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The Belief of the Early Shī'ah
Ibn Shawḏab narrates from al-Layth b. Abī Salim who said: “I encountered the early Shīʿah in al-Kūfah. Not a single one of them gave preference to ʿAlī over Abū Bakr and ʿUmar (may Allah be pleased with them all). وقال ابن شوذب، عن ليث، قال: أدركت الشيعة الاولى بالكوفة، وما يفضلون على أبي بكر وعمر أحدا. al-Ḏahabī, Mīzān al-Iʿtidāl 3/421 الذهبي، ميزان الاعتدال ٣/٤٢١ https://shamela.ws/book/1692/1779 @ilmtest [https://t.me/ilmtest]
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New: Rafida Zaiddin's rice gunny sack as luggage gets social media attention
Rafida Zaiddin, a first-year accountancy student at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), gained unexpected attention on social media after using a rice gunny sack as luggage. Coming from a modest background, her family couldn’t afford a large suitcase, so they used the sack to pack her belongings. Unfazed by the attention, she shared it was a common practice in her family. Her story caught the eye of…
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there's always a particular slur for various minorities, but i wonder is that the case with shi'as as well?
Salafists and some shi'aphobic Sunnis refer to us by the slur "Rafida," which means "rejector." The term is in reference to Shi'as rejecting the legitimacy of the three first caliphs, Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman. The term is often supposed to denote that Shi'as aren't Muslims by rejecting the three caliphs, hence why they use that term.
During the battle against ISIS in Iraq, they would often mark the property of Shi'as with the Arabic letter "r" to signify the confiscation of their property as their lives were forfeit.
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An Israeli air strike on a school-turned-shelter in the central Gaza Strip has killed at least 28 people and wounded dozens of others, according to Palestinian authorities. “Palestine Red Crescent teams responded to 28 fatalities and 54 injuries following the Israeli occupation army’s targeting of Rafida School,” the Palestinian Red Crescent said on Thursday. Gaza’s Health Ministry also confirmed the death toll.
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“The Israeli occupation committed a new massacre by targeting the displaced in the [Rafida] school in the Deir el-Balah area in the central governorate this afternoon, where 28 martyrs and more than 54 injuries arrived at the hospitals,” the ministry said.
Al Jazeera’s Tareq Abu Azzoum, reporting from Deir el-Balah, said children and women “were torn to pieces by the intensity of the strike”.
“I saw with my own eyes lots of bodies that were torn to pieces, making it quite hard to identify them unless family members managed to find out who they were from some signs in their clothing in the hospital morgue,” Abu Azzoum said.
He said the Israeli army did not issue a warning before striking the building.
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At least 28 Palestinians have been killed, up from 20, and dozens were injured in an Israeli strike on Rafida School, which has been sheltering displaced Palestinians in Gaza's Deir al Balah.
#all eyes on palestine#i stand with palestine#gaza genocide#free gaza#muslims matters#israel is committing genocide#free palestine#gazaunderattack#palestinian genocide#save palestine#palestine genocide#genocide#stop the genocide#help gaza#gazaunderfire#gaza strip#gaza#i stand with palestine 🇵🇸#free palestine 🇵🇸#free gaza 🇵🇸#from the river to the sea 🇵🇸#save palestine 🇵🇸#israel is a genocidal state
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Und im Quran steht:und wenn das lebendig begrabene Mädchen gefragt wird Für welch ein Verbrechen wurdest du getötet?"[81:8;9]Omar al Khattab ra. er kann sowas nicht machen, weil er wie gesagt 'Aql hat.Weil er intelligent war.Weil er ein richtiger Mu'min war.Auch wenn er das gemacht hätte,hätte er Tauba gemacht.Obwohl diese Geschichte eine erfundene Geschicht ist.Sie hat nichts mit der Wahrheit zu tun.Und sogar manche sunnitische Shuyukh, oder die von Ahlu Sunnah leider erzählen solche Geschichten.Sie wissen nicht mal, dass diese Geschichten keine Quelle haben.La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah…Und wir haben auch einen Beweis von einem Hadith der von Umar ra. überliefert wurde, dass diese Geschichte Quatsch ist.Rawah an Nuwan ibn Bashir:Ich hab von Omar ra. der sagte:Diese Ayat und wenn das lebendig begrabene Mädchen gefragt wird.Daraufhin kam Qaisun ibn 'Aas zu Rasulullah saws und fragte ihn was er tun soll.Ich habe 8 Töchter in Zeit von Jahiliya lebendig begragen.Sagte SAWS für jede Tochter musst du ein Sklave befreien.Qais sagte Ya Rasulullahi ich