hearing can be hard, writing can be hard, talking can be hard. Sometimes doing something as 'small' as trying to comprehend language can be exhausting, excruciating, impossible. And some people are always like that.
And of you can't support and recognize us, then you're not an ally to any disabled person, any autistic, any developmentally disabled person, any intellectually disabled person, etc.
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Benefits of Learning: Digital Classes for 9th & 10th Math and Science
We all know that 9th and 10th class math and science could be difficult. It is generally the first important year of examinations for students, which can be difficult. Parents frequently believe that taking their children to extra classes would help them perform better. While this may be true, it might be difficult for students.
That’s the reason why online courses come in useful. They work similarly to smart classrooms, allowing students to view and engage with the material they are studying. Instead of simply remembering information, people may observe how things function. Learning becomes as simple as installing an app!
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digitallab001 · 8 months
Digital Teacher English Digital Language Lab not only enhances vocabulary, but also focuses on the finer shades of language like grammar, pronunciation, intonation, modulation, phonetics, MTI and syllabic division. Learners learn without any fear or embarrassment which helps to build their confidence and proficiency in the language.
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viktheviking-author · 9 months
Forget Christmas romances. I want a Christmas revenge plot.
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kajaono · 11 months
Shocked to see how little text there is today in young teen magazines
Does no one has reading skills and attention today anymore?
I remember that my young teen magazine during 2000s had four page long Reportages … with a lot of pictures sure, but still
The one I just picked up today is from one of German biggest, really respected newspaper
And no article is longer then half a page written in text size 14. dafuq?!
„Funny“ is that the magazine I used to read, also shortened texts heavily at end of the 2000s, this is why I stopped reading it. Now the texts are even shorter… I am honestly shocked
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englishlanguagelab · 1 year
English Lab
English Lab laboratory will more emphasize on above mentioned skills giving completeness to the English learning course. English Language labs can solve this problem and make English learning process highly effective, interesting and intrinsic for both teachers and students, alike.
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walks-the-ages · 4 days
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kids-worldfun · 22 days
How to Choose the Right Online Reading Tutor for Your Child
Your child has great future potential. But to help them give expression to these future potentialities depends much on how you assist the child’s reading faculty. This is imperative, as a child’s talents can find their expression only through proper tutoring for reading habits. The demand for online tutoring is rising globally. Easy internet connection, flexible timings, and availability of…
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johnlocked1827384 · 2 months
I feel like people are probably complaining about media literacy on the wrong site. Like babes this is the autism site. This is the can't read social cues, struggle to pick up on tone site. Like I get it can be annoying when someone just doesn't get the joke and it brings down the mood but that's life. You've just got to be patient with people sometimes
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hoorayezenglish · 4 months
100 American English Sight Words - List 2
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digitalteacherhydposts · 11 months
Digital English Language Lab Hyderabad India
English language lab gives a completely different experience from the traditional system of learning languages and teaching, offering advanced features and functionalities.
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bookishbrigitta · 5 months
Subbed or dubbed...or neither
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A huge criticism of the film is that the Wookiees are not given subtitles, including the lengthy portions where their conversations amongst themselves is more-or-less the only thing on-screen. I'd say there's more nuance to the subtitle issue than most people think.
First, it's pretty clear that the bulk of this film is meant for a family/child audience. While subtitles can help boost kids' linguistic skills, that only applies when they have a real language to learn. Subtitles work because you can read them at or faster than human speech, but it can take children several years to master that after they "learn how to read."
I have distinct memories of my mom reading out Jabba's subtitles to my brother the first time we saw ANH. It would have been exhausting to do that for an entire movie.
Second, non-speaking performances are a thing. I did ballet for most of my childhood, and there's a lot you can convey through gesture, facial expression, and musical timing. I could tell the holiday special made an attempt here -- lots of gesturing and musical cues. I was able to follow what was going on in broad strokes, though I had read synospes beforehand. However, a major drawback of the Wookiee costumes is that facial and even larger body expression is relatively limited. They also tried to use tone and pitch in Wookiee noises, but it felt very awkward.
So, how would you fix it, BookishBrigitta?
I actually have a pretty solid idea for how to work around the language barrier: Just have the characters speak English and then retcon as needed. For example, you could throw an announcement into the very long opening segment where the announcer mentions the ability to understand Wookiees is a Life Day Miracle or part of special technology in your TV, etc.
Doctor Who sorted this out in the 1960s by claiming the TARDIS can put translations more-or-less directly into the brains of those she chooses, so surely we can come up with something in the GFFA.
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aryaeducation02 · 5 months
Arya Education English Spoken Institute
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Best English Spoken & Public Speaking Institute In Faridabad, Every institute out there can make you good in English but we make you accomplished. The Academy of Arya Education has been nurturing society, including students, professionals, housewives, and businessmen.
Lalit Arya started his career with several educational institutes before initiating the venture Arya Education, where he is nurturing the career of many people who want to explore their wings in the sky of corporate and business opportunities.
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intelligencevidyarthi · 5 months
To focus on reading, there are several strategies and techniques you can use. Here are some of the most effective ones:
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Read More, More Often: The simplest way to improve your focus is to simply read more and read more often. Read as many different types of information as you can from many different types of authors. This tactic is incredibly important because one big reason people struggle to focus while reading comes down to weak reading skills. Humans were not born to read, so reading is a skill we have to learn and maintain.
Prepare for Focused Reading: Before you start reading, make sure you are in a distraction-free environment. Turn off your phone, close any unnecessary tabs on your computer, and choose a quiet place to read. If you find it difficult to concentrate, try using ambient noise or instrumental music to help you focus.
Practice Meditation: Learning to clear your mind through meditation can help you concentrate better while reading. Practice letting thoughts come to your attention and pass through, and learn to hold your focus. This skill will not only help you concentrate on reading but also block out distracting thoughts while you read.
Exercise Before You Read: Raising your heart rate through exercise can help clear away stress and improve concentration and memory. Try to read straight after your activity for the best results.
Improve Your Nutrition: What you eat and drink affects your concentration. The simplest change is to have less sugar and more protein in your diet. Nuts, eggs, fish, and lentils are all good reading fuel options.
Set Up Your Environment for Fewer Distractions: Make some quick changes to your space to make it more conducive to focused reading. Try to read in the same spot every time, so that your brain knows it’s a productive place for reading focus. Choose somewhere quiet and ideally, reserve that area just for reading. Leave your smartphone in your bag, pocket, or another room. I wouldn’t recommend you lock any humans away, but try to keep some distance from them as well.
Make it Interesting: If you're reading something that's not interesting, try to make it interesting. Ask yourself why you're reading it, inspect before reading, guide your eyes, use the read & recall method, take breaks, review what you read, create rewards, turn reading into a game, and find a study buddy.
Pre-reading: Evaluate how much time you have and how much you want to read. This will help you manage your time and expectations.
Gist Reading: Skim the text quickly to get a general understanding of what it's about. This will help you identify the main ideas and themes, which will make it easier to focus when you read more closely.
Strategic Reading: Read slower and focus on keeping that information in your brain. This final step, Banerjee says, is a little more for the classroom than it is for just sitting down and reading your novel, but it's where you go over everything you read to make sure it's all there in your brain.
Change Word Spacing: Reduce the number of words in a sentence and add more white space. This can make it easier to focus on individual words and sentences.
Take Notes: Give yourself a little homework to take your reading from passive to active and motivate yourself to concentrate. This is especially helpful for students with long assigned readings, but even if your time in the classroom is far behind you, you can still benefit from note-taking while you read.
Use Freedom to Set Up a Recurring Block Schedule: Sometimes, your smartphone can actually help you concentrate! By using the Freedom app, you can set up a daily “block schedule” that will allow you to automatically block all notifications and use of any apps for a set amount of time. This will help you focus on your reading without any distractions.
By implementing these strategies and techniques, you can improve your focus and concentration while reading, making it a more enjoyable and productive experience.
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englishlanguagelab · 1 year
Digital Language Lab
This digital language lab software, developed by Digital Teacher. Language lab is the software which enhances the skills of a student, teaches English and enhances ability to Listen, Speak, Read and Write.
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