habe Kamele.Er SAWS sagte du kannst das auch geben entweder schlachten oder verschenken…(Hadith Ende).Was lernen wir also daraus?Wenn Omar ra. das auch gemacht hätte, würde er dies auch zu RasulAllah saw sagen.Aber er hat das nicht erzählt, weil er das auch nicht gemacht hat.Und von seiner Familie hat auch niemand sowas erzählt.Bspw. seine Töchter oder Söhne keiner von denen hat gesagt"mein Vater hat eine Schwester von mir getötet".Deshalb lieber Brüder und Schwestern wir müssen immer aufpassen was man sagt.Sai'd ibn Zaid ra., einer von den Ashara Mubashirin, die 10 Sahaba, denen wo zu Lebzeiten das Paradies al-Jannah versprochen wurde.Was hat er gemacht?Er hat Geld gehabt.Und immer wenn er von einem #Qabila #Stamm gehört hat dass jemand seine Tochter töten will, er kommt und kauft diese Tochter.Sai'd ibn Zaid ist der Couseng von Omar ra.,wie kann das also sein dass er Töchter befreit aber er lässt Omar ibn al Khattab zu, dass er seine Töchter tötet?Sowas kann nicht sein, subhanAllah, aber was kann ich euch sagen?(Solche Lügengeschichten) sind bekannt und ganz normal bei Schiiten.Imam Malik ra. sagt z uden Rafidah:"Ihr dürft nicht mit denen sprechen und keine Überlieferungen von denen annehmen, weil sie lügen".Shafii sagte:"Ich habe noch nie jemand gesehen der Falschaussagen macht außer ar-Rafidah".La hawla wa la quwwate illa billah…und sagte ich hab noch nie jemand erreicht in meiner Zeit und die sagten immer dass die Rafidah Kadhdhabina sind.Warum?Weil die manche Hadithe haben die keiner kapieren kann.Daran merkst du dass diese Leute nicht normal sind.Kein Verstand haben.Und das kommt nicht selten vor, nein das ist ganz normal bei denen.Es gibt sogar auch Überlieferungen von Esel, Allah musta'an.In ihren Quellen Rawah Kulainy, das ist bei den Shia wie uns Rawah Bukhari, fi usuli kaafi.Und ist ein Esel #Himar der überliefert der auf den Namen Ya'fuur hört.Hier die Story:RasulAllah saws hat angeblich über seinen Rücken gestrichen und der Esel hat geweint.RasulAllah saws fragte warum weinst du Himar.(..jetzt kommt die Kette, eine saubere Überlieferungskette..Gelächter).Vater Esel hörte von Onkel Esel, Opa Esel hörte von Uropa Esel von UrUrOpa Esel…Der UrUrOpa Esel war mit Nuh as. auf dem Schiff #Arche. (Allahu akbar das ist die Quelle)Was sagte dieser UrUr Esel, er sagte dass Nuh….(Schau mal die Lügen auch über Nuh as….die Schande diese Rawafidh subhanAllah), über seinen Rücken strich und sagte aus deiner Linie wird ein Esel für den letzten Propheten kommen also Muhammad saws.Und dann sagt dieser Himar zu Muhammad saws, al hamdulillah dass nach diesem Dua von ich das jetzt bin.Rawahu (also Überlieferungskette) von Opa Esel zu Oma Esel zu Tante Esel ….usw. usw. usw.Also alles was wir jetzt gesagt haben, heißt dass diese Geschichte Maudu'u #Erfunden ist.Man darf also so Zeug nicht weitererzählen.
#Omar#lügen#erfundene geschichte#shia#rafida#rwafidh#majousi#AboLoloa#Feueranbeter#Zarosht#ISlam#Märchen#Islamvorträge#SheikhAbdellatif#Schiiten#Überlieferungskette#Esel#Esel bringt Hadith#Himar#Kufa#Feuerkult#Muschrikun#Götzendiener#Abtrünnige#Murtadun#Sekte#Islamsekte#Noah#Arche#Nuh
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Ein sehr toller Vortrag über die unglaubliche Romanze des besten Menschen Muhammad saw mit unserer Mutter Aisha ra.
Super wie Sheikh Abdellatif darauf eingeht wie kaputt die Shias sind und wie sich selbst mit Ashura Schlägen erniedrigen für ihre Lügen über Aisha ra.
Ibn Kathir nennt diese Lügner des Quran Kuffar. Damit ist alles gesagt.
#sheikh abdellatif#Aisha#Mutter der Gläubigen#Wer beleidigt bekommt auf die Fresse aber richtig#Muhammad saws#Shia#Schiiten#Kuffar#Idioten#Affenmenschen#Planet der affen#Kufa#Rafida#Rawafid#Ablehner der Sunnah
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LIST OF CONTENTS (Just click each links below)
Abu Hanifah al-Nu’man, Imam Madhab of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” (the Founder of Hanafi Jurisprudence) Said that the Belief (Iman) of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq and the Belief (Iman) of Iblees were Equal!
Malik ibn Anas, Imam Madhab of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” (the Founder of Maliki Jurisprudence) Said that Temporary Marriage (Nikah al-Mut’ah) is Permissible (Ja’iz)!
Idris al-Shafi’i, Imam Madhab of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” (the Founder of Shafi’i Jurisprudence) Took the Knowledge First from Muslim ibn Khalid al-Zanjiy the Disciple of Ibn Jurayj Who Performed Temporary Marriage with 70-90 Women!
Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Imam Madhab of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” (the Founder of Hanbali Jurisprudence) Did Not Deem Temporary Marriage (Nikah al-Mut’ah) Forbidden (Haram), But Only Disliked (Makruh)!
Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Imam Madhab of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” (the Founder of Hanbali Jurisprudence) Took the Knowledge from ‘Abdurrazzaq al-San’ani the Shia Rafida!
Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Imam Madhab of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” (the Founder of Hanbali Jurisprudence) Narrated Many Narrations about the Virtues of ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib Than the Virtues of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq or ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab al-Faruq!
Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Imam Madhab of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” (the Founder of Hanbali Jurisprudence) Narrated a Narration that ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib was the First Male-Muslim and Not Abu Bakr al-Siddiq!
Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Imam Madhab of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” (the Founder of Hanbali Jurisprudence) Took a Hundred Narrations from Shia & Shia Rafida Narrators (i.e, Those Who Insult Many Companions)!
Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Imam Madhab of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” (the Founder of Hanbali Jurisprudence) Deemed a Hundred Nasibi (Those Who Insult ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib) Narrators as Truthful (Saduq) & Trustworthy (Thiqah)!
Yahya ibn Ma’in, the Greatest Scholar of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” from Hanafi Madhab & the Master of the Science of Rijal Hadith, Deemed a Hundred Shia & Shia Rafida Narrators (Who Insult Many Companions) as Truthful (Saduq) & Trustworthy (Thiqah)!
al-Bukhari, the Author of Sahih al-Bukhari, Took Many Narrations from Shia Rafida (Those Who Hate & Insult Many Companions) Narrators & Nasibi (Those Who Hate & Insult ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib) Narrators!
Muslim ibn Hajjaj, the Author of Sahih Muslim, Took Many Narrations from Shia Rafida (Those Who Hate & Insult Many Companions) Narrators & Nasibi (Those Who Hate & Insult ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib) Narrators!
Abu Dawud, the Author of Sunan Abu Dawud, Took Many Narrations from Shia Rafida (Those Who Hate & Insult Many Companions) Narrators & Nasibi (Those Who Hate & Insult ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib) Narrators!
Ibn Majah, the Author of Sunan Ibn Majah, Took Many Narrations from Shia Rafida (Those Who Hate & Insult Many Companions) Narrators & Nasibi (Those Who Hate & Insult ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib) Narrators!
al-Tirmidhi, the Author of Jami’ al-Tirmidhi, Took Many Narrations from Shia Rafida (Those Who Hate & Insult Many Companions) Narrators & Nasibi (Those Who Hate & Insult ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib) Narrators!
al-Nasa’i, the Author of Sunan al-Nasa’i, Took Many Narrations from Shia Rafida (Those Who Hate & Insult Many Companions) Narrators & Nasibi (Those Who Hate & Insult ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib) Narrators!
al-Nasa’i, the Author of Sunan al-Nasa’i, Wrote a Special Book about the Virtues of ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib & Did Not Want to Wrote a Book about the Virtues of Mu’awiyyah ibn Abi Sufyan!
Ibn Jarir al-Tabari, the Oldest Explainer of Holy Qur’an (Mufassir) of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” Narrated a Narration from a Shia Narrator in His Exegesis (Tafsir) Jami’ al-Bayan, Surah al-Bayyinah Verse 7 that the Saved Sect of Islam in The Hereafter is the Shia of ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib!
Ibn Jarir al-Tabari, the Oldest Mufassir & Great Historian of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” Narrated a Narration that the Conversion of Abu Bakr to Islam was Late, After 50 Men!
Ibn al-Khallal, Great Scholar of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” & the Teacher of Ibn Hibban, Used to Visit the Grave of 7th Imam of Shia (Musa al-Kadhim), Whenever Faced Difficulties!
Ibn Hibban, Great Scholar of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah”, Used to Visit the Grave of 8th Imam of Shia ('Ali al-Rida), Whenever Faced Difficulties!
Ibrahim al-Nakha’i, Great Tabi’in of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” Preferred Reading the Holy Noble Qur’an Over Praying Tarawih in the Month of Ramadan!
Ibrahim al-Nakha’i, Alqamah ibn Qays & al-Aswad ibn Qays, Three Great Tabi’in of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” Did Not Performed Tarawih with the Muslims in the Month of Ramadan!
Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr, Salim ibn 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar ibn al-Khattab & Nafi' Mawla Ibn 'Umar, Another Three Great Tabi’in of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah”, Leaving the Masjid in the Month of Ramadan, i.e, Did Not Performed Tarawih with the Muslims!
Malik ibn Anas & Idris al-Shafi’i, Two Imam Madhab of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” Preferred Praying Alone in the Month of Ramadan, i.e Did Not Performed Tarawih with the Muslims!
‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar, Great Companion & the Son of ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab, Said that Praying Tarawih Behind an Imam was Like a Donkey! And He Gave a Fatwa to Pray Alone in the Home!
al-Shatibi, the Author of al-I’tisam & Great Scholar of Maliki Madhab, Said that All Innovations (Bid’at) are Misguidances (Dalalat)! And al-San’ani al-Kahlani, the Author of Subul al-Salam Sharh Bulug al-Maram, Said that the Tarawih in Congregation that ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab Deemed as Good Innovation is Actually Misguidance (Dalalah)!
Ibn al-Jawzi, Great Scholar of "Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah" from Hanbali Madhab in His Book Kashf al-Mushkil min Hadith al-Sahihayn, Stated that the Innovation of Tarawih Prayer in Congregation Established by ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab was Called as Innovation (Bid’ah) for It Does Not Have the Precedent from the Prophet Muhammad!
Shihabuddin al-Qastalani al-Shafi'i, One of the Prominent Scholar of "Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah" from Shafi’i Madhab in His Book Irshad al-Sari fi Sharh al-Bukhari, and al-Zarqani al-Maliki, One of the Prominent Scholar of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” from Maliki Madhab in His Book Sharh al-Muwatta al-Malik, Both Said that the Prophet Muhammad has Never Commanded the People (His Companions) to Pray Tarawih in Congregation, Nor in the First Nights of Ramadan, Nor in All Nights of Ramadan, So It Called as Innovation (Bid’ah)!
Jalaluddin al-Suyuti, Great Scholar of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” Who Wrote al-Masabih fi Salat al-Tarawih, Said the Tarawih that ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab Deemed as Good Innovation was Never Exist in the Era of the Prophet Muhammad!
Jalaluddin al-Suyuti, Great Scholar of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” Wrote in His Famous Book Tarikh al-Khulafa, Said that the First Person Who Forbid the Temporary Marriage (Nikah al-Mut’ah) was ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab!
Jalaluddin al-Suyuti, Great Scholar of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” Narrated in His Book Jami’ al-Ahadith, a Narration, that the Prophet Muhammad Said “No Religion for Those Who Do Not Do Taqiyyah”!
Ibn Abi Shaybah, Great Scholar of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” & the Teacher of al-Bukhari, Narrated in His Book al-Kitab al-Musannif al-Ahadith wal Athar, that Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah Said “No Belief (Iman) for Those Who Do Not Do Taqiyyah”!
Shaikh Musa Shahin Lashin, A Hadith Verifier (Muhaqqiq) & Scholar of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” from Cairo, Egypt, in His Book Fath al-Mun'im Sharh Sahih Muslim, Directly Attacked ‘Aisha the Wife of the Prophet Muhammad!
Shaikh Rabi' ibn Hadi 'Umayr al-Madkhali al-Salafi al-Wahhabi al-Saudi, Great Salafi-Wahhabi Preacher from Saudi, in His Book ‘Awn al-Bari Sharh Sunnah Imam al-Barbahari, Indirectly Attacked ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab!
Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Imam of "Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah" & the Founder of Hanbali Madhab, Narrated in His Famous Book Musnad al-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, that the Prophet Muhammad Prostrated in His Prayer on the Ground Like a Shia!
al-Hakim al-Naysaburi, Notable “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” Scholar, Narrated in His Famous Book al-Mustadrak 'Ala al-Shahihayn that the Prophet Muhammad Prostrated in His Prayer on the Stone Like a Shia!
‘Amr ibn al-Khurayth, Rabi’ah ibn Umayyah, Ma’bad ibn Umayyah, Three Companions Who Did Temporary Marriage (Nikah al-Mut’ah) After the Demise of the Prophet Muhammad!
‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas, ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ud, Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah al-Ansari, Imran ibn Hushayn, Ubay ibn Ka’ab, Salamah ibn al-Akwa’, Abu Sa’id al-Khudri, Seven Great Notable Companions Who Deemed Temporary Marriage (Nikah al-Mut’ah) Never Abrogated!
Sa’id ibn Jubayr, Great Tabi’in of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” & Famous Disciple of ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas, Performed Temporary Marriage (Nikah al-Mut’ah) in Mecca & Deemed It Legal (Halal) as Legal as Drinking Water!
Ibn Jurayj, Great Tabi’ut Tabi’in of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” from Mecca, Performed Temporary Marriage with 70-90 Women!
‘Ata’ ibn Abi Rabah, Mujahid ibn Jabr, Tawus ibn Kaysan, ‘Amr ibn Dinar, al-Hakam ibn ‘Utaybah, al-Suddi, Ibn Abi Mulaykah, Seven Great Notable Tabi’uns Who Deemed Temporary Marriage (Nikah al-Mut’ah) Legal (Halal), Never Abrogated!
‘Amr ibn al-Hamiq al-Khuza’i, Great Companion Who Killed the Third Caliph, ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan!
Buraydah al-Aslami, Great Companion, Loved None Except ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib After the Prophet Muhammad!
Prophet Muhammad Smiled and Did Nothing When Someone Insulted Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, But Prophet Muhammad Instantly Got Angry When Someone Insulted ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib!
Prophet Muhammad Chose ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib Over Abu Bakr al-Siddiq and ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab!
Allah & Prophet Muhammad Loved ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib Than Abu Bakr al-Siddiq and ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab!
LAST! Abu ‘Amr al-Dani, Great Scholar of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” in the Field of Writing-System (al-Rasm) of Qur’an, Said that the First Person Invented & Added the Diacritical Marks in the Mushaf of the Holy Noble Qur’an was Abu al-Aswad al-Duali!
LAST! Ibn Sirrin, Great Scholar of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” in the Field of Dream Interpretation (Tafsir al-Ahlam), Said that the First Person Invented & Added the Diacritical Marks in the Mushaf of the Holy Noble Qur’an was Yahya ibn Ya’mar!
LAST! Jalaluddin al-Suyuti, Great Scholar of “Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah” in His Influential Book al-Itqan fi ‘Ulum al-Qur’an, Stated that the First Person Invented & Added the Complete Diacritical Marks in the Mushaf of the Holy Noble Qur’an was Khalil ibn Ahmad!
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stupid question mayhaps, so sorry if im bothering you, but why is there so much sunni - shi'a conflict? are there shi'a extremist groups like DAESH? why does DAESH even want shi'a dead? if you don't want to answer that's alright - though please point me to where i can learn about it if possible
Ok, so DAESH and other Sunni extremist groups have a very puritanical view. This entails the idea that to follow Islam, you must follow the “honorable ancestors”, the salafs in other words, hence the name Salafism. The way they understood Islam should come solely through them.
Shi’as differ from Sunnis in respect to the theological views and their views on many Sunni personalities. To insult or curse these personalities would be considered a form of blasphemy if not an act of apostasy on your behalf. The reason why Shi’as curse their personalities is a bit of a complex issue, which I have touched upon on my blog. But the idea that Shi’as curse these personalities render Shi’as as apostates. DAESH doesn’t exactly refer to us as Shi’as, they the derogatory term, Rafida. Shia properties in Mosul and other ISIL-held areas were painted with the letter (ر) (resh) for Rafida, while Christian properties were marked with the letter (ن) (noon), for Nazarenes.
Iraq is a majority Shi’a country with Sunnis being a minority, after the US had ousted Saddam (la) and installed their puppet leader, there was a power vacuum in Iraqi politics and many of the Ba’athis supporters joined several Sunni extremist groups to get back at the newly formed government. These groups would harass, kidnap or commit suicide bombings among crowds of people, taking anyone with them. These disencfranchised groups formed the Al-Qaeda in Iraq under the leadership of al-Zarkawi (la), who was later killed in a US bomb raid. Enter DAESH, a culimination of various Sunnis who felt disenfranchised in Iraqi politics or elsewhere in the world. A successor to Al-Qaeda in Iraq and Syria, their aim was to purify the Levant and cleanse it off from any heretical thoughts. Christians (or any member of the People of the book) could live in these occupied territories, provided they paid the Jizya (poll tax), while Shi’as and other minorities (such as the Yezidis, Ahlul Haqq, etc) were faced with certain death, because they were considered heretics. To figure out if someone was a Shi’a was by how they prayed and how they would recite the testimony of faith. Including “Ali” in it, would be an obvious indication that you’re a Shi’a, which would lead to a certain death.
The Speicher massacre was a genocide of Shi’as after a bunch of DAESH members stormed the Speciher military base. DAESH would separate the Sunnis from the Shi’as and kill them and throw their bodies into the Euphrates river. The Sunnis remained with a choice, pay allegience or die. However, many of them were released.
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*لڑکیوں کے اسلامی نام اور انکا مطلب*
آزفہ Azifa قریب ہی آنے والی
آشفتہ Ashifta حیران
آفروزہ Aafroza چراغ کی بتی
آفریدہ Afrida قربان
آفریں Afreen خوشی، شاباش
آمنہ Amina امن والی
آویزہ Avezah خالص، پاکیزہ، لٹکنے والا زیور
اثیلہ Aseela اعلٰی خاندان والی
اجالا Ujala روشنی
ادیبہ Adeeba ادب والی
اریبہ Ariba عقل مند، ماہر
اریکہ Arika خوبصورت تخت
ازکی Azka پاکیزہ
اساوری Asavri ریشم، راگ
اسماء Asma بلند، علامت
اسماء Asma بلند
اسوہ Uswa نمونہ، مثال
افشاں Afshan بکھیرنا، ظاہر
افشیں Afsheen بکھیرنا
افق Ufuq آسمانی کنارہ
اقصٰی Aqsa دور کی جگہ
اکیمہ Ukaima اونچی
البیلا Albela آزاد، ظاہر
الفت Ulfat پیار، محبت
ام کلثوم Umme Kalsum پرکشش
امّارہ Ammara حکم دینے والی
امبریں Ambareen چادر، آسمان
امیمہ Umaima قصد و ارادہ
امینہ Ameena امانت دار
انبیلہ Anbila لائق، قابل
انجشہ Anjasha تلاش، حاصل کرنا
انجلاء Injala صاف و شفاف
انفال Anfal مال غنیمت
انیسہ Anisa پیاری
انیقہ Aniqa نادر، عمدہ
انیلا Anila بھولی، حاصل کرنا
ایمن Aiman بابرکت
بابرہ Babura شیرنی
بارزہ Bariza صاف، ظاہر
بازغہ Bazigha روشن
باسمہ Basimah مسکرانے والی
باطشہ Batisha مضبوطی سے تھامنے والی
بتول Batool دنیا سے لا پرواہ
بدر الدجٰی Badrudduja رات کا چاند
بدیعہ Badia عمدہ، انوکھی
بدیلہ Badila عوض، بدلہ
بروع Birwa غلبہ، مہارت
بریدہ Barida ٹھنڈی
بریعہ Baria چمکیلی
بریقہ Bariqa روشن
بسالت Basalat بہادر
بسیسہ Basisa مٹھائی
بشرٰی Bushra بشارت، خوشخبری
بطانہ Bitana راز دان، ولی، دوست
بلقیس Bilqees ایک ملکہ کا نام
بلینہ Balina خودرو پودا
بنانہ Banana انگلیوں کے پورے
بھجہ Bahjah سرسبز، خوبصورت
بھیشہ Bahisha باذوق
بیضاء Baiza سفید، گوری
پاکیزہ Pakiza پاک صاف
پروین Parveen ستاروں کا مجموعہ
پشمینہ Pashmina اعلٰی اون
تابندہ Tabinda قائم دائم
تانیہ Tania ہرن کی آواز
تجلی Tajalli روشنی
تحریم Tahrim حرام قرار دینا، عزت
تحسینہ Tahsina خوبی والی
تسنیم Tasnim جنت کا چشمہ
تشبیب Tashbeeb روشن کرنا
تشمیم Tashmeem مہک، سونگھنا
تقویم Taqwim درست، مناسب، کیلنڈر
تکویر Takwir جمع کرنا، لپیٹنا
تمثیلہ Tamsila نمونہ، اطاعت
تنزیل Tanzil اتارنا
تنزیلہ Tanzila اتارنا
تنویلہ Tanvila عطیہ
تہنیت Tahniat مبارک باد
ثانیہ Sania دوسری
ثریا Surayya ستاروں کا جھرمٹ
ثمرہ Samra پھل
ثمرین Samreen فائدہ، پھل
ثمینہ Samina قیمتی
ثوبیہ Sobiya جزا
ثوبیہ Suwaibah اجر والی، جزاء والی
جائشہ Jaisha دل
جاثرہ Jasira بہادر
جاذبہ Jaziba پرکشش
جبیرہ Jubaira کنگن، غالب
جبین Jabeen پیشانی
جذوہ Jazwa شعلہ
جزیلہ Jazila انعام والی
جسرہ Jasra پل، گزرگاہ
جعونہ Jawana مجموعہ
جلیحہ Jaliha صاف، خالی
جلیدہ Jalida قوی، صابرہ
جہیرہ Jahira حسین عورت
جویریہ Jawairia عہد و پیمان
جیفہ Jeefa پیشانی کا زیور
حباب Hubab شیشے کا گولہ، بلبلہ
حبیبہ Habiba پیاری
حدیقہ Hadiqa باغیچہ
حرا Hira مشہور گہرا غار
حرملہ Harmala کندھوں کی چادر
حریم Hareem عزت والی
حسالہ Husala تیز، بقیہ
حسّانہ Hassana خوبصورت
حسناء Hasna خوبصورت
حسنات Hasanaat نیکیاں
حسنہ Hasana نیکی، اچھائی
حسنٰی Husna اچھا، بہترین
حضیرہ Huzaira شہری
حفالہ Hufala پرندوں کا جھنڈ
حفصہ Hafsa شیرنی
حفیظہ Hafeeza محفوظ
حلیمہ Halima بردبار
حمامہ Hamama کبوتری، خوبصورت
حمدیہ Hamdia تعریف والی
حمراء Hamra سرخ
حمساء Hamsa بہادر
حمنہ Hamna سرخ انگور
حمیدہ Hameeda تعریف والی
حمیرہ Humaira سرخ
حمیزہ Hameeza دانا عورت
حمیلہ Hameela صامن، تلوار کا دستہ
حمیمہ Hamima گہری دوست
حنا Hina مہندی
حولاء Hola تبدیلی
خالدہ Khalida ہمیشہ
خانم Khanum امیر زادی، بیگم
خاورہ Khawira مشرق
خدیجہ Khadija ناتمام
خلد بریں Khuld Bareen اعلٰی جنت
خلیدہ Khaleeda سدا
خلیسہ Khalisa بہادر
خندہ گل Khanda Gul پھول کی مسکراہٹ
خنساء Khansa چھپنا، ہٹنا
خوباں Khuban خوبیاں
خوشبو Khushbu مہک، خوشبو
خوشنودہ Khushnuda خوش
خولہ Kholah خادمہ
خیثمہ Khaisama سخت، مضبوط
خیرہ Khairah پسندیدہ
داراب Darab شان و شوکت
دانیہ Dania قریب
دجانہ Dujana بارش
در فشاں Durre Fashan بکھرے موتی
در مکنون Durre Maknoon چھپا موتی
در ناسفہ Durre Nasufa بغیر سوراخ موتی
درخشاں Darakhshan نمایاں، روشن
دردانہ Durdana موتی کا دانہ
دس��ینہ Dastina کنگن
دلربا Dilruba دلفریب، دلکش
دمیدہ Damida کھلا پھول
دیبا Deeba باریک ریشم
ذکیہ Zakiyya لائق، ذہین
ذہینہ Zahina ذہین عورت
رائعہ Raia دلکش، عمدہ
رابیہ Rabia زبردست
راجیہ Rajia پر امید
راشدہ Rashida ��دایت یافتہ
راضیہ Razia خوش، راضی
رافعہ Rafia اونچی
رباب Rubab ساز
ربیبہ Rabiba پروردہ
ربیعہ Rabia بہار
رجیلہ Rajila مضبوط، بہادر
رحیلہ Rahila مسافرہ
رخسانہ Rukhsana چمکیلی
رخشندہ Rakhshinda روشن
رزمیہ Razmiya جنگی داستان
رشیدہ Rasheeda بھلی مانس، سمجھدار
رشیقہ Rashiqa خوش قامت
رضوانہ Rizwana خوشی
رضیہ Razia پسندیدہ
رغیبہ Ragheeba پسندیدہ
رفاہت Rifahat عیش
رفعت Rifat بلندی
رفیدہ Rafida عطیہ
رفیعہ Rafia بلند
رقیقہ Ruqaiqa نرم دل
رقیمہ Raqima تحریر، تختی
رقیہ Ruqayya ترقی
رکانہ Rukana مضبوط
رمثاء Ramsa خوبصورت
رمشاء Ramsha آرام، سکون
رملہ Ramla ریتلی زمین، خوبصورت
رمنا Ramna سبز زار
رمیشہ Ramisha خوشحال
روبین Rubeen چہرہ دیکھنے والی
روبیہ Rubiya اچھی زندگی
ریحانہ Raihana نیاز بو
ریطہ Reeta کمبل، ربن
زارا Zara زیارت
زاھدہ Zahida پرہیز گار، خوددار، بے پرواہ
زبانہ Zubana شعلہ، ترازو کی سوئی
زبدہ Zubdah مکھن
زبیدہ Zubaida مکھن، بزرگ
زر فشاں Zare Fishan چمک دار
زرقاء Zarqa نیلی
زرگوں Zargoon سنہری
زرینہ Zarina سونے کی چیز
زمھریر Zamharir ٹھنڈا سایہ
زنجبیل Zanjabil سونٹھ، خوشبودار بوٹی
زنیرہ Zinnira مالا
زھراء Zahra پھول، چمکیلی
زھرہ Zuhra روشنی، چمک
زھیرہ Zuhaira روشن
زوبیا Zubia سخی
زوفا Zufa پھول دار پودا
زویّا Zawia اجتماع، ملنا
زیبا Zeba زینت
زینب Zainab ایک خوشبودار خوبصورت درخت
زینت Zeenat خوبصورتی
سائرس Sairas محافظ، عقلمند
سائرہ Saira رواں، بہاؤ
ساجدہ Sajida جھکنے والی
سارہ Sara خوش
ساریہ Saria جاری، چلنے والی
ساعدہ Saida معاون
سانیہ Sania چمکیلی
ساوری Savri تحفہ
سبد گل Sabde Gul پھولوں کی ٹوکری
سبیتا Sabita خوشگوار موسم
سبیعہ Sabia ساتویں
سبیکہ Sabika چاندی سے ڈھلی ہوئی
سجیعہ Sajeea خوبی
سجیلا Sajila سجاوٹ، کھاتہ
سحر Sahr صبح
سحرش Sahrash صبح جیسی
سدرہ Sidra بیری کا درخت
سدلیّہ Sadalia جھکی ہوئی
سطیحہ Satiha بلند، ہموار
سعدٰی Suda خوشبودار پودا
سعدیہ Sadia خوش بخت
سعیدہ Saeeda مبارک، خوش بخت
سفانہ Saffana موتی
سفیرہ Safira نمائندہ
سفینہ Safina بحری جہاز
سکیزہ Sakiza چھلانگ
سکینہ Sakina سکون والی
سلامہ Sulama سلامت
سلطانہ Sultana ملکہ
سلمونیا Salmunia سلامتی
سلمٰی Salma سلامت
سلوٰی Salwa بٹیر نما جانور
سلیمہ Salima سلامت
سمرہ Samra گندم گوں
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TAFSIR: Risale-i Nur: The Twenty-Ninth Letter - Part 81
65. Fear and weakness invite outside influences.
66. Definite benefits should not be sacrificed for imaginary harms. 67. Istanbul politics at the present time are as sick as Spanish ’flu.
68. Tell a bad man, “You are good, you are good,” and it is not unheard of that he will become good. And tell a good man “You are bad, you are bad,” and it is not rare for him to become bad.
69. So long as the enemy of an enemy remains his enemy, he is a friend; and so long as the friend of an enemy remains his friend, he is an enemy.
70. Obduracy is this: if Satan assists someone, he calls him an angel and calls down blessings on him. But if among his opponents he encounters an angel, he calls him a satan in other clothes and curses him.
71. The remedy for one ill may be poison for another. An excessive dose is the cause of ills.
72. Solidarity in a society results in harmony in all its activites, while mutual envy causes all its activities to come to a standstill.
73. If the community is not one and a whole, undivided number, addition makes smaller, like multiplying fractions.
74. Non-acceptance is confused with the acceptance of non-being. The evidence for non-acceptance is the absence of established proof. The acceptance of non-being requires proof of non-being. One is doubt while the other is denial.
75. If doubt in the questions of belief destroys one, or even a hundred, evidences, it does not harm what is posited; for there are hundreds of evidences.
76. The majority of Muslims should be followed. For when they followed the majority the Umayyads, who were slack in religion, finally entered the Sunni community. As for the Shi‘a, who were firm in religion but remained in the minority as regards their practices, finally only a part of them followed the Rafida.
77. If unanimity concerning good leads to conflict concerning what is better, then sometimes good is better than the better; right is truer than what is truer. Everyone should say about his own way that “It is right,” he should not say “it is the only right way.” Or he should say, “It is good,” but he should not say “It is the only good way.”
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According to an authentic narration, the Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) said to Fatima: “You will be the first of my Family to join me [after my death].” Six months later, what he said took place.
He also told Abu Dharr: “You will be expelled from here [Madinah], will live alone, and will die alone.” All this came true twenty years later.
Once, as he awakened in the house of Anas b. Malik’s aunt, Umm Haram, he smilingly said: “I saw my community waging war on the seas like kings sitting on thrones.” Umm Haram requested: “Pray that I too will be with them.” He said: “You shall be.” Forty years later she accompanied her husband, ‘Ubada b. Samit, on the conquest of Cyprus. She died there, and her grave has ever since been visited by the believers. Thus, what the Prophet foretold proved to be true.Also according to an authentic narration, he declared: “From the tribe of Thaqif, a liar will claim prophethood, and a bloodthirsty tyrant will appear.” With this, he gave tidings of the infamous Mukhtar, who claimed prophethood, and of the barbarous Hajjaj, who killed a hundred thousand people.According to an authentic narration, he said: “Istanbul will be conquered, and blessed are the ruler and the toops that will conquer it.” He thus gave tidings that Istanbul would be conquered by Muslim hands, and that Mehmed the Conqueror would attain a high spiritual rank.
His prediction again proved to be true.
He also said, according to an authentic narration: “Were religion to be hung on the Pleiades, men from Persia would reach up and lay hold of it,” indicating that matchless scholars and saints like Abu Hanifa would emerge from Iran. In addition, he foretold Imam Shafi‘i, saying: “A scholar from Quraysh who will fill all regions of the earth with learning.”
According to an authentic narration, he said: “My community will be divided into seventy-three sects, and only one among them will attain salvation.” He was asked: “Who are they?” He replied: “Those who follow me and my Companions,” meaning the Sunnis or Ahl al-Sunna wa’l-Jama‘a.
He also declared: “The Qadariyya are the Magians of this community,” foretelling the emergence of the Qadariyya sect, which would be divided into different branches and reject Divine Determining or Destiny. He also foretold the Rafida, who would produce various offshoots.
Again according to an authentic narration, he said to Ali: “As was true of Jesus, two groups of people will perish on your account: one because of excessive love, the other because of excessive enmity. Christians, on account of the deep love for Jesus, transgressed the limits and called him-God forbid!-‘the son of God,’ while the Jews, because of their hostility, went to another extreme by denying his message and virtue. Similarly, some will also incur loss through their exaggerated affection toward you. For them is the insulting name of Rafida. And certain others will be excessively hostile to you. They are the Kharijites and the extremist partisans of the Umayyads, who will be called Nasiba.”
I t m a y b e a s k e d h e r e : Love for the Prophet’s Family is a command of the Qur’an and was greatly encouraged by the Prophet. The affection of the Shi‘a may therefore serve as an excuse for them, since deep affection may be likened to intoxication. Why, then, can the Shi‘a, especially the Rafida not benefit from their love, and why is their love described by the Prophet (PBUH) as transgression?
T h e A n s w e r : Love is of two kinds:The First is to love something or someone for the meaning it or he signifies. This means to love ‘Ali, Hasan, Husayn, and the Prophet’s Family in the name of God and of His Messenger. This kind of love augments the love of the Prophet, and becomes a means to love God Almighty. Thus, it is permissible, and its excess is not harmful or aggressive, nor does it call for reproach and hostility towards others.The Second Kind of love takes the means as the object, it is to love something or someone for itself or himself. In it, one does not think of the Prophet, (PBUH) but devotes one’s love to ‘Ali on account of his bravery, and to Hasan and Husayn on account of their greatness and lofty qualities, no matter if one knows the Prophet or recognizes God.
This love is not a means of love for God and His Prophet; besides, when excessive, it results in censure and enmity for others. It is on account of this kind of love that such people held themselves at a distance from Abu Bakr and ‘Umar, and fell into loss. Their negative love, indeed, is the source of misfortune.According to an authentic narration, God’s Most Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) declared: “When Persian and Roman girls serve you, then calamity and misfortune will be with you, and your struggles will be between yourselves, with the wicked preying on the virtuous.” After thirty years, his predictions came true.
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